HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-09-06, Page 8li fw iPi 4 ft BEST WE CAN BUY Extra At Only the Regular Price Per Gallon �; 40c OM3 %PODS -Are at their best 4 Wit, per' basket a7 IOl FEF --To suit every taste, at -per Pound 30c to 50c Oc B'1EaLY POWDERS 19c at 4 for JAVEL 'WATER For Toilet, Sinks, or Bleaching, at 25c 3 bottles for NEWS OF THE TOWN axacwaimaalaymaxammtaxamafaminaa Junior Women'$ institute Meeting Postponed. -The Junior Women's In- stitute meeting will be postponed; un- til Wednesday, September 25, and will be 'ileld at the home of Miss'Helen McKerc'her, M1cKillop. Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley V. Jefferson, Seaforth, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Elva Marion, to M. Alfi ed Edward Mitchell, of Windsor, son of Mrs. E. 'Mitchell, of Beams.ville, Ont , the wedding to take place in Septem- ber. Engagement -Mr. William A. Mor- rison of 1PcKidlo'p announces the en- gagement of his only daughter, Viola Jane, to Mr. Bertram Brown Hem- ingway, second son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hemingway of Grey, the SUNSET DYES are wonderful. Try marriage to take place quietly early them, at 25c in September. 2 packages. :SONE CROCKS $. gallons, at Ter gallon STONE CHTUIRIN S at MO.ODY'S LYE 2 tins' for ,LAUNDRY STARCH at A 5 c 3 pounds for LIVE POULTRY taken' every day except Saturday. from one-half to 25c ..$100 to $2.25 19c A. Ca Routledge PHONE 166 Insurance WE ARE 'SPECIALISTS IN FIRE - AUTOMOBILE j,IFE LIABILITY - PLATE GLASS WINDSTORM - PERSONAL ACCIDENT INLAND TRANSPORTATION GUARANTEE BONDS ,Lowest Rates with Absolute Financial Strength Rates and Information gladly given. CALL OR PHONE US WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Kinds of Insurance. O 0 0 0 0 0 O' O O O O O O '0 S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth O O_ O O S. T. Holmes, residence,, 0 O Goderich Street,. West; phone' 0 0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. •308, O Ambulance Service O 0 Night calls, Phone 30S. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. O O Charges moderate, O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the firm. About three years ago he and Mrs. Garden and family re,n'oved to Toronto to engage in business in the city. Besides his widow he leaves three children, Marjory, Claire and Glenn, one sister, Mr's, E. L. Pequeg- not, and his mother, all of Toronto. The deepest sympathy is •extended to the 'bereaved ones. One 'brother, Clarence, lost his life while serving with the Air Force in the Great War. Interment took place in Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto." Presentation. -After the morning service at First Presbyterian Church on Sunday last the members of that choir presented Mr. Gordon C. Ren- nie, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ren- nie, who has beef} a .member of the choir for four years, with a leather case containing brushes, in apprecia- tion of his. services before he left for Durham, where he has been engaged to teach school. Mrs. John E. Daley president of the choir, spoke a few words to, which Mr. Rennie respond- ed. d St. Thomas' W. A. Meets.,, - The September• meeting of the St. Thomas' branch of the Women's Aux- iliary was held in the parish hall on Tuesday, the 3rd. Mrs. Alppleyard, the president, was in charge, and 15 merrribers, including one new member, answered the roll call. Plans were made for activities during the com- ing months, especially for their an- nual birthday tea and exhibition of curios on October 8. During the meeting a • quilt was completed for the mission bale to the. Boys' Indian School. After the offertory was ac- cepted, the meeting closed with prayers and the benediction. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O H. C. BOX O 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer O Ambulance Service O O O LOCAL BRIEFS • Dr. John MoLeod of Brooklyn, N. Y., a native of the second conees- sion of Tuckersmith, and who for some time taught school at Lead - bury, was in town last week calling on old friends. • Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Oliver and family, who have been spending sev- eral weeks with his mother, Mrs. William Oliver, and other friends in this district, returned last week to their home in Winnipeg. • Mr. Arnold Turnbull;. of London, England, is here this week visiting his mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. • Mr. Carlotto and son, of Pitts- burg, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. • Mr. Robert Smith, who has been confined to,his hozne for the past two weeks, was taken to Toronto Gen- eral Hospital ,on Sunday for treat - Mont. Mrs. J. Gladstone Mills and •fam- ily returned home on Monday after spen^ing the past two months at hcir summer cottage, Kintail,_ Lake Huron. • Mr. J. 'firs. Mullen is in Toronto this week. • Miss Betty Scott, of Chicago, who spent the holidays here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott, is now in Detroit, where she underwent an operation for appen- dicitis on Wednesday. • Misses Audrey and Adelaine Mur- ray spent Sunday at Midland and the Martyr's Shrine. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorenzen, of Detroit, and. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Young, of Clinton, motored to Sea- •f::r`h and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers on Sunday. Mrs. Lore'hzen and Mrs. Young are sisters of Mrs, Rogers. • Miss Elizabeth Broadfoot, of the Road, Tuckersmith, left un Tuesday to enter a hospital at Hamilton for training. • Mr. Lloyd Dinnen, who has been on sick leave for the past - three n -,oaths, has been transferred to the Listowel branch of the Bank of Corn- iner'Ce and commenced his ducies un v`: eduesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter •Coact,, of Dundas, were the week -end gue3ts of lIr . G. P. Cardno. • Miss Dorothy Hutchison has re- turned to St. Catharines. • Miss Eileen Murray spent S ran - °day in Stratford, • Miss Ann Foote, of Detroit; Mrs. W. Fisch, of Ottawa, Georgia; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wanless; of Port Credit, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wanless of Milverton, were guests of Mrs, G. T. Turnbull this week. • Mrs. George Scott, of Chicago, is visiting with friends 'in Seaforth and vicinity. • Mr. Louis Torcher, of Timmins, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Phil- lips. '• Mrs. John Horan left this week .for Hamilton, where she intends spending the winter. • Mr. R. E, • Cresswell returned to Denver on Thursday. O A-lr, and Mrs. A. D. Scott, who recently purchased the Johns' resi- dence on Centre Street, moved to town this- 'week. • Mi.. and Mrs. John MacTavish and sons spent the week -end in To- ronto. • Mr. Frank Smale spent the week end in St. Catharines and Buffalo.- • Mrs. J. D. O'Connell, who has been .visiting relatives here, has re- turned to her home in Detroit. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. F. Devereux. • Mr. and Mrs. Archie McGregor moved on Thursday into the hone owned by Mrs. F;, D. Hutchison, on North Main Street. • Mr, and Mrs, T. G. 'Scott were in Detroit over the week -end, • Mr. Neil Tyndall of London spent the week -end at the home of his par- ent:Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyndall. • 3rr. George Israel, who has been conducting a tailoring business in 'the Dominion Bank block for several years, has closed his business here and left on Tuesday for Kitchener, where h$ has accepted a position. " • Mr. and Mrs. Budd, of Miami, Florida, are guests at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson. • Mr. J. A. Wilson returned last week from a ,holiday spent at the home of his daughter in Quebec c; ty. • Mr, and Mrs, Warren Anent and little daughter, of Detroit, and Mr. A. R. G. Anent, of Toronto, spent the holiday week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W'nr. Anent. • Miss Betty McClelland, who has been a guest at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. R. S. Hays, has returned to Toronto, • Mrs, D. H. Wilson has returned from Ottawa, • Miss Hewitt, of London, ring - land, was the week -end guest of Miss Jackson in Egmondville. • Miss Marion Bell, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Miss Alison Feast left on Thurs- day for Needham, Massachusetts. • Mr. Billie Scott returned to his Lorne in Chicago on Sunday after spei,ding his holidays with his grand- parents here. • Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of Toronto, are spending two weeks' holidays with Mrs. Love's parents, Mr. ,,and Mrs. A. D. Scott, • Mr. and Mrs, H. Minnett and Miss Leona -Box, of Toronto, were v, eek -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. Mr. and Mrs. Feast and dough - ter, Miss. Alison, • hanne returned to town from their summer camp on Lake Rosseau, • Mrs, Thomas Bickell has return- ed to her house from London. She was accompanied 'by Mr, and Mrs. W. McLeod, who spent the . week -end h ere, ' e Mrs; J. S. Coppin .of i�etroit; Is visiting her mathe'r;, �2ts, !: G. L1,r, Church Services. .- Egmondville Church -The regular services at the regular 'hours; "`School„ 10 a.ni.; Wor- ship, 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. See you at Church Sunday. --Rev. Charles Mal- colm, Minister. St. Thomas' 'Church - Sunday School and Bible Class, 10.45 a.m. ; children's sermon, 11 a.m.; morning prayer, sermon by Rei. Reg. Apple - yard. Evening service, sermon. by 'Rector. All.' welcome: -Canon E. Appleyard, Rector. Northside United Church -11 a.m., Holy Communion, "Spiritual Demands and Supplies"; 7 p.m., "Altar, Tent and Wall." Sunday School at 10 a.m. -Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Minister. ' First' Presbyterian Church -11 a.m. "The Pastoral Letter," an intimate word; 7 p.m., "The Queen of Sheba 'olomon what of Eth- iopia Visits King Solomon," iopia to -day. Have the Old Testa- ment prophets any sure and certain word ?-Rev. H. C. Feast, Minister. O Night Calls Day Calls. 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 O' O` O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O WALKER'S O O FUNERAL' SERVICE O O ' W. J. WALKER and 'O 0 JOHN R, WALKER, Jr. O 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 O Funeral Directors.' 0 O Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended. O O PHONE" 67 O O O 00'<>000000000 , E. C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. nice hours :- Tuesday, -Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. 3485-tf -� In,suranc,e With the enormous increase in auto accidents, you cannot afford to take chances. Let us protect ,,you. Rates are low in compari- son with protection given. '.Prompt service and payment of itrlaims. In case of trouble, the ComPany'e gents through Can-, • ' Ude are at yottr service. Enjoy' your trips protected by one of t otli Arta Polides. e Fire - Wind ,orimeyancang cad Estate, Etc. sand r�,b, jta !l, np �p4 t .,6 •}4!7 f ;Pru Hayter - Thompson: Northside United Church Parsonage, Seaforth, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Saturday, August 31st, at 10.30 a.m,, when Marion Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Thompson and the late Mrs. Thompson of Tuck- ersmith, was united. in marriage to Russel Hayter, of the same town- ship. Rev. T. A. Carmichael officiat- ed. The bride wore a wine -colored velvet gown with black felt hat and black suede shoes. She was attrend- ed by her sister, Miss Helen Thomp- son, in a yellow crepe suit with brown accessories. The bridegroom was -••„supported by his brother, Mr. Elgin Hayter. After a wedding breakfast served at the home of the bride, at which the immediate rela- tives were present, Mr. and Mrs. ilayter left on a trip to Flint ani Detroit. Scott-Pockett,-A lovely late Aug- ust wedding took place on Saturday at three o'clock at the home of Mr. Thomas Livingstone, Ontaitio Street, Clinton, vrhe.n his daughter, Mr;. Mabel Elizabeth Pockett, was unite] in marriage to• Mr. James Findla.y Scott, only son of Mr, and Mrs. A. 1). S. '_t. ',f TI,:>rnton Hall, Seaforth, Rev. F. G. Farrill, pastor of Ontario 'Street United Church, Clinton, of- ficiating. The bride, gl;'en in mar- riage by her father. was charmingly gowned in dusty pink lace over taf,- feta of similar shade and on princess lines in jacket effect, and wore a band of silver flowers in her hair. She carried an arm bouquet of but- terfly roses and baby's breath. The bridal couple, unattended, stood be- fore a bank of summer sowers in the living' room during the ceremony. Alter the signing of the register, a buffet luncheon was' served by friends of the bride 'fram a ,table centered with a large wedding cake surround- ed by pink and blue ; flowers. Tall pink tapers completed the table dec- orations. The grooml's's• gift to the bride was a white gold ,wrist watch. afterward the happy couple left for a motor, 'trip through Muskoka, the bride travelling in a navy mousseline de sole dress and navy felt hat, purse and shoes with touches of red. On their return they will reside at Thorn- ton Hall, Seaforth. Nephew Dies. -The following not- ice taken frim the Acton Free Press has reference to..a nephew of Messrs. Aclanh and James 'Hays of town, a son of 'Mrs. Garden and the late G. 1". S. Garden,. and '•a former 'pupil of Seaforth Collegiate Institute: "Acton friends were indeed grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Nelson H, Gar- den, who was for over twenty -'fi'v'e years an esteemed resident of Acton. Mr. Garden had undergone an opera- tion on Wednesday, the 21st, at the Western Hospital in the city. • He ralliedfrom the operation, but on Thursday, the 22nd, the crisis came and he• passed' peacefully away, Nel- son Garden came to Aeon in his young manhood and entered the em- ploy of the l3eard'nrore Co. From an ordinary position in the office he rose by deed of attentioi( to 'businesn and ' ' Veelf"are ,. i'f 'lt'b" 'h tiny fib one or. the ,chief exdett'itiV'e ,Fosit'ions of SPRCIA. w �► Delicious :►"Dinners Special 'Hot Plate Dinners on SUNDAY 50c • Members and others_ are re- quested to phone 157 for re- servation as soon as possible. The Seaforth Golf and Country Club Ltd. the .Summer holaday °'vaithtl °t ?."8'Il�d' ettuned to his nhorn sin rtd Ax hs week. Cr' h turned t+a Toronto on Sunday aft e spending the holidays at her 'home here, •• 'Misses Mary •and Irene Brall and Mr. 'Gordon Brall, who have been spending their holidays with friends in this vicinity, returned to :their home .in Detroit this week with,t,heir parents, who spent Labor Day at the homy of 'Mr. and Mrs. C, Eckert. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays' and Mrs. N. Desborough have returned to their homes in Detroit after spend- ing the .holidays with relatives here. • Dr. Aubrey Crich,. of Toronto, spent a few days this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and .Mss. W. A. Crich. " Mr..and Mrs. Pringle, of Brant- ford; Mr. Gordon Papple, 'Mr, and Mrs. Guy Purdy and Jean, and Mrs. Armstrong, of Tara; and Mr. and b1rs.' Bruce Armstrong and Billy, of Clinton, . were recent guests at the Charter's home. • Mrs, M. Desborough, has returned to Northville, Michigan, to resume her duties. • Miss E. 'Collins, of Buffalo, vis- ited with ,Seaforth friends over the week=end. • Mrs. 3. ,A.. Munn and two sons, Donald and Billy, were in Peck, Mich- igan, during the past' week: I• Col. John Warden, D.S.O., and Mrs. Warden and two daughters, of Sandwich, were the week -end guests of Canon E. Appleyard and -Mrs. Ap- pleyard.' • Mr. and Mrs." James Marshall, formerly of Seaforth, celebrated -their golden wedding at their home in St. Marys this week. •r 1VIr. and Mrs. George Scofield. and daughter, Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Schott, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ''Case. • Mrs. J. A. Brodie, who has been a guest at the home of her parents, • Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beatty, in Eg- mondville, has returned to Toronto. • 'Mrs. Boyd, of -California, is vis- iting her • mother, Mrs.. Andrew Cal- der. • Mrs, Frank Freeman and little daughter;, of Detroit, were recent guests at the horne of _Mr, • and Mrs. Wm. Freeman. • 'Mrs. J. W. Thompson and Miss Lottie Thompson are in Toronto this week. • Miss Marguerite Black and Miss Dorothy 'Reinke have returned to Hamilton after spending the. holidays at their homes here. • Messrs. John Beattie and W. J. Duncan are in Toronto this week competing in the Globe Scotch Dou- bles, • Dr, Carl Aberhart, of Toronto, is spending a few holidays with his parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. Charles A'b- erhart. • Mr. A. W. Sillery and Mr. Jas. Scott were in Toronto this week. • Mrs. Christensen and son, of De- troit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. • 'Mrs. W. 'C. Barber has returned from visiting friends in Canarbon, Hlaliburton Co. • Mr. Fred Spriggs and family, of Toronto, were recent ;visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Win. •Sproat, Tu^kersmith. • Mrs. John J. Sclater and Marian have returned from Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs.- Hugh Sproat and Misses Margaret and Mary, Messrs. Howard Hyatt, Ralph', Herman, of Detroit, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johne Sproat and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mrs. Jahn Sproat returned with them.. • Mr. and Mrs. Smith and son, Dr. Wilfred :Smith, of Stratford, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sproat. • Mr. John J. Sclater and Miss Hel-_ en Sclater are attending Toronto Ex- hibition this week • Mrs. William Sclater is visiting her daughter, Mfrs, Ergar Lawson, in Auburn.. • Miss' Waggett, of S'trathroy, is the guest of Mrs. James Mclntash. • Among those who returned to (their duties as school teachers ase: Miss Gladys, Thompson to Niagara Falls; Percy Hoag, Hagersville; Miss Marjorie • •Bickel'; Toronto; Miss Gladys McPhee to Blenheim; Miss Bess Grieve to Chatham; W. G. White, to Walkerville; W. H. Pol- lard to Sebringville; Miss Grace Scott to Mitchell; Miss Rose Dorsey to To- ronto; Miss Mary Jackson, Horne- p•ayne; Miss Jean Cluff, Nakina, Miss Helen Dickson, Toronto; Miss Mar- garet Grieve, [Re'd School, Tucker- sMith; Miss Norma Habkirk, Sproat's School, Tuckersmith; Miss Helen Ament to Ethel; Miss Dorothy Wil- son of Tuckersmith, to Auburn; Miss Winnie 'Savauge to Massey; Miss Elinor Burrows "to Stratford. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Hay, of St. Peters'burgh, Florida, were guests at the home of Mr. Pearson' ,Chesney. • Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porteous are in Detroit. • Mr. Leslie lVkKay of Guelph spent the week -end with his father here. • Miss Bertha Chesney is visiting in Winchester, New Hampshire, iirgstone • Mr-, E. C. Boswell and two"ahil- dten are in Toronto this week. • Miss Mona 'McGregor was visiting with Toronto friends. • Mrs. A. D. Sutherland and Miss Anna are spending a- week in' Bay - f eld. • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hunt, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Campbell, of Simcoe, and Mrs. Wyatt and sons, of London, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed - Hunt in McKillop. • Messrs. Evan and Ross Rennie, E. Rankin and Clem Thiel` spent the week -end in Niagara Falls and Buf- falo. • Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hart and Miss Margaret, of Toronto, were •recent holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, in Harpur- hey. • Mr. Alex. Powell, of the Kit- chener police force, is spending two weeks' holidays at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, of McKillop. • Mr. Tommie, Grieve, who spent V� ln, 411 tl;• rya y4. SHELL GASOLINE MEANS MORE AND BETTER 161ILES PER GALLON. SHELL SEALED OIL IS BETTER FOR YOUR ENGINE OPEN FROM. 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Tires and Batteries For Sale. SHELL STATION H. WESTON • ' Nisi Gertrude' ' is GODERICH ST. - SEAFORTH Aseball final Playof Huron -Perth Baseball League MUCH vs. SEAFORTH --AT- • Recreation Grounds, Seaforth FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Game called at 4.30 p.m. ADMISSION: 25 cents and 15 cents. ASSIST THE SEAFORTH TEAM TO A VICTORY BY YOUR PRESENCE SALE BAKING AND SEWING in Cardno's Vacant Store SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 at 2.30 p.m. By the tLadies of Bethel United Church. DON'T . FORGET TO COME! Rupture Expert COMING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 1 to 9 p.tii. Queen's Hotel, Seaforth To demonstrate the most remark- able scientific method known for the control and care of rupture. No leg straps, no elastic, no plas- ters. • Free advice. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Ask at hotel desk for SMITH MANUFACTURING CO. Preston, Ont. t'P-Ire' ar prices ,Mos/ Leaders' of Fashion Wears Kilted Suits Ideal for Street, Drives Golf, Travel 2-Pi4e Suits 3 -Piece Suits Priced from $12.95 to $29.50 If interested ' consult us. for Moderate The. Styles • on display are full of fascinating interest to all women who like to wear the Smartest Styles First. You will enjoy seeing these New Fashions, trying thea' on and viewingthem on your- self in the mirrors. • You are welcome to view therm here any time you come. • Mac TAVISH'S MIS. Ashman and 'son, Deriglas, of Tillsonburg visited her parents, Mr:. and Mrs. J. Richardebn. • Mr. John Decker of Zurich spent Saturday at the 'home of his daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido and fam- ily. I :Miss Margaret Mousseau of Zu ich Road, spent a day in the vicinifF s. Mr. W. Jarrott and daughter, Miss Annie,' visited Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Heart. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson visited friends in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. F. Farquhar and ,son John of Hensall visited Mrs. James Lave and family. iMrs..1VI:. Tully sons, Neil, Gerald and 'Roydon, spent a few days with friends near Brucefield. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Davidson were visited by friends from,‘ Stratford. ;Scholars and teachers resumed their duties on Tuesday after the mid- summer holidays. Eye Trouble? Have your eyes examined by R. A. REID, for 17 years Strat- * 'faprd°s leading Optometrist, Expert work only at most moderate prices. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Consult him at Westcott's JEWELRY STORE let AND 3rd PAIDAltg EACH,. MONTH TO NOON • , IIILLSGREEN McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. C. Regele spelrt Sun- day at Sebringville. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at Rostock and Gadshill. Little Margaret Doerr. 1:h'o spent several 'weeks (visiting friends in this vicinity, returned to her home with 'them. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. 'Stoskopf and children and Mrs. C. Stoskopf of Ful- lerton visited Mr. and Mrs. William I•Ioegy on Sunday. Mr. and '.Mrs. George Bauermann entertained quite a number of friends on Sunday, it beingthe christening of their baby daughter. Master Aaron' Kistner left recent- ly for Waterloo where he will in fu- tuae attend school. Rev. E. F. 'Chandler was in charge of the service in the Hillsgreen church on Sunday after returning from his holidays:' Services will be withdrawn here next•Sunday. Joint,'preparatory 'ser- vices 'art Kippen Church on Thursday evening and Co'mrnwnion together in If,ippen a. rch 'on. Sunday morning at 11 a.tifil Anniversary services will be held • n the IHillsgreen Church on Sunday, September 22, at 11 a.m. and 7.p.m. The est speaker for the will b Rev. Mr. Page of St. James Steet Church, Exeter. (Special nm'sic is be- ing provided for the occasion.. Holiday visitors during the week- end and Labor Day were:, Messrs. James Cochrane of Toronto; William Cochrane of Chicago and sister, Mrs. Robert Hopkins of Hinsdale with Mrs. 3. Cochrane and family; 'Miss- es Arinel'da and Eugene Alin at Drysdale with., relatives; relatives., from, Buffalo ttr+ith Mr. and Mrs. W, Weide and fanny. .1/tatter Clarence Love returnef hone from ibis holiday with causing ttear. I+Ienal1. ft • CONSTANCE - Mrs. G. Wheatley has sold her farm to Mr. and Mrs. purnin of Lucknow, who' will get possession on Sept, 16. Mrs. Wheatley is havinga sale of household effects:on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Mr. and Tjrs. David Dewar of To- ronto spent a few days.with Mrs. G. Wheatley. MT. Dewar returned on 4 Monday. - The W.M.S. held a guest tea in the Sunday school of the church .• on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Love of Clinton is, visiting at the home of IMrs. McGregor and Mr. , Ross McGregor. ;Mrs. A. Bromley of Toronto spent the week -end with hers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson, -Doris , and Regr spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Webster of St. Helens. Miss Viola Morrisbn and Mr. Bert Hemingway of near 'Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fer- guson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reikie of ' King- ston are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton. Mr. and Mrs, W. Mansfield and Mr. and 'Mrs. Rus. Mansfield of near Watford, who hive been camping at Eagle Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton on their return. "For 'Your Convenience" Arrow BUS Schedule Effective May 5, 1935 LEAVE WEST BOUND 1.00 pan- 7.35 p.m - Standard Time ' LEAVE EAST BOUND 8.15 a.m. 5.45 p.m. PPINERIEg PLANNED TO ALL POINT IN CANADA, UNITED STATES & MEXICO. Consult Local Agent QUEEN'S HOTEL Phone 45 Seaforth Central Ontario Bus Lines Toronto Next Monday,Tuesday JOLLIES �f 1935 THE MOST ELABORATE and HEAVIEST STAGE SHOW EVER STAGED - IN SEAFOR7H One Hundred in Cast Under Auspices of Canadian Legion ALL SEATS RESERVED 45c, Plus 5c Tax. • Sale and exchange opens at Aberhart's Drug store Friday 1Vlorning., Children's Matinee Monday THIS COUPON WORTH 10 VOTES Cardno s For ' .Hall Contest closei at 2 p.m., September 9th. If • 4 . SCHOOL of COMMERCE . - CLINTON, ONTARIO YOU CANNOT A1TEND A BETTER SCHOOL, SO WWF NOT „1tEGISTER NOW ' FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9th - COURSES ._- STENOGRAPHIC - COMMERCIAL SECRETARIAL and SPECIAL COURSES Pon' particu'la'rs' apply to _ M. A. STONE. Corin. Specialist, - B', F. WARD, B.A.. Vice ,I'rincrpal, Principal. PRONE 198; 41S 1;. r.: •c• 1