The Huron Expositor, 1935-08-30, Page 4Seseseearsee, eStrielneseile ten 11 4.• • , , Is 1 Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates: „d, Lest and Found, Coming Events,,, Ete,,,....per word; 1 week • 1 Cent -'' 2nd week , % Cent rd week. % Cent Minimum charge, first insertion 16 Cents , ,,, ,,,,,,..• Each figure, initial and abb reviation counts ea one wordL t5/:•• Thanks, In Memoriam Notices -1 cent. per word. Minimum, 60 centa per week. , x5ireY be directed to a Box Number, care at nee Saran Eerie/miter, for lii..., cents 0 , ellecenn additional per week vrill be charged if ads hi above dams •"'l • eaturday night la the meek trt which the ad was nin. Pir.ths. Marriages and Death s inserted free of charge. Aticti9Et Sales, Notice to Cieilitors, Eta -Bates on atiBlication. Help Wanjed • lillETANTED-A HOTJSEFEPPER TO CARE. w for a part invalid in )3ayfield. APPLY. In person, to MISS MARY TAYLOR, Bay - 8 8381.1 QELL A PERMANENT BENEFICIAg- LINE direct from Manufacturer 10 wearer. We sell beauttful silk neckties at prices defying dompetiti4. DURABLE NECKWEAR, 157 Close A....*ue, Toronto. 3532x2 For Sale or Rent BEN -.STORE AND APARTMENT TO ▪ rent. in Beattie Block.- 'Apply to JOHN H. BEST. 3531-3 TIF.N.SALL PROPERTY FOR SALE --EIGHT roomed modern brick "rouse, recently re- novated, equipped with furnace, bathroom, hard and soft water, Hydro: good barn mid garage; on four lots of land. nicely sittio.ted ID valage. Sale in settlement of Alex. Munn Estate- Apply Box 537, Seaforth. ' S521 - For Sale pole SALE - TWO LADIES' C. C. M. bicycles. in excellent condition. Apply R. F. JONES, Jarvis Street, Seaforth. 3533x1 pies FOR SALE --I 6 CHUNKS. Apply to PAT MURRAY, R 5, Seaforth. Phone 3533-1 Farms For Sale OUSE AND TWO FARMS FOR SALE.- ' Eight -room frame house. cis:neat founda, ton, electric light. A good barn and six lots adanted for warket gardening. OPposite Seaforth Collegiate. Farm of 75 acres, 51'2 Lot 10. Con. 11, McKillop; and also a 50 -ace graso farm. Str"), Lot 19, Con. 2, Hibbert. Ap- ply to MRS. L. RICHARDS or th J. H. BEST. 3532x3 pit= FOR SALE- tit, WILLIAM Mi - Culla farm. Lot 26. Con. 12, McKillop Township; solid brick house. full basement with furnace, hard and soft water bank barn, driving shed, hen house, garage, wind- mill': good orchard_ Well fenced and tile drained: sorne rnaple and rock elm timber. This farm contains 100 acres, less balf an acre off -for a school house on the farm, and Situated about two and one-half miles south of Walton on the North Gravel Read, half • way between Seaforth and Brussels. Must be sold to close the estate. Immediate Possession_ .Por further particulars apply on the premises or to MRS. ALBERT McGAVIN, Executrix. Walton R. R. 2. Ancticm Sale of household furniture endj effects on tihe premises, Tuesday, August 27th,1 3532-2 ea* not paid by the Lost and Found .OST -A CHILDS BLUE SERGE COAT -L.4 at the farm of late Wm. McCulla dur- ing auction sale, August 27. Finder leave at EXPOSITOR OFFICE. -3533-1 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO C'REDITORS mance IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT to the" statutes in that behalf that all pexsoms having claims against William Robert Late or the Town of Seaforth, County of liu_ron, who died on the 9th day of June, . 1935, are,required to send to the undersigned , solicitors for the Executor, fullparticulars ID writing and verified .by af5davit, of their . claims, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, on or ,before the 5th day of September. 1935, after which date the said Executor 'will proceed to distribute the assets of the ,saici deceased, having regard onlY to the claims of which they then shall have had 1 t.tice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 20th day ot August, 1935. HAYS & MEIR, Stlicitorai for Alex. G. Snaillie, Executor. 3532-, Notices Township of Tuckersmith WEED CUTTING In order to cocmply with the Weed Control Act. all weeds including carnets, will be re- quired to be not on or before August alst. ROBERT DALRYMI'LE, Road Su periate_ndent 1 Auction Sales A UCTION SALE OF STOCKER CATTLE ''••' and Cows at Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Gode- rich Township, on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 1.30 p.m., 100 head of beef type steers and heifers, ranging from 500 to 900 pounds each; 2 choice Hereford balls; 5 young COWJ With Cab:e3 at foot Terms--Casia. A. E. TOWNS- HEND. Proprietor; William Nairn and G. H. Elliott. Auctioneers. 3533x1 Card of Thanks rrtHE FAMILY OF THE LATE HOBERT MdArthur cleare to expreis their sincere appreciation of the many acts of kindness ex- tended to thera in their recent bereavement, especially the choir. the quartette, Rev. Mr. Young of Carmel Church, Hensel', mad those who sent flowers. 3533-1 „YARNA the line. Men. Dan Regele, Searforth, who ha e 'been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regeile'e,returned home. Mr. and Mee. Henry Koehler return- ed home team the West this week after two months with their dangle. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eggert, Pella and Norman, ageompanied by ,Mrs. A. J. Huether and d.aughtere, of Morris- ton, and Miss Ellen Gregg, of Log- an, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. William Leith, of Stratford; M. and Mrs. J. Deitz and Mrs. Elligsen, of Ellice; Mr. and Mrs. J. Heignel and Mr. and Mrs. G. Regele were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Regele. •Mr. and 'Mrs. William Hoegy, Mar- ie and Louis &pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Basiermann, near Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston and children, of Auburn, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr. Master Stanley Steinacher, Strat- ford, is visiting et the home of his grandparent, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Koehler. Mr. Fred Jewell, accompanied by his brother, motored to Toronto on Tuesday to tike he the Exhibition. Mrs. G. H. Beatty gave a .tea on Friday evening • in honor of Mies A. Foote, of Detroit, and Mrs.. Lottie McAsh, of London. Mrs. James Stepheeson, of the Goshen Line, in compliny with Mrs Brownlee; of Goderich, spent Friday with Miss Edyth Mies.sop. Mr, Charles Rath -well, of London, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. M. Reid. •The W. A. of •St. Joh• n's Church met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. M. Beatty. ,Mrs. E. Beatty and family spent Sunday 'with friends in Goderich. 'Professor ane Mrs. Keys and dau[gleter, who have been spending their holidays in Hayfield, leave on Friday for •Nashville, .Tenn. Miss Annie Keys is visiting with friends in this vicinity. ,Me. and Mrs. A. MeConn-ell .at- tended the Exhibition, else, Mr. and [Mrs. G. H. Beatty and kiddies. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods and little son; of Listowel, are visiting friends in this vidnity. [Mr. Harold Barns spent Sunday in Port Stanley. McKILLOP Among the Sunday visitors at the home of Mx. and Mrs. Charles Eg- gert were: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ham- pel and on, Earle, of Ayr, and Miss Elsie Hempel, of Pembroke; Mx. and Mrs. R. J. Coghlin and sons, Eisner and Gordon, andr Mrs. Josiah Allem, of Lietowel; Mr. and Mrs. John Sehin- Lein and Mr. and eters. Kenneth Dob - lee and baby, Marilyn, of Gowans - taw re Mrs. A. J. Huether and daughters, Joy' and Dorethy, of Merriston, are spe.1cling a couple of weeles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eg- gert. nelis-s Della Eggert returned home last week after spending several weeks at Morriston. Mrs. Herb. Mena...toy and sons. Barry and Jack, and Mfrs. George Leith and Miss Janet Steinkapf, f Blyith, eisit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. C. nggeri. Mr. Aug -est Eggert, of Stratford, is visiting at the borne, of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eggert and other friends on 3532-2 CEENCE HAS DISCOVERED NEW RE - lief for Rhetufiarism, Backache, Lumbago. ' -USE RUMAC APS. KEATING'S DRUG STORE. 3633-1 . -SMILE SAYS: sore. Use either Bunion Salves. At STORE. DO NOT BE FOOT - Cress Corn or Cress KEAT1NG-S ' !DRUG ' 3533-1 nONTRACTING AND REPAIRING, PLA. - '.d tering. tering. Cement Work. Full line Tiles • Blocks, Pig Troughs. Estimetea given. R. FROST, Seaforth, Phone 133. 3531-3 County of Huron. TREASURER'S NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT I HAVE CAUSED ▪ to ,be published in the Onthrio Gazette a lis" -t of lands within the County of Huron to be sold for taxes in the year 1935. The lists appear in the Ontario Gazette issues of Aug- ^ ust 3, September 7 and October 5 of 1935. And further take notice that unless the taxes and costs as advertised are not sooner paid. I shall proceed to sell the lands on the said lists at the Count House in Goderich on Tuesday. November 12, 1935, rit the hour or two o'clock in the afternoon. The adjourned sae. if necessary, will be held at the sante time and place two weeks -later, November 26, 1935. Copies ot said lists are Posted in /119 office at the Court House, Goderich. A. H. ERSTesINE, Treasurer, County% of Huron. Treasurer's Office, God- :zilch, Ont.. August 1., 1935. t5111-13 Births se*" SCOTT -In Matillop, on Augtat 25th, to Mr. add IVIrs. James T. Scott, Roxboro, a son - Robert Dickson. , BROADFOOT-IS Set& Meinieriel SeafOrth, on August 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer BrOadfoot, 02 Tackeraraitit a son. Deaths 'BELL -1n Loodesboro, on. Aug, oat 484, EliZa- ibotth Sollseniter. widest ' 02.Monne Bell, in her ease von .X4Seletenesteenneni on Wags, August 16. •driellisatkiri, fOrraely or Westfield: • 'Atenteletneseri doeseffee. oe 1'5141'4' August •'10,, leen nobles siseieferee, trent Be sears; • efelenneateneineeseronetsaipatit.,,, Aug. uwo,40,40,11filti341,004eaz. ; 'ir6:144.Atoittekte Mr. lir. Sintend.. 2463, Aan,..erene. : • 1 1 1 1 1 1 doyapeed WE CAN SUPPLY ANY STYLE CARBON LEAF CARBON BACK BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. PHONE US FOR PRICES Loots For The Maple Leaf The Sion 'Quality Books* The Huron 1 1 1 1 1 1 xpositor Seaforth, Ontarie. • - Phone 41 LONDESBORO imxs. D R.,1VicKerizie, of Luclarow, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Carter. Mr J. D. Neville spent a few days with friends near Brussels recently. Miss Mary Alice Reid, of Toronte, has been spending a few weeks with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Miss Thelma Caklw,e11, of Myth., is visiting with her cousin, Miss Mary CalweJL Miss Phylis MeCool entertained a number of her little friends on Sat- urday last, all report having -a good time. Mrs. Agnes Taylor, who has -been in the Clinton [Hospital for some weeks suffering from a broken hip, is not recovering as quickly as her many friends would, wish. Mx. David Ewan is on the sick list but*e hdpe he will seoutbe eble. ta resume his duties. • Miss Gladys Fairserviee, of Lon- don, spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. Mary Lee, who was injured by a fall, is still confined to her room. We wish her et speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Eleley, of Hamilton, spent'Monday with Mx. and Mrs. Jas. Elsley. Mx. and Mrs. Albert Shaddick vis- ited Port Hope friends over the week end. Mr. John Fingland, *No. has not been enjoying the best oe health, is again under the doctor's care, but we hape soon to see him around again. AUBURN Mr. Raymond Ferguson, Mrs. Fer- guson and deuighter, of Montreal, are visiting with his mother, Mrs. John Ferg.uson. Mr. Ferguson has never 'been hieme. in the last twenty-three years. Miss Isobel Rollinson, who has been visiting her COLISi74 Shirley Medd, of Goderich, returned home on Sunday. Ms O. Mellereen, of Howneanville, is speeding a week with his family at the home of Mr. A. Asquith. Rev. Hugh Wilson and family have returned from Tobermery, where they spent their vacation_ ' Misses Isobel and Marian McGill, Blyth, Misited at the home ore W. T. Riddell last week. .Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, of King- ston, visited at tbe home of Mr. J. J. Robertson. Mrs. Sem Cox is visiting her Son, igelboerne, of this village. Miss Dorothy Wilson spent a day with her friend, Miss Norma Cald- well, of Blyth, last week. Mrs. Sraithin, of Toronto, is spend- ing the holidays with 1Vers. George _Hamilton. -Miss Lilian Brown and Miss Edna Steitz, of Kitehener, spent Sunday at Mr. A. J. Fergeson's. Miss C. Weliwood, of Chinas. Miss Wellwood, of New York, and Mrs. Houston, of Wingham, ea:lled on friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Bradnock, of Wingham, visit- ed her on, Wesley, for a few .days last week.' Mrs. E. Lawson returned hole& on Sunday after visiting friends in Galt and Toronto. ' Mr. Clayton Ladd and family spent last Sunday in .Preston visiting Mrs. Wine •Haultzharuer. Last week four threshing machines operated within a radius of a mile around Auburn,. Mr. Hallahan's, Mr. Robert Scott's, Mr. Fred Wagn.ere and Me. Earl Raithby's were the ma- chines. • Anniversary servines will be con- ducted in the Baptist Church next Sun.day, September 1,. at 3 o'clock, and at 7.30 in the evening, Mr. R. B. Gracie, of Pernerreke, will have charge etf the service. The Greeie family of Toronto will assist the choir. Miss Gladys Allman, of Toronto, spent the last two weeks at the home of her uncle, Mir. Geo. Bean. Mx. Bert Mills, Mrs. 1Veills and Noreen visited at his father's, Mn. John Mills, on Sunday. Mr. ,Mills is in very poor health at present. Mrs. Charles Beadle underwent a serious operation last Thursday in Goderich Hospital. We hope for a speed y recovery. Quite a heavy rain fell on Monday night and so the stook threshing had to be stopped on Tuesday. Some sec- tions have as many as four machines in dose range, so threshing is pro- gressing very rapiely here. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson and danghter, Grace, of Montreal, are visiting with Mrs. John Fergu- son. dt is 23 years sinee Mi. Fer- guson left here, the plriee of his birth. He sees meny ehanges but re- calls quite vividly the old blacksmith shop which has the village bell onnt, just the same as when he was here. He has been, in the employ of the Ogilvie lVfills at Verdun for the pest 13 years. Visitors: Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Rob- inson in Toronto; Dorothy Farrow, •Mitchell, with her grandparents, Mx. and Mre. Janice Johnston; Mein erne. Phillipe, R,oyee and Arnold, With •Mi. atd Mee. iarry Pretnlin, Clinnenm, George Inttledge lees teceneed vverd , of the serieue illnese of hie sore W. J., a Trail, inderwent a critical operation reeently., The ladlen. of Knox United Ohureh held a meeting in the beSemen[t on Moedny evening to arrange for the meals ,fon the 'eshetery day. A friendly hall game was 'played between Whited -Lurch and Apburn on Friday evening on the local diamond. The score was 6-4 in favor of Au- burn. The. batteries for Whitechurch were ,J. Garton, M. Moore and G. Garton; Auburn: .Dobie and Wileon. The return game will be played at Whitechurch on September 11 when a field day will be held there. ,Vesiters: lenr. and Mrs. Gordian Rutledge and Mrs. John Monahan, of Schumaeher, with Mr. and Mrs. Rot. H. Rutledge and George Rutledge; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carter and Ruby at a cottage at Port Albert; 'Ernest Robertson, Toronto, with the Misses Blaix; Miss Bernice and Melburne nassddy of iCararose, Alta., have re- turned, to thetr biome accompanied by Orval IV-ft:Thee, af Colborne, as far as Byron for a few days. The corn crop in this district is a wonderful success this year. W. F. Campbell has some •which rneasures 10 feet 11:Pinches in height. The members of Carlow Masonic Ledge presented Archie Jackson, for many years a resident o( -Auburn but now of Goderich, with an honor ary life membership certificate. Hugh Hill, P,D.D., made the prekntation Robert C. King, of Toronto, who has leased the American Hotel at Brussels, is well known by many here. • Harold Jaekson, of Embroe is a guest of Mrs. John McPhee. Lloyd Rutledge motored to Sarnia and was accompaided home by Stella Rutledge and Mrs. Ross Harrison who had visited in Detroit for a week. At the East Wawanosh council meeting the following taxation rates were fixed: County rate, 6 7-10 mills township rate., 2.5-10 mills; genera school rate, 3 6-10 mills. County and school rates are the same as last year, but the county rate if less by 6-10 ef a milk . _ KIPPEN East Women's Institute The August meetinge of the Kip - pen East Women's Institute was held on Wednesday last at the home of. 'Mrs. David Chappell with forty lad- ies present., The meeting was open. ed in the usual manner with the op- ening ode • ann community singing.• This meeting was in the line of leg- islation and the roll call was answer- ed by "any Premier of Canada." The program oonsisted . of the motto "Laws are necessary to avoid c,ori troversy" by [Mns. Archie Hoggarth current ervents by Mrs. Ed. Chappell the topic, "How We Are Governed' was given on the past government by Mise, Mary Tremeer and on the pres- ent by Miss Audrey [Dinnin, and two instructive and well given demonstra- tions on flower arrangement by the Misses Jean Veneer and Maude Mc- Lean on dining room and basket bou- quets. Min. Alines Tureinelethanked the Institute nor the kind remem- brances to her during her illness in the hospital and a vote of thanks was given the hostess fee the use of her home ' for" this meeting. A vote df thanks was also given to Mrs. Robt Sim.elson for • the successful ntique tea Which was held ,at her ho e in July. The meeting wa [ rough, to a close with community singing end the Lords Prayer, Lunch was then served by the hostess and the committee in charge. ZURICH Miss Clara Buchanan, of Toronto visited relatives here last week. She also attended the, funeral of her uncle, the late' Andrew Buchanan, of Hensall. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. ,Seims, of New Hamburg, spent •the week -end with relatives here. Mr. Edward Kalefleiscle of Detroit visited relatives here Last week. iRev. and Mrs. E. Tuerlcheim and members of their family are camp- ing at Grand Bend this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Swarz of De- troit spent a few days with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. A. Fuss. On Friday evening Sea,forth de- feated the ,local team 7 to 2 in the first baieball game of the play-off. The local boys made some costly er- rors which accounted for five runs. InfnaE. M. Digg and family have movednnto the house vacated by Dr. H. HI Cowen. Mrs. Thome, Johnson of town celebrated her 88th birthday last Thursday. She is still in good: health and afile to be around. Many of her friends called at the home to extend congratulations and good wishes. During the thunderstorm early on Tuesday morning, a bolt of lightning struck the barn of Mr. Denis Duch- arrne, .Bronson Line, southwest ' of town,but luckily no fire. resulted. Mr. nrucharrne was milking at the time and he with a number of cows was knocked over but escaped • in- jury. A number from the village and vi- cinity are attending Toronto Fair. Mr. and Mee. J., W. Haberer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan nrunglelut, Messrs. Jno Deichert and Earl Yungblnt visited Detroit on Sunday and attended the ball game between the Tigers and the Athletics. Farmers are busy threshing oats and the crop is a heavy one. The average yield is 50 bushels per acre. HRUCEFIELD •,' Divine service in bles United Church will be hele next ,Simdary at the usual time, 11 a.m., with Sunday School at 10 a.m. The nreny friends of Mrs. Thotrias Baird, Sr., were glad to see her in ohm% last 'Sunday after her recent Sienese. Mrs. Janet Rees spent the week- end aft the home .ref her danghter, Mrs. ELastinge, a Windom. She was acearnpariied by ;her grandeon, Doss, who had been spenneng his hele idaya at her home. Ma and Mks. J B, taiStard and innann returned be then'home1,I• the vilIage after epending the past month et their cettege at Inver/ter- on. Miss Ann, Foote, of Detroit, is the guest of Were. Als McKenzie and Mrs. IVIreAsh this week. Miss nll'Idred Deitz, of Kneen, spent the week -end at the home of her cerusin, Miss Doris. Putot. !Mr. and Mrs. Austin 'Wheeler and son, of Delimit, spent their holidays with the fee -mere parents, Mr. and Mats. G. 111. Wheeler, taking them on a Most enjoyanle auto trip to • Niae -gara,, Oshawa, Toronto and other places, where they visiterfriends. Mr. and Mrs. L. Eyre and daugh- ter are away with felemis an an auto 'trip this week. Mrs. A. Seely, of Cleinton, end Mrs. Addison Johns and family, of New- market, visited at the home of MT. and Mess James McQueen last week. They else visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Davideon on the Lon,don Road. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre and Nora, Mr. and Mrs. William Cole and Mein, and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre s and Mervyn, of Chiselhurst, and Mr. Berm Tinney, of Hay, have returned from a delightful camping trip to Penetangitishene and Wasaga Beaoh.n, HAYFIELD Mr. ,and Mrs. David De -war of To- ronto are spending afew holidays at the home of Mr. Dewar's parents. Mr. W. Grierson, Miss Ruth Fish- er, of Waterloo, Mr. end Mrs. Wilber Erwin, of Kitchener, were guests of F. A. and Mrs. Edwards on Sunday. Mize Whitaker of Toronto is holi- daying here, the guest of MTS. Gaird- ner. ttrs.,Lewis of Toronto, who has been -visiting Mrs. N. W. Woods, re- turned -home this week. • Season Closes The smaller season is nearing a close, several leaving for their homes this week and many planning to leave eVf.on,dan (Labor Day). [ There have been mapy here for the first time and they are loud in their prais- es of Bayfield as a clean,. healthy place to srpend an enjoyable holiday There were fewer tourists here than usual. All resorts report a shortage A few reasons may be the large num- ber who crossed the ocean and viSit- ed the Old ,Country, the thousands who went north to Callender to get a peep at the quintuplets: oth -pure chased new cars and di , not rent a cottage but contented themselves taking short trips. Building operations have not been quit,e so brisk this season in this section. A few garages have been put up; serneeadditions put to cot- tages; a new cottage now in course of erection forngra, Rogers of Ham ilton, on the lot she purchased some time ago from Mrs. A. Rouatt; four new cottages being erected at Eger- ton Beach, about three miles south formerly owned by lgir. E. H. Johns but now by Mr. Hodgens, of Kit chener, who plans extensive improve- ments at this ideal spot. Othernim- provements in Bayfield this summer that may be mentioned were the painting of various premises, George Elliott's store, Mrs. Seeds' Hotel, F. A. Edrw•ards' store, Mir. Wightman's cottage, and the interior painting and decorating of Trinity ,Chureh. These improvements show that people -take an interest in keeping their homes neat and tidy in appearance. WQ ex - spent that next season mildh more work of this nature ,will he done. Last spring the property long ago known as The Marks home and'for many years owned by 'Miss Nora Ferg-uson, where she conducted a bearding house, was sold to , Mr. Quarry, of London. He has Made great changes, ,having • men remodel- ling the house, painting, trimming trees, etc., and has thus merle leg improvements. Ready For Fall Fair The tiie for all Fairs is now on and very 'oon the far-famed, Bayfield Fair will tkke the attention of many and others are, busy preparing ex, hibits. The committee appointed for that purpose have secured for the evening's entertainment a splendid play, managed by Mrs. Mutch . of Goderich. The mention of this name is enough to assure all that there will be no disappointment. Remem- ber the dates, Wednesday and. Thurs- day, Sept. 25 and 26: Special Services Veey successful anniversary ser- vices were held in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church on Sunday last, there 'be- ing a large •attendan.ce at both Morn- ing and evening services. Rev. Geo. Oliver, of Oil Springs, who with his family, is holidaying at. his summer es.,me a short distance from here, was the special preacher, and his discours- es were most interesting and thought- ful. In the morning he spoke on "The Building of the Temple," Ephe- sians 2:20-22, ansi in the evening from Romans 8:6: "To be carnally minded is death; to be spiritually mindee, is life and peace." • A male quartette from Main Street Muncie Exetee, gave several excellent numbers and the choir sang in the -morning, "Lead Me to the Rock," in the evening, "Now the Day is Over." A number of choice organ .selections were given by the organist, 'Miss Gladys Gale. Rev. MT, Gale, who has recently returned from a delightful trip to the Old Country, took part in the service. He greatly, enjoyed his trip and feels much improved[ in health. On Mon- day evening Rev. W. B. Craw, of Centennial Church, London, delight- ed all with dramatic selections, read- ings, monologues, character sketehes, etc. Mr. Raymond Bristol and Mie Chas. Mothersed, of Washington, D.C., re- turned this week after a couple, of weeks holidaye here. Mrs. Bristol' remains for a couple of weeks. ' IA team of ladies from Maitland Golf Club defeated a Hayfield :team 5-1-1-4% in an invitation tourtey at Goderich. Following the m.atohes the Goderieh ladiet entertained the visi- tors to afternoon tea. The results, with Goderich th'e first named play- ers; Coderieln Mrs., Brute 0,, Grate tsee 1, B. Ifunter 0, Mrs. Co - se, 0, Gertruide Wheeler 1, lire. Irinar.t1ifln 1, pirs. W, nnaftel 0, inne, W. (Reid 1, MTS. R. GallOW Josie }Saunders. %. Hayfielded Infra. Stevenson' 1, Mrs. ISuppnick 0, Carol Suppnick 1 A. Bruin 1,, Mee. Brawn 0, Miss Rankin 0, Mrs. Day 1, Miss ;Morely j IVIrs. Jowett 0, Miss Wills %. HEN;SALL , The picnic which had been- arran,g- ed as the annual one' 'of the United Church Sabbath School, was called off on Wednesday last owing, we be- lieve, to the sudden coldness of the weather. At date of writing we do not know whether any other date has been set. Mr. and !Mrs. W. B. Cross and daughter, Mise Goldie, have returned from 'Manitowaning, where they spent the holidays with friends in their former home. Mrs. G. C. Hassell has returned to her home in 'Camden, Tenn after a pleasant several weeks' visit at the home of her father, Ign. J. W. Ort- wein, of this village. Mrs. Ross Dick, of Toronto, has been ei.sitieg in the village during the past week. . [Schools are reopening 'the first week in September, when, no, doubt, teachers and sieholars engage with renewed energy and vim. The local fall fairs will soon be in full swing and better than ever no doubt in points of attendance and Mrs. Wilson Carlile, Mr, EaTaMdinrbMeitrsasa.nnd Billie, spent Sunday with andMrs. Carlile and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green at Port Stanley. IMr. and ,Mes. Cecil Smith, Mrs. J. H. Smith and daughter, Edna, of To- ronto, and Mrs. A. Cooke, of Water- loo, called on Mrs. Ann Hudson and Mrs., Logan during the past week. 'Miss Alice Pfaff is spending her holidays at the home of her ,brother, Mr. Ray Pfaff, of De/hi. Mr. and InIrs. John Elesr, Miss Pearl and Lorne, returned the first of this weelc from a three weeks' trip and' visit with the foreneins daugh- ter, :Mrs. Howe, of Drummondville, Quebec, and also with another daugh- ter, Mrs. ,Stathane-of St. Thomas, and with relatives and friends. in Toronto, so that they had quite an exteeded and pleasant trip, going by auto. •A number from this section are now attending the Exhibition at To- ronto and next week will no doubt see very many more going. IThe Misses 'Margaret and Georgie Murray .of London have been spend- ing the past week with their nieces, Mrs. George Falconer and Mrs. Frank Rathburn; both residing in the rural districts in this locality. The efficient village clerk, Mr. Jas. A. Paterson, is and has been quite poorly during the past couple of week% suffering from extraction of teeth to relieve „neuritis in one of his .artns andew'hich also affected his face, but it is hoped he will soon re- gain his usualle good health. Miss Helen Swan, Miss Irene Doug- las, Miss Ada Gram and Miss Isabel Manson have returned from a pleas- ant couple of weeks' visit to Keswick namp and report a most profitable time in the hearing of fine addresses from most eminent men, both in the clery and laity, coupled with fine sac- red rreasic, vocal and instrumental. . Mr, Russell Love is spending a week or so along the different points of the lake shore, taking a week's holidasy. mis Gladys Luker, bookkeeper for Mr. Jayne has returned from a pleasant weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Wallaceburg and De- troit, and her aunt, Mrs. Nicholson, who was visiting with her in Wal- laceburg is spending a eceuiple of weeks there before returning to her home in Iron Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton have returned to their home here after an absence of some )weeks and Mrs. Hamilton is much improved in health. Quite a number motored to West Lorne on Wednesday afternoon last to attendthebaseball match between Hensall and West Lorne, which was quite keenlyecontested. . Returning TO- England De. and 'Mrs. James S. Tapp, .who have been spending the past two months with their respective parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. J. E. Tapp, Hensall, anid Mr. „arid Mrs. W. A. Scarrow, of Wiart,on, and many ether friends, in- tend 'returning to London, England, sailing on the 6th of September on the Empress of Australia, for South- amnton. Dr. Tapp has been two years in Eniglane, going -on a scholarship given ;by McGi[11 University, and con- ducting research week in the Iniper- ial College of :Science, •Souter Ken- sington, London.. We wish therm a. very enjoyable ocean trip ,and future Success. Church Services Services in ,St. Paul's Anglican' Church on Sunday last was conduct- ed by tee Rector, Rev. W. H. Farr, who gave a very interesting dis-course in the morning, but there was no ev- ening service. The choir- renderen, the musical parts of the service very efficAitCarmelently. Presbyterian Church Rev. Mx. Gordon, on Caven Church, Exeter, eonductedservice in the morning in his usually eeeasingly and able manner, while the choir well sustained their 'part of the service. There was a good attendance. The evening service during the month of August was. withdatawn. Rev. A. Sinclair peetched . both morning and evening at the United Church, delivering well thought out nIse Sten , and del/eared seennene• .4AntlUtI ell'nn" . . lit:ill:id:ace:zoo j!aii:hes:::1•4.91rIirs%"proaele70,',1' '''' ands bee idaugnters „Mee Inalthryneeai well-renderedl duet. At the eveurren -, serniets there were no sneciel nente ' bers. The evening eervice on -the ccerrieg ISunday, 'S'eptember le will re- vert to the neual hour of 7 0'e/ea following the mieneuntiner Moon. * A very interesting ,basebell neaten; under the League, will , be held ors our diarnend on Friday afternoon at 30 p3.1ayezo:estek d, betweentheiocaW i p[ioneliere. LOThisTiltt promises to be a closely contested match and there will, no doubt, be al , good attendance. The annual Sabbath: school picnie Schen/'was held on Wednesday aftereoeld ell this Week at. Turribelles .Gtecere, a.shcatt eistance nenth of Grand ,Bend on the . , of the United Church Sunday Schen/ .„.. lakeshore. Funerel of Robert McArthur The funeral of the late Robert Mc- Arthur was held on Monday after- • noon last, the services being held, ALL C.aitmel Presbyterian 'Church of which church the deceased was it very de- voted follower •and. an Elder. The service was conduoted by his pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, wbo spoke most nighly of the deceased and the great nr lose to his famine a/arch and com- munity at large. . There was a large attendance to pay their last tribute of reepect to one who was such a. long resident of the distriee and vil- lage. He was in his 85th year and until the past year had been wonder- fully strong and' active for that age with all his faculties scarcely isnimn paired. He was the eldest son' of the late Mir. and Mrs. Robert McAr- thur, who lived' on the farm at the Pastern limit of the village, nose oc- cupied and owned by Thomas Mer- ritt, 7n politics he was a staunch Reformer, well read up, on the cur- rent events and a most industrious and successful farmer. Retiring front farming; he moved into the ;village. He was married when quite a young man to :Margaret La:little daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lout - tit, who resided a mile west of Hen - sail; and who predeceased _lim eiX sears 'ago. Be this marriage he hail three eons and five daughters, of whom survive two sons and ' four daughters, namely: Sydney, on the homestead farm.; Ray, an averseer on Highway Na. 4,'Iiving in Hensall; (Jennie) Nies. Peter Man[soze.of near Zurich; . (Grace) 1VIrs. 'Stewart .Pile - Queen, of Tuckersinitle. (Jessie) Airs. R. Lamont, of near Zurich. and (Nel- lie) 1VIrs. John D. Reid, of London. Lon, of Vanceurver, and (Violet) Mrs. R. D. Bell, of Tuckersmith, prede- ceased 'him some years ago. The flor- al tributes were many end beautiful, including one from' the Session of Carmel Presbyterian ,Church. The pallbearers were Dr. James Ben, Wm. Bell, Andrew Bell, John C. Bell, John. M. Pell and William G. Bell, all cous- ins of the deceased, and interment was made in Hensaill Union Ceme- tery. At the semrice in the there/2 the deceased's favorite hymn entitled. "Wlhen the Roll is Called Up Yon- der" was rendered • as a quartette by Mrs. Henry Harburn, Miss Dorothy Deters, it. Y. MeLaaen and W. A., .7 lincLareri. The deceased had a num- ber of ibeatners and sister, hut only one sis-ter survives, namely Miss Jean McArthur, of Windsor. A 'Short •time before bit death Mr. McArthur, in ill health, went to the home of hist daughter, Mrs. P. Manson, where he• passed away. , Mr. and Mrs. Wa7lice and daugh- ter, Dorothy, of Buffalo; lges. E. L. Banghatn, and little daughter, of Chi- cago, andi Me. and Mrs. E. J. Harris and son, Max, of Ailsa Craig. were recent guests at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter J. Fee, in honor of „ Mrs. Fee's 81se niethday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and Mr. and IMrs. Clarence Young, of Rochester, t N.Y., were visitors dier-- ing the past week of Mrs. A. 'Mac- Doneld and Mrs. Leeper. 'Mrs. L. Waldron, ofe_Ottawa, ' is visiting her sister, Me. "Yeimg, at the Manse. Mrs. James Bonthron, ,who hae been visiting in Southenepton for a week, returned to her home on Sun- day last. Miss Florence' MeDonald, of Lon- don spelt the week -end with her mother, .Mrs. Agnes MeDonaldr. John McLaren, of Seaf•orth, visiten his rbrother, W. L ;McLaren, on Mon- day la.st. • Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Knight and children, of Kitchener, spent •the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robe Higgins. Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, visited this week with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. J . Bonthron. 1h On fternoon„, August 31., rets the Arnold ',Ci e of' Carmel ,Presby- terian Church, are holding a tea on the Lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bon - Mos Lloyd Passmore, of Delhi, spent Sunday at ehe heme of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. an,d 1Vers. C. Cook and' son, Mr. Harry Cook, who have been on a motor trip through. California, Van- couver and other western parts for a couple of months, returnee to their home an Saturday last. Mr. and Mr% A. T. Douglas, of [Hyde Park, visited with the latter' mother, Mrs: John J'ainetone, ann daughters, Miss Margaret Johnstone and Me. John Parke. • 'The gentle rain of. Tuesday morn- ing last was very welcome, as it did not interfere to any great extent with outside work and freshened up nicely ,the pasture fids, roots and ;vegeta- tion generally. THRESHERS- ATTENTION In an effort to control the distribution of Weed Seeds, legiutation has been in- ducted in The Weed Control Act., regarding the registration and cleaning of tifft414- inc 'Machines. ' It Is now compulsory for every thresher, operating a machine for hire, to obtain a Registration Certificate before starting operationa.--Clanse 19, The Weed Control Act. Every machine and all equipment used in connection therewith must bo, thor- onghty cleaned before moving --Clause pi. The Weed Control Act. The co-operation of every thresher Is solicited in our campaign to control Weeds. Application 'forms may be obtained from thd local Weed Inspector, the Agri - THIS LEGISLATION WILL -RE STRICTLY ENFORCED cultural Representative, or from .1. D.. Smith, Director, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Parliament nunenin, Toronto. „ . ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HON. DUNCAN menaneLL, .1. It FAIRSAIRN, Minister of esecuituro. . Deputy Minister. '40•11111111111111111111b. • • taiialaZtalidftg V.;.4.0kkganlbeetto.A.dp _ .‘ 07. 4 4- I "11