HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-29, Page 5S?DA•' ', '' Y i1 ,'2a Q$1' MARSU and LOTH: »RES',SER n 3 "A GINE Oar THE LI ;E T'•' Gape 'Bairter's Novel ves' on.. the ,Screen, a, NEWS and' CARTOON ;.. . : I*1)E T Tia U'R.SiD'AY, 'kit DA'YJ APRIL 3rd, at 4 p.m. Cr ;SIV MATINEE WEDNESDAY; R A+, s, s ...JOHN BOLES and LO A1xQIr>v'G in f4THE WHITE PARADE" COMING—.41110,M,IS "M ,:ilEA.It' " ' tern Bri„3,' tt, o4 theme ce Bennett, I38tm of a $ho L alvso t u •vaned by two !i ro s ,a, ..th,, Drags~. 'Mrs. + .:;yrs It14 1t ner,` 1V1xs, A lie $' ce,, ,Y°anocnWer,:;13,'O , 'Mas, JP* Oa4, "In'. 'ohn Iprding, Malub> ba; 4i r "ll' EtiEwiti C 11$n, i, hi„„C TWo brothers, _Nell and Darnel, predeceas- ed her, (funeral wase held from Matinees. sat. and 2301iday's; 3"P?as*";,shoays._n'lgkttly,.7.3Sl• a>na.9 k6:.: We are represting C. L L. rand': Scottish the two best Fertilizers made : in Ontario . — all Water soluble. It will pay you well to fertilize this Spring. Sproat & Sproat TILE MANUFACTURERS :PHONE 136-2 : SEAFORTH TIESPASSING Hunti tg and 'fishing prohibited on Lots 1, 2 and' 3, Con. 3, and Lots 3, 4, a, 6, 7 and 8, on Con. 4, S.R.S., Tucker'smith. BY THE OWNERS 3510-3 TON '' Death, of Mrs., Joseph Bennett,V Death caapi • suddenly to a life- long, widely known and deservedly esteemed resident of this community on Monday, 'March 25th, when 1M1:rs, Joseph Bennett passed away atethe family home in•tlhe village. Alth'iiugh Mee. Bennett had not been in .good' health -toy . some time, she was • able to 'loif' about until a week or `'two previous to 'Mond'ay. and on that' day was quietly resting. on a 'chair when the sudden su'mnibns came. Born on .the 17th concession of Grey town- ship 70 years ago, she was the' eldest daughter of the late 'David, 'Campbell and all her life had• been spent, in and about. the village of Walton. A wb'm;an of unusual pleasing :person- ality and active mind, despite the fact that she had never been physic- ally strong, she took an active part in churchand social circles, and her sudden passing caused sincere regret to ia' wide jcirc'lel pf friends with whom she had been associated for so many years and in so many ways. Forty-nine years ado she was . united. in marriage at 'Brussels to her new bereaved husband:, Mr. Joseph Ben- nett, and following their marriage they resided on the farm near• Duff's Church until their retirement to Wal - her late home on \ Wedne6sday after- noon fternoon when the s'enviceis"wereeondu'ct,- e•d by Rey, Mr. Cumming,` and air. ruga the many (beautiful floral' •tributes were a 'floral 'pillow' f .?om the fa'1>;lily, and sprays from Mt: andan& Mrs. J. Harris and faihily;; Mr. and • Mrs. S. Bennett and B'tanche; , M ., and Mrs. F:' 'Rutledge''' 'Mr. • ands; (I191A. K. R!rt- ledge, Ms. Irene Porter; W. M. S., D'uff's Church; Seaforth Legion. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton and Mr. and' Mrs'. F. Bennett; .'and Mrs.. Gilmore; Mr. and Mrs, O Habkirk amid Mr. and Mrs. R. White, of 'Detroit. The flower bearers were Messrs Kenneth Mur die, , Lueknow; Roy Ross and Mr., Batesmanzer, Emlbro; C. Kertlahan, and W.MeNair, Brussels, and J. Mar- shall, Wa.lton. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery, the °pallbearers being -Messes. James 'McFadzen, Wm. MdFFadzen, James Rae, E. Bryans, Walter Davidson and George Jack- son, HENSALL Spring Show Saturday, April 6, 1935. Horses and Cattle HORSES Class I --,-Clydesdale Aged Stallion Stallion, foaled in 1932 Class II—Percheron or Aged Stallion Stallion, foaled in 1932 Claes . III—Standard Aged Stadlen, trotter or pacer, 5 3 in harness Class IV—Heavy Draft 6 4 8 Draft Mare. in foal . lst Joynt, gds 33, Cush ad - ed; 2nd. Ilsesi 84'°ds $2,c abs ( 4 added. y Filly or Gelding, foaled in '1932 4 3 2 1st coal donated by Mr, Dav- idson; 2nd. Drummond, goods, Ilr $1 cash added. Fmlly or Gelding, foaled in 1933 4 3 2 1st, 23 .Packets seeds donated 'by W. R. Jenkin Co„ cash add- ed; 2nd, Won. Sangster, goods, 1$2.00 cash added. Draft or Agricultural, foals of 4 1934 ask, Razor, 33.00 cash added, donated by Manna & Farqubar; 3rd, donated by Bean Bakery. 10 6 J)r fit Team 1st, donated by Bank of Mon- treaL ls't 2nd 3rd $7 $5 4 3 Belgian. 7 5 4 3 Bred t Aged Bull CATTLE Angus Bold, calved in 1933 or later Cow Heider, under 2 years Sarrthorns Aged Bull Bull, calved in 1933 or later : Cow 1st, Moore' Bros., $3 goods ; 2nd, 25 packets seed donated by W. A. Jenkins Co., value 31, cash added. Heifer, under 2 years Herefords Aged Bull Bull, calved in 1933 or later Tst Cook Bess., 33.00.• Heifer, under 2 years Market Cattle Butcher Steer or Heifer. Grade lst," G. Case Bakery, $1.50 in goods, cash added. Baby Beef (800 lbs. and under) 5 4 3 • • .r, HILLSGREEN Death of MrS. Walker - The death occurred Thursday, Marr. 21st, at her late residence, Farr .Lime, ,Ray Township, in the person, of Mrs. S. Walker, in h;r $O,tih year. The de- ceased 'lied been a great sufferer dur- ing the last few months sof her life. .:ler•end came as a relief to her ferings. :Mfrs. • Waalleer was a we 1 - liked' persion and was kind heart&d in everything and to all, whom she 'came • in contact .with. Her husband pre deceased her six years ago.. She leaves to mourn her loss lone sun, Bruce, ''at home, and four sisters, Misses :Margaret, Ellen and Elizabeth McAllister, all of Hemp.% and Mrs. Blanche McAllister, of the Parr Line, who were all present at the time of her death and through her illness. The deceased was a memlb'er of the Presbyterian Church in H'ensall. The funeral was tela' on Saturday from her late home, Rev. W. A. Young; her pastor, conducting the service, and sp+bke very kindly to the many friends of the departed. The floral tributes from the friends were very nice. The pallbearers were Mies'srs, Frank Hag- an, W. Weido, James Jarrott, J. B. Forrest, J. G. Forrest. Among these attending the funeral from a distance were relatives from Midrigan, Mr. Russel 'Coleman, Mrs. Thos. Coleman and daughter of 'Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas of Brucefield and Dr. Moir of Huron Springs, Hensall, Mass Annie Jarrott spent Sunday withher father at Huron Springs Hospital, Hensall, who, we are pleaas- ed,,to report, IS doing nicely and able 3 to sit up a few minutes now:> Mir. and 'Mars. J. Cochrane and daughter, Edna; MT. and iMrs, :Ross Dick an'd' sin; Douglas and Mr. Nor- man Jarrott of Toronto' visited Mr. and Mas. H. McMurtrie and sin, Alex. of Kippen .on ,Sunday. Mr. W, L Forrest of Goderich call- ed on friends in the vicinity during the week. let 2nd 3rd $4 $3' 4 3 3 2 • 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 2 3• 2 •4 8 4 3 • 8 •• 2 3 2 5 4 SPECIALS 1.—Cbameion Draft Stallion, 1 bag linseed meal donated by Owen Geiger. 2.—Best Heavy Draft Team, $1.00 donated 3 2 by Commercial Hotel. 3.—Best Agricultural Team, 31.00 donated by Commercial Hole. 4 4• -.Best Farmer's Driver, 31.00 donated by Commercial Hotzl. 5.—Best Wagon Horse, 33.00 dbsaa'ted by Dr. A. R. Campbell. 6.—Gentleman's Turnout --Goods donated by J. Passmore. 7.—Lady Driver—lst, 32.00 cast ; 2nd, $1.50 cash. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1 --Entry fee, $1,00 for first entry; addition - a1 entries, 2.6 Dents each. 2.—'Gorses and cattle canna compete twice i regular classes, except Agricultural or :D, ft, 3 year olds, which may be shown in teams. S.—The Judge's decision is final - 4 4 -Entries may be awarded any or no p; ize 'at the discretion of the Judge. '5.—Single Roadsters may also compete in 5 8 -All entries must be the, bona fide pro- perty of the exhibitor. PARADE AT 1.30—Animals not in parade 4 may be excluded from competition. Class V—Agricultural %mare, in foal 5 4 8 1st, Bonthron & Drysdale, blan- ket 34, cash added- T'iIdy or Gelding, foaled im 1932 4 8 2 My or Gelding, foaled in 1933 4 3 1st, A. W. E. Hemphill. 32.26 5m goods, eadb added; 2nd, 25 ylaekeis seeds, donated by W. A. Jenkins Co., value $1, ash d - ed -10 6 Agricultural Teem ask, donated by Wm. H. Gold- ing, Class VI—General Purpose 'Team ea Class Vii—+Farmer's Class 3'anner's Driver (open to farm- 5 ere only) 3st, G. Brock; ,abo'eing driver, f$Z Dash added; 2md. 'Millard Buchanan, garage, 31.50 goods, oath added, Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1933 4 3 Glass V1II—Open Class Roadster Team Single Home 2nd Roy Webber, 32 goods, cash added. Sweepstake. • N.B.—A11 Light Horses to be exhibited on Gravel Street. Champion—Draft or Agricultural Mare or Gelding, any age... - 6 6 4 lit Scott's Shore, tea Set, value 33, cash added; 2md, Spencer Midi, 32.60 goods, ,dash added; 8rd, L. Mickle, 32.60 Gold Medal Fleur, cash added- Tosenelri3 Prize (2 or more entri , to fill Class, 3 hors- es fi one• Township) .. 30 6 1st, r. , Baltamdyne, 6 6 4 4 3 2 3 3 2,50 DONATIONS Wan. H. Golding, M.P., 310; J. Ballantyne, M.L.A., $10; Bank of Montreal, 310: Cook Bros., 33.00: T C Jessot, goods 33.00: Scott's Store, goods. 33: Geo. T. Mickle & Son, 32.75: Bonkhron & Drysdale, home' .blanket, 34.00; A. W. E. Hemphill, goods, $2.2.5: Commercial Hotel, $8.00; Passmore ' sid' Sons, , goads, 33.00; Drummond, Case & Son, goods, 31.60; 0. Geiger ¢c Sons, linseed meal, $3; T. D. Wren, 51.00: Darman $1.00: Dr. Smillie, 32.00; Wm: Davidson, coal 34.00; Hass'; alarm clock, 32.00; Moore Bras., goods, 33; Weber, god, $3; Sangster, 32; Dr. Collyer, 52: Spencer & Son, goods. $2.50: Manns & Farquhar, razor, 38:00; Bean's Bakery, $2; J. W. Flynn. 3.1 f Tbbmpeton 32; Brack's Shoe; set shoes for; deider, 32.00; M. Love, $1; A. B. Rowel6ffe," 31.00':'Royal Pur- ple Stock Food Co., 33.00; Buchanan's Gar- age, goods, $1.50. SPRING SHOW CIRCUIT---Seaforth, April 2nd; Clinton, April 4th'; Hensall, April 6th. DR. A. R. CAMPBELL . - President 1{• M. McLEAN - - - • Secretary vemiimmosiommiimliP Scott's Barred Rocks CONTINUE TO PROVE THEIR SUPERIOR BREEDING — in — EGG LAYING CONTEST TIIIROUGHOUT CANADA RESir1JTS OF WEEK ENDING MARCH 20th, 1935. 3rd high hen, all breeds, 10 hens • . • pen Riaoks, 4th per!, all breeds; rNappa'n, Nva Scotia --2nd pen, laying 61 eggs. 110ntariio Western, l arrone-2nd 1O' hews laying 51 eggs. Ontario (Contest, Ottawa -19 frahens a reg 40 eggs. 'Buy your Chicks from the Specialist Breeder with. assurance of • getting value for your money. Scott Poultry Farm P LONE 25142 SEAFORTU, ONT. The Western Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co. Organized 1905 Head Office : Woodstock, Ont. Cash and Bonds on Hand— $213,720.62 The largest reserve balance of any Canadian Weather Insur- ance Mutual 'Co. doing business in Ontario. Prompt Adjustments and •' Sat- isfactory, Settlements. (Ask Your Neighbor); If not 'a policyholder nowt you. should not fail to see or write to our Special Representa, es: Lowest Rates Available F. McKERCHER, McKillop Phone 249 r 4, Seaforth. 'J. A. 'MURRAY, Tuckersmith. Phone 143 r 2, Seaforth. Any Claim Recognized. 3502-4L (r i LUB CLOTHES" designed by leading American Tailors `*and made in Canada to the most rigd'specifications, set a new standard of'value and style. WE WANT you to see the many new and interesting styles we are featuring from the tremendously favored sports back to the most conservative models. THE FABRIC designs are entirely new, beautiful rich tones. Only woollens of reputation are used, principally HAND TAILORED, and all half lined with Celanese in harmoniz- ing color tones. J' N FIT, in selection of materials, in style, in dependability, and .in honest -to -goodness clothing value, "Club Clothes" are dif- ferent from any clothing ever before presented in Canada., To appreciate their unusual qualities. YOU MUST SEE `,CLUB CLOTHES" 00 Price 2O. to $23 50 yance faster Showin THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICF,—SEAFORTH, ONT. 14-4. OFFTCERS: Alex. B'roadfoot, Seaforth - Pres. James Connelly, Goderieh - Vice -Pres, Merton A. Reid, Seaforth,- Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin; John Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G. Jarmonth, Brodhagen; Jas. Watt, Blyth; C. E. Hewitt, Kincardine; W. J. Yeo, Goderleh, DIRECTORS: William Knox. Londesboro; George Leonhai4t, Brodhagen, James Coe- n(o11y, Goderich; Alex Broadfo8't, No. 8, Seaforth; Alexander McEwang, R. 1, B'1jith t John Pepper, Bruceflel(1'; James Sboldice, Walton; Thos. Mel- len, No. 5, Seaforth; Wm. R. Arm bald, No. 4, Seaforth. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insur'ance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Whey to Moan SEAFORTH - ONTARIO Pli0.e 91 OTTER OUSE DRESSES Good enough for Street wear; ex- tra quality Pique. Five styles. 1.98 Featuring Coats, Suits, Frocks and Millinery, weeks in advance, at big savings At the commencement of another season this store again ac- complishes the 'unusual with surprising Values in Women's New Spring Apparel of incomparable Styles and Quality. The Coats withsho swaggerthour fitted Coats, Brown,w Sad, Grey, Blacknew , eeves, or without belts;, Filled with style and smart appearance. Prices $8,50 to $25.00 The Suits I The very newest in color, style and materials—Tweeds, Home- spuns, or Crepes, in Brown, Sand, Blue, • Green or Greys,; hip length, finger length or long coats, sleeves, regular or wide. Clever styles that are so new and becoming. 2 or 3 -piece Suits. Prices $5,75 to $18.50 The Frocks The New Redingote Style in the season's popular Navy Blue; long coat in plain navy with fancy dress, short sleeve dress and long sleeve coat. An ideal summer garment. Prices $9.75 to $ 1'3.50 The Millinery New Bumper Rims, Rustic or Rolling Sailors, stitched Crepe and Taffeta and Sport Models; off the face designs; in fact, all the new styles. Trimmed with contrasting ribbons. Prices ... 31.95 to $5 TEWART BROS., ses Ay ]y;