HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-06-28, Page 4to, , Golfers ! • Hensall Old Hoye and Girls' attending the Reunion are in- vited to play Golf at the new Course of the Seaforth Colf and Country Club: • The Seaforth Course is one of the outstanding Nine Hole Courses in Ontario, and has nine splendid grass greens av- eraging 6,000 square feet each.. • A graduate dietitian Is in charge of catering at the Club House and Meals and Lunchee are available at •reasonable prices. GREEN FEES 50 cents per 18 holes. PLAY GOLFatSEAFORTH on No. 8 Highway adjoining Town. JP - Al" 3 5 .Y; r•'•'' ir? 5 s . 4 f ,,',' , - k So $ d Ads will be inserted,,,at new low cash rates: *anted. Lost end Found. Coming Events. Etc.—Per N'rettil I week 1 Cent 2nd week %Acne 3rd week Ms Cent • Minimum charge, first insertion 35 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Oards of Thanks, In memoriam Notices -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week Enrolls* may be directed to a Boa Number. care of The Huron EsPeattor. for le cents sedan. 10 cents additional Per week will be charged if ads in above classes are not paid by the Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted tree of charge. Auction Sales. Notice to Creditor., Etta—Rates on aPPlinatIon. , Wanted /VANTED — A LOCAL SALESMAN TO • " sell 100 per cent. pure Pennsylvania Oil dtireetde to the consumers, at attractive prices that will yield to an active salesmen a good living. C'issh tratemethene throughout. APPLY its BOX 3b. EXPOSITOR eme're. 3524x1 Help Wanted WAN'TED--A 110UsIRK2Ss1PER. EXPER.I- " enced general faxen work. Apply to J. TREMEER, Jr,. R. R. 3, Kippen. 3524-3f MAID WAD—WANTED IMMEDIATE - dr, maid for work at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club. Short hours. Apply in writing to BOX •36, THE HURON EXPOSI- TOR,. 352.4-1 T...TOUSEKEEPE.R. WANTED--HOUSEKEEP- •••-•• Initidle-eged; one in the fam- ily. Apply to MRS. M. FRASER, Brussels P. 0., Ont. 352312 Articles For Sale FOR SALE --SEVEN ACRES OF RAY. Apply to 3. C. BELL, Kippen. S524-1 • pelt SALE—A TENT 7 lite- 91..„ by e feet "L. high. 3-fieet w1; also three cone a coal oil stove with oven and a seedier. Theee are all in good cendition. Apply Box 37. Expitor Officeor phons 4 on 93. 3521-1 For Sale or Rent ,T...TOUSE FOR RENT -.SEVEN-ROOMED -4-4. frame house on Goderich ettreet, Wait. Sealforth. All modern cone...Menem: hardwood Risers, electric lights. town water, bath. House has been complevels remodelled and redeeor- etesi, For further particulars apply to HAYS & MEIR. Seeforth. POR SALE OR RENT—FOUR ACRES OF teed ireeee the coree,ratiee Of the Village of Heneall. For particular apply to MRS. • 13. A CANTELON. Hensall. Out. 3522-3 TINVELLV.,:G HOUSE FOR SALE — TO cheep the eseiste of the late Isabella Ross, the dwelling bore on Centre Street must be sold. Eke -trio helm. town -meter, cement ois-; tern, all in good corelition. Poesaesion nen ranged. A. D. SUTHERLANi, Sea:01-th. 3513-tf Card of Thanks "leIR. AND MRS". ROBERT M. PECK AND `4"L' Mrs_ J. W. Peek desire to express their incere eperee iation to the fete:sob a ad retarhbers for their syrapathY and mans sou'• kinthiese le their 1-YVVr.r.. bereavement; fo- ehe beautifulfloral tributes : to thee, who use -heed with the mieee. and to theee who kindle lent their ewe. 3524-1, Lost and Found LosT-014 JUNE 22nd, vete aertvesee Tile Yard at Sprat's and Seaforth; need- ed by employee. Phone 136-2, Seaforth. 3524.1 Notices T.JOTICE—THE BRUCEFIEL'D GRAIN ELE, " witor will be closed June 29th, and will remain ebeed till the new orvp bin to move. 3524-1 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT NOTICE-ALL PARTIES IN HULLETT wishing 00 PaY Cash, es of the report of Georr A, MoCubbinon the Kinburn Swam Drain, remit notify the Clerk before July 15th, in writing, and after that date. Debentures will be iseued fru the balance, JAMES W. MeCOOL. Clerk. Hubert 'Peep. 3524-5 Town of Seaforth Taxes will be received all day on Tuesday, July 2nd, owing to the 1st of July be- ing a holiday. John A. Wilson, Clerk. • Deaths S'itITHERS• In Toronto. on Wednesday, June 26, C,'e-re H. Smithere, in hi Seth year. Births NieCOW.AN—In Hullett. on June 18th. u, Mr. and Mrs. John McCown/1n daughter,. Susan Elimberh. 51eGRECOR —In Hereall. at Patersen's Hee- Pital. to !Mr. anti Mrs. Robert 51.-Greeo,- sere- William Grant. CRICH— TON.Ilti, General. lio,pital. on Thureday. June 27. to Dr. and Mr W. A. C h. a da ue er May Lr'n.. POPULAR STALLIONS Clydesdale Stallion "FOOTMAN" Win stand at his own stable err.wernent street thi S Pa rtit.`,S at a de:meter by phoning ton. Terms —910.00. nayable :March 1st GEORGE MANN, Jr., Clinten. for the int. Will meet 21-636. Clin- 1936. 3522x4 SCOTLAND'S PAIEMBRANCE 26035' 01529) Will island at his own stable. Bruceileid. except Thursday, when he will go to John H. f Staldee, for noon. and then hone tor night 'Ternts—tto insure, 515.00. R. D. MURDOCK. Proprletor & Manager. decorate with myriads of colored lights a d all that goes to make a good display and :vhich will be added to between now and the dates set, namely June 30 and July 1, 2 and 3. The bowlers and beseball players are ,praeticing faithfully for the s5z2-8 games that will be played during the Old Boys' Reunion. The services in the local churches danuettheedherrinmministers, w will io4gS:undayill b:ko be welcomed by large Congregations. In the United Church Rev. Dr. J. S. Henderaen, of Vancoever, lately re- tired frees the St. Andrew's -Willis United ChurCh, will preach at the morning service, and at Carmel Pres- byterian Church at the evening ser- vice, and Rev. Mcle Smith, of Pene- tanguishene,r will preach at the even- ing service at the United Church, and as .both these ministers are gift- ed speakers and were ministers here for quite a long term of years, they will be sire of large enthusiastic con- gregations. At St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday., June 30:• 10 a.m., Church Iseleitd; 11 tem,. aloly Commenion; 7 p.m., Even Song and sermon, Rev. W. J. Hendry, preacher. Mr. Hendry who has been in charge of St. Paul's Chureh for the past six months, will preach his last sermon Sunday even- ing. 9520- A real old-time welcome awaits the Old -Boys in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, For many weeks the people of the Presbyterian Church have been looking forward eagerly to meeting their old friends at church. At the morning service the minister, Rev. W. A. Young, will conduct the service, and in the evening, Rev. J. S. Hendterson, D.D,, of Vancouver, formerly honored minister of Carmel Church, will- preach. The Presbyter- ian Church has meant a goad deal to the people of Henson in days gone by and the Old Kirk still carries on! Musical numbers will include: „An- them, ."Oh, Worship the Lord"; duet, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes," Rev. 'Young and W. A. r MacLaren; anthem. "Blessed is, He That Cometh"; solo, "How Beautiful Upon the Mountain," Mrs. J. W. Bonthron; anthem, "Sing Unto the Lord," soloist, Rev. W. A. Young; solo, "The Stranger of Gali- lee," Rev. W. A. Young. Mrs. Dinsdale and daughter, Mrs. Simmons, were in Clinton, on Mon- day attending- the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Smith, cousin of Mrs. Dins: - dale. 5521-3 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle spent the week:end in Ridgetown, at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle. Mrs. Robert Bontbron and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell of De- ter, Mrs. Simpson, who have been troir visited at the home of Mr. and spending a couple of weeks in Bar - Mi -s. Joseph Kale and other relatives. •rie. returned to their home on Sun- day last. Mrs. Margaret Cleveland, of To- ronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson. Mrs. Workman and Miss Mabel are visiting,- the former's daughter, Mrs. Britton, in Dublin this week. "Mrss.- Agnes McDonald, who has spent a month with her brother, Mr. John Buchanan, of Guelph, returned The village. in view of the coming to her home here on Sunday last. Old Boys' Reunion, is being finely Mrs. John Bonthron. of Regina, is FAVOURITE AGAIN (24337) Monday afternoon—Will kayo has 01,11 stable at Brueetield, and go to Thos. Xtutts'. Kippen, for night. Tuesday---Rast to,e4lhe 10.th Concession, to Angus McKinnon's. for noon; then east to Kett IiicKellar's, Cronme. ty. for night- Weditesduy—East 1l4 miles Tio Lloyd Coleuhc.un's, for noon; then west to WilbOun Patrick, for nlght Thureday— wee lie miles to Coyne Bros., 70.11 Conces- semi. Hibbert, for noon; then west to Robert Daises for night ks„illfilee—West to Geramell's Corners and north tfd the 111.11 Road at Wilson MeCartney's, for noon; then hernia to his own suable fir night. Satin-clay—At his own stable. Ternis—etth.Do ter insure. R. D. MURDOCK. Proprietor. Omelets Manning, Manager, 9522-8 The Premium Clydesdale Stallion MARATHON YET No. 22860 Enrolment No. 205 Form A 1 Well stand for the inn:Movement of stock at his own stable, % mile west of Hensall the season of 1935. Terngs—B12.00, payable February 1, -1936. D. BURNS, manager. The Imported Percheron Stallion CARNIVAL'S CHOICE [149931 206609—Dark Brown Enrolment 'No. 3069 Will stand for the improvement of stock tilts season as follows: Monday Noon—Will leave his own stable at Munro, to William Benneweis, Brohagen, for nig' ht. Tuesday Af- ternoon—To John L. Malone's, Beachwood, for night Wednesdae—To William Mason's, Con_ stance, for n,00rt; then to Harold Glew's, Huron Highway, for night. Thursday—To W. P. Thompson's. Tuckersmitle• for noon then home for night Friday. Afternoon — To Bruce Cooper's, Elimville, for night. Satur- day—To Clarence Gunning's, for noon; then to his own stable for nights Terms -=e13 to insure, payable February 1st, ems. This horse is drawn in a trailer. Will respond to cells within reasonable distance. • NORMAN RARSONS, Proprietor. 3520ittf The Imported Premium Belgian Stud 31ONTONDALE KING Pedigree No. 4897 Enrolment No. 2904 .Will stand for the impr'overnent of stock this season as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at James NorrisSale Ste.ble, Mit- ehell ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday. at his own stableone mile north of Hensall. Terms—$.13.00 to insure. payable February let, 1936. NORRIS & SMILLIE. Proprietors. ST. COLUMBAN FIENSALL IVA CORN has broken her engage- ment with Mr. Foot, since he is using Cress Corn Salve. At Hemphill's Drug Store. .3524-1 Reunion Notes visiting at the home of her brother - and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson: . • IMes, O. McKenzie and children, of Kincardine, vieited.over the week -.end at the 'home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Deurd- mond, Mrs, 1VIeKenzie's parents. Mes. :Drummond, who was" spend- ing a week in Guelph with relativas and friends, returned to her home here .071 Sunday last. Mr. William Fee, accompanied by his sisters. the Misses Sarah and Mary, returned. the first of this week Nona, a pleasant auto trip of a few days in which they visited relatives, and friends in Sarnia and also along Lake Erie and ,other (points. At the special services at the Unit- ed Church en Sunday the choir will be assisted by Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of Port Rowan, and Mr. Gordon Rennie, of Seaforth. Rev. MCI. Smith will give an address at the memorial ser- vice at the Union Cemetery at 2.30 on Sunday. Battersby - Heywood A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the United Church ,Manse on Wednesday at 12.30, when Elsie Iso - bell, eldest daughter of Mr. and MTG. Wesley Heywood, of Winchelsea, was united in marriage to Mr. Launeelet Battersby, elder .sen of Mr. and Mrs. N. Battersby, of 'Jensen. Rev. A. Sinclair officiated. The bride was at- tired in pink satin with lace coat white hat and accessories t.) match, and carried a bouquet of k pink and white carnations. Miss Irene }Lig- garth 'was bridesmaid and wire a peach ensemble suit with white ac- cessories.. Frank Battersby, brother of the groom, was best man. After a short, honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Battersby will reside in Hensall. A number of what well may be termetl:"willing„workers" of the Unit- ed ChiirCh congregation have, during the past week, greatly improved the appearance of the church edifice in the way of retouching and ,•brighten- ing up the red decorations and it has certainly made quite an improvetnent ard isuch 'voluntary service is greatly appreciated by the congregation.. Mr. Ernie `Shad -dock has, during the past few days, been adding finish:: lug touches to his repainting of the woodwork of the exterior of the New Crnmercial Hotel and it now looks most attractive, reflecting credit up- on the owner and manager of the hotel, Mr. John Elligsen. Next Sunday, June 30, there will be special services in the UnitedChurch. Church. Two former ministers will be the guest speakers. In the'morn- ing at 11 o'clock,, Rev. J. S. Hender- son, D.D., of the St. Andrews -Wesley United Church of Vancouver, B.C., will Preach. , At 7 o'clock the speak- er will be Rev. E. F. McL. Smith, B.A. Of Penetanguishene United Church. Assisting thechoir will be Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of Port Rowan, and Mr. Gordon Rennie, of Seaforth. Rev. Mr, Smith will give an address at the memorial service , at the Union Cemetery at 2.30 on Sunday. The installation of Zurich Lodge, No. 224, A. F. & A.M., was held on Monday evening with a good attend- ance. Wor. Bro. liilobert Dalrymple very efficiently performed the duties of installing officers. Light refresh - ments were served. The efficars • and members. of the LO.O.F. of Rieman, No. 223, will hold a decoration. service at the Henson Union keemetery and also at McTag- gerVe0ernety on Sunday,'June 50, to decorate soldiers' monument in front of the Town Hall and then at the two. 'cemeteries,. Mr. W. 0. Goodwin spent several days recently in Toronto attending Grand Lodge as a retpresentative. A window display of old-time resi- dents of the village, who have either Passed away or prevented from at- tending, promises to be a most at- tractive window. Mrs. William Sangster is in re- ceipt of a message informing her of the death of a relative in (bhe person of William Stark, from the West, and who was preparing to attend the Old Boys' :Reunion. It appears that death was quite sudden from an infected toe that spread the incurable disease throughout his system. A garden petty; under bhe auspices of the Wemen's Association of thle United Church, will be held on the church wounds on Wednesday, July 3rd. Church Services Services in the three local churches were fairly well attended on Sunday last. At St. Paul's Anglican Church the service was conducted very ably by Rev. W. J. Hendry, who will preach his farewell sermon on the coming Sunday, having, we understand, re- ceived a call to Chatham. At Carmel Presbyterian Church the services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Taylor, now retired at Goderich, and formerly of Toronto, who delivered fine discourses both morning and ev- ening .in the absence of the pastor, Rev, W. A. Young, who was conduct- ing memorial services at Guelph Ag- ricultural, Oellege. Rev. A. Sinclair, of the United Church, preached both morning andi evening, giving fine discourses. Public School Holds Picnic The picnic of the public school was held on Friday afternoon last at Paul Bell's dam and was quite largely at- tended by the three rooms, together with their teachers, Mr. Claude Blowes, Miss 'M. A. Ellis and Miss Beryl Pfaff. -Games and sports of all kinds featured the afternodn, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ort- wein. Hensall' Old Boys Reunion June 30, July1,2,3 THREE BANDS Grand Stand Performance every Afternoon and Evening Parades, Midway Attractions,' Athletic Events, Baseball, Football, Aerial Stunts, Dancing—Old and New Time—every evening in the Hall and open air: Anyone who can furnish beds or meals for the Old loys, please notify Miss M. Johnson, at Post Office, or telephone Hensall Central. OPEN AIR DANCING SAT. EVENING, JUNE 29 HERE IS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Who attended our Open House Festival and helped to make it such a huge success WE EXTEND OUR SINCERE THANKS PRIZE WINNERS': MRS. JAMES A. STEWART, Seafort1. MISS MARGUERITE WESTCOTT, Seaforth. ARTHUR L. DEVEREAUX, Seaforth. ARTHUR HENDERSON, Seaforth. Now We Announce Three Big MISS M. T. DORSEY, Seaforth. MRS. A. HENDERSON, Walton. MRS. J. RILEY, Kippen. S. B. PYPER, Hamilton. MRS. WILLIAM J. BEATTIE, Seaforth. C. DILLING, Brucefield. F. W. MERCER, R. R. 1, Walton. J. TREMEER, Jr., Kippen. ao Thursday Job Days Friday Saturday Featuring Special Values in Baked Goods and A Big Double Dip Cone of Silverwood's "Smoother than Velvet" Ice Cream for 5 Cents Ice Cream Bricks, All Flavours, Now 20 Cents Nothing reduced but the price ---the same high quality remains. Telephone 34 BAKER Lunches,— "White Clower Bread", Sw eet as June ---Confectionery Seaforth, Ont. • A 4