HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-06-21, Page 5AlA a t -THEATRE, Seaforth • NOW PLAITING FRED t1 TAIRE and GINGER ROGERS, dancing in "ROBERTA' ' IRENE DUNNE'S SINGING Feast of Song, Dance, and Fun/ CARTOON arid COIVI;EI)Y ' 'MONPIAT = TUESDAY - 'WIaDNESDAY KAY FRANCES; WARREN WILLIAM and GEORGE BRENT, in "LIVING ON VELVET" Romance, Comedy and Pathos and ,GAMES CAGNEY and PAT O'BRIEN, in "DEVIL DOGS OF TIIE AIR" with MARGARET LINDSAY COMING-"TUIUILIa HUNTER --The Most Precious Thing in Life. MatineesSat. and 'Holidays, 8 ,p.m% Tuns show's Welty, 7.A0 STAFFA The Women's Institute will meet on Wednesday afternoon, June 26. The roll call will be answered by "My Favorite Vegetable and How Cooked." Quilting and :knitting *ill be indulg- • ed in, followed by a pot luck supper. The Young People will present their • play, "The Path Across the Hill," on , Tuesday evening, June 25, under the auspices of the (Women's Institute. ' This ,play has been presented eight mimes, which speaks well for it. Danc- ing will follow the play. Mrs. John Livingstone celebrated her 80th birthday. Her sister, Mrs. _ Robert ,Sadler also celebrated her birthday on the same day, she being seventeen years younger. These two ladies were born two and a half miles west of Staffa, and both have been residents of Staffs, since their mar- riages. A remarkable feature dur- ing these years the • twosisters have been able to celebrate together with the exception of one year. Their many friends hope they may enjoy many .such years together. • A very large crowd attended the misceIIaneous shower held in Varna Hall Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Connell, when they were presented with many beautiful and useful gifts, which were every much appreciated: Following is the address read by Mr. Dinnin, to which ATTENTION "FARMERS and THRESHERMEN" The new patented Blower Straw Cutter and Shredder, manufactured. by Herrgott Co., Mild- may, Ont., is giving entire satisfaction as it not only cuts the straw, but shreds it as well, mak- ing it more acceptable to the cattle for food and preventing injury to their mouths. Its weight is 70 pounds; uses one Horse Power to operate, and can be installed in any Thresh- ing Machine. HERRGOTT COMPANY :DOMINION DAY Long Week -End Fares FARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in the United States. • Tickets&good going from noon FRIDAY, JUNE 28th until 2 p.m. MONDAY, JULY 1st RETURN LIMIT, leaving destination not later than midnight TUESDAY, JULY 2nd.,4 Times shown are "STANDARD" Minimum Special Fare: Adults 50c, Children 25c. For Fares and further information applyTicket Agents. c Toa CANADIAN NATIONAL Mr. Connell replied in a few • we1'l-. choshn words; "We, your friensk and neighbors,' have as'serapled Here to !spend .a social evening with you • and we hope in doing to share 'to some extent the pleasure and enjoyment you must experience as you, set out; on your new venture in life. We Heartily welcome you, ' Mxs. •Gunnell; into our midst... Although you have .heretofore been a stranger in this Community, we trust that you will shortly find it a pleasant one in which to live. We have always ad- mired the happy and genial disposi- tion whi h has made ypu, Harold, such a vi,lued member of any social gathering among us, and 'wh'ich we trust will not be marred by matri- mony. We all join in Wishing you both a happy, long and prosperous married life. We trust you will nev- er fail to find the silver lining of any cloud that may enter your lives. W;e ask you to accept these tokens as an indication of our esteem and good- will and as an expression of our boundless good wishes for your fu- ture joy and happiness.—Signed on behalf of your friends and neigh- bors." iMr. and Mrs. T. Campbell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. F. Weekes. Mrs: G. 11 Beatty and children have returned 'home after spending a week at IRmpley with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh. Mrs, Schnell and two sons are vis- iting at the parental home of Mr, and .Mrs. A. Austin. STANLEY Mr. and (Mrs. Jahn Reid and fam- ily of Detroit spent a few days last week with friends in Stanley an:d. Clinton. Mr. Roy Lamont and family, Miss' Jane Lamont and Miss Grace Robin- son .spentSunday at Forest with Mr. arid Mrs. W. F. Braun. M'iss'. Isabel Robinson is visiting at Hamilton with her aunt, Mrs. E. Lowden. • Miss Olive Erratt is spending a few days at Brownsville, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Poulter. TUCKERSMITH Mr. ' and Mrs. Joseph Glazier and daughters, •.Misses Jean and Margar- et, of London, also •Mr. and 'Mrs. Ad- am Glazier, of Clinton, were the week end guests of Mr: and 1Virs. Robert Dayman. 'Miss Annie 'Murray, •of Gorrie, is renewing oldd acquaintances in the neigh'bdrhood, who are all pleased to see her. 'Miss Sara Dayman visited in Lon- don for a few days. Miss Edna Dayman received sword that she had successfully passed her exams in the Clinton. Collegiate. MANLEY Mr. W.. G. Siemon wears a smile since last Saturday when his wife presented him with a baby girl. Rev. J. M. Eckert, from Chicago, is at present visiting his brothers and sisters in this 'vicinity and his rmny friends are pleased to see him much improved in health as he has been under the docgor's care for over a year. The late rain and wind has lodged the heavy grain and it's apt to dam- age the heavy fall wheat, as it' is just heading out. It is also hinder- ing the farmers in hoeing their root crop. The Gran Chaco war is to be end- ed after three years. Bolivia and Paraguay halve finally yielded to World opinion and sheer physical ex- haustion.—Toronto Saturday Night. THE FORD V-8 WILL TAKE YOU The 1935 Ford V-8 isn't just a boulevard .ear. You can take it places—over rough roads—into the woods, to the lake, to camp—and anywhere you can drive it, you will ride in comfort. FFord springs iron out the meanest bui'aps. They are longer and more flex- ible. They are farther apart, too, pro. viding a 123 -inch spring base that laughs at rough roads, ruts and rocks. On smooth roads this car skims along with exhilarating, effortless speed easily sustained, instantly coptrollable. t For the greatest return in comfort, pleasure and pride, invest in Ford V-8 proved performance, reliability and economy. May we put • a car at your disposal for a sell -yourself demonstra- tion? Just call in, or phone. • NEW REDUCED PRICES $32 a month and a reason- able down payment now buys a Ford V-8. See us for details. DAYL'S GARAGE Phone 102 -... � Seaforth, Ont. OU Prettier Dresses Hundreds of Stylish Summer. Frocks ' at prices away below what you would expect to pay. wOMEN that have been looking for something entirelynew—something attractively differ- ent—will find the Newest, Smartest Summer Dresses we have ever shown. • , Summer Crepe Dresses, in White and all the popular new Pastel Shades, also in Floral Crepes'. and Colored Stripes. The very last word in becom- ing style. VALUESIONAL 3.95 t0 12.50 PRINT AND VOILE DRESSES 1 All Sizes j • .95 to 2.95 CHILDREN'S PRINT DRESSES 59c CHILDREN'S VOILE DRESSES Men's Summer Suits Style These New Summer Clothes defin- itely and attractively feature the' Newest Styles, the Latest Patterns, and the Correct Colors and Shades. • • •• Materials Fine English Worsteds and Serges filled with abiding quality, substan- tially lined and carefully tailored. • =SYESS%R� • Guaranteed 75c Every Suit we sell carries our un- qualified guarantee for reliable qual- ity, dependable trimmings, perfect fit, correct pricing. • 0 • Low Prices Not in years have we offered qual- ity Suits at such reasonable prices. $15.00 to $14.50 SPECIALS Fancy Lisle Sox, good value 19c Men's Athletic Undershirts 29c Men's Sunshade Straw Hats 15c Men's Big "B" Work Shirts Men's Snag Proof Overalls Men's Fine Shirts, collar attached Men's Felt Hats Penman's Balbriggan Underwear Men's Sweat Shirts Boys' Quality Wash Suits 1 Men's New Summer Ties 50c $1,00 $1.50 , $1,00 $1,95 50c $1,00 50c SPECIALS Children's Cotton Ankle Sox 19c Women's Lisle Thread Bloomers Women's Krinkle Crepe Gowns Women's Krinkle Crepe Pyjamas Women's Print House Dresses 25c 79c $1.00 f.. 69c $1.0'0 39c 39c 25c t° $1,00 75c Lastex Girdle, (two-way stretch) Women's Rayon Pique Step-ins ' Celanese Baby Bonnets, colors White Handbags, New Styles Pure Silk, Full Fashioned Hose White Net Gloves, organdie cuffs 75c STEWA T BROS. SEAFORT