HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-22, Page 2I IV" . . # onti,xvositor �� I . 'a ,,,,.,�,,,���','��,�,'i.,,','��k-,I� f�--,�­�,-,-,�".',,c, �, � , g,.' � � j', , Wft'i � Established 1860 - � %, I " 1,911,1� �111,, � t InIffl2ki" ,"I') �Ilnl� � 11, " 1 "N'. I , t,'* cLean, Editor. , 11 I ,�, 111`��, � , " �, McPhail M I ORO, " I " , ,� , I � illshed at Seaforth, Ontario, ev- ,, " � -i", , - �. il- '­ " �* � , ,, A7,,.T­&i�sday af ternoo.n by McLean . N. -I V1,11,;1 �1.4 ��� I ...... ��� � IR .1 W, W.01 ­ , ,4� . "', , , , ;1, �,,, "i" - � "" , " , I I I 5311 I , 1 I I . - < : . . I . ", �- �,. 4 ,11,�,­ I �111 - ��, . , I'% I . 'Subscription rates, $1.50 a year in � I ,,,, 0;),5J1,g,1,:--,; ,,,,� , , 1 N t-14--4 `�-11 1 "", 111� .. - . acIvane'e; foreign, $2.00 a year. Single 1111111"ket, ."'I'A'. , , I'll" .. . 1�. , : 11 I �; �.-, , . ,", im, ", � . , , 11. 5,� , . . cople 4 cents each. 8) . �, , �`Saxv ­,,­i­� . "D M ."A", , " ,� ,M,�111.- �. W'�`7. � . , � 1. i 1, - I . I'll, i� , 1�1'1:� ` Advertising rates on application. I - ,,, !1� - ,,, �!,;,�" � .� �t�,' I M,I�o,' , � ,. 11 � � I. , -.'� ,r��,., . I ,. . - I Members of the Canadian Weekly "A" , .- ­.... I ­. �9�k"$ � , , I", -,K ; A,��,�., - n Newspapers ASsociatioi, Class - -The Huron Canada, A", 41�,;�� It I Weeklies of and , , , , ..I.. ffil.", . `1- . 41.� '' . County Press Association. . k" - ­.,­ ,­ ,",-b . . . , T , �` '. .1 � �,� , I I ''; i, �,'�. I "' , Friday, February 22. h,.. ,,��,j vA!, 44 k""". � ­� I g , I , 11111�� ,11II!, -1 � - i:,� "'O"'. . 1. I I . Then and Now I �� ­ , �, ,Z,.� . i � � I.." . . ill ,,­,'' . The world is a queer place, isn't I .,�,, �,�� it? Or, perhaps, it would be more I , .11 .. .truthful to say that the world is all - . � .. ...% ", � 11"'.: . jight, but that some people and par- '' � , � I � 1� N; ities in it, are exceedingly queer. I , " K 4 �'. . Twenty -f oiAr years ago it was the I , . I'll I V, I Liberal Government of Sir Wilfrid iiiii .,. I V I .,: I - Laurier that went down to defeat and ., � . ",14. . .111 out of office on the Reciprocity issue �� I �. � �, 1� i '' with the United States. I , ... ; �� , ,il, "­ . It was a Conservative government . 11, ;'d . . ,'... � that 'swept into power at that time, ( ".... . I � - I "', " -with the cry: "No truck or trade,with . - . .11.�' . , .... -,*� � . I -� the Yankees." A Conservative part I 11 "I'll . - that by a tremendous waving of the I ,­ -1 1. . i 11 ". � "' � 11. .1 -old flag, bamboozled the electors, and � - .. ­­ . V ... �.Z . ­ I I rticularlv the farmer electors,' in_ PA � - 115I.R., '. " ,&, , to tne t)eiiet mat necipTocity wouict ,1­ '� I I �� 1: '. bring about the utter ruination of the 11 . , .., 111­� larming industry and would surely I I I . - "I . be followed ,by the annexation of .. L � "I"... I 1�111 I- Canada by the'United States. L ��.. -I ''I'll Now the same party, and many of . � . I . �, I , ­',. the same men in that party, are not I '', � I I . , 11. . I . only advocating the adoption of a . �� . .. � I 11 ".. . iww flag to supersede the once great I � . � . . I Union Jack ­ , . � . , but are advocating .a 11��'. I Reciprocity treaty with those self .. , .� ,., � I ..", I same United States. I . , , �111­­. On Saturday night last, at a din- , 1. . � -, .1� ner givenin the city of New York; ,. I I at which Rt. Ron. R. 13. Bennett, I , "I � - Prime Ministe'r of Canada and lead- ,� . 11 "I", �Isl , -er of the Conservative party, was i": . . ,,h,. 11 I the guest speaker, the Premier Went , .L. ' . - , , ,,,, , ,W.. . � k', so far as to say that a Recipr6city I 1, - ,� treaty with Canada would "gladden "I'll", - .�,�', . g") ., ", the hearts" 'of the Dominion. 11t �- And Premier Bennett further add- * �, 1 1&.�,, 0! � .� I ed to show his now great faith in �5111 I Reciprocity, his belief that "The past '&,., U-111 gr, ", has shown, the possibility of a vast ,14", ! i��` 11"i" two-way trade between us (Canada ��, � I . li, I, and the United States). The present I ".- 11 I "t shows the need of it. The future I'll . � ,� � will show, I confidently predict, far ., � �";I;. � .1 greater benefits than we have yet I 0 known." � "'. � ­ , " 19.E!�­ ,,, R111, . In 19.11 the- Cons�rvative pArty i'&- , � ij&. � ­". . said that Reciprocity meant the utter *, .,�.: R I I 11 �­ - I ruination of Canada; in 1935 the ,p� . I g�,,'�, ­,", same party says that Reciprocity is , ,* . R-'; , , .I. , Canada's salvation. Queer, isn't it? 11 I iltl * � I - �,, I -!7 ; . " �' , 1161, - vj�, 0 1 . . I � The Coming Session of the I I Legislature The first session of the Legislature, 1. under the Hepburn Government, will i open on Wednesday, and before it' closes six or eight weeks hence, many th l, will have transpired. I .It will be an unusual and interest- . ing session. Unusual because of the fact that a Liberal government will come into power in Ontario ,af ter a . lapse of thirty years. Because, with 'the qxception of the Premier and . . ,some two of his ministers, the bal- 1 ance of the Cabinet and the greater -majority of the members are without rience of any kind. I And it will be interesting to learn - . how * these untried forces will meas- ure up to their. opposition in the , I . House, an opposition that is small in numbers, it i§, true, but able, because . ..,,of the weighi of experience in par- i . I hanrentary affairs'and procedure. be- . I , hind it. . . 1. I And it will be interesting, too, to i )earn What legislationwill be brought .. forward by the xfdw Premier to im- ' I plement his. election promises of eco'n- ,., . ,omy and. the advanceinent of public .1 Vwellare- � , , P � - I � "..'Th -b igituation in the Legislature' I . ... ." - 1. 1� . ­­. " ". .. `� 1.1i , 1-11 ' . ­ oil NVed , I .� , , ' ' 'e � ' meets " ­,*,'­.,, '­- � , ne� �­%,;,­­1.- , ft -it day will be , , ., �, "" ."�. -�,.­ "Al . ' , . � - l.�" � , ".e.. . " 0 -dal, �` the re e of' -a year ago. ` , �,�; � ­ 1� %1�i��`.�,� �,,1., , - ..,,�;.�,6-i ': �, . � . I . I �,I,,, ;, ­714-`�`ih&e *00 AA, 9VOWNIP41;ig 2-t--1 IP -1-.- t, - I... - ­ . �,;`.,.�­ I ,*',,;A1 , i.,, "i, " �,,,' "" 7 !, " I '';i ,1:1 X ,'.,1%'­�!,,,,, 4�­!,. . . , -,�. ­.'111­'1V111t­L ­X� � i -4 , , . .11�-�,111111 ��N­ , " , I -,�, -w , , ,,,, " - ­ � I ,, I I � ,!� " I,A ", I'll .1.1.1 , INN 1 11� " 1104� I I ,,� - iii`*- �, 'V..�, .11.� .� V I I 11 ,� � ,.­..�,I�i,�,'."�­'-:' , ".., , ,k " , "i i,7 " . . I , . 1, 14 . 1, , � '? , , ,�­',t-�:.,�,��,,,,`­, -�, � i. � ­� ". . '. .1 , ­�, ,�,q, ", . , - , , � " . ., ."I", ,��- ,:w�r ,-, r., , , .. ,. : .J,l ! ., ,: , . !,­. , J. 't 1,1 � �', �.'. ,� . , � � 7 , :� ", , "hi" V . , ,�,;4,%,,��,;,;,JP4 � , i. . 1 �, , - , t ,! , I I . . !"'; ,i -, - ., � � . . " - �, , t , - d , ".�', �,�. , il�.,, t �� ��, � , � . .. � ,� , 'I . - I . , . 1'1� , , r 41 � I I , '. .: d , � � ,� �r , . . . Ir I I I I , F,A ,i r I . . I , I f .1 . aj, f Cftservative supporters. In orit� if Now the iberals ha�eaA equal, or, perhaps, considering the size of the . present Logislature, an even greater , . majority. . I Overwhelming majoriti�s, howev-' er, are not ilways an, unmixed.bless- ing to either Premiers or Cabinets. There were'times duting the declin- ing years of Mr.'Henry's rule when his large following got out of hand, and h��,foundthat force as well as. sary to bring them into line. I The situation is a little different with Mr. -Hepburn, and a little more favor. able to hi m', because, of the fact that he should not oilly'have the loy- I � alty of his followers, but -their per- �. sonal, gratitude as well.. . .� Few new Liberal members may be aware of it, but it is nevertheless a fact, that it Was Mr. Hepburn and not the individual members . who carried -seventy-fiye per cent. or more of the Ontario constituencies ig the June election. I .. That the influence and even per- sonal popularity of private members, even if they possessed such qualities., had little beh'ring on the results. Many candidates. might just as well -.have had a number as a name, -, and remained safely under their own .roof tree during the whole campaign as far as, results were concerned. . The. June election was not, in I a . sense, a general. election. It was I an - election -between Mr. Hepburn and Mr.- Henry and Mr. He-nry',s record, I in which Mr. Hepburn won. and i . n ,. . ' winning carried his supporters with, him. ,­ " . . I � Perhaps that fact 'Will instill a .. measure of humility in the minds of the Liberal members during this ses- sion at least. But'then again, it may not. I At any rate, Mr. Hepburn has' a majority, and a majority sufficiently . . large to enable him to do as h6 pleas- . es with rRgard, to legislation. The' country hopes 'Mr. Hepburn's plea- , sure will be to legislat� carefully, wisely and well, without fear and � without favor. . 0 , The Globe Robin is Late In its broadcast on Guliday even- ing last, the Toronto Globe announc- ed the 1935 arrival of the. Globe rob-, in. , . And in the Monday morning edi- tion of that- paper a despatch from Caledonia verified the report and identified the bird as having made a flying visit to that town. , P8haw! Why all the publicity? The Expositor robin was reported in our'issue of January 25 after it had taken up its abode in the orchard of Mr. William Chapman in.,the to" - ship of Hay. , ' And Hay township is in Huron County'where they have real winters with real snow, and where the people, unlike the residents of Cale- donia, do not predict the sight of a robin will be f (ollowed by an immedi-- ate spring. in fact, we don't have spring up here in either January or February, and,we don't look for it either, with or without robins. ' . � SAY. I Not Likely To Be Settled I (Stratford Beacon -Herald) ,Bligin County Tru5teres. and Ratepayers As- sociation believe the Department of Education should -do something to equalize teachers' pay. Taking examples from, territory close at home the Association- contended that the pay af ,rural teachers averaged $4306 iper year, while the low- est amount paid in St. T%ornas publiie schools is '$850. The efr6c;t of this is that the rural teach- er does not refrnfain a rurab teacher; at the first oppo7ftnity there is a m1overnent torward- the city. I ,The F,I,gih Association ha,q not unearthed some- tbing new becanoe the matter bas; been long dis- cussed. It is one of those questions about wMA Ce I _nyth ing cari,row besaid which 'has not tridabeforre. The answer of the rural school tm,T,S.:, is that no more canj ber paid, that there are sldhoolq with from five to ten scholars,, and ,the stize of the scboDli and the size of the attend- �snice do not waYrant ,greater expenditure. Then), too, there is nothing Which can prevent a teacher iT9 a rural school from tming to get a place in ,the city school, arid if such an attempt were ninde it would be right1v resented. � I The matt#r of small rural salaries, ,might; W isettled by action from a. ceroral body like the Dlepiarftent of Education naming a mini7n,uni m4ary, but we do not believe the governm�entr would dam sainai" such action. It w6uld be --- ItOb "IYOPUllarr iin Mrst difstrift. A!9§oek9a6P1§ can da%auds this cluesibion urntil they,grow, wem, buit we doubti if anything win tomit of it. . . � . . .1 I I � . ­ .� . . .. . . , " � , il . . , - �'� ­ t , ��- - I " I' . ,, � , �i 1-1 ­­,­ �'­�"""­,�L. "I'll,�l',�,.,',,,,,,i�,�"""",�.�.�,i,�- ­;�'­, �� - ". ,:i�,,',11'­,', I �1. 1 , , ., � .."'..", I`- ,�;.Il�-W�i��,�'L�l!r�p",�-t.-l- .J�N,111`111k, � . ..... �,,,.- Z�.;rt.,,�,�,,;�v.�"k,i,ti��,,,�,�'i")�,,��,,�731i�f""�'.1,1lk�r4�l;..I�,i"�l, 1. %t1.11 -:A1 ",'���,,,.��'t,'�'PLI�'�'�'��,�"."�,f�P Ili,"' I , 1 , I � '. � ",, ., "?,� - " - �. I - N. i ....... -, I , , , i� r !_�� L -1- � J I 11�� I N�I,ItW­ ,­­­­­�,­'�L "'I" , 1, 1-� -, ­ . j,;.� I'l.", L. .� , ,. ,, . , � .?. "I - r , "'! � , ., I L , , . ­tg-,;p­% �."�.�,),P,-,��,,�"'V""�,.����,��,�,,,,;,.,,-��,.�.Y�,i;�it .. .. ... . -,,'.q %N1X,�,',`1,,.�,,7�)1' . j.�.� �,� ", " �'� �'I`, , ""�'.""," , �,;I��,,,� �,,�,­'q,",yi.,,�, L �v,�1�""& L.., " ' � I , , t , _ _ - �. ,,� . I 5 -i� � ".9i , 1, ��":' �!�, , . � Lj, � r �L �� �", � �i"""', r, � "", ":`��`All -q.!"t "j, ., , , ­­ , 1, �,::, .1 ,, ; , � � , . * � i"', ', ' ';;� "j, "t �j � ��',� I , i ;�� �, '�; 'j, � , L "' 'i� I �� I , . r , r , - � r . , , i��. ,, ,, � , .1 %. ,�:, ��'!, " � � % , r - 1:� , � r. . � ,.� ; 1 I j, , ' � �, 1i - I . , I . �� ,� - .;'��! ,,�. ",:�, - 4, - : � �,� " , , , " � !�� RON r . , :� , ' .1, �,�'�'��r j.. "r, r ;," L ::�.;!,�.�'O,� -,���ri: �','.­ I r 1: W 0 " 11 ­ ''Ill I �� I .1i, . " . �4 , 'r�.",�rn,��­ IL '��" 'r �," � "'.." � "'. �` �" : 1. �,�' �, . ­­���[[[[[,­­ � , ,,, :"4, � , ,,, � , ,,, � -1111 .1-1-11 I—— Ir'll""�1'r.�".,4"'�,,iL,�,i,,,.. , ,,, �J,` I . , I 11 ­�,, 'f ­'��t� "',.,.-�;,.,"14,;�l"-,��'I'�"�'�r".-.I 1-11 ..'r . . 1. " 11 I`- ....... ­­­­ I , . � ,�, i r' . I I 1. 1.1- 11 --7771,111"'.1,1. , , � ­'.11771.�� �;�;., .�r ['', _,";"'�"'.� � :­:�:,-[.�O ��,;�;.�;;�,- ";�,�r.��lil��",".,,,,r.���l,"""�-L 1-111; I ...; . ..... ..... r,"�:"�,.,,�",.",,�'.1�4,,,,",��lh.lil,,,�qi,,,,�7 !-,P7 I li,�.�'l . � . ��. , I . .., , � I ., , .. :i, � � .; ,� , �, , - . I .11 I I I , � ,:,� �, � L I ,� 6 , ,:i". I ...... ��� , r ­ , , 'r", I I ­ I . � .. ,� � .1 .1 . I � I , ... I ..%.....L.1— - , 11-11, � ,.�, I., ­ - ,r1-1 11.11 I I I ,.k. 11 - - -- 11 I ­ � K .1, I I i ­­­- 1-1. ­."'Ir.j., - - 11 �t, ,,r,,, 11 111'r "'L"'. I .i :.-i,-,--1-1. - 1�1­,:-41.,, ­, "l,r ... 1.'r ­­­ ­ .... .. .... ­ -,-111 ­�­. � I � :'r � , �' .1 , I . 0 '' 11 ­;,­.,� 1'� . � 'r ':­,� . � I Im 3F . I I �. 1'1411�1 11 �� � ( C , r ; i I r I , , 1 4 �*_J '' - - � .*, � - ,� . � ,.- i , i7,�'i't . I , .0. .. 14 ".1- I "i I . - , � . I f I gon . - U', R FME M ,I . 0 A�� - I I ars A P , DO.,TV0 , , . ­ . . - . ,- . I fiteresting ftems picked from . . I . , ­ . - - ­­ - I I "" � 7 `" " � I , - . I . � of r fifty gM,d The nibnober "Keep 1V4ibr--ht0Qvka- sthoW gmmm& anq vm�eediod to Vic- W.O.H.A.. Under Fire . . 1 T4�t Ek A WoaV, Wd here on �C114C ,JJQQ,1id&y a toWaa . po .tor Park, via 0entrA, AWn, Cwim- , t . � I 113rume$s, Reb. '16 twenty-five years ago. � re n. bie and Vd,otpr!4 pto�. At, the . .., I"5. li r I I I _ , I i - � ft. �­ . , � I der the agisi1icet of Ow N0VJy L"gue, P�irk a. 10dwu T�e 11uron ..1-------.1.--.1-..0-.-- . - , . y, booths, w= ea"bits 7%0 Edk�n . L,Xpositor: 11 , .XL aeld 'of the S9410TS Of the British add ,01thw WtItOwWw WexO in full IThe W�,O-H.A. BxequitiTe apprawo .. ,� I i I t� I . Ni�vy and Meftudwe XhXbIle? SwLng' T116 GUVPIV�Of ik�8 cream Was mutle ww*A ,donlsWbeii�t,,�!Oc!ort.ffst.enq4., �, �', From The,Hurou Expositor of AdIv"t1ised for weelm previousi aa ea&,y .e. ed, and nel;4107 twice &O After haivding'e)nierged f6ohn a dbpuW 1. February 25, 1910 the ,lbigglest event Of its, 1�pd to be miany awtaidw sod, 'infealb -as were after wMich jGodelrich left� A I . �,�e league . .. heild in i Westiera,Onitaxio in 1918, the available could' biwvebeen disposed of. die (sulb-ciov*r4titee of th6 exeicu.ftve, 'The drug bus6ess of the late Jus. Oelebwutwn when i1b was, ended and- tThfp new Chevrolet car w"won by went. into a huddile 'On. 17TI&Y, �;fte, f, 'Wilson in Godekich has, been PUT- IVISUdbS and PWCeedV Minted, easilY 'Ab. Adam! WWKay, Of the Seaftrth fifteenstili, to 0%ides the Prussels,B%tk. , � . chasLed by E. R. WIgIle of Wiarton. lived up to'itbrpublicity. - It was ,the wivAerw1owlos; Mx. Heniry Hw� 92 &3pute. I il Editor Chiisholm of W�oxelter hais last of a aeftie�q of money-raisiog vien. yie4M wiE w- the 01deist gentleman on ,The Emecadve first advised Brusisels t ' puxeha�ed the Lowwie property next time% sponisloiled by Seaforth citizens the giriounds, and bft. A. Gilloppie, thiub flik.y.hvvft endtaed, to ,play 8"_ . . to,the off" of the Howick Insurance d1ulling the four years of,war. 86 yeam, was the oidesib lady. 11111- f6mth OX.A. players. Th�n og Aw,:- ', Cion*any and wall fix it up for a In Point of aftergd1ance itr was the left Towniship won the tug-Of-ftr- rthew thmg&t. they advised Briumels .. printing. office and dwelling cok-r(bin- liargesit gathering ,eveir helid in ,Sea-. Clialdrenls Twe eviepts were wo-n by rthat th,ey should secure rele,31se from I ed. r forith with the ,possible lexeoption of Roty Weiland, Jack Foo,s1t, Keith Sitog- ,Cibiriton. �Thk,t JJ921see Br`iul-13als Foe- . (, ... - N -Mille biaulmg gra3�0, XT, Kernick the Ontario Firerneurs Demonstration dill, Blob Axchiibalfd� Cora strong. cured, from qhiel CljmLjon Club am(L � ---'-"- of UA�ornta township, got stuck' with' "dUflng the -1914 Old­,BoyLV---R&umf=. -Janzttte AxchibAlid, Irene snilkth, KY- - Played fb."- Seaforth -pliayerrqs�; 1161mes; A. -his load and, ti�a chopping the, road to 'DWdnig the ,day Vic,tioria Park was ,1,('.is- Reeves, Wni.. Brynie, Beatnoe and' Muiri in -the, firral g,ly.ie. ' I gk-t -out, had the, ridsfortune to cut crowded whth nearly 5,1000 people- Frosik., ,G. iUvingsiton, Jennie- R*evlec After [Elrus,sel-si 11i;t&1611mf1iaibed Blyth f one of the horse's feet badly. all amdous too take parit in the fun and Donald Dale. !, in the finad ga,m�� Blyth ipuit"in some I 11fe sad news of the decease of amd at the sa1imie, tome assist the Navy 11n,the evend-nga dance was, held i7l nature of a tprotest. ably assAsted by - Harry Doynsirrig of Brussels. arrived Leaguc CardnD�pi Hall and it was not 1]1�1�1 Tba-y 'Gregg from Kinta�rdlrie, whu, in- 0 heire on Thursiday morning from Wan� '11he aftleTnoon program con*nene- the next d4y that Ithe Ust of the visa- tekTilewed the seleretary. Hloweve,a., i nipeg. - ed with a,7rionsiber. parade rwh1oh in- tors had left, town. The PrOceled' Brussels was, ,only notified by a tele-. 411 Xr. D,unean Stewart, late of the Leluded the Citizens Band, Henderson from the �cielobiiatlon were in, excess ,grain froni Blytth that a pr6itest'had 4 West, has moved, onto the farrn '11/4 lVighlanderm, a ,living Union Jack of $30,W. 1. I been lodged and a further iteleglium willes, north of Hensall, which he pur- 60111PO'Sed of gmuPs Of young girls !F. Kolintestead,,-K.C., wal chairman freni the secretairy that - .,the last: I chased from Mr. Petty. in red, vMte arud ,blue, arranged by of -the wir4irifttee, din charge; Mrs,. A. ganie had lbeerl thrown out and that; There vois, nio ice taken off the Mr- James Roi%, Reid Crops I CorVs, A. McLennan was treasurer; A. A. ono,ther,guarie mustbe played Fridiay- I loke"at Lakoel�et this winte'r-quite an tug-of-war tearrils., -.1chooa children and Naylor wias.slecrelto,lky, and the cont- night, this afto,r BrqxsseN� had beiem-, I I unusual thing. . thilty-t1wo, decoralbed, cars -and floats. mfttee also included.A. A. McLennan, noitdfiod to iplay Kincardane. . lGoderich and Seaforth played an,Thepairade comnwwed at the public .M: Brooderick and' A!, D. SutheAand. Bir,U19sels -wa's ratheT nettled by this � . I . exhilbitilon game at t4le rink here on ,',' ,, . .1 , . ­ I I unconstitutional proicedurre and a Itrio , Tuesdhy evenfing last with the score I -1 - representin thel elub� interviievocl . 5-2. The Seaforth players were Ar- I 1 q I 8V.1e1t1a1r,y DiomaPidt Meibr vacifeira- , thur Soole, R. Reid, D. Reid, C. Jews, 0 0 tions, were so load that the secretary - 0. Dick, A. Muir and W. Richardso�L 9 JUST. A SMILE OR TWO e wa's induced to call a IMeetang of a I Thle new sbeam heating syst I isuble'DirriTaittee of the executive to� � the Town Hall- is now in use. - � . . I � hear the'iT grielvances. � At this meet- I . MT. .E.. L. Box has purchased the Old ,Gentleman (enterinng office): I Tthe manhad been, at *,e winteir M- ing without going into the mattieir of - home ,and two lofts, on North (Main "There ist a boy John Sivip�'on work- sort severall days. . the protest atti all t1he tliree members; I Street'belonging to Mr. Alex. GOT- ing ,here. M I -see �him? reVa_ged 4 1 . my I�m his , "'I dion't know as I lWe this," he 'of the executive, pres,ent dom . grandifather." � . complained to the d1lerk. "I wanted Vheir , former ruling disi4iialified' - A number of horses in the Ckm- ,Clerk: O'You're just too Late, sir. to roughit a bit." . Hol,mes and Huir and direvited, that; sitiande end of Hullett have recently He�s gone to,you'T funeral." "Have you tried our goV course?" the -110st game of .the steri,w be replay- ' changed hands and a)t good prices. I 0 : I ,,, 0 . ed- . ' W� append herewith a partial list and' ;Bossi--l'So you want to lelaf�,e the , . The Clubst in the W.O.H.A. are be - we ask, McKillvp or any other town- ht�,lp ginning to wondleir .When. th ' may ' . works,. Axe yWr wages ,hisufflicient?" , ,"Would you. giVe i;en cents, to) ey -sih6p to beat this record: John Scott, Pat --"The wages are all right, siT, ithe ,Old � Ladies, Home? " � talne tble execultivel"Is1bTi,ousily. Apgar- I r - a heavy tev�rnf, $800; LeipeT Bros. ?,,,_ EfttlY their 'Past,decisions, we no indi- , buit I'm afraid, I'm doin' ahorse out "What! Are they out agpliM . . . $700, and oneJust a 2 -year-old- Thos tf a ilob, `P Elkhart (Irid�) Biilleitin,­ � . mtion. of What they will do to-iinjor- � � Adamfs� $600; Geo. Stephenson' $500;* , I � � I row and a. Tdore consistent attitude I Thos. ,XcRichael, 2 -year-old gelding, . . Would.certaindy be an asset to the 1 $225; Jarries Rapson, 2 -year-old geld- . - . . - league a's the constant wobbling of . irig, $225; Morrison, Bras., a p.1ir afi 0 1 the 07�ew in coniniand is very likely . 2 -.year-olds, $425; Thomas McMillan 0 k to capaize the vessfel. I - gelding, $300; Jarries, Dale, geldling: 0 SUNDAY AFTERNOON 0 GEORGE R.,dAMPBELL. - $300; George Dale, gelding, $215; Wbi. 'ie, (By lw]W HA -1 ton, Goderi4 Ont.) . 0 Rinn, gelding, $2010.' -ich has sold I - . I . , . -�, — Mr. David Snell of Zui . .1 has advised a.,completerest for sev- his heavy chestnut te,a'rn to Mr. John At the sign of tiliumph red up thepriests against the)rm They e,al, mo,nths.- Mr. Brooks visibed, ini McBride of the Blind Line. Satan's, host doth flee; laid hand's upon them, and took them Exeiter several months, ago. He has� . ,Owdmg to ill health, Mr. Delgaty ' . , On then, Christian soldiers, . into custody unitil the next day. Many ,,nsid, le in,t ,e,g a flarmer . his : ,On to victory! of ,those high in the te-mrple service a,,d ,, ffi,mle,r -he win, no, dkn�t, has ,been ooirdpelled to give up er ts as rab , position as principal of the school in . . I gaithered together and called for John fivd it d,P and, Zuiich and Miss Finglan:d of God2- ii` Hell's foundations, quiver . and Peter -on the Morrow. Being ask- f� fficirlit to have ,to slow up Ach ebmnij�ivced her duties on Mon- At the sh6ut of praise; ed the dire,ct question, "By what pow I - 0q, a bini.e. His flie.ridis, here will I . . li� day. ppe he may soon regain his accus- ,Brothers, lift your voAces, a tomed health. - Exeter nme%-Advo- Mr. Dandel Regele of McKillop bias , Louid, your antheiri� raise. this?" Peter boldly ,declared it was Cate . V I trappeld a number of mink this win- ! .8. Barny-Gould. 'by the riarne and power Of e . . 4 ter, . PRAYER was healed. Then be began to preach Dr. Whitely Re -Elected '�Last week a stray mad dog carne Jesus as thu 'st�nle which was seft at At the annual meeting off t,h-- C�an­ I to Miatiley -and it had been chased - Help irs, ouT� Fath2T, t') do with our nought of you builders.' Dds same -adL,tn National: Trotting and, Pacing all the way froin Hul Might whatsd�vier our hand finds to je,,us i I lett. Mr * Henry - do. To Thee shall be the ,praise and 1. $ "b�cioni, the head of the AEaoc,'Qfti�on held,dt Toronto lasit wieeiL Thornton killed the animal ith a - corrreT; neither is there -salvation in Dr. J. B. itely , re-elected to. , club. wl glory -ever. Aimen. Wih was . , tiny other; for there is none o-ther -the office ,of pTes,idien,t whi.ch he ha5 I Mlr- W. J. Ryan has sold, his farm, S.'S. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 24 nanike under heaven given among men held forr some, "&,rs.--4Go,deTieh Sig_ � lot 3% concession 14, McKillop, to Lesson Topic -Peter Heals a Lame whereby we� muot ,be saived.11 Peter nad. , . Mr. H. Hutchison, of the neighbor- Man. performod a geeat physical raira,cle Won All the Prizes . hb,o,d of Duliharri. The farm contains, -Lesson Passaige-Act-, 3:1-10; 4: 'but I-cw infinitely greater was th-i � 6 127 a-ere's and t','.e price paid ,was 8-12. 1 . spiritual nifiracle which changed Pet- fTihe local clurlers did exceedingly - $8,300. � Golden Text -Acts 3:6. er the coward into, Peter the bold, well at the arinual bonsipa held b-ee& , 9 Devotional Reading -Isaiah 35: I- brave preacher as sfeen. -here. Those last week, winning all events. 11he From The Huron Expositor of 6. . listening ,knowing that ,Peter anci VIII)Y ,started ,on Tuesiday and did not I - 1. FebruarY 20, 1885 Wb have -here recorded the first John "were unlearned and �gnorant fiFIL-1h unkil Thursday. There were IS- I ,(jW_ n-rifics entered includang entries from, Williiarn T. Aikins of Eg'mondville, apostolic, miracle, Peter and John nien, marvP!1ed; and th,ey took ki. f6ririerly of'Hulleftt, met with' a mel- were going up ilito the temple at the ledge OC tho'm. t�at they had been Kin,cardiine, Pall-lerstomi, Mount For- . ancholy death on Monday evening hour of the everiing4 Sacrifice. They with Jesus." , est, WroxeAfer and Lucknow, The. I last. He had gorie,to Kinfburn with were entering the te(mole by the gate * . . trophy event was won, by 0. Hasel- a load of fisb and) on Tuesday Intyrn- Well known, to, all dwellers in Jerus- grove, M. - Belq, J,,�ok XcKibbo.u, i, I Currie, stkip, The ru-nners-up, were i'ng he was found lyd.ng on the road alem as the Beautiful Gate; and there WORLD MISSIONS Rolger ,Olke, � Bob 0hettlelburgh, Ed_ � opposite the re.-iid-ence of Mr. W. Mc- they met the cripple whom they .Wchael, o,n the town line, frozen, to healed in the name and by the power 'A missionary in North India was Naisih, Art Wil-soril, skip. In the As- f death, . of Jesus -of Nazareth. A crowd of visiting in the bome of some slociaftlion, ithe wtin-nerrs werie J. ff_ 'rich Crawford, R. Hetherington, Henry- 'ne trains have boen badly d,e- belggalrs frequented this plaice, and people when an old Wh1ite-haired In- I moralized for the past week. Ross, Dicinialldi Rae, skip. Rumnem�4up, outof tlbds crowd one man addressed than woman fell ,dbw,n at her feel, were Gordon, MacLean R. Turnbull, 4) As the detachment of the Salva- Peter am -d John. He had long fre- crying bitterly, � bion Army Was returning,home from quented thi,s spot, as -king alms of David Foa-t,Lme, j. ' "For years," she sobbed, "I have W. masion, old — Va-,a lasit weeik, �the sleigh upset the worshippers at the temple. Peter knovm that thtere must be'.such a inghaim. Advance -Times. 7 i when d,c,sc,erndqn-g the Varna hill and f,eplied to his request in the well- One as yo,u tell of, One who loves Hockey 4f t7w&ntY-thr,ee went over the bank in known wtords: "Silver and gold' haveiand isaves, but only to -day haive I Our hockey be,afm I playe4 a very- I a promi,truous heap, I none; but what I have, that give I heard. 11�- is, all I want. Tell 'me strong gatme alt Blrus-slals last WL -d - Mr. Andrew ,Calder has been of- Thee. In the niame of Jesus Christ Hd� name." The missionary told'the nw-rday n6ght and were successful im fleired one dollar an egg for a set- of Nazareth, walk. r�aiitk, Prabhu Yesus Masih, overand defeoting rhhle home beam by the sco;ra- I ting 'of eggs from his imported hen, Tbe (beggar wao, typical ,of the state over again, but the old lady could I . of 5-3 which tied them, wi-th Brussels; I but 4e,dleclined, as he intends, dispos- of man and 'his 'c'ure was typical a not remern(ber His'name. How shall for grmlp �honor, � ing of the chicks instead of the eggs. the work of these early Apostles. I remember, Him now you are going Fhfuw '. Our boys have, Mr. Alex. Nichlolson. of Tucker- Mankind even when. highly civilized, away?" The mis-s§iortaxy to-ld ,her ing this w0nldetrful im1pronlarment dkrr- 4 nnith­has purchased fTc,Tn Mr. John, educated, cultured hes like a: beggar that even if she forgot the namfe, serrites, as tbeY lost their fimt, I would not forget her, tin,g Henderson h6s house, and lot, near at the dooT of the bemiple, till touch- Jesus GhTist two games and their -efliances. of get - the Egmondvillle Presbyterian church; ed by the hand and power of God. and then she had to go away. But , anywhere seemed to be against i �paying therefor $650. � ,Th�e first -man h,ealed and benefitted as she weirit down, thle crow them. Thr2,e were quftie a n-uhlber A Y,6ung girl, an eliniployee in bbe by St. Peter wafs a poor (Trian, and the a ddr�t;y little girl s,lipped Zed streeet from heTr(8 went to see our botyls im 4 rough the ,actib,'n, as they deseTve credlit for theo woollen rndll,s here, had' bbree fingers church'is work has ever led, her to deal crowd. 1Shfe held onfe hand Mgh abov(e -protect a toiled Acrap of play,off orn Monday .riig�t wvs� r-Aher had,ly crushed in a machin,& on Thurs- wft1h the poor, and to interest ,herself h& ,head to vasit improvement in their play. Tihe� . day. wnft keenly in ,their well-being. The pa#er and a stixrntp of lead penvil, a disaPPoinitiment to the large numi- Mr. Paitrick O'Connor of McKilloip founder' of Gbrifstianity was, a car- and cried out: "Write His Name." her froirb here who went to swe -the -a]- penter, and its earliest bernedktion "But," said the Miasionary, "thle game. The disiappo.,initmenit was not I latiely slold ,a yeaT a,n,d a half old st 41, lion, sived by that well-known h6rse, pronounced the blesse�dness of those old grandMother cannot .read. No so much on. the some, w,hich was 8-2, �, "Welcome," to Mr. George Whitely that are poor in spirit, and, ever since o,ne in that village can, read." , - � -but th,is beiing 'BJTtW9 first year in 0 Seafo,rtb, for the sum of $�00. the greatest triumphs of Christianity "Nay, but write the Name," said organ6zed hfackey that tdhey should I Mrq. M-airris o,f tHlensall has recent- have been gained amongst the poor. the little -girl, "and she will a -9,k ev- have to plafy agairpst imported (rMert ly purchased the confectionery 'stock St. Chyns)ostom in one of bis orations ery traveller who comles bo read the as they did on MondiaT nighit, and I of !Mrs. Vance and intends carrying padrito -a migorou's pdcture of tV16 inn- Na-mie to her until it sits in her mindl on the businp�-,s in future, a ' nary cities, one where all the peo- forever." Whtat MaJkes the situabion ,still ,v6ome, I -s. Blell & Dougal p I is that players firom Seaforth whose, Messi 1, o f Hen- , fle were rich, with an abundairce of -Women's Work. sall, th,- N-oung and enterpTising firm slaves, and therefore dependent on sq"ts have ailwayg been considered ' h h . clean, would lend.thems,elves, t�o. such., I w o ave be", carrying on the oitheirs fo,r all th�e necassaries and 9 adeal. But'aldhough we werebeaten I Sorghum factary for ,the past few conveniences of life; the other city yeanis, have this winter added to their was iribabited by norre but poor free- — We cola-gratirlate the team under t&--, Ns%eFa in the satmill line and are men, where evelryone-laborred at Tnan- Brus'slels bannier on their victiory and now buying a quantity of logs to fill ual ,toil and. provided for his wants hope they may continue on thleir rogd-.' emitractiq they have received for lum- by hits own exertions. He then asiks. Seen in the to vitatiory by winningtke, riferA round-- ber. which Is the bappier. In, which x ­4131Y�h Standard. I I Messrs. Sturgeon and Smdlli,e have would the gospel receive the readiest " Thames Road Minister Succumbs T& sold rtbei-r Young inlIPIN'ted stallion, w `-Is: The trite power of the Coun.11111­­.' Papers/ Pneumonia " .. k "Black Diarmorid,11 to Mes,,"s. -Berry Church has fbeen ,,ever displayed in ly and GE-�.ger, of Hen-sall, for $1,000. preaching the, ,gospel to, the chfildiren I Serniously illl for leoss thAn one week � Rev Hugih Tayilor, KA., B.D�, of the 'On Saturday evenifig last as one of toil. Am, intere,sting example, of Thai'mes, Road and Roys' United Of 'Our faist slk4rters had, full afteatmi up this Tiray be giathered from an age r in Vi1cjtoT.ia HOSIPRUI, on the coviewed rink, he sudderily slip- whiL-h we are, aqA to think dark. In Father Dies in West 'Churches, dified , Ved, falling wiQ& such force �on the Irdediaeval, timfes tthle inendicant friars, '79TS. H. Wiltse wais ciablfed to Cole- London, lo,ni Won&y frc(mi pnemwnia- lback of hihs rhesaN,as to render hi -m thba followers of St. Francis, settled mian, Alta., on Tbws,day � He firsit contracted a vevieTe cial-d and "t owin on, hi�,; condgitdon, gr6VAng worse be - 11L 9 insemsib,la'for ,.00rme time. everywhera in the aldins of- great to the Alne!9% of (her father, Mr. am- wa's r1emoveld to Loridbn on, Friday, at At the annful&l rueetinig of the Fire towns and devoW� themselves to the eron, forinerly, ,of Witcheill. C" MT- that UnVe suffering frorm prieumonda. ComtPany of Brussels,, the, following work of preaching to the ,PooT. And, Cameron passied awa,v Thursday --night He was 46 years of agvj, a graduate of offleers wlere, el m'ted: R. 'Scotit, Gbiief- they speedily attained a rrirarfv�e-llous I&S. Waltse receiihoed a wiTe on route VgIctorda tiling aloquairiting her of the sad' rifews— ,site of tthe University,of Toronto, and . -A Filest IA,en' power over mien. The same UridVersity and a post-gl%du- Qvptain, Jolin ,0&�Me ; - terilant, Win, 3H?T6.e%L( 2,ndr ,IA,,,t,.-,t, m1aT b� seen in, our own day in the Clinton N&ws,RecorA. . . S. ­ +­ -rer, E. tion, A wd)bh big wiTle, formerly 'Mists Rutih F ,Scotb; seereUry-itireaou wmlk of the SalVa .rmy. It will Overholt - Brindley Walker, of St. 'Catharine% had been W. Wilson,; Izit lernigineer, John Moa- be a 'bad day for mligion And, for so- A: quiet -wedding ' dows. elety when th(e church ceageg to be ei Was sollelinnized at em',92(geld in nidsisiomiaTy work in China Since 'his; valie My. John McMillan the church anid ebariViion, of the weak ght o"rJ]1oe`k Sstllrd)SY evelning, Fob, film 1920 to 1931, albouit onle year and has Nold %as im1porlbed, mawle, "Clara -the d1own-trodden and the deetti- 9th, at Victm-la'StrOet United C%urch a Mthf ago- domfinig to 'Phaimes Road, Muirhead,11 to .Mir. WM. BarTfe, for tutie. Pa'rison2190, by -Rev. F -W. Oraile, when where file Was, bdbved dnd' esteeffned) . Edna May Birindley was united in by his parisHl'oners, M's wiffe� was arr the suni of $600. , The cripple that bad bden thus mir- inarriage(to F'raniels E. Over%olit. Th,e initievesfing Speaker at the Mad,n, St. 'Mr. John baer of Lon,destvor�o, has- aculousily healed follofwtd the APOR- couple wellreatitend,eid, by Mr. and. M�irs,. W.M.S. in Mitchell a few rnontbgago, .gold to Mr. Wmi. Doer the north part tltqs into the tenilple. Thi8i filled the f.' GfRb1,e1y.-_4Go1d0rj, of Lot 96, Con. 14,Jftr1lett, cmmistih,g spectat6vs, with wonder and, ga" . ch, stax. , and to her with her four simiall dhil- of 48 acres t6r the suri,of $2,500. Peter an'UPportumity to detlgre, J46 Exeter Old ,Iky Ill &1en, the h&Itfelit sympaitby af her XT. kred Efferington, bought. out and h1s power to Jh.egl. Tihfen� he Word has been relMved �n . friemids ilifeme ip. �-xtfendied. The- funeTal (" thei conioguy 'bf the lk6nowicsl ceeded,lb spbak 4t threii. gtilt, in fat. lbob W willmam J.- ........-O"ter WaIg 111'eld in ii�mes, Road Chumh on I 'incei, 1,1 6 1 , 6ty, 'MaLL, 'an� ,Oryr�- 'Tatgft �Wd ftenmint was, rnia& aq- k,r Thre&hing c6noeirn-wid il. being vnsh� ,Uing,the�ty of T W.adadh, Xo,ny t"I Exeter old boy, owiter, < , ed the best of.sucseosb With the .work. OWt( llatfeui& �eoldyed OUrrid', his hirthplaea, on Wed- . ­ and ,jh�s stir. has -961b ly0en w,et anq his phy%cian ,, . I o I . . I . I I . . I .1 . I . neisfday­-W�tehell A*o"te� . I . . I . . .. . . . I � I . I . I � I � �, 1. " . I � . .� I 11 I. I . . I . . I . '' L ' ' I , .4�­ I I ' * L I , , , , ,1� . ,- - :" i , 1, L� "" "' � " . I . , ,��,�:� � ., , ,.,�, .� , , . �. �'l . . I I , � ­ ,; 11 , .� I.. , ' ",�' I .1 . _,�, '': ,: �, rl,,l :,�, �;��.�, .j',�.'.%, '' ,���`,:, h,-- t .- I "L� I ,.. "�'. � , ' . I I I I I I � -w, ��91�� ", L �, I .. � .­ I " I I � , - - .1 .k . ,,�,,', i,�A;,��,�, k,'�, ,,,. ,.4 4.. ,,,,­ 1. - "', �'�,,,�, V --Iii' , � -,,�, ,;. "', � : - I I ! . 1�` .1.,��,,��,,�§';;.�,.,t�,�,4,�.),� �,:, ,g.-'11'11-�,11.1­1 "i-U,11P., 11 1, , , - " , . I 11 C " - � E2 , .� �� , , '.,,ii, 111.,,� ��,,%,,g­,,,,, Ri�"e,�,Vl��Y"'L�, A,,�i ,��-,I,��.­ ,� ,�"q­,;­',;"g;�,4��,,', Ir � Ai;,` . ��,�p,,',!��,,j4 �� J" f"', A ­�,,�,,,t�,�.I,i " "" f, �;�,� 4� � �,,, " �,:� �,,�,�:, ,",�,'�P.��"P�j� 0 "�,�" �` $,��$i�,Y,� N41,�i �,� % , , , , , "T'. "" " ,,�4 ��,;-,,,�450"",t , ��,, . , , :; 1. 1. 1P . I ):'M , r� , "�"!�'�J"�L�f�," .I , , ,� � � I . , . N � . ,,,,, � " � .,",iP,6�!��,�)��!N;t�',I"i,,'�',�i�*,��",!;""7 , V , ,t, ,,k ,,,�,�, ,�,, � ". I ,, � � N , , ,� �, , , , � �,il , ,�,,iE` � ,,,� .`2 ��?, �.'i I �!,'�,!,, . ,; , " " , �. , I � , � . .� ., . , ,; , �� i� li L I �41` 1 ,� � , �L ��Vll I., , 11 `�24,,�tu�. �, � , , , � ,, LV2.& G"��,,Mi�­4.,. ,. � F, �?IKI ffimp, � �Mnm , �J6,,�Iyp,W,­ 11 " ,, - ., -!7 ; . " �' , 1161, - vj�, 0 1 . . I � The Coming Session of the I I Legislature The first session of the Legislature, 1. under the Hepburn Government, will i open on Wednesday, and before it' closes six or eight weeks hence, many th l, will have transpired. I .It will be an unusual and interest- . ing session. Unusual because of the fact that a Liberal government will come into power in Ontario ,af ter a . lapse of thirty years. Because, with 'the qxception of the Premier and . . ,some two of his ministers, the bal- 1 ance of the Cabinet and the greater -majority of the members are without rience of any kind. I And it will be interesting to learn - . how * these untried forces will meas- ure up to their. opposition in the , I . House, an opposition that is small in numbers, it i§, true, but able, because . ..,,of the weighi of experience in par- i . I hanrentary affairs'and procedure. be- . I , hind it. . . 1. I And it will be interesting, too, to i )earn What legislationwill be brought .. forward by the xfdw Premier to im- ' I plement his. election promises of eco'n- ,., . ,omy and. the advanceinent of public .1 Vwellare- � , , P � - I � "..'Th -b igituation in the Legislature' I . ... ." - 1. 1� . ­­. " ". .. `� 1.1i , 1-11 ' . ­ oil NVed , I .� , , ' ' 'e � ' meets " ­,*,'­.,, '­- � , ne� �­%,;,­­1.- , ft -it day will be , , ., �, "" ."�. -�,.­ "Al . ' , . � - l.�" � , ".e.. . " 0 -dal, �` the re e of' -a year ago. ` , �,�; � ­ 1� %1�i��`.�,� �,,1., , - ..,,�;.�,6-i ': �, . � . I . I �,I,,, ;, ­714-`�`ih&e *00 AA, 9VOWNIP41;ig 2-t--1 IP -1-.- t, - I... - ­ . �,;`.,.�­ I ,*',,;A1 , i.,, "i, " �,,,' "" 7 !, " I '';i ,1:1 X ,'.,1%'­�!,,,,, 4�­!,. . . , -,�. ­.'111­'1V111t­L ­X� � i -4 , , . .11�-�,111111 ��N­ , " , I -,�, -w , , ,,,, " - ­ � I ,, I I � ,!� " I,A ", I'll .1.1.1 , INN 1 11� " 1104� I I ,,� - iii`*- �, 'V..�, .11.� .� V I I 11 ,� � ,.­..�,I�i,�,'."�­'-:' , ".., , ,k " , "i i,7 " . . I , . 1, 14 . 1, , � '? , , ,�­',t-�:.,�,��,,,,`­, -�, � i. � ­� ". . '. .1 , ­�, ,�,q, ", . , - , , � " . ., ."I", ,��- ,:w�r ,-, r., , , .. ,. : .J,l ! ., ,: , . !,­. , J. 't 1,1 � �', �.'. ,� . , � � 7 , :� ", , "hi" V . , ,�,;4,%,,��,;,;,JP4 � , i. . 1 �, , - , t ,! , I I . . !"'; ,i -, - ., � � . . " - �, , t , - d , ".�', �,�. , il�.,, t �� ��, � , � . .. � ,� , 'I . - I . , . 1'1� , , r 41 � I I , '. .: d , � � ,� �r , . . . Ir I I I I , F,A ,i r I . . I , I f .1 . aj, f Cftservative supporters. In orit� if Now the iberals ha�eaA equal, or, perhaps, considering the size of the . present Logislature, an even greater , . majority. . I Overwhelming majoriti�s, howev-' er, are not ilways an, unmixed.bless- ing to either Premiers or Cabinets. There were'times duting the declin- ing years of Mr.'Henry's rule when his large following got out of hand, and h��,foundthat force as well as. sary to bring them into line. I The situation is a little different with Mr. -Hepburn, and a little more favor. able to hi m', because, of the fact that he should not oilly'have the loy- I � alty of his followers, but -their per- �. sonal, gratitude as well.. . .� Few new Liberal members may be aware of it, but it is nevertheless a fact, that it Was Mr. Hepburn and not the individual members . who carried -seventy-fiye per cent. or more of the Ontario constituencies ig the June election. I .. That the influence and even per- sonal popularity of private members, even if they possessed such qualities., had little beh'ring on the results. Many candidates. might just as well -.have had a number as a name, -, and remained safely under their own .roof tree during the whole campaign as far as, results were concerned. . The. June election was not, in I a . sense, a general. election. It was I an - election -between Mr. Hepburn and Mr.- Henry and Mr. He-nry',s record, I in which Mr. Hepburn won. and i . n ,. . ' winning carried his supporters with, him. ,­ " . . I � Perhaps that fact 'Will instill a .. measure of humility in the minds of the Liberal members during this ses- sion at least. But'then again, it may not. I At any rate, Mr. Hepburn has' a majority, and a majority sufficiently . . large to enable him to do as h6 pleas- . es with rRgard, to legislation. The' country hopes 'Mr. Hepburn's plea- , sure will be to legislat� carefully, wisely and well, without fear and � without favor. . 0 , The Globe Robin is Late In its broadcast on Guliday even- ing last, the Toronto Globe announc- ed the 1935 arrival of the. Globe rob-, in. , . And in the Monday morning edi- tion of that- paper a despatch from Caledonia verified the report and identified the bird as having made a flying visit to that town. , P8haw! Why all the publicity? The Expositor robin was reported in our'issue of January 25 after it had taken up its abode in the orchard of Mr. William Chapman in.,the to" - ship of Hay. , ' And Hay township is in Huron County'where they have real winters with real snow, and where the people, unlike the residents of Cale- donia, do not predict the sight of a robin will be f (ollowed by an immedi-- ate spring. in fact, we don't have spring up here in either January or February, and,we don't look for it either, with or without robins. ' . � SAY. I Not Likely To Be Settled I (Stratford Beacon -Herald) ,Bligin County Tru5teres. and Ratepayers As- sociation believe the Department of Education should -do something to equalize teachers' pay. Taking examples from, territory close at home the Association- contended that the pay af ,rural teachers averaged $4306 iper year, while the low- est amount paid in St. T%ornas publiie schools is '$850. The efr6c;t of this is that the rural teach- er does not refrnfain a rurab teacher; at the first oppo7ftnity there is a m1overnent torward- the city. I ,The F,I,gih Association ha,q not unearthed some- tbing new becanoe the matter bas; been long dis- cussed. It is one of those questions about wMA Ce I _nyth ing cari,row besaid which 'has not tridabeforre. The answer of the rural school tm,T,S.:, is that no more canj ber paid, that there are sldhoolq with from five to ten scholars,, and ,the stize of the scboDli and the size of the attend- �snice do not waYrant ,greater expenditure. Then), too, there is nothing Which can prevent a teacher iT9 a rural school from tming to get a place in ,the city school, arid if such an attempt were ninde it would be right1v resented. � I The matt#r of small rural salaries, ,might; W isettled by action from a. ceroral body like the Dlepiarftent of Education naming a mini7n,uni m4ary, but we do not believe the governm�entr would dam sainai" such action. It w6uld be --- ItOb "IYOPUllarr iin Mrst difstrift. A!9§oek9a6P1§ can da%auds this cluesibion urntil they,grow, wem, buit we doubti if anything win tomit of it. . . � . . .1 I I � . ­ .� . . .. . . , " � , il . . , - �'� ­ t , ��- - I " I' . ,, � , �i 1-1 ­­,­ �'­�"""­,�L. "I'll,�l',�,.,',,,,,,i�,�"""",�.�.�,i,�- ­;�'­, �� - ". ,:i�,,',11'­,', I �1. 1 , , ., � .."'..", I`- ,�;.Il�-W�i��,�'L�l!r�p",�-t.-l- .J�N,111`111k, � . ..... �,,,.- Z�.;rt.,,�,�,,;�v.�"k,i,ti��,,,�,�'i")�,,��,,�731i�f""�'.1,1lk�r4�l;..I�,i"�l, 1. %t1.11 -:A1 ",'���,,,.��'t,'�'PLI�'�'�'��,�"."�,f�P Ili,"' I , 1 , I � '. � ",, ., "?,� - " - �. I - N. i ....... -, I , , , i� r !_�� L -1- � J I 11�� I N�I,ItW­ ,­­­­­�,­'�L "'I" , 1, 1-� -, ­ . j,;.� I'l.", L. .� , ,. ,, . , � .?. "I - r , "'! � , ., I L , , . ­tg-,;p­% �."�.�,),P,-,��,,�"'V""�,.����,��,�,,,,;,.,,-��,.�.Y�,i;�it .. .. ... . -,,'.q %N1X,�,',`1,,.�,,7�)1' . j.�.� �,� ", " �'� �'I`, , ""�'.""," , �,;I��,,,� �,,�,­'q,",yi.,,�, L �v,�1�""& L.., " ' � I , , t , _ _ - �. ,,� . I 5 -i� � ".9i , 1, ��":' �!�, , . � Lj, � r �L �� �", � �i"""', r, � "", ":`��`All -q.!"t "j, ., , , ­­ , 1, �,::, .1 ,, ; , � � , . * � i"', ', ' ';;� "j, "t �j � ��',� I , i ;�� �, '�; 'j, � , L "' 'i� I �� I , . r , r , - � r . , , i��. ,, ,, � , .1 %. ,�:, ��'!, " � � % , r - 1:� , � r. . � ,.� ; 1 I j, , ' � �, 1i - I . , I . �� ,� - .;'��! ,,�. ",:�, - 4, - : � �,� " , , , " � !�� RON r . , :� , ' .1, �,�'�'��r j.. "r, r ;," L ::�.;!,�.�'O,� -,���ri: �','.­ I r 1: W 0 " 11 ­ ''Ill I �� I .1i, . " . �4 , 'r�.",�rn,��­ IL '��" 'r �," � "'.." � "'. �` �" : 1. �,�' �, . ­­���[[[[[,­­ � , ,,, :"4, � , ,,, � , ,,, � -1111 .1-1-11 I—— Ir'll""�1'r.�".,4"'�,,iL,�,i,,,.. , ,,, �J,` I . , I 11 ­�,, 'f ­'��t� "',.,.-�;,.,"14,;�l"-,��'I'�"�'�r".-.I 1-11 ..'r . . 1. " 11 I`- ....... ­­­­ I , . � ,�, i r' . I I 1. 1.1- 11 --7771,111"'.1,1. , , � ­'.11771.�� �;�;., .�r ['', _,";"'�"'.� � :­:�:,-[.�O ��,;�;.�;;�,- ";�,�r.��lil��",".,,,,r.���l,"""�-L 1-111; I ...; . ..... ..... r,"�:"�,.,,�",.",,�'.1�4,,,,",��lh.lil,,,�qi,,,,�7 !-,P7 I li,�.�'l . � . ��. , I . .., , � I ., , .. :i, � � .; ,� , �, , - . I .11 I I I , � ,:,� �, � L I ,� 6 , ,:i". I ...... ��� , r ­ , , 'r", I I ­ I . � .. ,� � .1 .1 . I � I , ... I ..%.....L.1— - , 11-11, � ,.�, I., ­ - ,r1-1 11.11 I I I ,.k. 11 - - -- 11 I ­ � K .1, I I i ­­­- 1-1. ­."'Ir.j., - - 11 �t, ,,r,,, 11 111'r "'L"'. I .i :.-i,-,--1-1. - 1�1­,:-41.,, ­, "l,r ... 1.'r ­­­ ­ .... .. .... ­ -,-111 ­�­. � I � :'r � , �' .1 , I . 0 '' 11 ­;,­.,� 1'� . � 'r ':­,� . � I Im 3F . I I �. 1'1411�1 11 �� � ( C , r ; i I r I , , 1 4 �*_J '' - - � .*, � - ,� . � ,.- i , i7,�'i't . I , .0. .. 14 ".1- I "i I . - , � . I f I gon . - U', R FME M ,I . 0 A�� - I I ars A P , DO.,TV0 , , . ­ . . - . ,- . I fiteresting ftems picked from . . I . , ­ . - - ­­ - I I "" � 7 `" " � I , - . I . � of r fifty gM,d The nibnober "Keep 1V4ibr--ht0Qvka- sthoW gmmm& anq vm�eediod to Vic- W.O.H.A.. Under Fire . . 1 T4�t Ek A WoaV, Wd here on �C114C ,JJQQ,1id&y a toWaa . po .tor Park, via 0entrA, AWn, Cwim- , t . � I 113rume$s, Reb. '16 twenty-five years ago. � re n. bie and Vd,otpr!4 pto�. At, the . .., I"5. li r I I I _ , I i - � ft. �­ . , � I der the agisi1icet of Ow N0VJy L"gue, P�irk a. 10dwu T�e 11uron ..1-------.1.--.1-..0-.-- . - , . y, booths, w= ea"bits 7%0 Edk�n . L,Xpositor: 11 , .XL aeld 'of the S9410TS Of the British add ,01thw WtItOwWw WexO in full IThe W�,O-H.A. BxequitiTe apprawo .. ,� I i I t� I . Ni�vy and Meftudwe XhXbIle? SwLng' T116 GUVPIV�Of ik�8 cream Was mutle ww*A ,donlsWbeii�t,,�!Oc!ort.ffst.enq4., �, �', From The,Hurou Expositor of AdIv"t1ised for weelm previousi aa ea&,y .e. ed, and nel;4107 twice &O After haivding'e)nierged f6ohn a dbpuW 1. February 25, 1910 the ,lbigglest event Of its, 1�pd to be miany awtaidw sod, 'infealb -as were after wMich jGodelrich left� A I . �,�e league . .. heild in i Westiera,Onitaxio in 1918, the available could' biwvebeen disposed of. die (sulb-ciov*r4titee of th6 exeicu.ftve, 'The drug bus6ess of the late Jus. Oelebwutwn when i1b was, ended and- tThfp new Chevrolet car w"won by went. into a huddile 'On. 17TI&Y, �;fte, f, 'Wilson in Godekich has, been PUT- IVISUdbS and PWCeedV Minted, easilY 'Ab. Adam! WWKay, Of the Seaftrth fifteenstili, to 0%ides the Prussels,B%tk. , � . chasLed by E. R. WIgIle of Wiarton. lived up to'itbrpublicity. - It was ,the wivAerw1owlos; Mx. Heniry Hw� 92 &3pute. I il Editor Chiisholm of W�oxelter hais last of a aeftie�q of money-raisiog vien. yie4M wiE w- the 01deist gentleman on ,The Emecadve first advised Brusisels t ' puxeha�ed the Lowwie property next time% sponisloiled by Seaforth citizens the giriounds, and bft. A. Gilloppie, thiub flik.y.hvvft endtaed, to ,play 8"_ . . to,the off" of the Howick Insurance d1ulling the four years of,war. 86 yeam, was the oidesib lady. 11111- f6mth OX.A. players. Th�n og Aw,:- ', Cion*any and wall fix it up for a In Point of aftergd1ance itr was the left Towniship won the tug-Of-ftr- rthew thmg&t. they advised Briumels .. printing. office and dwelling cok-r(bin- liargesit gathering ,eveir helid in ,Sea-. Clialdrenls Twe eviepts were wo-n by rthat th,ey should secure rele,31se from I ed. r forith with the ,possible lexeoption of Roty Weiland, Jack Foo,s1t, Keith Sitog- ,Cibiriton. �Thk,t JJ921see Br`iul-13als Foe- . (, ... - N -Mille biaulmg gra3�0, XT, Kernick the Ontario Firerneurs Demonstration dill, Blob Axchiibalfd� Cora strong. cured, from qhiel CljmLjon Club am(L � ---'-"- of UA�ornta township, got stuck' with' "dUflng the -1914 Old­,BoyLV---R&umf=. -Janzttte AxchibAlid, Irene snilkth, KY- - Played fb."- Seaforth -pliayerrqs�; 1161mes; A. -his load and, ti�a chopping the, road to 'DWdnig the ,day Vic,tioria Park was ,1,('.is- Reeves, Wni.. Brynie, Beatnoe and' Muiri in -the, firral g,ly.ie. ' I gk-t -out, had the, ridsfortune to cut crowded whth nearly 5,1000 people- Frosik., ,G. iUvingsiton, Jennie- R*evlec After [Elrus,sel-si 11i;t&1611mf1iaibed Blyth f one of the horse's feet badly. all amdous too take parit in the fun and Donald Dale. !, in the finad ga,m�� Blyth ipuit"in some I 11fe sad news of the decease of amd at the sa1imie, tome assist the Navy 11n,the evend-nga dance was, held i7l nature of a tprotest. ably assAsted by - Harry Doynsirrig of Brussels. arrived Leaguc CardnD�pi Hall and it was not 1]1�1�1 Tba-y 'Gregg from Kinta�rdlrie, whu, in- 0 heire on Thursiday morning from Wan� '11he aftleTnoon program con*nene- the next d4y that Ithe Ust of the visa- tekTilewed the seleretary. Hloweve,a., i nipeg. - ed with a,7rionsiber. parade rwh1oh in- tors had left, town. The PrOceled' Brussels was, ,only notified by a tele-. 411 Xr. D,unean Stewart, late of the Leluded the Citizens Band, Henderson from the �cielobiiatlon were in, excess ,grain froni Blytth that a pr6itest'had 4 West, has moved, onto the farrn '11/4 lVighlanderm, a ,living Union Jack of $30,W. 1. I been lodged and a further iteleglium willes, north of Hensall, which he pur- 60111PO'Sed of gmuPs Of young girls !F. Kolintestead,,-K.C., wal chairman freni the secretairy that - .,the last: I chased from Mr. Petty. in red, vMte arud ,blue, arranged by of -the wir4irifttee, din charge; Mrs,. A. ganie had lbeerl thrown out and that; There vois, nio ice taken off the Mr- James Roi%, Reid Crops I CorVs, A. McLennan was treasurer; A. A. ono,ther,guarie mustbe played Fridiay- I loke"at Lakoel�et this winte'r-quite an tug-of-war tearrils., -.1chooa children and Naylor wias.slecrelto,lky, and the cont- night, this afto,r BrqxsseN� had beiem-, I I unusual thing. . thilty-t1wo, decoralbed, cars -and floats. mfttee also included.A. A. McLennan, noitdfiod to iplay Kincardane. . lGoderich and Seaforth played an,Thepairade comnwwed at the public .M: Brooderick and' A!, D. SutheAand. Bir,U19sels -wa's ratheT nettled by this � . I . exhilbitilon game at t4le rink here on ,',' ,, . .1 , . ­ I I unconstitutional proicedurre and a Itrio , Tuesdhy evenfing last with the score I -1 - representin thel elub� interviievocl . 5-2. The Seaforth players were Ar- I 1 q I 8V.1e1t1a1r,y DiomaPidt Meibr vacifeira- , thur Soole, R. Reid, D. Reid, C. Jews, 0 0 tions, were so load that the secretary - 0. Dick, A. Muir and W. Richardso�L 9 JUST. A SMILE OR TWO e wa's induced to call a IMeetang of a I Thle new sbeam heating syst I isuble'DirriTaittee of the executive to� � the Town Hall- is now in use. - � . . I � hear the'iT grielvances. � At this meet- I . MT. .E.. L. Box has purchased the Old ,Gentleman (enterinng office): I Tthe manhad been, at *,e winteir M- ing without going into the mattieir of - home ,and two lofts, on North (Main "There ist a boy John Sivip�'on work- sort severall days. . the protest atti all t1he tliree members; I Street'belonging to Mr. Alex. GOT- ing ,here. M I -see �him? reVa_ged 4 1 . my I�m his , "'I dion't know as I lWe this," he 'of the executive, pres,ent dom . grandifather." � . complained to the d1lerk. "I wanted Vheir , former ruling disi4iialified' - A number of horses in the Ckm- ,Clerk: O'You're just too Late, sir. to roughit a bit." . Hol,mes and Huir and direvited, that; sitiande end of Hullett have recently He�s gone to,you'T funeral." "Have you tried our goV course?" the -110st game of .the steri,w be replay- ' changed hands and a)t good prices. I 0 : I ,,, 0 . ed- . ' W� append herewith a partial list and' ;Bossi--l'So you want to lelaf�,e the , . The Clubst in the W.O.H.A. are be - we ask, McKillvp or any other town- ht�,lp ginning to wondleir .When. th ' may ' . works,. Axe yWr wages ,hisufflicient?" , ,"Would you. giVe i;en cents, to) ey -sih6p to beat this record: John Scott, Pat --"The wages are all right, siT, ithe ,Old � Ladies, Home? " � talne tble execultivel"Is1bTi,ousily. Apgar- I r - a heavy tev�rnf, $800; LeipeT Bros. ?,,,_ EfttlY their 'Past,decisions, we no indi- , buit I'm afraid, I'm doin' ahorse out "What! Are they out agpliM . . . $700, and oneJust a 2 -year-old- Thos tf a ilob, `P Elkhart (Irid�) Biilleitin,­ � . mtion. of What they will do to-iinjor- � � Adamfs� $600; Geo. Stephenson' $500;* , I � � I row and a. Tdore consistent attitude I Thos. ,XcRichael, 2 -year-old gelding, . . Would.certaindy be an asset to the 1 $225; Jarries Rapson, 2 -year-old geld- . - . . - league a's the constant wobbling of . irig, $225; Morrison, Bras., a p.1ir afi 0 1 the 07�ew in coniniand is very likely . 2 -.year-olds, $425; Thomas McMillan 0 k to capaize the vessfel. I - gelding, $300; Jarries, Dale, geldling: 0 SUNDAY AFTERNOON 0 GEORGE R.,dAMPBELL. - $300; George Dale, gelding, $215; Wbi. 'ie, (By lw]W HA -1 ton, Goderi4 Ont.) . 0 Rinn, gelding, $2010.' -ich has sold I - . I . , . -�, — Mr. David Snell of Zui . .1 has advised a.,completerest for sev- his heavy chestnut te,a'rn to Mr. John At the sign of tiliumph red up thepriests against the)rm They e,al, mo,nths.- Mr. Brooks visibed, ini McBride of the Blind Line. Satan's, host doth flee; laid hand's upon them, and took them Exeiter several months, ago. He has� . ,Owdmg to ill health, Mr. Delgaty ' . , On then, Christian soldiers, . into custody unitil the next day. Many ,,nsid, le in,t ,e,g a flarmer . his : ,On to victory! of ,those high in the te-mrple service a,,d ,, ffi,mle,r -he win, no, dkn�t, has ,been ooirdpelled to give up er ts as rab , position as principal of the school in . . I gaithered together and called for John fivd it d,P and, Zuiich and Miss Finglan:d of God2- ii` Hell's foundations, quiver . and Peter -on the Morrow. Being ask- f� fficirlit to have ,to slow up Ach ebmnij�ivced her duties on Mon- At the sh6ut of praise; ed the dire,ct question, "By what pow I - 0q, a bini.e. His flie.ridis, here will I . . li� day. ppe he may soon regain his accus- ,Brothers, lift your voAces, a tomed health. - Exeter nme%-Advo- Mr. Dandel Regele of McKillop bias , Louid, your antheiri� raise. this?" Peter boldly ,declared it was Cate . V I trappeld a number of mink this win- ! .8. Barny-Gould. 'by the riarne and power Of e . . 4 ter, . PRAYER was healed. Then be began to preach Dr. Whitely Re -Elected '�Last week a stray mad dog carne Jesus as thu 'st�nle which was seft at At the annual meeting off t,h-- C�an­ I to Miatiley -and it had been chased - Help irs, ouT� Fath2T, t') do with our nought of you builders.' Dds same -adL,tn National: Trotting and, Pacing all the way froin Hul Might whatsd�vier our hand finds to je,,us i I lett. Mr * Henry - do. To Thee shall be the ,praise and 1. $ "b�cioni, the head of the AEaoc,'Qfti�on held,dt Toronto lasit wieeiL Thornton killed the animal ith a - corrreT; neither is there -salvation in Dr. J. B. itely , re-elected to. , club. wl glory -ever. Aimen. Wih was . , tiny other; for there is none o-ther -the office ,of pTes,idien,t whi.ch he ha5 I Mlr- W. J. Ryan has sold, his farm, S.'S. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 24 nanike under heaven given among men held forr some, "&,rs.--4Go,deTieh Sig_ � lot 3% concession 14, McKillop, to Lesson Topic -Peter Heals a Lame whereby we� muot ,be saived.11 Peter nad. , . Mr. H. Hutchison, of the neighbor- Man. performod a geeat physical raira,cle Won All the Prizes . hb,o,d of Duliharri. The farm contains, -Lesson Passaige-Act-, 3:1-10; 4: 'but I-cw infinitely greater was th-i � 6 127 a-ere's and t','.e price paid ,was 8-12. 1 . spiritual nifiracle which changed Pet- fTihe local clurlers did exceedingly - $8,300. � Golden Text -Acts 3:6. er the coward into, Peter the bold, well at the arinual bonsipa held b-ee& , 9 Devotional Reading -Isaiah 35: I- brave preacher as sfeen. -here. Those last week, winning all events. 11he From The Huron Expositor of 6. . listening ,knowing that ,Peter anci VIII)Y ,started ,on Tuesiday and did not I - 1. FebruarY 20, 1885 Wb have -here recorded the first John "were unlearned and �gnorant fiFIL-1h unkil Thursday. There were IS- I ,(jW_ n-rifics entered includang entries from, Williiarn T. Aikins of Eg'mondville, apostolic, miracle, Peter and John nien, marvP!1ed; and th,ey took ki. f6ririerly of'Hulleftt, met with' a mel- were going up ilito the temple at the ledge OC tho'm. t�at they had been Kin,cardiine, Pall-lerstomi, Mount For- . ancholy death on Monday evening hour of the everiing4 Sacrifice. They with Jesus." , est, WroxeAfer and Lucknow, The. I last. He had gorie,to Kinfburn with were entering the te(mole by the gate * . . trophy event was won, by 0. Hasel- a load of fisb and) on Tuesday Intyrn- Well known, to, all dwellers in Jerus- grove, M. - Belq, J,,�ok XcKibbo.u, i, I Currie, stkip, The ru-nners-up, were i'ng he was found lyd.ng on the road alem as the Beautiful Gate; and there WORLD MISSIONS Rolger ,Olke, � Bob 0hettlelburgh, Ed_ � opposite the re.-iid-ence of Mr. W. Mc- they met the cripple whom they .Wchael, o,n the town line, frozen, to healed in the name and by the power 'A missionary in North India was Naisih, Art Wil-soril, skip. In the As- f death, . of Jesus -of Nazareth. A crowd of visiting in the bome of some slociaftlion, ithe wtin-nerrs werie J. ff_ 'rich Crawford, R. Hetherington, Henry- 'ne trains have boen badly d,e- belggalrs frequented this plaice, and people when an old Wh1ite-haired In- I moralized for the past week. Ross, Dicinialldi Rae, skip. Rumnem�4up, outof tlbds crowd one man addressed than woman fell ,dbw,n at her feel, were Gordon, MacLean R. Turnbull, 4) As the detachment of the Salva- Peter am -d John. He had long fre- crying bitterly, � bion Army Was returning,home from quented thi,s spot, as -king alms of David Foa-t,Lme, j. ' "For years," she sobbed, "I have W. masion, old — Va-,a lasit weeik, �the sleigh upset the worshippers at the temple. Peter knovm that thtere must be'.such a inghaim. Advance -Times. 7 i when d,c,sc,erndqn-g the Varna hill and f,eplied to his request in the well- One as yo,u tell of, One who loves Hockey 4f t7w&ntY-thr,ee went over the bank in known wtords: "Silver and gold' haveiand isaves, but only to -day haive I Our hockey be,afm I playe4 a very- I a promi,truous heap, I none; but what I have, that give I heard. 11�- is, all I want. Tell 'me strong gatme alt Blrus-slals last WL -d - Mr. Andrew ,Calder has been of- Thee. In the niame of Jesus Christ Hd� name." The missionary told'the nw-rday n6ght and were successful im fleired one dollar an egg for a set- of Nazareth, walk. r�aiitk, Prabhu Yesus Masih, overand defeoting rhhle home beam by the sco;ra- I ting 'of eggs from his imported hen, Tbe (beggar wao, typical ,of the state over again, but the old lady could I . of 5-3 which tied them, wi-th Brussels; I but 4e,dleclined, as he intends, dispos- of man and 'his 'c'ure was typical a not remern(ber His'name. How shall for grmlp �honor, � ing of the chicks instead of the eggs. the work of these early Apostles. I remember, Him now you are going Fhfuw '. Our boys have, Mr. Alex. Nichlolson. of Tucker- Mankind even when. highly civilized, away?" The mis-s§iortaxy to-ld ,her ing this w0nldetrful im1pronlarment dkrr- 4 nnith­has purchased fTc,Tn Mr. John, educated, cultured hes like a: beggar that even if she forgot the namfe, serrites, as tbeY lost their fimt, I would not forget her, tin,g Henderson h6s house, and lot, near at the dooT of the bemiple, till touch- Jesus GhTist two games and their -efliances. of get - the Egmondvillle Presbyterian church; ed by the hand and power of God. and then she had to go away. But , anywhere seemed to be against i �paying therefor $650. � ,Th�e first -man h,ealed and benefitted as she weirit down, thle crow them. Thr2,e were quftie a n-uhlber A Y,6ung girl, an eliniployee in bbe by St. Peter wafs a poor (Trian, and the a ddr�t;y little girl s,lipped Zed streeet from heTr(8 went to see our botyls im 4 rough the ,actib,'n, as they deseTve credlit for theo woollen rndll,s here, had' bbree fingers church'is work has ever led, her to deal crowd. 1Shfe held onfe hand Mgh abov(e -protect a toiled Acrap of play,off orn Monday .riig�t wvs� r-Aher had,ly crushed in a machin,& on Thurs- wft1h the poor, and to interest ,herself h& ,head to vasit improvement in their play. Tihe� . day. wnft keenly in ,their well-being. The pa#er and a stixrntp of lead penvil, a disaPPoinitiment to the large numi- Mr. Paitrick O'Connor of McKilloip founder' of Gbrifstianity was, a car- and cried out: "Write His Name." her froirb here who went to swe -the -a]- penter, and its earliest bernedktion "But," said the Miasionary, "thle game. The disiappo.,initmenit was not I latiely slold ,a yeaT a,n,d a half old st 41, lion, sived by that well-known h6rse, pronounced the blesse�dness of those old grandMother cannot .read. No so much on. the some, w,hich was 8-2, �, "Welcome," to Mr. George Whitely that are poor in spirit, and, ever since o,ne in that village can, read." , - � -but th,is beiing 'BJTtW9 first year in 0 Seafo,rtb, for the sum of $�00. the greatest triumphs of Christianity "Nay, but write the Name," said organ6zed hfackey that tdhey should I Mrq. M-airris o,f tHlensall has recent- have been gained amongst the poor. the little -girl, "and she will a -9,k ev- have to plafy agairpst imported (rMert ly purchased the confectionery 'stock St. Chyns)ostom in one of bis orations ery traveller who comles bo read the as they did on MondiaT nighit, and I of !Mrs. Vance and intends carrying padrito -a migorou's pdcture of tV16 inn- Na-mie to her until it sits in her mindl on the businp�-,s in future, a ' nary cities, one where all the peo- forever." Whtat MaJkes the situabion ,still ,v6ome, I -s. Blell & Dougal p I is that players firom Seaforth whose, Messi 1, o f Hen- , fle were rich, with an abundairce of -Women's Work. sall, th,- N-oung and enterpTising firm slaves, and therefore dependent on sq"ts have ailwayg been considered ' h h . clean, would lend.thems,elves, t�o. such., I w o ave be", carrying on the oitheirs fo,r all th�e necassaries and 9 adeal. But'aldhough we werebeaten I Sorghum factary for ,the past few conveniences of life; the other city yeanis, have this winter added to their was iribabited by norre but poor free- — We cola-gratirlate the team under t&--, Ns%eFa in the satmill line and are men, where evelryone-laborred at Tnan- Brus'slels bannier on their victiory and now buying a quantity of logs to fill ual ,toil and. provided for his wants hope they may continue on thleir rogd-.' emitractiq they have received for lum- by hits own exertions. He then asiks. Seen in the to vitatiory by winningtke, riferA round-- ber. which Is the bappier. In, which x ­4131Y�h Standard. I I Messrs. Sturgeon and Smdlli,e have would the gospel receive the readiest " Thames Road Minister Succumbs T& sold rtbei-r Young inlIPIN'ted stallion, w `-Is: The trite power of the Coun.11111­­.' Papers/ Pneumonia " .. k "Black Diarmorid,11 to Mes,,"s. -Berry Church has fbeen ,,ever displayed in ly and GE-�.ger, of Hen-sall, for $1,000. preaching the, ,gospel to, the chfildiren I Serniously illl for leoss thAn one week � Rev Hugih Tayilor, KA., B.D�, of the 'On Saturday evenifig last as one of toil. Am, intere,sting example, of Thai'mes, Road and Roys' United Of 'Our faist slk4rters had, full afteatmi up this Tiray be giathered from an age r in Vi1cjtoT.ia HOSIPRUI, on the coviewed rink, he sudderily slip- whiL-h we are, aqA to think dark. In Father Dies in West 'Churches, dified , Ved, falling wiQ& such force �on the Irdediaeval, timfes tthle inendicant friars, '79TS. H. Wiltse wais ciablfed to Cole- London, lo,ni Won&y frc(mi pnemwnia- lback of hihs rhesaN,as to render hi -m thba followers of St. Francis, settled mian, Alta., on Tbws,day � He firsit contracted a vevieTe cial-d and "t owin on, hi�,; condgitdon, gr6VAng worse be - 11L 9 insemsib,la'for ,.00rme time. everywhera in the aldins of- great to the Alne!9% of (her father, Mr. am- wa's r1emoveld to Loridbn on, Friday, at At the annful&l rueetinig of the Fire towns and devoW� themselves to the eron, forinerly, ,of Witcheill. C" MT- that UnVe suffering frorm prieumonda. ComtPany of Brussels,, the, following work of preaching to the ,PooT. And, Cameron passied awa,v Thursday --night He was 46 years of agvj, a graduate of offleers wlere, el m'ted: R. 'Scotit, Gbiief- they speedily attained a rrirarfv�e-llous I&S. Waltse receiihoed a wiTe on route VgIctorda tiling aloquairiting her of the sad' rifews— ,site of tthe University,of Toronto, and . -A Filest IA,en' power over mien. The same UridVersity and a post-gl%du- Qvptain, Jolin ,0&�Me ; - terilant, Win, 3H?T6.e%L( 2,ndr ,IA,,,t,.-,t, m1aT b� seen in, our own day in the Clinton N&ws,RecorA. . . S. ­ +­ -rer, E. tion, A wd)bh big wiTle, formerly 'Mists Rutih F ,Scotb; seereUry-itireaou wmlk of the SalVa .rmy. It will Overholt - Brindley Walker, of St. 'Catharine% had been W. Wilson,; Izit lernigineer, John Moa- be a 'bad day for mligion And, for so- A: quiet -wedding ' dows. elety when th(e church ceageg to be ei Was sollelinnized at em',92(geld in nidsisiomiaTy work in China Since 'his; valie My. John McMillan the church anid ebariViion, of the weak ght o"rJ]1oe`k Sstllrd)SY evelning, Fob, film 1920 to 1931, albouit onle year and has Nold %as im1porlbed, mawle, "Clara -the d1own-trodden and the deetti- 9th, at Victm-la'StrOet United C%urch a Mthf ago- domfinig to 'Phaimes Road, Muirhead,11 to .Mir. WM. BarTfe, for tutie. Pa'rison2190, by -Rev. F -W. Oraile, when where file Was, bdbved dnd' esteeffned) . Edna May Birindley was united in by his parisHl'oners, M's wiffe� was arr the suni of $600. , The cripple that bad bden thus mir- inarriage(to F'raniels E. Over%olit. Th,e initievesfing Speaker at the Mad,n, St. 'Mr. John baer of Lon,destvor�o, has- aculousily healed follofwtd the APOR- couple wellreatitend,eid, by Mr. and. M�irs,. W.M.S. in Mitchell a few rnontbgago, .gold to Mr. Wmi. Doer the north part tltqs into the tenilple. Thi8i filled the f.' GfRb1,e1y.-_4Go1d0rj, of Lot 96, Con. 14,Jftr1lett, cmmistih,g spectat6vs, with wonder and, ga" . ch, stax. , and to her with her four simiall dhil- of 48 acres t6r the suri,of $2,500. Peter an'UPportumity to detlgre, J46 Exeter Old ,Iky Ill &1en, the h&Itfelit sympaitby af her XT. kred Efferington, bought. out and h1s power to Jh.egl. Tihfen� he Word has been relMved �n . friemids ilifeme ip. �-xtfendied. The- funeTal (" thei conioguy 'bf the lk6nowicsl ceeded,lb spbak 4t threii. gtilt, in fat. lbob W willmam J.- ........-O"ter WaIg 111'eld in ii�mes, Road Chumh on I 'incei, 1,1 6 1 , 6ty, 'MaLL, 'an� ,Oryr�- 'Tatgft �Wd ftenmint was, rnia& aq- k,r Thre&hing c6noeirn-wid il. being vnsh� ,Uing,the�ty of T W.adadh, Xo,ny t"I Exeter old boy, owiter, < , ed the best of.sucseosb With the .work. OWt( llatfeui& �eoldyed OUrrid', his hirthplaea, on Wed- . ­ and ,jh�s stir. has -961b ly0en w,et anq his phy%cian ,, . I o I . . I . I I . . I .1 . I . neisfday­-W�tehell A*o"te� . I . . I . . .. . . . I � I . I . I � I � �, 1. " . I � . .� I 11 I. I . . I . . I . '' L ' ' I , .4�­ I I ' * L I , , , , ,1� . ,- - :" i , 1, L� "" "' � " . I . , ,��,�:� � ., , ,.,�, .� , , . �. �'l . . I I , � ­ ,; 11 , .� I.. , ' ",�' I .1 . _,�, '': ,: �, rl,,l :,�, �;��.�, .j',�.'.%, '' ,���`,:, h,-- t .- I "L� I ,.. "�'. � , ' . I I I I I I � -w, ��91�� ", L �, I .. � .­ I " I I � , - - .1 .k . ,,�,,', i,�A;,��,�, k,'�, ,,,. ,.4 4.. ,,,,­ 1. - "', �'�,,,�, V --Iii' , � -,,�, ,;. "', � : - I I ! . 1�` .1.,��,,��,,�§';;.�,.,t�,�,4,�.),� �,:, ,g.-'11'11-�,11.1­1 "i-U,11P., 11 1, , , - " , . I 11 C " - � E2 , .� �� , , '.,,ii, 111.,,� ��,,%,,g­,,,,, Ri�"e,�,Vl��Y"'L�, A,,�i ,��-,I,��.­ ,� ,�"q­,;­',;"g;�,4��,,', Ir � Ai;,` . ��,�p,,',!��,,j4 �� J" f"', A ­�,,�,,,t�,�.I,i " "" f, �;�,� 4� � �,,, " �,:� �,,�,�:, ,",�,'�P.��"P�j� 0 "�,�" �` $,��$i�,Y,� N41,�i �,� % , , , , , "T'. "" " ,,�4 ��,;-,,,�450"",t , ��,, . , , :; 1. 1. 1P . I ):'M , r� , "�"!�'�J"�L�f�," .I , , ,� � � I . , . N � . ,,,,, � " � .,",iP,6�!��,�)��!N;t�',I"i,,'�',�i�*,��",!;""7 , V , ,t, ,,k ,,,�,�, ,�,, � ". I ,, � � N , , ,� �, , , , � �,il , ,�,,iE` � ,,,� .`2 ��?, �.'i I �!,'�,!,, . ,; , " " , �. , I � , � . .� ., . , ,; , �� i� li L I �41` 1 ,� � , �L ��Vll I., , 11 `�24,,�tu�. �, � , , , � ,, LV2.& G"��,,Mi�­4.,. ,. � F, �?IKI ffimp, � �Mnm , �J6,,�Iyp,W,­ 11 " ,, - .,