HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-22, Page 8-, �1, "' ­�, f;k,..'�144�06;1'11' . I -1 �� I I � � 1 ­111,��,, " , J,'� � ­.­ -1 ­.__ , , ! � , ."*; , 11 ��q 0,00w,". , , , , , , , i � �' � , , � , - �, , e 11) . It 1� �. 't ;� "I . !Wji: �,W'fyll �11�,�`-�"" , . - " _4 M, �11 .1W " '' ,� �". 1% .1 1! m " 1 tr, 114'� , ... --1 11 ������������������������������������� 11 ...... ­ ... ,"""',"', ­ I, , ,�� 'iN , 1. y; ­ , .... "I F,r ,.j& ; ..... , 11 ,,,,, �1. I,, I " 115, , ...... , , . .1, . , I I , �2,�,'�'�,�,,��t5 1 ,�, , � � ,��., n, ,� , I ��,,,�''..­ � . , , "'r. I . M,�11'111A Fx..:q, ,.W. , , - �. ;" "" I I . , . '. , _ �­�' T*A - & , 1 I I , I , 0�, . i,ft . , ", . i 't, g,,�, , ," old, 6*1.��,*"- 1, , , ', 400MIPAI M" 11 =. ,Ilftoo " I [,,',t,v�, , �1�1_1;1` 1;, �. - '' , R, " ;,,,, I., 90, 1 WIM I I - , I'll, , � . VWX of "0A*r 44' and, vvwpd, ow; '1� .. ,,,,, ;�,Y. � Mile,�Pr�,14* � . ' ' q , ago' ,OorAug ,�� N - , ',� ,., Of The'OAVA , I il ,, " 00raer . 14W,4�#V,Qr, J# 10�'. , , ,,�, " 'i, I . .1 the peomon. of ,Nh,,,% 11L, AhdIM1,494_941. ... �511% And L IM - bene - N111111", ''I", t4o .'.vah li, . , " 0 S. . I �� `�' � ,� I "Ir".. �1�1,iu_ r�� I ,_ $0 UT&M " '6 - Builleft Tnwn1oQ*, v0hb bos" *10� I I � . Al I , il ,�, '�`,`, , , " Paper couthao1usly 44ke � the " w4ppopp""ok � ,1,r� .t�, , 11,� I I I 111 � W1.11"o -.". . ­_ ­11- Nt _, , I I ��,A , 1�,` � �n �­�,!, -�.h .'Is, six y0xm *'Vi6ir " , , , -­­-­-­ ­­­­ . .,4 - - ___ "' � , , """ "' - ­ , ,, � , � your 1870, Whi& , gfp.� L ". ",,� I I . I . I . , - 10. Me haff oevAw7 4,iaiL Mim Ander . LOCAL IRMO$ V, �11 W, . R ";,), 8 .... ..... . -i " , * . . I . �,-;,# -_ . � " �4, ,, I �. I -ion ts now Tiesiding widi ber sion, Xr. mom" L �n'., 1, 40, � " , 1, ' 0 Qwn Apployord loft on @111 �iu �r e a4we Oliver Amdergw4 ,near Lomd"bove. Tues - 1 If 7-4, � , 7 _qfg . _ .___,. ,,, � 0. , 519'1",� 'P� " �. 1, `Afi�,F, ?,& , . $0 fmow Iwo fty Wfobtew the ftmft*, of 0, foTmew . �".4�0 . - , .4%, �1�11 I - Hold Go -to -Church Serviem - A tiond and qori�hipnar Qf the Church 'I, , �� 4�ft,.��-'-"',�,',"�'�-"',",�', - ` r" , e . '"' , .. 4 4., -$�,;, ": , ,. 7���' very inixWesting and inspiAng service of the As*eu � 4un, W�ndooT, of vb*k �,,�I�, , ,,� " . " g�, mW , L'�t4R�L�,': - � .. , - , , '21, ,'I ,� , ., - '1110t I o' '_ �, �� "". �, � I ,",� - L, ,� ` ­ ' I ,,�, , , ,5in, . 11 LI., - I" .41 ,� � P1111 .f., ­,"., " �, _ - , � t, �:",.:,4 - Im vim fornierRect . * .W, I � , . .7 B �'11 I Lit . I �', 1, 1'1111�� y � , FESUoy�, was hdd ,on &anday e*mdug in Eg or On Thursdiay _ . , Qx .1, , the quavbe4y meebinr of the]'Execu� t, ' mDn&1l1,e Chumb, when Rer. Q A�. � , ,lt4�l4i4,T���,,��e,'� �", ,,� y".-'-, , 11 - , , i �. ,, � 4 �N -� � � I �11 4 - � , I " � I HEALTHSOAP 11 3Wtoobu dq�lvereda very eloquent a& tive Obmniittoe of the Swulad of Ruw- 1­11-1 "AA ik- - ___. - ,drew 00 the teA I�Sow thy seed in on vm caUed to,be, followed bY a 11 ,­�Jj, , � febuoy ....,- — , �90*., I - � �,17,T__-- -. .,� , � A � the,nibraing of thy life and stay not moetmg a Hurbn Clonage 0owxA ,� ,�,: 1, ,. . , "" 11" ("I - - the hand uffWA the evenix*."' This,is both of which, w9anizat*ns Cambn I'M* "' 11 So- Ap - - 21 c the first of a series of sermons, for AVPloyardl 'is S meMber. . L111 J .�: �11!,.�, I I .- 'L ��,, I . -- '0111,11 � the young - pdorple. During the eer- a ,N�ss_Helen Umnaltoin was. in To- ,,,,< I ,�., � I ��` -,,,�I,, 1�� - M"%W=E� POMR)C, R 5,C vwm Miss ,blisggareb CVUh Sang, a rOnrbD over the week-eu& of ToronbD � , , ot V �ss Alice Dblugall. V��, ., er 0 Ni iql�.��. � . . . splendid siolo. "In the Gamden." � �i,� �.� ... I ...... ----*--- - was A'week4nd- guest at the home , - of I , ,J��,,;,, - - KE -01r. Cbn Eclmrt Mr. and Mm. LX R. Rennie, .'' M. ",�'. , � , � 4XtOSSE & BlAcENIELL CHIC . N Painful Accident . , I ,A; �� , I n. Fri.` - 41. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MijeRse bf IF1.11 I., I I MICE SOUP 11C meib,rwUh a p'sintfOl awid)ent 0 , �1: - I ....... "I'll f, ."&S ,L- ' ' ver­,tift ................. !.. ,Jay miorning last, While walhing on Blw% spent the week -end with fr=,& I , VT I '1013JISIM ,.13,.E�111)ms George IStreett he sibipped on -the ice in thwn. . � , ­ ";"- at . 19C *we,ed,pavement wid in the fall 0 31r. and Ars, Ha=y Stewart axe "I,,.: I,.. . . . . . . . � ,,,�, I Vkmud ..................... sbruck the back of his head with some in Toronto thisweek. 'Mr. Stewart is 1,� I'll - � ." li� .1 IVAP-100A , . 25r force.- At the lame he -dad not bake ion a buDring trip. - , " � �� �L,!i',',: " . %.. _. , the matter ser%usly, but when the 0 'M�ss Beryl Ashton of Gorrie has ., � , ; .:, r returned to' - .. , ,� " pain increAlsed he consuated a docto resume her duties as head t'� I . ADORNST&RCH �V'1. 25,C and fbund that the ntivaies of his of the millinery deipartment'in the J. . . . . . 1',A'1� 3 PM"& at ................. shoulder had been badly 'MacTavLsh storre. I Z� 1. � � 1XI", 7� I -SODA IMISCUITS at strained, and, -lie was ordered to bed, � 0 3&s. Robert Hawthorne had the . ;.­ , . 23C neck and ".. I , " 2 Pk)ua& far .............. lis many friends, however, will be mieflartune th fall �on 'Main Stw ob �.1­11 " 1 eet I Q- I . .. JMPLE LZAF SOAP PLAKES— glad to learn that he is ww improv- Wlednwday and strain her ankle. She ," I ..... . 1�.� -wrill wash linest fabrlicsi at ing, although soniewhat slowly. will be confined, tio, her home for some I , t', � . spbun& f'or .. : ........... � .25C -0 ti 1. ��! . I me, �� � , I � 'i AMAM taken for Clinton Creamery Mae Lane Auxiliary Meets. — The * WT. Earl, Gillespie, UnDversity of ..... 1- W-1 . at same price paid at creamery. TegA*c monthly meeting of the, Mae Toronto, spent the week -end at hL,q kt) Lane Ammiliary of Nbrthside tnited home here. I I" I JUSTER and 0. A. C. FEEDS. Church was had Monday everlang of 9 'Mr. and Mm 2/L & Be=& and �X , I I t . , , thi6 week. After the singing of a family were in Hensall on Tuesday IV . ., , A. C. Routledge h7=, and prayer by the president, atbending the celdbTation of the gold- �:;l * . PHONE 166 tthebu&nelss was dealt with. It was. en wedding axadversary of W" Ren- ;W� 11 . ­;­ � agreed that the society should unite nie's paren�s, Mr. and Mrs. Williana I .1�i . r the Eaa�- Dbp 11. " .- � *ith the Seni!otr ,W.XjS.'fo & , I ,­ I .. . -ter Thankofflering meeting. After the ,-0 R i's confidently ewpected that — 1.11, singing of another hymn, the fiTst Mr. Rmst, mdTaster of First Presby- � 1, , � , �_. -Im was read and.'Missk Kaine led, in bewianChuirch, will be able to occupy � I '. . . Mr' . Motoris't psa. . ��,,, . ­ I ... I . I pmyer. The topic for the evening, his pulpit next Sunday, morniog and ," . I . ma�svance) of . Education in evening. �� � . HAVE YOU PROTECTION t"I%e FJ_ I � "" t1he Orient," was, takpn- in a most in- 0 Nflism Alice Devereaux and Miss .111,., . I I -AGAINST FINANCIAL LOSS I ­ - I,? . teresting way by Miss Gilles ' . 'Mrs. Isabel ChetstlerfwA_ .University 6f , THROUGH ACCIDENT, COL- Ple . '. � � . Carnuichael's ,solo was then en3loyed Western On1tario, spent the,week-end � "...., "... . I LISION, FIRE AND THEFT? by W-1, as was ,'Mrs. Close'& story -of at the ,home ,of Nim. R'Devexea.ux. � . 11,; �, . Road Hazards Are Great! St. Patrick. After a hymn, the meet- 0 There will ,be a Hostess ea, ­ � . T . '.. 11 I Protection is Security. ing was closed' by the Mizpah Bene- under the auspices,of the Ladies:' Aid 11�1" I I 11,11 1, I � ()nr rates are low, Our service die,ton, in First Presb,ytteriant Church on Fri- , I complete. Insure your car to-� I -0 . day, April &th, . � '', P - . day ;pd add an Autiomobile Nott-Reeves.—A quiet wedding was p MY. Willia.m. Bell of Oakville � I.. I . AAxideut Policy on yourself. eoplem,hized at the Ontario Street spent the week -end, with his mother, " ...., . . . � . United, f0hurch Parsona�ge, Clinton, on Mr& R. P. BeR. "'.4 . ._ �11'.­ WATSON & REID Wednesday of ]'act week, when the 0 Miss JaAet Townsend of Eg- , I , " ' Rev.F_ G.F.an-ill conducted the ,erv- mlondvi,lle attended ithe Blake-Oole , , ". , ;, . Phone 214 : Seaforth many uniting Nellie Eli7mbetth, da,ugh- wedding in Blyth ton Saturday last. 11it I ��'. .�'-'� - - 1�` � ",�, , , fteeiahStS in All Lines of ter �of Mr. and Mrs, George Reaves, 0 Dr. J. (M. Field of Goderich, Pub- 11�� 1 , .11 Seeloath, -and James Robert Nott, son he School 'Inspector for East Hurap, , - K, r". ". . I Insurance. I " �;, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nott, of Tuick- was here last week inspecting the I 0 1 I . ill I . — ersmith. 'Mr. and Mrs.. Wm:* Webster, Seaf,orth Public School. I "!: I ­ � the lyride, *'.Xiss, 1711orence Fbwler of Blue- ... �": sister an,ff brother-in-law of _.. I I 0 10 <> 0 <> * 0 0 A> 0 0 0. -nts an -i�uiest of Miss C. Pinkney. ... ". were the bridal attenda -d the Nrale i% the ., . .1 <> <> i_t I I . . cewerm 11, *ny -was witneseed by a numbe,� 0 'Mr. Joe Bckart of Oakville spent 1.,...'�'. . <> S. T. Hohnes & Son <> of ather,fr�,ernds who &ccompaniedl the week -end with ,his, parents, Mx. . — ' -nd Mrs. C. Eckart, i . ,;, -11 <> �h,—. The ba-ide wo,, :h,, lr.,elling a and other fr ends 1�11'.. . <> - - FUNERAL ARVICE ' , *1-1- 40 Main Street, Seaforth 0 outlfit,'a bl!q,e crope dress, bilack hat 0 The many friends of Mrs, John , 1;�. -0 , I <> and, black and grey actces�q*ries. Im- Twiss will regret tQ learn, th�t she . ,� . . , .1 ,0 S. T. Holmes, residence, <> metcjLate�y a-lber the teremo�ny Mr. is very seriously ill -at her home -'on 11 , ��"; ,01 G6derich Street, West; phone 0 and Mrs. Nott let bfy motor on a Railway Strelet� . 1. �,,�., 0 No. 119, W. r mes I ;' , I ,haTles Hol , I .0 hon,,�,,on �rip to Detroit. On their 0 IVL'r. and,Mm Thomas O'Loughlin I.— 0 return they will live in Tackersmith. who recently retired) froan their farm 1, 1 4> residence, Godehch Str�et, I .1; io -0 EarA; Phone No. 908. 0 - . in TuckvrsnAth, intend makin- their I . I Z , 4> Ambulance Service . .0 Y. P. L. Meets,—The Young Rea- home -in Seatbrth and will oecUpy the 111�. . � ple%; so'cilety 'O sddence recentaty vacated by 'Mr. A. . � I if Northside Urf-ited ie ". - -0 Night -calls, Phone 308 <> ' .1, 1. 40� .. 3)ay calls, Phone 119 J: ,c, Church held their weekly meeting on Fletch.en, in the F -het w4rdl. 1.11'. 10 ChaTges mooderate, 0 Tuesday evening with the prenidenit, ,�. . . <)o <> Mso Ri.ith Thompson, presiding. The I'll - 0 .0 0 <>, <> �O <> 0 <> 0 01. 0 m-debing was open(ed by singing two CONSTANCE — ____ I - )_ . numbers ftqom the skyng,sheet and, re- , � 'I � 1 peviting the Lord's; Prayer it unison. WT$. Wi .1 Carntochan attended, the � I The minutes of thelast meeting were. Beaton ,Obd Boys' Reunion held in , ml... then read by -the secreitary, Mi.n 'E. Toronto I&s,t week. 7- . ,C> 0 The Caub of Progress met in the �, A> - �0 Hoag, end adopted. Duaing the de- N,-, ., 111. C. BOX motional perriod, quiet mu,�ic was ren, schaoil ,house on Friday when a good - 11,�, .;o --O; FUDiERAL SERVICE 0 demed -by Miss J. Edge,. after which pmogram. 'mals eivi�Dyed by all. - One I - I � - of the intefrestring features 'Was the .1111.i :e 10 Licensed Embalmer <> -a hymn was mmg. A short but help. - I .... �, .o fud talk, I'Miat Shall We CAve to the Kimburn News, read by Ross McGre- ,", ,4> Ambulance Service World?" was given by Miss R. gor. 11�i ..... . . - , ��,,�_., � -0 Nfth,b CAlls Day Calls * ThDinpsi&n, tand Mx. J. A. Stewart 'Sugar making is the order pf the 11 'I.e., 1 401, Fbone, 175 Plione 43 ,O then rendeered a Nery pleasing 6010, day. . ( . ,I ... 40 . — ­ - 11 0 "J619t Flo,r T6 -day." The, Scripture 4� �t 111'114�11 '16�6,, '4,�:­, 0 ",'11-1111�' _'," , , � , 'J;�� ,,�v 1".,&'�,,,-, " , il-�.J- . *:��',,, 1,,N,�� , 1, , , , ._W ;,�.,O. "'Ofi ,',��. 11"! i',,4;;���, i , ,.V �.�i A il�jl� ��,�,'� �,::�,,.,,Mi Z, , , � .e.N,�,,- - , ,�',,N�.� M-61 § _J,V4kW,,AW.05.;,?q WN'T", 1-0 ` ! g , , % -, - - " " p - w , , . �� �..,. -,;I,j� , , , . , . ,y: , �,� ", i.. !. . , � . t %§ �vg"�, �� w �, . . 4 .D , _ . ,_ , , 11 - ,, 1,t� ,11 I ":., 'I"' , 70. , , ":. , , ,, , 1: , ,� , ,,�, , ;1 ", 1, "i '! - &�`,� �i�. #;'i, , ,e5 — , . "* '"'I0 i,. � , A , ,N Imly W1 I #I "I I , � 1. t, 1. , � I. . ­- , " _ . . e I t,� � , , , VW4114 ,W,4. th .. � � . 4� 1. It a " 1�', 11 Milt I,_ .... .. I I I . 10�. 10 ow� � I:c . . � " '��,,!t;�i 11 � �.'_'.��l 4 �;, I .1 ;,'�, �� , . � � U. " 11, D ..", 11 J , : �', I . � � I � . 1 - 11 . 1'.1", , 9 o , ,W.4 - e, - � t, I . 1. .: " 071,�'. " 1", , - -, I �; ,,., -�;, , , I , �* �'_ - , , W. IAOMP M, 11 7i , �� 11 I , I "I ­" I , ;.. � ,:, � ,,N0WWQ00gPP "M w, � �, W !'; ,,, � .1 ." I ,,Do'.,)", _` I . 0_q, tbe ei� W t , , � I ,�,,, . ­ � W - - - 4 . I I ., I , . I " , I I ,W) � I I I , "I XV31 � ( , � .j � ,, ';tl , _ !P'a ,,,, 4 , :: " -, I I �_ , ?'_�N, -m 900$4 - I , * Rm ., , a," '� 'r "IF . . - , .. , i . " ­ . �: ,." 't I I � Ok"I.-!: y 4 �._" . _ ,," �r C � . � $ �11.-,` I ..'� p C � . � :..,, 7 .. I '' _�, , , 1" . V ,e I 1. ", .11, � , , 1. " � I . . . I . � . , . , � 1 '�I_ . 1� I . � I , ... " , , , , 11, - a Aw 10:4P ., V ma 4y" I � � ":., I . .1 �� 11, , Z 'K , . � -1 'r I'm - , � � I WIM ft.,010, -in '. t'.'O.. ,, � 11� I .. I .. I . .� ", : . . . I I - �_ ' I I . Mol EMU Ebolo Wa r _ "YOU, WILL LIKE OUR SHOW-wo 6'ur=h I f , � " -0 . . I � � , , A - L E -Kischwier %&&. opmWing, 4 1 6. 1 . ' , S ­.. I "I ' 11, , *,Ab hier gavents, Mr. and %frs. ft,ed .- . ,, , �­ I I � I I . , . � - �' - 4 Eunle. � I I , . � . . , and _. _' 11 I . 0, .. I I I . . . - .. - % . a' i to . The weekly meeting of *e Y I \ . I It, . .. 04 J. March 23, '�p 14%opieMy of DWrs tva-urch 1� - _,� , "'.1, � -ILORS LEAD' . P40610 10= SA A I . fid I ) I . .. I I . on Suvdfay-' Ovwting. The' mO&Kng, . � . in Crich's vacant d "u'v" "'000'"A 'of 'the' d"reh I 0, I � wAoin charge of the,gresident, Stew- � 11 '. I - a!rt Brya." � Follow. in.g the up"dug . . - - Off-the4Vace-Brims a Strong F�attlrei , store - hymn, 04 -Am '94 -was readras"*Ve- . & . I 17. T4e 1SkW11A;tire 10so,m was read, -by. � I . � , I - . ... I under auspices of the Hospital KatMeeh Varquhaw(soa, .ftm Ma.tdiew .. . .0, � 11 I L I � I I , . Aid. . 22:10�22, utfbdr v4deh.comments were . I , . given -by, �� 1� .., Wes' Ruby Young. &�m. Straw and Taffeta )Fai9red1Mtbri*, , . Doors open at 9 a.m. (Rem) 0. 'Cumming led'in, pfayer emd � ;_R a V A I I . ... ? . I I - - . min ftle miWob.piq Kof tlj4p�� prev�ousf meelf.jUg . 1, _.� The first five W_ were. read fby, t4o__ , . I I .O. % . f ift son% sonding $1 Mury Buchatan. In:=111 ' ' I . . .. ' . . , each get a prize. I , .. .- __ � � I You will like our exhibit be�eausb ihe .'. anoweked bk � "A catintry Y -0-1i � vl�:"' #i". '� , I I like to vi1sit and why." In phoe -.�01 , - - 4 Hats are very wearable and'ai6 6- ,. , ,01 I the ltblpdc xehAngs were even by M- . I . . ,r, ferent membew of the soclotty opa I - . . eldedly Smart and 'Inoderately oric- � , I I F%iinsm, fted -Rutledge; Qormilum. , . community in ,this their hour of wA . , . &D I ed. � 1� afflioem, Mkr, MdQay left here about "sm, Beth :Shawan; Socialism, Jack - . ., rr . So years ago f1or the gold fields tof .Ury"3- =0 CaPitallsm, M,Rrgare1t . . -1 the math and, is. one of &e Huron Cumaning. The in,peting clo,sedwith When You Now�sho%\ng very smart Ladies' M41"r. . old bb�s -who made good in his ad- a hymn and Mz'Pah- Benediction). T`hE . A ventum and may the Gold' a Peace !noeting next Sunday evening will be Wear a New, ... bring cbm*rb ib his sorrowing rnhm- in chh of the l4berary, convenor, ,P,, Misses,' New, Coats in tweed and other � Tge Coat this Spring I . �. # enttL , , 0armen R=dwood. 'LiWem s� ' h(�?Z . I Mr. Fi-ed Bekart met vith a pan- will be shown, "T�? Christiat It will be Smart favored materiMs. 0 ton . fug accident Last Week While sa,,,i,g Church in Japam" , to appear in wood-' WIth. a c1rolul-ar saw, when the I r I I . � I saw caught a stick and threw it - I Tweed. All are popularly priced. strilting -him above the eye, whicb� re' BAYFIELD � I quired three sUtcheo. � Had it struck - - � 0 0 � . 1; on�- inch lower he would, ,have lost -his �; I 1, " . I eye� . Rev. J. F. PairIve, who has spent the �_ Wib. Hemiry Kloibier, ST., has purr- voWterin Toronto, returrved bast we(ek Come and see yqursielf looking your best in our New. I chased fhe 100-atre farm from his to hW cottage, "Plargdis,e.11 Coats,, Suits, . Dresses and Hats. by trying them on- I sbn, C&arlie, since Charlie has, pur- Mr. and Ws. Kendall (r2ee Milss . I chazeed the 134,&cre, farm from the Grace Jlotwett) bf Elmira were the ' estate of the late Dan Regele, . guestrJ of friends, hare lover the week- New . . . � WdL - Draperies MacTavis Curtains , ' w000w�__ Mr. and- 'Mrs, E. A. Feaitbeu4an. � I \ I I . and Dffis)Dbais werre at Hamilton for I I . I ... WALTON . the weJak-end. . ,. - I . . 7 . .. I I � I . :Mr. and:,Mrs. L. W. Burch have -re- � . . . I � Me W.A. mejeting wals in charge turned ,tky their caftge in Jo,wett's sfoA Stanley, and one daugkter, Ruth; Monfktoni, lkiodhwgen ' and- Dublin. ' of the president, Mrs. Wilbur Turn- grove after gVeInding the winter in her paxeinbs,,,Mr. and', Mrs. John 'She ,had been, sick eleven, days witir . . . bulL Following the optening hymn Chli"08go-- . Becker; three brothers, Tiawrencei ,p1ei.zro,pneUo)oniA., The flbwM Were- .. _ .' Ithe Scripture lesson, was read fro;�. A10c. Aitken of Toronto, a1youtten Harvey and Carl, -audi two sister, Rose lovely, namely: Wireath, husbaxA,and - . -Jtobn 1151:1-13. Prayer was, offerldby years ago' accbfuntant -in thebank here and NOrm'4. -Services, were held, at children; gEites ajar ftromparents ant& XTo. McCallum after Vhich the mdTi, oailled On a number of triends here 'the Luthepmn Ciburch conducted by family; spray, Grandpa Dlebm, ancT ' utes of the previous meeting were Tuesday- . the rpastor, Rev. J. '3tangles, whose Mir. and D�rs. George Yundt; sway, - read by, nrs. Reid. During the busai- I . . text war., R-ormans 8,:28. The pall- Charles Groul and' family and Laura- � netsis period arrangemente were made r St. Patrick's Social bearers w1are isii sichbolmaltes, Hawy Becker; ,spray,. MT. a'nd Mrs. Henry , , for the, St. Paotrick's, ­60k-Aal. The Reis, Fred Re�s,, TOR= GrA Clar- Koehl,6i, Mr. and MTs. W. J. Koeh- � A very succestsfill social was,head ence Querengessler, Fred' Palili .�nd bei. Much s pathy is extended to, ' meeting closed with a hymn and in the basement of St. Andrew,',, Clarence Daube� Friends were prei- Mr. Roehler Yamnd ,his small children I prayer by Mrs, R. Reid-, Unit -6d Church, undler the au-sipices of The March meettling of the Ladies' the, en's I-sIs',16ation. The ,.brn ent from. Buffalo, Kitchener, Poole, by People in this vicinity. I I - "7 . t�jj l! GWM and W,A. of St. George's y de.ombed. The m1a,in fea- . Chureb was held) at the home of Mies 77-- . . I 1. . ie program was a. ,gejoar% . R. W. Hoy, The rn,eeti�ng opened, with "Resolved that the yioung people of a hymn, after which , Rev. Mr.' Gra- fto�day are better citizens than those ham. read the ,Scripture lession and of fifty yea,ns &gjo. Iffis,s Isovel Kirk,, offfor . ed prayer. The minutes of the Mliss Norma. Welsh and Mr.. nun-uy preiv)-aus meeting were read and Grainger upheld, �he qffirmative -while i,%db*edL The W.A. meeting waa in A. E. E4-wirni, James, Sitirling and Don ehargo of the pre6dent, Foll,&wing MeNenyhezuppofrbedl the negative- ,It, theopenfipg,exeTeLses and, rninutes the pmved very interesting aM, convinc_* ,planning of a missionary quilt for ing airgumentis, were given on both ,the June balie, was- ditscus,sed. The sides, ,but the negatIve z6de had, the meeting closed with prayer by the ,least poirits, aerefore the offirmiatdve rector. � Grace was, -sung and lunch sdde were winners. Judges- weTe Miss ,served by the ho ' st*ss. Jean Tv�cods, Wissi'Maude Stirling and IMM.,Luke Speiran of near ,M(yn- Miss Fern Whealdley. A musical pro- crieff is 'Rilsiting-at the diolne of Mr. gram followedl: iSo6gs 1yy Jas. Stir - and iMrs= erTaggart. ling; vib-lin numbers, by ,Mr. GaAe; a . , S tj � 7� it� IMT&I'(C. ct 'i of ' adcKdllch`P few iele'amoms by'a;n o1rchestra, con- �'. , w sipent w'few. day., with her parents,., stisting of vionfi,ill I . Arthur Peck, Mr. . Mx,,, and� Mrs. W,Lm. Somerville. Gale lGiladys Cvaae ; banio, afi-& IMrg. Jb,b,n Olivier, Brussels , is a Thomas-, 1gudtar Mrs. Makins; ,piano, guest at the bmie of Mr, and Mrs . . mabel 9�Acfi;;Wir. Ught refreshments Oliver Turnbull. ' . Were servield. The prooceeds, were av- tKennkh Rutledge of Toronto. - Is er $22i I I sipending several days at his home in ThL7.wdnter has seen a good many, _� the Atuge). . . eo e7ftinments, dhnees, -etc., and mare WT. uud Mirs. Joseph Davidson of we, StAl Ila come. Fridlary evening a London were week -end' guests, at the this woek-ftffie Badminton Club have [homeof the latter's parente, Mir. and a eudiwe 'and dance; Frliday evening, Mrs. Jci3eph Bennett. 29th, the play, "No Account Darvid," 1xiss Ruby Young of neax Exerter by Mrucefteld players; Friday, April spenit Sunday with her ,parents, Mr. 12th, "The Heamt Exchange," by 10 - and Mys. Thomas Young. Cal talent for the benelit of the Lib- � rary; Wednesday of ELister week,the 11 ;, , �i' %P,<> -0 0 -0- 0 0 4C� <> <> 0 <> wais read by Mists Ruth Hugill. Mr. TUCKERSMI H Agneud.tural Society annual fa=y I . - �1.� C. Chetoros then gave'the topic -which , ONE1000000 dresis carni-val - then at a, later dutle, . .1 "I', '. S THE 4 -ACT 13 AY '4 d , . , " ''. ''. ''. ''. , , ,. .�. I , . �,&", Proved ruo lbe retry initeresting. T%e 'Mr. John C. Dodg, L.L.B., of De- � "n , meeting cloFed by Mass J. Baker lead, troit, �accompa W . nied by his friend, Mr. � � �, I ',_ 40 -0 ing in proer. � Francis Edwards, L.L.B., -also of De- . � � k� . <> 0 - -0 I 11 WALKEIVS troit, vi§-ited with the former's inother 'I, 01.,:.'. . I . nd V� ve e .. . Sermon Subjects For Sunday Next. a SiS T 0 r the we k -end. .!., 'O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 , �'11 __J ... I., , � "��., <> ' W. J. WALKER and 0 St. Th,o-as' Church--ThiTldl SoUn,day ,Mr. M. Kineade and Mr. Thomas ';, in Lent; Sunday School and Bible J, -nes of Listowel vis4ted wit'i friends .11 t", AC> JOHN, R. WALKER,'Jr. <> , -he neighborhoo-d during the week. 1, �­ 1, Class, 10 a.m.; 11 a.m., topic, "The in t , V" I - .<* IAOensed Embalmers and '0 Co-st oT Sacrifice"; 7 ,p.m., "In the � ... ..... i . 0 Funeral Directors. 'O Pri­�an,." All welcome. - Canon E. . , �, , - �O A,ppleya,rd, Rector. - 11 . <> Day or Night C-alli promptly I)UBLIN I `,� �. ? 0 attended. * "�> - NDrthside Untited Church -11 a.m., 11 .. ,I �, � I . � r �;j�_ 0 PHONE 67 <> "The Fourth Word From the C1`Qs(s, Attending Insurance Convention , I 11 1.11 . - 1 [ " <> <> 'My God, My God, Why.hast Thou iMr. Frank MoCbnn,611, Director of ,., � . * 0 '�> Forsaken me'?"; 7 p.m., "The King- the U�s, � 1. 1�,�.'� , borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire '141', . dom As Life and Growth." , ,�., I Sunday InJ:Mrancle Co)rnipanT, is in To,ronth " I ," , I I . I School at Z.30, p.m. Union Lenten this week attending the .annual con- , ":. rF ., 4,� � services op Thu ,day, March 21, at ventioll 'of the Ontario T&u&ual In,- ,?", , EX.Chamberlain 8 o'clock ,with Rev. 0. A. Malcolm as ,,, ­ . ,mranceClampanies, being held in. that ;`, � 1i I � I ' ' ' s,peaker. Everybody welcome—Rev. city. M,r. fNEcoonnell was accompan- , I 1, . - !i. '1� I I derk of the Second Division Court T. A. 6armi.cliael, Mdn6ster, . ied by Mr- B. W. F. Beavers, of Exe� "i �, IDuff's, Bethel and Cavarff-49ervices; ter, secretaTy,treaskireir bf -the Us- , .. County of Huron I � �, 1 .. �!,,, .. on Sunday as usual. 'Sunday stcho,ol borne and Iffibbert Company. , ��. �� - ild � 11 �'.,, 1�1 . Office in the Dominion Bank Bui - O)t CatOwn Church at 9.45 a.m. Sang �, " �, hM � SWOrth. Office hours : — service- from 7.30 to 7.45 at Duff',s on - - . 1i ­�, % ,� ­ Tueidsy, Thimd'ay and Saturday, Sunday evening—Rev. G. E. Morrow, ", '. ­­ I . I 11 -),W -P-Za- -to 5AG P,M­ SObuvdaY Minister. EGMONDVILLE " - " . " 4.�, �;g i I ev�mbg, 7.30 P�m td"9 Pkm -mond'ville ,Church — 10 a.m., - I " 1. Eg . 11 �;,­,�'..'' School .and Bible study, I'Downright ,,,�.S. Meet I bl"t'.11", SERVICES WE CAT%r RENDER Tfie regulaw meeting ,of the Eg- . , �,,-, , e', 11 ". � Christian Living"; 11 a-Tn., "The mjondvifl-be _ Young Peorple was held on ,,"'­ ­%I�­­ Life, aintomobile, fire, sickness and Cro.F(s Toulchea the ln&vidlual," also Monday evening in the Sunday sabubl �. , - � the ,second) in a series of , o ies for 11 1.1, socident insurance. If in the mar- st rl 6 - , ";'t, - room. In the absence Of the presi- �, "�. , 'Mt tor any of the above hues, the 0hilldren, "Passion Ughts"; 7 dent, Migs, Jean SmibC the dhair was - ,�11. , Idmdly give us a call. p.m., '�By the Day." — Rev. 011arles _W ���, i -Z, ��L..'' . I EL C. CHAMBERLAIN Malcolm,, Miaister. ably taken 'by Arthur Wallace. The �, ,, , A -,, I I t;,11 " . meeting was opened by singing a ��, tki " � "� _ Insurance Agencies 4e . "7'11�.,41, hymn and ,by repeating the Lord's 11 �,L," L., I Phor�e i94 : Seaforth, . " . A K, " a . W. M. S. Holds Meeting.—The reg- Frayer � in, unilsian, Kenneth Jackson leee, I ,,, - A�". '.L�, _, ­ 1-11 � ular mionthly "eting of Northside tolok the topic afterr whi,ch Roderich " . ;!�,,��'.,,,, I V2 . . �,; 'V,�:r, � _.�­ . 'r United Cluurch W.M.19. was held on McLela- gave a iiesding, "A Man's a , . - ,''N'l- I . . , ,t , 9, a' That." A V, - . .., T%ursday, Ra�rcb 14th, in the schood. Man For a' That a, 1.�,� �,O,.,:- . room of the church. The presddenjt, hymn was sung and was flallowed, by ,i�,, 11 "I . .. � 1. I 'Mrs. -Carmichapel pmedided. After two igames. The National Anthem I- * �:Ilk ,� %-., r-i'niging the-o(perAng bymn Mrs. Car- closed the meethng. I 'Ili �." I ��! 'Ir E G, un 'an ichatel bed, 1h prayer. The . I'll. �� m �, - repo�ts i � 1 . "'. 'd ; 11 __ ­ * � � � ': � .. -1 I . Ir of various committees were receiv�e __ , �� ' LLL �� L dvplted. During the Iyursines.s- per- MANLEY L � ... L . iold. it was. ,decided the Auxiliary wou Id i 'L - ­L,��'J ,�,­" . enitertad,nl We Baby Band, and'thAT ' 1M`0a sYmMthy is felt hem for -the , ��L,�, �? me�ting. Ws. is,udden demi:% &a Miagliardl Me- -.1"L, ­ I I mothers at We April 5,�- � ",". �k��, � � I 11 I I _e of.M. t "", �'. . . . I I Vt will be the .guest "aker at Kay, ,daughter ,of Mx,. W. J. MeRay ,,_4.:'_ . t"", "�p , '. . I " , ' " , ,L,"­;'4'�� )' "I ..... . the Uaslter f1hanlooffeaing service, to ,Of ScIbufmacker, Ont. , !, , She wa,% a 11 I", ­�!,* I "I �, L"� . . he hAd,the i9econd -Si t ", ­�_?'� ... , � , .'ILL, ' , I :.­��', HICA4EIST . )nday in ApDil. ,,,;tmd&tb of Dbmegtie se-itence' in a �11 ...) �Nnll 16� - i .� .1 (". � � . ,�%% 5 - , , R,lr An in1vitat&on feoni Mrs'. & Han'Ahli seliolol neaT Ottawa and htymi a sh"011 , . f '1� , M, '� ,',;, ". � ' * 1, . �" - . 4. ijiv­ , '' . 'f'l"' . A-1$ __ 'T%'�; iv,7 ., ;,�,�,4)� , ,� I _E to hold 'the March so,cial wo-rk meet- imTection. on her face bbood poilslo"Ung ,,;­,� ", I 1 %A P , — ft a bier hosme *as very gratefully ,sr�t in and, her siekn�eissj only 10 --ted ' ",V "' �,, ,�'­�L U,I_A;P,� - �,11.", `;`j:'��'L ' � H '55i ", . ,�0,4'6, �, 1�", , L - I ) , . , dpited. 'Mrsl. T. J. Webster took ,one week. Her ajne e, r I t I , �1,, !11,"%� , , , - "# KI I" 11 L ..?� see 17 q ", �4'4,11�1 L L', I � I _ rem Wetr b ouggi ", iRZL;11.� .f,,,�S ? "'l, , ,J%1 -0,6"o, "" ': . � I I I , L -votibral prograxwn,e, to. Senforth last Friday 'bD W-alker's . " e%arge bf thep de _ I, �,�;0""',l :j,� , �� I "'A"I , R,MR 0;u� , " ",(, " 'Jig ��L,;�­ — �', i , t whi,oh Was atiranged by Circle & The Undertaking PaAbra and, from thence I 0 � - ,f T11 stii*bra a0goon was,laken by W.R. to the 'Maitlatidbamik Cennetery wher6 %Q�?.-'� .�, �-';:��! �%,,, "O' . - , . 'L, , 1- �;, '­, ,;W`;�,,�'�` ­ �n- lia r ,,","�L �!,s . '01 " , , ". ". : I '' J, [Rivftblul and IWV. W. J. W'liarns all that was mbrtal was laid 'to rost � , , I , ,�,L." I , , ., '. ., -4., :,". I : -1 , 1. , ;1. ,7.�,"�",�JjrN,L" ot. She is ,��. _; r d, n br . i 1,,��, .".1 ",I �-; 14;: " . ,.p , -& . , . led it; vmyer� 'Me domotiontd. I-eadet, betftbo her' mtolther. who, predacid,"ed � 1 ' "'�� i,'i� �, i i "I "a�tk iff X�ieb&hb " *kv re(ad by ,,her olycirit el,ev,a;n, ,�(Ontbs ag '�` L J_',��" �`,'� "' j % , �,. '' L '', real ne . y, , I W. W169tdr ,and Umv. N. Carter imi"Alved bk he'r father an o e .o � I , - 1*6 I'v _...1v ��k,i �,_!, - �� 11;­1�`4L7%,`,` . � ; I d6lulliftW-everkamfe *%h, a sidla "90e,04 dwr !Willihft, of Tofronto Univeraity, - � , � " , "O"l, .� "i �,.�'.' /�7�' 1 p� I L"".L. ., _1 " . o �, I ��,���,r�t,�,�"I.."""��T,.i�,,,�"L'���,,�."""t,:.,f .... .. L ­­­_ --11 ' ' '[*,ho' il L , , , j .1 ��� "I _-.1 �, 'I., I 1, &I a0doWpdWed by Ws, 0, A. have ofe symotth�, Of the whw,o _ t -, t�"-�:� ­ " '.1 , � � . I I . I . , I I . , , '.."', — - , �. 1. " .. ; .� � L, ., I ' � . ' . � 11 1-1 I 1, . I '. ..; '­; " . I . I I . . I ­ ­­ - - � .... r4l ­, . . '. , _`�. . .4 .. ­ I . , .1 :_ 'L I . � I I I . ,- , I . �. � , . , V - " . .1 . _�,.��.,_ �,� 4�, � _",..­L�, , , . . � , % � , , 4 ­.�'.' :1., .5 , i ­ �, I . L , , L'I _­ '�,;" , llw)� ,j,�,',,' ,_;Jiy,"� , L _j�, . ,;"�,�:�, . .� . , , , , � 11 . . I ,, �,�;��",'O,�'.,,�,���"",.".""J �jij'F " - , �, ". . , . 'L 11, . �,'. , q . � - - , . " �l�;4�.�:'i�J4;..,"",�g,";�;:�,,�;��,�;:�"";";�,i;t,,�4 �j �.,�,�� , ,� * , - , 1 I ; _'.1 I I . .." , . I . - �!��.,.,.-, " ','r, 151., 14A , mi 24,�-,,� " �­ -, , i,.,'� " ,_­" "';, L � ��'v'o',, ., , i . �� I ,�ivi�.?�"Y)"�,,,�,'9,�6�l,')o,,�q A4" " L' t "' . �1,11. ,N,,,�,�OL,; � , hi,� �Lk �. , , .� . . � . . "Th . ' . e Road to the,City" Pre�ented by -t,he Junior Women's Institute and directed by " Miss. Jean Smith, under auspices -of Seaforth Agricultural So- ciety, in Cardno's,,Hall, Seaforth . Tuesday, April - 2nd L . . at 8 P,m. . DANCE after play with music by Collins orchest�a See neti week's papers for par.., iicular�, caste, etc. . . . I - - Ine Irish Rose,"by Young People of the Un4ed Ohuveh. McKILLOP' I I I ___ — The World's bay of Prayer' was heldon Friday afternoon at the horme of Mrs. W. J. Rka-ttie, wilth a 'good, I attendance. The program ,&­ the Wporld's Day of Prayeir wa:9 carrtied ?ut with X,m. ,C. Rendergon presdd- Ing. Prayer was given by ,Mrs. Che,§. Henderson, Mrs. F. MeRexcher, Mrs. Jobn.-Hillebiv)cht, 3grs. J. Gordlon, Mrs. W. J. Sh,annon and .Mrs. J. E. Dtald-Y. Mrs. R. N. Dorrance sang a solo which was much enjoyed, 1by all. The origin of the World's - (Day �-of Pra,YLEw was given by 19-ra. ,G. E. Mar- row. After ttaie Program the minutes of the last meeting were read and, adopted. The meerting olosed with the Lord's Prayer� in .uTdson'. A de� . licious lunch was served by *at com� mit1too and the.hostess. - A social baH hour was spent. The -next meeting � will be head at �thehome of -Mr& Fin- lay McKercher. , Wisioekq Ambmd1a--and Edna Ifloegy 'of Strat&ord visited, on: this line, on Sunday. I � I MT. ,and Mrs.. Charles Re�gele were ( . I , . .1, - I I I , I I I I , , I - I I . �OMEDY-DRAMA IN THREE . - ,,AiCtS at B17* ton Tuesday. On, the way I ! . hoyne -they visited, with M_,r. und Mrs. - I ____ . I I "'A WILD FLOWER.' _2� GeloTge Hoegy ftd' report that Nora I I . ! � be'TgreatlY improved in heafth which . I � I I 11 T P, PP w� n- -, pleased, -Ib r6oft. , - __�_ 0 'e" of the H IsILS :Misla Marie -Koehler return,ed home I 11 , � " I will he presented in , "uSu d�Ay. , 0% � , , "r visiting har sister, I I DUFF`tS UNITE]) CHURCH Past two WeeklS. . � e J . (t kle, in Pullaoton, for the � �� no I . ondt I milnx;43 I McKILLOP INT. ned- Eckai�b ig now recovering I I , ,.,, ! I . I 1. from hifs reeekbt suffering. I ... - under the auspices of Y. P. and W. A. 'Mr. and- Mrs, Charles, Regele qpemt I I LIMITED � , I FRIDAY EVE .. ... Wlft, MARIGH 22nd 18"fty 'With "M�- and, Mrs. Geforg6 . . at 8.16 wi-Ildek . Regvdll� it. 1094th-'., , , I Progress Reports have been mailed to all Share- . . ' qli�te -0, nu�&131*,from �Ws- ,vicinity holders. AdditioT�al p9pies may -be obtained at our Musical Numbers be6veeft Acts ,�Ittendjad` dv�'O�tvpal of Miss 3&Kay I Office. I � I �, Admission: Adults 25, Children 15c. In seafolth %,gt, :6,0k. 1 1 I . I '. . . . I . I ,� I .. - . Mrs. Henry Weirtwsen,'of the 10th . We, consider the shares of Briarcliffe ,Mines, Lim- . I , entertained her friends -to, -a quiltittig ited, remain an interesting speculation, it purchas- . be8 cai Ftidaj lust. , I , ed is such. We suggesA they be retained. , . I � . I / I Jean,SmithGrice The flu is sWl prevalent' her�e. . I . . STRATF69D The funea%1 of the late b4s& Wm. I I HERE MARCH 27th 13P. Koe&l& was-, heild on Monday, AT QUBP-4?S HOTEL, .� Maxich 18th, to We cen-wtery Wdjoin� Eo' A. SIEGRIST &I. CO., LIMITED , - - � , I , I ing the Mserville Luthem-n chumh . . I , I - PEMMANENTS 'an, Elli&- Toww-Wp Who, &ad Friday, . I I I . . 1 $2.50, $346, $5.00 and $6.50 1 Athrn,h !#th-, Qertma& Margaret� . I .� � Investment Dealers, - I I , '-All Work Guarkhtee4 � 1podter "s? I boft, ift Efflld6l rebruall. ' . , � I Pl, " Phone:.?*etcali 334 egie Make Your AP-0o'Q- im, j�19184:,Wa,: W*b ft � �fti�v I 1 70—L New Bank of -Toronto Bldg., London, Ont. . I .. I � I - . . I I, I . ments FArly. P1 - 41Tt;&4 dayw,vla. �$hoj has, -left I I nr*h - :.. ., � I � ....... I . ­ ''. - I - � . I 11 h #r,11ddj*_,fh& h-U'sb&J4 OIW' I I . I . P IoMtjr h & I , , 1. � � . I . � .. ..-.. I I I , I . - . .. 14 11 I I '* 4 �'.. , 1:T?.%;, . '',_4,�,­ �' � �!.. .1 I . . I ��, ' ' , / t�'. � ,- ,'�, " f! , ,� , . 0!'. , I , ­ 1� . .1 1; ,7, �. � I � I ­'. 'A .1 -,., 1- , . , . 11. - I ­ _,�, , �. . - 1. �- � � . �, I I , ,, ..- . . I . L 1,; 1. . 4 : , . I . .1 , . . �,`4L. . . � , , , I �, . , " . J ., I , 11 - . . . I I ;11 t � , I � ..� � : . '. I I 1�, � - I I , I , . , �: ! - , . I I . . t�l�" , I ,ill". "I' , I . , , I . . - � . ' L I . 1, � , - 41 . �. . . I , . , � ; ;,� . � . � . . I . I I I . �' I , I � . , �, . . .. I �,� 1 , , I , . � I I I I , ­� _, , . . , , I ., :,I . , � , e, , . , , . - Y , , ­ , �',, I I ." " � vi , " " . � , , , I . . . . . . .. ­ I I . I . � #�� 10 I ; .: : , - . , � ,�4,-! ;, Lr'("*�,��.-4: 0 , - � � I 1. . 4:11:� ,�;. . , � v , . , ,.11�1, il',� , � 1� - ' � "'� :�" �,`,�' � 'L _A`1-eL** f , I . 'k . -1 1. ", . � ��' � �;­ ,_ --"4.,.,:,i- " , - , 4" �' ' 't'411"i.- ' " 1 1.4 ... �. . ­ '-."� . . - ' I I . �-� , " , ',� , , "An . , '. '�­ , * ' ��,�, �: ­ . ,,I, , - ',',�4,t ";, ;,":�, , _ . � L - J ������������������ 40V z,�, " ,, ;11., - 9 0 1 , � P / I , . 0 4 � . . I . I . % , I I I # . I , . I � I I I I , . I I