HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-15, Page 4'�w,,-r� '�"'�'I'����,-�-�-,,�""��,L,!f,,��-,-����,�',�',��',,,!,'Z�i���'k,
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jl_,��,;11,,. 41" ,. . I � � & A
�� .0 ro ' Seaforth Juniors LoIge- ' -j'
.��,,-;��? �R�Y',�);,ii,'��! . M'!,1�,,R11iV I d ' 'Dr. and Atrg, A, R. ,Campbell elil- V
�, ,belitained fop Mm. Ed. Sheffer on C
,�,,,��,.,;�A,��5'�. I � ", �`, . (Continued fTOM4 Page 1)
�11'.","�;,11'A�� `Klld,0�11,;19 . I her 90th Wrthday on, Friday last. 5
g,01f,pe"tJ" , I , 11", . 0 When be slarained in the ,puck from '
� �_ "'O Allarge nu*jw liave been. suffer- -
,,,)t�t;A,e� S, I I le d A S ,
5.�,��M�l 11 , " I
,�111%11!! 4101�A_ � 7 . out -in front of the goalies. Two
, R'i r 6 . Ing from col(Js and -the flu during the 6
, �
",-g" ..... I � - __�~_ ....I...- .;_� -- lm�ore w but,the goal judge .
114R,�, ""'t"W"""', - - - ,, ere scored
zgv,,� - �'. �nnw,; i �, -past eoupae of weeks. It -has almos,t 6
1 8 1, I I 1-� '310, 1"� .
, ". 4 � "I, , , so many in
�,,�,,,, " "'' ��! �,'�,��: refused ,to put up his hand. The loe-
, &iiil arys, iii -hot water for
,; �V&,,, 11 .
!i�,,,��,.iiil I
- " .", ,��� als kept �St. X
-12111$ �11 I'� 11 , �� . 4
I ,, I I , " been like an epld0nilie,
.12 I 'I 'r Ads will be inserted at new low cash r4tes: -
V114 ,�l � fact that we cannot particularize
, � ...
1. '1'1� ,� ", 1_#,' -Lost and Found, Coming, Elventa. Etc. -per Word: the whole period and gave the goalie .
�'I'll, R, 1.'. K. 'I I I.. 1. �,
�,),,. 'ie ".'l, 11 � . i It week ............ � ....... ... 1 Cent , . ValentixLes Are on Their Way C
,"-,, .- I
- - .- "
t',,,,,,� �1� 11 ...................... I
,� �, 1� ,
, plenty of ,practise. Only two penal-
,�, ,,, The local evidence
,,'�ii � 6
''. I k ............. !--o ......................... % Cent gost -office bore
,Q':11. I$ 10�� ,gAd W" ties were gilvien, to each team during
I... - I i 81111.�
��, - 11 I 1, A. ".. �'., , C
., , � �,,, I,.- , Ord wea ....................... thi
", �, 1. Nill, NOA ,.1 , rfi charge. first insertion * ........ i ........ % cent s week of St. Valentine's Day,
,V ,
� , �� LM �,X - I , I . , ................. 25 Cents
1041 � ,,, !I, , , , ", Vuaflgure, initial and abbvevistion counts as one war& the whole ga,me by the referee, Stan . I
i�,�G. I ., there being many tender and loving A
1. . % Smith. 6
�11�.Ii ,0� . ,, k I 1. _ . In Memoriam Notices -'l, eent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. ,ST. ALA.RYS----iGoal, Brown; r. d ones sent and, of course also a few
11 "'. � - -1 1-1. kbor. .;;, not .so i�nder of the cheap colored (
. I'll, Oil , 'raw be djuleCted to a Box Number. care of The Huron ExPes for, 10 cents J. Haney; 1. d., W. Massey, cent , . I
;� N� � variety with startling sketches. ,
� 31" "'j" 6�,: I �,`,,�,#**. , Melville; 1. W., C. Mus-
, I -A ...... I'm , Jackson; T. w.,
.... "I I- �, .IF. I d, litional per week ,will be charged it ads In above classes are not paid by, the C. Mr. Thomas Welsh, with the near (
"Y", , " " " sey; altEprnates, Dunseith, Skipper, ,
... 1 13�.I ' - Id I I 0 a ,g
1- �nj$, t,. 5�� oming of mild, weauner, will have
� '. _ viij Plight in the week in which the ad was run.
�, I ", , ,.I ., , " Haney. �
�� .. ,',I, � �ftr,tia erted free of charge. . large'nuniber of ,saw logs to cut inb6 'c
IqI - ,V� I 1. ,sea and Deaths ins � EAFORTH-Goal, A. McLeod;
11 � L.- . - I S '
��. _,�� ra. Etc -Rates on application. luniber as his yar6 are well stdck- I
", ",! I. on salia, . Notice to Credito 4iefenoe, T. Sills and Boshart; centre, , (
� - .
�,��;_ I I A. flildebrand; r. w., C. Flannery; 1. ecl- I
,,,., �,. . -.' Stock For Sale Help Wanted Reiv. Dr. J,as. S. Henderson of Van-
�, ,,',%�,, w., J. Dundop; alternates, G. Kruse, '
� I . cou'ver, B.C., and for many years the I
k" - . .---- - _. Leppard, V. Bell. I
I 1 K;;;;. ,�"1.0�.. I � 11 I FOR SALE -A 17-W GOOD WlANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL R. Carter, _IV.
I'll. , �, , GIRL pastor of Carmiel Presbyterian Church
,0. 'e, sbuu4 work boxses. Apply to WILLIAM housework. References. Apply to Box Group Finals Tuesday I
4'' . here before the church union, wall
.��, �, C BE S"reh. I 3605xl 29 6. EXPOSITOR OFFICE. . 3501 -If Seaforth will meet St. Marys here
�,;�',!',' .,
'.k;�11�,!,:`, , celebrate ,his 60th marriage annivers- Ll
�; " .
�, I �,..:.. , , .. on Tuesday night in the first of the on, February 24. 1
, 11 finals. Since Goderich dropped a
% ... ��' * ,purpose home for sale. Apply to BOX
!W I , . ' grou'p Quite a number from the village :
. I
, r.,
,�, 111, ,� t W. la, THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. Annual Meeting out, only S�aforth and St. Marys are �
.. ,. _ strict on Tuesday last attended
I" I . 3484�4& - - hc6e and home games, with and di,
., '-� - �
_ . HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE the funeral of the late Rev. MT. Tay- .
�.:, : ! OTICE IS . goals to count, ,will be played.
�' . NAnnual Gene.ral Meeting of THE ROBT. ]or, the late pastor of the Thalmes,
- I
1'!,�*.: , Personal I BELL ENGINE & TI+RESHLR CO, LTD., Road and, Kirkton United Churches..
will be held at the Company's Office. at Sea- The Junior Faiiallers emnpleted
I", ", . , USr,R forth, Ont., on- Wedne�ay the 20th clay of Mr. R. R. Mr -Kay ,has recovered-
111�,, I � rrALM OF -THE TOWN -EVERY 'clock 1 their schedule A Saturday -night with
ir Re� February, 1935, at 2, -n the after- nicely from bis late illness and has
�,,,, J- praises Cress Corn or Bunion Salves. Winthrop stAll uindef�ated. St. Co-
, k".1 . � commended lby K,catartg's Drug Store. noon. lumban lost 6-4 to the1eague leaders been' able jx� resume his duties as
�", . . I 1 3505-1 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. school teacher near Cron-fartY.
� JOHN FINLAYSON. in the first game and,' Tuck,ersmith , .
r'l , -
�. I I Secretary. Beginning next Sunday evening,
��: ent 3504-2 defeated E,gmon,dvdl,l-e 4-1 in ,the see- Rev. W. A. Young will conimence a
;�:" Property For Sale or R on.d. St. Columban and Egniondville 'series of se,ri�� on the general sulb-
1". ... _____ -:: will meet in the semi-finals on Sat- . ,,
. , .FOR SALE OR RENT--50-ACRE FARM. , EveTyday Religion," discussing
I - urday night. 8ince the Cup was first Jeet
li 8% miles east of SeMorth. 1�� miles Notice to Creditors Christianity as it relates, to every -
I north of Highway, being East halt of Lat put up for competition by the late day life. The subjects of the series
! No. 12, Concession 3, Township of McKilleP.
�� . NOTICE TO CRE)DITORS ,'Momas McMillan, 'M.P., it was won - 2.
, On the farm is a bu-q and dwelling. Pos- I are: V. ,lr%%at is ,Christianity?"
. sess,ion can be ,had March Ist. For partira- CE IS HEREBY ,GIVEN PURSUANT by St. Columb1n, Tuckerslmith" and Christianity Too Great For us?"
.1 . jars apply tc. Box 114, Seaforth. or MISS Norm "Is
to the statute. in that behalf that all Egmondville,,,tlw*&. 'Me WintffiTop -3 -Is the Church Christian,?"; 4. "Is
JEAN TURNER, George Street, Saaf,,rthi. persons having elaium against the estate of squad look like a ,safe bet for this - . .
� � . 1 3505-1 RObert Goveollock, late of the Township of ear, ,but they will have a struggle ChristianityPracticable?"; 5. "Chris -
I � M,cKigop,, in ,the County of Huron, Farmer, y tianity or-?" The choir of Car -
FARM FOR SAY OR RENT -100 ACRES deceased, -who died on or about the 26th day regardless of which team they meet me, Church � are preparfiv Special
I of first class, farm Is !1 d consisting of I _Ot of December, 1934, are required to forward in the finals. music ifor these services.
, No. I on the 4th Concession of the TownsillP their claims duly proven to the undersigned Although the Saints lost on Sd't- the 'Young
of Hulett, situated one conctesion north Of Solicitor, �Dn or before the 14th day of Next Monday evening
. Highway, between Clinton and Seaforth abOut February, 1935. efter which date the Execu- ur;day night, they were not outclass- e 6�f Carmel Church will have
. three Toiaes from Seaforth, formerly known As bor will proceed to distribute the estate hav- ed, and' it was anybody's ,game until Pc -()P"
:. the 'WoMichael farm." On the premises.are ing regard only to a d being responsible as their -7gu,ests, the Young People Of
_n the final gong. Culliton of Mitchall , The
lamge bank barn, garage.and a new 8-rw on" '.' the claims of whi I ch he shall then made a difference on the loser�s line- ,��t. Paul's Anglican Church.
be sold on termi 'd I
'"' '
I I bungalow house. Will � I have !had _' " . �;uest speaker for the joint meeting
� . � butf the purchaser. If not sold will he rent- I DATED January 24th, 1935. , I up and is a popular ,player around will .be Rev. Mr! Hendry, who is su�p-
, �&l reasonable to iL rel-labde tenant. ros%es- . JOHN H. BEST, So�aforth. ,Stan Nicholls was the star
I � - . - Sion will bek given April Ist. For full par- Slolicitor for the Executor. on the Winthrop team, getting three plying thepulpit of St. Paul's Church
ticulars appkv to MRS. ISAAC DODD, -Prin- 3502-3 goals. Culliton shared honors niust aeceptably. ,Mr. Hendry Will
� I .
cass Street, Clinton. . I 2.05-1 ' nice s' line- speak on a topic Of ,Special interest
. . ___ -, -_ with Robertson on, the Saint, to youth. . I
. - UP. . - - I ,
. Card of Thanks I "\Uslz Violet Morrison of Clinton i�l
� � � Farms For Sale . I � . The Tuc'kersmith squad sprung a ,visiting with,'ber aunt, TOss Ewlily
� . -_ LECIATION surprise -by wiiii�ing their fir&t victory Morrison.
. FARM FOR SALF-100-ACRE FARM. GOOD I WISH TO EXPRESS MY APPF the of the season. .They turned on their ,Niiss Mintile Reid'has been confin-
franie birns, cement 5�ilo, driving shed; h L
,good two-storey brick house, good la.rid, well fire at our house on January 29th ; kdsO to seoring power when Ross Rennie beat (Fol to her room the past week -through.
� , fenced, dTained; 10 acres hardwood hush, those who stayed to clean up . after'wards. RLX iMCGregor three times and Frank illness. .
. good orchard. Near Highway with school on HUGH F. BERRY, Brucefield, Ont S6,5 -i Archibald once. Rennie's goals were
,� . property. Anyone 'interested apply Lot '6, � the result of three nice solo efforts, iMiss Hendry of nderton visited her
. � Concession 2, Hullett6 or Box 24, EXPOSI- . : G'. Kruse scored Egniondville's only f ath,er, Rev. fMr. Hendry, this- week.
� TOR _OFFICE. 3505xl - pass. R. M�- Mrs. W. " Consitt, -who was ,visiting
- � In Memoriam goal on ,k Nicholson's in Windsor for several days6 has re-
'. __ Geoch, C.. Trott and J. Flannery were
i acres in McKillop Township; good 4 land, through illness and -the Eg- turned ,home. ng with
,, well fence(L - first class buildings; good lom- KYLE. -IN LOVING MEMORY OF WIL- absent . Mrs. John Zuefle is visitil
� I tion on Provincial[ Highway, 2�'L milles west liam Thom -as Kyle, who passed away two mondville tealml missed them badly. .
� : , of Sea&ortb. Must be sold to close up the yeaxs ngb, February 12. 1933: A large crowd will be on band on f riends in Flint, 'M�ch. . .
1. . I estate of the late Jane Jamieson. Vver remembered by Pe.rents, Brothers Sa�urday night as these *games_ have Mrs. -Agnes 'McDonald spent Tu--
�---- ; ' #Ur-pGTti=lMr5 'apP1y`,tD . . . and 5istcrs. . 3505-1 proved more ipopulax than ever this ,day In iSt. Thomas visiting her rela-
:��L 1� JOHN H ' BEST, Seaforth, Omt., I . . , lives, M -r. aiid� Mrs. P. B. Buchanan.
". Exeruto,es Solicitor. winter. They ll� taken the crowd I rs. Ila Wood of California, wht,
. . ftited February 7th, 1935. 3504-3 Births' off Main Street on Saturday -nights, M the winter with her mother,
;. , . - lealving it as dull as any night during has spent
I BROOM.E.-At Roxboro on, February Sth, - to the week. . Mrs, Dins,dale and sis(ter,- Mrs. Sim-
,� Notice � Mr. ,and Mrs. Joseph Broome, a daughter. - On Wednesday night of next week li,oTis, is leaving for her home on
I.. � . . I BROOME-, In McKillop. on February 5-th, to Egniond,ville and St. Columban will Nllronday, I
,� Xr. acul Mrs. Bert Broome, a son. Mitchell, who has
I I TOW7NSlH,1P OF M,cKILLOP . meet in the second of the semi -fin -
I I I Ill ,b,, -en in Victoria Hospital, London,
. OWING TO THE LAW BECOMING . als and winners of the two gam,es,w I
stricter in regard to the collection of receiving t�eatments returned to her
P of Mc- I Deaths come up against Winthrop on the in
taxes, all titxes in the Townshi following Saturday night. �;oals will ,home this week much improwA
�� . Killop not settled dri or before Monday, Feb- ' health.
� , ruaxy 25th, proceedings will be taken to Sco,rT.-I,n Soafoqth, on Saturday. February count in each game. Dies in Calgary
� - collect same at once. All those im arm.m I 9th, Andrew Scott, in big 76th yea,. Clinton 6, Seaforth I *
� of taxes, please give this matter you� im_ . Seaforth Beavers Interniefflate 0. The folloyna d' th notice, which
. g. ea
mediate attention, as this order will be st,iot- I many in this
I IV carried out H. A. teaimi, were eliminated from the N,�ill be of interi?st to
I By order. group race when Clinton wo,n 6-1 at communlity, is copied from the Rcgina
1. GEORGE McKRR Collector. STANLEY . the local, rink on Thursday, February Star-Plicenix, February 6: ' "R,esident
. 3505-9
1 . r �__ , 7, before a crowded riak. 7he Clin- of Regina solmie years ago, ' Wilson
I ston Dowson 'is visiting at Calgary last
� _� Mr. Ef ton team put on a brilliant ddsplav Curtis Wood, 61, died' in
1-11. I present with his sister, Mrs. W. H. of combination and team work an4' Friday, February 1. The body wa,-
Auction Sales I
I I Stox-dill of Sutton. 11 deserv,e.d the victory, Led by accompanied to Regina by his daug.1-
li : Mir. Edgar Smith is visiting his "
� &ION SALF-MR. H. G. ELLIOTT I the McEwan -brothers, they played a ter. Mrs. Fred Thompson, of Sa�,,'-a-
� I , AU has been inst,ructed to sell by public aux- aunt, ,Mrs. Mary Hinds, of Tupper- fa,t ,),an -game and the issue was toon, and services wera held her.
� ti. a fu ' 11 line of articles at the D -ick House, I Ville. . not in doubt after the first 10 min- this morning. Burial. v�as in t',,, i
I.. � Seallorbli, an Friday, ,February 22nd. Bring il The Blake -Goshen Y. P. S. intend utes of play, whe I n the visitors were family ,plot in Regina Cemetery. B,2.
_ anything You have to seLl. CARL DALTON, is sur.
.. � Manager; G. 1-1. Elliatt, Auctioneer. I holding a box social in the Goshen leading 3-Y. The *,Clinton team will sides the daughter, Mr. Wood *
� 3505.1 C:hurch on Friday evening, February viv<,A by four brothers: Frank od
I I . . most likely win this group and should -ren
- i 15th. be a strong contend-ei-for O.H.A. hon- Brandon, 101171 and - Watsoli, of I -
; , � . mercial Hotel Barns, Hensall, Vn Thurs- ors. They are 4 worthy 'representa- sall, -On�t., where Mr. WiDo,d was born
; . so be- and Robert of British Columbia, an(
� day, February 21st� 193.5, at 2 o'clock p.m., tive of this district and more .
I consisting of'Q)ws. Horses. Pigs and Poultry, EGMONDVILLE cause they are -all homebrews. two sisters, Mdss ,Mary Wood of Hen
V. I Parm Chattels. Household Furniture, Cam. The Beavers were not completely sall, and Miss Eliza Wood of Bran.
, Wood and Pea Ensilage, etc- Bring along His wife (Margaret Shepherd�
i'�, .
, everything you have to sell -we will sell it -.Mr. and Mrs. D. McLean ano� Mr. outclassed, however, and bad a slight don.
�1 for you. Terms --Cash. All stock and chat- a nd Mrs. Thomas Blake visited friends edge in the second period, but they died in March, 1913, and hiv son tw<
, tels sold on coninxiss.hon af, 5 per cent. if
. in Erie, Pa., over the week -end. lacked the tea.mwork of the visiftors years later. Mr. Wood was- engage(
1, not ODId, a nominal entry fee will be ma O' le n. the furniture business in Oalkari
� ace6rding to value of same. Phone -hat y u Rev. W. D. M)cDonald, Agincourt, and were beatQn solely through lack I
r, have and we will list it for YOU 4 Under the called on fri�ends in the village this of the finished ,play of the Clinton ,and a malued Elder of -the Presbyter
I �� maff"gement cd A. B. RdDWCLIFYE- Frank week. 1. Six. The Beal-0ers have,just as good ian Cliumb."
�. I . * Costs, Clerk; Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. 351)5-1 Mr. A, G. Broadfoot spent the week p�ayers individually, but failed to Will Give Illustrated Talk-
�� .
r".: . . end in Toronto. click as a tealm. Numerous times in Dr. H. A. Kingston, Professor 0,
� rLEARING ,PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF Mrs. James Hay was a week -end the third ,period the locals threaten- Astronomy at University of Westeri
p� . - Pam ftTm Stock and Implements. Fred will give an illustrated ad
I,' I W. Ahrems, auctioneer, bas received instructions i -est with friends in Niagara. . e,d to score 'hut either shot wide or Ontario,
1�, I George -Elliott, Clinton's veteran goal- dress ,on "The Wonderful Heavens'
ii'll, � from the undersigned Executors to sell by - , - .
rtzl' I on Friday evening, February� 15, a
_ public auction at Lot 3, Gotieessibn 3, Town- I
, ie, was there to) save.
I . ship of M,_Killop, 1V4 miles north of Dublin. season 8.15 -p.m., in the H&nsall Town Hall
'i� , , then onoihalf mile west, on Tuesday, February WALTON The largest crowd this
'� RWi, IN5,'the fallowitig, Horses -1 heavy
I. , packed the rink, and a large follow- under the amspi�ces� of � the. Hensal
�_ � driaught brood mare� 9 Years old, dUpposed to MT. and Mirs. John Larrib of 7=17011 in,g were on band fnm Clinton to Public 'Library 8Gard.
. I be with foal: I heavy draugft mare, 8 years Mrs. Robinson of Detroit is visit
. old; 1 hexvy draught gedding risinx 1 year celebrated their golden wedding on boost their team. Play .wb.sr Very
. .
�,�, old. Cattle -I Durham cow, fresh with calf M=day last. They were mlaTne� in clean and fast and both goalies had ing her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
", by her aide; I Durham cow due March 30th; St. Michael's Church, Blyth, by Rev. their hands full to handle the many Schaeffer. �
T �
, 1i I Durham " due June 15th: I D`h' cow Father West on 'February 11, 1885, sboU. - School Report
�� I justbred; I Durham cow supposed to be with settling immediately on their farm I The following isthe report of Hen
0 I - calf; 6 Durbain and Hereford skeens and rt sell Continuation School for the firs
"I .heifers ril3img 2 Years old. Sheep 6 well bred vv:h.ere th,ey have IiN -d continuously '
I'll, owes, Nogs-2 Yorkshire brood sows due in for fifty .Years. They are still very half year. Those mbiects, mark-&
S March add April; 3 chunks weighing about BAYFIELD with an asterisk are taken in th,
"" go 'wands. lfens--Abaut 80 good Leghorn active and take a lirely interest in I form below the one the student i
" - I
�,,-,r? hem. Idw��ments-1 Massey -Harris binder 6 current eventS. Their many frielids ,
", foot cut; I Massey-Hawria mower 6 -foot cut extend, good wishes on this annivers- If you do sewing, you can now se- listed in. Folim.1 IN - Harold Bon
, V cure values in. Prints, Gingham& and tbron--Lit. 42, Written Comp. 47, Or
, IL Massey-Harrb Imower 4 -foot, mt� I ,lmira
I . hay loader, I BITMra sidet delivery. I Noxon ary of their marriage. Dress Good's such as you have not al Corm7p. 46, Phys. 39, Geom. 51D, Call
seed drM, I dump rake, I Massey -11a I I
r"I", cultLvallor, 1 steel land railer. 1 disc, 1, set : seem. Bring this. ad, to ue and we Hist. ry5, Arith'.* 69, Gram.* 44. Llon
�11,,� 4-sectihn harrvw- Verity 2 -furrow riding will all-uw you fifty cents, on a two- Crawford-Ut. 41, Wh Comp. 46, Or
1, plow, I Tudhope-Anderson single furrow rid- 'dollar purchase. Do it now! F. A. al Comp. 53, C'9,Ti4 'Hist. 62, Phys. 6(
,, ing plow, 1 Fleury walking
i�) " . plow, I scuffler;
vi" , A three-quai'ller wasrom with wagon box, I truck Board of Health Meets Edwards. . 350,5xi Geom. 70. Allhn D�amidson,--Laf,-* 41
V, wagorn, I gravel box, I set wleighs, I wagon * 5,5, Lit. 4;6, Wlr. Co-m(p. 48, Oris
�,,;,, ?I box wiffi stock Tnek combined, 1 rubber tire The first meeting of the year of Mrs. Jalm�es Ciarnie and daughter Fr-
11�p s gh Comp. 66, Anc. Hivt. 17, Can. Hisl
g;-.;, totp buggy, I steel tire buggy, 1 cutter, one t -'h e Board of Health for Hay Town- this week. 30, Phys. 51, Geom. 48. Jessie, Dic]
& .
��.�-:, dark I hay rack with sliding car, I staile Ehip was held on Tuesday. The sam- ur- 41at.* 47, Fr. comp. 2o, Fr. Autl
�,,�� I �, 2 NO 11b. cWvdcit3r, i fanning mill, baY foTk Lesilie Elliott motored to Port H
;41J;1`.;, We hay fork. hay &rk ir.pe, Mings, sling tary inspectiorsi were instrUctedi ,to on on Sunday, taking his mother 36, Lit. 34, WT. Coimlp� 49, Oral Convy
, "
'g, ;i;;�� pull", I cutting box, I horse power examine all rplaces ,in their divisions th r where, she took a hu s for Mt. 57, Phys- 41, Geom. 55. Ka,thlee-
,�! i� avid Jack, I X%ternatiotw 3 horse gas ensrine, in the spring and report to the Board e e IA%t. Author
Rtl�ti- , emery wheel, citreular saw, I pulper, A resolution was also Clemens to visit her daughter, Mrs Dobbs-Lat. Comp. 83,
�1, "I ,O,retam by June 1 . * "00
, , s,eparaWir 760 dba. capacity, sugar k,tt , 25 st Millar. Mrs. Featherston, and Mrs 14, Fr. mp- 83, Fr. Auth. 75, Wx
�,k,'�' - .
" .
11%3,�";� gallon drum, 20 bngs, I church abed at adopted recommending that all own, -dpanied Leslie for the trip. Comp. 67, 'Oral Clomip. 69, Anc. Hisl
1:', " Reid accoi
'j., th=h tile, -water trough. I
%,I, ]DUblin, 400 ers of cows, who ig-ell finilk to the pub- ',Do not miss the Minstrel Show on M, Clheqr. 60, Ph7s. 55, GeonL 1(
. ,,��'. � pig crate, a quantity a lumber and plank, .2 lie and dairies, have the cows tested Friday evening next, Feb, 22. It Kathryn Dryisdale-Wir. Comp. 60 , C
M I ��:�' t:ladders, forks, shovels, neckyokes, whiffle-
`� '
',P4�1"� the - promilsesli to be g000l. Comp. 66, Cam. Hist. 42, PhYs. 41'
,��, � t.c, ,.t suw�, Wdes, hoes, !�nd a host for tuberctilosis, and furnish
, . of other articles Hod numerous to mention township Xledical Health Officer with \Ahuioudeememt -will *0bafb17 be Geomi. 52. Kenneth Elder�Lat: Coml
.11.11L . 4onud about a farm- Harness-117hrqe sobs of
� ., a report of the test by April 1. The made next week of the date for the L33, Fr. Corrip. 4,13, Fr..Auth. 79, Lil
I , . double harness, 2 seft single harness. odd
. 1, ; Board adjogrned to, ideet again On
; _�,r N 4 b kets. Feed— . play, "The Heiart Exchange,!' to be 55, rWr. Comp. 60, Oral CoMP. Of
* -F.Wes, home blan
1 - -� . � . ,
, ." � =J�j ,�J -hij �and straw, .bdut'356 bushels June S. prut on, for the benefit of the gayl ?
� �Y, - 5614 Can. 'Hist. 60-, PhyG. 70 Georni 8(
, I #'�,' 11 of geed cmft; Ga basheb of feed cats; 80 Mr. John Moro of Grand, Forks, Library. 'lWatch for the datel 'Mildred Follitk�-Lat Nuth. 77, A
,,��`,! "' hualheig'bamley.; 00 bushels buckwheat, about
,�. ,,�, - " es and friends Hist. 83, Geom. 90,, (%elYi. 851. JOhl
;,4y&,.1' � so bags voitatoes; elllslo 40 bags early potsto,ce� N.D., is visiting relativ
-61""' .
`,R,46,,_� ,garm_�The :faim consists of ioo a&rea, mbre in this section. at present. � Farquhir-Wrr. Ownp. 66, Or. C0111M
0' -eT .
; 1�
'I . er..J�ssj being 1�ot 8, Concession 3, Township
� ��V�411i�_' 'a MeX4nbb, 1%.,miles, fXgnn Dublin, 13/4 miles XT. M. Anderson., a buttermak I- . 1 65, Chem. 6-5, Oa -m Hist. 67, PhYs. V
. , . - at the Dash- -x. , U
, . IN
".1 I., %t - Lat
" , been employed 70. dison ForreL
_1,.iliv,�, Cd No. 6 Highway; c�ahvenient to schdol and who has . . Geon
�,,",a' '
;?, ", - ?!p is pre -
1, church. On Ifte said place there is a 0even- wood creamery for some Lim4 . i that ,_,V11NP. 64, lat. Auth- 70, W�1- OWN
15, I house, frame kitchen, paring to Start a
161,��` ibota b6ok'dweWng
4,R,i�1.k1!1..!_ " c'Peamery in the iWe -notice bry the Exeter p706 63, Or. Colml. 70, Can. Mist. 90, I'1171
, ffi. ,,, s&tkk 6FAva 46 x $5, stftw abed 24 it 15,
�V,!:, i,,,,. , and' b" leased, the preimlises� Mr. Trueman Brintnell had -
��,'�".i ", . I d1fteut�#tWbI& &bxbugbc,Ut4 sheep pon 14%24, village Passed 74, Geom. 97. W0111ifint 00nn-L&
1,1,11� I � I
, �,�,,� I ast of the Dominion Hotel for that away at a good, age.
,,,���4 YK . , 2510. Ain bi2ildb4s well m-aad, e - 'Mr. BriatneJl Comr. 40, Ft. -Comp. 25,,Fr.'A04
N4,5 , I wi ii - co- "flea', Wea AtA punap hbfte purpose. He has been 'buwy PadMaig was for liftny years a resident Of 74, t. 051, Wr. 6 , -
�_�_ . W., I I W= I 1i collilix 3 Or Comri3
I., i,,�.,.,-a t 16 al.cUb S. ���w�' gaooi� baid*ood bush - fact. among the pio� 67, Can, Ir 60 67, Geon
I ..''
lv�,, _.� I , , 4&es ,g 'M� , �Tieping ,&n6l bidunee kpply of ice forr eftilim" use. thti; village, in hvb P Phym
�,"-:�, " �, ,4 ,�! I 11 . g away a st
. I � �� %aucod Ind &,i,,,d . The conceirt in the hall heoe On neer residents and. worked for Many 05. Shirley koAler-Lat. Auth. &
"I", . I TuieWay evening wid6r the iW*ces years. for the )ate ,George McEwen Fr. AnUL. 65, Wr. OonV. 59, 0
. - ;9�'Iu,,� W., 0 - - ellm
I . .".1, I ..
�,,�� ',4*A . � - -1 -
I . �, . � of .the Librlary Roard, was fairly woll in his salt well -here, and was a Cm1p. 70, ATM. Mst. 54, Clift
,�. . em 401fit'. g;= e mowlw
I �
1. _,�,� _� ,� ,. 71
0,,';�,' -, �� V 11 ,*�,du &'" &"bol"06 Within so attanded. The 1pla-F given ,by the vahwl emplo7ee and was known as ii
, , " � Q , ll
li, 1�1, 1.11 11 4, el.,, -1� �, a JtWerv6d, Physi. 64, Geolm 80. K#nTL-th Man
1. ,,,, I 1 , I'll � 01V to $4malgi peoipile *tw Brilitefield was mWb entlimitstic m4jwAber of th6 -Lit. 24, iWT. 10m4p, .0, OV. 0001
r�n�,w',�" ,,,,61M"�,';,�,W �14 it,
,�,��1,11r,�li"�;,A�,�l,�,�,',i'i IK", . "' ' AA1'1'h1lm0k*, woll mndeted and enjoyed lyMense- Loyal . Orlixg,o Lodge and, , an expert � rye, vh7s. - v, G�em. 46, A-im,* 61,
r ,
11*'Jtj�: ,�4!",�. 1 �. � , " .��"Qr
,V,�� .-� . I
�, . ,,,,, 1.0't'j, � , .1 . I I - - OuOen -
`�!"'I�' ,� I . gr druntmer, and foi A 10119 temis; of Gram.* 60.. Dor - P
, � ' .- � �
�'4§2�'&,'�, I lul Ibilkl6em
" , , f� I toma UP il. . oft V -4A
g'�A,,'�fj,� 1111, 4 I - I ,ft - -.. 7,'�
11 � 11 �'A "I" '' rd Wv;_Viriam A� SO(* Aeft -6n. Tmex. youft,until his 1 -health, tweilrdy -
'4 myll'� f !1 cat , m ft coino-wi . . Au*
-11 r J
, _, � M$90 , �� � dwy teov Plat!&, with s6Me friftdt 6d' 1)�Wer�dhisged &ttellidling. an Od
X 1; , a �
, 111.0 I 1�1 � WT omm 0 or 0011130V
innio 8-1,illgzUr - jaWmt. Heler, 14
� ,
�1'1 Com1p.* -8o, Lit. 02, Wr.
_". _u. Or. Comp. 54, C*rL Hist, �
;, Phys. � 54, Gem% 65, .Helen Munn
-Lit. 63. Margaret 0ell-Lat. C -`W- -
1, Lat. AAAh. 47, F*� Auth. �06, Lit,
1',�Z His,b. ?,9, Phye. 65, Geo -m- 85.
11,�oriv Alexander�.LaL '
. I
i, Fr. 68; Lit, ry7, �W-F. Comp. 56, Or.
omp. 78,'Phys. 43, AritlL 61, Geom.
li, Zooli. 52 Gram 7 1. Audrey a
ochrane-ALA. 55, p1r. �15, Lit. 91, f
11r. C,om)p. 70, Or. Conip. 81, Phys. ,I
D, Arith. 67, iGeom. 68, Zool. 64, ;
Taoln. 76. Marion Dougall-Lat, 47, i
Ir. 48, Lit. 8,0, WT. Cqm1p. 62, Or. i
�mnp. 612, ;Phys. -52, Arith. 50, Geom. i
8, Zool. 59, Gramu 76. Robert Drys- �
ale --Fr.*' 66, 1#. 80, WT. COmP. 63,
)r. Comp. 69, Phys. 66, Arith. 71, 4
,�eom 76, Zool. 56, Gram. 4C Jeanne i
�ostey--49w. 24, Lit. 78 I WT. Comp. �
2, Or, Oomp. 68, Phys. 33,, Arith. 58, �
;eom. 40, Zool. 40, ',Grrani. 38. -Ivan
Cilpfer-T'r.* ,5�, Lit. 73, WMI. 00mP,
�7,-Or. Comp. 60, Phys'. 71, ATith. .63,
Teom. 72, W. 77, Gram. 5?,. Gladys
&dKenzie_--JFr, 72, Lit. 81, Wir. Comp.
i8, Or. Comp., 66, Ph,ys. 66, Geom.
;6, Zool. 66, G�am, 86, Can.1-Fist. 64.
lerna NkLeam-�Lat, 46, Fr. 50, Lit.
�5, W,!r. Com1p. 60, Or. lComp. 74,
�hys. 63, Arith. 51, ,Geom. 70, Z001-
�2, Gram 67. Gladys Saundercock-
Liat.* 81, Fr.* 90,Lit. 52, Wr. COmP.
io,,O,r. Conip. 7-2, Arith. 53, Zool. 54,
k1g.* 84, Br, -11ist. 44, Geog. 50.
Pvobert Thomso,m--"t. 33, Fr. 64,
Lit. 47, 'Virr. Comp. 54, Or. Comp. 57,
Ph-ys. 58, Arith. 37, ,Geom. 7G, Zool.
55, Gram,. 68.
'Form I41tuth Bell---�Lat. 46, FT.
52, Lit. 5�3,, WT. Cbmp. 52,'Or. '001111p.
516 , Art 49, A -1g.,50, Br. Hist. 39- Zool.
42, Geog.-64. Herbert 11;���
Lat. 52,, Fr. 66, Lit. 39, W1r. Com1p.
49, Or. Comp. 6,4, Art 54, Ali g. 63,
Br. Hist. 40, Zool. 60, Geog. �6.
Aubilely Mraquair�-(Lat. �51, Fr. 64,
Lit. 62, Wr. Comp. 58, Or, ' Comp. 60,
Art 50, Alg. 87, Dr. Hist. 67, Lool,
57, Geog. ft Ross Forrest-Lat. $2,
Fr. 96, Lit.. 7,61 WT. Comp. 63 ' Or.
Coin�p. 64, Art 55, Alg. 92, Br. HiA.
70, Zool. 54, Geog. 70.. Mona Glenn
4Lat. 48, Fr. 69, Lit, 5�,' Wr. Comp.
59, Or. Comp. 72, Art. 69, Alg. 57,
Br, Hist. 52, Zool. 54, Ge-og. 57. Jerry '
Joh,6wtan�-,Lat- 37, Fr. 518, Lit. 27,
WT. Cbmp. 53, Or. Conip. 60, Art 60,
Al,g. 43, Br. Hist. 62, Zool., 42, Geo.g.
59. Margaret McOregor�Lat. 43, Fr.
42, Lit. 39, WT. Comp. 57, Or.. Comp.
54, Art 53, Aig. 47, Br. Hi-st: 52, Zool.
43, Geog. 50. Kenneth Pas,smore,
Lat 71, Fr. 78, Lit. 70, Iffir. ComP_
55, Or. Cbmp. 66, Art 54, Alg. 69,
Br. His.t. 56, Zool. ,53, Geog, 60.
Dorothy FeclD ---- Lat. 5,2, Fr. 78, Lit.
50, W'r. Comp. 69, Or. Comp. 71 Art
78, A�l,g. 47, Br. Hist. 44, Zooi. 60 '
Geog. 65. D4-vid Sangster--lat. 43
Fr. 72, Lit. 716, WT. Comip. 51 ' Orai
Como. _54; Art 40, Alg,� 56, Br' HA5t -
56, Zool. 48,' Geog. 64. Edna Saunder-
cook--Ut. 69, Fr. 85, Lit * 50, Wr.
Comip. 62, Or. Comp. 68, Art 60, Aag.
88, Br. Hist. 6,0, 'Zoo. 70,, Geog. 62.
Margaret Shcpher&�Lat, 70 Fr 78
Lit. 44j, WT. Con(p. 57, Or. &MIP". 59!
Art ,54, Alg. 53, Dr. Hist. 60 Zool.
64, Geog. 63. Jack Slmmons--�at. 40,
Fr. 47, Lit. 74, Wr. C-6m1p. 60, Or
0GY0, 67, Art 53, Alg. �58, Br. Hi'St
.95, Zool. 38, Geog. 52. Theda Wat.
sjon--I.at. 78, Fr. 70, Lit. 79, Wr
Comp. 66, Or. 0omp- 74, Art 70, Alg
71 Br. Hist. 70, Zool. 59, 'Geog. 66
kr. R. Moon and Miss 1. Douglas
,OTk Sunday morning last ,Rev. A
Sinclair of - the United' Church ex
changed duties with Rev. Mr. Elliot
of Main Street United Church, Exe
t--. p-ac"ring anniversary service!
v -'-,;Ie IT-. Sam Rennie from the Unit
r,l Cl -r -ch here sang a couple of solos
to".1i the sermon and solos bein.�
much apprecia.ted ,by the Exeter con.
gregation. Rev, Mr. Elliott ,delivere(
an able discourse and in additioi
thereto sang a solo that was nine]
enjoyed, In the morning anthem. Dr
Ivan Smlillie took very acceptably th,
solo part in one of the anthems. A
the evening service Rev. fivIr, Sinclai�
occupied big, own pulpit delivering i
. very 'fin,e gospel sermon, while th,
� musical parts of -the services wer
taken by Mrs. George Hess in a s-oli
part in the anthem, and a closiml
number was a quartette very feeling
� ly rendered by Mrsi. Hess, Mirs. Drys
dale, Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and H. HoT
I tom .
. - At the Presbyterian. Church th
I pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, -took bot]
; serwices very ably while a -fine tl�i
was rendered by Xr. and Mrs. W. A
� MacLareiv-and, Rev. 'MT. Young.
At 'St. Parlil's Anglican Church th,
. R�ctorl Rev. Mr. Hendry, preache
I bofbh morning and evening and th
ch6ir added to good sermons, by goo
musical selections.
. A sperial feature in the comini,
; Sunday ,service in the United Chum
I will be a ladies? choir at both, sier
! vices with ov& forty voices.
; Those taking part in a coming mir
. strel -show, under the auspices.of tb
. Board, of Trade, are busily engage
. frolmi time to time in, practises an.
[, expect to have a fine and interestin,
. program,- A d'ance, and euchre, unde
, the auspices ,of the Hensall Board o
, 0o,mimer,ce, is billed for Wednesdal
I F�bruary 20, in the Town Hall. Th
. minstrel show and danee and euchr
Z awe b
, I oth forr rthe purpose of raisin
. funds for the coming Old Boys' R(
. anion..
I Make Presentations
3: I'lie VA M. S. of the United, Chum
. met Thursday afternoon, in, the seho<
. room of the church with, the nen
. President, Mm. Cross', in the alail
. The meeting opened with, a1hymn an
, prayer. The minutes of the 1w
6 Meeting were read and appro,ved. Tb
� roll call sbowod 26 regular and 2
, loife imt�mbers. Thle ViAing Commil
1. tee Teiported calling on- 22 shut-iT
. and found two in bed. Mrs. Sindal
I and Mrs. 'Merner were appointed ,fli
,. vAviting ,commAbee fqr next mond
, It was decided to -hkyldl a quilftg,i
. the bavement of the, church on; Thun
�- day afternoon, F01bruary 21. A plew
. ing solo was sung by Miss Florent
,. Welsh which w" enjoyed by all preq
- ent. The:dev�io-al 'leaflet was tal
�. en by ,T&s. R T.AeQue4m At t1
�- clove of' ithe mesting two oresexib
�9 tions were made. MT_&4 ChaTles M
.. Donald, the retiring presid6ut of tf
�, WL �34. S., Who has held that bffi(
& fori a nunliber of yeam, wtiv prese79
�. ed wfth a loVely-Mle, And Xrs'. :
11, Mernier, 10he retiring president 61 0
. 164t, W
61VknnL-r?6 AW&Mtiot�-v&w'
. 1, .; ,,I
41,11 " i �,,, ".'�,., i 4 ;�� ,,I 090
�t�.J, X.',� 2.1. .1 I'll- 11 . , wid 0_1P6CdA.A*,.- in, the ma3r ceiaDramion on vne izvft ax jUly and I C!.%ml. , ffi-gL 65, F.R" Geprdl,. 65 - 1, -Mrsi, - NbDoddid - *M
;� .
'I" , �;, , .,.... -1. '�<., I ;� - . I
I -.-1;1- , , .W6, #tgy .1 I " 0i
, wkl�,_ 1'�<., I , -
,,�l 'g '09to Ai . . , -Ulwi MAY 1. I for the' Hftml,l I Harold Sherrift-ft04 . py,"ft 50. h0ft* w80 I W :�
- ,.- 4 5464, f4A b"flug tho druln . dAW #6
'1�, , I , , ,-
I �, i,
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I 11 - stnith'Pioneei,6 41 1
J UC _� - I. ,A
. , .
. . No. I -Alex. Buchanan . I � A �'. �
. I I
WIN � I By John Elder - . � . I � . � ! . I ok I I
In this, the first of this series we has often talked about the time theY I
efer to Alex. Buchanan, who is now, had when the church was Wng built A . I
rekidenit of HensaU and, le enjoying and afterwards s4D,niany,,veoTde.giV1- 1.
-ood health 1nlb,i9,9&ch year. Mr. Nuch- ing adv*e and wanting'thiings dif- At I
nan delights to talk of his, pioneer- ferent, but 'Alex. Buchanaii, for 0" I � I
mg days and ftw there are living could not be lhossed, hebeing Scotch 1. I I -1
vho can describe early daws,in this 4are bairdly give ground. .1 I .
wt oT Ontario as Well as this old As for a farmer, he was one of .
reteran pioneer, Alex Buchanan. the leaders, and everything around V I �
'tl)e cable .to Clan-ada with, .his par- his ckrm could be -'depmided upon ,,
mts when 'but two years of age. They ,having a place and kept there when A 4 1,
�ame from Scotland about -the time not'in use. He had' one of the firob I . . � t �� � .
;o many weiie e1p4grating to make, a ,silos that mw- ball -ti in the 6m�,
. 11
,*me for themselivesi in this new ano always full], as he well Imew the - . ( - - -� �
� . PP
,ountry, Mh�. iftkhanani being the in4portance of hhving a good sq lir -
fldest of tht� famlily, was forced to of the -most desirable feed, fiPi'119 -, . 0 1
3houlder the heavy end' of the work ,stocL ' ,. I . I
Aphenbut a mere boy. Many'an ho,ur )H9 was married twice, his fimt I t
iave I sat beside him and listened to wife being. Eliza Ann Newell. TheY' 0.
4im describe the do,ings around his had four of a family, as fallow&,.�
rather!s farm., Which was in the town- Alexander, Sam, Maggie and Wfl-�
3hip Of, usborne, now owned, and oe- liaTn,. His ,second, wife was Beft ti
' I
mqx-ed, by Roy Parson& Fairburn and their family is as fol� , T
Mi, Buchanazi drew all 4iheitnaterial lows: George, Mary, John and Jes� 0
for the first fralmle ,barn. ,ebeeted on sie. -T1
this farm.. Ile described one incident MT. and,iMxs. Buchanan celebrated . � , J
their, -golden Wedding a few months
to this day, and that was putting. an ago and they both can tqk-e a 91IMPse 0 � , 1�1
open ,ditch across -the old farm. His 'back 'over well-speilt lives, yet they .
father was going to be chief butler will -have many regrets as -the best , L�
and got the ditch started, buit.-goon :of people are -all bound to have,as an . � , 1, H
got ,enough of that job -and left for illustration of his Ways. . 9
parts,, I suippose, unknowln4 and Alex. He purViiased'the farm adjoining � I -01�
had the whole thing to do himself to thesouth which forinilerty belonged , A I . ini.
with the plough, scraper and' horses,. to Stonteman and the two barns had X
He cerbadnly glot -his fill of that job been -put up on stone walls a good 4 I
before ,he was thTough. But the many years ago, -but were very low 1-1 , I .
same open ditch is there to this, d .Jal
ayl with poor ventilation. Wiell, abmb I � , th
which was dug 1by Alex- Buchanan the first morve Mr. Buchanan inado i
around' 75 years, agAN was th have both ,of ithose buTns .
As for an industrious and pains- I - "T
raised two feet higher and the wall I ,,Q1
c0cing 7nan, he about tops the list, Wilt up to suit. - I
He never shunned work if it looked I
at all like edonomizing, cind always He'told me one time that he could . I ,. :b�
worked and laid his plans'so nature ,have been an FAder of the church, I
would assist him to ,the fullest. I -long ago, but be did not feel calpable I � I in
well remember -him having a, barn of filling the position creditably to I � , . I ti(
or stalble erected on the f anm ' whieh 'himself. Although I for one, after , .
he Set-tled, on when starfing out to do being acquainted with him so long . I I
foi . lidmilself. James VAwkman be- and s,_9 . Well, say there is, or has �
ing the fi�amer, and builder, spent been f ew of his equal for that veT.7 I . -At
considerable time at Buchanan's, and �mtpor'tant ,&ffice. One �of his great- '. ... .
. �
got to realb:4 that he was, working est ,treasures ,is his Bible. -and many I I .
for a man of rare qualities.. :�%rk_ a timie have I gone to see him ,the -hi,
man was supposed to ,be quite a last number of yvars and haveseena I i I . 'Cl
politician�-of course, a hard-boiled, well. worn Bible near i6thand. Ovem I -Wh
Conservative --and Alex. was a Lib- if he is- nearing the century mark, ho . . -Jo
era . 1, wid they had - - endeavored to can ,see, hear and enjoy talking with ' � lu
thresh out some political doings� -and great pleasure. I . . I -ea
from what I understood, on hearing One day he was telling me ab6vt
Workman describe the debate which ,his succ,ess in life 'amid he credited � ". I �a
took place, Buchanan, was, too, much much of it bo h1q good wife, as .0 I . I =
far bijm� -as -he declared, afterwards called her. lie used ,to .1 Z- �
that if the people of this- country only ceptionally fine lot of farin sto&. " � 1e
knew that, Alex. Buchanan would be, rpar�ticularly dairy cows, and used to .
their member of' parliament. be one of the main patrons of -the . I 0
He'was on the building committee old cheese factory located about thTee- cil
when the church, now standing - on quarters of a mile soubli, and when .4, � it _,
the Main 'Street of Hensall, was it was abandoned Mr. Buchanan used .. dC<
-built, about the year IL885, and be is to put upi a good supply of ice and , -A 6 .
the only man ii6w living who sub- turned to the biAt6rinaking and shl- TO
scribed $200 towards the -building ped, his supply to Lonldo�n_j as 'Mrs. k 41 I
fund. He still takes agreat interest Buchanan was An &xpert dairy wo- 4 0 370
in talkingelbout-the b6ilding of what man. There was an unlimited demand ,
is pow Hensall United Church, of for all they could supply at a good . I th
which he is the oldest member. He -price. to
. .
. I .1&10
I . I
Merner, in a few well-chosen vrords-, meeting on Monday, evening. The Rf
thanked the me�bers of theAsso'cia- meeting opened by community ffing- 4 � it
tion for their klindness. A dadnty ing led by Lorne Elder. The Scrip- I I .0
lunch was theif'served and a social tu.re lesson, war, read by Norman Siu-
hour spent. The following are the clair after whlich Rev. Mr. Sinclair 1� . �sb
I two addresses: led -in prayer. An interesting topic
. . "Dear Mrs. McDorrbld: We, the was given by Miss Verda Watson eyk 4 I "
I members of the Woman's Missionary "Trifles." Alfter the -singing of a � * 3, PC
I Society of the Hensall United Church, hymn, Lorne Elder sang a pleasing ge
I take this opportunity of expressing solo, which was. irery much enjoye& I I re
� to you ouT very great appreciation Lorne Elder and Lau -nee Battersby iar
. for your long and faithful services were appointed as leaders at a con- I I I go:
[ as president of our, society. We can test Which will be held ,during the . -, I � , .1
� assure you wehave profited by Your next two months. The mi�eting clos- , ta
t earnest devotion ' to duty and t h e ed, with shymn and benediction. The 0 % .en
. great interest you have manifested remainder of the evening was *pent I
�, in the,missionary work of ourchurch. in. contests. , .
, We believe that your The Welfare of Youth's ,Club of Al
. zeal has'been very often expressed Carmel Chiarc[h are having a Skating , ,� 43t
L in kindly service which has not -been party on Thursday night. I I I �Ico
- ma&e known to the rest of us. As a The Young People's League of the
! slight tofken of our esibeem and of United ,Church axe holding a Valeu- I I ith
� our gratitude for your. labQrs on be- tine social in the school room of the :ai
,, half of -the Kingdom of God, in, our church. on Monday evening, February 4 1 k1c
- midst, we ask you to accept this IS. A good progTammie is being pre�- :af
. Bible assuring you 'that it' is our pared., and a Valentine lunch will be . P .
i earnest hope that you -may have many serve& . bT
years of active service for the Mas- Mir. Peppler and family df Hanovier I � I ml�
, e
, ter. Signed on behalf of the Ir nsall visited at J. W. Bonthron's ,on Sun -
I Auixiliary: Mrs. Cross,.' -Mrs. Sfilelair, day. Mirs. Pepplei,_ -who -has -been, vis- . 0 -irk
) Mq-.,. ;Spencer." 1, iting her sister, Mirs, Bonthron, fw a 4 � i , lob
. "Dear Mrs. Merner: During the couple of weeks, Teburnqe�d home with I 101
many years, you ,have been the presi- thiem. . 4 1 ibe
! dent ,of our Wbmen!,s Association, we , )MY. and Mrs. 1, Mendoza and Aliffs I *
I have had reason- to remember the Kay D�Dbbs who, have been spending I I -erA
I tactful- and wise manner in which -3rou a few weeks in' Toronto, returned ,I . CA
I have guided Itlie affairs, of this' So- home on Sunday last Jo
cietY. Before the union of tb e. Xri�. Hutton of Guelph visited in '11 311
, churches your work was in,di. �
, §pe,nsvbl,e town last week. 1 At -0 �n
I 4n the maintenance of the church's rMrsL H. .Little of Hanover speAt : 0 in
- work. Since union there have been Sunday in to,wn. , 3M
sereral occasions in which our or- MTs, (Dr.) Reed of,Porb Dover it 4 J(
- ganization has assumed great re- s,pending a few days with her par- . Se
a spoinsibilities. Wle are reminded of ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. t. Shaeffer. . .al
11 the revDvation of the Mansle and the atr. J. W. Ortwein has been con,fm- i St
I � I
I �edecoration of the church. In these ed t" his, roolml for a few'days with .1
r matters and in many others, Your an.attack of flu. I I ,cc
r careful leadership has assisted us . Xr. Frank Battersby who was con- I Ill
r greatly in attaining the success we fined t'o-his room with an attack of I � I P(
,, -have achielved. . For all this we now bronchitis, isable to be around again. i
a gratefudky thank youL Therefore, as MT&. IL Lepl%ardt, who has been ill . � 6 U
a a (mlark of our appreciation, we ask at the home of her daughter, 3Lm I I k ti
I You to accept this HT-inarY. In the .George Fee, is improving nie,W.
- future, as we have in the past, we Mrs. Robert 4MclLarenj who was op- I .
slh1all ,still depend up*'on your faithful wated on a week ago for the rebioval al
and efficient co-operation in all our of the SVI,,,, is ,progressing very 1, I i
I endeavouTs, for the advancement of favorably. 'M
I our church. Signed on ,behalf of the Rev. Mr. Boa of Port Stanley is ? I 1 !$
7 WbmvWs AssociaMon: Mrs. m. D1-yG_ stp,ending a few days in this vicinity. 1 7�
i . dale, President; M. E. Hgbki%,k, See- We are pleased to report thafNis. I � , :4
,. retaryi.vl ; � t , Sinale, who receT41y had an operation . I r
t F13he Young POOV'Ie's League Of the for the ,removal of appendix, is able . e
L' Unite'd 'Church bleld the -IT regular to be around agaffi� I 1 $
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