HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-15, Page 7*
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! (Ba.vtotwo - t 6_040or, i - , I I �.: I I I : 511u:� H� . I IrIf", ,+� illl� , ,,,,',�
. aiinni W'! 'r. B'
I Succeeding 9. S. Rays . By. Gilbert Rankau * e ,h Romdneo 6I.Married Life at'? �, . . I ,.'. 11� 0t 11�"," .
/ . . . .1 5A I I 1
rever�ed an, order for the ,first time. Imiippdi!at.ely ,beneath b a m6i k , I ... R
the Domnion Bank, Seafortli. Money (Continued, " lastwe&) w.1d-_l.0zxh grol sfieet, isupport6d Half -past four, :-' Y; &M-` "A � �r'�I MIR 0
. . Lon a woodein, beam, prolonged this Time to get up, Sir TheY left Blen-kinsop at the lastru- ed m4way line ran nort�Kwa " I T, a , "RA , ,". ,
. I . There was the usual awkward An- irripirombsed Tod; provided some pro- , ' went; made thedr way, three helnte+- Jmfigilmt the beep of twihAtedd me . . 1)1#41'1,�,X.,'j l'. I.F. , M I I IT",
h drove in THE LAST OUNC ed figuines, across a road dark vnth cual�ed 11*e thip ribs Orr iA 4, A� "11 ". i�. "., ,tf'j'g 0" ,g
I glo-jSaon, silence, ,during which mein tictiction from the rain whic E L I .2,m 'P "'Wrl, ,
try Ii sum up fresh acquaintanceis. at tilie, 'dooil-1-a narrow entrance I . . dime and rotted -leaves, p�st theborso,- which had' been JUOnwgt, � "? - I ,
I Ost ii.ached by thme `steps�' mostly mud. The 'Canadiani'l-Aimusedi to gun fi ing infantry into Tranes Wood. -Staition. ,Over -the Tall I ..,t I 1 , I , .1 .,�,, ! i
Barrister, Solicitor, Etic. seemed- two �:very ordinary British of- Lowii these, thie. pair slithered . -had not slept. Now, in the re The :Wood .still stank of putzefying to, his _ftoiiti �6re ground, . 1. .. i . L , , , .F-i�N I ��
I fiTst flesh. , 1191flll �Ile �
'WQ Ontario looked terribly tired, he . Barbed wire -looped the trail- gvelen�-mtf by the narrow '', , I , 1 I ,3 1�
- _.- thought, but -their controlled features, or, ' HOre a ,shell -axed 6f our own front line. B, I
ficers; they Garton ,lit a iniaitch, revealing Pet- glin-mom of. -dawn,, he climbed, map, in _ -
. - gave no hint of any other emotion. munilbi-on boxers and u-stolien stretch- gasn to locate hiis, position BOAnd tree leaned drunikenlyagaipst, itsbul- four,hundirted. yax4#_AWX74._. - . - �W11111` = - r",!�tO,FR� , , , . , 1
VETERINARY . - (for, it is only, to tried - . ale , mudiwa,llis, of the coffin a niere-ldlip.An . 0.11 .-1
mien, in T154ttle'Vii4ce the secret feiii loudbed the ivalise, on ,either side, so vabley through w the' gr�'umd lay 'the turned earth bietmyted Olee scavenging 4my"s position. But between., the stitwitod for I 0
- I . of true courage). ' bitch the bad walked picl�. Beyond the tree triinks day narrow brown cleft and the ea il � , , � ,�,,,, , V
. ohati Garton had to scramble over it olviernight. Close on .big left ,bulked ,� ,W
"Haivle�a drink?" asked Sandiland. biefor, he could light fth6 candles' low shattered waSis which K,e knew tre,Wsleo gray day. A ditch full of bad so often defied assault. Aib that fresh an -d cPD$sp, JA � 1.
. � "Thanks, no." The man extracted uIttermig dip stuck On a wood, to be Mantaubani. 14 front, about five - 1� ., �Q,
. - a sinall looped bag from one pocket, en eftleg albovethe head of the lbedi- hundred ya:T& froirn the hattery, I water libilthrough this plall of death. distance it was, hardly visible; whow- bOoRst' them, in A h0s'00, , ..:. ,,,
Honer graduate of Ontario Veterin d - r *I.: .... 7 ,
tended to and, charges moderate. Vet- irr.kyistened it at his lips. Then, hold. -'-- is gdQ& f. - Id1.IW,.,. -, .Ji,l'jpner�l ; M
ary College. All diseases of domestic a packet of cigarette -papers from the a ad.,. A pool o _01iiine on ,the 'floor' could Make'out a raigged. fringe Of led -into the undergrowth. They -drab flamidisidape-a discolorationwhicli day& A wide�=�Wied�; g
animals treated. Calls promptly at- other; flicked off a thin leaf of paper, served for cs
-POL trees'-BeTnafay Wood. ,,On his right dropped'intio, the ditich- waded along, ended at ,skyline in the three -corner- ' '131 '11
A'You'd better turn, in," -Garton," M_gTund- rose slightly to a hump single .file I -10 , - i'? ,
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office ing the papers between fingwe, aud fl, , calf-de,�jp, im' liquid mud; od bush. clump of Arxo*head Co about' 1, covei it, TX�!§
said Peter sitting down heavily Fe. netax exyloo which must be the dulicked under a fallen log- waided on Right of the copse -our .ground- sugar is deoired, it cai�,,b '#,:, , I
and residence on, Godericb. Street, one thumb of his Tight hand, -tie opefted t, een ,,he pir�ating stretcher ha.n, Briqueteirie. On three sidies of him, Another .%bell v��Is-tied into roIse the trees of Trones, Wood- left ion the cereal. Mo3k, W �i' �!,��'i� �
'Sea- the bag with ,his left;.poured a lit- ,dlm "Fim, alfriaid you'llhavq to bring finthe valley behind," among -the trees . pream"111"i I.,
the undergrowth abovee thel "Whizz of it, beyond sunk roaa, and white �e carried 14 the therm*0, -11 - , a
'-I,e heap of tobacco onto the Paper, me only tea at, hialf-4paist four, Rather in. fronit, and on the flat'ground .to .be , , , , '� r* �
began to roll a cigarette. '. bang," said 'Peter .laconically. molehills� the enemiy% territory in a container whiqh'.ciaft,� ,kq*t;;iJ, . " ,
. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. ,-- -an, aren't you?" �vhatl Hope'she writes to you, Gar- SmOked' among the rising mists 'Now .they weire under open sky, streitched in colorless desert, d a c P = �, ;)- I
asked the battery�conimander. making their way along a battered to olecasional fountains by long range chased at Sichdol. R4 nW, -k - W1 , a0iiwi�-21'
. tomi? 1, He lookled round his own ;��h of Gnille_ with the cereals, too, p4d can be',6' 'piq ,�
"Yes, Sir. I'm a Canadian." trentch towards, , x 11 "
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary (,qBeen out 1,0_ng?,, I Tho fair - haired 'Tooks1hireman this; desolation -the flour .the support-Kines. In shell fire. Of what had -been , . . . :�yl. ... ..
m`az y gun' front of thein and behind, niont willage nothing - hi iij"
college, University of To,r*mfto. All , blushed violently; bemit'to,, unlace his shelters, the battered trenches, the If, 1,&ft of, tl�i�� I i
No, sir. About three months. I've mastl heavy lboots I den by,humped , of stchoo.l. A combination �
disease o& domestic anikimls, treated y - earth froTh the enemy, four tree -tops on the emtren
been,with the Amnionition. Columin shell -pocked ground; and thought: ,toiled Ifttleparties of infantry: Iyomb the .1 shell -tossed desert. eals, such. ,as corn flatkes and ' - ��:�'�l
by the most modern principles. 4Don% bother ;i;;X-that, I'll do 'You're a longish -Y from. -home, I �,,, I i
Chargos roasonable� Day or night 'em, ml carriem, warber carriers, imien w i t h 'It still lacked rtwo ,and a half . . . . . . . . , " � t .
The newcomer spoke slowly, not loaded rifies and men with empty hours to the time of the attack; and v�axiet`y- . -, ,'.,,.:,.
calls promptly att�ndied to. Office on iBut lDriver Garton went ,on with A sioldler came stunibling towards 11 �,.�, -1�2�1: ;q,
drawl -a drawl somehow -nd as his muddy fingers, Wlffl� saluted. eal luncheon is that many .. 111�
11, oppositer Town hastily ,but with a curious deliberate his work; a ,stretchers. Peter, harvIing shown the, -ground, and An important adwtaitage, of
The Aquid mud deepened to q"g- explairvedhis plans to the bombardier .l.", i,,,!�'�, ,
Hall. Phdhe 116. Breeder of Scat- reminiscent fumbled at the, muddy laces, - he Y'W. 9facilkson's) compliments, s1r; md,re , ..., will use milk on cel thloqgh . " .... . 4
tish Terriers I�verness Kennels, and Mucksweat, stat down to,.w'amit.. ', 1 11 , ,:I,,
-r Jackson of five men. sitting thought: 'Poor old P. J,! Ae won% -and he ,said ,I was, to find where you � . _'. '�?q,g
. , ard, Ten minutes paisse-&-a quarter of do not like it to, &ink C'eival an -1,
.He�sall. -much longfer. NevP,r,.zaw a man 10" Sleeping; and to,as-k if "here felt the false energy of ov honr-twenty milk makes, . '',
round a poker table under the awn- last 1. Peter, fighting ,his way forbw mlinutes. He looked a satils&ying luncheviii ".91
. ing of a zinic-decked ship on the Car- look so 01 in, my Iffe." ' was anythim�� I §hodld do for you, ,ebbing er-fatdgue an which Is nourishing and, easil ..Otl -
Ybbean. One of those five men. had *`,Should I help You off with your SdV- ' . . from his veins, Sodden l,ea- aft his watch, lit I cigar. Half ," y agest- . .,:,, ,.,
,_ , drawled' his wordis, with thei wrenched. his feeft roo,te,d them- hour went by. Two -hours: more to ed. Some cereal ,lunch box menus , i: ... I
MEDICAL just thalt breecihi slir?" . "'Where is Mr. Jacksion�ll and Other suggestions are asi t6l1bwa.- ' !....
.I... ithier wrien4ehed, at -his ankles. wait! A couple of -infantrymen 4ap- - t��
I I I I . . would ' 'I'll ;deep in 'era. You - get "Halving ,b -klmt, Sir"' Heavy I -,
'have been very insulted if he had to bil lad.,, . G'arbod- pointed to a wisp ater-bobtle, heavier revolver bolster, peared, took stabion beside 'him. .. OIL' " I
. '.I DR. D. " With a' cheery "Good night, sir,,, .bout fifty dragged at hl� and shoulder. Each S nd the traverste he d ax Corn ,Flakes and Bran,Cioreal�, _.".,2
, H�ow did' you manage to get hero llk�ivfefr Garton disappeared. His mas- Sir -Shlould I 'get You some'break- - gasped"breatili seemed to tea -r at his other infantrymen coming up. Damn - . Mak I .. 1%
Graduate of the Faculty of Medi- so quickly?" asked Sandiland. heart. His hielmet was a shifting it, would the time never pass? Very J . - *� . �.I,o,
cine, University of Western Ontario, "Well, sir, I happened, to be report- ter haulled himselif painfully along i,��_*It, ,Sir?" . torment. Bitter swel blinded .his high . Overhead, ,five Hun machines . --Peanut Cookies " 11,�.
and. St. the vali.sle; sat up -head, touching '"Thanks," Clinrles Henry, already .... I
. Joseph's Hospital, London. ing for duty -at headquarters just I stormed to thd eyes; ,driipped) from chin to tie. Tiln�e planed, gleardng across gray sky. ble Soup, , , ' j . , 1"..
Member of College of Physicians and whe 'phone message got ,Poiof; uhsilung his, gas helmet, which acm Einglisih army's . Vel I , ", .
ii . your . driven habit of perpetual valeting, followed and, -again., -only the long. irOnt-shod Hebegan to be afraid . . . . Fear .1 Deviled Egg I I , �1, , , I
Surgeons, of Ontario. Phone 67. - through. TheColonel told me to send - ,in the wala; took off his tunic, spread Garton to the 'Mess' -the same brok- Stick Slaved him, from. collapse . . . grilyPed-his stomach . . . He must Bran BreadSandwicbes, . , '-,',,, . . . . .
fice at Dublin, Out..'' 3493 my horses back, and come right along it on the bed; unstuddied. his ,soft co.1- en chalk trench, roofeA Gradualfly they, neared destination; look over. again, Tnake sure of his . Chocolate' Brownite L. . =._ ;.,I
I with the guide. He §aid you'd fix with co.rru- edged way past crouchi-rig men, past way to those white Irnolobil-15 . . . Milk ' . ... .",
I I me somehorw till mily blankets arriv- Lar; felt to ,make sure that the box- gated, into which he 46d slithered ov- the gap where Lindsay had died to Twenty past ten -a whole misemble . �,_ ��
DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT respimtor We& underneath his can- ernight, From round the trav, , I
I ed .tp, a little eininen-ce albolve plain -level. hour and forty-three virretched min-. Whole Wheat Biscuits' I
. vtas pillow; and inserted his bOdy came vnitell of a wood fire, sizzling of .1 I ., ,
Now a Canadian does not talk a-, H,eTe three mud -lanes met in, heaped utes mare. not Mlilk . - .. .. It,
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, inch -by inch inbo the Jaeger blank- 'bacon. Peter, astridie an anTn . i:
bout his 'blankets,' he uses the Eng- -funition. breastworks. Listless stretcher- Suddenly, the first enemy shell Apple Sauco with Raisins I %i.
University of Western Ontario. Mem.- lish word 'kit.' Nor does be -as a ets. box, krrug of tea in front of hi'm, bearers and a bundle, of S.O.S. rock- howlied -a' . . I .1�
ber of College 'Of Physicians.,. and �'Glofd," thought Petei�, "what -a fool looked up; sadd: cross, the sky, burst hollowly 1
q rule -smoke granulated to- ,,,,;Moi� ' ets, marked Battalion .'VJ2&dquart,ers at the edge of Trones Wood. Spiced Prunes .. I ' '..
Surgeons of Ontario. Offiep, 43 God- general I'm making of myself! I ought to en to bed , Bacon Brown Bread Sandv�iches , .
erich Street, West. Phone 37. bacco from those looped, bags which have goinie sickedays, ago." He blew Yet ? " -a Boche dug put, thirty feet'be_ "'DoTalmed if that one dkint come I .;;
are referred to as 's-acks' in the dis 4� low -ground level, reached by ,a deep from behind us," ejaculated, Muck- Hot Baked Beans I'll, I'll, ; . 11
ISuccessor to -Dr. Charles Mackay. - ,out thecandle; la,id, himself dcown, for Good morning. No. Somehow I I . Milk "i.
play ads. of the various firms wh � ,Sioe�, ,he -didn't feel like turning n. ebute of greasy slime. ' eat. . . . ..... i
A vse- ,qeefp; closed b -is eyes. You `ff Peter s'ank ,down, On onie, of the "Pretty well," said the bolfhb�ardieT I �',
DR. F. J. R. ]FORSTER ' , enue, New York. Also,, he strongly thought, 'sleep!' And for a.m�ment t,c, the show?" bomb boxes whi,ch littered the calmly, 110ften� got 'em. that way in - . - I , %. "
. 'le s,Ieep carrie to , ihim. Then '.he felt "Yes. As soon as I've bad ispae- g-noundi; leaned' gasping -', 't Processing Canadian Fruits ,
t sodden ground, trene the warning twitch bellow his heart- thi-ng to eat." . on his stick. the Sahe * ..". , I
. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throa bed and littered sitaxted up; groped for his- handk��_' * Gaaltlon b4ouight. breakfastf--ba "'Fec-117?,g th-ed, sir?" asked Finlay- Course you (. id . - . . , Well, this is Improved quality 'has been an' im- . ;%,��, I
. with reninants of, barbed wire, in his hief. con son; un& getting no answer unshing a-Sallent too, see?" I ' "11111 - ..
Graduate in Medicine, University of spurs. 4� The cough tore at his. throat, on a t1in plate. Peter imade prete pil factor in increasing the tota :�,,,
Totl[tnto. I I seemed to ibe -wrenching his lungs of eating; pushed -the plate 'Ice his water bottle, ,drew out the cork. "'I ,see," said the'huge 11airy Imian- domestic cons"'ptiOn Of canned . . ,
'These details. flashed subconsciously . away ,, .Try a drop of this, sir. it,s' col,d DvIen whibe he spoke the second shell fruits and vegetables' in Canada, as -
Late assistant New York Opthal- through the mind of Peter Jackson, Ou : t. . . . from him- lit a cigar; began tocough. tea. 11 I sc)reIimeJ and lit crashing to the � . . . "
linei and, Aural institute, Moorefield' Pain piassf4. leavinghim weak and Looking ;t,thi, haggard white-faced well as opening the ,door to expand- -
s as the three of them sat together in "Thanks, Borabardier-but you'd ground( (behind. splinters whizzed ing foreign markets. ''Provided qus�l- !;" ��
Eye and Golden. Square Throat Hos- the crumbling, trench: -but he was bletter ,keep it for yourself -I'll be over them, as they crouched to c -6v- 4 ty and continuity -of supplyare main- I.i �,�,
pitalsi, Loiiidaii, Eng. At Commercial very tired, his cofth troubled himf ter on the wooden. shl found match- breech,es, Hlenry thought to himself; all right in a minute.1, er. . . . , , �
Hotel, Seafoirth, third Wednesday in and anyway, it was none Of his bu '_ ' f 0 those trench- A little stTength camie back to Barrage fire began -a slow bar- tainted, a larger market seems a�ssur- .. I
es; ,lit the candde again. Number `W, -Il i you ever get t I vely 1:�,
. el four gun fired; shook a few ' iiiraclo. What he said was: him. 'He elippled off his fi,�.Iinet; rage, terrifying in its very deliberate- Operative and, if adhered to, justify , 1.
each m*ntb,, from 1.30 pmL to 5 p.m. ness. There were, ,he ,knew from. flakes es, it's a n e,d. These factOrs are progressii
ex- of soid onto his- ,valise. His whole "ATern't You going th take a gun- loosed belt at waist. A dozen times ness. L in d . ..
58 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford- perience, many such 'Canadians' a- Scream followed screa own _', -
-.1 - . I . bodry ached for sleep- but he was revolver, I should say?" the expectation that the volume of '.
. - .. mong the men who originally joined ,during, the fhalf-mile from Trones- the unchanging sky; crash followed fruits and vegetabless, ,processed in, .._,
Kitchener's Army. afraid to Ne'down aWain. If he lay "Rather!" Nter laughed. "I'll be Wood Peter ,had wanted 'to give in; crash -now right of them, now left, Canada will comti-nue to grow. A-1- ,�.��
DR. W. C. SPROAT thought Pet down, there would- come that warning 'loadt-irl like an ammunition -mule by own I , I
- , the Wst th,ree hundred yards ,had now directly behind. Only their ready a considerable part of the Can- ,
. Graduate of Faculty of er, did he manage to get a commis- twitch belaw the heart, another the t -me Garton's, finisbed with me been just ,a blur of continuous effort. t,irLy portion of trench, the ,,�Oddlen I
University of Western Ontario, Lon- ch they hud- vegetables gioes -to, the pilrocessors, . ,z 11 j� .
"Number two gun. ready for ae- parapher- your last ounce, into W; and like a dled under whirling Splinters, seenied and the proporbioin so used is likely 1A
iLL-vtlessdy, 'he -pulled his tunic to- es, !iam. Browne, the whole -n,g,' -he thought, 'got to put mud walls ble,tween whi
sion? paroxysm - - - -haversack, gas-hielmet, field, glass- 'Like rowi adian production of fresh fruit and
don, Member of College of Physic- tion, sorr," called Sergeant A,be wards -him; found the'morrow's ar- ralia. L amn�&d heavy. One i� s out rowed-oult oaxsman he rested for a inlllnune-burrow of saf �,
jam, and, Surgeons of Ontario. Office rne- . , et .,
diers; began studying them, "Infantry of the habit of wearing 'em.' ety in an ex- to increase. This trend' should be im- :]�,
in Aberhart's, Drug Store, Main St thy's voice from above them. litfl-e knowing only blessed relief. P10ding WOrld. I .jd
.1 wil,l attack . . . Objective: Guil- "'Do You think the attack will su,c- pressed upon growers in order that .1
(Sandiland called back: "Splendid, "Where'o Mucksweat?" ,he as,ked. 'How long can, thits go on?, thought .,�,
Seaforth. Phone 90. lemont - ,Gineby Maurepae Road- ceed ? " the best varietiies and, the best qua!- ' - �,', 4
I Sergeant. We'll come and have a at last. Poter. For a second, -be knew abso- ity fair. processing may be produced , T
. - look at it." Bois de Leu-ze . . . A14 S. F. A.B. "Hope so. We've had about four "You told him to sto. about twenty hite panic; his I.eg-s wanted to run in sufficient quantities. �f.
DR. F. J. BURROWS The three officers scrambled up,lout ('A,) Battery Fourth Soutlidtown, Field shies at the sanguinary place a'- yards back, sir. just Pround the cor- a`WaY with himi; he couldn't stick it,, ,"11111
of the trench into the noise of the Artillery 'Brigade) will detail Liaison ready." neT." couldn't stick it another rainute. - 11111P11.1
Office and residence Goderich Street, night; picked their way across to the Officer on the right . . . B14 S. F. "It's our own, infantry, I suppose?" A.
"Quite rig1ht. So I did. You,d bet- Came a pabse in, the crash of siound. .. I
east of the United Church, Sea- battery.. It was' pitch dark, with a A. B. ,will detaiil Liaison Officer on "'Lord, no, They g,# smashed up ter ,go and join him.. I'll observe (Continued nex-t week) I . rr.,
forth, Phone 46. Coroner for the drizzle of rain; §c, that the newcomer .the left . . ." I at Delville Wood weeks ago. - " - from there. This place is rather dan- I . 1,
Ciounty,.,of Huron. - The blurred type danced in front WAI, it's albout time I was off." Pet- - 11MR, '�,�'.
could see nothing except the occa -_ OR "PILES"
es of Perbefr'e eyes. Hie stuffed the Or- or got up, took a gerous." He staggered to his feet; .
. . long iron -shod stick madis for the entrance to headquar- . are promptly and thoroughly I
,the circle of Sandflands -torch as it ders 'back intib his tunic -pocket: do- , A New'Deal For .
DR. HUGH H. ROSS danced over yellow pock -marked .ing so, his.hand touched Patricia,s eni,oy yourself while I'm away." pear down the greasy mud -chute ; I
I., last lietter. This, boo, he read 'list- Hicrill watched' him scramble pain- h The Lunch Box , �
of 'vversiity of Toronto ground. They jumped a deep crum-. S, rugged shoulders rejoined his colm- , ir I J 10h k k Iil.
I Graduate Un les9ly, hardly taking in the wordis-. fully out of the trench, and remern- I 11�11
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col bling tiench; skirted the lip of a [bered Sandidland's wordis panifts,." .- I . , IA
- NtAinber four gun fired again, . . . : 'An abstin- The mid -winter season might be ,,,
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, of buge shell -crater; came suddenly up- He closedhis eyes . . . 'Sunflowers at,e cOve.' "I should say so, I mut- "I d'unno what you think about it, called the "Zero ;hour" when it comes . 'd
on the resurrected gun. Muckie," said Bombardier Finla�son; to school lunch boxe,ifor those who London and Wingham - ' I
Ontario; pass graduate course in ---1Sunflow,ersf-raJtb,er a jolly name,, tetred Henry. "I should just about "but it seem's to me we're in for a open Vh)em as well as those who pagk ,j
Chicago Clinical Sebool of Chicago ; By the vague glin-firner of a hurri- '
cane lamp, men were still at work, - . . For -a moment he dreamed. say so." I i%
Royal Opithalmlie.Hospital, London, . 'bell of a day." them.. If you ,niust, pack lunches 'South ��s
England; University 'Hospital, . Lon- . . -ring the buried artirauntion, "'Gas siliell, sdr! Gars shell!" The § 2 weat, ' I I `�
disinter the brass cases, stacking them voice from without -wrenched hina "yO,u chaps got your rations?" An�wered Muciks crouching e,%,-e,ry day, o,r even just occasionally, P.1VL ., i'll
don, England. Office ---Back of Do- wiping fmm. unconsciousness. "Yes, Sir.,' bear -like in yellow slime. "He .should a New Year's resolution or a new Wingham ........... ! ...... 1.55 1 fl
4esi6 the igun wheels. An impro- not hm,e come. That'.% what I say." neal is probably in ordeT. It bas been Belgrave .................. 2.11 . . t:
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5 ' vised tent of tarpaulin, slung between "Righty" he called back. "All Peter lookled at his three Tnen: § 11 long enough - since the beginning of Blyth ........................ 2.23 : , �r'.$,
Night calls alitswered krom residence i:.ight." Now -hie was wide awaike, ,BombaTdier Finlayson, tall, tigiht- , ?!�
' four posts, provided the only over- Peter slid, feet first, into cavern- the schood year for luric.he-s to become Londesboro .................. 2.30 '�
Victoria Street, Seatiforth. .. head cover; a few .sandbags had been bolt upright -on ,his haunches. Auto- hippod, clean-shaven, shrapnel helmet o-ui darkn.esq, A ban(] gripped him mon Clinton .................... 3.08 . . , � i
- - . - priled in front of the shield. I matically ,be pulled the; respirator atilt on the back ,of his head; Blenk- . otonous to plan and to eat' ' Brucefield .................. .3.27 �
. frorn under his pillow; took p the insop, a dla�rk, keen little Northum- bY. the sh-ouldler: helped him up. A First of alli check the equio'nient. , 1;11.
DR. E. A. McMASTER "Serigeant-Major Cresswell, a Stout, u voice said, "Hall.o. Who are you?" Do the noces-imry repairi Kippen .................... 3.315 �
" ��; adiju-sited clip to nostrils, hrian; and Mucksweat, -huge, hairy, ng or re- 3
melancholy than with watery brGw,n I "Gunmen- Liaiq,on Officer, -ir." Heil .................... 3.41 '.'
mouthpiece to- lipsi . . . Cough miore like a bear than a man,' who place the old lunch box witili a new
Graduate of the University of To- eyes and a w9xed moustache, ..whom Darkness cleared to balf light, one. Ai -o the lids of jars for liquid-, Exetel .. ................... : 3.55 ,.
ronto, Faculty of Medicine the death of Lindsay had . summoned wrenched at this throat . . Hie put ha,d volunteered for 1runmer.1 Peter was -aware of a man sitting tight? If they have rusted, get. some 1. North `,'�
. . rom his belove&wagon lines, saluted the tulbe down again:, sat listening. over a map .at an uncleanly table. new qifteis. If there is a therinos bot- A.M. .
Member of College of Physicians False alarm, he thoug .Dawn was not yet djay as the four
i crois-sed the track in front of "Well, if you'd come away J�ro�m the tl,, it may need a new cork. . -,Printed Ts'xelter .................... 10.42 1 1 .
and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate 4' I'm afraid that's the best we can ness for tha)t- th'6' door we fmight see soinething of you. waxed papeir and a pa .................... 10.515 1,
New York Post Graduate Seb"I , rd Then be heard, closie overhead, a gurms; tramipp-d away towards fhe . bt7ra,cti,ve Pei, Reiy$all -
do for to-nigbt, sir." "Sorry, slir." napkins� will help to brighten u the 'Kfp';,p,en .................... 1 Vo I , !
Lying-in Hospital, New York.. Of- "Right. You'd better let 'em turn low, slow whiistle, like a Sigh through wood. They walked r,lowly, eN.-v,s on Poteq- shifted position; found him- bo X, too. . p Brucefield .................. 11.119 i
fice on Hig� Street, Seafortih. Phone in thert." . . . Sighing ceased. iie wire. I'SeeM4 O., self in a square cave ,of concrete. The After you have done tl-�e best you Clinton .................... 11.54 :4
mouth- K. so far," ,said Peter; "better test
27.' Number four gun spat its, tongue - . - . Pietter Janimled the , ordeTly who had, hl 'him" arrive, can for the equipwrnfent, consaid,', the . Lon-desiboro ................ 12.10 J
. of crimson flaimic ce ,back to b,qs lips, readjusted the ,her, though." The 'bombardier un 1.
., subsided into sil- PIO - i 101�nld; 11-f0eq,ed Viii am,munictdoii- pos-s6bilities for variety in your lunch B]Yth ...................... 12.19' " ,�;
,,you clip to his nostrils. . . * . Another slung his -telephone chsie, inserted pin .1 I
ence for another five minutes. . box. An. R.A.M,,C,� offi-cer ernerged box menIls. Belgrave ...... f ............. 12.30
� shlelil -sfighed over thim- he heard the In ' This is especially impor-
I DR. G. R. COLLYER , chaps can knock off now," called the wire., tappledi, was answered. fro-ni the gloom; ,�aid "Good morn- tanit if the lunch is not supplementod Wingharm., .................. luo ,
Cvoswcll's voice. faint pliop of its g��.nding, the Now the wire iloste from gro d to i ng. 11 "I
Graduate Faculty of Med-icine, Uni- ,les; spanned a road yellowur, by a hot dis,h at school, - �
Tersity of Westerm, Ontario. Rember . Ex.,3pt for the two signallers in the vague hiss of its, burst. . * ' PO with ,, I dunno, know whiat they send you In tlit- wint,-r season the choice of C.N.R. Time Table
College of Physicians and Surgeons telephone pit, and Sergeant Durnican The roof quivered; a handful Of Jil disappeared breast -high, among chaps out for" -began the Infant'ry frU,its and Vegetableg is limited un- �',
with ibis two 'minibers-1 at the duty- soill pattered onto his vali,se. ,Dhe tree truinks. They pashed ar
,I-Oss 41
of Ontario. Post graduate w tested aga,in; pmssimag in a . re,solute man, square loss one lives in the larger cities. East
.. to, I gun, the whole battea-y perso-anel- caIndle 'guttered: went Out . . . . mong of cbd,n and ,square of forchead-'you Stewed dried Pruits or canned fruit,s -1� A. 1VL PM. � I
New York City Hospital and Vic Tia I trees ; began fig+ti,rig their 41.1yo can't do anything.* How do You Pro- are, good. and if simell jars- with tight Goderich ........ I... 6.45 2.30 , `
Hospital, London. Phone- He�nsall, officerst, se-rivants included -had been Another shell.1 sighed to ground.
He knew ,himself aSTai,cl--harribly through the un4ergrowtih along the 1
66. Office: King Stieet, kensall toilling with pick and Shovel and drail getibing your messages back?" fitting lids are used, can, be packed Clinton . .. .. ..... ... 7.08 3.00 ��
- ropes since hailf-past eight. Now, shamelessly arfraid. The clip -on -his Ill Of a z.i,g-zaig and water-logged Po"' , , 11,
they disappeafred inito the darkness. nostrids was torture: the mouthpiece trench. "Runner to Triones. Wood, siT. Then satisfacto,rily. Give all the variety Seaforth ........... 7.22 3.19
Remained Only Sergeant Abernethy �tifled ,him,, blood drummed -at his "Luck -y we didn't run her down telephone." pos-ible in canned fruit. The dried Dublin ............ 77.33 3.91 ,��i
"Win. We, can do a.s. well as that fruits may be made different by com- Nbitchell ........... 7.42 3.43 '
DENTAL there, siT," grinned the bombardieT. .;;!"
and six tmen,-4wo, survivors of his ears: he wanted to cough . . . .1
I "Rather." AIT'm,dy Peter felt dog- oui�selves. What's the' ucqe of infor- hiring sevoral kin-dis, such as arpri- West .;
I own subsection, the remainder told But he damed not cough. , . . !'i
I off from the other dierba)c-liments. The night above him was full of weary. Twice he stumbled, and mation two houirs, Old? These n,ew cobs and prunes, or raisins, apricots Dublin ............. 11.19 9.44 .." I I
DR. J. A. MeTAGGART :A figure appToached Peter, said, sigl-ping, poistonfoua thkigs . . . . Mucksweat helped, bin to his feet. creeping barrag*-% ,are the very dievil. ,and pears. Do not sweeten them too S,.-afoTth ........... 11.34 9.57 ,,,��!
Graduate Royal College of Dental "Should, I light the candles in, yourr God, ther inust be thousands of them Then, faligue reacted; the poison Of No stopping lem ,once they start. r6tich. Drying develops the natural Clinton ............. 11.60 10.11
Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Hen- dug out, Dir?" . . . They were, falling all .about over -strain distilled itl poison, of ov- Where am you ,going to observe ,su,galrq of'fruits; so that moist ,of Gaderich ........... 12.10 10.37 . ... 11
sall, Ontario. Phone 106. t"Yould better turn in., I think, P. hilml: sifg-bing Slowly down out Of the er-energy, Thle apprebension of ov- fronl?" . theni are ,.sweet enough wilthout idd- � .
J.,11 interrupted, Sandidand; '�or you might: plopping to ground: sil ernight diso4ypearedl, Pet,er ,told, ,him; and they discussed ing'sugar in cooking. Long .,oaking C.P.R. Time Table , %;1
ny J��,.'o - their wi detai Is for tent minutes. The Colon- and Itittl-e c000king will give firm.,fruit. , 1.
. I won't get a sleep at all." out their , � . . . They were They worked ay through -ants'brought hini, tea. Spices, .such a's 611IT-11nan with a East :,:,,
"What ,About telephoning H.Q. andi, 1,00kilig, Mj Bernafay Wood to the hiUsd el's, *Isiery ' 1,
11 AUCTIONEERS checking ,the -loy ,oT that gun?" tap-tap-tappi .front, the world see�medas*le-ep. From "'Have some?" aisiked'the Colonel. dash O,f cloves for ,p-. -,mes or ap,ricots, .. A.M. .'i ,
I 11 - "Never you mind about H.Q. ,or They.wanted to find the roof, of his behind came the occasional thud of Peter, wet through and slhiveiing, nut.miag with pears give new flaivors. Goderich .................. 5.50 . R.
I . thle! .pin. Just do a's you're told and cofflui: Itio, break through it: stffl, -him, � 9�rl A 'plwie droned over, high 'accepted 97%Ve.TuIIY- As.ked' the doc- Other fruit juices especially lemon or Menset ..................... 5.55 , ,f .
HAROLD DALE Wim , in, them's a good' ch-ap." as he lay. - in Sir. Be'low them, lay the Bois de �or, watching him, as he draink: ','Do orange are good. Some of the grat- M,cGaw .................... -6.64' :,
Licensed Auctioneer rov,eiiy wdl, sirX' chatffield Peter ; Courage iough�t panic -alone in Tromes, ,still black in the half-ligh,t: I f,�
Specialist in farm and household a,nd OW -bled off, Garton leading to the dairknesisn. 'Daimn, it,' thought all along' the fringe of it they could attac k 9 " the rind can be cooked with the fruit. 13lyth ..................... 6.25 I ,
iiiiiales. Prices reasonable. For dates his d"'g-jout. RAer, 'damn. it. They Shan't get my we waiting infantry. The wire dip- "He's suppl to come with me," %andwic,hles, are ideal foT. packed, Walton ..................... GAO %
god, information, write or phone Har- - Sandiland aind Henrry made, their taiil ,down,' And silieliling ce d into a dry trierrich; they followed interrupted the ,Colonel. T[h,en to lunohvs, but they do get moliatonous. McNaught ................. 6. rz , ",�
ards, the telephone-plit. "He's Suddenly, Peter: I'You�d rather be on your own Fancy 'breads inade witli nuts, andi Toronto ................... 10.95 �
y at The Expositor Office. an Obstinate ,come is, P. J.," confided grew still. They emerged from the trench- I e.Kpect?" fruits are good foT a charige and a West I ,,,k
Pl _I think ,so, siT.11 simple, clhees,e filTing or plain butter AX . "I , � .�
the battery colmirnandier. Peter lol the clip from, his rill and the wire ended albruptl "CaRl . _�M,
"Hie looks a indgi-It sick One," re- ttils, sn Right"-t�e CQIonel dabbod a fin- or jam. is all thait is needed with Toronto .................... 7. 1 "'.J
ARTHUR WEBER plied the '10arritaidi-an.' pure -no tra,de of gas, Ile let the book ger at the miapi--�"I %hall make for thein. Don't overlook the possibili- MeNaught ................. 11. ,�,.� ,,, it .,
UP th 'here. Join (mie if you can, I must tien of chopped, raw vegetables, such Walton ............. ..... it -��;, r,
holuthpiecle fall; began to cough, drop- I �1 ,�%�,� �
Auctioneer's License ,)e off now. It'll take Tne the- best " carrolts, radishel oeleiT and caly- Blyth ............ I.:: ... `1. A, . �.,',,,,, "-7"
nce. The 'dug -out' towards whir,h Peter ped back ,coughing on big pillow- dila"d there? . . . 'Hello- that - ''., ,- I , f, ;, " -
Sixteen years' experie Sandilemd? . . . WINW4 that Part of an hour to go round the front I -age. These satisfy -the er for Auburn ......... � ... � ...... : , , " I'll 0 , 11 ,
-and Garton stumbled Was A eoffim- -and knew neither fear nor couraiM yo'u, "I I , -N. �
,Satisfaction guaranteed, lime." He took hia belmiltet from the soineft-nig fresh and crisip cam. MeGaw ......... 1, h, L..r,- ."�l I "I
13-%I, Hensall. shaped hole burrowed in the soill but only the bhsisful u-ne i . Triones Wood . ,. . All 0 1 ........... 1 3 ; 1
Telephone: e whays, thati wall ,behind, him: g -ripped a stout be used often vhthoub mondt6ny mien -set . . ... �.....4,... ,011,;
I . I ooified with a piece of corruVatled ir- of ut A rh , till ihe. heard ' I I WWII` 1�, ;,� ,
CZ ;]"I'li,
Write ARTHUR WEBER, No ,good -trying to ran, her any fur-1-sttick; and scrambled off up ,the mmid- (Redd�,4to-eat cerealsi can be sub- Ooderitch :::::: ,4;.*. '�.1111'�],-A �-,')
I . on and one layer Of sandbags,. A ,Driver Garbon,g, oHallf-pal four, IgIr. I ... i-� k,. I ,J,"g,4 � , . I