HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-09-06, Page 2til
ion Imositor
established 1860
F• 1cPhail McLean, Editor.
Ux% led at Seaford', Ontario, ev-
k ursday afternoon by McLean
fubscription rates,. $1.50 a year in
advance; foreign, $2.00 a year. Single
copies, 4 cents each.
Advertising rates on application.
Members of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers Association, Class "A"
Weeklies of Canada, and The Huron'
County Press Association. u.
,SEAF'ORTH, Friday, September 6.
Map Stop War
• The astute move of the Emperor
of Ethiopia in deeding ojie hundred
and fifty thousand square miles, or
more than half of his Empire to Brit-
ish and American industrial inter-
ests may prove the deciding factor on
the side of peace in the present dif-
ficulties between -Italy and Ethiopia.
- • By leasing this huge territory to
British° and American interests for
the development of oil, mineral and
g power rights, this half of the eastern
Empire is no longer Ethiopian pro-
perty only. .It has'become for sev-
enty-five years the property of Brit-
ish and American citizens, and as
such, will be under the protection of
the British and American govern-'
Any invasion orinterference with
this 'territory would naturally lead to
protests, or the adoption of strong-
er methods' on the part of these two
governments. .
'That Mussolini would deliberately
endanger the peace between Italy
and the two most powerful nations
of the world at this distance, at any
rate, would appear to be remote. Al:
ready, more than once, he has pledg-
ed his word to respect the rights and
interests of the British Empire in
Ethiopia. Now when these interests
have been extended over half of that
country and the United States is al- -
"so concerned, can he afford to' risk
the future of the Italian nation by
,going back upon his word ?
Of course, no one knows definite-
ly how far Mussolini is committed to
his war venture, or whether he has
educated his people to make them be-
lieve in the rightness and necessity
of war. He may already have gone
too far to draw back.
But war • or no war, the situation
which has arisen by,, the action of -the
Ethiopian Emperor in turning over
half his kingdom° to British and Am-
erican interests will, . undoubtedly,
have far reaching effects. on the ex-
tent of his operations if he does de-
cide on war..
At least, it is to be decidedly hop-
ed for. Even war in a far and un-
known country, between two foreign
powers, is not a pleasant thing to
War, in these days, contains too
it -any possibilities. It is too easy to
get into, and too hard to get put of.
Even to win is to lose. We won the
last war; but the. consequences of it
will still be borne by our chilcrren's
children. They will still be paying
for our victory.
We did'not know in 1914 what a
foreign war meant. We did not
know it could not be localized. We
looked upon it something in the light
of an Adventure. We know better
Or do w0 Sometimes reading
newspaper comment,. and sometimes
listening to conversations and com-
ments, we wonder.
Many of the middle-aged and old-
er generations have been following
the European situation with_ fear and
foreboding. ' They know the danger,
the consequences and the fearful pen-
alties that war entails.
But there is a -generation and a
half that has come into being since
the last war. They look upon war as
we looked upon it in 1914. We can
tell them about it, but we can not
make them see, or learn about war.
What We .can do iso' to hope that
the latest developments in the Italy-
' `�atidpia,sit ,ation;will dispel the war
and keep otir younger genera-
going through our .experi-
The jThanksgiving Controversy
Whlen election day was set for
Monday, October 14th, the day prev-
iously Jproclaimed as Thanksgiving
Day, and Thanksigiving Day was
postponed to . Thursday, October. 24,. -
the powers that be started some-
In fact they started a very general
and a very warm controversy be-
tween the choice of days. The news-
papers are full of it. Editorial com-
ment, news comment and letters to
the editors are all on view daily.
There is the `Monday advocate, and
the Thursday.. advocate, and neither
the twain will agree. 'the Mondays
want it on Monday because it -'means
a long week end. Two or three days
to stay at home, or to close up the
summer place, or to fish, or shoot, or
The Thursdays say that Thanks-
giving Day is more than just a pub-
lic holiday.. It is a day set aside to
give thanksgivingt and Thursday is
a better day of the week than Mon-
day for that. -
As originally intended and prac-
tised by our forefathers, Thanksgiv-
ing Day was a day set aside after
harvest, in which to give thanks to
God for the gift of the fruits"of the
earth, and Thursday was the day of
the week chosen.
And Thursday it remained until
very recent years when the day was
changed to Monday in response to a
vocal part of public opinion which in-
sisted that three days of thanksgiv-
ing Would be better than one.
Likewise Thanksgiving Day has
been on a Thursday in the United
States for the past seventy-two
years. Now Canadians go back to ,it
again, but not without -a long and
sustained protest from the Mondays'.
There are arguments on both sides
and good ones too. ° But from a pure-
, ly thanksgiving standpoint, it is pret-
ty hard to get away from the belief
that the Thursdays have the better
Family gatherings at Thanksgiv-
ing were not unknown in other days
when the day was on a Thursday.
Perhaps they were even a little more.
common than they have been on the
With our present modes of rapid
transit, distance makes little .differ-
ence, if the will to foregather is
Personally, turkey tastes just as
good to us on Thursday as it does on
Monday. Per h,p's a little better, be-
cause our appetite improves the fur-
ther it is removed from Sunday.
And personally, . it is just as easy
for us to accomplish a family'gather-
ing on Thursday as on Monday. Ev-
en more so in the summer months.
But, perhaps, the Mondays .are
right in one particular. One day in
a year (even if that day didcome in
the middle of the week) may have
been sufficient for our forefathers in
which to give thanks- for- their
meagre advantages and ' blessings,
but as for us, in this day and gen-
eration, we should at least -have
(Hamilton Spectator)
Hitler has announced that he will smash all his
enemies We scarcely realized that up to now
his policy has been one merely of wrist slapping.
Stiffer Sentences ,Needed
(Toronto Telegram)
A fine of $10 to $25, a few days in jail, with
suspension of drivieg license for a month or two,
seems to be the worst penalty that d-unken driv-
ers have to fear in the courts of Ontario: The
permit ,suspension is practically meaningless as
there is naa, method• of enforcing it. The other
penalties are too small to make much impression.
Offences .continue at an undiminished rate.
The St. Thomas Times -Journal illustrates the
leniency of our counts bypointing to the case of
a risotorist in Eastern Ontario who., convicted of
reckless driving after his car had .killed a man,
was let off with a fine of $50, and a one-month
suspension of his driving permit. It contrasts.
this with the case of a doctor in Bristol, Eng-
land, who, acquitted of a manslaughter charge,
• was convicted on another charge of reckless driv-
ing and had his license suspended for life.
It is quite o!bv-ious that more drastie_punish-
ment must be meted out In Ontario if the prac-
tice of reckless driving While intoxicated is to be
ended. Permit suspension must be made effec-
tive by impounding of the ear or of the license
plates. And stiff jail sentences. must be imposed
on convicted persons. To deliberately :and un- '
recessariIy endanger llhfe and Timis is not a trivial
offence. It is a serious criane and ought to be •
treated as such,
Years Agone
Interesting items picked from
The Expositor of fifty and
twenty-five years ago.
From The Huron Expositor of
September 9, 1910
'Mr. Peter MeEwan of Turnberry
brought into Gorrie the other day, -55
hogs for 'which he received a cheque
for nearly one thousand dollars. Sure-
ly hogs pay!
Miss 'Maud Wilson, daughter of a
former pastor, of Exeter, has accept-
ed a•, position on the staff of the St.
yarys Collegiate Institute at a sal-
ary of $1,000
Mr. 'Shirleyw$obier, Exeter, has been
appointed station master at Belgrave.
The Town of Blyth is getting the
foundation ready for a piece of cem-
ent sidewalk to be laid on 'Mill St.
IMr. J. Vincent, of Blyth, has se-
cured a position. in •Seaforth at the
'electric l.igbt. plant. •
Mr., George Castles, Jr.,, of Bay-
field', has purchased the restaurant.
business of Mr. !George Greenslade.
Mr. Hugh McDonald, of Hensall,
shipped a car load of larnlbs to Tor-
onto this week.;
Mr. 'Calder, (the enterprising pro-
prietor of the Winthrop Creamery;
is to he congratulated on the large
business that he has buile up. It has
increased fourfbid since its begin-
ning and extends from Grey and
:Morris out into Tuckersmith.
Mrs. •Gotleib Merner, of Zurich, had
the misfortune to fall and break her
collar bone.
A horse of Mr. P. O'Sullivan, of
Beechwood, fell into a well on Sat-
urday,last and was drowned.
'Messrs. Tim and John Lynch, of
Beechwood, held a successful. bee on
Tuesday hauling timber for rebuild-
ing their barn.
Mr. John Murray, of Manley, had
the misfortune to fall one day last
week and sustain„ painful injuries.
Mr. 'Jerry O'Hara, of Manley, is
rebuilding' his barn which was de-
stroye•d by fire.
Mr. George Brownlee, of Tucker -
smith, has sold his farm on the 4th
concession of Tuckersmith to Mr. P.
McGrath, of Seaforth. •
The- annual picnic of First Pres-
byterian Church was held in Geo. T.
Turnbull's grove on Friday last when
the children had a splendid afternoon.
In the infant class girls the prize
winners were Evelyn Adams, Fergus
McKay and McDonald.
Prior to her departure . for Cal-
gary, the ladies of 'the Methodist
'Church presented Miss Helen Beat-
tie with a handsome diamond pin in
recognition 'of her faithful services
as a member of the church choir.
Mr. Saeauge has taken possession
of the jewelry 'business of Mr.' O. L.
H -ss, •which he purchased recently.
''•Ir, J. P. Bell of Seaforth has pur-
chased, the 'billiard room.,•
Mr..: James Robb is in Auora this
week placing, hardwood floors, for
which he is becoming famous in the
residence of a citizen of that town.
Some of the prize winners ate -the
Toronto Exhibition were as follows:
Peter Daley, John L. Brown, J. A,
Murray, James Leiper, Mr. Cairns, H.
From T'he Huron Expositor of
September 11, 1885 '
Considerable expensive machinery
has recently been added to the pre-
viously very superior ones of the
flouring mills, the property of Mr.
John 'McNevin, Kippen, thus placing
them more than ever in front. of all.
their competitors in the West.
Mr. Walter Carley, of Exeter, has
received the Contract fi5r carrying
the mail from Exeter to Kirkton ,at
$375 per annum.
Mr. ' Harry Jones, in seven hours
one clay last week, threshed 700 bush -
eels o•f fall wheat on the farm of Mr.
Charles Coward, of Exeter North.
Messrs. George Martin and Ed.
Smith, Brussels bicyclists, made the
trip from Walton to ,Seaforth last
Wednesday- in one hour. This is a-
bout as good time as a, horse can
make it.
Mr, M. Williams, of (Gromartyy has
purchased the Murphy block in Sea -
forth for $5,200.
Mr. E. McFaul is making room for
increased business by putting an ad-
dition to the rear of his store,
Several wagon loads of cheese. -were
shipped from here last week from the
Winthrop cheese factory.
Mr. George 'Whitely has been of-
fered $1,200 for his brown filly, "Flor-
ence G" which competed in the 2.40
trot here on Friday last.
Mr. John Thorpe, of the 3rd con-
cession of Tuckersmith, sold to Mr.
George Cox, horse dealer in Clinton,
a span of very fine heavy draught
horses for theum.of $375.
Mr. A. S. Stone, of Fordwich,
whose steam saw and planing mill
was burned last month, will rebuild.
Duff's Church, on the 3rd conces-
sion of McKillop, has been thorough-
ly overhauled and repaired and is
now beginning to present a very
pretty appearance. At an entertain-
ment to be given, the foil string art-
istis will be •on the program: Mrs.
(Dr.) Aiteheson, of ''Michigan; Mrs.
D. S. Campbell, of Mitchell, and Mr.
A. B. Henderson, of Goderich. Ad-
dresses will be given by Rev. A. a
McDonald, of Seaforth, and Rev. Jas.
McCoy, of Egmondville. ,
Caledonian games were held ` in
Brussels recently but unfortunately
the rain dell all day. It ie the sev-
enth attempt they have made and
this was the first time that the wea-
ther was unfavorable.
Mr. Thomas Berry, horse and"•cat-
tle buyer, of Hensall, purchased, this
'week from Mr. John Glenn, of Us -
borne, 12 very fine head of cattle for
which he paid the round sum of $845.
The frame of Mr. James Cox -
Worth's skating rink,'lensal'l, is now
op and the work is (being pushed for-
ward. •
Thirty thousands pounds of :better
were sold this year the Londesboro
Creamery at 183/4 cents per pound.
The company have also sold twenty-
two hogs which were fled at the
caearnery for 4% cents per pottnde
No. i3 --Bringing in •the Sheaves
By Mrs. Paul Doig.
"'We seek it here,
We seek it there,
We seek it wildly everywhere. '
We'd like to put our socks in pawn,
That darned, elusive barley awn!
We are rather proud of the above
verse. "A poor thing, but our own."
We eannot recall reading any, poe-
ty (?) about the barley awn, which
goes to show that there may be many
fallow poetic fields just waiting for
the •poet with the seeing eye, and,
what is even more necessary, the
first-hand experience. Miss Graham
wrote a poem on the mosquito which
we recall with joy, arid Robert Burns
turned out trete poetry with the
greatest of ease on such extraordin-
ary subjeets as a louse, a haggis, and
a mouse., But we do not know of
anyone who has •ever felt; the least
desire 'to burst into song at the
thought of the barley 'awn. Profan-
ity --.often. But .poetry—never.
The barley awn is, we think, the
most innocent looking bit of iniquity
to be found on this whole planet.
Poison ivy looks poisonous to anyone
who has had experience with it, 'but
what farmer, however experienced,
ever succeeded in cornering the, elu-
sive barley awn, -Tile first inkling
wel'have of it's presence is when a
mysterious annoyance begins to make
itself felt somewhere in the neigh-
borhood of our left shoulder blade.
We -work away thinking that perhaps.
IT will work away. 'But: in the words
of the song from "Pinafore"; .
' • Does it ever? No, never!
-'What, never?
!Wlell, hardly ever!
!Change the subject, ,you say? With
the greatest of. pleasure!
We make no pretense of being a
first-rate builder .of loads. In fact,.
we freely admit that without a first-
, y
rate pitcher of sheaves our leads
would probably shed themselves, the
way a moulting hen sheds her fea-
thers, here and there down the lane
until we reached the barn withra few
sheaves in the bottom of the 'rack.
The first load we built came near
to being our last. As we turned out
of the field into the lane a drop in
the road and the consequent jolt
started our sheaves on the downward
path, and tise felt ourselves slipping
gently but inexorably to starboard.
The driver, intent on his team, notic-
ed nothing. Becoming really alarm-
ed we ventured to ask, "Are we fall-
ing off?" A quick look, a startled
exclamation, and we were yanked
back to safety.
Motto: 'Be 'particular in building
the corners of .your load.
:Suoh sheaves as there are this
year—great, trailing, ugly, awkward
things! "What shall I do with this?"
we ask in desperation, as a sheaf
that covers a good square yard comes
'up over' the side.
"Suit yourself," replies the pitcher,
with airy unconcern. "'When they
leave my fork I'm done with them."
Does that show a Christian spirit,
we ask you?
One man, Ibrought up to believe
,.that everything we say and' do is
marked down by the recording angel,
wondered wistfully if EVEiRIYTHING
we said was marked down. "Because
'to ,matter Fhow good I am from now
on, if I have to answer for every-
thing I've said this harvest, I'm done
"Cheer 'up!" retorted the optimist.
"Personally, I think the recording
angel, thoed bok,
threw awayis thsummere key al:new Tic
took a whole
ummer's .vacation down the Milky
Let us Shope so!
Man: "My neighbor was just tell-
ing me his tale of woe."-,
Friend: `What's his bad lack?"
'Man: "He says the only way he
can get a smoke these days is to
shak' the tobacco out of cigarette
butts his wife and •daughter leave in
the ash his,
and use that in his
pipe."—Sarnia Observer.
• ..
The liner quivered from stem to
stern, and then with a harsh, grating
sound it carne to a full stop.
A m•an in a long, flowing white
nightshirt appeared from a cabin and
dashed up to a steward. "What's
happened?" he shouted. "Have we
struck an iceberg?" he shouted.
"Have we struck an iceberg? Shall
I get into my lifeboat? Won't you
lower the boats?"
"Too date," the steward answered.
"We've done all we can for you, and
you'll have to look out for yourself
now. You see, we've just tied up in
dock,"!—Montreal Herald.
(By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) -
Father, lead nre day by day, •
Ever in Thine awn sweet way;
Teach me to be pure and true;
Show me what I ought to do!
When in danger, make me brave;
Make me .know that Thou canst
Keep me safe by Thy dear side;
Let me -in Thy love abide.
When I'm tempted •to Flo wrong,
Make, me steadfast, wise .'end
And" when all alone, rI stand,
Shield me with .Thy mighty hand.
—J. G. Ropps,
Lesson Topic—Lydia and Priscilla
(Christian Women in Industrial
I ife).
Lesson Passage—Acts 16:11-15, le;
1-3, 24-28.
Golden Texts—Proverbs 31:31.
Paul, having been called in a most
impressive way to go into Macedonia
o take his, gospel message to the
p • e there, immediately set about
making preparations to depart.. In
due time he and his companions, Sil-
and St. Luke set off. Twenty years
had passed since the crucifixion, and
yet the chief ministers and leaders
of the Church had not yet crossed
over into .,Europe. Paul, assuredly
gathering from the vision that the
Lord had called him to preach the
gospel in Europe, delayed -not to go.
They had a prosperous voyage and
landed at Philippi, a city called after
Philip, king of Macedon, the father
of Alexander the Great, They settled
down there in that -city of varied
peoples and, .therefore, an advantag-
eous place for doing good.
One would have expected that, hav-
ing had such a particular call from
God to go there, they should have
had a joyful welcome, as Peter had
from Cornelius when the angel..sent
him" thither. Where was the man
that while beforeed h so?im
any notice asst k no of
the three strangers. "We were in
that city abiding certain days." They
were slighted and overlooked, when
they had every reason to expect
other treatment, but great men of-
ten receive such training for future
greater endeavor.
There was no synagogue in the
city or they would hlirV'e presented
themselves there.' They had not een
idle, though, for they heard o a
meeting place outside the city where
there was a gathering of worship-
pers of the true God each Sabbath
Day. Thither they found their way,
to observe that.the company'was one
of women only. The three men sat
down and soon after began to speak
with and to them.' These omen
worshi ed God according tb the
lighth had, but more was needed,
and Vhi as now being told them.
They nee ed God,llbut they needed
and thi was now being told them,
Paul opened up to them ,�thhe knowl-
edge of the way of life. And Lydia's
heart was opened so. that she gave
good head to the things whidl, were
spoken. by,Paul. ConversionWork is
heart work; it is a renewing of the
heart. Christ, in dealing with the
soul, knocks at the door'that is shut
against Him; and, when a sinner lets
Him in, the ear is opened to His
word, the lips opened in prayer, the
hand opened in charity, and the whole
life enlarged by obedience, tg His
will. Thus it was with Lydia; she
vas baptized and by that solemn
rite was,admitted a member of the
Church of Christ. "She was baptiser;
and ]ler household,"•by the same rule
that Abrahem and his household were
circumcised, because the seal of the
covenant 'belongs to the covenanters,
and their seed.
Acts 18.:1-3.—In Corinth We find
Paul 'working for a living by tent -
making. Though hewas entitled to
a Maintenance from the churches he
formed, when they were forgetful of
his needs, he kept himself by his own
labor and;, in this case, was thus.
brought into touch with fellow -tent-
makers, Aquila and Priscilla. In do-
me' so he set for us an example to
associate ourselves with kindred
spirits. When Paul left Cori'hih he
took with him • these two, because
they had..emind to accompany him.
A great affection for him had been
created in their hearts so that they
could not bear to be separated from
him just then. However, when Paul
moved on to go to Jerusalem he left
Aquwhere theay Priscilla
in Ephesus
labored At-
tendg the synagogue, they fell in
-with a certain Jew from Alexandria.
He was an eloquent speaker, and well
versed in the Scriptures of the Old
Testament, IHe had in addition' some
knowledge of Christ and. of the way
of salvation by Him. He had .been
instructed so far as John's ministry
as a forerunner of the Messiah was
concerted: Seeing this, the two
earnest souls listening to him gg,t
into touch with him and "expounded•
unto him the *ay of God more per-
fectly." They took,him into their
own house. Havingby their long
and intimate association with Paul,
come to know the truths Of the gos-
pel, they instrueted him in like man-
ner, They used their talents and, al-
though they did not consider them-
selves able to speak publicly, they
encorlraged and 'inspired' Apollos,
leading him into the clear light of
the• gospel of Christ. — (Henry's
• •
Last spring, the demon Of jealousy
got to work among some of our teach-
ers, and an eunhappy time resulted.
Something mush be done, so we plan-
ned for a week of special evangelis-
tic meetings at the close of the term
with our home as the meeting plaoe.
In the early morning, about thirty
pupils, • and eight or nine others,
gathered on our upstairs verandah
where we could look across the Yang
Tze River, to the hills beyond, 'while
we took part in a worship service
We were delighted to have Mrs.
Chang, Chinese suiperintendent of
nurses for the General Board h•ospi-
tal in h a Chringking, with ns to help
wit series of addresses. From 9
(Continued on Page $)
Open With Prayer
The Editor The Huron Expositor:
(Dear Sir: May I lave a little •
space in your good p er to say that
one reason, I think,bhat the affairs
ofi the world ingeneral are so bad is •
because we do not open and close our
political meetings with a few words
of 'prayer. -
Just think ofi it! Even the League
of Nations do not open and close
their meetings with prayer. Now, it
seems to me that since God, has
taugh't us how to pray, and we all',
know the power and the importance
of prayer that we should open and
close all our political meetings with.
prayer. And I am sure the wheels•
that run the affairs of our fair world.
will run ever so much smoother on
our political meetings in the future.
So let us make a a start in the right
direction at our very next meetings,
and I am sure once we start this
way (which is God's way), we will
stick 'to it. Thayou.
A WiEnk
Seen in the
County Papers
Drilled well For Dr. Jamieson
Fred L. 'Davidson, well driller of
Wingham, completed a well on Tues-
day of this week on the proper, of
Dr. Jamieson. Water was reache at
101 feet.—Brussels Post. �U
Enjoyable Event
On Friday evening :last the mem-
bers of the Ever -Ready Mission Cir-
cle of Wesley -Willis . Church held a
'hamburger roast at Elliott's beach,
One of the most' interesting events of,
the evening was the hugeetamp fire,
around which the members, sat sing-
ing fireside melodies, etc. Everyone _
declared a splendid evening spent.—
Clinton News -Record.
Celebrates Eighty -Fifth Birthday
The Post together with a host of
well-wishing friends, expends con-
gratulations to Mrs. George Baeker,
who celebrates her 85th birthday on
Wednesday, August' 28. Mrs. Baeker
who lives with her daughter, Mrs.
John Duncan, is hale and hearty and
her many friends in town and corn- -
munity ,join in wishing her continued
health and happiness. --Brussels Post -
Fractures .Arm
Miss Laura Elliott, while standing
on a chair Saturday last, had the
misfortune to overbalance and fall to
the floor. In breaking the fall with
her left arm she had the misfortune
to fracture both bones midway be-
tween ,the wrist and the elbow. The
fractures were reduced by Dr. Flet-
cher.—Exeter Times -Advocate.
Mother Dies
Mr. Sylvester B. Taylor. was called
to his ,h`ome in Sherbrooke, Que., on
Saturday last owing to the death of _
his mother, the late Mrs. Wm. Ta'y-
lor. Mrs, Taylor had not been well
for a time but her death was unex-
pected. .,114r. Taylpr's father passed
away five years" ago. The funeral of
'his mother was held on Wednesday,'
The sym.11athy of many friends will
be extended to the bereaved family.
—Exeter Times -Advocate.
For the Western Harvest
Last week. two Colborne township
boys set off` on a motorcycle to lend
their efforts towards the reaping of
the West's• golden harvest. They
were Jim arris,h, aged 22, and !dill
Farrish, aged 19, sons of Mr, and
Mrs. John D. Farrish, Lake Shore
'Read.' The boys are going to the
farm owned by a Mr, Lawrence, ' of
Dite pore, Sask., where there are 1,-
20 acres of wheat' and 20.0 acres of
oats to be 'harvested. It is expected
the boys will not be .home until No-
vember. Jim Farrish worked on the
Lawrence harvest two years ago and
was asked • to return this year with
another hard worker. He took his
brother.—Goderich .Signal...
Stevens Party Will Enter Field
A meeting of the 'Stevens Recon-
struction Party was held in Wingham
on Tuesday, when there was a re -
.presentative group present from most
of the municipalities. Tub organiz-
ers from the Reconstruction Party
were present, Major Harris and Mr.
Morrison, of- 'Sarnia. The following
were appointed for North Huron Rid-
ing: Chairman, Mr. W. FL. Willis ; .
secretary, Miss Josie Saunders; com-
mittee members, Mr. Zinn, Mr. W. J.
Henderson, Mr. Jamieson, Mrs. An-
derson, Mr. Lobb, Mr. R. J. Scott,
Mr. Gaunt.—iGoder'ich Star.
Wilson - Carr
A quiet -wedding took place in Lon-
don on Sets rday ••afterncon when
edeste Victoria, 'daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Carr, of Wingham, be-
ame the 'bri:.': of Norman William
Wilson, son of Mrs.. J. Wilson and
he late J. Wilson of Lucknow. Rev.
li). Williams of Deechar Avenue Unit -
d Church, London, Officiated. The
ride was becomingly attired in a
avy blue crepe suit with beige ac-
essories and carried a bouquet of
apeman roses and lily of the valley.
.ater the happy couple left on a mot -
r trip to Hamilton, • Toronto and
opts east. On their return they
reside in Lucknow. — Wingham
Couple Celebrate 50th Wedding
A very interesting -event took place
Holstein Park on Saturday and
unday, August 17 and 18, where Mr.
nd Mrs. John McGuire, of Belerave,
elebrated the '50th aniversary of
eir wedding. Mr, and Mrs. Mc-
uire, Sr., were married in the Meth -
dist parsonage at Blyth by the Rev.
isher in 1885. When they were
arting homemaking first, they set -
ed en a farm on the 6th line of Sul-`
van, later sold to Krugg Bros., of
hesley. For thirteen years they
oreered in the bush, working with
en , clearing 'land enough to grow
me Crop. Wingham Advance-
(Continued on Page $)
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