HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-04-26, Page 3" ,�W y',�, ; --- I , I I! I ''fM P-67. 11 11 .,,,'� I I , - 17, � `7� � � 71,11 I, "1117"Te`i�,T� F;! I,, 11, . r3FTRPT1W ll " " I'll',. �.%i.71 1111.1.'', !" ­­: llil`g- , , " �, ., "'" � �1� ,�,,�� � 4,' I I I � 9 -,,, � . . ,� " , � " "I i,i".,�i,,,-,i,,,,,,.,,"""�- I I'll ,; �,)"-.;�, "7 ,,,, �;� , �� �� ;,,., �eit�, � 0 . ", - "" , TW T"Tr , , � . �, "�� .,iy,;,i.l,,��,'1�11�, .I... �� , , " V"�'� , "�', ','�,��,�",-",,.,.,,�,,,,�,,,��',,,�,,,,�l",�""�,'.�!', 7ITI-�,, .�!��-,7""t, ,-, ��,'�,:"",�,,,"�,�i�,,�.,',,;'� .`i�� .^,�,I , i,.",�.",,��,,v,�, ,,� 11 Iii "�,,,,,,I� ��,,�.,,,,,,��,�,7,i�,,!,�,,,,�,�,,,,��-��;,, I" " A �t� 111-11 � �;'l', , . - 'i"'I""O ',,.'�', - , - "" . ". , �� , � I I ,"'� -'� �',� ..".- "'i"', , ,,, " , _w . , "t, �iiti _4 - 1��,f_ � �,�'�". , ­� , , ­", 7 -, , �� . I I , I " " 1�`� ,,;,,��,,,,,,�� ,zI,,�,,,�,�,, ., I - , 7 I ,. � u I ,,Wllil'111111��I� , ig.,, �.','. ,, ,li�.,, Aii'k�611,1 �� , " ?IM,,r,N _ 11101'RWI Fif " , �,�IIN ,' I ,�, .., 0 ,� �J'­r­ m,,1r-,.lk",-lt.. ,g�,,� � ��M, �If , �,�..S, ,.," �7,�,-��,,�"!", " .1�,,,,,,-,.""",�,.,,,����,�,,�"a�,���,�.,.,�,.�,,,,�-. ----,--I,- , .., INI - �, , "P, , ,,,i�','�',,�;��,'�,,'.,,-',-,�',',"',",,',,�, �,'�,'�",',',!' k1I I 11�11111t­ ­_M_kZ s t_ _p I '111 . . , , , `3 " ,�, 1� 1,�'. �, ! � "�,, �1�1 � t ." t i I ,� , T",, 1�,� -, i F,,,J­­­ ""el"', "'?, ,;.�Ji" �� "' - , 1, � � 14, T 0.,�,,��, __� , ,',� .... ����,��,';�;��,��"",�",i"!.�;, §'1­J;I'l­1l,,� ,;�k ,(F� " ",­'! �;: '!11!1111N1.1'1,t,, ­­­- � " I �0;tk'_,;, "' 1,'lllg,';,�', ;,��'-�,,,,,,,�,' t, �,) �� _;�,'� �'�' 4� I , '�V` I ! , , j %,�,�,��";725� �1`1111 k' ,,�")"ci,iq� ,(�,'�i�j "'�,�,",gggw,,q: ��D,I­Rl�tl­)� � �,� ,� �`,',',��T`��: ,"�,",'�� IT�,,61,�,�� TO".". , j �, � ,,, .!Iil�,,�'t,��l?",,�,§I�,.",ti,�,,�;,�',,�,'"� I - � �� ���, �� 1; �_­, �; I,,. �';� ;��:.,",,111- I , 444 � I- " I � ��`� 1., 1 4 i", I " , I ­ 11 ...... ... .. � ... 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R#fflw, � ." k, 111.111��..� *W .� �,�:;�",,,t�,,, "'i ��?�,, ',��,"� , " . � ,�� - .� 'k, " , I , I- ", , 0 � � " " WIR . i �' ,�,!�� Z V .�i II, , , ",j 1`10 , 'Ir � 11 ti p '1311;4:11� ,� 1 L ,., a I Af 1, . ., '' _. W , . J:k. 4JWJ� p ,, , , I I ir , pow , , . , , , 4�'.�,;",�V.�,;� I I I i �, lUt,- �O,AWPVFVY%#�90s."ft lWiW,,;ft. '# 'k, "'�. - � -,, W . P, ��' " 1"'��' `�' '�Allh'&_ "4'11109 4, ,��I, � 4grrUDAR14 " I ip , )k`. ,W. , ,� P . " �, . & d! 10 I _g -1, gi ,T',1)0ur, RM; �f elot W0,1*01'o, 1�� � * I . I I .... " I "I ,,�,' ,��Y'ffv,31: 1W1AtA.-? , - AQ "bi's so*0 1. I, 1 , � j�,. .� '"", FIARTA4, .04 vat V 4 ) I & ''"", , �`,,'�,;. . i W, 90W 4 I issue -40 i - _77T ��,. I - - .0 I "! 9 �.' �, . I 1 7 , , ':m,:��l,ill,;:t�,��_ ,,�, �� , L ly, It .v� , -g,tl �l - ,," , ,,­�' , I� � �� , '...., ivM.�� ?I- . 11 � - , , MI. � . -­� I. , '' � �t ��1111 I ... r . -, ". _ " I ;AJPK "' g�, V , i 1. 14-1._� . � , . gh , 0 , , 1, ��' _0 N1 A I . I ,�.' I - 4, , , � 'jl', "A . #M." � .. ,,� . � l -II, ,, " , i, I .-, 't mq,QATM4 ..'". i � W_00,�,p, 4 0 _� � i_,.;Pz.­ 01140"'04 Z-Amitbe.-saintin"w� �tot �J ,,� "It, �11 , ,; I _­ , , , . i 11. , '' ,,, � I I , - I _W ­ - 110104.".1,- ". .11-11--.1- ..., 1- '_­­ 1-11-1 �e� �0,.,, , 9*0 ,Ho, 4,P11 ", � we Nenevipiet-M, , :,f.�,�`�.;:;�', I, .,.,q,�,�O ,� " �,l; i & I %,11p* 0 1 1 0A Tug%ft 'IN , I � �,% �� IT, -1, ',;l"y a � a _ d - ��Aw I , �� 4�1_� " ­. - - ,� :1-111"....., " I., �r -7 .. ..­1�1�� � " Avpji � at ,the c4st iv, tho -, ��1111 '. ,,,�� k, I ., ,: rl, 'VI,t, 311.1 ""I _4­10� ,� -Ar'MI ., , I ­ - ' - .,;,�',�."-�I,-,� 1; - . , , p i ,, � 1, - 1- I "I ;'l"C - �v `,'�,'�, ,: _,11 '� ',�;,�,,I,, , 9, I fftll,'�,J lt�jg 4 . I mamuy i. , , �,�, W." i T� 'T , I �:P#j'�'.W,=_*St� eA4"V*V- to. oe-nu�de?, � � low;%W,�-;_011141 -�,- 7MAk ,1�� a 1�. "!, �.-,-t,! 4'. ; �112__�141NR'1112�'11� I," �� . I" " * � . I .. i., A "'' I 11.1 '... , - 11 j � lV.­ _,,,,,,,,,,LL,,.',�e4,y,�f,f�,�.� I I ,q '' �- , �� , I, �, li_.�, '" mr I TAP :0001,40W 0 - ,- " i� _ I ,i,;;�,,,�;,.,!�� ­41�ij� � I - , , ,),L, "Ir- T qA ,,,, , " 01 *0 _ " : � , I . Lfllowprg,,� -;74011001111 al� _P . � "k I . J. 3L , , g :1 , , , � � , � 6 #1 W; 199"W' Lx� I 1.1'.11, IIAI'A, 1� "l, 1 � ." . ,.�,� , , br F - W I.M. - � ,� , JDAMIA, 1W OM00''libomsia. . l'. � , � ,,111, W, ... I, " �i lk, ,011�1 � im.. , 1W t6A . 'LUOU&I M�l W.;W1, I " f"I" 411, N;`, , 14 ,;,, - .t " .� -14 I ,, .W,*'5PAUqM4_. �L'4, � I 5 "",4, P1 I ['�M'pf IMOTal'40tate ,has it , ,, I �Vu du I , , - , , , s, Imn � ���, I 11 'I, . 4�4:" 'p,it, ''l, ��l �, ­� _;. ,�'; "_.. '�_ � ... ; - R,�, � �, steAsow wore MW I " AN .. 1,-�TFIWII 14plal- Prl.��,"ItA�� .... V 49#1110TW� which. auppl,Wo Alt, .. , (I � �, ,4, �'�, Easter: I, vrq,-� . , I;, Willp-w-t I t _1w 1% W f pft��, �1 "' . ndnaky, �4.149�1 - ,� , , , , , _ 4 , P, _0 ( I I ne -e `",74 . _0 03114 604401, I ITEM ,� 1. met 4�q ,V4 ., i,� .1 % U1110 I , p :F4kiroa Worumn of, '40. - U. .0414ess '90plodg, and I Mr, '��' . ,church',: 1' ,., ' I . ., &OlIb aead- the Pwuwa I . 11 *P1-1 Nbobimmo., I I '!-'T' 11 I . . , " !�` .. o4f wesiden *A, , Wordo o ig'.. Wip 1% .14 gg; I . �_11 , , �, M&tt T,Ua'YuT . i0lm ,N,,,115, =1!44� 4 rVA".040irm '. 10 0_ I . �') ,"_. wpe I ' h a I ., *-.0,4, � VA, ,; W i's natWARY .0 the 'best possibie qu I. , a :rI,:=,,f r, Nnt 'r V . - Keys. I I , _h - tho'. I .! .� pr ,gion . , IE - . I ., _ �'n . pm, 0*.M=,. WIT. ,Wor .., ity. Thmv,*o emi-n- ,�,;,u I ' " " _ . . v . Rl _lu ` IVA, .." I I � once ,A. c,ertaln. 0 I M44on, DT*,Fe, F W , . ., . . I NE ipir at tho" h , . A , , ,, Fs ed, in 'WO W.'Or`� MY1, !4.WP , s, ID , 141VA. � , � ex4t.-P-em,wllb��lilked.,t&e,t?o 1-vaiisliw 0%. -Fee ome, I 01 er M , V ,TAU.0r, .7,�'4*h-; � , #` * thip' 1perioc� varl Drown Tend -this sm%vA. , I . . " ... I— so clp"� 1V *jden, a, '�Wo -ughter Figure . , '. ,�,�Z"�, . so much. that he -pleaded bar , ,dj& ' .., . .1 It, � , 'A'Swi- .1W. , ' I ' ' I . - � RIIIAI'-,I�Z, I. babelle Gmy-Aedk �-,'Qhoir practWD -ww� Udd bu I _,"Lot,'if .,. I � - � T,U. Q�wq ! R. e ,g do, , i, I.." ScriPturre, . les -Von �,� P -_ , , - � a , a I !G�_ '* W __ -, inc , �'Dressels, thle Year To I. ��',�'3`�!!Tjq, , - *ereetly, to get -4 regular supply s,,euit " .. I , , � I I he famil , 4 1 t , , . I ,,,��11,;, � , , In ',n *, �p , '-7, 0 ip - " 4 , � �. say W-040 5% .� � .z,�%� . rrl�­!;��-�f`.,�l ,. J �,[`­ , prayp . own home; . : '. : , Apri :. '3',!�:,.�,`��,I, �%,,g;p.,- _r, ,3..1_r..T(* ,er, gave ov , Rw, � W I ,11, 10* 8, pr ", i�!�:"�,`��,,p .2410 ,v -t li­ � wo no wIt _. 60, 4, * *=_ ibut f . I "­,���, . 1s entitled OVlhat iff-Pleace and W.1hJ V -1s , I 1, IN., q, .- tp, W ., he. adl6a pa,rs�nAgjj, the Taftloif exp '': � o �,,,,,,,.",t""!,,�;"��,',��: -1,11 ,,, A � 4 . �et Olga And: "Je'a-4 '�Bell. eaT �"There is ,a ,pretty little private was .Oa,lemnized, at the . , _eTt fooin, Fazio, ! . . , ,,,,e.,." I 1. . "will Ibe opecially desi - to . . . . . 1,,�,­,' I ,�' ",� �� , Do We iKte,WWar."1 . BverY meinber was present and' a golf coUrseat Balmoralpandalthioug1h wken -Rev, Or, Xortimore united __ ZwA I . .,�e�', ,,�l, � � I I , The WJMJS. are sponsoring a pan- Most ienclo,uraging praerd, Id, the ' ' marriage Mise Alberta ,Smith �j aloodrituatte the waist.11 *� I . ,� ,,�,,,� . :4 1. # gel was he ling'dboa not Play the game, he I I � I cake slocial in -the hall -an Tpipday ev Bridc What. doeo this mean I �, jL':X � - after which a mer .enjoyable lunch fre Church and I& Elwin Chamney I*, . �, , I ,,, � Y quently watche& the ,F�riuc,d I ;of .: I " I, A , I I !? If y0b, are lonel of those , I , .i� ��"?� 11 1. -11 , , , , wtuiloqh. - . -You I ,� 11 �j,%�g­ I lening, April 26rd. A ,travel, talk on was served', by -the hDsbess�s. WW,es for',the Thike of York dT!vl,ng . . I .� 11,!. , - ", '' RVIP , ": -'�;,A X . . . Bg7pt will be given, by 'Mrs. H.. Cur. At date of writing,ourIspring wiea- .from the first tee. A yeqT i6r, two ago - - __ I . � ___ - eath of John Fowler unlue4y women who hau've 19let * , Z11 ,I,,�"14t,�, _�� fgswlill . ,� I I An old and resipected. resident of the figutrest go", itmeans that ". 11.1 ,I", � �� H k m*, als'Dinumeal numbers. ther -seems to have taken, a chill or the Prince induced his to tAke Hoegy visited. in. Rostock vicinity on. I ��!J`M`Q,'f"'� ,I;, � father ' .., I "; 4 1. - III: , The Ann * ual meeting of ,the Wto- ,perhapst it lis, the flu which .has ,been a golf club in his blind, but His Sunday. , " I this district passed away at his home the new flattewlng .0tyl,05 are . I � !; 1,11 .,-�i',.,,�,,,,,,:"�,--�,���,'��;,.7t",�,',,� I rtute will be held on Wod- going ar,ound, but no, doubt it will Majesty missed &e ,ball comp, tely e rs. 0 a sing lamten't .... I I 1, in Colhorne *mmship on Saturday, not forr You. R means b , � I � -1 . I IN. " ,� . men's Insti e , M S.Sl sc r Elligsen �md Ed . �,��,��:,; , ­­ , _�,,,,,. ., -1. .1 I up ag 1. I � , I . i I . mesday,'April 24th at Z pam , Roll 50(on clear ain so 1the'farmers This was -at Balmoral, and it iippar- BoMe and Weld ­btrothers tof - Monk- April 13rth, in the person!,lof .john with Out-of-date driessoes��, l you . I ­l,�V,F,kp, , - ­�J.�l I I '�"call, number 'of meetings. 1 ihave at- can. Workilm the land again.. a jo F,ow,m 'Mr. ,Fowler ho ,was 77 decide to do stomething to restore the . �, � r, " rl.-.,�­�­ ;,Ii,� " ,­,, � .,I , :,Nl,,�11',-,W.-�,. � - , ",;,,!, " - " ..� i "",k'i � � I.. r ently has ended (his Active interest in ton- were heard-froin, Stratford r d 1 ' 1 , w ' l ,,.,,e� I �,i,�,V,,,� I 1. �,�: ­�­i�'­.­ .. 1. ., . r '! ­ . . '': 1. " "i , I 1:-11�1�� :�V,.��i I . �� 4 " tended , and, - I ,I � . " ". ,during the year- election of Mrs. W. W� (Gooper and grand- golf. station, � playl�jg mixed orchestra ,on years of age, hadbeen in pooThealth figure of your girlb days , .,­ 11.01, I .. ,,;�nl�, for some moniths. He is survived by There is a thling to dol-­An,d it does, . � - " ll� � I �­I'l ,: �,';:, f!.-_ officers- readling, N. K J, MrIa. W. daughter, Miss, Elaine ,Co.oper, of "The planting of trees has from Tuesday evening. . . I I . '';., :,A; .1 I ,,,,,,:�­��,' , , .,�';., 1�!jt�t% . A;1. . . . . . .­�� _��:r'�4 . , OA04 11ady ,(M ... "I - ��,�. 1-45-'. X �` : ,�,I­. �,"_�w,;;;v�� " , P. D 't his widow and a1amily of three ,,;to not include a. "ptarvatil diet. Jus� I , 4A 4 .Hau,gh�on; cuavent events, Mrs. Jas. Stanley, visited recently with the tfine'imanemDrlal been, a traditional Wr.­and 'Mrs. A. J. Huelther nd Us ,�', I ,, .. I . ii...., , . take S.) , ; ­ I ".." I .­ I . I ­­.''ky nd flour daughters, William Fowler, - faithfully every'morniiij a. hW- oonly a I - � I", former's daughter, Miss, Margaret cust at Dorothy, -of MorAston spent Tues'dlay 4 few . ,"'I'l � . � . ..., �, ,,I A ,6 I . , On'll Of 'British ROYaltY - and, months ago I , I ... . , :'," �,i',�` ­ - I . �g�,�,� . _- � ... I tc"� �",',q' , Cooper, 'of Toronto. Dallmoral the practic,e has been given and Wednesday last week with -her " '�Olborne­ Reginild Fowler, Lon- t`edsVdD`n&U1 of Krustchen Salta in a not giet a ni-ce d'ves-so tolo" fit I I I.. 1, ., - rq', . - . don; Worthi 'Fowler, at home; Mrs. tumbler Of hot wstew. YOU will s0on wear a size 30. . , I . ,,, �I , I I ,A, number 'of teachers and, -young full pillay. � it , I �,.�I �,�� , I 0 7here is a long avenue of sister, Mrs. 0. Eggert.. . C& .1 , ���,�� , . I I Harry Beadle, Auburn; . Mrs. William find that you ariel gaining in energy Kmw,+,en. ,::'11vle " �I. 0 � � �encrr�IdW. it, � . - ��,� 11 I / �� people ,of -this vicinity., who are at- trees ther�, everylone of -which -has ' I I ]Ben � . ' Aw , I ,''. , I. � � � - �, �, �, " � - InIn - I" ei, ': �, � ttntling Normal Schoole, colleges. and been Plamted by'a member Of the I .. mw-� and Mrs. Ryan, of Gode- and vital*t7­T0t11r skin will ,become all Tay fri ds.,, . 1 I . . , 1. . I universities and others, who hold Rbyal family. rich, and Miiss Tena Fowler, at hbme clearer, eyes grow brighter -_#whilst . . . I � . -­� " I � I I . I positions in the cit;ies,, will be coming "All the other treesjn the -Royal AUBURN — I . The funeral'was, held,' from his late at the same time You will be achiev- '-Krusehep S,Idz is ,btainable of oh ..� I I�_"� . - " �.,4 , .. . 'It. is week -end to spend the Eas- Tree Amermell conihiernbrate the large Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Pa day, -April 16th, at two to,elock, when deill figure. tle.` . kil, '6 , , I ome thi home ,on the 6th concession on Tues- ing that mueh�desired youthful, el - ,D g a ... 4 06 eu ru torels, 'at 45c. and 75c., a bdt�- I I -- � I ter holiday& with Mother and Dad. uu' I ,:::�, I I MbP'r Of Royal TelAtives, of � . . I "'.. . , ... .0 I ,� in Queen Mr. and Mxs!. WiVilam, Patterson of the serrvices were &nducted by his * 11 . ,.".l__.., I 42;::10 - 'Nihen EastOr 10 1dxcep*Dna11y late. Vittoria dur' 9 the Pat 60 or 70 --- . .. 1, I , tbis year, we will be looking forward Yearrs, and the name s . the 13ith of HqUeItt quietly celebrated pastor, Dr, Wortimore; of the -United I - 4 � .� ,'�..' I I 1. . `­ . �­ I I, IF ". . ,� . Plates with their the 'fiftytI,first anniversary of their Church. Interment was, made in Col- their diamond wedding at the.11ome ,:I1 " o � to the best Of weather. dates which . � fttoreblead� W�-. -And Mm. .c . .,�.�, ,: . I I am affixed to the trunks, wedding. Their golden wedding, a, borne Cemetery. . .Me&l�* 11 11� . . I ... 1�:111 I I ­ I . I __ - � nrake� most inberesMilg reaffirg. of their dalughter, Mrs. William Ania Ws.. Ipmdm,o,,, Of stratfoi*, ' I . " .1.�! '' ' 4 1, . I I 11 - Years ago, was one of thebig�even�s ,,Onv -of the oldest and most highly Marsh, iof Garlow. She 'is survived and 'Mr.'and Mrs. Prank.Hifbb,� gr : . �N�,- I. . "'The Kaiser a -ad all his family bf the, ,III. . 11" district"Whein 96ime §6_ joined esteemed, residents, of this community by her hu.sband, nbw in his 90th year, Gioderich. , I �, 4��,, � "" . . . . - , . : J .'' , # #1 I BAYFIELD have their trees at ,13alwaral, -and wit%themat a dinner and 100 daric- died at her liome in Auburn Thurs- and a family Of one son amd . two . . ... . I . .'�v I I . . . wm� although an anti-GLIrman, party re- 6d and pilayed cardis. in ,t�e evening. day, April lirth, after am, illness Of daughters, Wm. H. Magridge, . of Au- 1. . . . I , ,.`4 --4— 111.1 � , . 4 , lilo I (intended for'last week.) - " Moved ihe riame.tpl4tes ,during the ,1��_ Faibterson, the lba-ide 401 fifty f&ur'we#,k.v. Afrs,. Manning, whose 'burn; Mrs.'Wlilliam Marsh, of Carlow, � . .. �� "!; , . I I __ . I I . I . � ... : ____ . 11 , I ', � I war they harve since been replaeed. years, joined in.ithe dancle, aind out- maiden name was Martha Cottle, was and -Mr. Thomas E.' Manning, OfLon- I " " _i��4i * . . �,� , - I a '.. I . I .. .� I . . 11 I . The:1q,ree-comedy, "The- Heart Ex- The German Eimperbr 'has always a danced all who entered in -the "cut born in Delvanshire, England� elighty- dom, and by f6urg-randchildren and i __ . . .1 .. .... change,�' -which was given in. -the .. ��, .I�,, 11 � . great lo-ve fbir BalmOral, although he ,out jig.,, I '­ "'. , 4 v � I Town'Hallon Friday, April 12, under Nglliani iftItteirsqn, is the five years ago. In 1852 ,she came th four g�leat grandwahildrem She is al- � � . .., ... � I '. ' I , , navlar.approveld, of the lei L , - I I'll. I . k .. I the au -spices ,of the Library Board-, "ure-ly life som of Peter Patteumoh, and Helen -Canada, the family first settling in so survivedby twoF sisters, Mrs. . Chas. ­ ­ THOU - 1k,'', ,�,,1111. l . 1. �'. . - _.­,,�, i I'll, � was en3loyed by the large audienee that the British Sovereigii led. ,there. Miller wboemigrated fbrom- Greenock, Brantford. On November 4 1874 Manning, Cartwright, .MargtDba, and I I ': .... g,l� '. I I . - ". I. . � . . I ".. .,,present. The niany ludicrous. a-itua- The hillside picnics, with. -the Royal Scotland, in 1820, 115 years agio, com- ,she, was united in in—age at Clin- Mrs. W. Munnings, of Goderich. The I �. I . I . : 9 11 1part� All happily reclining on the I . 11 ' ' I . ''; , t � 0 11 tions ,which ,occurred as -the sbury un- ing bver in a stadlilng -Mess'el ,taking tonto Mr. John Manning, and follow- funeral was held from--- the Baptist 11 � � 4� � ,� � 1 ' " �" � � ,,, � � � , . I healbber and eating out of food, bas- abiout nine weeks. He came first to ing ,her marriage, lived for many Church on Sunday -when' the ser�rkes : � . I . � � I .1 . 1. Wound itself kept the audience in al-, SHALT N 0 T I !., I . L 1"..". I , �1 I . . I .-nost.continuous laughtier. All the �'kets, could -never be understood -by Albany; N.Y. Stalte, then to kings-ttan, years on the farm on, ,the ifth eon- were conducted by' Rev. G. W. Sher- ' i , . the -proud -a ..l nd self-important German Ont. After b g in � I ��I,. 1�11 sleenes occur in- theoffice of one, Lan- , ein Wentworth cession of rRulleft. In 19all Mr. and man. Inftement was made irl. Ball's ' , .. 1,�,,­ . 4 14 " 1 2 , 'ders, who is supposed to run a mat- ruler." I . . County for some time, ,he siol,d oi# 'Mrs. Manning retired from th-e farm eemeteTY, the pallbea KILL I I I . "'.111 SI . . rers being I , S :�.� ' . , �, I rmonial bureau. Two young college . there and came to RuiOn County and and came to Auburn, where she con-, Messrs. C, Manning, Charles -Wey- �. ;I I. - � . 1.�Y Y Y Y . '. . I t� I -421 � I . stl7dents, Ralph Dartmore (Fred Wes- George W�,Iters 8,5 years, ago, took up the farm on, the tinuedto, rreside until her death. Mrs. mouth, Albert Weymouth, ''Ben Mun- ­iil #. 0 i ", .. Bring comes and finds . .,�, I, . tun) and Arthur 'Princeton (Ja,ek Marta lath of Hullett, now occupied b J I 1� , %%.i ... � .. � t making love 66 Ral .y !Manning was a consistent in nings, W!ilhani Bell and C. Manning. : 1 :11 ' he Ernest Patterson,. ember . " pb for t �L . TL, �' ,:,:"� "� ... Here '81 years of the Baptist Church and the Ladi4es'- Those from a distance who attended i I ,�. i� I i Ferguson) have 'beien left in cbrarpe benefit of Uncle Joe who has TetuTn- Drive Carefully! '.L.:j­V . t � � 3, i , -111. � I while the ow-ner has- goile to Flori&' ed to blip scene.� Then there comes a ago Win, Pafterson was born. Mrs, Aid Society. On November 4bh last t1le funleral were 'Mr. and Mm Percy � . I .. .... e ,.� . I_, I . S IP R t Alfto G Harving been turned, out of their rooms M,,,, Hartley Emmerson Decker Patterson's folks carrile, frbm Ireland, Nh-. and Mirs,. -M-anning celebrated' Hibbert, -of Toronto; MT. and Mrs. I . 1. I A .,�', Yl.7111 . I because of their inability to, pay the (Brown I-Eggins) who is in possles- went to the IStat& lof Missouri, then . . .. . . I 11 I I I I . I" I .. _ �1� ' rent, they move into Lander's eslob- sion, Of Aunt Thomasina's picture albid came noorth and ,settled, iii Goderich I . . .,.!I 11 . . �;�� ,. adds insult to injury when 'he sees tberson was . 11 . �, I . . I to the " lishment. It Appears. that Ral;h had Towrishi *here Mirs. Pa q �­ . I ,:�. I . I been given $250 by bisl Uncle J10e Aunt T6m1my and -proposes: that she Z 11 ., _.... � ,,,,, � ' ' � � . . born, ]a r coming to the Maitland l;1 I � . (George Little) on. which to be mar- be -his eighth wife. Harriet Rocker b1tock where901ive�r MoBrien now livets. I . .1 I I 'N I . I , . ..1. � I .. - * - ried to Louise Millard (Marion Davi- recognizes George Walters as ,the They were both edlucarbed at U. S. S. �t. ,,, I. ,I . . Breakfast ), but becaupe be gambled with man whose picture, ishe purchased No. 9 schb!tol, as were their children I I., . . I , I son . . I 1, I . . . I I . ., I I the money on a fo&ball match and and to 'cap everything, in walks, Ma" and now their grandlehildwen,are go- 7�\ - .. " - .11 , I %, I - - . ", 1 ... . I . I lost, Louise has -quarrelled with him. tilda Goggensloci,k,ler (Mrs. Fred Me ing tio -the same school. Mr. Patter- . 11,111, Table - - /I I I - I .1. I son remembers. going to s,dhlool one .- ..�, I .1 � � Arthur Princeton�s, reminder that he Elwient), -a typ;'c9l old maid, and de . �� �, I I � r hat A d . . I I,, 'lost $17 is Cold comfort to the un- mands t rthur Princeton. marry morn, --g ,only to find that the scho6l 111. �'. " , ;­ . . . , 1?L � ... I I . I., - i .,?7 , ?, - '.. I 11, , p. . happy Ralph. The boys had decided her, As she paid $5 for his picture. buibeffili bad been -burned to the "I � ,, � .I,, I!., , ,.:.,.-, "I I .. I 'TIRED'of hot, heavy foods? . _�� . '. � .�. "; - : I -4'-�­ I -, - . to- make a bit of money on their own He makes a hasty ex:it and later comes ground. Another log school wW. . 11 - .. I". �, -rI IF ,;1 _� I".. 1. 11 I ; , � Let's changt6 to crispnessl in the Heart Exchange and so hid in ,throug'll the window but Matilda ,built which, was followed by the pre�- Il - a� �' ii, �, . 1� ;, ' ,!, . . I :, . . I rn' sent out a large number of advertise- follows thard ,on the trail. It falls -to 1� �.,...... . . � ­�, I :Serve Kellogg!s Co Flakes ent brick'struature. The teachers at, "f -U . 11 . I L ... , 11 . ments in the absence of the steriog- the lot of Marta, the clever Fteno-g- that time were 1MIesisrs. Aikens, Me- I !;... � - 2 ,- -I. . . :-N � — golden -crisp and fresh, rapher, Martha Kellogg (LGttie Hig- rapher, whoAs really a detective in Galw,and McFall. As was, dsual art ­/� ,� %�. �., 1_1 . � t" I ' , .. I .1, . ` I �. ...�I! -with milk or cream and gins), but their first CUStOMeT is Har- disguise. to unravel the frightful mud- that time, they had to Clear their own � 4 f,,:,..,- . ��,,� I �� , :1 � .. '. . I . . Iruit. See how keen and fit riet Hooker, the 'Englis-h maid (Mrs. dl,e. When the police surround the farn-L -At ai. stream nlea.r their home I 1-1 - , 'i � . ., . I ..; -, . . . . I'll . I 11 . . I , Peter Glark), who pays five dollars house, 'Decker is arrested as an ac- they could catchall the trout .they 1. 4_7_.­.11_� - /__ � . �_ � 1. . "A� i -Tun- wanted and it was quite a common -.� ... ,(,. - - . � / �,�t, I -everybody feels, after such a for the picture of a man with a bald complice of Landers in a rum I "I - -d -ttbe eir ,., . . IV head: then' Uncle Joe arrives for the ring ,gamig, an culars which , " t I I � r 13reakfast I I wedding And Ralph persuades Marta, the boys had sent tout in numbers had .thing to see six oor seven deer run- I / 11..�', . I IbIl � ning through the bush. They had to �, ". I � �1, Try Kellogg's for a light, who returned to the offi-ce and is en- been used, by thern to notify their I . .% I . . 4,�i tramp -to, Sunday s,ohtool in bare feet I - ,I ,....�...7 il . � I %il, .4 1 gaged to George Walters (Gem. At- confederates of their movements. n four was ne-edad thefather . ,� ,., ��I. -:2 __/ !, , '.1:1. refreshing lunch. Give ihem kinson) to ,pose as Louise for Uncle S-acker is won back to the affections and whe I ..,I l had,to carry it on his back�a distance I .. .7 ,�� _,q .- , 4 i, to the children for supper. Jole's benefit because he muld not ex- of Daisy, Who decides, hat she loves �_ �.., ,�, � 7i,il � I . , of �Jhjrteen miles or more. Mrs. Pat- i I �, p . ;,""', plain the loss Of the $250. In the him after all, instead of the name �; �� .,;,P . . .�,. " -food, tetsion has in ,her passession her , "; - ,� 1541� 6 � A nourishing energy meantime Arthur conceives the idea Algernon. Martagoes ioff ,with Geo. '7 I .,:, r ; 1;; . I ,,easy to di . gest. Of supplyi'ing Ralph with a "Louise" Wa-lt&rs after straightening out the father's Bible which be won as a re- , ,(. . I I �� ... 4 . I., so ,he persuades Harriet Rocker to tangle. Harriet,decides that perhaps ward for repeating six chapters of ��,' I I.. Kellogg's Corn Flakes are pose as Louise Millard and introduces she can 'get ,her Old sweetie back a- Ephestians, at a general inspectibm. , I 11 I I I . '# her to Uncle Joe; then Ralph intro- gain. Ralph and Louise are reconr It is dated January 7, 1833. Shehas - I I �__ ,.Tl,1 � � ,,'I . �_ . the world's largest -selling , " � ,� duces Marta as, Louise; and then ciled and Aunt T(>mm7, so glad that also the -bracelet, chain und locklet ". . ,:�� I - - - . I -E=7t�.' " � . . 4 I ready -to -eat cereal. A value - Louise cbmes' to, the ,office, to return she has ,got Louise out of the which her hutsbabd gave -her -as, a I ��,i X: - .- _- ., I �, . ..'�_.­­ ': . � , I.:*, � ... ..... ,..� -without equal. Kept always -Ralph's picture to him. She is ac- clutches of SoockeT, so far unbends as wledding gift, as weal as dhe flowers I". . ... -,, -, . I . �,5 1 I .1 . .... I I , , ,'�., A companied by her maiden aunt, Miss ' to forgive her old &wee-theart, Uncle and gloves, r.he wore. on that occiasion. � . ! 1. ....Z. -I - . . ��42- . . . . . - I - - . I ,doven-fresh and flavor -per- Thomasina Penn �Margaret Groves) *Joe. And Arthur, who only Just On April 9, 1884, W�lldam Patter- . , .1, 1� . . *_.­�s 1, , . . feet by exclusive methods- of who high17 disapproves' Of s[weet- manages to escape from Matilda b� son �ind Mary Jane. McBrien were . " .. � I . 1� -1 .1 I . ��, :', riage at the home of -1 � I 'hearts in geifeiml. Miss Penn with- returning her $5 to her, is glad to be united in mar � 1 , I �,, I , � I I I . manufacturing and packag- Torm; the, pols�ition- of ar- the bridle's parents 'by Rev. Slanider- , . . :A � draws in haughty Indignation, when r(eleased f ,'�, I I ing. Quality guaranteed. she recognizes in Uncle Jbe the vrian ranging other -people's loilve a,ffairs, son, minister of Benmiller and Ball's . I I . ,11 .� Made by Kellogg in London, whom Ishe refused to, marry because but -gives his blessing to Louise and. Chureb. The bridesmadd. was. ,Mvmy l, I. � ! f I . the gambled. And, so Uncle Joe i's Ralph and A -ant Tommy and Uncle Ann Elliott, Mrs. Sparling, who is . . I � I ;;,� : , Ontario. .. puzzled, ,by the prevence ,of three Joe. The paxts were played well but stim living at Ninga, .Man., and the FROM A STAFF OF SEVVN / 11,"Ir , Louise 136114rds. Arthur, wht, always perhaps Harriet, Duisly and Matilda gTolo,insman, Henry MpBrien, who � I . � I I .1 I 'has brilliant 'ideas, tells ,him that -drew more laughs. A chance remark passk-d away some'years agoo. There I I . I � �, - � , I I Ralph. is suffering from arrinesia and overheard was: "The most ptafest- are some still living who were at ,the TO SIX THOUSAND STRONG, � � ...:. I � . I V, , I I - I law gor , tries to get Untle Joe to go home. sional bit of acting in the whole play weddi-rig. The couple went bD Galt I . , - �. 4 II , 94 .., * 11 Applicants, comimence to arrilve at the was the way Matilda Gvggenelocker on theirwedding trip And then. calme ,.�. I I - From less thin a corporal's guard to the equivalent opened its doors on Monday, November 3rd -M "I"', "It Heart Exchange and we meet Daisy closed her purse. That was superb." back tol the homestead on, the 13th. - of six regiments -this graphically illustrates the establishment. which Was destRied to play i'con- �. , I I I I .-a The play was directed 'by Mrs, Win, Many,of the people, ya-ung and old of - � 'Meadows �(Wargaret Ferguson), , I I 1CRISPNESS ','�� . chlerwingglum waitress, who is fright- F., Metcalf, I who also conducted, a 11 growth of the Bank of Montreal's -staff in 117 years. spicuous and beneficial part in the devdopmeAt Of I :�� , I:k , A I I I . the district li�ave Pond memories of 11 ,' . . Canades resources. . 1$ , , ...... fully in love -with thei fictitious name, guessing contest on, the names; of -at this home. On the 23rd of August, 1817, the first four efin- . . � A I - Algernon Percival, Montmorency, popular books becf,ore the play ,00m- the hap�y timles, held' ;� i . ... . I Their silver wedding was held onithis I ployces of the Bank of Montreal were appointed. Throughout, the many decades that have fotlowed� . " 1: I I , which has been inscribed on the pie- mfenced and dlistributed,prizei to the farm. After Jiving for some years They were the cashier, creasing effort ,..� . . 9 ture, of Ralph, andfar which she paid bolders 'of lucky tickets at� the close. an accountant, a paying the Bank of Montreal has made in . � 0 e4ela r . on this farm they moved to D[onald teller and a second teller. Shortly afterwArd a dis- to provide a banking service always adequate to I 910 $5, and whom she inken& to marry. Miss ,Gladys 01ale -gave some piano- I : " , . CORN I Next to come'to the matrimonial forte selections during intermission. Patters,orn't farm where their son, count clerk, a second bookkeeper and a porter were meet the requirements of Canada's developitient. . �.. . ' .1 I bureau is Soveketr Quigley (Clayton The play was followed- by a dance, Nelson, nfaw lives. In 192�2 they -came . added. � I . �%. , I I I FLAKES . Weston), a tough prize fighter, who the music being. pwovilded by Mrs. J. black to the 13th at Walkerburri, The original staff of seven has grown to 6,300, .11 I I I . , is looking :for the''original of a where they are now living. They are , ' oyally serving the public through 500 branches . . � I . ". I .? pie- Parker, Mrs-. H. Thomas, Messrs.. Jas. These seven constituted the original staff when the I � , I III . ture which he biought because his Lindsay, Q%leorge Weston and Billy both very fond of flowers and .their modest establisl-unent on St. Paul Street in Montreal extending from sea to sea - and overseas. . � I ; . � 1. um . � ! I I .1. . . ,home. is quilte a -picture in the s - � � I - , -_ - isweetheart turned him down ,because Westlake. . mer. Mr. Patterslon was six years in . I � I I � 1. - � (he lacked "it." He ,has Louiselsi pie- I . thhe council. William Mdon, of Lon- . I I � . . I -_ - I .--- I � � 1. .% I . ture andbecause she, is'annoyed, with I -..&� desbarro, is the fonly one now living . ,� I I 0� Ralph, she 'goes oul, with Socker-- TUCKERSMITH f 0"INT! i t I -_ - - who was in the' oo-uncil with him. � I I OVER-FRESH','FLAVOR-PERFECT " to Aunt Thoma - sina's� horror. Mat- I i4t of E�,,,_ Mrs. Patterson enjoys good hepoltdi, I . " ,.. I I � � 1. I -he following is the repo BANK %.-jr MONTREAL __ __ ____ _____� ters -become more complicated whien T — A � � but Mr. Patterslon has been. troubled .� I f ter Exams for -S. S. ,No. 7, Tucker- .. ESTABLISHED 1817 . . A . Smith: 'ST. IV----Z1mei Camern, 77%. with rheumatism Por some tinite. Mr. ? � 1. f� � Patterson has onle sister, Mrs. 'Wim. HEAD OFFICE - - MONTREAL I ��, Jr. IV—Ji,Tn slProadfuot 83, Jack Me- . 7 il A � . , 1. I � I ' Lem 68, Mae Rittoul 66. Jr. IT1- Brown, of .-Monkton.. StM living of . MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE .... the Outcome of . "I DON'T RISK"BAKING FAILURES .... I RossNichlolson, 79, ,B 72. a family lof 7 and of 10, MTS. Pa;fter- 117 Years' Successftit Operation . " ruce McLean # I . - . � � . ) I I I ST. rf­l[Billile Boyes 74, Jr. 113-clif- sqn allso has brie sister, Mrs. Sam 'N ; I 0 bordBell. ST. PriTirelr—Ross McLean. Be, , lo etlamd, Oregion. Mr. and Clinton Brang- H. M. MONTEITH, Manager � i I I Mrs. Patterson 'have five, cbildtlen:_ , . j� Mft- Jr. Primer -G -le -n. Cameron,­Pi,leanor Hen;all Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager I; cotchmer, Teacher. Xrnest, ,on, the bloTnieFtead;'Mrs. Hbx- . .11 ,� - Lcss Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Friday � I 11 I " 41 -A. -N., of Hullett; 11�,,! I 1� ,.e,�O:,-, �11�,��"i:! � old Sprung on the I Ith I . ".,:,.:�;;�:�:::::�:i::'!:,j:�::.:�il�:�,i�:",;�i�::!:� __ Mrs. Clarence Cox, Whitechurch; I . I - ..;-.'.,.'1 ...:.:.;...: I �:�, ��j:,I�'�, I A -'7­..�."�. ��:!�-.-,­...�?.-,.-r-..-..� THAN ' 11 _ I , - . �., 7,:;:: __ 10wolt.r .1 . / I , ..!."':i�ir .-'��.-...,..-.;�j��ij:�i���i:��;�:;i������I '. , . :::�: Mrs.. Allex. Manning, Belgravie, and I I - .?� .".�' iji� ��Ii�� �i;: I . I� ­ .':% . MCKILLOP �Ilj I .1 ... ­,­­., h 0 : Nelson, on the 3rdl concessilom af West, . A - ;; 4 . , l .-.'..;,...% ii . ; ,� I :;:ii;:�:�i�i-l""�i�i�i�:�ii�iii..,'..�,�"iii�i���;i����i���*..*.*,i F I I - __ ___ � �l ""' , 1.1": I , --- .."...".., . WaWan - � I *� , . 'li".iiii-�',�i-.*,,�i:!:���ii�����iiiiii-.,i�,i�i�.:Iii�ii. X. ' (Intended for last week.) osb. FloTmany years Mr. and . 1. ,; -�, .... �, I % j:j:i�,'�i�i��:ii��:ii�i�i���iil.i�,iii�����iiii�"".,', " Quite a number on. this Mrsi. Patterson attended the,, Presby- � . 1, � il�4 .. � A line at- terrian Church an'd no* bellong to .ii�i��ii,�i�ii;', , . . _. � t :Z'511:�i�i�ii*lli,�'%. 40, tended the furneral of the I 11� I 11, ���ll'i�i�i."-I.i���?.I�i:ii!iiii!i: Ic late' mrs'* Knox United. . 1�1 -& . , V i I .: --.,- : Mak- P--9, rUl Dei -gel of Dublin to arodbagen ceme,_ .1 . , ,,I . :41" ., i : . nded, for last week) ., . I : :.. "', 0 t y tery ion Monday afternoon. . I (Inte . D , 10'' I "" I .1..:;: � - Mr.kand Mrs. Fisher andWxs. Am- Mr. ard, -Mrs. William Robison vis- � I . I I! , ... . Ave . I?� I I � � ... ,. - , ...I.: . ". .. .1 . . .... , 4", � I � :,. ., 17ke! �sher of Fallarton spent Sun- ited' at the biome of Mr. and, Mrs, I � , "'.......... ..'... _____.... Q drew Pi lk . A :::::::::::`.. I - day ,at the, homies of Whn, Xnebler Knott iof Strartford last week. - '5� 11 i 11 :.. - . Wiffik h6. __­_ , IL I ; �1$ . . � f , . t and 0harles Regele. (Mr. Joe Ewing ,has sold his, house I , ,� " � I .. , W� I " r . i ,Mrs. 'Cha,rles, Lohr, Miss Matildta and lot to, MiTs.'Marbin, Am -strong bf , I �,'� . i l RAXING POWDER safeguards y,6dr ­ Lohr -and :Mr. andt Mrs, J61i Wlett- Blyth. ;She will take Vnsisessilon May . _ , . . � ��I. � MAGIC . li - Til I A , 145 , ' I I I I , '� , � "' , ` , , , , ,,I�!"��"i'll",�,,�,�i��ll,�,�-,�",', I "" lil 1, t I ` "" 1 ., �, - I I .,,,,,I . . , �1�,�" � . , , *',"',� � __ , ''m � I . I ` I I I , - I T�.::`, , 11 I . I cakes froth failure. Assures you fine reaUlts. ' . - lAilfer, of near Milverton, w;ere, visi- Ist. . Your layer,cake for week,end enterutimnefit I , How you . 1 4�, . I .. ,�, . I . .. — ,?�,�,',,, That's w4y Canada's foremost cookery . ." tors with 'Mr. And Mirs. iC. Ek". The Easter thankoffering meeting 10,00000 dislike leaving your baking to the last mainutel You need 111 I .r , .11 7 ,� It . . Friends on this line are pleahed to of -the PresbyrtetiArrs W.M.,S. was held not R*e ft two or diric; da]�s,aheact,'If you 10te; it will .. %Y , --.L-,-,Cr-", - � COOKBOOK ,� ;,iil��,., I experti use and recommend It exclusive- .1 ." I be Jight and moist when served --if wa& uAth PtMITY- � I �� . 1%...,0 � � , , ­­­ heair that -Mrs. John Deitzis: making in'thel bweiment of tbe,church. There � " 11 . I *11 . . . I I :� ,, . i � ly. Ask your grocer for a tin-todayl 116w, - 11 "'k .11 strides towqA# .recovery after her was a .1"ge atbendhwel, and, a ,pro- 4 the popular, allqmwpose Hour with diestmgth of Canada!s ,, X, ':�,;, , :I 1, P _ I . � "I , 11 " , 1", " * , - 1, 1 I 1. . _-, � � . , . It , . I I I best wheat in It. It conserves the moilthwe. Ptirity , I- , 4 , - �',,­,,g I , �J�,;.I,l IV! .1 , � I CONTAINS NO AL . ,severe operation in SWorth litoppital. grain suitable th the tooctmon. Rev. %50C _ Plow , 11 I- ,..­�A-1 I �� � � i .: "", , "..'x"'i - . vk,ji�j , I ant dh ever3p 0444 A E -V goes fardw thaft ofdtftry eake gourt stwn,,eighthsof a hio . , N �,, 4NM ,. t aM ttj� �t %t,,, ,,, - 1. ,,�L 1# , 1, 4,, -, ., .1 . � '. yosO.4paimptee thi 41er Is freb from li, t 0 - - 10, W. And Mrs. 0. Eggert and, Della Mrs., 0118 wast the SP6661 speW,Wer- Zit., =,. th� XM . . . . I �F�,,%Algjf: f, Do*%.[* of Ptudw is equal . I I 14-0""'� sklubt Or a6y, hiktbful failredienC. -- MadeInCtina 11 to one full Cupp* thost iat or ohi,w. , ��_ �, �,7 1, A�`:�fs 6 I _� and I'TormanAnd Afn. E, Effiggpii re- Miss Jewy-re Make, rwho. has, beon wm by . put it . I . . , � . . I ,,,�', � ­, � I� �11 t A, 1',. ; I - AMN" ,� .. . tt', 061AW I . I . X ?11�, ­ I . I. 5 11 - I I 1. . . I I I I i ­ . . . I .1 1. I I � V I .1 - .. -_ ­ I I ''' , ' , '.Itl."�',�,�',�l,,-L?,L-""��� , , , I , 114'"l- -- ­ I � . I , 'if , ,9", I 'No 1, 0, , ho , ne ... L . 1, � I -110 J�w - ��,,L 9 , � : ,� .-I 1,� I 1 � �,I_ " toliff , , �, , ,�-I,,;i 0,�,,,, � I,- I � I � I- L_�l �11 a - I � ': N , _� � ,( pW,�A­�,-�,10 0,�,",­ I'll, _.."... I tently attended the funeral of i Ws, working At Mr. Thtoma, Wainti'A. ivr �. h­wmf� Sena. . .. � I . 1. I � 1. . I .1 .1 .. . . d 11 � 1� - _6 -I­S� 'I . - I . I 1�' .t.(*1V*W6.00t.:, , I I .�i I . . '. 1';1'(1 ��,-Illi 10 g.ertts f6ther, Wkn- IravErnibl" at the past two 1nbMh,% To med ea 'her 0"-Meo 201, 282 . . I . I � . �; I., . I . 11-1,11;�'t,l I; 11 . I 11 I . � � . ... -1 I It � �, . � " , �, ..., "'':�11�', 9""', .41�', . 1 . ,� .y1WVV1F. . I I � . hiome 0(0 ParMtlll on E M a I Mt,phtt" I P '­-�t , ", -,!,,� �� R,�. � R r%t . 1�, , , , W,� I - � im, 'L� :! ­. I., I I ��, 11 � - 1, . �11,1 . 1**, bcv&lr . - i ,��,,.�� �, ","', ,t,L . I _Zfil�. Alid *9 Pmft&w 0. V� Rafthfiy of *.&t., - BESTIOWALL YPU,,�, .�g .17X ,.� ii,:,��:�&.� f , _, , . �Vd ,� &U01AArk vlr� A%& V166. A - .,11 I ,, ,� 1 " . - � and Guelph,, fDa% RAi*&V and, thTok, ohg I . I 1��..__11_11 il ,,I,, �0'­�,� ...... I . �.,,�.. C', �� ;. � I � 11 . " , I I.- "'A" - � ,, . �.. - - . . / I I I . I � - I � I ''I � . ... � I � f, . I . I n I 1, . . . 1. . , . .1 . L I . I , I - . . I I .L ,,,�� ,)I. 1, , . _1 ­ : � I . . I I., I ''. �", I" . 1. �, 1� .1 . . I . � A:�,:.- ­,'"!.::� '' , , �1 " " .1 � i. ". L I ,'� 1, . I . . . � , . ;��,;�,,,�:�,,.,.�,,,­, l , . I . ;_,�';,,­ I . I I . , �00, ''. . , , , � I . L 11111� . I .11 . k � Z't",!� ,��"'� ... ... , , .� l,,� ", - " . ,:'.L'�", 'I" "', 19,,�,,, . . . " ',L � �� 1.11 , ,.O,�,,,­�.,�',?�,, I 1, , .� I I.. . �,�'n­ � Ili,',�`I, Q4�'r.,'J�;� , - , � �,.­ 1 � , , , "� , �; �,l' iv4,, , I I �81;14illlli I '11" -1 �1'140%1" — � I I "I I �, I'll I - I � ,�11.11 . i�, , .,�� ��x',:�.'��'�,(.�§ , ?,Igt��'�j�� , , L'� N "� fi",',�,,, � ­ tL � j" - " I ,�-,�!0,04919,,I,%k. ", ", �t "' � ,- , ,. "'Imm ", .� ,� ��' 511i�Nli ,�ip�,�.�?,�6�-�6,�j�,��,,.�,,,,�—.2,�g�—,��i��,.�ff�, a.10 , . , _g,, I- - - �., L� �111' , L-11' ' 11 ISL'�'�,,��ll"tlbk�,.�'----------- 11 "I'll, �111111,,,,,U , �,, .. . — — - - –