The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-20, Page 6n r. n..xrvr s .� ,:. �. .., ..: ,vp.. .t.0 r' t a:.n�., r'-„W:•viY: 'v, y.+ a :s '.• `:+i :.,y- {T".!
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C `a: • w..t " -''�f l y _ ",' If' !:. ,; "`. .� it1G'Xll� 4RIti -
m.Y,k , � '. ' - IR!o5fip.'ck on
'w�Ulida,' y. ;. I •.
\"d , kr �fs�"r + . y u I • !� • lir. land Mrs, Jerry
sit r atLt� =, _
IF ire daughters and Mrs, Jbhn Eggert re-
,r4s t Sunday ,
il' t Without� c Y and
of Israel Relief >�r� � fil
Evangelical Sunday School
Pupils wflll reat'der their Annual • ,
Charles Malcolm) S
s'ttxuafs �tertaimnteitlt o
'ut, .ucnday ,
kt aftem0on at 2.30. A silver collec-
y Mrs. Bandy Now Feels Well Again tion wail !be taken. Eiverylitody wel-
1 came,
;.,I' �(It�nlnnued from last week) -^-•-, The •••'
Victoria Harbour, Dec. i9 (Special) regular monthly meeting sof
the W. M. S. and W. A. was held, t ,'
�", ,,' • Chapter X 'I was !bothered with a sore bank, mt the home � Mrs. Robert Cam
pains cin my arms and legs, and head- , P
FAMILY TROUBLES bells with a large attendance. The
ache, writesMrs, Win. J. Handy of meeting opened with :the W. M. S.
t this place. "I lay in bed for three "i Santa Knows that
Abram and Lot were �gmw-ng viery months and could not seem to et President in charge, The hymn, Int
tw rie'hr-�floccks herds, and d'raves. But g Came Upon the Mhdhtight Clear" was
Hyl any relief. Reading the paper one `
�kome, of their wealth was not very Isumlg Bird Prayer 'by Mrs, Hillebrecht,
y tI
honorable! Abram had been in
day I satin about Dodd's Kidney Pills The Scrilpture was read, by Mrs. W4n•.
+ t�.�t' being so good and, 'thought I -would uz,
u, Egy+pti--and-well--Pharoah lard not ' Shannon, Linke 2. Ibol'1 was them call -
try theuti: I took six iboxes. In about
want 'him in Egypt. In getting rid two weeks I was able to be a and ed and answered 'by su-table Scrip -
of +him,, Pharoah had given Abram p tore paameges,. &I -lowed by a solo by
lqmo same sheep and cattle. Then he or- arounkd again• I am 34 years old and Mrs. N. R. Iyoizanice, "Christmas
' adered a regiment of Egyptian sol- have 3 children. We live on a farm Secret ,°, which was much enjaoyed by
`•` where there is lots of work to do, I t S
Biers to take Abram to the 'border ad•I„ The minutes of -the least meett ng .
tsti'N, and scull else back to his owls coin- ornouttido w thoutyfeeind of work lirng any ill effect were read and adopted. A reading
inc ive
try. was then given, by Mrs. Morrow, The J
. ;•' , , on the was "
The pasture in Palestine was not Message of 'Chri;stmas, followed by
a ^- :When the Kidneys get out of order �, ;
•:;,`, alw� good, --sometimes the water the fail to strain the impurities the hymn, Silent Night, Holy
was scarce. Abram and Lot were Y purities Night"; remdaiilg by Mrs. tBidlocrecht i
t, .. often in difficulty. Their shepherds from the blood stream, which is their ,The Christmas Tree that Went 1
and cattlemen frequent, , normal duty, Pbisfons then remain in g; hymn "Hark the Herald
y quarrelled, iWal'kvn"h
tJ� and fliers were Nimes when Loh was the system and illnes's follows. Dod'd's Angelis (Sing" •w,as .then sung and the
very disagreeable, but Abram was Kidney Pills help you quiert,. keep your meeting closed with the Benedictibn ,
Kidneys . in good order. They are li
easy to take and may be safely used' by 'Mrs. rtaibre.c b The ladies were �
One day Abram took Lot for a Chen entertained by t9ircle 3 with
waft_- and they talked for a long 'bY Yang or old. Mrs. F. IMcKercher >•_
` time. Lot acting as ehadtt-
grew more and more an- •man. The social hour opened by
gry every minute, and became Louder was then o�,red• The Secretary's singing a hymn,, flollowed' -by prayer
and louder in his talk, but Abram was and Treasurers then gave their re- by Mrs. F McKerahem. A ', Scotch _
perfectly calm. He would not quer- ports.The ,business and election of re" se 'Ott Ma's. Watson, mouth or -
rel. officers was •then taken. The office2s 'mow s'eloatLon 'by Mess R. Campbell \� .As (they talked 'they turned this were all re-elected for theyear19'36•and Miss F. Stekk; reading by MN's.
way, and that. Now they could see The January meeting is to be held ar R. Morose, imadg by Mrs, Mrs- i
+i their flocks and herds Now the home ,of Mrs. Robert Stephembn. Ke'reher were nmeh- enjoyed by aIQ they saw their double, camp, with "Thi Faiths of Africa," chapter• 2, present. At the close a 'boivntiful • .
the corals. 3t was a large camp, like from the study leaflet was •givotn in, chicken swpper was served,
a little city! . . . Beyond the came seven parts Iby a nuWber of ladies.
.there was a river wkh rich pastures A hymn was sung and the meetingSTANLEY ”
!! along the banks and inp the ravines closed with prayer.
!but (behind them was a ridge of We list -below a few items that anyone
white limestone, without a sign of The W.M.S. of Goshen United
,either giass.or water! Down beyondBAYFXELD Church held 'their .regular monthly
o the rich pasture, they could see themeetinfg an Thursday, December 12,
city -the most wicked city in the M,ss Jean'W!aods sent a few de• s at the •tions of Mrs. Russell 1]rraitt. on your list would be delighted to re-
*`" world! Sodom! They knew all a- in Londvm this week. p y Mrs. R, 'MOKindey, vice-president,
bout -that city=they had been there Dr. S. M. Burris was in Toronto gn was •sur the chair, and Mrs. VAI( Clark _
cling their wool. They had heard business this week• presided at the piano. The meeting •
—theft knew! And they had kept MM J, Tough has gone to Hyde opened with the hymns "Come Leit.Us veins. And their reasonable cost -means
•, away from 'Sodom as much as pos- Park to stay the winter with her sass Sing of a Wbuderd.'ul Love" and
sible. ter, ,Mrs. Douglas. 'Prayer. The Scripture lesson on
On this day, when -Abram saw how A deftlit'ful wedding ceremony "The
First Christmas Gift," was giv- � •
difficult it was going to be to live at wasen tory tete President, Mrs- B. Keys.
pinch in t se times of financial stress
Performed at the 'home of Mr.
peace with Lot much longer, he made and Mrs. Huttikin Highway No, g The devotional deadlek, "The Spirit
- •,'
this suggestion to 'him. Tueketsmith when theireldestt dau h- of Love and Forgiveness," was nice -
"Lot vs not quarrel, Lot. Surely ter, HaZoll 'Ann{io was marritd gto it' given :by iMrs. T. Robinson. The and ` ] i1 •
+ the country is big enough for :both Mr, Harald William Barnes, of Tuck_ subject for study entitled, "The Faith
of us! Now, look, if you wish to go ersniiith, on 'December 11th, by Rev, of ATAca," was rtatloen up by Mrs,
down there where bhe pasture hs R M, Gale of Bay'fneld. The bride McKinley, (Mrs. J. McClinchsy Mrs,
good and the water plentiful, why vas supported by the bride's uncle Armstrong, Mrs. E. Stephenson, Mrs,
that will be quite all right. I will r. Charles Pilgrim, of Varna, and Peck, 'Mara. P. Johnston; Mrs B
go up into the hills and find pasture Miss Isabelle Collins, Seaforth. Keys and Mrs. Russ'el'l E'rratt. Short
and water for my flocks . . . But, Sunday evenimg, Dec, i.5Lh7 the an- nrel `''' were then offered by Mrs
if you would prefer to go up into nua.l meeting of the Bayfield branch McCli'nrchey and Mrs. Keys, Mrs.
a: f the hills, why I will move down. into Randy contributed a
the valleys but above all of Bible Society was held in Knox 3 pleasing A year-round present that will be appreciated by any of your family
,r had c t P by Mess Olive Er- The Huron'Expositor-AM g yterian Church there, bed.n a solo, aceampanied , away from Nom® or by your friends. It is a weekly reminder of the
t}dngs, ne must not quarrel!" g Po t, ere ,re .the baste Tr rer re- sender, We will forward a suitable card with each gift @ 1 e�n
'• good attendance. Rev, Mr, Douglas pe aD ! 1J •
Lot knew what he wanted. "I'll orfs were .read' Iby the Treasurermnd
go to the good ere service, 'Rev R• Eubscription. Per year .
g Pastures," he said. M, Gale of St. Andrew's United charge of Rev. Mr, Bandy took ............................ �A,O'O
Early next morning, A{bram's men charge of the election of officers $ NE\V SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR
Church, reach the Scripture lesson and
Y were bus taking their tents dawn. rt' in wyccr resulted as follows: Honlor- ........................
. Y g Rev. W. G. Bugler gave a ve isul t, Mars o Q. n
Before noon all of his men were on historteresty acldregs ar McItin11 5 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR .......... $6.00
their way up the hills, loolcin for g regarding the early pre 't, Mrs R M peck; 1st v ace,. • •' • • , • , • • • • • • •
,ti• r g history of the Bible. Members of ,
m•: grass, the three chairs lei th president, Mrs. Russell Erratt• 2nd
Lot did not have to move! His
Pasture was • ' ht there!
a servic of
praise witth Mrs. Fe
Fergus -0 at the
,sire-presidletvt '
, Mrs. Elvin yffi
TRhat nightAbram ca
camped near
one of those bare white mountains.
very . Miss Lucy Wood's sap g
tly a'solo, "Wonderful Book
secretary, Mrs Elmer
Stephenson; tlie�asurer, Mrs, J. Arm -
Before he went to lied, he ,walked to
of., v,,,
of -Love' Mrs- Ferguson accompany-
itmg her on the organ. The
�; Carreugpondi•ng sec., 'Mss. Ben
Keys; supply sett., Mrs. T. 'Rubinson
the top of the -hill, and there, that
night Gad talked with him a gains
report was givens by the secrttar Y,
�• Robert Scatchmea•.
Missionary Monthly sec,, Mrs, Rus -
1.1 Erratt; literature
+When the night was pearl done,
God said: "Look to the north," 'and
The same
officers were reappointed for 1936:
and, strangea•�s'
sem'' Mrs. R, McKinley; mi'te,box sec.,
he saw :Lebanon. Its crown of glory
President, F. A. F1dm*ards; secretary-
treasurer, Mrs.
Mrs. James M�cGl!inche y; p'i ess sec.,
Mss. Ferrier Stephenson,.' temperance
glistening in the earl dawn!
g Y
to the south,,' and, the saw mountain
Robert Scotchmer,
with commiUbee of the local veer g'y-
a'ec, Mrs. rratt sur t. of
Henryy p s'Ys-
i .
the 'horiz'on. "Look
peaks east!"
Ito the least!" where the sun was k_
Golden Wedding
temaatic gif ing, M'rs,. Perce Johns ion;
pianist, 'Mrs, Will Clark; assistant
Jordan. th hill of
A very hAP'PY occasion was obs'erv-
ed on Decerrvbei Th
pianist, was Glave Ed the After the
offering was received the
of to thee and
there the dark blue of the Great 'Sea
r the parson-
age of the United Church, 'Moncton
closed with a .h Yunsi and the beiciou-
stretched away to the ends of the
earth. "All this, will I to
the }roma of Rev. �
and Mn.jam A.
Gale, when after all manner 'of Pre-
by Rev. Mr. Bandy. A cleHicious
lunch was served du ' a social half
and to you
Your children and to your
chfildmeft's children!"
parati!on was made
family by the whole
y the parents, Rev. Roberture
y�r, George FovltJem of Brownsville
Abram returned to the ca inp at
Monteith Gale and Mrs. Gale, form-
erly Mary
is `��� a few Sys with friends
in this .vicinity,
atuvr'isla. He avowed again that dray
Beathea ,'
Sbrlxthears, cele-
Ibrated their
Dont forget the Chiisitimag
At Hebron, he built an altar
and worshipped' God!
golden wedding. All sur-
vivin, g members of the Facial
taininernt alt Goshen school house on
And I,ot? Well, Lot had IlYeen seI-
y Were
Present: TwaTt Inglis, eldest s+on,
fish when his uncle gave him a choice,
Principal of Marmara High Schaod•;
and being near the city, he thought
James Arnott, ,min-i*ei• at Mankton •
,r• he was (having a wonderfully goods ]vs 'twin sister, Mary .Betulah, widow LONDESBORO
time! He was right theme at the of the bate Rev. W. G. Rrichardson,
anarket where he was making all Waterloo; Jahn Alexander McInnis, • i
kinds of looney. He had - worries farmer b the Nom (Intended DecPor last week.) Individual stationer Fifty Sheets of Note Paper and fifty, matching envelopes printed
homestead at AYma with -Initials mato a splendid gift for anyone, And what could be
al6oni't :pasture! >�nt� never Ont.; Robert Struthers, £roe Eltora- Y.,
Saturday, Dec. 7 ih+e W A. held m : f ��� more useful? Wide range of opera and t •
' y P type styles from .$1.25
!: entered into his mind to build an, a1- Margaret Gladys, A.T.O.M. linin Vey successful bazaar, $D1 Li!
with her which to chopse. As low as
There were
tar or worship God! parents at Bmyfield One lots off pretty novelties lion sale, also � ..
member, f ttie, deceased, was re • home-made .bread acid. buns,
` .�... ^+"""'���••� .presented b her aharmlim 10 P �, cant, and Iv(e mss' e
HILLSGREEN g Year i Y upperes After Mother or Sister would like nothing bather than some Collin Cards. Nivel boxed.
old dfaiaghlter, the Calling Cards___ g g y $1.25
Mme• Olive Redd, Atter was over supper was aero_ Many type styles. Per Bos of 50
" greetings were mil aver the family ed. The proceeds amounted too abbut ^ " " " " " '
'A?a. John Turner b£ Clinton gathered in chorus form and saitig fes• Cons'mdering the weather, a
^., tihO w'ee'k -end with friends in tthe m pole hymns and carols, then all v'e'ry' '9'o'd number iof daadies Mere
•> vici;nit made 'brief speeches; them there was present. i
Mrs. H. Coleman was tadcen to a sudden i7llbeiruptimt when a chav- Mr. ]I. Riley has rely coznpletr A splendid selection of Canadian artist and other Christmas Cards, printed with 6�
`rse party (arranged) led by a bride ed reanadIelding his house, which adds Christmas Cards�~�your name and any verse you may Choose. In lots, as low as, each ............. J `
ClintonClsHospital recently awing• to and grwm with all sorts of disturb- appearance of the ,
.r 'Ine+ss, . We wish rhes a speedy re- in rackets I much to the
covery, g by some Monktan resi_ p'e'aty.
Mrs. Charles Rybinson visn''ted with dents and enjoyed by all. A de_ Mr. clod Mrs. Benson T Book Plates.- Something different for your book -loving friend. A variety of designs and typeds in Mibelnell, liiwedddatgfeast follow Se�aforth visited Yn the of ,,,r 1 70
fried�� ,�,e r ed b rel'ative•s in the v'i]-styles. Any quality or color of paper. Per 104• ..................................... .
' W. M. S. Meeting tspoacled to. Gifts, nam- ('a'g'e on Tuesday.
The tWlomen?s Misai•oinary Society ied and many, were presented, be- Mar. T. Moon., who has. been on, the t
'. field their December meeting at the � the kind thoughts and well sack list! with, the flu flo'r a couple of Business
For the Merchant or Professional Man, what could be nicer than a box of
Homte tof Miss A•nuYle Jmmnatt trn Weed- i°shee og a loving end devoted fam- weeks, hm5 recovexey. Sneatly printed personal stationery. Let us show you our samples.
"d' Its atftzrrraon, December 11, with Mr. Charles 'Hamming held a vex 500 SHEETS, Boxed @g 76
R. McAlister Ipresilding. The successful wood bee in Mr. MCC U s front ..... . .
`• dtalll to vmrship was folll bush arta Tuesday.
ovaod 'by quiet y 500 ENVELOPES TO MATCH
' c and thymin was, sung. The MCKILLOP The storekeepers lame Ibasy decdrart- from •50
1 Sc 1 hreading tailoen in Maur inlg their stores and Pre aTirtg for ��7'
obi nia.l leaflet The The friends oaf Mrs. Etc. Regele of Christmas.
+ ,Spirnb of Love cord Forgivemese" was the 14th are sorry to hemp. that she Mr. John tli'tazelwoodi had a bee , a What more appropriate could you give the bridge fiends on your list than bridge scores with ,
3 '. abs Mrs. W Timmer. p ye is at present in the Selatortih Hospi- �"dVeR''"� has lame end the bays Bridge sores--- their name on each sheet?i Popular colors to choose from, -padded in 25's.
tae. 'Woe wish her a speedy ree'ow- a dance in his ,wine, 00 SHEETS ..... $1.50 Per $2.75
....w 500 SWEETS ..... i
Ory. ? s ', ,. erM1w Marie Koehleir, wbb has bean
r+ i
- to Detnr'tb fl
or the last several weeks, `
�spent a week at her hiomehere. She �+�►
" .. 1Tevo�vq
pERVES -is now in the '�iek''s Hlowse in Mit- MOTORING
t Aeffitf Comes s Oon eheld. '
e. ! . � � Mm. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and TO TOR 1
I'ElJ� �' 'dav(g(htems end) mXr. and Mrs. Wella ®�T® ,
Koehler attended the Evangelixcadi HOTEL WAVERLEY HAS ALWAYS THF � /T /T/ T�(T
Edey ,Schaal Chhfistm(as enBEEN POPULAR WITH MOTORISTS 1��1 � L /� Wt) 1)
�E F
e r'� 9pf CCiN1/E1 NTLY LOCATED
Q Singlr 51-50"100
I+i a �yei 7$�f ROOMS -RATES 1�eit.S Dou61# 53.00w $5.00
Wing Av us and Its
a1 Il s sjitiu
+ WwtN fir Frtdp M
r f,
��`rry,Ra4' y�'gM 4 { r {V �r;, o x!1.41 �1 ' 1 ,.�y a� (� ti �^ �' ' �' � � � ) f D �r,9 '^��y6• k'jt� t✓'�rt i .j�'���
1011ifc'1�Mttk7lEt/15� 11