HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-07-26, Page 8dl it lz lei'` v1& y, e G,1 I!. t li J�5 16 -OZ. BOTTLE 35c PO CATTLE SPRAY $1 15 roes not stain; per gal... •TOXON FLY 001LSr ,ser dozen ', O,ILET PAPER c 8, -oz. roll 4 rolls 26c 25c $ J .rT.I R t'tV'ArH I' .Y , M-�KH per package TAPIOCA g pounds o1IIVES Urge jar OLID CHEESE' per pound OFFIFIE—Our 'own blend per pound IWIW B1O NEY 10 -pound pail YOR A COOLING DRINK — TRY OXADF3—In different flavors; 2 packages FLOW'ERD'AI,E ORANGE q p !PEKOE TEA �Hlalf pound.. `�8C cream taken for Clinton at the same price paid at Creamery, 15c 2'5c 35c 20c 50c $1,10 5c A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 Mr. Motorist We are Agents for many of the Oldest and Strongest Insurance Companies Representing hoth Tariff and Non -Tariff, including "LLOYDS" OF ENGLAND who are offering the lowest rates in history. OUR POLICIES PROTECT Our Service is Complete INSURE TO -DAY Both Apples and :lossoms.—This district gives every promise this year of a record crop in field, garden and orchard, (but !Mr. Alex. 'Wallace, of the Kippen Road, is just a little ahead of his fellow farmers Ile has grow- ing in his orchard an apple tree bear- ing a crop of (both apples and blos- soms at the same time. If Mr. Wal- lace can succeed in growing two crops of apples frbni one tree in one year, that orchard of his will surely ;ie.velop into a gold mine, McKillop Branch of W. M. S. Meet. —The McKillop Branch of First Presbyterian Church held their regu- lar meeting, at the home of Mrs. Wnn. Car•noc'han last Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened with a hymn with Mrs. J. L. Bell presiding. The Scrip- ture lesson was given by Mrs. John Carter and 'Mrs. Bell led in prayer. A very interesting address was given on "Mary Slessor of Calabar" by Mrs. Roy Lawson, the president of the Constance W. M. S. of Constance United Church. Mrs Helen Mc- Miiilan., gave the Glad Tidings prayer. The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of 1, , Insurance. +s'choola in Trinidad, and Miss Slom,- erville about the vocational schools. Mss. 'Oonsatt's leaflet -described the evangelistic Work in! Trinidad, 'and Mas, W. D. Bright the WI M. S. work in Trinidad.' A solo by Miss Ruth Thee -mean, accompanied, by Miss Mary 'Ba? e1' en the piano, was en- joyed. ' Heale-Fee--A pretty wedding was solemnized.' 4n Saturday afternoon at the home of the bride's mother, when Eva only daughter of Mrs. G. W. Fee, and the late Mr. Fee, of Sea - forth, was united in marriage to Mx. Thomas Richard Reale, of Sudbury, son of. T. R. Heale and the late Mrs. Heale, of Copper Cliff. The oeb.e- mony was performed by Rev. W. P. Lane, of North Street United Church, Godierich, in the presence of the im- mediate relatives. The bride, who was unattended, wore a beautiful gown of white frosted chantilly lace with white accessories and carried a bouquet of briarcliffe . roses and baby's .breath. The wedding music was played by Miss 1Vlarjary Bic.cell. Following the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Reale left on a motor trip through Southern Ontario, the bride travelling in an ensemble suit of yel- low -silk crepe with hat to match. On their return they will reside in Sud, - bury. Sermon Subjecas For Next Sunday. E.gnrlondcti11e and Northside—Ser- vice at Egmondville at 11 a,m. and at Northside at 7 p.m. Rev. E. F. Chandler, B,A., 'B.D., Kippen, will preach at both service},. First Presbyterian Church—Sun- day School at 10; morning warship at 11, sermon by Mr. Feast, "I, Too, will turn my face to the wind, and cast my handful of seed on high." (From an old Gaelic saying) and de- scriptive of 'Luke's •account of the Man of Galilee. This will be the minister's closing sermon until Sep- tember. • Evening' service at 7. A • brief, bright, inspirational service. The • Reverend R. Allan Cranston, minister of St. Andrew's Church in Welland, and 'Sio well remembered as a farmer minister in Cromarty, will give the sermon. Heartiest welcome to all. Northside 'W. M. S. Meets.—An in- teresting meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Thursday at Northside United Church. Mrs. Robert Archi- bald presided. It was decided to hold the next social work meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Scott next Wednesday. Mrs. C. Glew; captain of Circle No. "1•; presided during the devlotional period. Prayer was offer- ed by Mrs. J. C. Laing and the devo- tional leaflet was read by 'Mrs. A. McQuaig. Mrs. Gleno read a paper on "Work in Trinidad," Miss Alexan- der an article about the mission 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 O S. T. Holmes & Son O O FUNERAL SERVICE O 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 O O O S. T. Holmes, residence, 0 O 1Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119.W. Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 808. 0 O Ambulance Service 0 O Night calls, Phone 308, 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O H. C. BOX 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 0 a• Ambulance Service 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O WALKER'S O O FUNERAL SERVICE O O W. J. WALKER and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 O Funeral Directors. O 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 attended. Q PHONE 67 O O CHOICE HONEY FOR SALE E.C. Chamberlain; Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- Seaforth. Office hours : — Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, L30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER iafe, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 834 : Seaforth, Ont. 8485-tf ll Isurance With the enormous increase in auto accidents, you cannot afford to take chances. Let us protect you. Rates are low in compari- son 'with protection give n. Prompt service and .payment, of .. claims. In case of trouble, the ,. Company's Agents through Can- ada are at, your service. Enjoy your trips protected by one of ear' Auto Policies. >1i - Fire b Wind Conveyancing Real Estate, Etc. Wy{�� ` ,l/th�yy�ye}.%%��r1and r ili'Wne 5F,L yy1 rye. k, 4. Former Resident Dies.—The death of Mrs. John Hannah occurred at Swan River, Man., on Wednesday, July 10th. Mrs. Hannah, whose maid- en name was Mary Calmplbell, was born September 25, 1851, near Sea - forth, 'Huron County, Ontario. She married 'John Hannah, of the same place, June 25, 1876. In 1900 they with their family of nine childreen, Moved to Portage La Prairie, Man., where they resided until 1911, when they came to the -Swan River Valley, living for nine years at Minitonas and the last fifteen years in 'Swtan River. The deceased had been in failing health for some years. There are left to survive her loss, 'her hus- band and all her children: Mrs. John Chivers, Weyburn, Sask.; Mrs. Nicol Shdrray and .Mrs. Agnes Knox; of Vv1innipeg; Mrs. A. E. 'Martin, Neep- awa; Mrs. J. J. Shaw, Simon River; J. R. Hannah, Barrhead, Alta.; D. C. Hannah, Calgary, Alta.; W. J. Han- nah, Watson, Sask.; and C. Ray Han- ,na!h, IMini•tonas, Man. The funeral service was held from the United Church, Swan River, Saturday, July 13th, Rev. Mr. Harland, of Minitonas, officiating. Interment took place in Birchwood Cemetery; We can:again supply you with No. 1 Clover Honey at 8 cents a lb. Over 50 lbs., 7c Ib. Amber honey at 6c; over 50 lbs. at 5c ib. These prices apply in your containers. J. HABERER •& SONS 2 Blocks south of Hotel - ZURICH 3528-2 VR0 i ar,�;pe i It ( x } st. Ie 'Obt Eye Trouble? Have your eyes examined by R. A. REID, for 17 years Strat- folyd?s leading Optometrist. Expert work only at most moderate prices. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Consult him at Westcott's JEWELRY STORE lst AND 3rd FRIDAYS EACH MONTH -9 TO NOON fI!�' "For Your Convcnience" Arrow BUS Schedule Effective May 5, 1935 LEAVE WEST BOUND 1.00 p.m. 7.35 P.T. Standard Time LEAVE EAST BOUND 8.15 a.m. .5.45 p.m- 1T'INERIES ,PLANNED TO ALL POINT IN CANADA, UNITED STATES & MEXICO. Consult Local Agent QUEEN'S HOTEL Phone 45 - Seaforth Central 0ntario Bus Lines Toronto SPECIAL Sunday Dinner • Delicus Dinner in cool, de- lightf surroundings .50c for • Special Cold Plate 40n Lunch �F • Members and others are re- quested to phone 157 for re - ,„servation as soon as possible. The Seaforth Golf and Country Club Ltd. Mr. Blythe Stevenson, of Winnipeg, were week -end guests at the 1^lsome of Mrs. E. Murray, Goderich Street, West. • Mrs, Howard Purdy, whb has been spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kers- lake, left this week for her home in Toronto. • Mr. J. M. Smith, Minister of Pub- lic Wlorks in the Saskatchewan' Gov- ernment, with 'Mrs. Smith and their son and daughter, Miss Louise and Mr. Bert Smith, of Regina, were guests this week at the home of Dr. H. llil, Ross. • Mr. A. D. Scott, Thornton Hall; has purchased the residence of ,Mrs. S. Johns, on Centre Street. • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman and son, of Windsor, were guests this W.F.A. SEMI-FINAL Football KIPPEN vs. ST. COLUMBAN AT KIPPEN FRIDAY, JULY 26th Game called at 6.30 p.m- - ADMISSION: 18c plus 2c Tax. Death of Mrs. J. W. Routledge.— The death occurred at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Mc- Gonigle, North Main Street, Seaforth, on •Saturday, July 20th, of Mrs. J. W. Routledge. The deceased had not been in good health for some time and for some weeks had been resid`: ing with MTs. 'MrGon+igle. Although itbr•ri, in ',Turkersnuth township, a daughter Of the late James Ross, Mrs. Routledge had spent the greater part of her life in the Western Prov- inces. Twenty-nine years ago she was united in marriage at High River, Alberta, to Mr. John W. Rout- ledge and for twenty years had made her home in Calgary. Since the death of her husband five years ago Mrs,. Routledge had made her home in Egmbndville. She is survived by one sister, MTs, W. B. McLean, of Figm'onoville. Two sisters, Mrs,. T, McAdam; of Seaforth, and Mrs, Beat- tie, of Bridgoburg, and a ,brother pre- d.sce'asred her some years ago. A private funeral was held from the home of Mr. McGonigle on Monday afiternhon, _when the services were conducted rby Rev. C. A. Mialcolm, of Egm ndville Church., and during the service a beautiful 'hymn was sung by Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. Interment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbearers being Messrs.. Pear- son Charters, Robert Charters, Roy McGonigle, Stewart Dolmage, Rus- sel Dolmage and Harold Finnegan. tr WOOL WANTED Highest Cash Prices Paid H. M. Jackson Phone 3w Seaforth .}r ,affil, tiY�?iL well: at the hone 'of Mr. and' Mb's.. llliarn Feeenran. • (Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and Mas. Fred Ross and son, Donald, of Detroit, were guests last week at the home of M. and Mrs, Andrew Kirk. • Mt, Ckrarlee Hades= and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lespearanoe, of Detcloit, Mr. William •Badour, 'Wind'so'r; Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs. IM. °Jerremette, of Goderieh, spent the week -end at the hone of Mr. and Mas. Joseph Mere. • • iMr''s. Pa!pworth, who has been the guest of :Mrs. Robert Bell, left this week for her (home in Kelso, B C. • Me C. M. 'Smith and two children and Me. Jack Walker left Monday spending the past month here, will on a motor trip to Anthlony, • Rih!o,de Island. Mrs. 'Smith,' 'who has been spending the past two months there, will return with them. • lVfiss Mary and Miss Ann Mie - Clelland, of Toronto, are guests at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. R. S. Hays. ,• Mr, and Mrs. Horace Wiilibee_were ip Brussels last week attending the funeral of Mr. Wlillbee's aunt,•,Mrs. Jesse Willbee. • Mr. and Mars. Robert Wilbee, of Gladstone, Mich., were (visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. Florace Wil - bee, This is the first-l'•tirne th two brothers have met in thirty years. • ReCanon A le r d andMrs. Rev.. pp ya M Aippl.eyamd have returned to the Rec- tory after spending a month at Ot- tawa. • • Mrs. E. Chapman and Miss Eileen are spending the holidays in Bay- field. • Mr. Walter Scott is visiting friends in Detroit. • • The Misses Ryan, of Chicago, are guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. M. Broderick. • Miss Vera 'Miele' has returned .from Wingh'amr where she was visit- ing her cousin, .Mrs. Geo. Mundle. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott, of Chicago, are guests at tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Scott. • :Miss 'Mayne 'Murray of Hamilton is a guest at the home of Mrs. J. F. (Reid. • Rev. 'H, G. Bandey, of Varna, conducted the services in Northside United and Egmbndville Churches on Sunday. • Miss Cecelia Roman, of Sudbury, is spending the holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Horan.. • Ren. C. A. Malcolm, Mrs. Mal- colm. and Miss Betty spent the week end in Peterboro. • Mr. A. 'Renhart, Mir. B. La Fra- mer and daughter, Miss Katie, of Bay City, and Mrs. J. Peterson, of Indiana, were the recent guests of Mrs. James Aitch.eson. • Miss Watson and Miss Marion Watson spent the week -end in To- ronto.% • Miss McLean and Mrs. Keith Mc- Lean have returned ,from Go'Home, Georgian Bay, where they were the guests of Professor and Mrs. G. R. Anderson. • :Miss Davidson ie hblidayin:g in Bruce Peninsula. • Mae and Mrs. Thomas Allen and Miss Jane Allen, of Toronto, were week -end guests of the Misses, Young. • Miss Mabel Turnbull is spend- ing a week in Lindsay. • Mr. 'and Mrs. Louis 'Brall ,and i(amiilyarid Mr), and (Mhos. Gorden Hays, of• Detroit, spent the week -end with friends here. Master Gordon Brall remained and will spend his holidays at the home of his uncle, Reeve J. M. Eckart. • Mr. and Mrs. Fordney, • of Arnlble- side, spent S'un•day with friends heee. • Mrs. George Lowery, who has been fill, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, SHELL SERVICE STATION FOR SEALED GAS AND OIL Best Equipment and Grease Used for Lubrication. Wash ng, Painting, Simmonizing and firing at Reasonable Rates. OPEN FROM 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Tires and Batteries For Sale. SHELL STATION H. WESTON GODERICH ST. - SEAFORTH SPECIAL PRICES Permanent an Waving JULY 18th to 31st John H. Smith Dies in Toronto.— Mr. Sohn ,H. Smith, for many years a well known and esteemed resident of Seaforth, died at his home in To- t ont,> on Saturday, July 20th. Mr. Smith had not been in robust health for a number of years, owing. to an accident suffered when employed in the foundry at Herisall, but the im- mediate cause of his death was a ti 0.1,e suffered on the Wednesday preceding his death. The deceased was :born in Stanley township sixty- three years ago and the greater part of his life had been spent in this district. As a young man he learn- ed the trade of machinist with the late Robert Bell in Hensall, and when the Bell plant was moved to Seaforth .and The Robert Bell Engine Com- pany organized, Mr. Smith was a valued employee at the plant, for many years. Latter, in partnership with his son, he conducted a shoe business in Seaforth until seven years ago, when he removed to To- ronto, where he continued to reside until. his death. Thirty-six years: ago he was united in marriage to • Miss Annie Troyer, who survives hirci, to- gether with a family of three sons and one daughter, 'Messrs, Cecil, Earl and Wilfred Smith, and Miss Edna Smith, all of Toronto. The funeral was held from the home of his sister, Mrs. Atkinson, in Toron- to, on Monday when the services were conducted by his former min- ister, Rev. F. H. Larkin, D.D. In- terment was made in Toronto, the pallbearers being his brother, Mr, Wesley Smith, of Hamilton; and his five brothers-in-law, Messrs.. H.. B. Atkinson, Sydney Gemmell, Aldiiner Troyer, J. W, Troyer and Henderson Troyer, LOCAL BRIEFS • These prices include Permanent Wave and Finger Wave only, at The Ina Grey Beauty Parlour • Dr. John H. Hudson and two sons, Messrs. Westm.an and Gordon Hudson, of Los Angeles, California,. and Mrs. A. E. Mullen, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Mullen. • Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Gemmel] and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Con'sitt were in Toronto last . week attending' the funeral of the late John H'. Smith, a former well known Seaforth resident. • Miss Fergus McKay is spendin,g a few holidays at Maple Gr'o've. •• • .Mrs. 'Hugh Stevenson and son, Phone: 125 Shoppe; or house 229 Hours: 9.30 to 8 p.m., by appointment only. THE Frigidaire Super Freezer provides a generous -sized space for the storage of meats, ice cream and other foods, at below -freezing temperatures. Another valuable`' feature of the genuine Frigidaire. See it. The General Motors Refrigerator MADE IN CANADA. For information and prices J. W. Modeland :PHONE 4-143: SEAFORTH t a a y.rr ' o al c i h�n'S I for this • Friday rindSaturday Clearance Lines Just received from the manufacturers. - P Lovely Dresses Beautiful Styles Popular Dots MANLEY Outstanding Dress Bargain These come in the New Pastelle shades in women's sizesi-38 to 44.. 395. Dresses that are unsurpassed in el 9 5 ' Tea Rose, Orchid, Green, Blue, But- terculpl, White, •Ettc. Decided favorites are Navy and Black with White Dots. A showing of these . good quality crepes. .... Silk Crepe Dresses in sizes 14 to 18. The best dress value we have ever offered. 4 95 ,98 • Print,. Voile, Pique, etc., Dresses - 75c to 3.25 ,. IMP :M'. and !Mrs. C. Eekart and their granddaughter, Miss Nellie Desboura, ;foram, Seaflorth., and IMr. and .Mit. Louis Brall, from Detroit and Mis's Julian Kenney of London, were visi- tors in the village. Miss • Deshoura remained here to spend her vacation with her Many friends. Mr. Fred Eckert and his daugh- ter, Veen, were visitors in Flesherton last week. Harvest. operations are in full sway and by all appearances it will be a bumper crop, which will, we hope, bring comfort and relief to dep'res- sion and once more build up trade for merchants, manufacturers and farmers alike. KIPPEN acTAVISH'S - Irene (Bolton; an instrumental by Miss A. Lawrence and a solo by Miss B. Pethick were also very much en- joyed. After the program afternoon. tea of 'sandwiches, ice cream and cake, was served to the guests as they sat around the tables represent- ing, the month of their birth. Mrs. C. H Eien and IMx's. 'ill. Alexandetr poured tea at a table centered by a (beautifully decorated birthday cake. After a social half-hour at the tea tables, the national anthem was sung bringing a very pleasMant afternoon to a close. The July meeting of the Kippen East Women's Institute was in the line of historical research and took the form 'of an antique tea and ex- hibit on Wednesday last, July 17, at the home of Mrs. D. McCloy, Much praise and credit is due Mrs. Robert Simpson for the lovely and interest- ing meeting at which 140 were pres- ent. There was a splendid and large exhibit of antiques and modern art- icles, which were the admiration of all. Following the exhibit tea was served on the spacious lawn. The next meeting will be held on the 21st of August and the hostess will be Mrs, David` Chappell. The roll call is to be answered by "any Premier of Canada." WINTHROP STAFFA Visitors: • ",Mr. and Mrs. J. Luxton and family, Exeter, with A. Luxton; Mr. and (Mrs.. H. Leary, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. John Leary; Mr. and Mfrs. H. 'Sillery and 'baby, Hamil- ton, with .Mr. and 'Mrs. R. .Sillery and 'Mx. and Mrs, William 'Sadler; Mis's Susie 'Morrison,Bellingham, Wash., with Mr. and 'MTs. 0. W. Reed; Mrs, (Rev.) H. Moore, Pittsburg, Penn., with Mr. and 'Mrs. „:William Jeffrey and other friends; Mrs. Dav- is, Exeter, with her daughter, Mrs. Ott. Walker; Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien and daughter and two 'grandchildren, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien; Ceoil Geamark and Adam Ellison with Arnold Barbour. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Norris reunion held in Stratford an Saturday. 'the Worden picnic was held last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. :Joseph' Wbrde'n. IMr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and family Visited! with Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher, London. The Women's Association of Car- en Church, Winthrop, entertained the ladies of Bethel and Duff's Churches at a garden party at the home of Mrs. Andrew Patrick on Tuesday af- ternoon. Tables, beautifully decorat- ed to represent each month, were ar- ranged on the lawn under the trees, An interesting program consisting !of descriptive sketches of each month was given: •January,by Miss V. Hoist; February by Mas. ,E. Godkin; March by Miss Helen ‘So'lnerville; April by -MrSt. J. Hildebrand; May by Miss B. Blanchard; June by Miss Bessie Hal- len; July by Miss Viola Morrison; August by Mrs, W. Dundas; Septem,- br by ,Miss Minnie Wheatley; Octo- ber by Mrs. E. Tells -November by Miss Fern Wheatley; December by Miss (Jean Alexander. A duet by Mrs. W. Boyd 'land Miss' J. Dennis; a quartette by Mrs. G. 'Chambers, (Morn. J. Pryee, 1VEr"s, 13. Bolton and Miss +f: t3. Ate . alYt, BRUCEFIELD Tuocfiord, Of Tuxford; Mors. W. Kaiser,. . 'Moose Jaw; 'Me. and .MTs. J. D. Mun- ro, Regina; ,Mrs. I. V. 'Manchester, Calgary. The large number of floral offerings showed the esteem in which Mrs. 'Hainer was held'. ST. COLUMBAN ;Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly of Blyth spent Sunday among friends here. The C. W. L. are 'holding a lawn social on July 31st, including a num- ber of sports and an entertaining pro- gram. ... There was a shower held at the home of Mrand Mrs. Frank Bow- man on Sunday afternoon in 'honor of Mrs. Dan Rafferty (Margaret MC-- • Grath). The !bride was the recipient of many useful and lovely gifts. Mrs, T. Morris underwent an op- eration in ,Seaforth Hospital for ap- pendicitis. Her condition is reported as favorable. 'Mussels Evelyn McGrath, Buffalo, and Mary McGrath, Toronto, - are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. H. McGrath. Their was a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mr. and Mks. Frank Bowman in honor, of Mrs. Dan Rafferty, nee Margaret McGrath, bride of this month. The afternoon was ,spent in cards, '-A dainty lunch was served after which a prettily decorated wagon was drawn in by little 'Mary .and Louis Kennedy. The bride received many useful and pret- ty gifts. Miss Gertrude 'McGrath read an address and. Mr. and (MTs. Rafferty thanke-d their many kind friends for the gifts. Mr. and !Mrs. Norman Wheeler and daughter, of Detroit, are spending their holidays at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. 'Miss I. Graham of "Seaforth is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. A. McQueen this week. 'Mrs's Miskimins, Of Port Arthur, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J."McNaughtlon and Mr. and Mrs, W. Haugh. She ,gara;g, a solo in the Unit- ed Church last Sunday Morning, which was much appreciated-. Mr. McLaren, of Nebraska, brother of Mrs. Alex. Mustard, Sr., ,is paying her a visit at present. They had not met for twenty years. •Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Mustard and family have gone to their cottage at Innverhuron to spend their holidays. Mrs, Carman Haugh and daughter of Toronto are visiting at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh alt pres- ent. Mr. Ronald 'McKenzie and family of Detroit are visiting friends in the village and vicinity at present. The annual Sunday school and, con- gregational picnic will 'be held on Friday afternoon, July 26th, at Bay- field. - Death of Former Resident Eyebrow, Sask., district has lost one of its oddest and .roost. respected citizens in the passing of Mrs. Char- lotte C. Hainer, who -died at hen• resi- dence in Eyebrow village on Tuesday morning, July 9, at the age of 75 years and 6 mlonths. The funeral service was held in St. An'drew's United Church On Thursday at 2 p.m,, the Rev. Mr. Field and 'Rev. Mr. Raw- linson, officiating. Mgrs. Baiter was born at Brucefreld, 'Huron County, Ontario, •Decem(b'er 28, 1880. In 1885 she was married to Jacob . -Hainer. During her married life she lived at Georgetown, Ont. Following her hus- band's death in 1910 she moved with her family .to Eyebrow, Sask, Mfrs. Hainer was a member of the United Church and took an active part in the affair's of the community, She leaives .to nib -urn her loss J. M. 'Hainer a sort, of Eyebrow, a daughter, Mrs. J. W. McMartin, of Calgary, and one grand daughter; Maxine McMartin, oTCalgary, and' a brother, James homson, of 'Moose Jaw. Out of town guests who attended' the funeral were: J, W IMeM!artin, Calgary; Jam'ed Thomso-n 'and family',' Mloos'e. Jaw; !Gen. G. S. 'Tuxford, Waage. Jaw; Mrs. 'E smnra :McCartney, Tuxiford; •Mrs, A. Durlant, Puxiford; Melssms. Jim; .and Wilbur Franks, Mr. AUan tAt nx• 1F y,v CONSTANCE The Golden '(Jinks Mission Band are having an open meeting on Tuesday,- July uesday-July 30th. Tire ladies and children are all invited. A good program is being arranged. This is your invi- tation to come. Mr. and' 'Mrs. A. G. 'Meharry and . Bobby, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Rogerson spent Tuesday in G o'u'erich, Death of George Wheatley Followaing an illness of almost a y -ear there passed away at his home, Concession, 4, Hullett, a highly re- spected and almost life long resident of the community in the person of George 'Wheatley, in his 61st year. Born in Tuckersmith in 1874 he was a son of the late George and Mrs. Wheatley (formerly Dyke,) While •_ but a child his parents moved into Hullett and in that township he spent his life afterward, In 1901 he mar- ried Myra Brown, who survives him. Surviving also, are two brothers, Joseph, in Clinton,' and Thomas in McKillop; three sisters, Mrs,. Andrew Snell and Mrs. R. Rogers -on, Hullett, and Mrs. Miller Ad'am's, 'McKillop, and two daughters, Mrs. (Rev.) Charles Leslie, of the United Church, and Mrs. David! Dewar, Toronto. There is one grandchild. George Wheatley was- one of the successful farmers of 'Hullett. The farm buildings and equipment are of the most substan5 tial and comprise every convenience for 'ho'me comfort and farming ef- ficiency, evidencing that farm and home were his chief care. In re- ligion he was a Methodist and later United Church, his home church be- ing Constance United!, -of which he was a faithful member and official. He held office as Elder and Steward and assisted in the choir for many_ years. In politics he was a support- er of the Ref'o'rm party. The funeral was held from the home, Concession 4, Hu'llett, on Sunday afteroon, where Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Londesboro and Constance United Churches, con- ducted the- service. Interment was made in Clinton cemetery. The pall- bearers were W'm,. Britton, Benjamin Snell, William Carn'ochan, David Million, William Thompsen and J. H. Scott. Rev. Charles Leslie and Mrs. Les- lie and Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar were called home owing to the ser- ious illness and subsequent death of Mr. George Wheatley. !Mr.. and Mrs, Jack Ferguson held an aluminum demonstration at their home on Wednesday evening. Master !Donald Stevenson spent a few hlolid'aye with friends at Brigd'en. ti p 4 • 4 • • a 4 • 4 4 • 5 c Y 4h