HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-05-03, Page 810_;see ��� � zl . nx wellao-<Ib imp. :tt �s� , 1 V 1 i 11 al l IANNVAL ALLOW uvsO na'b1 through p on ?s so f Xyl 4Y rljr r a tv r 1',. .: .. y «v(�;, < I ma ., the of the pre 'homes a?hd. wgAl! Posta I r elk 0oft , ' !y 11t I?N' +1, mdu i o Petitions that the, R % GUIs e a 'h'o7yday. 'Nr� etc l.a a wt'lk •tlh 1n,thet' ,o the de'liv�xe�iil wou Dow tire that d'.. Yi?� ' 1a ' w>Q.rh ha's' �p iosipaied iu J'aipam 'Mrs. Ajdug s , 2 POUNDS at the Pont Office wh11;;,1�er apehu- from ' aA Bell presided over the mee, ,v.,.��, . ` ,j : bi'1 1 .nu+•,' °` T... .,'in Ili" J. J. Hmggaz+cl i•eati: the' �� ,`�;, � lit, t .,, � . ,//.�f, p 12, nwlom', ut1, +P Mta'!�� '9t7�.. F.�e . �; W "'rr zJ dl s ;!) a�` '" - 252 'd�('S, 11eC1 aS' US7:a.�, Ra6i re .1leSson whiell 'WIa9 111i0'FY'e,(i1,:. . i1 .Y. • $} j ..G .A l Air. .:' ;by �t . �+ s-te'r message b :.111. 9 Ella, ", OMMS 5C Junior Women s Institute Will �ldter. Mks. M. lVlleKdllam zeal ,tha Friday May 3 at 9 PM. , pounds ................ . • Meet.--T1ze annual meeting of the current events and Mrs. Ball ;held 't'h�e � y fr',3';rtn t'r t Junior 'Wiomen s Institute' • will he business' period. A very pleasing k F '' T KR2SPlTES C duet The Christ of the ,t tr il, l package; 2 for ....... 25c 'h'eld at the home of Mrs, Keith Web- u eaztitled; MZISZC b� tZi xF'}1 Ix„ 1� �i7 ster on Wednesday of next week. The Cro'ssy" was'sung 'by Mfs. J. A..Kerr l ONtI at ..... G n feesll will tlwe ani erect by paYanent Patterson, accompan- and by ss quartette, J, t consisting tig, The Per A Red Jackets and A. Mtun t s TI3D CHEESE McKillop W. M, +S. Meets,—The Me- • J. E. rDaley, Mess M. �' 25Ci P. PaJbt'erson and Miss Harriet Mur NOVELTIES - LUNCH ,IRyz r 2 packages for ............. Killop branch of the W X,S. of First Jatw Freshyterian Church held their April ray, slang "Wondrous is the Story," Tickets: $1.00 a Couple I ''TWO,IN-ONE SHOE 'OLISH . meeting at the Manse on Thursday accommpa;nged by 'Mrs. M. R. Rennie. r deer tin ...... ��' las with a cod attendance of ladies The 'Glad Tidings!. Prayer was read 1 .g Extra Lady, 50 Cents. present. ;Mrs. T. L. Belli presided ov- by Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs. F. W. TOMATO JUICE at i ' 5C es• the short program' 'which opened W'a and Miss +B'ella Watson, tender- TOMATO a.,heart vote of thanks to Miss U.M' .. per tin ......... • .......... with a 'hymn. The Scripture lesson y r'. -- wa's read by Mrs. John Carter and'( ea"n for her splendid idleness on t,,u: CATSUP Japan. A delicious lunch was serv- C Mrs. J. L. Bell led' iln prayer. An in - large bottle at ............. ed when many of the ladies were griv- spiring Eas'te'r message was given by .-•ileg'ed to meet (Miss McLean. GHERKINS PICKLES M•ns. H. C, Feast and Mrs. William i lar 50c now 2'5e Drover closed' the meeting with regu• . . . • . . • • • • prayer. The hostess serlvled a dainty , Death of Mrs. C. E. Smith.—Many PIICK.LEs 25L, lunch and a (pleasant time was spent. sincere expressions of regret were i' heard in Seaforth on Thursday morn - 26 1 -ounce jar A. Y. P. A. Meet.—On Wednesday ing when it became knrown that Mrs. TAPIOCA C. E. (Smith had passed' away in St. 25e evening, Arprzl 30th, the A.Y.P.A. of Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, at ten 3 pounds for ............ . . St. Thomas' Church .entertained the , i y p ' i (Bream taken for Clinton at the same yon people of the Presbyterian o'clock the (previous e'venin'g. Mrs. g Smith had undergone an o'.peratinn in k,r Vrice paid at Creamery. Church. The president, Frank Archi- the hospital a week ago 'M'onday and Master and O. A. C. Feeds. ba'1 welcomed the 'visitors and left a second operation on Thursday of the devationas part of the meeting last week, -lout she had shown marked ('� in chi of tM;ary Reid. A hymn was N; A. \✓� Routledge sung d the Scripture lesson read signs of improvement&,,whe until clot form - by evening, when a blood clot form - PHONE 166 by Stanley Dairarvice, after wh5cki ed on t'he ibi•ain and' the end came sud- Mary. Reid led in prayer and to close denly. Mrs. Smith came -to Seaforth the devotional part of the meeting, last fall with her .husband, when he Hymn 27 was. sung. H. Hays then opened a s'h'oe store in the 'theatre Motorist book the chair for the duetprogramby which hlock, and although her residence.h ny consisted of a • violin duet by Keith had been short, she had made many Mr. Sharpe and, Stewart Geddes, accom- friends who sincerely regret her parried by John Mills; a solo 'hy Louis death and who will extend the sdn- Hemberger, accom}panzed by Kathleen , ,, serest sympathy to her bereaved bus- _, ..,,., `We are Agents for many of the Stoney. '• This: was followed by a :band. Mrs. Smith was in her 55th Oldest and Strongest 'Insurance piano- duet by .John Malls and Donald' year. The -remains were taken to Companies MacTavish. Mr, Feast then gave a Sim'coe, where the funeral services Represe'n'ting both Tariff and very helpful address and the program will be held. Interment will :be made Non -Tariff, including was completed by a spelling match in in Peterborough. "LLOYDS" OF ENGLAND'. charge of Mr. Feast and ,Canon' Ap- who are offering the lowest rates pleyard. Lunch was served, after Death of Mr. John Hildebrand history. which Canon Appleyard pronounced The death occurred at the home of the Benediction. OUR POLICIES PROTECT his son, Mr. Louis Hildelbrand, in Sea - Our Service is Complete forth, on Tuesday, April 30th, of a INSURE TO -DAY Dies in Thamesville.--MTs. Charles well known resident, in the person, A. Bzului'er, wife of Charles •Brunner, of Mr- John Hildebrand. Mr. Hilde- former re'eid'en•t of Seaforth and VVATSON &REI brand had 'be•en in poor health since nephew of Mr. and 'Mrs. George the New 'Year, gradually Phone 214 : Seaforth Bunsch, of town, died in Thamesville, e y growing on de - Thursday. Despatches in dais weaker until the end came, ,The de- Speeialists ill All Lines of y p y ceased was a son of the late John papers read: 'Th'e death occurred at Hildebrand and was born on the 14th. Insurance. her home, Thamesti-ille, Thursday af- concession of Hay 74 years ago, the terno'on of Ruth A. Watts, wife of greater part of -his life having been Charles Brunner. Mrs. Brunner had ,spent in that district. Fifty -ons not been in good health for some time O O O O O 'O O O O O O 0 ,but hc'r death was. umex ect.e'd. She years ago ri ind united' ire ,marriagels'of O s p to .Miss 'Clirisinda -Mellinger, also 'of O O suffered a stroke of paralysis Thurs- I -lay, and following their marriage S. T. Holmes & Son day morning from which'she (passed had made his ,ho,m'e in Zurich un'tdl O' FUNERAL' SERVICE O away that afternoon.. Deceased w:Ls sixteen years ago, when he moved to O Main: Street, Seaforth O born 34 year's ago on the homestead, Egmon'd'ville, where he resided' until O O one -mile east of the village. She was the death of Mrs. Hildebrand four O S. T. Holmes, residence, O the youngest daughter of Mr. and years ago, since which time he had Mrs. Nels'o'n Ii. Watts, of Thamesville, O Godealch ,Srtreet, West; phone O made his home with his sloe in Sea - 119 � O' No. W-�iarles Holmes' O and was well1 and favorably known in forth. He is su'rvive'd by -three sons w O residence Goderich Street O the village. She was a valued mem- and dour dau'gh'ters, Mrs. A. Foster, O balsa; phone No. 308. � O ibpr of St. James' Presbyterian Hensall; Mrs. J. .Mo's:s and Mrs., L. O Ambulance Service O C1iuTah and as long as' her health I Wood, London; Mrs. J. Vincent, Pres- <> Night ca'll's, Phone 308. O permitted was active • in -its various ton; Messrs'. Louis and Barney Hilde- ' O '.Day calls, Phone 119 J. O organ.iza'ti'ons. She was assistant brand, Seaforth, and Mr. Arnold O Charges' moderate. O 'Mission Band leader, a member of Hildebrand, 'Geneva, Wyoming, He O O the dhoir, also a member of the Lad- is also survived iby 'three sisters and O O.O O O O O O O O O O ies' Aid arta W. M. S., also a member one- brother, 'Mr, William Hildebrand, of the I.O:D:E. Surviving are her Hiensad'1; Mrs, Thomas 'Gibson and husband, her mother and father, one Mrs. T. Ze'ttel, London, and .Mrs. J. sister, Mrs. Wallace, of New Rochell, Nott Owen Sound. The funeral will O O O O O O O O O O O O N.Y., and a brother, Edward, of Cam- take place from the residence of his O Q 'den Township." son, George Street, on Friday, May O H. C. BOX - O a` 3rd, to St. James' Church. Inte'rme'nt O FUNERAL SERVICE O Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. will be made in St. Jameis' cemetery. O Licensed Embalmer O--Egmondville Church --"See you at Church Sunday" -10 a.m., School and Ambulance ServlCe O Bible Study;"c'ommunicant's Class at LOCAL BRIEFS O Night Calls Day Calls O 10.25 a.m, in the vestry; 11 a.m., "The O Phone 175 Ph -one 43 O King,"; children's gl ry, �'_A Brother • The Canadian Legion 'are bring - 0 O of the Prince 'of Peace"; 7 P.m. , The ing the special Government' picture, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 evening service is wit'h'drawn because "Lest We Forget," to the Regent of the Y.P.S. anniw'ersaTy in Bruce- Theatre, June 17, 18 and. 19. fi elyd. Rev. J. B. Ande rssan, B.D., of o W5n'gham, is the special speaker.— Rev. . a ors,h-er , P_ Hussey, C. d O O O O O O O O O O O O p Sills, P. J. Dorsey, Patrick Nigh'`•arrd Rev. Chilies A. Malcolm, Minister• J, M. McMillan will attend a serv'ic'e Northisd'e United, Church Rev. in St. Peters Cathe'di al, London; n O WALKER'S O Harold Stainton, of James, Street Sunday, Yfay '5'th, when bhere wi11 e O FUNERAL SERVICE O Church, Exeter, will be the special special se�zviczs for the Kin'g's Jubi- O •'W. J. WALKER and O prEacher for the day, beginning the lee and also in commemraration of O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr, O week of evangelistic services. 1.1 a.m,., Ypres. O Licensed Embalmers and O What Must I Do To Be Saved?"; • 'Mrs. George i1IcIMann and Miss 7 p.m., "The Double Search." Special Willson, of Detroit, were guests at .; O Funeral Directors. O services will .be held in the churcbi O ,Day or Night Calls promptly O the home 'of 'Mr. and . Mrs. W. G. Wil - 0 night during the week excep't lis over the week -end. O attended. O S'a'turd•ay night. Rev. A. E. Elliott • +Mrs. E.. J. Trow and daughters, O PHONE 67 O of Main St. Church, Exeter, will as - O O O St Mr. St.Oli ri. Tuesday will be Ann and Peg, were week -'end guests i 004000000000 at the home of the Mis'se's Young. ;ry , Young Peoples night; Wednesday • ,Miss May Broadfoot is visiting will be Layman s night. Sunday at Port NeNon. School on Sunday morning at 10 • Mrs. Robert Bell has returned .: o'clock. �Rev. T A Carmichael M'' in_ ister, e 'First Presbyterian Church — MT. Feasts sermon. subjects: Morning, "And the Shout of the King is Among them," This service in all parts is in comm'emorati'on 'of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the coronation of King George V., and the evening .ubject, "This Canada of Ours." The mlin- "i'stry of .music, other than national hyznm,s, widl include "Open Ye the Gates" and "Look Unto M'e'." ^a. Thomas' 'Clhulrch -- Sunday school and Bible 'Glass, 10 a.m A form of prayer and of thanks'giwing to Almighty 'God for the pro'tecti'on afforded to the Kings, )Majesty dur- ing the twenty-five years- of his reign at 11 a,m. and Holy Commun- ion; sermon topic, "'The Shout of a King is Among Them," The same to her home here after spending th'e winter in Hamilton with her daugh-' ter, Mrs. R. C. Andreman. • Miss McLean, Missionary from Japan, was the guest of Mrs. Earl Bell while in town, • 'Miss Thompson, of Harriston, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Beverley (Christie. • Mrs. J. R. Hillis and family, of Toronto, are guests at th+e home of her mother, Mrs. 'G. T. Turnbull. • 'Mrs. H. E.. Smith and children were in Mnlverton last week. • Mfiss 'Mari-orie Faulkner, of Lis bowel, has, ret&ned' to her duties' at Dr. '313! asteT's office after. recover - Ing from a tonsil operation. • Miss Dorothy Wilson, of Sum-' mlerhill. 'visited leer sister, Miss Ev- elyn Wlilson, at Mr. W. A. 'Wmigh't's lash week. • Mr. John H'u'ggard, 'o£ . Toronto, form of service will be used at the is visiting at the home of his son, evening servite at 7 m., Sermon 'Mr, J. J. Hu!ggard. t topic, `The King ,Had , Recourse in • Mr- 'Garnet Free l'ef't last week ' Thy Strength." --Canon E. Alp'pleyard', for Kitchener, 'w'here 'he has obtained' 1 Rector. �* r • iDuff's' Church, McKillop.--por the Ing position, with the Schneider P'aak- EGGSt4 i summer mumt'hs the servicers at Dufr's' *,,Mr. 40in Henderson, who lunder- WANTEChurreh bilin be held at 9.30 a.m, fol- went a serious operatl'on i . Scott D lowed .by 'Sunday School.—Rev. G. Memorial Hospvtal 'tea days `go, is E. Morro M�unisteT, u , + ✓l now .making a 'very srati'sfa cto yt covery. i y' re 1 i z Barbara Kirkman Hold Thankoff- MSG Helen Rankin who spent l��, •GST i cling A very, large and interested Eat at her home 'here bier rceturn- audienrce gre'e'ted Miss Jean, McLean ed to resume 'her studie's at Loretta " of Kolbe, J•a corn, Abbey, Toronto. �''+► t •pan, Tuesday evrening ty F r in First T'resb terian Church. The , Margaret and t �,v; r �Rl� y} • Misses Florence,, Mar. d r -_ lardi'es listened with rapt a tion to Eileen Mziiray spent a few days' with " )the interestting m'ann'er in which Miss Stratford friends. 11Mc to hold of the eustottta, &ress • Mrs, E. M, '.White. and �s'o�n; :Mr. W�„ t r , Vic. G. White, of Wtalkeatvillre , , afid znranxierisRiys of the Koregms with spent forth r Easter h'ohd'a ing Toronto. 'ill hibm she work& in Japan, sh&%erself • haw returned 1 t b4hr(g a, ,Atbaargarteft teacher shd int- R• H. 'Sproat from Visiting'. with 'Oshawa friends. ' ct6r. She staitdd that wh6n the Lr'8r,vy l.>4r Ih r1,,%F1' I x rht ) n;M�i ,, �•w , A» • r,' yN� ,• (M'1'. 'Ylid M2`8. T. lupe/ Y #' a *666iLd !rare* "ChAstiato }they* an`e Aaaderaon 0 s . rr rnasi fa fl .,aYvt b'roe 'u rF the ?lair a lin y pe2zt l0asteir to Fi^es't)oll. J, iX� E 7 r rfl d,• t :. , i !Y4:i 1. a lhlbgYlaiL • ,,! (, fid 7 �v ,f Stiff v, F.F a y rr y. ��•ya,r,YrF .e }r # { ., I • �`T' Jrh ry�7}n t Ji Uo t. �Y9 b 1111�F1 M6� '. atlil fl�ii115. A3Egill� �r5 "1%�1 and r`4�{.y?k���>'+���'t�$�^,��Yf�4t `�Ji;4�'�Y;i, r&&#1���1�'VI 'I�rI�.�IYr ut^v�{�•t fjr;�P»k�i}�A4n N�,.Ji a' r(svr .��..r ,, ';1} - • ,r.:,}.,-ys �y �r 5� f. in ��;• .u�,r ad,��I„ .,'�.,,� et� YV I, Sit ! 1+4,x, Yr a:." � .� r✓t � ? hr,. "F:,�.,a �r .*qT 1. a l,J„b.�' iW r '1l ;,,.,�. }fr , '� v :l. - iT•... -i'`c+', •:LS.. , a.. ,: l;t, ,, >s v;'r N i•e-, IFA::. :., �.. d. 96F�Y:c . _F.✓1.1Y5::1'�'- . _�;.,. t. :, t�hv��"_�;. Tn..�l» _ r. >'li: x. _.IT,>f.d,4.°SGI �i.�tu„61r� �.�,.:, x4.r . a:v3.A k,d t,`.:�;4uhi: ,r1.�f x x..^l. �, ,,:,ki:,�.. + 2W,a1F•x",k.,. rs .. e . , .,: �:., L .. fl . _ _... Gordan' left last week for their nerve home in Oshawa. Miss Dar'q}thy will remain in town far a time. • Mr, and M'rs'. John Sproat ' leave returned from Detroit where they slpent the winter. Mr. Jack S'choekor mobored here with Them. • • Mrs. F. Faulkner .has disposed of the Lambert property on "'•M,arket Street to 'Mr. L. Laud'enbach. • Mr. and Mrs.' Francis 'Markie and. daughter, Catherine, of Detroit; Miss Francis Jordan and Mrs,. Lilch- fiter, of Kin'kora, were recent visi't'ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Murray. • M'e'ssrs. Joe Eckart And W. Bell, of Oakville, spent the week -end at their homes mere. ,. • •Mrs. E, M. White, Mr. Joseph Gibson ;;Pd 'Mr. W. G. White were visiting relatives in Lucknro* on Sat- urday last. • Rev. Canon Aip'pleyaTd has re- ceived a copy of the programme of a form of prayer and -thanksgiving which will be used in the Cathedral Church of ISt. Paul in London on Be Prepared for the Thrilling Empire Jubilee BROADCASTS da Mon • . Y Ma'' 6 r 1 L. Replace Vorn Out Radio Tubes NOW! DALY'S Garage PHONE 102 : SEAFORTIj 'ROW LOP --,For Tour Convenience" Arrow" BUS Schedule Effective May 5, 1935 LEAVE WEST BOUND 1.00 P.M. 7.36 p.m. Standard Tifine LEAVE EAST BOUND 8.15 • a.m. 5.45 p.m. TI'7NIERIES) PLANNED TO ALL POINT IN CANADA, UNITED STATES & MEXICO. Consult Local Agent QUEEN'E HOTEL Phone 45 - Seaforth Central Ontario Bus Lines Toronto Jean Smith Grice STRATF'ORD Here Wednesday, May 80 AT QUEEN'S HOTEL - - PERMANENTS — $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and $6.5a ALL WORK GUARANTEED Pie ase- make your appointments early. + Dan0 , cing at Dublin FRIQA'Y, MAY 10th Shorty Grant, and lis 10 -piece, $aid. Under Auspice's )b£ the bub+lin ICwtfti 'C1112b AW080414 ":..' 21 CWTA r ,r, t, .I ... - Ahd'"i�a"'R� ,�� �i,:_ t i Jlh li� Af 'IV• 7' ? s r ?�' q� i tl' I;t:, r . (�" ' Y ' ;;;� I..�ry a u "�' 1�+,.,t df i 'LIFt .1,� \l 'N h`f +4T V Vt rx 1, ,,• eL, •llt v, ,v li 15v't\v,fig, ... ,s ,.+..II..� �:... .• ,. .�. J� ttl,k I� n;�r n :+ }..4• zrd° �: ,• ^- : � ,; ,,, �' �: .7 ......... , .,�.r, t.,.c 1 ,T �;a n441,AtJ{ �h'��'al+f ��',T' IIIrM�? '' A:;. i ',�R• ' '� ” I N r { 1 t Y 1 h K I• t I 1' �r r 1 s . �� wvae Ardexesl �Y � ��o. �s p �'''� 4 >n s �` , .,, +,t} � *��. ; :; � , ; � l � , � �, ) • His e uost. uo�ho ivy, w; w M411 StY'a 1`. � •a 'Gi' b 15 •ems C'C3 � '�^ I OoUlSh.. � II 'uQ y J �1.J� t c ,y hhtaThS1. i � o �', . P 4 :fan .; tan �'rxd Quality- :K �a + p�1rrl�,. m;a fxa avl�s:. Jn'°s a�s�►,a vee of big selii►glr� ' Walker of. the vil'la'e'wiAl be Pleas- , other 00' (:oVerin S, CL1rt�Iti! a ed to hear that she hasrecao'vered . ing s, 'hem' illness and her house9ceep4 '•Mens ,Dial'ey, +has ,giorte to Mr, A: Har -r- 000� Draperies. and many' other things ',���� ' mt 1mr, of -Mrs. � for the home dM'r, incl' ;Mrs. rMleLameao: a}f' Ki'ppen - have rented rooms in the Walker house. { (Mr. and` Mrs. H. Collins and'Aarizdly CONGOLEUM LINOLEUM and !. returned' to their home' in the village RUGS CONGOLEUM afber srpetidinlg the winter ,months- in All sizes; neweat ' r London,, where.'Mm. ICollwas ns . in the patterps, at low- by the yard. New , ,Sanatorium. His many friends will est!►rices. patterns,this week A)e (glad to hear that his health is See Our much, Improved. Window Mrs. •WlilIiam. MlcKen'zip spent a 0r few d'ay's at the home of- hem 'farther, . Display , J Mui. R. D. Murdock, last week. Any Time NEW TABLE COLORFUL OILCLOTII w' Visit Enjoyed CHINTZES , the 'vi;:vt of the ImmanuelCo3le,ge From for coverings, Ervangelfsti'e Band was much enjoy- May 4 to 11 and drapes, . cushions, f ed by a large com&,e'gati'on at the OILCLOTYH etc, Brucefield United Church on Sunday Guess, the SQUARES 15c to 75c Yd. f morning last. The s`snging of the quartette was a very fine future of Number.. . the service as -was also the ;thought- " under the � fua sermon 'delivered by 'Mr. Kerwley. Seal The Band' . Will be in Bruciefield again CURTAINS GREEN on Thursday and Friday evenings of Win, a FRILLED aiid WINDOW this week at 8 o'clock. A large at- COn Oleum SHADES tem•dance is :being looked for at these g OTHERWISE Ready to tack to addi'ti•ona,l •meetings, especially of the (Gold Seal roller. young people, as their messages are .. Rug, 59c to $5.00 Pair 15c Each. a -special appeal to th'os'e of that age. The YtoungP'eople's atlniversary of FREE + the Bruce -field Y.P.S., will be ob,%erv- We give ed on Sunday next, May 5th. The Heavy Rich REXOLEUM Rev. J. F. An'ders'on, B.A., B.D., .will, away a rug TAPESTRY MATS t be the special preacher for the day. on May 10th. in pretty ,tones. and The nd 'ses will )be held at 1 a.m. for upholstering. Size 18 x'36. 7.30.30 pp.m. Special, $2;25 Yd. 15c Each. f ' EGMONDVILL• E 4 g ^ Y. P. S. Meet. , The regular. meeting' 'of the .Es,- MacTavish's mon'dville Young People was 'held on Monday evening with Jean Smith in the chair and was' opened by singing a hymn and Alice Thompson led in the' Lord's Prayer. After the min- utes were read -by the secrebary, Win. Forrest, the business was discussed, Jean Smith read a. piece of Scripture •'Mrs. Hugi'll, 'president" of the W.A., William Britton, "World Minded and then the hymn, "Dear Lord of opened ` the meeting by use. of hymrp Friend's." Mrs. Gai,d'iner gave an in- ' F'ath'er and Mankind" was sung, Is•a- 31�- Sentence prayers were given by teresting talk. on "What 'Might Have , bel Forrest read the 'Scripture lesson a number -of ladies.. The minutes of Happened." Mrs. Lindsay closed the and thelpositQe's 'Creed was repeat- the previous meetings were read and meeting with prayer and a dainty ed in unison. Jean Smith read the adopted 4n,d 'busine'sss dispensed with, lunch was served. theme of the "Ataimdan+t Life" and mss• Roy Lawson. then .tools charge a hymen was 'sung. As this was the of the 'W.IMJS. ipart of the meeting, social meeting, the last 'hour, was 'Mrs. William Rritton was elected AUBURN spent in exciting games and contests, delega'tio for the convention held at !After this,, -sandwiche's', coffee and Exeter. Mrs. li Adams, leader of Misses Ruth and 'Marjorie Arthur candy were served. :The meeting elos- Group No. 1, took charge of the ,pro- sp'en't a fe'w days lash week with ed with the' National Anthem and grain,. A hymn was sung after which their aunt, 'Mrs. William 'Mutch, of the Miz'pah Benediction, Mens. Robe -t Rogerson led in prayer. Clintm. Mrs. Charles Riley gave a reading, Mrs, 'Bev'erly Patterson' is visiting "The Resurrection,." -One : vers'eof at the home of John Fingrland, Lon - DUBLIN RYmn 88 was rguing and sentence destboro, this week. prayers given. by Ruth !Hlugill and }Mr. and 'Mrs. George Dawson visit - Elba Dexter, The Scripture lesson 'was ed friends at Listowel on Sunday. Lorne ,Cronin and Eddie Hallahan, taken :by Mrs. ",liar'Carter; read- (Another farm to 'be wired shortly Detroit, were weelk-end visitors n with ing o:Eas'ter by Mrs. Walter &ott; for Hydro is that of Mr. Frank Mr, and 'M'rs. Jas. Cronin. duet b'y Miss ''Ivy Simmons and Helen Raithby. IMT. and Mrs. E. B. Tyers and Phil- Britton, aecomvpan:i'ed- .by Mrs. Geo, Mx. and Mrs'. Earl Raitliby are vis- dren, Georgetown, spent Sunday with Add'is'on.; devotional lealfleft by Mrs. iti.ng friends in Toronto this week. 1Vfr• and, 'Mrs. Franck Ervrans'. Marie Evans entertained fifteen lit- tle girls to a birthday party 'on Sat- urday. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. E. B. Downey and children left for their new home in Hagersville during the week, where Mr. Downey,,has been, appointed man- ager of the 'Bank of ° Commerce. Be- fore leaving 'Mrs. Dgwney.was enter- tained at the home -of Leslie Moore by the members of St. Mary's Angli- can 'Church and was presented with a (purse, where she had been organist and choir learder sitzce coming to Dub- lin. Rev'. 'R. ''C. Capper of Mitchell presented the gift and thanked Mrs. Doyn'ey for her faithful service on .behalf of the congregation. CONSTAN'CE 'Miss D'onel'da Adams returned to Toronto on Sunday to resume her (studies at the Normal School there. (Mrs. Will Johns of Minton is spend- ing a few days with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Leitch'. (Friends of Mm. William. Clark will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his fbed but they hope for a speedy recovery. • Miss ,Margaret Love of Walton is staying at the home of Mrs. Charles McGregor, who has not been in 'the' best of 'health for a few. months. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rogerson', Mr. Charles Dexter and Mars. Win. Brit- ton were in Exeter on Tuesday, Mr. Rogerrsonl 'attending the ,Presbytery and the ladies the Pre'sbytei-ial. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jamieson of Kit- eh'Pner attended the funeral of the late William Jamieson, Sr., on M -on, day. Ud was one of the !oldest resi- dent•s and a most highly respected man. He passed sway on Saturday, April.- 27th. • The funeral was held from thai h?otme of his son, Robert Jamieson, and interment woo made in Burns' cemetery. The symul)athy of a ihost of f'rien'ds' goes) out to the bereaved ones. IA union meeting of W.A. 'and W. M.S. was held 'at\,the home of Mrs. Roy Lawson on Friday, April 19th. Ifl�NAD/ ti REGIO , ATTENTION LEGION Members of the Legion will, meet at the C,N:R. • depot on Monday. May 6th, at 10.45 a -m. to take part in the Jubilee par- ade. Berets, arm bands and med-' also #ill. be worn. CII:ARLUS HOLM,S, 1?r`r'esiidetit. . . ?.b. .. .,.,. ,• ! .PSS ....... l piF 1 , 1 , , , Z 4s;NM