HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-04-26, Page 4I " . . A , "I" , - " &,''S fi1n1d_ I . A tW I I f7t`�-, � ��. - , , t I , , . fi, 11, 1� �� � �, .�� f ­ ,� , """"", " - ",�,�v:,;�.. ,� v .. , "��� 11 :�.," I � ', I. � , ,._ :1 . . I 11­�, ,,� � , "'' . 10, , 'I V ;_,,,,•I 1� I , .;,,-, _�, - � _i',', , �.,; I , 0Wii*6 4 TP . . . I ,:. .. . � - 1 �- .� �0 - 0't", , , ', k , ., � : lal :,e d"d, , I ­ . 1 I ---,,- , w4%, dtw I, Ibiftr,40% 'Wa0.­s61d­ 0 )rjAt F gigs I wn, prou I - b? , lbe -Walq� mp , I . di one "o �,,i � I ". � "' - "' "" I '���A,fi'q,j,'�%��l�t,�ll,���,.!��.",�i',,--'�:�",:, � '.. -,i,,, ,c, . I., , '. , , A IN, ��Ip��,-_7 !�.wl_�"I? ., - I ��,�'�l""�.'..,"P.��,'�,4i"%�i�1"01�p A W'1�1 0- 4' A;, �-q '�11 . I . I �N t,,�4;r ,, '�'. I 'IV �,11' � . " I 111I.- ...."."il"icl��'ll,� - . f� , i�lo; F I I ,mow11, ,_ ­ "',""', - " 1-1, .11 ;],�o ,' I , 1; ,��) � , , . 71 . I I f7t`�-, � ��. - , , t I , , . fi, 11, 1� �� � �, .�� f ­ ,� , """"", " - ",�,�v:,;�.. ,� v .. i , - %_ 1. � � , A&��i � ,� i��13 e , I , ­ 1.1.�i� , , , , in', . , , hil �.,ftl " 'It. "I MW �, 1-!I: � . "I � 1 M � r"11"At" � 3 ,,�';.� Ti, 'Y.0 , ,�31 I", I n wbi � _i, �,,_"' All I #.� to, .", ," -, , , . 0% "k, ,,�..W, 11 , I ,ems 4, I .11 I., - I - . - I 1, . , �,�.-��,J�. .,; , I I ""� .I..... - I .11, 11 11. f 11�­ . . �.'4..* I , _ "I � d . . 11, . , 1, .. � "I . ' J�fw� .11 44wo, � �� , �. _ �,�, .7R I ' _j It 11, X1Y';111 _._ . . I . -, . , . -I ,. i -N, ­ , ,'Y�",'� - ___ . __ -, Bid Q wMavers to, 10, 49 ,tha'TarpW m - . " - em's .t, , -t 'A, - ", � 11431, ,,I,t,l�- _ - _W ,,.�, two .. . , , jia sqr*�q �� b fraioedopffl "171WfXo',P . � , -"- ""'N'"J"Obel rtedatnewlaw... sash rates. - ' . I i4e 11or beef, Mr. 4% , -o, , ,M� _, _0 .1 . ,11 , , W, Inse I. I, � �", ift*� a's 4 : , _, � . �, i , . 151 V -PoTa sol I t _ ,# , . . , jq,mAj, �of it I . I , .% Of my hwd we" , no #014-W.400"Aw Of we . " I b. . , A`st � ''. , - . . 11:4T L=dM, V&D Wao'&, notQ breed- ored , ", this aallne ROkall SAXQiI,bQ'1- edi ft", N 031(mr. I I I je,� i ,", ,'I X E -11s, 890�4i]�`"Vfd; In . I I ;W � !�, ..0 � and Fount, 4POnala 1_11 , � I , IMb(mr'. ­ I'— . I ��.,,` - A wvetk� ...... � I cps I I . . e I Dy I &� -1.1 I 0 . _._n g,101IM.r. � ... 'ised by W ,SW a , — 4 , ......... � ............................. I C :"$.....,�. .i � P, 1. I 11� " �f JShmthom o4thle, hfea" orMa B�e m A% Ing.." ............. � ................. ,� 11 ..... .1 . , - .. ... &A Cent , ii�,:�,�������",r�'...'-'�,,�,�k,.!",�,, t,, Ta . Tho XWO4., - : �,,4.,,, t* wook ". ..N , �,I`,, ., r ' I . - . . , 09, V,� 14 , . ­-­.". -.1.,,.","...:"-�.,.-"..�,".. lb.iAj agid cQW, to see, hi , - - ., ­ , -ns", ,4" �; I OX -4: wv* % Cent i �, �. I t��,�'..���"1:?�:�,..:��::..:,!:,� .1 I and was near, , anvox4 wbo - woulO h,k' �, I ­ ........ �.. .... 11. I -�', :,. � - - $4�b Q! *'M' ,W.,_r#, b�O ;1 nd 70D Or . P",-rl .-1 .."n".r, 11.,ei'41411 , I I 1.�. ,t,,Iill. , .... '. . ", , ,..,..��'.'::.���.!:?�.,!:�,�,:I��,:Iillii, _ ,.,Xlr , . , � ,14 .. , , ." . i� ­� �-X-,��`,-i'�;!�`;`, 1. I ' ' . , - � 14101) -!;f;IW ­............. I I 1", R�, 125 vents .�l�,,-,,,,�.'�::.,.",qi..,;�:,.",?,"i...*�'.�..;��,..'.�i . ­1� , , , rat ......... -� �,i!.""'i""":��"*""""i.14"li FN 0 c - vNe. u ......111 _. I r 10 1, I'll, . ... I'll, r W;� . . - . '. .... . Pleased with hft that JLe par- aTouutL, 0 X1113i , #14 i �1 I I I& � . �. - , 1 _$10,0 for biT^ ,vhe4 vw . a ,boo, �OD,twds_ Fe,tw_ MkKsy p*w4. '. _% ,,,,, , - , ", 11 1. , `9* 0 "m .. , - Eagh flj�ws, initial and 71-'i'���,,,,,�,,i," I r8?, "' . "I ,��,§,,, , ... 11 L . . , , ,� " "."i.5, .h]rill a .there and thm to %tftd yw 01tt' h# his IlLifeUMV W" eX- 1,9 , " �11 abbreviation counts as one wupL :M E'.`�.-�.k..,',io NN.,`i-',�,, `�,-,-�,'�,j-:i�, =1 T . 50. JV00U4 :slid , ,bra0er, WW " �1�(„ �t�jl­ ' -'I 't6--1 , - . . � .... ds . may . I . ,,, 1, . " ., , his'herd- He used- jinn' in, his ale,rd tended Vith, great -Gncc�ew. by a mese 'seam,. VAJO , �'� Of course ,_7 " , " , ,* lf;B�. 141 Memnil4fla XOtIC Cent Per WIML *Inimuin. 60 cents M VreeL 1 W- '.11'i`�,� , _ _t ,. ,,%up . '' ,,,�.x I . � (?", " L� -11� ,n # " q i,­M#X be dirpoted to a Box Number. caTe 0, The Huron, Exv"#w, for 10 *=is , , , . . W � W, . 1:4. ." . , � 100 T, "noo. m �1E ....�: I " . ,11 �L ' I . for a few years, with. emalleft - - To- chan6e,his Weight" bod to dome *ff Out Mo-,. .1..N 'L - " "'llil:� I:��:K ...-:4. "'. 101C%ysi were # 0 I, V, ,., � f � � ". I .. - sulta and shovmjhiTnLWbTQX*nto �?.' *I . , , ` � tUr , The deed w0a -done, 67.UQF,jditional Per the .. -.1 - 4 - , I'll F11he, W4 ndO only good the A�hft%, ., i�)04;�41W_1 week vela' be charged it ads in above c1san- - not wo b7 I �:�'!�;.�wfnK,z;a ,���,."".","�,*,,.�,� - L� �,; , land 'Ibobk' first the GV41'es h6 of, board 0 1 O' � Vq ,� the wer4f: in which the ad was run. �i�`�0'11` ftl".'�, ::� Prize. He eep. 9161d] cattlinien, but also kept a lot. of iftne standing (on' - 1 . , , ,�11 1�,11 0, , Deaths Inserted free of charve. . , hi14 to -Un 'Platt,' of Uftr Hamilton, I diroft.. #omesi John. "MMoy was up un boam , te* i µte . , = � ,� Nbtica ,�,.' . �1 -,��,; .._1,1�­��; I, ,:!-1�; .�,`*k.� I der a , 00 geteMu- §!1 11 I.,I , I . 0 :�,I . . .0 ...,; � , Btc.­Ratea an application. . "...Nil * 10 Creditors, � : �,'X.,"L - ,F :­.� '; '! IgotiOn . ... � -..�i�ii,?; , , ., I , :, ii 1. . , , al - �:`­��`�" I � ��I:!'�,'.��,�i ;. I . . ,'.i�,..ii . � . L I . I - . . . I . ,- �,, ,.. .�: me,ilts �,,`�i;,'!"""'-" L .:X-: -, � .. 1-1 ­ . I .. .. .. .1. . ,;.�.: .... !% . Al,Mouncg � !��i!��!,,,,,"..:.� ,* _ � I . ­ .,�".. ,..,�,.i I , I r - - 1�1 , k, a .... t�k... I . r .1 11 . I � � , . t 11 �� W I ffliths, I - I . . . . . , - . vq:,� ::..],,-j : , �, ]V[]� FOOT W'" ]�RMDI - .----- . .... 1'11*1?11�i�0"�...:� .. :1I. �11�1 - " 1�111 I l .. ! 111� ", " . I, pq and. Burny Callus until Cress .. ... I . . . . . . . . . .11, MIR 0 1 . I,,1.0 # ,-�'. , � Burrin- I......- ­..:Y :::..:.:.. CWn. Ba ere sold by Keatw TASEYA;L-In Hullett. on April 18th, to 1dr. .I . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . I ­,;­.,. _" Vrtipa Selves W .,,��.. " " W,I %W ZZ 3515-1 and Mrs. John L. Tasker, a son (Richard .1_1 1. 11 :; � 'a : Store. % ­. _____ --- __� . `�John). � K GeorV S&er Juil' ..,.1 I inole VC/ I ­ ,:'Mar,KAY.-At St- Jpseph'5 H.pital, London, . �,:,. k., - .!! -- %--W QP - � I .. I .:,L � �. Y .. . 11 on April 23rd, to . Mr, and Mxs. Hugh A. �! � , , . . if �11111 1; ... I . I I For Sale or Rent MacKay, a daughter (Mary Catherine)- ­: .. . " 11, , `f .1, - ... � I � . - PARSONS -In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- ` :1, "..., . . � I Z". . I ,. ­ I I , . . -.III ... : . . � .r4�1'1,... FOR SALF_FOR CASH, FORD TUPOR. . forth, on April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Arch- �"11 11 ' - 1 �, =. ... . ; . * . I , , .- ­ ,-- I . ... � I A, good - at . -,"enable price. ibald Parsons, of Remall, a sum " W 1W '. 3515-ts . ....,f�: . . . . . . . . . . . ; , '. I . ... I I 11 , 11fIAM. Ithq Manse,' Seafforth. - I - I . I � I � 11 . 4 - 1. ... I., CANCER - UND - . I , , "W4,LING HOUSE FOR SALE - TO - . I " � I L I I . . I # . . photo CouTtesy Ednilonton Journal., I .. ?. . . I 11 4X�L - the late Isabella Rose, 11ENSALL . . I . . . I I • �, Ihg� eaUts of ! Mr. and Mr I . , 4 home on Centre Street must �e s. William McAllister who on the occasion o 4 c � - the dw, f their . 0 � 41, sold. 3peotlric a,ighits. tow7i water, cement cis- INT9. Agnes M,613onald left on Sun- golden wedding anniversary March 25th, were at home to a large .� � I . . I . I , , .�:_,: terns, all in good coadition.� Possession - umber of friends at their residence at 7412 105A St-, Edmonton. . I I 4 . 0 1 - ranged. A. D. StTHERLAND. Sea&Or'bh- - dvjY for Toronta where ,She Will Visit n � �'.,: " I I I ""_t' with relatives and friends for a co,uI- The celebrants were made the recipient of many gifts and con- . 1, I , . _�,, 0 � I ''. Mrs.I L_ I '.Ca ha' da 0 ID R SALE--IONE MOST ple of weeks. gratiflations on this occasion. Mr. and - McAllister are . I. I ' former residents of Hensall district.. "I . . . - I , U 'Ired homes Miss Alice Dougall of Toronto .• . . . f � , Hd and beautifu'llY . . �. .. I � . .. . ­ in Seaforth, formerIfy weAdence qf the late spent the week -end at the home of . . . . , ��., Andrew Scott Goderich street West - For � " ,- . . 0, . . terblS, aPPlY.MIS6 E. NEIL40PS, Seaforth. her parents, Mr. and Air4. William recent issue of Ytbe Edmonton and she,�ianfd her husband resided in - � � --t . I I . 4 1..�, � , 36,iB.i Dougall. I Jou r, to the fiftieth wedding eastern ,Canada for 16 years, at their . �.­ , . " I 1. . . .. . ., � � I . �S'.' 11.1 M,'ss Nellie Caxmi&ael of Exeter anniver-_ of iMr. and Mrs,- William farm, in- Stanley Township, County Of I'll, I . f, - I I , (OTTAGE -CUNT t - - , 1,� 1 4111C To RENT -RE LY RE- viiited with. friends in town during Ich was ,observed in Huron�before moving to Edmionto,n in . aeonraited ootege on GIrIdt-rich Street Wes . MdAll isrb I Mh'Mic- . .�fto renL; electric fthts. Apply to J. W. the hohday. that city rch 2&th. Mr. 1914, where they �have since resided. 11- I , H&AX,nE. 3514-2 12&s. Langniaid and daughter, Dor- Allister is a brt)tber of Mir. Charles Two sons, Xr. J. W. McAllister and', ' . I . e � I A , . , - laugh- . othy, of Weston, are visiting with ronto; Dr. Arthur 3(&- ,91r. W. D. WcAllisfbei,� and a III J ,�11_ - HOUSE FOR SALE.- GOOD FRAME Mrs. Jo . lin. Keys. ' 1, MeMli,ster, Ta. Moir', ter, T&a, H. Morrow reside in I , I . . I , � I \�,�\ //" - � I . I i 11 I how. on Centre Gtkeelt, Seaforth, ,,as Allister, Georgetown; IM -Ts. P. � .. I Z�amon- I. - 11 . P , - I I I I . 1, . pv3perty recently emu '� I . � - / ; N, - pied by James Ajvhi- 'Miss Grace Brock of Ltoi�don SPelt H-enslall; �6,nd,Mrs,. Wm. Hyde, Strome, tun and were present at the fiftieth ,, 0 I % � . 1 , sold cheap. For tyle wee'ke'nd at -the -home of her par I bald.- This property will be - Alberta, who was present at the an- ,yed&ng anniveoigary of ,their Alar- I . , 11 , I.. �. � terms apply to JOHN F-INLAYSON, Chair- fints, Mr. and Mrs. George Brock. niversdry incl also present at the ' , bnU, while greetings were received . " I ��, •; , I . . � . I . 4 6 - . I , Man Property C014mmm". Scott Memorial ' . I . � . � . , � . , -Mr. Milton Ortwein and, sort, Lloyd, wedding 50 years 2-90. � fro! their daughter, Mxs� J. R. Ter- I I m� 7 . I ,, 36124 . I � . . '), � I � - . } I , _ H9svitaL - I . . I I 4 ; �-, . - . . :`1 . . of London visited at the 'home ,of the 'Mrs William McAllister is. a sister gnslon;'bf Glencoe, Ont. ' , I � I . I . . �W � I . "I ' fornieT's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oft- of Yk�. John IMIcAllister, II-lensall; Mr. "Mrs. McAllister was made the re- . I . If I I, � . - . . Farms For, "Sale wein, on Sunday. ' R. D. Bell, Hensall- MT. W. G. Bell, eirpient of a beautiful sUver tea ser- I . I - . . " __ �, - [Mr. and Mfrs, William Gram and I-Lensall; MIrs. J. W,.'M,cLean, Kippen; vice � from her husband, while the ., 1. � I 9 i C ^ 9 4 s � I 1. , - ... - .. FTY ACRE FARM W,byj Ralph, of Lan,iing, Web., visit- and' W. W. Cooper, KiP,pen- .rnembersi of ,their family presented a . \ 1_� I- ! - ,__, ,, SALE --Fr --Z. .�\ '666�v Sewforth anA Clin- ",-- . I . I � FAM MR , --------- I I I . on Highway leeh , .ed Mr, and. M�rs. Gle-ofie Gram during The Bulletin says. 140on,gratulated handsome floor lamp mounted, in, gold., . I . - A , 1. I - . . --A _I__ I-: -ii land good bank . I ". . ton - a e. , I e holid . : .Iay� -by members,,of their famil and a to them. ,Gifts and a profusion of I.barn and house; plentiful water supply. ip- Y. _0 N, &6t0n, Ont. Miss A.mY IAmmie of Toronto is wide circle of friends, 3Cr. and Mrs-, fl�owfers :weTe received by the,lbeloved , ,��,6��,,�te�N�,v,���"vv".�����zw,wlj ) ) -0-n-_.� ply T. E. LIVINGS I T40 I 1. � 3510-tf visit�ng at the home of her mother, V.Alliain IMICAUister celebrated their couple from their miany friends who �( (���u� 4t,��� + . � — _ 16 . " ,- ... __---.-�- - . . . I ttt � � . I . . . . - � _____.____� , , I I 1, ,,, . . � I Mrs. Wm. Lammie, and sister, Miss golden wedding anniversary at their wished to join, in expressing their �, ---- -,,- ��� I 11 I'll . , - , -, . I . ! Greta. home on Monday, ,March 25th, when affection and congratulations -on the . . . . . . . . I i ' n Occasion. Mrs, W'. C. Kyle of Strome, . . . . Auction. I * Mr. LIloyd, Passmore, �of 'Delhi Visi-­ they recediVed during the afternoon ' I . . I _. , ".. §, 8 - - ed at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Jlio.. and again in the evening. Before her 'a sister of 'MT. M�-Allister`fsj was pres- � . ' j. I I•. I I •. SALE -1, SE(AX-L OFFER FOR Passmore ov,1-r the 'week -end. marriage in, Hensall, Ontario, in.1885, ent, . TS MAJFASTY the' King, in resiplonseto, the Cover- , ... A� AT�=1014 � a request from M,% Ex�ellency, . � ' ikunrant, Sea -forth, sale at the Olympi4j.. _ 131r; and Wft. Loughton, -and sons of Mrs. 'McAllister was Miss, Janet Bell, I'During Whe stbegroont tea houir I . HpoT-G Canadian a i n , ! 11 out, on xo�day, the-,isT6'aw,of May, 1935, . f4neral,� lha)s� graciously consented. -to, -the inauguration, of a Can n to - I, . . , fu�h�inv, equipment Toronto are visiting at -the h'Dme of . Mmv. - Hansford and Ws, Cox sbared - I . . . 1. I at 1.30 p.m., the store ' al fund' combat'the evil ,of cancer, to cbmirneir0rate the 25th U11n1WTSUrY of "I ... I,' 4m fi.tures, registers, afh­ china MT. and Mrs. C. A. I&DonnelL . �, the honars, and i4u tbegiveuing, Mrs. . I . .. I I . � . scales. clash -registers, eount4r with soda fours-- "His Majesty's faccession,to-the throne, Way Gbh, 1910. . I I'. 'Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Appleton of Exeter' ratioii Caine-ron and, Miss;-Be4,91e Persons �." I'll - titin and linen for the ice parlour and illness,bf about six months' duration, . .I I x0ataurullt Mr. and M- �, wbit-h she bore with great patience presided. Mrs .- - . ., jVteT MM �L . 0 , belonging to ObVristopher Cbeollos spent Sunday with - W. 1,i 4f�A'Af ' ' I L I � I , � ,,, I in bfmkMpt,,,y, find also,,fbe machinery used Jinks. and fortitude. She leaves to mourn W: D. McAllister; 'Mrs Kyle, Miss " . The object. is give ass in . I by hifra, in the ruartudactureLof candy. There .' Asta ce, anY�vhere in 'Canada to organized act3on, to wm- I I ,Ifi, we fifteen tables with-whiN onyx tows and 'INEmes Janet and .-Luth McAllistef her death her husband and, five inein- MariOn''Catcl, M,%s, Edha DR-Iler, Miss �,, bat the evil of cancer, which at pres.e�djs'I,:ffie VaIwe of Infore,deatlis ,and, more s � offering . .. , , � '! , , ,the fuznishingsj' etc., are high-class and am- of Hills.green- a_-2 EP,nding -the )203i- bers of the ftindly, namely: Mrs. Marie -Morrow, and kiss. Joan and I' . I .. 4 �,;, - , days - th their grandparents, Mr. ()arVetjh, of Iffillbrook, Mrs. Sims of miss Phyllis McAllister assisted , , than any other d6sease. The Fund, isi for Canadian reseamb tion, and W1,the I I .... 111 ixtally­iost. around six tbou�;Iand dollars WI i� and ae a ._ . in ' . . : 411� TSS of sale--C.sh.. - and Mrs. Thos, Consitt. CalgwT,. Robert of Hulirtsville, Mrs. serving ,during the afternoon and -I' proceeds wili be spent in the Domduibn. .. , . . .., I . . . , C. G. MIWL*YON, . Mr. and D/bs. P. R •Buchanan of Jame�s Sangster -of Hensall and Miss even�11'9, . �.' � -1, • Trustoe�$­ � . I I 1, I I ... ��;, . , I I . . . . St- Tb&nW visited relatives and E,Oel at home.. The deceased, - to- "The guests included Ws. C. E. K. �SIF , 4 GoderWh, I ' . ­!, 3515-2 friends h � on, Sunday. HE Municipalities of Seaforth,-Me illop and Tuckersmith .. . lf_ '� - ere -d and r& -m-, 'Cox'Miss Phyllis and Miss ith ,M - ' K , "I .1 I I" 7 . r gather with ,her husban - Ed ,C " I , , - 'if rMPLEM Dr. and Mrs, CamPbW11,' and,, Miss bors of the family, have been, �esi- Alli6r, Mm. C. H. Hosford, Mr. and I �., " ._", T ,,, , AUCTION SALE OF FARB - ENTS Jean and Keith CamPbell,-,all of TO- dents of the village for a number of M,ra H. -Allen, .1 are uniting to forward a' contribution in commemoration. of . ,., I and HousetoU Effects at Hillagreen.' on Miss Margaret Smitoes, '-- . . I I I . I � -1 ... 11 Tuesday;May 7th, INS, commencing, at 2 p.m.' frOnt0', visited Miss (Ethel 'murd.)ck years. -'Mrs. Robison was- of a Very MM. E. ffi7le�, Strome, Mrs. J. Watson, ' this event and citizens of these Munic palities'may assist by le aiv-, .. �� � .... '1� the following: 1845 Whode Island Tractor in over the holiday. . d, . Y. Ellis, XT. and , � i _. � I ,;: , .­ A-1 cxsndkici� E34 rraw CWIAXir tMCtDr plow: 211r. sill Mrs. Monahan, whG liava cluiet 1. IS . . ., . stiff lj�,,oth ; cultivator with 2 sets of .. highly respected, and will ibe m'u'ch Mrs. 'At. AVI�,Zk,14rs. W. H�Iyward, , ing donations at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Dominion .. � and, retlr�nZ - position and Mrs. TaylR. . lived for the past year in. �,.'' ,�'Iteetb,,in A-1. co ition;, White threshing ma- the Reich- missed by her family as well as by Mass Geraldine Hayward, Mr. Keith �. cbj?i�S6x54, run , four seasons; Graham- ert dwelling at the west endf- of the elatives and friends. She was Xelly, Mrs. Lyttle, R Bank, or Provincial Savi Office, Seaforth. In Seaforth, [.� Psige�,,Crfufpe, 498 many r . ev. Robert . I ligs dona- 0 mod!pl�, tl�-1 L circular saw Village ha,e momed to Clinton and in ,he, &,3rd, year.' ,r,.,ffi � he funeial -was. �Lyttle�_,Mm ,W1 11 and Z6,hirh ! 4kfeel endiass Mr a . , Ellis,;.Mx� G'.1, Xc- 'I ,tions-w:i1l be solicited by canvassers on Saturday, May 4th. Con- i Q'Mrs. Lloyd Redden, and fam- ws af ternoft 6 " r spil E.,.- mivil-­ �,, ,N. .5-inzW,�bea,t (nearlir new 5 1��vy lQRgi.. , f ibis, -Ahis�et, Mr. - �i �,'. . ); held on Thu - day ister, . r. 1.cYwrms�� IIA inch new steel snatch, block, IS ily have moved into the house late- 1� I -- I arn jqck, I hydraulic jack, light wagon, ly vacated by,mlr. Mush n. eT, MI�. and Mm J. tributions of $1.00 and over will be personally acknowledged by,,�1114 a week from the home with interment Mr. Jas. .Mr. islet, I" . , inch, . - 4 top 41 `gy,,, jack, single sleighs (good as new), . in Hensall Union Cem,6tery. W. McAlhester, M,ss Juan McAllister, ` rope, 20 -foot ladder, ladder pole, IMr. Robert RObson, who was. -here - in, St. PaUr.3 Mr. Jack Morrow, Miss Marie Nor- � Lady Be-saborough. dao , ,,, igervices, to be held . , i harness, forks, - visiting his mother who continues -to . L " ,V .. I � , ,i , set single shoo- - on will be as row, )Mr. Hugh and Miss Grace - 1. � . .� ela� .Anglican Chum, , Mior . . . kl� �­ Atid 'numerous other"'.4rticles. Also a i t-,pllow,s: 10 a.m., Church School; 11 'row, Mi. Iler, Xr, and Mrs. M . " 1.� f4u,aaw of household eff(;cts consisting of Aspidin the end of last week. ss� E. Ipa Mi Town of ;, 119111i.Ywhip of I . ".. ��,', "I'; ta,bTes,. etc. Everything ,6D be sold as, her, W. D. M ' ter, Mr. and -Mrs. B. I Township of _ 11� .. at" a.ML Litany and sermon; prealc I � ... ", 11TWI Idtor is in poor h Itb,. Term ­Cash. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton of I -4 I I ZT ' ",o . W.. X,"JABROTT, Praprie r- ?,en. H. Elliott. Part were Easter visitors with Rev. A. M. Hunt, Exeter; 7 ,p,.m,, E,v- J. Cote, Air< A. S. Hodgson,' Mrs. .­. I - * , � � 4 , I .1. I Au�eer. . - ' $515-2 relatives in town. ensong and sermion, preaMer, Rev. William A. Millar, Miss Anna Vsrhitla, SEAFORTH 0 WKILLOP e TUCKERSMITH , � � .. . Church, Mrs. H. E. Reid, .MT. A- C. Watts-, I ..",­ W. J. Hendry.; and at GTface Chu I- .1 . . {Miss Mildred Bro'ck is spending the Staffa, at 3 p.m'.: Fivensong and' ser- Mists Marian..'Cato, Mr. Eldon Hos- . � , M Easter holidays with relatives in ZuT- , Reeve. ,, .61 - Notice -to Creditors icb. I W. R. Archibald, Reeve. , nian, Rev. Wi. J. Hendkf will preach. ford, Mr. A. A, Cameron, O'. A - D. Sutherland., Mayor J. M. Eckert �, - 7I +r. . Mr: C I . Easter music will be repeated, at 'b'o'th McAulay, Mr"dnd 3TTS: H. C ,1.7k; � . ­ � I . NOTICE'TO CREDUORS Mr. and M],,� Men,dID7. and Miss services. . Mr. and Mrs,* R. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. . .'s� Kay Dobbs •who have spenC a few Mrs. ,Carrie Ballantyne attended George Hazlet, Mr. and Mrs. K�yle, ,- I , - -_ - , HEREIBY GIVEN PURSUANT Weeks with relatives and friends in the marriage of her son, M�r. J. Mir. J. J. Allen, Mir. and, Mrs. T. A. . 11-. -1 . . 'NOTICE Is 4 . I I . to the Statutw in that -behalf that all Toronto, returned to their home -here Lorne Ballantyne, I 11 . Persons harving claims - agA' in, Detroit on gat- Lend,rum,, Mr, and -Mrs. A. H. Church, I I. It. . ima.t.tb* Estate of . . �1. , &aAet% late of th*TS*n of SeNdorth, on Saturday evening, urday, and went on to Shelby, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. ,,C. Main, Mr. and Ws. . I,nom.. , I. Ylr-�qoounit7. a HfirdiR.,j9pi-Iter, deceased, Mr. and Mrs., Lester Fisher and to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) E. R� Blain, Xrfs. R. V Duffy, .Miss � who died on or about the -X y� of March, . .... I . - at da baby were Easter visitors at the D. Dowds.. Verna Blair, 'Mr. and Mm. W. S. , 1936, are requiied to f4i4ard their claims , V arms 'home of ,his parents, Mr. and Mr-', The OddfeUDws of Hensall Lodge . I du17 Vmven to the undersigned Solicitor, , Fleming, MT. and MM R. J. Stelk, �, . . ., ­ I " .�;, or- before the Iltlh'day of"Ma on John Fisher. I ! � ,11 May, 1935, after . No. 223 1.0,0.F., lYad a most inter- Mr. and Mrs. ,�W. Carleton, Miss '. . . � Which, date the Executors will proceed to, die- Hold Children's Party nig meeting on Tuesday evening Grace Shavep.. Mr. A, T. Shave, , Mrs. , I _ - . � . , trhbutq�the Es1taU, having regard 6nly.to 'and esti ­ I � ?,�. � 1, I 'On Saturday afternoon the chit-, last the occasian beiug the visit of A. NkLeod, 'Mrs, J. D. Foster Mr. Mr. . -, � .. I i. being ,responsible bndy for, the claims of which �"11­­ 41 1. .1 ) , . - . ; tt I . they. shall tifen. have had motfi*., dren's story hour clos-6d for the sea- the'D.D.G.AL of Goderich and of_� and Mir& J. J. Barr, Mrs. .$have and . . . I I" ­ DIATMD'!�is 21�th day (d April, 1935.' son when the Librarian, Mrs. Camer- fivers. ' others. ' I . I . - � �Ii�. . 1 JOHN H_ RE911, on, gave theophildren a unique party. I Solicitor for the Executors. . I I 41 .1 �r,15_3 The council chamber was, beautifully A . , . 2 . 11 . .X15"': . I � 1. . � . -f! ".... " �, � I decorated with eVergreens, and pussy, - I . I I " I . , I, � ,. ,W., . NOT1,C1E,T0 CTY�DIVORS willows while on the large table ,sat __� . . I , , I— , .1 1-1 . " . . . I � - I I 11� 1� is -�h;WiRr GrVT five sedate-lbiaking bunn.jes guarding ' I I I _. � I & I #N'THAT ALL � .. . .• 1, . ", I ; ,4 . ., P I NOTICE an immense nest Of colored eggs, Af- ", I , creditors and abhers haw6g%ltaims against ! "I'll.. " i ';, r . ter the story, which was ill keeping Tueersmith Pton"eers i. I I . .• I .. � the estfate off Jean Brown. late of the Town . I I ,�, 1, - ,,, of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, ' Mar- with Holy W k, ,the childrefi, en- ,�. ,,, , , tied Wlafrun. deceoised, who d1ca on the 28th I '.. . . 'I'! . . joyed TbIlickiT games. A dainty No. 11—Duncan McGregor,- Joseph Fisher, I I , 1. day of Mamb, 1935, are r ad to .f I ...� , � . I I I 0"ti'; their On, proven VoVi unde= hm,ch was then served and the happy John McKay. ,I , 1. _,',�,�' .. Soii],ftdi, Execudlm 0 before the children had many remarks aboub �he ', . -, - I. , , �Vtlhll.y T or . �� , lith 4sy, of May, 1936. I , :,�._,�,.','.," , . 1"4Y. ' � I, . . I . Q. I , AND NOTICE Is FURTAR GTvr real Faster party. By John Elder . � .. -%tfzk�4�,, � - I A � ,N that IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - ,I,.,- . . I 11 ­,;, I � 11111_1'�Ifyi-I, - ,,,r�, I I k , ,, , I after the siaid -last mentioned date. the Execu. Imss Makie Dell -of London spent . 0 1 ' .� Editor's Note. -This series of had annually ten acres takmed over , ". . I ..., , -4, tor. -proceed to distribute the assets of the weetk-end at the �ionie of her par- "­ j, " . . . . . I . � 1 , I four times, besides worked other "" I the estate batwing regard only to the claims ents Wu G. Bell. sketches, written by Mr- John Elder I in,CANADA'S' i 0�J"it . ��, of w16ch be then sahall have notice. � of Hensall, which have been appear- ways; then he -expected a good crop ' . , ',� .1 DA'Mb st�S--M.rllh. Ont.ri6, this 22.d day Mrs. Workman an .11 pear- ,�",. , � d daughter M,&_ . . � , I . ., 12, of April, 199�. el a- s -13 -ding the Easter holiday' Ing in The Expositor for some weeks of fall wheat and a 6ne catch of a " " I I ll, V., JOHN J. HUGOARD, S past, have caused considw-able in- clover and grass;' which he was en , I , ,, I I " at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M - ' ., 7�� _ " Seafforth, Ontario, tton, te-rested comment. The sketches were titled to. He- never ke,1A very vWu� I . I a. % Solicitor for the Executor. Dublin. . ... -1 ONLY �', 1 3515-3 IMissMae McNaugbton was an Ea&_ written rather hurriedly by Mr. Elder able horses, burt they werb ofthegepI - BODIES ALL . go,:� ­ Vj,�,�. . with the intention that they later be era' purpuse type and all trained as . I L �� lt,., . I ter visitor at the home of . "i I her par- . ., revised, but he was kind enough to Teal true workem, just like ' their y�i ­, _, ents, )Xr. and A�rs. D. McNaughton: , V � �, -low the Expositxw to publish them owner had been, in his younger dayg_ 11, 11, Tenders Wanted . _ . 11 ,2, I d ' Miss AlAldytbe Eacrett of London before this was done. He was th be, found at his1wbrk I 1.4 01" ,� 11 ' Visited, her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. - -the concession was Duncan early and late and always on the . OF STEEL . WILL BE Across .1 ENDER � ,11 " TENDERS WANTED-TENDERS Robert Eacrett over the eek --end, McGregor, another Highland, bred lookout I t _V . received by the undersigned until Sfitut- holidays. iw for a good steady man to �,, �rl I i. .1�'. day, W,ay 4,* for the cleaning cut of the man, and a credit 'to -the district i . . ii In belp when neied-ed. I. remen-Aber one . . � 11 ' 4 1pa,�k�..$TVIM,rari�ng Pool. including Mr. Talbot of Oshawa spent the which ,he and his wife lived. summleT -when other farmers were " L� �,. , Lions . _ the 1 . , �, '4 ' � . � . � I )Mnping out of the water. TrIformation and week -end with his! brother-in-law and. They were bo.th,so peaceful and quiet, paying around, $20 ,per mlonth, Mr. Steel sides, steel floor, sfe el �1ti . particulars may be obtained from J. W. Beaty � I A. I tie, aiznan of the Lliorin Park Committee. sister, Dr. and' MIrs. 0011yer. a little ,different 'to the ,ordinary, but R,sher paid a' man, by the ,name of J I., or any other tenser - I , , Marijs(yn spent a few none the less attractive. -I 12; Ben Cook $40 per momth to help in The Sh lomat r not $`neees- (Miss Emily I sed to I , Chairman daYS in Chatham during the past • n,ti,, Mn McGregor did not plough the busy time. But, no doubt, kr. I R I y ,aceepted. J. W. REATTIE , 11"a 1- dons,.Park Committee. I .1 6-, 3515-2 week. roof ... over a rugged -inner 8'?�.!� I st'raigh't as many others, but he . I - as Golok would -get a ,chance to earn it, o". � - - Mr. and Mm Alex. Mic�M6,rtri,e and beat many for good., crops for which Mr. pis.her .,,v, al�,Vyay `1�i 11 -1 minas s a lover of , I ,% I , , I ��, , .'! � � :: baby,of Toronto spent Easter libliday fheI was noted. He wafs ,of the opinion good, cattle and detested ,everything .. I . A 1",,,. " ''. .. Notice with 'his mother, Mrs. A. 'M0Murtrie. that if there was no Profit in keep- not at :- I ,V" , ro '?&. J. Sutherland f , least td average good. frame'also ALL of steel. .. , �� ,�,, ., , -v-T%0.F WILL THE PARTY WHO BOA- ormerly of the in• g, good, stock on a farm., there was 11 have helped at threshing in this I . b I 111. 4 . A .1 .k', 1' , , st9ff of the Bank '�f Montreal here, lee's in keeping poor stuff and he ,barn. several .times an,(, fbujn&al I . I 11- �Ij�,�'. '?, I . ;.W11 - 0 , . out Larfid 40haln, iflease rdurn it I .. -1 "N, but now of WWordl, IS"111 I the 1;;"�; '11. ? Several partie he . "' , . 1. 4 .,,a wish to have t b the nas- . � �.�'�' ' ' 4 JJ4'd 1 it., they *zdtatg. Thfink you., A. ter 'holiday with firiendig 1,u 1�Dwn. ReW aecOrdim'07, an'd, mb &`Ubt, did work had ,been done well. There we" � I . . I . 4�-,,��,,, � JU , I , %�'A.. SA&I­ welt But iOutsi&rs were 'not Likely thTfee Of a family, two sons and a ,it., . 1,;�;­,_( � I ��_ . 'Mr- Ha V-1118'611 Of Wotois tDck well. I . - M._'., I I ill O" 4, . It TCS- bio I daughter. AIR left. the farm. ,long I . , . 0"�` " . RIA18- visited in 'bar Over the *f6ek-end., ITY. XoGmegI4 never ftingd, Ills ago. 1, I � ,; . I I .N�y}`sr vy , I � �,� I . �., �,I 9, Govdr=6ft graded Foret - Dalrymp �, and, 1,6ft,abbut I5 ed at tha*shil�sin04� biAn twetal - �'.. RI . Re farm like game o�he I � ,,,.� A I4g,ql , ,". � 'et, we-dMng was, Wle, h�d I ) �, , .... � go one lawee mailt b A qui "'." � . a . Y. 8 i mmized aeres tof choice, IbaWl,on 'the back end times and found a4 the work ,I�111�1-1:­ ... l- .. .� .8.1 . I "Y-,"OX40� I :�''*,_ '. - 11 11. I� . . � I � . 6 N-- ., at the Presbyterian 2&r"'on StWr �jof his fanti as weff as lealving the been dofu? Wa, . TW,6r# � , �,,,$` �";,; ,' � ­ ��p I.;, _1 _,,�' ��� 4r'�"` ". 11 ­ -Were, three 11' ��. " , ,. ,�'. __ I - 1. .1 . ,r I , I,I I ­ ­ � ­'­­ -ernwDn' April 20th, when Rev cleared part m, ,;ebioitef d6ndition, ibr of a taiwily �wo sons and. fa�daugh_ � . I ;�t 4 ,:.� , , . fty, &ft �;. ," ��, ", !�,�i* , I I I I I I I . ,,� 11 ... I I I . I I .'fl!, I , ,,r,.�,',,,ffl , ��.:,� I , . ted itv'l Ad of when he glot ter. All left fle f6llftl 10TIg ago. . , id ,�,'N W- A. Y01W WArn is S-011 � ­ , " ,� 1; 010 . �, ,!�,;, __, 1, I., I ­ I , 9 united , ,��,' Ir � bi to take h of 1`1 A!�,,,, �J � - Henry W. pirr#at, Of E I � " I I � 11 I I 1 7 - Gimce, Dra ftith._�&, John McKay. r", &44 , SZ Ic marTmd. There were, four a I I A � � 'r ". , � I , - hVMVe, �bf Tun, I �c n 'M n! , 1�#§� ', '' D W, ANTED ter the feetembny the h th,e J`dh ' c ,, � . , t . I I . Ln ,� 4 fAftfflYh'§1'fbl116W-q' ft111a Mgiftn, John , 'A ftes the road &§ and up,. ' J % %VY WU . *�, ��',', ,��­ . _ Ple and tG*wce. I *eut -to sebobil with farm, w,bich becam�& 'fib*d for 'high-, I I 0 T11boryi, -� ,,, s, N, %1.�� -�, � 41i*,, ft,&* . , . unit. iracry � � . 0�lr", 0 4% amid. T ea*i4 ' - . f9 fill �, , ".1111 0 ! ", �, ,. oftogfed aw*vrar Z 6 I - 01 . - , '11, ,. �',`,,�j , ,� ex. ,, � I I ", I I ,� tb" I, Aerlw ft,46111 well. class 18 rthfo" - the . to, .., = 'Yr' :" fir..:.•e Vf tiolild,on .Jhd othgo� I- 6fi%v, , � �. *,So, latew the ho . 0g,#%6,,Vid1 I . cetlre'far,, ,, . I .1 , " : 1-M. - V40 A . I � " 0 buiftlftd& WIM, t "' � I �,� �r , y j� 1 40ph Visher , . d I �W� , ,_ _4? r#01, On Q6 gto6w" I I I � I . �n ' wwm th,�r fwn I a , , ceptionally, 4!;h* p (be . , I . 541 41, R Wedw, 169, Nk, XdGeev " I . . g . ,�&,�.'.;7 , , ��t M, - Wo•" rV.4'M - ". , , ,, ,,Vms k t th,6tef .fo ,the bftal of � ' 'thhe .. 9� g". W & ��o -,,, '"i'6040 T. nftv ,Hlfl§*,,,,i'11"', I , �61*";J-fc �" 64, Iby.466, Pish4e _ Sei y0dr nearest­T,erka ��F,,31,14'4 ,, .. r 4 ' � . d1.1 4,, ��.�,�, I W. 'r '7�, - , lath A , ., 1�g ­. " , 1AJ ; le to I , .­ , -11, � I . ,,, *4"� " ' ." i :� "'; i 4, � . . . 4y ". 4 .. � . , , ; P; I- WV ,dWd ,� �R, ') '7!! n "bf" afael( * -I'V � 0 A W I I .p' Plane d'e' r X , �,� e I 6 f ,".,AV .�i7, . A' 4X,ft. Rou-son I ,V*UA& ,i� Mr ,.",�.,,0.111 I##, I . I ""..AV �i7, I , ��J ,- I ­�­­.11­11­ ".06 ".'� t , jr,, "� � I .. I . . '­ , I I "'. 11� , �4�, WA=IvUy;e,, watiou . . I I I . . . . , 1. ., ­ , , , . f �,J�,, , llkt"Y,10� ., , . hol� ; . , , A;", i '­�' i '. , -, '11 4#�&, I,,*W�,�; . 1011114112.kl; 1.14",-`r34 "'i'*& 'th& 076 n i . . 1� .,,�. . r., I , I r Ir d .tw.dti ­,� " %um ped. ��- � . ''. I,- .11`� , .1 . ­­ .1. 4 . ,,�� " fh1e, , , q i � ',;hel Aly. . .�,,� VX,� p V& .16� i0e,*� 1 - , ,,� " . a. , , . �,.,� ,T;�:.;� � I ,* ��, - I . AZ ` - �, = -, ,,Ixe " , - Im � � i , "" I 4*1ilW � I . . � . '. . . I weaX 'kW` ­1 Q , , 4 1b, and %J- sft,16j,'7 ".11 I , 4 -, 01 , _ Y I . . I I ., A. . r I. ,. 44442 1 k `W of "" I I , , -,:hart'V,� " I , , , I , .� � I � , � 6� _Y_ I I I I ,�; , 'i " I M(r , , 'J� I llm� "I �� � �,�, i �1�,§ , � � f,vftt� , '. -.I am , "i =A , 4 � � I .; I M � I - I � 1'1,,,�,k,,t,,4,;:�_1. I -1. .. `t�,!,�... . ".,"', , J !­(,�.'_.'.,, � 4 111,'l , ."'. .1 11 � 4,* "" ­�, - . . -_ � , " �; ,, I11 , , , r1J ­­, ",�V '. ��..*�11 11 , , & ,W; ,bUn. 1'�', L � 1_1!�.�,,,,,,�,,,'&!, ,1,,.*,,,4-_k_;�,� I—— � j ",",i,.L,l�,yl�,INL,'S�L�L,,r,r'p.��4,�!,!,�,.?� , ,� � �t, I r '''',A I '� '? , � � 1� n , 1 ,-� '440, - �, " 1A �"­ ik& fW ad - * bed aV6u%d, b , -� �P,,La4,tl � A�i�,��,'i,,t , . I .. " .. ', � F, Ri I U. "d. "L ,"'. � . I .1 , 17*7��"'' ( V. ; � ., " �. E,I??.V - M - 'd . �- -­ , — I In, �"&-Aiv, ,1 . -66,16ear, , I 49A r4d. YX [often *aw _#"� , , � & " � .1 � -r. , ; 'i, �m 4, a I I* *, , �! , i , ,g"_, " - g �, "X -'10 I I I , r"), , , 1, 'i $* A�f' ,,, , " , I A'; ''% T , *0�,­ WZ _ � ... ... . iI , � " . , .. . I I I T I " . ,11&,.'�� 1.'Q7, '. . I .. .4,.,:--- 144t. . ;'. . ,��#�V,.nO,��O , . �� "I "I I .1 I , ,� n. a,� ..r U�ri�A� INV��,J �, _; `0� '4� �� Il'if " "'� � - � ­, ,'4 �.k•,�!V,t'r._o .1 11 - 1'111_11 V 11 , -�i '.. 11. "I . �1110 "" r, 1pd,'�4f��b,?,,Jf� � .,: I , ", _" ;# , I I; , I 'w�j 41 � i, , �' .,­� - P I . "" "A 111_­­�,. ,� ... ; .1 I . I-, 1, �V. . . .� . W �, " � I . 4 � �', , � 1 t! �� , "I! " ; ,�': - . " I " - � : .. 1. : .. � ' � , 1 � � � , � , '� I ,L ,, - ` , �. � ��, � ,'�",!'��,­"Z� �:�;, 1, , , , ! �!: 1, � , , ; , _ , . , , �� ,,,,,,,r , ,., , .. $,:.v � � L , 11 -.1. 1. � , 1 "I . , - , � , 4, "' 11 . � � . I 1 4� , t, "' ` " �; 1. 1�� ` - I ��,', Av i, , j . ", �. , , � �' , , , , 0 , ��­r�% , J ,! i:",�I` '�, � 1 .� 'j, �� , � , ' , ... ,�;, � ,,, ........ , , . , I 11 - ,,,�;, �I, " I . � I , � 11 I'll, , ,I�'l , . � ,. L k'4 � I " i I r ,,?,'�;, �, ­2'�41:1 �­ CIX'�.­,111`1. . . 1 4 I I I I 4 ! I J I 1 -