HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-06-07, Page 8IIF ityrk !Yct sii i�jr ki! o�h 11! 7jy r 1i a4 Vie: ith One Tin of Nugget Shoe Polish ALL FOR 50c G E!SE--Twp years old; real appy, at, pound SIMPSTAND ,P C'ICLE-4.erge jar, tier 20c 225c. CROISiSE & BLACKWELL'S BRAN - MON SWEET PICKLE 0 st i'!UR:ITY PACKAIGE OATS em :For LijC XING EDWARD F'LOU'R @ r) C'O per cwt. 'DL u BRUNSWICK SARIUFNEIS , at Per tin DUTCH SETS, to clear per pound LANTLIWER PU'M'PKIN 2 'tins CLARK CORNED BEEF 2 'tins c IMENSTER TURKEY START - 5c 5c 25c 25c ER -Put pep in turkeys; cwt. `t'3s15 cream taken for Clinton at the same price ',paid at Creamery. A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 Mr. Motorist We airs Agents_ formany.. of the Oldest and Strongest Insurance Companies Representing both Tariff and Non -Tariff, including "LLOYDS" OF ENGLAND who are offering the lowest rates in history. OUR POLICIES PROTECT Oar Service is Complete INSURE TO -DAY SEWS QE, THE TOWN Amtonneement.-Mr. and Mae Jno.l A. *Lachlan announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Jean- e'tta, to Mar. Peter Simpson, only son of Mr. arad Ws. Alex. 'Simpson, of l'uckersmith, the marriage to take place quietly early in June. (WATSON & REID Phdne 214•• Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth O O--.-•-O 0 S. T. Holmes, residence, 0 O IGoderich !Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119% Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 308. O O Ambulance Service 0 O Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 00 Charges moderate. O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 H. C. BOX O O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer O O Ambulance Service O O Night Calls Day Oalls O 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O O 000000000000 000000000000 o O WALKER'S • o 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O .0 W. J. WALKER and 0 O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. O 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 O F'un'eral Ds'reetors. O O Day or Night Calls promptly O O attended. O O PHONE 67 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 E.C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours : - Tneelay, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m.. to 9 ppm. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Li'fe,automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance: If in the mar- ket fur any of the albave lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. 8.485-tf Deanery of Huron.- Rev. Canon Appleyard, Mrs. Appleyard, Miss M. Appleyard, Mr. and Mrs.' W, R. Arehibaid, 'Mrs. Leybourne, Mrs. A. Reid, ,M'ts L. Van Egmond, Mrs. Wm Deena, Mrs. A. Moore and Miss Jos- ephine Edge were in Goderich on Wlednesday attending the annual Spring Convention of the Desaner, of Huron, held in St. George's Church. Mrs. Appleyard was re-elected Presi- dent of the Deanery Wiemen's Aux- iliary; and Mrs. William Deen're- elected ,Secretary -Treasurer. University Graduates. ---Miss Mar- garet McKellar and Miss Muriel Beaittie have graduated from the University of Western Ontanio, M.iss McKellar taking second class honors and Miss Beattie, third class honors in French and English. They receiv- ed their degrees at the graduation held in London on Wednesday of this 'week. - .--(Eleanor Evans successfully com- pleted her third year in the Physio- logy and Biocheniistry course at Un- iversity of Toronto. She is leaving next week to do research work in Physiology at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., for six weeks. Powell -Rice. -+A quiet but pretty wedding took place at high noon on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger (Rice, Tuckersmith, when their elder daughter, Edith Aileen, was united in marriage to John Scott Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, of 'McKillop. ..Rev. Charles 'Malcolm officiated. In the drawing room, where the ceremony was per- #-ortned, a bank of fernsformed a background for the bridal couple. The bride, 'who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white sat- in and lace with shoes and gloves to match. Her veil of white net in cap style wreathed with orange blossoms and satin ribbon, had been worn by her mother. The wedding march from Lohengrin was played by the THIS WEEK'S Special Full Cream Caramel;. 25c Pound Have you tried our DATE and NUT LOAF Only 15c They are the talk'of the town! CRICH'S The Home of White Clover Bread Sweet as June Meadows The Standard of Quality For Over 30 Years. We respectfelly ,solicit your Patronage. Crich's BAKERY PHONE 34 SEAFORTH Soda Fountain & Luncheonette NOTICE • • o The Shell Gas Station on Goderich Street, is now under new management of H. Weston. Prompt, Efficient and Court- eous Service in Washing, Greasing, Repairs H. WESTON GODERICH STREET - SEAFORTH SALT I will have a car Load of Wizid- sor Salt, of less than two per cent. moisture, in Seaforth next week. PRICE OFF CAR -45c Come and bring your hags. THOMAS DICKSON PHONE 13 SEAFORTH WOOL WANTED Highest Cash Prices Paid; M,'Jatkson lv Seafoi th bride's sister, Bessie Wee. Follow- ing the ceremony, a wedding .dinner was served to immediat relatives, the table being centred with the wedding cake. For travelling the bride chose navy and white ribbed crepe with White aceessories. On their rethirn Mir. and Mrs. Powell will reside in McKillop. Celebrate Golden Wedding., ---Many friends in 'Seaforth and vicinity will join The Expositor in extending con- gratulations and best wishes to 'Mr. and 1VIrs. Walter .Grassie, of Vancou- ver, who celebrated their golden wed- ding ,in that city on Monday, June 3rd. 'Both Mr. and Mrs. Grassie are natives of this district, and although they have resided for many years in Vancouver, they make an annulal • trip every summer to the scenes of their youth. Burnie -Little. -A quiet wedding was solemnized at Gree Church Mansee Winnipeg, on Wednesday, May 22nd, when Pearl Irene, younger daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. S. Little, of MacGre- gor, Man., and formerly of Seaforth, became the bride of Mr. George C. Burnie, second son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W(.. Burnie, of Winnipeg. Rev. J. Richmond Craig officiated. Mrs. L. J. Greaves and Mrs. F. C. Meeres at- tended them. A reception was later held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Burnie. Mx. and Mrs. Burnie will reside in Winnipeg after a visit to MacGregor. Goforth Mission Band Meets. -The Goforth :Mission Band of the Pre•s- 'byterian Church held their June meet- ing on Wednesday, June 6th. -After the opening hymn, -Jean Mills offer- ed the prayer. The roll was called by the leaders of the groups, Jean Mills' group winning in attendance for the first part of the year. The collection was then taken up by Rich- ard Fruin. Doris Ferguson , then sang a pretty solo. The chair for the dedv+otional part was taken by Kath- leen Holmes. During this part Fer- gus Bell offered the Band Prayer. A duet was. sung .by Lois •and Jean Wright; Ruth Anderson read the Scripture, and Gordon Wilson then gave a recitation. Miss Janet Cluff told the Band a story and the meet- ing was closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Sermon Subjects For Sunday Next. --Northside United Church -Morning. topic, "The Tenth Anniversary of the United Church";;' 'evening topic, "The Man God Called a Fool." Sun- day school at 10 a.m,-Rev. T. A. Car- michael,. Minister. 'Egmond'ville Church -- Centennial Services: Morning, The Sacrament of Baptism; topic, "The Holy Spirit - A Living Reality", the pastor, Rev. Charles A. Malcolm, as minister, Ev- ening at 7.30 Topic, "The Christ and Our. Sacrifice." .Minister, Rev. Gordon Butt, of Gorrje, St. Thomas' Church -Whit Sunday; Sunday School and Bible Class at 10.45; address to children in church. Morning and evening sermons by the Rector. -Canon E. Appleyard, Rec- tor. (McKillop Charge -Services in cele- bration of the tenth anniversary of Union. Sunday School as usual. - Rev. G. E. Morrow, Minister. First Presbyterian •Church-Morn,- ing and evening services taken by the minister, Rev. H. C. Feast. An- them§, -"Trust Ye in the Lord" and "Shades Lengthen, Twilight Falls." Sermons, "This is the Centre and Gore" and "Statistics Are Stagger- ing." --,H. G. Feast, Minister. Died in Lucknow.-The death oc- curred at her home in Lucknow on Tuesday, June 4th, of Mrs. Angus McKinnon, a native of Tuckersmith, and one who was well known to many in this district. Mrs. McKin- non, whose maiden naine was Cath- erine McKinnon, was born in Tuck- ersmith Township 80 years ago, and, resided there until her marriage at St. Golum'ban 61 years .ago to Mr. Angus McKinnon, of Lucknow, where she has since resided. She is sur- vived by a family of five sons and four daughters, James, of Casstleton, N.D.; John. of Calgary; Daniel, of Lucknow; Ronald, of Winnipeg; Wil- liam, of Paris, France; Mrs. Mc- Devitt, of Port Arthur; Mrs. Allen, of Chatham; Mrs. Litang, Wallace - burg, and Mrs. S. McGowan, Toronto. She is also survived by en,e sister and three hrothers, Mrs. Janes Hagan, Seaforth; Mr. Angus MacKinnon, Kip - pen; 'Mr. Donald McKinnon, Dufrost, Manitoba; Mr. Alex. McKinnon, Cas- stleton, N.D. Mrs. McKinnon was a ,dennaut member of St. Peter's Roman atlho1filc (Church, Luclasow, and a Member of the 'C.W.L, and Altar So- ciety. The funeral will be held from St. Peter's Church, followed by inter- ment in Hlollyrood Cemetery, 01.111111111 LOCAL BRIEFS The Session and People of the Egmondville. Church invite you and your friends to share with them in their Centennial Celebration ---ozu- JUNE 9th, 1935 11 a.m.-"The Sacrament of Baptism"--t"The Holy 'Spirit -A Living Reality." 7.30 .p.m. -Evening Service. "The Christ and Our iSacrn- fiee." The choir will be as- sisted by Miss Rhea Newton of Stratford. Reverend Gordon Butt A most cordial welcome awaits all, especially those who at any time have called the Egmondville Church THEIR CHURCH -HOME 'last week from a visit to Winnipeg to his daughter, 'Mrs. 'Penley Banbury. • Mr. and Mms, Donald Shaw and daughter, Helen, spent the week -end with Mir. and Mrs. R. E. McKenzie. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Oke of Tuck- ersmith have returned from a visit ir. Detroit. Denver Biggs, of Eloise, Mich., came with them and is spend- ing some time at their home. • Many friends of Mr. George Munroe will be pleased to learn that he is slowly recovering from a sev- ere attack of pneumonia at the home of his ,brother-in-law, Mr. Dale Nix- on. • 'Miss Margaret Craise, of St, Catharines, and Miss Edith Shortt, of Mount Forest, are guests at the .home of Mrs. and Mrs. K. M. Mc- Lean. • Dr, G. K. 'Chapman and daugh- ter, Nancy; Mr. A. D. Chapman, of Fart Erie, and Miss Eileen \Chapman, of Macdonald Hall, Guelph, were visi- tors at the homes of 'Mr. William E. Chapman and Mrs. E. Chapman over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. G. Flannery and family, of Hamilton',were here for • Mrs. William Archibald and Mr. Robert Archibald, of, Tuckersmith, are in Toronto this week attending the graduation of her daughter, Alice, from the University of To- ronto. • Misses Emily and Flo ,Cresswell returned on Monday from Pasadena, California, where they spent the win- ter. • Miss Ella Elder spent last week end at Alma 'College, St. Thomas. • Miss Ruth Pinkney is recovering following an operation for appendi- citis in 'Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mir. Audrey lilies Carter, of the College of Education, Toronto,, has been successful in obtaining the posi- tion of 'Science Specialist on the staff of the Picton Collegiate. • Mr. Harry ,Stewart was id To- ronto on business on 'Wednesday, • Mr. William Morrison, of. Rabbit Lake, ,Sack., visited hie parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Wan. Morrison, Jarvis St. It • is° twenty-six years since he has been in •Seaforth and notes many changes. • Mr. J. Wesley Beattie was in the vicinity of Elimville 'on Thnirsda.y and saw the damage done by the witrd- storm on 'Monday last. One boy had his leg broken by a tree .falling and another ,beywasbadly hurt. The bane at one man',s home was strewn ,With fallen trams and the houses hada ,been twisted:to trte side. Trees, were i1pnooted in every ,directiron, • '.Dr. F. J. IttrroWe returned hence GARDEN PARTY under the auspices of the W.A. of DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH ,McKillop, to be held on the CHURCH LAWN Thursday, June 13th, 1935 Supper 6 to 8 p.m. Followed by the Play 'Here Comes Charlie" presented by the Cromarty Young People's Society. ADMISSION: Adults, 35c. Children, 20c. In event of rain, the Supper will be held in, the church. - Now on Display The - 4 FRIGIDAIRE '35 with the SUPER FREEZER 'VERY Frigidaire '35 provides ee Complete Refrigeration Ser- vice -thanks to the Super Freezer. There's fast freezing for ice and desserts; frozen storage for meats and ice cream; extra - cold storage• for keeping a re- serve supply of ice cubes; moist storage for vegetables and fruits; normal storage for foods requir- ing dry, frosty cold. See the Frigidaire '35 now. Made in Canada For information and prices J. W. Modeland PHONE 4-143: SEAFORTH THE GENERAL MOTORS REFRIGERATOR the •week-eptfl. Mrs. John Malan 'ace tinned tie her Moan with them.' • Mie Criss Hamilton, nephew of Dr. 'If. H. Sols, •pisses his fifth year in '1Vlledicin'e :and will be an interne in the Wiestere Hospital for this year. • 'M1iss 'Mae Thompson, of Hae- rist+en, visited her ,sister, Mrs. Bev,- erlyi 'Christie, over the week -enc • Mr. and Mtrs. 'Milton Chesney, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the. (Monroe of Mrs. J. R. wbkirk, John. Street. • Mr. D. H. Wilson and Mr. Louis 'Wilson, of Toronto, 'spent the week- end at the home of Ms. J. A. We - son'. • Mes. R. 'Hawthorne has returned feeneG derioh, where she spent a few daps` with her son, Mr. Waltee Haw- thorne. • Mr. Joseph Carbert, of Detroit, is spending his holidays at the home of his mother, Mrs. T. Carbert. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Faulkner and family, of Detroit, spent the week- end rat the home of his mother, Mrs. F. Faulkner. Fred, Jr., remained to spend hie holidays here. •. Mrs. A. D. Cardno, of Winnipeg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Thom,peen. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilds of Windsor are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jiffies T. 'Scott, Rohbero, • Mr. William Meldrew, of Toron- to, is a guest at the home of Mr. Robert 'Scarlett. • The following public school girls played lH'ensall in softball on Satur- day last in .H;ensall and won out 31-8: Helen Fraiser, V. Dolmage, C. Holmes, L. 'Dunlop; M. Woods, C. 'Dolmage, A. Elliott, M. 'Hodgson and B. Best. • There will be special services in connection with the 'Diamond Jub- ilee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, held in Knox Church, Gode- rioh, on Sunday, June 9th, at 3.30 ,p.m. • Mrs. R. E. Coates, who has been spending seveilal • months' with her sons in Lynden and (Montreal, has re- turned home. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case have returned from Detroit, where they have -been. spending several weeks. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mfrs, George -Scofield and little daugh- ter, who spent the week -end here. • Miss FIorence Laidlaw, of To- ronto, spent the week -end and hole day ..with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw. • Rev. H. C. Feast and daughter, Miss Feast, were in Muskoka this week. • Reeves Crosier, of Seaforth; J. M. Eckert, of McKillop' and W. R. Archibald, of Tuckersmith, are in Goderich this week attending the June .sess'ion of the County Council. At this session, Mr. Merton Reid, of Seaforth, was appointed a member of the Mother's Allowance Board to 'succeed the late col, R. S. Hays. CONSTANCE Mr. and Wks. Leslie Lawson, of Tuckersmith, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson, Bruce'field, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Law- son. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Brigden visited with 'Mr.' and Mrs. Leo Steph- enson and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Steph- enson. 'Miss Mildred Britton and'Mr, An- drew Rukie of Kingston Y.M.C.A., spent Sunday at the home of Mr..and Mrs. William Britton. (Rev. and Mrs. Charles Leslie re- turned to their home in Richmond on Tuesday after spending a week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Wheatley. The Women's ' Association apd Wo- men's Missionary Society will hold the regular meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley on Thurs- day afternoon, June 13th. All are cordially invited to attend. VARNA Several attended Confirmation ser- vices at St. James', Middleton, on Sunday. evening. The W.A. of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs, H. Diehl on Thursday.. Mr, William Beattie of Goderioh, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Frank Weekes, motored to Listowel on Sat- urday evening to visit their sister, Mrs. W. 0. Woods. EGMONDVILLE -Visitors with friends in this vicin- ity were: Miss Jeanette Finnigan, 'Pelee Island, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan; Miss Laura McMillan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McMillan; 'Miss Margaret Fer- guson, Bayfield, with. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Govenlock; Mir. and Mrs. J. R. Brodie, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beattie; Mr. George Black, To- ronto, with his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Black; Misses Elva and Ida Love, Tos oneo, with IMr. and (Mrs. John Lome; 'Miss Margaret Broadfoot, of Hamilton, with her father, Mr. A. G. Broadfoot; ,Muss Cora Sherwood, To- ronto, with ,Mr. and Mrs, M. .Sher- wood; Miss Marguerite Black, Hain- ilton, with Mr. end -Mrs. W. Black. The May •meeting of the Neil Shaw Auxiliary of Egmondville' ,United Church was held Wednesday evening, May 29, at the 'home of the Misses Jean and Hazel MacLachlan, with a -For Tour Convenience large attendance. The meeting open- ed by singing a hymn and the roll call was answered by "My favorite ,spring flower." ,.After the minutes were read, the business was discuss- ed.. Alvother copper contest was started, the losing side to sponsor a picnic. Jean Smith then took the chair and a hymn based on the 19th psalm, was sung. The ,psalm was read for the (Scripture reading. Jean Gemmell led in prayer and the ki,pic from the study book was well taken by Marion 'Wallace. It"was the 4th chapter dealing with "The IDevelop- ment of Eoonomie Independence in the Orient" A solo by Miss Ethel • Jack- son followed and the report on the Girls' Conference, 'held at Clinton on April 25, Wats given by Marg. For- rest. A musical selection was given by Dean Castle) and Dorothy Gem- 'mell. Isabel Forrest took charge of t tee 'recreation period, after wihieh the h'ostes'ses served a delieioue lunch. The Sfi.spah Renedietiotl cktssed 'the' meeting Arrow DUS Schedule Effective May 5, 1935 LEAVE WEST BOUND. 1.00 p.m. -7.36 p.m. Standard Time LEAVE EAST BOUND 8.15 a.m. 5.45 p.m. 'P71IN FRIES; iPLANN1ED TO ALL POINT IN CANADA, UNITED STATES & MEXICO. Consult Local Agent , QUEEN'S HOTEL ' Phone '45• Seaforth Central Ontario thus Lines Toronto ?�V We. Emptasize This Week THAT The Summer Hats just received are jauntily pretty and inexpensive. THAT - If you want a New Blouse, something- that. is really smart, you can get it here. $1.59 to .$3.25; , THAT $3.25 - THAT +rr You can get a lovely Crepe Dress, plain or - floral, for $4.95.: Some are lower in price, others are $6.95 and up to $10.95. Redingotes and Swagger Suits. $7.95, to $14.95 THAT - In the Coat Department there are attractive Spring Styles in beautiful materials. Now $7.50 to $15.00 THAT We have particularly nice White Summer Glove in Mesh, Silk and Chamoisette, at = 59c, 79c, 98c a Pair MacTAVISH'S Diamond Jubilee Anniversary Services Cavan Church, Winthrop, Sunday, Juni 23rd at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday Evening, June 24 Monster Garden Party ---Watch for particulars Our New Salvia "HARBINGER" Blooms Early in June and is Unsurpassed. Our New Chrysanthemum -flowered Zinnia, "Fantasy," is the latest and best in _Zinnias. Pompon Zinnias are also becoming wonderfully popular. Our New Marigold "Guinea Gold" has large Fluffy Caritation-flowered blooms, many being 3 inches across. You will be delighted with any of these new varieties. STEWART BROS., Benmiller Nurseries Phone Carlow 2.35 FOOTBALL BAYFIELD vs KIPPEN AT KIPPEN Monday, June 10th' ' GAME CALLED AT 6.30 P.M. Home CookingSale In Vacant Store next to A. C. Routledge, by the Ladies of Eg- mondville Church. Saturday Afternoon JUNE 8th NOTICE Having purchased the Bakery of T. Roy Anderson we will open up on MONDXY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1935 with a complete line' of BREAD, CAKES and PASTRY We have retained the old staff of employees and will be glad to meet all former customers, also new ones, who appreciate good baking. Eat MacDonald'sHome-MadeBread Our Motto: QUALITY - COURTESY - SERVICE Phone your order, or give it to the drivers, who will resume their usual routes on Monday. MacDonald Bros,Phone' 70, Seaforth Mo EY on PoultryFeeds Dr. Roe's Growing Mash Concentrate $3.00 Mix 400 lbs. home-grown grains with 1 bag concentrate and have a 15 per cent. protein growing mash. Dr. Roe's Lay`Mash Concentrate $3.00 O.A.C. Chick Starter $2.60 O.A.C. Growing Mash $2.25 O.A.C. Laying `Mash $2.30 BARRED ROCK CHICKS Just two more hatches -June 11th and 18th . At Special Low Prices. . Scott's Poultry Farm SEAFORTH, ONT. PHONE 251-32 •!1