HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-29, Page 3L L P gy, �9� P 4 pit" gm_*tt�K t, R W i"AAR "t TAP,, M -V, 0' W�� , V# i 'i " "'. V(44', "Alm 9 T40 �v ow - ,lift ARM "T­-!010.4,Av."!-V T "'O'd AT Weir" (V A" P"t �,- .9 .. I it WWI' "I& ir And Kwk A IIXI�111'M� . . . . . . .1lad ta=V414610 '4W,, `WWL r, *rr the car W -JW 4.1" �Tg, bo gy 4"R. ca", '0 TMA" Field R mg clomer, 0 V+ V 000 W -the., -We 4 'Armog &Splay A mu, i ra�px � L I _J � I_ . ... , volf, I rAla' !1, 6�9 $01 -of 4 value 10­wh* third 10 , 61 �,% ,, ouylloo doftes"l, vAd' export was A4*ulturAl 540*6, with a "N Xh bit which be mov'sp hopeful ;ut_ pi, . p*n' of �IT 'lir 4 lo.du shb"_d'hoW ba= v .Ay be com� WIS prominoe, V ,ed by MP* batte,& Tba,,Pbultry Cluk with a dis-, of the IOU 19mem I d and ftn Y I OW3,09-th6"impr 4wrd. vibserv4ow, extenan.ov" 'A long in the T"Ill'on of I pp.. 0-y in th -WINTO peri d i 11C that thin, 01rse -pas- U-4 . e U-111 'X'rat;3�,ep cmpotu'30'page the last 9 0=8 was fourth, while Petition For W;#k I" _ 0� in 'j,, _ - � 'A p�tition that is recejvin teL d d ' ' last Week UUM90, the Dair y ath an.1 -Cream ex - X ths. (In n e for growd I T . he Ladies" Aid of . " of thet finer gvades of wdoa, y Club w � 09 hiWWUS­6fth upanimous en1darlsatiban, I Cavan h - - ---- qf th& pr'o- r.�. whil�-,ithiek, lush­gpas �=ore#ses the gxerty holders in the %deln�itry -affiwt�'ed -.-!-nbeihdt pi�estenbng ar-pacred pageaut -fn' Trbalhies, togtither with other less- pooportion,of the o�o;akser grades. litas been in ciroulaitiion, anti,will be the ubar future.- Wafth R, F tal Pr ex prizes and hwards� were present - prevented at the n-,xt Meeting of, the particulars. The total value of Cahtafflan, field ed. at a Ceremony m, the War Mem, -ruuy4cipal, council. T.he' request is crops harvested in 1934 is ROW eeti- orial. Hhat, where'Dr.­G, -1. Christie, to have a walk built froan,li�in St. presadent of the Colleze,�.ankd other ruated at $544,�q4,600 compared with eakers were heard. to 'Willilam -St.''conneic4iog with Jbhu a, revised e0bimate of $453,5N,000 for CROMA4TY' St. This �Ilii necessitate a right of 1933. Talis Increase of $91,376,600 it mray. The ciUziikftor years 'have due muinl-7 to higher unit prices, 'Preserve Wild Flawers used a short.,. cut , tha'ough, private SYXUP Makillig is -the order of the The wild lioviers isdtuation in on, ng _to' go day. 'Those who, are making report a hritish Market- tar�lo h% becoming ele�Tious and calls property instead "of haVi ppi; around a'block: to get'.ta and from good run. for car&uq Conservation before they 5, Mr. A. Fulton, orverseas fruft re - the Madn t8treet._�K"ter Times -Ad- A, -St. Patrick"ist supper wag held in beconle, extd-not in- some septions. preseaitaitive,-- advises, that prospects eVly the, OiWtariv Hortimatural vocate. the basement of the church on March far Ontario apples in Great Britain There was, a good -attendance A!D for the balance of the season are far sponsored a request to Saw, Prow-ling''Wolf 15th. A e. Coach $980 tion i-s -expected', after th4 deplorable 'Hohman had an unusual ex- to a programme of Irish svngs, ette and all enjoyed themselves listenirng from encouraging, althoggh a reac. the -Ontario Government that the Alf. �Trllliwn" -be consti1buted. the Prmi-m- Terraplane De. Lux # at Or "Y"P "' the A special feature of the programme cial-Flower. Very favorable Comment -hill, nth Of Credi- market tdondirbialls lcd- February, as -Woo& of B. no was'the kitchen, torallestra, given biy has been mad(eby the pressin many tqn� 'About COlnuliOn storage dpples from Nova _9 o'clock he became the members of the Ladied Aid So- Scotia and English sources are now sections of the province. -ety. A -very rice P41 -rents, teachers' Scout leaders z1armed'hS-the vdclo�us barking of ed biaz!klo supper was servii pre lo -r I'll ", Steel All Around You' F, the -menu being Irish valu 'I� fi2_ished. In order to get and interested lov 9 are in eogs, out�tide the bush, and wundering �,d, - chief ft edcal P;6 Im out Went , eis up -to remunerative levels be- -what the disturbavee was 1b steW and vaiasd2d paitatoes� ca�ike, pie, vited to ukige the tbildren -to rarain "flore the seison findshers in abou-i three to thte: edge of �he wdods, to investi- t,. A, Irlsh d,,t and the Fff*st Steel Roof, 1. ;'V w, rendered by from -wholesale vicki'ng �and deAruc- weeks' time, it will, i,require shipments tio of wild Ap to �Wtalker and LewVard Hough -ton. flowers, especially where .1-a , whe�T he nodclea 4 strange. an!- Ot of outstanding qutah, ty and conffition -t. Gi�rls and boysmay In 1935 there is one subject at least, And how these'cars do gol How they only a few exi6 -anal in , the cleaxdng. Having UO 'Mr. Reidde delighted the audien(ce to regAin Confidence & the buyers -weans of protection he went in, the with a talk ion SrL Patrick Vfttly assIsrb in saving the wild on which every automobile'engineer keep on goingl Visit any Hudson and And -50me Owing (to -the slump in prices and the 1bush and cut a sapIdng. He started very amusing Irish jokes. flowers and parents are asked to give arrivat, of apples, in an unattraictive agrees -steel bodies, for greatest Terraplane dealer's showroom and -:nor a neighbor's, house and the in- Mr., and atm. Richard1slon of To- coallditilou, the matter Careful coinsi4eration, truder followed him. * Harold Gla the trade 'have lost inter- n- Pont& awe spending dieVeek-end with est in the business- as they see no strength, greatest durability, great. try this ne'winotoring exv�arience. 'ville of Emeher, a 'trapper and hunter, theilr daughter, Mrs. Reid Jr. hope of recovery with present supi The 'Domd-inion Experimental Sta- est safety I Steel- more steel! 7 -Was notified, and after investigating 'tion at Morden, Man., specializes -in % found that, the tracks, *ere of a wolf. -Mir. and.Mrs. Reid, Sr., are at pres- paies. D�eriyone feels that it will. THE ELECTRIC. HAND horticultural But wh�n you look at 1935 c work, especiallk in the ars you ent visiting With friends in Toronto. take fTesh apples to stimulate busi- I —Zurich, Herald. Rev. BIT. McKay of Ptlince Alber;t , selectio. s of varieties of fruits. suit- find only one -maoufactur er who� gives Easier,saferdrivini-faster,snioather ness, with the result that -attention 'n 7 n Missionary En Route Rome spent a few days witli Mr. and -Mrs. is now being directed to the Aus�, able to prairle, - conditions. Among you b6dies all of SteeJ. Hudson; in the shifting, with both hands always o Firdni Ch�ngtu, West Chiria, 2,00o S00% returnling by this, way home rtalasian. -season. Opening the apples now doing well are twelve the wheel. . Ali- exclusive feature, infles inland, Wiss Caroline Well after attending a missionary gather. the end up towa which were originated at the Central new Hudsons and Terraplanes I You standard -on Hu&61 Custom Eights; wood, of March, When bhe firs optional (for small amount extra) 'WAI.S. Unilted Church missionary, is lng in Toronto. steamers are expected to arrive. Ul' Experimental /Farm. at Ottawa, name- want complete protection in your car. On all other 19,35 Hudsons, and irlow en route to the coast of Chine Mr. Jvgeph, Speare Is at Present der thez;b- condfititoms, Mr. '_ ly Melba, Patricia, Joyce, Galetta, You get it in the 1935 Hudso'tis and Fulton Cal L- J Terraplanes. and expects toi sail on the American visiting with friends in Harriston and -not for " high pric, �thro Melvin, Mendel, Pinto, Herald, Terraplanes. No compromise here' A D LOOK ATTHE RETAIL PRICES! liner S. S. , President Lincoln from Toronto. es es for Ontar 0 Atlas,'Horace and Rupert. N Shang,haj, April 13th, t)or Los 'An- ' 'Mr. Lloyd Miller tog Stratford spent apples again this season. Front and back of steel. Floor of d up for Hudso 1 steel. Sides of steel. Steel doors, steel a-b.ullt Terra. Cleani geles. From Los Angeles she. will Sunday with his mother, Mrs. S.. A. Much sunshine &ndi a faij, amount ng Out Couch None (88 or 100 hoisepowerr) Hudson Six SIOSS and up (93 or _proceed tio the Papama Canal arriv- Miller. of rainfall during the summer of 1934 The erad6calion of Couch grass., pillars, steel bulkhead in front -and $ ZOO h6rsepower) ... H anr ack, twitch or ho ght ing in New York early in June wbere undouftedly provided, proper. c!andi- otherwise known a(s qu the first. steel roof -sound-deadened, $1130 and up )113 rse_ actutch Powerl.*PricesquotedareretaUct she -will visit her sister,, Miss Eliza- tiong for a bountiful gwaw, is Me of the hardest 75 �a" storage of sap prob solid, permanent. Not a single: bit Jactory, Tiloury� Ontario, i"Clud.; pr' th which the fanner has ry equipment, spare wheel and tire, air Items wk 110 deal. Few people Teab�e the 4�n_ Paid, freight and license only extra. I>et.h Wellwofod, 11or to proceeding to Planting The Home Garden in maple tm6es. With frosty nights to of wood in any structural part. Ing full fac Vbr*balm. 5C%sis Wellwood. has� been and mild day, during the U a s 9 ring ormous quantity of couch graw, roots cca missionary in. China -for 28 years seaSlDn� an, aillundant crop is, expected .and '61 -As will- be her.fifth furlough Where the area devoted. to the gar- this year. which exi's,it in, iWesited soil, Tedts den is lirnited4 carefuL attention must condlacbed (by -the -�Dentral Experim HUDSON�MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED, TILBUR ONTARIO (763- I_ ­ 1,1 A enti- - Y, be givdn to such pointv as distance tal Farm at Ottawa show Weigh of a great deal of trouble Irately and-, A fite prevention expert recently 's between rows and between plants roots ranging ftom 1,531- to 6997 To doubt, Miss,-Welfwood will 'have 490 stated that fire Joss ton farms would varne "inIterleskinig andt autinenitlic in- Mar all space may be used to ad- be substantially reduced if a ladderr pounds ta the acrei­---�ms much as a vantage. E,A---h plant Tnusthave room y heavy crop of -bay. No -wonder it is �formatiton ta give when she arrives were part of the equipment of ev�r hard to clean out when. it preads by ...... ... ........ . . ...... �back home. - Whnghain ..Advance- to mature, Yet gaps must be avoided. farm,, A ladder kept in a Convenient rtooks ast well 'as seed. Thoroughly A �studyof rlatati=of crops and time p 'Times. f la makes any roof fire quickly c- cleaning out the ro'Ots is the one ef- o maturity is of great value in plan- ces3ble and - provides the means tr Firemen Pump Water From Cellar ning the sniall garden. Such crops fective way of getting rid of couch. 'As a result, of th�, mild spell and oiccas$ondl inspection of chimneys. and In small areas this may.be done by as radish and spinach may be grown flues. several showers- :of rain -last week, as inter -crops -between, the rows of hand. In larger areas by shallow Phone several cellars of residences- were later maturing crops like carrots or- Potat Prices Up plowing and working thoroughly With John Gallo"p,­Agent, Seaforth pars -nips. Late sown crolps may be The folalwing are the prices of the cultboator to,keep the, roots turn- 179 planted -between the rows, of early ed up to the sun long enough for potebues paid th armers, in Ontario them to "kill.11 Only ps large an area ter are ready t6 harviest. Two maturing crops julst before the let- on January 31 and February 28, as can be thoroughly Cleaned up at Or 1933, after one,month's operation o� cne time should be, undertaken, as three crops of such plants as radish the Eastern Potato Marketing Board ORDER and lettuce may be grown' on the which commenced to function on Feb- half way measures aiie,only lost time slame area. A succession of quick- ruary 4: and effort. RODfINC growing crops by planting at inter Per 9,0 -lb, bag Jan. 31 Feb. 28 val§ is also desirable. Orangeyville ...... 17 C ents 85-40c Demand For Canadian Pears Under iTrigati�on, -the different var- Allieton .......... 15 cents. 35c A general survey -of lyro&ztion of NOW f ieties Of vegetables require different Uxbridge t ..... 15-17 cents 35-40c fresh pears. in, Canada suggests that FS,rIMAZEf FREC amounts of water and at different 'Prices showed a zimihm upward pear acreage can be increased twenty times. The rows should therefore be trend in the Maritime provinces per cent. before the domestic niarkel. Twureatvalueein planted in -such -a manner that water ,,her a saturation point. This sit - 3 where -the marketing scheme is also siderattion being ly Me Roofing. Ex- may be applied, to each row as re- 'in operation. ur-ttion, together with an. increased ex- clusive patented quired. Furrbw irrigation is prefer- po-rt demand, seems to warrant don - features guarante: . weather- tightnes able to sprinkling and distribution Horticultural Notes given to the poss' - and easy applies. may be obtained by small perfora- bility of increased plantings,, main' e tion. Fornewroofs House Pluaftsi—Nearly all smoot4� at orre-roofing. Send tions at proper spacings in a ten. or leaved plants are greatly benefi-ted by of the Bartlett variety. The United ou ee .ridge and rafter twenty foot length of waterp'ipe. The 0 applinations of water to their foliage, Ki lengths for fre ylom cannot get enough Cana - estimate. We use outer end should be blocked and the di PpRrs, the British market ab- - Council Stan- provided One sun, is Trot allowed to Oard"for other end firtted with a hose oonnec- sihine on them while wet. But plants s&rbing all the Canadian exports and eat ility. tion, having hairy leaves like the, Gboxinia asking for more. The 1934 statis I.&tterheads Where land is cheap or where the and the Rex Begonia, are almok in- ties sbow that 44 per cent. of the to garden may be laid out in any shape varizably' injuTied by the application lal imports of pears into Great Bri- desired, ease of cultivation should be 'of water to -the fodiage. Bear this in tain'vvem from Empire souTc-,, Can Envelopes cowsidered. All the rows- may be mind, and, be governed in showering da contributing lesistban 5 per cent. placed the same distEince apart, just your plants by the peculiarities of During the 12 months cnded March wide enough for a horse t&Wtivator, their foliage. 31, 1934, exports- of canned, pears Statements whether the vegetable requires little Transplanting. — In putting Out from Canada to the Br1itish market room or a great dealof room to, ma- plants in the gaaden, Choose a cloudy increased 46 per cent. compared with /fill" ture. The rows should be as long as day for it, if posslible. Water well the pretvious . season's exports. on Bill Heads \ATi I I I 'for, horse cultivation and when you plant. Shade for a day or possible the other banJ, fretsh -pears amount- 141,11r1a kinds of 119,tab]�, may be two, ,,. till they begin, to grow. *119 approximately to 180,000 ibuebels planted in the same row., Less time Geraniums.,i-i-These are hot weather are imported every year ilo6-banada Sale Bills is wasted in. turning, ,,and also loss from the United States, a1arge pro - plants: they like hot rooms and steam ground in turning en& which are Of- heat, but they cannot be expected t, portion of this, import finding its way ten, weedy. A few lininupes, with R produ�ce mially flowers -unless they are into Can , ned stock. Tags horse cultivator wibl keep a farm pauced in a sunny, south window, free CA garden reasonably free from weeds from curtains. T%ey prefer heavy Counter Check Books during the rush season in the spring Soil and must not be grown in pots i Hay Market Report when there ii� not time -for hand hoe- toq large, else they will. not b-Ituom so Ing. Horse. cultivation reduced the profusely. Cut -them back' each Fall Bastern and Northern Ontario, -- amount of hand labour to -a mi Menus mmun, th mak them bushy, otherwise they Them is still plenty of bay available and brings down the coA, 'Of lyro'duc- will fill%oio muoh window space. Good and farmers who have held their hay tiam At the same time it Often house plants of gevantium�s are d,- since last autunrn for firmer pri ces Blotters SNINE J ST I means the difference between, success tained by taking -slips in Summer and are now Wishing to sell so that, deal - and failure with the farm gardeni. growing the p1lants in -pots until Win- ers acre sible to discrimirmte as, to For this reasLorr, the garden, should ter. price and quaility. About 400 tons of Business Cards be located close to b(Oth, !house and pejrnts.—The leery finely divided, leaf 'hay have been graded in eastern, On - barn. Being readily accessible from sorts of Boston ferhs are the moist tario, during the pasIt month for ship - the barn may mean time woul�d -be suCces6fful. Ferns generally do not ment to the MariUme provinces. Cur- Ledger Sheets taken, to cultivate (the garden When prefer the fulft suiiefiffie and must be rent prices being paid growers range it woul�l -not if a special trig were kept frlDtm, cold drafts. The soil yohich from $7 to $9 per ton according to nece . seary for the work. suits them best is me derived from gTade and Class. Plenty of hay is be- Invoices Ferns need ing offexed- in nortale 0 Tio and derayed stod or leaf -mold. rn, nta an tabundkrice of water, but poor prices paid are somewhat lower rang - drainage and "wet fieetP, should, be ing from $9"to $12 per ton,basds- ship- Receipts avoided, Syringe the plants often if ping point. D0N'T RISK BAKING FAILURESI they are to be kept healthy. iSouthwestern Ontario—A fair surp- Cheques ply of timothy and'dmothy mixtures V�ai 0. A. C. College Royal and alfalfa is still a lable in the The annual exhibiltdon tor College Otwen ound, ffistrict and there hw Royal put on by the - studentW of the been some movement of alfWfu m- Copy Pat per "IT'S POOR ECONOMY TO Ongario Agricultural College, Guelph, eently for meal manufacturing pur- has grown to be fene of the outsftyi;d- poses. There is a shortageof thay in Are amang a few of the printing Jobs which W& RISK FAILURES WITH INFERIOR Office Forms ing events in theCoaloge year. �&bart- a number of Counties in this part of BAKING POW6EW MAWC ed eleven years ago -by the Imte Prof. Ontariobut Ithis is, being offset large ­ Wade TOO'le* it Was designed at firsit ly by other rbughag, such as corn are qualified to do for y9u. .You. are assured of e Catalogues :.X: simply tio, give the students, -some idea stocks and straw supplemented per - NEVER VARIES. AND LESS of the technique pff oreptaxing and haps, wilth molames, so Ebg to winter r WORTH'MAKES A Simice th,6 first the othok Without -bay, 'I'lleoe was -'a quick se viee oes 'and modem. THAN,10 showing amdanals. i�easonable pai show it har, grown until all major fair oorn Crop lait year in, most aotd-n- DELICIOUS CAKE," dealtmCments, of the College now take itieg which produceil ta,fair qUantlw design. S6nd your next printing job to the part, and, in, additi6n. to the show- of jofod silogeand besides mianyi ftmr- 4 says MISS LILLIAN ToN, dietitian and coo r mianship tmonite�sts there is a 64mpeti- mews have plenty of grain 03 of pwt of the Canadian 'tion for the Wade Tloole Memorial Which Ustsens the need for 'hay. It its Tziophy ftw the best educstional ex- believed that motsit counties will -have 4o, carry their stoCk isufficient fodder THE HURON EXPOSITOR Conada's best known cookery authorities The gramd eha*pion showman this ll�fil at least Apill Ist, at'which time caution against trostifig good Ingredients year was Bruce Innee, a thirdi-year tl�ere dvuld be a fair demand for student. For the four* tiniw shwe, it hay from outside s-ources. -A U_1,44� A MMI. .4 is jp-- er. ey a vmw wwo presmW the Animal Husban. Pri"s being paid gTowert, per 'ton, u"ImlicKup arjim MAGIC for fine bakin'61 db�V'Oup wonthe Wade Toole trb.phy sit 10iriciplal inariket oeinibers less eiT %0th th . splendid &-Vlay iok'meth- frol&, coaft, akv: Flor tiniothy Nlo� C64TAMS qO ALVM 0- This btateMdat. bn to& by wMah injuries to Anfiwak' MAY 1, $16 to $17.60; ND, 9,�AU fflo, $16; everii tiAZIA Voj* guarantee that Miftok: Miking IN -silkiPowder is ftew-ttimn al— ot OMW 40fraM In- $7 to. . ...... sWl olfreaL. A nl�hg. 01ward- vith a N& 6, $12 W $14 - wheat b*a*, a�ki�Wof lelgeridts 6*fdiied how W(�w%l �8; oWb 6�-iaW, f5.75 db $1 ftV, �W, 4. '8 .......... W� .. ...... .. ......