HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-17, Page 1„,,- q.. 11�1”' , - - - .- -I- .T'-­� I . �. I P , 1 .. �;­ . .. . ,: " - el-�:11 � .. i "', .2 . ., ". � V wy-%� -,F",N .. i. ., ­­- I fMj�tl!�tl�4 ,� , ­ � . ,�igA. ,��"h*0.1.'%...N ". qe, ltn" �, � Elyil* POP '! "I i - t� , I , , , � �, , ­ 11 ,:. . , ; , .., 4. , *­� 11 , `-, i­�: -1,4 ,,,.�..; ;..� 3"7 � ." "T!';i',,,,�-;", ,q,;; ­,%11',"� I .. � IM, : .I � . ., �iCl .% I . T � ii, �;. ., . ,�v ...... ,:,� .:�,��,.",.�,�,�v'- , .1 �, I , Mw- 01 '," : ­ ll.".�,",�0,11.N., N ,u --� , R 11" I ,%,U I � ,11 A �.... *­; �,�,� 1. ,T*i",,,I!,,,r,i 11 � "! , I '. Ig W 1, I , "t . . � �,� . - ol, ", , � , ?11:� , � , � " III' , , , . I jl�,� � "!j I I .171, i ­� 0; §�jj .." �. 1101 , I ; I a � , -, —4, I 04 , ,�,:� tr.,�:.'!­ :, ­ �! , I" �:, T"', "i �fN�XV,; �`,.Z , I I I , , 1. I - , , ��l I I , I I I ,�j , � w-': I ".. �. � li, , ,,�,4 ��`�I`. I . �, ,,, 15 I � . I I , 1�jl , , 'j, , "''� 1. . A . 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I . . . � -1. - . . I . . I , : . . I I :: .1 � I , , ,� .: . ., . . . . . . . . . ;; I'll, R� I'll .. . 11, . 1; , 599ANU911441111 1. —;;. "' I I,. - . I—— I i I 111. 11 .1 I I ".. I I ­­. � I I I 1. � ... ... .. I 1. I.. I'll. 1. I � , ­ ,- ­ �.� .1 ­­­ ­--­-.,­­­ ­ . I .5 I - - -- - � - - I . .1 . .. ;i ., ­�- - --, I . . -- -1 I I � . --- ,- . 1- V ­­­ ,, I � I I - ­. I I ­. .7 1. . . . �. ; ,-;; "' ;;­�,;, ... 11 � �� r .', 11 .." q, ­ � - . 1. . I ­ I , ­-­­­ 1 15' 7 - 7 - v� -177 N M� , ,q��, , . I . . .. . � I . �. � '. i ."'.. 77111� "IR117W, .. I I - . � . . . . ­ ' !: !'� , . ,�. ��" P*rr!�Z;F, R' mig � : � , . .. � , , ', - �1� i , " 'r ' ". 7 �k "' "' , . , -11"I" , - `1�1 'l -l". I I . ty6afth Year � * I . � ... � I,- , k , ' ­ ." 'i " I .1 , , , g - i. - -,'l ' I — � I -.1. . . k SEA ORT] ,FRIDAYt. # 6 irlt 1936 - ' ." ' ; 11, ... .1-11, - 11 I I . I IF 110 0 .:0 :1 - I, I �e 1.11 I , I I , . � . I - � . I . A­.'� ­­­X­1� . ,,, � , - ...'... .1. ­, , ,.,. -1 . , . . .. ; '.. ,- I . . ---. ­'... � .: ". . 0 A �. .10, -;-u - . W ­ ­ . . I - . ,.. , . I . , . .. . I . . I " � I ri, - - \ . V7W " � N -�" *3 . ­ ­, 11, " - I - - 11 .. . .... 40 �, � . ... , ­ I , �1� ''. . � . � ­ ­ . I . 11 ,�, � , � ," 5 !, I! r..,. ­­­', ....­ I—— � 11.1- ­­­ . I .;1 . . - . I'� I , -:� . , : ,� I ., -1 =7*m" ; ;, ;;ii, ;�,­­ " .. � ,.. ;;;�— ,. , � W . � - ­ I 'I'll . �.. ­�, . ;,m -; ,';; i +i;4r, ,`4R'i ,7`-i . . � C. I . I , . . ! , . P j - I . I ­­,�... �'%.jj ----- ,,`��4*­,- I . . ­ . . . P. VIP � I . . . . . . . I � . . ­.. � . I � �111i rN - � ­ , - � . . I , . I JU.'L!0 . . , ,Pr . . ­ : . , ..k . . ., , �', "!� 7R'lf 1 1 1 1 1 �.. . ,. , , ­ " I W, C ".. I I � I �. . %i : '�, 1. 14A , -, ,f-.-- :� , , � � .1 � '. , � , U0 I - ­ - -e , , - 'h", "I..". . .1.1. ­ I , , 111. . . � .. . I � ­� I 1. I ­ C -.-��.­ ': . . . I . , I . ­ ... . I . I �. A '. -5 o 1 " H -o c ke ," U.N.'..'t-11, - �` % ---- - -,-to -, . '' ... ::. ' -0 : -4 ca ., ,. y ,.t ... ea M's " - , "'" ! . ,,,jw- afo*" I "'" .., ­ 1. .. 'R 1. 'Ex's .., I - � 'E.1 , -..O, - ­­­­�� �. *-�-- .,... :, . , , � - ii� MAYOR A NO ; , . IUCK 'MITH. - - - ­ ­ ,.;. . 'S h.,.� ADDRE.00 , . !�' . i . . .1, ",�.L.., - ­ , � -1 L.., ... -j. -1.1 F 1Aj,', -T � -.,, � %` 11. T I N-� G \ - -, - .", I � L. .- I,. . I. .. � I - " L 1, ". r'!� . . 1. . . . ' , ­.' . 5:11 " ��i.. ti, � .. . 110 . *­.. I.. ��'i . . . . -1 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ . 1, a-11- - N. . ,�­ . " ET lu �. ,,.�'i! �. �. �. �. �. . . . � I . . . I ..... I. . . . . . TS-:.-0FF10ER,$ - L - Ii ,I . ' i�.!. .: H.�-o . - , - -" *�-"�` ;,-'e. . JVeS L' 1, . .r I. It - " , � ' )z � � -­ V . 1% Ws. I � --, " ' ' ' I !!W' - - With , R� '. e 111" ME TING .. i, 1 . �al, U,g I -AT . . . I...... . . . . APPOIN � . 1. . . I . .., ....... .....­­.. 1.� I . , , . . � L . ... '. I . "'; ­.. " - ­­. � . I . . I � I, . Is"NI& . - I. ­ ' I . . I . r . ' 4P . � . - � - -�:­l -I- - '. .-.. .., ,,, .,r I 1 pg­� IL X . - 0 L' . ;, I � �'. I .. .. , 1. �, .1 2 . . . . 'S . . , ­ .-� ,- - I . ,4 � I - s P o- J. 4.t Will "L . ... 1. 1. Dism. � I . , ., ., ., Qe* f Me W I "�L'yj .; ­ � , ., �S - on , . . ,� I Fg Pa - , W4 . , , Reeve W.- R- Ar'c�ibald Pre Dun. , - -W- e ek-­ " ­ . . sion .n., . '. . . . . I �i� 4: � . . . � 1. .. : in st -� ,,, - r )w " I 'j-..", 9 .. I � . -F-,d-,4 ­­ , ,,�,,- I . � L L . I . I " Be. D, It th Dtir- I . . : --th:7 I emfor .'Of i,, , , , . ­ ­­ . . .1 S InAugural. . I'L � I I I . I Tree,"ll" Mi— '' , �.' lggp3EI'11�!­� , * -_1 I - I . -0 I . I ­ . ., ', ,�,� i -4 t 41 . ides At_ a . I .1 . L I .. . . I I . ­ . I y .. ! . , ( i ",�, L Y.� " " 5 V, ,` . , . . . 1`117111�1",., ��,:� �i',".' 1 .4; 1, . . ...'r , ... �. . . - . . I � � I 1-1 . .;Willi.aftt Hp ; - , , 1'�',,�,� �i'l . I ... p, �4; , � .- 1, .. ... .... ­ '. . , - IS, ' d Representa .10. -0 'O ';'%`lY­ -L'.... -A,i,K ... I Gathering. - � z ing - Y., ar mr ", . Intermediates,- L o s e, T w o I - Officia. an tives . I ''W" 0, . . ­ 11:,N,4"W '. .3 . � . . I I . � ZIIX­01'�4:1'. 1 � 0 0 0 0 I - . . Z-0. 0 Z ,�'.X I 1 . . '. I � . I L , 4 ,,�', �,;, . . i A .1 - .1 1, i-,�%,"..t�..;'i. . . I I ' I ' - - .- - , , , . - ... -7- 1, . I i . .-I CbUncil , 11 . .. ,. . . ,77777- �1.11-.. "', ,. , I � I . .... RANT - BKFXGI-1"�71; - . ,.", � I . . . " .., . . . . I . I . :ay - I -'.,I-, - , . I . I . , . " . .1.1.. I Eo.ckey Sc ' s - .- Oiie Ind Lose, -,One. , ;1 . I , - G i .. 1. -11-1....., �,, ��, . � ' .., I il pp.4m . . . � . Games Land Juniors WAXI 'ASK � ":- C I are Rea , ted , - . TURNER - ''. REMAINS , " ­ , 0 -OPERATION - ­ '. ,. , . I I . . , ore. . -' INscontinues-Recently 0 � th'i"A""S Ro 11'' , .- , I . . I ; . '-111. 11 . n, c - . . "...., F::... 1, .- I I I ' ,. .. ... amInuat-4neetin, :; , " � , " 1. I -11, I . ­ . . . -Ii� I ... I �71 . :;�, . .... . ­ I . I , . , �., .l., - I . � -Mayor A. 1). guthorlaind, w%dReeve Formed -Board. - " . 11. This 4 ,,-t4 .-. ` �:, .. I I .. . firsit.%'meiting oP. the Tucladr- � Scores of, ,the. hockey games ' . -,N,?,1fare . ,,V, �* 7 - I I M"I �p,,, . " . . ' -�i � . ' ` I' `� . ... ... ­ I . , The:, mill cat that little ... knowli cultural Society- v'.`� '. , , ,;. ir . . ing of . .,M - 1-1 I I . The, . 36 was p1gyed. the J. H. Scott, prDor"t th fttin I � stridth Tawn-shiP;,counicil for 19 . past w,ee.k,are as fol- ,,HOME GAMER.Aft ' . 'I . ', ry ,on, ii .- oiv­!, . . . ­­ I 00-Uncill on A Ma`-ni'41,�&*�Jev'.en' -,,�g , 1. I irth, on 116,Ws: . I . __:Onda3r n.,ghZsp,ke,brild- . town employee, who has the"mice ' , Carvietie Llbm . ..m .leg., .mz,�i .. ; . beld.,41L #i,o Town Hall', S&OD. . . at the Wolverton Mill in its.com- ' :gith &.. L. � PoTteo '' ' , P . MiNg ....'a"; ,�,- -, I ' ii US,' 1pre-�Wwyi , ��, . � 11.1 I I ­­ r. ittlers, of- t. . :,�;i, I y; . .1 ., . I mattewsr thait MOVE TO ABOLISH , t M. .-,;X" I . , ' '�'�`Iled " *-e " � . I JMonda '- j�n. 13th. All members .­ Intermediate WELL ATTENDED, ly "I'll di's a I ,1,* 1k. dep , . I . *otuld come �W-.ore the coi - . . . pl4fte-charge, entered into the de- ,he .AAer- in- . . -1 -i ­ * . were present EIP4 -tob �jarajtf&n of - ,Clinton ....... a�I.'-S"f6rth'­. - - - 0 , -------- r— iMay,Or Sutherland slaid� . N ... liberations of, the 'council j7­411ft'*. lit, wwe deah with the"s - Y�-- A��,!�� i"', , � I ­ I .. . COUNCIL :SALARIES - 41 r � ­ forth'., . .� . . o im , Reeve IV, R. Arichlilbald pre- KiPcArdine *.,,,4 Sea ... 2 * . . 1 I . 00ftir !�� � �, * : i Rouath I . or , * '. "", 41 I- . .1 . . ,day even -k- - - , ' ,� - ­ . hockey circles chzring the, pa4it ­- "In It I ing, when a bill mil tr-leasurer WiTs E. 9: Fe - �.J!,,-.! I �', , of . 11­11�.,. I � . . � I- . prgugiou.,, .!, - ' weelk the Sea,vers ,7-.(. Intermediates') Mayor T ,feel that 'it is I—.. 11..(�3 . . . . " �',"m!, I I sjde�t­ After-Teadiing the -manatiob. . , Junior , ...... ­ � In l7wlsilwt- "01 , terlmi as , . I . I sypplie4 was Oresepted. . In all, it fa letter from the Pjiilioi�lal Vresl-,�,,,,,�.!, 9, J. '�` 1. v.� - I last ..mejeting and returning offileer's St. Marys...'- 9 Seaforth .....2 . ,Seb&o,r'th'§ new council ,"Tn amounted to ` .,Z � .1 Nms, , -�41 . - I .... 4. dropped a kakate to Cdinton- 3-0 before my first Autyto,qxteAd tb ltheicjltize�ius , I . � . $4.56 and covered a dent stating the ;', -- .,11 - 1;11-1 I .. � . . ;OTI � .1 . ,,ztqbM -� , Seaforth.. , . it Mitchel ' J - 1 mem- , pejrp.(? !&. . , , , ' " L ­­ , , , ient,of,peeWts of the Aomirla ,e - - in ,O,a Mlondit y evening wbern� a -1 d'fro"m Ma"y to January. N.'d-. ativg cutting'"""Off- - annupui ��', . 141� .`*� 6'zg ,'t minutes were a6optteT W M- - .. Farmers" League . a I:arrgo mowd.-on, Thursda,y, Jandawy my sihice're appreciatlion. of th ir con ttwpl . . . , he ' - , ' - -Ka 4 - , �--,,,,�� . be another reversal, . , . am ... grant to Hiorticultui-il S ierd, '' - ' 9� lzf . 'a 1, 9&, amid- then inpC fildence and pe,coind, .1o...vielidome yi be ere ppeem4t. Mh�lxi,gulthei ..... .. could expl ' '.what the. .cat . Ole eS.,�t...-­.';,.`,!j . . , , I ,,, - �or dville.'7' St. Colum , _ I., .07� YOUT e,l,e,,e I I .1 . br - ��. I .... I . -&n I&Kay� andl Whi6molvi. ., E I Winthrbp .,.., 4) whon, they joiuroeyed�-,,to,Kine�rdli�nie'ion . J�ioa, --to.the poigirt;ioln -of presided. . . 1� . � d �fqr milk in Auglqst. and­'1�1'6;' The slodety, decided tblajt--X--tr,;EW.1'be �.%v .. . 1, ; I - K=.... .1 . . Ith pra e bill indicatA . - I Ill , � - I . W '11 That * ' Reeve- anid" Councillors. Irlie, meetint opened ,,0 yer by vember for'th ed, A01iiii ­ ..plaAtedF1n honvor.of the1ite ,,, ' ­ ' � , . 1A I � Ih MOTe-Bell: ... I. &M. , ...I t9e Reeve I 'e lu thla� - W E, , 11 � " 11. " . 1. . , Duncan Cup Hockey .To Isiday for, a .4-2 defeat . . 1, . "'.... 1. , .. .. - . I .1 . ,and-ildkr�k diraft .a copy bf rules of . ii-'th6 locals pJayed We gaimcit,lbut a St this Rey.'L'P. �.A. . Clarlmaeha,el,' who ln,�ol.pt4 ""' Fieen used during those fwo ' Ha.rtry, who' *ais,',keenly inbereste,d '-�-- .. . I . Iftttlin' Bru-insi 6 ; Flying' 91'rii!e, w.'Ith Clinto I . pp m . . I �� . pelctatOTS' PAMOU'Wr.-Itillne .'thk'& mi;ilate I 4�. ­ l*,prlobedurie, quitalbJ6 '-ibr d.ondqict I ling Frenchmen, 5; CoNegiate Cougars a ,game that suTprised the.sr of a d1o,j- Divifie igu4ikpee on the deliberations months. Perhaps, as one',of the lip the local sjotiiety,� haviih,6,16eah L-�� :,",�i-.,.,' ' . n it is dudling the Coming Y -. sugges4 . I pres, 1 . '11� 1. - the busime-vis of ,thffl­ couneil� -were, juisit n6ugli 'to lar, .the nilore tspecielly whe , earl council � .4 the .iupply- 4-oi6t,-ftany years and- !one,, inve . , .. � . 7, OTack Hawks, 5. ibuit unluelty - e. . . ' - . . ti, ­presl- -17,./. � . , ii, - That theCle . . dtj� l$tr;ikintg.C-ommrirbtee, eornpicisled . of ce . �,:: I ..... .. . .. nEon this -mtelpayers'.., dbollar ,,p I usted. " t - - mi had. been particularly dent of the, provincial association. ��­ ., ' . . . Wk tmure-Bell: 1,k or- ­ ,c6line aiWay ,with a, less., .The 01i I m o ,The , . � � I ­ . r.SutheTla,nd and -Councillors ood.' -1 . � �, . . ,Officers for 1926 weir,e e I ... I �� . . I dier skxk,�Qpies of the Municipal World I . , - , tealni�-�htst - yeaT`9 'ftnailists��had a TOir­&nd I am e4 6efit th-ait tj�j ex-- 6f Maw, 9 -, 11 ldbted, 'I id � ­:` I . ,,, , . 0 0 0 . W lie f.undigby you will J,. J. Cluff and R. G. Pai7ke, was ap- I ­ � ­ .. ; .. , , . " I ue 0 & I 0 smootib'Work, p. IP1 I . .� . . . I follows.: Pre's P - Vo - -.. -. 4 ' � ; ... �, ,, , I ' for use! off the, council and a eheq � ing a gregation,- but tl�e pei of pr b ideznt Mism k. k. pl�i-�. -11".. � . . i I ". 0. 0 -0 0 .0 Vi6d iesifdl�nt, Miss'E'llieIr " be issued therefor Jof $6.15, . . . � t�heff;j not, increase the burden of the. ratte,­ oln-teid, and council.,adjourned to anfeet 0 �guslon� list I ,hard ,chei Beavers worried . , ,.V- s, -111 � . . j - I . . . I I ith%t. evenling. . . . � , 1. iBeat�io-' 2nd vicie-pfgsident,!Mivs� jealn .. .. I . , or, .1 ' thzduigho,ut­.thie gam - * _ , 1 11 wht�n, ei�-Bell: That Jbilin E,4rle -be . e. In the Kin I .... . . . I . . ' , , 1. , �. �. �% Zhes'� uflnii0h , d busilress of the past 'Mayor Sutherland s,nd R�zw Scott. . . I - r MCI.," "I - easuier, ".W. IYL - ';��, � appointed Sonitary Inspector for 1966 cardine game the Beavers were un- ­ . n - secretary:itr I ­. I OCALS E ­RTAIN ablei'to pjjt a f1jil.teah, ion the ice bli,' year isthe sluit at Kruse,,agaiiist b�ddresl seld 0ouncil 'its 4. rilsumed ait, 8 1 1 1 . . . 1.� "'41 1 O '10c a L NTE � - IVIT. Hart,,- I)j-rp#Qrsr for tWo yea,rsc 3Msd :�,' 11 I . . .. at a sal . ur and I - el- � . .. �, ,Hartr y - M -is - E I ', " s t,b ith which'yo,u' are now., , '-1. 111Y . . . o',town . vA I O'clo-ek.-:- . . - 'A .1 ' � inlile, one Way, vvith �lai minimum ba-uslis- ,one of the Mitchell ,player I :We - WRIGHT NA ED ,'Ali,c Daily, "LlWipis ,M: . I I . . .1 mi -n- I . 'T, . . . i � - ��-) $1.00 fa!ile-d to show up 'and, alsio, because fanitilliar. , The examination for dis- 71�,llowin.g the reading -of the - ' kppleyard and,..Mr. F. S , 'Sava'uge;T : ' ' ' ' I � . - ,chat ... . . . � . W , -- �q� � . ge ,of . . . MITCHELL' PLAYERS -on - the co -very wilil tlA:ke place on February u+Fs the report of the striking com- ficif pine. year, . Mrs. .. J. "Dil6ksbu, --�,';--­'.. I . That Edwi;n, P. Chesney and Harold . of an. accident that. happened I I. ..t" . ':, " , J. - - ­­... . . � . - ee was, adopted ws,r%�. ' '. .' - . ­1� dr of. -all bo-okis and ac� . I way, up, ,rendering one. player *from 18,- -alt w4ich ,the. town will -be. repTe- MI � , . , Xts. J. B. Rusbell, .1Wra.'J. B.�Tyre 1�5' . SCHOOL BOARD'i � AD ,.�!,,, Cri(ch be au gors . . . ' i 'I, ,, . cbuihtis or tb�p township for 1-93 a. a IW,.. -ug i causing lesser Tfiju(ries sentediby war solicitor. Rdlief is now. The ImeyMherg Pf. theyaritolIs qorn-, I . man, Masis M. Rands- an& Mr.. Gaialik -­':�,4��� , . . . . 1 6 t *)' s flolloivis, the I firsit nam- . .. - i. I . � . �' , ", �� . ,... I Mitchell Badminton Club P 'were h.,ind'ea and .In -all probability, will, be. -with us mv!t-vo-11. are a . I I I ' Sbewg '4 : i"I - I I . . .. . . . I .. to iothers. The Juniors . , ' , . ..... ' . , rt; iCui Mr. E. F6. Tamian. �' ­9'�� . salary Of, $Z2 50 each. I � . , , I . I I -k d h Mr. Miln. 1. .L* I . fftlitmore-Re-IJ: That having re- I iat 8-2, defeat in. St. Marys ion Thurs- for Wine tiliyie or ui#lil ,we fibd wo7 , e in eac casie ,be,ing. ch,girlinan: Public School Board Holdi and, il.i� . � I . I . ,. I . . " I . � 1". . 11 ' - Aolin�sj. . . , .. . . . .11 .. Ineasiii"'eT, .r- , .1 . � . %� I .'.,, . . PlaysFrie dly Gam -6`. Finanm�R,vld, Xviatinig, I . - i .. I . -n -en revers - w,e T. ,. . . .. . cleited the consent &f,.,y.6, clay, Janqza,ry 9 but th ed for ,the men,' and Oomnieud the � h . . , I ' I ­ I., Mli,tchell- bf givlftg� !Wy,1-tejnT ,which heretofore "prevai ed . Fire And, Water-Pa-i-ke, S i lwl. I R C i & In . . � � I .11 -... I . 'Mr. Tuirner be requested to continue 2, With Seaforth. lthe.bubles ion . N . ­ 4 ' .0 11 ...a.ugural Meeting on. .I.. . � . . I .. . .1. t ". ,.L, . . . I I Prop rty-Sillis, N.rke. Cl . ... 11 , .. . . in) officei until' April 1-st. . - . ' ' ­­ . . them ­an 11�4­11­,jg4minigs an. Tuesday (Contirmed ciii page 4). ' � .e ' ' 11 - -* e% 91� . A., . �, 11 ,. . ,-citt, Cluff, Ke. I ­.m5tar , -.t� . : . . . . . I � . . Streelts-Sc ating. ' [ ,- '.'- ' Wedn'es'da­ tocal Hockey .. '.. . .11, . 9-cKay-WhitIni-arig, Thet Bylaw'No.. . . . in the local rink., . :* . �..::. I . . ... ....... . . . � Y. �-­ . y . .1 I ' . �:.. I , . . I � .." �­ � 0 ----- ----- 7 � Ti6lief �ii,mn7�l�tit;e-c?-J-M(,,i,yo.r, 'Ree,iii ' 1. . I .1 1. I -­­ ­ �� 1: ;, 4 I I to 15rovide: fibr an estimated expen- Weanbersi of tii6 'Mitchell Badmin-, I Clinton 3, Seaforth 0 � . -.,e . . � I Holri . ­ I . . . I . � . . h--& 4 I I � :: ... ' I I � . - � �i)C For llown'rlkifitt staying poweir you I . . .. ... q I Sea- I ;.- . -Z'r May . ed � ��, diture, of ­�-11,iDo;o on roads as fol � -� . .. I . I .. Onurt' of'.R.-visi,on-' ,Th:z, inaugural megting­df. the, . . njur, . .. . I liiil�w.ere guel-16 of the Seaforth vo�, � Reeve, I in Crash: _:%,..,,,,.,, i . � I , 1, ­ ­:,!:%�'; . iliows: Road-coinsitruction WO; br7dge 0.11i6b on, Firti-daly, -eviening ,A I . ftirth 'PrI`b.11c'.-,1z-c,h-bi6l Board was li�eld' . , :�, .., I I . � I . , . , - . � - . . , . ,,, ,,�I� . . .... ­ .11C1.11vii, "11,1600,; 1 . . . . , ..... 11...- . " ",L '- I " I . . _ crown, TheT biltskatted, -= HURONPRESBYTERIAL.- Cllifr, Parke; Keating. ' ; , . � -'s. 'hen a iier- have to give.the- Seaforth, Bp . � 100211strl mi;!`bini 'j1,- i,da­oif enjio,ymble.. ganiles hZeirla played, the' � . , R�i,jgnastions fr-om,.R­G..Parke and in'the school .on . . .. ... W'.,,P:dnlesd,a,y evening s`;�l , . �. . . . 1 . ., . ift ikidd­.; I - , 1. I,',' . . . I alh,tenatn'3,6, %$8,0,00'; , superin- Seii Won 14-12. checked ,and - ouit-shone the . Clinton � . I I . . �f� whem aill,zembers were, present, . ;Thrown from '� car -w en, . .:�.,fl S Andrew Archibald,- as. meiniber,s .7.., ­ : G ­;the james, d,elici,ous Colts but.just lacked -the seor on an ity roadnear , 7. .��­ . - � . O �, to . . n Tuesday, evemlini, Harold Flostir ,. of � I._ ' � d to Depa',rtffit�r'Of '111119hi lunch was served. I , ' ���.' ,. . . .1. 0 I%. Inig APP u): -(Continued o' Page -55- chairman of the board, -arid `M. ..". ",­.�;� rmlezle, $400j be -1yasied- ,and far- ,.,po,IN,I�, ' n, 'William A. Wright was re-elecited ed It-: . , JW1 a punch to be-ait Doa.ke who pr led, .... ICER ..ftgbiri on -­,;� , I . wirde, ' - 0IN', 0 FF . ­ � .,q-., 7- . ;..:.­­. � " ... I . ,be the outs-tanding sitar of the-ga-me. I � . ; . 1 "14 - .. . . I- .1 . .1 , ­ ... �, ' Kellar, - seicrelt-ary-treasurer." I ,1 Hensall, star pla,yer with t e i - .-. 11 " q", Bell -Gemmell: ­ That ,the 061lectior The -games were as follows:, - . . h - i;e� ' ­��,'� I 1. - I ...., -; ll'. AL I .. Mixed, Do � ubles . 'Haid it not been for lhis aervic& th I I 0- I I � . .. Commit", ­ d ' inf��gq Porth - Rdavers, suffea*eid. a ,badly diis� - ­­ '- -'� I . ­., ..��­ given an exten.sion 'of ,time fo:,r , .. . , . ..I.t . I .��: ees , arr .... 4­7eT. ., ptives * . X11. . , ­.­ . , . , I .... . I eolwl�cting until -the next, nleiEitin ' . i Sa. , . Pam, would probably . 1'� � "AT ANNUAL, - MEETING' ' a ,;��.Irla 11.11.1-1-1 tile appioihte4 wsp f6l!:Q,ws: � . . H -e Will The -out. of , . .; ".. - I . . I 9 of - -Staifl Dorrahce- and Ily Wood Clintion te ! ave I ' . we I liocaitle'd shoiulder, .. , i '- '­ Malited Dr. A-beiriliart'and Mrs.. Gil- IS I -Singers .... Prcq>erty-- . 4Wilght, Hotham., �Mun,a. ,the ganie fb 1�96h-Le'4lii*A I I . . . . ��,` - I... - --- , (. the couincill, I . . I uffered.a. losis. 'Puhich",Mi�Ewan- al- I . - . I ! - '.�-' . Jubilee r' I . ;�.:',­-. . ,� I .. . JSID g4t itto" the limelight " V9; Mdfifik . � I....... , " Popter', together with Sylvester - Al— - % .' . .. ' I I . ' I .. . MOKuy-Gemmell: That Robt. -Dal- lrie--42-15. Suippd,�­`vftclXell,ar, Westcott­ Slav- .1 . . 1, 1� . - , . 1 ­' . . .1 . 0 - ' . .. ' ,:,. ' . �. . I . . , - rymple 'be ,,appointed. Road Sia�peri-n- Dr. Gilbile aid.' Mrs., AUI;h��tM1V70''goals and jiv"in.'9 the-ass.ist f.or Mrs. D. J.,Ume Goderich'is e . ........ ­Z.�- I len" '-Wfib was, driving, A. W. Dick I ' , .... I 1,`�: , , . ­ I.. - - O' � 2 . Please Audience. 4ug . L - , � . , I itendent for 1936, at -a, salary old 30,c eli'miminaked Geo'rge Hays ind Janet ,the ,k)-ther. Foster,pr ved the Most� I Public Librar' eo"d--LMiss� S. I. owncir of the car andi-S. t'alliton, was �; i 1.i: I I . . . a ' � .. , y ' ' ' ' , I . 1. � ... 1: . . I . . I I . . . ­ .iil­ . ',l an ho,uT- .R.- Ke'�ne4y be weed....4ne ' .11.� ... --1 ........... � ..... ­­. valuaili4e, Player for the.BeaTers and Named 'President, , .. .., -Z McLean., . ,on hist way to, the li, cardinei-Sim- ', ,�. . I Tlec` Chiff-17-16. - I 1- . * ..: �':.. ' 6 -Chasi. A. Barber. forth O.HA- game -in -Rffi.6Lrddne N I " . . .- I tor at-� salary of Zaa an .hoi and ,Tied.Ta.ni4P­An'd, Mrs. D. 11. Willsqn, hLs poke check W' O.Irriedi %ithe .Colts - !. I , �111( A ,large audie',nce**gre.e-t&d, the first C I'leglat,4 Boavid . . . . .,� ! , I I . I For 16�' ' I I . ­­ � I W- P. Thornp-slon, mernber of Board el1(mIin-&&,d IV. L. Carroll ­an -d M,rs,. abnaider�blk. I I.I... . .-... A ,! a,ppeana'nce of . the Virginia Jubilee Trusmt Officer -S. X, Westoott, . when 7a -short distance fricilh, tfie to?';M'i , ...�­ � ' . I . I � I.. . . Cldntom,-Geal, Dloake; -r�. 'd., Rath ,,,, I 1� ... '..., � k ... . .. I- were - -the ateldent.. ocei . . . ...'. I . , A . ' . � .. . .. 1111a �: �',N "' . , I . � Ci,22-9 . I . , �­ Sin,ers in Seann-rh -at .-Northel-de , � ecio ts. to-tall,ir.* ' $61.64 % . �T . .1 . ntmen , , - I ' d by t1h Board: -Faster was the only one iA,: dhe . � � Pq1J--McKay: That ,the appoi t I. 1L Weed.finark and .M. Belf­�li,m- - . . ( I Continued on Page. Q -­ SURPLUS .Ti �nl�,te,d Chruirch- -on - Wednesday eren- pasuse. 6 I . . . - .��­­ , - - - . . . . , I.. . Of ah assessor be left Open for'a ii- fil . I. 4., Elliotif:and, J. Paulir�-. ..r . -I.... .. .. .1 .1 11 . . . in' was presEnted un- - - . � . party ,Va be inij,ured.' He was­li;�bu'ght , , . "" , 1: I I. . ., _r -PP na-tied W. g. The concert . ..: A Xj, . , . (Continued on. I�age , I I I . I .. . . ' . 0- bac�k to Sliafortth. And, rdnvloved'to hda ' "'. � . . 22-15--, � , I ­ . idlair .t,he auspices, of the church choir. I I . . I �, . ., I � 1. . . ­­­ I . . I k 1. . "% .1 . . . 1. 1C. (MdKenizie and, Mi .. Every January for several years The ,splepilid �p s fully up' home in, Hensall ,on Wednesday.. .. � I . .. . . .,. . ... , .yogram wa ' "! P. , ­­­ ., . 1.-­,17�1 .. � - elim-Inated Dr. Mkitton, and . I I . yterial. of the 1W. M. S 'to advanice, n '61�.6s apill each n - Council 9 . C 'The -driver ',of the car, Mr. Allen,- . I ' . ,�� . I I . I r e' Yli S1, is unable to explain th;ii iccl,ilent, The " , .� . . . 4 , . I TM,Itmk . 9. I...., . . A.' Casey' No ''thsid i .' P-� Huron- Presb ' �=, . .1 U I . . I '. . . ... I tieVe ice , -i n% 1 - . I. . . .roadsi were very' k� Ahd ... 'apparently 1 ' ' . ..M.P.-Cohimence . .re.gda Tias held itq annual wz6t n ence. 1. . . : . . RE -22-21. 1 . . .­ I I ' ,of the Presibyterian thuti in 'Can,- Ivas hieartily'a�pplanded -by the audi- I . I � lan MacTavish and ,Peg Gr .. . �� � 5 . .11 . I I � 1. Elect Off -� I ts . h.e &, " d and Town Officials ,the car skidded",and got Out of , ": .41 1. k. , ' . eliminated M. ,C, Preston and, Mrs.. I . ". . . � Clinto . n, . and every vear tha...h�te�fd­ � -Arra.ngetnen' . in , ma, e I . . I. " I I . I co . n- ­.'� ... I R'. . . ­ --- I I Mg-tton- -22-17. , . ance is increasing, The,:Clixitbn !ad- .whereby the Jubilea Singers I . . 1. - , , "11.4 . ` (41 . I I w1l le- Guests, at St'arCafe , t"' . . . ..."'.1, . I , . � . Radio,&146ck Up (,Continued on Plage 4), " ' r 11 , . ............ . . .. --11 ... . � . ....... .............. . - I . . ..... . The annuat.meeting.'lof the Young iles Of the Presby-terian Church a -l- turn to Seeforth' the la-tte --- ­ . I .. . 1. I . . .. . � 44 . . - - .. I .., . People's iSlocipty al Northside Unit- ways exteRd­a,-t,p,arty - weloomp and April w,ben they will pre�s.qnt a new I . . ... . .. 0 --- �-� � . . . I ',�,�r. " . ­ . *� . ... , , . ' I I � . . . . � . ' I . - I � ­ if one r,rogra,�n- under the a -ce . . . . . �,;. . . -A checkup on rafflo oi is in- I , , . . . ed Chi w�i`hiVd ... dh`:Tue1sdaSr, voith give an appetizing dinner and ii!�Pi S ,of the Folilo,wing the inaugural, ... tiieeting of � -.4 - ­ - . . ..� . � - ' . . � . ' I . . Tirdi in, ,Godericih this week. and - the pre,§ident, Miss, Ruth Thom goes once she wants to go again. Mae Lan6l Auxiliary of the church. colincil -on Mlonda . night, the, niei : .%.-, I I .. . y 11 .� ,!.� . #. as minIdeirsal'bo Id. Action is Veing . ng P.5d'ont', Perhaps because- it' �com-es so Agbon*- . ­ , . - zens :.,., .. . I * Q . taken' You' ng Liberals in the chair. After "the sinigi after 0 . I * . - ­­­ ... -1 . � he rs ,o,f the council �11'd Public Utility, Seaforth Citi ' . 1.,.:", I , . . ­ � I bristmas ft always seems Tik,e . . ­­. . . � . 1. . ". . agaiinst those.who have neglecteld.to - hymn Mr. CariuldhIMErl led In �prayer. I . . . , . Commission and town ,officials -were ... I . . . . % I '9 MMU, 9 ' happy family reunion. Friends ! I I . obtai'a a lim'diso.." - voll ir,,�iis :611ed;-add th . t a 411, banquet at - . ''. . . . ­ Plan Eu re,DanceTh ' - ,.guests at A dielighitful . .. -Are on- -the Air ' �', . � � 6iii"MIonifty 6ur Rwal. Canadian, . . . ,­ I . of the last meeting were read -01d iniftit wh1Q Iiiave.- known each other Hibbe'rt Holds the Sitar Cafe. " '. � I . ­ . ­ I, ..., , . . - . . ' . 1. . . .I., . .. I 1. .. � I . ­ . I ­'A'11olice ,pa -id La surprise vi!siit rbi the - .. . . . . adopted; Sli busi ' ' jisspos- tlhTorugh the. nil,-.pilorimury work ext,end- . I � .­ .... . . -e weUnted brv,,CAh- I . . - -- I . ! � ,. nuess was ( . . -..r The gu­e:§tsi,I;vei, ji�� , , -.--- . . . -tqwp and co-inmeneed a' -1to4muse 'The Thonias i"MeXillan Young Lib- ed",ol' and final arrangements were ing.over many years. Newcomers are I Inaugural Meet on Apipleya�rd on behialf of ,the pro- -, A number of Sea'fbrt,h citizi-iiii,'hii,io-- :' house . L', , . . .. . I., , . : . ., .­�J­1,111 ...... ... . C=VMV- . -1 . - ,eral Club will old a- mixed -euchre made, :f`or a play the young people� made to feel -they tolo, 'have a plac4 . prietor, ThZii�las Chong, and ,Mayor been -tak'.n.g.,part in a.sieries ,of pro- . .­ .. " I I ift is not known wheither sea.46-rth and dance, o, W�'&66sda,yt Jiffi,. 29. . � th ,and and socin feel ,at h -on -Le. in the,'family. ' . .. . . i:iplied. � � . . I I 1".� . I I . .- � . are - preparing for January. 28 . Sath-ci-land. 'O iatin . - :,;". I . grvinils, High g fi�onl. a Slt��itfulrd , * is, On 'their'a-gendd of pliazeii� �o be Splendidprizes arebern,T, givenand wrlilich. promises to b�6 u greait sul&- The meeting ,p,��esday, January . The inlauguir�l 111,,Q-ElLin,jp� Of 11.1illobart 'The dinnei-, ,of slix courses, wa;; . . I '.. " - .. . ­­­ ... 1. . ' F.104 owing Ahis cess ­ . � I . greatly enjioyed by all -those present. raildio station duj6ng the, ,past week. . I I. 1 .11 I visited, but 'radlito uwrieTS would he lun-c will be served.' .. . ,­ 14th, was quit16 in keeping with its C�Ojj;ncia was hel-d on 'Monday at Stalffa "L . " " I W �, , ..I.. - .... . . � ... - . ' - � .. . ", . welli advised- to- violuntArtily cheek *the�Rlvtoiul orchestra will play -for ol,l,o% 7­vl�mhip Hiall, - 'Th.�6 ni:emlbers s'u4- ­ I - On' qX6ndi?y- Mr. Arid T&�s. Us.' A.' �­­ � . .. ., ' ' ' iie� f ' , iiing ofEc6,rs.fOr.j,q,n­ relad many halipy- pi ,'ones., --FtofTow- � . i . � " qii� sqv ing, *9 X-salm 19, the 6 -a ,. . . ..­ --,�.� � tthidiir own licenses. . - ne ��3Td,loili dancing. ' reports of the yea?s work: Secre- ing "t , r - cr�bed to the. nece&sary, declai ti,ons - Stewirt, a,ccomparbied by ',Xr �..,rE; ',% ..... I I . t� '6y'­NIr,. Dug- . . - - . ... �. I . . �. . ... . tary, Laura. Miol-q.; trea'Efurej., Verjua Scripture I 's", S , gan, and aL,isu-ni,2d,th,eir,r.cspoii,.,ibli,li,trc,,.�,. The ­ I Z ; ... ,%1" I ­­ I . . I I I ,e * Keating, presente.d. a Progmm of no , � . . - . 'Stoirey; -vtl,c�presidefnitsl. Vera ,4.01,4 '011-nton and prayer by Mrs. Albert L)Dowing appointments wei. mftde: ': I , . ' . . . , " Council to Repair nuirlwrs.. Pre�,:,.)us to this Mayor A. . 11", . . ' .. *- . ­ and Jack Stevens. * The convenor of Tayl'61�'," ,of Goderich, Mrs. Lane, Of C f6i k, lirs. K. Feeney. tremtirer, A. . 1). Sullierland, iin a splendid adidrej4s, 1, . . I . I . .� , Junior F armer. Hock,e*y . the. noInAnati.nk comhrittee, Miss Ed- Gladeirlicb, president, in her well dhos- A. Cial-qulioun. au'dit'i ... . ... . ' . . I . I I I I .. I � . "th Hoa'g, read.11he list of officers. gu,g- en reiplarkg, stressed the need of an a,,�setsor, 3-osep'.h. P. Roach; sheep val- Old Water Works ,-c-,iowed, Ih-e history of tRye tiown and � . for 1936:- Pr I ' Mi- 6 1r, -w atl.eii',ion to its many wt-trac- . . I . . '. . Oes�,ted . esidlent, Miss expre.gision of grat!iiude for the Tpe u-ators,.Joh-n G. Scot' -and Andrew 11 tions. - . . . I . . . 1�� ' 1, ..1.11.-.. Commences, Season ..... .. Sche.dude bers' part lin. the exteftion of 'the M,Zi-La,ch-lan; engineeT "foir D. and W. , I , I. .1 1. .. I I . � I Ruth Thompson ; v 1 ce - preoidents, -k of Gb.d. *She sa . id,� 1'.1 �NT:O,H., Dr. R. ­ Xcni`aers of the tziwn coizpcil in- ,jaines f:.)wan, 82 ,,ll:ears old, provid . . ��� �� . ' - ,�' . . .­... ... .. . I ' ' pl-I wa'�rwo.rk, builldinix ed a pro&aii-i. 'of old2ti.ine musik on � :: . � " , . Ba- . $ eels a new World,, bring bhe��`)'Lrng S�urgi-q; sanitary in.sjpFi�,tor, James. 'e (' "' L I � '! ,,, . -Hockey' -Group got I Kippen 1, Winthrop 0 ' . -� . I . =-.1nipanied b . * . . I ; I' , . . . ,. I Mills-i''Kaine,-Wild,reed Gudmore, Janet Kftikdoo ,'o!uth Act J-obin. Roger; 1­'�)' . ker and Margaret Beattlie- sedre,L fa � on ",�`In,sd,�- afternoon and AlltlkOT- 'I I)jc. -- (�,gv. H E, NX-a.s, a y :;. I The Farmers' ta�fy, Vera 'Mole; treas,urer, D-o-iina boys in'Vo hnission work and edumte �z,,,t,t;.s,0ho;.)l attendiance. offiver, T., JA , , ' On W,odnesday Chi I I . . , prope o- �1,;].-.n F. Da % .. I., . ,�Zedi flic i"y C")111,11111,loo to"p! 1� ! � , ­ . . . . ........ 2,FI?yW tO iL 9,01od start on. Saturday !)Jole;­ pianist, Helen Crich; assistapt them in the w9rk of spreading the .X,lyne&uk; caretaker ,of twwnship ... I '. I ,KippE,n and Winthrop were vety I . . .. co-ed with a numbet of repair� and ni�y Brothers and A't,t Finlaysion. con- ' 1� , I night lasIt when a large crowd "wa,s - ia.nisit, DdIth. Brittoil; pres,s, seere- 90SIPlel. Jesus--vip"d-re to the- inalivid- hall, Rc�bert Bultson. . c'-hanges. . . 11 :11 .., 11 I on -hand and sitianding xio-om was at a evenly matched and it was a,nybotdl.v',s P ual." She told th-6, story of a little " I 1tr.­.,.V'(,d nul.1,11yers. . * 11'� . " I . firie. Kippien - voitched the -only twies, XLary Gillespie and Laura, I " Bylaw No. 434 eonfil-ming the �p- Portions, of the, huilding which were FdDnunid Daly and ,Clemens Thiel I 1, I �, . premil as l ftqlat ga iand LittI6 Mole; auditors. Miss Hoag and Jiaok (-Continued on Pagei, 5) po,intme.ntA aml fixing 'their �;alari,ea in had repair- will be den . wlished. The �,00k part on Tburs,day with vocal and �, ill, . I It could have .4een btit, it didn't deiter cwjnteF';Cvhen Nicholslon tenq - ndved. by-­KpIville . - panseLl.. . I . - .��. .. I I beat )A -0 . . - - will I -, done- by relieT la.box. a jo s lections. , combi-Tied nicely to lonitgamery Ste ,.. It was i . , wa �z du I N voorl'� be I 1), n e . 11-111 the players nor dampen ,the ourdaur eriod. Little ,Fhot from Shannon and sbconded by Helen I , I � I lhe,--fk4�)wink""1%�gMu,tio,ns were l I , . . - ­ I., ,; �, ...... of ,the fainis. Kippen were initisiteal, in...the first p . Chearos, that ths,se be -elected. � pa,q"el.&,.:-:--Atitllibrizing' the Teeve 'And ­.,..: -- �� � . 6 Into, the gr6up and; ,took bl&mie a ab -out six feet oult when Nicholson I ­ . I -Q," � I 1-.0 �;r. Only A -hyron was sun!� folla-wed/ by i Duncan Cup Hockey clerk to �.julbniit the. road, superintend- -- ' 7�'. ' ' 1��;� , I sbutiout ow-er Winthrop, bast year's Pla-Sisle'd 'Out fr1om the ciorni " . . , t%r.o pen;aIlties hiiarred an otherviri'se . ture for . ;� . .� ers. Egmiond,ville won -a One Flag installation --- d officem by Mr. Gar- . 1. ent's report 'of ro'a-&-expe,nd'i Of 'a 0 C. I. Alu'mni Year Book . 1� ,. - I—— 'eup an ' -t. Colainban, 7-1. perfectlk clean gaille; . t�er for micliael. . Aker another hyrnin and, a Gets Under Way 19,345., $5,470-60, to the de-partinitent . - I I i .1 1- � short tii 'b� -Miss Thompslon,- urg- -a -s lam? requesti-iigg ista,tru!�,).r.v L r,idj'o,,re,e from S, . ` I" � ... � . Columban I cross cheicking, 14-alliand ana'Uulllardl I V I h: gh,i� .� I I I . Egmondvi le 7, � . I I , .".... I I ... Igia Ontario I I . , I . nolt at fu - :v ­tri -)PInig -r. ig the mentbers.�,to co-opei�atle in � . .Z,t . al,�­--n Is '11h g4 ly ', Piaised � ' St . ­ .. .. .... )%"!died -.by - -the : 11 . '. - '�'�tl i A.&T-1 I I I aybrA lli,rhw-ay ct; reappoi 1. "! . , I ,,, h; Sa" 11 - -, Foste I ;!kbig-w- success of -the e6ming yelaT'S Cuo H&Ckey P1 1 , " , n -ting Rusislell . �. .. I E i I ' istleng��­.so dille#lt play their usluil The Kippell, team brought quite, a -if.4'-wecd inspectior for 1936; 0 1 � I . work, the ,meeting closfed- with, the .t J. $.�lcttj ­�.. I � go under -way on Satp,rday inforli-ing , . . ..... � tgood game. TbleV *ere weakAn goral following of fans and by the struggle I authatizing 'the ree,ve and tressur,vi- The Stra4ford B-ea,cov,Herald c-, 'n'i- foutb�ffl with the Huro-no in 1897 when I . �., 1, . . I I - gy -prove ,a strong con .iqizp,ah Behediction. A -s -it had staxt- when. ,the Bdttlin' Bruin� filosed out * Cl . 11 . 'ardd their t�amlwork was, ,not as good, theyput up. T!L - BL% tinte for a -the Flyj�jg Frenebwon 6-1�5 in the �,rst to borp.w froin the CanadbMi Bank, nient.-, on, tile re,ni-,ifly issued �9. . L' th-cly won the Flaugh cup. � The - .." I . ed promptly� there w , , Pic ­ . . . as in former years!. Howbver, wh,&n ten'der for',RW title. The ice becaImp few games. I - and; the Collegiato,, Cougars de- of CDnTnierce a- suni not ex�eiealing' Aluminii. Year Book as follows: ture i�f :thf winnhi.ir team -,yill no " . I ... $hey igat to-geftheir they shlould,inake very sticky and V..,Ia,v was; -head up ac- .ga.ine� I.. u,-goiod !showing yet. At the eln,di of , coirdingi ........ ...... ­ �"i hard t.6,16arry the � 0- , feated the� Black lHawks 7-5 in tlYe $jo,000 f,,),r current expv�nffltures; ex- "In ,Its gay oi-ange and,, red COVOr' (IOUill't ,calls,'. a lot Of interest ainiong �, %, ,��, . ­ y as it �� . - second. tending the time for rieturn of the the -year bo-�,k ,of the Seafarth ,,Col- the oid-time,rs. Nore'articles by fOT- . . t. ­ - In the third �eriod there was ' ' I . the first leriod the score was, tied, puc,k. � - � doillectior's roll for 1935 Until ,May 1. logiatie" Institute Aliilrini Association mer Rtudents. 'now prominent' in, the , :, 11, � . \ , . . 1-1, ;Atgus MeLean hav-thg counted, mulch batting and slashing at it.' . . I . . I j� ,� ,Geniciria4i expien�e lor(Veit-., ltliytallilliiing has aigain ,1-nade its appearance. It's iwrld follLo.%A, tj.& fo-otball story. A 1.� . ­­. -niondvillii and Joe Lane, ide-ing Some good plays were..�Wa die. ,bey"pla7l Fbfin, II Wint 4'A : . .f,&r Elgi olosle, eTs bimbioth'-tearns and d I , great .deal , ' 11 � . 748.24; direot r"'61iff, $83.91L; road, exr -it -eI of which aii,� group inight I f0l" ffa�4,.R- &,.,obed- to ' the. naIrnies of . I I I I the count when lie batted in the,l ­ , - 11 ,e, $12.61 -�e �is I well be prodd. From, ithe first page thopie. wh,o gave their -lives, dn -the 1, " "' . . . arobsed- as. to .-P ze'. pens ), we ; sue,d. te Groat War o+ who hav'e -jubse, U66tTy ' -11 - piwk when a sicramble occ,�-fr�.,d I � iiii4mv . iiiiiiiii,mm The irpeeting adjourned, until "Mon- bearing, a sketth. of the, Collegia .q - � ,� I I -of McGeoch.� Hanley and Bell *-F,16 wiTI -be better when they meet , , .* "DA H �:, in of interest has been Alumni.. --ri .1 ......... . I *ont . . . - . � 0 diay, Feb. 10, at I p=. -L -Mrs. Kath- :to the viery last� lit is "well ftme," �assed 'away. The Chronicle fof the , , " , ' - were penalized for bibinpift,. eaeft on,bae,d--ice. . . . .1 . .Clevk. "First comes the list ot officers,of Alu.Wni p�ovide�s, the ,necessary in-"".../ �., . nd. Diale for - ' � . . . . , trippNig- H'aiileiy. Winthoop isho-wed rinore .beaim work Thd contest which Was, s�pongored ..... . .... ' IeVTL F eeney, . , ' � �.'�' .­ . ­ 1. elther a by the & C. 1. Alfaminli Assioici-aition ait . . �, 11 the Asoociation­a,l,ong witth a list of f6eaniation reigarding' the ,',brg,an,i�za-,""-�l--.,.-,.,,. -A . . in the iseciond iberilodl Cliimeron *as and. were unIlficky in the scoring, esl- * ­&­­ ......... . -W ­-­- I . I- � I � -to isee wi Ponn M w�esk in the' gbal' and al-6wed, Eg- peciiaillv the laelt, period. Both goal- 'the lColleigiate . . those in ohmrge of the publication. ti.onls� activities. 11 � . MO � nd'vill,6* four easy gowlis. A. Xe� :i,osi deiierve aredilit'-ifor'. their perform- 'wo,uld ,sell -the mjosrt year boakis, has Anthracite * - . Next is found a tribute to the late I�jt'z always ittierresbing -to kno�, I "I . were in on Doi I ' Northsidp W. A. :: D, ,Charles Mackag, who was a life IvIlat meiri of the Alumni are do-. , 4 , � concluded, and MoTW 11 bas.been de- ' � , , - * cofter ,&,ad ances. Winitbirlop 119 -y - -g and t rial .of the bioV1, I , Lmn piasived, out from th mie�nbrcrr and li�Dnor'ai presideft of' in .�e ed -ho staff , 4',, . laired rthe wduner. 0- � I., I, ,I! , 1. iffis ,puck deffeateid 'Toff - And Vine iagain, but juisit eauldni't ` 6&lbion. - IV,s-, death -occurred h,a(l this in mind. ' A list of the S. ' . �", . I... ­ .. , Rofbin�ion's time . 'Foslt,er ,on Kip,penlis, , �Ihe winning Folim will bo givei is'not a bootleg ' � -lie Aswo � . .1l ame, bulige thb i vlo. in,Olctober ol the pa.�-:,,yam 'William C,,. 1. scholatvhip winners,s, and it'he , . I I . obiek =It,O the net, The second e I ' twi t paity -by the AssbeAst%n. . Elects. Officers,,! 11 I .jam McGregor shot from, the n, Irt I - ' " 1" ' the awardiR *hich went fo -them make,14 �:� : I I - I ­­ I 11 ,defence was a ,.hard man, to get pas' I I I . Pretiod-4-0gast a former telacuer of . .: � 111 ,I I � boa" tiwb minutes, later. XaA, le-il as'lle !I" the best poke check spieft . I I I � 0 e , coal. It, is. the, ' , Seafolrith Collkegliate aud late -r., p-rin- interesiing"readling. A review a Ithe- :' ' *;,.. . 11 The Woril'o � ". , . ! I Cooney WejTgj,d - - . n's Am'aciatbon & North- ipal, of the London Normal 18,clwalp spoi-Vi-nig activities in. the ,bollei ; ! I . iijdde 6-11b,ne.,rush and found, the net irk.jSeafloothi istiffe0', ' , I . e .!, .r" . ft the�,..Wrd-and Kruse lmi tho Wt ,the home town. Gyril F14 -ft. " side United Church held tfh'e4,r an- c(ntributes ,a fine a,rtiolle an "Yester, al6ng with stories and polems -by As � I I I I , � . I _ I I coakti'5,1 �on a nAele rush. There werer -i1yade ihis. first appeara'Alce, #A a M-' -Euchre Club ...... I ...... 0 Highest Grade nual ineeting 'on Tu,esdlay 4fternioon,, Tomorrow." J. V.,­Rodi, & .isitudont ,are welil-warth resdirnIT. %a .1 li I . I . I ., I ''Ill ­ � . . Jam, 7It,h-,...,wheix--­tb.,e-, ffoill,QWO�9­9�T�ieil!R day and I 3 , . le . I :'2io peniltbie,§ in thia .period $eroo -and - did rema,r1kably weq] - ` � � � foitner poi and iftecesisful prim al sfati-ftkii will be, .- ;; I �. j ille-4cal, -McGi iyuppeni--Goal, s. ,DM-V,-r-----&,--FQ,r- , I 'Wre el,6oted for the Nrelar- . I bf �be� Collegiate, VAo hais sifti? ei tor Nnt % . , Changes * Anthracite' Hionlorary president. MIris. lii�i3l-n,p- 'Cipa . tbVro,uik,bi1iV erased by ima-uy ,of the, -, '� �... I . 1. 11 B gimiondvi ;,Deb: - r 'W, , I Quarters . .1 , � Dble - I d, Troth de6tre, J., i6;-, quiburi I. d., Foster- centre, F. ­ 2.3 been prindipal of tho Gue'It . � I.. . . . � we . I I ' , ­ .... I ­. -dent Mrs 1. H�Mson; Ist 19 tZd- 0,Oq1m#r .sit 0nts. . ,. . .­;� ...... 11- I . ,. , - , , " very, - 1. -; Sill - "al- , son" presi tional S-bbool, doen -a bit of- a, "'bnie bf,the lasit,oagea in the biolok : ?: w:: A. i�,Lqa;p W. Bell Is- r w. Vioe, 1. w.: J. Doig. , , I �. 1�i, " '9� - Nfei�ioli§brni, L I , " , - -a � . 11 r ' ' itt'li Ns's A,vchilblald; 2,nd c tim 1. 1� Xrovel, K&� �ic:4,iTeIW� , tern�.;tle,�, ,, 0r. F. ii. BuIrrows" T. -8. ,NiTth viz�­pvesiildent,' Mits.' M , . IN I . . � A . � �'. � . , � - I I ',I'd,.*. ,produced in.. the' vilice-presidentj ,TWj.,,Frqst; Revordiiii-g- i1seing.-Zor the blediefit of the. roaidgieiii iis ds-�O,ted 06' �the fiWng of. , . " I - Nr, morej Ghadddiek.- --7--7--, - &i ehqldite were wiyffierk 'at, edhw . I � . . . , 'h� thtiv pro, , t . ­ , . �i' , . N-io'hVigon., ­­ I . ill the following pages. trinni membdrv, Vv$t �P.fi .id� , . . , I . St.. CoIgm;bah;,�41Gan Cameron- ,4 Wintlivop-GOO, W',- M(o-n,bgomiea1y;::,.10* eadire sivonslolred; by the Ditzebre, 1-1 , ogmieftry"- �Xiss ., vatifle. treasUrer, , " What could. be ntore',sipploopriato 412,V80, � This is 4 *IbadiM 10'" , at"" - - " , , .4. ,RW%fdu,, .1. d., `Bq�dhnean; - icem. ii� Friday eivtnling. . . XcGayih, aseft - , . I .A I ... an&W; 'cWtbre, r, . iM4rs%. tanit 'treas. urer, .1 " , . " , ,L, J��,JdkT61jio; I- ­ 6-8 1 t U.,z).-SA,6, TRY IT ' secre- than a picture Of a -ad: tm WN'ble eon'. it' priOV0Pg­tho­netekftT In t I , ­ "' �� ­ I . ---- . lads"191.4%,; 4M L .� , I . ", , ,�, I . 'I [ , , . I �, '' .� . I � .. .. 111. I L. I ­ � I I ! :: ­ I ! 111 I f ; : i � 1. I - � .�,:.... ft .1 P� � 11 I - . . . X6 Laneq r W MdCarft; I. �;-, , trej �Tjchb.ljq- "r., *., OarNr- I w N-1 ­­ W6-allibl. Me recently changed its .- ,Mrs. Fjnja�ysiob. PioirivAploinding e@M-j:ng A$bertali, n6W premilede Wit- ff lane, . ishio-i ?a *at. - ih.. �M, I * � 11 �, .. � I , quald. Vteif=&1 Rolhyloftl­ = W, it Admery. - " " , r6offle atild is v6w loftftfa, M`006. ­­ � I tary, VNIM. oggw.,th; p0rponla,96 00,Tn- , 1 , 0 0*,?�Ztlga, Dorvance, &tvb . I , , . .. F a a . . rv. etc eire - R. �,Idl," lialm Absvhairt, who afstew'da. Vii�:&, .� - . Id ., . - I ls6ftt- 1, . . Deli, -A6 1 A . . I ,"al. 'of the . M -lig "olt,61, wh . $L !� miftee, ra. Cbnaiiit�, Wts. d I . I IT , . 'V. IX&L'a, 1" . I . I I , I "R �, ­�,��11 .... I- . . ha's 6,516,1306A � .CLUFF &! - -.-- W*� - - I &'k,bli cosvgimd '1hr, . �1. 0 � .1 I 1k, ii �, . .1 . I I qqftte"..� IN SONS 9, . � I , ­.:�L , ­ I I I . . , � I . .1 . . ,,Li,-,. ".11 il 4 -1.44 !�- ',�.- . .. I . I I . i ""' " � ........ 1­1,...11,�'�,)­.. ., I � I . , : Z. Muftervil", I I . .1 I . . . , I ., I . .--4.1 I � � .,�� I .. ,,, �, I . I t. 1. -1 -­� t, L . ..,I . '.I . ­�',. �� . . 0�. . :."�� .. " % .. I I , . A 11 � , l.",% , '. " . . I 11 . " 11 � .1 .. � IXI­ . ­ - A'. �' � I ,. I I I I . �.�, , -'' ­.. - - .1 . . I. . 1 , " I , I 11 �� -- -- - 111 , ­ I "ilt', .. .1 ,� 1, . % � ;, .. l'. ­.,, I. I 'j 1.11 , Z,1fjj-rM4. �,I,.. .. y I- , '� "P1411 , I .11, -1 , .. I 11 I'll, � ,,, I � , ­ � �. . " Xv , � I �' i .. ��' "­ I . .. *g'i�,,,- �,�i:,,.�",�S.'',�"k��--".,.�, ��4"�� 1� i"A"I'lt N 'k�, � � `!�'. 'O �, I . I � ; W ­­­­ �f,�"�,-g;.�,111141 ­ . 5� -iv i6i& -',' )14*1% , 0111 ;. T I - ., I'll,', -��Ikr�­� 1-� � i-11-1-1- . i I . , ,&, "I"hawligilia vvm ��� ­ ­­­­­ , �1.1 i a �,,,, " , , - , 'g,"N'k 1 `0 * ! - , � 'I'.".50iS, �. "', , � �, , - I , I z 12 � 'L I �A�X " 1. I,., k ,.. � '' �, , �,-,-i-161'10` R a MIN!" 01" 4� , , , ,. 0" , e., * ` , -TY, " ,,­ - 1, " ", , - iii'�,i "i"i ,,,� � " � I � ,�, ; � ;, , , , .�, , ., , I . . 4 1�1 , 4I , ;, . . A'A �A--11,— , " � 1. . W � . , " 'i"�u�,r'.I�,-,, �-� � ;, I 11 . I - , --4 , '. � . . "'W �, , , . � . . . " , v ,�t� ,Am , L � � e'g I - I � , , � I W "g i 4"Awi 11"! 0111 ;� & ,;,.A. tim""'ei"i inl,A., , �"4 , � , , I ., 1. I I'l i 1�1111 .. �11;1"`,` , I N, il . t I