HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-17, Page 2, t , . . � * - - �! i , 'I 0, ­ 1(­­�11 , - q I 114N. 1'...w." "n,,�V ,f�� `1 , " . V)VKQ1-T1'&1;iT : �,:;.,. ,,!� 11 �, ";,� I � . .1 I. -1 ,. ! - % -, g4 n�� gp,vp;��, ,� VJ�11111'1_�_ ". 1� ...... �, , ��� I.. ;'#i� V'.�' , -:,., ., -V.; �"&K'10i, I .�.1.1? I'- ,III - I " . . H 4. h, "I . , . I � '�­, , ... .1. IF - ,� I , '. , .� .� ; . . � � , , , ., I �__::i� ,I 1. � . , � . ,- -111;1, - ­ - " "?­ .... ... �i,". I. I.. .4 . . ,� I I . " e, " - .., , , .., ,� � , 1� -.1 ` " '��'%`�q�,l'A- - - P , I " ' ��' _'�.` �'TtQ ,, '4foyl''' , " !4=27` ""PT ": �` �'* �`, - 114i'.'�l � '14 � -1- -­---,��ftg -�,;Ilcmvw 'To.r4 "�:-�­� , ,;-,i.��,""'�ii"' .w " . 1 I �,�": � ,,, ;;, .�."tli,"�l��-I'lli7�,��',��-t; W:; � "",tv- , . I � .,� 'r �, .. -r � � -'..i ,__!�.:"_ - �; , Z, , ; . ; . , �',��.�'�;i�, . � � "..'', ... I " ,,%." _�11, � , . � . 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I . . ,,, � , , , .. . , � :, e, ,4..i;. .'.-4:" ­ .. , , _� .... � . _ ,.,-. . ,� - � ,;, . . I � �:: I I 1030i . , � . . � 4� , , . . " -� I —4 .* _! :�. .;'! , i, ­'­ i t X , , 1. . �_11'4` . , .: . � "', , ` , ,,, . A �. I ., I . . . . , . . - - .,. , I I I - - I , OR . ­ i''. I I. , .`;"L,.. _. : . . '1� 1. ,� � " . '. . a , . , . �,�'_ .1 . , . . r�'. `." I ....I.- � T . . 9, � , . , i � 1p. " , . . � - -;, � 111, . . . , . I I . N , , _#iw'.1. _. " . � . .� . '.1 A T., I ,. .� . . . ... I 1 �� . .A, : . I 1-1- -.1 .....1-11 . . ..... �,.,."."..-..".�.�.�.-�,.,-,-",,.�..�..z�,;�� 111,1-11.... I. -11 I - " . ,��­ ; _=,­ - I,.;, 1-111-1-11"....., ... . .... ­­­­ - .. - -1 ­;;4� .. ­- �' -­­­ - .... ,­ ­­ , � ­­­­.­,_ f, " � ­ .. 11 -1111-11--, 111.1.111. 11 -111 .­ -I -I. -I -I.- 1-1 , "I�l-..,..--.,-..,"-�1-11�ll,� , . ;A- - 0. , _; � : - 1", 1.1§ . ... ��i4h'rKni��-` i�-il"i-m-, ­­._­.­._ . � I ,:: , .1 1. ... 1 ". ,�'r �i."��ii;l . - . ., I . ­,- �* __ 11 � I ,---- ., 4_i;;�-;­­ I . .1 , I - -1. I ..j ,- ..7-__,R,._., , �.\.J� �, I ... L ' I- "I'T" ' ��, : . �. I - ,; M— . � . I .­.. - :: , �. 1�4�; - ,T � . III I , �. - - - - . . I i . . .. , � ,,�� : 1 . , i � . . I 7 , �, - .1 � _ . . 1. I . '. .1 4. � , 1. ­ �i� - ­ � � 1.1- . �, I I ­.. " "I" -1 .. I-` T- -V,:-, -��­ _­ , , 1� -_ * . . el I . .. ^ � I , , , .1 � I I I .. - 11 - - W ­­ I �, ,;.,. :11 .. 11 1, ,; .;1----'--.: .;. . ,­ � V I .: � , . %� I . : I .0, I 1 I , .. � . I . . _V I'll .. � .0 .11 � � I . "I ... I '.. � t:u ---------- -- gob'saiw .. - - � �,Jm I " QQ IRV � � " , .'" '"E ' ' ­' I * � , ".". iivmo�,,,l "em , .1 ... :1� 1!1.1­1'4�111�;­­, ­,­ , ... - "" , " , , , ?$;�p 7� � �, " 10 , Is .t I .1 . I .�, , �'. � "1::11 ' ' - , ....-F o I ' 1. I I i, � $x ; i ,, � X" , ri'.iOuo, 0,0001mr.,-1-1. 'f ­ * - I n. ­t -,j,-.,' ., ' � . ' ),,..,,q Cal A , 101,111V Likewisf s,4, , .. : - 11 - . ,� , . , , : '4�" ' N " , �`,, ON . y .or mental defklon , , -1 ,,, L , " b Now nil. - . ': - ; � � -JK. -,.,-,0W.-` 111 DE NC ,,, ,1D 1`r — F . . . � . . . . . . - 1. " . I ligualon . . I yee�r 'A Z� ' D.�, , , k 0 11" R _ ,.'. 1 44,,- ..�.,, i,... 14 ��� P500, ' , d ii. - - ' - _'� s g6n.'e. - , I I lllll� TJ . . #. *"!7,""f,...".�f".,.-----�-.'.--4ef",""r-"I%e-,,4"wO,-'"-�" - - - �' " ­rw­ - , .?�q,�:� �, ....1'. . I.. ... - . 1. - ��.-I.--.--".,.--,�,,,�i�'',...;.,:"���.,��---,--�-- � � . 0 �­­ 1, ... . !I McLean,- RditQr. . of the opportunity ­' * — . . I - . . 1. I . .- . I ' . I ­�' " " ANIR,f"% . . I I - -- -ir-a-�WthAt I In - � I's . . , &FIl'i! 1 _�h�er_qffif4 WM the torili-TUNic Library ... ,. e. ' ' __ 4 , I " , " - 14towung .*=0 plow .*,�A DW , 0 I.O." I �� . _ _._ $ea . ." .. Wh -the enRB'i R I ,-.. —_ . " � V.. I to save,. to uIld up a competency in , 'y;ou we"' i , , -ir - -- ---T , - _' '* `77, � - , . � ,�P,�'­�-,; �' b ' 'I, - -ddl-e of ' - 'Sein 6o, seeing - i��",.1:,',,_'.%� , , -th Ontarip ­ev- , - , Tbo .V*Fodt" ai4 1�,i �, 09 41b I 94,at-pafor , 11 of fift . , 0,6�, .10 tbe".ud c.". P, .. � q �i:. � , , Nil 11 , I A', , , h*4gh the .-I S I. ; , Ro tZ, unt.; i�A-.1y�--lV=­ . . , - ' " , vttx, . _', I . . ... . I 01 My,- sd ' afterho I ,:" ,�4h �,;,,,, V ., _Tbur ay , on by McLean middle life f6r old age. 11 twev�7-av* yews ago. .. and nicit tax f�o= �, ), $fitr co Ing towardg Mw I .1 . . - :,�� , ,�. .,, . bi he- . . I ' A is tthe woeld"s largest pp�lic burial b1lading §09.w, miatook ini * for a Th to�4 T TEpop� Ex"sitor: . .1 ,; ­.,� ..". _ . 1. * . . I . I - I . 0 44i , ,- . _. I - me are lthgj .. 9. 4Dd in frantie hol" dro,Aa his * - - * ­ . , N I r - 11 I - - - I , I . .rhousanda 9f1 people, who, in .the . I . . . . r, 1, v, . D "01% , . � 11 ­ 111- __ . ' � , 1, ground for gnimah? � He I I k throiu*h th�q bp- the, s, D sli. W uty - `!;1, . - 1. ­'.. I I I ­ . .ordfiiiry coarse of events, would neV- I of av�-,r"26,000 inimals, ,says "' pc� . & .q. - t. ear - ' I C4�1 - _,it my - d � � . � I . From The Huron Bxp"itor of , . I . L , . .2111 . . Mav-111 ''DieWo du the Westejrn Home Bernard. Rvefii *n, the dog slw.,ed through jo14 pmppr th bring .to the ",.. . , I , ,��.!,, . . ' 'A . �_ ' 7. " Sub I er -become a charge up,Qn the. com-. * . � . . - zOppos,ite the il -g#o,s#W "i M because the trail of his. bliolod attention ,of the parents, 4d' school ". ....­­'...scription rates,, $1.50 a year,in , January 29, 1911 Monthly. I � , *, I',- ii!i P., _.,., .. i Sin& : �; munities or tbePtovince, will; . . on.@ gmtowAy,m4 ki�wt slab, of, citv- ,in the sno­ as hovdad6 his waly back- Wacheris of our tiawn' the increased .. I � .1.1� . __ _. pever , * - t w ,.t, . -ad $2 , " , Ernest McMdllan, a nophew o ".d ISt. Berni4 led facMIL-w-now afrb I-— . . , ., va,4�e, foregn, 00 a yea . . 11 ;.1 , J1 . f KVs. 8 . ..... ., � � . 'i . . C . .1 "I ed -stone tells the -story of BalTy, �he to the movasq*ry� rded at the PuMle I ­.. !_;�,, �. .4 cents , it a Pr.) Guin% of,dinton, who has been ' -aociomm1odotilon ,bf our . . t. ,, each .now have the opportun­y 6f gJaing . ... 1 4101 1 - '. , . I I * MOVACA to" Ae map* I : Library �for the ' ... . 11 - 1* R. , .1 "Pipw . - . . otud;�,ing music in Europe, ha fairnbus-,�St.­Barn�rd, who saved so, the 0. le ,I, 1,;* - I . . -indopendehce. Try as -hard as, they s beeir ' 1i,vd§,w-­-Th(P noble 49,g is ,do- ' The dret public cemifteef -Tor, ani- - children. . New - Juvenile &6@Eii .- lbw,v, - - _, I'll � , , - - . -1 , . . _ ' , I I I - , '' , , W � I . . inted a .F,ellow of the Royal 0ol- - Llilbirar 9P,, ­­ ­�..­ onest as the - ., . appo been addled., and -the -Y , . . .1 V " �,�. . . -- , . I mat . ,wb. . ,�1'�, ,&dy pplication. , .. y lnay� in .1 pic Z w#h,a,little girl wholmr,he had Ifijwds 19 dedilda1ted tolBarry. But it is I's q-tid,.W . grt . bt Organiptis, the highest degree . 0 ., as b I , 1ARg rates oii'A , May, be . , e`bitter_qQ�A, upon his not ooaffmed to doo . �e", Aidop,l irp­iD-idate in this reso, I I � I . _ ' - saAfled bi th ,.. p. I , �.., R� ,� , " - I . I . I '10 . , .A, , , . . __ the course of wfew'yelars they must: =inable for organists. ' back. . I - . l0vers, $aviq.,Vhid l,aa txi* ointe, to cats, The sloludi*leist corner of the reald- � I I.." , 1". - al . —, - I - I I , � , % ... .... ;.. I .� .. The Rural TelephPne'06MP"Y have Marry had -to ,his credit ibhe savipg - ;.. m4 mp' - ',- V .ta-i .... �danapes, ing room has been, reifitited and the ,'� ., * " � 'Members 8 . no ,of f" .. ca . , _is arid n- ­.�*12��din now . . f � 11;� P� a _ , .... -- � seek relief, and. the communitie' dild - ,. coun- �y lives. V11tth Tornarkable in- ­pAd rriir, igii� I - Eyepi two- pot juvemiile b1olok OW 1. � �11 T.... ''.. . of the Canadian Weekly go;t their work done in�A,e I, , .-. � W. in­*Xill OL ..., . . ..l ,i��,��:��`,.­ - ' Newspapers Association - Class "N' the Province -must gra ,y and Are en fdook c&*a withba thii mia�h of chil- , , . . .1 ntit.' � ... � - " ti ' ' -gaged ... 100 ' 1 tellig.enm i.he would. g6 io,.'ut apd, find,. lkpins, the rit .Pe2?qi4,,th�'fftm- ,. . . �, � . .., - � " ' . I , � - Blyth- ­ � . . ada, and The Hur . But there is- relief of another, kind. tritellerls who had. lapsed into,'the ious animal - r ' , are lywied�� hexe dron 'and, close to the 190bleist avall- ' .., I ,�­. ,., I Weeklies of Can On-' t1l f- - Brown -& Femish of) Blyth .are Ut -first drowee losf dea�h v�hich comes *do their hater mlother, allu 'able f , benches hav;6 I., . I - I , U pig. or them. New , I 51 t 1, ss A ociation.' I . ­ The kind of_unen loy'-m''ent re ie Teeswater this week Putting 'a now with intense cold. He would sbaike, "dog i0ho raised th4m1r6in birth . . ., ibeen,wade and that particulw- vor- . . � � . " �.. . ,,, , Oo ss I I . ....... ;.. - , * Mity.Pre I I madhinegy in their -evaporator. The early E-gypdaiiis were , very' tt�en of the reading room has. been set .11-1.1--- I . I . . — that _p ' jtev. Alfred Geiger passed away in wo4s awciused: ithen, With cl6vor paint- particula,toolbout giving their'lanimals ala@Jis primarily for ,the use f the' . 11 - , - . ... , . ,''�._­ . . . I I #.. ... % , I I . is-bleedftig the -taxpayers white. them violently-u,Rtil thArr attention 0 1 . I ".,.�' _�..­ , - -he w' . . ...... "" I I ­­ .- .. The kind that believes i orld N'61oroke on SuOay, Jan. 14. He �, *-SEAFORTH, Friday, January 17th. ,ime, make them follow hr*(mi, Oft�n vplecial -burialp the cWt' and the bull cliff-dmn.- , � , . I was united. in, marriage to w4aughter `w ' i im.1yo t.ant . pairts. in the -li-fe"'of Tin addition 'to thdis, the Bo,4:rd. b" I I I . 11 Irl I. ,owes it A. living, �Lnd A sumptuous ie, Zurich. fho-varried 1OT-dragged "cold, victims- to, ,PJ'ayed ii . - ... � , .. '. I . m I I . . . . � I .� I I I I . 4 1 ...... . of the tatp Samuel Renn safety- if *the 6uld'fibVdio ithii -e.*en-f t1ye..-nakiton, .and WoKe buTied In, s&p- arranged for a ch-ildren,",st sit&y h1our � � I'�' I - I .� . .1 one. tob With'"16 --- F-w-fth-out-:* ork,-- .4 e- -- ­� � - CW.� JiOhki Galster', iof Zdileh, had - a .. .... . I I .1, . _� I I I .1 , , 11 . - i. , ­ I. _ 1 9 . Th f Or " 6,1p. Barry lost -his I li at i%bh e ' , lCon0ho6d'on Pap. a) ' every,,­1SUturday. aifitiernoton. at t(wo" L I ; I , .,�,',.,!' - . . �'. - ...... Thi? Wardens -and -1;atch-,of chick:ftp, h#tchO out oil the .... . . . � 1. .1 , - and thmough this Il A is hoped. too - - ........ _.. .., . , ': . . . - . I NP 'kind that.,gets behind the wives I 2,nd mst'. ' . . I . . I O'clock th - e,chil&hon's deislire fw ' . . . 1, I . . I I - , I I ..... � I .. I I .. . . . inculcate in . ., . I � I . 11 the'lebildren and -whines and cries, ar , The G.T.R. have­Niut in new flooTs .1 1-111 . . - . . .... I . I . V,�; .�10% I I The first,duty of.the Huron Coun- , - ­ . I ' -a rog�dlmlg. - '. '. I . - � . :,�, � ­- . '9*th�nl .as apketext bo,'Ag#ate -and in the waiting roomi arid, of5ce at Hein- * iatt6nd-Ing@L, of ,the - children at; I , , , when it meets -the en I . ;­ . , . I � - . U ­ "I ��� n'cil ... d of' U16 sall statift. ' . . 0 ' the s,tory libur dopends'upon,th6 par- , , .Ii- . ty co'll'i . 40 X, ST A-,-.SM1LE,0R TWO " "O'ge, ,,, I �, 1. this month Vill be to, elect a'War-- ­­ ` foment 'trouble'.,in every commun- - Ml�. RP,b&t.,0Zieve If MiCK11110P met I -- -001, ents to a lhirgo.,, nd *1 would ..�� .1 .. " . . " � '' , , . . '�-aipful accident on_Wiedmes� -- .� . . I . . I � I ., _gjtiedt ii, I .. ,I' � ity. I With 4 � . . . . � likel to ask the piareinks'to r�imindL � . . t 4f. - , ' C.41, - � . I . den., . . . . day when a.team, crash. ed on-,V.9p of A boasitlai American was holding Thames a ylpar akoj, and Wsl been their -children of the Saturday after- I I . .. , . '. ­ ....... " .,.; � . ..-. ri this county, it I . What are we going t6. do,about - 'his.. sleigh with the regult that Wjs I -1 un . 71 ever.sinte." I noon obory hiouir. The beachers in our , . 1.1, ­ , 1.�' p � . For many years i . t'le!t.-was. broken. it -bhe.. ankle forth on ithe, Wer -its, of his watch to r nx g � . �. . U . ­ has been. the'eustom to'sele�t­a Con- ­;': �t is q4employMent, relief? What is'. '' iia � I I . ­ IThe American 1pqkid- taken aback. PiAbilie azid Separate Scho-alls can al-', _ .. I 1; . I of �unii rest - 14hai0l hr6 �llaiinied, "the same sio help,by tei�,ilnidlnj it'SeAl3dren- be- - joint. . a number . ed clubmen. I , ...."111 �i- . , "th,it? - PP ­­.. � . . . . . . I I .1 I tl�e Government going toAo'wl The sudden death of 'Mr. J. 0. Harr ,,A,,t last oue of the mi&a ...... decided -he ' I � fore seliboi Y .� .. .......... ­ Y' .. I , � 1, sei�vative and. Liberal - in altern0e . . I I I ' watch.? .. s. ,41smisved _-&n Frida I .. - ., . -, __ 'Is it going to drift ,along, to the -tune . sitione, 'B.A., a for could stand it no lol4ger.' . . The other, ror the s�6,r , hour is , I . ' Mer principal of the . ie,ind slbiwly moved to� taAberniolon, that , .� , . 'i . . . , .. I., _. k years, 4s chief pre�idi,Tfg officer,,' -a , Seaforth Colldgiate 16-t.litute, was. - "'That'is nothing," he inte�rupted. the Ado,r. . ..... ... - : ,� .­,aVa1&&1e on SatturW,. - - . " ".. - - I _. - .. � f fourteen millions; of - dollars Or ' heard ;with regret kere on Wedines-- ,� ". , . . . .. V. . - 4- t , ing you f8f �yciur vpllce, I r_� - 11" � 1. " 'Nio," he.rapll "the- Thaares" - ` Thank!, ­% - . .- tis- % 0 . I . 1. .. I )P , , . -- �_ "I dropped. my watd4..- into the , ' I . 11 1. .1 custom'that. has worked most sa . . . I .. �._:-, .. ­ � , - . . . I � I � I - -. .7L,. . . factorily,'in,, spite -of . inuch ,contrary . . I more, a yearL. - ­ . . 8&k,..__.k, I . � I ,Ll" I . � -, � ., 1. . . . I ... , I'% , 1. I Editor,_-- . 1. 7- .. � 11, . 1"... , " I I I . � . . . , � . Mr. J_ P. Bell has,. sold -the Seaforth 91111111111110REM .- I . ., I ,Yours -very truly, _ . I . . '. � . - �� I � ­.:. 71 ' ...­ . 1. . . . Or is it -going to. t doi�n-tivbrass st�am laundy_y. to. Mr. .1 � . . . . 11 _� - . . I ­ I . . - . I 1; . "'41,.: I � , opinion. *.. - I - .ge . on - : willard - Elialottl' , .1 . . I . . H. G. M-EIR.j . � 11. .",f � . � - . '. . I . � - -, I . . , I I . .. .. .. . I . I young, - , ­ 40 - " , '. , Chairman B A Cliommltlteii� ' , '11.1 .- Wilffid Armistrong, '� D : AFTERNOON'p- .. . . i�'. I tacks? Unemployment'telief is the, .19 , Afirs. I . This--year-the, Ward�n-:vill be a _bf ,J,,. J. Elliott. man - 0 � ,�� Z� I ' ' ' 1 SUN 'AY - I 1. . . .. 11, I o, I . . . . , t"".:.., . 'Conservative, and the followers , of . . biggest problem th-b'Province h4s to of twen6y from Aulburn., met Withi a. 0:1 � - � ' I . . , ,­ I , . . ' ' . Isabel 96mbito* Go&64, Q#!�). ', " '' . � . �1, , - - . (By, lt,'� . . i t art' a large list - of , fac�� to -day, and, as such, it,opserves terifible, accident � on Saturday morn 9 : I . I I . 0, Seaforth Public Library;. .. . *1 , i 'w .. . . ". from. . I . I . - ing ,by. falling -1 -Torn the firp tops, 'of' � . I . . . I . I .. i . . I . � . - 11 . 1. I . sp -oose 1. . I first consideration. Until.it is corr- , Flour Mills'elevd- . I , . .: . . . i . . . .0 ---.--.I I . %, q. I , �., a irants, to ch . ' . .3 the new..Western � .. . . I.., 1��. I '4ipl�ing -a pitch Holyr Spirit, lie� us - ' allegiance to His Fath�r, and thy (that . . , .. ... . . Prominent amonk-Ahose mention- - sidered and acted upon, there will be tor. He had been P ., ­ - . ' � . - '_ - :,;...r- . , - ... . .. roof ,and when near'the edge .,missed ' .Daiily by Thy might, .velily pirin-caple, the tempte'r addresses . From Florida I .1 11 - ... �.�. .. . . no balanced budgets. I himself Tfoiw;-,Asif he -ha di 111�oot .. � -1 I ,�� .. I ed. for this, important offiee,are'Reeve, - -.9., , � ,hi,s1o;6V61g and fell a hundred feet. What is Wriong ,to c.cinqueirV d �gai I � I " ' ".. _. , !.­­ .. , o'ose the iigh,�. bircu trust, Go -d -T Qdme and -1 *il I , Daytona Beach, Fla., Jan. 3, 1996L � I I ­:'­', . . Robt. J. Bowman, of Brussels; Reeve I . ... ...... . . :" � . I John Ryan has rented. �Geo.- Brad- And to Ch tances h I . � . . . . it� I. .. . I . . I � . I . I I ford's ,bTkck=ith shop at ,Dungan- _V. H.-.Parker�. tpl-ace th6pjin circulms sl�c as �.* .. _. . � , :.._ .... 1, � . � . .�� ., I ­ I ­ 1, The Edito I . I � . ; I 7 - township; , ., , I ' ' AYXR . .. .will make marl�fest to Ill, His guar- r, The Hu-rvn-.ExPo&itor: I . :_ . . E L. Cardiff 'of M6iris­ ..... ...... - I 0 1: . .. fton. I . . ­..�,PR - ' I I I I I , . - . 1. . . � .... . I . Duncan Johnston, i6th con. of Grey, ek� -ever,Aol-l;�O,P disq r ,� .. �� "I I . ..� ­...: . . Help, us, our Path , . , , ,�ate'bf thee." Jesus answe ed, Dear Sir, 'liere We are -in. Daytomi 1-1 - Re 've . Goderich tovm� � . . " ". ,� .. . -e of our aVlDur, �'ThJlu I's ;alt' not tem -pt . - , : . " i" the Lbt.�-*hy. . . e .W' Haacke, of . . , ­ 4 I . S ,h . , .. .. I - had, -his ri-glkt arm. broken by 'being befoxe,us the examipl ..Beao.li,�F116nda, . Om.3; here for.... ., . ,', i - . "I'll'..:, I . . , . w1ro. . though teinpteld to ,,do wilong, God." We alre not warrazted to'"'Pla,ce. -t , '1;�.n�fttok iny-�*Ife's lib,all h, whicli i:1111 , . . , . ship; Reeve William -A . 'art', , ..�,07.1-1.­. Stormp Weather - I .cl.usheldby a horse in the'sitable. . he . . Stew ­ of " , . '11dring, -c t . 1. . 1'� I West Wawanosh and R6&V6 Peter . .. .1 I .1 � I � 11 'Afi,james Watt of Hullet-t-haz tak- -never y1eaded in ,the s1k,ghtles.t. Amen. io�mseilves in cilrevinstancW �ulh Is Varn glad, tb say is"ilome'better. I . .1 . . . I . - . I . 1. . I ' I . I .- . . . I � .- 1 4 -OR,,JANUARY t9 shall -tAiipt the Lord. If .-'Ve are in I am going, to give an. ouittline of, 4 " I "' .1 � 1. en 6: Pbetio:p 4s.teach-ar -in a School .S. S. LESSON - F i .1 .. 1. .. L ; s6tt� of East Wawanosh. . . esson Toilic�Jesus Prepares .for Zia- -danger in God's, slervilce, we -may reily ,u, . . .1. I I 1. , I - From all,6ver theworld come re- - near TilburY;--while Mr. John ff��rrltt L .1 . . trip -fromi Honsall' to -Daytona. I , � . . . . : I . . ." . .. . .. �.. - I . � . -the ­ . 11. � I All have been r4emb'e'rs .-of ,'the of th,6 same, town ship'has been-, en- Wbik. . � - thalt He' *ill. *be,',��A: us. -But we BeI6t, ..... .... We'_Rft` cin Wednes,day, " - - - - '$ - ' ' .. " 3 . .,. I � por.tS ... of'storms on idnd and sea. On . gaged in a. school near'Ford*lich. , Lesson Passage -Luke. 3:2'1,. 22; .4 : 'hPave no right. to, imErgine that He- ­­­ - 'e" , 7 . .1 � . . I . - 18th.,�Oay��P.f..December. The wetather; � ': I , �� I . " I . , , - . I'll, 1. . County Council. for some.years a 1. . WIT,1'4usp�nd, i�e ,law Of'giwgitatlon, -wi,, flhb i�, ., .1 I - 11�., � . . ." . - nd ' ' . the Atlantic and Pacific coasts' huri- '. , Wilhile .M..r. John Coi- was- ibspect, 1-13. I S and we,re �hed 'V��­`Z� F .­ 7 ..... . I -bb a in 6 . ' q,,cowq in I enelrer we -oos, �er I e,arly the first ,d, y and. stayed, it our . � ,­ . any one is compkent. t&'fill the office - '. - tng slom h far' of Mr. Golden Text. -Luke 4:8, - . ,%vfb " e, to leap "'Ov . . _ , or! t e - I I . 1 4 . . 1, �. . I I ­.. - _' dreds of'lives were lost 'hnd'-many: - Ge rge H -�i, Holh-,,esville, on Tues- The'�'fOIIDW,ing is condlensed from] a 1pre,olAice. or thaf H,e,'wfl-l­su§pen'd N . . I I ' ' '"' - o -oflan ` nephew,"s, MT;_gpd.j2 -Ts. E, T. Beih-y. , . . - .r. . A *ith credit to themselves and, with ", ' -reported. I - * -day of last week, o.A6* of the, cows chap - -on "The Desicent of the" 11101 y the Eipiritual laws %y�blch regallate the A 1�. ­_ �, '' I - 11 ., ; . shi��recks are I . - . . ,tti .. , . I .. n 'old Ho�nsall ,boy. ' LeaAring there I - . . . le . . ` Th.ursd Y',,in(�wnil,nk, we went -to th& . . ,, I I I I -ed - noe ectple's ­Bilble-. -by ... r. 'aclj�ora­ of .v.ew we a . .., .- ,a&a'-ntagdA.o the' count ', , . I . . . . .. I I . r Y� . ': , Storn% are repbTted from the west. . , .k' 1, - him.on the leg below, the., -k ' Glibst," in. J? , .o,ur iloul�, wheiie I �;. . - � - . . . . rbreakihig one bomx and dislocatAn - the Parker: Put QUTS,�IlVeG Initta -the -way of tempta- -nis officer on, ,the Canadian side - 11. 7 .., . . 1. . g custb ., . 1. . �.�, -, .__.� What is somewhat unusual- is, the I . - ....... w-hil -knee. , _. I . � . I . . - that, "bodily .Aape'l that cTe- ... w-Froni The Sermon"Bib(le. .... ... to the, Amterrican � 1, "I . , . of Ca,nada'an�d from the eAst e -, . It is I. tion. I .. wh'o'gave us a P'90s, .t !. . ;­_!� --- � � - . ' ' I ....... ­ ,fact -that all 6e aspifiifts �r "' �ftdlty in some mduds. . _, ... .;. 0 . . ii"'.. 1. . . I 6 from._.,-, - � . part ., The 50 -acre fa,tm of Wlm'� Schnock, ates, all the di . . . . customs '6ffico anld'"ibelleve me ther '� I "!'... � . 'the. north half of 'the coun�y,­-whlch '. S of Ontario have, Much � morp�­ .. Greyl.has. been sold to Jno. Sdme P�r iat-.. i�vid ln..-Riatter; � WORLD MISSION - _­""' . t k aces, on. letting- � , It �, - , _ 1,5,t,h c6.n . slobs ca bel . Ek a q. no -cha, a.ny,Wdy . .11. I . Uw' a . W. W&Kay, who will'get possession they think they see it. Others ' ' Md'als: � ildr6l) ,Go -to, School --o 'the United States 1 - "'. .1 --- . ... - � . I . . . , 11 , -8n than u9u 1. .­.. i havw I . Ch from %Canada int . i .. - I 1, *;,: � maki6s A guess at the winner, a very. , _­­ . ­ . I . .. -1. I .. . . in the ppring. . The price is stated I.S a diin notion, Of the.pos§%tiity­ .6f We aro- fu�ckyvto.. be able to utse, th� Without kn�.)wll�g� w6re they aT,e,V- . � ' ' _�'. . .1. I ' . . -in' Huron .we cannot com- . . � - Ag a- fiiee in creation that old car for ou.r round.. -of -6,11age ing and what it-he,y d ito do; We -' .. I , , . doubtful venture, particularly so on . Right I $3,30(L, - ­ - I � .t.here. bei ,i . -.inteln . I 1. C, ." i . . . I . . . . ­.. . a 40 §� 11 th I.." I �lain very much. But the'winter' is � , . 0 - migIrt be csiilie6 Mffid or Spirit, But .sc.hool ex minati n .. . Durl g . e kot a �0-day leave Ind if: we stay "I I �,.* -the part oil an_,aut8ider,.although it .. 1. . 11" � - . . I '' ' . hlow to. conneef ... � q :PW�9.,:-fi.P1W,A97.ve.t. MP,rlsoon the walteT comes.. ro,"',ng 111 have to .. "ex- I . i ..'' . , .any longer w �� , . . . got aia . . . . .1 , . . I �that the choice' n -Qt- over yet. - We are'sure.to ,get. : From . .The Hur o*n Expositor of -a bodily shape !--'over the roa�sl and the iniud'is su,cK tension." . I . � I; � �,., �. 1. . I ..is commo-IM". reparted ... � . I the Holy Ghost into I I I I � .. , - --somb kind of. a sWfm bef ore the ar- - , . . ' Yett th-at,connetct,lon-i.i7-iAai:�1-y deldirx that'4V6% bullockL:cavts are Often 6og-' We went t 7i' .... ...., 11 ,: r- 1 .:�!.�6, 1-- � hro;6.gh 1:111 -of MWhi- .' . .. .___� . will be ,one of the -first three named. - * . . . I . Jinuat 15, 1886 ed� in verse 22� "And the iHiolly,GhlOit g7d up to, the axles. But -this. is the ,9kn'-Sid-te into ,Ohio which is'- a Vefy . . ..... h . I .. . . : y ." . I .. I .. I 11 � . . � . I rival of' kring. . \_ . . .1 61 ze - -e bu -ap, aD . ..., I �.% , I I-. ys an I . " The members. of the Winglia, - descended, in a ,�odily shalpe lik A hot_-weathi�r and as w a Ong rilce stvd'och lof lcountry,.­Ieviel '�ana - .1. . . Roweverl,ah election is alw4 p , . . m,Cale . 11 - . I " . the zm the jungle track through the. The, main' in- . V . ". . probIle L 11 1. . .election,_ and the ' I In ifact'_for� a-tirrie. Mond�y morn- .1.4donian godiety,,zra Makinty prepara- dove." ' In that event ... Winding with good butildings'. . . ... . ,tion. of a War . ) . I seem to be solved, sollv-ed by. Vtarnoon -a pall of grit rises to ithe dusit.rie, tire h,39§,;'cor and cattlew'. I ' '.. . �. �Oqg - �.. I ' i ns t - would I ,".. tio I celi�biate Burns' anniversary n . 11 ... de rule. " . . . . , by'giving a ggrand 1�1u- 'tion, ,if not by exp�.osltlon. The whittle -hot hea-�'.ensl. An e � V!� I I n is no- exception. tc�the' I . ing it looked very much as if we were ppe'T. . illustTa. I I vien denser We rea-clTed Lifna that night;. & beaum- . ­ - , I . . . - InfL ...,"':.. , I in for an, old-timer. Do. ypil. remem- , - Master't.'W. 10hristie;'gon of.Mr. -whole Trinity is'liere. Lot usi cou�t pAll approaches us,'enve-loping thTee tiful city bf about 60,0001 -abitAnts, . .. .. � . "L ,;. ,. I . . . . I .. . . 1. ,*. .: , -- :'. : , .... .... . I.. I .�� * � . C. Ghriis,'tle,�of Stephen, passed the,'�9,e_ persons ,indicated: "And, the hundred oxen', bear�ng 'sacks 'Of Salt' end got a.. nice robim very reason� i . I . I _1 . - I I - . I . - . ilway , . ­.�:' I . . . , .-ber the,. old-timers,? .. . the .'Holy Ghort'�--that is ono----�.�d�itend- from thb-tuarez—t_rad st&tidn.._1b.e ably. �. � ... *­ ..... . ... , . � ,:".,.j . . r6aent Eintranee examination at ) J k ., I .. � . I . . rt � i . .111 . I . " When the stages didn't -go out and - - tofp.of the list for the County of..Hur- ed upon hlm'-that -is anotlier--PA�td evening curry in every Indilan hlame The -nei SItate we �ame: in"bo, . I I . .. , was . ... . - I a Voice caimie friclin hleaven, w;h �u I 4 "I'll 44 ' . ; , I Th e Provinciaf �" - made -519 imarks ,lou . lich said miAt- have its hInd-ful of salt, -and it Kent cky, a yeiv, rough and w0un- 1. - 0 . . I ­ on. ffe, t of, a .. . ' . I -_ ,:­ . . . the -trains didn!t come in,, so�hietimes . ..... hou. ant -mv lbeloved S6,n"�-that �9 a is the -,only ingriedli,brit that is- " not tainaus c;o,uA#j and wie,had'sbiwe! �".. .. 1,.. I ' . 'poessible 750. ' * ' -'. ' � - I I I . ., . - .- .��. . . ... --nioght DeZ."29tb, - th�id. fter'e- is a threefo4d action of .gr6wn in. -the vililago.' I . siiow- and ice *all the way thr&ugh the : ;; , ­ Premier ounced , , for days at *a time., - On. Tuesday- the . � . . .He bu � . � .L-.1.,._ �-. - I . ' hol" If m'. James 'McLean" London I thieef&d P,6rsionality: the descend: 'We stop -the c6ir .to let the cavial- mountains whf'�_h._,nww'& it- vqry dan- - . .. I., .."i..�. . . . . . -i you i . � . j,�.- I : an 'expected 4eficit"O"f f 6urteen mil- - - " Whei , couldn't even see 'Main , R.c,a,d, was xoibbed -of two valuable . a. gerous ,driving. The main lindu�stry . . . ­ - ' * ' �� 111 We cinnot mouthrful. of ,water, te:�id ,f t '' - 'here i 'The next I , . . L�., .1.111. ". � . ing Holy. Ghost, the bIptized- Chriist, cade go gessiping by, and we take I . � ,� hon dollars fo.r'th,e­.ProNdhcb of On- Stf66t7­i�Ej'11:� you -got on,J:t,- and.- - . watches and $30 in cash.' fihie, approvi g Father- bu PY'e c: s to,bacco and inning, I , .... � 11, � .. . I I . . I .. � 1� , Miss Maggie Campbell and Mr. Ti ,get away fromthe Trinity ilinless �Ve :6cuisu, fraim the bottle rvii-hicih Ra'm- ilight we. %stopped at ... . , . .... , � I ,plarqii called' -:--- , ,.., � . . , . E.- Jtoslin of -Seaforth were among get away' fro, , -Rible. ' _; * I "I.". tario at the'closQ. of the yea?s busi- .', . ' ,,couldn't see anything or anyone there . - m. the . . aswami ,has tlied,up in, wet ricerstiaw W�illiams,toW,n -iall -town ,of about, 11 . . * . .. 1� . ­_ ' I _., a sn I .. ­ I., I . then, and the rest 'b 't e town" was ,the well_'kn . : -_ "t-ilba. . ,1 .ness, 'Which, will . be 'about . three f h " ' . in tVis fpstaoce the 11yodily shape and ,put. in the 'boot, ' �. - ' ', -1260' pop'tila-T As we left there 1. . � . . . ONlyn-vomPits At, it grand . . � . . �:, � . . I . just a hfiji�ig blank ' ' , - ht4d r . the auspic-es- of was that of a' do.vie. Sometimes it, is T,hien we nottk�e a qpaint little pro- still -in the h�leart 'of the s(moky mio,un-. . .� I . . ,� inonths-li fi , w et of snow. � concert unde ' little ch - -:Ae little cewlbn . - , ence. 1 _ . � . . I . I -at, .. 1 '­ ild. AJ11 emerge from the village! A taihs,. we ,passed' several cars ftelar- ,',. .� � .. . . I .. ... � . . .1. I ' ... � - .... the Goshen Line Diange Lo,od,ge,-In th -,of - a: 1. . . I I � ' i �- ' I . .1 �.,�- I � - , , It is not a , ve�r' leasing outlook .�' �, , When' the,m.ain roads. were level .' Bayfield, on the evening of January ch4dten 'a""' heavenwa,rd 66,6iiii:- 'We hundred yards away. A y1ount. far-%-on-the steep gradels forlack ,of ,chains �, � I . ,� . , - . I... . call -him or ber i3art of th,'6 popul*Ui6in. irer c1lad P� 'a loin iciloth anvd­redtij.�:-, ,.I=t d. -e - . ,., I � for- the tax A .... - Nf� we -re ... lucky. erough -to Jhiwe.- - ; � .payers _pf the, Pr6yince, ,from fence to.fence and there were " , 18th. , ", Yet that ch-ild, is the Holy ,Ghost in, ban;'*wlith a b�-o,wn-hid-m-e-spuni'l),Ia,,niket " "I. . I . . I I -'- Two rinks Of tbe Seafort)i, Curling cha,lns' On we'.haid, no Itroulolle. .*:4_� % . I ' .1 �.%­ . . n e dArkn­�s. -ib-tre are no concessibn roads at'all. And do Club left !here on-.5hursday on a . bod,41ty * shope. ' folded into I c6w1 to shield b(i,-s'he6d ;Re mly�t 'State t�6` ��TnTfi"Ift w'"' . .. , ,., . , . - . . _ ;,"1-1-1 . leams-of light. 'Or Fl�in is that you remember the . So,metimes. the Holy Ghost d6scends and'back' Ridiiii. the sun, leading a North 'Carolina, anjoit'a,b,r rough m1oun- 4 I. I .. .�­ - Je . I . I ". .pitch holes th�t' , curling tDur.' Nio.'l was composed of -d Illy ack - -ep. ' � Z. _­ I I . I . � . J. R. Lyons' s -kip - -D. D. Wilson, jn,Q. u,pq,,,n ,is in b4e bo -i shape of a man, lbl -1h;e A.lad ;bal'az;,c4n,g,on his tainous State, sipeiqial,iz-in,g�4-i,ii�."hto,gs� . .1 i mi ave beo�n wo ond_ ... e.afteri -au . , ,e 4 1, I . ,,� i: * lght* hi rse.* A'sec earn the'sform9 Whalt.-be '.-' , " a gre-at,teacher, a great,prophet. Why head a' flat 9;Lasket - cbn'tdifilling a long dairying, SDm Wffiber an'd nidr2ng� � I . * 1,� '. . 1� .1 - . . . Weir and -W. 0. Reid. � No. 2: F - - e God in )man? Until we re- knife and �c�i;��Fng in, his -hand a ,we , . �&.. I . . is that the deficit will be. sixteen mil-, ."-" tiei� they were.l. - ...... . . - '�, ,Aoh m -ted, ski -p; J. C. Laidlaw, R. not se stopped, !that r�iigbt at Middles- I . � ;, .., ' J . I I Commoft and A. Young. They went alize the full oi-&a'ndrrg 'of childhood gl1owing brand ,which ,he blows genit- -boro and Tea,ving there drove, thriough � . 1.e. . lion dollars less than it was the'year Those really. were Storms. Don't I and manhood, we sh2al nidt-begin the ly to keep it alive. Anlother lad fol- Jtbiat' State into South Carolina,, smill . 1. . .- . . ' from 'h�,, t -b Listowel �to meet -the ,." . . before, and a third is -that but f&f let your children an--d"y'our d'hildren's Kincardim� Club; i�.here they will play right work -of education. reform br lows withanarmful loif leafy bran6�- in, the mountains and sboppe:d. that; - . ., - , � . I ' . 1 - "' es- bh--en a dozen woman gay in red night at Maisihall, a great railroad ' I �� , I I ' ' for the -Association. Tankard. .They ,progress. .. ...... .;� _Y.I.l I I � 4& , ' c . . �' .. unemployment relief, the Province ' children, bluff you into the belief -that Will .Chapter 4:1 -mj'Temipte& like I 'Is n,!d. ow saries, bd�rin,g beadlo,Vdsi -,entr.6,.� ....... ___1__,_.- - ­­ " ­. �, � � go froni )there to St. Marys!- and I . I . I , .. I .._� would hp � able to show a surplus of -6111Y the eyes of Senile old age have . are." . � I . � . of earthen'bofi and an,yisterion-&-salck-. As we dr6'�e' '. initio ­CAm ' ' 'no - I . . . � I I I . play a 14iendly match with the club we .TgAA I .% . . - ... . - I ,_ --t- -on .as is evident from cloth paekageg. T,h,e wh6w.. -_ . ". . . RV6 million dollars on the:y6ar's bus- witnessed such storms. I .. ,lf)f that town. I The, Ohlpiltati , PawtY mountains were changing to, .more , " I .. I '. I ' Th19'imival-:nTe4t1h9 of the m(em- the language used, Was in some way migilit have *al,ked, istraight ,lout of level 4eountry. -We, passed through .. - -11, `.'­.... . iness. .1. 11. - I'll - . I . I . 1.1 - I --. - Wy­*ere-'real. ,. And yo . ive ' ' ' . connected with the descent bf the Ge e!fis. . We give the man greeting hundredis,of acres of cotton which had, I I . "' " Th u .1 d beri Of the Tuck,ersmifth Branch Aig- - _ _ _ 4. - 1.11 . .;.I, -a I � :71 I _ . . . 1. - - and we ",Peace -to y u. . 1 ither goesit thiou?" . 1. � �1, . tricultural Society "was ,held in Sea- Holy Spixit ulpion, oqr or ,, . I, MTh befen piekied, .. _.. I . ­�... . . But' -fourteen million dollars. is a them and lived, -through them and cal� "" . ave ,thus taulght i -hat, God, for -their "We go to 131 -other Roshamma-Mllth- 'The Government holds the Pn down I , '..:% . -I .1 �culated the years by them. . forth on Thuos�jay. The following � and, others' good, may lead His the -fire -hands. Seee, undpir . ondeir to only.islD many balesi of cotton,per ., . 11 . ­ I I pi e of money, even in boom times.. � officers and dix&ctors were applolinted owlz . .. __..y . .. .� "I I . , I And these arR not boom times, which - , You were younger, tougher, then for the ensuing year: President, T. people thzvugh trial. 1 lit beholoveld, banyan.." .. . head and if thtey grorW more than. that - �q .. Jesus to -be maudle lll:6 unto 111�9 lyre- .Undex a nearby tree I geie the, ob- they are'taxed for more than it is . I ,',,. Irl. , 'I, I � mAkes such a deficit all the more -ser- of course.' You didn' ' E. Hays; vice-president, John, ,Me-' thren,"therefore He was 1. -led up i ntd j e . ct o�'their derotilan--an unshaped worth. It as -selling at 13 cents por . , 4: ... t need govern- ,,, ­...�­. I .1 ..... V... - I .. :Dowell- Directors- Thos. GoVenlock ..% � , I ­ ious. The Province can not go on , ment plows'to keep the r ' McKillop; Robert 'Armstrong, Rob,ei�,' the wilderneisr. where . tl§�: ".'tlempteT stolne, -daulbed. with.-vorm-ilifon. Therii Rpr�nd, picked a;d baled for shripmlent, - ; . " I -111 . . I .. . .. oads open. Tnith and RDbeft Knbx, Hullett-_G,, ,made an dippeal tb ai�Rtite at the are'no 'hands visible, the''APPealatilOn aif,d when ft"is all picked'ithe labo,14ing � . - I , _­.� I I indefinitely spending fourteen mil -I You -didn't nped a ta to i. - .Is very Iutsi�f.of His. publk.,pilinistry.: sim) 'at a I ., E. Creisswell. Robert Brock and Geo .ply means A tho.-eptrit'rosiding pe pe have, nothirig tu'do until the i . - - . ". From thR mysterious .connelatiton ... be--` ii..".1liat s -one ig; five times more, POW- nlext crop. . .11 I I ... . . ',�, . . lion dollars more than'it talkes into .. - - � take You down .town. You didn't 'T. McXay, Tucke-rs,mdth, Alex. Div- . h oth . . � . , 1. . I I - I tweien, the "ibody -and the Poua, .there ' I . " . I I idslon'and D.'Hogan, Seafolth. . i enful tha -er joddessti. Here is We slb;�ped tbat,,,night at the City, I . I I . .1 ,:_. . .- I ­_ the treasury. .It can.no,tJn fact,.go stay home for the.l.,4ek of them. Mir. James Ross-, of 'near Bruc�field, "'� ' certain appetites created withiA a ig,Y-imps�e inko prime,val animism, If Aruguefta, ,a nice place of abivqt 40,_ . , .... '.. . on for any' length of time, spending I When those ald-time storms were ' ,has sb1d hurses -of his own raising to 11.9 whic-h, in themselves considered, compared with which thiB, worship of ,0,00 plooullution-, driving next -dayr,to,---- . -1-1 . 1. 7- �.. , � ,�� . . . any amount over . and.. �la­bove it, re.- I rajing,'you didn't complain , much th,ex valuie Of over $1,000 within, the are not �sqnful-on the contrary, thiey -Kritshna-is,%n�odern. - - . . Jacksonville, Florlda, a Very large and . ... ­ . "I. � , i. I I I _+higfe A space [before the -stone is swept ,b,,,.Y -,City Of 8,0,0,0,0. . �­ , . . Past two years. . are implanteRd , for.. useful, IOT . . ';"'r � I . " , 11, . 'A ". I about the he inih�­house. The -old" Mir, Alex. Iffirstard., fortinerly af-�he . ' ' . prinkled w(ith water. It is- Oh -Christmas n1lorning we drove to I . . �. " ceipts. at ' God-glloiifying' purposes'- but Satan. arild - ',s .; , , ' , and Z*�- petsuiaWe the young sm,elk -everently with yellew - !��. Augustinw-and ha�d our -Christmas �' - - I , ' 1. Re� I t. .. .. . In order.to. dd'so the' wood fires' . firm of kyle &,M�ustard, Ug7oundv0e, "' . ,.,!�d i tur . . I , I 1,;., ' ,, government . and the,old coal ,stoves felt bats taken the, s�awmill in Brucefield, to gratiffy them tin a sinful; iwanner. mer1c,4nd, veTmil,iGn,-an eart1hen sau- dinner in. the oildelst city in this Uhit- ., - . . 1� . . -i . pretty good to you. . IThat you may know how, to resist -cer folf h1,&6Tis,e 119 1plaeed- before It,, ed StateL-_,..,A6be,T enjoyi, g ' 0 , .. �, Would haveto bor'npw money t has, . I and �emoved- 4t -to that village. 1, , � in a good , 11. .." � I .... � .......... � At i meeting 'g,f ithe Seaforth Alre such assaults, seebere- li,dw Jesus bore fibwer pdtals and, rice are scattered' 'old-fashioned turkey dintnier, we cbm,- �S t� none of its own. -Ontario is a rich.- .. And you washed in cold,wateir be-' . Hirr�self whein ,Sat9.n -4besought Zlm 0ound it. Melaulwhill-e somie of the wo- tqm,ea, . , I.. � �' .... � Brigade held afi' Thai-siday evening .. . . dowm to, Daytonar-­'Beach, I I I 11.1�1 � 'Pro�ince; its credft is good� But ev- cause *there, was only hot water On_ - *ID' � I . aisit week, the officers were all, re- to .gratify His, huniker in 9 foirfbMilen. h1lom have ,-busiedl themselves in an Where we are s6ill sta�ring mid o . - J z4ay- I ", ., wa -le said. ,"It is Written, man improvised'-Witchen on the, other silae ing the sul r " ", �,,; � �11'credit can become exhausted and pights. And you elected. At. the cbnql�igion of - the Y: , nsb%le and the AMW-8, '_ '� 1A . , - wore meeting, thd Ohie(, Mil, George Sklls,, 5%`119 -1t li�ve ,by -bread, alone., but by of the �bree. A fire hag, beeli kindled bathing and fishing. 11. � ", I ' . . I I ",: ';�:, " .1- I , .bbrrowing ofi7�`U iarloPs credit has . marj� clothes indoors than you now entertained the bo7s at an Oyster eiw" Word' IT God." Thid isto, say, and the boy ... with the branches has .I waT1t to say that .Vffl_�-tfie way I . - 1, i­-";'� - % talready , reacheid� the danger point I wear out. I . I . ) supper at BuirlgesW Popular restauf- lift dioes not ,00nislst 'in eafilii-g an stripped -the, leaves. and.' is sewfing I'down, We found' thte Arnfllti6i, pebiple , � ; : . 11 - )� S.'-.- ,� I � .. . I . I ant. . I drink1ing ,and enjoyment; life do- not the)ri� toogeitheT with otalks, -Of grass, Viety friendly and lotbliging; Wb�had � the point where the taxpayers can no Perhaps that was a, long time o W. E. Joines of Staffa, vhilo skalting the -grsLti�ft-&�ii6n.,o-f.-th-e,,.b,ody ifi any and sio fashioning Plates &� the mut- very littlt car trouble ,and. id I' .... -had . 1.,�',F I .1 �' .- - . . �] y �- "" , longer pay. ... � . but you haven't forgotteh ag., ' " We-Loither day ,on Mr'. 011iner's. pond, shape, -but rbhe obedience of .the soul. toai cuTry w,Wh Will be prepazdd and to change one tire all the ,6= " � ''.4. , " 'those , ola- , . . . . ,� - ;eaten after,the isacrifil - - . Way . I .1 ­ _ ­,_, suddenilly f ell striking his head' an the to God. . , � cp- ,_� I *1 , " I --a diftnoe 11 ...... . . .ffi " Thia second splp� oil was inside to . Wh6�q all ,Is fiv order,-,- All do, ,deep 4rolve all the Way . d fdlt fine on I . . V - fore I . of 81&01�0 1,400 intiles.. r , -!110'. -All bf-which brings er� ,ibly time snow storms, have -you? ice %vil such force as tiT rehde,r him e �J � . I . an I , I I . unconecioruls. affibitilon-' and the�, slame lbobher PoAammm The arriviing-7-at our joumney,"s 4nld. wish- ' .�% __ the attention arid - c6n- .1 .11 � I - I b.9 I . . insi&afts 6-bdili�nce ,Cb�, 4�"' , , I I - ­ . Mr. J. W, Hoiggarth, s�qn -of f orm. or other, vietim is 10ted up before hei� three., N-, 1 ,4 l; - -�,-, ", �,� , S. Hog- 't0npta ion 1's, an- ,one nig y6rd"the, cbmiplidnents lof the sieui_ . , ,!. .. -,h--, '' I . . -, ,_ - I � ,. � kll* . ,. I gideration. of the people�'of. th6 Prov- - - " � �fi#h, ,of Stephern, teacher in S. S. relpeated in ,the case' of �ererry iman; ��meiK, 6nd­then water is STMITA&"d , � . --.--. - . . --k -,- P' ), - � '; ''I * '_ " . .1. .... . � . � � . I . . . No: .2, Ellma , was pTelsented vnth, -and tf�or the milost pa;ft in the colm- 6" its jback;­ if fj'j4j,ivoTs, 6ghamma son)'T aqew�ain. . ' -1, ..I ,­ 11"�! " _ Judd th6, question of unemployment . I - I . P .- - . . � . . g '. 11 I � s , ' ev . . a-valauble giol � -chalin pTroT to his de- ,mezeement of Ms career' he.. has to ha�s aeoeipted it' and' the satrdflog, is ­'�" � ... . �! ,.4.! . . .." �. id, I -Vis, nVt a n ton. We , � . ­ I , � ' -i wait � ibi,ftaiegs �j I . - . . :� _ 'AT OTHER PAPERS SAY, paiwte. I fight the battle or to y1ildlid, himadIT a i,dcnzbmm&ted, Al I 0 ,. " 1, , .. - � TIT JOHN 'BOLTON. .� I I r#1 , ques i . � N . IMr. -Alex. Nic1holson, - of Eigm�dnld- cap,�i,vg. . ".! ". , pla ing- wi r five VONS wai to- xvower� and � " " ' ' ' - ., 11.1 f - , , ` l' "" ...... 1. , halie, beeft, - -y' I The fsheop stIft6s, ond- , . . th it fo, 4 I ­-­,� ith More w.gtp_v Among ,'the $20,4 6,907 ,worth A- " I ll.4_�i I ..... .. � . (i . � , 11 A' -a seriouts accident 'on , . ,honor and . 6 ", ,,V,e&1,bh is A. . 1, k, Yi U 11M wl -suff e �d tifonlies4. "Mae sheopil I "" , , '. 'Aftft , All, � d . ' . � � 'I, li� � , I ye . b � I � - --.1. 91 . Roth Have Mitch To , Lea'rn thcr&Tm of Mr. GeoTge Siptiont, ,when a0auous and rugged- and thb le � _* "IStill not re0pon'se. matoriailis tosed, by, it1he fruik "a -da vlbg�' A RV"4, , , ; , . ,TY . 6 I i . 4' r., � P .P 11 . be tell f'rbft.x t1ilib ftZrw afid, teceived a, . Ps ia sprinkled . - � "I _., ,� , it It I I T uW fi� 'thie ha6k I 0if hit �M. t10 A I . . f4_,. # ,! , � it Will *be, with tig I .�. I , we mda* lea,ft. is to'"tvold. o pWilets, the hfta' of etabl6'pii*Varati1an,s indusitty i Chn� � - ,�rq!kjlk I V � , 1. _* I ery a,eMre Vd. ­ ')�­._Wmld -hdr .1dae . ".1.7, , '' .; - .. . '. i '. I _. f(lfflioder�ch Istao"'.. I "hiLS .. .. ., - 1 [4, . . -th fanAkrj "Whothier it is., , "i .. q V, � *. , s, 0'0 . . 1';!,,F' I t! . . . 00111, -11, - short icut, a -Aid, to make t1i,6 Ada during,1934 Wdre 442,M,236 11ki. k ; 10 1 A ,�j,�� " f, I iyplte. - . head, wMich firlactuired . Our Lord the ropfta of iobt - " A - �z 17N, 2 334 4.� It, � ", �..*., .-on 'slaiburck,y .kst, fredd , I70A d ... - iWit son Lak,shma*�iiM"ifb(t-,dotN�--Wlt% ,Of fresh V69etAITY1 - .27 , lbs. . , ";,q 1�4,')',',,* :1 11--, ;AAAN-14-1fifi-OA M_-fo to sayo . � An ieditr&iAl vi peureld ift oh4 tf baniaftlg k -Id-' . � q%lbid"IsVialb VMV,shipi the Lord thy UVI Ahlothev laboVa' ishmer. 7 at& �d- -Tr", b fruit- '48,980,424 11bis. Vf h�,�- ' "I �., *14 I ". ; � rt. � 4. . son of -Mr. Jamet V&Uis% (of tl I I 31 , � * ` �. lb§. op pemu,60�' Tho, - .. 1 �,,.Z2�r '.�,'%_,i - �0* LL .. .. .. . . ?Wlq 1101 I hillovMng ....... .. Tp,, bad, the Vnefornme, to ", T1q 11 aysUlt ''Pl6i *�Olftt iiit'll alwn�8 . be `9 11` 1`9 'n' , , g6t ,tho ,God -and Mn ona� elhtft.;bhou pave," ,another Vaur-6, � Thift to .eveii3�onets 90,"Allld 1X",405 I - � -, . - L. _ d"tilO491-1 "ClAhad P37"? - '1-47 & O -IgE..,, The,jusit onaet on vue­ 'ifiladdl fateuse r.6kielf, -the theog gave. Itsoff a iindu#ry %cluNs establishmewts M- T , 11 r.,Jsam 0 X0 Trom T t -fts finyoewa 0 ., ok M-1. " , , � , , " " Iffilmi I - I "' -1 � I _�e t�, tk I - 11:111 , , 'Aftolk'five ,V, r. s of. d4pres- ' T-,Twftld Stat�%" with (Will .. I . 1, .,; :,�1 , � f4ps of put . .ilkiz&%�g,,;�- �� 7. �Pb 1, - an doeta to Hig IMth �h�qjr,4 Aake an(J. vm,§,.v* ot,c6,turft;,' gaged ,m c0nnivi, ty0drAting and- -- .., lmlftt� pebplfa W1, 11 mg box. 11 - std, ft 060. .. 'R,'V., ff, " �& W-1, �!10 ­­% _ .1P .. ; "�. k , I , ­ 1-1 18, , "XIM9 ". � - I * Adhd b4t e0o, bb ftl6aldly, the ftatos 6m, 1h,411ing 6 ambing, at the wandton ,W9L9 r6st. -, '16MIA e4 ova on ii -0 book, aryd,d ta,W,. poe6mlug* f. v ,,,, , &N , , '' , qaudal �, , 1C.1", , . per bi %NIA&M, �&# the P1 �uibv land iiiW _� .9 , , df th,dd . . ii,b&i.-im-a - . I i6iii"IM � �d..* . y .r fa � ,,, , . " ., _. I 1. I lh** ft6m Cwhado; whoft is cdft"p ,U* sit *611, "hate copba'a-til. #"-h ,g h6d alv.eod6t-�eV4ed-lhe it, ,*er ,6* - ­,'W#.t ,�a!"'.\", ,6w� thbto Waift'"&0t(fifing 4hliegsr� I 1%. , . ll � . "I rd, 0 - -T - 'Tn' N , .1 14 .6"ftgoing, . .- . . I I ! - I I - 1;. . - .�, I 1. . ­ Z IN .."0001 . - L , . �hlp � i, _,­ift&W,M66 *fte 06wt joft%6.1 , I ­ , ". " " - _Trio �04dftft I i a", "Umm., .- . TUNAP "NO."', ,� .1 , ., . .1410 fwl� .- � . - , . ifi-iWa itil lb dalier, I ,"Ojsy ,!a ",. �,.. , , , I . K.Kr . ���'_17 , 1, 1,4, , ­ � V". I I �*�.. I I I I I I . - - . ': o-- � . I , .� , I . ­. I:., � __ 41), I - . . ..­_,� 11" 11 0 I �111 , ,... :1. 1, � , , - "* .� " I " I - I � '. * , I ( * I , ,,IL�_;,. . , , I 1. - � '' I .�; - ,,�;" �.',, . �. I �' ''� 1,17'.'.'. '. %, L " .-..,. IV, . I I � . �� I . I. . I I - . I . 1, �... - ..� - . , '. �'. 1", ".Y I ":�_ , . " , ,. ­ ... . , , ,­ .., �, I �, j -,,.,,,,�.,':61.01 , � t, �",;. �,,��,:,.,��,"-.`. � ,.'.�: � �`, I , � .- , I I - ;.�l .. A,_ 1, " - ., , - ".. " , 11 � ,�, 'I 0 "' '' li, "' 'id Rlki I �,� ,.I � �,�I",ai Z ,� �!.IRNAI.0 " I .. . 71�,&" A I , �, I . , � ,,, �. .'' p ", , ,,, I N �� , 1? �­, , 4 ,,, - �, - 1, i I � � .01 - , t"if , .::: � , � �,� ";"! � I ag "k -& "I 10-1 ---2443 , , ,,, ., " R I " ,-, * � ,,.,�,i 1i , , , �-,W" ,i.l"q.�� I f .,�� 04A ,,� - - , - "I'l i 'w'. A., i I i,l, k � J% ; � , , 11 I ,_ 'a � I 4� ,,� _�,:i . . ` 0 I 1111 i, I " ;"4 i k . , I � h". - " " M 0" i- Nift _4 i i N,axi,, WAMA,tiM, " � ,I 0 I 11, ki W " 0 zl&, ,a ,.