HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-06-28, Page 8i$7 it. 6'1 i�. gS 's< 7�3 SPECIAL fpr. 3ESE *peg. 15c a lb; 2 lbs. .CliBlEtESE,--•Two year old, asinappy, per pound SSE & BLACKW'ELL BRAN: STON PICKLE per jar 'DRUDGE CLEANSER 3 .tuns for CATSUP Large bottle RED GOHOE SALMION balls, 2 for PRINCESS SOAP FLAYFS 2 boxes SPAGHETTI 3 boxes LAUNDRY SOAP 10 bars BOLOGNA per pound SUGAR 10 pounds Cream taken for Clinton at the same price paid at Creamery. ays 25c 20c 5c 10c 17c 25c 25c 25c 25c 15c 52c NEWS OF- THE TOWN Mixed Tournament Next Week.- A mixed open twilight tournament will be held at the bowling green on Friday, July 5, at seven o.'cl.oek, un- der the auspices of the Ladies' Club. A. C, Routledge PHONE 166 Many -Sappy Returns. -A host" of friends in Seaforth and vicinity - will join The Expositor in extending oon- grarbsrlation's and beet wishes for many happy returns of the day to Mrs. S. Boyd, who on Friday, June 21, celebrated her 87th •birthdays at hes, home on High Street. Mr. Motorist of the We areAgents formany Oldest and Strongest Insurance Companies Representing both Tariff and Non -Tariff, including "LLOYDS" OF ENGLAND en Thursday afternoon last whew there was a good attendance. The afternooa. was spent in sewing. Mrs. J. L. Bell presided over the devotion- al period and Mrs. William Drover gave the Scripture lesson. This was followed by prayer, after which Mesa J. L. Bell read the address given by Rev. W. A. Young; of Hensall, at the Jubilee services held in Goderffh re- cently. The topic from the study book was ably given by Mrs. R. Dor- ranee. Mgrs. William Hogg read the Glad Tidings Prayer and Mrs. H. C. Feast closed the rneetingewith prayer. Forrest -Moyer. -,The wedding, was quitly solemnized on 1Vllonday, June 17, at the home of the officiating min- ister, Rev. F. B. Russell, .46" Beulah Ave., Hamilton, of Miss Grace Ade- laide Moyer, Reg. Nurse, elder daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Moyer, 46 Superior St,, Brantford, and Mr. Wil- liam Archibald Forrest, of Metache- wan, Northern Ontario, son of Mrs. J. H. Leong, Brantford, and the late Mr. IRnbert Forrest, formerly of Eg- m'ondville. The young couple left the following Thursday by motor for; Matach'ewan, where they will reside. The best wishes of their many friends, go with them to their new home, McKillop Branch of First Presby- terian W.M.S. Meets. -Mrs. Thomas Appleby, of McKillop, was hostess to the McKillop Blanch of the W. M. S. who are offering the lowest rates in history. OUR POLICIES PROTECT Our Service is Complete INSURE TO -DAY WATSON & REID Phone 214 .. Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O S. T. Holmek, & Son O 0 FUNERAL SEWVICE O 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 S. 'T. Holmes, 'residence, O Goderach 'Street, West; phone 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' 0 'residence, Goderich Street, 0 • East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service O Night calls, Phone 308, 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. O Charges moderate. O WANTED Death of Miss M. Mclntosh.-The death occurred at the home of M. R. J. McMillan, in• Seaforth, on Fri- day following an i'llaness of over !three years, orf Maggie 'McIntosh, an es- teemed resident. Miss McIntosh, who was in her 76th year, was born on she 16th Concession of Grey and spent most of her life in this district. She was an adherent of Northside United Church and an exceptionally capable housekeeper having served, in that capacity with R. J. McMillan for the long period of forty years. The fun- eral took place on Sunday afternoon from Me. McMillan's residence, in- terment being made in the Granbropk Cemetery. 500 MEN WITH WIVES AND FAMILIES to attend WALTON GARDEN PARTY ON THE CHURCH GROUNDS WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd A GOOD PROGRAMME by the following artists: Miss Mar- guerite Boyle, Elocutionist; Madame Wheatley, Violinist; Mr. C. E. Henley, Entertainer at the Piano; Mr. Elmer Daniel, Bass -baritone; Me. Henley, Accompanist. "Seaforth Band in attendance Supper Served -from 6 to 8 p.m. Auspices of W. A. ADMISSION: 35 cents and 20 cents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O H:- C. BOX O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 Ambulance Service 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.O O.0 O O Died 'in Saskatoon. -Mass Adeline Irene Dickson, B.A.; honor graduate in Household Science of the Univers- ity of Toronto, and a Collegiate teach- er in Saskatoon, Sask., died last week after a ,month's illness in Saskatoon. The remains 'were brought to Sea - forth and interred on Monday in the family plot in Maitlandbank Ceme- tery. Miss Dickson was the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and fir's. John T. Dickson, of Seaforth and Toronto. Those wiio accompanied the motor hearse from Toronto were Mr. and \lis. Duncan. Gillies, Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson and ci'augh,tei, Betty, of Toronto; Miss Jean Dickson, of Sas- katoon; Dr. James Dickson, of Cleve- land; Lars, Janies ' hirester, of Aur- ora; Matthew Bates, of Mrs._ a.tlew Mr. an i .i. d Goderi°ch; Mrs. Kerr, Mr. and 'ns'. Robert Dark of Brussel6s, also attend= ed the funeral, SIMONIZING PAINTING WASHING GREASING REPAIR WORK TIRE and 'FIRE REPAIRS Fifteen Years' Experience Your Patronage Appreciated Prompt, Efficient and Courteous Service in Washing, Greasing, Repairs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On • WALKER'S 0 " FUNERAL SERVICE O ' W. J. WALKER and 0 O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 0 Funeral Directors. O O Day or Night Calls proenipbly 0 0 attended. O O PHONE 67 0 0 O 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office, in the 'Dominion Bank Build- Seaforth. Office hours : - Tuesdiay, Thunay and Saturday, 1.80 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 phi. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, aicknees and accident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, ldin.dly give us a call. • E. C. ,,CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 834 - Seaforth, 8485-tf H. WESTON GODERICH STREET - SEAFORTH EGGS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE orth ry I 3,r Irp ;¢rs9 it im�c! 're t �movab.: air Ctch�n��o "® oc 4� ,f �Al NOT only permits extra shelf space in the cabinet by grouping small articles -but you can remove and carry it to the kitchen table. Removable parti- tions, too. It's just oee of a score of outstanding Frigidaire '35 fea- tures. 13e sure the name Frigidaire is on the refrigerator you buy. The General Motors Refrigerator MADE IN CANADA For information and prices J. W. Modeland PHONE,4-143: SEAFORTH • Property Changes. - Mr. Charles Aberhart has sold his large brick block on the corner of Main and John Streets, to Dr. J. A. Munn. At pres- ent the block on the ground floor is occupied by Mr. Aberhart's large drug stove and Dr. W. C. Sproat, whose medical office has an entrance on John Street. We understand it is Dr. ,Munn's intention to -,move his dental office from ' the Sills' block to his newproperty, which he will have remodelled to provide office room for hime elf on the ground floor. Mr, Aberhart has leased the drug store and the large seciond storey apart- ments, and Dr•. Sproat will continue in his present office. -At the auction sale of real es- tate of the late W. R. Smillie, held on the property on Saturday last, the •thirty acres' of laird on which there is a fine brick house and large bank barn, were sold to Mr. Leslie McClure of Goderioh Township. The purchase price was $3;500. Death of George H. Smithers.- Many mithers.:Many friends in Seaforth and ricin- i'ty will sincerely regret to learn. of the death in Toronto on Wednesday evening of Mr, George H, Smithers, one of Seaforth's• earliest residents, and for many years one of this town's most prominent citizens. Mr. Smith- ers was in his Beth year and his' death occurred et the hone of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Walter Cole, where he had made his home for some time. He had been ill only two weeks, and' pre- •v'tous to that had enjoyed remarkab- ly good health, alfie is survived by a family of two sons and three daugh- ters, Mr. William Smithers, of To- ron:e; Mr. Thomas Smithers, of Van- derhoof, B.C.; Mrs. Walter Cble and Mrs. E. Adaire, Toronto, and Mrs. J. J. Sclater, of Seaforth. The remains will he brought to Seaforth, and the funor•al will be held from the home of his son-in-law, Mr. J. J. Sclater, on Friday afternoon, followed by in- terment in Maitlandbank Cemetery. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meet. Mrs. R. H, Carnochan entertained the. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of Flint Presbyterian Church on Wled- resday afternoon at her beautiful home .in Tuckersmith. The regular meeting was held at 3.30 p.rn. on the lawn with Miss Fergus McKay pre- siding. Mrs. Angus McRae read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. H. Charters the Glad Tidings Prayer and Mrs. Dale Nixon and Miss E. J. Sparks, current evenit .s. Mrs. W. A.' Wright and Mrs. M. R. 'Rennie sang a de- lightful duet entitled; "Come, Holly Spirit, Heavenly Dove'," accompanied by Mrs. J. E. Keating, and Mrs. Ren- nie played a fine instrumental, Miss Belle Campbell gave the topic on "God's Quiet Places" and it was in harrm.ony wi th the beautiful sue- roundings of the home. It was a very interesting paper and splendidly, given. An excellent supper was serv- ed at 5 p.m. to a barge number of membbers and visitors. The drawing for the quilt was taken and was won by Miss Davina Anderson. The meet- ing closed with a hymn and prayer, the Auxiliary having spent a very happy afternoon, 13aseball. ZURICH vs SEAFORTH Recreation Grounds, Seaforth Thursday, JULY 4th at 6 p.m. ,..:Seaforth has not lost a game and is out to win the Cham- pionsh i p. You will see a good game of ball. ADMISSION: 25c and 15c. `eeeintr. and MTS. Ovaniie a�i'pL o tod, d :and Gordon 'McLeod, Loren; Mrs. Carrie, Rogers, Mies Bes.sie'°Rogea+s, Mr. and M'rs. W. Rogers, Mr. and Mays. 'Filed "Rogers, Orville Rogers., Mrs. F, Routley, Mr. and Mrs'. A. Bickell, Kirk -bone Mra. Harvey God- boat, Centralia; Mrs -Norman Dingle, Jack Oughban, M$s;sres 1VIary and DoT - is O'ug'hton, ` To'ro i t o • Mr, and Mrs. Frank Goforth, Walter Goforth, Mlonkbon; Miss Sinclair, Clinton; Mr. R. J, MdLaughlin, Brussels; Mr. and Ma's. S. IS. Dennis, London; Mr. and Mrs. H. Laughleen, Melbour,7ue. viveci by two 'brothers and three sis- ters, Mr. W. J. Bickeil, of Seaforth; Mr. Albert' Bickell, of Kiek'ton; Mrs. Carrie Rogers, Kirkbon; Mrs, Sarah C'hesn'ey, Cartwright, Manitoban and Mrs. W. J. McLeod, London. A pri- sqate -furiceal was held from his late home on Monclay afternoon when the services were conducted by his min- is'teT, Rev. H. C. Feast. During the service two solos,., "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" and "Looking This Way" wean sung by Mr. James T. Scott, accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Interment was made in Maitlandbank Cemetery, t h e pallbearers being. Messrs. J. J. Sclater, A.' C. Routledge, M. McKellar, Robert Eberh'art, E. Mole and Dr. Harburn. The floral tributes were very beautiful. Among those from a disltance who atrtended the funeral were: Mr, and Mrs. W. J. McLeod, Mr. and Mas. Harold Mc - COOKING SALE The W. A. of Constance United Church will hold a sale of Home Cooking, Etc. in the vacant store in the Cardno Block, on SATURDAY, JUNE 29th Doors open 2.30 p.m. Be prepared for the Holiday! Engagement. -The 'engagemnexut is announced! of Eva. Fee, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Ida Fee and the late. Wel- lington Fee, of 'Seaforth, to Thomas Richard Heale, Son of Mr. T. R. Reale and the late.Mrs. Hindle of Cop- per Cliff, Ont., the marriage to take place the latter part of July. Muir-Nivins.-The church parlor of Knox Presbyterian Church, Gaderich, was the scene of a quiet wedding at 10.30 a,m., Saturday, June 22, when Isa Mae Nivine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nivins, of Goderich, became the bride of Gordon Alvin, Muir, son of Mrs. Mucor, of 'Seafiorth, and the late John Muir. Revs, D. J. Lane, pas- tor of the church, officiated. The, bridesmaid was' lVfiss Mary Stapleton of. Gbderich, and the graomsnan, Mlr. Glen Smith, of Seaforth. The bride wore a travelling suit of 'brown with white shoes, gloves and halt and a clorsage bouquet of roses. The 'brides- maid was costumed in white, with white accessories. Inrrnediiately fol- lowing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Muir left nor a trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. They will reside in Sea - forth. The groom has always taken a prominent place in hockey and base- ball and ,,many friends join in 'beiat wishes•,to''the young couple. WOOL WANTED Highest Cash Prices Paid IL M. Jackson Phone 3w Seaforth ,N. LAWN SOCIAL to be, held on St: James' Church Grounds THURSDAY, JULY 4 Supper from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. -'See Bills For Particulars - Football at Winthrop WALTON vs. WINTHROP TUESDAY, JULY 2nd Game Called at 6.30. AN EXHIBITION GAME At Winthrop, between Seaforth and Winthrop, on FRIDAY, JUNE 28th LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs„ John Berry, of Ottawa, .is the guest of the Misses Ores'swell. • Mr. George Mitchell and Mtis Mitchell, of F1'esherton:; and Mr. and Mrs'. Goldsborough and two children, of Niagara Fails, were Sunday' guests at the home 'of Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. • Mrs's Wlatsom and Miss' Mary Watson, of Torbntto, were guests this week at the home of Mr. James Wat- son and the Misses Watson. • Miss May Bmoadfoot, has return- ed from a visit with friends in Perth. • Mr. Sam .McKenzie, of Brant- ford, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cardio, • Mrs. Neville, of Sarnia, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. • Miss Lillian Southgate is vi'sit- .Jng with relatives in Flesherton, .. • 'Mir,. and Mrs. J. Free,sttman and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Detior, of An- bMeside, spent Sunday with friends in town. • Rev. J. M. Eckert, of Chicago, is spending a few weeks with his many friends here•.. • Miss ' Margaret Thomson, of Fordwich, is wending the week with her cousin, Miss Helen Chamberlain. • Mrs. W. C. Coltman, Mrs. Severbs and Mis's Betty Wanless,, Of Highland Park, Michigan, were guests at the home of Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. • Mrs. Booth left our Tuesday for W'inds'or to attend the funeral of her brother, the late Frank Pil'lman, who passed: -away Sunday after an illne's's of several m,onths, Mr. Pillrnan was a well known business' man of Sea - forth in the early days. • Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Edge, of Toronto, were the week -end guests of Mr. H. Edge and Miss Josephine. • ;Vias. C. M.' Smith is visiting rel- atives at Anthony, Rhode Island. • Mrs. J. F. McMann and daugh- ter, Mrs. A. Spizzirri, of Chicago, are 'visiting with relatives here. e Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hillis and family have returned to Toronto af- ter a two weeks' holiday with the latter's mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. • Mrs. Mary Tharpe, of Detroit, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Dev- ereux. • Betty and Billy Scout, of Chicago, are spending the holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and MTs. T. G. Scott. • Miss Angelo Eckart has been re- engaged to teach the echool at Am- bleside at an increase in salary. • Mrs, G. T, Turnbull and Miss Mabel Turnbull spent the week -end in Toronto. • Miss Bessie Grieve leaves this reek en a • Jioliday trip to the Old Country°. • Miss Mary Kling and Miss Anna Edmonds, of the Woodstock Eosrpital staff, spent the week -end at their homes here, o Mrs. Orville Weston, of Detroit, is' visiting her sisters, Mrs. R. Carn- ochan, in Tuckeasmirth, and Miss Ver- na Graves, in town. • Mr. and Mrs, William Cuthill and three daughters, Misses Inez, Hazel and Frances Cuthill, of Shel- don, North Dakota, are visiting with relatives in Seaforth and vicinity. • Rev. D. Carswell, a former min- ister of Duff's and C+aven Churches, spent the week-end'with 'cold friends in this vicinity. Mir. Carswell came up to attend the Diamond Jubilee services at Cavan Church, Winthrop, on Sunday and Mionda,' last. • Mrs. Archie [Campbell, of Toron- to, is visiting ab, the home of her Mania, Mr, A. Cuthill, in Winthrop. • Mrs, Watson, of McKillop, left this week on a holiday visit to her old home in Glasgow, Scotland. Death of Thomas Bickell. - The death ^of Mr. Thomas Bickel'], which occurred at his home on John Street on Saturday morning, June 22nd, Seaforth lost a well known res'idetit and an esteemed citizen. Five years ago, owing to failing health, Mr. Bickell was forced to retire from the produce business which he had con- ducted eucces'stfully for a number of years, and although he was able to he about, he suffered severely at .times from heart trouble. For two weeks previous to his death he had been confined to bed, but no serious results were anticipated,, until short- ly 'before the end when he was seized with a sudden and severe attack, passing away Saturday morning. Mrr. Bickell was born in Hibbert township, hear Staffs, but came to reside in Egmondvil]e with his father when a yotrmig mean. Follow•img his marriage thrifty peers ago to Mis's Hannah Oughton, daughter of the late Henry Oughton ,of Seaforth, he came to Hawn to engage in business. Be was widely known. in this .district and his sudden passing is a matter of deep regret by .all. Mr. Bickell was a weather of First Presbyterian C� and of the Foresters and Oddfellbi lodge's. Besides his wife he is 'enir- Eye Trouble? Have your eyes examined by R. A. REID, for 17 years Strat- fctrd's leading Optometrist. Expert work only at most moderate prices. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Consult him at Westcott's JEWELRY STORE tat AND 3rd FRIDAYS EACH MONTH -9 TO NOON " Pm Your Convenience'; Arrow BUS Schedule Effective May 5, 1935 LEAVE w'T BOUND 1.00 p.m. 7.35 p.m. Standard Time LEAVE EAST BOUND 8.15 a.m. 5.45 p.m. ITINERIES, PLANNED TO ALL POINT IN CANADA, UNITED STATES & MEXICO: Consult Local Agent QUEEN'S • HOTEL Phone 45 - Seaforth Central Ontario Bus Lines Toronto c uk I no :About Now Underway IN THIS STORE • THE LAST TWO DAYS ARE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY • THESE DAYS ARE OUTSTANDING IN BIG BARGAIN GIVING This is a tremendous Thrift Occasion. Come - and supply your present needs and the things you expect to buy weeks ahead. IT WILL PAY YOU BIG RETURNS! 5 MacTAVISH'S niversary on Sunday, June 23. The speaker, Rev. De Witt Cou•sens, of Clinton, gave .two helpful and 'inspir- ing addresses to' the young people, both afternoon and evening. In the afternoon the service of song was led by 'the Sunday school choir and was much enjoyed. The regular choir was in attendance at' night and sang two anthems, "Exhaust the Lord" and "I Lift Up Mine Eyes to Thee." Mr. and ells- D. Churchill and daughter, Ruby, and Miss Ruby New- man, of Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack' Ferguson on Sunday. Mrs. A. Reekie, (nee Mildred Brit- ton) has successfully passed her nurse's registration course training at London in. May. Rev: De Witt Cousens and Mr. F. Trewin and Miss Edith Stewart were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. EGMONDVILLE A Strawberry Festival, with pro- gramme following, will be held at Brucefield United Crunch on the ev- ening of Friday, June 28. Supper will be served from 5.30 to 8. The Lobb Quartette, the Blyth Orchestra and talented Readers will supply the pro- gramme. 3523-2 LOOK Your Best on the Holiday YOUR SUIT, DRESS, COAT or HAT received by Friday , Night WILL BE READY SATURDAY SUITS GLEANED AND $1.00 PRESSED U DRES'S'ES, SILK -1 Pico Plain $1.00 DRESSES, SILK $1.25 2 er 3 -Piece �A OF HATS -CLEANED AND 50c BLOCKED COATS -CLEANED AND PRESSED $1.08 Gillespie's . ,,CLEANERS, AND DYERS Phone. 196 WE CALL AND DELIVER, WINTHROP Rev. .David Carswell and Mrs. Archie •pamrpbell, of Toronto, are guest's of Mr. A. A. Cwthill. Mr. George Kenny, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Calder and the Misses Calder, of Idicks'on, and W. H. Robinson, of Landon, attended the diamond jubilee services on Sunday last. CONSTANCE .SEVENTIETH. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES CROMARTY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH y SUNDAY, JUNE 30th, 1935, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. REV. T. WRDLAW TAYLOR, Ph.D., D.D., Clerk of General A sembly, guest minister. Special Music. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 27th A STRAWBERRY AND ICE CREAM FESTIVAL will be held on the church grounds. Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Programme will 'be provided 11y the Young People of Duff's Church, McKillop, ,who will present their play, entitled, "A Wild Flower of the Hills." ADMISSION: ADULTS, 35 cents. CHILDREN, 20 cents. The Women's Association of Oen- 'stance Unrited Church will hold a cooking sale On Saturday, June 29, in Seaforth, in the vacant store north f MacTavi'sh's. Doors, open- at 2.80 p.'m. .Strawberries and cream., bread 'arid butter and tea will be served for a small fee, • The Sunday School held their an- a�r Clearance Sale of Boxed and Potted Plants CASH AND CARRY " Starting Thursday Noon, June 27th They must all go to let us "Get on with the next." Buy a box at regular price, 20c, and geta one box FREE -Your Choice Asters (separate colors), . all Wilt Resistant ; Petunias (four varieties) ; Verbenas, Guinea Gold Marigolds, Sunshine Calendulas, Snapdragon, Annual Carnations, Strawflowers, Clarkia, Dusty Miller, Zinnias, Hot Peppers, French Marigolds, Celery, Nico- tine, Flowering Kale, Ete.-Full count not guaranteed. • Sold direct from hotbeds-IBonny.Best and John Baer Tomato Plants and Cabbage Plants, 10c a doz., 3 doz. for 25c. Cauliflower Plants, 15c a doz. Hanging Baskets, limited n•umber of 10 -inch, well filled, $1.00 only. Trailers fonbores and baskets, to clear, sold but of 'lots, 5c each. Bostern Ferns (4 -inch pots), 25c each. F. R. CUNINGHAME, Florist PHONES: 176 AND 31 CLINTON, ONT. Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Mac» ONALD BROS. BAKERY Home of Better Bread and Better Baked Pastry WE NOW HAVE A FULL LINE OF Cakes and Pastr Don't Forget Us When Ordering PHONE 70 WE AIM TO PLEASE -�}flV"-Nin 1'3 is tiK Tao• `&11ally; r�1p .e-