HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-10, Page 3„. tit - t • .•rn • _ ly •4. he nd ny It ty • nd 'he ate the ev. oh. the is - 'at ee- ear' and • hat. tot rho rel ate. ter' ltep ad - :me be- anci ov- vith ebt- has ?at- tbe • ef- !on- )1 of orne. Inks ides ,000 7 to ciple thrn rich jet . _ • .".'" Tit • • ); • L'AUliitFFiie StorLei of Israel (Bse Merle; Mal . . _ iCentinned from last weak) • bitlYter XIII • • ANGELS PIOGUISED•s' • ' The day was hot! And it was just. at 'noon. Abram was what kvetlwould call an old Man by. this tithe -but peritaPS • he 'would prefer that we say he .was • over ninety years .yetangi, All '!etern- . log "he had been busy among his. phopreticis; , and now he set 'he front of the tent door, witoing;theoperspiree lVI0Geogoe. , There was a gruesolmely ieterest- tion from his forehead and wondering l3r. John C. Doig, tLIA37,"VT,Des in; wide to the trial of this new way ° if he would beany eeoler wider the trait °visited -with his mother amid sia- of banging., 'A ;prominent nootor who tre,ee over by the gully. • 'ter oeer th,e holiday, le.airing later ,Witnessed the execution told ,the • As he. thought of the trees, heetlor Detroit, 'arid then to .C;harripaign, writer about the same time, that the ."."`T.loolted in that direction -and whom •should he.see, eoming tip over 'the ° brew of the hill, but • three men - travel worn and tired'! " • 'Wistfully they ,gazed at Abeenes fent; Wondering if 9 they . might be - welcomedthere with the true, •hospi- tality of the desert. They were hum- gry, though they thought only of • theirterrible thirst! Abram under- !Master Edison Forest, Sap of Mr. peered on the streets. After-Borch;a11 stka." 'exactly how they felt, and just and 'Mrs. Forest, who- . has- was hanged' wife and'sister wleft . .... owhat they needed, beer i confined to ,his. room with ' the Woo.dstock. Lt. was the general . be- . Hurrying tdivard theme, they- lest- nseaslee," le improving nicely. lief that .they were quite unaware of . in • the shade of the clump of trees, the crifininal•eareer of •Birchall. - eand4Alorems invited, them to :rest a- whiiet-to allow him to get water for their hot dusty ge, et -Land a little of • s OSIVOIiitr 3i100 0''• -4040#t016,." 1sOCal• 8,01170,1081411S' The Terente OgaSiM'aterY a‘le has j1,49t annOttneed that a aerie.% Or leholaesbies, based on Al Study of the reetilth of the pianoferbe ,pritetic,al •airrinations held In 49861 wU ,),0 one 'of the -a girl bath -4n the awarded iu 'Mph of the Provineesi 'Of kr.e.-w ttesh ;Columbia, Alberta, 'skatel'ile- The' banging of Bireltall was in'the wan, andle-Otiterie, to he applied towards the ceSt. of-thelee eesetlei candidates' ,c4ittinued 'Widen with, th4r own teashere, • •,•-••••4;•-.4r. S&VPINS,YrTlanliaTaM 1.1.102i.L.Cr•rr.G...1101111Y ow., • nsa Ala" 44 "•," ta „ 14e •gna/A,, a.•P epet• :so seeding ,pstiee0 bt :late the . tendon Thies Pificai," he Disci* ainitieed.hisesekteby avelcing penlhn and. handing them tee,: erreto-the newspaper tnee, ThertvVrit- er rernerabers• as a Wee lad,' geeing 0,151,-wvo- 7A, 11 TIJC11..ER$IVIITTI. • - - "-: (Inientdied for laittiweek) ... Mr. and ,Mrs." Jee-Meelelladd and Mester • Kenneth of Egfaciedville are the _guests,. of Mr.'. and :Mrs. Haigh,. ) 'so" o • • e, • •PeeSeace ef an, army ef newpo.per en, and ethers: A new system was tried out; that of. jerking the 7body up instead erf thee drae, by releasing a 200-weArght. The effete was hor- ribly greteSque, newspepeer aeceitits of the ,dey said, and it Was never tried again an far as can be learned'. The nervvspapers printed full pages of the hedging; Birehalta; bodY was m never claied. and was, Wilted in Woodetoek jail yard.____„„. 1-11.,' to. attend , a legal .cenventaime 'blow..on the side of, therlie;aci did not which is being held. in that' city. • kill, condemned Man, but merely -NIT. and Mrs. William. Greer:. and'' stuneed.zbim. Mr.' and Mrs.. Robeet 'Green .eperit elirchall, during his residerree in Nee. Year's the guests . of Mr. and Woodstoek, was .graceful figure, tato' Mrs.' Jonah Green of Egmendorille. cording to what was said ot him. He• Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell visited was „often . seen, -in riding "ttjOge"""and with -friends on the Thames Road TP, hie and MSwife and her sister were • tl • • . -• - - the centre of all ,eyes .whenotthe.y...al3- something for thinte eeetanddrink. Thee when the day was cooler they could 'continue their joturney, refresh ed. - -- • The men accepted the invitation at once, aed• gladly sat down to test. HENSALL •' (Too late for last week) "'New Year's Day- passed ;over quiet- ly in the 'village as there were not the same number of visitors as at Christmas time; neither were' there As Albram passed through has tent, etaTffiier-irliiiblic entertainments, etc., ihe asked Sarah to bake some of her and the :Orange made in recent years Very hest cakes, , and told a servant •of voting •earlier -hi the month, than to take -Water out and bathe' the on New Year's Day as in the past strangers' feet. • He went on to. the had -&-tendetney. to make less public • cattle corral where he selected his stir, However, quite a number from -finest ealf, called another servant to a' distatnce spent the 'day with retie- __ kill it, dress it, en,d cook it. tires and friendsi and a good many. It was :not long until Abram was social tail% and visits were tmtde. • • ' walking lout. of„ his tent toward the the gacrament of the Lord's -Sup- tree s with a Most delicious dinner for per was dispensed in the United Itis visitors, Then, he stood behind. Church on Sunday last at the morn - thein to -see that the wanted for !rig rea-vice with a good attendance ere -thing. ,•• considering weather conditions. • The meal was ended, the dishes re- moved, and .Abram sat down to talk, when he was surprised to discover that .he had' entertained Angela un- awares. .They bad leeg conversation about the things. thilt- would .happen, • to Abram and his fathily. Some won- derful promises were made lirripes- sible, Ahrens thought!) And Sarah, overhearing the .conversation, laugh- ed at the very ideal To think that she would be mother to a baby boy! ;The ,strangers put on their sandals and got up ready toga on their way. Abram walked with there over to the -road that lead elowletto' Sodom. They stood together for a few . minutes. . The' three looked -at' each other' as though they were asking each other, • "Shall we tell Abram?"- . . Yes, they would! , "The next thing we have to do is to -go and see if Sodom is as had as it s,e•ents. And, if so, __destroy •it." • Abram's first thought': was.; "Whet • about Lot?" And his.first question -was, was, "What about the righteous peo- ple there? Suppose there are fifty, • will your destroy Sodom?" "No, that is not the way God works. If there are fifty good ro- pie we will not destroy the city!' Abram was anxious, and begged , again for a favor, "If you find fifty all but five, will you .destroy it?" •;4 "No, if thereobe lertY-five we Will not destroy "it." "What if there are forty?" "For the sake of ' forty Wel will spare the city!" , ,Albram stepped nearer and -Said, "0 be not 'angry, and let me ask, What • if you end thirty?" ' • "We will net do it if thirty be ' •ound there!' -- "Once again, wtat if there he twenty?" "4 1311CKAe gulckly tillaPPears when the LVIt! and Kidneys tue.erouted by -DOE ASK'S The .sereioes, In the three .local .cherches 'on Sund(ay last, both morn- ing and evening, were pretty well at- tended' and both semens and 'nisic tack on the New ..Year• tone and the making of good resolutions for :the irreoming year° of 1936; The -choirs had- many special ziltrilliers and apart from solos, dilete-Vd • quartettes; Many special parts were taken in an diems Sled the musical parts of the services were well seisteinedand en- jeyed, and the ministers.. gave fine ire spiring distourses appropriate to the season of the year. • The eeer..•,cesurcil d&•-193.6,:fi now duly installed and ready floe attion arid will, no doubt, give a good ac- count of themselvei.. The Citizen Band on New Year's Elvis' gave a g'oeid" account of them- selves with (rad stirring numbers, ,pla.ying the el year out and -the new year in, which twee much enjoyed -and .giving a real festive 'air. to the, oc•cee Slon and wellen keeping with larger towns and cities.' Mre, William Hyde spent a' week with friends ii Seaforth. and Miss Eleanor Bell, nurse in.. training in Victoria Hospital, Lon.don, spent, the week -end at the home of her mother, -:Mr. Pollok of Tonne* is visiting et the .home of Mr. 'William Fee and sisters. . Mr. and Mrs....Laittel Mickle and children spent New :Year's at- Ridge - town • and- with Mx. Miekle's parents. Mists Margaret Buchanan, .R.N., of Port Huron, visited et the ' home of ' "We will not do itif there be, twen- ty found." "Let not the Lord be angry, and I 'Will speak this once! What will happen if YOil find ten righteous peo- ple there?" • . 'We will not -destroy the city for ten's sake!" Ten good people will save a city! The Angels went down the road to- ward Sodom, to see if they could find tengod people. And, if not, to Warn the city what would happen. • But Abram went back 'to his tent "=•then •out to the trees where he had entertained Angels, eneweres. t se/fa:V/4., : -. 'HOCKEY BOOK and AuTOGRAPHEli PICTURES of. YOUR FAVORITE PLAYERS Here's your chance to get a book on hockey. "How to Become a HockeyStar", and a Special autographed picture of a famous hockey player or team, FREE. This is a book on hockey written by T. P. (Tommie) Gorman, Manager and Coach of the World's champion teams—Maroons 1934-5 andChicti ... ,SEL ECT Y 0 UR Mack 'hawks 19334. Every boy will want -this hockey book. It te Is PICTURES FROM everything you should know about hockey. Show your mother this THIS 'Lew advertisement and get your copy.• This outstanding offer is made to users of Canada Starch products only. -....Group "Maroons" Send In one label from a can of , Edwatdsburg "CROWN BRAND', or "LILY WHITE" CORN .SYRLIP and the front of a earthn Irani any one of the other products listed below. We wiltIrtimediately send you the "HOCKEY BOOK" and any picture of the team or player you select from the p group shown at the -tight. Make Yettechalce now. ,. , . , . , . ... When sending hit the neteneary labelto the addreite bele*, write -your 01111Itara,MitdresplaInty. ' .•Russ Blind, lita,iirs CORN *mom . eANADA.coRti sitARcy. , Armand Mondou rafirtkRo4tunclrn ........ CHALLENGE cat amen . tuAtort CAWS! 'LAUNDRY ,STAIDDH a 1934-5 Group "Canadians" 1935-6 Baldy Northcott George Mancha Davd Trattier. Art. Lesieur her mother, Mrs. A. ,Buchanan, aver the-hOlidaY: .... "•- • ' .` " . Miss Pearl Eldere-whoewaseediefine ea' to her roam for a week through illness, . is improving. . • Miss Mamie Mole of- StOney Creek is visiting her • aunt 'and .nrncle, -and Mrs. .Andrew Moir. 'Miss Hazel Seethe is visiting with' frind n Windsor. 1 „ ' • .--- ' TESTED RECIPE. The The following re,cip.e,s,..each for 12 servings, .are recomMended for this tithe et the Year when ,enteetining is • general, by, the Milk Mintier: - Service,. 'Dairy ' Branch, Dominion pe- Rartment of Agriculture. , • Crabmeat Salad • . . . . .. 1. tableseloongelatine;. 1 .. . 1/2 cup celd water . • , 1 6up pirneepPle juke . .' 1 lernon (juitte),, ' • I . - " 1 can crabmeat .' 1 cup white creiner cottage cheese 1 cup .whitpm;g cream , . . Pineh •of Salt. . . • Soak gelatine eit cold water... pis- sollie-in- hot pin-eapple • juice.. • Add lemon .jeite. • •Whert chilled and per-, tally set tanix on crabmeat and fold in cream, whipped' -end blended with the cream cheese. 'Pour into moulds. Unthould and •Serve on slieee of pine- apple—Garnish with • sections. ° of rapefruit. • . ' Moulded' Chicken _Salad • 2 tablespoons gelatine • .. 1/2.,..cup Cold water• 1 -up itoetketit /salad riiressing I or meyonneise . , 1 cup whipping 'cream • • 1 cup • Iteallage grapes,. pineapple, seetege or grapefruit browned. • 2 tablestplotoni green pepper or pim- ento • or • 1 tablespoon of each: • :Soak gelatine in .cold wateot: Dis- stolye over hot water. Add to selad dressings.. Fold in cream, whipped until stiff,. salt, 'hicken, atim•onds, and firuite; (peen. /pepper and , pimento. Turn into individual Moulds. OhilL Serve on crisp lettuce. Garnish with wetercress and , 'grapes, orange . or grapefruit. . Tomato Cheese Salad 2 tablespaorts gelatine , • . cep cold water ' 11/2 cups tomato juice 1 elite Of oni-on 1 bee leaf " 1 cup tomato 1 cup cream or cottage cheese 1 teaspoon. Worcestershire sauce Salt to taste 1 cup whipping cream Few -pepper berries: Soak igelatinett-in..`cold water. Sim- mer the 1% cups tometesjailice with - onion, bay leaf end •pepeters, 5 Min- utes. Strain end dissolve gelatine in het tOmato juice. Blend together cheese and the 1.•ctP tomato juce. Add Worceste-rshire sace. Combine mixtures. 'Season to taste. When partially set fold in cream, whipped until stiff. Turn into iarge er indi- vidual "ring" .moulds. --.Chill; unmeuld and arrange on beds of lettuce. Fill centre wi'th chicken salad. i:SE7:CC4441;APITAttip034f4' A411414GC9,,..gr1;11:4C411r 11110;t0!i ittaue.Anca 'cpmeouttintii.. •1 /,11,Y ,.GAN'ADA •. . ACCIDENTS • wedielte'tllShe-ii-r.l'14:!li°4'nclu.leillee!tclhiOtge, • 'el.,laegetlet' • er velfertenate that, en- whch are the ' result of...ignorance'. or carelessness, as well ae theeeeprft:..... vertable Or true accident:" • When a ream mosses the -street against a red light pr runs his metor in a gaeage with-tlee doorCheed,, what '.nay .follow, ii1 either ease, isi hardly .the rs.ult of 'an accident, 'be- cause it would haree....fieeriftprVented by reasonable care. Tlrere is nothing accidental about much of the sicierierats .and -many of the deathS which Occur every ---- The cemparetive freecloni from .00 ease2vphich isome. places, enjoy as com- pared to other , shriller .tplaces accidental. Within' iimitations, any comonunity may tenjoy the Measure of protection. against disease .foe which it is both whling •and able to pay There ig.,,nothing...paysterious....about Safe Writer, pure reilk, the -prevention of diphtheria or the education -of .;,nOthers in .the care of their children. These are some of the recognized pule... lie health procedures which biting dis- ease ueder control anti raise thet..stene dard of health' When 'trained wrkers,., with sufficient nioney,• put them into. practice for the benefit of the puiblic. Fs not an accident that so 'teny, eOple-• 'dto not enjoy .go-od health. and die before they need to. 'Exceptions to the rule do not alterthe general truth that theserwho live wisely en- . joy more yearsff health than r do those Who ignore t -he simtile dules of healthy liviee, Neglect of the bedy means • an early Wearing Neat. . Per- sonal' health cannot be. it -is the reward otsane ' • . Is some.' so-called accidental • dis- ease' Or. premature old' age . going to Clit short• your Years? If so, it is likely a reflection urea your intellie ,gence because it will' be the result mainly Of your own teeelessness; It is diffieultto believe that any intelli- gent man would not helpto main- tain a public health. department to proteet hinrs,elf from ;disease, of that he would live in such a manner as to endanger his own life and hap- piness. . . regular .cheek -up„ through a per. iedie• health examination, is most de- sirable. In this way, .you may se cure theadvice you need ,onhow to keep well,from yOur familydoctor. Advice -cart help •only when it is fol- lowed.. • An intelligent per een eceepts advice which guides" him, along' the road to health and so avoids the mis- ry end expense of the unnecessary detours for 'disease. • Questions toncerning health, dereeserto the -Canadian 1VledCal • As- s.eeation, 184 College . St., Toronto, will be answerec1.••..-prenlily by , -ter.„ - "Ilse CAHADA 'STAIVCII COMPANY Limited, Toronir Poultry Wel Now • — Available in. Stores The (interest) aftnised throughmit The Mt:direst aroused . thraugerut the Dominion by •the wax -plucking demonstrations carried oult by re- presentatives of the National Re- search Council and of the Dominion Department of Apiculture has re, ,selted in the wideSpread adoption of this successful method of preparing poultry foe markt. e Itt the first pleee it is not an expensive, 'process, and thep&es the appearance of the plucked bird. Nrot only are pin fea- thers and hairs removed but the scurf and scale on the skin are taken away and a mosfil&sing fresh Appear- ance, which adds to the sale valve Of the bid, is the result. There is also a substantial 'sh-jig-71e time particularly when very 'pinny en eci rmm, Are dealt withetilid the ropere- tionS kuvelved in the whole process are simple tend Straihtforward. The onlry iniltial drawback to' the universal use totf this' methed wialsothe scarcity of. the speeial wax necessary foe successful plucking. This war wad tared .at the IsOore,torires of Ale National Reselexch end necessarily until iveratteraerits could be made for 'woleale matnafadttere, sallehrt of Was. limited. Ord- inary foaling of wX) ,Of conrse, gift not. sattithktott, --Itoweitter, the dit &bitty has beertrotreertente and an attl- ' tetiPply Jet :Wititit itteW seine n; litiAlSefatie,f totia• /100"iftnit. ID I A/ I Celebrated Golden Wedding Monday of this week marked the golden anniversary of the wedding ,of Mr. and (Mrs. Wiliam P.: Owing to the death of Mr. Tipladyis sister, Mrs. Cornish, the expected cel- ebration 'timid not take place.; Mr. Tielady was born near Oshawa and moved here with his parents in 1871. MTS. Tielady, who was formerly Har- riet, Shiple-y, d'aiig,hter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Shipley, was born' in Clinton. Soon afterwards the fam- ily' :mloved...to '41Vlaple Grave Farm" on the' Huron Road, east, and from this home ,she was married 50; years ago. The 'ceremony was porformed by the Rev. W. W. Sperling. Mrs. George Tureer and Mr; Ralph Tip - lady, siste' and :brother o -the -bride and bridegroom, respectively were bridesmaid and groomsman. For .20 years Mr. and Mrs. Theady resided on the-ir farm on the Base Line and; since then ;have lived in Clinton. - Clinton News -Record. SE THE ECIIN MICAL HOTEL 150 ROOMS—RATES SOO 10;: • itf4dit 1011116-, T • MODERN, ONVE1411041tY LOWED • ROOMSMitt 800 to $iSit "1 tiNoLE NG HIGHER; lie** 4404 05+0 • 41Ls;641, e.; • Fertilizing Beans Wring the summer of 1935, a test of different fertilizers was made on beans on the farm of Mr. L. Birk, Dashwoade 'Beans have been an int - Portant cash crap on this farm for some years. The soil is clay loam, neutral or alkaline in reaction. . The best fertrlizer for 'beans is Much debated question. The results of the 1935 tests were as follows: (Yield in J3estlrela per Acie) Treatment Yield gain (Manure only 2... 23.8 .7 28.7 %Menem only 28.8 2-12-0 24.6 . 1.5 • 4-12-6 26.5 3.4 4-8-10 ' 30.8 7.7 8-104' 29.6, 6,5 These yields indicate that this bean field requires emphasie on potash and nitrogen for beens. Lime was appl nitrogen for beans. Lime was ap- plied, but no favourable response was fatind-frorii it. • Tbie is natural,. since the sell is distinctly allealine and the addition of lime could give no asset neeh.te que' Ttioh.of application tilizer for beans is one of gret. ime parttime*: If the coneentrated Salts of -fertilizer fall to.close to the seed beatis„ it frequent* injures their -'vi- tality by drawing the ...Moisture out of the end.- Provision -should, thee - fore bie,.-okair for the seed to gep- arraiectlitckin feritilizer by at least an Ind* eV fertilirear:free eoil. Beans remove relatively large amounts of nitnogen and potashfront the Sal. Being legues *0 naturally settite smite of tile nitrogen to the 60-11, If • bat Stielidict.gotartifiVitY bets .afe fie • ilifD .harvsted,inlet* aolualt .110 a entatteliaolettpply. ettetale habil; :ltieraliairt- 61, 7. TOO „ • • ; • Js ---there anything else that yields so much for what it costs as a telephone in yurhome? • Note therates tor residence telephone service: Two subscribers on.a line (two party) .$1.85 per month A line to yoursiqf (individual lin) - :2.05 per month Convenience, protection, easy contact with , friends vf:fr • • ,,,r;;;•r.r. and near,-Coiinous saving of time and strength 24 hours a day 365 days a year—these are some of the benefits tf atelephone in the -home. _Have yow\altelephone in your home? M J Manager. CHEER ISTER ! • This is Anothey Year !! -„. TY- OUR FIRST-cLASS PRINTING ForI3USINESS ILLS • Letterheads • Ledger'Sheets _as el • Business • Copy Paper Stationery • Invoices •-Booklets Broadsides • Blotters • 'Envelopes • Catalogs • Business rorms • Billheads • Business Cards • Loose Leaf 41ibersonal Cards Ledgers • Labels We are 'equipped to give you first class work- manship on any style of printing you may need. We have special type faces, special - illustra- tions and.can assist you in selection of paper stock that will give your, printed matter ehare- ter and add to the pres- tige of your business. Lo* prices and proMpt service prevail. - .The Huron • poSitoi Mep1101*-B0S. PUblishers—my' sthblished-1..60 t." • ., 4;-: 2,4