HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-03-01, Page 5.
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'�.�W+'TAip A'WWAQ�A'3�Lp VVWJW%`llLWqV6NX`1y12W�M at 00 0 '' I TW'VeX . *.e'e 1i .6 ,�
. 44=ft, ,11 =CA�Se*_M,U0i �Oavb,w, . � W.'."e
T, - I . qp4 ,
Jessie Mathews in "EVERGREEN I . I 000*90' 0A Tir4gic , P6004v -11 4=4 day, calm W
. I . � o.4, b0mq - 0, and
ra 1, ,, ,
I the,omr-,
'It Was Too Beautiful, PQ . i.'J� ' 11
. ir I glisla x(etu'd"a teply ft,T�� IK Ba,lan" ept member, Mr.' _Xh " 'is 4b ` ...
. Words# So They Set i oic 140et I
. . . t to Xp_ I . I U. 'Xk- J ..
�'. . NEWS and CARTOON- I : ._, . � . I �Il.t � . I
I � t.Y#%XVR-, 44, thie *v'q*ra%# �qlu C - .� I
FRIDAY, iSATURDAY"Mar& 7, % 9 I: . es� ,_ " cut tho AID' tuo "� X=ch 004 , I
I — . : 09n, M146�piugl 1*1e. Wineso -S%L1A0X4 Blem"i P "
NEXT THURS—DAN, � day;,�,
- Vie ftwm�', "'O Ciod Oi&H-elp in-Alom Shrolvie Tpesd4 ` -and'. �, r panftke .
CONSTANCE BENNETT and FREDRIC MAROH, in , . iy�- ther -e ,
I N FWA" was sung and the mee*W e,Iqjs- supper undier the ago9jees, of 7*4y
I -%, , "THE AFFAIRS'OF CELLIN19t, . ed wilth prayo , '
I I , . C%Ufth GqAld, at The Opulli; buildinig,
CARTOON and COMEDY - Mr... E,ftir SwAth + has returned For'thgoe. who -do not vvigh panciakets, ,
� . I I
__ - . I I- I . from MmUng yinith his aput at Tdp- there'will be sandwiches, ca", hot
1� IOOMI,NG"4�GAY DTVORCI W- � ., - 1 . ple4mg,111P and, h4s engaged with Mr;, bums, miawmaliadle, I the
and 'HOR&YO ip.m and 9.1r). - I � a and c off oie, � I
I 3"Pea 'Sat. , 3, ' %0 Obows'nightlY, 7.30, . Elgir� M1cXiTdey ibr the u4tching sea, served frolia 6"th 7 oocpek-�
.1 , I
so I , I - - I— _. . �
, ,W�11 ; . - 11. ., � '.. . � .� . 'No ladie� iof Varna United Chumh I .— . I
. . ..
. I I
. .
� .1 I I 11 1. .1. . . I _�., -4 1, � exie putung.. on' a s6ci.�l la.velxing ill .
I , I I tbe Town -Hall on Friday, Mar& ist
I , . I I..., Jaqk MacLean and Helen Swan, .�he when a gujod pWb1,_1_&=.wDI,6e , I
. � V � 1. pamel.s being opened , by ... the bride-' a -ad Rurich will; -be served. given F�i � . �
, , ARNA ' I rm Notes. .
' elect. The rem�i-Tidiii of the ervenin� q ,v - . .
I . . . wtd.,a muniber from this viciii1ty ./ 1,
Mr. M. Elliottma,da a ,shipment of was pleasingly spent in dapeing, ,tt,*de1A,6ulrt in Goderich on, Tues- Ptire,bred cattle registered with .
'Eve sitiock to Toronto.last week. lunch being served by the ladies. . , d* as� witoeloses. k>n the Keys vs. 'the Canadian Live IStook 111peords, &P -
Mr. Roy D"can �of Fh,nt, 'Michigan, . --l"Mill." Zaphifle diAie. _. proved by the - Dominion Mini ter of
vas reneWing acquaintances in this LRIL Sunday, Mare,h 3rd� the Goshen Agriculture, during the - 'mionsh of
,district, recently. I BRUCEFIELD . U211ted ,%nday, School will tak�_ ,their January, 1935, (hicluded) 4,17 li'Qrses;
I ,
Word has reached ,here of the I . I — annual offering for the support of 3,970 cattle; 963� sheep; 682 swine;
,idelath of Mrs. Elliott of Win&or, �Wantied. — At Bruopffield Uniteid Mir. aii'd Mry,. Norman Jblinsdon in 1,841 foxes; 729.dogs,; 723 poultry, ,
<nee Stella Rafthwell). Church, Tuesday evening, March 56h, their massionarly work in Bolivia,, and 3 90ats. I
We are pleased th ,report Mrs. G. at 8 o'ellock, a large audience'to hear S16111th ATnlelrilm- Their many friends I
IL Beatty is able to be',out again, but the play, "N.o Account David," tc) b.e here were anxiods- for their safety - Th�e sed es of brandied be9f in Can -
I gwe sorry to learn, MTs. Chuter is repeated in response to many , re- daring Mr. Jbilinsdon's retpent im- �da for the past. four yeaft, 1931-34
doonfi-ned to the house through illness. quests, A&nisgibn: Adulilts 25c PrislonmIent and' were glad, to learn Inclusive mere: 17,240,748 pounds in
,Several in the district are suffer- Children 15c. ,, 'IJ507�1' of his ireleave and' reirturn, .to his wife 1931; 21',748,7458 pound� in 1932; 30,-
ing from, -coldis. ,. . , . and, daughter. I . 6&21600 pounds, in. 1933, and, 39,575 -
Mir. John I-rill'of Moose Jaw ils vis- ,, I I
The Ortugenven,'s euchre and dance iti,g his ,n�ther land other friends at 754 pounds in. 1934,
.on.the-20th was a decided success4 present. , I I I -_ -1 'Canada and 'the Argentine supply
Mr. .W. R. Stephension bought a �M�r. and, Mrs. Ross Scoft ispent a �IZURICH. .
� the bulk of the wheat m2led in. 1161 -
mice twb-year-old geldffig from MT- few days in Toronto, this week. and"W
� C��pr 1111.0 the Sowiert Union, when, in
g ge Beatty. . Rev. W. A. Bremner and Mr. .iR. b&r. HenTY',&dnbach, rioad super- 1
. .
I I � . Watson attended a Teird0lerance oun- intendent of lEa7 Township, aftend- the market, has also ibeen, a heavy
____________ I 11 shipper. Sii(ce, 19311 the. United- States
� I I I vention ,which was � ljeld� in, Toronto .. edthe conventbilon held at Tbronth last once a strong competitor, has been
TVCKERSMITH ,la;$Yt wi-eek. I . week.
. 1, ' �"- , - , i offly,, of,,, We Ono gortance.
, , �r;y 4
' . . Mrsi. John 19tAder visited her - daugh,- IMr. D. B. BI: ' ell has, sqjld. Jim ,.I ,
. ? .-� ..,
7 ,Died in the West �. ter,, Miss, Irene, in, London,�'recentjy 50 -acre farin, at .thq,,A '
,%lie following is taken, fromi ai Sas- and ajea, called! ,at the 1 ne i , m7ver. -of the i& n adian tokiia� ii*y The put to
hol of MT. Z11 dad', and Tar� Iinle.,;� to,.. Ws a riew' use. Reclentli tobacco has
-g IT:, D, -B Dignpq,
'kiat6hewan ,pAper of recent date: "Af- -and, ,Mrs. collihs, formerly of Britoe. ne,62111JR, ,L W-, been ,6ntployedl fot'4e manufacture
ter illuess of ,several =Aonthss, Abria'- fietld,� and,. were pleageld to see MT. Bla'"A i not"4ee'n enjoyinig good of citric acid in Eur6pe. Up to the
'1ia#u.1Crd-ch died at Mo home in Kin- cuilAns qubkming go, well. He ,has been health: for some time and' his' phys- present Italy has been the chief sup-
140aid, FIridlal� -afternoon .+ at the age in ,the Sanitorium. for the, past few kian advisedhim. to give up farming. "
.. . . plier of conviniercial citpic a,cid. ex-
,4of 78. The ,deceased was boirni an nionths. . . . Mr. and, UTZ. 'Black1weill will cantinue �racted from lem. us, ,
, I ko
I ,8eaforth, Ont., and eante -to Saskat- ?&g, ,C. Hiam visited, frietids, in to inake their -Home. on the farmL � i .�
� �ohew'an 21 years ago -and' made his Hamilton,and Toronto reemtly. Messrs. W. J. -JbbVston� and A. J. (of the newer varieties of vege-
.'hiouile in, Kincaid. The deceasle.& was The Ybung,Peopde will put ion'thleir Kiallbiflied-sch altitended the hAelke&P- tables recently Originated, in the
-a mIambler of ithe United Church and play entitled, "No. Account Daivdd," ers' conven6on held at London Tues- Horticultural Division of the Domin-
:Wso. a member Of the Loyal Orange in the school rount Of the United day. '. ' � ion Exp'erimental, Farnis, the Doriniy
I lodge. The funeral service was held Church ,on Tuelsda,y evening, March 5. ITX. -d Mrs. A. Aulerich and Mrs� corn, and Abel and Bestal tomatoes
Sundlay, af-derno6n. and' was conduct- Annual Church Meeting , - Rpddinger, of Detroit, visited rela- are now available through Canadian
,ed by Rev. 0. J. Carls,on, who' was The annual buisinesTs meeting ' olf, tives here over the week -end. seed hol I
:assisteld1by Rev. J. T-Gawthrop. Pall- bh ,B field United Church was Mr. and ,Mrs,. J. Walper of Wood-
, ';,"e ,.,day _ I !
bearers were from the L.0,L., who he ' ,2"' evening of last stock and Mr. G. Wallper ,of Windsbr Canadian cattle, to the 'number of
miaxched in a body. Intermidgit was we"It with'Rev. W. A. Bremner act- were here over. the week -end ov ng 13)592 head, in twenty- v n hip-
" se 6 v I
.xnade in Mnocaid' cemetery and the i.ng as cha�nman and, Mr. J. B.� Muls- to the. serilou's illneigs 'of their father, ments, were exported, direct to Glas-
zervd,ce at the gra.vleside was read by tard as secretary. The diffeTent or- Mr- C- Walper. I
Rev, 0. J. Carlson, after which the ganizations were fairly well.,repries- Mrr-% Ivan Kalibifloisch has returned g�ow d,Vtng the year 1934, as coni -
�ared I It 11,238 in 1933 and 4,016
service was cionduated by members ented and the reports,they gave were' from a few weeks' vigit with rela- in 193,2. The quality wag, also great -
,of the Orange lodge. Deceased, leaves full of hope land enriouragement. The tives in DeCrotit. . . I y im1pro,ved. . I 1. .
Ns wife. five daughters, Mrs. Roy sum of $4,295.00 was raised for all The many friends lot Mr. W. J. .11
!Bouck, lk�gina; -Mrs. J. C.McDougall, purpolges, al wh:teh $1,418' were for J,arrotA, HiGIsgreen, willil be g9rry to The fire prevention expert' for the
, ' Fred, G. Black, NIEss,ions. Of tbils an-Aou.nt, ,the W. M. hear of his illniess. I United' States Department of Agri-'
,�ftewart V,%Il,e,y; Mrsi.
, ' I The local 'branch of,the 'ftmeri.14 culture in L a ree�ljt '
1-nisdien Mls. William Maxwel , S, raised S34&; the Sunday .Sahool rved address ,stated
lKincadd; Mrs. Jennie 1) - $100, the YT.S. $80 and the c6n,grA-- . that fire loss on farms would be sub-
�cLachlan, Ki Inlj,bitike, isle supper at -the rbowm
� caid, and me son-, W61bert Crich, Of gation $940. The Woman's As a on Saturday evening which was stantially reduced if a ladder were
, soei - hall
c1inton, ont." tion raisedjoT church purposes $400. well patwoinize&
Bride -To -Be Showered . parit of the,equipment of every farm.
,Messrs. J. B. Mustard, Bert McKay A in)llssionary ,game an interesting A laddex'kerpt in a convenient place
BIrs. Dlivid. Mar -Lean of Tucker- and Thiomlas,.CamIpbell were rie�elect �addfrevs On S6irila at the eveni
MR9 makes any roof fire quickly accessible
AbAbh, was hostess at a delightful ed to the Board' of 'Managers, services in the Lutheran Church last and provides the Theaus for occasion-
rnliscellaneous shower held at her . I . Sunday. I . -
. al inspection of chintneys and fl.ues.
]home on Monday evening in honor' of � � A 'number fr3m. town attended the I
the lyride-bo,-be, � Miss ,Marjory Irene MCKILLOP � , wrestling match at Lkyndon On 114on- New Potato Regulations
. Fay, qaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. . day - eviening. a �
. ____
ilay, of Tuckerz,mith, whose mar- - . . I J. T. ,Cassin, head of,, the Ontario
riage to. Cal -vin Horton; of Hensall _Reliat4ves, friends amd' neighbozs. . .11. 11 - I '
" � 1. _; P10tatIDMaIrketing Board, has, sent out �
will tp,k,e place on March 6th. So -me were present; in large 4umsbers as, a � notification that On and after Feibru-
-igevenity-five guests were present. The final tributeoe respect, when the fun- BAYFIELD I ary 14, 1935, the price ,of potaboeis de -
gifts, which were numerous and beau- eral of Marvin. Reed was, held, on livered ion track or to warehou:isle in
Last Friday evening, February 22, ..b b I..
tiful, were carried in a basket decor- Saturday afte-ymbn from: the home of any city in Ontari(or VWl obbe lees,s
idb, was the his ,parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Jacob M. the trustees ,of Bayfield held their 70' ' g, plu,ss
ated in pink and white, wh town meeting, a goodqy nuinibeT of than 50 cents per 90 -pound bag, plus
-calor scheme of the living room, by Reed, of concession 7, Ashfield, two the ratelp�ayevs being present. A fela- tolls and charges., andl no potatoes
I I miles rib,rbh fof Dungannon. His death turo 'of the! meeting was the pTe3ien- less than E. Canada Grade No. I shall ,j
miade edhe firstbreak in the family Of ' be marketed -in any place in the prov-
tation -by the Rev. ,Mr. Gale, acting
� I seven chdIdren of which he was, the in behadf of the wourlen voters of the 'nc'e of ,Ontario.
eldest. Thie funerail !services at the vidllage� of d, Iiittle token to Mrs. Tho& All potatoes mloving by carlbt miulst
_______,�� , home ind at the grave- were conduct- -
1__._� BaUey, expres-sing their esteem for receive inspection at point of ship
l"-- � pastor her civic spirit and service as trustee ment, but in case Of an inspector not
ave you found the' / of Dungannon United 'Church. Rela- for the, year 1933-34. Heading -the being aiviailab,le, must receive inspec- eti
I tives were present for -the funeral poll in heir' eleictibn, Mrs. Bailey Is tion at point of dlestination. Inspec- deg
ft,>m Lucktilow, WhTtiechurch and the first woman to ,hold that poei_ tiork kations axe esta,bl,ished at To- t1o,
, SUNNY PACKAGE Wing(ham. , The remains were laid to i ronitio, 16 Market Street; Westun, P
. . tion in this villag,&, at that time in
h rest in Greenhill cemetery, Lucknb7, its , contIeninlial � year. (Renominated Chirysler Garage; Tho,rahill, Chevro- tia
on your"grocer's shelf? ,being bo,rune by Jarnies Halliday, Whit- last Declembeir she would, nort qual- let Garage; 'Markham, Bearer.' Gar- th
_ I . ney Stewart, AAhuT WUldon, William ify not wishing to ,split the vlote for age; Hamilton, Wilson's Warehouse, Pal
J. Retride, WHIiam. Stewart and Thus. the' younger tmen who bad been per- 53 McNab ,Str*eft, N.; Melbourne, m
Z / Andersicyn. The deceased, was- a mus-, suaded 40) qua -Iffy On behalf ,of a Cam,pbell ,Brothers' Garage; Hills- at7
in of Mrs. Getorge Eberhart,'McKil- Home eeonjoihl0i� practical manage- burg, Bordien's Garage; Orangeville,
It's a delicious ready -to -cat cereal. lop, and Mrs. Geotrge Dale, Tucker- I G """' ; Beetion, -City thi
Millions of Canadians have found . inlent of, affairs. The whole spiait of Aitcheson s arage
Kellogg's AU -BRAN a safq, effective smoth. the mleeting was in tmarkled contrast Service Garage; and also at Osha�va, P
imeans of . correcting comilacin con- Death of Old Resident to that of last February , when, the Trenton and Windsor. I lie
stipation-the kind caused by lack The full took.place on Monday, ratepayers were ,displeased and those All potatol vebi6e bo,
.,Of "bulk" in the menu. February 25th, of William Elliott, of. interested in the welfare of the vil- other than carlot from, through, or be
Laboratory measurements show the 6th concesvion olf McKillop, of lage, much embarrassed, iby the pro- to districts where,the above named P -r
,ithat ALL -BRA -N provides "'bulk" to which townsh,Tp deceased 'had 'been a ceedings Ovii . jig -rise to so much pub- stations are stituated, must report for to
aid elimination. ALL -BRAN also sup- highly respected citizen for the past licity at the :tdnlL-.. inspection. At such farmers' mark- th
plies vitamin B and iron. 50 years. He was in his 76th year, G�en�illle and Jack Atkinson spent elt-sas London, HiamOtion and Toronto e
and wag the fatheir of J. B. Elliott, a few, days in Detroit Iagt i`vtek. where farrinetrS -are .1 mbving minimum ou
The "bulk" in this tempting ee- chem6sernaker for the Elma -Cheese- . TOTAby ,Church Dra - loads of potatoes Or niiixed loads of tu
l tt�al * ore effective than that . matic Club pre
, is In Butter Mian,afactuiring Oo. at Atwooa, oented iL minstrel performance - on P`O'batoe,s and other vegethibles, they so,
,q4oiaiid -in fruits and vegetables -
, � I . and formerly with the Seaforth Friday evening Mob' in the Town mlay proceed to these markets where J
._11 ceallaw it resists digestion better. pector �Al be in abten& On
�� Vithin the body, it absorbs mois- Creamery. Rev. S. E. Morrow Of- IM, whIich was well ffiledi. The upen-- a Federal In"',
- . 1� I :It . Tire, and forms a soft mass. Gently, ficiated, at thefuneral which was held .ivg chi*rus was ,begun, ,on a diark ance to give inspection' ton potatoes Tn4
'i-ithiis cleans out the intestinal waste., froTn the residence iof the deceased. stage, 'all haill Ii-glibs kyut and with that are being offered for sale at -
- � + Initermient was dn'Mialtlandbank ceme- inb&liocutor pl�aying a flashlight on these markets. .1
. 'Isn't,this naturnl'food better than tery, Seafoitb. �Six of bd,s nephews the audietice. Mi the chorus pro- ' or
Ttaking,patent medicines? Two table- acted as pallbearers. gressed and' with entrance of min- Ontario Seed Display a
spoonfuls of ALL -BRAN daily are -die
I -usually sufficient. Chronic cases with — strel1sAbe stage lights were: turned , The annual meeting of the Ontario
.,each men]. if this fails to give re- � om The first part of the enteri'taim, Field Crup and Seed GroweW Assm- "
'llief, see your doctor. STANLEY mient consisted, of goings and choruz- lation held in Toronto - February da. I to
Enjoy ALt-BRAN as a cereal, or . es with endmo�n, gags, and, pokes. Fbl- Gth, proved to be ,one of rthe most
'Cook into appetizing recipes. Kel- ' The February Meeting of the W. M. lowing tbfis was, aseriiesi Of vlocal and, interesting and' e�lthut$hastic in the ke
'Joges ALL -BRAN contains much more S. of,Gosibien United! Church was, held instmmental numfbers and, a nibno- history of tfhe w,ganization, p
meeded "bulk" than recently in the church with 'Mrs. J. 101gue- The finish was an one -act A new feiatufre which earned ,much
,part -bran products. P' , MoCiimcbey piresiditig. The meeting farde which wa�s, a ludicrous Negro favorable idom(ment was am, unique tb
. 1n the red- d1ripben fjWoo� 0,- wasi opened by ,the singing of 4s holinle wedding with a light plot. This steed 'IdisiplAy arranged ,in a suitable of
:package. ;a e y hymn and ,repeating the Lord's was interesting 'and amusing. The room ,on the corniventim floor, and
� Kellogg in London, * ALL RAN 0, flo
__:0 - ' -held in position for the entire week of
. ,_ Prayer in unison. Mrs. J. AAmI*,v'hg 1110709en'tatlibO was d1irtected by Miss a
-Ontario. 40 �/" read the Scripture lesson and s , hort Lulcy'Wouds with Mliss; Floy Edwards Agricultural imeetlinigs. ,
_==, p
I _.. ;
"O prayerts were offerled by. Mira D. J. as musicall direertregs, asisiste-dby Mr. Members were permftt�dl too enter
'Keep on the Stepherii�on and' Mi15. 'R. McKin]e�- W.. J. ,Bugler, .Sr., and, Mir. George samples of commercial lobs of seed
. Maiss IstabNA Robinsion very; ably gave Little, violin and clornet. Both men in contrast to, the hand picked quon- C
Sunny Side of Life a reading entiltkd ` "What the W. M. and women were in the circle. End- idties usually found in comipetiiitdve ap
� , , J S. Has Dome For a g4ospital in the men w+3Te Leslie Elliott, Wmi. Parker, classes. aff
I L. Johns and John -Sturgeoii,, The Corn for feed and' ,geed was fea- ' Fi
. 1� concert was refreslid"gily differeTilt tured particul arly. �
0— 0 and was enJoyed, ,by a large atten& No prizes weirie offered but mem-
ance as an elveiriling of nonsense and betrs appreciated ,bbis oplYortunky of tb
n3tellody. . ,eAijbitinig their production to leiaAng
WESTERMCANADA The Virginia Jubilee Singers ,., aj�- f�omiers, dsleg4es sit these - conven-
I . . pearel iin,Sto-Andoew"is Uated Chumh tiorl and to dlealeirs interelsted in
I I Saturday even, F�eh. 23Td, unider piroicur#ing higih class geedL .
. . sPecial the auspices iDf the choir and mure Educatio'nal dfisplayr. -To primrid- F
Bargain EXtURSIONS than del'fighbW a Urge audience with ed by (the Clainadlitan Seod Grbve4z,
, , .
' 11� I . . . . thedT ixm��ng . of iq4ro 4piritual Asecd,#bilon, Ortaxio, Akrileuilt�raJ
From All Statigns in the East I song4,, Rarely 'has an..eveniing &-en Ciolleoe -and the C"Ps), Sleedig and
GOING DAILY—N!Aft" 1 to '14 inclusIve n�ore . en,joyed. Tkie� put in to edh,eir Wee& Braw3h of the Oftthriol Depart -
I siInging tb*96 sltran� vibrant ek- nient.
I . Return Limit: 30 days I r4eirits peculiarly chanwWristle of the Thelre; wilere many imb&e1gUng dis-
12� - clolored mce; a progrartv so varied as leustsions on good gind for a week in tb
I CENT A mILE.— EACH. WAY ' ' . th delight 41 from, ��e smalle,§t child this little rouim. Nb doubt the flea- 'd
. GOOD IN COACH�s Opiq �4x". tid'ithe ajo&`,�&z6n. All riuMbeit turie wiN bei repewmil and w4ach en-
. -,- wierIeI,e*ce2,&*1Y ivrfdwed. ,',Hand Me b-fted, mill year. iT
� Where iii Ing ear joace is reitalredo the FaIWAPI ] MIGhtly highedates ,2."4.,dh,d*. I Down- the .lSil(Ver Trtivivelt" and cliffte, . I I .
? fourist slespIn I �
I fbol..d,,S,Sl,,p,Y,Cw'&"lpproxlm@t*ly ,Jrqc*1P1*nr11*M'11P*1,t414 resales berth rate. .., t . 1.
. faCwsatAPP-1110811,111Y On . - - Go1sAel, 'Zin", were especially pleas-, i I
� . . -
13 1 'I%opovere at Part Arthur. Arrastrong andweat. Big. On. I ddy mpriull , a tlfij�j (ff1jight- Jacob, son a Isase, 9tole Me bft-
. Cl- - - ,� d1i , . , %4
�. I I 'IV fther"
. T01W.MaPing COY& le, 00�frbm a*� avul. ASIt FOR MAWD411ft. ed, obnir�. ;, 1�,lllr.oildd S birffi MIR*. el
. ___.-_,-_f' . , � I . ...,r ii;-. 0 " �p V& a - rft,at part ad tbo U S Ndvy lay
i --' ". , � KAI. � I ' 0 ,,iZ" L'u , Ca I . .
. I l, - � .. . . 211V,� M-'�`
p k 0 1111111 ih ithb Wa0l, It 1playw "Ab Star b
CA , � L 3 . rll� �,g
AJA,,!� AT I � .,_41! . I I
1 4019- ... - . � __* h4etbibem: A ',w#ldolb�ei alwWrht.. fliem.*hUlgled Sainhft-
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Made of beautifu P _ , l, :'!
I - - _` ,,, , �q,A ii.,�. '1�
0 0 0 . . .-
I . 9 - ' `� �',`,)`-: 4�'$!�;'
1 waist stripes.. gfay plaidst bri ht ch -tic -,*
. 0 1 . * I 1-1 11, "N",
. * `d,
I . organdie touches, pique- tnin,,' tailor.64� �'
I ,�, ,
. . ..:� I �1
. ' '
. AV 1 ,4 -details, delightful styles properly made,
. . .
I �
". and generously cut.& . , - - , I
. 11; � .
I I .
� , .
I I ' .
I Br '
I Ev e' rp ess Fullp Guaranteed � - -
I .
� '' .. . . � I
I I The XOgest Dress Value Made. . 1, A�_-.
- I .1-1
I . . Specially' 00
. . . , .
. 1.01-1, ".
. .- � .
. I . Priced . ......... $1 � ." , , 'I"
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, I I
. .1 APRONS., -
. . .
. .
Scores. of new stylesin- , A style you will like, good
. . .
Women's Fancy Collars, I duiab e- rin ll pat- .
wide ruffles, V -necks, - terns, absolutely fast,col--
'ky bows, in satins., . . . 4 . 0
per ors, made in good service-
piques, celanese, white, able lengths., Don't miss
egg shell and fancy plaids getting one or'more at "
. I
. . .
Extra Value i ' . I J'A .
� I . 39c .. - i., 39c
10 . I
. .
. I .
.11, .
� ewart ros,,.. e ,,-o
. 11
i � I I
. .. � �
. . i .
. , I
.. "All
, W1.
- - __ I
. ,;;
.11, . ,
, ,
Potato Marketing Orders
eggs averaging twenty-four ounces
When you have a
, . �,
The Eastern. eunadl-.C-Poftet�o Mark-
to the dbzen. Thle male birds should
if po%s6ble be selected from an-iong
I 1� , , I
ng Board has issued a list of or.
birds of known parentage.
ent for not inorre than ,three
� I.
9 golveir-nig m.axketing of pota-
es in Ontario, Now Brunswick,
you want removed
�'F, ,
ince Edward Island and, Nova Sco-
in accordance, with provigio ' Of
Ontario Plowmen Met
The Ontario Ploughm�en's Associa-
Phone or write to
, .11
e nwburaa Products Marketang Act
ssed at the last .session of Parka-
tion in annual ineeting on Flebruary
5th recelved an invitation to hold the
iu Haldi-
William Stone Son& --s '
I �41
mt. They becwne effective Febru-
next International Match
mand County, and the Directors de-
� 1,
The rules 7ruvide, among other
cfd-ed to accept., The lluca:ticin will be
the Unity Block, 2Y2 miles northwest
, ..
Phone 22 - Ingersoll '
. i.F,
I .,
gs, that every dealer marketing
toes shall Obtain imimediatelY a
of, Cayuga. The President,
1 ` "r-
Phone 215W - StratfordL
-, I
ense fTorm, the -local office -of the
Fuller, h6ndon, prdsided and discus -
sion throughout the day 'dealt with
. �
ard in his di_,sltrict for which lie Will
ploughing, rules and regulation-% and
required tio, ipay a fee of $1. They
--tcl, maria ment The noon lanch-
1. . I
- .
ovide no dealer rday merkerr pota-
51 .
eon was, addressed by Hon. Duncan
es in the four provinces cm,ered by
Marshall, Minister ,of Ag�icultuxe.
e Orders except through agencies
t(albillished by the bovardl and._pZint
The new Board of Directurs con-
t that under provision, of the Na-
- steT
sidiered a ,request from. the Mini
that the Secretaxy and, Managing Di -
ral, -Products Mazlketirig Act, per-
rectowbe an officer of the Department
s breaking ,the rules may be su-b-
of Agriculture. J. Lockie Wi3son. has
,* to a finle of $25 ito $500, ilmVris`
filled the Tposit:lon, since the, Associa-
ent for not inorre than ,three
tion was organized', and since his re-
niths or b6th fine and irnprison-
ti rement f rom the Department a vear
The marketing agencies are, auth-
ago ha -s continued to Airect the af-
fairs of ithe Plioughmen's Aissociatibri..
ized to collect tolls of (me -half �ent,
bushel on putatoes miarkelted by
The Board of Directors were -not en -
ale,Ts. The co(Ilections, mu.st be
thus,ialstic. about any change, ,but fin-
ally ciomipromoii�ed by making J. Lockie
ade on or before t1he first or lZrith
Wilson Preisi&,tit for 1935. George
y of each Trionth and turned Over
4�Qdie, Stratford, wa,s, re-elected
the liocal board ini the disltrict.
Vi,ce,_PTesident, and J. A. Carroll was
MO rdes say no deailer shall Mar-
mad e Secretary and Managing Di -
t potatoes produced in tible four
vvirces; except undier contract of
reethr. Clark Young, Milliken, con-
Lwhasel am 1%t a fillm) Wce" and
tinues as Trea-mTer.
out no dealer shall market potatoes
Ontario Association Agricultural
the gradle E -Canada No. 2 except
export and then, Only subject to
An important chAnge was made at
furblieli, ruling. I
the Ontario Association of Fairs, and
This ruili,ag provides, that potatoes
Bxbibitions Convention. Acting on I
stined for the Carrilyeart market
Noticeof Motiorigiven -at least y,eiar's
ust grade at leazit 75 per cont. E.
convention the naine was, changed to
I 1�
anial No. 1. The rulling does, not
ply to ,potatoes sold before Febru-
the, Ontario Association of Agricul-
. �,
It I
ist amid actually in transit until
tural Societies.
The fbr,rmr namte 'bad be e, used
I i
bruAry 15th.
.The ord)e-re contatin, a ,list of TnaT-
- h the
since 1905, previous to whic
. .
�tirig agericiev in the fVur 'prov"ges
Canadian Asgociat�Drn of Fain and
Exhii,bitions; had funcr6oned. The his-
rough which potatow prcd4K!ed`
iltftin itheir bordem must be �*,,
tioric forerunner had belen the Agri-
ked. They are: I
culturaq and Arts Asslociatijon, which
leadership in a provincial way
Onitario, J. T. CIB,is�sin, Turol�;
kew Bruhswick, 0. C. C!Vmningharn,
for about ,half a century'. It was
organized in 1846 and cease,4 to func-
Alex. troadfiblot, Soffbirth - Peliew-
Jamies Connolly, Goderich _' Vice-Prea-
- 11 I
edetriction -I Novat Scotia Roy Grant,
�Llifax; Prince Edwaxid
tibm in 1896. .
Meftn A. Reid, 'Sieaforth - Sec..TreaA6
, I
. ".
rMnor, Cliarliottetowtit
The purpose of changing the namle,
0 T this convention was, to bring the
Vmlay,McKlericher, X R. 1, DuWbag.
. I
'Me Poultry Breeding Pen
name 4 We plrolyincial body mbre in
line ,with work being encouriLked for
johin M,=S,y, R. It. 8, S"forin. n g .
0. j,armo,th, Broaag,,Im. jag "
. . . �..
At this time .Of the year some
the local, Agricultural Societies- The
glyth.. C. E. Hewitt, XJL;;&�. ,W
. .
ought Obuld be given to the siellee-
objects as. fo,utlined in the Agricul-
J y ;;,, Godbrie'li.
1. I'll I
on of the breeding penso. Trap li4ftt
tural 'Societies ,Act provideR for sev-
:!!, ....
�ciords; ate the best means -of seklet-
g birdig for this pui4piosei, howle,v�r,
eral line's of work, one of which is
the liulding'lof'ainntal fairs.. "'
Willayn Know, Londes ; Qkwgo
Le~, B'roftigen; r= 00iia-
':', �
,here these are hot available, it is
side,red mAso to select females of
Por thirtly, y1ears the PridVincial
body has been concerned chiefly wilth
, 11 -
nally, Goderidh-, A4ex Bft= =
,.:1 �
� , 1I
. I , ',
_: P �1, I
. , "
ood substance, body capacity, clean
the conduct of fohrt and, bther sigri-'
,,, 'i
v�� . , �1
. ., , ,%�
3, Seaforth; Mexander $ _ f, A
43;,*!y1:l,,,1,,,�',. 1. ;�
i.= .I , ,�, " A I
it. 1, 6 �, '1�1 11
�rffi, � ,
B3 - jbb* P, I , 3 - 4�f
e w*11 defiried heads with good,
Imp flwb buniod, slihnkg wkh a gpod
oultutal subjects recibivedlit6A -
tion, ion the pmogranvme 4 mannir"Wila
. I
I 1. � VIVO ., , � � ��' ',
J'amies SholdiI66 WhIM; T 106,"" ' "'�"` -� .", � . 11 ". I , -
-air , 15, Seak . �4' .1 I
I [6 I � �111
, �
ealthy 6' f vipti,t'and fte -
. ppearatim ol
vuA "hobr* IbAly fieut,ffidt I, My
7ho, ,oliange, of I -
"Ttl�y�fts. � ,�
061106asug a wo(lififtson Of .
I X� i cl , �
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