HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-24, Page 4• ‘V.•.•4:41•''.9 .
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hehe ew rest RialoY, balv-
eivietv, takfadValltage of Sea
Ads—will_be_inserteciat_newlow_cash forths weaknese and A. Hildebrand
Lot and round, coming avenue Etc. -ear \Vr teierrk.: •Thirauthes later C. Tlionmeon sar-
; ; 1 Cent ed on "Sad e?' Doig from .abut tea
sea week feet ut. Bowers was penalized foi
cross eheekiag Wright but the Beak -
ems coUldn't ',find the nt, although
they 'kept tile .putk in RIP* terri-
cuthif n, of Ripley, tied the
tr*Z2 the second Period while.
wae-Ceali off for tripping.
Wright, tOullitotn, and A. Hildebrond
combined ti put the Beavers in the
leadeagainthave minutes later. Three
Ripley players were put di, R. and
C. Thaimelon and linweis, but again
Sethewere held stcoreless.
Ceilliton and A. Hildebrand seer -
ed in the thiadt for the Beavers mad
K. Maday. for Rpley. J. ,1VIeLeare
Dale and Willis were each put off -in
turn but te final scare was. Seaforth
5,- RI?' 3. "Punh" 1MeEvran, of
Clinton, refereed.. ..
Riptery--Goal, Firdayson; r. deenee,
Beweee; L • defence, R. Teinpsn;
cntre, K-Meleay; r. wing, John Mc -
Lan; L wng, Gee. Ahern; alternates,
W../MleemW. Eifert, C. ,Thempsan,
IL Agnew:
SnifeethaeGoal, Doig; r. defence.
D. Dael. defence, J. Dg; cetre,
A. Iliilegfand; r. wing, N. McQuid;
1. wng, 'W•gdellorand; alternate's, A.
Cllitee. right, G. Muir.
fle*.iners! Hockey
Kippea went to the tea 'of ,the
For Sale or -Rent Farmers' League when they defeated
Eamonavalle 3-1 tole ,Sarurclay bight
aateusa TO RENT--RESIDNICE 92'. THE for their. seond straight atetry.
ae, late Mrs. F. J. Welsh, North Main St. WilithrOp' shoved St:Colunban
Personal tri HAYS 8:,241511L.-
--- .s.-3•;•. 54- 41 Cellar pasitien by 'defeating Olean
6-3. The crowd of faze was as large
as the .opniag night andethe ice was
perfect end tare fast clean games
were played In the first game be-
elen St; Coluenban and Wtheepe
‘• 25-Celibs-
•Minimum eharg, first insertion
,.. Each figure, initial and abljrevi on 'otounta as one word.'-. —.
'thanks, In Memoriarn-Notices--pl, cent per wort Minimum, 50 cent a per week.
' palsy be directed to a. Box Number, •care of Tho Huron Expositor. for 10 Gents
' g 'ntiS additional per week will be charged if ads in aitove " glass .are ta;t Paid by the
atardee night in the week in which the ad '• was run. . •
Marriages and Deaths inserteairee ofietrae,. •
iliaIon Sales, Notice to Creditor, Ete.--gaies On application.
• Agents Wanted
Articles Wanted
▪ af 806 families ;in North. Huron CoistitY.
Write fi-day, RAWLEIH, Dept. 111L-363-8:
; 8554-1
N.; Montrg4....p4 nada.
• and solicit orders' for smartly styled,
nide-to-measurs outerwear, sweater, •lagrie,
oiery. Spritig samples ready. Complete
irta meiroS -yretaimp rfOitzfithcafififilkft
information on reqiet BRITISH KIT-
WEAR.,Sinacoe, Ontanie. • 35544
EDA canurs CRIB. Apply to
-ox 63, EXPOSITOR. -,, 3554-1
• to get fertilizer raiaed at Seaforth, mix-
• dng station this ineaming, season. Place or-
ders in plenty of time. ItJ. •McMILLAN:
Phone 13---
•mare; sund, and good roadter. J: D.
• MLVILLE, Londesboro. Iraleckhne,, Blyth
;• 4741. , •
"•-' Months old bull. oalf, red in color, a real
" gocid animal; also two yOung heifrs. Prices
• „reaatesable. Coyne and see thm, or Write
JAMES HILL. Staffa O., 944. 8552-1
,•• `+' Panos. Sueh well-known '.niakes as Heintz -
man, Nardheiraer, Mason & Risch, Weber and
'---7:,thers at. 'reasonable' prices and- terms. Write
ECE,TNTZ,*AN & PO.. 242 Dundas St.
• dor& for fitrther-partieulars. No obbigations.
' 83534
• Lost and Fond,,
afor .tur
• eat•MenttattaxtfraWbge;
Life meneberehp. CeTtifietetes
snt t%41rs. W. aoadfnloit 43r
the WM.S. ta..Miee iref;
.freY. T -h ' .. •
W.M..;-aised $1/1.30. • •
The a G. I. T.,. which. has been
lantelacY tirev:rgerriaxzi'rzttl'Pa'ar'esiseajmst°' the
p. See • • .,
The Lades' Aid with IVIrs. Wilin
Areent is preside*. lies eoncludeel a
very successful year with 45. men: -
beta: The •BaTleaa .Kirldman Yeepog
Wulen's Aaxiliary has conebetted a
fine year, havng-raised.$416 for mis-
kl/a523eulaggel".Stfhoarri•11:36t aY17.:r.The K.. Me
ncheana 07-11illen, J. Beattie, M.'
MoKelar, Peaeid, R. Smith,
&await, J. Kure -He. C. Box, E. Dia
nen, G. Ilallentynee W. R. .Plaet ;
atielitar, McLean, Miss H,azer
St. Thomas' Church
'The amnual vestry and kongrega-
tertal meeting a St. Thomas' 01einah",-
Beef:t:1.i, was held on ,Monclay even-
ing wth„.a. good' attendepe. The
meting was opened With prayer -and.
one minute silence wee obsetved out
of resp.eat for the lat•e Soveleigee
-Kng George V, by the Rector, Cn-
efe,,51..Ap1leyeed, 'M.A., •111.„ wIleopre-
aided •overathe meiting.
The trolaues. of the hat • aual
meeting were relaid and •adronted after
which the peoplogs warden and treks -
Urea R. G. Parke, presented the ane
autal church wardens •reftort for 1935
which Showed the chaech to he im a
very .geoci financial 'standig with a
suhetantial balance in the bank after
eapentses were .paid; alise the Mis-
sion Budget paid ap end Restore- tion
Fund aeaubecribect.
Election of afficere for the - year
1936 'resulted as follows: Lay dele-
gates to .Syode Messrs. Wm. Arehie.
bald and Henry Edge; substituteie to,
earred, RdbertArchileald and
W. E. Southgate; :Chrl-1.. .Wandten„.
Rector's, Mr. Thern.as Jakon; Peo-
ple's, R. G. Parke; '.Setleet Vestry:
Rector's, • 1/eiers. Robert Arehibald,
E. C. BoserelleeHe...Pretty' ande-Wm:
kliilePecalege.repreeeettatyea Messrs.
S.. Lebutn, 'N. E. Southgate, WIni.
eem and jpeeph Hart; laies' Tepee-
eleattives ten select ,ves3ry,,
Seuthgetea 4.Mre. Chas.: :..Holmeis •arid
Miss Fla; •• Sidemen, Messrs.
Wm. Smith, 'Haley Pretty) Joseph,
Hart, •Noriman•t•Seaintse George Pink-
ney and John Earle„chairmaii; Squ-
atty SeleOlal Superintendent, capon
APpleyad; . choir leader, '.Mrs. John
H. Best; • organist,. Geotege. !Miteitea
sexton, George Pinkney; audittoree,-V
elhurst. Finder please •phone 184-5.
JACKSON BROS., Seactorth. ..! 3554-1
JSeTi"rry O'Har:i°P.TLoTtO12THE CenoPesii ion 88-.
.11k;Killop, on or about October 25th-', .Owner
ma Y have sarne by -Proving ,property and pay-
ing char gea:.-- , , 8548-tf
, effeCtive in removing the Italian Peril as
Noxacbrn .removing dorm-NewsPapers
• would be seeking a new subject for front
• Paie news, Get Noxaeorn at KEATING'S
..--DRUG STORE. • -; 3554-1
from •bad cough, bronchitis. whoopng-
couh. throat and tensil ainnents, SYBILLA
SPAHR'S remedy brings wood reuit5 or
moeY ...... ; it wi.?rl-;;;.. KEATiNG'S and
MEM;FHILL'S tt/iliTG STORES. 3534-1 i ••
CLARKAt Goderich, on Fritlay, January 10,
Articles, For Sale
BYBEE-In Miami, Fla.. on December 2,2
1035, to Mr. and Mrs.‘„ylagil Bybeettn
Leona Aritaw), a daughterTianda Lee.
DINN-E-LIn Stephen Towdnshin, on' Friday,
.• January 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Din-
ney, a daughter.
CARTWRIGHT-In Cliaton, on Friday, Jan.
Dr. W. F. Clark -in 'his 75th year. ..
• 10th; Anios Lawrence Cartwright, in . his
- VOA SALE -DOOR 10 FEET BX 9 FELTH - 50th year. . ,
matched lumber ; „ suitable for driving .ROBISON:-At Auburn, on Thursday, January
eihd. Complete with rollers and. 20 feetof Oth. Mrs. Thames Robison, aged 9 years.
• track. Anali Box -41,„ EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
. RANCELClintori, on Thursday, January
' ' 353941 9th, 1VIrs. Clara M. Rance.
',gasieline engine, with belt, cheap. Also
a lot of ehoiceaxe handles, whiffle...tow. and
"'" .... hapimer hanles; a fewi good brass mounted
b.tilles. and -Slyer things,- to•go-ceap--.1911N
ELDER, Hansen. 3517,tf
• .
the Sainta rurrned in areal goOdgame
end bad Winthrop going at top speed
te pull •ont_with a win. -ThrKippen-
Egneondviile game was a tU:5.81.;'al1.„.
the way with many clasp momenta'
fJr batb.kaanlies.
. In th,e St. Columban - Winthrop
eave etehh aeon/ scored. the first
etiod. Carter an a reIny pass from
and A. Dale. -and Mac Iob-
-rtso,n far the Sainte three mieretes
later. In the ecenti,: E. .Do,reane
ECOT'E'd frinNichalls, but D. IlVic-
Cailey tied it, egatin an Joe Malaie's
teas. Mad Holland made -it 3-2 far
Wintlfro -i. are the 'period ended. •
Ili the, !f.; Carter bitted in be,
wn rehea. led shrertlyafter Harry.
Cntnrnelg'r Page '1) McIr?rrhicl it -of tough leek- when ;P. Bosh/veil and W, E. •t'Soutlegate;
he threea the puck late his °amen*, _vestry'alerk, John H. Earle:.
in ottemtPtilee flaaelear. Roberton, - ;Mr. ,R. Ge Parke, warden and trees-
aaploten, and .11feQuaid eenabind: for alrea, reed\redgreat praiee from an
the Sain.s' third! camber and, •Carter_tnembers for the .eplencliclaway" in
Friday hoary 24
,re reamd eel held tin thetalOW eal! * e 91310;11lti
. .
,• e4
It`Owlie:gall ob; W. effidairell%girl yikilltbv victlian) 'was "047 ,
le*: ituldeT•the' Wu:000 o; Ur WO 4oMe a silo dietenee Oalit/
Cielie0er of-Tranrraterce, mast.. largelY same- ofethe Veit art, Weelaelle a
attended, manyecoring from Oita a was, sallealaand. Air. nogga;
dietalice tO ;enjoy the fe.stivities. The vesting in bed eahere 'lie
7,fite,eltr:bizare ins. thole/en" Bcr act:rawest argot! •47.1te€6,;.t0.....caubipinou; spawn -is olvttex-,L_T__::_./, . .
The Chaneheaof Commerce held ilte
mOnthlY meeting int the/ coli
Town Hall, Ilensall
under the auspices' of Carmel
•Presbyterian Cluireh.
The entertainment. wM include
Pipers, Scotch Enterainers;
• &lancing ad' Scotch Minlic and
the famous Willie Bell, inter-
nationally known Scotch enter-
, • •
. •
ADMISSION: 25c and 15e
• Tax included.
at_Prizet Went to William Itade and
the second to AL Workinian," and the
IllakY IWO ticket was held by Mrs.
A. Fster. The mlasic, which was
greatly .eaoyed, was by the !MacKay,
Orchestra, ac both eldertdime •andnew.t
dltencea featured the eyeang until
well on. in the -morniag.. !bows and
dariag the first 'part rof the evening
a very' appetizing lunch was Served,
end it 'goes without paying much ,emie
!eyed. The laor manager was 'Vb.
Harry Horton Who 'did his part fwell.
sent out bY the anditor,-and all re-
plies Must be. rturned'to the Audi-
Annther clause in the insttructiOns
received feone the Depaatment oce
Mupicipeil 'Affairs rakes, the audit*
.respeneible for . the boncist Of officials.
:It..P.'ages on • the auditor, as well, the
duty of checking insurance
ed by the city, the listing of
all 'Talkies held by the city, and re-
Vorting their' adequacy.
Miss Annie Corestiet left on Map-.
day of this week far Kentuckir and
Tenae•ssee where shi will spend .seine
Mr. and Mrs. Raph. Walter's., ahee
Florence IMeDonalta, wixo. einee their
maapiage were 'visiting . friends in
Vaatoaver, Bal(e left the beginning
• of ilatneary for Los Angees, Cali -
ferule, where they will make', their
Dattextet home.
Miss Myrna Hudson, of Loriden,
•spent the a/leekend aterthe home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thud.
Albert Peet:dare, of Delhi, vis-
ited last tSunday with his •parents;
Mr. and Mrs.', jab Paestama..„ •
Me. aid Mrs. Fred Person, Lon-•
dn, speut the atekeerel with the
faraiere prenits, (Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Parson. "•'
MY.8. 'ITERVey Coleman of • near Var-
na a vesiting et the ' home of Mae and
Mrs: rank gteman. •
Harold Bell, eon of Mrs. Albert
Bell, had his tonsils remaeted by Dr.
Dunlap on Friday last.
Church Services
The services in Carenel 1Preshyber-
tan Church on Sunday last •were con -
:hated morning • and evening by the
(peatetr, Re. W. A. Yoyng, and at the
chambers 01.1 Faiday evenialg last 'With
good atteaullaiece and with the pre
iclent,' Mr. 4-Vallter Spencer, and Mr..
'Mark Drysdaie, :the seeretary, officiate
big. ,r business Was taken up
atlke rto the 'Chaber Of 'Ciommaget---'
and thoronghly dlacussed by the
inembers . in. all phatses Telatina there- ,
Committetee anPolintig.40. • 'ee • ...
meeting gave their. reports oat a
vete Of 'thanks was •tencieved /a) theniee
for their diligence in the' anattere •
Following the bastriess of the meet- •
ing an interesting program was then.
ntered &nth the 'fleet ,Which was a • 1-
we11-rendered •st la by , DT.. Ivan
• Mr. Nat .Bettieby gitke •
very huraaraus sand well reeedaed
reading and Rev. IVIr. Young with
Dr. Smillie as aceempanist, rendfered
e 'couple of fine solos whieh were
mud/ • .enljoyed.. The guest speaker
of the evening, Rev,; MT. •Chancliber,
of Kippen, followed with a. spleadid
adaress_which pryed of muh. inner-
est and pleasine totheaudience and
Der which • a every Meaty vote of
thanks was tendered to •the reverend
genteman; coupled with an *vita-
• tier/ ,t -favor at same farthrete . •
ing.. The . meatinclosid tlr,„
singieg. of the Malarial Alethem..
Jane Ellis. •aridloar of the isle
Alex. Ellis., of Aerdeen, South
kataa and one .timie early rearident .of. •'•
thie •villae,„ hese.'ytistilng with hat
sister, Mary; ,Btrz. T. L'elideserael te.
village. Jane or ''',Jsm*e, as She is
tauelly itaN the .eleteetE daughter.
:of' the late George 1lVlarray, who
the early years ef thie village was .a
gae:rail 'mercant and ,sthe, was the
I to it'ewanalirried. in Zel:oil
• WINGHAM.• . .
• Pee. John T. .Gibleans„ of Stratford,
and Mr. Patrick Gibbons, of London,
areeinethieago .atterilding the funeral
of the...latterr's brother.,• Dr; A. 3. Gib,
beats, who died on TheTsclay, Jan. 16.
Ihtr. John Reareie and Mr: - Wallace
•Gueney, lof 'Wliaghanr, were in London
one day last weelaion business,.
Mies Mary -,Gibb.ane, of -Guelph, via -
tilted( last week with her parents,
and tMes. Patrick Gibbons, of Lon -
oda. • . •
Miss Helen Field who hae. been 'vis-
iting at the !home of her. parents .in
Winghatiii, has returned to -Tomato.' •
/ao/diem-a • who was
spiehabg few clayS Wieigheet„ has
returned tie aneea BrantfOrd General
Hotpital resin/veins duties.
...1Mre. W. 'Dawso, Who Vres. in Lon-
don •recently tettendirig her 'brother's
has• returned...to • ber....lienies..in
Wingham. ••.. '
there; So -why should not town:coun-
cils, ae .paie. as weli....•se eawnshipcoun-.
• Notices • .'" cillorS?
. • • As one a the large tax payers in
. .-aaarreoB TO. FARMERS -ANY. , EAR.MER, the. town; I tlank if a eouncelllor is made it 6.3 on a lone ruSh. Eaton r'cv• le • a n , • ... f till
'''' (interested' in' having their horses treated'
have this done at ti charge not Worth $52 a year, he is not worth • and RObeiion• pat on their usal. wha •'pheirch alalealso the excellent report,
to,wmg e ry
. • of :25 cents per head by arranging horses in amything. • There are 'other weye of ter, fend •by'..starbrig a rumpus ne. the • s nt
• • diving the. Year W. ith
..gri011ss of lb or .so and getting dn. ibuch Ivit. redeeing the taxes in Our town. • • ,_. Fs'aard ..peehod; .otherwise it Veas . a tOinrd 1'geeivd
..... • on:„, A.,,,,A.,,CAMPBELV;;'Herisall, , . . •
On,e wauld be for theed ridustria I real alettei .. guinea e • . . - : tereas Very satisfecteTy to •all ,present.
,4. CellWnittee to. 'work' with the teW-n t Wiethrep-Goal, ,WeeMlontgareery ; 1. A. Vete ,etf thanks .waseexteudedi.tel
' . ' • e . 'a council and get some a our irridus, ... ii.„ .Pge: 1. cl...:'Brknam: c.9utre. ,...all -torgaelaiona of ' the church -far
Auction Sales '....„„ - trees going; such as the C.F.M. and Fa or r. W.. Cara ° r * Ni h ll 'heir •goedleork during the:rye= and
, ea: • • .. s: ,, • • • • • •
• • ' others. If we 63 not .' db something" nernees, Durance, E. tS,..Cotta M„. I' or their sap bet .of the ehuech, and
• a-fief1ga SALE -UNDER AND BY.Y1 along this line, these factories; will Holland. . • llo .to 'Ca and 'Mns, Appleard
. chatter mortgage. Which vrill lie produeed at be wreeked, and never blea lt. 'If -1!"';""t'lbthrtfaarleale .Nrattly-rf7-ri . qcr their14t, 1 aeryiee he the; ,pa,rt
''".% tile- af the powers oontained in 3. eVrt-alcs
the time of sale, there will be •offered for sale Would be to the benefit of every 00-. Haiiley; 1. dee:Pe:tertian; .centre. Moa-',, ',-'.th. -The *eaing elosied Ire' the 'tete
by Public auction an THDRsDAy, jANUARY perty. owner in the town to help ,gn; r. w, M.e:::itliy; I. w., IVIaQuald; eter eriaatmang the Benediction.
safi. 2936, at:stile hour of 1:00 oclock, in the altOng in this line. The 1 2r`,•rr.-1:-..". Staeletn. Mahne, Venn. Egnaindaille Church
more peep e - - -,
-..• afternoon-. at. LOt as. concession io. Town- The congragatien of Egmenthrille
• ship of Logan, in the Counfy+ a Perth, by you - have werlemg the . less you will • K; ripen 3 e Brtion dei RE 1 e .
yee E. Nan 1' AuCtioneer, the falowing,g9902,..:xave aa ...reliefa7 Relief will be with Ire et d 0•5l h l._ :Chum& held their annual meeting on
and chatels: - •" -us forever it we, do eat prowide Work led in -!lee stoad game end ib was .•,TuesclilY affelln°°Th• There was a faue.
t rad;uters., rrg lynntdi :hilt: 7 rad year
h ; 2 arsese far these einem . • vet =all_ within thile minutei of theatattenciance.,..and a good spirit. ,The
We have in oneetown at he pree- final genta that E•gmtoderille. etehed, minister' was alhed to preside, arid
4, •
•Eight grade Durham cows, red and whie:
he? lone tery to slime themeelvee Mr. William, Wallace wee elected sec -
from a whiteiresh. Doie mad?, retary.
one of his feereus ruelies in the fit The Sessian rePorted eleven new
reeled end, took a hard shot at Mc- members daring the year and a prs-
Gooch from tile tforner,:the puck e, ent meinberehia of 207. The yoriad
• fleeting aeff the latter's sates /late of Sterwaxas arid the Offieial Board
t d Ltd' beat reported intreased cantributiets, both
• • Talias..Block •
After an illness of • many months
theTepa'sysed away •fit his -baron here,
.fielias Bleak; lone of the psolminent
and wellaladetn residents of this
c•oulerunity. He was his 68th year
"and . had lived hereagl • his life. After
retiringfromthe fanm he fneyedato
Zurieh and Auld been Constable for
fnrany years; also at Offieial of the
Beard of 'Halth.ef the township. Sur.;
\riving era. tare children ef firet
wife, mis -son, 'HerbeTt, (a • Exeter,
1d a daragliter, 1Mt.Se. W. ' Walper,
.also 'his! Secend wife, form-
erlY Beetita Munn. Vhie •fiirieral was
• held. on Threedaya inter:Meat taking
place in the Lutheran • cemetery.. Rev.
E. Tuerkheini condutted the services.
• Fractures • Leg •
Mr. J. Atidersn, • an employee at
ties.ereantery, had the mieferrtunte to.
fallaon...the lee at the while on • War-.
day evening and fractuie Mae '0f his
legs below the knee. •• - e•
The concert in theehall on Friday
evening was well attetnicled and the
• performapee is highly.„.praised:' The,
tcareg„ 'people from Herman tpresenta
ed the plea, "The Lady thee-Flir
" , • .
••Agricultural Society Meets. , • •
The annual 'meeting of . the mean -
bees a Zurich •*gricidtural ..'SOCiety
was `held in the ball On Motricila.Yvelien
the financial statement was present-
ed. and 'officers elected. The. speiety
had another successful Yeii2Frifd a
neat ballanee will be carried! int/61936.
The officials were 'Te-electeaiaor an-
other, term.
A well•atteincled Meeting was held
in the bell- here on • Tutesday attette:
noon- when addresses were given on
abortion in tattle. Spmkerrs, friorel•
the O.A.C. disicussedl the subject •
The • annual. meeting Of the .tHiar
• Township Farmeine' 1Vitutual -Fire In-
surenee 'Calawill be held in the hall
heatnext Manday. •
At a special Meeting of the eoen-
cil of the Townelliii of Pay held en
Saturelay,' the contracts •deaLlg writh
the troaintenanee •and awitchbotitrd op -
The society deo arilaninausly•adPta tetatiene at .Dashwated ;and Zurich
ed a resolution expressing ite grata centrals were ComidereAL •New can-
tle& for the ealendid icea:tperatieth. tracts be . drawn • up which will
and aseistairee extended t� it by the make the- management and work at
Merchant 'OK.
town .and district, both ce'ntrailis nalore rtmiform. - • ' •
Presbyterian Ohytech aftet t e hureit
Morning .service iComintunion was (Ilse.
was first bult the late' Rev: De.
perised and- the choir rendered .
anthema seed ,psaltms in; keeping. There
fine ThamPeon• later:known as Prpfassor
was a very ' good attendance. •
ereneany. Mrs. Elle, ..as the first._
Thompsol nerfenning • (the marriage
At St Faun ,Anglican Churth ' the.
*In 12It.ita, was presenteci by the session..
Rector gave good -Caseae*
'13'- with a.. finia large family bible in, hon-. •, '
' rviee lee of the !occasion and,' whith was
Morning and :eynng and se
et Praise, was . Well rndered. •
services in, the UnitedtChurela 'giving .
mue. h. prized, Mrs, Ellis •intende re-
manng f!or a. ew. we..
her sistsir end wioih, her niecesein the
f eks here with
• Rio. k: '81T1;2•12r preached- at both
• •
good •practical •and, well thought Ou•t
rer:by rural sections andr her many
sermons and the choir did thefr part
frier/de are 'pleased to meet her a-
d the services, in their usually aa.:, a. • .
g Mae George E. Fee, it a . ..,
ceptable marnmer, Dr. Ivan St/Mille '
t.aiking the .oran • as Miss Eleanor
F'i h the a
ti.i:mera,11.,.atetalookreref fistu,.. wAatts thelle.ffinervene.....
e„, nit- of the cencil, • Was apPotint-: • . ,
aritheen. •Tht?.attenOramsewee•Mie.--Fee, 1./ieho
pleataingly took a special pert in the
Lug .service Mr. Harry Heaton veTy ..
were .theee 'applicanta: George Fee,
branch and • the elaiheewai made ef-
ed • contab& for theavilltaga - There - • • .
Levi Randleand ' Alexander Hilelle-'
will a& doubt. attend
average One. a• faithfully to his .. • • -
' Has NarPw ' pi ' ' - • The eon.gritgeatian of. Carinel Pres -
Oa . Faiday Mr. Dona d Heggarth byterian :Morph, Are. lhokrag forward
`21011 -°w3 -Y 'elseaPed, from an aceident wth•antrch interest , to thei:earlMal
'that might have caused. •hia death. An $•c.or..ch• cotOcterie to be held osi Friday ..„...,
loaee in the G. &fickle &, Son evening of this week eel foe. labials "•
grain elevtatorsa he was bending over a fine .proaraM is being aatorvided.
a 'shaft trying to 'mate a. foreign ' 'The TJtilited.,Oh.urch are also. leake.
mined in the antachlrierry when his
clathing came in totieh 'with- a ,re-
• roAllog belt. In. an inetant his clothe
. .
ing ripped from his body and_
he suffered seyeralboken ailb7s7 as
well As :being severelY bruised in
85 years old; g hores, bay, 8 years olci ; r Orii an S. ..1.. that -could he Made a
' -""" • blaik gray colt; 1 saw --Yorkshire; 3 thuks, high school, and . the- saving in . sal-
•, about aries etuld be wed...to have; a Cam-
rPt.smmens-1 :binder, 1VItaisseytffaris,
6 -ft cut ; 1 mower, McCormick -Deering; 6 -ft- mercial teacher and ea,05intrnercial
eat: 1 liaY kinder Massey-Haris; • manure course provided' it this school, so
• • spreader, Massey -Harris ; 2 . oiltivators, Mas -
that when a pupil ef.leat attended the
•• say -auras. t spring tootle 2 Fleury walking
• pleugha7. ,land roller, wooden ;2 sets of draz School far two or .three years could . - -, - ... ,
• harrows.;:52 'wagons; 1 set of sleighs :1 cut- ha' a a business eatfree in place of mc,aecaaee. s aass from ,akeees •and in the general. funds' and in the .rese
• ter: 2' hay racks ; about 500 buhels eft oats.:
gibing ' to another town or that it . the thitd Pestinfare Stored. On F. 'aiallairY .efferng. A total of $3,200.00
'of Turnips. o' course. • A lot arpuloils, after attend-% Sin' • pass. f6r Kippen's third groat was gvezie:a$2,177.00., far Mat ex
about 30 tons of hay; and about 100 bushen
Terms --Cash. • :rig the sehbol a couple of ytears, go • With three: Minutes to go --ltese, • penees and $1,023.04 ter enissionery
For further particulars of sale apply to out to sarell the enemployed and are
C. G. MIDDLETON, Bailiff. . ' glad to take ally kind -of womk. There
are towns a . great deal larger than
• afarth that just have a high school,
by should Seaforth have to sup -
rt a Collegiate" Institute?
I wish the council of 1936 all the
et of suMees in their endeavor to
mnotethe best interest 'of all the
bepayera of' the hewn and Irerpe that
• the end- of the yea; all eur fac-
ries will be -giving empleynierat in
ace of having to perfliel.
I thank you, Mr. Effitor, fee you -r,
liable space you have given me in
11T pape.
.a. •
•44,1 •
• .
• Clinton, Ontario.
, w'
. Annual Meetings
• tbeUslydrne and Hibbert Mutual Fire In- be
surance Co. will be held at Farquhar. Mon- pi
dee,. February. 3rd, 1936, at 2 p.m. for the ....,
purpose of receiving the reriorts of the Dire::
tors and Auditors for the past year, and for "IDQ
the election of two Directors, for a three- to
year terra, and for any other business that •
may be in the interests of the Company. Pi
l'ile Directors whose term of office expires;
but who are eligible far re-election are, W. a
is. Coates and F. McConnell.
Secretary -Treasurer.
'MI6 FIR'r
tY Council
at d p.m.
Friday, 3ist.
An indi*iduals
....a4tlma Comicil
i'n ldvande
be mterripted.
All adcounta,
grants should
that ;Monday,
' 0
. a
held in th
January 28th,
seysion until I
' i
desiring to
County -Clerk
will not
not later
35584 li
so that
he in
J. M.
- ‘..:......l1-...
- i• •,,
•• A
1936 will
Court House,
will be
- .
regular :hasiness
the Clerk's
. ,
Notice to Creditors
. 14,roillat
'-t' Alho
0 of
, we . t
.' .
ea '.
a, ; ,.
Id flartaInt
haring elairai
fat. et
Aden pad
• - (,,,
• t '
, tafek
. 4 4 -4, •• •
•-•:.! : til
• A 4,4 6
TO cittorrottS
i .
in that behalf that all
agaitist, MIIIT Jane
the Tevateata of 'rocker-
erho died on- the 26th
ineaate reunited to send
sollettais fee the teem:-
raelte wrairet and verified
afteatiailli. eat: the nae
;eta' lala flee Oda, ate dr
''#.'erf • Jailietie feearatue
atiewitt peeetatt to,
',, • Ad • • ii.n.V.
4.-.0ith. they
'1 '''. -• ''
ifti' aso
i('.'. ir, el ef.
,.,44.1,,,,, , ,,,,
„„ .• k ' ' A.,
Dale and kiirrg combinedtalbeat Doig. Purnaees.
for a munter. Only three •penalbiee ' The •Boaati ,Stewarde .for' 136
were' drawn dyeing the game, •two to Will be: iMeserse Ressea.. Colterna.n,
Tiginondville And one to Kippen. Alex. . Jahn hleClay, • Peter
Kipper -Goal, S. Dot; Simpsanea.!William Cniefion, "(chair-
D3ig; 1. d., Farquhar; centre;R. mati)a Ivan ' Forsyth (secrete )
r. w., Passmore; ' h w., H. Niebflson; Richard Kruse (treasurer), Pe
alternates, Bloc. Hoggarth, BloWeee Petersen, James Broadfoort, john El -
Little. • gie, James .MeIntlosh and Arthur Wale
eEgneonclailleseetaaateafteraearatae„ lace; auditors, 'Messes. E. C. Chesney
Vett; 1. d., Dale; cerrar,•J. Filn:awe and D. -F. MeGregara filea,ncial secre
w., McLean; ateetateaer. ale tary, Bea James Mord; MissiOnary.
betAitie, RriteKrigert-111Clirdiettia. trea.surer, •IVIrs. R. E. IMCKenzie; Trus-
, Referet-G. Mika' a-. • . tees,. Meser.s. J. Flanigan, -Jaanee
' A. Sideliht.' On •Sporta•-• Loye and William.
Two of the toutstandlieg firiees
since the FainFees' Blacker. tean e • .
.was iarm•ed. are no.. longer .,Ipilazeg
but have taken on the job ••of -mate
egirug trams, namely: Wileorr Wright
and 2Eit' Maoism/. Two of the liat-
e•f's sons are now -fulaying in the
league but for different tealtne. Har-
old is playing far .Kippen
Wright, manager), and; Jack for Eg-
inrin•dville. (Art Nicholson • manager).
Sea -forth Citizens-.
(COntin fled from Pae,:17-__
b. Thomas' 'Church when the town
members of Cenedian, .Legion
; representatives of !other' public
raanizations *ill attend. The Sun -
'ay Marreng services, at First „Ttree-
erian! Church, Nertheide United
e •in the fame 'orf memorials to' the
Ivarch d EgenondiviNerthrerche will
ead ildag
The imme.diate effect ref the-ing's
eath Was. the cancellatiatt -or
aternent Arf nriemeratis funations which
ad been arrni'eti to take plate duer
ng the week. •
The juniar hecloey game
tween S,bratiordl and. Seaferbh on
evesday nigbt was posWicified
e,finitely oh. orders from the 0.H.A.
erecutiae. 1 • .1*,
Phe .Seaflorth •Literits-Club hadPlan-
d Obeerve tits annual Brions
tattoo on Monday night 'andr. this,
ot, has been Peet/paned/ uretiL
The -tExecutiate atief-': the Cat:adeu
*ion caneelled a stag
riel been seheduled for Tueday'
nightee ' •
The annual rileang of the Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute Alunmi As -
satiation ewhich was to have . been
heikron 'Tuedlasr, of 'next week. has
,,tiVailPened1.414ntil Mende -70. FOriva-.
try. oroi.. • • '"
'•Tive °Mellows 1111-weeldy Once oil
heinary .1stit has. bean cantelle& •
•• enelge. &tea, naliOly-"ae
tavlti the
leralideftWiort WleAlleadayt:41* ,Theaii-
-A. R. caMpbell
(Continued from Page 1) • ,
formative addresses tk`at the Sudety
have fieund it necessary to secure
laTgettaceommodation for this.. ,saeil
eirow this year.
The date of the annual Spring Pair
Was set for Saturday, April 4lciien
an extensive prize list for both horses
and ,cattle aenable. •
The _following. .Officere Were elat-
ed: President; D. A. Rr-Cariipbell;
1st vire-Vireident, W. R. Dongall; 2nd
vieepresident, •OWen Geiger; seem-.
taryetreasurer, K. M. .M1cLean; Diree-
terse William .Consibt, W. J. Jones,
Rv; W. A. Young, T. .SherritteSain
Dorugall, Ohapmen,---Willim.
Decker, liorne Chaman, 'Alex. Duehe
Man, NleoneRilry; 'R. St. Peek, Roy
Lenient, • Elgin -Moe/raffle, IL • O.
Seldan, A. B. Bell and, W. De. Safi;
ela. auditor, H. Arnold and C. A.
MreVuiell. '
Local -Agricultural
(Continued from Page 1)
tine forward to their animal emigre-
gational Imeetbilig to be held on Mon-
day eveleing, :Jan.
he. -enali1Y:fnit7414'. '4"se
Robertson will regret itte.,-,a4Tin! ,t1204'.
hiereuffered e stroke :hieing the -paha'
many pars. Mr. Ewe, We, a fel- -we . ••
pressed the 'Satiety's regret at the
ilthess ef Me.-• Robert Beattie, who
.haa'beten• auditor for /manyara and
itS-71460 fief -a speedy 'recovery.",
goutoeirient was tnaide• that the
annual Sps-istg Show .would be held
Ittesda0 areh 31st.' -Weekly • meeting on Monday evening,
Officers Were elected ail atalloWil' 'With the president la the chair. The
- "ear gild the• od mns. Ai hawe
Iliad tome , terrible ' disappaintrnentia,
• but 11 re .stands orif .over klve years
Ii�thehabaane to Hle *Orii:
1'4, i a 411) a 4'
.• , toi.14:6- ., 0. y ., t itt1,0 i•
' 4st A., cbtrii 4 , OP a Atta& ,Wita..
ii. ,„..1 ! affct4*
A 4.
Y. P. S. Hanor Kipling•
The Young Preep1e4 League of the
United -i0hurch held tlieir regular
Presden, Humpliitey Snell; 1st yieee
president, J.We, Beattie; 2act
president, „William Beattie; sethetary-
treasurer, Ms. J. A.-Kemlgreeters:
Seatheth, Mrs: VI. 4. Dickson, Miss
Ethel Beattie, J. K. Garet/lack, H. G.
Meir, A. Y. McLean; Theekersmitil,
Mrs. A. Peendforot, Mles lean Scott,
Seared Whitmare Robert Archibald;
aneettog 'opened_ with :a hymn. and
eitaryere The Scripture lessen 10,71TA
read by Beh 'Peseeore. The' follOw-
ing poenes by lludyard Ktpling vvere
given,: °thee Short Hour," by Mist
DotatibeeMcgteen; "For All We Halve
and .Are,". by' Miss Mildredi •Scruton;
"L'Entitoe," by 1Vlies Lettile Love. The
liffe f Radynad Kipling Was .very in-.
McKinolp Mies Velma Haat, G. arfe-lerethialer glean 4;17, Norman Sm.
Gavin, Roberti "Ciumphell Jae. ellitOnd 'grid a !SOlo;-..Ood !of 1! Our
Leiner, Joihn. FrOmen; slilikett, Fred • Pothers," :by .Rud3rer4. Kiling Was
Corbett; aridlilork Jelin MIosh, verey,..M0y, rendered her 'Lazne El,
Robri. Reid. Crriea;t: aviiiitawere taken1.2Q
• by i.Alleg.“ filselrie •and Lorna."Elder
in arnrepy •datereatirig *tanner. The
Meeting dosed With. a hymn and
Posoni ie
IM-. and 1Vtra,
..havei! golya
'11* -01' 40,
•Atorittioulact £.1%u (Nogg 1)
txes ottog„Tifill tiidipaikte
ead1s year utast 41erid aarti&1
each be'"iyfe
The taleir 61.vele: ithe airMtn:A "Ca(s*
be 'asktib'5141(iik$0.. thai a
lbe .ilhe as t:1s'PbeOle'
Ithe'.taltpailAt 011110. Otifi 17/' =.
'',(411otttAs vt1161111,1teti
To the Residents Of
.• Seforth, McKillop and
The Public Idealth Act 'of Ontario requiree that natice Of cases
od commtunicahle diseases shaB be givero to the Medical Officer of
Health or the Seretaria of the Local Beard of Health and the same'
le/pelted by them to the Reipartintemt of ;Health in. order that such
measures as are passible may be taken to protect the ,pufblicand for
tatiaticaI purposes. Among those diseases requiring natification by
the householder are:. Cerebra Sina1. Meniagitis, ChiekenPok, Dph- •
Sleeping 'Siekness,. German Measles, Undulant vlar, Measles,
Mumps, Infantile tPararsis, Searkt Fever, SenaliPait, Tuberculasis,
Typhoid Pewee. and 'Wholoping Cough and Of those mentioned beadle°
Minnigitis, Diphtheria, .Measles, Infantile paralysis;
Fever, Small Pax end Whooping .Coeigh requirethe premises' placard-
All pattileirtS 111 of a•communicablie &ea:se shlould be iselated dur-
ing the infectious .period, whether placarlding is required or not.
In . this rrotiee ft M desired particularly to call attendee/1 to the
fact that Whooping Cotigh, thieken 'Px, 'Menem ancl German hlleas-"
les are included •in (tire iRegulations, as there it an increasing tendency
en the ips,4 of alla: public tol idisregard these. ,.. •
Tt j ale. .desired bo ean attention to .Section 63eof the Health
Act, Which reads' as '
''Whenever any Househailier know.s, ar hasi reasion ItO-BusliecI6
that any person 'within' his family tom boarding or lodging with hiin,
'hes any communicable disease,..he shaflji witthin'12 heu'S give Otetilff
theTeofto the Deal Board -of •.HeaIth, ofr.to the •4Medipal Offider of
•, Health, either rat their offices 'orb letter abated ;withln 12. hours"
2. To. Regulation 6: "Evry tdonbtftil ae 0 Communicable'
disease 'shalt be classed and dealt .with as if it 'Were a easeaf done-
•. •
• mualicable disease Until'such de diaproved." • • • • ••
3. And .ter•Sectitee111: "Any perlere alirceeentifteenes any of
the 'provisions of Section% 53 ti O '72, far Whichether petalty is •
provided, shalli•incet a. penalty of "mot leas than $215 tor More - than •
A '
The Local Boards 'of Health !respectfully rrequest the co -opera.
-tionof all ,citizent by giving liyrolatit nolfiee of the occurrence :of any
cOmmunicable diseasein order that the' may tarry orat the prod/alma.
rat ,the Health .Act and, ars far !as poissiible prevent/ spread and prodeet
thte health,of the Cokinutinity..
• The Boaeds 'wish to avoid the necessity of having any peraae
,proseented for rion-Obseanance •tiof the Health het and will cause no
inconvenience any, householder who ricYea comply with the Mb that
eau be avoided oannisitenkly‘ with public welfare,
Any, further information regarding the 'pawl:dons of the 'Act
loeteladily give'ri Iby Members of the liloards
Signed on behalf of the Local Boards of Health:
J. 3 Bultows-,-41.04.,
ScafOrth And
• -... ' -,.' - ... ! , • TuOkevonit .
SedretaleS: John Mtay,.. Mei11004 D. r , 1VIcGie-
.‘‘,.,•' •a• :;!
,'••.` 471.4
14, 4±L A