The Huron Expositor, 1935-11-15, Page 4a THE; I
. - SITOR 0►
« t
NQVEE. . tt.
Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates:
Med. Lost and Found, Coming Events, Etc,—per word:
1st week 1 Cent
2nd week :4 Cent
,4 Cent
25 Cents
Minimum charge, fust insertion
Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word-
:l'l tanks, In Memoriam Noticed -1 cent pgr word. Minimum, 50 cents per week.
nirtas may be directed to a Box Number, care of The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents
a>xR lcertts ;additional per week will be charged if ads in above class are not paid by the
Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run.
Bhthe, 114.arriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
,43.14. ion Sales, Notice to Creditona, Etc.—Rates on application.
For Sale
:•43.•plea in hampers. Apply at EGMOND-
Champion of C.N.E., with 11 pigs at her
feet. Also young boars and sows of service-
able ages, sired by a sun of the Grand Cham-
pion of C.N.E. ORVILLE FREE, Dungan-
non. Phone 14 ring 13. 3544-1
Lost and' Found
k7 3, Tuckersmith, on November 5th, a dark
roan steer, 750 pounds. Any information
please phone 13-614, Clinton. EDWIN JOHNS.
B,. R. 3, Seaforth. 3544x1
Agents Wanted
Help Wanted
tions in Diesel Engineering. Must be
interested in Diesel's and have mechanical
ability and good character; references. Ap-
ply to Box 57, EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
matibrn, Scialica, Backache, while re-
moving the cause. KEATING'S DRUG
STORE. 3544-1
a story hour in the Public Library for
buys and girls from S years to 12 years of
age 00 Saturday, November 16th, at 1.30
o'clock, 3544-1
SPAHR'S. proven the most dependable
MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH ROUTE and safe to treat cough, croup, whooping -
of SOU families in Seafurth, w'r'ite to -
Nes, cough, bronchitis, tonsilitis, and throat trou-
day. RAW LEIGH DEPT. 31L-303 SA -K., blas, it's amazingly good and guaranteed.
Montreal, Canada. 3,i44_1 I
ORES. 3344-1
Articles For Sale
good' as new. Call at BEATTIE'S 5c TO
1$1.00 STORE. 3.142-tf
matched lumber; suitable for driving
shed. Complete with rel:len and 20 feet of
track. Apply Box 51, EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
For Sale or Rent
Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres; lo-
cated 114 miles east of Kippen and ya mile
south. Good agricultural land, tile drained;
12 acres plowed. Has bank barn, hay barn,
implement shed. water supply tank and
spring creek. Possession April 1st: may plow
immediately. This property offers industrious
and responsible tenant an exceptional oppor-
tunity. Land only or will share house. Ap-
ply MRS. LYDIA J. DO1G. 3143-2
County of Huron
to be published in the Ontario Gazette a
list of lands within the County of Huron to
be sold for taxes in the year 1935. The lists
appear in the Ontario Gazette issues of Aug-
ust 3, September 7 and October 5 of 1935.
And further take notice that unless the
taxes and costs as advertised are not sooner
paid. I shall proceed to sell the Iands on the
said lists at the Court House in Goderich on
Tuesday, November 12, 1935, at the hour of
two o'clock in the afternoon. The adjourned
sale, if necessary will be held at the same
time and place two weeks later, November
26, 1935.
Copies of said lists are posted in my office
at the Court House, Goderich.
Treasurer, County of Huron.
Treasurer's Office, Goderich, Ont.,
August 1, 1935.
Armistice Day was observed by
holding service in the hall. Rev.
Bandy, of Varna; Rev. Chandler of
Kippen, and Rev. Bremner, of Bruce -
field, book charge of the service,
which was finished at the cenotaph.
The 'hall is now fitted with elec-
tric lights, thanks to the members
of the council.
!Holiday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. G.
B. Woods, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R.,
J. Woods and l'it'tle son• of List•owe'T,
called on their many friends.
A pleasant time was spent Tues-
day night in the hall, Bayfield, when
the three churches of the parish met.
Varna was well represented.
We are s.orry to report Billy Log-
an is not feeling as well as his many
friends would like.
The Brucefield Y.P.S. visited the
Blake -Goshen Y.P.S. en Friday even-
ing, putting on the program. after
which games and contests were held
and lunch served. There was a good
attendance and an enjoyable evening
was spent.
Muss Dorothy Armstrong has re-
turned home after spending about
two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Dave
Kay, of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Keys, of
Babylon Line, are moving to their
new home in Egreondvilie this week.
Mr. and Mats. D. J. Stephenson al-
so moved to their new home in Bay-
field. These two cowples will be
, greatly missed in the' community and
especially in the Goschen Church.
• w'h'ere they have been prominent.
m'em'bers and active workers for a
great many years. The !best wishes
of a host of friends go with them.
,Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson,
'bridal couple, have returned home
from their trip.
Rev. and Mr's, R. Murray, of Chi-
cago, returned to their home this
week after spending almost two
weeks with friends in this vicinity
and in ,Hamilton.
S. S. No. 4
The following is the report of S.
S. No. ', :McKillop, for September and
October: Sr. IV—Frank Casson,
72%. Jr. IV—Lois Henderson, 65`;%•;
James Nash, albs'ent. Sr. III—Maxine
Lawrence 60%. Jr. IN• --!Beth Camp-
bell 71, John Henderson 66%. i—
Bill Henderson 72%.
A reception was held in the
Town Nall on Friday evening in hon-
or of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
(nee Miss (Muriel Drake). The ad-
dress wase read by Mr.a John Drown
and the newly-w•eda were presented
trio!, two beautiful chairs, after
which Mr. Miller expressed his ap-
preciation for the gifts. A host of
friends will join in wishing thean
much happiness.
Iia'. and 'Mrs,. Bowman, of Hagers!-
ville, are guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Cecil Bowman.
aVr. and Mrs. John 'Sadler, spent
the Week -end at Niagara Falls.
f1V% GitdllialtiL Jeffery visited at the
tiironiie of !hie son, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold
i b I eiti iy .t, 'recently.
a. deorge meson have
sir imne. after ,sspend-
of reeks tut • the hone
()ecil! Stewart, Exe-
1 heir 'Oche in-1atVa recent
dtritY Viesi
with Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Livingston
in Hamilton on Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Treffry, London, is
• *�
-. - the h "„1 ri _Ml:. FA. Tref-
1ryand MIiss Treffry.
Ba.Irninton Seasoi*
('Oontinued from Page 1)
ranee—H11-16, 11-10.
Mona M.eGrergor and George Hays
eliminated Ruth Thompson and A. Y.
McLean—el-3, 11-4.
Mary Bell and Nelson C•ardino elim-
inated Mary Crich and Ted Southgate
—11-4, 11-10.
Second Round
Janet ,Cluff and 'Miln eliminated
Eleanor Wilson and Rev. Carmichael
—11-7, 11-6.
Mrs. Meir and McTavish eliminat-
ed Mrs. Sproat and Weetiimaark-16-6,
Mary Hays and McKenzie elimin-
ated Ella Elder and Bandy -11-6,
Mary Bell and Cardio eliminated
Hays and Mona McGregor 11-10,
Third Round
Mrs. Meir and MacTavish elimin-
ate'd Janet Cluff and Miln-11-4, 11-7.
Mary Hays and McKenzie elimin-
ated Mary Bell and Cardno-8-11,
Mrs. Weir and MacTavish elimin-
ated Mary !Hays and McKenzie -
10 -11, 11-7.
First Round
Peg Grieve and Pennyle'gion elim-
inated Mary Bell and Ed. Daly.
Nora Stewart and Ted Taman
eliminated Betty Southgate and Dr.
Miss Darling and Dorrance elim-
inated Ruth Thompson and McLean.
_Barg. Crich and Southgate elimin-
ated Mrs. i'4eedmark and Beattie.
Second Round
Mrs. J. Hunter. Toronto. spent the
week -end with her mother, Mrs, E.
'Miss Rita Stapleton, Brescia Hall,
London, and Frank Stapleton. Toron-
to, were week -end visitors with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Staple-
Miss Dorothy O'Rourke. George-
town. spent a few days with her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. O'Rourke.
Mrs. B. E. Downey and little
daughter, Mary Margaret. of Hagers-
ville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F.
G. Forrester.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath and
son, Hugh, attended the wedding of
Joseph McGrath to Miss Betty
Thomas, held in Detroit on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and
Billie were week -end visitors in Dunn-
The supreme sorrow of a mother's
death brought flocking home the scat-
tered members of the Jordan family
to pay the last and the saddest of all
filial duties. The deceased, Mrs.
Mary Jordan (nee Roache) died at
the family home, Hibbert, on Satur-
day,. November Oth. It is hard to
part' with the good and valiant
mother; .maybe that explains the
outbursts of emotion that even her
grown-up sons could not repress; the
many letters of sympathy from mere
acquaintances, the large number of
Masses offered for her soul,"the floral
offerings and the overcrowded parish
church where she had worshipped.
Always a member and for ,any years
President of the Altar Society, it
was in her private devotions that she
showed that, childlike piety which
was peculiarly hers.The funeral
Mass was chanted by a nephew, Rev.
Father Feeney, with her pastor, Rev.
Dr. Ffoulkes present in the sanctu-
ary. The deceased is survived by her
husband, eight sons and one da.igh-
ter; also three sisters, Mrs. W. J.
O'Rourke and Mrs. N. Maloney, of
Dublin, and Mrs. R. Kennedy, Sea -
forth, to all of whom the sincerest
sympathy Is extended. After Mass
the casket, borne by six sons, John,
Patrick, Joseph, Edward, James and
Francis, was taken to St. Patrick's
cemetery where the remains were
laid to join their kindred earth. The
bereaved family and relatives wish
to ,extend their sincere thanks to
their friends far the many kind ex-
pressions of sympathy, Masses and
floral offerings bestowed by then!,
Miss Dolly Hagan spent a few days
in London recently.
Mr. Orville Smith spent a day in
Toronto, also in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Love and family
visited friends near Lucan.
rMr, and 'Mfrs. Charles Robinson
spent the week -end with relativees in
(Me. Eldon •Galbel speed a few days
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son,
Douglas, of Toronto, ,spent the week
end with Mrs. J. Cochrane and fam-
Mr. Alf. Westgate and Mr, H.
Adkins spent the w'ee'k -end in Lon-
Mn. Alf. Coleman called on friends
in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. W, Wei'do and, sons
visited (1'10x, and i] s. J. Willett near
Nara Stewart and Taman eliminat-
ed .peg Grieve and Pennylegion.
Miss Darling and Dorrance elim-
inated Marg. Crich and Southgate.
Miss Darling and ••Dorrance elim-
ir.lted Nora Stewart. and Taman.
Councillor Isaac Hudson
(Continued from Page 1)
neer, whereas in 1934 no relief had
been given from June to October.
Clerk J. A. Wilson reported that
the assessor had returned the roll.
NJ date was set for the court of re-
The report of the street commit-
tee was given by Councillor Purcell.
All sidewalk repairs have been com-
pleted. Councillor R. W. Eberhart,
chairman of the property committee,
stated in answer to a •query, that the
Campbell memorial fountain Bras no
';•u•ic:ng'. The cornln.i::e_ had grant-
ed the Band 310.00 to help cover the
cast of decorations to their rooms, he
A proposal by a Mr. Irwin. which
had been placed 'before council at
special meeting, received no consid
eratiOn. He wished to take over th
C.F.M. factory and wanted the town
to guarantee his bonds up to $100,
000. •
Discussion concerning the' lease o
llcliillan & Dickson of the mill ele
vator cuilm:nated in a motion by
Councillor Hudson and Eberhart:
"That Thomas Dickson pay $30.0
per month for the seven months du
the town for the rent of the mil
elevators,” Which vias lost, only th
sponsors voting in favor of it.
Bylaw 367, being a bylaw grantin
a fixed assessment for a further per
iod of ten years to The Robt. Bel
Engine' & Thresher Co., Ltd., wa
read twice. Third reading ,will awai
the ratification of the ratepayers a
the municipal elections in January
The Bell Co, has had for sbme year
a fixed assessm'en't, but the bylaw
granting this lapsed this year.
At the conclusionof the meeting
Councillor Hudson thanked coun•ci
for the honor they had done him i.
naming him acting Reeve.
Pass Accounts
Accounts and salaries were passes
as follows:
A. D. Sutherland, insurance, .$5,75;
Thomas Johnstone, account, 336.00
Collegiate Institute Board, 31,600.00
Public School Board. $900.00; Jame
V. Ryan, salary, 355; John A. W51•
son, salary 370, transp., etc., 39.11
H, Snell, salary, $$0; Thos. Storey
salary, $60; Joseph Coojler, hay
36.60; Northern Electric Co., invoice
38.36; Bell Telephone Co., account
33.82; N. Cluff & Son, acct., $42.15
Geo. D. Ferguson, acct., $43.80
Township of M'LcKillop, gravel $206.40,
John .McKenzie, acct„ 36.20; La Franc
F. E. & F., invoice, $8.55; County of
?Tuan, hospital indigents, $95.90; W
E. Kerslake, acc't.,, $2.30; C. Aber•
hart, acct., $12.50; Peter McIver
wages, $2.25•; Wm. Montgomery
acct., 314.80; John Purcell, wages
38,12; John Knight, wages, $11,50
Canadian National Railways, cross•
ing p:•itection, 34.58; W. Ament, as
res:sor $125, !postage 33.00; H'ighband-
ers Band, $10.00; Agricultural So
ciety, 360.00; Direct Relief, 381.92.
Impressive Servic
(Continued from Page 1)
Dorrance, A. W. Archibald, Berner
Brawn, John E. Bullard. Thomas E
Govenleock, William H. Hall, Clarenc
S. Garden, George Weiland, Franci
Weiland, John McLeod, 'Clifford W
Ruffell, A_ T. Parke, E. Cecil Dilling
Al'be'rt Bates, James Horan, Jame
Spearpoint, Percy Verner, Robert I
West, Charles McNamara, Jam
Jamieson, Russell G. Scott, Loui
Atkinson, John Neil'ans, M•rs. Parke
Ans'ell, Miss Harriet Wilson, Mex
Wilson, Frank Jackson, John Stew
art, Gerald !Case, J. B. Russell, Olive
Siegrist, R. S. Hays, John Van Eg
Sharp at' eleven o'clock two min
utes' silence was observed only to b
!bro'ke'n by the sharp notes of Reveille
•'Wreaths were then placed and 'th
service closed with the National An
them and Benediction' by Rev. H. C
Wreaths were placed as follows
Province of 'Ontario, Mee. Mae Dar
ranee; To•tvn of ,Seaforth, Mayor A
D. 'Sutherland; Tee nship of I?tve !en•
.smith, eve 'W, R. Archibald; To
ship of Masi iilep, Reevie John ,114, la
E!okart; 'St, James' Church, Thomas t
Purcell; Northside . United Church, o
Wan, Chapman; Collegiate Inti- i
tote, A. Barber; Mta'sonie Lodge, ;
J.' H. Reid; !Canadian Legibn, W. H.
Golding,, M.P.; Lions !Chub, John'
Beattie; Callegiate' Alumni, Charles t
Stewart; Anglican !Church, R. G.
Parke; Separate School, W. J. Dun-
can; Presbyterian Church, M. A.
Reid; Public .School Board, W. A.
Wright; Pu'bl'ic Library Beard, John
Finlayson; Home and School Assoc-
iation, Mrs. Charles Holmes; L,O.B.A„
Mrs. Wm. Westeott; Rebek'ahs, Miss
Jean Smith; Wirrlthro•p Orange Lodge,
William Bullard; Red Cross .Society,
Mrs. A. D. Sutherland; Seaforth Ath-
le•tic As"satiation, John J. }Niggard.
'Mr. Gordon Emery of Brussels is
spending a few days at the home of
Mr. and Mas. J. D. Melville.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hines of
•C'1:nton are the guests this week at
the home of Mrs. J. Tasnlblyn and
Mrs. J. Elsley.
, Mr. Theodore Stewart, of Strat-
ford, spent the week -end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairservice.
The W.A. held a social evening
this week in the basement of the
church. The evening was spent in
playing crokinole, also a good pro-
• gram was given, after which lunch
I ,:'as served. Pr'oce'eds amounted to
We are sorry to learn that Mr.
John Brambly, who has not been
well for some time, has had to un-
dergo an operation for appendicitis.
His many friends wish hint a speedy
'Mr. and Mrs. James Moon and
family, of Stevensville, who have
been visiting relatives in this vicin-
ity, have returned to their h'om'e this
The Athletic Club is putting on a
fowl supner an 1 concert in the Mem-
orial Hall on Nov. 20. Everything is
being done to make it a success.
'HHamilton and
Howard, of Detroit. are 'visiting with
friends in the neighborhood,
Mrs. Paul Doig, of London, who
has been visiting with relatives in
the neighborhood, returned home,
Miss '!Mona Smith, who has been
assisting Mrs. Robt. 'McGregor for
the past couple of 'months. returned
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLellan and
!,raster Kenneth, of Egmondville, are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Mc-
The regular November meeting of
the Kipper East Institute will be
held at the hone of Mrs. Wm. Hog-
garth on Wednesday evening, Nov.
20. at 8 p.m. The reports of the
delegates to the London convention
will be given: also special musical
selections. The topic on "Winter
Care of Poultry" will be taken by a
member. The question box dealing
with poultry problems will be ably
handled by Mr. J. M. Scott, of Sea -
Twoiof •Zwrirh's popular young
people were united in marriage at
the Lutheran Parsonage last Thurs-
day by Rev. E. Tu•erkheian. The bride
• n -as Alice Marie, daughter of Mrs,
Clara Decker and the late John
Decker, and the groom was Carl G.
Thiel. son of Mr. and Mrs. George
, .J. Thiel, all of Zurich. Mr. and' Mrs,
Thiel left for a trip to Detroit after
the ceremony. A reception was held
at the bride's home on Sunday even-
ing when they returned. They will
i reside in the Deitz block.
An interesting event took place at
the Evtangelical.Parsonage on Th•urs-
• day last when Rev. E. Burn per-
formed the cerernony which united in
marriage Gladys Irene, daughter of
, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber, of Stephen
' • Town'ship, and Clarence J. Schade,
son of Mrs. •K, Schade and the late
William Schade, of the Blue Water
' Highway, Hay Township. Mr. and
Mrs, Schade will reside on the
grc•onr's farm, near Grand Bend.
!Mrs. Theresa Hoffman, widow of
the late Michael Hoffman, passed a-
way suddenly at her home in the
• village on Saturday forenoon in her
• 74th year. Deceased had enjoyed her
. usual health until she !passed away
from. the effects of a hemorrhage.
'Her husband passed away last year,
She is survived by one son, Simon
; Yoffm•an, of Hay Township, and three
daughters. The funeral took place
, on Monday, 'interment taking place
. in the R. C. cemetery, Zurich.
Mr. Dennis Corriveau, of Blake,
has moved onto the farm on the 16th
concession, Hay, owned by the Wm.
Miller estate. Mr. 'Chas. Wei•'berg,
who has had the farm leased fox
, some years, has moved to Mr. E.
' Knift's farm, south of Dashwood. •
Mr. F. C. Kalbfleisch has closed
down this planing mill temporarily
I owing to labor trouble.
The many friends of Mr. Julius
• Block, local constable, will be sorry
to hear that he is not enjoying his
1 -usual good health at present.
• Mr. Ward Fritz has men at work
• filling in and levelling the grounds
s around his new borne, which goon
will be ready for oecuupan•cy.
- The regtilar monthly meeting of
r the U.F.O. and U.F.•W.O. will be
- h'eld at the home:of !Mrs. Wm. Dow
on Tuesday, No'vem'ber 19, at 8 pan,
The meeting will be opened with a
e quotation of Lincoln's. Let us have
' faith that rigtlh maloes milght, and
e in that faith let us to the end, there
- let us do our duty as we understand
it. The opening song' will be the
Peace 'Hymn of the World followed
' ' by 'In Flads." 71h'roll
nders "CoursesFielof "War."e Thee
call wild be
' topic will be •talken kr Mrs. Charles
Clifton on "Peace"; (a) Aiboligh prli.-
nate manufacture of armaments; (b)
Oanseripbion Weal4h instead of
men; (c), Erb tion for peace, Bus-
lnests will be", appoint a delegate to
tlhe annual t nvent*on lin Tonc mto,
aIse resoluta The soolal program
be arranged by Mrs. Sam Thome-
Mr. and !Mrs. Monteith and family
of London, and Miss Mary McKen-
. ie, of Tuickersmith, were visitors at
the hoarse of Mrs. Janet Rose last
!Mrs. L. Forrest visited her friend,
Mrs. Lottie McAs'h, in London last
Mr. and Mrs. George Knight, of
Clinton, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Watson last Sunday.
The women- of the congregation
are busy preparing clothing for the
!;ale which will be sent to the West
as soon as 'possible.
Rev. Dr. Grierson, a medical eels-
sionary, who has spent 37 years in
horea, delivered an address in the
United Church Jest Sunday morning.
His subject was the reading of the
3rd chapter of Malacia "There is that
scattereth and yet increaseth and
the liberal soul shall be made fat."
He spoke of his own experience when
he was getting a small salary. He
always gave his tythe and was bless-
ed in the giving of it. Gad will be
no man's debtor.
spa. cious clIJLnch moved' to the sol -visit with (ler sun and d'auter-in,
diem' monument in front Or the Town law, Mir. and Mr's,, Arrioid• Bell, for
Hall where they were most ably ad- a couple of" weeks. if
,messed by Rev. Mh'.. Far'ri, after iV>ir. and Mrs, (toss Dick and little
which a wreath was placed' on the son, of Toronto, visited with friends
mo'nwxnent dedicated to the fal'1en in and around town over the 'eek•
her'o'es by Mrs. Fred Simmons, and end,
another• from the Provincial Govern- Miss Minnie Reid visited over the
ment was placed on the monument week -end. With friends at Aylmer and
by 'Captain George Hanley, at pres- Londlon.
ent of London, but a former resident and , Bill Simpson and
for many years in this section. The Diss Mae Simpson'emotored over
meeting at the monument was vent from Detroit on Saturday, Mr. Si'mp-
•pleasinlgly presided oven by President son spending the week -end with his
Sydney McArthur, assisted by .Past mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson, while
President Mr. Pryde, of Exeter. At .DIre. Simpson and Miss Mae Simp-
son 'accompanied by their grand-
mother, Mrs. Robert Banthron, mot-
ored to Luoknow and! spent the week-
end with friends there.
The October meeting of the
was held on Thursday last in the
basement of the church with a good
attendance, Mrs. Reidie, the president
presiding. A very fine paper was
given on the life work of Dr. Grant
who spent a number of years in the
Yukon- The paper wras read by
Miss Cuerie. ' Mrs. • Reidie also gave
a short talk on his life as a mission-
ary there. A few minutes were
talken up with th•e business part of
the programme. The meeting closed
with the singing of a hymn and the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
Sunday last being a day set apart
for. the thanksgiving service of the
W.M.S. of 'the Oromarty Auxiliary,
-he speaker for the services was Mrs.
James Erskine, of Moncton, who pre-
sented the work of the W.M.S. in a
very able, planner, speaking in a way
to create enthusiasm in the work of
missions in our church and else-
Mr. Oswald Walker is at present
grading and levelling the front of his
property in the village, which, when
finished, will be a great improve-
IMr. John Robertson is at present
building a garage adjoining his home
in the village, which will be a neat
addition to his home.
Mr, Richard Quance, of Exeter, was
a visitor in the village one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd !Miller, Strat-
ford, were visitors in the village last
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar and
Mrs. Scott visited with friends in St.
Marys on Friday.
this service a fine bronze medal was
presented by the Legion to Miss Wat-
son, a student at the high school here
!who won in a fine essay entitled,
"What Can Canada Do iii Defence.
The Last Post was sounded by Bug-
ler Fred Beer and after the Bene-
diction the large gathering dispers-
ed. The Exeter and Hensall mem-
bers of the Legion were delighted
with the fine attendance and inspir-
ing services throughout and the lib-
eral 'collection regarding it as one of
the best ever' held! here.
The Young 'People's, anniversary of
the United Church will be held on
Sunday, when the special speakers
for the day, are the Rev. Mr. Mair, of
Thames Road, who will 'preach in the
nllair:i,:ng, and Rev. 'Mir. Page, of
James Street Church, Exeter, who
will 'preach in the evening. The an-
niversary programme will be held on
Monday evening. A good program
has,' been provided, including a drama,
"How Love Made a Father 'Cruel."
Mrs. 1VFcMullen, of Otterville, is
visiting at the .home of her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Leg Amputated
Mfrs. David Nicol was taken to Vic-
toria Hospital, London, for treatailent
fast week as her foot had been trou-
bling her a good deal for some time
past and upon close examination by
the doctors it was found that ampu-
tation above the knee would be the
only chance of stopping gangrene
that had set In. Nicol came out
of the operation as well as could have
been expected and while she is suf-
fering much pain, it is hoped that
the operation will meet the emerg-
ency that it called for. •
A few days ago Mrs. Oliver Row-
cliffe was taken to Scott Memorial
Hospital at Seaforth for an opera-
tion for appendicitis, and on the fol-
lowing day Mrs. Fred Ben•gough, of
this village, was taken to the same
hospital for the same operation, All
three ladies 'm'enti'oned are patients
of Dr. Collyer, of the village, and all
are doing as well as can be expect-
ed, having come through the opera-
tions very well and their host of
relatives and friend's hope they may
be all restored! to their normal health.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron vis-
ited over the week -end with their
son, Harold, at Newmarket.
Allan and Ross Ferguson, of Tor-
onto, spent the week -end at the home
of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Walker.
Mr. Lloyd Passmore, who has been
spending a couple of weeks at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
.John Passmore, returned to his home
in Delhi on Sunday last.
Miss Kathryn Drysdale, who is at-
tending Alma College at St. Thomas,
spent the week -end at the 'home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Mr. Harold Sherritt, of London,
visited over the week -end at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Judge T. M.
Costello of Goderich
was here for the Court of Revision,
re the Voters' List. There are now
534 el'igi'ble for muni'ci'pal voting.
Mrs. Bertha Bell left on Monday
for St: Catharines, where she will
For Sale.—Beach Composite range
with reservoir, in first-class condi-
tion; coal or wood. Apply to J. B.
Simpson, Hensall. 3542-3
(Continued from Page 1)
prayer by Reve W. A. Young. The
Scripture lesson was „read by Rev.
Beverley Farr and also prayer fol-
lowed in unison by •the Lord"s Pray-
er. A violin solo was then splend-
idly- rendered by Miss Greta Lammie,
A.T.0:M., "The Last Post" by Bug-
ler Fred Beer, followed by two min-
utes' silence, The choir then render-
ed a beautiful anthem, "Love's Tri-
bute," in which special solo parts
were taken by H. Horton and W. 0.
Goodwin. Rev. W. A. Young then
led in dedicatory prayer, followed by
a most splendid address by Rev. A.
Sinclair, who reviewed the past and
present wars in a manner that could
not well be surpassed. A pleasing
feature following the address was a
solo very feelingly rendered by Mrs.
W. A. Young entitled, "In Flanders
Fields" which was most appropriate
to the occasion. The closing 'hymn
was that ever popular one, "Onward
Christian Soldiers," after which the
Benediction was pronounced and the
large congregation that filled the
On Friday evening of last week a
number of girl friends! of Mrs. Ralph
Walters (nee Fiorenee McDonald), a
recent bride, held a shower in her
honor art the home of '1Vj,re. A. Spen-
cer. Daring the evening Mrs. Wal-
ters was presented with a pair of
wool blankets and ''other gifts. A
dainty lunch+was served by the host-
ess, the dining -room being prettily
decorated in pink and white.
Mr. George Brock, Mr. Geo. Fol -
lick, Mr. John Passnr'ore and Mr.
Fred Hess spent a few days hunt-
ing at Pike Bay, returning Monday
Rev. Mrr. and Mrs. Sinclair attend-
ed the funeral of Mrs. Sinclair's
aunt, in London on Tuesday last.
Mr. and 'MTs. Fred 'Parsons, of
London, spent the week -end at the
home of their 'parerllts, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs, Owen Geiger were
visited by a number of their family
and by friends during Remembrance
Day holidays.
Miss Ethel Murdock left for Lon-
don the end of last weekwhere she
intends remaining with friends for a
• :Mrs. C. A. McDonell has returnedi
from Toronto where she spent a num-
ber of weeks with her can -in-law and
dau.ghtetr, Mr. and Mrs. G. Laughton.
Miss Grace Brock, of London,
spent Monday here with her parents.
Miss Emily Morrison spent a few
days here during the past week be-
fore returning again to Toronto where
she had been far some months with
relatives and friends.
Mr. Ed.. Berry, of Windsor, spent
the first of the week here with his
mother, Mrs. T. J. Berry, of the vil•
Mrs. William Berry, of Brucefield,
is here ;visiting her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. Launce Battersby
have returned from a trip to Toron-
'Miss Mae Coward spent the past
week at her home near Kdrkton.
111/fr. T. C. Joynt made a business
trip to Toronto the first part of this
Death of Robert Dodds
Robert Dodds, retired farmer, died
at his home at Brookdale, Manitoba,
Saturday, November end. Mr. Dodds
came with his parents from Hensall,
Onit., in 1879 and has since then en-
gaged in farming on the old 'home-
stead two miles east of town, until
eight years ago„when he retired. For
the past six years he has lived in
the village of Braokdal•e. Besides his
wi'd'ow he is survived! by two brothers,
James, of Bro'ok•d'ale; John, of As-
quith, Sask., and three sisters, Mrs.
Peter Robertson, of Winnipeg; Mrs.
Robert King, Wlellwooti, and Mrs. A.
W. Blackwell, of Brandon, The fun-
eral took place 'from the United
Church, Brookdale, to Ctaakierry cem-
etery, on Monday, Navemlber 4th, The
Rev. J. E, Bell (former pastor), of
Brandon, and the Rev. W. E. Mc-
D,oneld, Brookdale, officiated.
Briarclif f e Mines for Sale
1,000 SHARES AT $2,25
All or part, subject to prior ,sale.
Apply to
diet Them
And Keep Them
Roe Complete 40%
No need for a farmer with his own grains to buy expensive,Laying Mashes.
400 lbs. • . 100 lbs. of ROE ,1A, scientifically balanced,
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own grains CONCENTRATE laying mash.
In ROE COMPLETE CONCENTRATE, every ingredient is present in just the amount proved
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Freshly mixed daily with quality ingredients, very palatable, easily digested, vitamized with
Dehydrated alfalfa, fortified cod oil, yeast and iron, a choice selection of animal and vegetable proteins,
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Care and practical experience keeps the quality tip. Our •vo ume buying keeps your price 'down.
It is in daily ,use by more than 500 farmers. Get a bag to-dily1 • Complete feeding instructions in ev-
every bag.
ROE FARMS MILLING CO. A Division of The Roe Poultrlj Ranch, ATWOOD, ONT.
Local iteplresebtative -- SCOT'1'S POULTRY FARM
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