HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-08-30, Page 6Snle
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(Condensed from The For unt 'in Reader's Digeet)
action Penner*
ed deWnwends,
of bietter einellietiene
cheeee eenPut hen nieen•
bosiog gropud ill iloyor
White Annan
ngures ler the finet sit
' -
'Ns • fa-
. t•
Months Of 1935 are not eomplete, says
• and Miles For Suellen
it at 15 miles en llner---bud the'Ser
ASSOCIATION AND /ACEs.....,..........-'
. . • , •
the report on the dairy .'Sititanlan in
10anacta by the Agricultural Branch.
•,---ne., _ _pee efee- ,..,
wog sirens .of 'Calla/biter are
"doing their stuff." At late
eitations they were lining
eff the beaten path at tile
0,000 cars a month. Every
smiling Quietuplets are held
i gaze of the curious throng
he wire fence whkh -sur-
le Dionn,e, Hospital, it means
fame of •the youngsters
till further abroad and more
a tourists may be expected.
d money for the PrOViecial
, too, if the estimate is cor-
inetuey $12,000 a month in
taxes x'. being paid by visi-
he Quintuplets' home. Then
aliens of gasoline are being
1 in that period, or an ,esti-
.4,000,000 miles travelled.
ens 10e00 cars with an av-
p of 400 miles each. That is
it too }ugh an ayerage per
tine many of the license
rry the 'names 'of California
ida and Texasand theall
, y
6ign.s are the exeeption and not the
rule. lit eoitie etatee they have no
:speed limit whatever.
But hetAinericen motorist
approachee a gllage in his one ee,un...
try end sees he wkIrtung ie. 21..1- '
mile sneed Melt, ' he cheeke nowt: his
speed. He ddesn't race througn vil-
!ages. He knowe ftem experience
that the speed limit will be ettforeen
etrictly- and so, he obeys the law.
emit were
We believe a the spedli
placed at 50 il ur, motor-
metes an ho
lets generally, would observe it, They
do in the States, apeetently—and if
they don't do it 'here there would be
little p.ublic sympathy for theenotor-
ist who is prosecuted en. egneneg
it. The Majesty in °the Law would
be resorted in the public mind; law
enSurcement would replace la:thty of
procedure, motorists would give ser -
ions heed to /special siges limiting
spe.ed, the highwaye would 1>e safer,
and everynody .would be happier.
. en interestine-, and inetructive de-
vele/en-0:a in medicine has been the
direction ef attention towards the
patient as an indual, -rather than
to focus anention on .a diseased part
or on a disease. •
We know that if a person, is to be
h.,.e..elofe ,hies bnixui.shave health in all yt
f" ' tsthy. hHealth intlifies the
.harimitious and e-fficient Working of
all parts of the body and mind.
The old idea that you lite fieh as
food for your brains and iron for our
nerves is discarded. NVe have learn-
ed that the whole body muse be era-
',ere- fen if any one part is to be
adequately • nourished. Furthermere,
no ane article of food goes to make
brains or nerves.
When something goes wrong' with-
in the body,- even though the ill ef-
fects to be limited
ek- soeiallyneinded German, nearly
a centu.ry ago, 'viewing the incredible
sufferings of the poor in the clutehes
af the meneylenders, started the co-
operative creelit nrovement. T he
wage earner was taught to organize,
to form his own bank, to deposit his
meney teem and to use these de-•
posits to make oans to those of his
I .
fell° who needed credit.
A Canadian journalist, Alphonse
Desjardins, •studieid this European in-
novation. Te result was the forma-
in Parish of Levis, Quebec,
tion the ;
of the filet truly co-operative bank
in North America. In thetrst sev-
en years of its exietence it built up
a capital of e80,000,l, made loans" ag-
:elevating 35 04Y0 ire nip members,
drove the loan sharks out of Levis,
and •Iaurbehed a. movement that to-
day has the loan shark on the de-
fensive -ihroughout America . ..
In the United States the. real pro-
pulsion to the movement came
through Edward A. Filene, oth,e Bos-
ion, as ; have these of Detroit, --14sw
York, and a dozen other cities.
The idea is ervieeping through, in-
dusta.y. Snvift arid Company has 134
c,redit unions. in packing plants., re-
fineries and branehee. The oddest
was formed in 1931; meet of thein
are less than two years old. In that
bnef tnue they h
1' • ave aceumulate-n
$600,00-0 in savings and made loans
of $1,670,000. The Armour Company
credinu.nion movement ie even larg-
er and o
oder; it has loaned a total of"bulk"
$3,300,000. •
' Not so long ago 10 or 15 new ere&
it unions a; month were bhe rule. Now
since the greeting ,of Federal char-
ters, new unions are being formed at
the 'rate of 1D0 e. mentbe
The basic principle upon Whieh the
•oredit upion is built is the fact that
within any • groulp-nemiekgees, mei-
dents of a. community, members of a
perish •or fraternal organization—are
all the funds necessary to meet the
credit needs ef that group.. Any such
of *re Dominion Bateau ot stetis-
tics, some indication of what is tak-
tee elate may be determined from tee
June production in Prince:Edward Is-
bsolii N Brunswick Quebec on_
.' • • • ' • '
tano, and .British Columbia. The cbm-
ibined production of cheese in these
five proyinees amounted to 16,300,165
.pounds, as compared 5 with a creamery
butter output of 2 123,161 pounds.
Ind.ecithier npre oovince.1 per cent. in
a f 14of Qii. the 19was.5
el oc-
Junepreduction f cheese as orn
d same th 1934
pareand e. reductiwith the on a 14.7 monper he cent. , foe
the first six menths of 1935corn
, -
pared with the same. period of 1934.
In Ontario the diversien of milk from
cheese factories to creameries. still
continues, euggesting that a further
reduettion• in the cheese output may
'be expected in 1935.s` In 'order to pre-
vent the canation of -surplus butter
stook, the Dominion 'Government has
made available a fund of $1,000,(100
to be
. i
it's 'FINE either way! •
• It's so handy to have a package of
Kellogg's Au..-Bueer in the kitchen.
Serve it as a cereal. Use it also :.
eon wholesome ingredient 'in your •
muffins, breads, omelets, waffles. inn
Kellogg's Are -Bing supplies •
to aid regular bidets. Aye
BRAN is also rich in vitainin II, o
as well as iron, an element of the '
blood. , •
Two tablespoonfuls daily will core •
rect common c.onstipation, due to
insufficient bulk in the diet. In se -
vere cases, with eaeh meal. If not
relieved this nay, see your doctor -
The "hulk" of Axe -BRAN does not
break down during digestion as does
ghat of leafy vegetables and is there-
fore more effective for furnishing •
a North Bay highway,for the
eurpose of seeing the nabiee
j * * * .
. ,may seem to one
•part. it is the ehole body which is
— - ered or diseased. Ybu cannot
mins .dsor d
mcNaughton .. Miskii
. , have diseased lungs . and have a
the Port Chronicle) healthy nody the lunge
ton merchart, whose inteeest and
seneldies. brought about the forma-
tidn in 1921 of what is now the Creel-
it Union National Association. The
group, by -applying to. the Credit Un-
ion National Astocietion, :receives',
without cost, a call from an organize
er who shows 'them how to set up
used as a bonus p
payment to
deliveringfarmers th,eir milk ..
cheese factionee. Payment n
' a th e
basis of. len cents a pound is to be
the needed -bulk." It is a delicious
laxative food. . . 'far letter than;
telfa ,
(Fram Arthur other than
bitter battle which it fought state by
their 'own bank, and how to apply
ma de in August,1935 covering the
. , .
Get the red -and- --emeeeele
Six -Cylinder India
,is a distinguished stranger
The body is a living functiedning unit,
Decorated with a profusion of not a collection of unrelated, parts.
summer flowers,' St. Paul's United When treatment has to be censid-
„state. age.hist powerful loan agencies
was ended when, in ' 1934, .• with some
ten states still not recog•nizing ered-
for a eharter.
Any number of persoos can form
a ;credit union, and there dre to -day
. .
July Production.' • These payments
will increase- the revenue of cheese
patrons and be an ieducement to de-
green package at
your grocer's. Made
by Kellogg
, o
he glittering new cars hi the
ve ,building at the •Canadian
Exhibition this 'year. It is
Ch•ur.ch was the setting for a wed- ered, no longer is it a question of
dingfhis morning at 11 o'clack, when what is the right treatment foi" a
Sarah Isabel (Sadie), only daughter distase.d stornachS but rather what is
it =lens, Gongress 'passed a law
permitting their establishrnent under
Federal charter anywhere ,in the
memberships of 30, or .lees, but ex-
perience has taught that a group oe
50 dor more individuals works best.
liver milk to the el -lee -et factories in-
etelad of to creameries. It is expect-
ed that ;there will be • a reduction in
in Lon -
don, Ontario.
Keep onthe
made fameus the 1935
if Gordon Sinclair, footloose
of. the Toronto Star. In it
ed 9,000 adventurout miles,
of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mistimins. the best treatment for a man whole
102 Banning Street, and Irving Web- stomach is .diseased:
ster McNaughton, M.A., second; son, These may seem to be the same
of Me. and Mrs. John Meraidgliton,
United States or its poesessione. • o
Seventeen, years ago 20 employees
of the New I•vg•iand Telephone and
Telegraph Company invested $1
The members buy interest-bearing
shares of $5 value each, paying. for
them at the ratehof 25 cents per week
the quantity 'of oreamerY butter to
be• manufactured in the next. !five
1 ' 1
51,,inny Side 0 Life ;.
leers, radiator, and fenders
,oting ' the
thing, but it is not so. Spme years
of Kippen, Ontario, took their nup• ago, typhoid fever. cases were starved
Rev. Dr. 'Andrew
and started a credit union, Last
per share. The Money se collected
can be used only for making short-
' ....
emsouvenirs" of
Believing that thousands
e to see tha car that carried
ed Canadian newswriter to
and the oKhyber and other
le places, it was, arranged to
:his autonnbile. so that it
e included in eche C.N.E. ex-
he car, car, =Jess...than its.driy-
i lot of thrills pack -ed into its
sojouen. Cn. the way to
tial vows. Reid of because it was feared that food might
Chalmers Church, Winnipeg, per- injure the ulcerated bowel. This may
formed the marriage ceremony. Tall have beengood treatmentforthe
. • ' '.
standards of ferns, white gladioln, bowel but it was -definitely hard on
blue delphinium and pink apd white the .patient. Now that tyephoid fever
sweet peas aderned' the front of the
w more patients are being better fed,
church, .the guest pews being desig- tiefactory resultshive been ob-
mated by lovers', k-nots el' white satin t ' b h I d f
amen, ecatiee t. e gene-ra • nee s o
-riblent. As -the bridal party entered the patientrather than one part o
, f
the church, Alfred. Bott, acting or- his body, have received eonsideration.
ganist, played the "Bridal Chorus."
year the eight credit 'unions within
the company made loans .totaling $1,-
500,000' and had assets of $2,000,000.
These credit unions have grown to
Never. the whole economic life. of the
telephone company emp lo yee S.
their Fathers borrew money to put eir
children :through college. The housee
holder 'orders' his coal in the sum-
mer, when prices are down, and gets
term loaris—up to $1,000, in the ease
o± larger .unione--to the members of
e gnoup. Applicants, for loans are
thus of known .reliability, already on
recerd. Credit -union laws effectively
guard against .,employer tentrol • of
the bank. . • . ' -
It es. bing for the Masses, uf
the masse, and . by the m'assesn'
Home Drying of Fruits .
. •
Drying, or dehydration as. it 'is call -
ed, of fruits and.eregetables, is a.pro•
..dess by . which moisture is remcpeed
from food so that deleterious organ-
isms will not grow. The flavor is
semewleat changed in drying and the
beep named foe femous chefs, hotels
and, even oeinintries. To -day the sal-
ad is supreme, and • the most flatter-
ing compliment ,that can be made to
a hostess, be she in log -hut or palace,
lies in the simple words "nheimakesi
an excellent salad" So along cord.ee
- - • • ' • •
the Dominion Departme,nt of
culture -with i e all -embracing aid th
, early last spring, it had to
aoad cut for it through snow
ieep, a battalion of one thou-
>Lies being engaged. for the,
hie of the car's spectacular
es to cover the distance of
les from Rennak, -capital of
an, to Bombay, in five days
a hours. It takes trains 91ye
make the same run.
. k . number of faddy diets have come
from 'Lohengrin, and, as a recen- into existence because of their sup-
.sianal, played •nlendelseohn's Wed- len' value in 'some particular con-
ding March. During the signing of Iet-ion. Nearly all of these are faulty
the register Vincente Puneente gave because they fail to pro•vide for the
a violin solo. Miss Ann Melnaughton general well-being of the persons con-
of Kippere Ontario. sister ' of, the cerned.
bridegroom, attended as bridesmaid, This does not mean that proper
and the best man was Hayward H.ur- care ane attentiori are not to be giv-
rell. The beide, given away by her
en; en to the treatment of disorders of
father, had chosen to be in 4
a diseount for cash. The fear Of
sickness or other emergency- no long-
er hangs over these workers. They
have their own bank.
In Boston's North End—a typical
slum district --there hive been few
fat years since 1921. 'Yet a credit
anion started glen to -day has a eapi-
tal of $68,000. It has rhale loans in
excees of $1,000,000 and has written
•. .
• 0
'ar m Notes
Preventing Bees From Swarming
Work done by the Bee Division of
/he Dominion Experimental Farms
has shown that the desire of bees to
ritarnin value destroyed; be long ex-
Iposure to the oxygen of. the air.
Therefore, says the circular just is-
sued by the DominionDepartment4' of
Agriculture on home drying of fruit e
and vegetables, drying should' be us-
ed as a method of Nome preservation
only when home canning is not prac-
ticale There are three methods: of
drying namely, sun drying, drying
the welfa'reeed the nation.
pest been issued from its Peblicity
and Extenlion. Branch a booklet with
the selt-exrrianatory title of "Salads;
that are different" And they are.
There are Dvex 40 recipes for differ -
ene 'sas, and a
ladll that is wanted is
•ngredie ts whieh are within the
the i ai .
readh• of , .,
* *
. ,
alue of Tourist Travel
t trade as between Canada
"Uniteti States shows a bal-
$73,000,000. in. favor of :the
e Last year Canadian tour-
senal• expenditures in the,
'etates amount to $47,000,00,
see of 34 per cent. over .1933,
;- to figures compiled' by the
ton 'Commerce Department,
wed f nc.tion and to •crise en All nhat'is
Nraly-netnc gown, an exact reproduc- • ' '
tion a the robe de ,noces worn by implied es that. together with such
,thereequal treatment should 'go an
the former Princess Mtarina. o fJoseph
amouet of • care and attenlion to' all
Greece, now ehe Duchess of Kent, at the ph
physical and mental • parts which
her royal wedding last November. make up the individual requiring at-
The sheathe -like gown of white oys• tention.
ter satin was cut on the bias ro a high •
Queetions cdneerning ..health, en:
rimulded.waistline which was finished dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
with a soft gn•dle a satin. The bocn sociation, 184 College St., Toronto,
tee had a cowl' neckline -and. was fast- will be answered personally by let-
erect up the back wiin a row a satin tee .
covered 'kittens. The lo.ng, lease
sleev,ee ended in deep
off in ll'at time only $7,500, or less
than one per cent., Here is a, mark
for the bankers to shoot at.
Campa,na, the Treasurer of
this union, makes loan that Would
turn e banker's 'hair gray. He lends
Money to the workman. to pay ' the
doctor's bill. He lends m
money to the
pushcart 'man to .buy snick in trade
He rescues the young couple,from the
clutches of the sort of installment
house that does 'business . with these
people. He does all these things on
swarm. ma Y be suppressed to the
• • b
rnammum ; y eliminating the excit-
Mg causes. This is done by keeping
every colony eheacted ;by young ahd
vigorous queens, by peo,viding stag-
ene space for maximum brood pro-
.duction and storage of nectar at all
e m„, by „ing only good drawn
comb in the brood chambers, and by
. previding shade for the colonies dur-
ing the hottest part of the simmer
or proper ,ventilation for the hives.
''ficiel heat and drying by air
by .arn
blest. -Good material must be used
to. obtain good results; and the ad-
.fanta,ges of 'drying lie in the fact
that less storage space is required.be-
cause the fresh material is reduced
to al/nest one-quarter, and that dried
products may be stored indefmitely
without danger of spoilage. In the.
cooking of dried fruits and vegetables
it miust be remembered that the wa-
ter which has. evaporated' from' them
. r Botany and Food
• lAmeng the sciences that contribute
to agricultural and horticultural pra-
gress none has eloser or more multi-
farioue contacts with practical crop.
production than botany. If .such con-
tacts are apparent only to thaw /nosh
ilitimetely .concerned with agrieultur-
al research; the reason is to be s oijght
in the comparative negleet on ieci ne
th.e same period,' United
guests to Cana•da spent $120,-
a total which will be exceed-
ierably this yLear. The in-.
pxpen.diture of Canadian tour-
ie United Svates is attribut-
e2 per cent. intrease in the
d Canadian cars entering the
°. '
* * •* .
, .
,ws of this country setting
/ limit for minor traffic on
nays are hono-red more by
ach than their observance—.
bjame be
cuffs of satin.
She wore a veil of plain white French
net deidending in folds , over t h e Some Poultry Parasites
sweeping fan -shaped train of her- .
gown .n -ad caught to the head with a ..-Basily Controlled
Opronet of starched white chentille
lace embroidered in seed peat le At this season red mites arid body
Glees of chantilly lace to matche her lice frequently cause serious loss in
head. less and ,,vhite crepe de chire 'production,. deaths May follow . sad
and satin Bally sargals completed het infestation amion.g both- the young
costume. ' In her arms she carried a and the old stock, and considerable
sh p. t
wer bouquet ofSweethearand time and care may be required to
Butterfly roes and lilies of the valley leing the flock back into condition
caught with' streamers of whits satin after. the trouble has been located..
baby libloone The bride:elven Miss Carelessness or unsanitary condi-
Ann McNaughton, wore a S•eg-ti > nu- liens are usually respcmsible for the
the .pitiful sadings of these people
ana pays these same d.epositors a
better interest rate than they could
get at the big banks uptown. •
IPostal esoPloYees, 'teachers, 'Kline
employees, who depend upon a set
salary and ' dare not allow their fins
ncial difficulties to be generally
• known, heve always been shining
targets for the loan •eharks. In 1923
the first postal credit ' 'en • was
formed in Brocktorb, Mass, .
members. To -day the *wieheight capital of
that credit union is n36,000, and it
is but one of 338 in the postal ser-
— •
Cleaning the Hen House
At this time of year hen houses
. .
should be th.oroughly cleaned, &sun
fected, and whitewashed. ' At the
Poultr 'D' ' ion ' Central Itcpern
y _ ivis ?, f . .
()Dewing white-
men'ta'. ram' the • .
was. h mixture has been used with
good results • .
g ' • • bushe 'of •
Slake one-half bushel I .
• lime with
boiling water, strain and,add. 1 peck
' of salt, dissolved in warm water. Put
three pounds of ground. rice in boil-
ing water and boil to a thin paste.
Dissolve one-half pound of powdered.
Spanish whiting and 1 poand of clear.
must be restored.. The dried. fruit
or vegetables to be. cooked should be
soakekd orernightin about four times
es much weter es t e
h bulk of the
dried produ•cts. They should be cook-
ed in the Water • in which- they have
soaked using a covered seucepan - and
' • • i ' •
allowed lio simmer for a tong time.
Sugar should not be added until the
fruit is nearly cooked. In this way
the flavor is better, and less sugar is
required. These, and Maley other di-
rections; will be found in the chnu-
lar. . °
\ ,
in the general educational system,
which leaves the average person un-
.der the imerressien that the inaini
function of boteny is to give plants:
long names. The seience of knowing
plants has inevitably been conneetedt
from the earliest times With the arts
of growing them. Ith development int
fact can ;be traced froin the "physi c:
gerdens" of the Middle Ages' to thei
botanic gardens .
of later times withi
a •distinguished record of .services lit
the collection, identification and Ells-
semination of useful plants all overt
the world. To -day, botany and be-
tanical research has a direct bearing
cannot placed en-
on the motorist. Automo-
:he present day are built to
great- speed with perfect
.nder certein circ-trmstances.
eel of Marina blue mousseline de piesence of these pests. They thrive
inn. the' bia.s. cut skirt acheet.e. full- en dirty hens and multiply rapidly' in
:PSS in the back by 'meant 'of irecet dith if it is allowed to aecumulate
petals of mousselirie do sine, se lit in in corners or cracks andecrevices of
the centre, which. gave a swirling line the nen house.
In Fitton= h yea,ago g a few ye ago an
investigation showed en appalling
amount • •
'of loan -shark etwity among
schen' teachers. But the Pittsburgh
glue in warm 'Water. Mix all .these
well together and let stand for Bev-
eral days. Keep 'over. as pertable fur-
nace and apply t with brushes.
. •
Heavy and Light Soil Drift
'on every individual of a nation, asifi
evinced in Canada by the work 01
the Divesion•of Botany of the Do-
minion Department of Agriculture
ral opinton is that 35 miles
is an tmreasenable limit to
Flat tuens. ah.the sheuld.er flared out •
into full Lice live
school teachers now have a credit un-
• Water For the Poultry • '
Observations rade in Seekatchewen
'during the •summier of 1934 indicate
both in actual practice and in re-
search. It wars against disease in
Most motorists have ex-
lis speed, and have found
1 action is not dangerous;
therefore hold the 35 -mile
itelaw in coneemet. A law
n.ot backed by public sent-
a poor las', prOvidieg its
forcement is not necessary
blic interest, and the weight
ee shows that a speed limit
; 35 in hour is not
puff sleeves, and the deep V entirely on the body of
decolleeage Ives marked at the baCk the bird and irritate by crawling and
with rows of tiny covered teittons 'biting. Their eggs , are laid at the
extending to 'the weist,' which was base �f the feather, usually around
marked by a narrow belt fastened the vent. or under the wing. Fortu-
with a nosegay of pastel flowers. In nately, they are easily controlled arid
her blonde hair she wore a semi-eir- en using ordinary precautions the
dee of Talisma-n rases, . Talisman flock may be kept free and 'clean. The
svfiret peas and baby's breath to eor- usual practice at the Experimental
n spon.d with her, -'bouquet, and her Station -.Harrow is to apply Blue
accessories consisted of long white Ointment, which can be obtained at
ret any drug
/ .
Chickens, 61,000 to the Acre
(Avery McBee in Ine Baltimore tun)
A 'poultry farm near Cockeysville,
Md., employs factory methods, con-
d.ensing what ordinarily would re-
quire 610 acres into a single acre of
ground. Here an ave,rage of 61.nho
chickens live in tiers iof wire cages;
with as many as 2500 laying hens in
Extremely warm weather ,often
causes heat prostration aniorbg poul-
try, therefore an abundant supply' of
clean, fresh. water should be avail-
able to the growing and laying flock.
Since Water makes ,up 66 'per cent:
iof an egg its use is i rative. Clean
wafer is necessary, not only from
the standpoint of eanitatien, but also
to help Control' egg flavor.
that soil drifting or wind erosion is
generally most severe on the very
heavy and on the eery light soils.
Similar observations were made tee-
eral years ago during the course of
the* soil survey work. There is, hew-
ever, a definite tendency duriug the.
present period of drought, says Sci-
entifie Agriculture, for serious drift-
ing. 'te develop on medium -textured:,
soils form:erly classed as relatively
the cereal, fruit, • and other food
plants; it furrasnes the best knowl-
edge available for the extermination
of weeds and the conserv,atio.n of pas -
tures, and ensures the growing ofl
good potatoes by inspectiOn end cern-
fication of tubers intended for •seed
purposes: Working in co-operation
with the other Branches of the Do-
eninion Department of Agriculture,
and in touch with scientists of other
,Miles a
in these clays of perfect
and improved motorse
latter of fact a law which
reasonable,law, and which
groves with a frilled gore aid store, A 'portion of blue
low-cut sandals of white French kid. 'ointment 'about the size of a pea is
lhe bride's mother, Mrs. .T. 'A. Mis- smeared .between the thumb and first
lemine wore a Lanvin model' 9 -piece and second fingers and 'rubbed in a-
gown of navy crepe with a bodice round the vent and at the base
one air-conditioned, disinfected,
thermostatically heated and cooled;
Ph°theleftrieallY lighted room. ' The
daily production of laying hens is 58
per cent., against the 50 cent.' of
Northern Agricultural Societo its
The officers of Agricultural, Soeie-
ties in the newer parts of Ontario
,noredritting types. The present'so .
a high content of humus or decom-
posed !organic matter does not pre-
vent a soil from drifting, as shown
countries, its laboratories and its1
work on sten rest and theeproduetiont
of pure seed are widely known.
irded by the public gener-
danger to general law en-
:„. If men break one law
away with it," there ia a
n to break other laws. A
itimeet is created which ie
enhealthy to the life of the
of of
champagne ninon with a finely,pleat- the wing dose to the body. One
ed jabot and a belted jacket with thorough application when the birds
long fun sleeves. She wore a navy are being placed in their winter quer-
felt hat and a shoulderette of Tale- ters is usually sufficient to.keep them
man roses. . clean for the year. However, the
Immediately after the ceremony, a Leri shpuld be examined at intervals
bridal luncheon was served in the tecause a reinfestation may occur
conventional methods.
There are no nests. The hens nev-
er reach the ground, never go out-
doors. They livenesingly, .in batteries
of little wire cageef, in tiers eix or
seven hien The' floor of eachf.cage
is of the sa e wire mesh as the sides
are cahrted with even greater re-
sponsibilities than those in the south.
Apparently these 'duties are assum-
ed .in an enthusiastic way, as verY
su•ccessful district meetings were held
recently in Muskoka, Nipissing, Man-
itoulin Island and Algoma. , •
by . the 'occurrence of erifting•in' the
. black perk zone, around'Indian Ille,ad
and 1Vfelfort for instance.' While. the
investigation,s indicate that the vale-
leen; is most serious on the lighter
0 .1 . . „ . .
oi ypes, the- neareer SIOns aiso de-
mend attentien since they are Mucv
Marketing ansearch
d Re '
The gueStion as 'to how the •indie
•el'II lbe fit b
vt ua armer wi • ere y market-,
ing research is easily answered. Takeh
as a simple example th,e bf ap
hat can 1>e done about' it?
;ts who have travelled
:he United States have
it the American motorist,
is .not, a: reckless driver ,in
ountry. For the most part
; along at a rate' of .about
s an hour, and be .rarely
and seldom drops below
ail highways when the vie-
1 is clear and the road
In 'telly rare instances is
limit placarded' on 'Country
nee in a while the tourists
sign setting the speed lim-
French drawing room of the Prince • (luring hot weather,
Arthur Hotel, ceders being laid f'or
fift The red it • d t
y guests at a Onehaped table ar- . • m es o no stay on the
ne-ed with silver verses of pink and birds constantly. As a rule they
ra - spend the day in a -
white sweet peas and fere-et-Me-note some crack or crev-
'fhe three-tier w ' ice or on the und '
edeling cake set in a erside of the roasts
• treying on the birds at ni h b • 'within-
velete tulle base on • g t y pierc.
a Sheffield plaque
ing the -skin and gorgin.g themselves
ienlie topped by a tiny case of valley with blood. The control is com ra
i ies, held the place of honor in front tnely simple. A solution Pa -
-of the bride The toas•t o t
., • t he bride , of 1 to 3
was proposed by Dr. D. C. Black and crane carbolicsape kerosene or, one
o the good coal tar re arate
responded to by the bridegroom. Mr. ally usea as a .. P P one us-
and Mrs. McNaughton left 1 disiefectant may be
•at'ef •in applied with a brush to the dr p•
the day hy motor f or afthree we s' boards, roosts and nests after thing
none •mo:on to be s n '
y . pe t in Western they
c • have been theroughly sera eci 4 d
anada: returning- via the United cleaned. ,In the case f • lf 1ifes-
States to Bark's- Falls Ont.
, ., where .e di a ad fes-
• • tenon, when the mites have migrat-
th.ey will make their 'home. Mre•Mc-,ed to all parte of the house,
tiaugliton is
and tilts warcn the front. Eggs,
when laid, 11 doivrn into a little
• •
rack outside, to be picked up ny at-
tendants on hourly collection, rounds.
. .
ini conveyor belt runs on each tier,
affording a constant supply of food
easy reach at the back of each
cage. From a metal ni le at the top
there is a ta d ' f
- . ems' nt rip o water.
Tender the cages runs a seton.d con-
veyor belt Which catches the waste
- 't •
and.carries i to a b ,
in from ,which
is dtawn a supply of hielegrade fer-
til' i t ' I. 0 t ed h I
,iz ng me ena , u s e .eae lay-
ee s cage is a card, resembling a hos-
ital chart h• '
I) ' w 1 ch gives bhe entire re-•
cord of the hen and her production..
Th 1 1 b 1 t • '
ere . are a so e a o.rate 0 ec ric in-
Cutting Soybean Hay
With an increasing number of
farmers o in to b
• • gr w g s yegans for hay it
is 'important that grnwere should cut
• • . .
the carop at the proper time. Soy-
beans for bay 'should be 'cut When
pods are about half filled Out.
The mose desirable eembination of
ouality and feed value is obtained at
this stage. Cutting should be done
with the mower in the .rnorning, aften
the dew is off. It is usual to leave
e, •
the crop in the swath nit a day, or
until the leaves are thoroughly wilt-
• . . ,
Ed. there rake into windrows and al-
,ew tp cure. Or it inlay be left two
or thgree days in th.e windrows and
then into The
more valueble agriculturallyThere
is no indication, that the present tend-
ency 'of these soils to drift is due. to
any een
•ous loss in their productive
power trhe a alyses show that the
_ . _ n , . . ....
clay sods and the correspo 'g snit-
.ed materials are 'practically ;identical
in composition. Soil drift fropa sandy
loam is poorer in, textual rade and
chemical composition than the origin-
al soil. Drift from medium textured
mils exhibited a ,slimilar tendency but
the differences between .soil a.ndi drift
are not.great. The Whole matter of
soil -drifting, of course, is new under
. •
the consideration of the Prairie Farm
Rehabilitatiori• Committees, directed
by the Dominion Depantment of Ag-
n ..,
apple producer who may fhacase ve sevee
ei .
sources from which th select lie
me hod. of sale. Tbe,country dealer,
or shipper, the comenission merchant
in tile city, the truck dealer who buys
outright • on the farm, the neanist
public 'market, the local store the lo -
cal co-operative aseociation, and the
exporter •mig'ht constitute the out-
I t
e s for the apples, that this particu-
ler farmer produces. 'Marken/1g re -
search 'cyanid help this producer WI
eelect that 'Method of sale which has
ei .
()turned' the higher averege .price.
for apples over a peritpd of years td
the Producers in his eommunity. The
location of the farm with respect ti)
consuming centres, public markets;
taking a position on the a their-
'teaching staff of the High Scheel at nigh cleaning and spraying with one
Burk's Falls. . cf these agents will be, necessary and
arbators and .hatehers.
Once started, infectiou cOuld s cl
rapidly through such a mass of
put small cocks. hay
,eirould be thoroughly cured beflore
hauling and 'handled On. such a way
and good highways would, of. course,
influence the price obtained front
, should be repeated aftee an tnterval
For travelling the bride , who was of twp or three dem
ormerly a member of the t hi
eac n g
try. 'Cleanliness therefore is most
important. In addition to the autcn
as to preserve the leaves as .much as '
Perpetual Salad Days
various. agencies. Therefore,
marketing studies to determine thed
gria.de, the 'variety or elarietiee, the
• .. en) EXACTLY
staff of Cornwall School, chose a'
tailored suit of dark brawn tweed
with a seven -eighths coat worn over ' Lakehurst Agricultural S?eiety
a shirtwaist of beige taffeta with e Th is
broWn and gold plaid design. A - society has receettly 'gurgles-
brown felt hat and brown accessor- ed the imported Percheroh stallion,
ies completed her outne. Prior to hjasirlire'"from G. A. Pedden of
her marriage, many fri.ends enter- Strathroy. ••
tained en h•onor of th,e bride at din- For many years the Lakehurst So-
ner parties, teas, theatre parties and 'cl'et•Y has eonehstently followed a
hrid.ges. „ rainy of maintaining p.ure bred bulls
. . for the use. of its members. This
matic elimination. of waste the floors,
walls and ceilings are kept spotlessly
ele.an, each room being disinfected
once a day. All cages are sufideet to
we steam at short Intervals.
As 'neat and Clean as their sur-
renndinge aret the 21 employees,. The
women wear spotlessly white min
fotere .and caps, meteh' like those of
hospital nurses, and the ,men wear
clean.stripeci trousers and coate
'several thousand Visitors pass
Weaning the Lambs
Lambs ehaeld be weaned att around
fire Months of age. Th'e p tiee of
letting the lambs wean themselves
is to be diseouraged alike it prevents
the mothe-r getting a well deserved
rest before the inatin.g season, which
is nec'essery for her health arid vi-
Young weaned Iambs- eboula have
the run of some goad fresh pasture.
' 41
eMy salad days! when I was green
* Judgment, cold in blood." When
Sleak.espeare wrote these words in
his play, "Aiithony. end Cleopatra,"
he not ..only drew a rich metaphor
from the cool and enticing. hot-wea- life
ther iteni on the menus, but made a the
sl .drig at the probability of yrouth
re2eeiviag his "salon" at the salle, -.or it
birching black, established in all the seareh.
reputtNe schools of the day. "Avoir
size and type of, containers whi li
command the highest prices, frota tIiel
jobber, the retailer and ,the tonsumer,
are of vital interest to the individual
farmer and are merely sorrie. of the
manyritems made practicable in clailsh
on the farm through the work oil
Di:minion. Department of Agri-,
culture an,d other agencies. engaged'''.
marketing and agricultural Tee -
.,will 1i ilia all day and
dig!;niir Area/weeks. ,
r 40-4e0Sti 'pocket.
, • . .
coorty .„. ____
0.,. xfoorio afore&
4 ,
. , progressive nark, covering a period
As useal the Automotiveof years, has resulted in a uniform-
t tfh e• . e Building ly high standard of feeder cattle, for ,distatit
a e • a ' Ian National Exhi '
Innen eluch Market channels are open. The
will house t'he declining ns'ar creations district is well known to cattl .e buy-
(9i metornoin 'with all° their varied ers.
nreprevernents aridth fin et
e . e prodeete Apparently a similar policy is 110W
of the • best known 'engineers of the being • adopted to serve horse inter-
cd. lleotinne World. eats in the area. _
n .. . . ..
through the plant each Suaiday—
many of them chieken farm,ere from
lands, including South Africa
and Egypt. But 'blies& week -and
d b ' ' f
crow s are ecomang something o a
problem, because 'of the few of dis-
ease froin t'he outside. So they are
being eeparated from the cages Ine
walls of glass! '
. ,ssl . • . .
• .:
A gond after -math or a •piece of nine
that has been *flown in the spring 31611
he gleatly 'enjeired by• them. 'Such a
Pasture is neeeeteary to avioid it cheek
n en. gr
i th ' awl* as a result of the
lose of their mallet's Milk; it will
also help to prevarit paeasitic infese
tati on to detrimental to growing
11E044 ..
de la ealade," as the Ftreneh had, it.
However that may be: the salad of
the twentieth e'en:tiny is an irellspen-
sable faetor in dietary science With
the advance a knowled ft h t_
ge,. as ou
grown its b.. . .utility as henweather
makes,hitet 'and has been, and. isi the
subject of rivalry between melee -sit
e4monents of. the culinary art. It has
. • ,
otedde des h th
- - PP MI W en e
Liver and Kidneys
ere amend by