HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-01, Page 8_ _,".. �� � ... I',, ,, I % I I -11 . �; , � , "! , 1 ! I 1 kl:,l A rg, - 14xi�
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MWO,14'�16f 464 Y.P.S. *aA. hold, 11
q_ I 11., 0. � NEM,S, OF THE I AN4 We0bytexian ftpurdh TWE10 �4. T�
11116N � ; ., �' I ., I , , i�;. - &1od ,wttendtan The
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I, WAIML& ,-. ,,, . cp.. he dev �!
��, __,O,!f";,�",'Jf�j,��� . � a ���
, ,�,�', -� - Prover Pre-
116ate and School W!A,,*".t, _,�. A Iwler,, Sla0garpt Drov,er,
�'�"";'7'� "', �"L ' I , I . =4 1 4kdeiii .,Tbbn Mille. mve an, interest -
.1 , ,
,A,��.',',,_�:"w e, �OLP-OCIAL eetting of -the Roane and'Sabpbl M114 Ing. s.vuopsls of Sh0A0sPe=V1S pluy,
. , -
, ". - .
�.1111? L..I>- %I ". , r, ... . Y,4U be held in the Public S4QuJ ''On "The'ke-"hiant.of Venice.,, Next we,&k
�,,; � �er 011.4 "...... JJL
�! �; - I . .1.. Monday, March 4ith,
I ,� 1. . , I . . . . - " 4 """' 'W"- 'fAx Y(MM9 v000le wdll speak on, 44-
m ' DUNI)p
L V MOBRIS, ,B Harold C. Feast wil he� ,the spea)wr. voriintb &Vbjects.
I - . Will 'be given to the MUM I �
� ., .. - ORTW"D, HOLIDAY MIX- A Pr1w ," I
k -917N.-,,,��r�- �� . � 1 4-0
1w 4mg, qg �, � . ::
'.. -
'�! - !,;,., � '. i AaSoRTW , C,H hatvmg the moot mothers present. "
,,.:,,,�: , up; mom * I - Brantford.-4ftny friends
:�� Died. in
"I , ��;., a .0. here will regTat to leaTin of the death
,. �."v ,
., , _ ..
"I . ,I, , 1�4,.. ; VWGER 1SN"S at . I in'.Brantfoxtd: Hospital !on Toesday
.11 N �S:, - ,I Id Day Of Prayer -The Wbrld's . ev-
6C..; ....... 17c wor ening of 'Miss, Elame Oalin, -of Wood-
1 1�� I -ayer will be'obseaivied this
t . ,-, �, e� Day of Pi
'i ' hatin, a former nurse -in -training at
T';4-_ ZAGIM ]�PAND MaK 0. 210C Year on March Sth, at 3 o'clock in
. . . . . . 1�1".�,�,., '
.... 1_1 .. per tin .......... _... the Northstide, United Church. An SeotO Memorial
zl� I �41. ..... Hospittal, Seaforth.
, %, � , cffering will ,be received -pc,,. the I,- bUss Cann suffered an attack ,of
.; . � ,,�;.. .
I .
. . . . . . . . . PR� I I Vr. CHARLES or CARNATION t,tPT-d1&ntDmin0t1DnW Leper Missim, To- PneuM01,1ia twb we--kLs 09�b .fTO-m which
,', ,�:.'Ir,� . . 3EELK at * .................. 10C ronto. A coa,dial inNitatibc is she never recolvered. She was the
... . ex-
...... � I .1 � and eldest daughter L*0 Mr. and . _
16�,,� tiended, to ald ladies �of the town , Mrs. Ce
:.�.. . A'MMEIR TOMATOES, ' I cil Carm, of Usbornet. The funeral
. "',
, .. .,A 1-4b.''tin ....... I.' .....4 for 25c co"'Argunity t4y 'be present, will [be held.fivm, Woolft" Cluu-ch
... - .
C. . . .0-
Wi,m4 . tou.FAiday afternoo;n.'
��,� , %X)WAN- COCOA Social Evening. -A very pleasing .4. . -
11 .. i .". - - I -lb. tin st ................. 25c .social � even . ing was spent at the home Northside Y. P_ L. Meet. - The
;� . " , 1
'_11, 4, (Swe the coupon) of Mr. and'Mrs."G. Thorne, Qn Ttiies,. Young People's Society of Nortliside
, �,�., ; . day, when the members and friends United Cliuriah held, their weekly
- . , . COOKING APPLMS -the St, Thomas' Chancel Guild met meeting ton Tuesday evening with
I ..__ . of
"I" 'I,: bxge basket ..... � ......... 35c
1. ,�& at prrtogTestsivie euchre. lHonors were the president, Miss Ruth Thompson,
, _�t Mists ,C Th e
W , ., :�. , . � : �' BROOMS at wxm b_v , Freeman and Mr. R. presiding. -e meeting was op ned
P" 1*1�1�. 4
0 39c Parke, while consolation pHzes wient by repeating in unison the Ajord's
.R . , each ....................... to Mrs. T.- JohnstIon and Mr. M-doxe. Prayer. The minuttas of the last
I ,
11 *ne Edge won the luck' meeting were read, by the secretary,
j,4,. 1 CMPS10 VWH 2 ICAKES '22C Miss JosePha y
pc;� chair prize and ,Mrs. E. ,Case won Miss Vera'Mode, and adiopted. Quiet
1"' A DelitiouL iss Rtith
- �"h`e ur uck chair prize. % re- mmvit was *Peridered by R
go JAVEL V,AATER FOR TOILETS, freshments, weret served by the hvgL T'luff.after which a thymn. was sung.
1)� SINKS OR BLEACHING tess and Miss C. Freeinazi. A prayer was then. offered by 'Miss
1k. 9C .
e, . at ......................... *- Janet Baker and MT.Saim,Scutt gave
�, I . I P
�. . Or a fotr .............. � ..... 25c Lenten Services -The ministers of a �short talk 0�n "Cit'zentshhp" Mis's
� +he local chuTches have amanged for Ruth Thompson rendered a very
t� pleasing solo, after which anuther
"I, A. C. Routledge s-pecial united stervitces d1aring Lent, hymn was sung. A reading was then
�'� I begirining on Ash Wednesday, March given, by'Riss Donna Mole. The topic
li � .I. PHONE 166 6th, at 8 pAnL, when the, service will ,given by Rev. Curind,chae4 �roved to
, . � . I be hekd in 'St. Thomas., Church. Then be -helpful as well as interesting.
. I
I . on Thursday, Marc. -h 14th, at eig#t, -H
, I I I Yrnn 352 was sung after which Rev.
, o'clock the service will be held, in T A 'Carn'dohael offered pi-ayer.�
'. the Egmondville 'Church; on March * *
.1 I 1. WHEN INSURANCE 21st, at 8 o'clock, in NortlMde Church - � .
on March 218th, at 8 0 --luck I -
: " I ' . , in First
. GETS THE TEST Church; on Api-E 4,th, 4n 9� Thomas
... . . . Church; on April 11-th, in the Eg- I I - . '
. : . ... — . . . mondvilde Church. A three houi ser- 6 M1r. J. J Cluff was, in Goderich
� . � .
: I ' ' I . vice, commemorating the three hours this week a,;�ing ,on the Grand Jury
1, When it comes time for the insnr- of darkness on. Calvary, will c.oTn_ at -the Supreme Court Sp�ing Assiz
I . awe company to "seitle up" with the mence at 12 o'clocktwDia, on Good es- .
� imured-that"s tho timoet, insurance Friday�j April 19th, "in tbe Regent. 0 Mrs. C. P. Sills and family are
� .. .. gets its test, and that's the time when Theatre. The �puiblic is in,Hted to visiting -with-friends in Detroit. '
I insecure policies, fraudulent policies, h and all of these services of ,,
%!. . eac Mr. C4arb�s'Dickzon, of London,
11 � I policies that "promise the world" are spe-ht the.weiek-emd with ,his parents,
. . . shown up in their weaknesses to the war,ship and prayer.- . 11n and 'Mrs, Thomas Dickslod.
'i discomfiture of the insured. All our - I .1 . O.Miss MaIbel Hildebt,andt of Kit-
; . policies zre standard, backed by con- Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meet. cherier, and Mi,sq Steil
11 . -a Hildebrandt,
. cerns that have stood the test Of -A large attendance niarkia 1he reg- of Preston, spent the week -end with
.. . lime, and, afford protection without ula;r meeting of the Suciety on Tue-s- their parents., Mr, and Mrs. Louis
, , worry. . I .day elvening with se-v�ral -new mem- Hildebrandt.
. � I
f . I
�. . bers Present. Mr-_ W. J. Free pre- 0 Rev, H, C. Feast and Mr. Melvin
. . WATSON & REID sided ovex a very interes,ting meet- Blanchard were in Clint -on -on Tues -
� I I .
� . . . ing. The Scrip%jre le,&son was read day attending a mecti-ng of the AuT_
11 Phone 214 : Seaforth bY Miss belle Watsl,,in and Mrs. Free on 11'resbyteTV �
" . led in pra,yer. Little Lois and Jean * Mr. R' "A. Walter, -of Dundas,
;�. . Wlight sang a duet which vvas ap- �pent the week end with Seaforth
�;t,... Specialists in 'AD Lines of preciated ,by all. They iNiyre accont- friends, . .,
4 .. I �, . Insurance. Panied ,by their miather; Mrs. 117. A. 0 Mrs. Joseph Eckart, of Oakville,
,; , Walg-ht- Mals. J'ohn J. Soclater gave a spent the week -end with Hibbert and
I I 1�
�, , veiX interestdrig t3pic on '*The Need Seaforth friends.
;I t . ' . 'A"orld." Miss 0 Mrs. M. A. Reid is vi -siting with
11 .. . of iNhss6ons in a ChaDtic
� .. . <> <> <> <> <> 0 .0 <> <> <> <>. .0 FeTgus McKay read the Glad Tidings frionds in P,)Tt Huron. I
, , I <> .�> )Prayer. Mrs. Feast was welcomed by 0 Mr. Gordon Hays,of Detroit, and
v .
� -1
�_ - .�> the president, Ars. E, B�11, and replied Messrs, Charles and- HectDr Hays, of
�.. I <> S. T. Holmes & Son in a few encouraging -words -to the So- 'Windsor, were here over the week -end
.� . <> FUNERAL SERVICE * ciet�. The meetting closed by repeat- visiting their mother,
_ Mrs. R. S.
�� <> Main Street, Seaforth <> ing'the Lord's Prayer in unison. Hays� who has been seritoustly ill, but
�- I 4�> 0
".. - . whose i.,nany friends will be glad to .
�' -0 S. T. H�hnes, residence, * learn is now somewhat im.proVed.
�',,� <> Oodarich Street, West; phone * Sermon Subjects For, Sunday Next. 0 Mr. W. Bell, of',Oakvdlle, spent
1. .
11�4. - . <> No. 119-W. Charles Holmes, <> 4Fignibadville Chu,rch-10 a.m., Sun- Sunday with his mother, M.rs. R. P
`,", - 11 , 4�> -residence, Goderich Street -o day School and, Bibile study, "J-dars Bell, who is '
�- P still under the doctox's
t" -0 East; phone No. 309. .0 and Colaections"; 11 ami., "The 00111- care. I
.1 .1 I A> . . Ambulance Service <> miand to Pray"- 7,p.m,, "Prophetr,and I Miss Frieda Reith -1 underwent an
I ,O Night eaus, Phone m. * Apostles. to, Mil and to Persecute."- operatiton for appendiciotis. in Scott,
I <> Day calle, Phone 119 J. 0 Rev. Chiarles A. Maaco,lni Minister. Memorial Hospital on :Sundiay.
11 -
; .<> Charges mmoderate. * Northside United Ch��-11 a.m., o Rev. ,Cano
Z. I n Smith and. Mrs.
. <> <> "The Prayer bf -the Crucified, Sa,hour.11 Smith, who for the past Year have
tt��, I ,* 0 <> -* 0 * <> <> <> .00 0 the first -of a serie& of sermons on been staying with their son-in-law, -
�. "71he Seivien Wbrds from t
�-. . � 'he C`06e'; Mr, E. C. Boswell, manager of the
i", 7 Pirm, "The Do(or of OppoTtundty.tl Do,mini,on Bank, I-eifit on Thursday
1. - —
,��� . Sunday School at 2.30 P,m-Rev. T. morning for their litome in, TrentIon.
, A. Carmichael, Minister.
p "''Mr. Edwaxtd Devereux,, of Flint,
'!E <> 0 St. Thb-mas;', Church�-�uinquages_ I
� MiChigant, is vi'siting his mbth,er,,MTs.
,,- ,A>
,,,', H. C. BOX .0 ima SUndaY' Sunday Sch-val and Bible Frank D,vem,.
� _1: . study at Id a.m.; Hbly Communion 0 Miss Evelyn, Grainger and Miss
[r, 1. 40- FUNERAL SERVICE <> sit 11 a.m.; stertrion topic, "A J'o,uTn- Kathleen, Calvert, of'Clinton, were
0 Licensed Embalmer .C> ey to Jerusalenil, ; 7 p.m., "The Third week�end guests at the hDirne, of Mr.
r "�" Ambulance Service ' V,r
': ,� <> Man." Choir practice after service- and Mrs. W, A. I ight. .
K., . 10arton Appleyard, RectioT. 0 'Mr. John Beattie -and Mr. James
'�`� '' 4> Nigirt Calls Day Calls * 'Cavan, Duff's and B'ethel-Sermbn
!, �0 AL Stewart were in Torontotthii; voeek. i
,., . . Phone 175 Phi)W 43 0 topic, "The Book Wonderful." Sun- 0 Miss Jean Smith and Miss Vera
!.� , .0 . * dlay school at 9. I 45 a.n-L-Rev. G. E. Hudson were Surfday visitors at'the i
k .0 -�> <> 0 0 * <> <> �C* 'O <> 0 - rrow, Minister.
" . .40
," � . ChtarteT's 'home, Mill Road. �
I . ----------Q- I
11 0 Tuesday and Wednesday 'of ,this
... ,
I -Death of Rueben Brooks. -An es- 1week were two of tbe coldi-st days
" � , L
�;, '1111'- - teemed re,sdd�ent pa-gsed awak on of this ,minter. Not only did the
i,!�, Thursday last foglowing an illnem of thetmometer get down below zerta, but
'.. . .6 .0 * 0 <> 0 0 0 -0 0 <> 'C' A, ,
A, . A> 0 years, ibeing ten weeks in bed, there wasa bitter wind as we -11. Sikice s
f., <> , .0 in the person of Reuben B -rooks, at Monday the sidewalk.9, roads and
I ,: . highways,have btionsheetts of ice, 6nd ,
4. - . the home ,of his nephew and niece,
4�e .0 movement of any kind has been� t
,,,.�_ FUNERAL SERVICE <> Mr. and Mx&. W. J. Stoddart, East slow
, �7 and cautious. .
I . . 10 W. J. WALKER and 0 William Street, with who-ni he had
;-'.�, <> JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. I(> iiied for ntine years. The deceas- Mr. J. e
t I 0 Me,.%srs, H. 0. Meir and,
� I'd man 'wh,o wa-s in his F. Keating weTe- in Kitchener ihis c
.��, 10 Licensed Embalmers -and 0 seventy-fifth
;�_ . -..,I> ftneral Dire�t.ors. 0 years was born in Aflel-aide in the vv",k attending the Gran,d chapte-r,
" �
" Royal Arch Maston-, ,of CAnadia,
,,,. .� , <> Day or Night C,dls P,romtptly <> vicinhy of KerwD,od. Mr. Bnooks was
�,�. .0 married at the age of 21 t13 Hannah 0 Mr. and .Mrs, C. A. Barber, Mr.
I ,�� 1 4:> , aftended. <> Auetin, also Qf that vill�-gL, and mov- W. C. Barber, Mr. H. Glenn, Hays and
� ` PHONE 67 <> Mr. A. W. Sillery ,attended the 0on- t
.& - 40 * ed to the State of Michigan in
, " , . ac 0ounty. , He is survivel by
.. Saranv ,7e4,vative banquet at the Rbyal York
.. � L, I I I (me sion, Verne Broto,ks, of Detroit, in Toronto on Saturday evening last, ,a
11� .. . who wa% -here attending ,the funeral; at which Premier R. 13. Bennett was
,1r; aLsto one Qiste,r, ,N,lfr,-, Sarah McNabb, guest, %petakeT.
.1 � - of Adelai0e, and a brother, Maitthew 0 DT. J_ A. Munn was in Toronto
q .. '
� ". Brooks of Sarnia. The This week.
11 . ' .fum�ral to*k
�.,.". THE JOHN RANKIN pl-e)on Saturday fT,Dm th,c. re,sidence 0 Mists Marrion Bell and (Mi,�s S. I.
� of W. J. ft,),ddart and intierbiien& - Wood &,pent the week -end, in Toronto
. ,
11. �,
..... 11
. 11 . ww"""""w � . �. %
. � '
I _
I - .
. ..
11 . FICIENCY . . . .
Put your Set in shape to give
You its .best -you'll get twice
the enjoyement from the pre.
grams on, the air.
. 7 TELEPHONE 102 �
For Prompt, Courteous Radio
I Service. .
. Daly's Garage
leadut was read by Mrs. C4=1,es and
Mrs. ,�Austtin Dexter. A story was
.given W Ivy Simmons. The chap-
Itter in the study hofok was. given by
Miss Viola Clark and an instrumen�
,taI was rendered by Helen Britton,
and a lioem. by Mrs. Frank Ril,ey, "He
is Clourating on You." I%e meeting
closted with thel LoT&s Prayer i� um,
is'Dn. Lunch wai.served. .
The -Gbl'de,n Links Mission Band,
held their Valentine social on Miday
ementing and was a decided success.
__ -
. . �
. mmww�
I The Tegulaaw meeting of the E�g-
m1and,011le Young Penphe was held- on
Monday evening, Febtruary 18th, in
the basem;ent'of the chui;ch.� i,t was
opened by singing a hyma-4jollowed .
by repeatting ttlite ,Lord'q Prayer in
undslom, The 7-ninutes of t -he last meet-
mg.'were rft,d and. -adopted as cor-
ireet. After ,..ttlie busintess i#as dis-
cussed, tthe offering was received.
Then 'Roderick McLean took UiR chair. -1
In. plact dY a speech being given on
the sftdy boork, "Tales and-Traills of
the Northland," the -story was enaet,
ed in a fascinating ,inanneir by Rev.
C. A. kalcolin, Mjss6 Laulra Stew-
art, V�ra Hudson and Jean,Snilth and
Mmr.% Ja0c Blake and Roderick Mc-
Lean. This was fol-lo,wed by -an'in
-teresdaig galmle and then the National
Anthem was 'sun . g and the Mizpah
Benediction w4s� repeated.
. --- I __im�
MANLEY - — 0
The roads are still in bad, conAi- -
tion for motorists'and the weatheT
man has made waklks slippery for I
pedestriang, wi-th Jack Frost still
trying out the weak sp.ot&: J
Mr. NoTmrn Bennewles has pur-
chased the fazrn from the Estate of
the.. late Ed. Rose, and his many
friends wish hini. success in his un -
dertakip-g. Ik, is one of the ftest
firms in Mcl�illop. . I
a ,_ - I
... 10—
__ � f
Visitors: A. A. Colquihount With
Mr. and Mrs. Rayintlond Davis, -of Sit.
Catharines; Miss Beth Turner with
MT. dnd Mrs. Roy PridihaTa., Mumt 11
,Mrs. Charles Treffiry returned
her home in Landon on. Saturday al- .
ter spending the pa,vt -two weeks witth 1
Miss and,Mr. Treffry. 0
'Mr. Howard Lem -on, Aaron Sask.,
lef,t on Monday after spen&zig the 11
Past .two rnforith-s with his sister, Mrs. 0
R. Kerslake. , .
, The Yorung People mieft 'in -the E
,hurch Sunday evening with the Tnes-
dent, Russell Worden, presiding. The
roll call was answered by a current TC
vent. !Tlhe pi-esident refetred, to the
officers' conference in -Mitchell on s'
March 30th. Mr. O'Brien gave ' a tH
mlik on th4 finances. of the� church. 11
rhe warship period, commenced with
Met music. The theme of the WOT- P
hip service waz "Chbosing -the Besit" Is
bllo-m-ed by calil -to wo-rsihip by Vera JV.
. '
Tamibley. Ina Leary read the Scrip- 'a
U're Ivs1so"; Dorothy ,Gray sang a a
,olo and Audrey Dinnin led in pray- h.
-r. The die.1bate, "Resolved, that the X
ity,ofrers m� ore advantages to Young P
?eople than does the dountry," was
aken by Ivabelle '-Gray - and Bill n
),rake on, the affivatiative side and E
Jaura Dinnin and. Narvail NoTris on 01
he negative side. Fred Banting in
tang a soto and, Vera Hamilyley gave 0
couple of short readings entitled, b
. I - 10
"' q
!armer's to fere ir e as
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Staff# Resident Dies .1 I ' .
. 0,- " , , . - YOUR
Theft Owzed away -Wly Friday Alf G . . . . . I 1. " . SPRING V I
MqTV409 a Well Imlown resident 0 . . ,� ... . . , I . SVIT .
Stuffa 14, -the. penloo Of Levina Ade- . I '11, 1 % . 10
line TUMU, widow -of -the late Josiah, I . . I
I 0 4 . .1
42m:rd, Mirs, Izzard., who Was In.her � Now they,allm"ust go—the,rem. n4er. of . ur '
I I I al I .
71rot year, had been Otft .:VO,T tawee . splendid stock -of Ladies" 'Rea y-:WW64r ap- I 0
"&ks, hatving, ,jTnAuen7,p,, after wM,dh I d
pne1=1bMU set. in. I Married, Corty-five . parel-, THE REASON---Sprin
. . ggotods are on the - ''I I
Years, av, she =a -her husband lived . , way. We've got to make -room' for them' and .
for 00TItty Years ane;_haif uAle eaot Of y 11 A
(,)roTaxty_ They Wo"4 toi ,staffs six ,to do it we've marked things you need ,fax, pres. I
. I I
yetar% aggo. She was, a member of ent wear at good-bye prices. I �, t .1)
. . .
OrbWaTtY, PFesb ian Chlurdh and � , I 1 I . 11 . I I .
was highly �8=& Pxedleeeased- b . k I
. . Y. I . I I � I ; . 1;
her husband brY three apd, one,half 0 , I � ,L1 � .
. I k I I
Years, she'leavets to wooi�n.their loss I ANY , - ANY .. ANY, �
� .
IM, , e Si§ter, W.bv. 10swuld. Walker,. 'of - . ,� I
one ' '_ WOMEN'S I 11
Cromarty and ,daughter, Mrs, L . HAT DRESS , 11 -
Allan MZbUglall, -.of Hibbez,t- on�e sion, , OR - YOU NOW -, t I I I
Colin, died.'12 years ago. jl� grand-
children also �survive. The JuneTal GIRLS` MAY IN , I I
was held lon. Monday af.ternoo,4 in- COAT T 1, SELECT STOCK I I.,
terment in Staffa. oemetery.
MiSs Jean Barblour has retturned to -_ I . I I I � I 11
her holmet aftew spgat4ing a weeik wift,,h . I � — AT ---�- I � I � I �
her sister, 'Mtrs. Win. Drake, Strat- ,
ford. I : I I I
Miss Marilyn Gray Spent the wwk- A FRACTION OF REGULAR PRICES
end witth.,her gTandiparents., Mr. and ' I `�� � I I I
Mrs. Mal Gray. , 0 � *
.. M1ists W(inailfred, ERi*tt, Mitchell, I., I I I I
over Suriday with I I , .
visited. * ' � her cousin, ' ' Many special items, of interest throughout the I
J*an Santale. "
Mr. and Mrs. D. PA,rker, thames store marked at special prices for- I iN I
Road, were Sunday vj.dtors with . MT. Friday and Saturday4 - . I
and�Mrs. Obt. Walker. . � I " I
. , ".
� 0 1 .
� . : I ,
�, I � .
- ___ - . Mac'Tavi sh'S , I
' . 11 � . I I t t 1
Vbltom: Tony Grigg,& Kincar- . --,.
dine was in the vil,lage on Monday , ___ - 1 14 " . 1,
giving instructiions. ,to the hiockey --- Q I . I 11 1. ���,
bt�D"I; Mrst. Wiatriater 'Andrews ,and � . . . � I ,:..'I I ;
cCldTen � of ProsipeTity, wi-th ,'Mrs... I . . I 11 I V I I
Win. Dobie- Xre. Jacob Heinback of Feregavom, and Helen wen.,, in I�Wierioh, were S. Johnstbon; . W. Good, Ridbert . k � , , '. . , I �
Stratford' has returned 'home after on Wednesday attending the funeral Sclott, ,.� . . . . . . . I . I
visffing her father,;Mr, W,m.,Dber, of of Mrs. Steele' - . WM StewaTt, -Goo. Beaffle�, . .1, .
Geo. Harni-bbon ?Lnd the flo,wer'bearea-s; I -
the village, and brdther-, John Doter, Mr. and''Mrs" Wlm. G16vier to,f West- were .Stanley Hoar, dharlie Gregory, * I .
of ,the Gravel Road'; Vilola Leather- fi,e4 were in Goderich wd-th. - their Harold Asquith anxi.Russelil Reid, .. M
and wilth -Mr. and, M-rs.� Charles daughter, Margaret, who, was topeTat- John, 'Moss, vo-4)of (Mr. and . Bfirs;. 11 L I �
Beadle,; Mr. and 'Mrs. P. )Manning and ed on #.i, the Goderich, hospital ,for Fred Mto,n, of Ea9t Wjawanosh', b I I
Phyllis of Londeisboro with :Mr.. and, appendlMitis. . as
Mm. J. D. Howatt; Anna Dobie, of Metsers. Hbjrtry� and Ch. z ' ,bought a, loaaber. shop dn Paris, ont,
B ntends corm(manc,ing them this f. !
BluevaI6, at her home; kr. and Mrs. have -been drawing their suniimter's week, I
Earl Allison, Gadmich, with Mr. and sup�ly, of ice. I I I. f.
. . Mr. and Mrs. Wimi. Db,bie entertaim- , , I
Mrs. Charles Beadle. . The, D'ungannOn and' B1YUh h-keY ed a number iof firiends ion We&,e�_ - I .
"Mr. ,Q A. Robertson,,'M.L.A., V01i'D teams were visitors an the rink this day evenini.. � I 1 1
aaa been the guest of Dr. and 'Mrs. week. . 'Mr. J1ohn Yungblut "of the vifflaget �, � I
Weir, left Monday for Toroi),bo to Mess'Tts. WillbuIr Johnston and HairTy is ge6ting his surnaner ice in. .. I . I
ittend the coming session. He was Watson of Nile � have been assisting 'Mi, Walter Cunningham, 'has re- I
i,owmpartied by MisG,*'Ibsepl�tine Weir in drawing ice to the fv'illage. . turn�� home aftbr being )operated out - , I
mho will visit there :For a week and The -death" occurred at hi's home, in a London hospital. .
An'lib expects to'attend- the opening Lot 25, Con. 2,. -West W,awan(os,h, 01, A grtou6 )of young peiDpk, *,am, 11. I
f Pardiameut on Wednesiclay. Friday. nitotning of �Oohn Henry Wedd, Knox United Church Y.P.8, on Fri- . �
Wils. St4iede, moblreT'of Mrs.. John V,S. Mr. Medd, hadbeten' ill about &Y 114* -Presented, a fou'r-act play,. .
McKnight of the viRage passed away a YeaT and, he patiently bom hiz in-. "A Woman%. Honbr,", in the F�Drxes_ I I
n Goderich on Monday. Our sym- firrnity. The deceas, Was 'born at ters' I It w , r th ditrec- �
-s. ,MqKnight. Whibby and as. a child tog four years tionof. Mrs,. W. Craig,,Xi . iss V. Sliarp I
athy is' extended"to MT, ed Ha I. as u-nde ,
We are glad -to report that M�i. came with his parents,, Robert and -and ,1&. Bert Marsh. The east vm�s
ames Jackson is inipraving. Etheln Medd, to the old ho,mestead, as hll,w,: General Wark Leste7j, .
Folks -away. Mrs. Lear with her,where he pas�sed away. Had- I edi arrY Sturdy; Robert Glen, A. Has- I
ns. till May (he would, have rea, i .
laughter,Mrs. A. Tay",'_, Blyth;,Mi ctedivhi, ty; Sally Glen, Ruth Sttvtughan; *,Olive .
�jeym is visiUng ,ther Tdother near 701th birthday. He ,received his early Glen, Lillian'Plankeft. Fed-ro, Men&Z,
.ruelph; MOn. T. Wilson, Mim R. education in this dtistri'ct an,d 'later Amos Andrew; Mari I ':Mendez Min- .
k,rnois, Jlohnnie and Florence Eliza- attended the Lyebetr6lnary 0ollege in nie Mri,ili,Dn; Dr, Gi L I
lbetnt Hall, 'Oliv�r
eth Wilsan at Parkhill; .Mr. .and.Tolronth- After graduating he prac- Anderson; Gregory Griirnes,, Jack I
&e. Earl Raithby and faindfly ,1;n tiseld in Aubuwri with ftlie, 1ate, ,C_ A. Benneitt; -Ebenezer, W. -Craig; Negr(M.
, n1; Frank Carrl�d and Alflres4 11-ows'on, &rtyu0ne years 890 . 110 lastsfisttants, 'Bob ,Craig, GoT&,n Ad_ I
Cendhan are in Bruseelt cutting logs married Hannah 3UH9, daughter Of ams, Gedo. Straughart, .y Russe;1 Rei4 I
or ,Mr. Baetchler of Goderich; Mr. John and Rebecca IMIU, a6d moved Charlde Xiqlson: it was exc,eptionally, I
Zbbert Sjaott� its in Ripley purchasing to Dunga=on, where he,practised a,s well put ton amid'%howed a ptictufre'oE
Lomses. , a V.S. for 22 yeaxts, Then they mbv- hafw bl-ame Could be placed whetre . I
The regular meeting of the Wo- ed to Fergus. He fatimited there iflorr blainte, was not due. During' the in- I
ien's, Institute, waz held 'on Tuestilay three Years and' after the -death of itermissionts Mastetr Bobby McClin-
fternobait 4-L fthe Potrrepterr's A411, his mlother he returned to the, old chey sang and Wessms. Ralph Hen&T- I . I
Vi'th 31 [prevent. ,Mrs. J. W-Ayoids was form where he 1hus since resided. Be� sbu and Jas. Koran gave a duet. . I
n the chair. Following the singing sides his, slorrowit,g wi:6e,,jhe is Sur- .The Sunshine Qub held their rega-
the Ode, ,Mrs. C. Stritughtan -led, in vived by two sons :aivd two daugh- la -r meeting .ion -Saturday af,bernwn_ �
hie Lorcrs Prayer, The minutes were ter.9- Mrs. J. -.C. Moss, WIo6dMiock, and Ila C`raig, iprr�estident, was in cbiaarge�
ead by the secretatry. The question Mrs. Fmd Rouse, Godlezich, who is, sit The pvograrn was as jlollowts�: Hymn, � I
f the curWn,s was ImPtpver till next present ill in the Gbderich hospital; prayer, Betty CTadg; Scripture -
rid tStephen, of Wbod- ing, Psalm 82, Lenlore Platzer. secre- �
iteetimg. Letters ,of thanks were Roy of Detroit a rem
ead from Mrs. Aanos Andrew for V*ck- Of a Aimily of eight, one sis� tatry's report; the hymn ,bobK-4 which
leazAor; Mrs. Evertett, Taylor . =d terr, Mm. WiWiani, Neaves, and -three ware, ordlered. las1t meeting have a;r_ I
irs. Robt. Turner. ,The Board of -brothers, Joseph, Steiphen and RtAt. rived and "re in use; roll call; presi- I
e Clinton, Hbapftal wrote asking have ipassed ton. Remaining are .Mrs. deent :60Tr next meeting, Joan Shep-
w a donsItion. It was decided- to John Symingthn, Mrs. E, Phillips and, patrd; reading, ,-Marj,ii� Althur; I
end $10. The Prokmmmie 106nitmit, James, 84 of Auburn village. The lo1oking up 1hible passages; ten min-
e wast left to look after the next funeral was heqdi on Sunday after- ultes. Scripture membrizing; clo0jig I
eeting which e.4- s for an Irish pro- nolon at 2.30 froml St. Wark% Angli- hynin and prayler.
ra me. The, quegtim tof a sksting, can ,Ohurch, Auburn, Reiv. L. V. Mr..4nd Mrs. Lloyd, Raithby, Blyth,
rty was discuss,ed and) Mtrs. C. Pocock OfficiAting. The pallbearers visitted wit � h Mr. v,nd.M=. J. Taylotr. I
baulg'han, Mbs- W. 11H. �Sthe�varK . I .
i -s. Allan and M�s. Laws(on� were . I . ;
. I I
�:l;ed tvc, look ofter it .and to matke - . - - I
11 glran'gemok.ts if it was, decti,ded to I � . I
ave it. A reading was ,given by , I ,,,
rs, J. Wilson. Mrs. W. Hurstt.shep- . I 11 .. .1 I .
ard led in a talk on current evients, . ,
'Ile "4)11 call wa,y answeirt6d by the ,
arnie of each ctne's. first teacher. Mrs. I ,
agar Lawson then twk the topic I I
"Hurfoei qchool and, 0hurch," point- I s an ,e I .
g out that love was the corner stomie I . . ,
f the home and the connecting link ' ' oil ,
eitween the rhoint1e, the school and the I . I ,
imch. Mrs, Woods Ibben gave ant- . HIGHEST CASUPRICE .
i�mr poi -nit brioughtt up at the con- .
nt%on, that womien were as weal '
ualffied to speak froni,the, ptlattform' � � I .
men. The meeting wats, brought to
close wilth a much annreiciated in. SiaAmthr.ran-im- oru I fJ ! .
.: I I . . I
I , � - made in the Mai-flandbank ternetery. 0 Mr. Jofhn'C. Crich was., in, London strumtental by Mrs. R. J. Phillips and, . : . . % J I 0 i
��. I AGENCY Rev. T. A. Owrrntichael ,of on Wednesday attending a meeting Open to All Farm People Me W A h h served by the libsbesses,, Miss I I � .
___ Northside . n, o- ln�-' . .
, � ' United Chi-rrdh officiated. The - of Cam"a Liie agenUi. He was ac- men and Yoting People Mary FeTgrilgon, Xrs, J. J. Washing- : --- � . � I I . : 1 1
1 pall � I , nomh � I
... � . Insurance of all �Injs. beatrers, were W. A. W-rilght, W. G. cc-paryied b -y A. W.. Sillery, Will be held In, "ton, and Mrs. Rar*linao-n. . - __ .
... �
. . . . The weekly meeting of Knox Unit- ' 1
4 W� ' Wright, Allan Reid M &Vurray, Ed. 0 The Alumni ,bridge, held in the - I I I I
" ,,, ,;s.orn' Y10-09 Liberal Club Rodms. on, Tues- I
I .. .
I �� '.. Bonds, Real 'Estate Mole and Wm.. Pea . SEAFORTH TOWN HALL ed Chumh Young People taiuk the —
'. � 4� 0 1 1
1 ---*- day evening wa,% 'well attended. Priz- form of a -social gathering this week. ' ' . I ' ' ,
, t I., Money to Loan '.I FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 8 under tbk- direction of the Recriestion
�.. . es were won by,ldfrs. G. D. Ferguston . I
i , " , " McKillop W, M. S. and W. A - a,nd Glendon Christie. C!oh'oenor, Oliver Andtrslon, The, lioo-
.11, �" ' REAFORTH - ONTARIO The re-g'u"' meteting ,of the Won�,;W .
11 IP. ,s RENSALL, SATURDAY, MARCH 9 grumo was varied and was aL5 To8ows: , 0
, , 1. � Riasionary S(MiettY and' Women's As� __ __ I beginning at 2 p.m. . MhwArel show by the Virginia Mack- I
_,: __ . SPECIAL `D1S*C0UNT'
_ -SoCtistibn 'of Duff'st Church, w a R leno 30
,, 1� Phone 91 home of - 1st t W, E&Mezer I ne's,
"... L , -1 &-e-14 at the Mrs N, CONSTANCE Farm debts must be scaled down. rn19 B'Frds I � -
I 11 ., I * __ - . J,- ,00:�a6, 2nd- benor, Mbse Jldfbm� I I I
7) � R1 Dto,rranc-e ,on Tuesday, Feb. 1%.h. Can it ,be done? -How ean,the farm- I
. . .
11 I 511 , with a gotod attend1ance. The first Mr. ,,d, - mwwwvwmmw� - -relief �ODrn his debt burden s_"i, dia� Sturdy; 1,t bass, S=bo Take advantage of a special discount of $1 per I I
� I ... L'., Mrs. Tetbbujbt of goderich er g9t WMte Anibis Aln�- !tnd bass,
1,311 1@. .1, , Pwnt 'Of the afternoon w- .vent in Township are .spending a few daYs through The Farmers' Creditors Ar- Bzeti�h Brown, 61i��r An(kogon; ' I
., "I I . qn'at'ng, ' The W-M�9- lyre�stident, Mrs. with Mr. and MT%. Gem Addison. rangement Act? Haw should a farm- . . .
. . eT proceed to make applicatibm for a Pisa", Dinah, Lee, Dmotthy Andoz- hundred 'Chicks by pl4icing your order before
91, Ghesiter Henderston, )Dpened ,the meet- The 101bb of Progress post Following .this theret were .
., 1p,
,� , . . I . pon-ed re-arrangemeir# of bis -debt u1nder this so"n. .
,��, dTW with ptrayeT, A ,by ir literary meeting, that
.. 1�1," .., I ____ . mm. was sung the ws's tO Act? 1sornIgs, jokes, ibotrumentals Tftdings � I
1. T,;, -;' - IpTayerr , F �
". .yj . 9,Wen 'by Mrs. have bimn -.held thist Friday evendtig. and birgartlimped fu3i, consis - March 10.
I....16"", 11
'' F . IEWC. Chalm brlai in xldrl_-11,11`n�7 Psalm 427 was, read in 6o March 15*, owi,nlg to Hear, these 'and other matters .of siani of gToup I I I
�" ,��, . � I I -sto many be- vital, emcer4.to farm people discuss. 'gsa"es 'an'd relay cbntast5- The lunch . �
Wr . ,., "'I'mon- Mrs. W-Shartnton, calfed the ing ill with tbbk- flu
� I .�
� , " ", I " I . � m1asistiecl lotf bawl beans" Catsup, I , I
F , ed by
�., . Clerk of the Second Division Cou ded, to by suit- Mr. Ernest Ada�nifs. *i6 setilving on . sandwflalas, brea,c] and butter, cake Ask f(br our Circular and Price List describing
!". 6.1'. ..." .
',� - I . . C61111tty of Hurbil, Rue scriPtUral -passage$. T'he min- the ju* at the assize,t�held in Gode- MR. AMOS . . � . .
, I
�14i '� , , 11�, , 1, . ..,. utes of the me,e!ti,ng were read, and ricth tuhist wt,ek. President of UY.O. of Ontario' land coffee-' The ineetinc elosed with our Quality Chicks and talanced'Breeding Plan.' I
'i !, . �, . a short worship iservice; Scripture
�fl 4"".1 _.�., ,I � � , . ivt.tfi�'Dbniintiou Bank Build- adopted. A r6&ding W96 given by The joint meeting of the W.A. ftnfd,�hnd others. Hear also R. J., SCOIT,, J(es!sht -Jts�* Bennett- praYer, At. I I I . . . ,. I
I �
m5l , I
,� K "A."- ' Se 4ours : - Mrs -G, E.'MIORTOW on "'Roanie Maldng WJXS. met at the home of ,Mxs. President United Fartutrs Co -opera- 1-109Y; sting-Oom,19 anA the .-benedile- .
�k,� "
Z, " " To' � '
,��,, I �sdovj,'7n Saturday, in Obimh." Miss Vera Mu gave Dare Willson on Thursday, F,ebruaTX tive 1C0_Ljd., explain how farmers ti0m. )
.,s 1. � , rdie
'go P n to �
t:'�, 6V�anj Soturday a poem entitled, "To -day and To- 14UL ',Mrs. J. J. ffRug.114, president of are saving as much as $10 per ton by MY. Win. 'Butsh has -been, engaged - SUNNYVALE - I ,
,�,� �� jv�; .8 morrow," A hymn was then =69 ltboD W.A., '09ened the meeting wi6h co-ooerative buying and "home -mix- at tMr. Gordor, Mid0linchey's. �
,��,',:oo PJUL .
11 A— �,
; .4 , and the meetting, cibsed with prayer, J:he 'hy=r "F4artch He 0 God." Mrs.- ing"' of fertiliz Wi1sis K. V&gner, who has been IN—% :
I ;�d, 11*Vt0PA "WE CAN RENDER Mr,. ,j)o;hn. ITi
",A,! , � I'lebrecht pmqtiden+,, tok Briftbon oftlerted pmpei.' The , i % ,s e'rs' Jack$0n,r feU On gun y 6vening and' . I
I -of the, Oau , r -ARM .
'� It were read and basines% discussetd. ctonSereatees we want. the 9ba7timig with her niece, ,Xvs, Jalmesi �
"",),., .. A'11: ;ko, �6&wi�ta,14 tire S66kn4ftg and the, letter Part Of Ae nleefbiftg � in n0te At the e , & POULTRY '' I I
% beat inMormed peotple ffAy
-N."._V W* h*uran,�O. it !n the mar- was decided to form- cir,cles as in pre- Group No, 3 t;wk chwge wi .
7N 1N I � . . . . . . .
O`T`� tb Mrs. 'ur dristrit-0 citjte;�- wilifo wb wid&- re*v'ed a sevew� shaldng up, -but I
,T, 111� . I .
, !!! , &*, , above littes� vlouts years,. The ineeting c&sed ,by Robert Rogesrm", escptain, of thet awake, wbb tMink for tiheniselvihg and luckily no, oeriovo injuti,et$� WiV, t I
I TJ , I A , 4,A, �Wy"'�; of � thf . . hi6
; * I X ,ewl.i I repeat*g the Lord's Pra7er in una. oijo in ( -
.1 �i4z,,- " 1� A I. - chair. A byTft was, whb try to ,keep, "%4 on new de 'exVe#%n of a badlr� bruiftcl elbbw. �
I gr the .
, LAIN - 66tk. A delicibug lunch was sterved,by mug zV<1 the M1110 101096in, WM, taken vvlltopwa-M4 in ,agrioiltdral , alrairs., The som mJ14, ulvdew Ibb nig,nagd- V . .
NZ ,,, A 11, ...." -
,,', ... 11.111Ib Andrew A. Moore' Prop.
...... ,
the %ndh &Imnitiftee and the ,hmte1gk. by .y , r. , � I .
. , &S. Orvillo Dglt% X 8 mlet jpltad �uow (do 870,r,4 a Y in" ,of ndgmt LI-W'squ". is I full * "' , I . I
- ', ., �n",Drx
. 1, V , � I ;.7, Th 6 Mr.& btng VAII b& hda At the, Adaft'b gWm tui, itterteoting, story and n6g-bbort,' '06m 1 , to s,wing itift 'hlow, -, - " . " : phon , I to. . I I
V " 16ulArs Messm- John. W-Xvift Art PoOt-, .1 I . I
V . W� J`- Ve�ItNe 61 -16,rdh U11C', D9ft U1100h ft "Ll 10 60 13 7: �, *�-. � Se aforth, Ont I
)" - �-6 Of J O%M4 'For I f4t1t1h& llyaw . . .. I %., , : . .
11 1%%T9d1b My 65 1py&r I I,; .. I .u'.., ` * , __., __ _ _ _ ., _ ... � ... �. . "' L "' 11 �. I
I ,,-'r, 14r. . '..),Gookp ,Pwb, I
. _ � 4, . the de(�oUfttj +6 -heli *410& J. WMILTAN, rum "a, L1*1Yd'F0r9u!96%,,Wg- .;�11'*'." � ... __-_11.11 1. � . .
"... ". �4"y-. , I . I � .
, . " "'. , , . . .� ., . . I , , , . , I I I J , . ...
f-, I . , , , , . 1 , . I . 1. , .. I. e . I . �. ,,, : I '. ! . ''. I . � I . . I . ''I � . I . . � . I . I � . . .
% , � ,�- I , _11 I . ) . .
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.... A , 1� 5 �, go R , �
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� , 171% .,"011.�� , ... L