The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-06, Page 4rw W a,:iIN v3jre•.% ". n'.r , a ;F:, ,a r ,'.�, 7. ,�.... { ,3't+l. '"" , T-:!'h;t-,, rk, ip !1�' : y r + }�' �} � �. ry ,:i x �,Y off. 'D'.' I . 1 . '' 'SN+ir ra d^' 1 i, y''I+, + %. I! t :, , •' Kit getre{un«3,4i�1,tii t' i'11. i . ...µt iri 1e' A' , . ii lr•t:. c�a 'ref a d Ih .+, f :I F tN o rim u Q 1P '''O�1TO l F"{itb,tr%' `' ,,+ .i r ,w ,a u Y 4, ,, a, J,..,.,i < '1,�(� b�f ,iF,i Y & I N, R 't� rf ld F! , ..•'t',�! iyl „ ; '1` Huron Finances elf arp Board fi, i livrk, l`I, tr' (Continued from Page 1) C onti;lrued from Fags 1) `.) 1 ied Ad& Opens Tuesday L,e 1p'ai' $2'60 an account of contrast i + Huron Ctaunty Council opened. its MIt,ch'ell Drain)a;i i 'GemtYrtle4' ,Bell: That the. nom+init- K- '' December sessio4i Tuesday after onto'''.. Y " � " will be inserted at new low cash rates:, Warden W+il'lYasll Sweatzer comvpl'i- tion of Catd!i ates for ReeNe soil e ntt r•. i menite'd the vat,ilous' courihr Wees and C011111 illoas for 1'913'6 be held in Wal!ic- 1' r; � a .tient and Found, Coming Events, Etc.—per word: their chairmen ,on the efficiency of ' . ,Is Hall, in Brucefield, on .Monday, 1 Cent ,�,1 "oft Gyle• �I°:.weep..................:.................... y December 30, between blie hours of r # ,' 2uti, week 3a cent thein work in, the past six months; 1 and' 2 o'rllook an., and, if a poll be ,b %' •8rd week .,..... .......................... 'le Cent expressed regret in• the death of necessary the same be held, on, Mlon- b '�-�' rii�,�j'1 is . M'iulmum charge. first ituertiun ...I ............. 25 Cents R'eev'e W. W. ,Crosier, of Seaforth, fi ���� l £ Each figure, initial and ebb e'iatiutr 'onnist us one word, and Welcomed Re:eive HwV-om, who day, January 6, 1936 from 9 'a.m. to ;I," F a , ",(units, In .Memoriam Notices - per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. m, at the same laces and by the i %a ' 1. v may be directed to u Box Nu re of The Huron Expositor, for l0 cents fills the vacancy, to the council, same ofrLeeTsr a5 in 1935, 'and a ,by - Reeves Eckert and Hudson moved a t �I I a�at' law be prepared to confirm the above t �';& jt�, , gdditional per week will be charged if ads to above class are not paid by the ,that Mrs. Mertion A. Reid be i•eap- I d', J "; <"t�aiiurday night in the week in which the ad wur run. pbdnted to the Mothers' Allo'wan'ce and 'bile notice be inserted in, local t Marriages and Deaths .instated free of charge. Board for 1936. This was tabled for papers �,, Ma•!i►lilitmlare: That the RD s 4�{ttSr6iplt $ales, Nptice to creaitota, Etc.—'tares o,i application. further d'iseussion• Sttipolnte�iclent be given cheque for r House of Refuge $1,10'879, tb cover pay li"s"ts' 26 to 32. Personal Farm Stock For Sale ' Be11�Gedrtim'elh That the follbdwiin, t _T Mr. J. M. Gavenlo'ck Sitper intend- g .'i..•• .-, 2 •ae'counts be 'aid'; Harold Crich, rolal- . Z11 'Fold DONT HAVE TO GO TO RENO. 1'UR I Iy�UR SALE --3 DRIVING HORSES, SIX ent of House of Refuge, reported 'that P �: a a quick divorce—from Your corns- Just );pan old geldings, 1 four year old filly the House ,of Refuge ba'l'ding is 40 ud,ng sheep, 50c; Finamik Sproat, haul- �s''�':,'':,,„;`•... go te, your druggist and get a tube of a!,,, „ne closed -in cutter, 1 open cutter. Ap- iri wood, relief, $1.'54• H. E. P. Com. 1 •;,.' N.OXAVORN. Sold at KEATING'S DRUG pit' to lilt. A. H. CAMPBELL, Hensall. years old. The provincial mnspectbr g , i`„', 3547-1 3547x2 advised certain reports. Receupts street lights, $220; Hugill's Daily, €z , S 1 I. from the sale of hags were $4,037.84. milk, relief, $6,20; A. C. Routledge, %%%i !. --._ - _____— l ........ _ ... _ .. There vvas a gross' profit of $2,531.34 supplies, relief, $16.6'8; J. F. Beuer- >” Agents Wanted Farms For Sale and a net profit for the current year mann, �uipplies, relief, $2; C. Aiber- F , of $1,130,44 at the Home, hart, supplies for fumiga,tors, $22.65; RAV.ifti,.EIGH ROUTES OPEN FOR REL'- �; UR SA1.E--ABOUT 75 ACRES OF EXTRA Communications Received W. J. Finnigan, supplies, rel'ie'f, I able men in Seaforth. Good puufits fur vend land, with comfortable frame house, $36.82; D. F. )McGregor, prin'tin'g tax 4tustiers. Old established company. No ex- ama;l barn: a few acres of bush, being west The daughters, Ibrbbhers and sis- notices, etc., $3; D. F. McGregor, ac - I'., ,:r Nw-th t_, Lot ls, and East half of coumt salary, 3'5' E. B. Gowd'ie milk •' petience necessary. Pleasant, proftWble, dig ter5 'Of the late W. W. 'Gl'aSier, for- $ Aified work. Write to da)'. RAW I .ninth half Lot 17. Cut,. 13, McKillop, Huron n10Y'ly Reeve Of Seafoitll, wrote ac- ' ' ' Debt. 'two 363 -P -L., Montreal, Canada. C'.,unty. Puosession by January, 1936- For PEhef, $2 W. Cbleman, ,''awing 85.47-1 p.irticulars apply INDUS"T"RIAL MORTGAGE knowledginrg th-e flower's and kind, ex- gravel i3asacefi'el'd', $3.75; Alex. M'c- I fi TRUST CO., Sarnia, or to JAMES Mc- pression ,of sympathy. from the Gro r drawing ave' $3.75. _, 1•`A11 -LEAN, Brussels. 3547x4 he , a ..--- - County Council at the time of Mr. The council adjourned to meet an I Cros'ier's passing. Monday,December 16 at 1.30 ren.— Wanted I --'••'--- - Other comm'un'icat'ions included the P• MAN WANTED—GOOD RELIABLE MAN i Auction Sales following: A letter from the caun- D. F. McGregor, Clerk. wanted for winter, by month or year, ell to the Department of Public Wel- Apply Box 6o, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. L"CTIOti SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURN- p 3,547x1 WANTED --MARRIED MAN FOR ' GEN- eral farm work. Experi�} sed. 'rk, hire by year. Apply R. SI. PECK, Zurich. Phone 96 r 16, liensall, 3547-1 WANTED—CATTLE AND ,HORSES, SUIT - able for fox feed Apply to JACKSON BROS. Phone i-134. Seaforth. 35461: . WANTED Township of Tuckersmith AQUANTITY OF FTANDING TIMBER. suitable for wood, within a reasonable distance of Ea• 01111vill'. iClerk. ,RECO D. F, &IcC 3546-'_ For Sale or Rent — HOUSE FOR SALE -- COMFORTABLE frame house, all modern conveniences, garagction in- vited. 1'Itw t hcentral t Id location. close estate. A• D SUTHERLAND. 3.46-tf OR SALE — A NICE COMFORTABI- Main modern F 'all n 'V Street: North ._stn S se on house Will a for quick ;cult silo 1 w d. be p conveniences. 314 i 7 sale. R. FROST. Phone 1.43• — `— Articles For Sale A iture and Ettuipment to close the estate Farre, in which they endorse a r�eslo- will be of the late Mrs. Bertha M. Welsh lti'tion' from the County of Norfolk held at 1.30 p.m., Saturday, December 7th, at dealing with the relief 'problem and' the residence, North Main Street. All con- t,nts of the house. consisting of living room, asking that the mg-ulatibns regarding dining room, bedroom and other furniture, the tow'ns'hips playing for relief re- KTpPEN £urni.+bions and utensils will he slots without eipients who have lived in the mumlic- Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Workman as well as the following: (i ].i:ht ira,.on, cutter, set of harness, Sic• i ali•ty frim Se t. ls't be chap ed re- p p changed, and pion •Orville,. of the London Road, a gh Lau,rl lin autr,mobiie, quantity of lumber, celvEd the a'ttentio'n of the govern- motored to Osha,wa during the week ,;I, •:,.t> ,•r totss and other• small articles. nle,nt and the following reply was re- t.nd are spetMing a visit with their REAL l Ec sisE The prap••rty itself consisting of slightly ce'.ve'd by the county clerk: "This g 'ter -in-law, Mr. trod son and dao h more than one acre of land on which Stands irnatter is n-y'w' d'eal't with in the Un- Mrs. Lloyd Workman, and abso with the 7 -room frame house. frame barn and crirployment :Reli'e'f Act of 19355. It other relatives. Their many friends driving shed, North Main Street, Seaforth, c,ic5 not sine'cify that the place of wish them �a pleasant visit and a tiil. be offered subject to reserve bid. 1•,65 further particular* apply to ,i. le..GPnee 1't, which the' 1'.ei'f"n it.; div- safe return. 'a' ing• cr:' September 1st of any year. :_Mr. and Mrs. E'mders•on Stafford of HAYS f MEiR, solicitor-< for Executor. S.entelnber 1 of 193.5 will ha-w�. no el - g 'nifieanee IC I. St. Th ml:as and Mr, and Mr•s F1'ank Harold Dale, Auctioneer, . whate•vol- in ce'nnect,ion with i;art'lette, of Vienna, spent a visit at 3547-1 this 1'egislation,"^Legislative Com- the home, of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mel- inittee. ;'.s, of the vitllage, during the •p'as't -- _ Lost and -Found Replies were i^eceived' from the following rdgarding the matlion of vv'eek. Mrs. Thomas Kyle, of Clinton, vis-' the council which favors the ab'ol;- ited at the home of Mn. and Mrs. LOST- A LARGE IRISH SETTER, RED- 'than Of Provincial Lie islatur•,es and g' Emerson Kyle ,cling the past week, dish brown, wearing leather and brass c,,aar with tag marked "Teck." Anyone the resoluti'om, in w'h'ich the council Mrs, Usborne Littleford', of Lon - knowing the whereabouts of dog or having deplores the tendency of the Pr�ovin'- d,on, spent a visit with ,her 'parents, any information regarding him, please com- sial Legislature to increase its auth- g ,h'andler, at the R ev.andMrs.E.F.0 , 1 a' iD S •afgrth. m anisate iiPh _RISS HAZEL RE t ., 3547-1 B,Ix :3:3:3. Phone 1_1. C.L I tv .the o ' ce of h. t e Prime -week. Minis h past e grin t e Mans d g Pa t sI et in which the ..ecretal-�= (in' the The many friends of Miss Margaret absernce of the prelmier )acknowl•edg- Fl€ni•e ,of Tuckersmith, will be glad Card of Thanks es the receipt of the letter; Water- to learn that she is much i'mpro'ved .�.� County, endorsing the resolution; in health ,after her recent i'lln'ess. w•ISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO SO I COu^,:y of Wellington, erndo,ming the D' -i1•tan of D'e- n '1Zrs Jos a 11r a d 5 S 1. . , TV STOVE. P'•n"v •.: i••'cl! mN id. .., G :'d -Will C'n .F C HF aT C T o.. : ALc. °L 7..... ^ FOR - C.L,n. VE I'0 c. .,,..r. To Jx and d e • - , I ' 't the STOVE a, new. C_:: at D .sill 't &„_TO' .,,.. rHI it1 V'r Fi.ANNERY . 3547-1 Ack'-'ngton and Bram,t County In- ' frit, are spending I a visit a $l.00 STORE. 4 home of till•. and Mrs. Robt. Day'mian farming the council that the resiollu- .of Tuckersmith, and also other FOR SALE—DOOR 10 FEET BY 9 FEET. MR'S. GERTRUDE KEEN AND .1t R. AND I tine was filed'; Line,oln County endors- friends. 'vi Walters desire to cI, ress do VI Elliott Wale . suitable for tt{t n,. P lumber: I . matched r the resolution; ma r solar' on• Count g of Wel- , Y f Tor.on- shed. Complete with rollers and 20 feet of their sincere appreciation for mor: sets of , Mr. lldlarv,ey MlcClym'Orit, 0 Mc - track. Apply Box 51, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. kindness shown to them during their rocent ling:Cn, stating that the resolution t° visited his father, Mr, James Mc 3'.39-tf bereavement: also to those who lo-tnec car, I teas not endorsed; County of Bram,t Clym,ont, of ,the v'ill'age, and also his I sant flowers. ,317-1 that 'h'e resolution regarding the re- Fj OR SaLF - , HORSEPOWFF. i..iSTER :•ister and br0lther-irl.laW, Mr. and gasoline engine, �tE':YtlOri of overs and, authorities of with belt. ch,'.,II, ria.• 111./1155 ANNIE E. JARROTT W'::SHtiS TO p 1Zt'5. Verri Terryberry, Of Tucker- s lot of choice axe handles. whitrt.'er•� and Li thank all thx,e who assisted ner li'n'ing County Ciouncils was endorsed; Goun'- , hammer handles: a few good bra..as mounter' I the Good -Wil! Campaign, :i',"In I ty Of W'en'tW0'rt11, n,o action taken,• smith. bridles, and other things, to go cheap .fCHN > /_'ommunlioi} service was held in St. ,.. Ir-tf i R. AND MRS. H. :ilclLWAIN, OF Me- Welland Caunty, that the resolution Andrew's Chtrch' ,on Sunday last ELDER, Hen -all. I �Z I w•oul'd be laced befare the council t "in„p. desire to thank the neighbors amt' I p when 17 ne9i,N •aiLemb,erS welted with _ --._-- friends and the Junior Women's institute for I at its next nlpeting'; United Counties the church 110 1' was very enCOjlTag- kind assistance extended to them ince the of Leeds and Grenville, that they en- Notiees serious fire at their home, and for provisions lri,g t0 th'e pa Or. `' sent. 3547x1 dorso the resolution; Gounty of Perth During thwp'ast we'e'k we have been FOR EVERYBODY TROUBLED WITH that they e'n'dorse the resolu,tian on having a ta'site of real winter, but palmist, physical traine:, healer, says you MR. HUGH WELSH AND ,MR. GEORGE eti;,tralization of power and that the need happiness. powerful eyesia'ht. robust Welsh wi=h U, thank those who sent w'•lth SU'C'h a beautiful olpem fall felnl- health. 10 do 10. Wednesday. COMMERCIAL fl,we,,. and those who .o kindly a-sts::,: dor_ resolution on abolition Of Provlincia] I_e r�latures was filed, ors, as well as the rest of people, are HOTEL. , ' 3.547-1 inz the illness and death of, Mrs. Bertha �' ,in good Shape for whatever may c+onie W,,lsh, and also for the use of cars. Hullett Township sent a resolution anon FF FOR EVERY13ODY TROUBLED WITH :',547x1 g• that all municipal clerk's shall for - colds, cough+, en -up, bronchitis, tonsil- Mr. and Mrs, Melville Smith and ;tis, tonsil and throat ;n<, sYBILL.a sP.aHR•s ward to 'the bow•ntshdp clerk a copy c',aughter, of Zurich, visited at the is TAE remedy I. use: it's safe• dependable. of each registration of births, deaths home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mous'seau, with quick good results or mon',- back. VARNA and marriages that they may be.. KE.A,TING'S and HEMPHILL'S D R V G placed on file as permanent records of the village, during the past week. stores. 3.1.-1 P Miss Gertrude MlcClinchey, of Var- The meni,bers of the township coun- and that the county clerk urge the r til m,et on Saturday. The last meet- hna,e pent a few days ,at the hole- of NOTICE. TO CREDITORS g'avergnn�vent�to make this a provincial in.; ,of tkte year will be held on Sat- riilin' Le' islattive Committee, her sister,. Mrs. Emerson Kyle; of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pt�RSU ANT I urday, December 14, The Luckitow Public Library Board he village, during the week. to the statutes in that behalf that all Jlr, George Beatty, Sr.,has re- asked that the council Messa�s. Roirert Elgie, Robert Day- penons hating claim+ against Bertha Mary give th,em'a Welsh, In -to of the Town of Searforth, Hunan turned after visitinlg th'e Royal Win- grant this y,e'ar and informing them man and Morley Cooper, all s the County, Widow, wilt, dled on the 26th day oflver Fair. second coneessio'n' of Tuckersmith, that a number of improvements have the - to sena to Royal Who q r required c at file R 1.3,. arec c_ days November,The many ri nr = n ti eat a f b f e L .f Mrs. A A Y Au s- P be'e;n undersigned soliciUxf� -for the Executor, full loads such as. a card i1i'dex sys- tin will be c'orry to know that she is ter Fair in Toro'n'to, and also spent a particulars in writing and verifted by nth, 1 tem and removal of shabby and ab- pleasant visit with ,other friends. davit, their claimi and tthe na�ture or of the c meined to the haus-e t.hrro,ugh an ac sn'o're tvaoks. The B'oa'rd also points The Kipper Euchre Club, whichhas the 21st day of December. 1935, after which out that most of their readers are date the said Executor will pmceeri to Ilis- Mrs. Welsh, of ;R.ipl•ey, is the guest residdents of t.h•e county. Th'e letter been , has stazedrted for the (past couple o tribute the assets of the said deceased. havin ,f her dawghter,'sl7irs. G. H. Beatty. Seas left with the Executive gym_ years, has starts,, the ball a sollin regard only to the claims of which he then A concert under title auspice of St. inittee. again f'or''the Coming winter, who shad have had online. J ,hr's Sunday School will be in the Club held its first meeting at fh I DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 2nd day of A request was read from the Ex - the Ball on Wednesday, Dec. 18, of home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn, o December, 1934 Institute of the West Huron, Womlem's the London Road, where a pleasant which mention will be made later. In,Stitute asking that -the county give d enjoyable time was spent. T'h HAYS & MEIR, Sleigh hell's are ringing, which them a grant of $100 since their only a 1 Solicitors for Executor. makes one Think of the near a �, first prizes we're 'awar'd!e'd to Mr. W 3.47-3 approach curse ,of revenue is from the collec- . of 'Chrieltmss• tion taken at their annual meeting L. Mellis and Mrs. Tomlinson, and NOTICE TO CREDITORS slid a slmiall grant given them'' by the co'nsolati'on to Thomas Workman the Provincial Government. — Ex- and ill's. J. Deitz. NOTICE IS HEZ2EBY GIVEN THAT ALL EXETER ecuti,v'e Com,mitltee. Mr. Edgar Butt, the entertprisin creditors and others havfnu claims against A petition with 36 Huron' County merchant, is bills, week changimlg his the estate of ROBERT McARTHUR, late of weigh 's,mlles 'from the station to the the Village of Hen.nil, in the Count) of High School Dance t altepay'ers names attached was read. farm of his 'brother, Thomas, which Huron, Gentleman, deceased. who died on the The petition askedd that the 9th c0.n 24th day of fmust, A. D.. 1036, are requir- On Friday eve'rANg of last week, cec.lion' in Grey Tp, be kept open dur- is close and )dandy to the village ed to >f( . d their claims duly proven to Leavitt's Pavilion was filled in ca ac• in the winger s This should provide a real oonv'enie�l g P g e•asan.—Good Roads as so many at d:'ifferent times like to the undersi ned on or before the second day ity when FtU'd'enatS and Alumni of Committee. of December, A. D.. 1935. have a place where they can get what ,+ND NOTICE IS FURTHF•R GIVEN that Fxeter High S'c'hool danced to the A c'o,mmunication from the De- they want; weighed. after the said date the Administrator will n'a�ic of Bill Robinson's •orchestra, partment of Mines of the Province At this artictllarr time of the year proceed to distribute the estate, -having re- Thr, dance was conducted under top. requested 'that the names of all we'll- P acrd only to the claims of which he then q when C'hri'stmas is- but a few week; shall have notice. rat,'onage of the six teachers of the drillers in this territory be forward- D'ATED at Exeter, Ont., thin 1•tth day of ar .-)ol, Supported .by Mrs. B. W. H, I,,d to 6e Natural Gas Com,mtssiioner. 'a -way, everyone ,is, feeling 'around fol November, 1985. Pt,av'erc, trr'untee, representing the —Filed. a spare Cain in which til make the GLADMAN &'STANBURY, P card (if F,ducatilom.. These rete:ved Take Over Roads Yuletide a pleasant ,one. We learr tho gue..ts as they arri,red and dur- from ,our merchants in the village, Exeter and Hennas ing the evening•, several of the other The Provincial Depar'tmen't of where many of the farmers wives are Administrator's Solicitors. tTI1gIer5' dr y Iilig,hways sent a copy of an order- receiving an excellent price for theii a5is-3 opped in to wish the our.' in -council ni-ple a merry ti'm'e. The decorations approving of the taking fowl, in some cases chickens are ov, NOTICE TO CREDITORS u orc in red and black, the high school over of .three sections of road by the er the dollar apiece, for good +bird's sol^rs, an•d' the arrangement was county as passed in B law 20 of the It ,pays to have them in good s'hapc NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN PITRSUANT made particularly effective in com- Juane sessions of the council and a in order W receive the high price to the statutes in that behalf that an h`,, tion with the- ld-htin o0 of which was forwarded, to the and no doubt Christmas wdll be en persons 4ravinR claims against the estate of g � g. Special PY John Leiper, late of the Township of Hullett, credit must; ,be gives to Mr, Lorne Department of Highways. The ap- `joyed to the fullest amongst thast Farmer, deceased. who died on the 3rd day Hovpm 'on,e of the )students, for thi, promed sections, were: In the, Town- who are receiving these 'h'andsomi of October, 193,, are required to 'signed Wnrk. He 'bar, made a special study ship of H,ull,etrt, the road! between cheques. their claims duly proven to the undersigned P )Solicitor, on or before the 13th day of De- of windlaw-,dressing and decorating 'Conces,si'anq 10 and it from Highway Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Keys have . cember, 1936, after which date the Adminis- and has earned a well -merited repu- N0. 4 at ,the Village of Londeslbaro, returned from th'enr honeymoon am trator will proceed to distribute the estate, Cation along these lines. The, music easterly to, the road between Lobs 5 'are now getting nicely settled . b having regard only to and being responsible teas l a,nd 6 thence s,oulth•erl ew home. only for the claims bf which he .hall then 1 particularly good and the popu- an Riad to tibio sourthyl'imitto sh of the e HUT- thThe eir ntelaahers and scholars of St have had notice. amity of lire orchestra was attleste3' DA7:M at Seaforth, Ont., this 28th day by the frequent encore's that were, re- township; the Toad .between Clonces- Andrew's Sunday School' are nov of Novmrbeir, loss. lents generously contrilbuted. sdons 8 and 9, in, the Township of -busy preparing for their C'hri,s,tma, JOHN H. BEST. q '' d and Solicitor for Aaminiatrator. Guests were pr'esemit from Hamilton Usbom'e, from the `I?hamiies Road, No. entertainment which will he given' it . 3546-3 Lor,dlon and Parkhill, tog'etthen wi•t'i a 8, ,southerly to the Provincial Hilgh- the course of a few weeks. _ way; an the Townships NOTICE TO CREDITORS nv'mtrer 'of this min's recent graduates y: tips of McKillop Mr. F. O. Drake, 'of Til1sontbvrg frrvrn Exeter, Hensall and Zvrich. A and Hvlle'tt, the roast between Con'- called on Mr, and. Mrs. W. L. MleRit NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT mesial feature of the occasion, was """'po'n's 8 and 9 from the east town during the past week. to the statutes in that 'behalf that all this to ,socio line,, MCKdlli T persogs 'having claims against Letitia Camp- P g of Miss Ena Good °rP P•, westerly t0 the Good - bell, rkte af; the Tawe of Seaforth, Huron img, of London,,, who is conducting roads between Lotts+ 5 and 6, Hel'llett COV4*,;,Sv1Pj!q gtdp whllo, died on the 14th day of classes in town at the present; time. Township. + N'ovel►Yh4. 1415, are'rerinired to send to the un- During the ooumse of the eveuin it Seven olbher stretches of road, in and name of •the ioibhems'?" derbl i5l soliottors ,dor the Execute”, full par- h eluded in the bylaw, tlad In writing and verified by affidavit, was t)ro>yosed -that Exeter High School yi w, were left umalp- The maths' was referred to tII, dC t3i li;+slat N d,hid the• tlature of the seauri- should have an Alumni Awacdiation. proved by the Government, aimlantg' Ovoid Roadist Committee• tles�, l lity, olds'+by til' otl;or,before the An torganization was effected with them 'Carilbria Road ,ill the town, of .A letter from Pone Delpartlm!ent o t 7kh y,df dlim,6t 1,995 Wbtc'h date the following Ga'dlerioh. � •the > �, . to` }v'i'i .ittwce ,t •distribute g ,officers forming, the Ppblic i>Vielfare asking that rtli!e coun ' tbd 11 3���tt1°d ,meal i°V4vhig re-. first execubi,ve: Mono -racy Presildent Depwt'y Reeve Tunnel?•. "Dines it ciI somal :tfleiurYrecanalrnendd!tvoiigfo d6,,�d1� 1 g 6, tttfma' W 'uv �h;.'they th4b Prinoinal 11. J. D(1'!ethey, KA.; Presi- give am reasoilig for not passinlg• the a ppoarn!bmdeatis to WothL�e�rs' A11io'wsx�6 `dd ,eli't Mx a'g'e Cochrarue', Wc3�te4a1 otliea stections of roa'd?" a local :boarid as' svioh, 96 ,po�sllble;aihilc, i d I, $,.. `�`Ytrt„ t1t4s 20t1t. d4'y ! y , a- U1tiiv'erlli ace .side. lvb- 'l r, Ifurgih Reeve ` ()axdnli!: ADD i umldersitanld 'bile new lboardb dame to heebme ae't6ttd (1, lrei bdiutP / t nd aisi9 a ,, N fpr ; ; i >f itif a M1fsKirinbn, tUeCtt's University; S'ec><'e'- t; pr early all The rbard5 a0rptbv- Jnnnlarcly ], 1 '6, was < read. ai�tt, n� �' l '� � f�dr �` �*, 95 ' iy, Il tai ,, trap,, %vi+ i h'er, 0rdditoll. 'tihi` Isoluih of thtb o!I 311 SIiiLbti , t�AS t 1C* r , p,, ky �t 565 GInM?. a.. N. i•.1 4yYA W, ii,A. c• { t ^n .Y 1" ng H „�r ar,r . r �I . 1. x r f d• tm 9 s:. 1 . f T'... f i,ryyt �`' x , i 1. 1t, • i I �, 5 9d•Y �, `1i . :l l' ! I . - 3. is •' _ 9 R .', ,. n n• y P" ,i, t _.r, 3 r cif 1 6! �' aligns ¢p tk J ,r :';,. V . _ n.f,. 1+t��'(i"4n n .. �ff,i�,d,n. ai�i��1:�n ���C�11g�hisn r �� �.k��l�5� s. ..,r , iii ,Ory" ',tt :i .. h.., t. k. tin.. , , .1 I I IDE � R G , 10,300 .; '• &: 'Via_ •.,..' >lsrr, a - me'l Pres';'t5 inn �illu w e pet°1• The semvlm $ru 'Oarruitea l?xes)bytt@l» ENw7 �L�e bearers were the three y1Q.. bio 1' ChwrClk wexe takers 1Zk ti51'+ PITA, i, thers: David', 'George and J nets, . i�.'g bvlr, itho,• Papitor, Rev. 'W A `• I Cahid , Ithan'ks,.--To a Elactb a caunsun, Do'u'gla's. The remains agtd in h *eul g by bu} &liluey, Of Hemsajl, Ladies crud C�euiltlemetu; wereututerred 1t, Hexusall Union come- G. M.X171g, of Nairn, arta, glib, i'aG' nHedly stn%accept mly siaand thanks fblr woo' "O' floTal tributes' were ibeau- tidal s'ei�bajbna marked hldth wea'Si'Oite, 11 lectling me ,as Reeve for the year tif'ul, among which wWO Sys from while the ,good choir added'to• tthel a". 'I 4pprIeciate your autpport and the Cradle Roll of the Unilted hua+n Rovlees by 'goo,, musical Se1eG'tilA Is the Fhtpemeal, WT. and Mrs. Vincent R.ew. W. A. Yoaung preao'hed' in GweRpiM my en'dleovio'r will 'be itto serve �e and +the Family, and' a pillow from in the evenring. t atepayersi as a whole and to the est ,of my 'ability. Wishvng yatl all Mr. and Mrs. A: Hamd'lton'. Little Rev., Mr. Farr., of St. Paul's A'ngili, es c,of m abil of the season, I re- Donaild Ivor was an unusually bl"i"ght Gan Church, gave goad approlpriato - 10 c Yours tts, of the ly, Owen ,Geiger, little lad and his death at ,onl'y a few -discourses bath morning and evening) X547-1. 'moinths over two years, was sad as ,and the Choir took the hymtns and' Gard o 11 f Thanks.—I desire, thlwugh he was on the waT to St. Joseph's chants in an 'able manner. he rd ouan of The Huron , thT ughitor, Hospital, London, -accompanied by 'his 'Mr. 'William Free aria his si'stwo, to convey my h'ehrbfebt thanks, to so mother and Dr. Ivan Smillie, his the Misses Saatah and Mary, the firsts many of my friends who so largely father worlc'ing in Timmins at the of ;this week, received a sad message uppoatted me in 'my first run for the timer and a '1'i't!ble 'before reaching fTgm Dauphin, Manitolba, advising , Reevesteditp, and net only to these who London the little fellow Pa'sts�ed: away, ahem of the somewhat sudden dea A gave me such a good vats, those, also a• 'gre'at 'shock 't° ids mother and of their sister, Martha, Mrs. Garin o those who loaned their cars' and father, when, the death was wiri to .Stratng. • worked so well for me during the 'him just in time for flim to get home Among' the eaters emelt 'adva�,o�ti i3I1 contest. William, 'S. Shepherd, Hem- for the funeral mb- bereaved' rear- years Who recorded their v'o'te att the „ sant, tont. 3'547-1 entts, brothers and sisters' have the mlunicipal election Was that 'of 'Mr9. Council Meets he'axtf,dt eymplathy of the cbmmunilty, J'oselph Hudson, known as Mms. An[p The regular nesting t the village The Mission Banal 'of the United Huaton, in Cher 9,6'th year. C was held Mond'a'y evening in, Chu'rc'h heti, ithedr regular weekly Marion McLaren, daughter of Mr. to council crha held with all ,evening members meeting on Sunday afternoon in, the and Mrs. Wlilliam A. McLaren, was school room of the church.. The meelt- taken seriously ill on Fri'd'ay and was being present. The minutes ,of the in'g opened wdth a hymn, followed' 'by taken to Scott Memorial Hospital at two previous meetings were read. prayer, The Scripture le'ss'on eras Seaforth, w'h'ere an operation was Petty and ;Sh'ephe'rd: That the Alin'- read by Wildred Bxbck, after 'which successfully 'performed for a•ppendi- ltt'es be -adopted, as read.—Carried. E. the following 'program was .given : citis, and i,s making 'a goad recovery. Shadidick alppeareld for the rink com- Reading, Miss Elva McQueen; ,slolo, Mrs. C, Hewitt, roil Hanllilton, is mittee of the Chamber of Comlmerce' Mac Zuefle; r'eadin'g, ,Shiriley Hedden. visiting at ,the home of her brother - .,a „ r r re 'bile takingover of the 'link pro ;r The story on 'China was very ably in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. A11anl perty. Sangster and Petty: Thet the taken by Miss Mildred Smillie. The 'Soldan. village cloum,cil accept the ri' lk'prop- meeting closed with 'a hymn and the Mr. and +Mrs. Fred Parson's, of Lon- erty for a consideration of $J and Miz,pah B'enedli tiomt don, visited the former's parents, MT. that Vi -e Chamber of Commerce are The Young Peo'ple's League' of the And Mrs. R. Parsons, ,on S'und'ay fast, to supply the deed for s'amle•.1-Car- ' United, Church 'held their regular Mr. and Mrs'. Laird !Mie'kle and vied. Robison -and Shepherd: That weekly meeting 'on . Mon'da'y night children, Billy and Betty, a'ccompmn- the 'Ohlamber ,of Commerce appoint a with the President in the chair. The ied by Miss Florence Welsh, -spent the rink com'mit'tee and the same to have inee't'inlg opened with a 'hymn, folligw- week -end with friends and relabilves . the approval iof the council to man- ed by prayer. The Scripture lestson in Hamilton and Toronto. age 'the rink.—Carried'. The Clerk was read by Lorne Elder. Mi's's Greta Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pepplelr, of reported the purohme of the Eisen- Lammie rendered a (pleasing piano Hanover, visited at the home of Mr. huffer property at the county tax solo; Mr. E,. I., W.hethey, of Exeter, and Mrs. James B'onthron on -Sun- sale; also reported' re ,the Caldwell gave a very hYstructive and interest- day last. case and the relief cases. Sangstering -address' on War. The meeting Mrs. Harry Horten spent the week z.ndl Petty: That the Cleak, write closed with a 'hymn and Benediction. end with friends itn Haanilton. the. Ontaa'i'a )H'o'spital, Woodstock, and ' inmiire as to the condition of Mrs.' The Arnold Circle of the Presbyter- On Wednesday, Navember 27th, Mr. Ch.ldw ell's health and :if it would s. 'r•an Church are holding a bazaar, sale and Mrs. Robert Higgins, long-time ' of home cooking and afternoon tea and much respected residents of the prssible to move he,r t.) the, County in the 'basement of the church on village, celebrated their 34th wedding c ,^e was orre.. ond�n� i i Home— Carried. C ',their are family, G with 1 , read as follows: T. C. Joy'nt, re Saturday afternoon. of sioers'ary o y Services ,in the United Church an of dons and daughters, who had ar- gla�'s; rellie,f 's'po't; M.O.H. report; Sunday last were conducted by the ranged' ,the event as 'a surprise to Ontario Hospital, W'o'o•d'stock; Fire pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, both morn- them, and were all present brut one _Marshall; J. M., Gbve.nl'ock. Pet'tya:nd ling and ev'eni'ng, Who delivered, fine dadghter, Flora; Mrs. Bertr, n North, Robison: That the report cf Dr. G. impressive d'isc'ourses. At the mlarn- who is in Wboodstock, and could not Collyer, M,O.H., be ,accepted' as read. ing service, in addd'tion to the an- well be 'present. A -pleasant social —Curried. Robison and Sangster : thems, the leader, Mr. W. O. Gaal- and happy :time with children and That we tla'ke.no action, re the letter Win, rerude'red very pleasingly a solo, grandchildren was spent. of T. C. Joynt.—Carried. Petty and Sang.lter: That the Reeve nlot<ify the Fire IDep'axtmen•t as regards the pipe hall having at the fro'n't of the town g ,.�. :..1.•• ✓C•:•:• {¢,: Petty: t and ::,}:•:: d 'ha�o'n . �. a le sir '. w s:: v •: Fa..., r<•x:. r f Com- { . e amt o ..:• .n this Ch ^,..:. F SN -e grant •Lint:, '.:" That w •<;`� --� t g :: . •c , nee x:... .y?„v, 1 a' T h Christmas s rc 1 for the r„.<..: <.. lne e 0 W fi b w> : Shepherd- ,-1 Pettyet t•andSh rrie P <�>.. d Ga d. •':. tvn p' 5 That we ria J. A. Paterson $2'5.00 "r'i :;.{• :: .,_". pay as relief officer for 1935.—Carried. ; > x B'il'ls and ac'co'unts were read as fol- •;:,,..:. . „..: ; .} - C bread 5• F .± a e �+ M G $ Re�lief�G. rr. w , , T. g, C. Joynt, clothing, $4; Scotts Gro- `y! eery, groceries, $4; A. B. Rowdliffe, ° ` ;Z; '' milk $5. Total, $18.00. General Ac- tr$<`r':. rep, Va airs, A s t �G. Brock, re a $4.75, ^•o u'n s $ > p , Taylor, repair's sdidew,alks, $2:50; J. A. " ii"" Paterson, ex'pe'nse, Go'derich, 02,50; W. R. Davidson, tile and opal, $30.20; • s H. McEwen, wood, hall, $7; J. A. o Patterson, revising Voters' List $30.20, Dr. G. 'Collyer, expenses, inoculations $17.80; J. Pfaff, removing rubbish, +v 'mill, $1.50; Municipal World, supplies `n�a ''.' -` , a 1 q �j '4.. Mrs. A. Cudm,oTe ravel 'on - 159.50 53 g r':, M+ r j street's, $3,35; R. B, Dick, drawing ' ' V -i yra,vel, $14.50• F. W. Hess, printing, '`;`It �.. , . w $r;1; A. W. E. Hemphill, supplies and 1+�-I r-,.,dL�-1.,-- (With Philco All -wave Aerial $165.50 postage, 86.065• A. Spencer & Son, Tt: w': 7' �gn• t'” "'a f' EE this Philco 36508 today! cement, si'dewalk's, $4.55; J. Passmore A model that gives thrilling ;659 `y1 Domestic and Foreign reception bulbs and labor, shed, $4.95; Hensall, Hydro, hall, $7.19; Chamlbe'r of Com- I* -- 1. I. • with a perfection you have never nuErce, Christmas tree grant, 10.00 '� l I, I P gr , $ , ,,.:._„, p\ �; I, 7, ', heard equalled. and impor- Schlool Board, current ex'pens'e , $700; `:..-,=. i': t' I .11 tans `balanced features insure J. A. Patersan, R. 0. elee'ti n, $5; : � I' '�I III If marvelous performance and ex. Geo. Hudson, constable, election, .t: b � ''' i'. '�� - ceptional tone. Beautiful hand- . X2.50; R. Higgins, P.G., $2.50.; G, `c, -,i �, �,:• 1;1/.Ili Parker, P.C., 82.50; N. Blatchford, �:11*=- •\” : "� � ' ' rubbed cabinet D�, III; lr i of latest design. D.R.O. $3• J. 'Hudson .R.O $3.00• 1I. i �<\r ` I, t J. A. Paterson, relief officer, 25.00; , `' ^;�" Iii ; e Geo. Walker, balance of salary $93.75, fir' `I ` it ; e J. A. Paterson, 'balance of salary,' """ � r. ' . Clerk, 845.00; C. Cook, salary, Treas- urer, $6f7:50; 'Geld: Huovon, salaxy, III • • �-^, V•1 v" , `� n's G. Collyer, and unto:' tank 5 :50 'I'll v P .. Ga $ 8 \ .' / 4 i• 9] er r M. H 7 .� Dr. G. Co � ,sola y, O. ,, $ 0 ; j J. A. Foster, sa.ldary, motor mechanic, "� �� d f Fire Dept., $2,65,. Total, $1,313.82. ®� CAN'T BEAT THIS '' � _ h'. t g Petty and Rabis'o•n: That the, ac- FOR REAL 6$AD10 VALUE! "�'' l is ,� ecounts as read be paid, — Curried. .� ..,,, ,; . i::.'?? f Shepherd and S'amgslter: That the PHiLC® 36508 =: I _ -`` con -stable be instructed to edll,ect the ,,y,.,� , ' -'As[unnmgBabyGrand ,.epo+l'1 tax at 'once.—�Carrie'd. Robison ii•ith thegam¢ fine features $109.0� 4..... • • and world-wide '-"' and Petty: That we now 'adjourn to . Hand- as the 3650X• Hand- (With Phi/co Ai! -wave W. meet again December 16, at 8 1p.m.-- some cabinet. Awid $116.00 n Curried.—James A. Paltterso'n', 'Clerk. • Funeral of Donald Ivor Sangster Liberal .'Trade -In Allowance —Easy Terms 'The funeral of Donald Ivor, the g ';it'lle aures ar_ald c),m of and DALYS GARAGE, e Mrs. .James Sangster, of the village, h was held fram the home here' on, ' Brock Street, to H'e'nsall Union cemie- PHONE 102 tery. The service was qu.•ite largely SEAFORTH ce a,tbend'ed ,and was conducted' by Rev,• A. Sinclair, of the United Chureh, as=' sisted 'by Rev. W. A. Young, of Car- ANirBODY CAN GET EGGS IN THE SPRINGTIME --but YOU want a feed that will give you springtime production NOW --„a feed that will keep the birds hustling, full of vigour and pep. . More profits are available the year round with ROE VITAMIZED FEEDS --manufactured by ex- peri6need Poultrymen with a thorough knowledge of nutrition. ROE V4TAMZED FEEDS instill BETTER inEALTH into yogr birds, maintain GREATER PRODUCTION, and make you MORE MONEY. : Get a supply from your dealer to -day. A trial will more than convince you that ROE VITAM- IZED FEEDS pro ee the most eggs per dollar of feed c'esL , ,�, ROE A �M� 1 IgG CO, A Division of The Roe Poultrp Ranch, ATWOOD, ONT. , LO&I v e>i t ti', a SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM, SEAFORTH. t "i 765 ,ly+��,A ,,, ��prp, {.4 ' ..; r r , �� ;..y1 i p n P' : i µ _ '"L.f"F a.l. ,� tet' i'>{�SF ' '. ; r ,aC�v�s :a +('I f'r :' d4�`' �'ir. A A' p''i ii1 M H },