HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-22, Page 3.N!.,i'1.'1,'1 �' � , 1'�.� ; , �, , � .:% "a'.',v, ,�r�r-q��l"�""I�,�,lw��"V"��!V,!",�"iL-�,—,,.,.,,:'I(�,%-,V'R'.'!!"',.jaif, �;;,� X��,� ", i!ii�., ��l t, 1�1 I �, �, - ." - ,,I "r., ,�` ';, .. '. . , ", I ,,.% ,i". !�.I� 'T `JiTA5104', 1.1%.,. �'.,�7��!�,w, , . ` "I �'fk
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1� .. mec4procoly. It vill be ardag news f=hgdT'%Z woft%kit as' a 110a-46 In , Kidnoy pillis T�'Aft $ufferero. UK
ft- diloge V140 telpit throidgh ith,0 fav 'llemob ugaPnslt� f I " noc4on I
. 4= - icon'! . Fre
� =24 - � , ,,.�
. Mr. B000dim ,ght ft siome .
1. f 1911. ' It's ift a Bub '
2nd slaugliper . ot i9oft*dale, Out., Feb. 21 (special) lizib
* I . .
, , � very beaultifial lAoture which, was pire- ,-people on AJe,'#UhW: Q6i of thel lan"O —4111 a� writing you a lebber' which I PkP
11 1, lisented in that canVAM The Con- "bici� that annO� M$91A ,11hlopiB Yffft- ,will publisb,4' writes Mr. Ithe
I seirvaltivesi� =,.,1d,d.rV-rlor,ity. They 0=0 AP'd SO h18' re'd (blood 11*61tlad Jawes'Rar6oftle, a resident of this lsbB
11. i � . 41)pposeid # . .l. They went and hie 'was out to ftgWb the ttmg placV'.' "I suftred for about thre, to
t . iolA Witrough, the country describing Uffl: tible cowat ban�je holme. , years * PmV kidwy% A friend told sch
� .. those *h10 ai0enVited to bring it a- Bennett on Cows ave 'DodId'as Kidney ,nls, and, I al.
" . -bout as tirail,boirs'ito the4r eount�, as And oVealdn�g of cows renitinds me decided, t she
, , t -give them a trial. I took it
40an&ffians who were thrAng to, Ivik ftit ithe greaO cloW farmer W Bell` two box'es -and ,they completely reliev- S&
" I up the pirovinces of Canada to the. aeft hod a obory sit itbalb ti�ue. ,M ed me. I ann now in . is . i . Wos, and -in
. Statets, of' the American, Uiuion6 as jAdbuted ithe eiltalaUlion somewhat, 'like . ills can beat sad.
. anx #01 fatriting. Nq71-
�, I enemies of Enkland, as deste0yeirs' of *hits,:- 'Theire 'ar4l' isaiiid' 11e,,,'c%*D Dodd's j0duey Pilla �fbr the, kidneys.
qqr� . twwftpqr�.adon u51bMt T -LA AAy- fa--"-A@T§[9A lPTVqs"9 ! des Of tlh`P-)*P� 1. rec�nend them to - any -one suger-
�.. -1 itil and, ci,�IEkr,yit1hting'whjc1h tlhi� iW nd, -0ae is a Canadian farmer, the other in -g w�-bh their ildidneyg, and sincerely
V I of ,min ,could, dowitzle -and which might, �s an Am�epkan farmer. The Gana- thank You fpr showing line the way
by any 1polSdbility TIOUG)L- the piktssdom dilan, fairmer's cattle -are ,,standing UIP back bo ,perfect health.,, , � �
I I icilgve inllj�rdent and' help v0dat the fight. to ithibir belldiels In lush ,pastures. There Ho
-1111 & T. Borden was ,gentle. He alwip is eveTywhere evidence of luxuriant through the kidnep. If ,they are a
lka,#, - -was. He toldl his audience that 'it girorwith. Julst acrois6, the line this kept Well and strong, they do their pa!
4� i *ould allber the concidUonv (of -our na- American calbtle are in fieldisr slo bare work of straining all the imlpuritij�s Mr
. tional development, and have a pro- that a. gmssh9AVer's stepchildren �cut of the blood strieam. If they are day
I I found and albkEing influenoe upon our would dle at thf�.',th adight of th m
I -we e , week and out of order the impurities E,a
I I future. X woujdl ,look our national and ithe ATaericaultiets, Up ,on -the line Stay in the'blood and sickness- is the
�, floance wilith MiCrs. its tendency and, fence betwe th .tw ']At
. th 0- countries and igure result. Dodd's. Kidney Pills keep d
� I akn would be complete commercial sayis: . 'Take down yotur fence and the Ididneys in, condition to do the'
I ir u
-urdon betweein the two ooruntries to bet my ea#lb into' your pastuire-' full work of cleansing and purifying and
. I . tbhe e3delustion of the reat of the Em- qlhat," satid�,W. Bennetrb,, in, terms of the blolod. Keep a bom of Dodd's Kid- Poo
. � . Tire. He, went on to say that it profoundserilousness used when fram, ney Pills in the h6use at all times.
ja1b(andj:>de)dl the, jl;�Ylicy cf' il.r1proved inig an indibbinett against *,w Liber- I resi
I I trade relgfi�ous wilth the British peo- -als over the aiadlo��'ibhgt, my friends, baic
. -ple and exposed bur nabilonal resoure- is aidelpTiolcity:" . I the
. ibmis of
I ,es to, the degraidaitti gig -antic ,,, -Of coune evevy faxm(er who was in bad it didnit work-41tt failed ito bring 'der
. I tirulsts, whilch had already secured con- ithe suffilence laughed fill his head the tgoldm agiel). ,Still we, ewafpeld ne�`
trol in, the United Statels. "It will," ached bult stornie, of �thorna went after- -4no truck joir trade wfth the Yan� trlt(
I I said be, "for the Moab (pairlb reduice wairds, land voited for Mr. Bennett. kees! . . bul
I I -the pirices Which our �prroduteTs. will IDveryme ,knows the answer to such By the Pacific hiv,
. Moeivie for tth&r output, while the fish stories. Borth, these, farmers ,O,u,t of the W,6st colats tlh,e youthful' be
I I cointrioll of Whp trust w1ill ,prevent any might gmet up ,on the flence. 'Me Mx. MeBaide, ,always a boyish figure tril
,. e i -having a gloold eye in Canadian po,litics"ihe didn't last '�all
I ruc o 6,' eoinoi6veir, It, is, at Canadian faxjrr�efr
. . .
'best, a ,rash arta. perilouso experiment, for business -as ,well] as hisi Amerlicin lcmg knough to got over his boyiah- niec
� � inconsiderately and unwarr,antedly neighbor, would 49y let down nesis�-trod 'hearvili upon the idea of anc�
say:. !!�V J411
-undertaken, in a periJoid of unequalled the fence. IT trade, sornre of mly ex- Brmsh coinneenlons,, Bri�qah jiberty ,his
. I I develbipment and ,prolspeafty after tra feed for s6me of yaw cattle. ,and Bij(dLqh free instirbuiti,ons. It
. I Cunaidla,hLtd long 6 -nee outgrown con- You. can felled yaw caftle with my woul,d ne�w do if we threw tho Sorg
. I Ise ov- of
. ,dWitorl1s under whicbsuch a policy was codbra feed and. I'll still have ajbun-di- 6r -to pander to the corrupit influences dia
. r I I ithought desirable." Thiese w ds, are ance to feed my cattle. And, by that rising and fo.9beTed iii e ni
I , . or � I ,� th U. ,bed cdr(
I ,from the mani-ifeatia isauted to, theCan- proiesis,both of us, priclifit. We woauld ,Staite!s. His g4ove,rument,latter went fun
I adian ,poople at ,that timile. It is Al bcvth be richer amid other people do- ,down in ,somewhat of a waallow, of moo
.dtiwring sitory. I wonder where Sir in-- busd6eas witih us will be richer, cowTupitibnand for scimlebime, the Par�- t,,h,e
I . . . Robetrit win be when, the todslin sounds 1)ecausie trade benefits are Mutuall." ty of which he Was, a meimbller.7as, me,
-for reciprocitly andi Mr. R-ennobt hlm� It is'h 'business in which there is a ,out i6f business so fair as British
I . I self is leading the xrgumient?* I pTolfit, at both endst, -or it is, not car- Colium1blih ,was concerned. eta.
It will be recalled at the titme that ried on, but that Is' a �bit of. econ- The Tory -press also, had its violent '
. . it was a ciorrrIxim, thing, for the Torry oimics, and as we know, from past flar'e% piro"Idsing 49 occasion ffered,
I 0
torato;ra to suggest that this would bdtEltory, the present Prime Minister destruct-iton, Of th;e Empair,le, annexa- Fo
4- 1 3ead to anneocatilon. But Mr. Borden, does not ur2derstand economic ques- li=4 bho Airr�eirioan flag floating' ev-
4 *f ,couTise, was too stwoet and reason� blons. .. erywheee from lChibougamia to Ajkla-
. ,able to suggeisit, deliberately and op- 'Mir. Bermebb's mlost th�rEling mom- vik, and such pbmses as "ve�led
A enly, that the liberals were trying ent was at his, nomblination. in C41- treastan,", 'the straight Toilad to. W,ash-
. to lead Clatrinda ,ffirbo annexation wi(bh garly. Hem he propounded the nubl!e ine�on," and "keep your hands. on, Bib
: % the United Obates. 'He -put irt tihi's que4tilcin to the electors of that' cit`Y: the old flag" ovierywhere in, evidence. kni
, way: � . "Will you isell. your souls, for gtolid?" Sometimes these outbuirstsi -took a you
1%, O.The Prime Ministleir endeavored to And iN! ,one thrilling moment he ,held rafther strange foxim. Mhyor Sgn-
rebuft the'argumenit tharb. the deci- a gold -piece before rffhdir eyes and ford Evans, of Wdimnipeig, a stati-s- De
V 1� lyf*city ,treaty will lead to annexa- said: 1101h ,Gold;, these American dol- tician of noibe and, a sojrne,W,hat ab,le alry
I -Cion. Whether it will orr not no man larst!"' Now he is going to go after and genitleinianly gentlerngn-, wa's 'Pre'
. 4 I can tell. But it'ils beyond the possli- th,e AmeTiclan dollars. Perhaps he terribly alarmed about what the Ijilb- V,
biliby of doubt that ,the leading pub- ,likes ithem betber when there ils less ierals, were�dioing ,tky the fol,edgn ele- oy
.9 Tne
I I he man of the Undited States, its, press gold in th4n. than there wa ,at tiat meint w.1thin ithe country. In a speech 1
1 ;and the bulk of its people believe tirne. . in WffiqAjy� . Wo, he ,sradd: "At a time Mir
I that It will so reetulib and support A The Hero of Edmonton . . E.,q
. . when tbdis�'Tifficuilrt task (task of edu- sey
I . Zriainly for that Mason." In Edmonton W. A. Gri�esbach was cating the foreigner) Is with us, the
,�, 1-92
: I . Thiis is rather a nice, statement, the Cronservative clafldlidlate. 'Me governanent AA ,this country, with 'no in
. l000keld at* in, the calmnests of twenty- things he, claimied recl�triiocilty would dieimand from thte rpeople, deliberately the
. ifour years afteg, but I recall ,the do were sOrniply tierHfying. It was to introduces -to the hi=dreds of .tb,Du- Iffila(puzzling- quiestdort'we putt those days linik the differemit Camadian, provinces stands of ipeople who are not Ch-na- mlift
. * and it sitill holds. It'was asked' at ,to the States. It was to diestroy im- dian -and who 'are, not British, the the
I I wriany a polifical mteetting: "Wbll pimial connections. We were to 'be idea, ithait,th,eir material selvatiom lier� in
� those who feel, they camincit sell pDta- annexed to the AWerricam.'Uni,cn. And with a foreign country." Then h-- ca.,s
. I I toes, or fish ,or lumber or wheat or ,he Pictured in 'horrifying termis the -went on to suggest that we were er
� cattle to, the United. Stateis� withourt boo -ms and depressions, theeorners, in ,teaching theisfe pelo,ple that Canada bee
11 � . lbsing their devotion to the British gratin mlairbeits, the stock jobbing op- cculd give 11'hizrIn no -bblp, that Bri;tain Cori
Litripire, stand up?" Neioer did I see orations and financial panics which could give ithdr.n. no -help, and, that -
� . . anyonte stand- up. They were all will- happened oin the other s-dide. of the they -had ,to turn t'heilr 'eyes, in ,In- Ing
r . . ing -to face it individually. Not a hne. But realism profound caim,e in other ffiriecitiomi, aind he kept this, up 1ho
I single Tory said, a word. They were when ,he pictured. the Motherland until tears fell on, ,the floor big as acil
. . willip,g to vote against it but it was growing somewhat weary with the claraNhells, some swooned, sorme pray- to
!, I I ,always to save oth,er&---4t%ey nZeded burde�n, of Empire. We had leaned ed for rain-,athers, never recovered. firs
I no saving. . A Prince Edward Isilanid- uiporn her in the odd days and now she [Well well, happy days will cc -me Th.
. I eir with potaboes (cc ,sell was willing was, leaning -upon us. Tragic indeed, ,again. � We s1hall thaw, Mr. Blenrilett
- to ship them to the U-nited Sitates, wouild be the circumstances if, we ftelling us that while thlis- is, the same Ma
.- I I while not a wave of trouble rolled failed to ibe .sufficiently strong for ibhe. cpElstion as in 19 11 there is a dif- son
P jacrosL9 hils peace,ful breast. Me occasion. MT. Gri is in more fererit frorit on it. Mr. Perley will ed
I . a
- 1) Tancheir in, WeStellrn Canada was quite coinVoirtable circumstances now. He be there ' quirbe slatisfied. Mir. Turn' 'Mr
( ,wlilling to do the same t�jrjg with his is Testing im the Senaite. The Mofth- bull th Regina, Will
. e, and be beloings to ua,,it le gerntlemian fro.-rn T
cattle. The prairie- faaliner-even fthe erland is still saf . I , as an illustration of the fact
I Conservative one& -would risk the'aw the party wfti�ch has ,proposed recl` that if you only g�ve the Tories .a
Wheat. The ,Ontario manufactuxer if pirocity- wirdh the United. Staittes. Will chatrwe they will reduce the tariff,
r I I -he glot a chance rbc, sbiP manufactur- he stand or lean? Will he once more and he'll �try to pexsuudL- every -body
- �e(f pro.dulcta to the Undtle4d states rus,h to the rescue of the Empire or i -n the country that Mr. Blenuett is
I- I . %vould do S�D withouit thinking ,that he wi)l ,he ]let the Empire go to its fate going right in fur free trade. - (He Clh,
5� , -knowing full well that hd ,need not ;P��ni tell w1hat it cost 51T. Bennett in
; . .. . I — . fear --why ,should -he when Father to, carry the Isat election). Harry' 29
�, t Becrmett is at the belml? Stevens wil
- 4 1 11 ,not vian�ry----he -has, the r,o
b� Do You Wan - Qther Westerners � Price Spreafty bauble to, p1hy, with. ch,
- I I Ron. Rlobeirt Roglems was, als� sav- Still it iis better that a man shouM ,e,
'You Daughter iri the Dmpire in those days. He is steer the country aiorth for 50 more r,
� j I I reported in, rdhe Hariftoba Free Pi-ess years when the really wanted it to go
r- . as saying: "When edect�oin- day comes siouth. Perhaps.- Vim sball see 'M�. jk,
T. I 1 I ift willl be a istraligilit �uesftion of whe- Bennett hilrriself confess diet for 50
311 To Be Pretty* VeE
�- . I . O'er we &To itic, support riabilonal and. years he has �been wirrong upon the k,t
. riff question, that he should -haw
Here's how one girl put Inilpeidal deve1opmoubs or lbolc to- �an
r' , warld1s" WaslhkrAgtbn and continental- been in favor of loweiing, not raiv- C
dl' " roses into her cheeks and ir
�. N sm.?) ing it. U wisdom corn(es with Yee . -9, Bri
� f I rounded out a thin face My. R. P. Roblin, thodous, for be- in ,6ime we may ,persuadle- him, that ,
I t � ing gtone bime, PiraAer of Mandtioba, slolmleft(hing ougffirt to be done about op
11 I I Mothers who are anxious for their thought thlat a vote flor reciprocity tairiff reductions. He has' .seen a ft,
IL odaught � rs to be healthy and attractive 'Wab a vote to siltackle the. provbvde, light on siocifal reform, why nott on di
i , I � will be interested in the story of a cer- cripple her enterprise, bandicap her tariffs? Perhaps we ought to wel- ,xi
T l I tam young girl who was pale, run- no
t ,down, underweight, when she went to future, prevent rbhe widening of her conte him, to the camo, so great a
11 . a competent authority to have her hiorizon land keep h&r fourn, that place coinvert to the clause is woothy of to
�r I . I blood tested. She weighed only 9jr/,. in the Confecleiration of Cantad'a edt notie. a dst
I pounds. The test revealed the trouble.. she should elnjoy by vixtu But what abmt it[he pVrty to which M
V � Her blood Aras too poor in. quality to dustryt, enterprise and patriotism, of �e belonigv? Has it too seen a.great
T k ,keep up her strength, weight and vital- -her people. Met's the way to tiell a liglitb? Ox� 'has it merely beien told tdo
all ity. Her blood was below normal in story! As one Re[bents to these . dihings to folRow the leader! If twenty -flour ,
, and in the cold ehillo PT
r . the number of red corpuscles She was creep up and down yews ago it hod. dbrealmWl of finding it- ft
vitally-necess,ary haemoglobin. -the bac1c. Think what we might hialvie stedf in beld,with Old, Mlan Reciprocity, for
:F I , take two of Dr. William
I ,instructed to been If the ,country -had' not been stav- what rightmaires, it would have con- fak
�. Fink PiIN (so called because they have ed so that r8hege priopusalis could now yured up,yet in. 1935 they go wob- f,
$ I a pink sugar coating) three times a day be %Tought florward, by ,a Cbuserva- a Mug down the street t;oge1theT, hdl-
for a month and then return for an- tivie party Tn%Dut the slightest few ariiouvll§, tAWpil7, whille' the tonels. of wh
�p � . other blood test. , ' of anything happening. "Sweet Ad -o -line" float out upon the
rc ? . T,hirty days later a changed, happy evening breleze. I
" girl came back. She had gained nine (Am�ong the records 1 like very on
E. . 4iounds. Her blood tested almost nOIZ- much thle one by die latbe W. F. Mae- -- 1W
I . jmal in its haemoglobin content and Lelan. It -has aboultit a touch of, fin- I W-1
!, .was slightly better than normal in num- alfty. It was cgo -brillidwit digit it �vas �\� .
I- I it a � tre- adn*ist inspired. (,If it wam"t dms&ir_ 0 k)\N\��j I I I I I I f, , , , N,:/F les
ber of red corpuscles.' She fe "
I better and looked it She ed you inight elb*srb ex-pbeii w1blen I 0 ��z
. mendous lot , IV) , cel
a I had roses in her cheeks aAd everyone you fistdrit to ft.) "Wie are not only � J am
t said that "her face had rounded out going to, beat thlbs, reciprocifty agree- 11�
. I and she was positively Pretty 90 - ni�enb but wes-ithbend to, bury it for- . -" - . A
f Charming color and soft clear skin evW (oir f1or 25,yeiars,). "we awe '-� - 69%, � . I ity
- � I depend almost eAtirely upon the blood, going to cft* f1ortih out of ithi's fight �-� ,00 � 9 11 � .
I I ;,because the blood carries the'vitalittY infou &,,nelwer, wld*. W,Ore, gresadve, . � tbx
— V —
I . =d nutrimq.11t that builds the com- =10ft virile il�� life, iMpbID"R bd,ght- :=- , . � 1 -:Z-� f<h
T I 1plexion. The soft, clear skin of every ex Sur+-_ ��- .
IL I pretty babyis proof of it. And the girl . 5��,� . I lgil
5� �-11- .....
- mentioned above is living evidence that Flor lol the dwyo mire hastening oori, MIR---, - sh
� f �good looks which have been lost My pmphet bm* fbireboI4 11 an
il I through impoverished blood can be re- lWhen wft Oile emer-circling years tb
T .1 I gained by taking the proper remedy. Coriies; rouftid . Ike age of gold." i. , . N 11 , -
There is no need for so many girls . ,j 16
1. to endure a sallow, uninteresting - I
I com Then he went ,on to bell how the
- . ple3don nor to remain listless, nervous tgokkin age wpa comAng on, ,(wtoublin"it P I
and easily tired Out' For when thwe I
I' � I are 6mptoms of blood thAt is lacking 14hat "(swml tbo die .%&d Orieft en�- � .. " .-
I (' I in vitality� Dr. Wifflanisi? Al* Pft'WM lthadasital), thow we were, �D bwe im- .,
I . - . restore strength and 41pep", and tone up mleh-,* tr%& idevelopment wid evftr I . �'l
f, J,w V, good looks, too I Equally, effective for ithing e]Lc* a for us amid. I .
I w �,
- jpeople of all agea. Full-size box Oc at all would Zhop".pt tmw as Vre I � I I .
I your nftmst drt* PtOtC 30H didbIt thrade wM Uncle &i% '(1601 Ili. .. I f�� .. LL 1 -1 �
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. 11 Read � Ahe ,sbo`W�d1, � nt*ublie ., I "j, �
w1brIft. Fbor =*PM%W 11 .1 JQu6le-1 I �. � —
dtla[be(r her 400311500177,�- 01 "Aaw I
nch w4gyage'. This) 'gh-e - aeeow-
ed intwo yearstilt1welher vd* com-
ting the entranoe, roquili,emlents. 1A
meent exanAnations, W ,Xonbrleal
won a scholarsup entlwAng her
one yeaea fma, Wition. in high
oil and- a Wonolgrommed gold med-
.Wbeq less �haa 12, yegra of age
won the Humon Counby,,Pub,lic
0,01 chalm1pionAdO in a sipelling
est held at Chabon-Ouai,ch 'Iferi
I .
I — ,
.- ,
-11 - .-
Truman Brintnell Dies
.The death took iplace in Victoria
spitad, London, on Friday, Feb -
my Sth, of (9w, Trulmimn. Brintnell,
iiative ,of 'Ifibbert Tolwnship, who
seld away at Ithe age of 70 years.
. Brintinell suffered a stroke the
&,beT New Years at his home in I
eter and was reirri1olved to the hos-
al in London the day before his
ith. The deceased was born in
ftrib townsdOlp east of Chiselhinrot
lived theiie for ieveral years.
a nuirriber of ye�izst ,the famfi y .
ided alt Hensall and then moved
to the farin in 13hibbert where
y resided umM they, catimile. ito Exe-
4 couple of yeaxis agiD. ,W. Brint-
was onel of the first in fthis. dis-
(do gp exteu�ly into -the, bee
Inegs and he 'kerpt sa great -many
of beies. He was one of the
t known Orangiemein in the dis- - '�
!t and was a member of the Hen -
lodge. ,He was -'a splendid &ulm,
, iplayli,ug for. the Hiensall lodge, ;
(he had not misisled a 12th of .
y parade, in sixty years. Besides
widorw he 'is sulri�fivied' by three .
s, DermiA; of Miabigaft; Melville,
London, and Matthew in,the Cara-
WeL%t. Me also had a , large
lie of relattivep "d friends. Tbe
. - . . . .
eral (took ,,place Monday after- ,.
n, ,the body .Wng laid�_Io rest in .
Exeter Mausoleum ,prior to imter-
t in,''MaTaggaa,rt-'e,cem�etery.-Ex-
. .
rmer Go.derich
.. Boy Honoured
a, a recent meeting of the York
le Clhs,4-orie of Toronto�s well]-
Kwn Zirgiamizatriloing-4more, than i500
rig men. cro , willed into, Deer Park . �
xrth to celebratle with their leader, . I
�j : , I - , ; ,,�'. �, . t � AIM 1'1��
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The founders of the Bank of Montreal firmly believed in
for which the Canadian. banking system bu v,=Wcd so
I . 71
branch banking. Two weeks after opening the Bank in
much praise. . .
. rr . .� .11
Montreal on November 3rd, 1817, the directors appointed
I an agent at Quebec. By the following jufie the agency
Consistently, throughout the detades� the Bank of
� . . ;
. W)
1. .1 ,
I . I
was made an "Office of Deposit and Discount�" and
les w -r -ted'. I
Montreal has added brand wherever business
. . ;,
I thus the first branch came into being. Two others soon
giving to new and growing communities the advanitaga of
I 1:.
were created --- at Kmgston and York (afterward Toronto)
.� ��
banking streri ample facilities and sound mansiseinent. .
Today ove6500 branches are serving.Cona.do Is& brandil .
r , .
. , 11
. ,,- �
Those early bankers sought to extend and perpetuate for
is the Bank' of Montreal, with all the faciliti.,and p"k
� . I � "�
the farmers and merchants, the benefits and stimulds of a
. service for which the institution is known. . I
. . . -
. . �
. branch banking'system the worth of which W been
abundantly proved in the British Isim I
- I , I I � . .
From tfi., fin-st branch in Quebec to the most twftt one
. I . I . '.
. I .1
I I �
opened, the spirit of the Bank of Montreal is exp—sed-116d
I .
. Thus they introduced one of the, elements of elasticity
I . I . 1. I I .
will continue to be-cx�ressed-win bums of useful kianking.
. I - I
. . - I � ..a I �
. �.. . ,
. I I �
� I 11 . OF M0NTU,.,,t �, .- ,
� ( I 1. ESTABLISHED 1817 1
117 Years' Successful Opemtion � . �
� Clinton Branch: 11 H. M. MONTEITH, Manager . I I
Hensall Bran&-. W. B. A. CR9SS, Manager I i
- . -----' Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and , Friday I . I I
I r
. e , . W I . . I
in. Allms y, One Denim annave - . � I I -
oll tihe class. As a mark of ap- � . I .
citation for the unceasing toil of � I --- - . --- - .
lelader throughout -the ten-year . � . I
age ,of the "Ship Called York," . L . 111
mbers of the dass, presented to k . I
. Mas6ey a handstome, study laamp.
resl�nng his &ppoeciation, Mr. M,as-
referred to the day—Febtruary 1,
5 --when a group clif 18 lads met
'a basement' root.n of iltope Church,
first steis�ion, of an ,,orriganization
t was dest-ined to, win wide rec,og-.
lon, land to become an. influiemoe in
lives of thousands of young men
Toronto and through its ,b,road-
ts. in oither,parts of Canada. Fras-
Newell, one of the original eigh-
n, who has the distinguis-hed re-
d of haw6,ng atternided. every meet-
sinice the olasis waq organtized, was
-4:)treid f�y tfh.e gathering for hfis
Pi0ement. Rounds of applause
eted him as he sbepped forward
receive from the leadler's, hands, the
t -York Bible, class pin ever made.
e pin, which has b�,en worn by Mx.
asoy forseverad year-, was a per -
al gift of the leader to the devot-
class membe,r. Fra;ser Newell is
Goderlidh buy, the son, of Mr. end
s. John T. Newell, now residing. m
rontio.—Crodlerrich Slignal.
. .Q.
Cheese Patrons Meet.
Phe annual meetzinag of the Ontario
eesle Patrons' Association was head
Kingston on January 28th .and
Jh , It was the largest and most '
Yresentattive of any gathering of
es -e ,patrons in the province, with
iteen cheese -producing counties
weveinited by delegates.
11be gecretary-�treasluarer, Vr. S. L.
sis, Joss, w(ho -had peq-sorrally in
IgWbed, the Uniibed Kingdom miax-
last surrilraer, reconmeinded to the
�roms that they appoint their own
n1imeirciail Representative for Gtreat
Itadn. The durties of this Repreis-
�bsti`ve would be to. solicit, the cc-
erabon of the trade in, Great Bri-
ix� an eindelavour to find a move -
etA'ouitle�rt far Ckn�aiio cheelse, than
!sits at ,the present t4nfe. It was
the intention of the Association
intewfere in any w
y -ay with the ex-
ing distribuhng channels in Great
Kxport shipments by the Associa-
n will be drawn weekly from the
incipal 'r ,dbeesle producing district.-
ughout the Province. Payment
cheese AipTneintis will be made, the
tude�; at the time of sihiplinenC The .
Il board price will be, paidd. This. is
Ae poldoftle by Goveirnment crediabs
ia will be used to make up the
re'rences between what Is, advanced
the chleelsie amid Ule cheese board
. AIR pircifirbs realized, on sahes
I be distriburted, aimlong the fpetior�
in proparbiori to their production.
It i's estiniated that around, 10 Per
. ,of ,our prodkiction wila be dis-
led, of under this plan for 19815.
The Patrons of every factory in
? Provi-ned will havie ami olypiorl
of,hearing the -plains 6f this Als�
3iiatibn ,d%oussed some time within
next few weeks. Please watch
70ur mlejeUog! ,
Thet Governmenti is nmking it pos-
thr#ulgih itheir financial assis;t-
for the dheese patrons to fom,
orlgh:rAftb�n- wid develop plans for
beralefit of ,the ind"ry. �
NOW ZZ 0 S� - .
4 I W41.1,40rieved bV I I
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Of course you wash it—but is it clean? We're willing to wager
. that it is. Then you don't simply go through the moti,ons of
washing your face as a habit, but because it makes you feel
. I
� .
ii right" to know that, it is clean and because it is pleasing to the -
� . I
. people you meet in the course of the day. I
. z",
. .
) , .
Well then, when you buy stationery for your. busi-
. ness, is it not worth wbile to see, that it is printed .
properly and not to accept printed matter of any �
kind simply because it is ebeap? You wouldn't use
jute as'a face towel,,�would you? But it's much �
ebeaper than linen. husineiss stationery is your
I .
I 44p4per face"—your personal representative—why
not make sure it represents you properly. We will
be glad to show you paper and ink samples, speci-
mens of type faces, layouts and estimates. Phone
" .
41. Ask our representative to call. Mail I- orders I
I ,
/ I
promptly filled., I I
I .
I' I I 10
� .
. �
� a
McLEAN,.BR0&, Publishers, SHAFORTA , . I . �
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