The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-06, Page 1Seventy-fifth Year Whole Number 3547 •P a 3 d 4 • SEAFORTH WILL HAVE INTERMEDIATE AND JUNTO R 0..A. TEAMS Manager and Coaches Are Appointed For Local Teams. TRAINING UNDER WAY Seafortth w'i'll have both Intermedi- ate ,and Junior 'hockey teams on the ice this winter, the hockey oammit,tee of the 'Seaforth Athl'e'tic A'ssoc'iation and the association executive decoded. This will be in add'iti'on to the Dun- can Cup games which are being re- organized. The co'mmitt'ee and executive met on Tuesday and d'ecide'd to 'enter only the O.11.A. Intertmlediate and' Junior "B" Series. Every inddcatio.n points to a highly successful s'e'ason. Officials were 'ap'pointed as follows: Junior Team—iM'anager, C. P. (Sills; coach, J. E. Willis; trainer, George Lilley; Inrterrmns'cl'iate team—Manager, A. W. Dick; coach, •Gordon Muir; trainer, J. R. Walker. The local te'am's have not been not- •' dfi'ed of t'rre•nr •.•g'rb'upirngi (but .it • le •ex- peoted Clinton, New Hamburg and Seaforth will be in the group. Training has been under way clue- ing the past week at the Collegiate gym and will continue each Monday, Wednesday and 'Friday until ice is ready. All boys interested in the game, and who wish to try out for either of the beams, are requested to report to the coach or manager of either team. Boys under sixteen wishing to play Duncan Cup should hand their names bo Fred Willis, Clen Christie or Wm. Hart immediately. • St. Thomas W. A. Elects Officers The annual tweeting of St. Thomas' Church W. A. was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday of this week. The president was in charge and 16 mem- bers answered the roll call. The meeting opened with .the hymn, "The Love of Christ 'Oonetraineth," ' followed by the Scripture reading by Mts. Van Esmond, and all repeated the Members' Prayer. Afterr each committee had given its annual report, Mrs. Appleyard gave a brief talk on''"Ideas For the Com- ing Year." , Canon Appley'ard paid a friendly visit and conducted the election of officers for the coming year, which are as follows: President, Mrs. Ap- pleyard; Vice -President, Mrs. Van Egnmond; Treas'u'rer, M.rs. Deem; Secretary, Mrs. Southgate; Dorcas Convenor, Mrs. McGavi.n; Flower Fund Treas., Mrs. cReid; Girls , Branch Adviser, Mrs. Holmes; Junior W. A. , - Adviser, Mrs. Moore; Living Message Secretary, Miss J. Edge; Social Ser- vice Secretary, Mrs. T. Johnson. Th meeting closed with the bene- diction, after which refreshments were served. New Year's Dance Arrangements are being completed to hold a dance on New Year's night an the G. W. V. A. Hall. Music will be by Dalt Davidslon and his 'orchestra of, Stratford. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, ; DECBMBE`R 6, 1935. -IuronFinancesEin FineShape Treas. Erskine Tells Council� At December Meeting • . • • • • • Nearly Ready The 1935 issue of the S. C. I. Alumni Year Book is nearly com- pleted and it is expected it wi11 go on sale the end of next week. The current issue is full of in- teresting articles by and about former teachers and students and will be fully up to the stan- dard set in previous years. • • • •' • • YOUNG LIBERALS ENTERTAIN LADIES. Enjoyable Evening is Held in Conjunction, With December Meeting. The ladies were the guests of the -T'h:-mas McMillan Young Liberal Club at the club's regular December meet- ing .on Wednesday. The evening com- menced with a splendid 'musical 'pro- gram, followed by euchre, lunch and a dance. A delightful solo by Mr. Jas. A. Stewart opened the program. This was followed by a splendid instru- mental by Miss Laura Stewart, an excellent solo by Mr. Fred E. Willis, and lastly, violin and piano selections by Miss Mae Smith, and Mr. George :Smith. A hearty v'o'te . of thanks was tendered., i+hose assisting on the program on motion of Dr. R. R. Ross and J. M. Govenlock. 'Prises for the euchre, which follow- ed, were won by Miss Elsie Drover, ladies' first; Mrs. James Doig, ladies' l'on'e hands; Robert Archibald, gent's first, and Allan Reid, gent's lone hands. A delicious lunch was served and the evening Concluded with dancing,. music for which 'was played by Miss 'Sarah Whitmore and Messrs. Wilson McCartney and Warren Whitmore. The program for the evening was arranged by Miss Jean Smith, Gor- don Papple and John C. Crich, while Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free were in charge of the lunch. • Plan Badminton Tournament Fri. A local tournament has been plan- ned at the Badminton Club for Fri- day evening, commencing sharp at 8 p.m. An invitation r' extended to all Columban Dance servbaded.. players. Lunch will be served.. • Council Convenes For Final Meeting of Year on Tues- day; County. Engineer, House of Refuge a n d County Constable Reports Presented. COMMUNICATIONS SENT TO COMMITTEES At the open'in'g of the Wledine'sd'•ay session of the Huron 'County Coun- cil, E. H. Erskine, treasurer of the county, pred'ic'ted that next year IHlur- ^n C'oun'ty would be in a position to pay the balance of the highway ac- count, allow the county highways an adr,i:Tonal 'one-fifth of a mill and hold to the 'newt -it rate of 51A mills. "These reports '.indicate that the County continuing to liquidate its debt and at the end of 1936 should s'haw nothing but the balance of high- way debentures to pay," said Mr. Erskine. "In view of the fact that ,the tax rate has been Powered it aug- urs well for the county. The general account from January 1 to Note•mibe'r 30 showed receipts of $107,533.33 and expenditures bf $109,- 80.4.65; estimarte.d receipts $143,637.79, es'ti'mated, expend'it'ures, $146,193.91; estimated deficit, $2556.12. In est:'nrating the expenditures Mr. Erskine said he had estimated $700 for jury service, wh'ic'h may not be expended. All et'her estimates were inclined to be high. The county highways statement showed receip't's' of ,$167,288.41 and expenditures of $167,415.93, with a bank 'overdraft of $127.52. 104 Warrants Issued J. Ferguson, County Liquor En- forcement Officer, reported that since the first of the year 104 liqulor search warra'nrts have been issued as well as eight criminal search warrants; 18 arrests were made and 64 informa- tions Tadd. L.C.A. fines amounted to $675, criminal code, $100,and high- way traffic, $35. The County Engineer reported that work on roads was limited during the year, but that progress had been made. The construction work eon- s:ieted of: Grading and draining Dun- gannon, north, $4,540.47; cutting hill one -.calf mile east of Walton, $1,- '102.46; eliminating jog and grading No. 10, Grey, $1,184.65; culvert and grading, 33 Goderieh Tp., $1,083.06; culvert, 27 Ashfield and West W'aw- an'osh, $684.93. All other work was classed as maintenance, although on several sec- tions of ..road mix bituminous sur- faces were laid. (Continued on Page 4) • Fine Time At St. • A 23 per cent. increase in the pro- duction of hay and clover in 1935 for the whole of Canada is estimated by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The combined yield of these crops was 13,788,000 tons compared with 11,174,000 tons in 1934. Most of the increase is accounted for by Rood harvests in' Ontario and the Prairie Public Utility Commission Holds November Meeting The Nov'em'ber meeting of the Pub- lic Utility Commission was held on Saturday with all rmembers present. Chairman E. L. Box presided. Motions were as follows: E. L. 'Box - A. D. Sutherland: That the Lions Club account of $13.00 be can- celled and in future that 'bh,e Com- mission co-operate with the Liens Club in tree decoration and the co's't be charged to advertising, of Hydro. Golding -Sutherland: That Mr. W. Pullman be rebated for 11/2 months water rate. Golding -Sutherland: That this ""8(11" r Anthracite For an agreeable Healthful Temperature ' in your home all the time N. CLUFF & SONS ai Commission join ,the O.M.E.A.. and that the fee of $10 be paid and an order drawn o.n the treasury for same. Sutherland -Golding: That we do now adjourn. Golding -Sutherland: That the fol- lowing accounts and salaries be pass- ed and cheques be issued for same: Waterworks Dept.—A. Little, sal- ary, $5:5; The Kerr Engine Co. $68.92; Wim. Reid, wages, $2.50; Harry Che r- te rs. wages, $2.50; J. F. Daly, acct., $1.90; Sterling Engine Co., $2.04 ; Hell Telephone Co., $3.55; S. Allen, wage;, $11.70; John A. Wilson, $1.69; I'. U. Com., light, $11.31; Bell E. & T. Co., acct., $71.21; Wm. Pullman, iebate on water, $1.00. Electric Department—E. Mole, sal- ary, $100; John A. Wilson, salary and t.ransp., $59.51; N. Cluff & Sons, acct. $14.93; H. Charters, wages, $2; S. Allen, wages, $19.60; Wm. Stewart, poles, $133.75; J. F. Daly, acct. $13.75; Bell Tele'p'hone Co., $4.83; Canadian Lime Marterials, invoice, $4.31; Re- ceiver General, meter inspection, $2.40; R. J. Lovell Co., $10.22; Mc- Caslcey Systems, Ltd., $2.25; Sang- amo Co., i,nvo'ice, $62.76; Imperial Oil, invoice, $21.50; The Premier Vacuum 'Cleaner Co., invoice, $2.35; MacDon- ald. Electric, invoice, $11.86; Independ- ent Electric, invoiee, $33.92; Cana- dian Westinghouse Co., $1.02; Ellis & Howard, $38.55; H. E. P. Commis- sion, October • power, $1,512.87; Can- adian General Electric, $108.80; C. Sills, stanvps, $16; S. Alen, wages, $32.80; H. Char'te'rs, wages, $7.25. There wasea splendid attendance at the social evening held in the hall here. A Wingham orchestra provid- ed music for •the dance and a dainty luncheon was served at an appropri- ate Here Joseph Delaney had his arm brok- en4kvh•en kicked by a horse. He was taken to Seaforth h•aspital for treat - m ere. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dalton and Mr. and Mrs, T. Moylan visited in Kitchener; Miss Gertrude McGrath, Kitchener, at her Nome; Miss Mary McQuaid has returned to Kitchener after spending a week with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid. WEAR BOARD AP-POINTEP `; TACT FOR TUCKSMITII Council Passes Motion Re- gretting Death Of Mr. J. A. Murray. HEAR DRAIN. APPEALS The council of Tuckersmitth met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Satur- day, No'v. 30, the members being all present. The Reeve ,presided and the m'inu'tes of the last meeting were adopted. The Court of Revision on the Sin- clair Drain was resu,mlled. The ap- peals of W. H. McLean and John Tremeer were considered by the Court, after hearing the appellants. The decision of the eo'urt was that no action be taken on any of the a•p.peals, Whitmore -Gemmel: That the Court of Revision on Sinclair'Drain be clos- ed, and Bylaw No. 8 be !passed, sub- j•ete, to any appeals therefrom to the jr dge. tmore -NE Kay: That the Bruce= field Libr•wrry be given., grant of $10. McKay -Whitmore: That the coun- cil a.pp•oint • a Welfare Board to Con- sist • cf David 'Gemmell, George T. Coleman and James Allen, to deal with all matters pertaining to relief, with power to investigate all applica- tions, and regulate the amounts to be aceniniistered, they to be govern- ed by the Campbell Report, less 20 per cent. Whitmore --McKay: This 'council deeply regret the 'removal by death of John A. Murray, who had for many years held offices in connection with muni'ci'pal affairs; the duties re- quired, he disoharged faithfully and efficiently, glw•in.g offence to none, but commanding the respect of all. They desire to extend their ,sincere sym- pathy to all members of the family in their bereavement. McKay -Gemmell: That the Board of Health be given authority to ap- point a Sanitary Inspector for the, balance of 19315, if required. Bell -McKay: That Wm. Lawrence 1 Patrick Jordan Honouredin Dublin A met pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. Patrick Jordan, Dublin, on Monday last, when the member: of the Hibbert Softball Club with their ladies, gathered to spend a social evening with Albert Jordan be_.:re his departure to the North Country. During the evening Mr. Jordan was presented with a hand- some travelling set, accompanied by. an address read by Jimmie Atkinson. while the presentation was made by Frank Doyle and Tom, Gormley. Mr. .Jordan made a fitting reply and was followed ' by Lorne Pethick and J. tr,oleton, who spoke a few words of apps eciatian of their club member, as well as the regret of members and friends at his departure, but wishing him every success in his new home. A dainty lunch was served by the ladies and a most enjoyable evening spent. The fallowing is the address: "Dear Albert: We, the members of he local ball club, have assembler] here this evening with regret at your •l:parture from our midst.. In thank- irg y)u for she interest you have trbin in our club, we ask yo•u to ac- cept t'tis travelling set, not for it, value. hut that it may for all time be a plenyan; remem.hrance of the many happy times we spent together at Doyie's hall field. Signed on behalf of th. members of the Bald Club— Tunr G ;rmlcy, Frank Doyle, Jimmie 4 :Geiger. Returnedin Iensaa� Present Reeves at Wingharn, EastWa wanoshWinElections Owen Geiger, Former Reeve • • For Many Years, Wins in - • • Hensall in Three -Corner- ed Contest, With Plurality of 24. BAND AND CITIZENS SERENADE NEW REEVE Owen Geiger, .veteran member of Hensall's council, was elected Reeve of the village for his 13th 'berm in a three -cornered contest at the elec- tians held Monday. Seats on the council and School Board were filled by acclamation and balloting was for Reeve only. Mr. Geiger was first elected to, the village council in 1892 and in 1911 he was Warden of the County of Hur- on. IHe succeeds W. J. Jones, who has been Reeve for the past two years and who did nut stand again because of poor healt'h.. The vote was as follows: Geiger, 156; Shepherd, 132; • Robison, 52. Geiger's plurality, 21. Beth Mr. Shep- herd and Mr. Robison were members of last year's council. When the result of the election had been learned, a large number of citi- zens, t'o•g:-•ther with the Hensall Band, serenaded. Mr. Geiger at his resi- dence. They were cordially received) by Mr. and Mrs,. Geiger and refresh- ments were served. Hensall official's for 1936 will he as follows: Owen Geiger, Redie; Wil- liam Sangster, Ernest Shaddick, Geo. Brock and A. Hamilton:, Councillors; School Trustees, George Hess, Rev. W. A. Young and Fred Manns; Pub- lic lJtilities, Charles Moore. Wingham Reeve Fred Davidson was re-elect- ed for another term in Noonday's municipal elections. He polled 489 votes for a majority of 124 over his opponent, J. W. McKitbbon. The lat- ter polled 365 votes. Mayor John W. Hanna was elected by acclamation for his third term as chief magistrate. The six members of the 1936 coun- cil were elected Monday as follows: R. Lloyd, 646; Harley Crawford, 539; Henry Thompson, 534; Robert ,Hieth- eringtom, 497; Walter Vanwyek, 415; and Elmer Wilkinson, 411. The de- feated candidates for council were: Dan Geddes, 338; William -1'LcCool, 274, and Harold Buchanan, 166. East Wawanosh P. W. Scott was re-elected 'Reeve of East Wawanoeh in a hard fought, three -cornered battle on Monday. Reeve Scott polled 227 votes, for a majority of 28 over his nearest op- ponent. Wilfred Reid, who had 199. George Yungblut was a geed third with 188 votes. ' The four niem'ters elected to the new ceancil were: Lewis Ruddy, 221; J. I). Beecroft. 312; R. Redmond, :304, and Uarvey Black, 299. The three defoated can dates were Adam, Rob- erts•an, 282; George Herr, 236, and William Straug•han, 169. C:.ses Heard At Police Court Magistrate J. A. -llakins, of Strat- f.rd, distrix: maf;•i;;a•ate, presided at n. l'.Ze court in the town hail here on Tuesday aftermlen. Four charges of hun`rn * without the necessary list ase were disposed of end one c!+,ugo of fraud was laid ov- er f .r two tV(/ ks. Hensall Reeve, Owen Geiger, Commences 13th Term Shown above is Mr. Owen Geiger, elected on Monday as Reeve of Hensall. His municipal career ex- tends back to 1892, when he first sat on the Council. In 1911 he was Warden of Huron County Council. With him in the picture are shown Mrs. Geiger and members of his family. The photograph was tak- in 1933 on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Geiger's Golden Wedding. . ifs t. 1i ,e • Christmas Money 1 It had been lying about the house for over a year—never us- ed—never needed --just one more thing to move and to keep clean. Finally the thrifty housewife thought of ways and means to get Christmas money and hit up- on an Expositor classified ad. The ad. did the trick; the article was sold. And the best part of the business was that the little ad. in The Expositor cost only 1 cent a word. e • • • • • OBSERVE LADIES' MIGHT AT LIONS Old Monarchs. Receive Chev- rrk s As Mark Of 10 ars' i s' Service. Members of the Seaforth Lions Club entertained the ladies at their regular meeting of the club in the Commercial Hotel on Tuesday even- ing, It was also the occasion of old '-Monarch's night. Some sixty Lions and guests were present. Lion President J. E. Keat- ing presided. A feature of the even- ing was the presentation of chevrons to Lions, who had served for 'fin Medical Student years in the club—the Old Monarchs. DISTR�I Motorist;, Have IST cape As Car Ski Into Ditch. SLEIGHING GENERAL Rain, which froze as it fel, playea havoc with roads in this dti:sltriet 'over the- week -end and tres'ultted • in one seatious Motor accident and tneaey min- or accidents, Mr. Obri:'stian Wagner, of Shake- speare, accotmpaniied by his wife and Mr•. and Mrs. Swartzentruber, of $t. Petersburg, were preceeding west on No. 8 Highway about elf• Miles east of town early !Saturday afternoon, when the car Skidded on the icy road and somersaulted into the north ditch. The party was on i'bs way to attend a funeral in, Stanley Town- ship. No one was seriously injured, al- though badly cut and bruised. They were removed to ,the home of Mr. and :qrs. John Hillehrecht and wereat= ' tE ided .by Di•..'G-...a..Jarmartt, of .Sea - forth. The car was damaged to the extent of nearly $200. Provincial Traffic Officer, J. W. Callander, inivestigated the accident. Guests at'tend'ing the annual dance of the Seaforth Golf and Country Club en Friday evening were serious- ly inconvenienced by the icy roads. Traffic was almost impossible at any- thing over ten miles an hour. On Monday th•e weather became colder and considerable snow has since fallen. Sleighing is general through- out the d'istr'ict. • The chairman read' the names of Injured in Toronto those receiving chevrons and ex- plained what they signified. Those honored were Lions Dr. Bechely, J. F. Daly, Dr. J. A. Munn, Dr. H. H. Ross and C. Stewart. Each, in a short talk, told what the ten years' membership in the Club had meant to him. The presentations were made by Old Monarchs J. W. Beattie, Dr. F. J. Burrows, G. D. Ferguson, J. M. McMillan and W. J. Duncan. A duet by Ms. and Mrs,. J. A, Stew- art vas much appreciated and was heartily encored. Mrs. J. E. Keat- ing and Earl Van Egm'ond acted as acram pan ists. Following the meeting, the Lions and their guests attended the Regent Theatre. • S.C.I. Alumni Plans Xmas Dance Committees have been at work for some weeks now arranging for the annual dance of the Seaforth Colleg- iate Institute Alumni Association, which will be held in Cardno's Hall on Christmas night, Members and friends of the Col- legiate lo•.,k forward each year to this annual reunion dance and plats now in hand for the 1935 affair guar- antee that it will be just as highly successful as in previous years, WINTHROP Mr. Allen Campbell has returnc.1 hr'dn: after spending a couple of weeks with Mh'. Archie Campbell, of Toronto. Mr. andWillis Mrs, W"�tllr. Dundas .pen: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lit- tle. 14i=a Isabel Eaton is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. Bennett, Huron Road. Winter is here. The sleighing is pretty fair. Mr. and Mrs. A.11ontgomery spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Montgomery. Mr. Stewart Plant, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant, C.N.R. 'agent at. Seaforth, who is a student at the Faculty- of Medicine, University of Tor'nto, is imlpro'wing after being struck by a molar car on Y•onge 5t., Toronto. IThe 'accident occurred 'on Monday of last week as Mr. Plant was cross- ing the stlr'eeit. The ligaments and cartilage of his knee were badly torn. • Euchre Club Plans Interesting Events An interesting evening has been planned by the Seaforth Euchre Club for Friday of this week, when the east side of town will meet the west side in a friendly battle. The Club has also planned a mixed euchre for Thursday evening, Decem- ber 12. • Young People To Present Play The young people of St, James'' Parish will present the three- act com- edy, 'a' t rag*e nis Connie," in the Parish ]tall .,n Friday. December 20, at 8.15. The large caste has been engaged it: rehearsals f,r some weeks and have then':,::r:ply pr, ;pared the play. • S1•,c teas Pring taken around the golf links by her boy friend. It was the first time she had played, As they approached the flag on the last green hm suddenly pulled up. "Jove!" he exclaimed. "Just look —a dead stymie." The girl gazed about her. "Where?" she asked seriously. "I rather thought there was a funny smell a- round here." Annual Golf and Country Club Dance is Splendid Success The annual dance of the Seaforth Golf and Country Club, heibd on Fri- day evening in Cardno's Hall, was one of the most successful in the club'; h,islt'on'y. Cru'e,s'ts from Seaforth and neighboring towns numbered ov- er 100. The hall was nicely decorated for th•e occasion and excellent music was furnished by Roy Snider and his orchestra of Kitchener; Following huffet refreshments, which were served in the adjoining dining room, the trophies won by members during the year were pre - rented by the President, Mr. 3, C Greig. These were as follows: Cress- well Cup and Replica, Mr. F. C. J. Sills; Savauge Cup and Replica, Mrs. II, G. Meir; Southgate 'Cup and Re- plica, Mr. F. C. J. Sills; B'roadfoot Culp (ladies) , Miss Gertrude Apple - yard; Broadfoot• Cup (men), Mr. le I. McLean. Arrangements for the dance were completed by a committee 'headed by Mr. Jas. A. Stewart and including Mr. J. M. McMillan and Mr. N. C. Cardno. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SEAFORTH low Morning Worship: "SPIRITUAL STOGt AE- ING IS A DELICATE BUSI- NESS" Evening Worship: "THE MYSTERY OE S1J1 FERING AND SIN" Tho Minister at both services. Heartiest welcome to the worlt erlii.; worship and witness of rift ;+ Church.