HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-04-05, Page 54iaM. ey •lr," .r ` it > si , 1 ml xn:b ' tr
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RICHAiiD TAU81"Ilt .as F SCRUREItT, in
-X.usic .ani) Romance That V111-Plmse Is om
w®mak', vlow cud--+,.,UAR
lll:'"•T-THiURlDl41JY, ,
,l 'iF(Ri�:PkT, 6ATLJ:RmA'iYi', ..
' "MUSIC IN '1'VE AJHH 00"
I. 1 Mmt6u'ees°JS�, : �11�� 8 p' � i� slh'iMwa. �uigtkubly", 7.$Q a ,1G
c t ,
' her a speedy reebpAery.
MA'NLEX 'Mr• Jaime Johnston and family
+ have moved from our (burg to Lot 17
rami m
Mr. w, J. has rettirn!ed to Con,''9, MlefKi,llolp,
this+ home in ShuMacher after vi.silkialg Quite a number from amore attend
melatiivess' and olid friends iof former ed the Seaforth 'Spring Fair and+ re,
days. Port the 'inflow of horses was, excel.
` IMms, Jbd1a> Deitz -is convalescing in lent and, that horses are Clami'n'g tb
Sdotb Metmo4al :Haspi'ta1, Seafbrth, the 'front again.
after gind'ertg+oifig an. operation for ap- Mr. Alex. Mitchell, Is busy niad�ng
g>endiei'tist and her ¢many firdernds wish his rounds Cutting wood 'betoro he
(Minimum Fares: Adults 75c.; Children 40c.)
Sat. April 13 from SEAFORTH
To TORONTO, Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph, Chatham, Sarnia, London,
Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines,
Niagara Falls, and all Intermediate Points.
To Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobour .Trenton,Belleville, Kingston. Ganancque, Brockville,
Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Stouffville, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbell.
ford Aurora, Newmarket, Allandale, Collingwood, Meaford, Penetang, Barrie, O$illia,
Midland, Gravenhuirst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate points.
ALSO TO All Towns in New Ontario on lines of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly.,
Nipisefng Cental V4. and on C. N. Rlys. to Kapuskasing, Hearst, and Longlac
Mining Fieldls.
.Fares, Tickets. Return Limits and Train Information from Agents. Ask for Handbill. •res
W. R. PLANT; PHONE 4J or 4W.
: HENSALL Spring Show
Saturday; April 6 19350
3 Horses and Cattle Angus
y lst 2nd 3rd'
Aired Bull$4 $3
' HOIf,4,E3 Bul'1, calved in 1933 ar tater ., 4 3
Class I-4;lydesdale Cow ................ ......... 3 2
" 1st 2nd Sri Heifer, under 2 years .......... 3 2
Aged Stallion ................. $7 $5 Aged Bull ...... 4 3
" 61i0ion, foaled in 1932 .... 9 3 Buil, calved in 1983 or later .. 4 3
Class II—Pcrcheron or Belgian Co1w „ 3 2
• Aged Stal-lion ................. 7 5 .1st, Moore B,;"., $3 goods :
Stallion, foaled 'in 1932 .. .. 4 8 .2nd, 2'b packets seed donated
Class III—Standard Bred .by W. A, Jenkins Go, value
.Aged S1lalliDn, trotter or 'pacer, $1, cash added, '
4 . in harness 5 3 Heifer, under 2 years ......... a 2 '
Class IV—Heavy Draft Herefords
Draft Mare. -in foal .......... 5 4 8 Aged Bull ..................... 4 8
' 1st, Joyri% goods $8, cash ad- Bu19, calved in 1988 or later ... 4 3
ed; 2nd, Hess, goods, $2, cash
aw............ .... 8 2
1s,t, cook Brf�a., $3.00.
frilly or Gelding. foaled in 1932 4 3 2 Hie., under 2 years .........
3 2
1st, coal donated by Mr. 'Dav- Market Cattle
idson;• 2nd. Drummond, g'oo'ds Butcher Sheer or Heifer,, Grade S 4 3
F $1 cash added, 1st, G. Case Bakery, $1,60 in
i&1i11y or Gelding, foaled in 1933 4 3 2 ,Kollo , cash added.
Mat, 25 packets seeds donated Baby Beef (800 Jibs. and under) 5 4 3
by W. R. Jenkins Co., cash add- • SPECIALS
led $2,0o casae added., 2nd, Wan Sangster, goods, $2,00 Dridt Stallion, 1 bag linseed
Ei alt or Agricultural, foal's of meal donated by Owen Geiger.
M934 .........
• , 4 8 2 2. --Best Heavy Draft Team, $1.00 donated
Mat, Razor, $3.00 cash added, by- Oommerciail Hbteil•
donated by )Manns & Farquhar; 8. Best Agricultural Team, $1.00 don'atcd
3rd, donated by Baan Bakery. CamonernisJ al Hotel.
$areGt Team. 10 8 4 y mmerc' Fiver, $1.00 donated by
d,—Best Fa
fist, domabW by Bank of Mon. HOS
b.—Best glamor orae, $3.00 donated by Dr.
" tre:ul. A. R. Campbell.
Class 'V—Agricultural 6.—Gentleman's Turnout—Gods donated*,
° mare, in' foal Passmore.
b 4 S 7,—.Lady Driver -1st, $2.00 cash; 2nd, $1.50
1s%, Bonsbhrom & Drysdale, blan- cash•
kat $4, cashadded. RULES AND REGULATIONS
Filly or GeMing, foaled in 1932 4 8 2 1—Entry fee, $1,00 for first entry; addiction-
Fld1y or Gelding, Iota -led in 1938 4 S 2 al entries, 25 cents each.
• • Malt, A- W. E. Hemphill, $2.25
$,n goads, cash added; 2nd, •25 Q—i$oeb and cattle cannot compete twice
in regular
cPasses, except Agricultural or ar '
W Tiackerts seeds, dbnwted by W. A. ,Dra'F,t, 8 year odds,, which may be shown in
Jenkins Co., value $1, ch+sh add- teams.
led' S.—The Judge's decision is final.
Agricultural Team .. 10 6 4 4 --Entries may be awarded any or no prize '
Mat donated by Wm. H. Gold- at the discretion ofthe Judge.
M.P. 6—Single, Ro4dabera may also conivabe in c
Class VI—General Purpose teams.
Teams .. 7 5 8 6.--A111 entries must be the bonen fide pro -
Class VH --Farmer's Class
Farmer's 'loTivef (open to farm- PARA E AT of the X1.30—Anlmala not in parade
mh Only) 4'............ 6 4 8 may be excluded from competition.
Met, G. •Brock, shoeing driver. $ I10NATk.ON9
a cash added; 2nd. Wfial'iard
Buchanan, garage, $'1.50 goods, Wire. H. Golding, M.P.. $10: J. Ballantyne.
mbar added, ' M.L,A., $10; Bank of MoTWoal, $10, •Gook ,
Filly Ort Gelding, foaled in 1988 4 8 2 Billos,. $3.00; T O Jbsnt, goods $8.00: Scott's
Stores, goods, $3; Goo. T. Mielde & Son, $2.76:
Claes VIII—Open Cissa,. Bonthrun & Drysdallo, horue ilanket, $4.00;
Roakleitdr T®m ..... 64' 8 A. W. E. Henpvhilk- goods, $2.26: Commercial
' single H6rm 6 4 a Hosted, $8.00; Passmore and Sons, goods,
2nd chlor- Webber, $2 oodb, cash $2.00; Drummond, goads„ $1.00: G,
' added.Case & Son, gwbds, $1.60;-0. Geiger ft Sans,aweepr
N.R.—All stsli%Lighfi' $cissa to be exhibited on linseed' meal, $8 ; T. D, Wien, $1.00: Dayman
� $1.00, Dr. Smillie, $2,00,; Wm. Davidson, scull
Gravel Street. $4.00; Hens', alarm. clack, $2.00; Moore Bros.,
Champlon—Dtaft or Agricultural gds. $8; Weber; goods, $2: Sangster, $2;
• Shrel or Gelding, any age... 6 6 4 2.$0 Dr. Collyer, $2; Sppdnv',e'r & Son, coots. $2.50:
Mat, sbo t% sibr'e, tea set, Manns & Farquliar, razor, $A,00; Bean's
value 48, cash added • 2nd, Bakery, s2: J. W. b�lynn. II; Thonviisbn I.2;
BPI --31,11(1, $2.60 goods, $rook a Shop, set shoes' for drivelr, $2.00; .UL
• dash added:: 8rd, L. Mickle, tloveiAR. $1; A. B. v cilffe, $1.40; Royal , Fur -
1$2.50 Good 311OW S16au>t yds Stook Fbod Co., $8.00; Buch:amin's Gar-
ipas$ . age goods. $1.60,
-Townhlr P e• ,l V SPRING SHOW CIRCi1TI'— geaforth April
rtltt;pg :bill fin (jlga��o "1 2nd f Clinton, April 4th; Honsell, April Oth.
fdat,lf' 011�T 6*111•";i"P1•0: 6. .. •; 2Cr: iVI. YIKOL�i13y1 YBHiL>; ,''r -e . ftsellei�idenia
2 r^w
i'Iirl'..„'r. Ji r:. 'rev i:r
t... f.,.f1 1, d: q .f, , .. a
,9,. ,.....Y _• u 4 n.,d�ry 1C,.i J i,:,..: ;hri..11v6 -1 „h f }..,,4$.. ik%,tt���.a.�-<h, ! ,.41 r �'> ,Ce � �k 1 .4aatt,`'1.,;!� D?>�tls: W{'��:,u:14c
el'1-WUIt�a;Su'e. tlle�
T. SbillinigMw in regards i
3 aallul leieelbate, at . !es tie, lire `rdflermd �7p ' bl
IMAA,W1 : Till+at the -1 �olleetar-.be
ilvexna' an .eftensiloi>r •of tbim e, until ii 6*
m,eetingl.,'ta Vontinu'e the collection iof
taxeks . .
iThe boundil. adjourned, to meet, on
Saturday, 'APn,l 27th, at 2 pin.” -1) F,
IVTiGretgor, Clerk
starts his; tctJS�im sawing of large
s�o'ok his
;Mrmple syrtup making is still the or-
der iof the' day since the seAdi'ng totp-
eratdbnsl Pamue ,to a standtstill by The
su'dd'en change lin Phe weatlh'ur,
XT. Charl'e's Kleber than moved, to
his new ipxemises on - the . late Dan
Regele. farm.
IR and 'Mfrs'.:. Thbnnas Leslie and
dautghiber, tGwennothi, of Mchmond, are
,spending a few days with. Mr, and
Mors, Geos. 'W!heatley.
IRev. and Mfr$ J. C. Brinton and
family iof 'Calvary, 'Lamlbton Co., are
spen+dintg a few days with Mr. and
mrs'. "Wlil'liam Britton.
Mrs. Ed. Britton of Walton called'
,an Mr. and Mrs. 'George 'Wheatley and..
Mr. and, tMirs. William Britton on
The .Live (Wire Class of the Con-
sita,neie United Church are holding an
April Fblo'l Sorci'al in .the sichibiol room
on Friday 'evening. A good program
is being prepiared and 1'umlch will be
The young .People of the dommu.n-
ity are pu'ttinlg on a play emi'titled;
"Mamliny''si Lill Wild Rase" in the For-
r'ester's 'Hall on 'April 12Th, The. play
is 'one iof the best that 'has been pub
on, beinlg batch humorous' and' ipstruc-
tive and taking kwo and a half h'ours'.
Come and get .your 'm'oney's worth!
Surprise Party
Mr, and Maui. Riolbert Baker of the
81th ctoncessi'o.n of M bberb were pleas-
antly 'sumprdsed ion, Frid'a,y evening,
March 29th, when about sixty of their
neighbors camle in to spend an even-
ing with them before their departure
to t'h'eir new home in Stanley. Al-
thiaugh they have been residents of
this Community for only two year's,
their fiiencbs felt they mush take this
'Opportunity to 'shove their regard fbr
them. The first pari 'ot the evendnig
was spent 'in' progressive" euchre af-
teir w'hdich lunch 'provided by the, lad- '
ie's' was 'served. The euchre -prizes
were then presented', Miss' M. Cole-
man anidi Mr. A. Biosis obtaindnig the
first prizes; (Mrs. J. Elgie 'and Mr. R.
S.ill'ery, the 'cbnsblation prizes, While .
MT. I A, McDb nald wan the lucky chair
hrz-e. Miss H. Pringle t'h'en read an
-;"�3Tess and, Mr. M. Lavery present-
-0 the hbet and hb%be'si,l with. a suit -
a ale gift as a taken 'of +t'be es'te'eim in
which they are -held, in the cammun-
it'y, Mr: and Mrs, Baker 'than'ke'd the
eo'nnpany in a very pleasing manner
and after stinging "Ftir They Are
Jolly Good Fellows," aivd wishing Mr,
and Mrs. Baker and family health and
h'ap'pfirte,ss in their new home, the
party broke up.
The many friends of Mr. M. J.
Lynch will be glad to kn'o'w he is on
ah•e road to rec'ov'ery after his recent
>pesa'ti'o1.i' in Scott iMemiorial Hospital
n •Sealforth.
Mrs. James Grant of Torbn'to spent
Dhe week -tend with her uncle and
runt, MT. and Mrs. D. J. O'Reilly.
'Mr. Robert Hogg unrlterwerrnt an op -
:ration in Seafbrth Hospital on Wed-
ries'day. We wish him a speedy re -
Miss Rose M'cf�uaid, R.N., iof To-
ronto was, a week -end guest at -the
home of hien parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph McQuaid.
Mists Anne I.Wnch is visiting friends
in Detroit.
Miss Mary Gallaigh'eir and 'brother
of Toronto spent the w'e'ek -end at the
Mom's of 'her uncle, Mr. Jiolhn Delaney,
Mm. anti} Mt. Fred Toll, Jr., and
Family- slpent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred To11, Sr., at the latter's
iiom,e near Blyth. It was the 50th
v mifvemsiary :of the wed'dinig, of Mr.
imcb. Mfrs. Fred Todd, Sr.
IMins. James R'aithlby, who has, been
11 with 'the flu, is recovering. Her
sd,ster, 'Mas. `Letar,'is wi'tfh. Per.
,Gordon Dobie is, employed in the
>taor'e of 'Gbrdlan Ta'ylbr.
Visitors: Ii4Mi•sts iVMarilon' Mbrti[miore
rf Acton and 'Mir. Harold 'Craig of
IsmogLto wirdh Dr. and Mrs. MoTti-
nlore; Jb'hn Stalker and Mrs, W,mc
aoaty and Ken Burlingame of Flint
Mi ,
cb., with 'Mr. and Mrs'. M. Allen;
Mr. and, Milts, Wiillia'm hutch and
Dtomotihy of 'Clint) rt with 'M1•s. J'o'hn
krUhu.r; Mr. 'anal' Mrs. Harry watson
with 'Mr. and flims. Russell Thtorhip-
xin; .Mfrs, MrcCtool, Clifyy on,,• Mfrs, C.
Detck of Crodleric'h, Mr and tlblrs'.
3ert Kdorb and' Go'ralldine, of Stratford',
Mr. and this. Norman'Cairrettt, Bluth,
vlbh Mir. and, `MTs. w. T. sho'bLbo'nr;
VLr. and 'Mrs. . Geddesof Wfi'nghani; are
i tlh Mr. and 'Mfrs. R. McGee; AfTs.
aochramte, and .Donna) of Clinton with
Mr, and, Mris'. W. J. Carter.
Me Y.P.18. of Kmox United 'Church
rears held on Tuesday evening with
EbtM iS'tralulghailt in lah'arge. Aft'aear
Iles opening ",Wis.,, Mrs. J. Woodis
ed t107praypr; Scripture reading, J.
31hke;"Ming, lVMwisi. B. Keyes; readJ-
tg, Aanba A ltdrew; duet, J. Garan
LA. -Oliver 'Aroki'exswn., Mise Et h'.1
iNIMbdin0ton velT ably took up a re-
rleW iof ,the- gsgo ok, "In th'e Steps, of
ibb "]1171sisiber;" by 9� V. Morton. The
neetfing 61&ed''*ith a hymn and) the
12`impah Belnediotiolli. A,*,s ,,,
Negbit . Quinti
A. liha $,uo3nm of her, , relftt�`; Mr.,
41:°'d � t y',r 'h �` �i t � t�ll'C..r� �' %• .k;
�•, 9 � r"{th� l % y6 `✓y, t �Ft, rr ��yp�� t y • ,, �. ,,M _...
�, : `;f,'r.d f3 iM1i . n.tf.�9�rfJ .axil• — i�r?t,.'_�'�ii� r 1 u v .�..:
in, advance
coming 'h'ome in. a few days.
20Th, act 2 p.m., Jessie Margaret Quinn
On Jessie's Death
The very newest in color,
Another linik is Ibmiken in the chain,
Style and Materials —
That bofund our livers together many
Tweeds, Homespuns, or
Stylish swagger or fitted
For now' fell death has entered once
Coats, new large lapels, new
Crepes, in" Brown, Sand,
again, IThe
• `' .
And taken farom the fold our one most
The bride looked charming in a dre's's
length, finger length or.long
That home once bright, how lone it
• o ;
• �'
answer as
coots,' sleeves,. regular or.
was born in Victoria, B.C. At the
with )style and -smart a
� : • . ,
age of eight years he came to his
wide. Clever styles that
coming 'h'ome in. a few days.
20Th, act 2 p.m., Jessie Margaret Quinn
On Jessie's Death
The very newest in color,
Another linik is Ibmiken in the chain,
Style and Materials —
That bofund our livers together many
Tweeds, Homespuns, or
Stylish swagger or fitted
For now' fell death has entered once
Coats, new large lapels, new
Crepes, in" Brown, Sand,
again, IThe
• `' .
sleeve's, with or witb,out
And taken farom the fold our one most
Blue,, Green or Greys, hip
The bride looked charming in a dre's's
South Boundary, Stanley Township,
length, finger length or.long
That home once bright, how lone it
• o ;
• �'
answer as
coots,' sleeves,. regular or.
was born in Victoria, B.C. At the
with )style and -smart a
� : • . ,
age of eight years he came to his
wide. Clever styles that
• o
va,s supported by ,his brother, F. C.
are so new and becoming.
« �j *►
And 'there will always be the vacant
i'• 75 to r •
.50 :..
more interesting because of ccs s
0 Style Supreme is the keynote of CLUB CLOTHES
their unique and appealing We have a full range to show you at
:tyles and the very reason-
able prices. •
Prices: Prices
$1.95 to $5 $23.'50
East 'Wa'wanlosh, on Saturday, March
Jive Yu'ngblut.
coming 'h'ome in. a few days.
20Th, act 2 p.m., Jessie Margaret Quinn
On Jessie's Death
Mr, Ross Dick of To,�Anto sgienit
Another linik is Ibmiken in the chain,
. . . ....... ...... .}
bit, Sion of the late Mr. and Mrs.
That bofund our livers together many
who have been spending some time
a year,
Stylish swagger or fitted
land. Tlee cereimlo'ny 'was performed
For now' fell death has entered once
Coats, new large lapels, new
by Rev. L. V. Pocock, Rector of St.
again, IThe
'death occurred of Mr. John
sleeve's, with or witb,out
And taken farom the fold our one most
Cbehrane, at hits residence, Lost 9,
The bride looked charming in a dre's's
belts; Green - ,Brown, Sand
South Boundary, Stanley Township,
of )Mosque blue crepe trimmed with
- bridesmaid.was- Mardon
That home once bright, how lone it
Grey, Black, Navy. Filled
answer as
seems to -•day,
was born in Victoria, B.C. At the
with )style and -smart a
.. .
age of eight years he came to his
blue and white crepe dress. The grobm
late residence with his parents wrhere.
va,s supported by ,his brother, F. C.
'Tie 'sad to thunk that Jessie is away
« �j *►
And 'there will always be the vacant
vice was wriducted at the -home by
$8.50 to $25
Rev. E. F. Chandler, his pastor, and
v,•h'ite, the aTch disiplaying sweet peas
But we can hope to meet with her
An easy looseness across the chest
shoulders, a.defined'waist-
Smillie, of Hensall, rendered his fav-
l;y-Vai6y Robertson:, Florence Netbemy
oHite hymn 'by solo, "O Lord of Beth-
line and trousers inclined to full-
So 'blest a life was nerver lived in
The New Hats are so be -
ness will.give you a clear picture
how lite
tri'bute's were symbolic of the de-'
coming you 'will want one
of styles up for this
the best m•am, the told Yo'rks'hire soagt
er stay,
on sight. Never were hats
to (both families-, "My Folks and Thy
more interesting because of ccs s
0 Style Supreme is the keynote of CLUB CLOTHES
their unique and appealing We have a full range to show you at
:tyles and the very reason-
able prices. •
Prices: Prices
$1.95 to $5 $23.'50
East 'Wa'wanlosh, on Saturday, March
Jive Yu'ngblut.
coming 'h'ome in. a few days.
20Th, act 2 p.m., Jessie Margaret Quinn
On Jessie's Death
Mr, Ross Dick of To,�Anto sgienit
became' the, bridle of J'ah•n Bailey Nes-
Another linik is Ibmiken in the chain,
th'e week -end with his, wife and s.b
bit, Sion of the late Mr. and Mrs.
That bofund our livers together many
who have been spending some time
Franklin Nesbit, of Ybrlashire, Eng-
a year,
sit her d'om'e.
land. Tlee cereimlo'ny 'was performed
For now' fell death has entered once
Death of John Cochrane
by Rev. L. V. Pocock, Rector of St.
again, IThe
'death occurred of Mr. John
Mark'si Anglican Church, Auburn.
And taken farom the fold our one most
Cbehrane, at hits residence, Lost 9,
The bride looked charming in a dre's's
South Boundary, Stanley Township,
of )Mosque blue crepe trimmed with
- bridesmaid.was- Mardon
That home once bright, how lone it
on March 31st in pits 75th year. He
az61 . Her
seems to -•day,
was born in Victoria, B.C. At the
Quinn, a s'i'ster, who was attired in a
We mists 'her cheery senile and kindly
age of eight years he came to his
blue and white crepe dress. The grobm
late residence with his parents wrhere.
va,s supported by ,his brother, F. C.
'Tie 'sad to thunk that Jessie is away
hie resided until ti's 'd'eath. The ser -
Nesbit,, of Erindial'e. The house was
And 'there will always be the vacant
vice was wriducted at the -home by
itastefully-dectorated in pink and
Rev. E. F. Chandler, his pastor, and
v,•h'ite, the aTch disiplaying sweet peas
But we can hope to meet with her
at the gravetsli'ae by the Rev. Mr. Neil
and pu:sisy williow'5t, Atter ',t'h'e cere-
again, .
of 'Gle'nall,en. Hdq phyisgician, Dr. Ivan
mony the wedding dinner was served
Away (beyond the fleeting 'things of
Smillie, of Hensall, rendered his fav-
l;y-Vai6y Robertson:, Florence Netbemy
oHite hymn 'by solo, "O Lord of Beth-
an,dt' 'lJary end Mgspgaret Nesbit. niee-
So 'blest a life was nerver lived in
el," during the s'ervi'ce. The floral
es iof the bridegroom. Rev. Pocock
tri'bute's were symbolic of the de-'
prio,posed the t+aast of the bride and
She lived her time and mould no long-
ceasedb'.sv sincerity. Surviving besides
the best m•am, the told Yo'rks'hire soagt
er stay,
his widlow are four sons, seven' d'auigh-
to (both families-, "My Folks and Thy
And now she sojb'utimss in a grander
hers, ten grandchildren and two sis-
Fotks." The- groom's gift to , the
ters'. Friends, were present from
bridle was a winter coat. The bride's
Farr, fare beybnd the transientthings
Suidbul'y, Chicago, Toronto, London,
going -away gown was wine with blue
of time.
Gl'enall'e'n, Clifford, Centralia, Gode-
coa;and hat and 'mabchi.nig accessor-
A. L.
rich, Oredliton, SeafoTtb and imimiedi-
lies. The happy;eouple left on a t -ill
t ' •t Th .9.1- 1 h
a e vlcma y. a umera was 'odd
tv T'orbntb anid other points and' on on Tuesday, April 2nd, with inter -
their rerturn will reside on the gr.)'olu's HILLSGREEN men't in Hillslgreen cemnretetry.
fine farm on the 8th of Morris, THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL
Mr, and Mrs. George Anderson and
daughters have recently moved to a When you have a FIRE INSURANCE C01:
HULLETT farm Ion the Goshen Line, where they HORSE Or COW
are getting nice4y slettled for the
A great loser to the community was IMi'ss 'Muriel EI'lilott of Varna visit.. you want removed
mfierpid in the dlelath of Jessie 'Miur- ed a few days with Miss, Jeanette Mc- - �>
ray Whlil'ision on Friday, March 22 Allister. • 0,1411,1011; S:
1936.1 'She had +liviedi all her life on AUss Dbl' H' Phone Or write t0:
llv + baa' been, spend- Alex. ''Broadfoot, Sea£orth - Preer.
thio foram where she was bora) Nloer of ing a few days with friends in Zar- • James Comel'ly, Goderich - Vice-PJle&' '
ter 26, 1$55. 'She wad a daughter of ich. William Stone Sons
the late Thbmuas Widligo-11 of Yarrow, Mr. amd %ftlm Thomas' 'Consitt are Mertoml A. Reid, Seafor.h • Sec.40"
Scotland, and. Elizabeth Murray Wil- visiting theirs Lam' AGENTS:
g any •Mh•. amid Mins. Rus- '
lis,on, of Galb. The funeral was, Meld sell Conssitt. Phone 22 - Ingersoll pw. R. All
from ,the hone of 'heir +bro llier, Wal- 'Mins,. D. B. tSaulV&es son Ndimian
ter, 'ori So y, ;March 2,4thn. Hier and Miss' Alms Kell final Junior Phone 215W - Stratford Jolpn , R .,,"Pt; 4 h+
Kelly O: Surill iph -.04Weal'• ",,1
gasibor, Rev. Gardiner, ctognclhl;ctedl the Brown of London called on, the 'holm-
Myth; C. It ROOM, ' s ht •
funeral eervildes amid 'slpbko in high er's brotllier, M'r. W. J. Jarrrott, at THE JOHl'�T t RANKIN J. Yeo, Godealch -
app��ppt+eciatlon iof dn' G'hristtiaadi i*. Hwrome RSiprimbgsr 'Hlospita7, Hensall, al- l
Th'e thiyintnrs, "Thee Lolnd is M'Y • Sleep- .so her sister, 'Mm's+. J. iooahtrane and, AGENCY
herd" and 'MWlmld a Friend *.& natlre, lxrot111er, iMm. Jes,, Jarfttt. � lham� �in JQisttu5" iwemb ming' dry lniiprrlbsoL a iof Mm. II y— Tally 'vias called to 'Ret In$1lyd'Z1Ce' 0� aX�. � 1nC�l3.�.:the t�hbirs a£ i0oliist:alllce avid eltbbMtoi li9pinintg tb the death of his t$bY1dS al }. 11 11 06d, jtkU&'�
at Al4c.
Re s tom,
6hnlrchel4. ^ Imlibermienit gas land% ,3n gl+axndttltilt'het ' lash week. 1Ci" h'
label 07 ; il111. lBurIl i' oe'i`xl A'ninie Jhrft t .hie Week Mb11e�i .t0 �
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