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The Huron Expositor, 1935-05-31, Page 8
al si iIt r 6 •ri* ara 14f 4-4 ants 2 BOXES iric FOR IMOCOLA'TIE SIARSJIM1AL- POW CsAKE1S-2. lbs. for LUC CORN STARCH 3.pouncls for 'TAPIOCA 3 pounds for 25c 25c SKLIMON--,Red, halves, at' 25c 2 tins for '11INEAPPLES are at their best. 15c, 23c and 28c each IttONEY 6-pourncl pail LAUNDRY SOAP 8 bars for IRIF.AVY SOLID GLOBE -WASHBOARD'S, each BROOMS -,While they last 39c at each MASTER' and O.A.C. FEEDS. rream taken for Clinton at the same price paid at Creamery. 55c 25c 45c A. C Routledge PHONE 166 Mr. Motorist 41 We are Agents for many of the Oldest and Strongest Insurance Companies Representing both Tariff and, Non -Tariff, including "LLOYDS" OF ENGLAND who are offering the lowest rates in history. OUR POLICIES PROTECT 'Our Service is Complete INSURE TO -DAY WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance. • *TN 'Womeles, IlospitaL,Aid IVIeet, --Vag TegRipar meeting of the Wo: ililoapits,11. 'Aid -Association will be held on Thursday, June Oth, at 3.30 p.m., in 'Carnegie Hall. Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. Win. Britton, of Clinton, announce the en- gagementof their oldest daughter, Mildred Jannette, to Mr. Andrew A. Reale, of Kingston, only son of the late Mx, and Mrs. Henry Reekie, of Montreal. The marriage swill take place in June. - <>0000000 0000 ° S. T. Holmes & Son • FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main gtreet,, Seaforth 40. 0 S. T. ittilkiies, residence, 0 Goderich •Sitteet, West; phone 0 0 No. 119..Wt, Charles Holmes' .0 0 residence, -aGcliletiCh 'Street, 0 0, East; pho&,308.: <> Ambulance Seraica -0 .0 Night Calla, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 • <> Charges moderate. '0 <> <> <> o <> <><> o Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love, Walten, wish to announce' the engagement of their daughter, Mar- garet Nelsphon, Reg.N., to William Learning, on of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leeming of Mclaillop, the marriage to take place quietly early in June. 00000000 000<> O H. C. BCIX ° O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 © Ambulance Service 0 o Night Calls ,1 Day Calls <> Phone 175 Phone 43 • .0 0 <> <> <> Will Celebrate Silver Wedding.- Many friends will' join The Expositor in extending congratulations and best wishes Lo Mr. and Mrs. Norman Car- ter, Huron Highway, ,west, who will oa Saturday, June lit, celebrate the 25th anniversary of their wedding. ar. Calgary Stampeae.-Throu;gh the kindness of Mr. (P. V. Burga,rd, The Expositor has reFeirved its annual poster and program -of the world famous Calgary Stampede, which will be held in that city July 8-13. Mr. Burgard is a well known Eg- mon•dville Old Boy, who has made his home in Calgary for a number of years. Fortner Resident Dies in Toledo.- Miss May Ryan, eldest. daughter el' Mr, Thomas D. Ryan, a former Sea - forth merthaat, died in Toledo, on the lath inst.., She was born in Sea- f.orth and attended the public school here. While she was quite young her parents moved to Saginaw, Michigan. She was a graduate of Ann Arbor University and was for anany years head of the classical department of one of the High Schools. of Toledo. About three years ago she suffered a -stroke from.which she never fully recovered. She is survived by two brothers and two sisters, all residents of Toledo. She also had a great num- ber of relatives in Ontario. Judge Killoran, Stratford, and Dr. Killoran, Toronto, and the family of the late Joseph Kidd, Goderich, are all first cousins. 00000O000000 WALKER'S • ° FUNERAL SERVICE <> o W. J. WALKER and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 Funeral •Directors. 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended.0 PHONE 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 1 E.C.Chambeilain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours : - Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrda,y, L30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m,. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 pan. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 : Seaforth, Ont. 3485-tf 4 'EGGS, ANTED. HIGHEST ASH PRICE The 'Session 414 People Of Egmondville Church invite you and your friends tO share with them in their . Centennial Celebration JUNE 2nd, 1935' •1Reverend John Walker, B.A., China. 11 a.m.---The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; aermson, "The Church in History -The Debt We, lawe.' 7.30 P.m. -Sermon, "The Church Univea-sad-The Challenge of •To -day." • The Choir will be assisted by Mr. John Beattie, Seaforth, and Miss Halcyon Chandler, •Kip - pen. A most cordial welcome awaits all, especially those who at any time have called Egmondville Church THEIR CHURCH -HOME June 3rd -2-5 p.m. Northside United Church W. M. S. Meets. -The social work meeting of the WIVLS. Northside United Church wad held at the home of the Misses Ferguson with Mrs. C. A. Bar- bel; in the chair. After . singing, "There is Work To Do For Jesus," Mrs. A. 1VlicCuaig gave the Bible study and MXS. J. C. Laing followed with prayer. Mrs. H. Lawrence and Mrs. J. Finlayson gave interesting re - parts of the Presbyterial meeting held in Exeter. Mrs. A. Westcott, sang a solo, entitled "But They Nev- er Told' Me of Jesus" which was greatly appreciated. After singing, "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms," the business of the meeting was dis- cussed with the president, Mrs. T. A. Carmichael, in charge. At the close of the meeting, a social hour was enjoyed, when Mrs. T. J. Web- ster and her group served a delicious lunch. The Congregation "At -Home" OfiSaGePst eOfLITOrtratcr spent vve;t-end,...a,t- the home of aa .'•Oriesh, Glarlatn oalCapap,bell of Tea, onasa was. a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Hont in ge-; PROP- • and Mrs. .Peter Hargreaves Of Toronto spent the' holiday and the `Week -end.' at the home of xi.. and Mrs. T. G. Shillinglaw, in Tucker- antith. • Mrs. Mary Bond, Dr. and Mrs. .0swald Bond and Mr, and Mrs. Brown • of Galt.' were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3.. G. - Mullen, • .Miss Mina Melville has 'returned to town after spending several months in Leamington. • nt.'s. Cecil Kaiser and Mr: Alex. Sproat of Toronto and Mr. John Allan of Winghamattended the fun- • eril of lie late William C. ,Sprodt on Friday last. • Miss Feast, of Columbia Uni- versity, Nene York, and Miss Wilson of Hamilton' are the guests of Rev. H. C. Feast and 'Mrs. Feast at the Manse. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Aylmer, spent, Sunday with Mrs. R. L. Clark. s • Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Doherty of Moose Jaw, Sask.,' have been visiting Mr. and .Mrs. Sidney Jacobs for the d the end of .'"':A•0„.1400.„.. • ",4-40,°'•;(400,fik 71110$-YiW.'•g9±101.41.4e,,tir.x,,c•6044,,sAr„ .0114.ro • .,••• „•.f, • of the Canadian Women's Press. As- saciation, at the close of which she will attend the convention of the Can:. adian Authors' Association in Mon- treal. • Mrs. W. N. Knechtel is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Seeord at Meaford. -• Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Box;,1VLr. Bill Box, Oar. Keith Sharpe, Mrs. J. E. Willis and Miss Peggy were in Ethel on Victoria Day attending the gold- en wedding of.Ma. and Mrs. McDora ald. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and little daughter of Toronto and Mr. Dawson ' Reid of Guelph spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Dr, and Mrs. Aubrey Crich and DANCING at DUBLIN on Friday, June 7 Sermon Subjects For Sunday Next. -Northside• United Church -Mr. F. W. Lewis. .of Toronto, will speak on Sunday moaning an the Ontario Tem- perance Federation. Evening service withdtawn for Centennial service in Egan.andville.-Rev. T. 'A. Carmichael, 'Miaister. Eg-mondville Church - Centennial Services. C•ornmunion service at 11 a:m. Rev. John Walker, B.A., of West China, will preach at bath ser- vices. Evening service at 7.30 p.m. Special' music by the choir. - Rev. Charles Malcolm, Minister. St. Thomas' Church -Second Sun- day after Ascension; Sunday school. and Bible • Class at 10 a.m.; Holy Communion at .11 a.m.; topic, "Into the Unseen"; 7 p.m., npic,,,"The Sig- nificance of the Ascension." -Canon E. Appleyard, Rect:w. First .Pre:•sbytcrian Cburch.-Mr. Feast at both sen -ices. Topics an- nounced on the first page) of this is- sue. The ministry of' music by the choir will include anthems at both services. "Open Ye the Gates" and "Put on Thy Strength." Shorty Grant and His 10 -Piece Orchestra under the auspices of the 20th Century Club. ADMISSION: Ladies 25c. Gents 35c. Our Giant Fluffy Asters ARE WILT -RESISTANT and prdved most satisfactory year to all who grew them. Since you can procure these, cannot afford to devote space labor to any other Aster. Our new Tomatoes, Vantura and Pritchard, we recommend as Excel- lent in every way. Golden Acre Cabbage and Sweet Peppers should be in every garden. W. W. M. S. and Barbara Kirkman Hold Joint Meeting. -At a joint meet- ing of the W.M.S. and Barbara Kirk- man Society of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, on Tuesday night, May 28, the guest speaker was Mrs. H. C. Dunlop of .Goderich, Secretary Of Huron Presbyterial. Mrs, Dun- rop gave a cleverly arranged, concise and instructive account of the twen- ty-first annual provincial meeting of the W.M.S., held in Knox Church, Toronto, in April. She imparted in- teresting information concerning ev- ery W.M .S% department and related how different Presbyterials were complishing the work, all of which was much appreciated. Mrs. Robert Aerhart and Mrs. Earle Bell each conducted the business of her own so- ciety. The two outfits assembled by the Supply Secretaries received the inspection and admiration of every- one. Mrs. J. E. Daley 'and Mise H. ,Murray contributed a duet entitled. "Happy Hours," accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Mrs. H. C. ,Feast led in prayer and Miss 5..1:McLean read the Scripture lesson. from Luke, 5th and 10th chapters. Mrs, Harry Stew- art read the Glad Tidings Prayer and Mrs. Neil Gillespie also led. in prayer. The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, 1011/1101Monsiatlft eatrieltalMseigemilostit. last you and STEWART BROS., Benmiller Nurseries Phone Carlow 235 LOCAL BRIEFS , • Rev. G. A. McLean, Mrs. MaLeara MT, C. C. McLean and Mrs. F. Mercer of Toronto spent the national holiday with Mra and Mrs. W. N. Knechtel. Rev. Mr, McLean is interested in So- cial Service work for the Dominion. • 1VIrs. J. D. Hinchley, who spent the winter at the Pacific Coast, has rettirukt to lies home. • Miss R. Mabel Graham is in Ot- ta attaitifilk the Triennial Meeting WOOL WANTED Highest Cash Prices Paid H. M. Jackson Phone 3w Seaforth Sliding Utility Basket( Saves Space in the FRIGIDAIRE '35 GROUPS small articles. In- creases usable shelf space. Can be removed from cabinet and carried to kitchen table. Another importint reason why you should see the Frigidaire '35 before you buy any refrigerator. Made in Cahada For information and prices J. w. Modeland PHONE 4-142 : SEAFORTH THE GENERAL MOTORS • RsFitiGERATOft A, • past week an are leaving this week for the West. • Mr. George Bethune, af Port Mc - spent the holiday at his home here. • Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fergu- son and family, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the Misses Ferguson, Sperling Street. • Miss Ethel McKay and Mr. Ron. ald MaKay, of Toronto, spent the week -end with their mother- here. • • Mr. Leonard Bolton is moving ;his barber shop to' Mr. E. L. Box's Block in the store formerly occupied by D. C. Warwick, as a feed store. • Mr. and Mrs. Best of 11;.ronto and Mrs. Miller, of Angus, spent the ,week -end with their mother, Mrs. William Gillespie. • Mr. and Mrs: Ken Ament, of Kit- chener, and Ma'. A. R. G. Ament of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament. a Mr. E. F. Davis, Miss Nerta Davis and Mr. Worth` Davis, of Till- sonburg, were week -end guests at the home of Miss E. Davidson. • Mrs. C. M. Jones, of Boston, is a guest at the home of her father, Mr. S. T. Holmes. • Mr. William Carter, of Beres- ford, Manitoba, is visiting Ina niece, Mass Dorothy Carter. • Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Mrs. Car- michael, Rev. C. C. Kaine and Mrs. Keine attended the funeral of the late Mrs. George Chambers in Blyth on Saturday. ., •• Mr. J. M. Hinchley, of Owen Sound, spent the week -end at his home here. E. Beeket, of Strathroy, and 'Mrs. Law, of Kan-sas City, were the recent guests of M. and Mrs. H. C. Box.. • !Mr. Gibson White of Walkerville spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. E. W. White. • 'Rev. Harold Appleyard and Mrs. APPleyard, of Kenwood; Rev, Reg- inald; Appleyard, Rev. James Craig, Miss poroti^y Ralfe and Miss Loraine Raltea, Lend n; Mrs. Henson, Wood- alo'Cla and 1VIT. Thomas Henson, of Ridgeway, were holiday guests with Rev. canon Appleyard and Mrs. Ap- pleyaid at the Rectory. • la4ss Mary Boswellientertained twentyatato of her young friends at a birthday party at her home on Sat- urdayrlast; and on Wednesday Mas- ter Donald Smith entertained a simi- lar party at his home. • Miss Evelyn Golding leaves this week for Toronto, where she willtake a spetial nursing course in the Skit, Children's Hospital. • Miss Dorothy Carter spent a few days in Rockwood this week. • Mr. A. H. Carter of the College of Education, Toronto, is home at- tendingthe silver wedding of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Carter. . • Mr.,,T14 MrC )54. 4.4i,4er arpid,4441.0pD 13.t. Pet,I,v0"B9.14 Alss "osre*'•'eM 11.54P1 relastivea he,reo.A. ` f, Mr. And '1V4T, ' W, 1/rOWn, ,end children of Forest Opent Stm4 AY With relatives, -- Mr. and Wins. L. Prang and Mrs. A.' Fuss visited 'relatives in Diatroit nivir the holiday, !Mrs., W. Finkbeiner and daughter, Hazel, -of Stratford, spent Sunday ot the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. HI. Hoff- man. Miss Elizabeth ,Truernner of De- troit is. 'visiting relatives here this week. Workmen have started erecting the conereite lwallsokfor the new garage and s'ervice station bein,g-built by Mr. S. Deitz. HILLSGREEN, Quite a number from this vicinity took in the anniversary services at Kippen bn Sunday. Owing to the severe frost of late, the peat manufacturing company are not able to run full time, as the frost damages the, peat and makes it a loss for the company. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love had a close call an Monday morning, when fire, of unknown origin., started in their woodpile. With the help of the neighbors, they soon got the fire un- der c.ontrol. The wind was vera hig1. at that time. Mr. and Mas. W. Huxtable of Cen- tralia visited the latter's mother and -family lona evening recently. CONSTANCE Miss Donelda Adams of Toronto Normal •School spent the holiday ano week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, MANLEY We are pleased to learn that Mr. Jerry O'Hara 'is able to he around agarn. Mrj Pat McLaughlin met with a painful accident on Wednesday . of last week. 'While watering • one of the horses, it became frightened, knocking him down and breaking his leg. He is now an Scott Memorial Hospital and is recovering as well as could be expected. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Martin Purcell is under the doctor's .care but her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. The late rain has improved vegeta- tion to such an extent that all seems well with the hopes of a bumper crop. ZURICH 41.1111•1111•1•1•111MINIMINIMM161011 KIPPEN Fesiansomilmsa For Sale. -All kinds of fence posts, braces and wire. Every 'variety of grass seeds, MasterOhick Starter and Feeder; also all kinds of Essex grown 1 Government tested/seed awn. You can aaye money by buying early. Al- so one torp 'buggy, in good repair. W. E. Butt, Kippen. Phone 41-91, Hen salL 3514-tf Announcement Mr. and :Mrs. ArThur Anderson an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Olive M., to Mr. James Eldon Jarrett, Eon, of Mr. and Mrs Tames Jarrott, of Hensall, Ont., the marriage to take .plate in June. Mr. Gordon. Wright, who is attend- ing Ontario .0allege of Education., To- ronto, spent a Yew days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright. sRecent visitors at Mr, James Wright's were: • Rev. and Mrs. John .Geoghean of lauteknowa Miss ;Mar- garet Hamilton, of Trowbridge, and Mi. and alts John. Wright, of. De- troit. The Young People of St. Andrews United 'Church held their annivers- ary services an ..Sun•daa last. aft& T. A. Carmichael of Northside United Church, Seaforth, *as the ,guest speaker, for the day, choosing for.his morning subject, "His' leaf shall not wither," and the evening, "The Door of Opportunity." The ehoir assisted by aVIessra. C. Cook and T. Sherritt of Hensall and Mrs. John Hedgert of Thames Road rendered two way fine anthems, 'Great is the„ Lord". and "Crown Him With . Many Crowns," the solo part being taken by Mr. T. Sherritt. Mrs. Hodgert ,delighted the congregation with solo numbers, "Outside the Dobr," "Jesus Lover of My Soul," °Sunrise," ",0 Wanderer, 'Mrs. Hodgemt is' a former Kippen girl and has sungin the Kip - pen choir on special occasions before. The Busy Bees Mission 'Circle ,girls met at the home of Masses Beatrice The local 'baseball team played the first scheduled ,game in the Huron - Perth 'League at Mitchell 'on May 24 and won by the score of 12 to 5. Holds Special Meeting 'At a °special meeting of the council of Hay Township, held on Monday evening, the grants for the various road divisions were fixed.4The township crustier will begin 'operationathip week and it is expected that the roads will be metalled and crushed gravel before the end of July. The regular monthly meeting of the coun- cil will be held on Saturday, June lst, when appeals against the 1934 easreseds.ement roll will also be druid - Mr. Isaac Moritz of the' State of Minnesota, Mr. Jo•hn F.'Moritz of Cavalier, N.D., Mr. Ed. Mioritz of Valhalla, N.D., and ,Mr.• Alf. Moritz of 'Guelph visited: relatives here over the week -end. The three former vis- ited the gold fields sitt north western Ontario on ,their way down from the west. • 1Mrs, Amelia, Schnell has returned from the IMAPrital at London and. is iffiprovitig fit Iteaftli. t iI".4444; veils )112 • ' ":'`,1"•,' '-"tr• • 1'1'4 ,Friiled Curtaih', Trimmed in colors Rose, Blue, Green,,Gold. Valance and Tie Backs; Scrim, Net and Marquisette. 75c, 89c, $1.00 to $1.65 Pair BATH TOWELS British woven, colored stripe. Large size, 20x42. Extra Value, 25c KITOIEN, HALL AND BEDROOM MATS Washable and ideal for. Summer use. Mauve,. Gold, Blue, Ivory, also Hit and Miss Stripes. 49c to $1.25 BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COLORFUL CHINTZ A material suited to many uses, such as Slip Covers, Cushions, Side Drapes, etc. 36" width. Special, 25c Yard Best Grade Printed' ''' LINOLEUM 4 yards' wide New Patterns. $3.50 Yard CONGOLEUM in Beautiful Designs. 3 Yards wide $1.98 Yard CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS The very latest Patterns and they are certainly smart. All Sizes at Lowest Prices. MacTAVISH'S aridaDomen Cooper on .Saturday af- ternoon last.-laaael Alexander pre- sided over thmeeting. Gladys Mc- Lean took the topic and Ruth Wat- son led in prayer. 'The roll call was answered by a quotation from a Can- adian author and wan quite interest- ing. Beatrice Dayman favored with a reading, "People Will Talk," and Mrs. Henderson had charge :of the contest, "What Our Grandmothers Missed," which had every -one think- ing hard to get the answers. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served a delightful and tasty lunch; On iMonday' evening the Young People, of 'Grace United Church, Par- terarialiill, presented their play, "Here °Canes Charlie," • in St. Andrew's United 'Church. The parts were very well taken. and the play was quite amusing. air. AttharaFinlayson and Miss. Beatrice Dayman delighted the audience with guitar numbers (be- tween acts. Miss Halcyon Chandler of -Western University of London i spending her rvacation with 'her parents, Rev. and 1Vars. E. F. Chandler, at the Manse. I Miss Dorothy Elgie of Toronto via- ' ited over the week -end with herlans- in, lMiss Margaret Elgie, of Tucker - smith. "For Your Convenience" Arrow BUS Schedule Effective May 5, 1935 LEAVE WEST. BOUND 1.00 p.m. '7.35 p.m. Standard Time LEAVE EAST BOUND 8.15 a.m. 5.45 P.m. ITINERIES) :PLANNED TO ALL 'POINT IN CANADA, UNITED STATES & MEXICO, Consult Local Agent QUEEN'S HOTEL Phone 45 - Seaforth Central Ontario Bus Lines , s Toronto FF zak6•.11o. arm Simmer Days Cool Call for Comfortable Shoes Men's Black and White Sport Shoe , Men's All White or Black and White Sport' Shoe OTHERS AT $4.50 and $up $1.95 $2.25 Women's All White T e or T Strap Women's All White Open Front Tie, EEE width , Women's All White)Tie or T Strap, A to D width , $3.00 $2.75 $3.50 Kiddies' All White Straps, also "Patent Leather" $1.50, $2 and $2150 Big Girls' All White Strap or Patent ' • Leather T Strap, 31/2 to 7 $2,25 and SISMAN'S SCAMPERS FOR MEN, BOYS, WOMEN AND KIDDIES See Our, Special Line of Black Calf Oxfords. Low in Price; but built Solid for Hard Everyday Wear. For Kiddies, Women, Boys and Men. .Mickey Mouse Special fittings Kiddies' Shoes mith'S Heel Hugger White Special Narrow Fittings Shoes, AAA to D. The Shop for' Good Shoes NEXT To REGENT THEATRE, §EAFORTH. ' ' itiliatitailiatilatiall A eo •