HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-22, Page 61�, , , . 1, '. ,5, . 7.W11W " ". , . gi gn.,% g,' i"'If . .. ,Aggg 'i , " " ' St ,� 1� . 11 I �'%g', ,q 1 11 11 "I � 1- 'M qlg,-�! %,�,pq.� I g,q ,-.,,,; _', , _,,'p r a, �� � .1"Mi F !'1,1.T,Nf I � r.�.:,.­ . i , wi gy, ,- I ,� Ili , .il I _.. , 1.1;j.. I.,", , " , � , ,,,, 1',�*,", , , ­�., � I.. . I � `,.��i.-%,� ,;�,�'.',,' 1, .q - VI Z I.., ­­ ­­. I --6 , ,., 11 I I . I:. . I .1 � " ., � ., 'I. , �',,.. � , , , � .. , ,,�:� ", , �­ " . . .p , � .1 ,� I '1 T: ... � - ", , I .�.�:�,�,!, ��',� �p;� . , - , - " ,� ,.� - , � '% - �A.. , ��r ,,,,�,'�..�,� ", , -.V��i',�' , �;� ra`��l , wg% .;! . � � P §`,� M1,1111. I ." ilm. 41�1_ 4 I I I` I '. . ,"''I 'P? w '! _ "� �,,Avli'!i IIRN,fl "I' X1,1211 '17.0 , N __ . , � f _ � I �., ,�,`�,*,',\9 ".111"!,PM , 2&'�'i?lllfflp WMI X �-11.vnl A �,!,17M, ­ , I. , .1 . ._i I 1'�� " ;,� w I " " I I 11 � '�`,�'Pjl' 9 14. T 0.1 Ir " , ,,� . � I , "' " I . :11111 ­ I- -1 " I , . 0,�Y'. 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I i I' . � � % .1 , I - i I � � . . "I I , to". I ­ ., � . I , ­ I . � 4 d ,, . , � kt . * - 'i , Co�i,, s. ". I I � AM f,, I , , , , jtj�.`( M,-' __)_R_�A�._ftw : . - whel .0noorlo T * RM0111 It-* 5"IM-W I I I � I " , , , " �� ! .I. i . 0, . i I � . i �, � . .)Q� 1� , I I I M t'. .� , �, . . . , '.., I 10 �.:Qf W-* . - . '�q, � I - , i. , lid �, , - , , .. "t I , " It$ , 11 , A -��`, - ` "A''." , % . ,1!1�� J", .11'1r,� , ,, , 1- I � I ,;­1.1117­�, , '' M"; '!`� - ___ --l"IMM-14404-4-5-9-110- ___141'ell . �� .- , �_I, , � 1"'i", !, . �:�i,.-T.�4%;� " I � � � �il , I I . .. I Z R11A . - 111 . I C I I il�'�` ''I " i, RIO 71, 41. V I* M" �� 1. F re , F. � - - I . It I io',,tts Ings 1: 11 . I I I , , 0 1 �_ , I I!, 41� 11...r � . LAR R, ", I", . . : .4 I � L ". - ,,, � 4 year at; 40*14 two Ou ,, . lz,..,t.,�, " , 14, . - - __ - ------- ... , I I I . . . �jo-.­W,iL 1% , I !:%.�: �i,. I I � .? \ en'tqi�i� , .__"T� I I Ti'Row.p9me, Athft,op I . . I L. t . - . � at wiiw; "Aly 04by to any farrrier, in ontario.- Any Aulfi.� , , tt 0 _� - . __ . . I I . - , _W , k ,�, . y I _ _. 1 r4oua 7"T ,; 7 I, pAn su- 764! 10 P :00 I `K4 '' ' I., � � "I 4NP�V+10M Page 1) - were loafing about In, the Zo.o there - bw, VAO .111rl, IR . I I I . . . CoWd 'Not Wasb Himself 0 ' , fV .-ftecalls An trouble 'with -.xmq�fig= �,dt.g-.vq� . ill Q ' lied for refloftstIrtion _'. i ,� 1"._ ld 0 a* * supp, �1- . I � - �.11 N am curious long-leggedbirds sitand- � ,J . ping Dual -4. ,,,; ., r Mn I . k , I ,TV,�,: , � . R_ PWO M . , p, `4 G - !V!!7F.A,V.w17b'0"1 � ""W-.'�%' pWs d ' lber u' to L &W, xL requirements, ir . p a H�11414; how.ano SIAL P�* . " resmi ing in,poolis of water and separately Nor Brush'HWRW �therinj of .'Thiriy- 40y7a # i I.., mr, I 111_"L� auW indblreak jQSeS;ntQL110rCh4j�j6"and. t. t ' I., 1-111, - gamerninlent has Pluc� caged are immense turtles, lizards, . � bQX the 00EMtA1)&ti9a W.41 maX1==m ,for vi � I- . .. . 1b ­,, , , . ` five Years a 0 B "Ii , WWPAtipw, F-411WIL , planting. !Me oril;r, cost to, itho farm- - . W L6Ut o thin Fa�d ' 'I 1. ollars, at the arid snakes. The alligators and'oroco- I . . , " am that - er Is, .me " - So bad was has plieulmati I 9 - Q*a TcAblets vent r4ore,00091." I , press charges =om pQWT 1 $ . � , . - � I K-1. State 6enate - togetl'Or in A large P0,01"of his tfrie� declared het would nevoqr . silp Omer id shipineIrt to,bis neamt stat � lom � , "nd ' L � . , ' . I I j =h"v, I . I 'Cle % I � 'Ales 11" , oto dove p", Iduo - ' , . I I'Ll 49 with adjuatts of sa,nd earth I to "kb than anuge axatives Mot)iors, w I � � ,wiculturd develop- water work again,. Although he is 70 1 . , he'are anxious for twk � It : tl�� 11� - Everglade, miarsh lands, for r,urining, and propa Ye*rs A e4Wng fro 'an, Expositor of _f eotly aalle 11011:42 11, 7l lGloveinment -desilres, to emplia- daughterp, to'be. healthy AO A I Tm andpor ttle folk, I attractE4 � 1. 0 gF gating - purpos- ol&' he promied they were wrm Read .size that Ohs free distnibution d for- ,iilll be interested in the,atory of a 4W-7 .11 L, . 9- '' � us, relcen, De V ObAcIreft'.Q1 ,� .:.�1,11 : I . the earth surface Of es. They are fed once a week and what he says.- I * 10 y"re ago, =11%0,1071"414 pao"Se. eat fte_W.As restricted, to, the f Ao*- , tain youp who wp4 pale., rW # I " " [thereby Providing we were fortunate, in 'being present "I am severity years of age. last y by.0 subscriber, ,Is, the cream- .. . _. . , . . . I , , ery plopeis were a popu ar, sum- , � 160 jrw vammes: I when she- went to � 6rt," � nall" of onmming gen 11114ut I , # I clown luioigbt, I ,­� W-1 - �.%��, , I_. - during their feeding time. The Chnstinas I was completely doubled Dr.Williams ,� . " Una k �� rper�.Iev"t- at tho,b time. capping 11 � . I I I The reforesting of sdiftble Iands a competent authoritylth have beg ­­ r5logs. ,,U is hoped that the ponta- thrashing of their tails, scratching up with r,lieumatkin. I could -not reads, , v '0 - brush my hear nor wash myself. Peo- . , The imV'm*emevt of exioting� *ood, pounds. The test revealed , the froubL,_ , �4" mayrniss.their nefarious of -huge claws and s=PPing 'of ter :4 for the, prOduction of forest vrp". blood tested. - She,. weighed - only 9% - 4 . i # . ;. vp ardmg this God-given gift rible jA ' "Mi% A. Q. Bobler, or of this I ., � . ws .g see . . . I ,g ne ple stud I should never work any " . , made it a thrillin Jersey vrea.Mei:7, Exeter, he . . lando which, haVe become deepleted. Her bloodwas too poorIn quality to I ;_um, � . I Of keep up 'N pe M-ty. never to be, forL-otten. Alligators and more. I am working her -der than a. thib very,commendable pact. , ­ Mho. owlarnation unproductive _. her streisgth, weight and vital- 4F.-, ,1$6611e, lb�ed old wiseacre said, "The crocodiles reproduce through eggs de- young man to-day6 The ka,. ta*ny & ich are ity. Ifir blood was below no . I . I ll I'll .4- " ; . d aim, of b*nkind is the pursuR n terbaining khe, -patrons of ,bis cream- lGirls race,, starterg-Xweetie Her- V"�001& yft lying idle . ,, .. � , . the -aumber of red corpuscles .. 4 im , , rxg ', .,,,�,. . posited on river banlks being carefully thank,&, to Krasehen 'Salts. I take ery at an aniftual picnic at Grand vey, Owy; B. &Brien, Ray; HoWle which would support foiiest growl1fill, I � - ., ppi4n." W014 I . , vital1y-necj,aZhaemog1qbih. I e � '' �N­ * b we like. -reading -placed in the sun -light as 'the geu-'ra- them in mly tei�, and I ,have regom" Bend .The second annual gathering Handfor<L -Centra,lia. . The Pro!tectiOn Iby . - , . . � a. " , -, - na .11, 1, n.-��,,i forest. plantin. . I 1111 . .. .. I 1,0444 oing to the "mov- tive sioupce qT life. I 9 instructed to It two of D'. f I ;11,��il_'. funnies" and g When, hatched mended them to munly. I could not of this kind was hold an Saturday, ' IBoylslirace, 7 staruwa­Jaii. North- of slopes andbills whioli are lsabjeet� � pnk Pips (so called because they have ' - , I n.m. A IT: *Wxle u-p-to-tbe-minute sp,oTt -the p?ro. ' about qn inch jet in or out of bed myself, nor sit j '29th, was largely attended, and cotb, Mky; Frank Northeott,. Ray;; E. to erosion arid.of light soils . . N'i,`�,.: " . geny anoasure *1141. a pink biIM posting) three times a day, � ..11',I�,L:, Ume . ��� ,� 'jyy8 like the Florida legalized gaffib- in length and -ar6 slow in. growth. up. But see roe work now ---412 hours was a very successful and,, enjoyable Caldwell, 'Hay. L am subject to blowing or drifting. 1 for a mouth and then return for go- , 1. k,:r,.,, aitg stunts, i.e., horser and dog rates, They live for hundreds Of years as a day voIrruetilmes. Krusichen ,Salts ,,fp,i,. A, jutsmting programme of Milk lipulergii.Tace, 6 starters - T_ The conserving of water now by . other blood test. � I. 'M�';,%' ibIi; g, bosts, cars and, airplane-" z!P- attested 'by the famous old Alligator have done it." ­G. J. sports was held -in the afternoon, and Willis, ,E_*bdi�,, Fred Ooleman,' tIxe- ing on the 81 at the � %,'.� il' L L. .�tln ,�l I � � - . ping .through the,,alr, with the added called "IMId, Bill" on exhibition here. p,iheumatic nditio are t re- ' - of . opes 7birty days later a changed, happy ��T "' . co as he wao participated in by a large num- ter; R. Crawford. =Wtr streams. I A f I " .Atlauble,deelan, bathing beauties which It is fifteen, feet Ion . . girucame back. She had gained nine. ­'�'. g and weighs ov- sult of an excessof uric acid -in the ber of the people, the competition Old men's race,, 8 starters - W. The Planting 4 -shelter belts and pounds. Her blood'tested ahaost nor- I I'll, , , ''. (puts Miami on the front door step ('f er h-alf a tom Scientists M th t b y. t in- en. ng ,. I � � ,. : , ' affir `& old Two Of , he gredi ts of bei I t most keen The prizes, also, Culdwill, -1�ay; Richard Adams, Steiph- MindbreekS for the prOtee'Won Of ag- Mal in its baemoglohin Content U& . . . I , ,." ,, W,r41,!ry_ma1dng activities and the w,,n, its brain would weigh less than that K, h I hav, t r . ]E�y this en; J. C. L . , I I � ruse en Ga. ts - e he powe of were handsome and''u-seful. X�Ihfledsch, Hay. rliculturs, crops. , , I vras slightly better than normal in nuns- ; ,... ter season is only haMover. Believe of a common chicken. Alligators, dif- dissolving uric acid crystals. Obher annual gathering Mr. Bobi4r accom- Old WieW recie,, 4 iatarber*,4Mrs. The porestry Branch cannot M,p- her of red corpuscles. She felt a, b*III,. I �. 'I 1, I i��11'�.' it 'or not, when it comes to big cash. fer'solely from crocodiles in ,having ingredients- assist Nature to expel plE,h,,,,j . ,er,,W ,,,y important ob- J.'C. KalbIleimb., Illay; Mn% W.'Cald- ply trees for decoratavle, OT ornam- niondous lot better and looked it. She ' I - 1, �': � ' Mayrojents, 'Mialmlans know their on- ]blunter noses and wider spread Of these dissolved crystals through the j,,t,;. He 411cl.ea,e, ,the, ,on,fidence . - III 10 ... � "I �' . wilL ll�ay; Xrs. R. 093rien, Hay. entall Planting about. homie,w, clubsi or had roses in her cbeeks and everyow said that* "her face had rounded out 11 1, � ''I Ilow. However, ­Ibe this as it may, we feet. -The thriller of the visit was in natural channel. In addition, ,there and sympathy between, himself and, Thwee-degged raole, 8 star�aIi-4. the other private properties. Appli- and she was positively pretty". I I I I�L,, reached the 'pinnacleof happiness dur- witriessing a Florida cracker boy are stillother salts in Kruscheu which the ,1,StrM, of hi's creamery; -he at- Elder -and' James. Green Ist- Fred cation forms for these, trees, may be � 1. I �_ I I � i I =..�,1ng the reunion of the Jaekson-Wac- wrestle a ten -toot alligator. He went prevent food fermentation, in the in- fords the latter a pleasant day's out- Coleman and, R. Craw1forl 2A secured by writing to the Ontario ' ' Charinin I � 11 . ., 9 color and soft clear ffim I I �2 I I � I 1` Xenzi"Npelin families in Miami, iato th.e water ,pool an4i with bare telstines and thereby check the fuT- i,g, and fu,ni,shes an - ,,Msi,, for 101b.sttacle race, '6 staxteTs—'In this DepsLrtmerit of Agriculture, lClinton, depend almost entirely upon the blood, ,:,� Florida'."""There were present Miss bands and feet Caught the alligator ther ;��mulutlon not only of urde relaxIation- and social enjoyment, and race the contestants had first to enit and all a4pplications, millet be an because the blood carries the vitality I 4 P. , '�--` the and nutriment that builds the corn- � I 74., Margaret Jackson and brothers, and dragged it out on the dry sand add but of other body poisons which bV � ... � r- restled it iover on its back and' , bringing the 1patwns togetbjei so three dry soda biscuits and then Tun haTWs of the nta .Forestry ple-dou. 71 tf L - . 0 rio , Messrs. George and Thomas, and M .and w unde'rntine.ithe health. ity TOT 75 yards, passing through a barrel Bra . ie soft, clear skin, of I 11 I %i . pleasantly affords, an opportUnt rich, Parliament Buildings, Toronl- . I . 7 1 Robert'E. McKenzie, wife and.,two through baro hand manipulation of Bert Arni T. WE -Ins, �o ' pretty babl proof of it. And the i .. . I ichildren and Mrs,.M M. Chesney, and its stomach, cw�sed it to sleep, after . I I their becoming acquainted with each on Toute, Ist, I Y, 5, Ontario, not later than April mentioned abdve is living evidence that . I ".. ) truly and wife. Mr. McKenzie which its mouth was opened and, clos- other. The &Iftlowing is a list of the James GweeM . 15th. I . good looks. which have been lost ' .1 I I L�� 5"Ours exact outline of the State of Florida. ' , � otr.d family reside in Miami, while the ed as desired by *the r rider n successful competitors in the several iSaa race, 9 star4ftr�,John EldIer, . , through iml %bed blood can be rell.- I 11 .,Qto,r-wo. - 0 land and in �he water.are, hun- .a;. I 11 k ..� l. events of the day: T. WIilhams, R. 'CrawTorct . gained, by -Wdng the proper remedy,_ I - L . 1, . Jackson family are commodiously I.)- worker. The never it* be forgotten dreds of flame -colored long-legged MeWs 100 yard race, 8 starters, Ist Oindfold march, 13 starbers-Jas. , I There is'no need for so many girb I . # ..- cated in Coral GWbles, the fashion- feature Of the SerndnOle Indian vil- Flamin -n height about three : Green, IL Crawford, T. Willis. 09 I �, . go birds i Bitten By D �. able suburb of Mama. ,On the ocra- lagle was its stench -smell. It reelv6dt feet, ,together with black and white T. Dinbey, Crediton; 2nd, J. Elder , to endure a sAllow, uninteresting com- � I I I . eion Miss Jackson and brother Thos,- t, heaven andl then sonw! swans, egrets6 herons and .wild and Hensall; 3rd,, James Green, Hensiall. Tug-of-wlar between teri men of Miss Barba,a Atkinson, daughter plexion.nor to remain listless, nervous . � �.� . :.. Bb -z. Neelin and your cor. not being t0urbig Worth boys, George and tame ducks. and geese. The lake i's iMarried ladies' race, 8 startere- Hay and an- equal narriber from 8tePb- ,of. Dr. 1G. -IS. and Mr%. Atkinson, had and easily tired out. For "hen thm I I .Mrs. James Green, Hensall; Mrs. D. en. ''The Stephen men ra4sled the the 161fortune to be Mtten. 'on ,the are symptoms of blood that is lacking I i L . . . . . I enamored with horse racing, motor7 Roberi,'spbnft the afternoon at ,the plen,Wully supplied, with ,bass and 'Mack, ffensall;, Mrs. W. Page and muscle first,'and. were gradually pull- ,hand by a dog on Friday lasit'when In vifality, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will ' j �1. led ta the Seminole Indian village '011 Hialeah race tmek, where,the world's nyul-let -fish. Of co,urse, our boys � in , 1'.;, Muss -Island and took in the sight* of .swi,fterA horses race for Mg money Seaftorth-like manner placed their Mr.§. T. WEllas, Exeter, a tie for 3rd.. ingj.their oppIonents towa.Ma the line,, she attempted to ... plart two canines . resf6re'strength and "peW' and tone up . i I i L ... L " . . when the northern men settled down engaged 1, al fi� 1. Uht� I?gss AWnson good looks, tool Equally effecthie for -the lCrocodile and Alligator Zoo- and among which are the well known Can- money -bets on winninghorses, but in - . . I . people of all ages. Full-size box 50c at I , I to work, az�d slowly but steadilly re- was down town with.'her own dog, a I . I . Museum of Natural History: En . -an r ucts of terious i anner they got our'sorb.--Throukh the kindoffices of the gaSned their lost rope.' At this poinit . I ' adi ,table prod - Seagram of some mys rn your nearest drug atore. 38H , ­ , . I � . rov-1be we passed Cape , Florida (-n Waterloo and'Smellman -of London. Seminole Injun smells.and their W''In- Me,s,m Jackson and, siste;r, Mrs. Neel- thie�m was a hard, struggle I , - [whieli I wir,-,haired terrieri when a fight en- � I � . L, I _ wjuich stands an old -Spanisli 'light- A Seagram trotter won u $2,000 prize ning bets terribly mdxed. - 'Nuff sed- -ndent , received lasted for a few minute;, -until the 'The latter grabbed BaTbarals ,hand . . . I " sued between. It and.an Irish. terrWT. . I . . in and your eorrespo �� . bouse made famous frami piraq days ,In Saturday last. Along descriptive 'till the kie come hame. - . on .� ThuTsday evendng last .an i'n,vita- � northern men, who were"the healvier, I A tooth of the dog went throughi,'ii;-� Fertilizer, Application .. I , � I and Seminole Inddan -massacre scenes. � .. , . lin,P6 the gate entrance approach the 6eaforth-Mdami Notes: Mr. Wil-; tion to, attend a d-innii reception giv- ,began to realize that to win the work rall of one of the fingers. of the left Experiments have been' conducted . � I � _��! 1. luvwX entering the Indian village gate - ;, - - . i you see silent Selminole men., women race track is emboweTed with stately liam Bethune'and fa�maly ar� winter en in honor of Dr. Kellogg's eighty- must be done quickly, ,and made a ,hand teq,ing ... y.tb,,,,,d of the fin- - iastw,W and, we %I I myal palm trees towering a hundred i -ng at Ilffiami Beach where they en- third ,bilth&y at the Miami 'Battle special, stmn,g, altogether"pulL and, in stern Canada, for I . and ,children denizens of the cypress feet hig1h, estimated to be 2100 years joy the Atlantic oce . ger. The wound was dres-sed by Dr. several years, concerning inethods of ... an, breezes and qra4k !sa*tnnE;um a .which Judge drew the soutberit men -across Fletcher, -Exeter IlIahms-Adivocate. 110. . the' I I .1. iswau4ps dressed in their colorful cos- 6d, ,glistening in a gorgeous tropical bathing -Mr. Leo' Bristow and fam­ B.,gli,gto, of the -.Supreme Court of line. The contest was the best ever, commercial fertilizers, with partice- ,. I . . , I . . . . ;�,, . � tunles, and beaded vrnawIe� living' Tsanlight setting is a veritable Eden- ily, formerly Of Egrnlo,ndville, reside the United ,State, presided. The doc- witnessed by those present. The I .16. . . lar regard to the placement of *0 I I I I I .1 . E, . as -they have in the Everglades for paradise of beauty�-a. joy ever to be here. He is with -the Elks Ham'B tor gave a resome of his life work names of the winner;. are: J. 1C. Kalb- I fertilizer in -relation to the various . . I . . Ef hundreds of years. The children were remembered, The -race track park Club. Last summer ibis daughter which led to his espo,usal of rational fleisidh, caobadn; W. Caldwill, R. ilver Wedding iseeds. Ilthas, ly"n demonstratell that I ? 11 11:1 ftnibling about at .play, the women covers a block of land five n-dles in, Mass Bristow, visited vAth her lcou i ' I , L Si I Wi. , .., - T4 li#ing. A program of 'musie closed ThIl3m�siom6 Robert Taylor, im voa- I for wheat, oats, and barley more L ." 'weaving cloth and making bead work extent and surrounded by a hedge A Miss Frost,.who ,is with Bea s:L On Tuesday', March 12th, Mr. and economical yields may be'obtained I I I - , ,, I , '. ttie?� the evenling's e�ntertadmnent. Jud -g- land; R. OlBri-en, J. WRson D Mack . .� I and -the Ii-dian Chief and, his braves Australian pines twenty feet high. Fair.---3fisi Jack -son and brother, ing h;om present health appearance, William Northcott, .,Frank ',6'j,j,'e';. ' I Mrs. Percy Webber, Andrew St.,. cele� by applying commercial fertilizer - di- . . L, weavA ' I ng an-nivers- r6atl I I !'he race -track grandstand building Thomas, are under health treatknient Dr. kellagg is destined to'rpund out The judges . . James s,wen ibrated their 25th *edd,i I � in contact with, or slightly be- <�" , 1�1 'm 4 er- The bridal PUrty Of Z Years, fow, the seed than by applying it I �.. I acco modates several thousand pat- at the Kellogg Sanitarium ,'here." It the 100 years marks and then some. -ton, Niagara Falls,; James -Handford ary­ i ' L . 11 �� L I rom with seats and private boxes is the largest health food insti ution -While walking.on Flaglex Street and George Grafton, Centralia. 'ago was entertained to six o',clock,bToadcast. In certain F", the ger- � I ., 11 IEC ng in prices from $25 down to in the world_a%ile en. roi dinner. The dining room was.decoT- mination, of the seed isI checked and 0 1 1 1 , ZEMI ,2, � �. rangi tome, orib day. last week, we received a re- Staxtets, A. Q. Bobier, Exeter,' and . 11� " L . . I ` , ", � . L Chafinsand Ski , .. I the 50c sun, bleachers. There is a .Mr. R. E. McKen.zie and fainily in- cognition touch on the shoulder fi�Iom F.. O'Brien, Brucefie4d. ated with silver aia�d pink and the'in some cases completely rained by ­ '_ . # Ill. , ". Irritations perfect view'of the racing horses tend stopping at'Da3�toria_ Beach to Mr. William Mus-tard, who resides in, . table was centred with a tbree-storey contatt with ,�onimercial fertilizer. 11:i., I . - . w L I I �,. I quickly relieved by around the track. In the centeT of see Sir Colin Campbell of E-aglan'd Greater Miami. Mr,,Mustard is an - . edding cake. IIn the eviening about While this does'not apply to wheat, 4 , 16 " 1�, DrAl"ASIE's the race track there is a natural lake beat his former auto speed record'on old-tilmle -Brucefield 6y and played 35 relatives and friend's were enfter- oats and barley, it is not advisable to I . . ;,.11. covering an area of thirteen �acres the deean beach sand, race course Of championship football with the Sea- Fractured Collarbone 1 tain�-d. The evening was spenL,,1n seed corn in contact; The fertilizer � I. " _ , . music, reading and ,stunts. During- should be applied in -bands about two I 1, �, . k k � . - I -with four si-riall islan,ft, ',one be�ng ar.. that world-renowned car racing re- forth Hurons. Before going to Flor- Mrs. Wflliam Smell, of Main � 1, . �,, I . , .,` Street, the elvening,'Mr. and Mrs. Webber inches to. the side and dightly below I . - ida. -he loept the well known eating south, had the misfo, - to fall on . * ..:., I . I I ' rtunC re d seT- or level with the seed. In the case �;.. . . � .�._ . -1 - - . - - -,- hou-se at the -base line of Jowett's Sunday morning fracturing her ,.I ­we presented with a silver tea ' . i . .� � � .... ve. Mrs, Mustard is a iiaughter laltone. Mrs. ,Snell had been, out_,l vice and tray, the address being read of peas, tbe1ext-lizer should be sep- 1. � I �:n . gr6 I by Mr. Ernest Willard and- thk prell arated sili&oly from the seed., prefer- . . . I I iv� ., i�ii�ii-5�' ­" of Mr. John Tippett, the genial 86 doors in the morning and'had fallen, entati., made by Mr. AlMil, E�er,y- Ekbly below1he seed with on;e-halif to, '. , - ."', - y�&ar old clerk of the Bayfield dhi- , "'.` "" *%. , K'�__111..-� ".., on Some ice and hurt -her. hip. She Mr. 'V;ebber made a very suitable re- oiri� inch of soil'between. ,�:� "I"I", ' and had ' �. . % . ....., sibn court. 'Mr. W111liam Jowett Good re- I 0 .� ::3 .. � i". ��, .' ­. ­:: gone -into the' 'house and war. sit - .I., I , ,,., ", Luneh was served at the close- sults hvve -been obtained'with 'fer- " ` ...'.. . family left last Tus�dlay on the re- ting On a chair when she took a diz ply, � I . 1) . '". . zy by the host and hostess. - Exeter tilizeT or potatoes, both liroadeast . . .. ... :.".'.�:: � ... I ; ,� - ,ii", * .,.,:.,., W. , , :11: . 1-1 , - ��i��..rl�.:-. : " turn tTip to Bayfield.;, stopping over Spell al,nd fell .to the -floor ith, the Tinie,-Advocate. . . I ::::::: , . . . . . . . . and in drill or row. , I I I �, . i'�:::::� .1.1 at several winter resorts before reach- above reauh. Her friends will ho . I - ..,., ::: i . pe " . .. , �i�TT��i. ,� .,.,; :: ing ,home in.April for the summer for h& speedy recovery. - Exeter " V ,,�r ­-...:� :T, . . . . . . . . : . ­` I .,-.-iiii . " season. Times,Advocate. 4 1 �',.' �i.�;._. :. .": . . "..". � I "t". 1 .���i�i� :.*:...".� I .. .... I ...;., I ii;'� 1� ii-�,���:. ": .... ;. I . I .1� , T:�:�:j: .... I I � . . I ­� .. I �',.'��]�]�� AUBURN , Death of Mr& W. R. Counter DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES, ; - I I 11�.� I i�i?,�iii . 1". 'T: �' I I I . . .4"', - . .. it� Clinton citizens generally wete 1� .1 , -. (In -tended for last week.) . J,�', 1 ,���---- "I Visitors: Charles -Scott was here much shocked ,on Friday by news of . - ' I "Y :.,�..,: I I f, i .. for a day recently; Mrs. B. March the death of Mrs. W. R. Counter. Al- LESS THAN � . f, with her mother; Ethel Washington ,though she had not been in good I . : , � L, - . . . 11,� has returned home after spending health for months &he had only been .... ".., , . '' I . .. . -soMe,tinie in Guelph; Miss N."Coutts reably all for a day or so and her r"T 0 0 F :::-- :::: , �� I I . I I has returned from Wingbam. where death, resulting from a heart condi- 1,0 WO .... . i � . ... 1A ,� .1 I . she has been ill at her home- flon, was unexpectedeven by her own �Mm P *'I - �- - I . � � ..., p: The World Day of Prayer was ob- ." . family. (Mrs. -Counter, whose maiden I . 4. , 11. 1C . ::;i�:. .:::: . ,."5, i. � . .. served by the four churches' ,of the Aame was Eiinl.na Louise Miller, was MAG .. -, ... M, . I 'Xll.� . I.. village in Knox United CbuTch on -born in Sim -we ,and was married to ' ' .�� I I , I " I ; .,.: .�".::� 9'. : - MT. Counter in February, 1890. For . . A�� I'll . , Wxsi. C. Straugh Mai ?". � .,�::t. ��, Ti -7. � � ., . Friday afternoon, some years 'Mr. Counter carried on a kes a fil" - .. . . I 11 .. an, president of the United ,ChurcIr -1 1) ­ is! ��, I The p n'Seaf t m �, k" I X I I . " : W.,XB., had charge. , rogram jewellery business i I or b, oo - cake,like ." ­.. , , ;:�.,14Q ,:�: I I _ii , T"i ... K'.' I . I . :: "I ,*.::::: ing to Clinton. in 190.5 and this has . ". : . - I ., I I � I.- ii,:�i:: ­.,.,..­­,:.,.::. was taken by the following: Respon- . e ,been her 'home. She was a de- - ::::,: - � , s3ne " " I . .... ' , " "'IN-.0�;; :: . ,.. � . sive reading, Mrs. W. H. S�heppard' ' voted wife and mother and in her ... '11" T., ... I -� Mrs. E. Raitbby, Miss - D. Wag_ . , I . - M�:�:: 14 - . ....." -C. ", _.11,1:;is� own home her chief interesi lay. She , ��, 11, I and Mrs. J. Ta prayer -by Mrs. , 1..::j:;: ) ­,.:::�; ... I , �,� . I . J. - Wi Isom, ME S . Y.110,kin was, however, an active worker in the This famous baking powder I al- , I . � 1: . � ... .. .v Miss M. King I - . :: "', I I , .­:..., nizations of St. Paul's A 1 4 :, .­:-,.-:` n-derson, Mrs. William wolmen's, orga ways dependable- gives you uniformly fine 1:. ...If.;�: :­.. I .,�' Mrs. Wlin. A ,,,, ,,.�o�::; ", . � � - 14 .. ..'...." �:;.::,., ; _1 Robertson, Mrs. E. Lawson and- Miss Church. 'She is survived by her hus- results. That's why Canada's lien4inj cook - d, h-1 P ... . ... band and two sons., Postm:aster G. M. ery experts use and rih-ommend It excluelveL, 1� I It'. . Ellen -Phillips., I �� I . 'Gordon Taylor tool�..Ithe Auburn Clounter and Norman, who resides at ly. Ask your grocer for a t1q., ' . - I ,V . I lk� - . I. -'ll, � "; 1 hockey team) into Gloderich on Friday home. Two brothers- also survive. A. I I . I , -_ __.. I night to play with McCaw. Me score T.Miller of Chicago and- G. W. Miller CONTAINS NO ALUM -This statement on every Im I'll zl�', � I ... . Sant Francisco. -Clinton News -,Re- "ur guarantee that Magic Baking Powder Is free from .Jp. . . . I 5.r. � I was 7-1 in favor of MclGaw, Jack Of 0 ohm or am harpdzd ing"dient. I Made in Canada' . , I 1�,,. . * Weir scoring the only goal for Ati- cord- I I � 1, .?.',, ". I s.,..... f i R I ... �;.. ..1. '... burn. I- ',�.`: ... ;._ % ..� - .. ".:. . ,..-. . - 11, .: � :�I�ii".* * .- .:!:: Mr. Jas. D. Ilowatt, who recentl . � 11 I - � �­ ,�".,.'i��.�'fk' : . . ... .-T'." ", " . I I I X.... ;`::�:.,: ,, -the ,farm On the, Grainger �- . . :::: ., ., ,11ought .. _%:,:�:, '' . ..."..., Ix::.."...� ., ;.. ..;, . . I . . : ., :;.. .... . . � � . ... , � estate ,has disposed of the same to � ..!::, ..i i' 1: I 1, e,:i", !..:.. :'.� I I I I "! I :1 Mr. Percy Riley of Hullett at a hand- - .�. . � .... :,: .... . . . : I ; 1: _.... .� 1.� some figure. I I . ,� . . ... I" .... ...... I I I � ::� , ..� .4, - -,,y I Mrs. Russell Thompson has re- .. ::4 ", 1_ 1. turned &Tom a misit with Mrs. Harry i..'i�-ii�;!:i:i!-.:.-;::!�.-���::� ,. - , _::;:X I . ., �;'�', - �._.: . ;-:;-;,-:-;.�;::!,!!".�::::�::�::!:*i,:...:;,�', . � I '.� .. .'I;,.. - ....I'. ; - � �, . __ .. .. .....,i!:!:T::.::-::X , :.':,Ii;,....-� 1.1,"..... , ;..;,�:;,:z;!T:::::::�,::: 111. � � Watson, Nile. . I IFLEW OFF , :�.,.,:!;�::;:;::::;:;:::;:..!..;�..:.�,:,��::��i�iii!',.':ii.,'.���ii�i ., . . . I , ��;-;.:$,:.;;:;:;-;f;,_ . -,.:::,.. I � .Death of John Ferguson � ',-X1�7e.';:r';-X: - ;' ;,,,. -, " i�::�,�-:::����:��i�i::��il���i�ifi I A . . '.;:,:,-;;,;:.:X-::;.: -:,:X::-X::.:.. . , - , '�i , N'W, . � 01 -PA � ?,-.. John' Alexander Ferguson Ipassed � PI .:.:.�.:�:;::,i�����i�:��'�:*::�; -�,'.`,��- I 11, . E.sX., -. - -w . I— 1:Z..:k �.:i�i�!���ii��ii�i�iii��!�:�:��:�i:���..,..,.,�.",..,.,.".i�.�.i " 1, ; M. ..?`,% ijijiiii�:!::�:��:�::��i.,.,kl��,�"i�.,�.i,...,. ,;kl.' away at his 'home here after a brief ,-.1,1-111-I.N... "".I....'.., - . .I I ;;,,,';:­..�'­ 11.1 ­ wo,"�,7 , THE HANDLE AT .',.'..,!,.,.,:�;i;i:iii';��.-'�,.�*�., 1...-....-_1.-:;:..: � �:.,-:. ffi,', .1 illness on Saturday morning. Mr. ��,,�ii�" . �11 1" * �� 151 1� I: , 14- I , I 11 �' "' � ., 1'� �' 0� � "I' ­ �1 . I R" I � 1, = . llt7 'f��" - , , � . t � . , I , .�. .., I , I . I i 6� - , �� �, , ,,,� - �' , , I I " �, , , I ` I . U, .I ' a . � ". !" -i , � . �.' , . , 'L �, , , lj,,� �, ,,,,'I, :,, '� ,.,!; 4 . .. . �Vi -, i , I 1 I I � . 1, � - I . . 1 � I - , . �� - - I .. -1 ­ . - Eff �� .1 . � , L i I . 11 11 . ,� , .. I � .k I . 1, I W, I I I I , � 11 � . I I _%�." WHEN A BIT OF HUSTLING HAS Ferguson bas, lived all his life in An- ' �;�i�:�:� I . - , . . I burn havingbeen, born here 81 years .. , . . . . . I � ... . . . . i STOPPEDWUP .!!;;,-;,�,.:.:.:�i��i�,:i":,�!���:�j��i'��, ," ago. He was a very highly respect- . � .. '_. .." "....... - k . ,_ . . �;z�i�!��,� ed citizen, . In -years gone by he was ,:: �,.:�"'-111.-"`�`,." '� ".. k�� � $� ;1.,..,..-::.: "'. .� I - I �..:: ., � I I ..... . �) . , SHORTENED. YOUR TRIP. . If'AND Y�U�� a carriage ,builder and was ninny 1, .., � . I al'"'. , .. DRAINS ,. .. J 11 1. I �. . times successful at his trade at the , . I --�� .. I . .1 ". .;: � ��� . � , . I . .. - M.. I A , , fall fairs. For manly years now he , - � �Mui. " ,.'.'.'.'.'..'..'..'..'.......-.-.""""!,!".'. I I 11". ".. ; .;..,. . ", ,.;. ..M� ... W. � ,:::. ;.T.�.�... 1. 4 .1 - . RV T-WIMIP W1P_T_T_ It T -Tr- A T1 n1P QOT-TIPTIl IP UNTIL- 0 . X:,... . , M,�� has lived retire,cL Mr. Ferguson was ,..: � ,11::�`_ - 1 ... ".. " �'' . IOT Wd years, an4M� also Delonged' to � U p� L 1, . . . . I . the Canadian Order of Forresteft. -1 � ­�:�, � Share the pleasure with the Besides -his wife, he leaves to mourn I .... .... "I'll. I - � 1; T,. I I his loss -six daughters &-rid four ffoub, .. I .. .� !!: I . . . " . ... the elqest daughter, Mrs. Snydker, 5. ,." , . folks at home. Call them on I having pasised. Away slome four and .1 �-,�,,',, , . .1 I , . . . � a half "are ago. The :1ftmraV was, '. I . 14 .. ; -."� I . . . I I . held Monday afternoon from .his late . 11.3 11 . . . . Long Distance. - residence in Auburn, Sev. I*. Marti- & & i T1, - - . I ; R, 1q; a I . I � ;,.4d , , I , . mom a Knox .United, 'Church offidiat, . . ' - - I . ,�;"�.',�. ­ 11, I ft�g. lriterk*nt ww niade in B21,11's �� �4.�, .� . . �, I r '4.,�'i ' , � I I � 'Clerrietery. The pallbtarers were Jno. � , . 0 Long Distante iakes ciare of little things as' - McKnight, E. Plil V�ra- Thonv, � ��� , , I well as big. The cost is trifling. You can talk' . 80114 B,. Erratt, 0. Shell arid J. No. , I �,:,� . "Il, , I I - , I 100 mileg or go for as little as 30 dents. See Brien. � 111., . - ' - " L,14� I I . 11�1 1, 1, �1,1 . the rates in the front pages of your dire�tory. rWbrA bas been recelvel by -Mr. E. ,, �.I'1; 1�'4,. 1 1 1 0, 11 . _ .. A ,�; ... . q, "".. � .. �"t I � . Phil-I'vo of the village of tho death :., 14" M .%t4,i:";'�',-� - . I , , , -1 I of hii brother-in4aw�, 3b. Jes. SW% I , Y­o.,�.i 1 ­ I . -1 I .1ii,t,%, �� .1 11 in Itegina. Elio wile,,,, f;ormerlY Mas 'er " t��iio!,4;: I I . g ��­W ... ::-�� . ,� . . . . p ff, 11 ;, �? . Mhgg% Phil-lim, of of i to, tur- . � � , �%4_ � I Ift . V ,% �" I ��. ; Aves itdT4 Also thtee'Asur ters and " I- .. " 1��,,; , W:,; . Mf' L ... . . . - = 1:, � ,. ' ' � � ­' "I . - � . if I � :7 . � 1 50118- thT" 4 ,ft _*A% ,fthn I ". . two � , 1, , - , . , .M 6 " - ;16,A"r� t � ,:o ,.;� ,i- vy A?. 10 s of; �-, ': - . . . N " .1 ' 11 --� �.p "� Wbeatby- Andrew, 4irirou U ­o 4. I r Z � i; �, ii I. ,; 4��%, , I&N , &,'­-�.�� I " '' , : . " 4 . I . � .. -1.1. ' ' "', 1,-��,. �., .1 11 . t IT, _ . hlbeo$ Ayksbuirr� ;$Aalli, ig#d ' tom ­ �"�:k�"L'.; " *�,., �tvv_�O,A'l ,,,t4, .- � �.. I- ''...'. � . . � . _-_--.-.-1--'- ­­._­­.­.__ ..... ....... . I—, ­ 1. - I—— I . - I �__ , I . . . . . . . � � . . serg, mvip. Joh. T%i0ft-1 i 0 1 , *�­ , 11 11�'­".,�, , , ,� 1% � e, ­�,", J , ,__""I1111�'1"A,t, I I " . .. - T do%��' Nf�&, � . �, ,,: r, :1,- 11 " �.,. I'T., 0 �4� T , ', 0�� 'ggw " ­­ ,.. "I I I I l� � I . . 1100 W4, itol. I . , ,�,,r,,,L ,, ,;. 11 - , '�' !�, ,�'rl� ".4�%�j.. ,,�,., : %'j" ­ _ .' " �"!.,, " 'Ti."! .1% , �� ,,�� , , - '��Ii �:r - �, � 'If ,,I , , , I ., I" , I ,� _ ��, . � "I I N I 11 ag" . "" . . L � I I , 'i _,I� � ",�"I.,, I , 'I, . I I ­ - n ,r�,,O­ ,, L �, ,, �. ,, �. ,, �. ,, "i'. � 1. """. �,, ; , IT , �. Ile!, . , - , , ., �� '_, d � - , 1,111:i I ;,? ��'11­.­.,Ip,., ,�,:.J,i 11 , - ( , L , 'O' .� 11 I.. I..t ;�4 11 . , . ., 1� t . 1.� � , " .. , , 1�h " " -, 11.11 - ­ , :: I V 5 vlltl "','4, � :'g'g " i �.Igt �`,..1111 " a " lipill". �11_ , I 11" " 4A I'll � , I - I I'. I I " � � �,, , - I I I , � 11 IN I % , ­­­ ' .1 ­ .. 11 W,,,&� , , T -go ....... � .� I � 111,� 111111 � M� " - � L , ,, � `11111MFIPI x" , ". R x. L I& .\,\,��.i�,�.,=...-,.�i�:i:�:�i:�,!:i�ii ��;i:::!'Ii�?p ) , ..."'. .R.... .`,*j:�:ji:::�:i .., " _ ...'M ". .. `�!4��i;,i!i­ .1 , t ,.�. -.1. , " IN;_. - ..... , 1_117 It Cum i.� 111 �. � ­__ -i . . - . *-htth I...�::*"!:�;��.�l.-Iiii�;i.,.,�� . . . .. . . .......... - "..", ,..:":* ,�..X;';-;';1II;-X ;; .. rough _ -'ii'-, ` I � " 4..g'i� �.`.'-,..,�. �?-k�,� --�,. . : ,.;�­­' I..: 11 . . orl clogging - .'1,1'�-11.""` . . I., matter a a 0 . . I .. I 1. I I I . . . I There's nothing like Wett's -it wiH not harm enamel or W I Pure Flake Lye to* ele.ar. plumbing. Kills - gerrns and I . drains in a Jiffyl Use It regu- destroys odors as It- elearm I larly And you'll keep sinks, Xeep a tin on hand. ' I . . tubs and toilets running free. * Never dissolve lye fn hot watm The action of the lye ItAeV heats 4 . 13r. Pour It down M strength the, vrater. 11 . I I � . I FAIE19, 880KL19T_,hie,Ginott,# Lye Boiiklet 10�� dozens Pt Pra�aftll . I , . . blato for Udall: 04 po#,orful cleanser And disinfeetant. Also gives fuU direc- , I , , I f4ons ror 405pr%WnC4 . I or6UglA,dddd*k And Omer uses on the farm. write I A , . . 1= Standd XJm1tJd Prager Ave.. and lAbert I V . .1 I I - . ':15w; TOTIM. 9111010�1 I I 0'. , 11 I . I I ­­ ...., 1- , ..... I I � ­ . ' " I .- . . . r . , , I I . . . . .. 1, I � . .9�� I I I? I'm r � : , I "�., - T '". Ly.116 �_e a I ii . 0 A r"'S ' I 0 I LL T'' 1, . - . �. . . - � ' " .. .. . .­?­­ 0 'l. ,­?�­- '';­ """A'.L,,"�.��"",N,'i"�.�"7"1."�,�";":", �,�� _'. �Ilt I 1. ­.'­'.�, . ,I� I.". I 1, -­­­ L.I.I.. ' L''' ..1­_.'�1'_.1...... �, . . I . 'L� '_" �' r ') " I ...'..., ­ I- .11;1.11T. ''! �'.. �,;J.­,,�­.-,, ", I i � . 1. � . . I , "., . 'j;,LZ�T,'k. : "" . _. ... r Ll I 11 . . .A It. . . I . i'11,111, A . �, - � I �&W'