HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-05-17, Page 4,1 .: i n.' 11 d N+I: .. '�h�.. i \ : I,.. a J , I.., 'r N i, „Y. .Y 17 1 N4 4. 7 k M d ._ 1., 'Pj i. nq.. 1, . t^,. :�, ,':'I,", :>,. ,.,, F .: ., . , .. ,, lA• 71.r -s .l.aa. Via. ,••., dt e 3'.G<. ,,,, t v.n. ... n. [.,, .n,..... ,_.,.,t �_, ,. ,, 1.'a :^ r., "!<v.�•.nK�.fi,r. ""4 r P,,.6 I, e• .19n.t 1. t,e+.,.. 3 5. ,... ._Q.F�, Iq nr ,r ,', r ,c;, L.., ,.L,. .n...... .,.. .,• _rF is .. t •a,;:: ,' )t. ti:.l"' "� ;t., �.. �""., e,i , 11 I �.,,. ,. w, ,n .,.: f . a.., q ,, ..y r., N..:'. 7, v,- „ ,., .. , i Q,:{c la. P. G.a's; i If,• a ,I {., P•` i, r is w t> ,I ,, , a .. 4 : r.e,. i .,..r.,.. a s,(i .,_,, , ,1. l - ■�� ���FFF{{{ !r � .. .. ,.., ti,l, a �,n : ,,rxi, nui, am r. .,i+;:a 1n. k, .,d„Fd o «w.. 77,!F77ml,, is r {:, m . �. fe OIi1 t „' i. , i S e` d s. n -a d' � '� s � i � �u � la �, da >Qu � +��� .1� �* I { nlx1a+'do ly�a�h1,t=(q:: c P r ) 1,. ;;: I ^v.. F b, �. v r ... M1. ...Z .1 , ,. k• , . .}.,. ., , : " 5.. �+ 1 , - .:1,7',1+.,^ 'i5?rt E. r ...7• tF t. . ',y 1., .. :.i'..l..Ik ,,, n d ., M. u t .. .. '.M ., .. .. ,'. ":P,... "]ii ,-'i�,d..., �l• I,.. Il��r. ,ai ., 1y u '. , ,,, , a. 7..� :.,. � :1 ., 1 , . I' 5., y u Y. rr V r 5 tih R.eav e e e o 1 r. wn ,, e l R tdkl It f H o th@ i. sk, .ltv Mk , I ,p �.,,0" h' "' # "6�4 ton " y t r ,x. ., a bun h s leas s m. M Pic ed P dad er ons bot3k guests. included V .•,lc . o 'orlon m t ! ,�-R"PIX iXA1WW.lA- ".:, . pr r ri n e a In d eNeala' hit i , „ call a the c o i tri r h r 4 u u< 'ln I. ri! g d t+o, curt �/ 9<1lilT' S " "' p s _. P u'ndex the 1eadershi of 111T. W. A. Bona, cion,' pf lilensal� other , �� •' j i?ity vr14 iYL(,§r, 1.t, -.A'. I._ r p' * f ami k�1.'11:11. .•­ . _'�• .'�, k., , , r it .. XacLaren, rendered splendid an -.hems, of the linidegl,�o•orn,; SIT. and 'Mirs� .Hol- a,dea ftra� -1' , + , 11 i ; I „� ,',, »; ' sp,los, duets and' ualte s. Rev. Mr. I-aand. 101tcliemer; Ogother-i�nrlavr and . I. . q' No. 14 -Thomas • McGregor, Tholmas. RobertsRoberlso duxh'� .. °h, 1l' 11-6 �I 1,�4'ds will .itnsctr ted at new low cash ra .es: - Ki•tc'he'ly QQwas: well and fatv)orably sister bf. -q. brlclq, arid; •`Mrs, Garton Mllle'r mv'ex'e Short- so mu'gh :of ;ww � +� • .. " � '�` I v II= " V ��,' knrown ill youth aS A 'Rr4cerfi:eld boy an'.d' dau hter of •Leam;<xugpon. 'l1zT, ' .. r� �'Y;psa .qna sunmd, Cem>mta F,vanta. 1�%,s-uer w+xdx gy John Elder wquld have. ibeenu' t}ieir Proper d NX',, 1' ',€ a"Ji in;rgeelc..............„,...............,............ < Cent and attracted' many from a (lisbance and Mrs. ri'rprpson',will reside in De- Bub a few m�u','like' Mr, Ro(berk�It ?��1,h�r✓ + a ` n= k -week, .. . ........ . .... . . . ........ . .............4a Cent who were well rewarded in coming to troll. Tom NlrGragalr owned the lirext and when needed. This Was ilia case in , U, ,,, ^i t -, '. ,lZ. •:"*,evil cion.... • rat. rinse.. on , • • • •., • ....... • •.. Cents •• ,. camp i'oteA free llkay man 1 ooh thin In � t�! i t t am �� a hear 'him, circ the services through- 1VTiss Emma Jrohnston left Thtlrs- farm south faanu John Gregor an nearly every (farm during tkrer `� ,- p , `.;(, F�e�+. 4►re, In,1lgi and abbreviation wuata an one word. out were greatly enjoyed by large day of (this fior the Wieslt where where he lived and -kept 'batch In a early •dna of the old pionleers' and it '� ;� � co ' e stroll,.. Mills Mus -bald was she will 4v4slit�Ith friends and gala- little to house which aceornmodralted was common to hear them ally' that early' days° (�It" mks. In )Memorises Notileea-4 cent per word,. Minimum, 50 cents par week rlgr g $" (Hio farm was well fenced and, good " x a I direot+�1 to a Box Number. ogre o2 The Huron Expeatbor. -for 1e cents aecomtpani'st or 'organist. tives for a month,' hitt) and all he needed in a remark- 'these wane th@ happiest days .ln. their gates wherever a -galbe was .needed , h� , IM'n Limp had calluses so bad he Yggng Feople Meet able wan .as it was easily warmed whole li'voes'. ,fid he, s great believer in air{• 11, cpuq�tA d.4 r'. on per week will be charged it ads in above classes are not paid by the used a cane. (Cress Corn 'Salve ban- The Ypung Peoples League of the and everything W&s near at band' a r@m'ember Tom' (MoGregor well der -drains and, spent much in 't1R•in- . r uw %e''4 as greet in the weak an which the. ad was Hua ish•ed' them forever, At Hemphill's United ,C'hurch held their regular but did nott know him 'but recall one ilii$` ,over what) wait, obh'erwise +waQtei r I'll. 18es and Deaths kuserted free of charge. Drug Store. 3518-1 weekly meeting on M'ond'ay evening, particular incident, that happened alt'land Hie used to 90e • nlatlm l$ales, Nettie roc Creditors, Etc. --Rates on application The services in t e' three- local wh'ic'h took the form of a m'other's Tam's house one night. He was in beep a good P v • h which the Band paraded to the Odd- the house "and Heard sbmothing and make lots of syrup and map]* t churches were all well attended on and daughter's meeting and was ar- Fellows' Hall and rendered a few sac- ' . (s'u'gar. and an rsort or persons Ilia Tenders Wanted Sunda last it ,bein known as ranged b 'Miss 'Greta Lammlie, It 1s4.W-hiing cit( the popsicle of ,the .1 Im Y g g y peninlg around abouct finishing rthhe1 red numbers On the street wllich were , 'Articles For Sale h aft h' h db • h ebbed th t- ick a '`''1't "SITE'S A SANDY rW . 'Ip „••,,• is Glen Mary or .the Senator Strawberry .r.' k. so act quick. Plants erre limited, 9 ,`� � 4d , i����rlap, F11a �APr Prices are 86c per hundred or 200 for $1.00; y;4 ll ,;"' a aimtited supply of Early Cobbler pots- ,�ep >6oes'from ;imported stock. Reverse the phone charge. Pelton 34-616. Seaforth. HUGILL'S "": POTATO FARMS. $5'18x1 iA t� �i OR :'SALE -A QUANTITY OF SEED Battey. Apply 6o J. W. MODELAND. Egmpridville. Phone 143-4. 3516-3 t`r l „ . FiOR SALE -FOR CASH, FORD TUDOR - A good car at reasonable price- MR. FEAST, the Manse, Seaforth. 3515•Nf " T - For Sale or Rent, DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE - TO close the estate of the late Isabella Ress, the dwelling house on Centre Street must be sold. Electric lights, town water, cement cis - term, all in good condition. Possession ar- ranged. A. D. SUT WRLAND, Seadorth. 3513-tf CHOICE PROPERTY FOR SALE I. • The Residence of Mrs. Barbara Johns on Centre Street. Bath, toilet, electric lights and stove, town water, barngarage. Splendid condition; well laea'ted: inspection invited. Possession ar- •ranged. If nold sold, will be rented. 1. A. D. SUt'E IRLAND 8517-2 Poultry BIG REDUCTION IN TOP NOTCH CHICKS FOR .. MAY J Day old Leghorn Chicks 8c, Barred Rocks and Whrite Rooks 9c. Started Chicks up to 3 weeks' old, 2c pex chick more; 10 days, 3c; '2 week, 4c; 3 weeks„ 6c per chicle more. ' • - Leghorn pullets, day old 18c, week, old 20c, . ' 2 weals 22% 3 weeks 24c, Leghorn cockerels, day old 2c, week old 3c, 2 weeks 4e, 3 •weals 5c. R.O.P. sired, Government approved frnm bllood tested` breeders.' I. I. Top Notch 'Chick. Hatchery � .. _ J ,29 Ontario iSt. Phone 1257 STRATFORD . 5518-1 Notice ERs WILL BE Nllothers Day. Carmel Presbyterian REIVED FOR D Church anniversary services were and r opened, with a ymn, er w 1c enjoyed • all. Greta Lammie led in prayer. The j' Ye by or, a 'gr a oo ) an 'opened the door quietly, There was were mVell ttreut7ed, as I kraomv tErom @Z- ' sme21 ')Darn at the Manse in Egmandv,Vie, 20 x 30, until 7 o'clock May 25th, boy the held as reported in this column and W M. S. Meets Scripture lesson was ' read by Mrs. The May meeting of the W.X1S. 'minutes a big coon which Tom tackled with perienoe. The 'Robertson home was always a , Y - 1 + s neta,r . I es Arab two sma)1 iMori gates., d y an r ens s at the United' Church a large m g the last A ,Clarke- the l i 83' -'Of h , Presbyterian n• yr was of Carmel 'Presbytelna Church I I 'bhe bo' and ter a rest bat- h I boot -jack of J g ! folly' place to 'go. I have attended clic sate s feet gong. w1zzIAM FINNlGA.N, Secretary; JALTA ALLAN, Chairman. choir featured the services morning meeting were read and approved', af- held in the basement ,of the church tle meas able tb see what he had 'been several good jolly .gatherings there. t , 3518-2 and ev'enang and special numbers were ter which the following programme on Thursday, with (Miss VcGregor ) fighting with. As the night was very When a crowd, of Robertson's and mfile- given. In addition to vocal numbers, was given: ,Solo, •Ruthie Hess ac- presiding. The meeting 'opened with dull and dark, he could not tell until Gregors-got, ,l6ogeth'er a 'good time . ^ ' --- - Mr. Batters -by and sons rendered a companied by 'Mrs. Hess; Miss Cull- a hymn; Miss McGregor led in pray- he had it 'killed and then he was assured for old and young. Auction Sales fine trio' at the morning service. Miss sitt galve, a very interesting topic on er, and the )Sc'riptnlre lesson was read found out to his great, sorrow that I remember when the 'oldest 'dau h ' Eleanor Fisher was, accompanist or "'Missionaries)"; a quartette in the by Mrs. J. A. 'Bell. The roll call was he hand killed his neighbor's: pet coon ter (Minty) was married' too Robeemt AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- or'gani'st. I form of a play was 'given by Marion taken and was responded- to by a which had wandered over after dark. Tait and they celebrated, their .64th , fecty1 a;t Egmondvr3le on Saturday, May Mother Dies Here Paisley, Mary Clarke, )Pearl Harpole verse on ",Courage." This, was fol- ge• It beloruged to John McGlegor's' boys wedding anniversary not Tong ago. • 19th, at,• 1:50 sharp, canslliti 4�; of: Dining room table, dining room chairs, kitchen The village was suddenly shocked and Jessie Paisley, accompanied' by lowed by the business period; The and used to ftollow them all over the I also remember when, Robert- rocks, r chaixs, rocking charas, staves, boas. springs, b the INm• suddlen death of Mrs. Y y 'Mrs, Paisley. The meeting closed' minutes of $lie last meeting were g farm and if it saw a dog coming it 'sit •Peter son took his leave for Mamiebaba , , etc„ d¢ staha cstavex, sewing ma Webb, mother -of Mrs. R. J. Moore, with' a hymn and, the Mizpah Bene- read and approved. Arrangements would ,climb up and on their ,about the year 1880. 'Ere was. keep- , chine, couches, rug, quantity of carpet, oil cloth, clothes -horse, screen doors, window ,of this village, who was visiting at diction. After the meeting contests , were made for the W.MJS. Birthday shoulders. This" story was told me' , , ing company with one of Andrew screens, cave troughs, window frames, reed the homer of her daughter and son3-ing were .given, arranged by (Mass Gladys party to be held on June 13th, when by Hugh MoGregbr who now lives. Dodds' girls. 'Since the Dodds' fam- trougha, bone areal, tare chains, car jack, law. Mrs, Wlebb brad not been very Passmore. Mrs, A. Taylor, of God'erich, will be on Toms farm. ,He was one of the ily was •going West, ,Pete could not' • DeLavarl dream separator, ('new), veranda well for some little time but hem svd- neat ladders, quantity of turnrrps, lawn mow- Mrs. A. Hamilton was taken to the gusset speaker and give the pro- Clinton on Friday of last week, where boys who owned the. coon and knew all about the tragedy. ,bear to see his best girl go and leave er, forks, s'hovels,'rake, wheelbarrow, dishes, den death came as' a great shock on. Ev- 3r vincial report of the W:M,S. held in she was operated 'on, for appendicitis. Tom )McGregor was of a quiet dos'- him' bene, and he was not in ver+g hi'sl " pots, pans and ,numerous other articles. Tuesday evening. The remains have eryahveirg to be soca as proprietxrns is giving been taken to her home in Lucknow Toronto. Mrs, James Bonthron sang M. !Roy Parlmer is in Toronto a beautiful solo and Miss, McEwan posirtion. Consequently he stayed good humor for sometime anis , , father asked him what was wrong- up housekeeping, Terms -cash- MRS. M. J. MbELROY, Proprietress; George H. Elliott, for interment. where she (lad an operation on her gave an interes'tin'g and instructive much around home and minded his . Pete'said said rhe wanted to go tq ,Muni-.' I Auctnoneer. 3518-1 , The new service station has been throat. Miss Margaret !Habl irk is address on ",Frontier Work." The own -business, but when all was over tuba with the Dodds, aro his, father , I openled for (business but 'a special taking hem place during her absence offering was `then taken and dedicat- he left the world somewhat better told him to .go, lb'bat he could do mare AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE HOUSE part in connection with it will be the as stenographer with Cook Bros'. ed which was followed by a hymn than whery he arrived. for him t'here..than here. 'Peter went , • I AND LOT AND CONTENTS OF SAME opealing Of a lunch room bn' May 22, Master Bobbie 'Collyer was taken and tT&m. Wbrkmlan led in prayer. The to the Children's Hospital in Thomas Robertson and he and the girl were married , ' I TILE TOWN OF SEAFORTH which, we believe, will be in charge (Sick meeting closed by singing' the Na- Thomas Robertson owned and lived some time after.' Maggie m''arrIM � XEC'UTOR, OF THE ESTATE OF of a lady. Soft drinks, candies ice London the beginning of the week for tional Anthem. on 'the next farm south 'of 'McGregor's Jack -Dodds many years .after and ' " 1 Jean Brawn, mate of the Town of sea- cream, tlobacco, etc., will be served. a mastoid operation. Public School Report :first place. IHIis wife was a Mic'Gre- they also went Wiest. Grace married - North, Married Woman, deceased. has In- Mr. W. O. Goodwin of the Hensall strunted Geo. H- Elliott, Auctioneer, to sew Miss M. ,Hunrter of Exeter is vis- The following is the report of the g p ' gor, a sister of Tom, John, Archie Gid, 'H>abkark. I think the dance that , by 'public aulctibn on Saturday, June 1. 1935, iing Mlaliufa,eturing ,Co.,'C'a.whale assisting 're'latives and friends- in' town. Hensall Public School flet :March circ and Duncan, and made a goad, wife' followed the wedding was as liiviely at 2 P.m- sharp, on the prmnises, the follow- in the changing around, :some o the gig f Mr. Maynard of Toronto spent 'the April: Room I- -Sr. N- _ r pr' Mary to Tom' Ro'berts'on. an affair as Wook 'place in that H'o'mes ing desirable property: The west half of machinery in the plant, had the mis- Lot 'Number 194 on the. north side of Huron week -end with friends in town, , Clarke 80, Jack Bell 77, Elva Mc_ (Miss' Nellie Carmichael of Exeter He was one 'of the best farmers --in They too went Wiest. This is a: Street, Jarvis survey of p'a'rt of the Towyn of fortune while palling 'on' a board con- Queen 77, Pearl Harp'ole 76, Goldie it'he lrocalityi and always• .kept a good sample of •'the way t 'at old Ontario Seaforth. On said Lot is erected a fine 1%- nested with one of the machines to spent the week -end with Miss Ethel Cross 74, ,Barbara Shepherd 73, Nel- class of both horses and cattle anid was drained Of her splendid.' manhood - storey frame dwelling containing 7 rooms and have it break thro'win'g him to the 'stoves Murdock. r lie Fee 67, Keith (Buchanan 66, Alice knew that if there was no profit in in the early eighties. They went a - woodshed, 'heated by, and lighted by floor and ,breaking one of his ribs e+lectrici:i tr., The property ,is in good repair g Rev. Mr, Hendry' is attending. the Pfaff. 6'6, Ellgiii'J'ohnston F6, Dow las g good feeding there was less In poor. . way front' -fere by the' trainload and. ' ' oma is centrally iacated being but a block off in the fail. Synod in,London this week. g Sangster 6b. Jr, IVB-Niorma Cook It did a ers'on�' obd•to p g go around his 6 settled in Manitoba and a question " Main Street. A number ofOddfrellows from Hen- Mr. 'Hagan of Parkhill spent the 48 Russell 'Hedien 78, Lorna Zuefle ' sta'bl'es and 's'ee what care' and com- arises (here: Were. the early spfitlersl At the some time and place the following , chattels will be. sold by public auction: Two call. and ,vicinity joined - with their week -end in town visiting ,his br0- 76, Jim C'arivpbell 75, 'Carey Joynt 75, fort meant. I never heard of Tom r ` ' In 'Old. Ontario any 'better class of 8 -piece bedroom- suites, 1 dining room table.. Bra. efleld •brethren. in their 'an'nivers- tier, Joe Hagan, Gerald Passmore 7.5,, Billy Higgins 6,4, Robertson being short of feed for•his, people in anyway than, those that •„ i writing der�k. 1 electric 'chandelier, i kitchen ary Cbsurch services on Sunday even' Rev. Mr. Young had charge of one Max ''Hudson 68, James) Alexander 54, stock. He always had a g eat.,pile of left here to settle 'Manitoba? I say cabinet, 1 -hall rack, 5 rocking chairs, ,16 in last ''high, g of the Presbyterian churches in Ham, . *Lloyd (Brock 49 Blanche Thompson y stable manure and always had fine Y no, for ever Tom Dick and HS , Y '' ' ch'ai'rs, 1 chair, 1 sofa, i corner what- _. - not, 7 small tables, 2 beds, 1 chest of draw- G ers, 1 wash stand, 3 old country chem. 1 Death of Mrs. Buchanan 11tOri on ,Sunday last. Y 47, *:George' iSangster 42. Sr. III- 'Miss 'Margaret Buchanan, R.N., is ,H'owarA Love 72, Ronald Parker 71, crops. I recall one incident in' which I had did not come from 'England, Ireland and ,Scotland to settle 'old Ontario, ,' • sideboard, 1' kitchen table, 1 drop-learf table, The death occurred -on Thursday af- here waiting • on- her father, Mr. Alex. Shirley Twitchell 66, Audrey Twit- 'a :hand. MY, Robertson bad 'a fine neither did every Tom, Dick •and' 1 Dave sewing machine, 1 Quebec heating te'rnoon of last week of one of our stove, 1 cooking stove, 2 coal oink stoves.mi Bvchanara vv�ilo has been quite poor- chell 66, Cecil_ Ki er 65, Laird Hud- Pf draft mare wbich had a ver lar e y g H stagy le'av'e here to sett)¢ our rWiesit- spinning wheel, 1 clock, 4 pictures, dishes olde,�Jt and, most highly respected resi- ly ,of late. hon 65; •Raye Foster 62, Iva Allen 48, leg and was getting worse and a re- ern Canada. But thnaa' with amM- and other goods too.numerous to mention, all dents in the person of, the late Mrs. • Council Meets *Garnet Allan' 44. * 'Missed exam- quest was -sent back to my' father's tion 'to prosper and start new. homes ' err good condition. Terms on Property -Ten percent of pug- William ,Buchanan, whose maiden The regular meeting of the village illations �C, H, 'Blower; Teacher. place for one o£ 'the boys to Dome out for themselves make a move of that chase price on day of sale; 'balar a within name was Jane McAllister, born in council was held Wednesday evening Intermediate: Sr. III - Harold to the. bush after d,inrker and shoot , kind. thirty days. Lachute, Quebec, over 90 years, ago. in the council chamber with' all the Koehler 83, Mary Goodwin 71, Norris this mare, so I -was appointed to be 1 remember Tom IRoberitsbn reagag � � ' Terns on Chattels -Cash. Mrs. Buchanan at her ad'vanc'ed' age For ,fuon yteils-lays and conditions of g members -being present. The min- McEwen 70, Margaret Bell 65, June the executioneer. I weui out with ing James and John Newell arid''Rabt sale amply to had during the past year or sb been Utes ,Qf the previous two meetings Sa'undercock 65, Madeline Valandeg- my fa`ther's fine shot'''gun' and Jim Chapman to clear some bush at the , , JOHN J. HUGGARD, sea&ortih, Ont., in declining health, but up until then were read and adopted. Jas. Sang- hem 62. Jr. IIT --Marion Drummond Robertson came.,with the mare and back end of the farm about the year solioftor for Executor. , had been wronderfully srm'art and ac- bier reported as regards, the wants 82, Emily Hoskin 7'8, Robert Comer- of course T .was' ready with a' good 1886. The three lads lived in a small G. H. Elliott, • Auctioneer, tive and. enjoying life, (being of a of the Fire Department as 'being 100 on 77, Reta Bell 71,Jessde Paisley change of 'torts-hort', -Drina 'barrel and bag ho'wse oni?he ;back 50 acre farm ' DATED May 14, 1935: 5518-3 very bright and sunny disposition and feet of hose, 1 double connection and: 70, Jack Shepherd 69, 'Donald' Joynt after a' good aim' let it 'go and the and kept batch. They',used to. come I ' fond bf meeting wiith .her friends. She 8 pairs of rubber boots, also the frame 68, Preston Lemmbn' 67, Robert Hess mare fell over, apparently dread'. For to my father's , to grind 'the'ir axes , r., . Births was a great fambrite, with all who work to support the fire: tanks in 63, -Carl Datars' 62, Margaret Sang- some time -she kept breathing and They cunt dowi�t n a lbt of as fine so ,had! the pleasure -of. her acquaintance. the hall. • Motions included the fol- ster 62, Marion Paisley 57, Ross Jima asked- me if I ,had anything in elm trees as grew in Huron C'oun'ty BROWN -In Scott Memorial Hospital, sea- Previous to the church union she was lorn'g: Robison and Petty: That we, Green 55, Robert 'Sangster 49. Sr. the -other tb'arrel: " •I said I had a and the bulk of, them lay there and ••• . forth, on may 15th, to Mr. and Mas. Ed- a member of the Presbyterian c'h'urch purchase the necessary supplies for I'%R-oss' Kennedy 82, John Beer 75, charge of fine shot and he told me rotted, or were burned where they • , ward Brown, F,gmondvilje, a daughter. and after that of the United Church, the Fire Departmen't.--�Carried. Shep- Lois IM -Laren 75, Robert Nicoll 70, to give ber-that, ,so I did and, do you 'know, fell, as it was not oonsidered Worths and while her health permitted was herd and Sangster: That the Proper- James -Sangster 68, Gordon Campbell the mare jumped up. I loaded while taking the logs• to market. Mr. r I ' RUTLEDGF in Scott'Menorini Hospitai, sea- most faithful in her attendance, bbtb- ty Committee, loofa after the purchase 68, Shirley Fairhairn 67, Raymond the -gun again with a heavy charge Robertson asked•my father and I to forth, on May st0h, to Mr. and Mrs. K•, F. t th 1, h d 'BVI' ' TT n 66 J me CI'arke 65 Joe . f d d' b k h d' I -Rutledge (nee Dorothy Drager), of Walton, a daughter. a e c - an l- nary a weekly prayer meetings. She was for the Fire D'e'partment, -(Carried. gl s , •a s , i'ertty ,and 'Sangster: That the Old Marks 60, Donald Willard 59, Mildred o pow er an u'c . a of an gort In front of h'er again and' gave her cut some, of them m'to stove wood which we did and On making a +art BOYD-In scoot Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, made a life member of the W. M. S. Boys' Committee be (granted the full Brock 55, Howard Smale 27.-M. A. than. She fell -over but got up on we selected as fine 'a looking tree as hn `Friday, May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyd, a daughter. man Y yeas ago. Leaving the )none privileges of the pink to deal with Ellis, Teacher. her front legs and once more loaded' was amongst them, about three reel SNELL `In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea• stead 'farm a mile or so west of this as they see fit for the reunion. -Car- Room I!II: Jr, 11- Marian Mac- the gun with lots of powder and, in diameter with the bark off, and forth, on May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Helmer village, ,she, together with her late ried. George Walker reported re Laren 19, Mona Hedden 73, Donald more buck -shot, gave her ,that and the grain of the wood was clean and Snell. of Seaforth, a daughter (Alberta Jean). husband, who pre'decease'd her 18 the rent of the hall as being $43.00 Bell 69, Elaine Hoskin 68, Ronald -over she went again only to get up. straight, and when we had a few • TOWN OF SEAFORTH years ago, moved into the village and thus became -one of its early resi- for the month of April and one out- Stephen) 66, Alvin Smale 64, Jack s'tan'ding account of the Firemen. Drysdale '54, *-George Otterbine 4,5, By this time my father and Tom Robertson appeared on the 'scene and. blocks cut off I suggested we see how it would split, but Tom said never I • Street OilingDeaths dents. She leaves to mourn her dearth sons daughters, their Petty and 'Robison: That 'Ge -o, 'Valk- Alpine 'McEwan• 45. Sr. I - Donald Shepherd 'Gloria Twitchell 65, my father said I had, shot 'too low •mind, it will (split all right, w we cut c eight and' names g g er he paid' the ruin' of $40 as part 72, and showed me where the fatal spot most of the long trunk and" we Any ratepayers desiring their streets oiled - - - - ROULSTON�uddeniy at 84 Ba7anora9 Ave-, being: Rev. Robert, of Albany, Ore salary. -Carried. Carried. _ J. A. (Paterson, Ronald Bell 64, Bobby Cook 54. Jr. y -was. I put in more powder and buck P thought ght Wle Would split some for a will kindly attach their manes to the pati- Tl ronwn. on May 15th, Mrs. Thomas Pon'; Rev. David, of 'San Diego, Cal,; Clerk, reported his conversation with I -Mac Zuefl'e 85, 'Catherine 11- shat and shot where be said was the change and db g you know, we had to ' tions for their respective streets, which are now being ciremlated Pertvtioms must be in Rou'�ton. John Dile 'of the Professors in the O. + the 'County Engineer, also the C-oun- ton 79, Mariam 'Green 74, (Mabel Fair- right place and she went down again use a (beetle and wedge to split every by Monday, May 20. A.C,." College at Guelph; Isaac, a ty Treasnlrer. Shepherd and Robison: "bairn 70, *'Shirley Wolff 59, Harold) but Poi up on her fronft legs. But block we had cut, so we cut no more - Helo Wanted JOHN A, WILSON, Clerk merchant at Toronto; Peter.,, a mer- chant St. Thomas, Mrs. Agnes That we assign the property pug- Bell 58, *Tielen Wolff 55. Sr, Primer Sangster 86 Marian San the next effort did th'e trick. Both of that tree. There was a piece of •,,.,g p at and chased at the tax sale on the 21st -Norma g , g- the old mere s id she was the hardest a hardwood bush, mostly dowmi Mr, Nelson Blatchford weed and rani- McDonald, of the home. There are. day ,of November, 1934, namely bots atter 80, .Patsy -McDonnell 77, Ruth horse to kill -they 'had ever seen. ,slowly the previous surniner and we, out it SAiMSMAN WANTED FOR SELLING tart'- Inspector, will make his rounds orf in- also, 26 grandchildren and 4 great 212 and 213, Pertty's survey, to Fi C. Hess 76, Mina MCEwan 75, Annie Some bime later I took an axe and all into stove wood and cleaned up spection of the village of Hensa'll during the , automobiles: real opportunity for reliable � andrehildren. The deceased also -1 ,Petty Kalbfleisch. Carried. Pert an Vanlandeghem 74, Mervyn Stephen examined •her skull and found most ev thin 'end the ery g, price we received third week of May. Our citizens are asked to govern themselves accordingly. man. Commission dna salary. Apply?COOK BRos-, Hensall, ort 4617-2 lealv'es -two ,sisters, Mrs. J. Elliott, of Robison: That the Band be granted 71, Sandy McArthur 69. Jr. Primer of the shot stuck in the skull. The was forty-five cents per cord and By Order. Alberta and Mrs. J. King, of Vying- the use of the hall', on May 19th for --Donna McEwan 77, Douglas Cook thickness of the skull was extreme, :board ourselves. That was the ral- ha'm, and one 'brother, Hugh McAl- a sacred concert free of charge.- 74, George Beer 73, Alma Bell 72.- even for ,buckshbt with lots of powder -ing price then- in those days, or 35 - Hensall Board of Health Announcements r lister, of New Westm'inster, B.C. The Carried. Bills and ac'coun'ts were Beryl Pfaff, Teacher. behind it. cents and your board, . "" James A Paterson, Secretary. AWLEIGH,S ,GOOD HEALTH PRODUCTS R funeral service on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock was conducted by her read as follows: C. Wolff, repair- .ing catch basin, 75c; 'G. Walker, part . ' . 3517-2 -P�e living im. Hulleht will •please pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, of the Unit- salary $40 'Ilensall Hydro 8731• G have their orders ready during the next' ed Church, •'H'ensall. Although the Walker, relief transients, $10,25; W. VillaVillae of Hensall three weeks. SAM CARTER. Phone -268-W, ge . seaX9rrth_ 3518x1 CfvneraI wk, $2; as a private one, there were Green, relief, mil W. R. David- , very large number of relatives and Court of Revision � ., - son, relief, coal,, $6; C. Hudson, re- , intimate friends from many pies pairs, Fire Dept„ 80c; H. Hoggarth, NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A HILLSGREEN - present. The -pallbearers, were John repairs, Fire Dept., 80c; 'School Board 11 )court of Revision of the Assessmef,t Ron Zu'e e' John M. Bell' , current a Donald Burns, n'ses, $1,590.00• Bonthro Of the Village of HensaA for the year 1935. expenses,, n will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall. will DataT5, Dr, A. Moir and &Drysdale, Aupgxlaes. hall, $11.35 ; G. Hensall,'on Monaiay, Mao- 27th, 1985, at 7.30 messms,, Charles Hagan of Zurich Thomas Laing. Thee floral tributes M. Case, teaming ($6.70), coal, hall, P.M. JAMES A. PATERSON. and Dan Hagan of 'Parkhill called on were many and ;beautiful. The re- ($32), $38.74; W. R. Davidson,, -coal, village Clerk friends during the week. mains where interz,fdl in the Hensall hall, $20.38; F. G. Borithron post- ., - DATED at Hensoll May 10, 1935. 'Mrs. Kenny of Seattle, Wlash., who Union cemetery. age and exchange, $3.58; J. I Pat- . 3518-2 has spenit several weeks visiting her The Alrnold Circle of the 'Presby- erson, premium on bond, $20; County TOWNSHIP OF TUCKDRSMITH mother, Mrs. Cochrane and family, terian Church held their regular of Huron, indigent, $8.75; Treasurer has left for her ,home, monthly meeting at the Manse on of Ontario, licenses, $6. Total, TOWNSHIP COUNCIL WILL MEET Little Ian McAllister, son of Mr. Monday evening, opening with a $1,676.67. Petty and Sangster: That as a Court of Revision on the Assess- and (Mrs. James McAllister, who has hymn after which all repeated the the accounts ag read be paid,,-ACar- ment Root in the Council Chamber, Seaforth, had a cast on his limbs for several Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scrip- ried. Robison and Petty: That we on Saturday. June 1, 1935, at 1 p.m. Ap- peals against the assessment roll must be In months, has -bad it taken off and we ture lesson was read by Miss Dorothy hold the Court of%Revision on the i. the hands of the Clerk on on or before May hope he will be much improved in Datars. Business was then discuss- assessment roll on Monday, May 27, 23, 1935. walking n1ow. ed and 'Miss 'Irene Datars gave a very at 7,30 p.m. -Carried. Robison and: D. F. McGR.EGOR, Clerk 3617-2 interesting and instructive topic on Petty: That we now adjourn_�Car- • i "Japan." The meeting closed' with a ried.-James. A- 'Pa'terseon, Clerk. KIPPEN hymn and the 'Mazpah Benediction. Will Hold Concert ^` Notice to Creditors (Mrs. H. Workman is visiting this Thel lH'emall QU7,ensf Band' will 1 For Sale+�All kinds of ftil'oe posts, week at the home of her son-in-law render a sacred concert in the Town N`; N�OTI'CIE TO CiRE1DITORS braces and wire. Emery variety of and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Britton, ]rail here on .Sunday evening assist - near Dublin. ed b the Stratford m'a'le quartette, V ' NOTIGE Is HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT grass seeds, Master Chick Starter and Y q , " to -the statures in that 1>fsha>f, that an Feeder; also all kinds of Essex grown The W1M.S. of the Chiselhurst also local talent. '. United 'C'h'urch entertained the W. M. i,.r rierson.4 having Claims against the Estate of Government tested Seed COTTI. Y011 Band Organizes ;,a.' John Hildeebrand, rate cif the Town of Pea- S. Of the IIIIensall United: 'Church Ori can save money by 'buying early. Al- The Band held their regular prac- 4,•,:. foiith, in ilia Country of'Huror, Widower, de• Tuesday afternoon. t, ceased, who died an or abon!t the 30th day one top buggy; in good repair. W. Tice, also an organization meeting, Ali.' of April, 1935, are required tto forward their E. Butt, Ki-ppen. Phone 41-91, Hen The following item, which appear- on Wednesday evening at S p.m. in t., claims duty proven to the unders'ivned solid sa1L 3514-tf ed in one of the London Dailies, will the band' room, and the election of -1,��.: icor, ono rs^ before the 7th day of dune, 1935, rico doubt be of interest to many of officers took place as follows: Hon- Va°F' I after whacih date the Executor will proceed to I our. Hensall readers as the groo a President, r )Egad O. C,aodwin v+�' dLvft, bate the estiarte, hrtding regard only to Ti• U + , & : and ,being responsible only for the claims of HENSALL was an old Herlisall boy: "(Simpson- pies lent, Earl Drummond; Viee� X. 11 tv,hl$ i he shall -ahem have had "ubtim Gal -torn --A pretty wedding was so -1- pent James' A. Paterson Band ,•' ` DATED auras 17th, 1935. emnized 'on Friday at WNtecburerh, Master, Nathaniel Battersby; A:ssist- r JOHN X BEST' , Y , g ant -Band Master, Laimee Battersby; a Present Minstrel Show when Gladys Dorello d`au hoer of , li Solicitor for the Executor. ^3519-3 The IHlensall (Minstrels, under the WT. and Mrs. George 'Garton, was Secretary -Treasurer, yAlfa+ed Clark; I � .1;. auspices of the Board of 'Commerce, united) in marriage to' William C. Bandro'om (Orderly, Ddi+ald Hoggai'th; tl�'' NOTICiEI TO t3RE1T51ITOiRIS motored to W4nigham',on Monday lerv- Simp�sony of Detroit, tM'Ych. , The ewe- Social Committee, Scott (Welsh, Carl 4 ening! last to putt on the show which m,ony was performed by Rev. J. Pot-, passmore Orn*al 'W'orkman Alfred„ DAVID ALU= )'lr CiANIMLON, late of they first presented here a few weerks lock, -4, tbritle, ,, uvea given in Smiith; Music 'Attendant, Frank Bat - 1i ti 41 village -of Hessan, in the Counttp o8 agto and were greeted by a very large mar';Age by her :C6, r, was charm- tern . . 'rt zl{ra+a4s, Gerrtlerstarn, deceased. number that !filled the spacious ]fall ingly attired in aquariilarin'e blue and The Hensall Citizens' •Hand, mum- vtlrttq PERSONS having maims agaimh't the and wlio were,. 1 leased with the wore ra rshloulderette of rose -buds and berin 24 . layers under the leader- ; ... " tamtbc dmceased ar4e " finish. . -sweet •p'egs•. The bridesmaid was Miss ship-, orf Natbsttiej' 'Battersby, made I4 ,i cif the said $heir claims duly, s}vow fro= start, td he di�atstrtieil-Wklr4ftt for 'are �Ahlni �endices will be held Florence Clarke Of Ubndon wfia Ware their debut bn !Sunda May '5th, ' "1. versary. , , Y,. y ;t� 1 A alar the, e, AW of the said de- in time United Ohu*1 rata the coining a becoming dress of rosewood cre- .e. hen they led 'the ui: �tid d0, , a turn g g P w ey parade 'af the mem- Y."3k.� , , 16ttr sod �, �t 5y :prhicar a •Snmxiay, 1212ap 19th; s when Rte, i1 , The bride's youugcS't ]norther, ge bars of the 1S.e'gtion to the Bean 7, ( s tvlil Ytxtvctnd .to cis- Mbtllt�rller of Aulliuxn roWi11 aanelivat stir- Garton, of WHitetllurch, wafsegt Church. The players marched: like 111, ah ti' , , Oh OPa laid �Wtate, kavlmg g , g, { ' 's � „ 1 1 ; rb41 .oiwi xbVitahlA tinge v'iee,§ bdUh, motiti ng� chic) evening acrd. malt+: The )bride s' rather was awn veterans and, they played) ivonde lly ;'- Laid: , •,' .. t in adds 1 110"11116* ibltiit, +the ell in black -crepe, and 4a;mFinaurve 06nsridering That, >•th4o- bays; Hever, , r " .� tfordl -vnll dweet r�pe & Vire �. Iy,• ^r,tlK..dt+'. ri,1;. i9ff5.' Sm11'ers it rkvC ."',-''tlr''s ino(E}le�r, knew 11aw to 'blows Bern before Jail-_. ,rwrtde ` a r ,' tR flak��rp pall ir>=; ate' of ding. Miry.im�piststt, CNe tD�ti�ait; ronaei' °'in teary; 1936. l� lite evening the $$ani# )r __ ar s ' {V t :< „' i , Clrlalnrt`%�• arepaa WPith ibiiO Yk a@c ay ,1h$ rad' for lire t3ddfelloyvm to% Y 1� ,fit. rink °� yCn..hr r ;Jf '!^., ., ro �i.. ,,7�.'' i. a ....si.. d,.i� ry. ;,: t- .ice' .,,. •r.:; v' 35 64 � e, �2 9 s. l�tltvlin ..thy. �ertz~riiit i a .wed-' �,.. ��� k�,���. , �, ,, t ,:' : .11'9' g... S', ;lv�m R�res;by'iai{tiiiihi;t' 0r ��:;