HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-08-16, Page 1P ✓?f .Lr Seventy-fifth Year Whole Number 31521 WALLACE SHANNON NAMED Y.P.S. HEAD AT WALTON MEETIlNG. Villagers, Attend Moncrieff- Ethel Football Game. NEWS OF WALTON Y. P. S.-- Select Officers A meeting of the Y. P. S. Nomin- ating Committee -was held at the home of the secretary, Miss ,Mary Buchanan on Tuesday evening. The following'officers were a,ppointed:— Hon'orary president, •Stewart Bryans; President, Wallace Shannon; Vice - President, Blair Shaw; Convenor of Christian, Fellowship Group, Stewart Bey'ans; Convenor .of Missionary "Group,. Alvin 'McDonald; 'Convenor of Cit'izenshi'p Group, Arthur Bewley ; Convenor of 'Literary 'Group, . Miss Idabel Ritchie; Convener of Social Committee, Mrs. .Wesley, Hackcwell ; Secretary, 'Miss Betty 'Drager; Treas- urer, 'Miss Beth Shannon; Pianast. Mess Margaret Cumming., Mr. and ,Mrs. ,John McLeod' were recent visitors at the home of Mr. •.and Mrs. W. at Stewart. 'A number from the village attended the. Moncrieff-Ethel football game at Brussels on Friday evening when loncrieff defeated Ethel by a score of 2-0. The August •meeting of the W. A. and W. M. S. off- Duff's Church was held in the basement of the church en Wednesday artern•o'on, • Hibbert Council Sets 1935 Tax Rate Hibbert cbun'e'i1 met in regular ses- sion Monday, August 12, all members pies'ent, the Reeve presiding. T he minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted and a number of comm'unica'tions disposed of satisfac- torily. F1ollowing c'onsid'erable discussion the rates were set for 1935, and 'By- law No. 42„5 authorizing and confirm- ing said. rates 'was passed; (County rates, .4.7435 mills; general township and road rate, 2.5; general 'school rate, 2.5265; police village, of Dublin, 2.087; street lighting, 5:845. A delegation from Stratford Gen- eral Hospital was 'present soliciting the usual towns'h'ip grant. The suns to! $50 was allowed. Two appeals from dog tax were presentee but owing to the fact that the Court of Revision having been closed, no actibn was taken. Road expenditure 'orders, $215; gen- eral expense, $131; direct relief, $17.11 were issued. The meeting adjourned until Mon- day, September 9, at 1 p.m. Kathleen Feeney, Clerk. • WILL PURCHASE MILL COMPANY STATES E. Turgeon, Ltd., Takes Up Option On Wolverton Flour Mill.•" Intimation that E. Turgeon, proposed taking up the option given frim by ;the town council for the pur- chase of the floue mill property, was contained in a letter to town clerk, John A. Wilson, this week. The op- tion has another week to run. The company stated it- was pre- pared to go through with the pur- chase and requested information con- cerning the deed in order that bill's of sale might be drawn up. It is understood . that the company proposes to run the mill immediate- ly, but in any event a grain market will be esta'bldshed. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1935. End of' Dictatorship Liberal ALL CLASSES FILLED Leader Promises at Monster A S ENTHUSIASTS Wingbarn Rally Wednesday ENJOY FINE I A C E S First Meet of Reorganized Turf Club is Poorly 'Attended. LIBERAL CHIEF Rt. icon. W. L. Mackenzie King, leader of the Liberal party, who addressed a largely attended and enthusiastic Liberal rally held in the interests of R. J. Deachman,. Liberal candidate in Ndrth Huron, in Wingham on Wednesday. • • King Condemns Marketing• Act As Example of Ben- nett's Dictatorship i n Fighting Speech. PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE INJURED .BY CAR W. W: Cooper Unconscious After Highway Accident. W. W.'Cooper, widely known as the Indepemdler, t., ,Farm+er, Stevens, Na- tionalist candidate, hind a narrow es- cape from serious injury when he was struck by a car in front of his farm on No. 4 Highway, near Kip - pen, on Thursday. !Mr. Cooper had just left a truck with which he had secured a ride home when he was struck by a car driven by a Toronto man. He was knocked uncons'ci'ous and suffered a fractured left collar bone asci a dis- located ,right 'shoulder. After receiv- ing medical attention at ifensall he was brought back to his home where he regained consciousness. Speaking ,tb The Expo,:; for on Wed- nesday night, Mr. Cooper wished it clearly understood that he was in no way permanently • or seriously in- c'apa'citated, and that he would con- tinue to stand as the people's candi- date. • Gets Par 5 Hole In 2 at Local Club Iow• to play golf and get a low score was derrmnstrated at the •Seaforth Golf and Country Club on Tuesday afternoon of this week by Dr. William Alberhart, of Mitchell. Playing ie a foursome, Dr. Alberhart shot the 465 yard sixth hole in two, and theme was no fluke about it either. His drive was long and straight and his second was a 'beautifully played spoon shot, which carried the creek and 'the green the ball 'rolling straight to the cup and dropping. Shooting par five holes in two, does Bowling ,Green is Busy An entry of twenty-tw'o' rinks featured the men's 'open doubles tournament held at the bowling green on .Monday evening. J. E. Willis and Harold Stark of Beafor-th captured first •.prize with 3 wins plus 19, while the other prizes went to Campbell and Spence of Distlowel; Fred Bon - throe and Sam .Rennie, Hensali, and Jelin Beattie and Charles Holmes, Seaferth. The scores were: 11. J. Sproat, 2 wins plus '13; C. 'P. ,Situs, 1 win phis 3; Jloe Rodgers, 3 wins plus 5; Fred Bonthron, 2 wins 'phis §0; Ed. Smith, 1 win plus 10; T. Johnston, 1 win plus 10; R. Wheeler, 2 wins plus 12; Camp- bell, 3 wins pies 7; J. E. Willis, 3 wins plus 19; M. A. Reid, 3 losses; Hy. Delion, 2 wins plus 15; H. Bur- rows, 1 win phis 8; A, 'McRae, 2 wins plus 11; Hy. Jeffery, 2 wine phis 11; John Beattie, 2 wine plus' 18; Mr. Mohr, 1 win plus.' 9'' E. H. Close, 2 Wins- plus' 16; W. G. Willits, 1 .wan hilus 10; E. Bright, 1 wilt pias 8; Dr. PREDICTS LIBERAL SWEEP IN OCTOBER An ienthusiasrtic crowd of nearly 3,000 people crowded Wingham arena on Wednesday to hear Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie 'K'ing denounce the dic- tatorship w'Mnh had 'been. stablished in Canada. ' Mr. King spoke at length and, his every sentence was 'listened to with attention by the big audience. The meeting was hold in the interests of R. J.. Deachman, .Lilberal candidate in - the aiding of North Huron. The Natural Products. Marketing A'c't, ,Mr. King, staid,.. was one of a long series 'of steps by which Pre- mier R. B. Bennett had established a virtual dictatorship in Casada. Far- tines should leek upon it as a wolf in Sheep's clothing because it gave power to manufacturers to establish combines amd aronopol'ies and gave the government complete control of the external trade of the country. "I am in favor of , a marketing' act,' the Liberal cJh'iieftain declared. "I am in favor of comlpulls'ory regular Tion of marketing 'but i want the supremacy of 'parliament maintained and want the regulations to be ap- proved by parliament." Mr. King said in Great Britain all marketing regulations were approved) by parliament. The name could and should be done in Canada. It would g've protection to 'dllher classes than those interested in marketing schemes who might be affected by them. Sets Election Date Announcement of the ,date of the general election, October 14, came to Mr. King just at the end of his speech in whidh 'hie protested against its delay and held it up es one of many instances of Prernier (Bennett's"dictatorialpaIicies.". He declared election day would mean the end of autocracy iii 'Canada and would see the return o'f a Ltlberai and respons- ible government. Referring to Hon. H. H. Stevens and his Reconstruct/on Party, Mr. King said most of the evils revealed by the price spreads inquiry had grown up under the very nose of Mr. Stevens' own department of trade and comlmerce. Hon. James Maleolim, former Liberal inaster 'of trade and commerce, wg4n the 'pl'atform' and Mr. King remarked such evils as re- ve.aled by the enquiry did net exist under Mr. ,Meleolm. On the contrary trade continually extpanclezl; he said. (Continued on Page 4) • Brussels Tax Rate is Lowered Tho tax Tate for Brussels s struck at the August meeting of the village council and resulted in lower- ing the 1934 rate by one and three - tenths mills. This makes this year's rate 29 mills on the dollar; for coun- ty purposes, 5 mills; local expend: - teres, 15 miAis; and for schools, 0 ?rill's. The total estimated expendi- ture of the village for 1935 is $1l,• 820.015. Eechely, 1 win plus 10; Smith, 3 losses. On• Friday evening a double header tournament was held when both lad- ies and gentlemen competed for priz- es. The ladies played 'three eight - end games and the men ten. Prizes for ladies: Mrs. 'Sco'tt, 3 wins plus 18; 'Mrs. 'Clos'e, 3 *ins phis 11; Miss Campbell, 2 wins plus 12; Mrs. Beat- tie, 2 wins plus 8. Men's winners; T. G. Scott, 3 wins plus 18; E. H. Close, 3 wins plus 17; Dr. R. R. Ross, 3 wins plus 17; Ed. Smith, 3 wins rifts 15. Win' in Mitchell A ;Seaforth mixed rink, playing in. Mitchell this week, won third piste's in an enjoyable tournament. The rink was eonupose'd of • M'iss Belle Campbell, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. J. Hug- gard and Dr. F. J. Bechely. The annual rink tournament is be- ing held here ton Wednesday of next week" when a particularly Targe entry is an'ti'cipated.. MANLEY . WEATHER PERFECT The attendance =was the only dis- appointing feature ' of 'the races Meld here Wednesday Iunler the auspices of the reergan4zed Seaforth Turf Club. Every 'class was well filled and those who did 'a'ttend' the meet saw a full afternoon of splendid races. The results were as follows: 2.17 Trot or Pace—Purse $180 Jack Grattan, G. ' Da'ber,- dhell, (W. Farrow). 1 1 1 Bell Pettit, Tilden and Black, Hagersville (Tilden) 2 2 2 Black 'Patch, G. Knight, Blen- heim (S. Fraser) 3 5 3 Yankee Harvester, Eisenback Bros.,, Brantford. ('Eisenback) 4 4 5 Guy Pointer, WeJise od • 6 3 4 Cap Grattan, J. Gordon, Hamn- ban (G. Purvis) 5 6 6 Tame -2.10, 2.1/%, 2.121/4. 2.21 Trot or Pace—Purse $180. Earl Direct, W. McDougal, iGoderich ('Ramsay) 1 1 Nettie G., G. Knight, Blen- Nheisn (S. Fraser) 3 2 1 Laura May Harvester, H. Ber- ry, St, Mary (Bannerman)9 3 3 Bonnie Grattan (Walker) 4 4 4 Babe Grattan, D. Camlbell, Ailsa Craig (Campbell) 2 7 5 Cooney Grattan (Eisenback) 6 5 7 Babe Ruth, D. R. Kerr, Lon- don (Herbert) 5 8 6 Betty E. Grattan, A'. Parsons, ;London ('Smith) 8 9 9 'Time -2.12%, 2.10%, 2.121/2 2.27 Trot or, Pace—Purse $180 Governor Grattan, C. Barrett-1 1 1 Benny ;Harvester, Dr. Whitely 2 4 3 The Retirees, A. Parsons, Lon - ;don (Herbert) 3 3 6 Gtrabtan Axeiorthy, McIntosh, 'St. Marys (Bannerman)" , , , 4 2.4 Peter J., R. Hales, Chatham, (J. Banks) 6 5 2 Audrey B., 'H. Barber, Simcoe, (Barber)5 6 7 Oliver Uneo, J. libward, : Lin- ton (Gray), 7 7 5 'Time -2.12%, 2.13, 2.17. 'Officials — Starter, F. I. Pierce; Judges, Dr. J. B. Whitely, George 'Mnidoon, E. W. Fawm; Timers, J. F. Daly, H. Hays; Clerk, R. Holmes. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Thomiai Purcell and family are spending their vacation a,t the Martyr's Shrine, Midland, and taking in the fresh breezes off Geor- gian Bay. We hope the rest will im- prove ,Mrs. Purcell's health. A gloom was cast over our burg last Saturday when it was( learned that W. J. Welsh died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in his 73rd year, after an operation. 'His remains were brought home where he lived 'his life time. The funeral took place an Monday to 'St. Columlban Church, where Solemn Requiem 'Masts was celebrated by the pastor, Rev, Father Dantzer, assisted by Father Powell, as Deacon, and Father Foulkes, of Dublin, Sub -Deacon, and from thence to St. Columbian. cemetery where all that was Mortal was Paid to rest. He is survived by one brother, Frank, who has the sympathy of the com- munity in his sad affliction. The pall- bearers ;were 'Messrs, Thomas and Joseph 'Murray, Joe Johnston., Jerry O'Hara, John Deitz and W. Manley. Mr. Bob Holden, from Londbn, was her attending the funeral of his uncle, W. J. Welsh. M ST: COLUMBAN • Plan Dance At Golf Club, Friday IM:r, and Mrs. James Murp1iy are visiting at tihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1VI<urphy. ;Miss Agnes McGrath has returned home after taking a 'summer course at Guelph: ' The C. W. L. are hav'in'g a social on Friday, August 30. nrot happen very often on any golf course, but it did happen in Seaforth on "Tuesday. The firsteof a series of Friday night dances will be held at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club to -morrow (Friday) evening, when members and their friends will enjoy the cool and pleasant surroundings of the ` club house. Lunch will be served.' It is expected this first dance will be well patronized. Redecorate S.C.I. During Holidays +When pupils of the Seafbr'th Col- legiate Instituto return to school the beginning of next month they will find that an entirely rededorated school awaits them. The walls and ceilings of the in- terior hale'' been done over with al•abas'tine, the woodwork varnished, and the heating grill work bronzed. The exterior woodwork has been giv- en two coats of paint. The work was done by Mr. Thomas Johnstone, Mr. T. G. Scott and Mr. Norman Nichols, RECEIVES DEGREE Dr. I. Ernest Appleyard, son of Canon E. Appleyard and Mrs. Appleyard of Seaforth, who was recently successful in passing the examinations for admission to the Royal College ofPhysicians, Loudon, Eng. • --Photo courtesy London Free Press. At the drumhead service held in Clinton last week in connection with the Reunion of the 161st Battalion, tribute was paid to the mem- ory of those who died overseas or since their. return. The picture shows Canon E. Appleyard, of Seaforth, as he spoke at the impressive service. Town Council Asks County For Detailed Statement .of Payments . on Road Account Councillors Learn Results i of Anti -Speeding Cam- paign At Main Intersec- tion; Many Complaints Received At Police Court. SHORTEST SESSION OF THIS YEAR Holding the.,shortest session in the history of the• present council, the town fathers after 'disposing of con- siderable business, adjourned shortly before 10 p.m. on Monday evening. It was the regular August meeting and was attended by all memubers,ex- ceptin•g Councillors Broderick and., Johnstone. Councillor Hudson, chairman of the finance committee, introduced an op- timistic note into the proceedings when he reported re ,payment of tax- es. To date $23,103.54 of the 1933 taxes have been paid, which is $978.14 better than this time last year, $5,259,13 has been paid on taxes in arrea'js to date and this too shows an increase of $1,219.93 over the -'e - ceding years. The re'por't of the committee was adopted on motion of Councillor`s Elb- ei+hart and Purcell. Little street work was done during the past month, according to Reeve Crosier, chairman of the committee. When work on the farms is no long- er available, repairs to sidewalks and roads may be resumed, he said. Correspondence was read from E. Turgeon, Ltd., to whom council gave an option of purchasing the flour mill property. A red'u'ction in Hydro ra'te•s was re'ques'ted, the letter stat- ing the company might find it im- possible to use Hydro if the present high rate was maintained. Clerk Wilson, who is al'sb Secretary of the P. U. C., explained the Commission had taken up the matter and 'that he and Chairman E. L. Box had been in Toronto in 'this regard last week. Another communication was that from the 'Village of Henstall, thank, ing Seafor'th for the sentiments ex- pressed upon the occasion of their recent Julbilee and Reunion. ;Mayor Sutherland, in commenting upon the success of the recent chil- dren's field day held in conjunction with the ,Seaforth Athletic Associa- ti+an's ball ftournamien't, asked that publicity be gran to the kindness of the merchants in donating prizes and assailing in other ways. 'Councillor R. W. Eberhart, chair- man of the property committee, stat- ed that the fountain had been in- stalled ,and would be in operation shortly. A new wagon 'box, which the committee had ordered, would al- so soon be comlpleted, he said. Traffic Report Revolting on the success which had ('Continued on Page 4) • • • • • Election Date Set With the announcement on Wednesday that the 'election would be held on Monday, Oct. 14, politics in Huron will begin to speed up. So far three can- didates are in the field—W. H. Golding, M.P., present Liberal member; R. J. McMillan, Stevens candidate, and W. W. Cooper. No word has been heard from Con- servative headquarters, although at an executive meeting held in Hensall on Monday, it is under- stood the name of Dr. Taylor, of Zurich, was mentioned a num- ber of times. • • • •-` • • Hold Draw For Fresh Air Fund A draw in aid of the Star Fresh Air Fund is being held this week. A' large upholstered chair has been donated and is •'on exhibition in the window of Walker's Furniture Store. Tickets on 'the chair may be purchas- ed at the store. TUUSDA Large and Varied Frog Bing Planned For Opening Day. WORK COMPLETE+ With work at the Liens Park Swim. ming Pool practically completed, the Club, ,at an executive mee'ti'ng this.. week, decided on Thursday; Afigust 29th, as the official opening day, and a committee, headed by Lion J. M. McMillan, has the program and other details in hand. It is expected prominent swimmers and divers will be present and give an exhibition, and special attention., is being given to children's events. Prizes will be awarded in a large and varied list of events in this class. As now planned the opening will. commence early in the evening with a parade of participants .and the Sea - forth Highlanders Band. Every moment Of the evening will -be occu- pied with the splendid program whioh is being arranged. The park and pond will be specially lighted for the' occasion. During the past week the last of the cement work has been . completed end the 'water turned in. Although not comtpletely filled, the, pool has been the gathering place of countless chiildren during the past few days. Workmen are now busy, levelling and: cleaning up the grounds. New lights are being installed throughout the. park and the bathing houses and other buildings are receiving a fresh coat of rpain't, ' • Stratford Golfers Enjoy Day Here Members of the Stratford Branch of the Canadian Legion were viisitors at the Seaforth Golf and County Club on Sunday. About 25 -members attended the outing and enjoyed the tournament on the links. The fol- lowing players took part: G. Bradley ....0 W. Riehl - 0 W. Davidson. ,.2 W. Dixon • 2 S. Sterling... -0. A. Plaskett 0 B. Dyke .0 R. Morris 0 D. Emans .0 J. Tomsett t 2 A. Dooley 0 F. Buckingham.. 0 K. Bruce .2 W. Sylvester ... 0 J.:Viilliken. , , .0 E. Reis 2 F. Bradley .... 2 A. Bartlett 2 F. Morrison. , ..0 A. Tretheway 0 D. Challenger..0 J. Carnegie 0 A. Partridge . •..6-- C. Dean 2 J. Aspinal 1 F. Betts 1 A splendid luncheon was served in the dining room of the Country Club at which some thirty sat down. Af- ter the afternoon rounds, a putting competition was held on number nine green, and was wan by E. Reis. Other winners for the day were: Low ot1 No. 3. D. Emm ; high on No. 7, A. Sterling; low net. F. Bradley; low gross, Dr. J."A. Boyd. The outing was held under the aus- pices of iiecreation Committee of the Stratford Canadian Legion, name- ly, F. Buckingham, C. Dean, W. For- sythe and W. J. Sylvester. • Paving North Gravel Road Workmen from the County High- ways Commission are preparing this week to pave tihe ti ortb. Road from the limits of the town to the first corner, The paving being laid is similar to that put down in various ,parts of the county last year by County En- gineer T. R. Patterson, and is prov- ing very successful. Upper School Results The following are the Upper School results at the Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute. All certificates have been mailed to candidates. Blank forms for appeal may be obtained from the Principal. J. C.heoro's' .E,L., c. - C, Coleman—RA. EIr; F.C. c. A. Delaney—MH. c; Alg II; Trig. I; LA, II; L.0 II; F.A. III; F.C. II. Jose'pth Downey—Geom. II; Trig. II, - Mary- Downey—M.H. II; Al.g. c; Trig, III; Bot. III; Zool. c; F.A. c; F C. c.6 I. Eberhart—Geom. II; Bot. c; Zool. II. C. Eckert—E.L.. c. . E. Eckert—M,H. II; Geom. II; F.A. II; F.C. I. B. Godkin—E.C. III; E.L. c;' Geom. 1; 'reg.1; Bot. c; Zool. II. A. Golding—Alg. II; Geom. II; Trig. I; Phys. ri; F.A. c. D. Golding—tE.C. Id; E.L. I; M.H. ir. I. Jamieson—M.H. II; Alg. c; Tmig. III; Bot. c; Zool. c; F.A. c; F.C. c, A. Keys—E.C. c; E.L. II; Alg. I; Geom. 'I; Trig. 'I; Bet: 11; Zool. II; Phys, I; Chem. II; F.A. II; F.C. I. G. Krautex'---�E',.'G. c• 'M.I , II; Alg. Trig. M; Bat. Ii; Z'ool. e; F.A. I1I; F.C. c. o . A. Love--E,C. III. J. McIver—M.H, I; Bot. c,; Zool. I I. Mary Mclver—'E.C. c; E.L. c; M.H. cL F,A- II; F.C. I. H, :McLean—E.C. c. O. Moore•,--E.L. c. M. Murphy—E,L. c. R. O'Connor—L.C. 1I. F. O'Leary—Geom. c; Trig. I. S. Plant.---Alg. I; Geom. I; Trig. IT; Phys. I; Cheri. II; F.A. II; F.C. 111. Sclater—'E.L. c; 14L1-1. c; Alg. c; Geom. III; Bot. c; Zool. c; F.A. c., M. Shannon—Alg. c; Geom. I; Trig. II; Phys. c; F.A. c. F. Sills--E.L. c; M.H. c. T, Sills-E.L. c. Elizabeth Southgate E.L. c; ,L.C. i c. D. Stewart—'E.L. c. J. Wallace—'E.C. c; E.L. c; Alg. II; L.A. c; L.C. III.'. F. Whitmore—E.L. lI; M.H. 1I ; Alg, II; Geom. I; Trig. I; Bot. II; Zool. I • Chem. I • F.A. LII • FSC, e.„I. Wright—E.L. c. A. Finlayson--IBot. c . Edythe Storey--tE.C. '11. Additional Middle School E400 G. Castle—RC. e . Mary Downey--.E.C. c.. IR. Allen—E.L. o; 1