HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-05-31, Page 5.4 , I A .• 4 1 4 • v •1, .0±ffiJ re.,re ererre. 4k#,,r4 7 11, .11 • A Ifave with Deat11.4he Worhre iritOtifit:1§444411R#4ii - CARTOON' And OM' • ORAT,:enTINSUT*417.1FIRMS140 • 1341: Grace Bradley and Brue&Cahot in "RED HEAD'? • "GIRL OF MY DREAMS"? S(arring Wing Holloway,' Eddie l'sle00,14 AlarY Carlisle " .Nuvvks EEL •:NEDni THURSDAY, F DAY, St URDAY Wallace, Beery in "TUE 1VITOBTY BARNLIN° *atinwo. at. ad HolidaYer 4 pga6,TIN:. *tork.pightly,-1$1) i40.1.. ;II INVESTMENTBLE (Continued frOm Page 4) It is, therefore, customary to em- body in the; bonds a eetital that the proceedings are regular, that the in- debtedness is binding, that the tetal indebtedness of the municipality' does not exceed legal limits and that the municipality possesses the power to levy the necessary tax. In one :of my books of reference) which was published in the country (to the south of us, it is worthy to note that they have, when referring to Canadian cities, seen 'fit to state that "there is a marked absence of graft." , lin Corp:emotion finance, bonds re- present fixed and tangible assets, pre- ferred stock represents current as- sets and common stock represents in- tangible values, excess earning pow-' er and hopes of the future. The usual denominations of bonds are $1.00 $400, and svloa. It is urg- ed in favor of bonds ,of the $100.00 denorhination that they promote THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE CO'Y. BEAD OFFICE--SEAFORTH, ONT. • OFFICERS: Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth - Pres. James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. IYIerton A. Reid, Seaforth Sec.-Treas. • AGENTS: -- Finlay IVIcKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin; John 'Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. 4. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; Jas. Watt, 33lyth; C. E. Hewitt, Kincardine; W. J. Yeo, Goderich. DIRECTORS: William Knox. Londesboro; George Leonhart, Brodhagen; James. Con- nolly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Seafoith; Alexander McEwing, R. R. 1, Blyth; John Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdice, Walton; Thos, Moy- lan, No. 5, Seaforth; Wm. R. Archi- bald, No. 4, Seaforth. - Insurance - With the enormous increase in auto accidents, you cannot atford' to take chances. Let us protect you. Rates are low in compari- sotp with protection g i v e n. Prompt service and payment of claims. In case of trouble, the Company's Agents through Can- ada are at your service. Enjoy your trips protected by one of our Auto Policies. Auto - Fire -• Wind Conveyancing Real Estate, Etc. A. D. Sutherland Phone 152. MEETING} OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County (Council will be held in the County Council :Chambers, Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon 'of Tuesday, June 4, 1135. All accounts, notices of deputations. 'applications and other important bus- iness requiring attention at the meet- ing, should be in the _hands of the Clerk.,not later than Saturday, June lat. ; DATED at Goderich this sixth day -1M4, 1935. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk. 3519-2 thrifte that they Wil4 lesgen theat- , traotion of "get-rieh-quick" echemes, that they will lead to a greater com- munity of interest between people and capital and form an incentive to industrial peece. Bonds may be pay- able to bearer and such bonds. would hate interest coupons attached. Such bonds may he registered as to prin- cipal. Bonds may be fully register- ed, in which case the issuingeorpora, tion remits the interest by cheque. The price of gilt edge bonds de- pends in part upon when it is to be p -aid of and part upon the rate of interest in comparison with the rate ruling in the market. Of two bonds which are equally secure,, one matar- ink in two years and the ;ether' in fifteen years, the latter will command the higher price. Like water, security v.aluer will al- ways find their own levels. If the security is not good and there is' any doubt about the borrower being able to pay his debts a high yield is a will-o'-the-wis,p likely to lead to loss- es df capital. - Security . There are many ;different kinds of mortgage bonds and it is well for the investor to fully understand the term- inology in ;describing them. There may be several mortgages on the same property, as first, second, third or prior lien or junlioe lien. T:te various properties of a corpor- ation such as a railroad, may be mortgaged separately 6'0 that there may exist divisional, ;bridge., terinin- al, etc. General mortgage err first conselidated mortgage bonds may be created. Bonds, may be put out to replace previous issues,. These are known_ as First Refunding Mtortgage Ronde or Refunding Firstir tgage Bonds. Please notice how th adjectives in these titles are gro d inreference to each other. In the first instance, it might be the first refunding of a second mort- gage,'Wherea.s the latter is a first mortgage bond refunded. Bonds are retired in a variety,of ways. They may be paid at maturity, called, redeemed by lot, or pur- chased in the; open market. . Stock Stock is a written, signed and seal- ed evidence of ownership in a corpora- tion and a fractional claim to its free aSsets and surplus earnings. When stock is issued, fully paid and non -assessable, the owner s not liable personally for the debts of the c'orporation except in the case of' bank stock and sometimes trust com- panies when the holder is liable for double the par value of the stock. Book stock are shares, ownership. of which may only be transferred on the b.o.oks of th S company and not by the mere endorsement of the certifi- cate. Bank stock .and Consumers' Gas of Toronto are instances of this type of stock. Stock is usually divided into pre- ferred stock, ,common stock with a par value or common stock without par value. Preferred stocks are pre: ferred as to dividends at the rate designated and are usually preferred as to assets. Dividends are some- times cumulative but this feature is no guarantee of the continuance of dividends. Tests of. a Good Preferred Stock I. Increases in capitalization ex- ep for acquiring new plants with p ortionate Mem% in louiness should arouse doubts. a. Earnings available for prefer- red dividends should be about double dividend' requirements. 3. In the case of a company harv- ing a bonded debt, these earnings should 'be more than double. 4. Working capital, except in years of .depression, should show an increasing tendency. 5. These increases should not be regarded as genuine unless they are reflected in the prices of the com,oare ies securities. C. 'Bonded debts should net e any eyere exceed 50 per cent. of th- ag- gregate market value of outstanding securities and where they exceed 35 per cent. earnings on the preferred stork should 40 exceptionally large. Tests of good common stock are the tests of administration and may be divided into three categories. The appropriateness of the proper- ty and the physical processes ern- ; rie SAVE MONEY on Poultry Feeds Dr. Roe's Growing Mash Concentrate $3.00 Mix 400 lbs. home-grown grains with 1 bag concentrate and have a 15 per cent. protein. growing mash. Dr. Roe's Lay M sh Concentrate 0.A:C. Chick Sta r O.A.C. Growing Mash BARRED ROCK CHICKS Just three more hatches—June 4th, 11th and 18th At Special Low Prices. Scott's Poultry Farm PHONE 251-32., • SEAFORFH, ONT. $3.00 $2.60 $2.25 , A'Atitt4.i • 'ee, , taken tiivf (tbe." 41.01,: typo. '{of :411C1 :460* 3i°4 0,0 Ye'ar mon 04 •. 910,4PLic0; lout 'be etre and Jgetbd, advice 'alit. InvestigOte before blip:ding' and it 'Will salve.inanY ; headache. is luaually unwise to invest in ew corporations'. Some of the more common ;causes of failure bf new cor- porations are; abnormally heavy pro - Motion mate, "4over estimation of pro- fits, inadequate {provision to scrap old and buy new equipment but of earn- ings. New corporadon.s are likely newly married, gouplese They start but as optomiSts (with 'no elothes to buy and having little -experience with sickness ancl when trouble and misfortune eome they are unprepared to stand the blow. I do not propose doing ,more; than merely mentioning that such things as 'market movements; -accidental dis- turbances, seasonal ;changes, cycle of trade, statistics -of 'cps, steel trade, car loadings, 'building, bank clearings, etc., do exist and have a definite bear- ing on this most intricate subject. It is estimated that the public of the United States is defrauded but of over one hundred million: dollars per ann,um, a tenth of the total bonded debt 'of the country 'before the war. It is well, 'therefore, to know some of the danger ,Signels. nt Fraudulent prootions are children. of the fraudulent promoter who, re- alizing ,that moat investors are unin- former or careless, has taken full ad- vantage of that faet. 'Make haste slowly is a good mot- to. It is well to beware of the sug- gestion: "Do • it now";, "Telegraph your order at once"; "You have no time to lose." Telegrams and long distance telephone- cells should be treated with contempt and ignored. Strangely enough, an opportunity seems most attractive just as• it ap- pears about to be .withdrawn. Tips to buy a stook usually mean that someone is anxious to Sell: -Rumours are almost as bad and to illustrate the point there is the story of the oil well promethr: Pointing to the rascals is andther trick. If one's own reputation is none too secure, it is stlpposed to be an ant of shrewdness to assume the appearance of virtue by cond'emning evil with even greater vehemence than the virtuous. Beware the inside offer. Bacon said in his Advancement -of Learning: "The Italian thinketh himself upon the point of being bought and •sold when; he is better usedi than he was wont to be without manifest cause," "Distance lends. en- chantment -to! the view." (Lord Burleigh, advising his son in the choosing a wife, said: "If thy es- tate be ;good, match at h,6rne and at leisure; if weak, far off and quickly." Worthless stocks are often sold: on the recommendation of well known people who are deluded into giving endorsements, even though they know nothing of finance. One should not be caught by the project of a company ettetripting to guarantee dividends on. its own securities. Dividends are only payable ant of profits. Some of the rules as outlined by Herbert N. Casson in his series on "How to Make Money Grow," are „as follows: ' Buy only wh.at you know. Never buy under 'pressure. peculate en properties, not Schemes. Buy only what can be quickly re- sold without loss. Take your profits. Ask your banker. e, Buy out of season. • •Boy the ordinapy shares of the best company in the worst industry. 'Bacon says in bis essay on "Rich- es": "He that resteth on gains cer- t;e4e, shall hardly grow th great rich- es, and he that puts all 'ripen adven- ture doth oft tunes break and Come to povertY; it ,is good, therefore, to guard adventures with certainties that may uphold 'losses." I cannot cease my remarks without a reference to mining and it will only be a reference. Among all in- vestments not anywhere are such unfits obtained as in successful min- ing. It is because mining is so good and so profitable that there are many who by .deceiving seek to gain un- wbrthily. 'Lion President and fellow Lions, I thank you for this opportunity of speaking to you and for your very kind attention to these rather ramb- ling remarks. fr $e: 13 Tears, WALTON The Young People of Duff's 'Church. Walton, ;put on a splendid program in Nlonexieff on Sunday evening. Stew- art Bryans was in the chair. Allan McDonald read the ;Scripture lesson and Mrs. Charles Cumming led in ,prayer. Miss Ethel Shaw gave an excellent topic. Miss Mildred Sellers sang a solo and Rev. C. Cumming gave a splendid address on "Reading For. Personality." The meet in g ball at Ethel on Wednesday evening, June 5th) at 6.30 p.m. IlVfrs. P. B. Gardiner of Toronto is visiting her sister, ,Mrs. John Buch- anan this week. Recent visitors in, the village and vicinity::Mise Edith Ennis of Kit- chener with her parents, 1V1r. and Mrs. Fred Ennist; 'Mire. Moon' of Stevens- ville -with Mee Annie Johnston and other relatives in the vicinity; Mrs. F. B. Gardinerof Toronto at the home of +Mt and +Mrs, John Buchan- an; tlVfIrs. *SAre.11s: of 'Toronto with Mr) and (Mrs. Hugh Shannon; Mr. and Mrs. William 'Miller, Miss Marguerite Miller and Fred Brown bf Mitchell With lMr. and 1VIre. F. IL Miller; Miss. Laiera 'Manning of Kitchener with her parents, {Mr, and Mrs. IL Manning; Miss Serve 'Steles of Kitchener at her home in the village. 1111r. ISammel' Forbes. returned Sun- day from Seaforth. where he under- went an ,operation several Weeks ago. IVIIre. Frank is recovering nice- afkillovringan irstVel'atinn* lin Clinton. HOttgtal. • ' 4 4 • 15,00 18.50 It is a long time since we were able to offer suck plie, nominal values; such rare quality fabrics, snappy styling and such fine tailoring.—Blues, greys, browns, tans,pe cil stripes, checks, plain or fancy patterns and colors. Sizes 34 to 46 • • SPECIAL --Men's Flannel Suits Plain greys or sand, alsolancy stripes and checks. Some.-,, with two pair of pants. New summer styles, patch pock-, -ets, plain or easy swing backs. All this season's newest ideas. Sizes 35 to 42. Price 17.5° t° ew Summer Frocks • A Rare Collection of the Season's Newest Creations 3.95 New in Style. New in Colors. New Materials-. Silk Piques. Novelty weaves of Crepe and Rayons in the plain Pastel and Floral designs, also the New Spots and Stripes. All sizes, 14 up, to 44. • Special House Dress 69c Made of good quality, fully guaranteed prints, attractive patterns, good styles, cleverly trimmed in full sizes and lengths. Sizes 16 up to 6n 44. DON'T MISS THESE. 7C Boys' Wash Suits Men's Underwear• Stylish New Millinery Women's Silk Hose Clever new styles and color combina- tions; well made; good quality. 50 Green, Blue, White, an Fine Egyptian BalbrigganShirts or 50 Drawers. Sizes '34 to 44 New Outing or Sport Wear. Hats Turban or Snap Front Styec. 59 Penman or Kayser; Chiffon or Ser- vice weight. All the new Summer Tan shades 75c en's Dress Shirts Guaranteed Prints,• full size Shirts; neW patterns. All colors and sizes.. 100 Children's Ankle Sox Silk and Lisle, Silk Mesh, solid col - 51/2 to 101/2 25c ors; some with fancy cuffs. Sizes Men's Dress Pants Cotton Worsted in Grey or Brown. Neat stries; well made. Sizes 34 to 44 1.98 Women's Vests or Bloomers White, Peach or Pink; Plain Lisle Silk Stripe. All sizes or 25c . , ' • t ,.• , 110 • •