The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-27, Page 6y �t i , i q , +�'
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A Y.T , `a ily� t'' i'!x it ,1 u'.l y �1�j�jR e4 ter@• o'ld S'ta'lls sGhOol was' not UiJ- AJmnlslemerut Tata vz Mr+f ggTeegrC¢tt
7.1 ....r.r..„wnnnnnn,�..�„nww 1 . , .
w°tl+ b f" 11% ;k?; ,, J ' u Y , V' r,M , tanned do the elassrr"m, as would, be wiittki CkaunbY of HtuTbary rp'a s,
f ,t u,{ e I i 4 Co n iced froQn tthns article. A great '(meaty E r°eer Goad Roads A oc-
'''n7��4Tre ( ntbi uea From Page �2) deal was ,got in the playgnaund� nation, '9Vlar112emlarial 'Gh'Itlron's' Hos- ��Pf! i11111Q �QCti>t 11C the Q111# OA41
Ar �„
1 Some ho did' not ltaweu wtthrn �a'V
i ell 11 It ll � � � ®i Israel Ys 1tnYlal' 'ane J. 'Wl Monteith, same filed. (Intended fqr last wo.) FIA,> t'• '�'WiC�•d •
1 «« ,�,�i'�, rc 1•,a, "r� an bau tests elm laborer
' r ,i l0 one could unlock it: them the mak,ng of ,goq,d privates, of Bills card accounts: G. Walker, meals '
tt�i�NkgttYa'l'A1 `'' , y Wthere do you suppose it wa's? indhrsbry, while ,ober. possess'edl that traasilenUs, $6.7fi; Counity ,af Huron, Mission Gircle Meets tOtl'it s111R1lltl' @V 1MfsP�adQb>�e 1�nd WIEOIIp:
� "sr`,�;�'k�,"�'' !� t` > •''�$ I Charles M41100 -1m) 'Tomas down- in Johnny's pocket." ,kind ,of material from which captains imdhgent, $8.76. OD,u utyn of IHluxion, tax
�i �s r k! li'r'!,s''„ • are rriade sale expenses, $245; N. Blatchford, �l!}te Busy Bees i�ssuon Giircle held f�11i11Ity. S:AlOy t11@ sR! CA1Gess SRplRtt'ya i'O)fis 01'
1%1 ,, ; `4`' " > ' ' ' �] r ° Tti tele has taw a pat-'Uuc�lc supper at the home Of 3Irs. bre��l ' �/Oa �V@r ta>)te�. ssisltrlt3is� R,rOBs S8�'t�ICtt'.
a i . ,g , The little ltpy struggled' through, it ght the lesson that dairy inspecUlou, $3; H. Smith, labor John 'Heudlersorq, of bhe Lohtdan Rroald,
� ,`.Hl'o,, ,a 6 P't r' wittholutt breaking down. There was often it 'isn't 'real! sb much in 'lmowL
g Y catch basfins 60c J. A. Paterson, by- 4E, �
, ' e
. I4A ,, I. (Continued from last week) applause and calsis for an encore, i'ng a whale lot, as in knowing a lit- Taws and registrartions, $17.76; F. G.^ on Friday evening of last 7,eek when
Chapter XI which didur't materialize. tee and how to use Uttat 1itt1e well. Bonthr+o , $ ablaut twenty iltadies were preee�nt apd I' to
u I Tl1! 0� f'
t Years later, 'in the ,bi room' we playground G. Ta Case, coal' fbT 'hall, $30.80• B. 'sat do, to a sumptuous t
m, salary' tax collector • 45
tpp''i.t,ilAt,;V ,T�` CAPTURED g The la round tonight !boys per- P repast of
Bram rand Lot 'were 'both rich. toolk part in a roundelay which was, haps not so much how to think, as and D. smippliesb hall, $14,39; G. J. good thinlgs Afbex a1I had done jus- �
!' �" ;'t . Whey were getting richer and richer not a rousing success. The w'srds ,how to think quickly. -And thinking Sutherland insurance on hall' bice to the inner man' a' sv4aA ev1% I f
^ t i itis+ ep,'ery year. Abram lived out in the were: quickly pays. C• of :C rinik ' ening was spent in games, music once
, �Pm''tY, $5; G.' Ftoh A' •
$t' o1en country; he paid his taxes and It is the thing that has' caused !rack, eutrbr tax rb1'1, $1; $ydr+o, street social conversation, ailrieh was. much �psQ� �fll Offs .s.A�/a�
� 44,1' i worshipped Gad. Lot moved into the "Scotland's burning! many a 'person' to get the answer to ilghts, $909.97; County tf Huron, co. enjoyed by all p1•esendt, i/Lr 7%
a i , el of Sodom and left his hired men Scotland's Iburmng! same problem that will pay, while rate, $1,846.90,• 'School' Board sch'o'ol A 'beautiful quilt (is ,being displayed ✓
1 � ; to look after the ranch. He lived in Look oust! ok out! the re's't of us sit at our desks, rate i,q our general store ,by members of
Lg $3,811.619; Public Liibrary, 15'b- ,the Busy, Bees Mission C'i'rcle. Tick-
" ^ Y, lu!�' but talked depression, Fire! Fire! "'Fire! Fire!" scratching our heads, or rubbing at rary rate $196:88. TOW $6,9'30.72. 0 11
���'� r," :l ha men of Sodom refused to 'pay panoPl points. Petty aand Shepherd: That 'the ac- pts 'are being sold on .sane and some
Cdr' " t eir 'taxes to Babylon. And Bab lbn Anyway, the fact is, we received a paid—•'carried. one 3si gofinig to be lucky Go gest this,
h Y Y We.loaked' out, sang till our cheeks boons as aced be beautiful hand -worked guilt at every
'4 was so far away! Four other cities were on firs and our tliroats burned, fairly good' public school "eddikay- Robison and Songs:ter: That the tax USBORNE 11afegR1101ADS
!a tfollowed theexample of Sodom, When but the timin was untrue and' har- shun," Perhaps we have not made Now price, so 'be sure and purchaseooliector ere irnstauctd not do collect! ' the men talked about it theme was mony was out of the question. the 'beset use of it, bhe taxes ftrom !the Cbwmber ,f Cb,m- °me 'oT rose of tlnetse taclkets. You PILES"
�`, always a laugh as someone said, The thin that yPettynd Robison- are not only helping the Mission Cir- The munici al council of t�e TOwn-
g partial! redeemed m'emv —ICPr ed. Pe are prompt and thorougW
}:`'' "Let Babylon come and collect!" clie ,but you may !be the proud pos- P relieved by the use of
a Y u6 was an attempt at a chorus which That the rink cbarturiirtee of J. A. .ship of Usborne met as per statute
��t14 , ,Mluch to the surprise of all of Sod- has not been forgotten. HENSALL Fatersort� W...Shepherd; R. E. Shad- sessoT of ,Uhf's beautiful quilt. at E'limville on 'M'ond'ay, 'Decemlber 16, DI --LIRA E'S
M om, they came, Four Kings from Did you ever take part in any- dick, Rev. Farr and T. Welsh as a; - )We Wi'gh't a'lsro lme+ntibn• that a with all the ,mlem'bers of council res-
hM1' '.'. - the Fast came with their best lav- th,in•g like it? Intended for last week. painted by ttrte Gham'beT of Commerce beautiful hand -made cushilo,n, which ent, P 1
ally regiments! they first went down Listen! ( ) any wonialrt' wool', ,be proud to own is
Annual Meeting be approved of by the count,! for the The minutes of the meeting of De -'
Basi side of the Dead Sea1�1,. They The annual meeting of the Wo- management of �tke rink.—Carried'. also on display scull which was so comber 7th were read and approved
attacked land destroyed a city bf "While walking up and down ,one day rain's Association of the Uxfibed Robison and Petty: That we now ad- kindly y 'dona'ted by a friend'' Tick'e'ts on motion of Pas'sm,ore-(Cooper.
giants. A day's ride 'bropght them I peeped in a window just over the Church was held in the ,basement of jourm.—J, A. Patersony Clerk. are, also orgy Salle for 'tbi's beautiful 1Letter from Clerk of !Habbert re TUCKERSMITH
a .4to the hill tribes at the south end of way; cushion and refroze is no doubt but ev- Scott Drain Re notifying the ohttrdh on Thursday afternoon, pair, notif n' the
the 'Sea. A short time was long en- And, puttinghis needle through and lad attend- ery woman tut, the ctommunvty will council of the co,o ration of Hibbert
ough to ride through the narrow g ance Th 12th, with a go want to hold a ,ticket on this beia.uti-
throngh, 'ante. The following programme was EGMOND�ILLE in the matter, 'Ordered filed: (Intended for last week. •-
passes and hurrt out the hiding plat- There sat an old cobbler Taending a much enjoyedful gifts, as •bhe' ,lucky ticket holder, ( )
es of the • primative fighters. Then shoe s Iby Douglas;
present: Pi'olo, will be clued' awarded. Ontario Good Roads' Association S. S. No. 9
ben, Mss Irene Douglas; vb'cal nolo, ('Intended for last week.) letter, slo'Itilciting membership fee,—
they were ready to attack Sodom. Chorus: 'There is nb doubt that a lot of
Miss Florence Welsh a reading by The meeltim of the 'F ondville eys, geese sand chucken's will •be Tabled. The following its the report of S.
Sodom was being prepared. They ,`With a ra a-ta to ,. g ++ g tusk
Mists J. Murrray, 'One'Christmas Eve, Young Peolple was held (Monday ev- to dela ation fromb ,Winchelsea
expected the four kings from the east And a tuck- --'tack rob p� looking for 'hfid5n'g :place cDuring the g S. No,. 9, Tuokensrmirtht, for the month
a pioneer story written by Dr. Gras ening, December 16th It was op- Gommtrnity Association waited on the
to come 'back their way. They dug of Thds is the way he reale, a shoe, com9hg week as the executibneer will of December: Sr. IV ,Frances 1 1 -
to balls which. •filled with a kind of y sick- The 'group leaders reported the ened by singing a hy=, and' w'as fol- be Oi council requesting a grant for .kat. o 88% Dorris Mackay 72, Helen
' itch. They to d touch a match to „ amount raised by their various lowed by :prayer, The secretary's re- g 'tits 'rounds anrlong bhe fowl, ing rink. ,No action for 'Ube resent. g Y
P With his Tittle sharp awl he makes and e e `'aeedto say that many Treasurer's re P 6 f. 64 Jr. IV—Bruce ,JacHodgie
� + groups. A41 the reports were very posit of the last reciting wvais read port: Returns on 64: Jr.JT, III --Janet Handley
the pitch and ' the eastern, soldiers a hole, of these barnyard i friends will meet taxes from countytax sale 140.25 e3' 79, Jackie
would.have no chance at all! And sahisfactory atoll sltb,wed• the total and approved. iDvrirtlg -the ,business .their Waterloo in order• to anlak'e the $ + Powell 67, Janet Htodf e� 64. Sr. II
Right !through the upper and t'h'en anuounit raised darlinrg the years period the results of the committee received from ,George Westcott, for g
they boasted, "We have five kings and through the sole; Christmas dinner ,a leasaant one for —Laughs Lobe (absent). Sr. IS,
and they have only four, We will g amounted to a little over $400. The 'appointed to elect new officers were P gravel $1.86; received from M. Brock
y He puts in one peg, then be puts in election of officers for 19'36 resulted given: H-om'ora mankind, • for ' Neil ,Hladigert 74, Angus Brown 73,
haw it easy!" ry president Rev. C. gravel $1.88 received from Sbirl'e Love
sy'• t'vvo Wrhnle �mem'ttiorn has been made about Y (absent). Primer—
Due follows: Honorary president Mrs. A, Mlalcolm• past president, Mrs, Jas Bruce Cooper, for .'gravel $4,88, Kathleen Powell ('very good), Grant
!Orae morru'ng, Albram's men came And chuckles and law hs as he ham- fowl diene writer ntoGioed an' item of 'Passm'pre - Berry:
runnim. to his tent to re ort that a laughs S. Horner; president, Mrs. M. Drys McInt'o'sh; presidenct, Jean: 'Smith; vice ;mtere:st in one if the ,ail That the fol- Houston
g P mors them through. days. vie (good). Number on roll,
large force of cavalry was coming u , e-presiideng Mrs. 'E, Ken- presi'd'ent, Arlthur Wallace; reacording y 'Pa lowing 'be paid', !viz: Excise stamps 13; avers
g g P during the week when it said, The for Treasurer, average attendance 10.8.—Mar-
nerdy; secr Gory, Mss. ,Crass; press 'sec„ Willli'am Forrest• treasurer, Ed- „ $14.86; Treasurer, Co.
from the south. Abram hurried Out In the schoolroom transgressors see., M. E. Habkir'k rani'st MTs. dirth Wallace;Cbrisltiazn Gitiztmcs5ri Barnyard Piom,eer, The chicken, of of Huron, general count rates q _ garet E. Grieve, Teacher.
to see who they were. "Surely it were many. Girls were just as guilty ' P P 1893 and we mvention this in order to Y ' $ '
Sinclair• Group Lead:ers': Group 1, convernbr, Alice Tb'amppsm; Chris'tiaz}, . 818.65; Treasurer Co. of Hluz+an, coun-
cannot be the kings from trhe east. of misdemeanor as were the 'boys, Mrs. Bllowes• Grouip' 2, Mrs. 'HlilliaTd 'Gulbure, be fair, scratched its own, living fromr t hi, hwa rate$2,932.00; Treasur- 4
If so, they have done some quick only they seemed to have the knack + +- dean G6mhne,l; ' Nttzemship the soil and was' y g Y '
perhaps, a 'bit thin
t r i , Group 3, Mrs. Miekle; 'Group 4, Mrs. ctin'banor, Margaret Forrest; Mission- peers ,amid'' tail- rate o. of Huron, provincial highway Early Winter Pruni$
work. And ill e. of using deception, or sli n Out. of g ' ' carry convenor, Hazel McLachlan press from chasing grto da $2,,687.66; T. N. Forsythe, Seo.; g
g P PPi. g. Gems e 'Rtes.: ' P in from dawn to dark t
The •horsemen came. very .near. 'ti ou:ate without ettin actual! secretary, g trying � Helps Peach Canker
Abram's tent. With a cheer they trounced. y In of report the election of ' ed tart, Velma Quail; pianist, La scratch earth worms from the heavy Trees, Cl Tuckersmith, Tu telephone rates,
caught or properly trounced. fic,e'ns of the W.M.S..of the United g'�•, Velma Quail; pianist, crura v $403.06! Clerk, Tuckersmibh, collec-
Oode past at a gallop, Their swift On one occasion a' boy bebame the 5bewart as'sisbawt pi�ySt, Mary clay loam. It earned its own living, tion rate, $3.50; Sidney Adamson, Intensive • strudy of peach eaniker
Clinch in a formle'r issiue ,there was a ,
srinewy steeds were steaming hot. proud possessor of a brand new fish s, dight error in the Mission Hand had its eggs under brush heaps, while Sec.-Treas., Kirkton 'Municipal Tele- disease, conducted over a period of
1.'g Broadlfo,ot. The offering was receiv- pampered descendants of to da
The :men were riding without saddles. line and hook which he had of in a its m y h, P five
A (bit of wheat in a ba thrown across g Sttperintend'e'mt. it should! ,have ed and Aima. Drive, 'the Missionary phone rates, $2•,179.71• Treasurer, years at the Dominion LaborA-
g trade, Dating a period in which he eonven'ar, are fed from silver spoons_ So one Kirkton, collection rates- 3.74; Col- tory of ,Plant 'Pathology, St. Cathar-
read': Mission Band Supt., !hiss' Ver- , Ihvoik the chair. This part t $
t ue horses flank was all the food was of the woks back art the hem f fifty years lector, in'es, Ontario, has added much to' the
pposed to be parsing ,av'D•sdi� ,da W'abso • Missibn Band Assistant program Y ng- a with some of the respect and
they carried for both man and 'beast. and analysing sentences whi the' in a h gram wlas opener! b s1 go p The Clerk, Knrktoncollect on $rat s, knowledge of this disease which must
Miss Ghadys Fassrruore g hymn. Hazel McLachlasr read
Armed with spears and swords, they teacher had written on th. black- the Scripture amide Janet Townsend honor which we accord the pioneers. $7.45; Amos Dou e, See.-Treas., be considered one of the ,major trou-
,ere acrowd of ole victors. The Y. P. S. Holds Meeting lr p
jolly y board, a bright idea entered 'is head. g People's League of the led in prayer, The hymen, "Jesus, Pa grants, Kirkton AI Ible•s affecting the Canadian
The Youni Ilea les Loa rants
had defeated everybody for weeks; IN%hy not ,h•ook a rat? „ Ys To Advertise griter Agricultural
Society, g peach
now the • had one more battle and United Church held their annual Lover of My Soul,', was sung, Coraco « $30'; ,Sec. -Trees., Exeter Agricultural crap. The origin of many cankers
y The lad tied the fish o,o to the meeting 'on 'Monday ' evenin The Stewart sipoke on Forel •• There is an old saying, It pays to Society, grants dan be traced to leawin
11 they a*ould be on their way back to g• �n-llissi'ans $30; Wm. Rogers, g pruning
1.y lime, roti the barb thr "'g` a small m•eetirn o opened b sin n a num.- and. the work ,that is done. A hymn' advertise'' and tette same is surely Sec. -Trees., grant, Kir'lctlon Library, 'stubs which do not heal but die ,back
Babylon. r",-- -, f ' g P Y g true, as one gd provide an ideal
eat, th'e�t lar ed it ; -ar cf C:rristmas carols after which was .sung amdr 'the' Mrizpah Bened•ic- Y a week or so ago Mr. $5.00; Ben Williams,'Wil.]•isheep and dog P point for canker
iDbwn the ]r:l1 they sped, sing- through a tulle c Rev, ldfr. ,Sinclair led in W, L. Me'llis inserted an ad- in The inspection, $7.25; 'Garnet Hicks, grav- to develop, O , the other 'hand, when
in• Ba,byloniar, songs. Out mf hear- ttg a'�ck im the floor. I prayer. The 'tion was repeated in unison. Several
K g• Soon there was tug. A quick jerk Scripture lesson was read contest." were Huron Expositor and in the course ellin ronin cuts are made clean close
,tug, and 'nuc of sight below the hill- on ,t e 9Citro had satisfactory re- P by Miss greatly enjoyed, g, $4.73; 'Charles Sfephen, truck- pruning ,
side, Once again Abram saw y \'erda Watson. Election of officers1e ligmondville Mission Band met of a fen days the article was sold Ing gravel, $149.48; George Coward, and parallel to the s'upp'orting limbs
suits. An immense rat, struggling t;ien took lace, The followi'ns on 'Monde to a gentleman that is always .Cott- !alcor, or branches the r
$25.16; Job Kellett, labor, probability is :that
them as they rade s viftly out on the, fran, and squealing terrifically the officers for 1936: President The presidentf tMild d Finnigan, pre- ring the pages of this valuable week- $23, tR; Isaac Cower, labor 1.0'5• AI- the healing will be rapid' and tom -
plain, in bat:.l: array bearing down Was yanked clear of the snace be- i (,erne Elder; vice-president, Miss' sided and the secretary, Dorothy ly Pape'-•' which enters practically- ev- len Fletcher. ]P1')or. $3.24: Ray Fran- Plete. 'Careless manipulation :of pitm-
an the city of Sodom. 1,,ve'en :he b+ard. All eyes faced to- Taman, read the minutes and Balled'"_- hom,a in this community. cis. ;a;;c:', :3,2 • "•e.1 Ford labor ing tools which causes scraping and
. Abram was anxious for L>t—fool- •P Grob I am'mie; secretary, Dorothy the roll. Mildred Swan was the } ' S :t; slashing of the 'bark p g
ish fellow! «hy he ever moor, int,'vvards :he ,t from 'whence came McQueen; as'sis't. 'secretary, Ian F,ils- Mary t'ac'. owners v�ll be listen- 81.1.53; Clayt,an' m,,.r, trucking, g , also creates
the no; -'e, c:r.e; tre'asuier, Miss 14ildred S�rut- pianist. Wylda Ross read the Scrip- i'r" ill —) s me beautiful Christmas $1? 80; Freeman Horne; truckin Nvound�s which may easily become in the city, Abram c.7uld n;,: un ,e 2�:an,l. 1, The ;y looked as much ,iu crises! I • . , a I ture lesson and! Dorothy music during the rest couple of $7.08; ?:d; Pollen t felted and give rise to
.. And why he sh:;,uld rr•Ytts^ 1 r., 1 i nists, llilyd-cd Smillie, tierda i Y Thtold a l tractor owe g canker,
t' v ti's t ,,, ed in �, er-k v: cera radically ever} coon- 5130, 70 Garnet VIcF p In view of the infection
n arc "ti cr t u...,• ii, the rn'„i,, iII,, , yri 's .n and Gladys Pasr,m'pre; Mis- �,hristmaayer, Mrs. Malcolm told a : _ l ails, tractor period for
taxes, ne cud r.,,: kr, •t':. but ire Nva :i ; •u; l�• li ?, 1„d.,c,: ; '•,.•a , s story. At the cl:.,se of in t.._ vv ,r;rl will be re g 3 > Vi tt is dispose the time y omnrittee, Mildred Smillie j' rein, in Power. ,"2• ,9C• William • --)hr, , tra. e of the year at
artsL us just the :circ. 1111. i the meeting we had a treat of nut ','r',v and s:m•y, ” ,ich rr ach tree;
roc:^ h:s , ti'.. the teaclu'r had Lc t<e Lave }Iustc and Drama, s. i' 1•, tor, �f,S.(1; Norman crock, are pruned is of
A!' day he :;aite,! nn,� wa:;d'• .':r;' rJ,.-- ;,t 1,i: ,!; •1.• 1, T,, Anr,>r.n th;;se who are a=i'n� l:,
T n t
N n conic and Pa !, The atm t' <!`' to ,.rant, Verd:t li'atso!r ane"" ;t -
i . � hydro e , t, , ?:�I l 1; -Inhn �•imnenn, wag- � •- t .most importance, Mates Circa
:,r i"' way c1r;,P :c :1 and , ..,ucle l�1,)we:� ('itizens'hi Com., 1 U $ 'r h.. c 'n,,,,'t,ti;y vv „1 he ,lr a<ed to ''n,,, <;1 110N.-a•nnr m_ 1 { >
Semler to dra,_ r-..: acr � th 4. P URN j , ! 0.50; ZZ'ns, d, dig lar 2 of the Domininn Division of
c�r,l a,vay ! rn ;;,t la'', I'. h Pass':nore an l at ,'' "!�' ,rducti. n in their IIydra ; 'r S10.1.i; Luther Revnnlds, cera Botany on "I'refenbing' Pcact Can.k-
: kv: Ar{] rr,r ,:,i; f'ne uay vca :,,..t• _ ,•
li tr it ,ar. •c. J ,hn?" ; f c S Mr. John I_oc.k 1 ... ;hi ::n, Nvhic,h was, no c! iuht, •-', 418,•)4• W. 1V. N �, er." When runur�• is clone in
sy:ng in the n h r, a runm,-r,' • .11..11, re n: e; c!al Cram., Doreen barb, tvho has sp,^,' l., n: ail, cutt n I P the
a<ked. the s ; 1 Ilt a'•>',,u: by flip Her•h„rn Gov- 4veods, x].00; Clonn McLean cutti tall or early winter healing
„- 1 1','^i;ahar, h. Iirnuor'.ck, 1lildred Fol- ttmnr•er ill he Prairie Provinces nc, g i
T^ IV NN', un .ed. AV cry h r,. �;ag- •• ru:al'.nz !reneath th”' flim, 1 ;', :: xnd lean fIcmnhill, The meet- and British Columbia retur ,,, , ,' limen, incl vrhich we says, Thanks, :-, ods, $1.05; John cs are necessaril el
li;,c}r Cattn, grace!, $7R, . d ayeci, a the
n. red i+., .�'i:;.n's ten:. est vve'ck, nod ha,... lfil,nn Gregory, sounds remain or
His story v: a- short, "The. a:•m:e ' closet, with a by rain and prayer gravel, 21 ; Warren ]en for a tor. ,
"jl,... .e- '.:.!weal. If y'tu dant .,r wh!ch carne; were played and -r7i's Lriretta Kc,n,ahan of St, ! P_,arge assortment nf. Christm--rf,ck, gravel, 30c; 1lrs. A. ur n it'd, during which a certain amount
„.t tic C . lm r. , mount
of Sodom utero', by ::'ry Sud-. c'r- •r.• �ramanar questions answer- � r it a:•r- «,;,*inning• o
dennv:s; rat' •,hc i tack. They hecame -,) u : ,, hour s'Per.t.
tust,inC, is at present ernnl'pyecl at tea came to the £•ravel, $i.CO: Russ•v11 Ckinner, gray o_ the bark surrounding the wound
r , e". warn squealing." the home of 11r, ,Tamen Johnston. 1"fPcn nftirr, and n'r doubt f n th^ r,l, 8210.26; Genr'g^ ratan, cutting dries out and die's. As a result both
cor..uscu. f.rttcaiad ue,..r their i,vn! Vii, 1, a fellow student, was vv*el] ill' M. S. Annual Iieefing 1gt•s ,Ianrres Iiovva In'pxt few clays the mail men, as well hr•tish 175 of this lair"
;lime its— fell into them, The cin *, ! The annual m�eet,ing• of the W.-M.S. tt, y�'h'o has been as ,postnlas!er will h 8 ,t. L. Fletcher, drag•g•in,g', exposure to infection and
1 aware r:, w'nat. really hall taken place, cisit;•rix- in Toronto for the last three I ave a busy time, $11.65; Akin McCurdy, dragging, of the establishment of dead areas,
of the east hac'c captured the city. trice ova= s;,ott .,00d enough gh not to �f t,'armal Presbyterian Church was tvpr'ks returned hoan•e last Wedne,s- Plou cin �r•(i5; Traquair Ilardvvare, trtisc'cllan- a r'elative'ly large percentage of
They took all the food and a:1 valu- i snueal, b c.d i,n the bas-emc'nt of the church f1�,, g g Being Done
ahles. The kin;; of Sodom and Lo; c.f,.� rcc:mtly with the pre:sldent, Mrs. C. ecus. $2.05; H. G. Webber, black- wounds made at that time of the
i.,-aling was consid,erM a mit- The weather d'uring'th'e past week smithing, $14.25; Fred Kerr, tile and year become cankered. From the
are both prisoners. The four kin r I ,f flu,::=,on, presiding. The n'et'ting ap- bliss Bernice Lawson, of Stratford ]res been; uitc ori -
P b • aconic among both boys air] girls, Norm:al Sch'o,al, is teaching in U. S. q ld and we noticed limber, $11.70; Farmers Co -opera- standpoint of canker control, the
are away up the road an their vvay Thi< unvrritten law saved n'c':i vv 5th a hymn f,,ll',rwed by pray- the add farmer i r preferable time to
Nome!" partici- er I - ,Mrs. Hudson. The Scripture S. No. :i. Hallett, this week. P oughi•n'g, which is give„ cable, etc., $8,00 W, J. Beer, c prune is late
Pants in settlement of disputes at , I7ms, MCWii'inney and her so .'risco*h,at urtusu'a] for old Heron fittings, 90c; Farmers' Clulb, ,bridge `'Pt'tng or early summer in order to
Abram turned to his men: Tell.!:!flerent times from the sting of a 'ess'om was read by Mrs. Young This P, Dick, where often the thermlom'eter drifts material, $1.70: W. Walters, s enabl4 the wounds to healproperly
my three neighbors to bring then' well -shaped hickory was followed by the roll, call which ' f>,<Gad!er^rch, ,vis,ited at the came of
p pointer. lien daughter, Mrs, Robert Turner, down to 20 'bel'ow zero, and in same cable, $1; S. W. Arcliiba](1, engineer's and rapidly. From the practical point
horsemen. And order my men to be t was ansvve'red by ' A suggestion for cases even farther at this time f fee,;, $134.00. of v'ievV, this may be too late, con -
ready vvas , gm•et•ned by neither t , one day last week.
ready at once to go to rescue Lot!":tierce oar -rule. It only took nerve ire New Year,' A life membership Mr She, the year, The council adjourned to mee at flitting as it would with other o
was presented to Mrs. L Aph'ard manager of the pera-
1 (o tju,m•p in, bite and gorge, punch ccg'niti'om of her faithful services, C'anp,dian Bank of -Commence, is corn_ Miss Ruth tiVatson pf bhe village, n e closre o£ Nomination on 'Monday, lay It is advisable, however, le de-
rr, ylan, pull the ears, twist the The addre•scs was read by Mrs. Dallas, fi'n'ed .toi abed with an .attack of iiuflu_ who has been assisting at the Dick ecember 30th. Henry Strang, Y Pruning as, late as possible, at
CONSTANCE nose. It -was rough and tumble, kdc'k ciao, 1VIr,'McN,efi'1, ,of 'Goderioh is House, Se'aforth, for the last three Clerk- least until after the middle of Janu-
vvi`h the feet 'butt with the h d while the presentation was made, by months, rbcs returned ar
pia, Mrs. Paterson. The secretary's re- 'Supplying fbr !him, ,home. Y or, better still, until March.
A union meeting of the W.A. and outdo any opponent in any way, to ort was read and ado, ted. Rev. W. Th'e $lyt,h 1VIu'nicipal Tel Mr- Edgar MO'In ss'eau, f the vil-
W W.M.S.
iheld inOthetschoolance Uraom ofnited h 'the urch as short a time as passible. g gave an excellent address patronsnithLs stage, who is noted for booing a goad LONDESBORO
One never-to-ibe-forgotten fight took A Yours Paying dividends to d•bs banjo player, as' well as 'a
church when Rev. A. W. Gardiner on Mission Work. The followdm ,of week. - good ga'r-
glace at last recess. It proved that g aige m,an, acssisted' in the playing at The W. 1V<. S. held' their meeting
presided and opened with a hymn firers were elect floc the cognin Miss AIma Murch, of Toronto a dance whrioh was }reed at Grand do the baseanemt of the church ,on h•rmar doe's ndt always go to who g' wh,o P'' Yr tg ( ' '
and prayer. The election of officers year: Ulonor has been recoverin from an Opera- honor is due. Y president, Mrs, H. g Bend dutnin rtbe est week. Thursday was the main feature of the meeting pie ,of the huskiest boys tantaldzed Arnold; presidtnt, Mrs. C. Hu,dsom; tion, returned' hbime on ,Saturday for g P y 'lasit, Decemiber 12. The
and resulted as follows: President, Y vice-presddent, 'Mrs; R. Y. Maclaren; a mont'h's visdt, it the
G d MYS. ,D,. Brown and fain- meeting was opened by singing and ` another lad of a less pugnacious' The Sunshine Club held' their an- y, vier, at 'the 'home followed by prayer b g, I:
Mrs. Ge'o. Addison; 1st ,vice, Mrs. 2nd �v'ti�ce-presid'entt 'Mrs. B. Edwards• y' y Miss L, Youni
�nirit till a real fight was under• way. nual White GilEb Service !last Satur- of the florrrter, s dawughtteT and Sam -in- The study ,bock on Africa was very
Finest Adams; 2nd vice, Mrs. Chas• 3rd vice�presidtmt, Mrs. Dallas ands;
The aggressor became the target for ' ,say in the klorres!ter°s Hall. Theme law' Mr. arud Mrs. E. Mbrvsseau, of im,strerttive •crud was en `''
Riley; secretary, i12rs. Austin Dex- well -aimed blows fnolm' the sdi titer tory Mrs. George! Walker; treasurer, the village, over the ' MlOusse A ,dhtet was then sumo enjoyed by all.
u;.` ter; reasurer, Mrs. Geo. Leitch ; g was a large I.
d-g: pianists, ,Mrs, P. Lindsay and 'Mrs. P, advantage of Mrs. W. R. Davidson; supply sec,, g antdienoe'st�d. man Ms. and Mrs. Robert Green, and and Mrs. McCall which was splettdi,di,
chi who had taken advam,ta y gifts g by Mrs. Scott
Y Mists M'cGrelgor; welcome oral, welfare worse receive which w,eme sent to the ,
, the sharp rinelin,e to the Crhi'hdmen�s :Shelter in Crodermch,• dau,ght,e:r, Murdiis s
,li,, Fran'k Riley; Work Ctvmmitte, Mrs. P purmp stand. Mrs. J. W• Bonthron• Glad Tidings , pent a day retort- A .ballot vote was taken as t'o who §r`I., Ben Snell, Mrs, Jas. Mhrgill, Mrs• File the bully strove desperately g ' .: U. S. 9. No. 5, Hallett and Au- ly tm London. wood foe given the life m:eo who
Peter Lin
Convenor of No. I with head' lowered' to gain the plat Mrs' [Rosy McLaren; Litteratture and
Librax Miss. Workman,- Home He tern Continuation Sebiotol are ho4 Mr Russel 'Bla'ckw,eld ,is visiting tickelt, which ptrov,e,d' ,to be awarded Psi
``:. Group, Mrs. say;
Lawson; No. 2 form, he recei•v+ed a n'um'ber of sharp Y' ! 1P- „ dnmeg with his sister and, brother-in-law and to Mrs. J. E. Taylor. fine ,officers °
their rres al 'C1i family, Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Clrank. were re-elected ftor .the Comuing Year. FR 90g7 - pgo
1VIrs. Geo. Leitch; No. 3 Mrs. Jas. stinging, well-judged.ors, Mrs, T .Hurlsom arra 1VIrs. La ii'tsttmatsS rbnraert in y1
`uppercuts an to fin' 'tete Farrester's Hall .on 'Pride
Hugi11; No. 4, Mrs. Jas. Medd. The th,e eyes and to the mouth, and a p°ant•st, 'Mrs' W. A. Mac7Latneri, The Y e'er- Mr, and Mars. 'Charles Green of At the close of 'bhe m,eetirn a Ibvel,
, rofHcers for the W jS. are as fol- punch on the nose which brought meeting closed with a hymn and, tog' THE C
v: M g prayer by Rev. Mr. Youni, Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Walter Cunningham, Hi'bbexty Spero a day 9n London this lunch was then served. g Y
lows: President, Mrs. Peter Lind- blood. Just when 'he nod vanba' g gham,
say; list vice Miss I Simmons;round once would' soon have over �Zr. ,Manley Jinks is helping at the who :leave !teem' drtk Glencoe all yam_ week. Mrs. Bert Beacom of T'orowo is
' Pocal post office during ,the Christ- m'm'+'have r-Aurneid:batck to their son's rMre' RRabims', roll Exeter, � h� visiting relatives and' friends in this ON GUARANTEED
urer,secretary, .Mrs. ,Chas. Dexter; trees- powered his adversary,the bell rang be the guestt of her dsu teir and vioinli
mos rursh. hrorrio, Mr. ,Guy
f oxer, Mrs, B. B. Stephenson- comes- the fight crapped. The dialler ebloy winter. y {5unm,ingtham, fbT the son-iru-law, Mr, and Mrs. �Wil,liatm 11Lis� L. Young has gone on an F;x_ TRUST
Council M ped �D
ponding sec., Mrs. R. Lawson; Liter- became her lad, a He,1, 1,eft on 1VIlomtiaY to visit with te:tndocl visit tlo I.ondom and other CERTIFICATES
cry, Mrs. Earl Lawson; Temperance The other lad, seated in the back Tftrse last regudtrr mr,eeting of the tMrs. Lloyd Raatluby bra's ,bee'$ oras- her d'awghttor and son-in-law, near points.
r sec., Mfrs. Wtm. Bratton; Strangers' seat, with desk lid raised, so that 1935 council was, held Monday even_ i�ting her mother, Mrs% Jerret bee Tay- Exeter.
l • sec., Mrs. Robert Rogerson; Flower' the teacher might not notice h:is un- 'ing at 8 P.M. ,in the council cham'b'er 'loT, for the last weak, Mrs. T. 'Crawflord has gone to �®
Mess Fitts ''Bels!, f Loandbny vis6lted '•?d ,bine winter with 'hex daughter, A lege/ Investment for Trust Funds
�. sec., iMrs. Ella Carib ,pianists, Mra. sightly fare, leaned over and whisper- with al'1 members present. The min- with her acerb. Mr.
,,t •' Jack Fe,nguson and Ella Dexter- mite ed words sof insipirabian•: ubes of the 'last meetiing were read. Bell r P ' and Mrs, A. Mrs, Kri'rnkle, of Niaig•ara, f %/�Qe and Upwards Accepted for
-` box 'sec. Mrs. E. Adams; 1Vfiss,on « Petty 'stud Shepherd': That the Marv- ST. COLUMBAN eceualbly' ,Mrs. J. McCool,, Mrs. T, Faixser-
l`;';-. + Gee, John, I didn't know you were P
k,, Band Leader, ,Mrs. Lego Stephenson, such a son of a " utes be adopted as read, --Carried. vice and ,Mrs. A. Sshadldock spent Sat_
gun to fight. Terms of 5 Years.
urday in London.
{,,.' assistedclo try Mrs. F. Riley. The meet- -Poll w,ho was all f a tremroble Fred Beer appeared, re his dog tax. (Intended for last week.) BRUCEFIELD Unconditionally' Guaranteed
%,," hymn, and prayer Petty and Robison: That the 'Col- Miss Ante Dovrrre R.N. has ne- The W M. S.'derove to Clinton :in
W, i closed with a h assured brim that he was, just 'begin-
':'' , liy Rev. Gardiner. becbor be dnistr'vcted n,ot bo collect dog turned after a week end holiday 'in Well, Bruee'fiel,d' i5 always on the Cars on Mamd,ay f this week and,
& • $ing t t get ]oosensd u, when he ag
V�i+` P t 'tax from Fred Beelr —,Car ri'ed. Mx. Toronto. front page. This presented
d Mrs. J. E. Ta T H E
?�., bell rang, year witlty a lovely Taylor with a
r• The two boys were Charles McDonald, ea ll s called to 'Christmas tree on our uptown tor- We membership tic'k'et who iz con -
good pals ever appeared re .the Rete. Father Powe, nor whi'eb is lighted u valesrrent at the hso, f her nicer, STERLING
11 afterwards. ' fire irusuratrce on hall Petty and London this week ,awl ,rig wJ the ser_ p and, 'looks m'e ' A
GRE TEST V�L.tlE in fact, a day or�s'o after bhe fight, Sangster: That 'bhe Clerk be in'- ious illness 'f hti!s sister, Mrs, J. J. very pretty. Mrs, W. Gutteniden, Clinton.. She has
structed to look after the insurance Roach, of London. A large community 'Chriistmras tre,o heed n the 'hosptal for some months
while there was still 1dsign omatilan with Mr. McDonald.—,Cared. F. 'G. Mr. Timrioth 'ha's been su:ff'errim'g with 'a broken hr,
�i�RONTo lust 'below an,e eye, and signs Of a Y Lymbh of Beec'hiworodooks p,l,aced' on the cornier and P• Her
bruise an a 1i the bearer to'1d Iris 1935 tax arrears as bei•$ Y r � 'sp atsored by .bhe Cohnmtuiihts Club backtoheaho'm,e es see her CORPORATI
P Bonthrom Tax Collector, reported the was taken suddenly 11'1 on Sum, "Very nice indeed, wish to sac
J�1TMIs1�'1�/E' hero 'that he wanted to see win 12 g $1441.94 ox lnlorning las, lntrt his comdhttitom, rocs y an Lon, 'boyo fully ON
(z`' a fact race and told him how he pert Petty and Sangster: somewhatt i,mlpt+oved during the week, 'i'• P• U, Notes recovered. TORONTO
R ROOMS WITH ei11TH i That the tax rate be exbemlded to Feb. His mrarny friends wish him a speedy The regular meeting of the Y.P.U.
r, ��a' corn iii do it. 1 193O.—Carried. Robietoa •and Pet reoovemy, p was -held on Monday evening with
2•Sa 3.00 Shove some spri'g's t logjhy hay .�,: That Geo. Follick be refunded, The St, ,CJolumeban Slulbdhvtisilon of Ea!11 'Pepper in chi
! ,' or foxtar u our ,amt ]e to sum of $1.,00 error on oil tax11,— the CmIthbdi,c Womenr's Leiv% are After the
Y P g Just be opening hymn Cecil Ddl'ling read the
NeJiH 'RUNWNG WATER Fora starting to run, and that will Carri'e�d. Gear a Hudson Set°ipbure lesson' and Jesse Freeman 11 0"
I.Zt X1.75 S2M ma'k'e you punt every ounce 'of run g , poll tax 't:his week m'a,lk:�,g a large shiipment 'led in • S.r
?, t that's in „ colletrbor, reported 17 out of .rho 18 g prayer. ' Ra g
you into the race, quilts end! ellotbhi Nevray, ave
as -havim ,which were dam- an interesting topicon "Pia er an
Nowadava we rarely' hear about g paid their -poll tax the alted by the members-, to the Welfare Our Dail NeedsAfter a liveld , CHOO E Tlifi EC NOMI AL �, p° ° MO ER REP p
. 60611W FOOD other otic ,boom wi9lii Y " I 0
�Fam,es that wire .roopu1ar in those g to woailc his Bureau in, rth,o West for need y WOTEL 0 °X40
y farm- discussion and tine busin'esa the 0 e e° F
,' n � ..' BSc far -away Clays, avr�h as' Hat, Montey, Oat' Th'o Clark reJponted as h I I , e GON I IEWLY LOCATED
i H , alvim'g lilies. meeting oliosed with a hymn 750 ROOMS�RATES a .'DID a°.° e
i ft �t ; 4: • '',�al�d'! , Du,ckjo,n-the-.Rn6k, •'Geg, ,Crack -the- the decd of the rink property sign- (Pete pvfpils' of the , g Ymn' and the e� re�o°°0°e°° 750 ROOMS -RATES
,� ! Setpao.,ate school, Benediction, The next meeting will d s r° °r
I(r ,. WMN ParmNPomt Pullatway; Fen=blob- Rabbsan-PwJtty: Tltiadt we Pay under dhla Itrmirtim of the Uretul ne ba' on xluesdaY, Ddc: 31 a _ s`i 50;'t0 ��.50 s� '°d�aa,�r�°
0 5':00; g , �peei$I' 'ya oy a�1 $1.50 to $2.50
}, �y M: i „ y. dt+ee, and other nadrues just as umas� the Chlarmbrn of CbhnfineTce the sum dP Sisters, sleag�dl a vea-y ,pllelrtsarirg and watohm'ight service. The, social part SINGLE NO HIGHER a°.
r�' 0' . " ust to col'l names,. CCdrt�reda o d prOP�rtY•-•CAtried. e+r> tertaimllrug 'ph 9kVft line this week of the meeting will •n, ag < atr r�srttu�ro i - ��
�'t, t NG
. ; W16 also e o ed art,' . ti 2t nrcei was cooed its+ f'allonvis: near 9 (,Yt SIN ( � RGHER,r
' `'f r tL, rr, , x wit �r,, , y�' 0 , , rn cob prtlor roc ffhe cl!oarrdg fkkr the Ch' b*. It �
"', ut , t, tZlu y,t,, t'r� tr - . , o'e14Clt ' as d':libl0.. care 1
t,to1 ., t „. , t, `i'; r s!hartmbq, faobis9r11 unci baseball. 9 .. ratio! ?s`d, rYf. 1�" s: ' Bath mare ob Tau' ..rix. '
qe t trP ;1111 �, at', kr' c° eh �LTedl Of `11 WIII' lfe
vYtt,$ ti ,t... i, ru t $ Cati>ad�ahu ohm eat ,
,,, ,,• 1Vlvth kndvrled a recut lies Dern o _ o R 1 cls urge grit 11 ,
a $,Pt, x, .,s ,t h .,,< : g 'tiYt�ttlg� ., ?R 2 -.• to bd lbd , ;1" 60tr r h a
R,• t , . .,1111 1tegJ luQe tdCl dtii lice r .
# JI, 4. er, «.;I , y���.� ',5, 'r , d .. , .. ..,. a Lr ..." 'LLCY- biAl i" 5::
a ti l ul sratuft tto thou hb v', .nttur�ow Bias l ,Wrd d o►t h1�b
u � F 'h ,e ! 6 .1,, Yy ',�7 '1°,.r pJr, p'yt q, ' . �.tUG1,ILL � !, A Mill:, J1` ,�@. , Re= I,�,11 , . �'
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