HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-04-19, Page 5, :et:tea:ea eeetety:ireeeleilegreeleetle:.-1,....,;;toe, 71,4. • ' ' .•• • ! • " 44 4 4 A 4 44 .4 • I 4 •• Anal 3.9;193. CA crutorsAccumAcor•••' .craccacurcoorrarscurcAcsoramarclurcracurrrucroccrAr•carraurcaccara, ,,Kucrac.cr.,mArA • RM. 'illaiallnatiliaatt-, e.,,a11101"taereeaeaerege„.„ A i REGEN ThEAT1E, Seafor George .A0sfs L GENTLEMAN" , *Ku pm MAT -0141Vaii LTherte, rates it a Fein: Sr. Picture. SPECIAL MATINEE GOOD( FRIDAY AT 3 P.M. CARTOON and COMEDY NEX k TUESDAIVVMDINESDAY Ann &Ahern and Neil lianditoitin ormaiNri DATE" She Took a Chance With Lova: NEVIS and CARTOON ' Special, Tuesday, 3 p.m, April 23r4 LAUGHS, FOR ALL--.OLD'AND YOUNG An hour and forty minutes of fun with WALT DISNEY'S "MICKEY' MOUSE" -All ,Colored Musical Cartoons; POP -EYE; MICKEY McGUIRE'S, "OUR GANG" Comedy. COMING-"RIGIIRST GIRL 1N. THE WORLD" Matineee Sat. and Biolidayiei 8 Pala- Two g.311(mri nighbl)r; 7•3!) warl OIL PUBLIC SCHOOL (Continued from Page 1) •:: Room ifl lia--Winnefred R.USneII, FrecCW4- feed, Alhyvenne IlVloriee,. Harry. Scott, Kenneth Keating, Margaret Pethick. B -Lillian Southgate:, 'Fergus Bell, Helen Hodlgson, Jean ,Currie, Vernon Annis Dunlop, Reid Allen, Mary Geddes. :a -Stanley Thfl, Clifferdl Ross. De-alargaret Dale, Richard Eisler, Bent Barlow Dlonald Weed, .Dorothy Miowee, IIVIaligarert Edier, Leo Oke, Clayton Ritchie, Howard, Burgess. - Maude 'D.1, Hartry, Teacher. Room IV ' Al-Wilina Hay, Janie lloffat, Doi -- either' Smith, Joan aVleMaster and Frank Mille ( equal ) , Mar guerite *rest:tett, Alvin Hoff, Violet Dee. R -Doris Venue, Herrisson Sproule /avid Leslie [Ritchie(equal), George laildebeand, Jean ,Swan., Neil Hop - pee, [IlEarjerry C -.Beth Wiale*e"1", Albert Venuse BilIy 'Wlilbee, Jack Eisler, Isabelle Case, Evelyn Venue, Arthur Praiser. DI-Eurth Anderson, Aubrey Baker, Betty Dunlop, Jack Praiser, Clarence aBseed• examinatione-Ross Itont- igerriery and Jaequel•ine. O1Dell.-31. M. Bell, Teacher. Room V -Helen Smith, Jean Wright and Patricia Bechely (equal), Marjorie "INIIIMMIIMINIES1111111•1111=1111111, The Western Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co. Organized 1905 Head Office : Woodstock, Ont. Cash and Bonds on Hand - $213,720.62 • The largest reserve balance of any Canadian Weather Instr. num Mutual Co. doing business in Ontario. Prinnet Adjustments and Sat- isfactory Settlements. (Ask Your Neighbor) If not a policyholder now„ you should not fail to see or write .to our Special Representatives: Lowest Rates Available W. McKERCHER, McKilloweet Phone 249 r 4, Seaforth. J. A. MURRAY, Tuckersmith Phone 143 r 2, Seaforth. Ani Claim Recognized. 3502-tf 4.4 tr i4 'Au altiort#A0w:0,t., .• 01./•e'=1#14''' 'Orleaaine" Mang.* tatta• 4'..•‘WIre;.14FY'gc.a. 21,11? !lc' HQm ''.an five .11eartf,.e" $1,07 .,0tr •Ax of 'ejoilt Jotti o titan. $4000igat: fivree gluiJ .,olevOrn and twairsi years of agre. . • . , Thechildren, are all. healthy well maneered, and !Mead fit bite any good home, • Anyone avishing to tame a 01114 as"' heitilted to get inaloucth :with Mr, H. T," Edwardis, superintendent, Or Mae Oliatne matron, Childeett's Sheltee, Goderiele 3613-2 McKenzie, 1Ilielen Carmichael, Harriet Russell, Donald Ross, ban Grummett, Eileen Anderon, !Marion MaGavin. .B -,-Ernest Clarke:, Anna Woods, leina Dale. , C Done1da Hawkins, Kennet& Hart, Beverly Beaten, Wallace Hol- lingsworth. D-lienneth IVLowlbray, Jack Mak- ins, Doris Eisler, 'Marion Makin's, Robby Humbley.-E. H. Elder, Teach- er. Primary Report A -Donald Thome, Lenora, Habloirk and Gordon Wilson (equal),, Doris Ferguson, Harold Ross, Douala 1VIunn, Billy Sproule, Joyce •Wilbee. H-Feaser ,Swan, • Louise C:ase. CI -Jean, Harlow, Eleanor Weaver, Betty iClarke, John Effier, Rhoda Bea- com, Richard Fruin. .0-Edua Fraiser, Bruce Dulpee, Earl Rlobinson, 'Charlie Venue. -B. S. Thonipson, Teacher. CRUSHER AND TRUCK (Continued. from Page 1) fic Oft N. Lever, Jr., of Clinton, was called and made an, investigation and charges will likely be made. Building Milk. Depot Ma O. Witmer, who recently :pur- chased' the milk delivery 'business from Mr. Norman Gesell°, is having a milk depot erected just north of Stade & WleidO's hardware store, to he used in keeping his milk supply an'd' for convenience of his. customers. Mr. Robert Baker and family have moved from near Staffs, to 'his farm at the corner of the town line and the Blind Line. The contract -for erecting the 'new home for Mr. Ward Pritz has been awarded to Mr. F. C. Kallefleisch and work will start' im.•mediately. A number from town attended the Liberal rally held at tSeaforth last Friday evening. S'ehool closed on, Thursday for the Easter holideys and will reopen again 'on April 29th. Miss Ethel Hese spent the week- end w4h• relatives, in London, (Mr. and Mrs. J. Wolper of Wood- stock iwer& iSnday 'visitors with the feemer's mother, Mis. C. Walper. 1fiss Huth Turkheine a student at Weeerleo Sentineryzais spending the halla-esat hba'firoale lie'. Merchants of town have been busy sleeping Dutch set onions the past week, Mir. G. K. Farewell and family have moved into the house on Fred- erick Street rented from the Selywatin NOW IS THE TIME 4. FACTORY APPROvED, EQUIPMEN:r1 • I . FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS • 10 #4 17) JOI"' GENUINE ,PARTS . • • 1111\111 NOW is the time to change the lubricants in your • crankcase, transmission and differential; now • is the time to have your motor tuned up for Spring and Summer driving. Kill two birds with one stone. Let us change your oil and "Listen to Your Ford.? Prices on all tune-up work are at Special Spring Rates. • Our inspection service is free, DALY'S GARAGE PHONE 102 SEAFORTH LET, USLI$IEN0. le44 • • CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES (Minimum Fares: Adults 76c.: Childten 40c.) from ,Seaforth and all C.N.R. Stations SARNIA To BRAMPTON Also from Stations SARNIA—KOMOICA inclusive, ETITUCK--WINGHAM, .1341usive, and from GoDERICHAWL PARA'S, SOUTHAMPTON, OWEN sca.m61 DURHAM, TON, CREEMORE. and all intarmediate Stations South or West thereof to the STRATFORD—GUELPH—BRAMPTON line T. • O FOLLOWING STATIONS ON DATES SHOWN FRI. APRIL 26 OSHAWA, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, • Morrieburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindeay, Peterboro, Campbellford, iAurora, Newmarket, Allandale,-Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Oie, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bmdebridge, Ifuntsville, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. :All fawns In New Ontario on line of Temisiaming a, Northern Ontario Rlye I‘NipissiniCentralRly. KeputkosIng. tLonglac talordroeh tGeraldton fJeIilcoe (fSturgeon River Gobi Fields.) Sat. APRIL 27 TO TORONTO Also to Strode:a, Kitchener, Guelph, ehoteam, Sarnia. London, Ingersoil,Woodatock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St cothariaes, Niagara Falls. . and Sat. APRIL 27 Lo between Imporeot Stotiono at wIdch Excursion Tickets are sold -Ask Ticket A e t. For Fares, Transit Limits, Train Information, Tickets consult ineweet Agent. W. R.,PLANT, PHONE4J or 4W. C: ti, k V, ' , .; AN NATIONAL estate. Installing Machinery The Machinery is being installed in the plant of the Zurich Ctreamery and; it is expieeted that _blotter eeeking will start in about a week.A modern plant .haiebeel1 put is by .111Ir. Ander-' son, Who holds a.' tfirst"telass certifi- cate as a butter maker, and tube new business should be a boon to the farmers of this section. 1Mr. Louis Prang and son, Leonard, were 'visitors to Detroit over Sun- day. G. SWAN RE-ELECTED (Continued from Page 1) within the penalty area, the referee shall award the opponents a free kick to be taken outside the penalty area, The following representatives were present: Walton, Gilbert McCallum, F. 0. Rutledge; Brucefield, Melvin Snider, Ed. McLeod; Moncrieff, Wan. Robertson, F. Harrison; Ethel, Wrn. Spence, G. ,Krauter; Bruseels, D. A. Ranns, Bid Bell; Kippen, John Con, siti, Willson Allen; Bayaeld., John P.ease, Chas. Ferguson; Seaforth, D. Stills, S. Allen; Winthrop, Stewart Dolmage, F. Bullard: St. Colum.ban; John 'Moylan, J. ,Carlin. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE (Continued from Page '1) E. Duffy 63, 0. Moore 63, J. Watson 59, T. Southgate 57. Passed in 7-11). Hugill 61, J. Chedres 00, M. Broadfoot 58, L. Wright 56, M. Murphy 55. Passed in 6-C. Eckert 60, I. Bet- ties '60, M. McIver -60, J. Sherweed 57, D. Castle 55, D. H. Stewart 55. Pas.sed in 5:-1M. Leyburne 57, 0. Aberharrt 46, F. Fortu.ne 43. Passed Beattie 53, P. Southgate 52, E. Pryoe 51. • Passed in 3-W." Cud:more 53, M. Duffy 49. IPassed in2I--G. Carter 46, H. Rut- ledge 45,'S. Dorrance 42, T. Sills 38. Passed in 1-H. McLean 43 G. Krtuse 35, Re Rennie 31. Form V Highest pupil -Allan Keys 77%. Passed in 10 papers -A. Kees. 77, F. Whitmore 72. Paesed in 8e -1M1. Shannon 68, M. Downey 62, H. Sclater 59. , Passed in 7 papers -I. Dberhart 76, S. Plant 75, 1. Jamieson 69, A. De- laney 59. Passed in 6 papers -G. Kreuter 54, Passed in 5 .na„perst-A. Golding- 65, J. Wallace 55. Passed in 4 papers -B. Eckert 73, C. Celeman 60, B. Godkin 09. Passed in 3 papers -J. Meleer 74, J. Downey 48. Pass.ed in 2 papers -R. Allen 54, R. O'Connor 47. Passed in 1 paper -B. Southgate' 47. Passed in 0 papers -F. 'O'Leary ee. KIPPEN Quite a large number attended. the morning service in St. Andrew's Unirbed Church on Sunday last as it was Palm S'un'day. Rev. E. F. Chan- dler, the ,p a st r , chose as his subject, "Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerus- alem," ,which led up to the Last Sup- per and the .betrayal. The choir ren- dered a very pleasing number "Flee as a laird to Your Mountain." Preparatory and pre-communien,. seavice will be held on ,Good Friday at 8 pan. when Rev. J. H. Stainton, of James Street United Church, „Doe - ter, will be the special speaker for the evening. Rev. Staintonin not a stranger to Kiel:Yen as he was One of the g-uest speakers at the amide:ere- ary and preyed to 'be a very earnest speaker rwirth a message for all. Communion services will be held in St. Andrew's United' 'Church on Sun- day morning next. As it is Easter Sunday, the :pasbor, Rev. E. F. Chan- dler, will have a special Eastertide message. The C.G.I.T. girls. with their lead- er, Mrs. Elzar Mouss.eau, met at the home of Miss Rite Bell on Saturday afternoon last. .A most en'j'oyable and profitable time was spent and a hike to the woods was planned for the near future. 'Miss P. Penfoid visited on Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Talbot and family of Stanley. '"i k, 7 1 '• • 4. • • •ON, 6 T season when smart dressing and fashion is in all its siory, this store invites you to inspect its showing of new and, out- . standing wearing apparel for Man Woman or Child, at prices that are also decidedly appealing. The Easter Fashion Parade for Women COATS . - SUITS FROCKS - MILLINERY Here is a selection of new style garments that have been winning their laurels wherever shown. A selec- tion of clothes • tilt will charm every feminine heart, so outstanding and striking. Every model displays a new charm—a new elegance—a new touch of loveliness that you have not seen before. The prices are just as at- tradtive as the fashions. The Easter Fashion Parade for Men TOP COATS - SUITS HATS — FURNISHINGS Do you realize that this store offers you one of the largest and most stylish stocks of men's and boys' clothing in Western Ontario at prices that few will equal. Come in for your Easter butfit. We have prepared a feast of new style wearing apparel, and the prices are the lowest you have seen in years. Come in and see them. OUSE CLEANING IS HERE.. And Our House Furni&hing Department Is Ready. , Ready with an immense and interesting display of Linoleums, Congoleums, Floor Oil Cloths, Rugs, Stair Coverings, Draperies and Curtains CURTAINS LINOLEUM RUGS THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT OFFICERS: Alex. Broadfoort, Seaforth - Pres. James Corimelly, Goderieh - Vice -Pres, Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - See.-Treaa AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin John Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G. Jarmouth, Brodliagear Jas. Watt,- Myth; C. E..Hewiet, Kainearaine; W L Yeo, Goderieh. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesbaro; Georg.' Leon:haat Biodhagen; James Con- nolly, Goderieh; Alex Broadfoot, Na 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R. 1, Blyth; John, Popper, Bleleefleh4, James Shoadiee, ITaltopr, Thos., ht046i lan, No. 5, Seaforgh; Writ rt, Arch- bald, No., 4, 'Seaforth. Ti;Ir Wfltitq 0 • A special Spring showing, comprising the newest and most elaborate designs in Sunfast Draperies and New Curtain Materials -FRILLED MARQUISETTE CURTAINS, Yard 98c FRILLED M A RQU I S ETTE $1 50 CURTAINS, finer quality.. NEW TUSCAN NETS 25c Yard 98C SPECIALS IN PAIRED CURTAINS OTHER CURTAINS PRICED $1.50 to $3.50 PAIR SILK CURTAINS PRICTO AT $2.50 to $3.75 PAIR SILK CURTAIN MATERIALS, Newest Patterns 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c Yard NET CURTAINS Yard 39c At Very Special Prices Quality considered, we think you wili not find better Linoleum values anywhere. Whether it is Living Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Bathroom, Den, Kitchen, or Hall, outstandingly suitable patterns are here—new in design, very attractive in rich colors and above all, lasting in surface, appearance and general wear. And you will find our claim for superior values is fully substan- tiated by the very reasonable prices. PRICES: LINOLEUM -4 yards wide $3.50 Running Yard Special Reduced Prices on Congoleum Rugs The new list of the recent- ly discontinued patterns in high grade Congoleum Rugs gives us 24 popular patterns at these specially reduced prices. Every rug guaran- teed. 9 x 9 9 x 101/2 9 x 12 99 xx11531/2 • $111180 $6.25 $7.40 $8.40 „As S EWART BROS. SE ,Itkii‘," c IA* • . • 1% a; .14 v164;ik4L,104..V;