HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-15, Page 311 ,,�,­ 11­111­1�?­ , ­,iqP,.­P-,�1M'N14 I... ��,,`-!I�,,,;f��,,� �� '��', ,,��j,��" , . , , ,, , ;J 4�', _ 1 , J;��,�i",;"Yll�;�:I,Ii�-,��,�,-,,.,�i�,l�;"ql:�',�'�)'�'�,�i;��'�l',�,�,�,,f,P,"- i-, , , � ,�I� ��4�,,'.,"��,;:I,�,, " . � 10,t,:­�j',�, ­�­'��,, �Clvll:.111 0�1. � - t,�� .1 I I I , 'i . �, � .6, IJ 1, " g. I V ", * " , . � �, , , � - .. , %�s ; 'j" � �1, , , ,�,;4�, ,: ',��`,pi.l��." , ., � , ti I ` . ,�� , f� , # 0 11�% I 4i ,i ix"Na" , ��. ", %� "`,",.. ill� I �, 11 I ,�. I 1�1 I., " .11, , ,� , . "��,'�� ,I ,`,�., , , i�' " t, , , , , �,,,,, ,�', 51 I , � " I . �� I , , �, �;'.,.., -t, , .I �; ,,� 11-11 �., , - . i . , ,. ,. , ,� 'U � �.f "' ""', 7,�, ',,! �.�, ;, "'; I i, ­ . � EB,,R_,"A � , o , �, y , "', _ 4" . , , t'' I .,� .: ,,',�:! .�' J. , , �;'�,_`�­ , : 0 _� . 4 V I �!�, — . , I - " .. ....... -1-1 . I.." I .11.11 I 11 � I 1. 11 11 .- . I 11 111,11 11 3, - -11. ­� - ., , , , I I '' . I I I... 1, � _T- ..".. I " _: .� �, _:..�_'�. � ', " i , %-�, . �' , , �: ., . , � . !�-,, .� , " -4'11:1�"X�'Ii ., ,� 'W"! " � - ­ , , , . I 1. . 1. I . . � - 1 , I . 1 ­ ... ­­, �, I . , �.11 , i, 'i,� �� - OT ", �, ..... . �. �, . ,-�,;.- "' _i��%` " I - . � - .: I 1: ! 1, ,� , , ". i ,, � , . � . � T,r - , . 'I , , 1. ,I , �* , * . I 0 t 4�'�'i ' �', A I 1. " QOTWW�1, 4W T, WM',dQ11,dA0,,9=,X,­W"4" ' "i ' ' '' V, , W1 �:, - k,*A"Me &.,�,O,i�� ,ii_� �" 4Prw.i0.er,,§bowe4, -,Qto,� in 4�t '_o -, . - , �,ii;�ki�,�.,�,m.oc,ot,-,4""�-�,�A,�'vi�i.,;,X,O"t,���, a " I �� .1 : I i: I I . I .e " I 1 01 ': , 1, . V , M - . , , 11 ! . WAWAN ** I .�..'.IbwOsGeod0i,tw,,lo4gt*4t,tt,e,,y � .'. ; 4- , I "I , ;, , * , �,o , ;' ; gegmimv. � , - , . and 'St. V, rb , 1=7, xPEW,twi, an .14, : . , � ,,,, �� ,','.Ao# , - � . ," I " � " - ; , I X , e -, WAl. : I Ik , - , I � I �G " 41 . I I � ­ I , I '. I I I.Z� 61�'%Ipon, -, , d 10 , I I WV'l cat!= fqm were �as*ere4, 00;lrum .. , , Tbt - saok* pro, oWp_o, gram.,.,,wasi p , sed a,-. lua$hg4en- . 1011�' , 't R "' * . , 11 _ . e' "o Q= om - - %=�*7' - '' . H0101U111G, KUM ' "'a"" al"e"" ` �4 ' 6 - . the assured was giryien v6 proper u�,_ , , CONSTIPATION'' FO ' 0`0 - el.f. � ____sU.Qydbg of,his. Policy, :K0 out . . . . I - . . . t4l, Sol*, Mr-s� W, E. aadfcwdj� solo, . . . . . should be allowed toi 4ve�',sj" v,o- . . -, ftna d Fingland;. 010rusi Mos, Wes - i Farili Fire -Insurance Pfob- , J BVI # , t. I .. an insurance policy was simpl�r . a, . ley 11;�,kW4, , Mwa. Nelson Reid,, Mrs,' . ' . . , � 'Donal A I lems Are Discussed At bond ,of kudeminty to Tec6up. the as�-. � PAST' 25 YEAP .. , �Jofin 10c -4 and''Nris. Harold Sel� 'A swed, for loss but mpt to, give him a lers; �&ad�#g, Mr. Finglud; bagpipos, , ' 0 Annual Meeting. .. pro:fit.- Every agent should try to Then ALL -BRAN Vrought and solo, Mr. H. B. K4Tkby. A splen, - (i . axrive at a -true vaauation under . . &d lunch was sewved b the Iaddes,, - . . . . Y I . Fairm. insurance problems were dis- presen� eoncUtions. aial 4L,4ure ae- ' , Welcome Relief aS,ber which the ple(priant evening was . Cussed in -en tw( . $IX,4Y.J . . . . I brougilit to �a close (by singing "Bleat doWl wh ) hundwed OO'" - . , t I Ontario agents of Wawanesa Mutual 701110vang up the deArability Of ' . . Be ,the Tie That Binds." . I met in a two-day convention in To- hwving�TaAl details -on, the application, Read this voluntary letter from A eu-phre and dance was held in r " �TontD last week. -Service and the A. R. Robkwk, th-eCompany's adjust- Mr. Leco * ur: "I have been troubled the A. 0. U. W. Hall on Friday even - 4 protection of honest insureds agadnet er, ,said ,that the maiu thing he had with constipation* for the papt 25 1,ng under �he auspite§'of -the Walton I losses incurred by those who are -to gulde him,in arriving at a proper 'years. I tried practically &ery,. Hockey Club. Prizes were, won by I careless or reicklesis, we%%E; rbh,.o .key- settle ment of 'a claim'was the origir- cathartic without .results,.. . L, Miss Marie Ryan, EdWard DAvidson, I I . ' Mrs. Talbert Clark, -Iono-hands; Mrs. notes of all sessrions end Major al, contract which was based on an- CiRecently, I determilied to give . �� , Howell Smith, Manager for the Com- Swers to questions ,on the signed' ap- Kellogg'i ALL -BRAN a fair trial. George Evans and Kenneth Rutledge, . pany-in Eastern ,Canada, ,had the Plicad". It wam his, expenience that Kellogg's ALL -BRAN has not only i sUppoTt of Managing Director Dr. C. where the insured had, a proper co,n- helped me, but I believe it is -an holurs of dancing were emijoyed. Mus- . . 4 M. Vanstofie',,apd President S. E". ct-ption of what his contract really actual' relief for chronic constipa- ic was furnished by lo,cal -talent and . Rendersom,grom -Head -Office at Wow- mpant, very httle difficulty was met tion.* -Mr. Henry E. Lecour. Ad- an orch6stra composed of Mr. and . tI aneisa, Manitoba, in, answering num- 11i.the waking, of a saUsfactiory set- dress upon tequest. Mrs. George Evanr� aind soalith Bros. - , . . I The Young People's meeting on erous questions and, dn. -giving infor- tlelmen�. His instructions were to 'IcDuf to insuffloient "bulk" in S I mpro-re, cla ustedpvolperly and to mation designed to 1 on,ffi- gelt,the loss adj unday evening was in charge of the I � I meals. 11 ice sident. Following tions from the standpoint -of .agents, eve .'the bene'fit of any doubt to the first A -preL the I ; 1, Yk and insureds. W. 0. Thompsoii of as"'Ured. Kellogg's ALL -BRAN provides opening exercises, a.mouth o�rgan se - I 's '. " H-MMiltofi was chairman at Tuesday's Papers and discussions, also, dealt "bulk" to aid elimination., It also lection was, ,played by Wall6ce'Shan- . rses,�ions, while Walter Sa,peaut of wilth automobile insurance, windstorm furnishes vitamin R and iron. non. The Scripture lesson and com- � IN, . Barrio was In charge -on Wednesday. insurance, I.Allyerty fire extinguishers, ents were read by Miisp Nobel Far- . . imary ,b mortgaged property, -tenants, etc, The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN is gen- - ib Pointing out -that ,the pr - tle-and safe for noTmal individ- qualirson, 'after which the minutes- of I % jective of the conwiention w&& -to de- Agents had -many suggestions to of- . the preivious, meeting were, read- -by . uals. Often more effective than the secretary, Miss Miary. Buchanan. A velop a close co�opewation- .beitwee�n few, arising ,Out of actual experience "'bulk" in fruits and vegetables, as it I I in the fieul The roll call, was answexed' by a i the office management and the field does not break do'w"n within the body Cominandmont or Beatitude. The P , A . force and thereby to arrange to give Fire Marshal At Banquet - .. I ,- I -maximibin ,service and protectio.4 at Perhaps the highlight of the con- Isn't this natural food, pleasanter topic was taken by Wallace Shannon. �' � , unimmum cost, ,Major Smith .Urged vention was an address given. by E. than patent medicines? Just cat Following a-lbalk by the pa.stoT, the . i ith a fi5;mn in h P. Heaton, Ontario. Fdxe Mkr,s.hal, two tablespoonfuls daily. Chronic krieeting closed wi d . . A,11 to feel free to presentth6r prob- when two hundred and, fifty ag,ents� cases, with each meal. If not re- prayer. . j2% 41 . lerns, ,or to offer suggestions. He and mem1bers of the Toronto office lieved, see your doctor. ,Kenneth Rutledge of Toronto spent - IB . Imlade it clear'that he woWd not rel staff banquetted in the King Edward . I the week -end at his home in the vil- " 4 I Ls& working for a company that Hotel on, Tuesday evening. Mr. H�ea_ . Get the red-and-greeii package at lage. . " , I gmterely ,tried to got as much out of . Your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in , 10. I' 't. the public as it could and gave a;s li$9 toln has 'held that position ever since London, Ontarl . .1 Miw Edith Ennis, who. had, her C. I tIte as posisible -in ret=,. "In my the diepawtinent was organized, in . tonsils removed recently in Kitchener . Japuary, 1916, and, therecfare, bas a I - , . Qpdniaii," he said, "compandes -Or ag� f,inlld of i,nTonn1a.tion and, statistics Keep on the Sunny Side of Ule . Hospital, is spending several weeks . ,ents who ,do not render a real. sler- with her parent�s, Mr. and, iMrs. Fred ,vice soon will fpass out of the pic. that should interest insureds as well . � — Ennis. I - ' " 1. � ture." Hand in hand with. ,this ser- as inSlUrors- 'During that, t1me there E'.�penditiire - Roads, and bridges, Mws. ,Geoagge Underwood of Toron- - , vice, ,be pointed out, must go a fair had ,been an -increase, of ,one, hundred $10,026,34; salaries, $T&2.27; relief, to was a week-qnd viVitow,in.the vil- . - I ..... I millions of dollars in insurance in $U7.25; ,printing, $149.22; grants, and -reasonable commission to agents the i lay. I . a �11 I And a fair' and reasonable wage, to province. ures, show- $90; j0ounty land ,good (roads levy, . ,T ' he February meieting of.the.Lad- e � All employees with, always,' the set- ed that losses for-th'e yea,r were the $14,650.99; ,Board oll Health, $Z73.70; ios' -Guild. and W. A. ' ,of St. George's Is , lowest of any twelve ,months si ApIglican.Chumch was held at the ting up of adequate -reserves, to take Ince vchools, $0,438.56; . sheep killed. by 0 s1taldstics* were -kept. As'an in , - of Mko.'William '114imphries on , I care of any emergencies that might dlea- dogs, $170.75; drains transfer, $31.02; 'home -'sl tion that his department -had, ' Wednesday afteriwon, Feb. 6th. mise.. "I get a gT,eat deal of plea- Vilshed om 9-OOOm- misleellaneous, .$348.87; :belephone � 1.1 I sure out of working for an, organiza- s ething, .he gave figures transfer, $2,542.18; road insurance, A community dance* was, held in tion based on such principles," he re- to show losses aggregating $22,000,- $115,40, 'Total $98,915.55. Cash. in �he A.O.U,W. Hall on Friday even- , I & .� irnarkecl "To me, it means more, 000. in the province in 1922 with a bank 'Dec. 31. 1934, $1,045.75, less out- Ing- . ,(' � . h than a, livig." gradual decrease since, making the standling &-eq�iels $241,115-4NO,.64. 11 - . Introducing Dr. C. X. Vanstone, the 1934 botial. just over $10,000,000. "on- iBerry'-�Co4er: That the audd-tors' i- , imanaging Dixecitor of, the, Combany, taTio," he said, ,,,should ,be proud of reportas given be, adopted, the toun- WINTHROP .,� this recowd. As Fire Marshal, I am." � I 1. . the Majow,reviewed some items of in, cil expressing satisfaction at the ex- . 1_� ; Turning to faxm barn lo . . it' 111. suranic,6 service dn Canada on which ss'es, 'there cellent ,and full report given. ,, (Too I -ate for last week) X_ I the compa�hy's -Manager had . were 1,163 fire�s in 1931 with. a total ,C,04per.ipassr-noire: 'Mat the Col-lec- The Helping Hand Mission Band I "v�n loss of $3;000,00,D on, which in, tow continuel to collect arrears of tax- -held -their ,meeting in ,the basement it i : ,the Ioald since .he was, placed, in dhz�rge companies had paid $2,300,000, or 76 es until further no m , �rs thirteen years ago, including .system- Diti of ,the church on -Sunday, February 3. 1 Per cent. of the lossesi reported. In Ballantyn : :Th a- t mt1c inspection of 'farni, risks, the e,�Berry ,'At the C101- The meeting was opened by the call ). �� I keeping of elaborate statistics on 1934 there were ouilyi 582 barm burn- lectur be instructed to wtifyall par- to worship -after which .all repeated . I failx1buls,ineisq, the adiqiption of a Re- ed with a loss of $1,000 -,Wo on which td:es in axreoxu of 1933 taxes of the the Lord?s- Prayer. The Scripture, 4 ,.� inLqurance - companlesi paid �$807,000, , )f 1 I ,placefrnent Clause to reduce losses,-.Oir 80 Per cent. of it'?.e total, Hie left ction to be taken in connection there- Mark 28:18-20, was read by Kathleen the sending back to the assured' of a with on April a. I Shannon, after wbdzh ,the collection le A " it with ,his audience to say why itL -Cooper: Th�at Henry Ford, be , I was taken up. The study period was , , I 4,�. <wy ,of the farm application fow a decrease to Berry , 7 �, ,� � < :firmation as to detaiis, and the use appointed Road, ,Superintendent or after - 1, half the number of fires and about 1635 at the ,rate of 30 cents an hour r . 4of radio to broadcast general educa- one-third the total ksses. "I can for time eT"Ioyed. which the Friendship Prayer was e ; ,t Itional maitter. dealing wil,th fir,, auto- takenby Ruth Petbick. A hymn was ri; 1. !raolyi.le and windstorm hazards. I safely stay," ,he Tc1marked, "that the Treasurer's report: 1934 -taxes re- sung and the meetimg clos,(�d by all I ti- 4, �,� Dr. Vanstone outlined briefly the Wawanosa Mutual, As a great farm- ceirved, $1,400.00; 1933 taxes received, repeating the Mimpah Benediction. , ' Ig 16story of the Companysince it wa.s, era' Company, through excellent $120; received from Estateof George The February meeting of the Cav- 1g, + management am -d a wonderful staff Armstrong for destroying w _�!S, an Ladies' Aid and Missionary So- , I I , . -organized by a few farm"s in 1896 ee �r, , h / iety met at the home of ,Mrs. Scott *primarily for the purpose of cover- this i'm ovement. I ' c 69 ing ZbTedhing outfits of the nelghbo;r_ . pr You deserve, great 11 ,paid on, motion of Pass�nom- , �&_ " I credit for stepping into thi . B� s, Bolton with Mrs. ,Calvin Hillen open- , 10od. After relating -a few of the S' province Berry-' Hebert Shute, snow I . . a few, yeam ago, to impro; w'01*, ing ,with prayer. Ile roll call was # I OeIails that r6sulted; in attention be- ve, a class $2.70;'Treas. Muskoka Hospital, grant answered by a good attendance by a .. Of business that few . on 1mg turned to farm fire insurance with want.r, . companies $10; Treas. Sick Children's, Hospital, verse 1%aith.7 M,rs. Th -os. Pr-yee Ml- 4 "' <�stant progress elach year, he re- ,Speaking briefly also, S. H. Hen- g7rant, $10; Hanstall 'Spring Show, then had charge of the devotional , I - I , -ferred with so�nle pride to the grant, $15; Kathleen Stxang, printing part. Prayer was given,by Mrs. Bul- 1 n- 0 1 loyalty dewson, the Company's president, d- 11 I -of the army of agents who represent assessment noti,mr., $2; Arnold Wise- lard,; Psalm 89 was,readby Mrs. John li- # I the Company throughout the West- co-PlIrriented Major Snifth ,on, the m�an, auditing, $10; Henry Delbridge, Pryce; devotional leaflet, "Stxong �, class of ,men he had selocted to ,,,, 'Anderson, Friend," was given ,by Elva Pryce; I erl " � I 4ern Provinces and also to the enthus- lyre auditing, $10.00; James . hep I 11 lissm -of agents in Ontario, who, in, sent the inistitution in Ontario, as wo,od for ball, $5.50- N G. Clarke, an ius�trumenbal by Mrs. Frank John- ,�'t well -as on the development heresi salary as Treasurer, ,$go, �, 11 the past few years, bad brought the nee n- $ " - ; S, J. PYn4 ston; stewardship reading lyy Mrs. I'-- I Company .to tbe-front among in;s,ur� 100- Th6s was the largest group of salary as Collector, $65. *19 I William Dodds; sentenee prayers by . 1, mnee companies doing business in this agents he had -met ,since becoming 0ouncil adjourned to meet on Sat- Reta Campbell and Mildred Wheat- ne * I province. president in 1922. Reference ww. urdlay, -March 2, at I p.n-L - Henry :er, y made to experiences encountered by Str ,g, Cle,nk. ley. The meeting closed with a or , : � Referring togradual improvements the diredburs during the early years alm I hynm. and benediction. 71- made in. farm insurance policies, he - th 0 1 Said that the one greatest forward f011OW1ng Organization nearly forty . .0 t;tep was the introduction of the 'RQ- years, ago. On ,different c4ccasiomjs TUCKERSMITH -e-- , placement Clause which eHminated the d1rectors had given nob;k to tbe . rn �� �6 A ! over-imoutrance and insurance on bank for a -great, deal more - than The following is the report of S. I . they were worth. In, those days they VA TICI I buildings not needed. "In my.opan- wer S. No. 9, TuckersTnith, for the Tnonth UJ 1,�' ion," he ,said, 11as, long as, we incor- I e nut ,optimistic enough to enter- I& January: 'Sr. IV�-�errt vew- . ter , - I Porate tibi's feature in our policies, taqn the thought that one day they beem 76%, Jack ,Mackay 68.9, ,Bill 11Y`_ . � . . of I ��4 I the 0oqyp&n,y`s bu-siness will be on Would be asthey now are, "Canada's Hodgert 68, Billy Powell 6,6.8, Glen - I ,n- � i. ,,sound ,basis Y, largest fire mutual, with over 100,000 V -111, 7- TIT -TI- — VI-;. M� '74 sic I . policyholders and over $240,000,000 of . "V%. " . 0 I I Figures were given d charts 73, Doris Mackay ,59, Helen HoUsfton A HEALTH SERVICE OF I , -io- I � shofwn by Major Smith a'rin,dicabing insuTamce in force." ' 'He thanked the 45. Sir. 111"-�Bruce Hodgert 63.' Jr. "'E CANADIAN MEDICAL - ns 4 01 I great redluertions in losses OT1 Policies Ontaiio agents, for their co-operation 111�-�raiik Ryan ASSOCIAT16N AND LIFE I---- � pl,.- 0 and for suggestions, made during the ,66. Sr, II—Janet INSURANCE COMPANIKS ncl V , '�,,, . carrying this Replacernient Clause als comention. Hodgert, Jackie Powell 76. Jr. 11- IN CANADA 71/ 11. against ordinarry policies. These Allan Ryan 85, Douglasi ' Love 76. ont 4 �1' were worked out from actual statis� Primer -Neil. Hodgert (very good), VEN11LATION ��, , -ept in the office of the Company in '.. , ties k =_, ;%= Grant Houston. (good). Number on ' of 4 i;l , , And, indicated, clearly that there was USBORNE I roll, 16; amewage, attendance, 1�5_ , Many people still think that when of ;, woom for ,a revision of rates, on risks . . Margaret E. Grielve, Teacher. they feel tired and uncomfortable sit- ,nd) A , ," . aonTAng to less, experience and, of I -ting indo,ors rthaft this is due to a . , Lir, .�, I course, favorable to those -whose pro- Council Minutes I � . or an excess of car- vir. 4 -_ , lack of oxygen I pei-ties come in the class with a low The m1unicipal council of the town, WALTON ban dioxide in, the air. This is not I �` , , , , � , , I - I I, - , , I " � - , , , , , " * I I I * I, , I I I I - I � , � , , " "' , " I I 11 I I I ` I .� I -11 I. I hdz4 i ill, loss ,ratio. "wo carynort," remarked sihi� of Usborne h*t pursuant to a& the case, because gven when all doors 11 i" �. � � � 1710- � . the Major, "Continue to place polities journment at Elinilville on. Saturday, - (Too lhte for last week.) and windows are closed, no ch,ange.of I� �",� � ` any signdficanice bakes place in the �ry- % 11 on burildings not needed on the fawm. February 2, with, all the Tnembers A social was held in the basement )So11 k,, ,'Neither can we treat favm buil&ngs present. chemical ,composition of air. Ex - The minutes of t1he meeting of Duff's United Cburcb on Wlednes- eepting in some tightly -sealed' place, I :0, 4 � the same as we do city or town pro- of January 14 were read and- approv- day evening, .January 30rtb, und,eirr the such &,% a sq,iymarine, there is never " I " eir ., I perty where there is a fire brigade ed with the! change of date from auspices of the WomeTes ,k9socialbon.. an �e. A " -always on duty to prelvent the Owner April 8 to April '6, re arrears, of 1983 The program, which was fn charge * that is felt in a I , y lack or excess of carbon dioxide- � , 0 1 9 1 'Of a property fTom burning it,19 taxes, on motion of Passinore-Coop- of ,the The discomfort fe- I . iDwelling and mercantile insurance oT . 4stior, Rev. C. Cumming, Was closed roAdrd, however, is not ii-agin- 0 . ' in the form of an Irish and Scotch ary; it ariv6s. from the fact that we 'aly . was discussed by R. D. Fudger, chief -Notice from ,the Hydro,commissl'o'n contest. Those taking part on the an� .uncomfortable When, OUT bodies T_ underwriter for Wawamesa Mutual. ,granting the canicehation with the Irisvh s1de were: Miss Mildred Sel- cth l I He raferredto, the 'iniquitous' clause coum-cil's; consent of Contract No. 102 lers, solo, accompanied by Mrs. Sel- are unable to get rid, of heat and Kh, , , -whilch. reads, "Further concurrent in- on Lot 7, S.T.R. Berry -Passmore: lers; Mr. 'Carfmian Hazelwood, read- ,moisture readily: The body icy con� *& swan" permitted 1without notice un- The council Or U,§bornle ba,vto consid- ing; 'Mrs. Douglas IDnals, ,piano solo'; stamftly Merating heat. Every mus - He, ) til 'required.11 On. unprotected or semi ered the matter and they �hereby give Mrs. James Smith, reading; Mr. Geo. culaT movement means heat produc- 1co pr4otected property it should, in, his their consent to the cancellation Of tion. Even wbem thel-Iody is at nst . . a 11 opinion read, "Flazither i . . R I Ramsay, solo; Messds. John M,dDbn- the working of the heart, lunj�s. an� .nd. A 711SUrrance Is Contract No. 102, on Lot 7, S.T.,1 . -ald, ,George ,McArthur and George 3 IL , prohibited without permission from Notice, from Cocil Skinner, regaird" Ramsay, trio. A debate entitled, other organs create best. 91 I the Company in writing." The ag- ing the ican�cellatio-n of the HydTo at Under notmal conditions, the body "", 6 emft were Urgedite be loyal to a Can- contract and guarantee on Lot 2, �Resiolved th ,the IAsh have done rid of its, beat bv' radiation and more for e,w,eUare of Canada than get9 ler I adian Company and to, see that Cash Con. 3, Usborne, on Fleb. 1, 1936. 1 ,convection. The skin is always molst re- 0 paid for insuvail,ce premiums; was . A d1oputation waited on the coun- the Scotch, I prolved ve,ry interesting. and the evaporation of thit% visible nV. . kept in, Canada. cil soliciting ,a ,grant to the Hensall , The jud&s, Miss Marie RYQ,n and Mr. ' 1yerspiration is another TpVthod Where - Frank Harriston of IM,oncrieff gave 10- A I Pkturivg agents as the 'eyes, of the Spring Show and ,Seed Fair. Pass- their decision in favor of the affirma- 'by beat is losit. When tbesie means ith — more-Bewry: That a grant of $16.00. fail, the sweet glands become active 3179 4 . . . be made. I - - and persTpiration appear,:; on the skin. ad . - . ' 'Bylaw No. 1, 1935, appointing Mun� Tho evaporation Orr ITTIO-sturer from A . . nd. I icipal Officers and fixing aal-axies, was this skin cools the bodY. 10- , . ORDER read ind passed on motion of Bal- r Emporation camnot take place'if -_ of. I . lantyne,Coo,pew. A QuicK the air is already fah:lv. -ell 6afturat- Xr- .0 . Sy,law No. 2, 1935-, appropriating Bri, hter %-- ed with moisture. We can bear high . RDOFINC I momy fbr townsh road, empem-ffifture 9 I tompeywtureLq if the air is dry, but was - and passed on motion of I Jhc,t imaist air spell . s trouble; the body ' . . , , - � I, Bee -Passmore, t1liv following being � ,0%0- I beemnes ovewheat-pd, the pulee r&pW I OW e. _ lf)i a,nd finaali there is beat-stTOke. Thi'�' ... thb appropriation, viz: Road con' A . I ((,(*J, I 04.4 Hok ng . rVirMeff strtictions, $I;ODO; bridge construction, X. is wbtat ,happened in the Black . . 1 (11IN7 I I A �_, , I )st 11 . - _:_1 - I $13A00; Wmehinery, $11,60; sqiperrin- , .4NII)v— .. a It, of CA-110121tta. at / I Me 0 at ue6 teadence, $1,000,; maintenance, end re- rA This �nay seem a %tranige time ol I Roofing. Ex- I , - %O dlusive patented pair, $8,000, Total, $14,500, . year to b,6 wAting of heat strokE Pat fea a arentee, Me auditors, ,report, es. given by . when so miany are having a difficuld I wMeather, ap, esd - B121ter tiuw; to Iceep warm. Nevertheless ey, puta Arnold Wiseman, was receWed: 1984 �er W, 6;6711ewlrOOO;� lameg collected, ao at Dec. 31, 1094, 1 1 Alowle R'M many others Who STO daMr Ile I orme-rdofing. Send / .. - Shine .. 11 d e and r $24,390.00; 1081 tames oolllecf6d, in agb9g their bodies, lowering tbeil n for free 1934, $16.19; 1932 taxes cotented, im . Aft _' . standard of health -and ine"asiing *4 . be I a Itunate. We use 1934, $142-192; 1033 taxes collected. in ... .. I libelihood of' disoa- - V � spending "Council Stan- . d dard"format- , 1934., $4,939S5; penalties, '$162.31; a th6iT time in overheated wo6m. ng I , � est duta ity. provincial. ,grant mt ,road expenditure, . I � . R is im"sible for tirtaA of ,us t< Pro 1, I ,� , $%&W.34 -f railwaIy ,tax, $213.06; 'bank , I? : A6, anrthing about the humiditY 0 A- 11 int6rest , , $12D.02; drain receipU? " .1 .(M _1 - .- I- — we live ond, Vwk , . , - I 1 $fl.51; gank of IlloTAredl, 1645, 'W)-,, 7 1 il�� �;� _h�b*­aver, do much about lb& . � . 500.00-, n1ii,scellaneous, $157-9L.. ewh 1�: . , , �!� I 4 7 , IM11 'esuave of the TOMY119 in Whiel ., i 1. MY � I'll . ... in bamit, $4,780.0. T $89,77-6.10.1 - - 11 .1., I., ­­.." __ -, 0__, I I- t. Ulh , . -i lotA ,.,. � We "X-- It ,b no nggeow I . I � � . .. . I I f . I I . - . I I � I I . . . I - t .1 . . t � � . 1 . . I I i - �­ ' ' . � � 1'1'1"�." , , , . 1-11, ik � 11 ". I 'I', - li, _;" . I'll I � � , , . I � i I , , I ' I— � 1,f!-11;`:4 "' '0 � ,4 . ! ,,.� . , , � I , � ; 1�7'�, ;4. L "' . '. . . . , , , - .1 11, I 1 . " ,A . 1 "' '. �, ',", �J '. �'�'i � I � ,, "�, I 1, ,,,.,�,,:, ,��j', 1:r� L, . i '� � � , ,��LQ'�"., ,11 4 1� � , " �1?14101 I , _% IV 1 14,�! ��I, ,­', , . " ;,� ,,, ., ;.', , L I �'. � , I � 1" - � J, ."� , , - ", ; 1\,, ,',,�5 I ,�� �` � .11 , � �;l , I , . ,� � , i, , , , I , , I "i 0 ,�4��"1505 1&=",�� 5""n & z, I'll . ­ -4 ,; it, I , ,� , `� '11' " � � � 41 . " " , � ��J � �, I'll I �. 1, ", , I 'UM, �� �'! ",-­.'. i',,v I .. 1�11�4�1',7�t`:7',', �,,�,,�.""�,�.���!��,,�1,1�,,,,,,,.,�,,,�,�,,�,,,��,f,�,�,,.It�,�,,.�,,,,,,,!."i"c"���,,��I'l�,�,,it,i,�"N,.�,$L�",?,4�,,��,,�,��;"f,ll,tR�",�""�".' '51'� .'�"i', - �', E � 4 1- � '. � � 151 "0�*� )�11' . . , � ', , , '! . N !� . , , - . .�!�� " N V�(IWNI� 11�1��.�1111'11551145 Eg"'l-M&P, : . " , �V,,,,�, " -1 I ,,, ,,, . 41 " 141". I , .. '11 &a �,"�,, � 11, , , �� . , ",, �,'101`, 0"', " , I ffigl,�,,,il It 0 -1, I L L ., � , ,�,�i , �Yr , 1,11, 0 1 7 ­ . . - 7 -, �;,`, I , , F " , , ". !� V 1, r� U T. ,! R , � � , r �, ",4 . I .. �� 4,14R, � A 0 0, �� . '� : X, . it, A, � " � � � I . � . ,� ... 1!b!,�.' . . � I 11 , ��11, 'i 'S, , I , . .,W" - . I ,�, . � " F if ,"',% "If, . .-. , 4 ,P ,� 4 " "� , ,. , , I , I 1 4 �, w � , ,,,,, . i .,a I I I i.., , . '. � , .." . , " "" . , I r , , , " . ,�� . .. ... 1�4 'I I 1. . I . i 5, #1 "r��,,%4k " , I �� :�i �5,`�,Q �� , " &j . , I I I � . .-.-L_-__1. �,4: ,.,. �il­,� �qilll;: : . 11 �, 11 I � . .. _ I � , � , � .1 . � �,�,,�., 11 " ­ . � I , - . . . I I . I . 1. - , !., , , : 11 11 �? ".L.". �:�.; ­ . . �'. ­ I . I '. . - .. ,�,��; ! ��.`-`.��,:��; ����� �� J;- . . I '_."��-".��,: ,, I I " �­ - , �:i .... ������ I - I I . ,. , I , � �... i . I � , _.. ... I ,­ .1 ' EAN � �. � ,,,. ,r,..:,,... - , - A n E CL � "" "I'' , � ; ­.... ... ... . �, ; 1� �, � �i, . . .1 , i� ,'­�, ,"'�,�� 1. . . . . � e., .. I _,:­_-'�'i;;�,-, , 1. I - . . - . .. _�d,�,, � �� I ­. � � .­,­ ... I � , � ,� . . ..... I. 11 , 16., - .,� �­,-,­�� ' FAL. k , , , , I __..,._..,__, . 1 7:,j I . I I : � , , 1.� I . I I . . i, 1. 1� I - , . . � . "' , , , .�.­',,�:. � . , . I I . ��*L�� Of course you wash it—but is it clean? We're willing.to wager . `,, . ' that it is.- Then you don't simply go through the motions of : - . - , � I . .. ,r 1. " I washing your faw as a habit, but because it makes you feel - ' "right" to I know that it is clean and because it is pleasing to the . ' . . I people you meet in the course of the day. " . I I nd � Well then, when you buy stationery for your busi- - � , I - . nessi is it not worth while to, see that it is. printed . I prqpelrly and not to accept printe . I . . . I . I kind simply because it is, cheap? You wouldn't use ; . . . I jute as aface towel, ,would' you? . ,But it's much . - . ' I . cheap.er than linen'. - Business �Stationery is yoi�r - ,, � . I ' � "'paper face"—your personal repres.entative—why I . , . . . . not make sure it represents you properly. We will � li? be glad to show you paper -and ink,samples, speci- � . I . . mens of type faces, layouts and estimates. ' Phone . 41. Ask Our representative to call. Mail 'orders - 1, .1 I � promptly filled. , I . I . 0 ' THE HURON` EXPOSITOR , - 4 JOB DEPARTMENT I ' I McLEAN BROS., Publishers, SEAFORTH .1 � V., I ..'­ ", r., "41 ., . , "I , ". 1% ,�' � ` ,�, '�',�, �,,­ : .- ,,4',�! ."i"..". I i � .. ",,'ill. _,", i.." , , - W1, r, " . ",_11", i,� , , .. , : �­�-Vl ". � , 1. 11 ; , ,� , , � :; . _., I . ��'-,l , " . , -, -�'�; , , y'. � . . P� � � - I - 1� I . �.� ".. " .;�, I , . � , .3`1 1 . I , I I �, . . . . . - � � I -!, � I I , I .: . I I . � , I �, I . I ;, , �14 - . ­�, � �, i _:. � I ;':""` ."��,l , ,, " A,��,Ii,�; ..., ,,,'�'; , .. , . I "I _ ..- — we become cold air friends, but -it the p;rices that n -gay be obtained f�ar gTeatest detriment to' best restilb; is must be remembered that it is - just the product. due to neglect of the parent stock. as foolish and uncon-dortable, while The lightew var�oties, composed Fb,r proper assimilation of the Iiiat much more hailn-dul, to go to the mostly of the Medfterranian breeds, there must be plenty of fresh air and other extreme and Nve like a hot- should be hatched for ordinary puw- sunlight, and a plentiful supply of house plant. poses between April 1 and May 31, fresh drinking water. Though ther At wo,rk, much can be done, by and the heavy, varieties, including quantity of feed supplied nay be, wearing proper clothing, to adapft -to both English and American breeds, abundant, there may be an unbalane­ working conditions. Women seem about one mouth earlier. ed Condition; or the obsence of nec� to have inirproved in health as they 0are,ful investigations on the Do- essary greens may result in an oveff- have rid themselves of the excesLs,ive namon Expezimental. Farms have fat. con&%iou and perhaps. sterility of clothing which was formerly thaIr given us the knowledge to R, -ed and the male, while -the hen deprived of burden. No one factor is the whole reax chickem in confuiement; so that the essential vitamins in hw oww emplanatio,fi, -but the open-air life, with suitable equipment it is norw no ' diet is unable to transmit them to - which, for one thing, mea.�s life in lon-k,Fr essential ,to get the young her offspring through the inedioin cc cool air, does seem to make for bet- birds out onto the soil as early as i -t the egg. I ter ,health. was once considered necessary. The Errors m this regard are nmer Questions concerning health, ad- I demamh for early broilers and fall corrected by Is eff ; a weak ter ort drevs,ed to the Canadian Medical As- eggs will have dome bearing on the chic -k is always an unprofitable e4dck- sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, desirable date on whidh to, hatocli, and en, The breedling stock -should bavw will -be answered personally by let- the supply of fresh eggsl in the Ffell as much Or more attention than the, ter. is a condition that imot be, given laying ,pullet. There is no economy com-Scleratilon. in poo,T feeding, and neglect will takm .0. 'Though to ,some extent influenoed tts toll where it is least expecteli. Potatoes For Feed by the necessifty for getting ,uniform The eflicient poultryman is nevier information, from year to year when cai-e,less. He knoTm that it only,pa7al, The feediing of po-tatoes to live compiling data for genetical studies, to fe,ed,the young stock right to pro-- sj1,,& provides _& ve(ry , safisfactory 1-d the batches of Barr, Plymouth rg gs, . duce la e quantities of egg am& outlet for the lower gradels, of the Rock,q at the Domamorn Experinien�al that the brooder, both male and 6&- . crop. Second grade, potatoes may be Station, Harrow, are set at ten-day male, to reproduce must be given eq - feed f4yri 'hogs and, alto" �ntervAls from the, middle of March ual attention. . used as a 7 limited amounts for cattle, sheep and tiJ1 the end, of April. This, enables If .the body weight a:nd featlier., horsen as s. substitute for grain ' F ,, 11' the pullets without un4ae forcing to condition havebeen maintained, Apaw . PITS the potatoes ,should be boiledI �� reach their peak production during feeds and concentrates thist bavap, mfixed with the grain and fed with �be Wlinter months, Too earlT batch- given satisfactory results in the pro- other concentrates. A protein sup- ing may result in premature.moult, duction of eggs will fit the breedeza Vlement needs to ,be fed, with thria. Curtailing the winter profits, and ]at- for their duties in th4e hatching SeMl- Experiments indicate that it takes err hatches are seldom profitable, due Eyan. It its an advantage if the bb�ft about 420 pounds of potato�_q, fed af- �o the slower girowth of the Chickens can get into direct sunlight wheuemv�r ter cooking, to equal 100 pmmdo of in the b,ot months when the insects the weather permits, or under ad - corn or 'barley. For the best results and m3cculemt gTeen feeds are scarce. verse condfitilons the fertility may bvw ' i in ,znnne feeding the ,proportion ,f Maximum. fertility of eggs and via.: bility of chicks hatched is of the ut- hel-ped by the addition of one pqv cant. cotd liver oil to the ration 804 potatoes in the ration, should not be greater than four pounds to one of h1lost impootance, and probably the an abundant supply of good alfaMa- concentratw. , Potatoes may furnis,h I I half of the dry matter in the ration for cattle and, sheeip and one-lio'cirth for hovs�eg. Dairy cows should not . � I I DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES . receive inlore tbun about 35 pounds . .1 . per day as larger skmouhts may nm- _____ . . paw the quality of butter produced. For fattening sheep, from tvm- ito three pounds daily c�bould be fed with I I LESS THAN . I . tlae grain. 'For cattle and Aneep fee<IL . _ 0IF ' -� ()F F10;ORT1 '" Ing, the potatoes should be chopped WORT14 . . 10 �, � � and mixed with the grain, and. shouid � ", . . 'f�"r :*'.!r.c,- ­ . ;ow be raw. They may be fed raw to nulgS, pwrIACUlarlY brO0,d ,ROWS, if One . a .., . � _I ". "", � '. - . "":-!,,..�..�.,."..,L"i��:i:�� "' ,;.�......:;-:�­ ..::.,: � '. ....�i�i�� .. ., "' , .. I �, X: ".. . i � 0�! ., N " . %::�:�,�,, WIAGIC$10�,;',r�i�_­�': - and labor cannot be spared for .coak- ing. � . 1:�!'�;i*;:,*�:: . I .. �;!:,::;.il.":��.";O.....'�.".. -.1 ­ .-...'�, I . I. . 11_...., . . �`*Ifv '...",A ;....-, �i�i. . ..i?::.:.:-` . " .:.-V k�. -0 makes a ii�: " .�­, `4! I , (I - .. I.;.:: I I . �"`;�::" !�k.��!:�. :1� .... .111...:P. t cake �-'.*,­­ . .. : '. .... Care of the Breeding Stock '. , I .�:� ­' perfec ,.. . .. .... 1. - . ....... - N..,:.:�'. 411 X - ....... "I'll'-, When to Hatch Chickens 0L`:11_-.,.. .1 . . - — .��.;,­, I The eggs of the drometstic fowl re- . . . . . ......': ; ­,:..'. . .: . quire Mwm weeks, im�cuibatlon, and Good cake is certain with Maglet That's . 4 "' ' 1, I eNckens to, be reared f or coInimiercial . . why CAnsda's leading cookery experts use, � r-. purposes slitould ,be haselied in time - =,=. Come into lay be- and recommend this tamous baldng pow- U#Q;4� - . : fore the very edid vveadwr bets in in. der exclusively. Ask your grocer for a tint. I . . *6 ftfl. svoeral &Otws 116ftehice , I - __ de at wlilch, ,6v 65WAYNSNUALUM-Iffita Statietnentott e"" du 16your , - ., . I the Ur _ki) Amild b6 V,Atp guarantee that Magic RaMng Powder is tfte 4W , pnnm"dy k,eed siftd v%xiety, rearing atw 'herwhal lu&tdlent. == 4 , � �*M�bW, '%4�1� oqtftppl�. W L . � � - _ r .. � _­ , ­ ­� .... ._ I , I I . .1 ­. i" � . � I I ,. ! � . ". . I . . .� '' . ­*�111�;�,'�' . � Z � I . It . , r , 1. � � ;_ I 11 �'l-&';,''.'. , ',;g� . . �. - "' ,� , I ,4�yq, �!�,,,��,� � ., i,� 4k-, , f , ,'­ ��i ... ;,­`,�, ,,�,�' �� :, ,�', � - iv� ' � '�';� ��' ' '�� " "" � I , . . I . - 6 �,,�� _ " - r - ,�"""� "�A"� NYOMP 4 - � �r �,. .�:,!.'.:� � 1. I , �, ,�,,�,,';i� i,c-'. tei, i �1', 'L ' 'I ­!, 1; , I i" . .,.,,, ,% �Ix�&,_,�,4L "' " L `�� �' '�I � W!4o' I 0 I I . . . � . . I �_ . I I L � ­­�­­ . A I 11 I , �i:� � , , I - ,;. I I'll � ,�. ­, L,� �, , , . I '" 'i , 11�4,7,;­ �, � ,,,�,-�,- , , , .. .