HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-22, Page 4�, �";,�'I'll��1.1111:,,��P.�.,�,�l,.,,�1,1! . ­`. ­ - ,,, -,,, ,4��', ": �,,4, , " " - . . ..... , � , I I*` _ I't �, ". , . � I I 11 I . i" I I I � — ", "', , I I '1_1� 'I'll ;,--i .., , ", , I .. .. . ,4011 1 W-`_ W.")P, " " ��,!,!%Nr�, ,,, $4` *,"", , . .. : ,� "" I "r? � I r, '7,4� , .. , , � '.. (, , I �. - .... I , I 1) I I. - V, I ds, , , ......... 6111'4444P 11�1 I I e � .1 '31AA Q, �Fi'll, " ��V�,­#J ,` '1� I f. I lx�1�0,; I Ell P-11 110 Id A 4,`�, 11 I - k ,.,� . ". . - .1 Q1�41 �11, -,7nv­_,- I . I � .,I mp�,. 1 111�­ . 11 6 ilt� 54 `Aq.s wffl be mserted at new low cash rates: ' �, gr;,�, ,� �, %. I" ,,, �A��g, Nl I. - I 11 Ill F d, Coming Vvents, Etr_--Ver word z E , 1'1�1' . � I . , , 11 , � .. ............ 1 ........ ....... I cent 11 I , X ',"I 1". V �12,,,'� ,Rg I d k . :.".,.7.7 * , , , * , , * * cent I ......... ­ ,� -% cent - � � ........ � � , , * X4 ... ­­j*�­­*­­­"* ..... .... 25 Cents � � � : .�.� 1w ................... ................ % , � slit,` 3 we i ", � 11, r qip eharge, r6it maertlOn ............. . ... 1.� . " . i I ' " W.L§ . r4L I I If � , . I 41? � : e, � "' " ,,, Ts, initiai and .bb,r Aution counte as one wq fg, 11- �, " Memorl.404 Noticee--i cent per word. Minimum, 60 Omts Ver week' ' 1�� . ,,n� , In , , - V,4,.,4, a of The Huron EKVMtWr, for 10 oduts �,� ­ — _,�. , � , , R r, - d0w, If we dlre�ted to a Box Number, , , , W-1, 4 I 'I '14'" 1 *;� adi4tWusa 31�r week will be charged il ads in, above classes am not paid by the I . ,V A I 4W A,gb,,t 2n fine week in which the ad was run. " I'll ­ iWes and Death$ iWerted f i�, 11 ,I, All ree of charge. I . -11 � '.. xl� ff.': I " . 'i,tNot&oe to Creditors' IDW-�aatca on "'Prilication. __� I W111, , - - � 1 241100 - , . ". Rv.:, . Auction Sales ��K. , ",I ,lar -111 Stock For Sale I � '.. I _ ". 4 1 " �� ... . � - GOOD GENERAL CLFzARING AUCTION SALE! OF FARM, i. � Ill I ... I .. ,SALE. I i 1. I . li-ft . "'.1 . W -ply to, BOX Farm Stock and bnV&eaLentk3.--Mr_ George � , ., .. W --- -Ar horse for sa.ie- A stafbrth. . Elliott has Teceived instru � CdOns from the un - I I -L -, � 1 i �Tax E,*PosrmR OFFICE, -signed to sell by pu.bak auction on Lot 11, �� . - I 1, '1� 7 . 3484-d dea -Y . ill: . "! Goncession 6, Township of Tuckersmith, 3'4. i .r,,, �1' , I I �.;1111111111 4- - , mUcs south of Seatorth, lull KiPPen Road, on I ljj�,�­ ' I I 1�t, -the following � HO BF , '?,f, Friday March lllw4i i� I Help Wanted lone i�y mare, heavw draught- 9 yearlr3seod, ,�.,,,'. ,,J�i , "). ,,,, I __ ' Supposed to be in foal; ,I chestnut hors,a, si� , 'O'.";,�", . �AID To DO ' I general purpose mare, to work -1.1 COMPETENT years old, gg',�t,h - I general house work. Apply BOX 26., or drive6 10 years old; I gelding colit eight , i'�' i 8th 1"�,� �,,,,'�, , 0 i,,,'.�11 3.506-1 months old. oattle---I Durham cow due 1 , 11111_,�"',­.­, I — June; I Durham cow due time of sale; I a . - , . . I Durham " t'.�,,, FOR GENERAL Durham cow due 15fth Of June; 1 t'p,,,, jl: i . kk",i� WW,X*1'1�lI1L .. Apply to BO Ving I year IzL,`�,, I bouseww, , Reference 350 x cow due August 2f7th, 2 heders X 14, .., ; ts F,XP&SIT61i OTVIGE. 5-tf � .1d; 2 steers rising I 'y;wr cla; 2 ealVes. H095 R� � � I.,. . 1 -2 young saws, one due 14th of April; one I � 1. 1, I hens. 1�,"., � , , - ,,, ,, i, ----7 -not bred- Poultry -About '75. young �1,1 . ,, � Bla_e�.-,T- sele )of double bi.rae.s; I set of IX, ,-!;'�, Property For Sale or' Rent � single harness, mearl,v new; 04d collars. Feed ,­� ',,�.! I I ,;� , '. �­ I -Abourt 100 busheds of seed 40ats *, ailso some F�, '' OR SALE ) CONCESSION 8. feed *sibs; also some hey and &tram. ImPle- i,,�%, ,,,� ON LOT V . . ader 6 -foot cut, . I _. 17 �bcr� ,pown$hip, 1�� aii x 56; barn ment3_1 Masse-y-HaTris bi �w Hib � Mabsey-Barris mower, 6-fpot . - .� 'anive shed 24 x 40; farm alls0i - nearly ... new', 1 �_ ?26 x 36; &506-2 out; I .Mossey-H.,ris h.aW aaader; I Massey- 1�i�' .,A.,ddress BOX 256, Hensall. I McCormick fertilizer disc � I : . .� . i 'WCF "ARM, HarTis side rake; cultivator*, I Massey - I p 1, I I ,SALE OR RF.NT---50- LE I drill; I McCOrmiak � I �ih, 1,,/4 Injies Hanris dii5e; ,I steel land roller ; I 3 -section ��its'f ' F0131% miles east of Sea&Dr box , I I 0:, , Highway, being Fast half of Lot, harrowe; 1 wagon with gravel ; I singie [ � , I :.3110.rth Of sajon 3, Township of McKtllc,P. f.uxrow rid+ng Plough; I walking Plough; 1 j�To. 12 COncc ; I top cutter ; I scalf- � I bu �1;; faTsa is a b.rq and dwelling. P-- rubber tire top buggYa ." cej,� be bad March lat. For partiru- fier; I hay' rack; I a t sleighs; I hay fork, � "'gessiou - Box 114, Seaforth, or MISS car, rovee, and VITIleys; 1 set sling. and sling ilars appay: to i . r4EAN TURNER, George Streetii SaOorbh. _ chains; i1anning mill; I wheelbarrow; kWks : ,. � .1. . I 3505 3 , shovels. croy; bar, crosacuV saw, 2 ne6kyasa, I , 1. . I set whiffietrees; 2 4o7,e,n grain bags.; hall .. .1 - . I I , share in Massey -Harris menure. spreader; one - � . t� .1; I . � . third share lin seed cleemer: I grass seec I . I Fapits, For Sale I sewer; I MciCmuniick-Deering cream separstc), I I I Nm 2_ almost new; 6ome four -inch tile; ow - . . I SALE -FIFTY ACRE FARM!,Dais,Y churn; I self4eeder coal stove; I roo �a - �, ,rl FA Rdnx H FigGhR and Clin- I "Pulver. 'I pi�ck­ Flarm consisting cd 100 aer way between Seaforth ing Lot 11, on . 6th Concession . ton for sale. Good ellu a%cem land, good bank. more Or less, be ;ersm�th. On this farm an kp- Township of Tuel, . barn, and house; Plentiful water 9UPP17- ' I good buildings in limt class repair; 45 acre ply T. E. LIVINGSTON, Clinton,, Ont. mg done. There is plenty of. har, . . 8506-3 of Plough . I — ,and soft vfhiber iin house and harn. The farm . - - , p_URZ FARM OF ONE HUNDRED , is Wall- fenced and drained. Terms on.Ohat DW__I in McKillop Township; good land.', telg---P�ash- Tero"t 0 Farm made known 0 =Tea day of Bale- If not sold, will be rented- Farr well feues,L lirsi class builddrigs ; good Wes, mia'es, West sold subject to reserved bikl. Auctioneer'B il� . , tiou on Provink_i�am Hig4wa;T, 2Y� c1B&,n finad in case of dispute- �Bverythim of Seeforth. MuBt be ,Jold to close UP the I giving u I wilfl be sold as the Proprietor is - i . . estate of the late Jane JamidsbaL farming. THOMAS O'LOUGHLIN, ProPriI . . For particuls- apply to tor; Cleorge Elliott, Auctioneer. 81506. � JOHN EL BEST, Seaforth. Ont. I I — t. . Executoes Solicitor. $504-3 __ .. Dated February 7th, 1935. 1 1 ,. � ,­ Notice 4;. . � Auction Sales � :.11 . el, . — SALE �_ TOWNSHIP OF MCKILLOP �, CI&ARING AU&ION OF FARM � OWING. TO THE LAW BECOMIN � Stock and lmplsmeyyt�3, The undersigned stricter in regard to eke collection � illi . audtDDueer., W. .E. Nui,rn, has beein histructed taxes, all taxes in the Township of M - I,, . i Killop not; settled on or bef'ore Monday Fe � 1 , to sell by -Public auction on Thursday, March, . .1 �7th. 1935, on Imt M Concession 13, Township i r..ry Z5th, proceedings Will be tak�;, � i in arrea bf H-Lbbert, one-1rad. mile east cof Chiselhurst,. wilect same vt once. All those I o I .at ,one o'clock Bhsrp: one matched team Of. of taxes, Please give this matter your h � : al puzpbse geldings, 6 and 7 years old. mediate attention, as this order will be stric �, goner good stngle or double,. a Teal farsatcam; 1 ly, carried out. . 1 -� miataed . team of ,.,-.,] ,purpose blacks, -fiBY By order. ,! , ; GEORGE McKEE, Collector- i�, Aiand gelding, rising 3 and 4 yeairs Did, Well . broken, a -ciscice good team- Cattue-one red , . 350� V Mqrrhasn co-, in March: I - 14. 3 years oK due time of Bale; ,� : , ti. roan I)urbam cow 3 years old, due . ' ��,: AI HoLgein cow 4 years 64 due time of Bale; 4 - ,a B6i,,,,t.+n cow with c.af by side: I black! 'CANADIAN PACIFIC RA:ILW'A) I - . " a in AprEl; V white cow ". -ow '1- L a yea`TS a ' _� , q 7ears old; I pure bred Durham cow 3 yes, �, J'� -rs "�', bid due i4 May; 1 Polled Angus cow 6 yes ii� � ,ow �i, �_ I , old, due in, M.ay'. I Haretford , 8 yeaai3 , VkL due Son June; 1 black cow 5 years old, �'j due in June; 1 "Iftu DuTbam cow 5 years �.. X>1d, due in SePteffabar; I Hoi,tein belfer due ;;" V �,,. in ge tember- The above cows are tested for tabere,odcate and contagious abortiion� � � yearling hellf- fi ,thyes, ,yearling steers, In �s. - Ore. Impaement, — One good as new stiff � �,,, - twth ,culti,vatlor. wed ,twb seasons; I Wagon, t�k I massey-Har- .4,:: good as Merw -, 1 riew hay rz , ��'.�,,,,�-. ..ri�; mower in glot)d shape,; 1 S�eetion set of ,��j harrows; 1 M,ccormick binder; I set 'of team , , aleigh, ., 1 C,oclsahutt criding Plovgr: I new i4L'I'l , - . :4,.Ucin' 'plow, Fleury: I land roller; I disc 11 I t4� I drill -, I spindle wpok- rubber tired b - uggy ?�",�'-� 4n g,00d shape -, 1 Portland cutter. Hamess— , 11 , te, 1, - One now b..kband set of, un harness: I ;,� t,hh,d horse harness; set If single Ilarness- ZIA,. ]Jay arbd Grain,, Roots and Flowl—Abaut 8 i9�Ii dion. of hay; quantity of feed oalll; Iluardity 1011 I of seed oats,' Quantity of roots, marigolds and �,',',,f" ' tunTiv.; 76 well bred ROck henB, pullets an] 12�11 "'i, yearlings, and a numbei of sirticles too un-- h��,D -1 1,411 erous W zueptibh, Teno,i,�_Bay. grain, roots -1. Ot , , aud f.WL cj�,& -, on . balance. U.ii sums of $20 j�,,6�-. - d under, cash ; ove,� �ffiat amount 8 months' lm,- ,BE 4w � , ,: creft WEI be given on furnishing aTyProved p� . ;joint bankable not,a with -a discount of 617b - '90 W.4', War qcsmum off for cash on credit amounts. . . proprIator has other interests 1�4� " � .wvBerva .�Bs the, ming and everything VF and is giving UP far p,j: , .,.t be Bold. THOMAS D. WMEN, PrOPrie- 1F.111 - tor; W. iFL Naim Auctioneer. 3606-2 � CLF,,�,AING PUBLIC AUCTION SALE 0 , ,P� Firrim Stock and Implements- Fre , &as received Instructioil .1 W. Ah� , auctioneer, I ftom the undersigned Executors to Ball b � vamic au.tic. at Lot 3, Concession 3, To— abdo JDf M.Killop, ll/ � 4 Iniles north of Dnblii I.., then one-balf mile west, on Tuesday. Februax 1. voth, .1 1M, the fbilowang: Horaes-1 heev 1� diaughlb brood mare, 9 years old, supposed I , I be with fbW; I hearvy drangbit mare, 8 1 yea] ". old; I heavy dm,*bt, geflding rising yes , Cettle 1)u�ham cow, fresh with cs� old. _1 by bar side - , I Durham, cow due March 30* 1 Durhalm cow due June l5th: I Durham c� ��`,�` I- jugt,brad - 1 Durham c,ow .supposed to be wil , �i� c2u; 6 6ur6m and Hereford &beera ar f, " heifers rising 2 ,years old. Sheep --6 well bri �..,'� " . aWas. Hogs --2 Y*rlmbire brood sows due ', , . " , . March sad April - a chunks weighing abol �-7" go PDUndS. f��� 80 good L-1101 i,i, hemis. Implements -1 Massey-Rar�� binder i 4 foot cut, ;L M,assey-Harris mower G-f—t C, 1; I it Massey-Egwrb mower 4-fokort eut, I Elmil i 1 Elmira gidek delivery, I N— �� hay doader, !" seed driM, I dump rake, I Massey -Hen !i� cultiva&T, I Wteed land ToNer, I disc, I 9 :�.� 4-seation harm", Verity 2 -furrow rMb I �i.,, , plow, I Tudhope-Anderson single furrow ri I , . I Meary wulloing Plow, I aculli" ,,, =9 Plow. ;, �,. 1L, three.quall6r, Wagon Wirth wagon box. I tru, ',,��v, W gravel box, I set Meighs, 1 v7aP 1�1 . . ototek ,rack combined- I rubber ti ��,,, �,,�: top Q.. . I I steel tire bumY, I cutter, 0, , E�f-;,,�'- ehlq6 I bay rack with sliding car, I stc� ii,;I, - 21000 ft. ewa-ity. i fanning .ill, bay fd 4A,"� clar, hay j1ork, bay flork -Pa. OlngEl, 611 fWttf� , , cbs-in, pndisyg. I cutting box, I horse PO� . g,,. ', ana Jack, I Intinimtiomal 3 home gas engn 41 llk;,� emery WheeL Var s�w. I PulVer, Ore" F, ,­ �, . I �,,5�', vepardbor 150 . capacity, sugar kettle- ��,�.kQ ., ,*lon dtum, 20 S.i. bwp, 1 church shed 1, 1 11,41, 1 KWbfti, 400 t1sr*,b-incfh tile, 'later trough, � I � �Qit,-�,­ � 1,ty of lumber Bmd plank, fj ,,;Q��, i, ID* crata, & quave �ftjjr�!,,.,, ,, -sb.veMs,. nockyokes, whif '. Udderg, f6rlm, SN":, &ed�,, lWaWcUt Raw, Made.. hoes, and A h Q� ,��.*�­, ,& athe wous to ment I ,�� , artields tho nume j'� I, ��',i��`.`I�i totwA ibsilit a &r— Mrnes,Thl— .eibs , � ;i 511k �:,,,. , . §o,, dvoble %arisms, 2 at ,ringle hosruese, I o � 4%119�b 11 I lla� 4 brl'&e",4. one lilankela, P06 , �,',ii,lf# I , . �,�*, , I � I 11 , 1, "i I ,I a bay.'and straw, bout 350 bu5l 111. A" A�igmt t;r 0 0ift -, .r.0 bvishols of feed tots ; ; � �,j , . iey;,,�u omBbels buckwheat * ab �,'ii ,,,,,.,.-, . I . 11.1 . ' � 40 bags early potnN 1 j4,'� ,,L�,� , �� , vAW tv _� ,,, '', � � . � , 'V ",4� , "donmou'of 100 acreb, m 1�� � � _ ..1, . .11 . , I ;sion 3, Towns L 1� 0i, i ,�f '. ,,,, I , .. '' I I , a �, domed ,�* , , �,. I Al ,14 ffoft 'Dublin, 13/& TA I , I ,�, � 11 , J, "i'i 1,_ 11 ., ., Mr. donvIiuleat to schdol , il""", . , "'; . , jl� ""I",", i . d Wew theta is a am I �", li,­ .1 .1 , i .1 frame kitial ,P16 , ,,,, 1�`- '*Jdi�m b I Vl�.�)-, , `�L . � .1i , 1". �''-4�'J'� �''Itk,.',W& �,,�:* shed 24 X . �� . 4, , `�'��' , "�� _ - 11 Iii ­­ , ��`,Pl, ", i ...: #h*v sign 24. RN 11 �!§�'�, , - �.It �')Nli I A. - I _1 ­ . I _11 . I 1$Q r Radizig *&I ;& 1p"4,1114T, .. & . 11�0 � , �, --!,� , I I ��� , �� � , 9110 ,, - " . 11� il, V� t� 11'. , 11 , �� �� -, 1111�', 14, 1:11 id? . ,, ,,, ... . bi . . ­_ , '- i� '�;;!�l-,,I,,�i�;�',�,,4,�,!�,��*lf� i,� L' ""I'�­­'t,­ " J,, _"�!�,,� ,,� I "�,�", ,g- -r .1, .1.1, _ �4 �jc,:,. "I I. ­ rr __.- . � r 14 � " , � , �g'. " - -- -'-"'----- - ­ -­ ,7�1 7, 7��li,.�,,,,,�77�7,,';�,,,�,',,,'-,�'�',���l�,.,',,,'�7,�,�'�'�"":!�,,���,, r " , ,�t�,4�,;, ,�",.i,,��'T L7 ­ ' 'r 11 , ,,, r,.,",,""",,�,.�,�,,,,,,�,,",,"§6��, r , ' - -F 'I'll, � . , � ,, , ,­R;7g"7"W�'Tfq- -IF _"-"%a -1, , ". L'�,�j� _,�".� , - , ,'�,116,",,V",(��',-,,T,.",", , �,�,­.pf,q�,,�-�'11 , ,;�,,:��.'�",",jl�,�.� 6,i�op , _f�,i� :ji!"!j�",,�,ji.' ,,�, 7 , .�� .$Ni� '�'I,"�'jL ,,.� 11�11. . , , ,)��j�', " :t . , - - , �,$ �jli�.4� ��,',,�14f�t'9�,&;� �f �� it: ­ I ' ' �"`i�""'�)Jt�" I I , "I �gt �, , �'7 �. ,� I , � _,; * Mr, .,,. , 77" 77_1,,�,, ,,�ii­lo� 'w ,,". , , I 11� ,yir .,� p4�'.';,�7"3�"L�Y­ �7� ,. ti , 1 �.,It, 77 1, �i` 1,11', ?"," " , , � . , '.',�,,,, ,;, , ;�' ,,,',,,;.';',�, �"I,'. ii � _iL., - '�J� -"It, I' 1"77-, , , ,� ;.; �,� " N'� " ,,� ,,� 'R , ,�p !�� ­r""­"`� ,,'g,,jy,g� .J L ,,"� 16 , g�$��,'��,.$,5, L,4L, 1',��l�,�r,q,gh�-,��.i,i�,,�,�'(��Al,"'?���l,,'I��:1,1,. �7 , e 'A', ".." 777,.`,',,�,77 , , � .4U�f ; , - :� I kt'� �e,�3; ,N�l ;, i�,,,,,,.,�,�1,1�,f.t�,!.�,q""��,?��,,I�,,�,", , � " ;111,1�`l �'J I '! ,�, '.!��fv,�`,',,,;,, r�, � ! !: . � k , , , . , , �� , ,,�,;�,4�v 6�'t� � .. ...... i,,� �ii�r',�,""'Jf'�LN "'I"�,13"�)N�",�"i�"t"l,�, %r.1,1,,j,� i , 1, � �i ", I ',,-,���",,-,J","",V,""r",, , �.,ri'�.',�,�� 0 . I 1 , � .� ,1 11 , , ,:�I;Vr,3�j� � I ,1�1,;� i., X '�V;­ ,�."3�Al"""'.i�,"�'i4�';�'ll'.i'��o,:L'�'j,"�rit2i'�,�",,'�",Vi"",L':t�,�j�:,,�";"I%�,I �� -,�gq�;g)",� ,1, I " . 11 1 1.14�'.'. . �, L ',, �,,', I M; ' : . � "Ill I , , � I 1�' '� , ' . I " � , I I . . . ", ­ , "." i, �6%P` 0 � ,f. llif7l�i� ."4"Iii .11 �q,�,,% . ,% "irN­,5,,��O!ilrvt� ,Wtlr,��'jl,'��?1,4 �,� . iq , , ii'li 1 .1 ""' 1, V��:! �, 111��"''. .."."', .,'� , �" r':" , , 111-11.- �, I " I "', , ., . . ;- , , , ,. � � � � '�. , , . ,� .� ,� 1, , , �. � , � , 1 , 1� , I 11 '", i�: � �, , " � I : " , ", "I I 'i � , L I ,,r � I ,, , � ­ 1 , , , "' �� ,,' .;,'' ;;�, ;`� ,ii, . I ,,, I � " , 1 ',.",�4!i'iL�'l����4��"'�,��';'��-' -1 '­:, , , ;__ ., , � 1 7�11,�rl , , i� , 1 ; . 11 r - , 1 , ., I-, ,. .i� ,� '.. ,,, V � - I I I , ;i, ' I ; 4 'J' I" ' "�' " �i'l� fi�j\"':!"'J";. . 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I , , "11, I �, t'. �111. , , . - .1 I'll . - "t w, � 0, � I 1�: -,' 'L I . FAXPOSO I �Ili '­ �"o , I ! . . I 0 � =10 gu . i - =�, 77" 11 , r � I f 1 . 0 q4 I I- . I., .1 111 - 1. - s -1 ,V�,14­­­,�rll 1. - - — Z ,;� ­­;;�_�­,4 ,.�,;,;�q;r;; 1, , L. �_ 1-1 . 1. 111_11,�., 'r - I . I I - L �,;,: .. .... z: 11, : . : , =: I I �, �, ^1 . - �;;;. . . 'j� , , ­..."', I I - 1114.,. . I , I , " I 11 . � . . . . 11 - A I I I I � . I I " a �� - � , . run kibm-s. Hea,s, ,Xrp., Ilrywdialv! aM4 K.is�s F,!I-�,�� , . _ I , , 41-1 ., I , 11 .11.1.- I. I 11 .1. 1. 1:1� 1i I I ., I r '� ,"'I' ­­­.. ­ � �: .. , , afl. 9 enTe._W _, , I I i . I I � I 1�' - I � I - ,-:� I 1. i. . i . ellib, 81.1, well Tetidexod_ At , i , . I � -1 , t, ... . , . St. Uumban), EpondvAle I'1`a-NTfP'j'g*strl16k,t� isaev' Months, aV pervIce the oh0jr I ag � I i I � - 0 "i W e% � 'Wath 'Clincer of vile siticinmal4oh and Mn Aal � "I I (Continued from Page 1) od the, be4a,t' r_QQ-_1­-_-____-_- - ­th , with , spe�. I . I A I ..s luff, aln , r"­'Whe'srh, th .. ioneeir 16 : .. an Tied Clark ,, I 'a , r i I , I A - "' ' ) 'I. P , ; ' � � - S't nice. " ' 'w I lvl& -' it .on - 9 1 In the onierifime Dale sp n ing, he. failed Pelts tak'aD 'by , L . 1. made a M41-9-1-11 siwl 0, Ci - and Ka�r Dobbs and=npiei,S�Agater I asb and -�assed, to,J. Flannery who to rA -,e � )a of the . � . I . ljy� a , i , .the first three minutes. W511iam , 1, and a duett by Mmff. 'Mande Redden I . . No. 2,1tobert McLean - � . , ,d was born in, H, , ,. . I � I eat Muir iii the lum Ht , ;;and and Mrs. George Rpm, wh" the..,80h]1113 F . � . By. John, Elder - 1. 4 . " �XaGarthy f�lammed home num- . . . — , _ - just bert juet,.e46 Of ChIsOlburs't, fifty- effiedeailcy biarked the musical . I - � . �aintsi counter from a scramble five yeaws, aigo. The family 11i'v0d rs. as was the calse at the morning . n the box- % � s 4i4 'bell rang to end' the game. It t4pne for a num,beT of Years', then at be pastioj,, Rev. A. Sip, Ong of my father's neare4 and boy and levelledithe grain i I ras'the best game of the league this parnmock and luter in St. Marys. eelmvice- - The most jnrtft�te, neighbo,rs was Robert es and the etraw carriers were bold - ,� I .1 . ear with ,plenty -of pep and' action. When ,a yolimig man he went to M-ich-i- cladr, gave two most .excellent ser- MdT,ean, on lot . 8, concesiAon 11, up at the outer end by two 1009 . � I )lean play featured the gamo and I se"ral Yews, mlOw suited to ,the Occasion ,which Tuckerpnilth. Hir� father owned -the scantlings, with -a pulley.st -the top - � 14eiree, G. Muir, kept,the play well Van wbare he .'spent bro- fairly bristled with good advice and andthen- with his,father and two nstructio Tied farm previous but no occupant lived of wh for a rope and a tbruoket fix- I .� a 'hand-. home , A, while the choir re&ei it. There -was much good bush on ed at the lower part to wind Me 11 Seaforth 6, St. Marys I I there, Alex. and, Will, . steaded, a i Lny compliments as to their on % . of land a0yout 18 miles west Vary M this farm fifty-five years ,%go and, Or. ound, when the caTTiers Vvxe niong put on the best display (s`0"On I Very fine _ - rop� a%ce. JingIng, bot,h Sq­toi VO,11�Me, up in ., The Ju Sask. He was . . ex IWLean 'had sold a few stick-& of mck Whenever they wanited3o I, . . e hockey dished up by any team this of Moose Jaw, prassion and fine Tendering. tn,Vn, a- bush on raise t&e carrierts, it was u0cesSArY tO bi figure. (He also farmed A regular epidemic Of colds and "elm 2 a 0 , ig pile of straw to got I I �Iear at �lle rink. They putplayed, out- successful while -theme and, later sold ,the ouft=1111 =n thisi farm to dig through a bi �lassed and outshone the, St. Marys I Out, flu has been. and is still in eviden,oa 1. i , �� in '�' , of the West and for . ITII7'sJV�son� who w"' extensively at the ropes. I .. i beam froka start -to finish, carried the n, It'hea, W - ancl v1c'n'ty- i'l wX b - I . 1 the 't e %Wwor * -goal con- er ,ze tha,State of Oregon in the village I , Im , wilfiess; at the time Now Y,*rd,,#bout1 Og',.. lx�ors �00 play to their opponent's 's ' a . Valentine Social thoi tim.ber 'mep came to 'a 'I j6wn. I I tinual o7d th retired to, VicitOlia, B -'C -i of the _ ,v i . .When wl�lch - a,. 'a' . ly.and were ipersisfent. in their where ae'; . Be§ldes The younIg people's ,meeting - was __1sweep,jwW4*T ,b 'ace res cut, and bow these trees they went .49 -gl - ided rm. of a ,the fine unculled bush on, the The first -thing done was to got the . 11 attempts to score. E%dept for Brown's uira took the fa . I . � . 17 e St. Marys,'nets th- his wi"�', be,,',I.lefirvies� to mourn his United- Ch into ne 'this week. The w gon f ,, good work in, th ' � ' 0 Valenti � social I ad r1om, underneath, ,then gell.* I = lgh� � holme; two end of the farm, and cut down, I I t p )�a ac biggej lors onei?zQn, A ,ert, at and Wri 'back , and, then it bad to bo � I � . " .� locals would have piled up a worked bi,athers"; Aex�` of ,04'as City and, Wil- ineeting opened by I a hymn in all the v6ry largest, and finest sveci- firinly staked with. stakes about three count, The St. Marys team � Sinclair then led in prayer. The mi - Of rack elms to be found in the hard -but were Kinderisley, ,Sask, ,and one meeting were read men feet long and well braced so as t* I I I= I hn Sico)bt, of Hibb.ert. utes of ,t,he last them, all squared sister, ]Mrs. Jb after which M,,. Maucl country and had ,stand the strein of five team Of of enstall is the and approved ilig solo, when the mistake was found' Out. 1 horses going around in a circle. Bvm� 0 4 - The 1;cal� put across plenty of Mrs. William HeiwY H, very pleas / 21] . Xedden sang a -r the -very large square - A, .4� 1""Or combination plays and, had the goalie decee-sed's stepmother, and' MIr, Ed. ' present. The well remem[bL ery team had to step over the tainfib every minute of ,play. If they M4. en and M�s. Robert Higgins of which was enjoyed %by all, , sticks as Wilson bad them dmawn ling shaft as they came around. Some- 40 v,rorried . Que next number was a pleasing Violin d across . . play the same brand of 'hockey in town are cousins. Interment took down to the, creek and floate I I their future gam,�s they Ought to 90 place on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 12, selection byGreta La=1_'&6 which Was father's farm to the road when times the track used to get very s,oft im followed by a well rendered, solo by my Spri and the thres-bera would carry aroun4 � I a far towards the championship. Lap- I at victoria. ' on St . . the water was high in the ng. . � . Bella Smale. A -n addiress great forldulls of straw and ,put it - pard scored two goals unassiated and W.M.S. Hold Meeting orses went a- .. Carter one. C. Flunnery, scored on The WAL'S. of ,Carmel PrevbyteTian Valentine was rv.ery ably tskeu' 'by I well. remember watching the ex- On the track as the, b I I 1 Bob Ressmore , afte,r, which Launce piert�timber mien handling themselves round, driven by an, expert. gener- Hildebrand's pass and. Boshart did- Church 1h,eld theirregular -meeting On . ��by sing a ,soloi *hich was much while standing on the floating'squar- ally. They used ,to giive the horses � I T likewise. Kruse, MIdebrand and CkLr- D,biI,,iry 14th in, the schooll room Of Batt The ineating, closed with,a ad tinilber going down stream, On the a rest abqut the middle of fore and I eniby-i )) . ter combined to score the sixth . 'Lep and Hildebrand' the obuTch"with MXP- Young Ptesw` 'Mo -open-ad with it 1, .- . it -­ -- nd -th WZpah Benedi 4Aon- dieep ymn, a , ,e , "" in rnoo an he nachi e I wat9r. The ,men had nice r'lliall at te n d o"I t 1 � n ry. tte ti-ni, counter. pard line, al- �ng. meeting The rest.'a ..,Ple evening.10as spent noles in their hands to guide I ,.,.Well -remember the race i0hen stood out on the forward , did 'his work bymn and Mrs�, young Iedi in prayer. . by games , , y , ests after which 0, ber an". "'cont ' .y meal time cam i W Y 0 get - along and ,to stead themselivLes. e n the a f though every player well. Sills and Bosh -art make a nice The Scrip ture lasgon was read, I ad ,by , ,,edin,e ,by Mrs. Niro', follow dainity Valentine luhcli'��S i served. The have startied'icon- had But in -spite of all this all ,the men ting their horses. into the best staIBL -to juilip into the deep water and I some of -the team& - combination on defence. McLeod in didn't 'have -rY many , close . A rpliaa&ing duet was Mr& Farquhar rgarth and Irene test -Irene Hug young",people . on . I ndanee which-will,last two sdinle � 21%fn&e ' can assure You of them many timer.. A lot of were gotten away from the power in goal so didn't have to show much given by-, conducted ­- -- ­ I Battersby apd Lorna this timber would be two feet square The thresbers always toolk a hurry. calls, action. . Flannery, J. Datars. ,The business, was' by . . the prasid6rit, IMXs. HWOO,n. Mjr,s . captains. Elder are #i4e _.. and Mrs. F,mma Hawthorne and Mr, - some sticks of a great length two teams With them to m(YOP thO But Thomas Wilson paid, well for his hi from place to place and tho nae, me V. Bell and R. Carter corn- D . q,th, shaping Roy M�cLaren then very ably toolk the -Wyares of HO ,qn, Tax, and Mrs; ­J. uiA indstaike . or carelessness that time� charge for threv,hing ,used 0 be:,Ona t, forwards end are PlTd into a fast bunch a puckehusers. in torpi-c on ov&wt missiom 'Stand For." swered with some The ,�011 call was un, ,,, are spi ending a few days at the Mr. - and 3U.s. Brock and Mr- , 11 remtamber, too, ,when Robert Me- dollar per hour, and I am sure My- McLean made any mote thoin The return game will be played St Marys to-ni,gh-t (Thursday). With * .� st ahouft a vnigsionau- item ,of intere d in- ,and igXg. Youirg a (very full, an, home of Mrs. ,S. (Merner.1 -spent Le,p-n settled On that farm. ,His wife nev,.er was Minn Kerr -and, they built a small he needed. , -I moy say that I have five their credit, the locals goals. to sure of winning. the round. . gave t,�i&sting, report of the Presbyterial I 'Mir. A. 'G. Sialhe of Toronto the week -end vAth relatives, in town. slitanty and a stable with poles seen, the straw stacks, towering ia�I� � . ' en for frame which ,they used for ac- the barn and m, upi� -there puttizL9 are almost I If Seafort)i win% the group they will ' . week. It,fallowedby hd4 InClilifton. This WaS -,11.10h� was ,ss MloGre- a hymn and TO . eud ,D&s, 0ordon, Snell axe Mr. and' Mrs. -this week with Mr. a coinimladation. until the ,present. house the finishing top on.. In some cams the have had to go up to get - likely have -two games next will be up to the officials to decide goir clo.re,il the meefing with Prayer- visiting .. I Lyle 'Cassidy. and barn were erected, Mr. TdcLean y may eat -man. ,wi,bh maellinery room. This is all I will siy. sb&tit . � ! which team they. will meet. As yet, I is definite team iii sight. : Miss Olive Walker, R.N.,, of Toron- , iis, vi.91ti.ng .at the home of ,her to, ,On ThuTsday evening, Feb. 7th, af- ' � ,the � members of ter choir practioe_ wa s a gr -but will bave- . and was one of t1he energetic pioneer threshing' at present, . the time colinies. I there no . Brussels 8, Blyth I s, ,Mr. �nd'Mrs. Gea. Walker. parent . � I . . � lich c hoir ,Carmel Presbyterian Chu -i . tbresheirs for many Years. Of course more when I I it was a horsepower outfit as was tb,e L . ,Brussels defeated Blyth 9-1 in a I qudden death game at the iSeaforth Wo"n's Associati�n Meets . -The February meeting of the Wo- spent a social -hour -and during ,the evening.on, ,behalf of the choir, Rev. . . 11 over the country. Then. I Mr. NkLean had. five of a,family, case a ,, two boys and three girls. I (�Vent too drawing the L rink on 'Monday night. Three prev- man's of' -the United , Mrs. Arthur Mr. Young presented well remember them ' seoalrator into the baTJn and tien sichool with the three older ones. I . ious games had been played,, with , . ,Ailsisoclaitibin Church was held� at the homej of ,the I Muriel Hoskins) who Prior (nee Miss taking - May Say -here that I knew six genera- the trucks. out from brider , Brussels defeating 113lyth 9-2 in the . 'ffolm�es pr�sid,ent, Mira.' X. Drysdale. The is a valued member of their choir, -h the separator and letting it tiOns Of this family, First was old Tleat ' MD- - had - third. G. 'Muir -and Rus. ineeting we-, opegied by the singing with a nArcellaneous, shower. A dainty . iight down Onto the floor. This, was Daddy Bell; then Airs. James I played for Brussels in the tfiird, game ' . but after Blyth protested, the W.O. . of a hymo and"repeating the Lord"r, M�rs. Mickle read 1-unch. was ,then 'served. Mr. Mrs. E. K. Hutton are so that the tumbling shah would' be Lean (Jeffs Bell), then Robert ,Me- Lean, then Jas. B McLean and his ' H.A. officials declared them ineligible hail Prafyer in, unlron. I the rLpture lesson and M -Ts. Wer- and moving b3zk to Her;sall and, will oc- lowered so there would 'be as little ben d at -the c I ouplings as pOssible, and son WilliaTA, and ,his young daugh- 137 Lecause their release from Clinton 1. nie ei � in p5a7w. Mrs, Filshie gave Ir d ,cupy the house On North Richmond I wel) remember the boxes for carry - 'ter, thuslinaking six generations. Pot been sent to the �Secretary soon ,Burt. Pres4dent, of the _� -an interesting taqlk On the five grea�- Street, lately iviaeated by Mr. and Mrs. ing away the grain, which were about the way, Old Daddy Bell used to lead Presbyterian h, Mr. League, attended t . he game ,and con- est livirr,g men, tonng ag her choir -L, King George V., Mussollind, Mareon'i, C. Blowes. - ,We are pleased, to report that Mr two feet long and.about seven inches, the singing in -the _R o burch In kippen. J` mes Moodie � teen wide. s C fur ,made 3 firined. the,, above statement I Kf The game dT,ew one Of ��,e biggest Frank Br-ivyl,rya and Henry , Forrid. -.t7vm, and Mxs. J. W. Ortwein, who have been to their rooms with a deep and about , as to slide undle,rneath the grain followed after. He too k charge wheim but fifteen years of age. � crowds of the season and interest '_ )_ Ratilikurn j�X4� bumorous Tead- ings which' *ere much enjoyed. It confined severe attack of the flu, are prdgwess- 11 � spout. I have sat .there when a smia . I - ,o -was at Tever ,,I)itch throughout .the 1. was deicided to form, groups and the ing"faivorably. t-1.1 - -8 levening. I- followfing w0e appointed as group . leaders: Xrs. R. Paterson, Mrs. L. Mkkle, Mrs. B. Elder, MT&. I H_ Hil- OoiEe meeting We .understand that Mr. � ThOMS9 Wren of th!a, villagie in -tends having � I an aule-tion s�l'e of ]Av,e stock and farm I ' nt or about the 7-th of imp eme s on . 0 9 - CENT A MILE ROUND` TRIP BARGAIN FARES (minimtoinFares: Addt75c; Child0e;) . t,.- ..� WALTON I litapd. At the of -the the hotstetss,'jiorved a delicious luncl, March on 'his farmi a few miles east the but we believe does . FR OM SEAFORTH � -2 WEENNIONSINEENEEN ge The. W.A. meeting W,as in char - of Mxs. W -m. Murray. The opening . I'time was snent. and a socda ' Church Services of villa-ge, not intend selling -the farm. and all C.N.R. Stations SARNIA TO BRAMF"N in- � exercises were followed by the mi last meeting. It was decided 8ervices *, re held in,Carmel Pres- . Mr. Jim Watson had his, tonsils re - � by Dr. C4011yer the first part . Also from Stations SARNIA-KOMOKA, inclusive. ETTRICK-WINGHAM inclusbe from GODERICH KINCARDINE SOUTHAMPTON, OVv'EN 66W. .utes of p + ;­i,,�, . 11�. kqterian, h on Sunday last, the moved ., 1_1- been, and DihifflJ4 WIARMN MOR& -1 I ­_ I One Cent a Mile EXCURSION To Western Canada Going March Ist to 14th Full ,particulars STEWART BROS. Agents, Seaforth. 3506-2 Births HOLMES-In soott Memorial Hospital. See- fortb, on February 20th, to W. and Mrs. Carl Holmes, Of MCK1110P- a daughter. BENDER -In Hay Township on� February -9, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bender. a son. VVILLLIS-In' Stephen Township on Febru- axy 7th. to Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, Jr., a daughter. . I . HOFFMAN-In Hay yownship on February to Mr. and MTs� - 1 12, I unon Hoffman, a slon. . . Deaths I — I FRA�SZR­4n Sealorth, on Monday, Febru- I ary 19th, Elizabeith M,cMiun� widow,bif the I date R.bert ri,.i.er. � I . . 7 - _RN 7 1 ALTBU 3 - r There is a lot of minor sicknem f uch as c . b the distritt. . 5 ,O,14s and flu i7 ; Mrs. J. ,C. 'Noss and St-Ophen -Me& I of Wooderboick motored up on Firiday a a to see ,bheir fatbL-r. Mrs. Mors wen.1 n back with M.r. Moss on F?riday night t Mr. and Mrs. George ,Paterson Od n Toronto visited with Dr. and Mrs 6 it Weir on Sunday. Mrs. Pater -5071 ii a going to stay a few days. . n Misis V..--.Shmrl3,e had charge of U14 Is People 1, �t Knox United Church Young . 9 Society on Tuesday etvienfing. Thi .I- programme was a� follows: Hymn i , k SeTiPtUre Tea-41hUg­�GeOrge Sitraughan n prayer, L. nunkiett; hynm; -reading . r Forgu e Mairgaret King, duet, Helen be son and Vera, Taylor; Bible Quiz *01 [a ,k the second chapter of MaTk; Pi&M ig duet, Dorothy Craig and Mr. Hasty !r Mirs.- A. Perguson gave a splendl e, on talk oll 'Van the Doormnic Orde , -alAy " The meetin,� " Serve Persom - .* closed with a hymn anId Ithle KizPa; 1. 2 benediction. a- 71he Februstry moeiftfg off the WC at pWa Migsionary Society and Laddet ` AM of Knox PrerAbryterian- Ohurc Of dd was beld on. Thursday afternoon, a - the home of Mrs. W. T. Roblison wit als *ntoen ni�enbers end five vislltw 80 art present. The presidemit, Mrs,. Lawsoi ea. toiok chgMe of aw meeting , w1lic wao. opened by singi`ng Pgalm, 80, fo I "I lowed' hy respowdve reading of id es *W& md second chaptler of Ephiesisins. m- HOwittUipli. offered a l*V417 pralase 10, The unfivished buisliftess cOnSISW Of 75, 24 dhs�lon, re dibe affioiciation. Tb Q OpLwqj�4 of ithe Inedbinig wpA 11MI W& Zjdal�*40 gnve it apknffid taTer i sh, wommee." Hemor Wwoon gave In dea reNdig ,g in eonnodtion with the I Ius ,to Cam& 6f -Dr. and 1&g. =9 nOy Dwrig VTwgmr g1slo, mead a few vft sk 4,2 6,eliwwt i'This"TIOU& 0 the * I R0 two, 110M." Uffil ,gtoftz favot 04 *tj�' %V'j1,vu h*ve6� . ;;kl *11h a, 0614 , .. . iv�a% of ooan� 66 i5w tikk � n 01., I"i "', - 1 .* Mo,,, 110—orial.. a, WaR ii6� Z 06cial fian 6 , M6 � wwyl 46,9111, OWOOA Nw, 0, of . 00%, v . � fi*n* I i" � I I . L. , , a � � I 0�*, . , % tb&, I,,,,.' , _. ". ., &4� , I "", .1 , ''.1, , ., t.,­,�:,;_ '__ . ­ I '. ­ .111, I ,1�, , � � ir ,; ��"A',",!`.­�."' �, 1, . ", " ,S,,,� , ­�, I '.'L'i'; �'�"11 1.,.. ��,, I "I , " . have a social auvwu M. a r day withthe following program coMi't - pE4stor, .1 ,,, .,�A. Young, -delWhring I I' I � b6,b'h,.m',o',rmng and ev- of is week as -1-y- troubling hdrn for some time. been, I .� . hL Wm � ,- - I and ull inteimediilta Stations South W08tth&e6ft0fh0 . STRATFORD- — ON line. irmt mittee in charge: Gilbert McCtliluTni; George Ramffay,'Mr. H. Kirkby, Stew- vood good L" ening W*, VDii,atbend rice, part'ic-u- Miss El&ie Haywood, who has assirting in the 'home of Mrs. RObt- TO FOLLOWING StATIONS ON DATES SHOWN art Bryans and Mr. Fred Rutledge. hymn and larly so et tBe liniorning service. The c . hoir as usual rendered good selec- Bonthron for the past year Or so, re- Wbodharn FRI. MARCH 1 && OSHAWA, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville. ,7 I- Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott. The meeting closed with a prayer ', Miss Nora Sholdi,c.e has returned to tions, while mliss Irene Dafta,,rs took I the sollo part, in the eivening anthem. turned to her home near this week and will 'be missed by a number of friends. o, Campbellifbird. Morrisburg, Cojmwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterbor Jeaford,B .. - Aurora, Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood, I_ Brussels after spending several weeks At 'St P-14, s tAnglican Chwvh the A second auto load of hunters left Orillia, MdIand, Gravenhurst, Braceoridge, Huntsville, Sudbury. I with ,her parents, -'Mr. and Mm. Ad- Rector, Izeiv. Mr. Hendrey, very ac- Opreached this village a few days ago to make North Bay, Parry Sound, New Ontario on line of Temiskaming & Northem Ontado Rly.# aiml Sholdice. Miss Jean Archibald spent the Weak epitiably both morning z.n"' evening, the'chioir doing iusl',ica '­ C . so plen- war on jack rabbits. that ,are ' t.�ful in this sectioTi and were success- All towns in Nipissing Central Rly.1 Kapuskasing. tLonglac tHardrock tGera Idton tJellicoe River Gold Reids.) end with her sister, Mrs. R. Whitfield the musical part of the serviicfs ' ful in bagging a very large nA&T. (tSturgeon near Moncrieff. Vv%at Is aild has, been knDwr. fo-* Miss Wae McNaughton Of Toronto u SaLMARCH 2ndTo TORANTOAlao. thlo stCrahtaftohrad,mmteghaernneigr6- I _� severay past Yea- Us '*Young wo- ma;rl!s .service and choir" was held the spent the week -end here with her parents, MT. and, Mrs. Daniel Me- raoll, Woodstock, Paris. Brantford, Faaarines, Nine= Falls. London, Ingei Hamiltor"St. Locally between Important Stations at which Excursions. and Sat. MARCH 2ndTickets are Bold — Ask Ticket Agent — See Handbill&. . . HENSALL " NEENNE01100000. both morning and eveniing at UTated Chairch rwitth a good attend- � Naughton. Afx. andMrs. A, W. E. Hempbill ac- Mrs. Collyer� A ItACTION — TORONTO —SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd — N.H.L. Toronto "MAPLE LEAFS" vs. New York "AMERICANS" — Talk of the Town -,Every iiser . Ciress Corn- or Bunion Salvu- ance. The choir, under the training of 'Mr. W. O. Goodwill, with Miss cotnipanied by Dr. and, spent ,the week -end in Toron1to. SPEGAL YRAIN (after the gafne) leaves TORONTO I 1.00 p oa SATURDAY MARCH 21ML I for GU "Y8RTli ELpH, EaTCHEMR. STRATFORD SkA - GODLUCH p0alses' Recommended by H4emphill's, Dirug Eleanor Fisher, A.TiC.M., presiiddng The, many relati,ves and fripnds of , stopping at allinteim-diate Points an route. For Fares, Transit Limits, Train Information, Tickds consult nwrest AsCIF4 TOM Store. 35406-1 at the organ, rendered exceptiona'Hy MT. Al. Harvey -of near Kipp�n were " Dies in I Victoria . good music with sonlethirty-fte voie- sorry to learn of lus, relceht stroke " , W. R, PLANT,, PRONR 4J or 4W.. riffordfwas ,received here -by rela- . as tiaking, part, Aft the -morning ser- ill prom$6 a light and hope that it wl from which he will soon recover, C ANADIAN. NATIONAL th*s in the village of the dearth his of vice ithe choir rendered two anthems were taken' by MrsL one as he is and has been for many years 0 . I James Henry, whi& occurred. at home in V-ictoria, B.C, on Sunday, and spe&al -parts Rith, paisley, and gi trio by Mrs. an efficient ruml mail courier. - I . I - . . - - I R - I : � I . - . I � . - . ' I . I I ,�, . . . � - ' I GENERAL MOTORS rOR 1935101110, . � .ANNO.UNCEs I � . '. . I V A�,J j . � (W ­ � I I � . � ; ' � t 4 , , , , ': ? ­ . .1 I I " $10vvy--che"olet A A 11/2 -Ton $11731 Panel Truck. 131' Truck, Stak4 wheelbase, delivered at ' Wit?= livered at Freight emi :ri.,-.tl—"Uhll.,.�.1-l'.Ia--.iaF-,i-p.z.-.�:a,.-- I Imentucenew 0do" named M chanas without nottC40 __ � I Spedica"Warine Type Hea&'Truck Engine. . 1, 2 Larger, Positive, Equalized Brakes. 3 H -en , Dixty Truck Clutch and Four- zsPeZTr,n=i,.i.n in 11/2-T.n Unift. 4 Room& Chevrolet -Built Do Luze Cab with Rfioty.Gl" Windishield. 5 Bxqqor, Hiandamer Chevri0let-Built I I Bodies. , a . 6 Sturdy Truck�Type Fr'dma With . Affigator4aw OZOOP Meinbeft- � . . : �, I att(fiyeel, Tku&ZuIlt Be= Me- , . , �� af , . 1 ,,4 ,�,i . 8, Hedty Ton -Lo Tmok Switas. . . .. . I i 1. -, 4 i I - . �14, " ,I, i �11-!#o , iw ` �­0 � - I-.. __ �il_,,V,6�1_ , 11 .� I I . I 1`1111�_" '" , . I � I I " �111 �, I" I I , , , 1:� ''.11"i. - �.!__ � , .. - �. . " I . % � 1, . I . I , . I I I . -, I 11 I I . . I L . . . I , , , #-+L- .1 1, . rr%ODAY, General Motors PrGsGnts d new r nue. OT VK01W . I Impwved Front Fact Appew"m JL Mo= and I%-toa comraetci,01 cias -and ttudks, an'd, a cdmi* I � . I I ;. , p ote . � .. . I range of bigger, sulcater, even more PC1J)16 Mclole.. Loaf He D' � ' ' 2,1 Vift4powerfuispodalirruckLmine; 2.ton trucks.' These we th .7fd4*3iiWnq,. �0 civ.y. � ��O� " .� , .1 a b6st ­ st ecotomiCal, , ��­,Q,pt ,, ,_,_..,' 3 Truck -Typo Hy&aulic BmkeL ' ` � -gel , orql Motors h0evek io,*&re in . powprful and dependWe ftucks an 1 4 IMPToved Tivici Clutch and Foup. the low price field. They givb Yotl 00#0MI'Weoveracie of every trans. Spee4Tranimmiedm' , '' 16 8 -ton irange. Thby embody -;- i � portation and- hcLulincy need in Me 1V2 ko . " . � Mon, now featflites cmd refi�eixevt ill " 16dAMP0TtdhC0J0 every . . 5 Bi9cier CLACI Wider Track Bodim . I ; ,. I ". I I . , ' ifitondtaq buYer $n tha coin r � XCI& 1- - 1. � a 6an give 16ii coinpldW - ' 41 Heavier Frame with Aftator-law &010 , � _� I . -,!-r '" tiu .40, Vim d= showrooms todc,711 I Crow Mehibeirs. - / -if0mlation I . - �� -5 . 2 neW. oka -' . . . . . . . Mlgf�m�,, 11 1-11 -114 ,. ,�� I ev I al I .1 . �, �. "'na, , , , , - . � . . Ak ,,�, , , ;, . 7 U'dq.Gr M0611XL086 fOr UtGr LGCkd _�. , , 14 1 - is ,"-- I I . I ' ' . i , , . , , "I. 'Mmi""', I "� Greator P!i,ylwd . . ' I . 1� � , 4 � , I i V I 71 ,�. , i , . I . � 'I � " I- , . cipa, 11 ,. ' ' , ` ��`; E �� ,�`, , _ 4 , i 4 -, �� I , . 11 1k. . . . . , .1 1. , . I i "ij gf,,p - I �,,�,H�A " I . . I . , ., I I 0 Imoroved INU r I Becir AII& . I ptl��`V?VP "u'l,", " 11U04 ' i L _. , ___. I A " .- " 05 / , '' , � , 'S". I ,ft , � , � A Wo DU , _ . I . : , . . I . . . I 0"WIT111 . .." ­" . ", ­�,,'..11;" .1, I .t� , I I . L . ,.,L1., ""'. . I I I , . I . .. � I . I.' I I r . 11, .. . . .1 I � I 4 � 1- UP , � . 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