HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-24, Page 5''•••,,,;'..•;•.'.',••••'','••
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with-Resem,rY, Mate - Mao • Calliele—ea. ThiillineMilader- aY
. dated With Come4e • - . CARTOON , - COMOX
Next THI,TIRS., FRI.,•SAT.,--WAIINER RA4TER . K oAualor •
-kStbry eff Life on 'the Mean *order, - NlFiWaS • e , CARTOON •
_, COMANG"-"ACCENT ON YOUT-11. " c',),, . ':',/_`' -..NEY"
UStiineeff SO,. ant!' 401,1daYs. 8 JP,M11; TWO!. PO* Vg VI*, , •740: afl&9,UL.4.
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”ar, L
.Ptesiblieelant .congkiegetion
iheid a. Social evening on .Priday last
and a; very halp.py time, was spent,
„Ilr, Alex: ,MCKellar gave a
tory ,of th,e church ,since• it 1243is-.-adartt-
.. 1108t 1854;" whien kv.-0 Very in-
teresting. Rev. Jobn 'Elder gave a
speech w.hich was enjoyed bY eVery-
Mr. Reidie, the ,pmetent
ister, Afas chairman. -There .was also
.• a few mal selections by thie quart,
tette aS.v.Trell-•-•as a number a Other
selections lby members of the emigre-
- gation. A Meat pie • super was
• joYed , by an , free. • All: . Went • home
.pleased - that they had been there. .
Hazel Laing .was taken to the hos-
pita'in Seafoirth, the s•atm,e nd was
•epeo.:ated or appendicitis. " From
latest reports'. She is -getting • along
-nicely and hop,eis are ente,rtained that
she will the able to come home at tbe,
usual . •
The ,Sympathy of the comarsinitY
—goes' Mit to the ' many friends and
_ relativesof Mr. JOhn, N,orri,s, of .KW,
• Ten, who passed awaY this Morning:.
!:The 'funeral. Will. ftatioe.• Place Thursday
1, to the iStOffa eentreterz"• •
. - .
*,' very .pleasant .aventig" was S -Pent
;when 0orne fifty neighbors and frienidr•
• gathered' &t' the home of , Mirk- -and
•Mrs, A. .Reichert and family on
• Thais:layev,engr-Jan.,717, andetele-
.,brated tare birthdayoccasions it be-
.agrs. Relehert's and .M1% Earl'
. During . till,. evening., singirw,
anusie and dani.-.41,ng were intdailgedin
After' a. wa-sp,ent. ev,ening 'all• • left
ter' "their homes Wishing .th,ein ,many
!happY returos. and ,tha.nkirig
and,hostess.”Iox their.' kind hospitel-
. •ity.; • • . • . ,
Deny Hagan has been out
narsing K. McEwen • near Hen-
.IvLiss .
'Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Hese
ioet ,vrisitedi at the home tof,
and .afre. W. Reichert; • • .•
Is Edna • Cochrane. returned • to
her Ivo* ,ofter spending a, few weeks
..w.lith,fie1,ster Falconbridge.
McAllister, • A. Consitt
and'. , Pialte -spent a. night in Teton-.
to at- iaheckey...game. . • "
. .
• .1
A SIAM 10Y04441deet4 of
4-11o�racious 444 belov-
ed Sovereign; Xing George
-the Fifth; "we hitobly'!iniforn . -
his death ; . .....and pay -tri,
butelo his nohle reign.
5;tewavt Bros.
and Staff
•- '
Stau,ble Line.- Deceased iwas, bcgra On
Feb. 22, '1899, and lived v.vitli..hier par -
eats 'and was well, known end highlY.:"
re,speeted. Thirty years ago she was
married to Arthur ,Oooney -of •
'don, where he. Warthen residing. The
'remains woe brangh,t, to 'Clinton and
from there. conveyed, to the home, of
Kr. Water Westlake„froan wihere the
funeral was held ori Sunday . afteJr-
noon to,,,Bayfield celmetiery. •_ Rev-. R.
M. ',Gale he,d Charge of the service.
_ .
The •,pailbe.arer.s rrverie Thomas !Snow:,
den, ja.he Terrier, 1141torlold &Inaba.,
E,d. Talbot, 'Cliafrlies Falconer and
RoWir. Perihole • Those attending
f'roarroa, 'distance liciTe, tiTld MTS,,
J. Doan and son, of Ohio; Charles.
Gooney, 'D,e*oit; Mr. ,ard MrsL Ed.
Coney, Mr. and Mrs.' N. Pattersion,
Mrs. .Hu,glies and son, London. The
following relatives, survive: Robert
and .Creerge Orr, broth,ers4 &Ins. Wal -
.ter Westil,ake and Mrs. , ./Qbert Leitch,
nie,c,eisa all . ef Bayfield.-
. laA.Y#TEL]:•
. •••
• "44; • ,44•4-444,0414•;•'
••' '.‘!4
"' ' • • - • , •••!
• ' • ••
and 'Mire,' pear alious,seau.' Of
the eillage }visited a,t the.bome-of
and Mrs; Carman Woodhull" of 'Green- -
way durima the week. ' •
Me. Roy Co-nsitt Tuckerernith,
El*c.c*DroPerabeld by MT. Robin
Ruseel .03nsitt -and Clarenee, Parke,.
of Stanley, ,mobore,d'IO-Tterento ofl
-•=talttirdi* and' took I'm the, hockey
• • --_-_-, 'tea:
"When a number of•••••japk. rabbits -were'
'put Mit 'of -the • Neno,yi. Wemightjust
mention ,jhat thosewke enjOy this
'kind •ef Sport Will de. have.
their gun...license with them as the
game warden is .genera4y moving
,aroundin !places •rwhere he ia least ex-
pected 'toIbe, s,eeing, that az is with-
in keeping of -the. law, We )eairii that •
a Couple of gunsevere• taken on young
aellowe viiho.„ were indulging in kit
wee'k's sPart and Who, no doubt, *will
find the, day .a costly one before they
will be able to take part kr another.
So ire say, IltiO,ye, he -eta* and secure
your gun Jidentse.,.„
The'\!•Kippen :hockey teain played'.a
game • Of ;hockey With „Egmotildnaille in
the: Palace Rink, Seaforth, on Satete
. .,
' MaPle' dey evening a•ndi were ,vietoirieus •, by
„vetch' bete/e'en. the • 'Toeorito
Leaf.s and .the Boston Bruins. .
ealiae Gertrude,Mc Cli matey , of Var-,.
a ',s,Core of 3-1 for the.„KiPPea...A.aaaa.
Another. proof of "that it • lOaye • to
.na. epen't a• tel# ',65arYS at the home of advertise" was avidient during the
her Sister and, loreth,ereinelaw,„.Mreand • pa
Mrs. Emers.on Kyle, • of the village
the past Week: '
' --Wedding Reception
On Tuesday eVening,,df. last- week a.
,vgiedding .reception was
honor 'Of Mir, and, Mre,
• Allan Jciamistan, ,of who .re-•
cently ref:awned 'from their ihoney-
I eaereaild Who ere, nese gettin,g micely
e.tted in'aheir home 13/4 m,iilee west
'Ttaa Eyea 0' Blue, Just
Thi.u."f The itapier,-.Was splendidly
given (by Rev,. A. -Sinclair mi '"Irstee-
: national- Fellowship end, Good 'Will"
and. tlias was followed by a !Music V1011-
bost of -which' Mrs. Robert. Simpson
Was the winner. , A relief 'cormmittee
was appointed' as the- Institute has
decided to send, clothing itiritlie north.
A 'vote .of thanks was Mrs.'
CalkilWell:Albillie.'pse, of her hOnee, and
the meeting. was..jelosed by' singing
"God -Save the Kiing.tr 'Lunch. was
served by IrOstiaps... and the 'coin,
mitte.e in Cha-rge.l • • •
ee.week 'When a eaetyfeora Grand'
Bend, who is a w•eekly- reader of Tbe,
lExpositor, phoned Ide. W. .1..,, 'Meths
'1:: regard tee„,a certain' article he had
,seert adaertlied in the paper.
. eQUite....a number of. 'geed cattle and
'hogs are being bought weekly by our'
Total !buyers, who, are paying good
,prices. for.• same, This :will' Surely
help to swell' the ,farmerta'pocketheek
and ot the genie time help Them ov-
,of ti,i5b,:-§,-1-.-L -.. - A170,ate.9 ,.porm tate_qoatoi_.-ee some Of the rough 'places' w.hich
which ntiMbeeed well •on. to three hun- 11,1°1'1 •f6een- soH„common .dluring. he last
'died,. were on bane tO: da honor' to "-'61,1° Yesrgl. • • . • • • :7' •- - ,.. , • :-
Kr. John A. !MtGregar Of Egnaerid:
the bride •and groom, slo. Witli the first
vile ,weS a visitor in the: vniage dur-
datice which was given to the.'beide
ing the ,past week. We 're aliwaya
and ' gropm and their frienda 'was tvir-
glad to see-Jblin ,as ,he -is.. -an old fiv-
er, the whole . &Oa- • was a ton.tineroes
orite• with the, Kipp,en ..pe,ople..
inaei' of peaple initil miditigh,t„ when
edneeday of las,t vaeek • was the
a alit was celleela arid Mr. and Kra. '
age_ 'kat. day 'lox the old markers' Of 1935
John ....,:...on ' . were. asked • , to .,-coane
• w,a,Td „whili 11, 17feaLwio,r.,ded. aotirsss, was and a.nyo.ne• 'from . now on, .who wan
at 'la Thd4ve., their automobile in safety
• , re,ad. 'lloY 'lgr." T. N. ForaYtii•-' and
will dlo, vrell to. have.it equiaped. vri_eth
the ,coaclusion ,of such Me .and, Mre.'
tile bleak and white markers., Other
Johnettcan were petesien,ted with -a b.san';
Kithrel&n ',Tam -Talk of Carlow
spent the-"Weelt-end with her friend,.
Miss Mary
-- Mire Jeanette ,Orirrie and, Nisi'
allare,arete F'entn, of Platts,ville, spent
, he week -end with *Miss 1Vlargsret
Ferigruscin and ,Mise Bernice Lows,on.
MT. and 'Mrs. 'McNeil a Toronto
are viSiting at the home ,ef Mr. Chas.
Tile hockey game ,on Fildiay night
last:: between Blyth and Auburn re -
milted in a' decided victory for Au.'
burri, the wore being 5-2.
Death of Mrs. James 'Johnston., .•
:Mrs.. Jelmels . Johnston, of Aubern,
peeee.d away in Alealuidria Hospital,
-GiOderieh„ oneelan-1.8th, gtfter an ill-
ne'se el five years. She untle an
operation ..from Which she did. net
, rallya, Mrs. Jelmson was barneiOn the
&tilt' eoncession ,of Colborne' Township
and was, in.hex 54th y,ear. Her Maid -
on name- was !Miss • Grace' 'Hamiltori.
She V4ra.,$ married ---'to 1Var.' ?las. Jobea
t gun in Colborne in 1901. fair. aohn-
itori and two Child,ren Saralee,' Mr,s,
Roy Farrow, rof Mitchell; ';itriel. .Thos.,
- at home; als.o the folleariiik.'brothers
o rid sisters: lVIrs. Albert OnlIcithiorpe,
- Colborne TP.; IVirs. Sainuel '10M:sten,
o Auburn; Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Au -
e burn; Gearge Hamilton, ', Auburn;
- Th,o a ' Hamilton, Auburri; DaVid
u Ila ilton, Auburre and Joseph Heal-
d •ilTe .1, Dungannon. Mis. Johnston
n was. educated at S. S. No,. 3; Colborne'.
✓ They Moved, from Lampe:keen. to AO -
y burn terenit,y ye'ers ego. She belong -
t ed to the Anglican Church. Inter-
ment was made in Dengannon. ceme-
s' tery lo.n January 20th from her late
resid'en'ce with Rev. ,Maloney officiate
1 img. The pallbearers were Ben John-
- son, Ben Goldthape, Clayton E -1:16-
t .ertson, George 1-kneilton, 'Norman
Hantilton and Tom Hamilton. '
Armee!, Meeting
•.• The ,annual meeting of the Basifieli
Agaitultirral. -Sotiety tees held le the
TO,arn Hall. on Wednesday afternoon, ins -eked the penile for their lovela
Jan." 15, yvhee. e • good • :number 'of gift and . hoped that their many
members were-, present. Mr. " Sehn.. friends. would all te.atoke ;at, '4's'O'lve
Bathwell was appointed 'chairm'an. Curefer Other to co.me And .see them.
The president's 'address was then Aifi5er"Tzlhiel pres!entation. wats ! Over,'
• ,„.,. .V.Thep„Mr, J. McClure' . stated lunch was served- eta...-. Which -done-
.was: always goba will and bar- iftg was resumed, until the Wee sma'
r:bars Of the 'morning, Wheal! •one and!
-82a -die•pszted• .their homes wielen.g
Mx. andllars. J.oihnetort -mach haPpi-
nese end Soy thretieliairt their ' mar -
elect The inueic wai'supplied.
by afe-sere. 'Ross McKay, Hairy 'N.or-
tiful ldit,Chen cabinet which in a few viri's--ba, Preesteed- to say • farewell t
vvellechOsen 'lake ea,h-eetten a ten spot. We might also Say in
,speicters„. for radio 'likeness are als
'going their 'rounds, 96' be also &UT
that you can at. a miaute's notice pro
dace yours Which also Save yo
„frein banding out a little extra an
at the Leone time in o.rder to ru
y,our radio will be compelled' pu
chase one. It seems with eo man
.1,Scensei and se' forth:. to be bough
from time to time it is little wonder
,poeketbdok lies„Witle its side
•almest touching one another. Well
Waage fault la ib? The people fee
attenderiee and a good exhibit. Th,e Armstrong they must have all these convenient
secretary game a reelo,rt of last year's kis, WM. Hayter ahd
es and tpleasuresi, so. therefore mus
' A b lan,ce of $307.82 is! 'with Workman :fiber
• abide by the restate. .
...latoPY among . the „ditectors and • all
• • • vilorked well. together for the :up,
btalding of .the 'society* and it has
Ipliespered Last_ fall, although • the
day was wet there ware aevery govid
leroce9dings, a
". the trelsnry.. Officers and Direel..4manageT. .
Quite a number,' from around here
*errs for .1226 are as foalows: Presi- Mr. Meer Mousseau, accoMparried
' .
dent, John McCluree 1st vice-presi- by his brather Haab. ,of Zurich took in the • euchre anddance in spent
. dolt, Robert Penhale; 2nd vice -Tire -0i -
dent, john ,Rat %welt; • Directors: T.
3/1,. Wog& Salm Houston, E. Foster,
Thomas • erithwiden, Carl Deihl, Wm:
Sparks, W. W. WiSlei, Bert Dunn', Fred
• • 4Vidddleton,. Alf. Water, Frank Kee'
: •aare. Harold Stinson-, IMrs. ' T. M.
Snoarden, aka. Feed MreEtean, ,,Mes. vrarded to aVlirs,. J. Henderson and Mr.
be th'e 'matter of another six
' Fi. Middleton; 'Mrs.•"E. Foster; . seere- R: J. Cooper while. ,the consolation Ping away Tete- nicely anth it Will
ineY, A. E. Erwin; -treasurer, F.. A. Prizes were awarded to 4rs. F. Tom- only
:. . _ ' weeks or so when we will be looking
Edwards. auditors, Jame H. Reid,.:lielson and Wk. T. Butt.
for the sun to ehin'e (on 'both sides
'Ilnia,Winialllaryey ,of the village, who
el th,e fence again, and. ave win be off
a 'couple of days in Taronto. dirreng
the past week.
e" The 'Euchre Club anet on .1VIo'ndey
evening at -the home of MT. and Mrs.
Edgar ,Butt„ of the village and an-
ther-ereat night •of euchre was en -
eyed. Thee major prizee were a-
Iftensall ,during the past week. We
are glod to learn that Some of the
main prizes were Captured by Kip --
pen 'people, namely !IVIre. 'Th‘os. Butt
and Mr. Alvin Woricnian.
The winter, Which has been a
rather pleasant One With the excep-
tion of one or two, load blows,, le slip-
. Only 4`once in a blue moonn,re. you „
given an opportunity to buy high grade"'
clothing like Cambridge ..Brand ' and
- House of Stone Clothes at such a tremen..i
ous peke' advantage.
Cambridge •-and House. o f Stone.,:
Clothes are theLVery top in reliable ma,
terials, honest make and latest patterns
and : styles. Hundreds- of Woriteds,
Tweeds of-gerges to choose from. Don't
misS this' mile, Fit and .worlonar101P.
• guaranteed.
. •
Jelri Carneron. The dates chases
or the Fan -Fair are 'Wednesday and
Illaresdlay, !Sept, 28 and 24. The Ole
nual eneasquarede cterniniel, is to be
held -Wednesday' Of" Easter week.
, The 'annual , meeting of . the Bay -
geld Cepnetery ,Comp,any was held on
Monday afternoon. The following
+officers and directors were appointed
, Par 1936: Peesideet, James 11',..Raid;
-vice-President, Charles • 'Weddletone
•-• • • secretary -treasurer, A. E. Erwin; Di-
nectors; D. 11. aleNaughton, Joseph
' .1frithaedslon,411obera Sebtchitter, Alfred,
esibleilke, Seae'fialher, John
die; sexton, Robert* Orr.
The death took. place on Friday,
joseph's tHospltal,
. • Lonc• lan ,.,..,after• a few , weeks' illness,
.6f (IVIrs. • •A. Cooney);
daughter, of the late Blot and' Sar -
t& Orr, foirenerlY resident* on ---the., , a ra5bit hunt doing the past week
• „
bee' always been a lover of horses
to a good start on .anlother year. Let
and whe has. h,andlle,d and exchanged,
us hope it wall be a bountiful ,year
mere horses perhaps. than any 'other
son in th,e neighborhood, has at. fc'r 11 of ua -
Those •fin the .571B:we who, •hanre
the preient time in his poSeession
radios, erideaed the .peo,grains whieh
real driving Into* which hair attack
rack sponsored! by .the Seaforth :pee -
record. TWA mama is 'a 'beautiful hay
bands male ple and .which •seme. over the" air so
.and stands around 15% theaugh a Stratford station
She' is sound in, body and lirnibaan
is but 'flour ears old. Should
nate_ during the 'paet week.' We findl tlhat
ing Coine over this more to set .her •till the good eadi.o artist do net
always Coinialinoira the city. We have
back 's'he ehlauld make some real'
nieney for .her nresent Owner if he them in the rural towns and villages,
decides to keep...anOrain her; if ,noa.: also. on the, ,faxrn„. and it is ;needless
ate one who likes .seed- and a good to say had' these samepeople half
the chance, that same of ota. • Meat
mere will do well to' get fitl, toixch'
with age, Hervey • tbiS1
t•alentted singers and players have best. they 'would also be in 'the' feont ranks
' 'J -Enjoy Rabbit Bunt ' k as radio entertainers_ 'Wesincerely
of listertriag ,s,oine these fine pro -
hope that we may have the pleashre
A nuMher of 'the sportsmen enjoy,4
• •
CENT A MILE Rounci trip Bargain EXCURSION:
• memo Run Adults 75c Child 40c,
' from.SEAFORTI4 .
' :I'. - FRA , JAN. 31-- tO NsPanee't ifirth514 ' rtmekvillel
... *.,
Prescott..Morrisbarg,r,oraw.04 Uxbridge,
':.:, *Lindsay, Peteehero, taiuneibellfoida Newmarlmt, .Mndelk_, Penetang, -
,' Callingwoodibleaford, Barrie, Orilba,Midland, Grairenhuret, Bratebeidge,
HUntindlle, North Bay, P,arry Sonnd, Sudbury. All towns in New °aerie
. ..1 orrOlino,, of Teiniskaming ft Northern °Mini°. Rly. ; Nipiesing Control
4.1$4.4Iiiiikuskasing, Longloc, Thiedrodk, GeraldtinieJellicte. .
, ,, Cheeky, - Clinton, Durham,
Also to Brantford, Chatham, '
';n• -4--;" T, aunts' Goder* Guelph, ' Hamilton, Hanover, HaYiston, ,
, •L .-:•;:., ' '''-, :? 0 I Er ' Kitentiz London, Listowel lylitthell, Niagara
rOivell Sound, raudeY, Pahnerston, Porie, Port ilci, SCCataiki 4—:initieti . .
StmAlarir& Siithili; SOutSaMPt,On;,,'StrAtford, Stra oy, W rton, .
: ' W0,0401.. WitigPtINHWoodatock.
_ aid g" ,, figg i LoCally between Important StatiolOa Itt 'Web
' ' 1 . ' Bietursiotericketeato sold -Ask Ticket Agent.
hi Ocievericjicts, cocksileftearert tV,te1.14 ,r. "•:1
'`. lEtares,,Reltiint
sei atitple,te lin of klettinatiant,
grams at an early date again. .
(Mr. Eddie Mielaride of the Mileage
sent a day. in Kitthener during the
pat .weDenkn.nan cooper. nf Lansaw,
lalich., spent the weekaend, at the
home of 'his father, Mr. R. J. Cooper,
of the Londien Read.
Institute Meets
The ,Kippen East Wtomen'a In
tute held their regular Monthly meet-
ing on 'QWednesday last, Joe 15, itt
the borne of Mria Harry Caldwell.
Me meeting was olio`elnigif. in rthe usual
matiner ley the singing of the opea-
ing ode, and the Lead's Paayer m
unison. The tall call Was well re-
sponcled to. by OVitayS of neighboxina.",
The eninuaes !of the toet,meeting were
atiakil and edoptedand the aurreet ea -
'Albs were thee given by` pas. aNtroy
Tremeer. It INhaigc 'afaidicita dit this
meeting to land the gehloolaaaction of
No, 10 to sect,tre 11Vbr. Golding of ilpe,414.-
ter -to _#altreet theelldrart in, site.
trig 1040 ,..„,.„ The DI t•CP WaS gbrO4,
bY hlirs. pp§111) On ,i, 'Alta (vs, trisy
ecl. and *diet Was
Se . Mralade alVieLaatte enitove xemace 11T 1924. Se wee in-
lbell risii4" ettiii00, , terestod ibir ohm* Jana Mind* ichoOl keiVera 1" iTalin l'uldb"1
. , .
. .,
, , .,,,,,,, ,, - '',. ',•iii '-,:- , `,p,,,:01-$." e ,,,i ,
' '-,..,•i',i'' ,..',,,,,, IA
t,i, •
This, letter was „sent to the ',Super-
intendent . -orf the ,SUnday Scheel by
Mies. Mmray: "Dear Mee Haugh:
I am enclogieg th-e 'money that
has been Vida ba your SundaY School
pupils. Thew-. prizes are given 'by
Live Exeter W.C.T.A. and its-out-
,.eloste and all the 'Simidaa Schools
froiil Brucefield and south of there
are eligible to tire in the contest. In
the Intermediate Class *Bobbie Wart-
sion came fourth in a tie with Clif-
ford Hicks, of Centralia. Esther Day -
man came third In the•_,Ionier.10 and
11 years, - Two abbe -re received the
same marks, as Esther. I am send-
ing her paper to Ottawa f'or provin-
cial ,competitione ',In the Junior 8 and
9 years, Betty , Allah book second
!owe in the south seetion and third
itr the county. Her eapee, is.sent to
Ottawa. for provincial competibibee In
the same .class Lois Pao•ffat came
fourth in the south section. I ein-.
eerely appreciate your cooperation
in our T‘emperance Educational Cam -
midget Please congratulate these
rars fee me ion their „suctess. •Sin-
cerely years Jeari S. Inerray.",
' The concert scheduled ' fee' Friday
night of this week hap been cancelled.
activities, being a ,prominent member Frayne, Wm. C. Iteeelle, John Brock,
M' ,the Vancouver Pre -:artery and one ,Hanold Hern; Cecil Dobson', H..Slettee
T. C. Allee;Jas. Andersen.
of the leaders in the formation of
the Religious Educational "' Couneir
He was a metnber of 01115w -n United
•Cherch.,. for. 'the peet_24eyeians. Sue-
' viving are his wife, farina:HY Susan
.Cantabell,„ . 'owe stens,,
Wm. Bla.ek, of Whaletioarn; J.
Stewart Black Vorcearyer; also
twie sisters, Mrs., J. Di. Douglas, of
WoOdistocky and -Mrs. H. A. !MeClure,
Kirebeirleyevla:. Ce„ an,d one brether,
Williere Black,. Tetkeismitb."
Ballantynearalemore: Snaw
trol tmen, .with 'their road's 'indicated
be: 'Fred Flora, ,Con. 2, Lots 1,10,
Rel. 2; Com '2.; ,W. -T. Quinn, :Cote 2„
Lots 11-15; Rd. 7 from Con. 2 to
Exeter C.; J. J. Pinter, Con. 4,, Let
2 2 to Bicklulph Rd., Road- 5' fr-Orn.
Con.' 2 to Coe.' 4, and the Narrow
Rload. Clarence johns, ,,Con. 4, Lot
11 to 115 .and Rdi.. 7 front' Con. 2 to, 4.
Alveyt ,Day.nrart, Con. ' 4, from .Lot 16
to Thames Road. Roy johns, Con. 6,
Lot 1 to Bid lph .Bdy., lad. 4, (Von,.
The , municipal council elect of the
Tovvriship, of J.Jeborne met an, January
13th as per statute, viz: 'Geld. West-
cott, Reeve; Bruce ,Ceoper, Percy
Paean:Ore, Hugh Berry and Jobe, Bel-
laintyfrearattecillors, each 'taking the
necessary declaration of 'officer'
Thelininutes of the meet•ing of, Dec.
30, '1935, were read and apPraved on
,niotion of Balian'tyrue-Cdoper.'
Passmore -Berry; That the salar-
ies to town.serie „afaciels for 1936 be
as follows: Reeve, $55; Councillors,
$45; Clerk, $250; As'sesigior, $75; Col-
lector, $65; Treasuree, a96 a' 'Caretak-
er, $12; auditors, each, 010.
tassmore-Ballrantyne:- -,ThA A. W.
1Vlorgan-be Clerk..—Carried. '
iBeity-Odoper: . That II. H. Preece
be Asse se ob.---CestMick
Pasemore-Oooper; That S. Pym
be ,Collector.
• e •Ballantyne -Berry: That N.
Clark be ,Treasurer.
,Cooper -Ballantyne: That ---..Mary
'tenet . be caretaker.
Bellantyne-Cboper; That Arnold
Wieefhan and! Horace Delleridge be
auaitore for 1936, to meet with. the
Treasurer at convenience of each.
CoOpee-Berry: That Nellson,,aClou-
ter be Weed InepectOe f,ar 1936 and
also tow supervisor.
Ballentyne-Parsonare: IThat • Den
Williante be sheep valuator for 1986.
Paesmore-Cooper: That Wm. Jahns
be school attendant* Officer; each: of
above, thwee...officers to- be paid for
his rialilway• career with the Great, tithe emPloaed and naleageeend, that
a bylaw be draftedareirefierntlieg these
EtiP.BP°ailtilatInintgylintes'-.Berry; That the Loal
Board of Health for 1936 be: The
Ree, Chairman; Dr: Dunlop, tla0.11.
Joshua Johns, the Caen*, 'Seceetary;
John Kellett, ,S,aeitivry Inspector.
'Cooper-Passffiele: That the fence -
viewers be Prank Down Wellington
'tin -slake, John H. P;ang, Antes
Doupe, Jas. Heywood. .. .. -
errY,40allantynet, That
•Bres" in Vancouver \
'The following is taken from the
,Vantouver Daily Preatinee; "Finel
tribute to James Black, a ploareer Van-
couver railway man, whio died at his.
home, 318 West 'Seventeenth, Was.
paid to -day. in the chapel of the In-
dependent Undetteldinig Oa. Rev. A.
Fk Whitehlo.uts.e officiated and , burial
took iplate . In IVDountaint Vievv ceme-
tery. A native of' iSeallorth, Ont., Mia
Black virho WAS aged 77, commenced
WiesterneRailWay at St. Thomas, in
'1,819. He' entered the employment
of the .C.P.R, Wigniipeg 1,991- and
lia • I 8, ovine ,lai.:,-Vaiicoiuiver kite/ jnin
the -*eight ,dietortolent. • worked
,h,:lrejoir a time and was later trans..
-to Netv, Weetinvinster, ,Nelson,
170iirmilneg and Mese re.•
tuane0 yoncouver in 1912, 64g
cl"aargent fof Vito 13. O. clstbebet
Alutl,e0gairm/4*,..Ife 1•1011".4 rook,
• 4, Pi
,,,-;01.4.l.,4444e4,949,weeth: • • • • le•,•••144..4•;a14,
to- 1411.Bely; Harry Cole, Con.
, Lots 1-19, Rd il ,Oon. 4 to 6. Harry
ord., Con. 6, Lot 11 to Thames Rda
d. 7, 'Con. 4 to 6. Ernest Hicks,
iddelph ladye -Con.. 14. Chas. Dary-
a/I-0On. 2, Lot 1,6 to Thames Rd.
arl alitchell. Con. 2, from Thames
d. to Lot 25, Rd: .9, Con. a to No. 4
ighway: 'Olarente Ilevata-Con. ..2,
tits 26-30. Harvey- Hyde, Con. 2,
o.ts 31-35, 'Mad'ge's Hill, Tucker-
mith Bdy. Hector Roarcliffe, Con. 4,
Lots .3146, Rd. 11, Cart. 2-6, Harold
Cuclariore, Con. and Lots 25-80. Wm.
Wes,tialve; Cori. 4. Lots, 25 to Marries
Rd., Rd. 97"Oon. 2 to 4. Ernie Pym,
Rd. 9, Con. 4 to 6. Wm. Cann, Coe.
0, from Thalares Road -to ,Hibtrert BL.
Ed. Alexender, Rd. 15. T.
Hern, Rd. 5, .0on.• 6-14.-Rde 20. re*.
Herm, • Rd. '4, 'Celt 8-10 -John ,-Me-
Eirea, Rd. 4, ,Oon. . to oadhaen.
VlInL • Can. 14, Lot. --1'5 • tO
Blanchard Bdy.e.Ee, Road 6a COm. 12
to 14., RaY Coward, Rd,: I, Con.. 6-8.
W. H. Stone, Rd. 9, Con: 6 to point
of 'contact Prev. Highway No. 28. Al-
bert .Sot, ,Oon. 10, Lot 16 to T. R.
and ladea.„-eort- 8-10. Nelson Clarke;
Con. 10, Lots 11-16: John Sees-,
Hibbert Bay. from 'east tide, Lot 19
to J. John iStewart, Stewart'e ewe
gate to T. . W. McKim], Con. 10,
from T. R. to Hibbert Me. Nelson.
goad:, 1007t. 12, Lots 16 to T. R., 'ltd.
7, Liots 10421 _Ray. Feanciar Con. 12,
"Lots 1146. Heber Shute, Con. 14,
Lot 15 to T. R. and Rd. 7, Cole 14
ta Fullerton Bay. Wilfred Dower --
Rd. 7, Lot 15, Con. 14-12.
Meeting of 'council, by•londer,
Departin,ent of HighWays...
,Benry0o,oper::: That the Reeirenirdi"'
taierk atitherised to sign 'and _Oda.
emit to the • .D'epartment of ,Pular*:.•
Highways the application for the gave . •
evenmellt. 'grant ..far , expenditures- OD
township roads for 1936. .
CoOper-Ballentyne: That " uneniele
pal supplies for 1936 be:" -71-,42 gaga .
collilectara .. roll; 1-42 page .aasessment
roll; school census b3o,k;.--1 cop assess-.
ment Act; r, 460 dog tageaa 10 corpieve
of the flafenicipal World
. iPasemloire-N6 -Seconder: 'That a
',discount el centelheatnewed on
.all arrears of 1935 'taxes •paid.be,-
fare April 1, 1936. .... " •
IBalliantyne-Berrry; That the Col-
lector Spend one, day' in Exeter 'and
°near" Kirkton-,during bank bailee So
take in. 1936 taxes ; n'oti'ce , of stable '
be 'placed on tax notices.
.Treasurer's report—Fred Dawson,
gravel,. $0.77.
Cooper Paselmore: That the fol-
lowing bills be paid: Henry Strang,
registrations ,loirth.s,„ , marriages „and
.deaths, $11.50; Martin's Mueic SWIM
85c; Tax Galilee*, refurerafeepary
of arre'are takes) ealleeted tar
ty and entered, en 1985 loll, $160.97;
Jas. Anderson, 'weed, $5.50; R. • U.
Quan'ee, relief, ' $19; John Kellette.
•Briarcl-rolf' Health In,s,pectOr, $4.70.;
The .oeuncill adjourned' to -meet . on
•Saturdiaf,“ Februaree Jet, at 1. ,pan. -e -
A. W. Maraarie-Clerk.
• Patrol men to, employ .only •etich
help as tney be neceasary keel,
the' roads epen for mail and other
traffic' and..to be 'under the "directitia
of the tdwnsihip aouncil and road
superintendent. An a:Ikea:ince 15
cents per hour atilt be allowed ft?
plows needed on the roach -all itnpler
nvents to be used it the orovner'e risk.
Time to be ,paid for elt the Ater of ,
15 cents an hour tea'and'7,-80e,
for Man amd teem:
be presented tie the Township
keed Superintot4ent biod,r6 th*,,Attst
dleoatifoot, Seaforth Ptres.
Jamee-Oonnolly„ Coderich Viee-Press-
Mertoii, A. 'Reid, Seafortli--
_ Finlay McKerelier,, R. R. 1, Dublin;
John Altar -ray, R. R. 3, Sertfortile; E. IL
0. Jatmoieuth, Broldiregen; Jas. .
131,1thi, C. E.- Hiewitt,„,,Kintatidithe; tit. •!
JillearGode.t' -
two14,n1 11)7!iiie!t,t7jonlgi- .
Aar% Bredhagenq,
ne ,Goderich;
9„ iSeafoifth; Aliejtander
kg% NO. 5, SegfOrthl,
b,6309 Nl ...
„. '
- ,
• •„'•4!•,,,,,t4.,,,,,
, , ''',,,rethiriteateia(er ) , 40,4, 444 A., 044,1,,,r•gro• 10.,fei` 0,1454 ,, •