HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-17, Page 6i4t
,44CE or
„. • 04,ROcoocc,
PIRA AND ;cure
a, . aetine simile, .whieh. is tised
o,Oftle-eleensing 'materials and
• the body and regular eat* of
teeth. -Strong h:ealthyteeth and
'''.•".•:,,e',gients 'mean that the right' kinds of
elleocti are eaten and the ',ether h *te
t.:•.,•of. ing are, also satisfactOry.
Tee,itibeerow in, ourejaecep and rerna .n
. there as a living part of the bo
• Teeth 'are :built from the foods which
.ane taken into- the bedy, They "are -
'influenced by the quality and (man-
. tdrty of :building material Made avail-
.. able through the foods eaten. The
eteetlemellect the gene -rat health of
• 'ibt. body, as does,'P also the condition
thceehair or the .skin.,' ., • •
ase cannot -be P,,,oby
brushing the teeth.
•"teeth cannlet take the pacel of .a pro-
. , per dielt*: Neverthele•ss, .clean teeth
...tee-et-aredearalb1e, aiid the proper use of
Wd• the tooth brush stbes help to keep the
enouth healthy.
A liking for personal ,cleanlitiess is
Part Of the grawin.gettp process which
parents fee4."1.s', unduly' delayed in
Some -children. • ;The.' •child must, be
• . taught to use his tooth -brush when
he is old etrongh lb be interested, and
4 I " finale -can be 'taken to..eetplain -and
..eleinonstrate its proper use to him.
The tuse of • hard 'enuste and rave'
•vogidaNt. s•
helpe Ito Teg....the teeth elee,:a 414:dot•DC.9 C.
• the 'a a fruits' in place eastry
IIe habit a. rue 1 eig
. •
•• r
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the' tee41.-011'6144.-07a Part ..2'g PrePaire
ation for."bed, • When that habit is
farmed, the ebildesheereld be 'asked to •
use his tOottlebrush after ,bireakfast,
and then,. after-eaeh 'nieal.
. .
The tooth-bru.sai is a Vilet-iiiiticle
which belongs it&.'one Peretapearidt- so,
icentist'dhave a plane of its own. It,
should be wasbe•d • frequently in soap
dndnrifer and placed to ,dry in the
sun. A dry brush .is needed and so
it is. desirable to have two brushes
to allow time fcir 'the 'bristles
ofeeneto dry properly.
From the beginning, the 'dhild'
she/1411)3.e taught to, brush- up and •
(*.own, nct across the teeth. In "his
1. OM age" the child can be shown the
n,o•tion w.hirh brings ithe•briatles be-
tween the teeth and .taught to use
n•!::•,:x1 -Tess to keep the., spaces, be-
tween the teeth clean.
ting the, teeth cleanis. not ace
experee:Cre for good teeth pow-
dees can be •made at home at Pittle
expenee, Clean teeth are desirable
teause they are not aa-14kely ito de-
cay; they 'improve the eippe'araneee
keep the :breath .pure, and. give a
sense of 'personal eorefort.
Que.stions\ concerning health, ad,
dressed t'D the Cariadian • •Medieal As-
Saciatten, 184 College-eSt., T.orentee
will be answered .persio,nally byp 1st -
-• •
How To Make Coffee--:'
With or Without Caffeine
From imerrting- club refreshments
.1 'D midnight, sappers, from. 'beach par-
ties te..,erki rourn.d„unis, or at any Instal
cf the day pr night, no beverage is
OTTAWA w-_ vice
• FOR SIX WHR!c_S * •
free. '11171*.is#,st O' have illivtietti4.
reteltratir'es '%i%re-krkt.11"fr-Sti-
-tTie .ho-trnte-
lwileer need not hesikate, to Serve thie,
ftrIP-,:f3Ve.VOffee to her family, andr
„ones s. She finds in an imporitaat
"Ptart-Of ..Stn& Meal and art leait half
the answer to the old,question, "What
shall I 'serve" for Parties.,
The greateat .eareceshaulti be 'taken
in Pie -Paring caffeline-free crare.,- not
because W1sore difficult to make
than any otiter coffeehut because
many persdne are more eritiaaltoL a.
eaffeine-free coffee. • They are less
apt t13 lett 1.4 VIM *ken.. relessity.
:0 aff.
eetbectiuse..they• find it herd de -be-
lieve that it is as. good as 01%0:nary
ellesure, then, to follow the rifles_
for making good coffee. . -There are
many 'kind's of coffee -mens which
in le good. For apecial devices follow
t he •Manufactuye r's • •directions. The.
following rul-es .hold for all types of
equiproenit: • •
1. The uteneil meet be thoretiele/V"
clean, 'i.e., fee from races of old
coffee, soap, .soda 'or' other .eleanere
. a iti „foreign , substaneep. such . tas, ether
fee.chs, particularly' "fats of any 'kind.
•Lt is best to Wash -the.,:caffee equip-
erient right after it li.-ecsied, in clear,.
hot watery cleaning all parts: with -a
brush reserved '" for that •pureo.se.
Scald a•nd drain well and •allow to .dry
!rash, air and :sunlight if poSsible.
A :act' used every day /and cared for
n 1-1'13 way 'needs no Other eZeaninge.
Hever. fir=equipment that is not.
reed esgu'arty tarnot always ore-
feerly :ede:aned, an Dom slops.' boiling
if. soda water in it mill -help to keep
t, sweet and free of rancid co.ffee oils.
Then tho.roughly wash out the sada
welter, t*irrrsirne clear water in the
pot, wash again, rinae, .dramirand -dry.
Mrs. Schroeder Soon Reliii-ved• By
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
e •
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 16 (Special)e--
"When my baby was a month old 'I
toak inflemmatice, of the bla.d.derrefrOin
getting my feet wet,"-- writes Mrs.
'Helena Schroeder, of 561 Albert St.
"I was so Sick' I had .to go to. bed.
One day a- friend told ire about
Dadd's KidoeY,..Pillse I sent to a
druggist for a box and .-started taking
them. In three days I was out. of
bed. I. got two more'liokei.-and 'be-
fore they were used up iny bladder
trori1313 was gone and I was able to
do inye.heusecydrk agaii.• •
I suffered s.ix.• weeks before I heard
of Dodd's, Kidney Pills. "I am •sosglad
I listened to my friend's advice.
wflhi always keep a 'hex of Dodd'S
Kidney PillS on hand"
'F D universally :popular as .00ffee.
is the almosteeperfect anivrer to the
quest for eioniething in stny, menu,•
ereepts t•hait elome people do not ..clink
itte„„not -.13ecauie they clo not like Cof-
fee, htit .beea.use,• they...find Caffeine
:overetirerelating. These perms who
a re. sr ele'elvete...caffeline. discover soon,
er erelater that they really do not,
hatea to giye- up ceffee.. They eon,
have real coffect,...1neadie caffeine -free by
a •patented proceg which preseryes
and develops the fine flavor and
amnia of • high grade eOffeese•-•-,The
manufacturer- guarantees this coffee
to be ninety-seven, per emit caffeine -
. • •
- 4"',••••
'd • • •
• - " :.. •
'2.. for 'average•stnitigth
,' 1,300.kike
I 2'-'eelneeasittring tablespoens- of
Coffee to eate.heholltepinotensea,
sure 'of water._
••If that watee,tedeLjzsed, heat .fresh
cold waterein a.. elefeaee01.14304110jitt
tet the laoiling point. -Water that
r'eihea,te.d or kept hot 'fora teligettime
.ext•racte less Iflanior' because it has-
loatt Much of the 'free-air that is pres„
eiit• in. (fresh water.
4. If the dyip type of plot. is used,
have the lower part bet and keep tiit
over now heai while the water its chliPe
ping throughe „With a stancia,rd.,grind
,of coffee, the water must drip stoni-
ly. I 'it drips too fast., uste Aellter
• papers to-albw up the prceess or
pear the .coffee.. over the grannie
5. a. percolator, . the desired
strength can ,,beteieciered by.. pee:collet-
-in as long as. necessayy. 'In cad-
feine-fre•e coffee !there are no harm-
ful' substances tte he freed by longer
percolatien and the coffee will niot
develop a hiter fie:Var.
6. In the 'Silo(' type of 'nflaker, al -S-
iert water can be kept in contact with
the, .eoffee grounds long enough to
.eeteact the 'desired strength eby re-
gulating he heat. a needed,.
7. For ea -called "boiled" core,.
put m.easamed coffee and cold, fresh
water in the Pat. Bring Ito the 1131o:fl-
ing point slowily and simmer until the
•clesired strength is obtained. Relmovd
from heat and .allow to stand -a few
minutes t�.
8.: Serve, coffee as noon as prepar-
ed. If it „must • stand fee a while._
tee-) •ever aiinifrerenly law heat . .9)
remain just below the
rdeilifig point. Dp pet cool anti re-
heat.. '. .
Maybe samebodiv will invent :some-
"•1-..rtereeetteime itr'me that•evW never !mei
eney :•,r6areepartse--Duiereville Gazette.,
'14 4,1'4,rt',:t" .1311
4caie, feracereagRAY-Illee4---
1,.eAD. 1 THOU6HrTNS sseika
WAS F201.-Pa0OF Too.
Aittg GREAT-, LEX's'iclikaa3‘
_wciss• D
P1T titE,
It's eater to avoid baking-
" disappointments .if, you else
dependable Magic'Baking
Powder. Every spoonful
assures full leavening power.
That's why so many of Qan-
ode's noted cooking
ties -always use and recom-
mend it !And this fmeLquiclity
baking powder costs so little
to use -actually less than 1
per baking! Order Magic from
your grocer-todayl
• tAtapared by the Milk Utailization
Serviee, Dairy 'arid Cold: -Storage
Branch. • Dominion Deparrtm.ent of
Aigriculteiree-eaCh" •decipeis prepar-
ed for 12/ .servings.
Fruit ' Bavarian
1% teibletsp:orm. grantedeglattine
14' -Cup cold water
3 egg yolks •
% cup sugar '
Pih of salt •
1.1h .eups hot milk
3 egg whites ; '•
1 , cups :Whipping 'creamy
-1 teasPoon vanilla • . •
. '44" •
•et, e.-
• --
• ' .
Premier someday? YOU ccinnot decide...
" r '
• A\
• ..
you can makesure
he is given a chance
for normal citizenship!
OUR donation to the Hcispital for
Sick Children 4makes sure that no
• needed expense is spared when a
• little„.patient's lutumalepends on treat-
r„and attention costing more thUtt is
;. , . • contemplated by the fixed grants made
• to this institution hy Provincial and
Municipal goernments,
The support of a hutnane and charitable
public is required if the skilful treatment
• and extraordinary attention demanded by
many cases which come to our doors is
to he provided.
Remember, the Hospital does not share
in the funds collected by the Toronto
Federaton ifor Community Service be-• .
cause we' accept patients from all over
Every child of 14 years of age and under,
fn genuine need of -Hosptal care and
treatment, and unable to pay for ouch
service can automatically become a
patient of this institutionby right.• '(
• Thousands of children from every point
Of the Province come hrelecauseof the
splendid record of our professional staff
in the successful treatment of "problem"
cases. The deMand for service is in-
cesing and must be met.
But general business conditions during
the last three years have resulted in a
reduction of nearly 50% in the contribu-
tons received in response to our annual'
appeal to the public.
Your donation is more important this
•Year than ever before. $70,000.00 is
•-4 cheque will 4-a wonderfu Work -4
•• but $1.00, $2.00 or $5.00 will help a lot.
• Senal your douatiOtt to the Appeal Secretary'
'• • '. •
,..t -`t•
ittotated. .The thfrott Empostor.:.
P-LfOfl SICK- ctitintn
4.o c
10 •E 0-ri (:), 2
. "„ • .
'14.41" At.
M:',,RF • 4
a ..• . • .. .., •
itt: • 4 , • • • • • . ,• ;"••-t. ."4: • :".'"-t.•`""'"" • „
tt 444 - 4t• - • .4"t,,• •• •.• .".• 4. • ••!'
4 st;t! r
* 1 004e: : . . .ezaGeh:stei ;tie ,tns .
_ _ :o
int `-ctraZie:je;
RerVie .. glee
811 t ng e li i
. 9a2ticied°6108 here'
nat red ta :le
etat ,,,,4„..,e!_ezillt-
' te;' Their 8
8 east et..
other the
Penny. * 0 t a
tt•itt.4 A
ell.:,•e%, ) '
' • „
teaspoon. aliniondi extrct-
3 cup chopped red • and green
ries or l,eup candied •fruits. • -.
Soak gelatine in :Cold- waiter:- Beat
egg yolks and 'pernbine with' sugar
and salt. Gradually add the hot inalk
and cook in top of :double .boiler; stir-
ring 'constntly, until mixture thick-
ens. Add gelatine. Cooli and when
mixture' is partially Set, 'fold in
fly beaten egg whites, cream, whip--
peduntil stiff, fruit and flaoring.
• Nesselrode Pudding •
1 tetielpoon granulated gelatine
1. tablespoon cold pater
,cup sugar
14 cup water
2 egg whites
.11/2 teaspoons wadi*
Pinch of salt
14. pint (114 eup) whipping eretint
, •etipernaaschino cherries
14 Oup, canded. fruits. • •
14 cup Stitaria raisins • •
1,c1 CI!" broken nut insats-prefer-e,.
ably French •thestanite.•' ., • • .,:-.
TS:ele-•.gflatlriein cold -water. • .Boil
sugar and watereunitil . is spins • a •
•hread. Dissolve gelatine in hot sy-
Pour „e•yrup sloWly into beaten
egg .wht Lei. When .cold, fold in stiffly
iipped- C2,511. ..s3#.. fr.eita•
ari nuts. Place in • freezing 'trayof • .
Mefrigerater 'and freeze 3 bi 4 hem's,
or pet in a mould, cover with butter
(d. paper :and tight -fitting cover, 'lad
:-ck in ice and salt (6 parts ice to i
-art sal). 1..e.t. stand 4 to 6 hours..
• * . * *
,..cearib2rry . Mousse
c u p Alia ter •
114 etipe, water
. 1 'pint whipping cream
Graeed rind and juice of 1 small
orange. '
-eek •cranbthrriee with . water. -until.
soft. Ru -3 through sieve. Add • sugar
t•D • pulp- 'and c3ok.-5 miutes- Add
grated r:•nd and • jutiee. Cool,. Fold
in 'dream, 'whipped until stiff. Freeze
as "Ne sselrode' Ptiding."
TiinothY Seed 'Supply
Plentiful This- year
The supplye"Of timothy seedthis
year will far exceed the 'demand' con- •
requentle- the prize -is lower than it
has been far a • long time and there is
exceptional .oppetunity.. for farmers
Who yeouire seed to purchase .lonly
the :beat quallity.e. At the • tine of
writing the priee' of -No. 1 • seed . in.
MiOntreal is $4.0 per heinicired..., • •s.
Thin per 'per cent, of the price' de -
Mended last season.- •
•.There is teelciAlity serious 'doubt
regarding the gemminaticin' of rtinio
thy seed, . but 1:1516 'mach- attention carte',
. not be paid to its • purity Or freedoin.ee
. from Weed •tseeds. If a fathier btt.iyar •
• hors p which turns oalt 'be be tn-
s•atisfaCtery for his purposes, he can
.•dispes& of iteby Seme means, making.
the best of a bad' 'bargain, and forget
about .the-ineident. Unfortunately ..
the same catinot h done with a Int.
of seed for fiteld erops- which contabis
weed seethe If weed infested seed is
eariee pt itiltb• the ground Will' be a •
Centinual reminder. Thiseds prticu-
larly true if the weed 'Seeds are front
a perennial :such as Ox -eye Daisy.
This Weed is Inientiated' because it is
one of the ;weeds classed is Primary
Noxious under the Seeds Act, and one
'vviMich is 'very eommonely ferun4e. in
timothy... The seed ie .difficult 4iO dre-'-'• • ' ' •
move dierlieg" the process of cleaning,
and' easily passed' over where a sam-
ple is .beig examined -tot' impurities...
Direr 20 per cent. of ' the samples
from :the 1934 crop which were an-
alyzed in the Seed labbrittpry at Ot-
tnte ecintainied Ox -eye *Daisy. In •
these •sumples the average number
of the seeds' . of this weed was 3.1 -
per !ounce. Any lot of ibittothyAlead
•C1311ta!11. ing ti j'c inumbet" .0Ix-eye
Daley would be rejected' as unfit for
seed under the 'Seds At. le • 0"
simple Calculation will sb�' the
number of .Oxeye Daisy :seede which
wortild be sown per acre if .this' Seed
were used. •
Sims timothy seed is .plentiful and •
the .ptice low thisseson: every care
(mould be taken inLithe purchase and
only the cleanesit-ieed should find WI
way into the ground. -
The Seed Breath of the 'Domiion
Department ,of •Avieulteae aimsto
encourage • the more general use of
good seed by prontoting the produc
tion -of seeds of superior quality in
• -r
There was a further favorable. de-
velopment inthe shipirient of canned
tomatoes afiretioneatre ..prodWts_ifT02
Capolds' to Greltit:11tittabil doing the
first nine imenthe• 195.
edenplete digtinert: for ,the *hale
are available, they will Oho* an fni.
preselive volume "Of trad.- •
c ligitgapaskin.