HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-09-20, Page 8115 r• s• r ffi T THEIR BEST Buy Now Wuhu PRICES ARE LOW ,* tiliORGE WASHINGTON COFFEE The new ace size 1 0 C &for • MUSTARD—Pure, in package; only ,halfi the price of Keen's..15e, 25c ODA BISCUITS 2 pounds BAKING Sherbet 25c POWDER—With glasses. All for .... 25c CORN BEEF 6 -pound tin at PEANUT BUTTER 2 pounds for LARGE NOTE PAD—Kid en Finish. Regular 25c *". FOUNTAIN PEN and EVRRSHARP, combined ... LIVE POULTRY taken every „day except Saturday. 75c 256 and Lin - 15c A. C Routledge ' PHONE 166 NEWS OF THE TOWN Junior Women's Institute to Meet. —The regular meeting -of the Junior omen's Institute w11,1 be held at the home of Mize Helen MeKercher on Wednesday, September 25. The roll call will 'be answered with a house- hold hint. insurance WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN FIRE - AUTOMOBILE LIFE LIABILITY' - PLATE GLASS WINDSTORM PERSONAL ACCIDENT. INLAND TRANSPORTATION GUARANTEE BONDS ' Lowest Rates with Absolute Financial Strength Mates and Information gladly given. CALL OR PHONE US WATSON1& REID Phone 214 : . Seaforth SPecialisti in All Kinds of Insurance. 0000aaaaaoao S. T. Ilolmes .& Son .0 'FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth o • a a S. T. Helmes, residence, '0 O Goderich Street, West; phone .0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' a 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 a. East; phorie No. 308. Ambulance Service • •0,. Night calls, Phone 308. a Day calls, Phone 119 J. Charges moderate.: 000000000000 Oaaaa000 <> a a a H. C. BOX 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Servite 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 a 0 '0 -0 <> <> <> <> 0 <> <> <> <> <>-<> aaaaaaaaaaaa -. ta Amento-McKay.—The Port Arthur 'Newe-Chroniele, of Septe-mber 11, .re- fers to the recent wedding' of A. Ite G. Ament and IMargaret. McKay', as follows; "The wedding took place at 10.30 this -morning, September 11, in First Presbyterian Church, of Mar- garet, daughter of His Honor, Judge M'eKay, 32 Emmerson Avenue, and Arthur Robert George Ament, son -of Mr. and Mrs. William Ament of Sea - ea , forth, Ont. Rev. J. A. McMahon offici- ated. The church was decorated with pink and white gladioli, asters, white hydrangea and ferns. The guest pews were marked with white gladioli tied with white 'satin ribbon. Miss Mar- garet Smellie ,played bhe wedding music ande during the signing of the register, Mies Mary Knauss, sang "Oh Day of Golden Promise." The attend- ants were Miss Dorothy noble 8.s maid of honor, ,Miss Roberta Falls as bridesmaid, Miss, Elizabeth Beattie, niece of the bride, as flower girl, and E. Norval Hunter as best man. Earl Piper and John Beattie acted as ush- ers. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, Judge Mc- Kay, wore a gown of white spider eeb lace made on long fitted, lines extending into a long train finished with a ecallope•d edge. The neckline Mitchell-Jefferson.—Northside Ueit- was draped in cowl effect, and long ed Church Parsonage, Seaforth, was tight sleeves extended into. points ea - the scene. of a quiet wedding,ori Mon- er the hand. Her veil of white net day morning .when .EI-va Marion, had a short train and touches Of ruse younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. roint Tace and was caught to the head Wesley V. Jefferson, Seaforth, was with orange blossoms. She wore the united in marriage to Alfred Eden/el gift of the bridegroom., a platinum Mi•tehell, of Windsor, soneof Mrs. E. chain necklace set' with pearls, white Mitchell of Be,anasville arid the late kid gloves, white faille sandals, and Mr. Mitchell, of. Atwood. Rev. T. A'. c,ariied a s:hower,bouquet of Johanna Carmichael •officiated. The bride was Hill and Killarney roses, lilies of the ettited in a travelling suit of silk valley and fern. Miss Dorothy Dobie. crepe' in 'pansy shade -with grelvet and maid of honor and Miss. Roberta Falls, rhinestaneftrimithing and felt hat to bridesenaicl, were dieessed . alike in match. Her accessories were in con- 'medieval froc.ks of mysotia blue 'cresting shade. Mr. and Men Mitchell transparent velvet with shirred yokes left on a motor trip through North- The V necklines were caught with ern Ontario and, on their return will brilliant clips and were finished with resideeat 1708 'Louis, Ave., Windsor. '1'eir Pan collars. The full skirts ended in, short trans, and the .sleeves, puffed to the elbows, were finished with long tight cuffs. Ashes of sil- ver tissue, looped at the back, mark- zel the waistline. Small off -the -face hats of matching velyetwith silver tissue bands, silve tissue gloves and silver sandals completed. their cos- tuines. Both attendee , ' d -arm tikdirrie bouquets .of Butterfly, ohann Hill, and Sweetheart • roses mingled with lillie of.the valley. The flowee eiri, Mss Elizabeth Beattie, niece of the. bride, wore a Kate Greenaway frock of shell pink crepe de chine. In her hair was a silver band with tiny pink and blue flowers. f She carried a bas- ket of Johanna Hill and Butterfly roses and terget-me-not.S. Iminetil- tnly following the ceremony ,a, re- ceetion was held at the . residence . ef rale, Honor, Judge McKay, 32 Erna er.'6rson Atvenue. The bridal party re- eeived the guests in . the drawing room decorated with cut •flowers and fern. Assisting in receiving was Mrs. John Beattie, sister of the bride, who were midnight blew transparent vel - "el with matching hat, blue ace:a- sories and eco -sage of Butterfly roses arsd Hines. of the .valley.. The bride's table was draped with an ecru •-filot lace cloth and centred with a silver haaket of erhite. chrysanthemums set on a mirror plaque. White cathedral tapers in cut glass holders were flee with crisp 'bows of white tulle. The Caret -leer wedding "cake reposed iu a nest of .white tulle on a separaae table and was offset with bud vae.ea of tillies of the valley. Pouring tee were Mrs. J. C. Dobie and Mrs. Thos. er'alls. Gutting the ices were Mis.s M. aneellie 'and Mrs. Alex. Grant. Act- tag- as ..eervitors were Mrs. 'William Macomber, Mrs. Lorne Geodall, Ms. Angus C. MacKay, Mrs. Ted Dawson, Mia. Karl Hetten.hausen, Mrs. Earl Piper, Mrs.J. E. V. Mutn•ell, Mrs Neleal Hunter, Mrs. Russell Dabie, Ariss Betty McBrady, Miss Eleanor Pratt; Miss ' rtrude 'Langworthy, Miss :" Kenny and Miss Loley Whale . . e and Mrs. Ament left at •-- . . 1 o'clock on the Moronic for a ten Egmondeille W. M. S. Meet.-- A • ;!ays' honeymodn to 'be spent at Lake Very PUCVez-4:4131 W. M. S. Meeting was Rosseau. They . will reside at 1529 held at the home of Mrs. D. McLean Bathurst Street, Toronto. For tt•av- recently when the seciety entertained Cing the bride' wore a -imioke bele the Baby Band and the mothers. Miss 4Freneh ,wool dressmaker ensemble Mabel Cameron, presided. The Serlp- checked in .darker shade of blue. A turele.seon was read by Miss Mare- earet Chart-ers and the devoti-onal leaf- let, entitled, 'Friend:, Foreeert" was aleiy taken by Mrs. C. Eyre. Mrs, Sermon Subjects For -Next Sundey. --Egmondville Church — Church School and Bible study at 10 a.m.; 11 a.m., "In the Promotion of Peace"; 7 p.m. "The Trail Jesus Took: He Walked to Work." See you at church Sunday.—Rev. C. Malcolm, Minister. Northside United Church -11 a.m., Rally Day Service; church and Sun- day School combined; 7 pen., "Un- fathomed Affection."—Rev. T. A. Ca- n ichael, MiniSter. St.Thomas' C;hurch—Sunday and Bible -Class at 10 a.m.; morning ser- vice at 11 a.m., and evening service at 7 p.m. by the Rector; Prefearatory bo Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sept. 29. All welcome.—Canon E, Appleyard, Rector. -- 40' WALKER'S FUNERAL SERVICE '(> a W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN R. W,ALEER, Jr. a 0 ',Licensed Embalmers and , .) Funeral Directors. a Day or Night Calls 'promptly .0 attended. 0 • PHONE 67 , • a a <> .0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 E.C.Chamberlain • , Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dorninion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, siclthess and accident insurance. If in the mar- ket fpr any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insuranee Agencies Phone 334 : Seaforth, One'. 3485-tf , Mae 'Lane Auxiliary Meets.—The 'September meeting of fbe .Mae Lane Auxiliary of Noiht • eicle United Church - wee held in th Sunday' school room on Monday, Set. IA with a splert.dil attendance. The'ptesident, Mise Wond, occupi•ecl. 'the chair. Following the. opening exercises, a lengthydiscus- Felon took- place on the' activities of the next Sew months.' After the busi- nees 'part of the meeting, Circle 3 took charge, Mts. P. B. Moffat .pra- 'siding. -After singing a hynrn the Scripture lesson was taken by Mies Anne MeNay and Mrs. Russel led in prayer. Mrs. Ross Savauge delighted the members with a reading, "The Tin Wedding." The, topic, taken by 'Miss M. Gillespie, "The °tiler' Side of the Lantern," telling'ef Eastern Customs, proved intere,sting, 'amusing and edu- cational. After singing another hynrn the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction: . . . .. Saeet-Wait.—The Saginaw, Mich., Sunday News makes the following reference to the marriage of Mr. Ed- win F. 'Steen a former well known resident ef Seaforth: "Indian Trail Lodge, Traverse City, was; tile set- ting far a pretty ;wedding ceremony Wednesday, when Mrs.. Etta M. Wait v‘ -as Married to Edwin Forrest, ',Steet of Saginaw. The couple pronounced vows before large baskets of rose gladioli and Queen Anne's lace plaa- ed in the archway of the lodge near aa open fireplace. Illumination was provided by white candles in tall can- delabras. Rev. Howard Towne, pas- tor of First Congregational Church o•f Traverse City, performed the cere- mony in pre's'ence of only the imniedi- ate relatives.George Steet of Sag- inaw, brother of the, bridegroom, was best man, After a short wedding Alt) Mr. and Mrs. Steet will reside in Traverse City until November lsr, when they will -leave for St. Peters- burg, Fla., for the winter." SHELL - GASOLINE short swaggee coat topped' a tailoeel drcee 'whose novel, neckline treat- ment sported fringed ties. With this enta warn a sports felt hat in lighter Andre -w Kirk then led in prayer, me, ..eories. of blue and navy acceseorieS, C. A. Malcolm presided ilkring the Her corsage was of American beauty las-inese 'period when several dele- I ierees. Out of town guests at the wed- etes were appointed t', attend the! ding (eere Mr. and Mrs. John Beat- • g presbyterial e le held Deeeel.tie, sister and brother-in-law of ' the church October erre, W. F. I bride, and three children, Elizabeili, MCN`lillarT, read the treasurer's report - The hymn, -Blest Be the, Tie That v. -es •err cfe.e. vellich Mrs. Allan Rave a talk to the mothere and also read a pacm en t.i'tled, "Little Toilere." The closing hymn, with Mrs. -Harvey Mone at the piano, was fol- lowed by prayer hy Mie, James'. Al- lan. At the close 6f the meeting the lunch committee served .a teneeting lunch and the ladieg enj)yed a pi*as-. ant chat. Insurance - With the enormous increase in auto accidents, you cannot afford ' to take chances. Let us protect ' you. Rates are mw in compari- 1 son with protection give n. Prompt service and payment of "I claims. In case of trouble, the Company's Agents through Can- ada are at your service. En/joy your trips protected by one of our Auto Policies. Auto - Fire - Wind Conveyancing Real Estate, Etc. 41) Sutherland , 11111010 152 irmio • ' Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The September meeting of the W. M. S. was • held 'in the school room of the church cin Thursday, Sept. 12, with a large attendance. A splendid pro- gram Was enjoyed, Mrs. - Robert Archibald presided. Mre. Carmichael gave a, short talk on "Kingdom of God Movement." During 'the business Period it was decided that the Aux, iPiary meet at the home of Mrs. Archibald for the September social work meeting. It was hoped that as many of the members as possible would attend the meeting of the Hur- on Presbyterial to be held in Duff'e Church, McKillop, on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Miss Annie Murray and Mrs. Thor. McMichael were apipointed delegates to attend this Meeting. The trans- portation committee is Mn. T. J. Webster, Mrs. W. J. McIntosh, and Mrs.. T. Grieve. Mrs. Webster took charge of the devotional program, which was 'arranged by Circle 3. Mrs. Frost read the Scripture.leseon•' Mrs. G. D, C. Harn, the deeotional „leaflet, and MrseT. McMichael led in prayer. A questionairre followed which was both in teeestin g and enlightening Mrs, J. C. Laing stressed very strong- ly the apparent present day indiffer- ence far God's 06m-mandments, es- pecially the fourth commandment: "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy." Many of the evils of the liquor traffic were quoted. by Mee Weeteott, Sr. showing her intense interest in the temperance cause. Mrs, Edwin Johns favored with a solo, "Dear Lord, Forgive." The meet- ing closed with the hymn, "We've a Story, to Tell to the Nations,"' and the Mizpah Benediction. 541 , ti• , winortmfraMS, ---e2iliereeeksedeteletneseel 51] 11 ta's et, *4Aytlit John and Bob, of Sch-uinAcher, Ont. Prior to her .marriage. the bride was feted at •a number. of parties, those 'entertaining being Mite. Earl Piper, Miss Betty McBrady, Miss Roberta 'Mrs. J. H. Dennison, Misses Margaret and Loley Whalen, Mise E. M. Dobie, Mrs. Karl liettenhausene Miss: Margaret Kenny, Miss Eleanor Pratt, Mrs..Russell Dobie, Mrs. J. E. V. Murrell, Mrs. Wrn., McComber, Mre, J. C. noble, Miss Dorethy Dobie, Mrs..• Ang-un C. MacKay 'and Mrs. Leine Goodall." ' MEANS MORE AND BETTER • MILES PER GALLON. 'SHELL SEALED OIL IS BETTER FOR YOUR ENGINE OPEN FROM 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Tires and Batteries For Sale., SHELL STATION H. WESTON GODERICH ST. SEAFORTH .• 11)1.1310'U. • Mr. and -Mrs. Edward Archibald of. Chattanooga, Tennessiee, spent the :veek-end with his parents, Mr. and Mes. Andrew Archibald. • Mr. and Mrs. L. McClure, of Goderich Township, who recently pur- chased the farm of the late W. R. North Main Street, have mov- ed to their new home. • mr. Stewart ,Plant ,left this week to attend the University of Toronto Melieai School and Messrs. A. W. Sillery, Glen Hays and K. I. McLean to attend Osgbode Hall. .• Miss Nettie Thompson, who has been the caterer at the Golf Club for the summer; months, left on Tuesday for her home in Cheeley. • • 1VEr. and Mrs. R. C. Harding, Miss Estelle Kniphtel and Miss 'Margaret Fin.kbeiner of Kitchener spent -Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner. • Dr. ,Janes IVICDermid, of ton General Hesplital, spent a few days this week with Dr. G. C. Jae - rote • Miss Julian Kenny, "wfho has been spending the summer with friends ifs Seaforth and Dublin, has returned to her home in London. • Mr. and Mrs-. Norman Walker, of Brucefielda spent Sunday with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Wallace. '• Die Harvey Burrows, of St. Cath- arines, .spent the week -end at the hoeof his father, Dr. ,Fe'd, Bur- rows.. • Miss Eileen Chapman, who spent the summer holidays at the hoind of het mother here, has returned to MacDonald Hall, Guelph, • Dr. G. K. Chaprnan'. Mrs. Chap- man and Nancy and ‘Mr. Alonzo Chapman, of Fort Erie," were guests with Mr. W. A. Chapman and Mrs. Chapman, over the week -end., • Mrs. Na Botrannen, of London, is tlie guest of Mrs. J. Patterson. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rbgare were in London last week attending the Fair and while there were the guests of his cousins, "Messrs. Fred and Harry Rogers. • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McInto.Th, of. Detroit, spent -the' week' -end at the hone of Mrs, James McIntosh. • Mr. Evan Rennie spent the week- end with friend S in Oshawa. • Mrs. W.. A. Wright has sufficient- ly recovered,to 'be able to seetiarn to her home teonv Clinton Hospital' . LOCAL BRIEFS./ • Mrs. W. Cproat and daughter, Miss Barl-sara, who spent the summer in the Old Country, returned bonne this week. Dr. Sproat will remain abroad to complete his post graduate \ V9)1' k. • Mrs. George R. Scott, who has been visiting with friend's in Seaforth and vicinity, returned to her home in Chicago on Monday. • Miss Jean Smith was a week -end. guest with Hensel' friends. • Miss Helen Finkbeiner is spend- ing her holidays in Kitchener. • Mr. and Mrs. Adam•of Windsor, spent Sunday With Mr. Wal - lace's brother, Mr. Alex. Wallace; in ruckersanith. Mr. and 'Wm Wallace were on their way home after assist- ing their eon -tiff -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Ballard and fain- tly to remove to 'Poront9, where they will, reside. • Miss Mary Kling, who spent her holidays at the theme of her mother, in Egenonalville, and in Detroit, has returned t» WoodSteck General, Hos- pital, to resume her (twines. • Mr. A. G. Strillie, of Toronto, .was a town visitor this. Week. • Mr. Alex. Gray is making some improvements to his residence in Eg- rn dville. • Mr. Charles Briggs returned to Cleveland on Wednesday after spend; ing a short holiday with his aunt, Miss Ma)eranial, and at the home a his untie, Mr. Ma..Ileolm iMeDerraid, in AlipiiiWgIARATAW To "Good -Will" Club Contestants How To Make Your Weekly Returns A ballot 'box is placed -in The Expositor Office, where all votes areto be deposited: Each conte•stant, however, should: inake'returns each Mon- day and a record will be kept and standing will be announced each 'issue of The Expositor:: " Ask For Your Coupons ' LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Winn Heshe visited Milverton friends on 'Slanda-Y- - Mr. Fred Prest has purchased the leame previously owned and occupied by the late Mrs. David Hoggarth. Mrs. Ted Crawford, who han beea visiting' ler grand daughter, 1VIrs. Brintnell, for the pa.st two weels, has returned home. Mrs. Harry Lyons is spending a few days with her daughter, Mre. Brenner, near Kinburn. Glen Faireervice has purchas- ed a new Buick car; also Mr. James E. Fairservice, a new Franklin Car. Mr. Harry . 'Caldwell has been pending a few days. with Grimsby friends. Mr. George Barr is spending a few days with friends in ‘Goderich. Mrs. Joe Lyons is visiting her son, Mr. Will Lyons, of•Bleth. Mr. Harry Riley has moved his *driving shed from the- to the farm he recently purchased from the Lee Bros. Mr. and Mrs. James Elsley are spending a few weeks witih their daughter, Mrs. ;Milton 'Hooper, of St. Marys., ANCE To TONY FARR AND HIS 8 -PIECE ORCHESTRA, G.W.V.A. Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY' SEPTEMBER 27 Dancing -9 p.m. to 2 a.m. ADMISSION: 35c Plus Tax under auspices Seaforth -Athletie Association J. J. HUGGARD President M. A. REID - - eSecretary T. R. CLUFF - Treasurer SALE OF Home Cooking and Produce in Vacant Store next to Routle4ge's Grocery Store Saturday, September 21st. at 3 p.m. Auspices of C.W.L. of St. James' Church, Seaforth. Eye Trouble? Have your eyes examined ,11137 R. A. REID, for 17 years Strat- cfardPs leading Optometrist. Expert work only at most moderate prices. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Consult him at Westcott's JEWELRY STORE 1st AND 3rd FRIDAYS EACH MONTII--9 TO NO' 1 ; lfigu,INVA ; BRUCEFIELD M•I':` and Mrs. Hamel of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs,. John 1.1feKenzie 'and family of Windsor spent the week- end at the home of -Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. Mrs. Lottie McA,sh, who h'as been spending, the past few weeks- at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mc- Kenzie, returned to her home in Lon- don this'week, The annual Meeting of the Baby Band will be held in the school room of the United .Church on Sept. 25 at 2.30. A rdial invitation' is' extend- ed to all the mothers' in the congre- gation who have children 5 years of age and under, also to the members of the W.M.S. Mrs. J. B. Mustard, Baby Band Secretary, • will have charge- of the program. The 17 grandmothers, who are members of the W.M.S.; wiil answer the with a tribute to their mothers. They will also provide refreshments at the close of theerneetinge • - Mr. and Mrs. Yellowless of Bow- manVille an•d Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Chicago were guests at the home of. Mrs. A. T. Scott last Week. 'Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Halfpenny of Goderich spent the, week -end at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Moodie. Mrs, Hastings and daughter of Wingham .visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Janet Ross, this week. lair. John Ross, formerly of Bruce: fit -1.1„ now of Detroit, visited friends in the village recently. Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit has been :-pending the past week at the hcme of his father, Mr. H. McGregor. , Visitors with Mr. and Mee. R. Daw- son were: Mr.-- .e.ad Mrs. Roy. Doan and daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Geo. Doer, Mr. Roy Kirby and Mr. Rus- sell Wilcox, all of Innwood, Mrs, Geo. Doan remaining for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith of Blue• vale visited Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith and daughter, Mae,, of Zurich, and Mr. and Sirs. Everett Ward and son, Nel- son, of Atwood, were guests on Sun- day with Mra. W. A. Ross and fam- ily. MANLEY H a adWear for Fa1L, Price8 Mosi Moderate Leaders' of Fashion ' Wear 'Knitted Suits Ideal for Street; Drives Golf, Travel ••••••••••••••••••••••, t -Piece Suits '3 -Piece Suits Priced from $12.95 to $29.50" If interested " • consult us. • . • The Styles on. display are full of fascinating interest to all women who like to wear the Smartest Styles First. You will enjoy' seeing these New Fashions, trying them on and viewing them on your- self in the mirrors. • You are Welcome to view them. • ',.here7aniy time you come. . • ac TAVISH'S thers, Mr. William Prendergast, of Logan; Mr. Edward Prendergast, of Kinkora, and Mr. Thomas Prender- gast, of Stratford. Her sister, Mrs. Ellen McGinnis, died in Hamilton last spring. The funeral was held, front her late benne oa Wednesday morn- ing to St. JameS' Church, Seaforth, when Rev. Father T. P. Hussey of- ficiated, followed by interment in St Vincent de Paul Cemeterk, The pallbearers were two brothersy,. William, and Thomnse Prendergast 'two nephews, William Prendergast ae-el Edward 1VIOGinnis, and Messrs. W.J. Devereaux and Joha Nigh. Among those from a• distance who attended the funeral were:. Mr. Ede ward McGinnis, Hlamilton; Mr. and Mac. DeLaiFitanier, Sit'reittorel, and Thomas Prendergast, Stratford; Miss - Catharine Murray of London; Mr. and Mac. Edward Prendergast, Kinkora; Mr. end aMre.. John al/turf-ay, KinkoraMins, Thomas McDonald, Mr.a)Jelan McGinnis, all of "Kinkora; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prendergast, Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Water Nicholson, of West' MonkW-re Mr. Jeremiah Regan And. daughter, Elizabeth, of Logan; Mrs. Leo Stook, of Kinkora; Mrs. Thomas Connolly, •of Kennicott; Nes. Joseph Lotrgeway, Kennicott; Mrs. Dan Reid and son, Mr. John Reid, of Logan. BIGGER & BETTER THAN ,EVER4 Seafittk.Fall Fair • Friday, :SotembOt..20.: Races -- Sports Events — Grandstand Performance -7-, Parades — Band — Something Doing Every Minute. DANCE—at Night in Cardno's Hall—Good Music. Mr. Thomas ,McKay, Miss Helen O'Hara, 'Mr. and Mrs. Joe /Vlurray and Mr. Thos. Purcell have returned home after attendintg the fiMeral of the late William, MieKay, , Seim - meeker, Ont. Mr. Thos. Purcell and -Mrs. Martin Purcell attended the funeral of the nate Theodore Klinkharniner in Kit- chener last Monday. Harvesting operations are complet- ed with good returns and now filling silos an,d harvesting the potato crop is the order •of the day,..but the spuds are below the average crop, and with Tess planted than usual there'may be a shortage which will raise the price f them to the producer and consum- er. After the ibumper crop last year enough were fed to hogs and cattle to make up the deficit for several years, We are sorry to learn that Mr. Frank Welsh is hovering between life and death in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth. UCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Alvin.Passmere and M1ss Helen of the Thames Road spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, ' The many Mends of Miss Sara Dayman will be .pleased to know 'that she is recovering after a very severe heart attack. 'Mr— and Mrs. Wesley Green, and children Of Hensall were visiting in the neighborhood during the week. In Honor of Miss Elva Jefferson The neighboring ladies and girls entertained at her 'home recently. Miss Violet TIncIall' favored with a piano solo. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman gave a humorous reading; Miss Alice, Archibald read a short address. Lit- tle Marilyn Chesney and Betty Doig, dressed in, Pink and wifite, presented Miss Jefferson with a silver tea ser- vice nicely hidden in a pink and white decorated basket. Miss Jefferson thanked her friends for their kind- ness andea social time was spent dir- er the tea cups. Death of Mrs. Michael Murray The death Occurred at her home en the 3rd cencession•of Tuckerernith on Monday, ,Septemfber 16th, of • Mrs. Michael Murray, a. well known and rich esteemed resident of this dis- trict The deceased had suffered from goitre -trouble or some time, but was only taken seriously ill ,on Friday of last week, and passed away on Monday. 1VIrs. Murray was a daughter of the late Nicholas Pren- dergast, of Logan Toernsthip, where she was born fifty-one years ago. •In 1918 she was united in marriage to Mr. •Michael Murray and since then had made her Mane on Lot 3, Con- cession 3. Tuekersmith. She was a devout Catholic ,and a regular at- tendant of St.' Jana& Church; Sea - forth, where she wasa m•ember of the Catholic Wouree's Leagae anti al- so of •the Altar Society....Besides her husband She is Survived bi.three +bro- . Admission: 25c plus. tax Admission to Fair, 25c Children 15c Autos and Carriages 25e School Children in Parade—Free HUMPHREY SNELL, MRS. J. A. KERR, President. Secretary -Treasurer PLAN NOW 'TO ATTE N D FOOT SPECIALIST DIRECT FROM The Lockewedge Shoe Co., Ltd. WILL BE HERE Monday, Sept: 23rd FOR FREE Consultation and Advice on Foot Trouble and the Fit- ting of ._ W. Locke Shoes :YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO MEET Xr.OwenA. cKerihen • Dr. M. W. Locke, the famous, foot spec- ialist of Williamsburg, Ontarifo, designed the M. W. Locke Shoe. Por over 20 years Dr. M. W. Locke pre-' sleribed certain chang- es to be made in his patients' shoes, by shoe repair shops. Finally he found a shoe manufacturer willing 'to buikl, the who has ling and varied experience with foot they shoes as he insisted should be eon - trouble and the fitting of M. W. Locke Shoes. strileted" We urge you to take advantage of this offer, • whether or not an immediate purchase is your Oven ten thousand intention. pairs of these shoes were worn bY Dr. M. W. ,Locke's patients INSIST . ON GEN- before bhe Doctor was UINE M. W. LOCKE thoroughly' satisfied WOES. • They are thatrtt. tohneyly werethen edor-id DR. M.W. LO C KE identified with this e trade mark. Dr. M. W. Locke give his approval of What is now the M. W. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW • Locke, Shoe. WILLIAMSBURG. ONT.S.ANADA Smith's Shoe Store SEAFORTH 7 NEXT DOR. TO REGENT TIIEATRE eemommaiseamenameen. , 4" , rt.l• gig," 5j4 t.er99 A11411 ,s1r •..1. 'r, i ..• g'a 441.. • ktierrAFRO.00 Nt12454.044gittiNkiialiiatRdiaCt. • .11‘1111;