HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-10-25, Page 71 it �'L,i hAl";ij !r 1i °aim R 25, 1935. These td ISS IJ1 1^e fv1��31'.'�R d,�dlxy C'„11Y� •h 40 ln' tuyi l�y Yy BRAND NEW SEDAN HEADS PRIZE LIST FOR LIONS FROLIC Draw Will Be Made at Pal- ace Rink At . 11.30 Night of Frolic. BUY TICKETS NOW A 1935 Ford V-8 Four Dor Sedlan heads the list of splendid 'prizes be- ing offered in this years Lion Club Hal'lowe'en draw. It will be sold for $1.00 to the lucky holder of the first ticket to be 'drawn. The draw this year tackles place art the Palace Rink at 11.30 on the ev- ening of the frolic. The draw is be- ing Meld at the rink rather than at the midnight show in order that the hundre'clst that were turned away from the show mtay be acco•mmlodat- ed. Hiis Worship Mayor A. D. Suth- • erlamd will %officiate at the draw, as- sisted by W. H. Golding, M.P,, Geo. A. Jackson and K. M. McLean. Second prize will be an expensive English style Cogswell chair, beau- tifully upholstferiedI. The chair is the ultimate in sitting comport and would be a boon to any tired business, man. Third prize is a 97 -piece 'set of fine Engliqz dinner ware and the next is a ladies' or gentlenren's 15 -jewel Mars wrist watch, famous for their style, beaurty and time -keeping quali- ties tKenwood lblanketa snake up the fifth and sixth prizes.. With winter hut a short time away, what a com- fort it will be to some lucky person to know that no matter how cold it may be 'ou'tside, they at least, will be kept snug and warm by their Ken - woad blanket. The prizes are on display in the hvindows of the S. T. Hiplines & Son store in town. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 119-W Phone 308 S. T. HOLMES & SON FOR BETTER CLEANING — Try — Gillespie's Cleaners - Dyers Tailors Grocery Specials JELLY POWDERS 4 for 19c PRIDE OF THE VALLEY 19c PEAS -2 Tins �7 TOMATO JUICE • • • • 19c 2 Large Tins RASELITE BAKING POWDER 19c 16 ounces NEILSON'S COCOA 19c LARGE VANILLA 19c Alex.McCavin Phone95 I DRAWING FOR PRIZES --- PALACE RINK 11.30 P.M. F Spend $1100 on One Case, Report of Crippled Children's Committee Chairman States Taking Care of Crippled Children of Huron is Im- mense Undertaking and Requires Much Money. UNFORTUNATE KIDS MADE WELL AGAIN The Lions Club of Seaflarth is again making its appeal for funds to carry on their Crippled Children and Com- munity Welfare Work. The past year has been an exc'ep- tionaily active one in the Clufb, a large number of cases being handled and in consequence a considerable sum of money 'being expended. In order to continue this very laudable work in our community, it will be more nec- essary than ever that our Frolic this year be a financial success. The 'people of Seaforth have al- ways generously supported' the Lions in their. endeavors and it is with ev- ery confidence in their continued sup- port that we again appeal for funds. This year there has been a great number sof cars offered to the public in raffles., We realize the selling of tickets an cars has been greatly ov- erdone, but the Lions feel the people of this community will 'buy our tick- ets and turn nut to our Frolic, know- ing that as they do, that their money is being expended in their own dis- trict for their own benefit. It does not require a great deal of foresight for":on'e to realize the im- portance of caring for a cripplfed child. If his disability is not car- rec'ted, he will remain a burden on the community all his days. If it is et: rrected, he 'assumes his rightful position in the community and be- comes in his later years an asset. The Lions Club also care for those men- tkily deficient. We endeavor to have SUPERIOR STORES Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand Coffee, 1's..35c Choice Golden Bantam Corn, 2's, 2 tins..19c Jams—Rasp and Straw, 32 -oz. jar, each..29c Quick Quaker Oats with China, pkg.....31c New Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. 17c New Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 25c Hallowe'en Jelly Beans, per Ib. 19c Canned Pumpkin, large size tin 10c 'Tis a pleasure to co-operate with the Lions Club and give the public real value for their money. ROSS 3. SPROAT N. PRYCE • SANDWICHES • HOT DOGS • ICE CREAM • CIGARETTES • SMOKERS' SUNDRIES —a•t— Smitty's Recreation Opposite Dalfs Garage it ; `4T t''•':` SECOND PRIZE A beautiful Cogswell chair— the ultimate in sitting comfort, will be given to the holder of the second ticket drawn next Thurs- day night at the Lions Frolic. them placed in institutions where they will he properly cared foe. Th'e 'Club, this year, feels particu- larly well pleased with the practical completion of tone of their most dif- ficult cases: I refer now to Gordon Dupee. 'Gordon has .becorne to many in town a familiar sight, being wheel- ed around in his Chair. ' His. case first came to ,the attention of the Club in 1933 when as the result of an injury Gordon developed an osteomyelitis of the hip. • He spent the winter of '33 in Scott Memorial Hospital„ Seaforth, and was then removed to the War Memorial C'hi'Idren's: Hospital, Lon- don. Here he underwent six opera- tion s and improved to such an extent that he was permitted to return to his home. His troubles were not en- tirely,over; however. There followed numerous trips to London for add'i- N. Cluff &Sons Lumber and Coal We Carry a Complete Line of SCHOOL BOOKS and SUPPLIES Thompson's Book Store Seaforth For aGood SHAVE or HAIRCUT See Lorne Dale at the Commercial Hotel ILIQNS:PARK POOL IS �W1DELY KNOWN RECREATION CENTRE eImprovements Costing $1,- 500 Made During Past Summer. BUY TICKETS NOW One of the outia,nd:ing and most lasting resultsfrom the forrnartion of the Lions .Club in Seaforth is the Lions park and switnminlg pool at the eastern entrance to town. , Sonne ten years ago the park was commenced and with the passing sum- mers has proved an increasing plea- sure to children of Seaforth and tate country for miles around. During the past summer improve- ments, co'stin'g nearly $1,500, were made to the park and swimming pool. The pool was completely cemented so that now Ioeal children can swim in a pool the equal of those in any city. A new lighting system was installed, buildings painted and considerable grading and seeding dine. 'Seaforth, as a result of the work of the Lions Club, now has a recrea- tion centre second to none in the province. It is to provide funds for work such as this that the Club is 'row appraling to you. Will you co- operate and help? tional X-rays and operations until finally at this year's clinic, 'held; in Scott Memorial Hospital here, he was permitted' to walk with a walking caliper. In a short while it is confirently expected he will be able to discard his caliper and walk and run as well as he ever did. It has been a long and complicated case, but the result has been well worth while—one more child put en his feet again. This cne case cost the.Club more than ,;1,7.00.00. Since the first of the year the Lions Club has attended to 14 cases of crippled crildren; 10 cases of tonsils and adenoids, and proivided six pairs of glasses, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Specializing in all classes of Insurance Life Sickness and Accident, Automobile, Fire If interested, Phone 334. Quality Baked goods Featured At MacDonald's Bakery Phone 70 And our Driver will Call . R. Smit• h • TEAS • COFFEES • CROCKERY • GENERAL GROCERIES Phone 12, Seaforth Phone 9 When you require RELIABLE TRUCKING Goods called for and delivered. Clarke Transport HAVE YOUR CAR equipped for WINTER DRIVING at DUNLOP'S CARAGE Phone 127 Seaforth J. W. BEATTIE FRESH AND CURED MEATS Home-made Sausage a specialty. Phone 96 Seaforth J. W. BEATTIE Keating's Pharmacy SERVICE and SATISFACTION Phone 28 Seaforth The New Smart FALL SHOES They're here at Prices you can afford to pay! W. G. WILLIS, Opposite Expositor Office PRIZES INCLUDE 1.—The winner will be given the op- portunity of purchasing a 1935 Ford V-8 Four Door Sedan for $1.00. 2, --'Cogswell ,Chair. 3. -97 -Piece Set Fine English Din- ner Ware. 4.—Ladies' or Gentlemen's 15 -jewel Mars Wrist Watch. 5.—Kenwood Blanket. 6.—Kenwood Blanket. Draw will be made by His Worship, Mayor A. D. Sutherland, W. H. Golding, M.P., G. A. Jackson, K. M. McLean. Tickets may be procured throughout the, evening at the Rink. FEATU RING In Caliente Regent Theatre Seaforth at 11.L5 p.m. ppThat splendid picture of songs, dance and romance under Mex- ico's tropical moon, starring Delores Del Rio, Pat O'Brien, Glenda Farrel and Edward Everett Horton, Leo Carrillo and the De Marcos, internationally famous dance team. ALL SEATS RESERVED. Admission 45 cents, plus tax. Plan opens at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Aberhart's Drug Store. Specials. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS . . 1. All white, extra weight, 72x90 2. IBEX, Double Bed Size, 72x84 3. Glenshiel, extra quality, 72x84 WOOL BLANKETS 1. Pure all -wool Blanket, 84" long 2. All -Wool Blanket, Mossfield 3. Famous Kenwood Overthrow Blankets; complete assortment of colors $4,2:5 to MOO $2,50Pal $$.T Paj. $70 Pair:, CLOTHES --- Cleaned and Pressed to make a difference in your appearance. But of course you want it done by a reliable firm—one who has had years of experience, so phone Sydney Dungey PHONE 227 SEAFORTH The Robt. Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth Manufacturers of Steam Boilers for Power and Heating Purposes, Traction and Portable Engines, Separators, Windstackers, Feeders, Gas Tractors. Repairs and Supply Business Will Be Given Prompt Attention. AN OUTSTANDING VALUE Our 3 -Stone Diamond Ring at $25,00 Other Rings from $15.00 up J. A. Westcott JEWELLER Compliments of The Dominion Bank E. C. Boswell, Manager THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Our Motto is: Best Prices and Entire Satisfaction. Don't hesitate! Bring your Cream to us and buy your Creamery' Butter from us. It is the best on the market. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Poultry. PHONE 80-W SEAFORTH SPECIAL DEDUCTIONS on Ladies' Coats, Hats, Dresses and General Merchandise, at - A t Shinan's. Compliments of The Canadian Bank of Commerce J.G.Mills, Manager P. J. Dorsey. PLUMBING and TINSMITHING Phone 23 Seaforth The Ina CreBealltyy Marcelling, Finger Waves, Permanent •, Waves, Shampooing, Manicuring. PHONE 125 or 229 FOR APPOINTMENT SUGAR 10 POUNDS, 55c Quaker Rolled Wheat 5 pounds 25c Libby's Catsup, 12 -oz 14c Vanilla, 8 oz. 17c McRAE'S Cash Grocery Phone 42 Seaforth In Appreciation of the services rendered the Town and Community by the Lions Club and more especially the welfare ' of the children, our biggest asset. A. D. Sutherland gome Support Industry Insist on Trade )tarred Shoes • TINTY TOTS, Regd. s LITTLE DAISY, Soft Soles' SELF STARTER, Patd. SERVICE SATISFACTION' Sizes 0 to 101/2 MADE IN SEAFORTH W. J. Duncan AA,. 4,.. tilt iganYtla"9�.,n.a,'w4fAtil,Ai°.'tvHi� '.S s?'