The Huron Expositor, 1935-10-18, Page 4At' 144,$ ak r, THE HURON EXI OSIr'OR . • t. lF_ S. Nott side W M If ed Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates: Wanted, Lost and Found, Coming Events, Etc. -per word: 1 Cent lot week and week 3rd week Minimum charge, first insertion Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. ly; iatti6 ofThanks, In Memoriam Natives --1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 centsper week, ,�j rlquiriea. may he directed to a Box Number, care of Thu Huron Expositor, for 10 cents e tra I';tQ Cents additional per week will be charged if ads in above class are not paid by the Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run. • Blrtbs, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Suction Sales,' Notice to Creditors, Etc. Rates on application. `a Cent 4 Cent 26 Cents Wanted WANTED -TEAM OF GOOD WORK HORS - es for fa,8m. State age, particulars and Price. Apply to Box 52. HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 3PO0 I - TOR. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED AT ONCE to sell footwear for entire family, direct to the homes, in Huron County. Car an ad - 'vantage bu•t•not a necesa'ity. For further in- formation, write HEINT"LMAN FOOTWEAR. Box 350,,,Seaforth. 35.10x1 -Farm Stock For Sale FOR SALE -ONE GOOD YOUNG SHORT - horn bull, ready for service; color, dark red. If you are looking for a herd sire come and see him or write. JAMES HILL, Staffa. 3339-2 Articles For Sale T1UR COAT FOR SALE -LADY'S HUDSON -L seal coat: cheap for quick sale. Apply to Box 50, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 3539x1 pOR SALE -DOOR 10 FEET BY 9 FEET, matched lumber; suitable far driving shed. Complete with rollers and 20 feet of track. ApPly Bre 51, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. Salesman, Wanted Auction Sales ' (Continued from Paige 41 ems. Porteous represented MTs. Crowe, President of the Congrega- tional Wioman's 'Missiona'ry Society: "We believe that in loving union and communion in this higherdfellows'hip we, hand in hand with our older, stronger sisters, shall help to hasten the day when knotfledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea. Receive this, our tri- bute of loyalty and devotion." Miss A. Ferguson represented Mrs. La•vell, President of the Methodist Woman's Missionary Society: "Glad- ly we join in this- broader fellowship and steadfastly turn from the beaten pathways of the past to -those of greater opportunity, humbly praying that the heritage we bring may help to enrich this great new church, and set her aflame with zeal for the Fr ange1ization of the world. Receive this, our tribute of loyalty and devo- tion." Each after giving -the ringing 'ehal- lenge,of the president they imperson- ated reversed their shields now read- ing: "The United Church of Canada." The audience then rose and sang, "The Church's One Foundation is .;esus Christ Her Lord" This was followed by the consecration service when all rose and rededicated them- selves'tO the service of Jesus Christ through the Woman's Missionary So- ciety. Miss Lawrence read the "Tenth Anniversary or the Tin Wedding." Mrs. Joseph Scott, "The Spirit of 1935." entered to the strains of quiet music rendered by Mrs. C. A. Barber at the piano. Mrs. Scott called to- gether her executive: Miss Jean al -ebb, secretary; Miss 'A. Ferguson, treasurer; Miss A. Wallace, Mission- ary Monthly secretary; Mrs. Sterling, Literature secretary; .Mrs. Porteous,. Home Missionary secretary, and Miss M. Somerville, Foreign Missionary' secretary, each one giving a short re- port of the work accomplished dur- ing the past ten years. :Nixed' Hudson then read the lengthy poem: "Oh. East is East and Wiest is West, ' And never the twain shall meet." So spake a son of maul -and erred! by E. Stanley Jones. Mrs. Johnston closed the meeting by leading in prayer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stook and Implements. at Lot 60. BAY - field Line, ,Goderich Township, 5 miles south- west of Clinton, on Wednesday. October 23rd, at 12 o'clock noon, conaiating of the follow- ing: Horses -Black matched team, 5 and 9 years old ; roan matched team, 2 and 6 years old; general purpose team, 5 years old: general purpose mare, 4 years old: team of geldings (matched), ruing 2 and 3 years; gelding, rising 2 years. Three of the above mares are supposed 9., be in foal. Cattle - Five young cows, springing: 15 cows, milk- ing good, due to freshen in March and April: 5 Holstein heifers, due to freshen in Febru- ary; Hereford heifer due to freshen in Murch; Durham heifer due to freshen in February : 60 head of one and two' year old steers and heifers : 10 summer calves. Pigs --York sow, with 12 pigs. 5 weeks old; York s ,w with 10 pigs, 3 weeks old: York sow doe to profit in December. Machinery - Massey -Harris binder 7 -foot out; Deering binder. 7 -foot cut; Cockshutt mower 6 -foot aut: :Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, 15 disc, nearly new; '.Massey -Harris manure spreader, nearly new; Massey -Harris hay, loader ,near- ly new; iMassey-Harris side delivery rake Massey -Harris 10 -foot steel rake, nearly new; Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator, 13 tooth ; Deering spring tooth cultivator, 17 tooth; disc harrow, 16 plate with fore car- riage, nearly new: Massey -Harris 2 -row stuffier, steel roller, set diamond harrows, 4 -section; Massey -Harris 2 -furrow gang plow, Cockahutt 2 -furrow gang plow, both plows nearly new. equipped with skimmers and roller coulters; Oliver riding plow, single furrow; walking plow, nearly new; 2 farm wagons, truck wagon. 2 sets Manitoba bob sleigh:, cutter. steel tire buggy, 2 hay racks, gravel box, grain grinder 10 -inch plate; fart- nin, mill, 2 sets team harness, set single harness, set of 2,000 lb, scales, whifetrees, neckyokes, forks, chains, shovels, and numer- ous other articles. This sale will start Promptly on time and everything advertised r be sold. Terms of Sale --All sums of 615 and under, cash: over that amount 40 per cent. of the purohase price to be paid on day of sale, balance 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes tearing bank interest, A. E. TOWNSHEN•D, Prusrietor; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 35•)0-1 H CA .N YOU A CAR? WE CN OFFER you valuable teas, territs.corsets.. cocoto a spicw,ver ex - ng our' quality tracts, medicinal preparations direct to es- tablished users in Perth County. Write T. H. WARD COMPANY, Jol:n South, Hamil- ton 3539x2 Lost and Found LOST—RrB1D HEIFER CALF, STRAYED from Lot 6,. Concession 4. Hullett. Any- one hearinof this calf, phone ROSS140.x- Mc- GREGOR 245 r 2. Ft OUND-TRUCK TARPAULIN ON ZURICH Road. Owner may hare same by proving property and paying charces, Phone 10-91, Zurich, or call A. T. LUKER, Hensall. So39x3 Huron- Perth Results ' HURON -PERTH RIDING 1 2 3 ao Seaforth 1(24 4 ....... 5 6 T stal 3A 1B Total 110 121 87 58 85 585 Hensall 127 3'6 3'2 24 2,9 40 32 193 30 52 33 35 30 36 216 9 71 117 10 57 19 128 2A & B 3A 3B 4 Total 1 2A & B 3. 244 Exeter 71 105 66 c 59 24 324 McKillop 4 Total 1 2 3i 4 6 7 51 37 18 14 25 145 149 13 108 ' 90 137 18 107 40 50.1 16'1 Hullett 77 76 9'8., 29 70 6 121 8 Total 1 2 4 5 35 13 '73 5 79 , 17 553 154 Tuckersmith 103 49 6 Total .r 1 2 3 d 110 124 49 60 40 383 115 60 80 41 102 28 87 30 108 20 595 228 Stanley 50 17 60 12 80 4 16 48 '52 60 176 5 6 84 7 i 51 fi 77 • Total 459 IEIay 1 64 2, ,r 64 3A&B 214 4 172 65 106 7 51 81r 5 8 7 3 1 5 47 46 10 93 79 402 23 15 4 10 8 7 1 16 Total 845 84 Stephen 58 13 31 12 95 4 128 20 61 2 105 13 54 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 23 25 15 16 10 35 144 26 24 17 27 30 25 149 34 40 20 32 31 112 Total 37 22 115 30 684 122 Hibbert 1 A •& B 196 32 2 125, 39 3 158 13 .4 124 6 Total • 603 90 Usborne 1 ' 39 29 2 51 30 3 87 - 7 4 82 6 5 67 25 6 1,9 21 7 34 23 18 14 '75 46 29 67 10 24 283 Total CROMARTY Some of the visitor's axle 'Mr. ,Don- ald McKay from the West with his relatives and friends, having resided here in former' years;. Mr. Tho;nmpson and daughter, of Fergus, and Mr. anti Mrs. Lockart and Mrs. Pimm of Listowel at the home of :Mr. Jlahn McCulloch; Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, iStratftord, with Mrs. S. Mil- ler; Mr. Fulton and Mrs. McGill and Murray McGill, all of Mitchell, with Mrs. John 'Scott and other relatives; Mrs. Webber of Wart -dame' with Miss Currie, Visitors out bf town were; Misses Hazel Laing and Margaret Scott with aVIr. and Mrs. Gillespie, Sea - forth; Alllen Quance ,and sister, May, and Mr. and IMriii, Russell Scott and Mrs. Quance with relatives in Brant - feed. Miss Lila McCulloch, head teacher of Winchelsea school, attended the Perth Teachers' Convention held' in Stratford..;last week. • The Ladies' Aid held its monthly meeting „at the home of Mrs. Hill, Staffa, and nude plans for the fowl supper to be Meld in the basement of the church in the near future. '76 30 52 43 48 80 32 45 67 473 46 23 44 35 148 OCTOua ' J.$; Z93 ,f Hold First Meeting The Young People's League, of the -- United Church held their first greet. ing of (the season on Monday evlen- ing in the school room of thee church with a good attendance. Mr. Bob Passmore had charge of the meeting which opened with prayer followed by a hymn. The tropic for the even- ing was "Hiow the Youth of To -day Can Contribute to World' Peace." The following 'boys gave addresses: Nor- man tSinclai•r, taking for his s'ub'ject, "Ble'ssed are the Peace -makers"; Ian Filschie, •'9ltalio=Ethapian Question," in which he stated the youth of to- day should( get together and refuse to fight; Lorne Elder, "Oxford Grand," stating the solution of the world's problem was by each individual sur- ren•diering their lives to God. These addresses were very interesting and much enjoyed by the ones present. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction, Mrs. Campbell o£ Forest •spent the week -end with Miss Minnie Reids. Mr. T. C. Joynt was in Toronto during the past week combining bus- iness with a visit with relatives and friends. The W.M.S. of the United Church held their monthly meeting on Thurs- day afternoon. 'In the absence of the president, Mirg. "Gross, Mrs. C. Mc- Donnell presided, The devotional Ieafiet was read by Mrs. McDonnell. A solo was nicely rendered by Mrs. A. 'Clarke and Mrs. 'McQueen then gave a very interesting report of the cons'ention which was 'held recently held at E•limmfille. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. 'Mr. Cornie Cook and Mr. Thomas) Sherritt on (Sunday last, anniversary Sunday at ,St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, assisted the choir orf' that church. Schools Closed It has 'been thought well to close all the Sunday schools for the pres- ent as well as the day schools as' •a safeguard against any infectious dis- eases that are somewhat )prevalent at the time of writing, so . that it Will Abe well for the officers and children of the Sabbath school to remember that the schools will not be open un- til further notice. Committees Are Named In connection with the Hensel/ Chamber of Gomm'eree, the following Y:fficleiti were, recently appointed:— James W. $onthron, die -tiring presi- dent, Was made hongtary president; Walter 'Spencer, president; Garnet Case, vice-president; Mark Drysdale, Was re-elected as secretary; W. B. Cross, treasurer, and W. 0. Goodwin and A, :Hemphill, auditors, and the Striking Committee have appoint- ed the following c.omtmittees for the incoming year: Rink Committee, Jas. Paterson„ Rev. B. Farr, T. Welsh, E. .Sha•ddock, W. 'Sheppard; Program C•ommitt•ee: Dr. Smillie, Rev.'W. A. Young, Rev. A. Sinclair, Rev. B. Farr, C. Blow•es; Agricultural Con1- mittee: W. R. Davidson, T. Sherritt, W. J. Jones, 0, -Geiger; Park Com- mittee: A. Clark, W. Frazer, D. Rob- inson, J. Passmore, T. E. Drummond, T. Richardson; Christmas Tree Com- mittee: F. Manns, C. Mobre, J. Shep- pard, T. E. Drummond, R. Moore, W. Sangster; Press Representative, G.3. Sutherland; Membership Committee: J. W. Ortwein, F. Manns, W. 0. Goodwin, F.`Bonthron, Lorne Foster, (Roy McLaren; Amusement Commit- tee, A. W. E. Hemphill, George Hess, J. Flynn, Dr. Collyer, H. Hilliard, George Brock(, A. L. Case, N. Bat- tersby, S. Rennie; Trade Committee: J. W. 'Benthron, E. L. Mickle, T. E. Drummond, W. B. Cross, W. Spencer, G. M. -Case, T. G. Joynt, The play entitled, l'clighthouse Nan," given under the auspices of the South) (Huron Junior Farmer's' Association in the Town Hall on Thursday evening last, was pretty well attended and proved fits most en- joyable and interesting one, all tak- ing part doing credit to themselves and pleasing the audience. Follow- ing the play, a dance was held and much enjoyed by the young people ,. as well as by many more advanced• in years. On Friday evening last a large number of th-e relatives, neighbors and friends of the recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris, met in the Town Hall t'o give them a right 'hearty reception and welcome to the benedict class and accompan- ied by a nice gift in the way of a fine kitchen cabinet, together with a most kindly address expressiveof the high esteem in which the young happy couple were held and good wishes: for their long continued hap- piness, to which the -groom, Mr. Har- ris, replied very nicely. A tasty and bountiful lunch was served and danc- ing to the strains of the violin play- ed by Nelson Howe, and Watson( Kerslake accompanied on the piano, 'very -happily made the time pass un- til well into the morning hours'. Large shilprrienba of sugar beets( will soon be the order -of the day and profitable 'business for the rail- ways. Mrs. James 'Mut'ch, of .Auburn, burn, was a recent visitor with 'Miss Emma Johnston. y . Our IReee, Mr. W. J. Jones, after visits to the County Home at Clin- ton, reports the inmattes front Hen - sell and vicinity as very contented and well cared for, HENSALL For 'S'ale.-•Good 'barn and hen house foie sale cheap for cash; both movable. Apply to Miss Ethel 3Mu 2 32 dock, Hens -all P. 0. 20 Subscriptions received at the Hen - 22 sail Post Office for all daily and week - 33 ly newstpapers. Patronize your Post - 57 master. 63 8539-8 51 3'79 141 ' 278 Fullerton , 1 107 8 13 2 51 11 35 3 89 19 29 4 (.49 21 49 5 80 8 45 6 69 14 30 7 47 15 27 Total 492 96 228 Grand Total 6,264 1,512 3,008 Total vote 10,784 Gold•i.ng's plurality 3,256 Farms For Sale \ARM FOR SALE -TO CLOSE THE ES - tate of the late W. R. Smillie, Lot 2, Con. 7, 'I.R.S., Township of Tuckersmith, con- taining 100 acres of choice land, with brick house and bank barn, and priced to sell at 53,200.00. Anyone interested may get all pard titulars from James Smillie Hensall: James Rivers, Seaforth, or from the undersigned at 33 Hewitt Ave., Toronto. A. G. SMILLIE, Executor. 8536-tf CHOICE FARM FOR SALE -LOT 35, CON. 1, McKillop: 100 acre; choice land: brick blouse, bank barn. driving shed, all in. good repair: 10 acres sown to wheat. Will be . priced reasonable for quick 'sale. On No. 8 Highway, 21O miles west of Seaforth. Apply MRS. E. JA.M ESON, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 339x3 Fi ARM FOR SALE -75 ACRES, EAST- PT. Lot 7, Concession 11, McKillop Township, Huron County. Good land and location; com- fortable frame house. bank barn. Occupied by Ernest Drager. Possession about Decem- ber 1st. with the right -to do ploughing any time. For particulars, address INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., Sarnia, or JAS. MCFADZEAN, Brussels P. 0, 3589x4 Notices Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN PURSUANT to the statutes in that behalf that all persons having claims against Francis Joseph Walsh. late of the Township of McKillop. Gruner of Huron. who died en the 29:i day Sc.-'tembcr, 1031. ars rc:u:rcd to send to the undersigned solicitors for the Executors full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit. of their claims, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. on or before the 2nd day of November. 1935. after which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased. having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth. Ont„ this 15th day of October, 1935. HAYS & MEIR, Solicitors for the Executors. • 3540-3 NOTICE—VIOLET TYNDALL, A.L-C M., Leacher of piano. is opening a studio in Egmondville, For appointment phone 136 r 3. 3540x1 DON'T BE LAID UP WITH RHEUMA- tism, Backache, Sciatica -USE RUMA- CAPS. KEATIN-G'S DRUG STORE. 8540-1 • ST. COLUMBAN Mr. Charles Malone ;spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Malone. Mrs. Wm. Dorsey has returned fl':m Detroit after spending a few t'._ y:, with her s'ctcrs there. Norman 1VIeQuaid and Bill Ryan left Sunday for :the lumber districts cf Northern Ontario. The C.W.L. are holding a social evening on Friday, October 18. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT to the statute; in that behalf that all persons having claims against William .1 Walsh, late of the Township of McKillop, County of Huron, Farmer. who died on the 10th day of August. 1935. are required to send to the undersigned solicitors for the Executor, full particulars in writing and verifjed by affidavit, of their claims, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by ,them, on or before the 2nd day of Novem- ber, 1935, after which date the said Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the ,assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 15th day of October, 1985. HAYS & MEIR, Solicitors fur Executor. Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE, RE WEED CUTTING ALL ACCOUNTS FOR WEED CUTTING in Tuekersmith should be forwarded to R. Dalryraple, Kippen. on or before October 22. 1935. Any party wishing to draw gravel with team from Allen's pit, apply to J. A. McGregor. Egmondville. D. F, MCGREGOR, Clerk. 3540-3 3540-1 To -unship of Tuckersmith VOTERS' LIST NOTICE NoE. TIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Election: of the Municipality of the Towraa ship of Tuckersmith are .hereby required examine the List of Voters for the year• 1935 and if any errors or omissions are found therein, they are required to take such steps as the law directs to have such errors or omissions corrected. If no a saint is made within twenty-one days fry be 18th day of October. 3935, which date a Oth day of November, 193+, inclusive, said List will be filed as the correct Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Tuck- ersmith, for the year 1935. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk, Townshirrof Tuckersmith. 3540-i Deaths MACKAY-In Seaforth, on Wednesday, Oct. 16, Dr. Charles Mackay. LAMB -In Swan River. Manitoba, on. Thurs- day, October 10, Stephen Lamb, in his 86th year. BROAIYFOOT-.-in Tuckersmith, on Tne+day. October 15, Agne, Alexander. wife of the late James_Broadfoot, in her 91st year. , Clerk's 'Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Township of McKillop NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i have complied with Section 7, of the Voters' List Act and that I have prated up in my pffice in McKillop, on the 7th day of October, 1935, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said municipality for members of parliament anal municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omission) corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 28th day of October, 9.985. JOHN McNAY, Clerk of the Township of McKillop. 3539-2 ROP WALTON Recent visitors: Mrs. Geo. Dick- son and daughter, Greta, of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid; Mr. and Mrs's Joseph Davidson and son, Murray, of London with Mr, W. C. Bennett; Miss Ruby Young of Gran - Von with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Young; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Evans of Brussels with Mrs, D. Steis.s; Miss Ella Rowland of London with her brother; Mr. Ed. Rowland; Miss Florence Ryan, R.N., of London with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Ryan. - Mr. and Mrs. D. Ennis were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Miller, Mitchell, on Sunday. • The Virginia Jubilee Singers will appear in the A.O.U.W. Hall, Wal - tun, on Saturday evening, October 10:h, under the auspices of St. George's Anglican Church. The services in Duff's United Church were withdrawn on Sunday owing to anniversary services at Moncrietf. Rev. J. Button -of Ford- wich was the guest speaker at both services ;Rev. 'Xir.. Williams of Cranbrook cnndu'cted• the tanniverseiry ,,services at Bethel United Church on Sunday. splendid anthems were rendered by the choir with Mrs. Alex. Dennis act- ing as organist. Mrs. P. Lindsay of Constance was the guest soloist. A number from the village attend- ed the fowl supper in Brussels An- glican Church on Tuesday evening. A three -art comedy, "Bloss'om Time" NN LS presented in ths.• town hall by the A,Y.P.A. Drarnatic Club of Luck- n'rv. A play entitled, "Let's All Get Married," will be presented in Beth- el United Church on Friday evening by the Young People, Our teacher, Miss a Hoist, S.S. No. 10', and Mr. Wm. Draper of S. S. No, 12, attended the Teachers' Con- vention at Stratford last week. M1„ Ruesel Holman had gasoline pumps installed at his chopping mill last week. Miss Alberta Richmond, teacher of S. S. No. 6, McKillop, is attending the Teachers' Convention at Ottawa the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Zack McSpadden spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Tre'tvartha. Mr. A. A. Cuthill is spending this week with his daughter, Mrs. Archie Campbell, and is :deo attending the annual , Telephone Convention there, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard and children and Mr. John Armstrong epent Sunday with relatives in Lon- don. Mrs, 'Campbell is visiting her son in Toronto f'ar a week, Sunday, October 20, is the date Cavan Church, Winthrop, has set aside for their fall anniversary ser- vices. Rev. De Witt C)osens' orf Clin- tan is to he the special speaker. This year Winthrop is celebrating their Diamond Jubilee, 60 years as a church. The services held in June, when Rev. Dr. Davidson, Prindipal of Emmanuel. College, Toronto, was the guest speaker, was the first of these. The fall anniversary is a continua- tion .of these services and the Board of Managers hope that they will prove as successful. Tuesday even- ing, October 22, the annual fowl sup- per is to be held. Everyone knows the reputation of the Winthrop lad- ies for their ssappena, and this one is to be no exception. The program is to be presented by the following art- ists: The Young Mends Quartette of Exeter, also "The Mvsiic Box Rev'ie" under the direction of Miss "Viola Fra &er of Clinton, assisted by Miss Sadie 'Lovett,, 'reader, and Mr. Edgar McGuire, pian'is't. A hearty welcome is ielreended to „all to .join in the Sun- day services, also to be present at the fowl sutpper and make Winthrop's, $ til lilt i'f d''reit County ,of Huron TREASURER'S NOTICE ►PAKE NOTICE THAT I HAVE CAUSED 11 to be published im the Ontario Gazette a • nee of lands within the County of Huron to be sold for tax& in the year 1985. The lists caveat. in the Ontario Gazette dashes of Aug - 8, September 7 and October 5 of 1935. And',.' further take--; notice that unless the taxes and costa as advertised are not sooner Okla. f • aliell • ntodeet. to sell the lands on the data Ode tit the Court Hats* in Goderich on Tdetig 1Vavelitber 12, 1985, uk the hour of y y twin the eft3t'rtootu The adjourned 16soil+: *111 he held at the setae ilffalder .ttrto weeks later, November xidks 'are posted hi my office dA Gad • 'eh /thank4�ou Mi ai North. Huron Results NORTH HURON � o b G U 06 rJ Ashfield 1 55 2 55 3 55 4 43 5 103 6 79 7 105 Total 495 , Blyth 1 102 2 66 Total 168 Brussels 1 65 87 2 106 Total 258 Clinton lA 52 1B 57 2A 78 2B 75 3A 65 3B 65 4 92 Total 484 Colborne 1 84 2 52 3 112 4 76 Total 3.24 Goderich A P 4' 1 56 2A & 2B 83 3'A &3B 113 4 66' 5 100 6 66 7A -B 122 8 82 9A -B 97 10A -B 110 11 62 12 75 Total 1036 Grey 1 82 2 88 3 80' 4 124 5A -B 126 6 85 TUCKERSMITH Turner's Church anniversary ser- vices will he held' on Sunday, Oct. 20, when Rev. T. A. Carmichael will be g'ues't speaker. Services will be held at 2 p.m. and 7.30 p.m, The Lobb quartette of Clinton will supply the music for the evening service. Pfaff - MacDonald A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, October 12, at high noon. at the Egmondville Manse, when Jean Isabel, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald of Tuck- ersmith, became the bride of 'Nelson Thead-ore Pfaff, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff, also of Tuckersmith, Rev. C. A. Malcolm officiating, ' The bride looked lovely in a gown of ger- anium rose crepe with beige acces- sories'. She carried an 'arm bouquet of pink roses and maiden haiir fern. The 'attendants were the groom's sis- ter, Miss Helen Pfaff, in a gown of green crepe, while MT. Reginald Tib- bett acted as groomsman. After the ceremony they repaired to the home of the bride's (parents where a sump- tuous dinner was served to the im- mediate families of the bride and groom thy Mrs. Win. 'Oldfield and tire bride's sisitera1, Mary and Edna Mac- Donald. The table ,detonations were pink and white centred; by the wedL ding cake. 1,n the afternoon the happy yiotrm:g couple Ieifi oh a short #0 d't 0:f.:. V i gtAlitAbLide 0 0 rn 18 100 33 74 42 75 13 58 21 13 19 16 6 35 152 371 25 68 31 81 56 149 4 54 4 81 4 71 12 206 15 5 14 17 12 11 19 93 77 60 59 86 70 67 140 559 18 62 15 51 31 55 16 21 80 189 7 95 6 42 Total 680 100 684 Goderich Tp. 1 56 15 90 2 34 15 56 3 57 15. 96 4 34 ' 14 68 5 49 30 50 6 42 21 49 Total 272 110 409 Howick 1 78 24 95 2A -B 131 18 85 3A 42 16 90 3B , -116 20 90 4A -B 135' 27 146' 5 112 8 75 6 73 4 67 7A -B 165 20 74 Total 782 137 731 Morris 1 97 ' 23 46. 2 64 13 69 3 75 . , 11 79 4 82 26 92 5 '48 28 78 6 95 23 24 Total 461 124 388 Turnberry 1 136 20 90 2 106 32 75 3 72 17 57 4 99 22 49 Total ' 413 91 •271 E. Wawanosh 1 43 21 35 2 49 40 107 3 75 18 '76 4 '79 13 49 5 49 40 46 Total 295 132 313 W. Wawanosh 1 43 12 108 2 60 21 84 3 35 76 60 4 55 25 28 5 86 28 28 6 50 6 15 Total ' ^ 329 168 323 Wingham '1 74 21 132 2 105 12 114 967 3A 64 20 70 3B 71 13 57 4 67 23 79 6 59 16 66 6 63 6 93 Total 03 111 611 Grand Total - 6,500- 1,655 5,871 Mrs. Mark Drysdale on Wednesday afternoon very pleasantly entertain- ed the Ladies' Association in the way of a ~10 cent tea. There was a large= attendance. This wasi under the aus- pices of the United Church. Thanksgiving Day will be observ- ed as a holiday on Thursday, Oct. 24., when the bank and post office will be closed, together with the places of business, Miss Eleanor Bell and Miss Grace Buck, nurses in training in Victoria Hospital, Landon, spent the week -end at their respective homes here. IMvss Emma Johnston is spending this week with her friends in Wind- sor. • 'Master Charles Fee, son of Mr. and Mrs. •George Fee, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Sun- day evening last, where he ems op- erated on far mastoids. IMTs. Richard Blatchford of Exeter is 'visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Jinks., Mr. James 'Sangster, who is en- gaged in, building operations at Bar- row Bay in the Georgian Bay Dis- trict, spent the week -end here at his home. Mrs. Robert Bontha'an and her daughter„ Mrs, la Simpson, have re- turned from visiting at Detroit. -Mr. Charles Moore, who has been quite poorly and confined to his room foe the past week -or two, is at date of writing improving nicely. Following scarlet fever, some of the residents are taking the wise pre- caution sof fumigating their dw;ei- lings. Mr. -and 'Mitis-. Lloyd Hudson of Forest spent the week -end here with their relatives and friends. Mrs. 'Galin S. Hudson is in London visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and 'Mrs: Harry Abray. Raymond' -Higgins spent the week- end with his sister, Mrs. A. J. S-weit- zer, at Beach '0 inee. 'Mir. and Mrs. • arles Daymond spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Dinsdale. Marion Sinclair and Ma:bis Spen- cer are visiting with -relatives and friends in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt spent a few days recently at the home of their son-in-law and„ daugh- ter, Mr. end Mrs.' Clarence Parke. Rev. A. Sinclair preached both morning and evening in the United elrerch ors Sunday last to good) fair- sized congregations. At the morn- ing service Mrs, iM. Drys -dale very acceptably took the solo part in the anthem, and at the evening service Mises Pearl Elder and her brother, Lorne, very Ipleaisingly rendered a duet. Rev. W. A. Young, of Carmel Pres'- byteriarf Church, preached both morn- ing and evening and the choir -rend- ered anthems and hymns well in keeping with the su'bjec't'' matter of the sermons. The rite of Baptism was administered at the evening ser- vice. Rev. Mr. Farr conducted services in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday last, delivering earnest dis- courses. On Mon -day evening, following the returns and the election of the local men -fiber, Mr. W. H. Golding, the Band serenaded him and afterwards motor- ed to Zurich where a great celebra- tion of victory was held. Mrs, Harman is at present in tihe Clinton Hospital in the interests of her health, and her many friends tiust she may soon be much benefit- ted. 1 2 17 53 30 115 40 86 23 40 19 101 12 44 27 89 11 43 33 111' 40 105 8 57 28 121 289 17 3 11 8 41 14 69 62 46 37 86 42 chose a gown of midshipman blue with navy accessories. On their re- tain they will reside on the groom's farm near HensalL Death 1l£ Mrs. James Broadfoot Mrs, James Btoadfdot, one of the first pioneer residents of this district, passed away at her home in Tucker - smith on Tuesday, October 1.5th, as the direct result -of an accident rained a week previously, when she fell -on entering her home anid friac- tured her hip. Previous to the acci- -dent site had been amazingly active, both in mind and body for one of her ghat age, and iher passting is a dis- tinct loss to the community where sive had been for many years, an hon- ored resident. )Born in Berwickshire, Scotland, 91 years are she came to Canada with her parents, James Alexander, and Janie Rea, when a child and settled with them in Mc- Killop township, which was• her Name until her marriage 66, years ago to Mr. James. '13roadfoot, who was the ii st natii$e both resident of Tneker- emitth township, Palfow'ing her. mar- r'iag'e she cam* to this townrslhiiip bio mashie her • )lune+rat 0111r'e Mains," the 81166. n'o't Y'ifoineSteaa', al►1d **here the COW of like lipciadtkat fatstly• was celebrated a year ago. Her own life of almost a century, was always an active one. She witnes's'ed all the changes from pioneer days to the present, and all through the years as a pioneer wife anid mother, as a neighbor, as a friend, one whose will- ingness and skill to help and whose hospitality was unbounded, she play- ed her part in life uncomplainingly, cheerfully and well. Mr. Broadfoot predeceased her 36 years ago and she is the last surviving member of her own family, but leaves two- sons and two daughters, who will always dher- is'h her memory, MTs. George Black, Mrs. William Black and Messrs. Alexander and James, 'Broadfoot, all of Tuckersmith. One daughter, Miss Agnes Braaddloot, passed away in January last. The funeral was held from her late home on Thursday af- ternoon when the senviees were eon- du'cted by Rev. C. A. Malcolm, of EgmondvilleWhich101hy , hich Mfrs. Broadfoot had lees a''1'e lollvg mem- ber. ,Inited'mllyi was trade, in Eg- t• the Ailvllbearers mondville tern George ,l�ia i7,ft lir io; ir 8t`o otittf •v situ AlaieteMessrs '' John Siaeiair and W. V riigihb. CENT A MILE BARGAIN EXCURSJON ROUND TRIP (Minimum Fares: Adults 75c: Children 40c.) Sat., Oct. 26, from SEAFORTH OS 41 • , , , 1,. S i 2 1 7 3 1 • • r To Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fergus,, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener London, Listowel Mitchell, Niagara - Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, 13almerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, TORONTO, Walkerton, Wiartton, Wingham, Woodstock. , ALSO ON FRIDAY, OCT. 25 To Oshawa Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Kingston, Gananogne, Brockville. Prescott, Oshawa, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allendale, Collingwood, Meeford, Penetang, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate pointe. ALSO TO All Towns in New Ontario on lines of Temiekaming & Northern Ontario Rly.. Nipiesing Centre 1 Rly. and on C. N. Rlye. to Kapuskasing, Hearst, Parry Sound. Sudbury and Longlac Mining Fields. MAPLE LEAF GARDENS TORONTO announce the engagement of REGINALD STEWART'S SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and THE RADIO CITY BALLET. Under the direction of Flo,eiiea Rogge with Patricia Bowman, Solo Dancer, Leonido8, Producer Friday end Saturday Evenings, October 25th -26th et 8.30 o'clock, Fares, Tickets, Return Limits and Train Information from Agents. Ask forilfandbdtt, rasc CANADIAN NATIONAL Ask k Agent for petticulerl of "dai ade'e Mink Lad Contest". You Tay WIN S100,016, one lees