HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-06-14, Page 4P' -.1=1'V11 0-1141X -J'1Q0?�.,-111, u,3�1,pu&,-J �i,.,V�1.1111 .. ;u � , 1, I
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. ' 1-4 Mr. 1". gallils'an .h. hi's ampt-Ox- bight., , - - W. P, ". , ,
I . 'A I N" . 'ed spivit <4 enter I . .0. , aw * -, * hip.. lo lim I "AAA I 01'.1, I ... . . �
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Cpchrafie took that of the bridit, their 1. C�Qmmetc,iaj, yi.jeely. of se,rrice, .* the jnai4ji Ife �L W. 0
te'10'6W. , . ,:1, , 1:
11'1�.14.� 0:0.0 � ' T own Football . , 0. 3�8 . I - L I 1 I 4 .1 # -
� . . - I . I atteAd4n,bs, bedAg Mrs,. W. H-GrAeY, . --powwow= tepaint4�. lon Itho extorliqr, haviing rer , lie gave 'a W01 I 7'. lit by , a � ". ,, , , .
ANWA0% 4 "Ir 1 Aft from Page 1), 3h,s. Hi,,jo %ft
., M I ,)1eR,,M'-1ss,M. Joyies and lit- """m " M by "
. I (Continued s, Usta Nnife had b1oodHPOiSOZ-: yylo(l,alled, and dwrated it in. the in- d1ST1u`r11:0 ,featared tArg I
- ,
.1 ' 0, lao - .. i .
0 before the firiish when Davidson put tle. H4,@n -Loy . ,eiNurtrile . o"d 4hat it a , 4' ,., ,
, � qs.,� Mrs. H. X `n terlor A,ziumber of months agot Unloyt .1 . i
tx qp,d .'Ads - , Wk_ hig. Now she, uPts both Cress CO I . �L"
D ".t — ..... . I a $trajlght hard shot Past Holland acted ,as m.1-nister. 'Mxs-. J_ .�. The Q, ncil,is having. repairs made complUlled, and at the �� .. - ! IV �
. �_ , . - - - - " L. - M t 4 I
� , V .1 ititat the latter had no chance to save. Gregor played the, weddaiig inaltich and ]3ulr&yy Sa"ves. At .Hemphillps he, dealt- largely Wi .,ke cew
; 11 11 r � . I Drug Stom. I to ,%anmber a ,Places ayi the -. side- vice I I .
,;, -1 � an effort TO Ta" and 3fiss Edna 1C&chrane sang dul ... & Mr. and Mirm P. Bartlett .and' fayn- Wa w4it needed and- will- be put- he had lalloliVed"In the ssion field , 11
Ads *will be inserted at new- low cash rates: The, Saints made i � ,9 I I
. co-mmdissio; 0
"I tIll 1� - . - . the lead, again but the store remaan- the ,ceremony. Then all gathered lin ily of Thameatbild- spen-t (Sunday at ti,g in yiew stwetebes where Teq,u4ired -and the' Successful ' . 4 0
1 �.,, . , Lost and pound. coraijug Rvents. Ef---per w0d: m . io,'me
�� .1 .� � ed at 1-1. the dinirig roord Where t4e gifts were in geQue moyiey well spent inext And vy . Ill Who had ,given *001
- i, - ...... 11 eclat .the honie, of SbeWa, t L-11- - and it is certairilY it -meant toil, ex-, 4 9
,1,ii�,� �, � I Week .................. 4 .................. I Sedorih 0, Brucefield 0 ricealed in s $uge beaqt1fully dec- Mr. ;Stefwart M;cQueen iEr in Qvion- to'kebp the wa -e services, whp,re� . .
.-�-�. , ,,, k ........................................... % cost Oil Tuesday eve orated wedding cake., The ,bride re- t this week attending the Gen- and, Iks in good con&tion fin Self sadri - 01 .
�$ , . , , ,�,,. t, end W" ning Br�icefield and 00 lfting effort. . I
Iweek ..................................... ..... % Cent
, 1 . 1�, , ":,. . , eal . made safe for pe,dastrians. posure and
'? . I., - ., , .3rd I - eful eral Assembly, � ,n as the Forrest pic- Lantem, slide views .
jtj � .W � , Minimum charge, .first insertion ................. 25 Cents Seaforth deadlocked ceive4 many beautiful and, us of the missionar 4
. %$2�11�Z - What is kribu .
I , t . � Ea�h figure, JultiQ and abbreviiLtion, counts as one word. ow,d. in the fi,,-,t half the Rovers ,Mrs. Alex MicGregiox sho7ied '5u,ndV .r field's Of labor ' Were , L I
,�, I * ". I
L, 1� I,
-11 . ., I eellat per word. Minimum. 50 cents per wftL cri gifts. S 3 nit was' held on Wedne& V
�,'1324 o;. I y, June 16th, wih be what 1 day of, ihis ies and thei good at I
. § , r1am 'Notices -1 ,put on a spurt but failed tD peorej the i&id,ts trousseau. A very dainty known as ,,Flower ,Sunday" in the was. shown. 'The attendance wa's
i § 00 wee1g,
,PF'* . and as in past Y#ars
p - ThAnk., In Memo
,, p 9 The Huron ExPasitori for 10 Ceuta on, -
1� ""N"", ,, AM may . T Ross missing a golden oppor I -both 4eitvices. The church choir TOU,
I ,�. %U,46'.i` - be directed't- a Box Number. cue a I lunch, was served. Unit6d Chureb, and a.children's choir argely attended. I . & I
"p',t, -, tenitra. I I well itt I
;;�,,, .� �: i -y when he missed the open goal Death of James R McLean erviee. deal Selections .
tuivit , will feature -the morning s I The camnittee in charge of the dered fine musi I
.. 1. �%: ,A , - er Week will be Charged if ads tu above classes are " Vald by t#e frum twenty feet out. He kicked but A cloud of sorrow was caslt' ever The.auetion sale ,of the furniture, di4mcnd or park are having. fine and- keeping -with the Occaisiou- % 0
�� , 1��.i 1.1�. ff cenfa additional p �
I �� . �c " ISaturday night in the week in which the ad was ran. the ball careened off to one side past uT village and community on Fri- etc., of ;Mrs. W. C. Davis was held yernents, made in the
, ': ,, I and Deaths inserted free of Charge, I up-to-date impTO . Death of. Mrs. Th�mhs Dicu 9 , I
.,. I i.4,,R1r% ' U a, yis. Thomas vick was buried olt
. , q , bs, Marriages o came close 0 le�arn- on Saturday afternoon I;, d wery grourids and putting tJ1116 grand st�nd I
��, , , its w Creditors, Etc. Rates on apvdicatiou. � the post. Denfield- als day last, June 7tb, when it wa& �
11 I I �if - -'.*=tiou Sales, Not . . but Bell came out arid made a nice ed that death had claimed a kind and largely attended. and good, prices rul- in good 06nditibn, Evn,dare he, , ex- Tu,esdmy after.1110on. Her passing in 0 4 .
11 ��', C,.�,. . I - I . 119 lav
�!'. �, Announcemmilts Help Wanted save. loving husiband an affectionate father ed fox most of the 4ery ynany..articles t,, -ire wiring done to insure T'rilliant the ninelty-third year of ber life s -
' asl I
�1, I " I . Seaforth put on an attack near the and a true and devoted friend and The addition to the Thompison . when any enter- ers one more of the few r6malni'W. 0
I .,., .. - SCOTT'S TOULTRY clusre a the second half and, did ev- neighbor in the person .of James Bell Elevator is. nearing completion lightin at nights , pioneer days of Hur- �
� �1_ h RL WANTED AT Ond taium;Flhots are -being held and ;6spe- links with the Is I
_1 ,
,V�Ilwl. . . Glffarrn. fox inside and outside W ery-thing -but score. 1G. Papple saved McLean, who resided, about a mile will provide a good', deal of aaditiOnal cially in viiew of the coming Old Boys,' -on County. The late Mrs,. DiC4 was
I I ae 15-th, t 2 ply to Mats. JAMES 'A. ko seaforth, . Woodbiidke, 0 J I
ll, ,, . -made Car,dy, Saturday. Jul 82. 3522-1 Brucefield on two o-ccasd-ons by kick- to the vorth of our lvdllage. For some room. Reunion. born at Concord, near
t', ,e's Store, u- Phone 251 r -ch Do
� 1'�',� s Il.m., in store nAmt to Routledu . ing down the field. Snyder made a s.ho,rlt time previous to his death, Mr. Mr. and, Mrs, A. G. Smillie Off TO- Death of Mrs. Fairbairn in ,the County Of York, on Mai
, .
,,,,,�,j ,,- der the auspices.,cd the Salvaltion Army I'lom - — - nice save that looked like a sure- goal. McLean, had, not been enjoying the Tonto, ac�ompanied by their son, 9 .
OL�(q. : League. . 3522-1. __ __ On Saturd -rnoon last the 1-843. Her maiden name was Sarah
,,itll� .., Davidson took a pass from J. Flan ay aftf. Her father, HienrY �
1, 1. For Sale or Rent - best of health and it was deemed Robert, are visiting their &on, Dr. Iv- funeral of the late Luella Green, wife Elizabeth* Sheffer. I . I
�..� - . -an i i an Smillie, of this. village. was of Dutch, and I I
ff .11 �.. .— . OF br. C. Fl wise to consult 'his family physician 0, Wed_ -of William G. Fairbairn, was held Sheffer, descent, - .
1, I in the hope of. regaining hi's usual The village half-bolidays Dng the United Ent
T., �' Lost and Found F 'DR ,SALE OR RENT---rOUR ACRES nery and T. Sills dropped nice corner from the home and was qo4ducted by ,his family was anii 0
.., !�, — land inside -the C�,,peratidn of the Village kicks but still the Rovers ,held them good health. Upon examination it nesdays of each week, except w[hen a -nitled pire Loyalists, w'hb ca -me;- from tke & .
. .
. _', � , of Hensaill. Fbr particulars apply ,to URS- out, A free kick by T. Sills put the was first thought -that it was only an ,public holiday comes in any week, are R,ev.:--A. -Sinclair, ,of th:� ' U' Oj Pennsylvania to settle m
.,Yll . W .
.. . I I . PLAID RU.G. . OWNER MAY D, A. CANTELON, Hensall. Ont, 3522-3 Rovers in hot water but Bateman after efli of 'the flu, but as his con- now being ,observed. Church. The deceased died in ,Sea- State .in the Year following
. -RED forth Hospita 4
I r'?". FOUND EXPOGI- I and leavea, besides her York County �
- ve a*une by applying at THE who has been A�neiiiean RefvlolutiOTL Her m0lther-
1;1 ha cleared down the field. dition grew gradually worse it was Mrs. Owein ,Geiger, d daugh- the 1� `
ill TOR OFFICE and pa*ug'ad- SALF-100 ACRES, LO ii, CON. 6. A. Nicholson refereed both games. thought advisalible to undergo a clos- quite pooyly for the past couple Of sband, one y . . I
�.Ii FOjR ir buildings. drill- ter, and was only 35 years of age. Sarah Fox, was Of Irdsh descent. The .
�, I.. � — =�� jullett, drained land, to thout crop, Brucefield--JGoal Snyder; backs, erexamlantion, loymeanis of an X-ray. weeks, is, we are pleased to learn, m- comparatively early death of her I., I I
Sell cheap. Nvit� or w.1
, -
N I ,.: .. . d well. - A�plo, to ROY I4W- Bateman, Rodgem�n; halfs, W. Pep- Here it was, disclosed thart a very improving nicely. The funeral was attended by a nu other left her with the task of Car-
".. I Articles For Sale :took ,&-nd implements Phone 241-31. 1, L. Pepper; forwards, serious ,disease had already taken The hay crop in this section prom- . friends. The re- = for ithie .Younker children of the 0 .
�' SON, R. R. 1. ClintDn- 3522X2 per, G. Papple ird, f e a ns ere ,interred in Hensall Un- ing
I 11, Ross, W. Papple, Aldwinckle, Ba hold ,= him and, be was ,advised to ises to be a ivier,y good, one, in a t m ' * w ly. In 1860 the family Calas
. � 6, . I __20 LARGE AND SUALL FOR SALE - TO -Denfield; subs., Barnes, Garrett.. .. . . ion Geynetery, the pallbearers being fanii to 1131won County to take up a � q &
. I SALE WELLING, HOf3SE take to his bed, where -he received all vegetation and crops give evi- Albert 'Shirray, William Doiligall, West " L
l L I � Arply to BEATTtE,s se to $1.00 D -s Cbris- " est ok nursing and medical nt yield. near lUlIsgreen. I -A
.., Pot"ables. close the estate of the late Isabella Ross, Seafert-h-Goal, Bell; back , .. the b at- dence tradt af land I V .
% 3522-2 a * n Centre street must be Alex. Housso Jake Ingram, George ed to the
'. . . I Store. ' I the dwelling he- 0 Water, cement ois- tie, Shannon- half -s, C. Flannery, T. tention for six weeks, when he -passed The Reeve was in Goderich recent- � year 1863 she was marri .
` . I the .
1"... f I— - FLOWERS FOR SALE- Eleotric lights, town ar. Sill's, M,Clver; forwards, Davidson, J. ea,eqful�y' away.' James Bell Me- ly attending,the Cou&y.Council. A-rmstrong a�d Lorne iQh'a-pnian. The , �
0.1 pLANTS AND all in good condition. Possession
I deceased is survived by five sisters late Tho,mas'Diek and for .40 years I
� = . Is, J. Hughes; p
. I I loc; Cabbage. 3 doz for ranged. A. D. SUTHERLAND. Sea.iforth Flannery, D. Sills, F. Sil Lean was born, ,in Kippen on 9ept. Mr. Thomas Hu4son of Marlette they becupied their f&Tm on the,131ind ." 0 . I
, ", Head Lettuce. .
.. I per 100; Cauliflower, 2 doz. for 3513-tf and ithree brothers.
"ip, 25c, or 60c subs. Rintouil, Kruse. 6, 1977, and was -the eldest son of the Michigan, is here visiting his man; I Line of Hay Tovv-nsA-ip, aboiit 2 miles
.. I 1 25, mgon Straw Flowers. . I ,
1�1, ; alsb A-sters, Snavd . " , Verbonas, Sal- .9 . late T&T. and Mrs. Robert Bell Mc- relatives and friends. . Funeral of Mrs. McNaughton west of Hen�all. For the past 29 I #
... . Seabiceim, Stocks, C=nstic- On the same aternoon. 'the funeral
i , ��,�,_ . pigiessis" Colews. POunisi Lcibelia� Sweet Lean, of -the London- Road. He spent Mr. and Mrs. Cross who have spent years she has been living in HensaU, 4 ( "
�� '_ I
I � , . , BAKER. Roil- Auction Sales ' I
., � Peppers and Celery. ALBERT rearn- . his boyhood days helping his father a Couple of weeks in Toronto, return- df Ullian, -Selves, late wife of Peter where her main interest has -been the ;
� � , , , turn west at the Sestorth C 0�91�1 Zurich Blanked' yi TMeNaughton, a son of Mr. and Mrs. -k
way Street 35rl- on the farm and later on When he be- ed to their home ,on Su -day las-t. garden and 'the yowers which shl.3
..0 - I'- I cry. AUCTION SALE OF'F�ARM, STOCK, M- . C ' d from Page 1) i -, deemed it wise td- Mrs. Roy "Parlmer, who underwent Daniel -McNaughton of this village, loved. The'late Mrs. Dick was en -
I YORKSHIRE pltme,nta and Household Goods. -There Con nu came a young man ie a few m-iles . .. � I
... -11RED Ruct:l*'R - Ntigotleone base bits .for ZuT- as held from the hon ,
�, , an 4eTs I do for himself. In the year 1901 he an operation for thro-at-Arotible In a w dowed with- a strong personality and
I �
,�111 . FOR SALE - PURE Dr %ervi,cesble aive- ill be offered for sale IDLY Public , r _e F. Gills put -himself in the lime- W, ,,-,t Ellen Toronto liftipital a month ago, re I 'A the Township of, -3 i I .
I weaning jae I R. S ilie, � ,. � - east of Hensall i
.111, . I boars, ood lines. ORVILLE the farm of the late W. i,c � as led in marri to splendid mind which remained kee . '.
.1.1 Bred from leading --.Main Street� Seaderth, on Satur Y, 3 21-9., light by rnakirig a double steal. Rex Hibbert, 'Conducted -by Rev. A. Sin-
.., . nnon. Phone, Dun- lb-allp, the fbil i 1. orses - Carlisle Crawford, youngesit daugh- turned to her hoyn-e on Saturday, , and active to the end. Her brilliant I .
, . FRM R. R. 1, Dungal - 9-1 1935, at 2 P.M.- S T 90 MCIGI-agor mad -e a spectacular catch . clair of 'the.United Church. The de- - '
I . g2arnon, 14, ring 13. . . 3,,22 Two wood work hiorses. C.- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John much improved, in health. of ceased had been in failing health for wit and remarkable memory made it . .
I � I - , recently fra;helned; 2 Durhani in -the -outfield in the fourth inn!irig Crawfxwd, who resided on the Lon- .. -Mr. and; Mrs. George Minersi a �pleasure to know her. The etrength * .
.1'. . , . ,J= cows -1 sow me itime, fo,111owing an, -operation ' I
.. I --, — . . cows, eubout to f_re�hen. Pigs ,nb,,cked a long fly to deep ,do, R,,d to the south of Kippen. AT- London, spent a couple of days in 'so
, 11 ,p � . 9 unks 'ubout 11 w ImV)1? when Stade 1, d6dth came Of ,her *' 1, the richness of her wlsv
.. eek. old. - .
.1.,L I Notice � I and I I a -� seed drill, Centre. .Stade made some nice Fatch- ter a short -period -of time. Mr. and- -to�,vn the guess -of Mfr, and Mrs. T. senile time -ago, but her . dom andthe steady views of lifilt I I
- �, I . . . - ments-'l twb- cuitAvator, ile Gascho played his 'I McLean took u -i) their abode on W, Parl,,ner. I a and, who Which she held, made i.t a blessing to .. I I
,.! - harrows, 1 steel land roller, wagon, sleighs- es for Zurich wh ,&is. s a great shock to her husb .1
� . , CUSTCOVI SAWING --1 WILL CO'knIENCE '> H P gas engine, crown sevarator, M"del, t*ual good game. Welsh held do)ln the former's father's farm in Sitian- �,Tr. and Mirs. Walter Lancaster, of had suffered so much during the past be with her, so it was' that her . I
. I bout June 17th. �:61-a *cox, i pulpor. 1 hay rake. I buggy' the first sack- f T Zuri h and as t I y her the r ear or ,so from an a0ident to his
,� .custom saiwing on or a T nn= mill, I g,indffig stone. I hand scuf- 0 c -IN' no e , w e , y esided- until ,the Vancouver, ;visited at the home, of Mr. Y - strong character nrade her and her i; , I
I " DUNICAN JOHNSON, Walton SAW Milli fla leg., The funeral from,the home was home, the centre of interest and'affee-
�. . sii2ftl iler, set beam harness and otlaer articles too used in the box during the game. year 1906, when, they moved to the and Mrs. George FoIllick . on Monday yn�6ch sympathy tion for her children and her -friends. I
"I numerous to mention- i-rousehoid Goods- Schedule Rearranged Old McLean homestead in, Tucker- last. .. . largely attended ,as I .
," �� >,set parlor furniture, I oax Exeter dropped out of the leag smith and ,have lived, there to . the !Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parke� and ved, in her 36th Her life.was typical of the hardy..
4 CE BUCKWHEAT. SUIT- Heintzman Pien" I lec,tric stove. 3 " ue, Miss is felt for the berea
. . I NOTlC`E--CHOl bushel. dinina room set, I Moffat e ell, Zurich and Seaforth Will present time. tr, this happy. union Margaret Johnstone vlsit�d relatives year, with -one lbttle. -daughter 'left so - . t wbath rejoiced in the . 0
- Cable 1br seed. for sale; 50c per pioneer spiri
phone JOSEPH NAGLE, Dublin. bed room suites, I kitchen range, i.000 straw- so Mitch .V� I Content in, the .'
� ' 3521-12 beTry boxes and n1damY other -articles. At complete the Elichedule. The tourna- were born.'seven chil,'dren, four boys at IT�,de Park on Sunday last. helpless. The, pallbearers were m' past, was happy and
. nfti - I .
I,� 1.`. 11!i� the same time and place the Farm, eo ment dates wall remain as before, and, three girls, all of whom L are hiv- IM,Ts. iSimpson and son, Thomas -of Brintnell, Bert Riley, Thomas Drov present, and looked- to the future - '
,,:. __ . ing about 2�9 acres on the, outskirts of the
.. wirth brick house and bank but the rest of the sched�ile has been ing and all of whom were home at Staffordville, are spending a co�,ple er, James McDougall, Carl Stoneman without fear. The late� Mrs. Dick is � .
1. . I Town of Seaforth, .
M, I for s -ale. Terms -On altered. The brand of, ball played the -time of his deatth. Th�e deceased of weeks with relatives and friends in and N r n P more.
".. ,,, Card of Thanks . barn. will be offered b ma - ass Sumvied by all her nine childTen: ,
I ill � . . Chatltels-, Cash. A. G, SMILLIE, Executor. in this league is far ,better than one all through ibis lifl- -was a remark- toWn. . The secretary of the Old Boys, Re- .Mrs. Tait of Toronto, Mrs.- Douglas � I
.. I . e -At
,�, . . -o ive ipan and was blessed nion, which is to -be -held the la., Ts. Caldwell of Regina,
I BP. PETER m,dNAUGHTON N�ILSBES TO — would expect and a .y of the thTe ably acti Rev. M. B. and Mirs. Parker, ' of u - of Blake, M . 4
....'. 'a ' teams would e a with a greAt'measure of 000d health Morpeth urre and, first three following Mrs. Bell bf Hensall, Mrs . C�awtthorpe
�., , thank the many neighbors and frienc b threat in any'O.B. .. spent Monday in town. Their day Of J
.. I
li,,� - their k1y"s shown him during his late Notice to Creditors A.A. series in their class. Only one qnd it was only a f,,�w weeks before many friends were'pleased to' see days oT July, has already mailed out I .
I - for -ment and for the beautiful fl.ial ., . of Tavistock, John of Orillia, James ''
, 11. I sad bereave I error was made by Seaforth in their his d'e',rit.'n that he was eonffiled to bed. them again. , over 1,200 ,programs. of Hensall, Geori� on the old boyne- .
� 44 :, 'bu oared NOTICE TO CREDITORS Services , .
,��_ I . t= t. and for thos� I who so kindly 1 3522-1 game with Zurich, while the ivisitors His e steaid and Charles 6f Vancouver, and
. I.... care. nd -was peaceful and happy and Mrs..John Johnstone is visiting this Church
I � I Is HErRjBy GIVEN puRsuAii-r were marked ,down with four. consolati week at the home of her son-in-law ,Services drx iSt. Paul's Anglican two brothers, Ned Sheffer of Heinsall I
. . Ets. 1. B. M,cLEAN AND FAMILY I rymst be a comfort and .on 4 .
", WISH NOTICE behalf thet lair , R. H. E. ta The' le�lfttAl_s and friends rem -ti -i- and daughter,, Mr and NTs A. T. Church on ISunday last were Conduct- and''Charles Sheffer of Marlette, Mich.
1�, . I M] to thank -their'frien4s for their many. to the statutes in that Leonard 5hol- Zurich ....... 000 .000 0 0 2 4 ' * * I
,� less and loss of �eracns- having claims against ing Ao know that Ms Christian ,'ife, Douglas, of Hyde Park. ed by the Rector, Rev. ,Mr. Hendry, The funeral serlvd,ces were Conducted - , I I
.11, I acts a Icirldness during 'the ilAr . I the ,rownship a Tuckersmith, th .... 010 011 ... 3 7 of he ,evening, who de- by Rev. W. A" Young of Carmel .. I
-, l ear busbaxid and father. The floral giifts dice, late ol Seafor 1 coupled with fit$ kindness. art, Mr. and Mrs. Will liftLeam,of Ham6 boith morning and . . . I
. 1. a d did much 'to brighten Huron County, who died an the'20th rIT17 of .
, ,I �` � . end sympooetic vistulin 3522-1 J.r..ry, 1934, are requ ed to send to the - lZurich-Heideman, p.; E. Young- and generosity to all with whom lie iliton, spent the week -end at the home livered very -impressive discourses, Church, ,and the-1pallbearers. were sm I . I
11 the shadow of gloom. ir .
1.� e Gascho 2b - e I
.,, . undersigned solicitors for th Execultors, full blutt, c.; Welsh, 1b.; o B
,�, I ed by affi- Came in CUA.
.�tazt, have unii0ersally of the lattey�s parents, Mr. and Mrs. while the ,choir discoursed very fin 1grandsons: Rex Dick, Arn Id eU,
I- . pwtirulaTs Lm writing and verifi Oesch , 3b.; Prang, I.f.; Schilbe: c.f" d thr3Ugh John Passmore. m Ic a,dding much to the interest - . .
,: � . , 4 endeared him to so many an _ usi Of Earl Dick, ,Glenn Tait, Rolbt. Caw
I .... � .. � I davit, of their atre L Young�luti r.f.; �Stade, s.$. the,yrierits.:of a loving Saviour he has Mrs. Sam Merni Who has spent the services. There Was a good at- tborpe and Joe 6awthorpe. . .
:� . them, on or be- .
.. I . -,ties if any, held by 1935, after which Seafortb�-C. Kerslake, p.; D. Kers- reached the golden throne above.*Mr. the past week visiting -relatives in tendance. Mrs. D. A. Ciantelon, who -has spent
I � - POPULAR STALLIONS Sr: -' -,8th day of 'June,
. I �alv ; ' Rennie,
v. 1. do, the said Executors will proceed to dis- lake, q.; T. Taman, 1b.; G. .McLean was 'a life-long and ictive Seafortb, returned to ,her home here At Carmel Presbyterian Cburchthe a couple of weeks with her eon and . .
"', reased havirM '
r. �i�, I ' tribute the assets of the said de , bir, I.f.; - on Sunday last. 110. , -in-law, %IT. and, Mrs. Fer-
"i ; t Clydesdale Stallion regord only to the alahnis of h � ich iKey then ?,b ; A. Hildebrand, 3b.; G. M memb,&r ol St. Andrew's Chqrch, be pastor, Rev., W. A. Young, occupied daughter .
....... .. . r, c.f.; J. Rankin, r.f.; E. ing Superintendent of St. Andrew's ! r. George Forrest, a son of the his own pulpit, gi�ving very interiest- ris Cantelon, of Schomberg, returned . .
, "FOOTMAN" sb.ft-h.,e had notice. R. McGrego IM
,'. � Color .
� ill. stand at his own stable for'the, im- DATED at S th. GAL, this 18th day df Rennie, s.s. Sunday School well on to So years, late Cooper Forrest, late pf the town- ing and helpful messages. The eb-oir to her ,home ion, Saturday.
, - . - .
, . - . . I . W stock this season. Will meet May, 1936. F.. Sills and S. Plant replaced J. Mr; .
� PrOVenleint Of HAYS & MFAR. I and in all tbp9e years,**Mth the ex- ship ofTlay, and later of'this -oillage, Tendered fine musical numbers, This Mr. in -d Mrs. lOrtwein and . a -M , ,
_ i
,.,.�, verWes'at a distaunce by phoning 24-6t6, Chn- solicitors for Executors. . nd in the ceptilon of a Pw Sun -days, was nev- is 'here on a visit from the Wiest af- was at the morning service, the ev- Mrs. Di-ysd,.ale viiited with friends in , .
I .
. .
. " - . tb. er ailosent. He served on the Manag- ter an gbsenW of nearly 50 years and ening one being withdrawn so that Kitchener on iSunday.
11�1. tOIL 8519-3 �
'. L . I Term;_slo.00, payable March Ist, 19�6- � six I
I 11. . GEORGE MANN. Jr., Umpires-OesCh and R. Holmes. ing Board for some time and for the naturally notes a Wonderful change as many of the congregation , as Messrs. John and William Qraig I I
., t 11 linton. The revised sehedule is as follows:
, .'. . ORS, last thbety-four yi the could might attend the 75th diarno-n-d' and sister,, Hannah, who have been
I C ,356-2x4 ,, NOTICE TO GREDIT I years has been an in lboith the rural districts and I
t� I . . . " . . . — Vla y 24 --Zurich at Mfitcbell. Elder in the church. He was also a village, and he thinks no country dis- jubilee which. was. being celebrated at visiting with friends in Toronto for ' � I
. �.'�. THE BULK SALES ACT -May 30 -Mitchell a gr -help in -the service of song, as triet will Compare with this Huron Gaderich. A large number went by a Couple of wee" returned home olk
. 11 June 10 -Zurich at Seaforth. he sarig in .the choir for many years. Tract and for a village he thinks Hen- auto. to enjoy ithe special Service at IT onday.
,� `�26035" (21829) OTIVE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT T. M I � .
,�; , N n, of the Town of Seaforth, June 13-Seafty-th at Mitchell. Hemill be mu . eh misspd. and his place sall surpasses. the County tom'rn and which was The W..M,S. of the United Church -
I .1 ,: rwiu sumd at his own &table. Brucelleld, Roy Anderse made a sale of I � I
- he will go to John H. in the County of Huron. has June 18--i.,Ritchell at Zurich. Will be a difficult on4 to fill.
I,: except Thumday, when , hLq Bakery buainess carried on by him in the 110�?;. ,"",.l In pol- Mrs. John Pope who has spent One marked by finle speaking and music. enter I tained the ,Mission Band -ou
_�` - �
; = . " . , - �;.����
i I
n't and h
I evening
. 7
.. �
I ...
,,, I McEwan's, 2nd af Stsn,ley, for nocin, and then cn&oetb,i to MacDonald Brudiers June NZuricb at 'Mitcliell. itics he was a staunch Liberal, and winter months with members of her Anniversary services, markin thel&=,day afternoon la�t. They had
'. i�:.. bome ibr night. said Town of S . - t� . I 4
, i;� � nald and James A.- MocDon June 26 ---Zurich Tournament. although of a retiring, unassuming family in Lon -don, Toronto and other tenth year of Church Union be we'en ga e
, I 1. Terms-th insure, $15.00. . (John F. M=D and contests d1uring the aT- . I
;., old). of the Town of Teeswater..Province of
. I - R_ D. MURDOCK, Ontario. July 4 -Zurich at Seaforth. dispbsition, his influence and exam- places has ,returned to'her ,home here the Presbyte-r'iuN Congregational and I ternoon and a daintY lunch was sei I .
� . Proprietor & Manager.
. - I is here-bg given that oil creditors Julv 8--Seafor-th at Zurich. ple carried much weigbt� with his fel- in the village for the summer and United 'Church, were condiieted by ed. This was the last meeting of the
, . '
., I'.. . � 1 3522-8 NOTICE -ired to July 10--JSeaforth at Mitchell. ,� I ' I � .
. of the said T. Roy Anderson are requ I . er, bf Toronto, a Mission Band for the season.
11 11 � the low men. In the passing bf Jaynes fall months, the Rev. Dr. Barn � I
. . ir claims. verified by ,affidavit, with July 17----�Sieaforth Tournament. .
_ . file the � .
11 �",',4 FA0U4ME AGAIN undersigned Trustee on or before the 17th day July 194Mitchell at Zurich. B. MtLean it might be well said that I I � I � ,
,�. . I . (Z4337) of June, 1935, aster Which date the Trustee ,this Corrimurity has lost a good tri�,e W
� Milibaday aftermokm-Will leave his own Will proceed to distribute -the proceeds of the July 22 -'Mitchell at Seafotth. brother who will be much missed Qn . I . - I . I I I I
I 1.
: .
Sftbi e at Bru-cefield, and go to 'nos. BuItts',
said sale sane ng the pawties ent- er �
only to the claims of which
--M1 ent.
Jitily 24 I itchell Tournayn
our rni,dst., He leaves to mourn, his,
- , .
a ,�
11". I
Ktn>en, for noon, by the London Road to Al.
n.arvey's. for night. TuesdaY-Fast to the
haviyw regard
he sihall then bave had notice.
July 2$---4Seaforth at Zurich.
- I
lossly his b�r"ved wife and children,
I .1� -
.�' I I
loth Conceasion, to Adgus' MrKinnon*s, for
noun; then east to Ken MicKellar's, Cromar-
' DATED the First day of June, 1985.
A. D, SUTHERLAND, Trustee, .
Seaforth, Ontaxic..
namely: Robert -C., of Waubaushene;
William J; N., of Hamilton; Clarence
.. . �
for night- Wedne.4day-lilksst 11�� miles to
ty, -
of Lond!Dn; Rose Marion, of Mathe�
Lloyd Colquhoun's. for noon; then west to
WaIrlhom Pai . for night. Tburis-daly-
. I
Announcement has be -en made that
son; Dorqthy Jeannie, staff of Clin-
I r ,
Nlortb 11/4 miles to Coyne Bros., 7bh Conces-
the . well known Carting Thistles foot-
ton Hospital, -and, Fem and Gladys,
,� �,.. .
I -
sion. Hibbert, for nion; then wesit to Robert
D -r night. Fridaii to Gernmell's
ig's I
. �
ball team o f London will meet the
at home; also one brother, Wilh
Corne" and north to the Mill RXWd at Wilson
—, ..
locals on Saltuiday, June 15th. Sper
of Kirk -land Lake , and, three sisters,
MdOwbrioses, for ncon , then home t)D his own
Sm.ILLIF-In Seaforth. on June 9th, Will
cial in,terest attends the game since
Mrs. Jessie Powler, of Toronto; Mrs.
.1. I -.1 �.
stable for night. Saturday�--At his own
Robert Smillie, in his 73rd yeaT.
Harry McIver, for three years a mem-
John Henderson, of the London Real,
- I
, ..,
stable- �
Tiiirms-015-00 to insure.
ber of the St. Columban team, is now
and Mrs.,Earle Sproat, of Tucker-
, -i � *�'
.1 , i. I I.
� �,
R. D. M!URDOCK, Proprietor. I
Manning, Manager.
playing for the Thistles. 11.
Smith; also four grandchildren, Ger-
. Bletty Jean MicLean, of
. :1 .
I Charles
aldine and
Hamilton, and Jaynes R. and! Donald
J ,. . .
- -
- Y' I —
The. Trustees of No. 3, Tuckersmith,
W. McLean, of Wa ubau5hene, who all
� ,� .
The Imported Premium Belgian Stud
bave'eingaged Miss Bambara Simpson,
,. .
have the sincere sympathy of the en-
". ,
� t �
' .
of Tuck,eTsmitb, for the ensuing year.
Visitors the home of Mr. and
'Mr. James Flarnwall, accompanied
tire com.= unity in this their sad hour
.... I
Piedirreo No. 4891 Enrolment No. 2904
I Will 0and for the improvement of stock
)JrS. Alex. Wallace On Sunday last
by hip mother, sister and two neph-
ol ibereav�ement. The funeral took
place from his late residence to St.
. .
,. I.,
this Benson as follows:
,Monday. Tuesda-y and Weftes<1&7 of each
were- 'Mr and Mrs. George Vivia ,
Ilan Robert, of-Staf-
ews,;of Detroh, visited with Xiiss
Jennie Chesney, recently, also Mr.
Andrew's Church, Kippen, on -Mon-
.. .
" I ':
.nes Norris' Sale Stables, Mitlehell.
week at J,Ai ).a
.8 own
TbAriday, Friday and Saturday at
Came n, and
1, . and Ma
f a.; -s. Orville Make a -ad
Edward Ragan and .his mother .
day, June 10, at 2.30 o1c -lock, and was
conducted by hiz pastor, Rev. Mr.
W, lo
,-. (
, I
stable, one mile n4DT4h of Hei
Teraw-413.00 to insure. Payable February
e Ts.
B ern ce, Colborne Tp.; Mr. and M
Nor W,alker, Brucefielch
The Kippen East Women's In'sti-
idler, asslisted-b ev. Mr. BTem-
Cban ,y Rie
. ,_
" �,
is% 1986.
IM ss May Wallace, McKillop, sp ' ent
lar meeting
tute will hold their regu -
ner, of Bru-cefield, who spoke words
of comfort to the sorrowing relatives,
I 111�.
I Proprietors. .
last week with -her parents,, Mr. ,and
at the ,home of MTs. H., McLean on
and friends, and also spoke very -high-
.. ,
... 11 .. .,
Mrs. Alm'Wlallace,
Wednesday afternoon, June 19th 4 , r a
ly of the life of the d eceased. At
..., "I
The Premium Clydesdale Stallion
2.30 p.m. The roll call win be My
Favorite Musical iSelection." The
the close of the $eilvice a beautiful
� -
� I 5�7�
1�., .� �
I No. 22860
� .
-be tak
topict "Public Speaking," will -
solo� "Only Going Home," was sline
by MT. Ora,h ,Cra,wfbTd', a aepheW of
i ,.!;,
Enrolment No. 205 Form A I
en. by Mrs. -Gordon Dolton. I
Jarrott - Anderson
the deceased from Ripley. The flor-
. 1�
I 11.
Will sband for the Impeovernent of stock
atillis own stable, U2 mile west of H4Ernswll for
,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snell s,
, Pent
Saturday morning, June Rtb,. was
at ,tributes were -,many and' beautiful,
comprising wreaths from Canadian
�, , I
the seasoli of 105.
February 1, 1936.
a few day%. with the former's sister
the scene of a qui-ot but pretty wed-
Westinghouse, London Life Insurance
li", � , '_
, ,;,
I .11,
Termls-.412.00, payable
lin Harrg�,
i's 0� e a Adams returned home
iMi nid
ding at the United Church Manse,
Xilypen, when Olive M., eldest daugh-
Go, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. and G
11 1-
i .1 ; �, 11
. Manager.
- after completing ber
On 2 �
ter 0.f ,Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur Andex-
Stocking, Staff of Waubausheine pub
lic Mrs. Miarga. ret Hayes and
,.uZe7at oi Normal !School.
�;on, was, united'oLih marriage to Jas.
I . 0_A1Z_41U Irl'.
I ,
I ,
I �. �
I �, I
, "
I /
? �
I i
I .
. � P !
(I I
� �f 1.11 ), . The Imported Percheron Stallion I I The anniversary of .(.�Pnstance Sun- Eld-on Jarratt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nuse .3 ean MuLean ` ; abelle I I . 16 I
, Gralvvf ords; Jessi -,, Mirth-, A:nn I
, 23rdh e
� V'' I CARNIVAL'S CHOICE day Si will be held, on June James Jarrott,' with Rev. Chandler 't . Whether you are hauling for yourself ishinent and keeps coming b,,kformore. .1 I
� I', [146933 206609 -Dark Brown when Rev. De W�tt,Coi of Clin- officiating. Frances and Emerson An- and W. J. M1cLe n, antf The Family. -_ I
"i �� , nren His remaIns were laid to -rest in the . . or others, time on the ioad, time out for
� . I I Enrol t No. 3069 'ton, will be the ,speaker sit 2_30 and 4.e,,O,, sister and bTother of the Exeter 0emetery and the funeral was ) We invite you to let us uaake an "on- 4 I
"�111 . W159 sftnd for' the improvement of stock 7.30. The chioir will give special bride, were their only attendiants. The repalivs, cost of gas and oil determine I
."', - Mbudloy NOOTI-Wila % 0
Al , th,fS jg4aSon ,ag.,foilowa. ." f the largest seen in this com- � the -job" test, with a Ford V-8 track,
" 11J. leave, hils own stable -at Munro, to William music. . bride looked winsome in a long :form -9 e, ' The 61hor- I profit or losal I IV I
1, I .,.�, - . . I miun-ity for some itian, mith your loa
� I , Itting . '
I,, ;�, ,B,o ' nfieweis, Bzldhaven, for night- Tuesday AS . I f gown of beige silk lace over ary pallbearers were: W. J. Crawford,
'4�.. ," elahwood, for I . I With the powerful, fast Ford V-8 trucks 0 4
. , . terno Jo�i L. Malcne'o, Be
__t_ �2 Lilian Mason's, Coml . She A. Monteiith; Isaac 16 rOlitcs- Prove to yourself how V-8
A peach satin with jacket to ffiatch M -Ott, k sproat,
11 �', night. WwanesAlry-ro w -tire
,,, .. I I WALTON wore a Piet hat with Other se- j. j. 1SelI,,r,% and T. X, Vora th. pall- you will make more trips per day.
ll ? talgic6, ff�of UdOn *, I then to Harold GI.w's. I . 1� . performance saves TIME -how V-8 a I
.1 �
1� , .. .1 U,*,6ft,Rftbww forniot Thursday -TOW. ceF%i0TTes in White. She carried a 1bea,r,rr,,..,1. W. Mci E. Patterson, ' . .
�� 1. P. Tho&vsdies 'Timliternmillh, for inb0n; then Leeming - Love bouquet ,of Eiriercliffe roses. Follow,, j. 0. ,B&II, j. passmore, W. E. 33�uttl Rugged 11s, a wrestle the Ford V-8 Economy saves COSTS -how V-9 Re- ,
,� �, ,. bAmb ft lhi;;�,L Friday Aiternoon - To r. . I q 0 .
�� ,t g1ftdo.06"arli, Blinville, for night. Satur- A quiet wedding took place i� ing the wedding danrier the ,happy and J. Henderglon. Those, attending, stands up under the most grueling pun- liability makes MORE PROFIT. .
I 1,111,� . - on; then , i-
'114 . I I 0 1
1 .. 4, &*C�Zolar4na-e onnning's, rw no Duff's United Church Manse, Walton, couple left on a trip through Mich from a distayloe were: Mr. and Mrs- .1
_, .
A 11 W-Iffo�l)*lft 9-habi IfOr uiO& on Saturday, June 6ith, when Mar- gain, the brid velling in a Reffln- 11, Monteith and Wa, 0. A. Bartion., .1 I I
,; -Ajiq��s to anisure, immW Fe"4 15t�
� , � . ,ip , garet Nelsphon,, R.N., daughter ,of gote, suit of printed silk crepe dregs Powassan; Mr. andUm. i J. Omw- THIE 103� .FORD' V-8 2 AIND 11/2 -'TON ,TRUCIKS * .
��, � ii- . lho*e is dr,awn i1i'm imiler. Will .
I lk ',,� . 11114 , bi distance. Mr. ,and Mrs. Jlosoh Lov,ia, WM UrAt- I � . �
JF-� � chills W16% Ca"W" ed in with nalviy crepe Out and, navy fie- f ord arI4 son, Ordfi (Orawfordi of RAP- . , . � . . � 0 �
, I ,,�; 1,60 MORMAN Ill= mhrtisge ite Wltl'ayn leem'ng, cessories to mat4b. Upon their re- ley. .Mrs. Herft,ge, ,Wa. J. Fowlef ---
LL .11 I . -
� . . .
', ,;, �� . pt6prletor. of Mi6Killop. ,,R*,v. Chatles Cum- turn they will Te.�Ada on the grobim's and Gordoit, -of "Torwito; Mrs. IAUW& I
I, I i, . � I - I . � SNOW . � ' , ' *' . I
, �, q -, I
�i � W, ", 4, , ". 1.1.11'....."._.- - ... Thing, past6ir -of Duff lig Chureb, bf- farm west og Kippen. we"Atia -, Ibibuto. Dr. Grid K�rw- 11 . I I ' .
. I I . I .
,, 11, " ". , Irrela sik 'Stdd ficiated. The biide wore a gown of . Sh6wer Earle J&Awm and,W land Mrs. R. . , . . I
. " Thq"4,=,,;�1%r 6'7-,.- 7_"..: . Dro§den bliI6 th A. viry plenaght, aftleTwon � ivis C ,ori of Halhiltow U*. and , ' I - � -
I �' IM 1� , .
,,�i " ,,, 1" 'I. . I _ 014 dliber crepe vdth , DALY'S
"I'll �.. - . 1. . I - . . _ - R . Slid. eftl.64 * spent 1"t Tbursd&y sib the home of Moz. R Vkpom� of Omenlwij, Mr. gind, - - I . __ . I � I
0 �, ... , � - %of 49 . Svvt fheitt ,
N-4 I Ill �!,_ a "I � i ,�,,v& 2004: *1106 11,4t, -
- 4 .0 -,_,W,i��,. 1115P,,R"�,.,i�,x 1114, I
;�, " � itaw, 'r-6ow tua. 11p,y IMes. ,MloviAgth
J I Wit Nit god i?&%, Arthur Alidersoft when )Mrs. .T. X.' )Wjer4 alid -m-ri, - ftllaf of . �
, � Imild eor(ft -C, L&A. 1�601yyiilg 14 I . Garage, I .
�.ki,-,,,-� 'v I I.
�F;� . V&. . mat -to do 11"In , 91T&_ , I .
I �i ion 6 "aw., tti $. � ib "Ift-tiltoo lloftl6r fo WS4 011ivo Andemft *Jfiolgis land, 14ke, Ml�s, Wpif.' Xd�orild knd, .1 I . 11. �
i , ,_* iri� on&,,
, S jv; M .the tielghbot ws; and ifri6ndfy glulevald.-, ,Xi%iiStbartr,We I I . I
IM, 110 , , , V.&Mr ,,ft* 4*146 Ore, ,,'a 1W . ... ' 1; _� .1 .
,, X - .
wa, t, , I t I . , J, L Wjoftt I . �.:� �, Phowl-, 102, Seaforth, . I
, I ft 60k, OIA06 ft a I � Atk- 'Mif ebt-iiewl1v I ,e,: , : " ��r I t
141 1 . � I s , .
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