HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-01, Page 5. , , I I , , I I I , I . , I 0 , . . I I , � . , . I I , I , . I. l . -1�,�, � ,�"'-'- � wwn- - , . :�' � . . . I , -W . , _. second Chapter 7*7 __ _- ���" 71111, 71prAl � I I . �, .1 1, I ,: , !�.. , I �,.�i . I . I . . , I ,� V I �Mu*suiv' . A 'lairo nuMb ` ' 11 � % : 1 .6 . � .,��, ­iiw.., I - - ­­ ­ ­­­­­­ '_­­­­-_`­,­,_ " " � ' — _�'_­ "7, � X. '�.�W­+­'T­Aip A'WWAQ�A'3�Lp VVWJW%`llLWqV6NX`­1y12W�M at 00 0 '' I TW'VeX . *.e'e 1i .6 ,� . 44=ft, ,11 =CA�­Se*_M,U0i �Oavb,w, . � W.'."e T, - I . qp4 , Jessie Mathews in "EVERGREEN I . I 000*90' 0A Tir4gic , P6004v -11 4=4 day, calm W . I . � o.4, b0mq - 0, and ra 1, ,, , I the,omr-, I 'It Was Too Beautiful, PQ . i.'J� ' 11 . ir I glisla x(etu'd"a teply ft,T�� IK Ba,lan" ept member, Mr.' _Xh " 'is 4b ` ... . Words# So They Set i oic 140et I . . . t to Xp_ I . I U. 'Xk- J .. �'. . NEWS and CARTOON- I : ._, . � . I �Il.t � . I I � t.Y#%XVR-, 44, thie *v'q*ra%# �qlu C - .� I FRIDAY, iSATURDAY"Mar& 7, % 9 I: . es� ,_ " cut tho AID' tuo "� X=ch 004 , I , ­ I — . : 09n, M146�piugl 1*1e. Wineso -S%L1A0X4 Blem"i P " NEXT THURS—DAN, � day;,�, - Vie ftwm�', "'O Ciod Oi&H-elp in-Alom Shrolvie Tpesd4 ` -and'. �, r ­ panftke . CONSTANCE BENNETT and FREDRIC MAROH, in , . iy�- ther -e , I N FWA" was sung and the mee*W e,Iqjs- supper undier the ago9jees, of 7*4y I -%, , "THE AFFAIRS'OF CELLIN19t, . ed wilth prayo , ' I I , . C%Ufth GqAld, at The Opulli; buildinig, CARTOON and COMEDY - Mr... E,ftir SwAth + has returned For'thgoe. who -do not vvigh panciakets, , � . I I __ - . I I- I . from MmUng yinith his aput at Tdp- there'will be sandwiches, ca", hot 1� IOOMI,NG"4�GAY DTVORCI W- � ., - 1 . ple4mg,111P and, h4s engaged with Mr;, bums, miawmaliadle, I the ' and 'HOR&YO ip.m and 9.1r). - I � a and c off oie, � I I 3"Pea 'Sat. , 3, ' %0 Obows'nightlY, 7.30, . Elgir� M1cXiTdey ibr the u4tching sea, served frolia 6"th 7 oocpek-� .1 , I ­ so I , I - - I— _. . � , ,W�11 ; . - 11. ., � '.. . � .� . 'No ladie� iof Varna United Chumh I .— . I . . .. . I I . . � � .1 I I 11 1. .1. ­. . I _�­., -4 1, � exie putung.. on' a s6ci.�l la.velxing ill . I , I I tbe Town -Hall on Friday, Mar& ist I ­ , . I I..., Jaqk MacLean and Helen Swan, .�he when a gujod pWb1,_1_&=.wDI,6e , I . . � V � 1. pamel.s being opened , by ... the bride-' a -ad Rurich will; -be served. given F�i � . � , , ARNA ' I rm Notes. . ' elect. The rem�i-Tidiii of the ervenin� q ­­ ,v - . . I . . . wtd.,a muniber from this viciii1ty ./ 1, . Mr. M. Elliottma,da a ,shipment of was pleasingly spent in dapeing, ,tt,*de1A,6ulrt in Goderich on, Tues- Ptire,bred cattle registered with . 'Eve sitiock to Toronto.last week. lunch being served by the ladies. . , d* as� witoeloses. k>n the Keys vs. 'the Canadian Live IStook 111peords, &P - Mr. Roy D"can �of Fh,nt, 'Michigan, . --l"Mill." Zaphifle diAie. _. proved by the - Dominion Mini ter of vas reneWing acquaintances in this LRIL Sunday, Mare,h 3rd� the Goshen Agriculture, during the - 'mionsh of ,district, recently. I BRUCEFIELD . U211ted ,%nday, School will tak�_ ,their January, 1935, (hicluded) 4,17 li'Qrses; I , Word has reached ,here of the I . I — annual offering for the support of 3,970 cattle; 963� sheep; 682 swine; ,idelath of Mrs. Elliott of Win&or, �Wantied. — At Bruopffield Uniteid Mir. aii'd Mry,. Norman Jblinsdon in 1,841 foxes; 729.dogs,; 723 poultry, , <nee Stella Rafthwell). Church, Tuesday evening, March 56h, their massionarly work in Bolivia,, and 3 90ats. I We are pleased th ,report Mrs. G. at 8 o'ellock, a large audience'to hear S16111th ATnlelrilm- Their many friends I , IL Beatty is able to be',out again, but the play, "N.o Account David," tc) b.e here were anxiods- for their safety - Th�e sed es of brandied be9f in Can - I gwe sorry to learn, MTs. Chuter is repeated in response to many , re- daring Mr. Jbilinsdon's retpent im- �da for the past. four yeaft, 1931-34 doonfi-ned to the house through illness. quests, A&nisgibn: Adulilts 25c PrislonmIent and' were glad, to learn Inclusive mere: 17,240,748 pounds in ,Several in the district are suffer- Children 15c. ,, 'IJ507�1' of his ireleave and' reirturn, .to his wife 1931; 21',748,7458 pound� in 1932; 30,- . ing from, -coldis. ,. . , . and, daughter. I . 6&21600 pounds, in. 1933, and, 39,575 - Mir. John I-rill'of Moose Jaw ils vis- ,, I I The Ortugenven,'s euchre and dance iti,g his ,n�ther land other friends at 754 pounds in. 1934, .on.the-20th was a decided success4 present. , I I I -_ -1 'Canada and 'the Argentine supply Mr. .W. R. Stephension bought a �M�r. and, Mrs. Ross Scoft ispent a �IZURICH. . � the bulk of the wheat m2led in. 1161 - mice twb-year-old geldffig from MT- few days in Toronto, this week. and"W � C��pr 1111.0 the Sowiert Union, when, in g ge Beatty. . Rev. W. A. Bremner and Mr. .iR. b&r. HenTY',&dnbach, rioad super- 1 . . . I I � . Watson attended a Teird0lerance oun- intendent of lEa7 Township, aftend- the market, has also ibeen, a heavy ____________ I 11 shipper. Sii(ce, 19311 the. United- States � I I I vention ,which was � ljeld� in, Toronto .. edthe conventbilon held at Tbronth last once a strong competitor, has been TVCKERSMITH ,la;$Yt wi-eek. I . week. . 1, ' �"- , - , i offly,, of,,, We Ono gortance. , , �r;y 4 ' . . Mrsi. John 19tAder visited her - daugh,- IMr. D. B. BI: ' ell has, sqjld. Jim ,.I , . ? .­-� .., 7 ,Died in the West �. ter,, Miss, Irene, in, London,�'recentjy 50 -acre farin, at .thq,,A ' ,%lie following is taken, fromi ai Sas- and ajea, called! ,at the 1 ne i , m7ver. -of the i& n adian tokiia� ii*y The put to . hol of MT. Z11 dad', and Tar� Iinle.,;� to,.. Ws a riew' use. Reclentli tobacco has -g IT:, D, -B Dignpq, 'kiat6hewan ,pAper of recent date: "Af- -and, ,Mrs. collihs, formerly of Britoe. ne,62111JR, ,L W-, been ,6ntployedl fot'4e manufacture ter illuess of ,several =Aonthss, Abria'- fietld,� and,. were pleageld to see MT. Bla'"A i not"4ee'n enjoyinig good of citric acid in Eur6pe. Up to the '1ia#u.1Crd-ch died at Mo home in Kin- cuilAns qubkming go, well. He ,has been health: for some time and' his' phys- present Italy has been the chief sup- 140aid, FIridlal� -afternoon .+ at the age in ,the Sanitorium. for the, past few kian advisedhim. to give up farming. " ' .. . . plier of conviniercial citpic a,cid. ex- . . . ,4of 78. The ,deceased was boirni an nionths. . . . Mr. and, UTZ. 'Black1weill will cantinue �racted from lem. us, , , I ko I ,8eaforth, Ont., and eante -to Saskat- ?&g, ,C. Hiam visited, frietids, in to inake their -Home. on the farmL � i .� � �ohew'an 21 years ago -and' made his Hamilton,and Toronto reemtly. Messrs. W. J. -JbbVston� and A. J. (of the newer varieties of vege- .'hiouile in, Kincaid. The deceasle.& was The Ybung,Peopde will put ion'thleir Kiallbiflied-sch altitended the hAelke&P- tables recently Originated, in the -a mIambler of ithe United Church and play entitled, "No. Account Daivdd," ers' conven6on held at London Tues- Horticultural Division of the Domin- :Wso. a member Of the Loyal Orange in the school rount Of the United day. '. ' � ion Exp'erimental, Farnis, the Doriniy I lodge. The funeral service was held Church ,on Tuelsda,y evening, March 5. ITX. -d Mrs. A. Aulerich and Mrs� corn, and Abel and Bestal tomatoes Sundlay, af-derno6n. and' was conduct- Annual Church Meeting , - Rpddinger, of Detroit, visited rela- are now available through Canadian - ,ed by Rev. 0. J. Carls,on, who' was The annual buisinesTs meeting ' olf, tives here over the week -end. seed hol I :assisteld1by Rev. J. T-Gawthrop. Pall- bh ,B field United Church was Mr. and ,Mrs,. J. Walper of Wood- , ';,"e ,.,day _ I ! bearers were from the L.0,L., who he ' ,2"' evening of last stock and Mr. G. Wallper ,of Windsbr Canadian cattle, to the 'number of miaxched in a body. Intermidgit was we"It with'Rev. W. A. Bremner act- were here over. the week -end ov ng 13)592 head, in twenty- v n hip- " se 6 v I .xnade in Mnocaid' cemetery and the i.ng as cha�nman and, Mr. J. B.� Muls- to the. serilou's illneigs 'of their father, ments, were exported, direct to Glas- zervd,ce at the gra.vleside was read by tard as secretary. The diffeTent or- Mr- C- Walper. I Rev, 0. J. Carlson, after which the ganizations were fairly well.,repries- Mrr-% Ivan Kalibifloisch has returned g�ow d,Vtng the year 1934, as coni - i �ared I It 11,238 in 1933 and 4,016 service was cionduated by members ented and the reports,they gave were' from a few weeks' vigit with rela- in 193,2. The quality wag, also great - ,of the Orange lodge. Deceased, leaves full of hope land enriouragement. The tives in DeCrotit. . . I y im1pro,ved. . I 1. . Ns wife. five daughters, Mrs. Roy sum of $4,295.00 was raised for all The many friends lot Mr. W. J. .11 . !Bouck, lk�gina; -Mrs. J. C.McDougall, purpolges, al wh:teh $1,418' were for J,arrotA, HiGIsgreen, willil be g9rry to The fire prevention expert' for the , ' Fred, G. Black, NIEss,ions. Of tbils an-Aou.nt, ,the W. M. hear of his illniess. I United' States Department of Agri-' ,�ftewart V,%Il,e,y; Mrsi. , ' I The local 'branch of,the 'ftmeri.14 culture in L a ree�ljt ' 1-nisdien Mls. William Maxwel , S, raised S34&; the Sunday .Sahool rved address ,stated lKincadd; Mrs. Jennie 1) - $100, the YT.S. $80 and the c6n,grA-- . that fire loss on farms would be sub- �cLachlan, Ki Inlj,bitike, isle supper at -the rbowm � caid, and me son-, W61bert Crich, Of gation $940. The Woman's As a on Saturday evening which was stantially reduced if a ladder were , soei - hall c1inton, ont." tion raisedjoT church purposes $400. well patwoinize& Bride -To -Be Showered . parit of the,equipment of every farm. ,Messrs. J. B. Mustard, Bert McKay A in)llssionary ,game an interesting A laddex'kerpt in a convenient place BIrs. Dlivid. Mar -Lean of Tucker- and Thiomlas,.CamIpbell were rie�elect­ �addfrevs On S6irila at the eveni MR9 makes any roof fire quickly accessible AbAbh, was hostess at a delightful ed to the Board' of 'Managers, services in the Lutheran Church last and provides the Theaus for occasion- rnliscellaneous shower held at her . I . Sunday. I . - . al inspection of chintneys and fl.ues. ]home on Monday evening in honor' of � � A 'number fr3m. town attended the I the lyride-bo,-be, � Miss ,Marjory Irene MCKILLOP � , wrestling match at Lkyndon On 114on- New Potato Regulations . Fay, qaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. . day - eviening. a � . ____ . ilay, of Tuckerz,mith, whose mar- - . . I J. T. ,Cassin, head of,, the Ontario riage to. Cal -vin Horton; of Hensall _Reliat4ves, friends amd' neighbozs. . ­ .11. 11 - ­ I ' " � 1. _; P10tatIDMaIrketing Board, has, sent out � will tp,k,e place on March 6th. So -me were present; in large 4umsbers as, a ­� notification that On and after Feibru- -igevenity-five guests were present. The final tributeoe respect, when the fun- BAYFIELD I ary 14, 1935, the price ,of potaboeis de - gifts, which were numerous and beau- eral of Marvin. Reed was, held, on livered ion track or to warehou:isle in Last Friday evening, February 22, ..b b I.. tiful, were carried in a basket decor- Saturday afte-ymbn from: the home of any city in Ontari(or VWl obbe lees,s idb, was the his ,parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Jacob M. the trustees ,of Bayfield held their 70' ' g, plu,ss ated in pink and white, wh town meeting, a goodqy nuinibeT of than 50 cents per 90 -pound bag, plus -calor scheme of the living room, by Reed, of concession 7, Ashfield, two the ratelp�ayevs being present. A fela- tolls and charges., andl no potatoes . I I miles rib,rbh fof Dungannon. His death turo 'of the! meeting was the pTe3ien- less than E. Canada Grade No. I shall ,j miade edhe firstbreak in the family Of ' be marketed -in any place in the prov- tation -by the Rev. ,Mr. Gale, acting � I seven chdIdren of which he was, the in behadf of the wourlen voters of the 'nc'e of ,Ontario. eldest. Thie funerail !services at the vidllage� of d, Iiittle token to Mrs. Tho& All potatoes mloving by carlbt miulst _______,�� , home ind at the grave- were conduct- ­ - 1__._� BaUey, expres-sing their esteem for receive inspection at point of ship . l"-- � pastor her civic spirit and service as trustee ment, but in case Of an inspector not ave you found the' / of Dungannon United 'Church. Rela- for the, year 1933-34. Heading -the being aiviailab,le, must receive inspec- eti I tives were present for -the funeral poll in heir' eleictibn, Mrs. Bailey Is tion at point of dlestination. Inspec- deg ft,>m Lucktilow, WhTtiechurch and the first woman to ,hold that poei_ tiork kations axe esta,bl,ished at To- t1o, , SUNNY PACKAGE Wing(ham. , The remains were laid to i ronitio, 16 Market Street; Westun, P . . tion in this villag,&, at that time in h rest in Greenhill cemetery, Lucknb7, its , contIeninlial � year. (Renominated Chirysler Garage; Tho,rahill, Chevro- tia on your"grocer's shelf? ,being bo,rune by Jarnies Halliday, Whit- last Declembeir she would, nort qual- let Garage; 'Markham, Bearer.' Gar- th - _ I . ney Stewart, AAhuT WUldon, William ify not wishing to ,split the vlote for age; Hamilton, Wilson's Warehouse, Pal J. Retride, WHIiam. Stewart and Thus. the' younger tmen who bad been per- 53 McNab ,Str*eft, N.; Melbourne, m Z / Andersicyn. The deceased, was- a mus-, suaded 40) qua -Iffy On behalf ,of a Cam,pbell ,Brothers' Garage; Hills- at7 in of Mrs. Getorge Eberhart,'McKil- Home eeonjoihl0i� practical manage- burg, Bordien's Garage; Orangeville, It's a delicious ready -to -cat cereal. lop, and Mrs. Geotrge Dale, Tucker- I G """' ; Beetion, -City thi Millions of Canadians have found . inlent of, affairs. The whole spiait of Aitcheson s arage Kellogg's AU -BRAN a safq, effective smoth. the mleeting was in tmarkled contrast Service Garage; and also at Osha�va, P imeans of . correcting comilacin con- Death of Old Resident to that of last February , when, the Trenton and Windsor. I lie stipation-the kind caused by lack The full took.place on Monday, ratepayers were ,displeased and those All potatol vebi6e bo, i .,Of "bulk" in the menu. February 25th, of William Elliott, of. interested in the welfare of the vil- other than carlot from, through, or be Laboratory measurements show the 6th concesvion olf McKillop, of lage, much embarrassed, iby the pro- to districts where,the above named P -r ,ithat ALL -BRA -N provides "'bulk" to which townsh,Tp deceased 'had 'been a ceedings Ovii . jig -rise to so much pub- stations are stituated, must report for to aid elimination. ALL -BRAN also sup- highly respected citizen for the past licity at the :tdnlL-.. inspection. At such farmers' mark- th plies vitamin B and iron. 50 years. He was in his 76th year, G�en�illle and Jack Atkinson spent elt-sas London, HiamOtion and Toronto e and wag the fatheir of J. B. Elliott, a few, days in Detroit Iagt i`vtek. where farrinetrS -are .1 mbving minimum ou The "bulk" in this tempting ee- chem6sernaker for the Elma -Cheese- . TOTAby ,Church Dra - loads of potatoes Or niiixed loads of tu l tt�al * ore effective than that . matic Club pre , is In Butter Mian,afactuiring Oo. at Atwooa, oented iL minstrel performance - on P`O'batoe,s and other vegethibles, they so, ,q4oiaiid -in fruits and vegetables - , � I . and formerly with the Seaforth Friday evening Mob' in the Town mlay proceed to these markets where J ._11 ceallaw it resists digestion better. pector �Al be in abten& On �� Vithin the body, it absorbs mois- Creamery. Rev. S. E. Morrow Of- IM, whIich was well ffiledi. The upen-- a Federal In"', - . 1� I :It . Tire, and forms a soft mass. Gently, ficiated, at thefuneral which was held .ivg chi*rus was ,begun, ,on a diark ance to give inspection' ton potatoes Tn4 'i-ithiis cleans out the intestinal waste., froTn the residence iof the deceased. stage, 'all haill Ii-glibs kyut and with that are being offered for sale at - - � + Initermient was dn'Mialtlandbank ceme- inb&liocutor pl�aying a flashlight on these markets. .1 . 'Isn't,this naturnl'food better than tery, Seafoitb. �Six of bd,s nephews the audietice. Mi the chorus pro- ' or Ttaking,patent medicines? Two table- acted as pallbearers. gressed and' with entrance of min- Ontario Seed Display a spoonfuls of ALL -BRAN daily are -die I -usually sufficient. Chronic cases with — strel1sAbe stage lights were: turned , The annual meeting of the Ontario .,each men]. if this fails to give re- � om The first part of the enteri'taim, Field Crup and Seed GroweW Assm- " 'llief, see your doctor. STANLEY mient consisted, of goings and choruz- lation held in Toronto - February da. I to Enjoy ALt-BRAN as a cereal, or . es with endmo�n, gags, and, pokes. Fbl- Gth, proved to be ,one of rthe most 'Cook into appetizing recipes. Kel- ' The February Meeting of the W. M. lowing tbfis was, aseriiesi Of vlocal and, interesting and' e�lthut$hastic in the ke 'Joges ALL -BRAN contains much more S. of,Gosibien United! Church was, held instmmental numfbers and, a nibno- history of tfhe w,ganization, p meeded "bulk" than recently in the church with 'Mrs. J. 101gue- The finish was an one -act A new feiatufre which earned ,much ,part -bran products. P' , MoCiimcbey piresiditig. The meeting farde which wa�s, a ludicrous Negro favorable idom(ment was am, unique tb . 1n the red- d1ripben fjWoo� 0,- wasi opened by ,the singing of 4s holinle wedding with a light plot. This steed 'IdisiplAy arranged ,in a suitable of :package. ;a e y hymn and ,repeating the Lord's was interesting 'and amusing. The room ,on the corniventim floor, and � Kellogg in London, * ALL RAN 0, flo __:0 - ' -held in position for the entire week of y . ,_ Prayer in unison. Mrs. J. AAmI*,v'hg 1110709en'tatlibO was d1irtected by Miss a -Ontario. 40 �/" read the Scripture lesson and s , hort Lulcy'Wouds with Mliss; Floy Edwards Agricultural imeetlinigs. , _==, p I _.. ; "O prayerts were offerled by. Mira D. J. as musicall direertregs, asisiste-dby Mr. Members were permftt�dl too enter 'Keep on the Stepherii�on and' Mi15. 'R. McKin]e�- W.. J. ,Bugler, .Sr., and, Mir. George samples of commercial lobs of seed . Maiss IstabNA Robinsion very; ably gave Little, violin and clornet. Both men in contrast to, the hand picked quon- C Sunny Side of Life a reading entiltkd ` "What the W. M. and women were in the circle. End- idties usually found in comipetiiitdve ap � , , J S. Has Dome For a g4ospital in the men w+3Te Leslie Elliott, Wmi. Parker, classes. aff I L. Johns and John -Sturgeoii,, The Corn for feed and' ,geed was fea- ' Fi . ­1� concert was refreslid"gily differeTilt tured particul arly. � 0— 0 and was enJoyed, ,by a large atten& No prizes weirie offered but mem- ance as an elveiriling of nonsense and betrs appreciated ,bbis oplYortunky of tb n3tellody. . ,eAijbitinig their production to leiaAng WESTERMCANADA The Virginia Jubilee Singers ,., aj�- f�omiers, dsleg4es sit these - conven- I . . pearel iin,Sto-Andoew"is Uated Chumh tiorl and to dlealeirs interelsted in I I Saturday even, F�eh. 23Td, unider piroicur#ing higih class geedL . . . sPecial the auspices iDf the choir and mure Educatio'nal dfisplayr. -To primrid- F Bargain EXtURSIONS than del'fighbW a Urge audience with ed by (the Clainadlitan Seod Grbve4z, , , . ' 11� I . . . . thedT ixm��ng . of iq4ro 4piritual Asecd,#bilon, Ortaxio, Akrileuilt�raJ . From All Statigns in the East I song4,, Rarely 'has an..eveniing &-en Ciolleoe -and the C"Ps), Sleedig and I GOING DAILY—N!Aft" 1 to '14 inclusIve n�ore . en,joyed. Tkie� put in to edh,eir Wee& Braw3h of the Oftthriol Depart - I siInging tb*96 sltran� vibrant ek- nient. I . Return Limit: 30 days I r4eirits peculiarly chanwWristle of the Thelre; wilere many imb&e1gUng dis- ­12� - clolored mce; a progrartv so varied as leustsions on good gind for a week in tb I CENT A mILE.— EACH. WAY ' ' . th delight 41 from, ��e smalle,§t child this little rouim. Nb doubt the flea- 'd . GOOD IN COACH�s Opiq �4x". tid'ithe ajo&`,�&z6n. All riuMbeit turie wiN bei repewmil and w4ach en- . -,- wierIeI,e*ce2,&*1Y ivrfdwed. ,',Hand Me b-fted, mill year. iT � Where iii Ing ear joace is reitalredo the FaIWAPI ] MIGhtly highedates ,2."4.,dh,d*. I Down- the .lSil(Ver Trtivivelt" and cliffte, . I I . , ? fourist slespIn I � I fbol..d,,S,Sl,,p,Y,Cw'&"lpproxlm@t*ly ,Jrqc*1P1*nr11*M'11P*1,t414 resales berth rate. .., t . 1. . faCwsatAPP-1110811,111Y On . - - Go1sAel, 'Zin", were especially pleas-, i I � . . - - 13 1 'I%opovere at Part Arthur. Arrastrong andweat. Big. On. I ddy mpriull , a tlfij�j (ff1jight- Jacob, son a Isase, 9tole Me bft- . Cl- - - ­ ­,� d1i , . , %4 �. I I 'IV fther" . T01W.MaPing COY& le, 00�frbm a*� avul. ASIt FOR MAWD411ft. ed, obnir�. ;, 1�,lllr.oildd S birffi MIR*. el . ___.-_,-_f' . , ­ �­ I . ...,r ii;-. 0 " �p V& a - rft,at part ad tbo U S Ndvy lay i --' ". , � KAI. � I ' 0 ,,iZ" L'u , Ca I . . . I l, - � .. . . 211V,� M-'�` p k 0 1111111 ih ithb Wa0l, It 1playw "Ab Star b CA , � L 3 . rll� �,g AJA,,!� AT I � .,_41! . I I 1 4019- ... - . � __* h4etbibem: A ',­w#ldolb�ei alwWrht.. fliem.*hUlgled Sainhft- - I I ,. I .1 I . I . I � � I � : . I - I . , I . � 1� I . . ,. � , P . "". 1. . I . . I I . 1� � * , . . � . . . � , " , t r 11 I . , , . I 4, . � . , . I okpvf,�ll, , � '. �', �" , , I I � . � " , , . , . ,1,1115 l�,,. 'i, , ". t.� 11, ,',� ; ,� '.1, "I , I � 1! . ".. � * , � " "�i '­,'. , ill I � ,. ., , .�, , ,, , AI'Jml;�J'. I, , - ��, ,; " � ,�., r 51e. -1. ­ �1�,,�,. ,,I , � �- ,.,. "m : ­ , , . , " 'm " , 2 0 - , . �.: � llll�f,�`��,;,l,',,�-, 1� 1� . "I'll, 111.11111��W � 1'1�1,,'11,p, N �, ') ��. ,� ,; ,�,,, , , , i 1U 1,, "I ,,r ,1)1.� x, Z� 2. � ,2 , ,�t:",j ! , I " I '��,'pri� ��,J'!il'.'�,�Ijr "') "�.g,�'�",I.,j "" '4 ' g . M "�f�kil,.ii'!�r,,�ML,L;�,&�"4��4"�,,,,�l���zv� , - .. 6 '�111 , , � � 4, 1 , I NY fg'!, � , '' , I __ � _, "'T _ _ 0 �, 'ri 121ILM lk&�2&2 __ 4 , . ,�', ­ - " . �0 0111�iX'f� �J";� ') ,#kiy�,',,&0�,,,,,,,,P,, 'N ­ R A 1; ���i 12 �1,1 Ukillimffilj I i2lj 't 1. __ - . , . , , � .�r�'ll""I�;�,,�'.�,',4�.Ak'�7,�-i�-�'L",-�'��:"17,�%","� gg,�� lik - , ,4� /, " ? � ", ; , ""' � - " ,� " , , , "I � �1:171, .1 , ,- , " ! 7 7 , � ,, "T 311." , .. ���, 14"IfIlllw_" 'AWN7 '. , , L.� � � " 'I" � ' ��'-,Iil,� � ",41' L � _� � � , , ., ., � ., , � ". " M., , . , . .1 I - , ,� 7 `��`� ,�,`i "! `.,�! I k ,*1 , I,, 77 � ", " �1'5 - , "I � - - . , 77-,��,�,,� ,�,,'.".'��,,�,au�,�����,,.�,,,�,� . I I li - , , , I � " I - I , , , �,, ;: � " ,� �`i; �'.,�.�J,, - -.'111��".M, 3 . ,.., , p I . �`�­..e� , " 'J!��q ,, � , ." ,,�i, 4, ? ,;,q",�,,, � 3 I , -. , � " . � ., . , , . .V. � . . , �� �i,'�,;�,­ � �,���4 '.�� �' �, .. ­ ,.,. � �,� , �,�L ri: L; I I., , I 1. . . : ,,�.�,l . , � .,;,-. 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I I �, , l " �: ! 7P e, � ", ' , I l.i I_, " OR 40 1 1 I .... ��. �....,' I . I , .;� " - I.- , 111111i TT,77Z'wt7,.. .! �,- 1, . i� . . Ill" . I 1. , , - I , � - � r�, .1 ,, , , 1 1.i� -, .. 41, 11 � , I , �:� . ��, �,,,. __­ "% , . . 1 :.� �: ,) � "2' �4.1�,�" . 1 ,,� I ­ I I ,$ ', �: , , ��. i.. . , ­ ' ­' ', � ",��;, " '. '. , ,�.! 'iJ ', 1 . , ! , . � , " " ­�­l , , L "',:.q., � . � ,,, . �w ., " , I . I ,�-'. �,,7'1,1�_: 1�1111-V�, 41 . , , � , '' l, -, —, - L��.l�.', �,,�, .. � 1, I . ! � P. ,� Iq i � � . . -111, . 't, ,� " I I . , ,:�,4, 1�(,��"'Id I I I I I.. . �: � I. , . .. ",�,_"4�..,L,�,'�,.�.�,�,�.�.'��,� 1.p w _., ` �,i 11 :- � 11-1�1'1, . � ;,... � , , "', ' "-4. . I �! . �, %', �. � I . ­:�"*,I;�4%`;'�'.� .. I `.. I , . . ,� , 'i, ", � � L 1. � 1.:%"�,,�I� ` "I - I , I . , I. - �� ,� �0,�n,� ��", I . . I I , ; '0 �tq - ,;t , , � � .1, � -,'�:: 4�� ,­, ., ( � . I . " 1-1 . � ,. ,,c,� I I . . . I ,. . , � . 11 1, ­ 1 .2 ­ � X I I I I I � I 1:,�..._ - . �'�'L`,7:, ",.�, _,,� . � , . , . ( . . . I . . " � ',l, ` , '. I l ". ". � 4, , , ,L I � , "" 1!� 4 ' - . ,­ . . � . "I , .1 -1 h� , � I *4 � . I IS ,� I I . , 't 11 " . , q - � W. t - 11 � h � - � , i . , : "lli Made of beautifu P _ , l, :'! I - - _`­ ,,, , �q,A ii.,�. '1� 0 0 0 . . .- �:, I . 9 - ' `� �',`,)`-: 4�'$!�;' 1 waist stripes.. gfay plaidst bri ht ch -tic -,* , - ., . 0 1 . * I 1-1 11, "N", . * `d, I . organdie touches, pique- tnin,,' tailor.64� �' I ,�, , . . ..:� I �1 . ' ' . AV 1 ,4 -details, delightful styles properly made, . . . I I � I I . ". and generously cut.& . , - - , I . 11; � . I I . � , . I I ' . - I Br ' I Ev e' rp ess Fullp Guaranteed � - - I . . � '' ­.. . . � I I I The XOgest Dress Value Made. . 1, ­­A�_-. . I . - I .1-1 � I I I I . . Specially' 00 . . . ,­ ­. . 1.01-1, ". . .- � . . I . Priced . ......... $1 � ." , , 'I" I I . . , I . . . I - f 4 � . I . . I I., � - I � . . — - I . . " !� I . I., . . I � I . . . . � - - . - -'-'-: . NEW FANC'Y ' ,TUP�-FAST PRIINT. _�.. , I I I I - . .1 APRONS., - .-1 . . . . . . Scores. of new stylesin- , A style you will like, good . . . Women's Fancy Collars, I duiab e- rin ll pat- . 0 wide ruffles, V -necks, - terns, absolutely fast,col-- 'ky bows, in satins., . . . 4 . 0 per ors, made in good service- s piques, celanese, white, able lengths., Don't miss �' egg shell and fancy plaids getting one or'more at " .1 . I . . . Extra Value i ' . I J'A . , � I . 39c .. - i., 39c 10 . I . . . I . I --� � . .11, . � ewart ros,,.. e ,,-o , I I I . 11 , i � I I . . .. � � . . . . i . . , I , . . 1. 1111111IM11 1�'..�� .. "All '.� , W1. I - - __ I . . ,;; .11, . , , , , -11, Potato Marketing Orders . eggs averaging twenty-four ounces When you have a , . �,­ ,�, The Eastern. eunadl-.C-Poftet�o Mark- to the dbzen. Thle male birds should if po%s6ble be selected from an-iong HORSE or COW I 1� , , I -1 "", ng Board has issued a list of or. * . birds of known parentage. ent for not inorre than ,three � I. 1�11 9 golveir-nig m.axketing of pota- es in Ontario, Now Brunswick, I you want removed �i �'F, , ince Edward Island and, Nova Sco- TL in accordance, with provigio ' Of ' Ontario Plowmen Met The Ontario Ploughm�en's Associa- Phone or write to , .11 11 e nwburaa Products Marketang Act ssed at the last .session of Parka- s tion in annual ineeting on Flebruary 5th recelved an invitation to hold the . iu Haldi- I William Stone Son& --s ' 1.1 I �41 �14 - mt. They becwne effective Febru- next International Match mand County, and the Directors de- � 1, I ,.,��l 13 ist. The rules 7ruvide, among other cfd-ed to accept., The lluca:ticin will be the Unity Block, 2Y2 miles northwest LTD. I , .. Phone 22 - Ingersoll ' 11 1�1 . i.F, I ., " gs, that every dealer marketing toes shall Obtain imimediatelY a of, Cayuga. The President, 1 ` "r- Phone 215W - StratfordL * -, I 11.1 I ense fTorm, the -local office -of the Fuller, h6ndon, prdsided and discus - sion throughout the day 'dealt with . �,., .i . � ard in his di_,sltrict for which lie Will ploughing, rules and regulation-% and . ., 1�, " required tio, ipay a fee of $1. They --tcl, maria ment The noon lanch- 1. . I Jl - . ovide no dealer rday merkerr pota- 51 . eon was, addressed by Hon. Duncan es in the four provinces cm,ered by Marshall, Minister ,of Ag�icultuxe. e Orders except through agencies t(albillished by the bovardl and._pZint The new Board of Directurs con- t that under provision, of the Na- - steT sidiered a ,request from. the Mini that the Secretaxy and, Managing Di - ral, -Products Mazlketirig Act, per- rectowbe an officer of the Department s breaking ,the rules may be su-b- of Agriculture. J. Lockie Wi3son. has ,* to a finle of $25 ito $500, ilmVris` filled the Tposit:lon, since the, Associa- ent for not inorre than ,three . tion was organized', and since his re- niths or b6th fine and irnprison- ti rement f rom the Department a vear ent. The marketing agencies are, auth- ago ha -s continued to Airect the af- fairs of ithe Plioughmen's Aissociatibri.. ized to collect tolls of (me -half �ent, bushel on putatoes miarkelted by The Board of Directors were -not en - ale,Ts. The co(Ilections, mu.st be thus,ialstic. about any change, ,but fin- ally ciomipromoii�ed by making J. Lockie ade on or before t1he first or lZrith Wilson Preisi&,tit for 1935. George y of each Trionth and turned Over 4�Qdie, Stratford, wa,s, re-elected W the liocal board ini the disltrict. Vi,ce,_PTesident, and J. A. Carroll was MO rdes say no deailer shall Mar- mad e Secretary and Managing Di - t potatoes produced in tible four vvirces; except undier contract of reethr. Clark Young, Milliken, con- Lwhasel am 1%t a fillm) Wce" and tinues as Trea-mTer. out no dealer shall market potatoes Ontario Association Agricultural the gradle E -Canada No. 2 except Societies export and then, Only subject to An important chAnge was made at furblieli, ruling. I the Ontario Association of Fairs, and This ruili,ag provides, that potatoes Bxbibitions Convention. Acting on I stined for the Carrilyeart market Noticeof Motiorigiven -at least y,eiar's ust grade at leazit 75 per cont. E. convention the naine was, changed to I 1� A.L � anial No. 1. The rulling does, not ply to ,potatoes sold before Febru- . I the, Ontario Association of Agricul- � . �, It I ist amid actually in transit until - tural Societies. The fbr,rmr namte 'bad be e, used THE MckILLOP MUTUALii I i bruAry 15th. .The ord)e-re contatin, a ,list of TnaT- - h the since 1905, previous to whic FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y* I � " � . . �tirig agericiev in the fVur 'prov"ges Canadian Asgociat�Drn of Fain and Exhii,bitions; had funcr6oned. The his- I I I rough which potatow prcd4K!ed` - iltftin itheir bordem must be �*,, tioric forerunner had belen the Agri- HEAD OFFICE—SEAFOWM ONT, . . t, �;;� ked. They are: I culturaq and Arts Asslociatijon, which leadership in a provincial way O,FTTMR9-, . 1, Onitario, J. T. CIB,is�sin, Turol�; kew Bruhswick, 0. C. C!Vmningharn, ,gave for about ,half a century'. It was organized in 1846 and cease,4 to func- Alex. troadfiblot, Soffbirth - Peliew- Jamies Connolly, Goderich _' Vice-Prea- 1� - 11 I 1, edetriction -I Novat Scotia Roy Grant, �Llifax; Prince Edwaxid tibm in 1896. . Meftn A. Reid, 'Sieaforth - Sec..TreaA6 , I . ". rMnor, Cliarliottetowtit The purpose of changing the namle, 0 T this convention was, to bring the S , AGEMS: Vmlay,McKlericher, X R. 1, DuWbag. :, . I ­ 't; 'Me Poultry Breeding Pen name 4 We plrolyincial body mbre in line ,with work being encouriLked for johin M,=S,y, R. It. 8, S"forin. n g . 0. j,armo,th, Broaag,,Im. jag " way., ,� .t., . . . �.. At this time .Of the year some the local, Agricultural Societies- The glyth.. C. E. Hewitt, XJL;;&�. ,W . . A , ought Obuld be given to the siellee- objects as. fo,utlined in the Agricul- J y ;;,, Godbrie'li. ' 1. I'll I on of the breeding penso. Trap li4ftt tural 'Societies ,Act provideR for sev- DIR901!61118: :!!, .... �ciords; ate the best means -of seklet- g birdig for this pui4piosei, howle,v�r, eral line's of work, one of which is the liulding'lof'ainntal fairs.. "' Willayn Know, Londes ; Qkwgo - Le~, B'roftigen; r= 00iia- .��g Z`10. ':', � ,here these are hot available, it is side,red mAso to select females of Por thirtly, y1ears the PridVincial body has been concerned chiefly wilth , 11 - nally, Goderidh-, A4ex Bft= = ' ',� ,.:1 � , � , 1I . I , ', _: P �1, I . , " ood substance, body capacity, clean the conduct of fohrt and, bther sigri-' 11 ­ ,,, 'i v�� . , �1 . ., , ,%� 3, Seaforth; Mexander $ _ f, A 43;,*!y1:l,,,1,,,�',. 1. ;� i.= .I , ,�, " A I it. 1, 6 �, '1�1 11 �rffi, � , B3 - jbb* P, I , 3 - 4�f e w*11 defiried heads with good, Imp flwb buniod, slihnkg wkh a gpod oultutal subjects recibivedlit6A - tion, ion the pmogranvme 4 mannir"Wila . I � I 1. � VIVO ., , � � ��' ', .� J'amies SholdiI66 WhIM; T 106,"" ' "'�"` -� .", � . 11 ". I , - V I -air , 15, Seak . �4' .1 I I [6 I � �111 , � 3 ealthy 6' f vipti,t'and fte - . ppearatim ol vuA "hobr* IbAly fieut­,ffidt I, My . 7ho, ,oliange, of I - "Ttl�y�fts. � ,� 061106asug a wo(lififtson Of . . I X� i cl , � I . P" 11; � ), 4096abM.4" - ;�j,t�., �� ! �� , , ,.,;,�: I � I . I 11 . I 4�1 ! � ". , 1 �.�,,, � , i � , J , 1-�, , . ."i - 11- . I I I I , � - . I , . - I . 1. � I I ",�, . . � I 1, 4t . , . .%.,,,,,,;*., .- . � . 1:. " I ��, l..., '. � I �, ; : ,ill'; .11i".1 ,,�� -, , � "�� �, , � '� "IL I , _ I.. '.., ; I I", , . "'ll" . I , , � , ''� ,�, I I I I . � �� 4 ,1�. " �. 1, 1..�. i4,. 11 -Ir I -) I 11 . I .1 " ,., '. - _ ­ , - ; , . � "I , �40M;� �1� ,,,,, � -1 el, , _�,.� � k . I . I ., �?,� :1 . ''�� -`,�,.,,�,�%, I - * , I . . 'l , . . �,1�1, "' -,I,,,,,,��,i�,���,���,,,,,,,,�;�i��',�i.�','I",-,.""."-I'j�4'��..'�j I . . � I I I I ­ 11 " '� " �1.11 ., .. 1,111 ­,, .6� , k" ii , , ." " . I I J'ill,;,`,�.,� '"' "i"', - � ", � , k . , . . �� , " f?,A �;, ,��"Vl,�­'A- ,,,,, ,"�,,C�p L -,� � 11 R11 21AII I .... 1� i , , '10�,,,iiy"- , -i � ­�,q'­ , I � � " �4?4 I . M= 4.1', " ii 81. 1, . ". '' ­, �'ag�l;,ril5��l".����6�;.,g�.—,— _2202 S 2 ,W',,"��"v�r,�f��s'.��,�v��,;�,A,,,�. tEMQ. � %, 11�,,, i�� , ll. 1Z115 I'll< 100 ,." . I'll —.1 — — — ­