HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-17, Page 5Irce.
,..! •• •
444a ,
.. ! i.t.4.11: .*. 00010' at 0,014.11KWER:
y.es.);* wocui:w._,42.o§uplg-y , Ce O. MEDY a
s4t 8ea
' 4 tiTurmulsALWAy.$ TOTIVIORROW224-:
6uid rhts Be Your Fannie:I • ., cAR„Tomi
, _
IV'S °--KMirtri:tS.:• VIII! S:A.T...e.- AlexallOOMOlnire best hived renitence
wj%h Paul Onslow Royale,, Mer* il Olseh, WelterAbel
matinees ,e,„ aed ehOWIlnightlY, 7.80 And 9.1li
g101.• MURDIER"
n 11 4 o
eitrwhose .faa.thei4e;• ', 4...t,ltirelinig.flatteiiiti. •
and. hoPleg fcir IOW 1R.O.Refl, Ore!,
ehil.r1) a • reaPL•of . the World ',VP Vett.
Ingather. •Tim. father was iSel:Prised
Ilve, in 'plebe
inethe map, "Hiow did you de it so
ceticklY?" he asked. "Oh! there was - Given.
'a mart Mt the back when, I" got- bloa,
imma, Lane •gave •tlefee enotirea for Dowling `kith Orr ils,sPurfhini gilittoge
I got the Warid."
the -year; Fleet, increase Yeem Under- es effective-rte.:day in Latig
standing; sie•cori,d,, make use of t e telephone rates as announe
power-of-•pereyer; meanst iseue, tile Bell Telephone) Coatepany
God bar PrurPered Pre, 'says: •
-"tor the fifth titne withthe Past
seven years, we are introduceng so
changes in .ater loalg distance .e.eita
schedules which' we beEeve will prove
of great benefit'tb.,,users ;of the ser-
vice, -
"The two outstanding.- feeturee Of
the latest revision are Night Baee
Pe,rsoruebo-Pereeex-alls, 'ivtitich have
neva. hitherto: been eubjeet to atny
cliscohnt; and week -end . rates en
both 'Anyone' and Personeto-Peyson•
onessagee Which wiR be available all
day Sundey.
"These two. important changes., we
feel, willebe •we,ic•omed pe,tratts
who., .by nee of the service,
can effect Some werthwhile savhgs
Front mix standpoint we hope that
inceeised use erecter long dretanee
lines by both eld • and new patrens
will tend to offset the revenue leases
from the extensiorn of the •discount
On some .of thee. -Shorter
routes, were the night° dieeleunts
have not built up an adequate Volume
erwri 'To' Person 6116 Cost
Less *Siotd4y
Seaforth Council.
(.Continued from Page 1)
." the Welfare • tlios.ail, 'and from R; G.
Parke as meimber of the Board of
• " Beath, were read to counell by the
ts' • '''. .. ..a. mayew. .
, . The report .o.f the- finlinc•e commit.-
. tee was presented toeceunell by •Coun-
Cillor L. Mi„ A. 'Reid, chairman 'el .•,-the
carnerirthee,, and •actorpte.d en terabit:pm, of
Couneellee Cluff •and Reeve .Scotat. •
'Relief Officer, J. A.. Wilsotn, advise
' ed that there were 17 families, 52
—dependents and two single persons on
lief. • .
' A reutice ef mottion to rescind By-
. •.3)aw 3621er 1935, !being .the bylaw pro-.
-l-viding folcrelnuneration• ef co,uncil,
noes given by Councillar 'Muff..
Cauncil 'went into committee of the
evh•ole to discuss quesittilons .of relief. hv
Aftea. cousiderible discesision • the
▪ ' committee de-cider:I to abolish the. Wel. • ng fee the .b-orrowing of $30,000 rom
• ' tare, Ward and. to .revent to the for- the _Canadian Bark' •of Co•menerce as,
' . eller system 'whereby' the relief. come foquirede •*". . • . • ' -•
ttee IS in full .0.Am* and yespan- ':•Aecounts' were. passe as foliloev-S:'
. sible. to couneir The 15c meals for James, V. •illyrayn,rie72.4.1;erjyro,h.n$'55,2'.. JohloAn.,.
transients will be centinned. „ens' re-, Wils-an: sal
vorte!rs' tiers, $5;• R.. Snell, ealary,..160;
• poet of ltleentiimittee was-Idepied.
. ... • Discuss .Slot Machines' - Thies. Storey, salary, $60; 'Canadian
' 'Reeve .Scott read a eemeninticatitaa N.ational. Railwaeseeeroseing- Vtotec-
h d receiv•ed,frorn County Tress, tion, $5.39; •Wei.-"Antent, voters' liets,
enter, BaT-1. Etekine; re !slat machines. $5; Mu-nicipal Werld, acct.,. $2!.52; Jno.
The county propose 's tplacing 'a Ecense MeKenzie, ' acc•te $1.75;.• John .:1,11ed-..
A • • . of $150 on •operattors ort'sliott m•aeltiares Taiish, • acct., $2.75; J. E. Kea nee
.. ---• •ttand. •torggesteein,corepea,ted townee de ,aoot., $7.70; Watson ,& Reid, insue. •Clarresponding .•a-nd R,e.dercling ec
3iloawiise. No 'action ev.ae taken, OD11121- Sefier`04'is'Opunty of fliturto,nehespital, tary, .11VIrs. II. C. Dunlop,. Gaderieh;
,.-. ecii preferrin.g •to "Omit enotil the colon, $14,85; TOwn. Of Timmins,: relief, Treasurer, Mrs. T. S. Smith, See-
,. ty council had •detoenelned ort a plan. 1.6.59; Bell Telep one • •Go., arcoun.t, farth; Y. W. Secretary; Mrs. •Wm.
' • '10enstable ' • Ryen a dv is e.:1 •co moil. $32O: A D Sut eriaind, insurance,. YtOung, Hens•all; . C.G.L'T.-••SecreterY,
.i • Athee,County .Qatisi'.erile .JOim• Feeguesen. $8; E. J. Barnett, siect., imill, $4.58; Mlle's B. Campbell, Seaforth; Mission
• diadetneere-ucited Eleterr..rthine .oper•atiors- W. E. Kerslake, acet., $2.40; John A...• !Sand Secretary, •MTSa IM. A. Reid,
• , 4
Sri tOwn. to rerneVe rlie'r machines.. 1.,K.ilretn, 6:rect.:relief, $38'2„48; Wei, Searforth; Home Helpers' Secretary,
.5 • . .. CoMmunications. • • Mentgeroe'ry, aecte 131.38; Andrew 'Wei Jeckell, Exeter; Library. and
1Clrenturdesitranswere tieteutew. eleoe„ele re., Robert. Sc.arl•ett, alt. Literature Secrettaryk -Mei Herring-
. . • .
.. ' ..' 0., $4. J A Wesecott, • .. . ., .. ;" ten" Blyth ;f ..WecleOlnie. • 161.(1,---.Weila-N-
, • . TinOTklIIIVI'S 'COTOpensliticyn Bard-, Earl • Ra.se, D.R.O., $4; R. E. 13right, Secretary, rIVIrseJ. Bonthren, Hents.all;
. :- that the board .wars not eavering Mere p l.clerk, $3.z5.0; Irar.old• Cum-miee, GTad Tidings- Secretary, Mrs. E. Law-
Auhurri; Life •Mernberehlip ,Seere-
- ••• , • gallows: • .,
... • .
. . .
. . elei.pial 'employees. 'aftl:e' Jon.71, 193E0-, .poll,clerk, $3.50e.J. A. Kerr,. pell clerk rm,
' •Pinancial Comity:Ate. $2,50.; Wm. Reid, poll •clerk, $3,50; A. tary, 'Mrs. Perterfield, Beiges:ye; press
. .•
. .. • ,tA,rreigusize fr•om IL 'MeLrad Audi L. W. Dunlep, .pelling booth, $4, ., -Secretary, Met. Keith ::McLeart, Sea-
. . . ..
• Pinkney to purehettee old 'Snider rifles. 'Grace : Stephens, •polling booth, ' re; •tortil..• .
The -Norminatirig Comtnittee is Mrs.
. --Pro•perty Ctoanimittee. • . . . *F.. ideality Lodge.1.0:0•Fe pollieg booth-
Mill•s, Myth; &les,. 'Porterfield, Bei-
. _ ..
. • A imeiceies•t. to. Store .1...,500'lbeele7-ele!•5f $4; 'C.. Sills; stamps, $15,-.
.. , • . „, .
• :- , • grain -No actean.• . • - • • •I Direct R.liel, Dec emb.e.re1935-Misi grave, and -111(2'S. Axom, Clinton. _
... . : .......................... to thet provincial
' „.
.. Reiquest for use tol Town Hall feel -N. -Pere°, --$.2'aall: . A. McRae, .$21.7fie
, - • ,.. ., • agriettleetelemesting January. 28ede-! J.: M. Canto, $27.02; W. R. •Smith,' Meeting in , Ottatea • win be . Mrs.
--- .
Granted: • ' .I.I.22.03;. • E. '13. '.01eudi•e, $16.72; J. J, •Lane .and,- Mrs: Ermine, of ., • eeech,
• • •. • !Requese..eoe rebate Te" 'ila,els; J. 3,01, ,lingill, $2.40; -Jas. ReyriOlkiS & gems, and Mrs. WM. Yelling, of4rensall, Sec-
33.thertson.-Granted, .' - ' $7.32 i... oce: Greed:met, 3.2- i. w, .itlional meetings will be; . field . shortly
4., ••
. - - • -aren't. A children'e. hew h•as been
.. '.:••• Request -from 'Bell'Telephone Co.. to Ets'a+!•`..ie,' $8.38;. Be"- Christie,
of Pi.tiblic Lib•raey Boatel, advising" of McMillan. fe•cle.$27e76;•. John ;Revere APPreeiation of the • work of • the
trim trepeeeSitteet • Cemenittee.• •. • I MatEloneicl Bros.. $12.16; W. A. Celeh Heesall. and Seaforth meeting, in Hen:'.
Venal- granit.-oGra,nted.
Worriedene by Beard .sin.ce.his eppoint- f"14--324.75, -, c. E. Smith,. clothing,
;.;eeseeese •ieere .Saletation Array for $4.40;e -N. Claff & Sons, fuel, $2829;„
"Lettee• front" !II. "-G. Mgr, membee $25.451; W. Arriente fuel', $1421;
. . E. L.. ,Box, fuel., $87.91; J: J.- ,Selater, Meeti.ege•riere;Beyfield; Auburn) BlYth.
3 10; To rCholig tran,sients; $1.20;
. . . •Tee.,eje•end Belgrave imeeting together. . ,
four retiring officers ,was expressed
all ,Ged,erieh,, •Clinten end: 'Beyffeld
and •Special mention or the 'work a
Mrs. H. •Arnolde of. Elensallee Mrs.:Clerk.
;adjourn to net on Saturday el .
1st, at 120 ..p.an.--D. 'F. Medrregor,
- Mr. Charles'Ahreni, 'or Brodifio.:gen,
'Whitmore -Bell:,. .That the 'do! nine,i1......
. . . . ••- • ,• ,
... . - $7.20; stfter the prorvince al •meeting, •Ex. er,
. • e •"""'" " eoetarted, a Childrreare delpeatinentein. W. A. Crich, transients, $5.10;- W. 13.-RQD. HAGEN • .. . .
H. Elliott, transients,...'$1.65; J ; E... 'Aesold was, a member of , the Pres- heel void' IllaZaeacre farm , inillibibiert
.. ,. , • • •••-istalled and aedisitrict. library associa- • services, .byeerial in the early life ••df the ,Ver-
Kesting";- . $3..37;• • ,medical to urnoseph-Ooryrne. .
tio,n oi no . -Filed eign S'ociety and her work and in-.
.,,,. Letter •frOni Ontario GoVernment, $17.75. 'Total, $400..21. • teetest has been.contimarons. Her. in- . . .
sadvising• that proVinee .. Was... baking : • • .
toyer income tax but -that nuuni&apalie; - ' . ...me Presbyterial and has been a venrce
. tin would be reilrlearsed..--eFile•d.• : 'I. ...,.--"'""ee . of.etrength.-, As Honorary Presid-ent,
A A . • . Requests, for, merribers•hip •in two I - V,ARpiii. - ''"-; -- -rile' Presbyterial is ' happy to have
• • , . •Letter from localeinanch of Bank • •Mr. and. :Vire. G. H. - Beaty and Mrs.. Arnold still e. member •of -the ex -
of ....
• • Milmlicipal- orgartizair,onee-No actiorn• I • -, •
. qtOormimierce, !congratulating cauncil cbildietieneetored to Ripley to spend 'ecutive.
'Mrs. Lane, 'of Goderich, was ap-
. •
sien-aey with .he latter's parents end
e eon election and expressing a wish fee painte.d to: present Ifite report a the
•••••:., . iians Which himilie existed in the past. I Miss F. •'MessOp spent Sunday ileith. annual meeting to the Preebyteree.
' 'frionds in Clinton. 'I he afteenoen ine.eting, .which op-
' • • th.e eontinsance .cce the- ple-asant :rela- !.sister.
• Appoint, 9.fficials - - . ened with a prayer by Mrs. S. Mabee
, 1 • , iled. 1 .. .$ . .. Mrs. Roy Darman visited- friends!
•• '1' . .
Council went into. cOmfmilibtee of the in Goderich Township lasteweek.• a
'Gordon, sof Exeter, closed with prayer
. ' The many friends of • 'Mr. and Mrs. • • whole .to discuss appointment la of- by Mrs. Lade.. •
' F. Weekea and Mr: Crater' are' Ple:as- •
fteials. - ,...e. . • ..._• •
'efl tiO .53e She In 031'0 to be about agaipe ' ••,-.............
• Bylow---369-ewee given its several
The W. M.. %. met at the home of • •reatdingi and eovering the appoint- BRUSSELS-.' , • • . ,
•inent- of the rollewing: . .. -
._ ____.
Mee.' Stcicik o•n Thursday.
! eTliart Sohn A. WiReien be Town 'Clerk The township council met ote-Mlan-
at a salary lof $400 per amount; - day. A motion was Made to place The following is taken from, 'the'
. That Darvid IL Wileon beassistant storm windows ion the 'hall. Kane • Republican, Monday, Deem).
Town .-Clerk at a salary iof $170 per The anneal 'meeting Of the Varna her 9,1935. Mrs. IloVetes was the
annulel. Ameociatedeirbrary was held in the daughter of the late Mr, and 'Mrs-;
That John A.' Wilson, . be Tawn LibrarY on MOrtiday night.. The fol- john Walker, of- Brussels; "Mrs,
' Tteasueler. eta,ealary .of $200, per 'an..- lowing co.mrpriee the officers. for 1936: Phoebe A. Holmes, 80, - !mothedied
r' -of.
nurte• . . ' President, Fred Watson; Librarian,..Feed R. Holmes, of this city
' rPleet David H. Wilson be assistant -Mrs. E• BeattY; !Seceetaryqreasurer, this 'morning 'at the Kane • Summit
rrown.-Treasteer at a "iataii; of' $70. Mrs.. Stelek; Library Board: Mrs. M. haspital at. 3.30 o'clock, following, an
• eyer annum, • ''''' " • , Elliott, Mrs. Moesop, Mrs. Sherlock eight-day illness. Complications re -
That William Anneet-• be aselessor Ire.yes, Mrs. .G. .H. Beatty,....:Rev. Mr. Elul*w frolni ege cau.sed her death,.
' eit a Salatry of $1. ----. ........ , . Bandy, A. Ingis-"arel. F. MeGlym.ent. Ifig: Holmes, who lived in !Kane the"
That S. W.4Arebilbald be Town En- At the•••Xlase of the nre:e.tin•g it was past six years and in Mt. Jewett for
decided to hold a elech.re and dance on 31,years, from 1892 u-ntil 19291 wee e
Wedlneeday, •Febreatty 5th. of .iiieli menther of the •Miethodist church, of
more 'details' will appear later. 1 . the Eastern Stars, and of •the Amon-
etta Rebekah- Lodge. ,Mrs. Holmes
, amateur
' wee recognized as a leading
artis-t hece„ having. painted eeveral
ANLEY - - • . .,
tot. for 'the tei,ern.„'io .iterst of
eitigati•on .and he••••paid the ordinary
for such. services,
Tha Jobe IllecTavish and; .11arel
lireicl•,be town' andittors fdr•-936 at a
oalary•of $35 each. -:',,, •
That 'Helrear 'Snell be -lax cullec-
tor and eollector o,f poll, dog and
etreet °Rine taxes. , ...„
That Tholma.e.Sitorey be Peuindkeep-
el: and scayen.ger at a ealatry--of. $60
per •nto•nitli and free house.
That Dr. F. J. Rayburn Ire .mem-
ber of the Local Beard of ---Health.
ThateSamniel Hamra:, ;WM. Morri-
son and Robert Soarlett be fen.ce-•
viewers for 1936,
"That e. Chamberlain be noeinber
OEf.1344iblie .1.4brai7 Board. • •
'Thee A. F.101,uff be member of the
Collegiate Board. . .
-That John A.....Willsetn'be Relief Of-,
!ficee. conctiele but ,c'omprehensive summary,
-of -calls itt, off-peak hours, these night
Bylaw 370 was. also •paseed proetid- of the year's eueeessful work, closing
- " her remarks• saying, "Witheu discelants• have been 'reduead by 5 or
" ••• 10 .cents,- but, these changes will be
more than offset. by.. the benefits of
Persaroto.PerSon rulgbt ;raids on lon-
ger -haul uness,agei-s, and be -the week-
end discounts -mi. both 'anyone' and
Person-M-Perreon .calls."
TuckersTnith Holds
(Contin)ed from Page 1)1'
•••• .• ..
cation until the nexteineeting of the .
cemeile, .•
itmere-Bell: That the -levee&
helpers- •tor the' Welfare Board, Sas..
Jen, •Geonge Coleman and %Ad.
• Gemonselle he rreeppoiruted for 1936.
' Mo.Kay-Gereirriell:. .That Bylaw No:
2 to borrow $15,000 from the! !Caned -
Bank .of 'Commeree for ureent
expenses be passed. •
Tbiat the following
'aceolinti be: •Ipaieed: John Riegier,
111.126W.474-r1-W6.7.'J.; tfol2:1s1,
$9.90; John 'Earle, .trrilsferring men
and labere $12.20; A. C..• Rautiedge,
'supplies, • relief, $57.09; W. J. Finni-
gan, suppliete, ,relief, $82.93;, E. B.
Goethe, milk, $7; D. F..1.t.LeGteger,
etatelnents, ,etc.., .$20; D. F. McGre-
gor; TeTephoeue., E:D.M., 1'935, $9; D:
-F. MeGre,ger, pestagee, $3; • G. N.
Tuner,• financial statement, -$10. •
(ideliay-Genereell: 1hat. the Clerk
prepare a loylaw to cervfirne • the a,p-
pointments maide at 1.bie minting. '
'OAP with saes Cluest s ,.
tilbjettive eo that ourewerkemay pee -
fit. ".; ,
. Intere.stitg reports were 'tette by
the varions pecretariee thawing bet-
vmrk• in alledenartreerits.
Sttpipily Secretery, Miss McDonald,- of.
•G•o.deriche brought -a- very clear ton-
oeption of miesionary. Work in Nerth-
exn !O.ntatrio end .Nerthertt Alberta,
wh•en •She reacie•tere intinuote letters,
one from M -re. Bruce D. Martirr of
Cochrane,, andeolne fro g& Dr. 'Margaret
.Strang :Savage, of •• Dixonviille. Our
daily Work. seems. very .miehtgreeafter•
'leaorng the Multiplicity iof the daily
acComplishments theeeeepable wo-
• The treas,u.rer. ,Mrs. T. Swan !Sirlith,
'Seaford -lb eeported Heron had raised
$8,474.49-4274.49 +aver ,the
tio-4bhe surplie" being dee partly to
the.,legacy of noo which: was left ••to
the !Clint.= W.MS.. by. the late Mies.
O'Neil,• a Clinton. • • • -
Mee Dunlop, Oft God', gave' a
Wan -nothing can be done; wit un
all -things are posSibile." •
Mrs. Lewson, e Auburn, read the
repprt Of the Nominating 'Clumanittee
and Mrs. 3. C..Grelig, of Seatfarth, in-
stalled the frdloOvieg Officers for 1936:
'Honorary.. President, Mrs. IH. Arno'
old, Hensall; President, Mre, ID. J.
Lane, Croclerielr; Vir'66-Presidents, Mrs.
G. •Ma.edonald, 1Clieton; Mrs. C. E.
Deegan, Clinton; Mrs. F. R. Redditt,
Grcierich; Mrs. F. .Sillery, Exeber;
. •
This Sale positively en
aturday Night, Jams
, . • 4.
A 4
' •
ny woman who requires a.
_Coat or Dress. Any man who needs an Overcoa
or Suit should not miss this opportunity to buy. the
season's very newest and -,best' made Garments at -a
Mere fraction Of the regular price.
• a'
fmerrce :has radiated theolighent _the
* I, •
• •
"•-• r
you will not see again. You will save dollars by
Every article in the atoes-"Will be offered at prices
• .
buying now. •
• ea."
Celebrate Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Jairiee'Delgaty, form-.
el- well known res•idents of Stanley,
but.. now. of Gilbert Plats, 1VIanitOba,
'eeteiforaited their galden I wediii4g an-
niversary at their horoe•there on De-
cember 23rd. 'They -we're the 'recipi-
ents ef many valeable.--presents, let-
ters and. ,telegittins of done -retitle -
tions. A letter of congratulation was
sent from S. S. No. 5, Stanley, eign-
ed!hy over thiett ex -pupils andeold-
friends. Mr..Dolgety spent eight
years as teacher of. No. 5 and be was
ple•ased indeed• receive this,' letter
of cengratulation. About thirty per-
sons were present and partook of the.
weid•ding <limner andit was a• happy'
.and anemorable event in the life of
awe !old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Del-
gaty. Wle hope they, may be! spared
to see nuany more a.relieersaries of
• their' wedding day. •
Italian soldiers in East Africa -Who
are &Able to go home on leave are
allovied ta. be married by proxy......One
or two, no daubt, would have pre-
ferkecl the option of going to •Easit
Africa hy_proxy.--Punch.' •
. That Helmer .Snrell" be Chief Con-
stable at a .sallary of,..$60• per Month
and ,peirform ,euth lather duties as he
• shell be .diretrarted. •
net El. 0. Boor be -Fire Brigade"
- Chief ata isalasyeef $75 -,per -annum.
That Jas. Y, •45ren be assistant
Constable and tStrefir Ilitetriare at
salary e $60 pee month.
•' That Jae. V. Ryan be !Sa,nirtary In-
citer and Insryeetor underthe Wee.d
CeentrIol Act and Fruit Twee Control
• , • no H. G. arfeir be Town Solici-
torerte- ad4ise the officers- spa
• ambers -of the domicil and Palle
titEties Commission on anything, re-
lating totem!, affairs. He shall d.vaw
all money bylaws and' Asti not act
ialgainet tre---ticitwni did for suet seir.
sox logeeeld $100. Fie Shall
, •
elVlentra. Fred. Eekart. .and
Denitzer have returned 'home from
Phillipsbon, Ont., Where tthey attend-
ed lbhe funeral of the late Mr. Buck-
Qui•te nulmber from here attend-
ed tf)lie .neeeting of the McKillap, 'Log-
Hilliberit Telespholle Ce., Dublin,
last Wedine•sday. The; company is in
good standing and declared their' an-
nual dividend and the 'subscriber,s are
weli satisred as their rates are $10
a year for those who par' cash in
ictures ieven in, recent y,eare for
heh she received • ,praitse. She was
re in Brassels„ Canada, July 26th,
855, and'in 1876 wee, married be the
ate Richard H. HOlmes. Survivora.
re one 'sere Mr. Holmes, ofe.Soarth
Fraley Street, three ,grandehirdden,
Wayne•Ho•limets, Lyle Holmes and Mars.
1Carlson, amid three great-
grandchildren." •
altering one's outlook • on life, work
becomes a pleasure and the world a
much lore pleasant ,place in veld&
„to • •
. A number of fanners are. inClin,ed
-to think that they have not- the• riertS
Rt.:this kind of work alitheugh they
realize the many 'advantages. and wiE
liriVe. for miles to a pienic where some
neighflior has erell cared for trees. Such
.places are .gatherin-g spots for the
whole community. Several- fariners
have suggested that they...would con-
sider 'engs; gin g seine elcinfy-perstore
interes.ted ineer-en, • who would do
nothing 'else butt care for them in re-
turn for his board •anicl small al-
lowance. This suggestion In -Bight
-solve difficulties for both parties.
k"beattity infores...pe.: that a.
mud bath' Makes the skin Isere !Smooth
and silky; We imust go down to the
zoo again and have am:Other-look at -
the bippapottamie-1Sarnia.Obeerver.
,Mrs. Dick and sene••••Daugleseere-
turned to. their .!houne Torente af-
ter Speeding severa1,. weeks with her
brother, My. Allan Coebra.nte.
Mr:' -and !Mrs. Wilfred Huortallyie of
Centralia vielited the latter's in -other,
:4Yfirs. Lorve, and family.
iMrs. Leonard Wagner Zurich.and
Mrs. , Otto Stephan; of .11eneall, have
been taking care of MTS. Stephan,
Who 'has been quOte ill, but at date of
wrng-is • getting -along fine.
Mrs. Frank Farquhar, of ..j.leresell,
is staying !with her brother. for a
Mr. and' aVlirs. J•aok Baker and 'Miss
Doreen Reichert were in! London re-
strireMes.Tully ;also spent a day
IVIiss Juelene Stephenson visit -ed. at
the home of 1Viiss Ruth 'McAllister.
The Wornents Missionary Society
held, their first meeting •irolthe New
Year at the - home Of Mrs. Robert
Stepreneon with Miss Annie Jarrett
presiding. After the call to 'veotritihip 'directly proportional to the amount:
the meeting opened with Illynith, 241, .of care given ,thleno arid by proper
prayer, and the ,Sthipture 'reading, - ceitivartion. the Iffeet's of even drought
erebse10, was taken by litre. Steph- arid winte.r..14ill.ing cap largely be ov-
P - '
elision. The devotional. leaflet,. -"The eremite.
Spirit , Racial Brotherheod," was The person Who Makes hobby ef.
taken by Kiss Helen •Andersorm after groeving and Oaring for trees goner-
Whieh -prayer waseoffered. Ti* set- ally ,meets with euteess his efforts
retary and tretaineer :then gave their and the care given the trees, intatead
rdporti. , The -.business nee discussed of bete regarded as work., is really
and th,e offering was taken. Mrs. H. n pleasure. The choice of a hobby
Tirreee. willetake the February tient- •olo western 'farms is !soree.what
ing ether helm.e. The !study on "The ited, and 'One "Wfliieltu would harvet a
Penetration' !of Africa," from ehaPter Practical as Well as art ses.thetic va-
threeevia.s taken bY" Stephen. lue Should' find wide favor: There
IOU; %lee Irene Turthot )1SITs. R. Con. are emery who have bad this idea •ft5r
Stitt tiand VIrs. .,MeAllierber. Wm: .yeots, and where • this has been so,
•254teaSeelleg mut the Meeting -C1OSed beriu•tiful surrounding% have;resultlied,
, • ,
" •• even in the itost By
Mary Currie is at _present vie-
iting with friends 'St. Marys. "
A human caneenbill was fired te-
te •the surf off California and sank,
thereby !heightening the resemblairree-
to a cannein ball.-Edimontron
A school to teach women to buy
erothes has opened in London. Fly-
ing course for bowing ,pigeons ' should
iihertly be available. --Calgary Her-
- 1VIrs. S. A. Miller has -teturned af-
ire-4er spending two 'weeks in Stretford
with her sic:1.n.
,Mir. arid' Mes..Colle. spent •Surtday
iri Stratfard with friends.
The 'annual' linteintees Meeting' of
the Crernarty Presbyterian Oluirch
was heldt1o.ni Thuesdiay last" 'Reverts
.af the different secieties 'ef. the chterele
were read and highly erpipreeQ;;-:- The
sinaH debt lying, on the eongragabiolo
was wined 'off and the congregatien
fatei the New. Year free.of any debt.
A evening Will Ite held in the
near future to etlebrate the occasion.
• Mrs.' a Miller *returned- freer a visit
Str it5f rd. and repcnts
Jam .24 and. CHICAGO $74)0.
JANUliftit'2 ,
';;i. :42.25 • Wirldsor—•:$34d: '
ro t
• $3:60 •
Eqr'iltrvi faint Arian ildjiCtilit iltatiOn1;
lit'Lltuits from Agenta.--Ask for handbill
Tree Planting
..... On -Prairie Farms
The work Whig carrier(f-on. by the
Tree Planting Division at the Forest
Nareery Station of the DOminion De-
partment of A•geiculture at Indian
neiiir,-..ns made possible thebeaetifY-
of orie-quarter of the service -fee-iflor
each mare providing to be in fear r
In '1935 there were 206 such clubs in
operation.' '
Under the Dounini!an-Provincial "
Nei= Polley, effective ie ithe prove
tees of Eastern- Canada, in British
Columbia' and in Saskatchewan, Op
Dominos Department of Agriculture!
and the Provincial Departments aim-
'cerned join on a fifty-fifty bags in
inepectin•g .stallions and paying an
annual premium to the 'owner* of ap-
erwed registered. Stallions., based on
the number of mama Treft foale bt
i95 the owners of 539 stalliensevrere
eligtble for the prematuni:-
To encourage the productlion of
saddle horsses, hunters. and Inorses
suitable for remount. police, and -
light delivery parposes, an anima
grant is made byethe Dominion, De-
partment..elf ekgeiculture. under the
Breeding •Statione Policy .tte the pro-
prietor of a stallion who owns or cone" -
teals at 'least three . .11rorreughbredr, -
staltlions of hunter type ami the ser- •
viees of whichare aveilablefor mares •
orthe eliistricti served by the staticee
Nin -e such .stations operate acrossi
Cahada, and in each .of the rest three;
•y's.a..lr'S' Canadian. etotio.robred he
have been purchas.ed-by the Oevern-
malts of Trinidad and Barbados
'where the animals have proven high-
lesatisfactory in constabula.ny• work:
Taken all in all,. the present •outtleek
for the. beree breeder in Canada -is.
Very promfising,. and the raising of
good homes should -be a sound and
Profitable •beeinees for years to corns,.
Increasing Demand
, For Canadian Horses
In -Canada at the present time the
revival of interest in the breeding of
horses is' one of the most striking of
It -he many ,activities of the D.ornialien
hie in.cre and a cti vity. , There is a
in live stock production. Tbere
be no question, as to the necessity for
shortage of draft horses not only in
Canada, but in the United Stateseand
Great Britain, and it taken least
five years Pp. produce and raise a
horse the age of four years. Also
ihe Salinuel-waskage of 'horses in the
Dominion dile to disease, old age and,
ether natural caustee; ie very consid-
-Mg of theueeeds of western Canadian
term 'hornes, as well ae Oro/idling the
shelter which is so necessary on the
prairies. Mary o•utatae.ding gardens
have been made posaible• only loy the
sheltering effects •tot4telts of 'trees
which also store up reserVe.nroisture
in the form of snow drifts and en-
cierrage all kinds of wild life. A well
sheltered farmstead is a imuch More,
tornfmtable 'plate for stock td Win-
-bet and in which to _do the chores!.
Th resulte obtained with trees, are
While .the maimber of horse." on
farms. in June, 1935, Allowed afl ir0-
crease ever !that of June, 1934, it -has
taken ; the; increased production of
calts-in 1933 and 1934 to reach the
paint where the annual increase ex-
ceeds the natural Wastage of maturanimaIS.e
•Alt the same 'Rine, it must
be remembered that the dolts. of 1934
and 1935 Will not enter the .ranks of
thie fourr-year-old work- horses' until,
1938 and 1939, while the annual wast-
age goes OJT all .the time.
In a.ppreciatiot orf 'the sitoratien•, the
Dombeion Department of •Agricultare
hes continued its policies for herste
Inopeovternent, and breeders in enemas'.
beg numbers are availing thentsteive,s
of tide rnean.s 0f assistance. The
Clubbing Policy, for kample, which
is effective' in the Prairie Provinces;
makes r,t• possible ' for cornimoreitiee
faaimeralto enure the servides ;the
beg •stalltans wvailiable and: retain
them in the' disltridt from Tear to
-wirhilyerrtore , a o
400 07114VPVelkilstmes anti
NeW :Yetateltb' ete,
a.`,..!""4 • 4...N.
• !!!
YeAT, OILY'S 'fostering eemanunity bred'
ing's,m1 co4operative effort. The Do -
Minitel Department of Agriculture on
Ittaltreg a grant to organized'
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth - Prete
James Connolly, Goderiell - Vlee-Prela•
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Ser..-Trean•
Finlay MeKeecher, R. R. 1, West
Yohn Ikturray, 3, SeafoOli; R. It. ; • .1
horse4ymeotg ttuts Over eent.
• • •
04140 ; 'N)
G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; Wet* c'
Blyth; C. E. IFewitt, Kincardine;
J. Yeo, Goderich. - - •
- • ea-
deaborot •
Leorrhart, Bredhigen; larder
nolly, Goderich; Alt, troika
3, Seaforth; Alexander Me
It. 1, BlVt11; John -Pe .
„Wel ri4
Ian, No. 5,, .Seaf-orth;
belt, N-6. if, &tailor&