HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-29, Page 141
Meeting Under Auspices of
Young Liberal Club
On April 12.
Announcement has been , made that
Hbu. i[an McKezizie, !M.P., Vancoa er,
former cabinet minister and chief op-,
Walton financial critbis. he the,House
off _ Commons, and an outstanding
sineArer, will address a mbeting in
Oultel ibts ,[H1a11, Seatlorbh, on Friday,
April 12th. The meeting will be under
the auspices of the Th(amas *Mil-
len YOun'g Liberal Club.
,In addition to Mr. McKenzie the
program, will include short talks by
Fred G. Sanderson, M,P,, and W. H.
`Goldring, M.P. The evening. will con-
clude with a dance with old and new
time music.
Mr. McKenzie, who is an interest-
ing and forceful speaker, has. not
:previously been heard in this district.,
Ladies to be Guests
At Liberal Meeting
Guest Will Also. Be Present From
London and Clinton; :District
Vice -President Will Speak.
Next Wednesday evening promises
to be a big night in the history •of
the Thomas 'McMillan Young Liberal
'Club. . Visitors will be present from
Clinton and London and the ladies
will also be guests.
IA .'party from 'Lond,on, including
Warn. Donahue, district 'vice -'president
of the Twentieth 'Century Club of On-
tario, will attend the meeting. ' Mr.
Donahue will speak and other num-
bers on the program will: be of high:
merit. Following the "m'eet'ing pre -
'per, euehre will be enjoyed and a
lunch served.'
An invitation is extended to all in
the community to attend the meet-
Fair Day
If the present weather cone
tinues ,.until Fair Day next {Plea -
den, the, 'Seaforth ,Agricul iral
Society ,,will have no eon
'� 4
to make • itn .,that , regard. • ith'
the fine prize list, entries *add
be Particularly heavy. In the
evening the Society is sponsor-
ing a play, and dance ,,in Cardito's
Hall. • The Seater* Junior wo-
men's' Institute will present "The
Road .to the City."
•. • . • • • •
Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. McKel-
Iar Are Recipients of
On the same farm, 'east west of
Cromer -1y., which they moved the
day r'jillowing their -marriage,, Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander ,McKellar cele-
brated their 50th wedding annivers-
ary on Monday of this week. Ar-
rangements had, been made for a
large Celebration,' but owing to,'Mrs.
1VIicKellar's health this had to be can-
oelled at the last minute. The day
was spent quietly, with relatives and
friends • dropping in to offer congrat-
ulations. .bn the afternoon Rev. Jas.
Reidie, on (behalf of Croem'arty con-
gregation, presented Mrs. McKellar
with a cameo. 'brooch and bonxquet of
fl'owens and to Mfr. 'MicKeltar, a set
of cuff links.
Alexander McKellar a'i'd Mists Mary
Larnond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lamond, 12th donees'sion of
Hilbert, southeast of Cromarty, were
Well Known Hensall Couple
Celebrate Golden Wedding
Mr. and ]Mrs. William Dougall of
Hensall received the congratulations
of their nuraerbus friends on the oc-
casion of their 50th wedding anni-
versary on uesd, March 19th.
Alb'out 150 ,giTiests attended a lovely
afternoon reception at their home.
(Mr. and Mrs. Dougall were married
in 188'5' by the late Rev. R. Y. Thomp-
son and have spent their entire mar-
ried life in the Hansen community.
Both are enjoying good health. Their
entire family were present for the
Kw-aeion: Miss Alice Dougall, of To-
ronto; Mts. iM, R. Rennie, of Sea-
tforbh; W. !R. Dougal], of Hensall, and
Dr. Boss . Dougall, 'of Petrolia.
The tea 'table in the dining room
was attractively covered with a Lace
cloth and a silver basket filled. with
marigolds and tall marigold tapers
and silver 'candlesticks formed the
The wedding eake was placed on
the buffet with marigold candles ie
candelabras at each end. Pouring tea
were Mrs. D. Sherray, 'Mrs. C. Mc-
Donell, Mrs. Consitt and Mrs. Mit-
chell, and Miss Elms and Mrs. Shep-
herd invited to the tea room, while
the guests were served by Mrs. Ren-
nie and Mise Alice Dougall, daugh-
ters, and 'Mrs. Ross Dougall and Mes.
W. Denali, daughters-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs Dougall were the re-
cipient's of many tokens of esteem, a
feature of the afternoon: being an ad-
dress by Mrs. J. Sheppard and the
presentation by Mrs. Mitchell of a
beeetillul lamp, the gift of the im-
mediate neighbours.
During the afternoon, Rev. A. Sin-
clair and ,Rev. W. A. Young express-
ed the dongrabulations 'af the guests
assembled in a few well chosen words,
emt hasizing the esteem in which Mr.
Mrs. Dougall are regarded in the
community in which they have jointly
labored during the past fifty years.
The only surviving guests who at-
tentded the wedding fifty years ago
are 'Mrs.. R.. 'McLaren, Sr., and Mrs.
Alfred Taylor.
First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth
Morning Worship at 11 and Evening Service at 7 . . . Heartiest
' WelcomeThere is a welcome for you . • .Morning
Sermon: "T1II;I.I8 THAT" Evening: "LIGHT, . A GREAT
I1GH{i', AN EX,CEEDQNG GREAT LIGHT" Morning Anthem.;
"Jesus, the Crucified, Ple tls For Me," soloists, Mr. Jas. 'F. Scott,
Mr. M. R. Rennie; evening 'anthem, "God So Loved the World,"
soloist, Mr. Gordon C, Rennie.
First PresIyterian Church, Seaforth
Just a realhearty invitation to you, and you, end you, to come to aur
HOSTESS SUFFEEunder the auspices of our Ladies' Aid
Society, . . , . FRIDAY EVENINGAPRIL 5th . . . from. Five
Seven . Melt and Women . at the 'reasonable charge
Twelity4lve eenisw.Good Supper; Fine Service, and a happy,
1'eiglitretly, Friendly (,`omfpany . PORE.
° es
Frank .P4 Gibbs, C.A:, Audi-
. tor, Presents Report For
1934, Showing Surplus of
45,616.49, ' Compared To
$33,797.34 Deficit for 1934.
Frank P. Gibbs, ;C.A., Stratford,
auditor of Huron 'County, has com-
pleted his report for the past year
indicating Huron finances are in ex-
During the year the excess of cur-
rent revenue over current expenditure
amounted to $40,7211.47, an i'm'prove-
mert of $24,228.84 over 1932. •
The current .delfieit, which amount-
ed to $33,707.34 as of Dieeernlber 31,
1933, has been absorbed and a cur-
rent sutplus 'orf $5,616.49 now exists,
so that there has been • a net . im'prove-
went in • tlhe county's financial posi-
tion of $39,323.83.
Tax Arrears Reduced
The arrears of taxes in the hands
of the Treasurer for collection have
been materially reduced ,during the
year, says the 'auditor, and the sys-
tem of recording arrears and penal-
ties thereon has been greatly improv-
ed. All monies due to the various
Municipalities on, ebllections during
1934 had been remitted to them at
December 31st. e. •
,Included in the report is praise
for the manner in which Mr. Erskine,
county treasurer, has conducted the
bookkeeping during the year. Cer-
tain refinements suggested by the
treasurer were introduced during the
Bank Loans Down
Bank loan's during 1934 were
practically cut in two, the report
Shows. At, 'Decem'ber /31, 1934, the
loans were only $58,000.00 as com-
pared with $105,000.00 •at the same
date in 1933. The demand loan in-
terest paid in 1934 is less than that
paid in 1933- by $1,917.59, "indicat-
ing that careful attention has been
given to financing during the year."
Blyth Doctor
Slugged Over Head
Police are investigating a myster-
ious attack znad'e Friday on Dr. W.
J. Milne, at Blyth.
The doctor had just stepped out of
his car in his garage to enter the
ho'u'se, when an unidentified man sur-
denly came from behind and slugged
the physician over the head with a
chum: of wood. The victim of the
blow fell as he ran toward the house
but the thug did not follow him.
The doctor sounded an alarm but
there was no one in the house at
shortly after nine o'clock when the
attack was made.
It is stated by authorities that rob-
bery was not the motive because Dr:
Milne• had a large sum of irony in
his pockets and no attempt was to
take it. The .scene of the attack was
dark and the only clue is that the
thug were an imitation fur coat. .
Apart from the bunip on the head.,
there are no injuries, although Dr.
Milne is much shaken up over the
affair. If he has enemies,. he says,
he does not 'knb+w of them,
The regular meeting of the 'W 1M. S.
of Goshen United Church was held
recently in the oleinch. The presi-
dent, Mrs. B. Keys, rpres'ided. The
meeting •ofpened with the singing of
a hymn ands Mrs. J. IMtoClinch'ey offer-
ed prayer. Mrs. B. Keys gave the
Scripture lesson from John 16:23-33.
The devlotional leaflet on "Aniibitibus
Friends" was given by Mrs. R. M.
Peck. After another hymn, short
prayers were offered by Mrs. H.
Erratt and Mrs. Nelson Keys. The
secretary read the minutes of the
previous meeting which were approv-
united in mlarriage on 'March 25th,
1985, by the Bev. Peter Scott, of
Cromarty Presbyterian Church, and
next day took up residenee on the
farm which has been their home ev-
er since.
<kf the guests who were present
at the wedding only six are living,
as follows: Alex. MCDou.gall, Hib-
bert-Usborne boundary; Chas. Wor-
den, 'Staffs; 'Dunean'McLean, Thames
Road; A,n'dtrew Watson, Fullerton;
Mos. Joseph Henry, Niagara Falls;
Nettie Scott, Paisley.
The, groomsman was Donald Mc-
Kellar, brother of the groom, of Hib-
bert, and the bridesmaid was the
'bride's sister, :new Mas. John Hog-
garth off Qu' Appelle, Sask.
Mr. and 'Mrs. McKellar have a fam-
ily of two sons and three daughters:
ltaleolni1, Seaforth; 'Mrs. John Hamil-
ton, Cromarty; IMrs. Wilbur Miller,
Staffs line; Duncan and Sarah at
!Both have enjoyed ere tient health
and it is only a feW weeks ago iihat
Mets. McKellar contracted a mint*
e]ald that neceasitatled The quiet an-
-Extends Lease Of Elevator
To T. Dickson On
Monthly, Bads.
A especial meotxi g of council on
Thursday 'morning authorized the
rental et tihe'storehouse at the Wbi-
verbon. Flour Mills `.to a fanners' or-
niosization for the 'storing and mix-
ing of fertilizers. "
'Sonne weeks ago a meeting of.
farmers held here decided to enquire
into purehasring 'fertilizer co-opera-
ti'vely and appointed a Committee to
look afteq i hs matter. The commit-
tee, in turn appreaelied the council at
its last meeting with the result that
the Property 'Conanittee was in-
.stitiucted to deal with the matter.
The Property . Comanittee worked)
out' 'an agreement and,, it was this
agreement on -which the lease, now
authorized by eounicil, was based. The
rental was • fixed at $75 for eleven
months and the lessors agree to va-
cate the premises on notice.
Lease Extended• Y
The lease new inr effect between
the town and Thomas 'Dickson. fur the!
mill elevators wars extended on, a
monthly basis. Mr. Dickson, who has
a large quantity., of grain stored in
the .elevators, rented the elevators
last fall for eeveh months for $300.
He will now . pay . a proportionate
amount, or $42,86' per month.
A request from the Canada Furn-
iture 'Manufacturers for a list of the
ehattels which the town seized for
taxes, was approved and the list will
be forwarded.
Following the policy of past years,
r.) meals will be served transients
atter April 1st.
Rummage Sale
Is Fine Success
A very ,suc'cess*il rummage sale
was held on 'Saturday in Crioh's vac-
ant store, under the auspices of the
Women's Hospital Aid to Scott Mem-
orial, Hospital, the proceeds amount-
ing to $74.00. A full line of cloth-
ing in excellent condition. and many
household effects found ready sale
and the success of the first ven.tbre
rummage sales augurs well for a
'repetition in the fall. The merebers
wish to extend their, thanks to all
those who contributed to the success
of the sale.
Dublin Man Elected to
Farmers' Mutual Board
Frank McOonnell) of Dublin, was
named to theexecutive of the Farm-
ers, Mutual Fire Insurance Company
of Ontario, representative of 68 com-
panies in the province, at its annual
convention held in Toronto on Tues-
day and Wednesday of this week.
There was a splendid attendance and
some excellent reports were present-
ed. The executive for the ensuing
year was elected as follows; Presi-
dent, P. F. Purves, Coluenibue; lst vice
president, Rntbert Forsyth, Dresden;
2nd vice -'president, L. F. Moffatt,
Teeswater; F. McConnell, Dublin; H.
W. Sutherland, Embro; William Gard-
hovse, M.L.A., Weston, and E. An-
derson, Perth.
ed and called the roll. Following the
business session, leaflets on "Builders
of the Indian Church" were read by
several members. A vo'ca'l duet, "The
Old Rugged Cross," was 'beautifully
rendered by Mrs. Henry Erratt and
Miss Olive. Ari interesting story
written by Miss Sybil 'Oourtice of
Japan was read by Mrs. R. M. Peck.
The meeting closed with the singing
of the hymn, "See How Great a Flame
Aspires" and prayer by Mrs, D, J.
are learning the
Value of
Alberta Coal
for Spring and
Summer use
..J� yy WWh
RYPu 1�3�f�ey
J. W. Beattie Expltins o-
cedure To Delete Names
Front Existing Lists;
Names May Also Be Add-
The work of revising the Federal
voteavt' lists, as made up last fall, will
eamanence, a c riling to the Act, on
the fifteenth of May and continue /113,-
nrtil the first of July.
J. W. Beattie, registrar of electors
for the riding of Hainan -Perth, has
already eomimenced the task of pre-
paring for the revision, and has ar-
ranged for Courts of Revision• which
will be held in various parts' of the
riding. Mr. Beattie, 1n his capacity
of registrar of electors, will act as
the 'court of revision.
Any 'voter whose name appears ton
the lisle may, during the month of
April, take. steps bo have any other
name on the then existing lists re-
moved, Mr. Beattie •explains. ' Notice
of objection must be made in dupli-
cate ion a form provided and must
include the grounds on which the ab-
jection ,is made. Similar steps may
be "taken to add names to the lists.
Names may also be transferred from
one polling subdivision to another, up-
on written application.
The registrar will consider the ap-
plications when he sits as a oourt of
'revision. It is also provided that ap-
peals against decisions of the Reg-
istrar may be made to the County
Courts of Revision
Mr. Beattie will sit as a Court of
Revision from the hours of 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. as follows:
At Bayfield for. Poll No. 8, Stanley
Tp., June 19th; at Londesboro for
Polls Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, HuI-
lett Tp., 'May 16 and 17th; at Varna,
for Polls Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7,
Stanley Tp., May 20 and 21; at Hen-
sall for Poll No. 1, Hensall, and Polls
Nos. 1 and 2, Hay Tp., and Poll No.
3, Utborne,• and Poll No. 5, Tucker -
smith Tp., May 22 and 23; at Zurich
for Polls Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ,Hay
Tp., May 27 and 28; at Grand Bend
for Polls Nos. 8 and 9, Stephen Tp.,
May 29; at Crediton for Polls Nos.
1, 3, 4,, 5, 6, and 7, Stephen Tp., June
4 and 5; at Exeter fol Polls Nos. 1,
2, 3, and 4 Exeter, Poll No. 2, Steph-
en, June 6 and 7; at Elimville for
Polls Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Usborne
Tp., June 10 and 11; at Staffa for
Polls Nos. 3 and 4, Hibbert Tp., June
12; at .Dublin, for Polls Nos. 1 and 2,
Hibbert Tp., Jane 13th; at Fullerton
for Polls ids. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Fuller-
ton Tp., June 17 7and, 18; at Mitchell
for Polls Nos. 6 and 7, Fullerton Tp.,
June 14; at .Seaforth for Polls Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Seaforth, and Polls
Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, McKillop Tp., and
Polls Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and '6, Tucker -
smith Tp., June 20 to 29, inclusive.
e •
Well Known Perth
Resident Dies
Afterme years of poor health
the de, tliooccurred at her home, 76
Queer' Street, Stratford, on Sunday
afternoon of Julia E. Trow, widow ,of
James Trow, at the age of 74 years.
Born at Uxbridge, Ontario, she came
to this district with her parents, the
late David and Mary Pugh and the
family located in Milverton where she
spent hoe girlhood days.
She was married to James Trow
in 1881, shortly after graduating
from Woodstock Ladies' College, and
she spent the remainder of her life
in Stratford. Mrs. Trow was a mem-
ber of the Ontario Street ,Baptist
Church and somle years ago was quite
active in the Ladies' Aid of that
She leaves to mourn their loss, two
daughters, Mrs. R. C. Pratt of Tor-
onto, Mrs. D. A. Towle of Sandwich;
two sons, Dr. Emerson J: Trow of
Toronto and Lieut -Cel. Ralph M,
Trow of Stratford. One son, George
E., predeceased her. There are also
surviving one sister and three bro-
Lenten services will be held in St.
John's Church on Thursday night.
Mrs. Widmer Reid is spending a
few drays with her mother, Mrs,. E.
Boyce, who is under the doctor's are.
Mlle Young People held another
dance in the hall Thursday night.
Mr. James Reid and sister, Mary,
in company with Miss M. Reid of
Bayfield, called on Mrs. M. Reid on
Mrs. Dewars 'ef Bayfield spent a
day last week with her sister, Mrs.
'i'ossop, whom we are sorry to re -
Pert, is bedfast, but we hope to see
her improved soon.
'Mr. and Mrs. Lather and Miss
Gladys Beatty f London spent the
weekend at the home of Mens. L.
Mr. William Logan and Menet,
Fern, spent a day in the city lent
New Paint
The work .of redecorating' and
Vaulting the interior of the:town
'hall has now been completed and
the .hall, •presents 'a most pleas-
ing appearance A year ago tete
Badminton Club redecorated the
au<lItorium, andtat a reeent'.meet-
ing of the council the Property
Committee was instructed to -
complete the balance of the in-
• • • • • • •
Mary Bell and Ted. Taman
Are Winners At Local
. Tournament.
pMemlbers of the Seaforth • Badmin-
ton Club have had a busy week, 'on
Friday holding a local tournament,
and on Wednesday entertaining Clin-
ton players.
The games on Wednesday were
close and interesting and many hard
Ought :battles were fought befere
Clinton w€s finally declared the win-
ner. The local tournament was wan
by 'Mary Bell and Ted Taman.
The results of the games are as
Clinton - Seaforth
Liidies' Doubles
Miss S. Weod and Miss Janet
Cliff lefet d Miss N. Cook and Miss
M. 'Storey, Clinton.. .
Miss F. Brydone and Miss I. Beat-
tie, Clinton, defeated Miss M. Bell and
Miss Peg Grieve.
Mass C. Ball and Miss, N. Cook,
Clinton, defeated Miss Mary Bell and
Miss 'Margaret Crich.
Miss F. Brydone and 'Miss Mary
Hovey, Clinton, defeated Mrs. R. J.
Sproat and Mrs. Munn.
'Miss 1. Beattie and 'Miss C. Ball,
Clinton, defeated Miss Ruth Thomp-
son and Mrs. W. C. Sproat.
Men's Doubles
Stan Dorranoe and Lloyd Hoggarth
defeated B. Biggart and E. Hovey,
John McKenzie and I. H. Weed -
flunk defeated B. Hale and J. Yott,
C. Carmichael and 'Ian MacTaviah
defeated G. Elliott and E. Hovey,
J. Yott and B. Biggart, Clinton, de-
feated J.•Cridh and Bert Downey.
Mixed Doubles
Miss S. I. Wlood and Stan Dorrance
defeated E. Hovey and Miss N. Cook,
Mise F. Brydone and B. Biggart,
Clinton, defeated Miss J. Cluff and
Lloyd Hoggarble
:Miss M. Hovey and J. Yott, Clin-
ton, defeated Miss Marion Bell and
J. ,McKenzie.
Miss Peg Grieve and I. H. Weed -
mark d'efe'ated Miss C. Ball and R.
Hale, Clinton.
•Miss Mary Heil and C. Carmichael
defeated Miss I. Beattie and G. El-
liott. Clinton.
Miss F. Brydone and E. Hovey,
Clinton, defeated Miss Marg. Crieh
and Ian MacTavish.
Mrs. 1R. J. Sproat and „J. 'Crich de-
feated .Miss I. Beattie and R. bale,
Cl intim
Miss C. Ball and B. Biggart, Clin-
ton, defeated Mrs. Munn and Bert
Miss M. Haney and J. Yott, Clin-
ton, defeated Miss R. Thompson and
C. Carmichael.
'Miss N. Cook and G. Elliott, Clin-
bon, defeated Mies. W. C. Sproat and
I. H. Weedmark.
Local Tournament
First Round
I. 'H, Weedrn:ark and Janet Cluff
defeated John McKenzie and Peg
Garden • Carter and Mrs. Meir de-
feated Mrs. Munn and J. J. Huggard.
Dr. Sturgis and S. I. Wood defeat-
ed Mrs. R. J. Sproat and Ted South-
The 1rk,th ;had' .1}e ('alt :fit
Lions Club meeting o Mo,'y ev�4
ing when the ann.`n Patric.
night was observed. Lion W J,'l u
can ;acted as eheirma x and he '
assisted in the Ivrepa'ttoe of
program by Lion 1%,
The sneaker ; of +the', eventing
Rev. FatherSullivan, Clinton, who
spoke on. Irish Humour as exlimplj- `.
fieri by Daniel 'O/Connell,, famous ITE
is'b patriot. The a-peaker was introe
duced by Lion Meir, who' also prtie
posed a boast.to St. Patrick find' e
Father Sullivan rebelled incidents
in the. life of Denied ' O'Connell and.
hold of his struggles for the Irish
people. At the conclusion Of his talk
A hearty vote of thanks was, .extend
ed him by Lion J. E. Keating, on be- •'
half of the Club.
Musical numbers , ineluded
songs, a solo by Lion James A. Stewe.
art, and violin selections, `.Irish Airs"
by Eugene 'Duncan.
Son Takes Father's:
Place asTrafficCop
'Norman Lever; Jr., has been afp-
'pointed County Traffic Officer pend-
ing the recovering of his father, who
was injured early last summer.
'Constable Lever is as yet unable
fro' walk and still wears a cast on his
leg. He was injured while on --duty,
when his Machine skidded on loiobe
Dr. Goforth Speaks
Here on. Sunday
IArrangemen'ts have not yet been
completed but there is a likelihood
of Doctor Jonathan 'Goforth, veteran
and blind missionary of the Presby-
terian 'Church in China, giving his
address on Missions at the evening
service this Sunday at First' Presby-
terian Church in Seaforth.
IH unable to comet 'Surndae evening,
Dr. Goforth will speak • Mon.d'ay even-
ing. Mr. Feast will make the an-
nouncement at the morning service.
Win Euchre Prizes
M. McKellar, E. L. Box and Percy
Little won the prizes at the euchre
sponsored by the Young Canada Con-
servative Club Wednesday evening.
Lunch was served and an excellent
time enjoyed.
Lloyd Haggarbh and Mary Bell de-
feated •Bessie Chir and Ted,Taman.
Stan Dorrance and Margaret Crieh
defeated Sally Wood and Mr.. Car -
John Crich and Mrs. W. C. Sproat
defeated Mona McGregor] and C. Car-
'George Hays and Dorothy' Carter
defeated Peg Grieve and J. J. Hug-
Second Round
I. H. Weedmark and Janet Cluff
defeated Gordon Carter and 'Mrs.
Lloyd Hoggarth and Mary Bell de-
feated Miss Wood and Dr. Sturgis.
Margaret Crich and Stan Dorrance
defeated Mrs. W. C. Sproat and John
Dorothy Carter and George Haye-•-
a bye.
Third Round
Wary Bell and L. Hoggarth defeat-
ed I, H. Weedmark and Janet Cluff.
D. Carter and G. Hays defeated
Margaret Gricih and S. Do'rrance.
Mary Bell and L. Hoggarth defeat-.
ed D. Carter and G. ,Hays.
Seaforth Spring Show
Tuesday, Apr. x, 1935
Grand Parade of All Animals at 1.30 of
lleaded by Seaforth Highlanders Band
For rarticitlats Vie+• [ i. f Lists.
IL 81g1t1,1G, Piesidcnt,