HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-08, Page 6!•1 .4" •t, • f:[ • eet eeds Patience of Job, ression a Napoleon, 4ays Description. il4lifote who ore not familiar with r.,SiAttidate details of curling, it may .arlitalk about lead's, seconds and la: just a lot ef 'Greek. ILe;Edrnienton Journal, no doubt, withh misSionary zeal, has under- * the enlightenment of the more gnerant sections of the populace on hese particulars, and here is the re- a•ultt of the effeet. Lowly Person This is a very lowly person who •throws the first pair of rocks., He is • supposed to thank the Deity once a day in his prayers that he even ex- ist% let alone is allowed to play at • bonspiel time. All curlers have serv- • ed this period of apprenticeship and .it is a remarkable fat .that 90 per cent. of the= have . never served long ,enough. He always arldres,ses, the eldp as "Sir" and the third men as o'Mr." This lead is expected to see that the four .pairs of rocks belong- ing to his rink are on the ice and cleaned five minutes before the game starts. He must do net less, that 75 per cent. of the sweeping. He is expected to keep ...the skip supplied with cigarettes and to purchase at least one battle of -Scotch essence per diem. This is to be consumed by the rest of, the rink and the skips of the defeated rinks on that day. He is not erven allowed over the hog line except when sweeping. He is not expected to haVe "any use for any alibis. 'His curling must be :perfect or he is blamed for the less of all games in which his rink suffers de- feat. The may tell the second man what he thinks of the skip, but no one else. After many years he be- comes a skip, if he survives the sar- casm of his associates. One Degree Higher This person is but one' degree re- moved from the lead. He is expected to do 15 per cent. of the sweeping. • He also, as the lead, is expected to keep the skip supplied with cigar- ettes and the third man with match- es. He must on all occasions get - the rock he was to lick out, other- wise he is blamed for loss of all •'games. His chief duty is to see that the lead does not forget to purchase the bottle for the day and in cases of emergency to assist the lead in financing the purchase of this article. He is the one who is allowed to in- sult the lead, the third and skip con- sidering it beneath their dignity to address either of themin conversa- titan except in cases of apparent ov- ersight to ask "where's the bottle?" Class Of His Own This gentleman is in a class by laiarself, always. He could skip the rink—in fact he always could skip it far better than the skip doing, the job now. Be assumes an air of authority 'end superiority over all leads and seconds and of mere con- descension to his skip. He does the remaining 10 per cent. of the sweep- ing. He holds the broom for the skip to shoot and invariably tells the skip that he should have tried the ishot he, the third man; had chosen and not the one he, the skip, had just missed. • He is the person who uses the chalk for putting up all points made by his side (if any). He gives the skip the occasional cigarette, lends him a match and gives him a lot of unsolicited advice and gener- ally embarrasses and (befuddles the skip as much as possible, so when the game ie lost he can say with some apparent justification that he should be skipping. This is the highest co-mpliment you' can pay a third man, that he should be the skip. They ad- mit it always, but they labor on with an air of- martyrdom in the good of the cause. His principal qualifica- tion is being able to suggest what brand the lead should purchase for "the. day's consrunuption. He is ex- pected to be very choosey and see that nothing but the best grades are procured. He, on occasion, can offer faint words of praise if the skip by superhuman effort has pulled the end out of a mess. He never, no, never admits that his rocks have •been mis- played by 'himself. His work is al- ways perfection. If there has been a lapse, it is the fault of the sweep- ers, or gross misjudgment on the part of the skip. The Sportsman He is the gentleman sportsman who gate up the rink, often sacrificing va- luable time to the interests and en- tertainment of the three other curlers who wish to play in the bonspiel. He does none of the sweeping. He mere- ly holds the broom and his own tern - per while the rest of the rink miss the one and strain the other. He is supposed to be experienced and make all decisions. He meet, keep a stiff, upper lip and not Mush when he av erhears the reetsof the rink giving his character Fading to various on- lookers. If, in the case of pure acci- .. W. PRESTON GILBRIDE Branch Manager, (London) Great - West Life Assurance Company. Stratford Man New ,Branch Manager The appointment of W. Preston Gil - bride as branch manager for the city of London and district by the Great - West Life Assurance Company will be welcome news to his many friends in this locality. Mb Gilbride's family connections extend back to the early settlers in and around this district where he grew up. !His grandmother, Mrs. William Preston, and his uncle, Mr. James Preston, President of Preeton- No,elting Limited, are residents of Stratford. Mr. Gilbride represented Preston-Noelting Limited throughout Ontario from 1928 to 1932, with head- quarters in Toronto. He has a very distinguished busi- ness record •back of him and has established himself as a man of. un- usual •alaility in the profession of life insurance. In his first eleven months with the Great -West Life he achieved mem- bership in the Hundred Thousand Dollar Club, an honorary salesmen's clulb, He also qualified as one of the one hundred and twenty-five sales leaders in the ,company for the, east- ern convention at 'Manoir, Richelieu, where, in the interagency sales pres- entation comipetition he won first place and the cup for his division. Mr. Gilbri de 's • genial personality, keen intelligence and rare under- standing of human problems are some of the qualifications which make him an outstanding life insurance coun- sellor. His rapid progress in life in- suranee selling quickly won the at- tention of his Company's officials and led to his London branch appoint m,ent. Those who know Mr. Gilbride intimately predict a most promis• career ,for him in this field. As manager of the Londa divi- sion Mr. GiPbride will supervice the Company's affairs in 'London, Strat- ford, St. Thomas, Woodstock, Chai- ley, Exeter, Glencoe, Ingersoll, Kin- cardine, Listowel, Seaforth, St. Marys, Staffa, Mt. Brydges and surrounding territory, visiting these districts in person and assisting the Great -West Life Assurance Company's agents in the field. ELIMVILLE (Intended for last week.) ' The many friends of Mrs. Alvin Pym will be pleased to know she is able to be up and around a little while each day. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper enter- tained a nuarber of their relatives on Thursday evening of last week, it be- ing their wedding day. The members of the W. A. and their husbands and families met at the church last Thursday evening for supper, after which a social time was spent. ' The many friends of Mr. Sam Pym were pleased to see him out to Sun- day school on Sunday' after his re- cent accident. STAFFA Intended for last week. ' Mr. Richard 'Belkwell and daugh- ter, Ethel, visited friends in Hamil- ton over the week -end. Miss Marjory Barmen, Logan, vis- ited during the week with Donalda Gray. The annual meeting of the United Church was held in the church on Tuesday afternoon with a good at- tendance, when all the business of the year was attended to and all the officers of the past year re-elected , The annual "at home" supper of the Women's Institute took place in the Hall on Wednesday evening, when the members and their families num- bering around 175, enjoyed a daint- ily arranged banquet and a real so- cial evening together. Following the supper a program of every order was - given. The ladies of the Institiite are to be congratulated on the fine success af the evening. dent, the resrt have fallen down bad- ly, he must assume a cheerfulness and endeavor to rake the game out from under sad defeat. He is never known to do right or pick the right shot. His chief delight and happiest expectation is to have the privilege of putting on guards with both hie rocks. The privilege is always de- nied him,. He has to knock out shots when he can only seen an eyebrow. He must draw to the button, making it by eighths of inches. He must play a runner one shoteand draw the next He must take out four rooks with on shot aisd' then lay on the button and (generally make himself,. useful, all knowing that if he wins his rink gets the credit and if he loses, he alone beare the blame. He must have the patience; of Job, the aggreadve of Ntaproleon, but he Must never enThipaaini or) he will be classed 1st a poor sport. Life with him is jest one crisis after another. He generally fin& himself,, without a friend in the .tverld after Elms bonspiel is otter., We ask year avail:lathy for the podr ekt alriAser. Seen In CountyPapers Klopp- - Schram gr. Herold Klepp of Detroit, eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp, of town, was on Monday united bi wedlock with Miss Violet Schram, of London, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Schram of that city, the 'marriage taking place in, Detroit. —Zurich Her- ald. Death of Daniel Thiel Word was received here of the pass- ing of Mr. Daniel Thiel w4 Kitchener, a former bay of this comirnamitY, and brother of Mr. 'Andrew and Mr. Henry Thiel, of town, and Mr. Geo. Thiel of the 14th concession. The funeral was attended by Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel and Mr. and MTs. Hugh Thiel of the 14th concession.— Zurich Herald. Mrs. T. C. MacKenzie Dies Misses Mary and Margaret Mac - Vicar and Mr. George MacVicar went to Teronton on Tuesday to attend the funeral of their , aunt, Mrs. T. C. MacKenzie, who died very suddenly on Monday of this week. Mrs. Mac- Kenzie, who was in her 89th year, usually spent part of every su,msner in Goderich with her nieces and nephews and ,became well known to many local people, who will hear with genuine regret of her passing. Her sister, Miss Rutherford, is still suf- fering from thie .effects of a motor accident which she -experienced. on New Year's Eve. Mrs. MacKenzie was buried' in Toronto on Wednes- day.—Goderich Star. ' ° A Dip in the Lake • Little Harold !Shear:town went for a skate on Sunday afternoon instead of going to Sunday school and now knows what the minister meant when he said: "The way of the transgres- sor is hard." 'Harold slipped into a fishing hole in the ice on the lake and came up soaked and very cold. He managed to get out of the hole and 'made for home, his clothing freezing stiff on him op the ways, His farther, Sam Sheardown, got him thawed Out and it is not expected that any serious results will follow. —Goderich Star. A Real Cold Snap While some of the residents of this town are enjoying the summer clime of Florida or California, we are hav- ing a real fine Canadian whiter. Fri- day and Saturday nights were the coldest that we have had this winter, the thermometer .going to a reported 30 below zero. Early Saturday after- noon the weathermen was kind as the temperature was not too frigid but later in the day the thermometer started on its downward plunge and jnaide of a few hours dropped 20;de- grees. There is also plenty of snow. The highways are open but the side - roads are in only rare cases.—Wing- ham Advance -Times. Won Prize Scotty Ross was one of the lucky winners in the Kingston Tobacco contest last week, as he won a pound of this fine tobacco. The .prizes were given Of* the nearest guess as to the number who attended the Maple Leaf hockey game in Toronto. .Scotty was 16th, his guess was 9,013 and the correct figure was 8,997. Wingham A dvance-Tim.es. Won Skiing Prize Bill Henderson, son of Mr. W. J. Henderson, Wingham Junction, who is attending 'Cambridge University in England, is not onlya high class stu- dent, but also a good exponent of the art of skiing. Mr. Henderson receiv- ed a card from his son from Judau- Innsburck, Austria, on Saturday stat- ing that he had received a medal far siding. Bill was hurt during the meet and had to be &earn down the moun- tain on a toboggan to the station.— Wingham Advance -Times. Fire At Brucefield Brueefield sent in a call just about noon Tuesday for the help of the fire brigade and the chemical engine was sent down, Mr. Hugh Berry's house being on fire. Fortunately the fire had been got under control be- fore the assistance arrived and while the residence was badly damaged it was not completely destroyed.—Clin- ton Newa-Record.' 'Injures Spine in Fall Mr. Arthur Ericlaneyer, or, Ed- monton, Alta., son of Mr. August Eickraeyer, -Logan, had the misfor- tune to fall from a scaffold and crack- ed a verteba-ae of the .spine. He is confined to the 'hospital in Edmonton and will be in a cast for eight weeks. De. Harold Fields, formerly of Mit- chell, and teacher art S. S. No. 9, Logan, is the attending physician.— Mitchell Advocate. Rev. A. A. Holmes Dies Suddenly On Sunday marring, less than six weeks after the passing of his wife, Rev. Albert A. Holmes, a retired minister of the United Church, died suddenly in Clinton in his 71st year. Red. Mir. Holmes had came up from Taranto, where he was spending the winter with his daughters, last week to spend a few days with friend. He was while in town the guest of Dr. and Mrs. 'Fowler, but he had been keeping'a fire in his own house, the old Wesley parsonage in Ratters - bury Street, ,keeping it warm enough to go in and out of for anything which he needed wbile. here. On Sun- day morning be left Dr.' Fowler's a little in advance of him intending to go in and see after his fire. He told the doctor he would go in the back door and come out the front and' would be ready when he came elang. When Dr. Fowler came both doors were looked and concluding that Mr. Holmes must not have waited for him, he went on tot church but find- ing that Mr. Holmes was not there he returned, feund Mr. G. W. Cun- inghsisnie and together they entered the hoese. On going to the basement "gP41•1‘,1r,.(F4 aaig.k"1 CAN'T SLEE irs opittigkvo' *oaf com04.0- withuite,dit • t theT fellnd, . kai'lleites lying als he had fallen W4ile in the act of lifting a shovel of•iener to the furnece: , The dectorsi detailed that he had died inetantly.—Clinten, Ne,wedhecord. Reelected President Miss .1VEldred Walker, ,,an Exeter old girl ef Lode, is to be con,gratie latest on her reselectioe, as president of District No. 1 of the Registered Nutmeg Aisseiciartion „of lOtetiaric at the annual meeting in Chatham on Saturday last—Etteter TienteseAdves care. Auto Accident Causes Death of Girl Citizens of Crediton and commun- ity were shocked when they learned of the sudden death <Esther Eilber, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber,• of 'Crediton, caused by an auto accident, near Detroit Thursday after- noon, January 24th. ' Aceo g to information receivIC ed Miss Ether was killed instamtly at Burger, • -mile road near 'Detroit. The car in whieh she was iding, driven by Mr. Jasper, was making a right turn when an- other car driven by Depute -Sheriff Wilson, of Do,a,kland 'County, collided with the car. Dearth was d'ue to a fractured skull. Wilson died since the accident while Mr. Jasper had see- eral ribs broken and other bodily in- juries, both cars, were badly wrecked. Miss Eilber 'went to Buchannon, Mich., in, 1924, where she attended high ;school freml which she graduat- ed in 1926.. After graduation she went in training at Grace Hospital, Detroit, graduating in 1929, follow- ing that profession in the city of De- troit until her sadden death. As a nurse she was very proficient and skilled. 'Her services were appreciat- ed by those to whom she so patient- ly ministered. - Exeter TimessAdvo- cate. Corn, The Old Reliable Standby (Continued from Page 2) in the ,ground was tried and proved very successful if the ground wee high ancl dry, but if it was inclined to be wet and epringy, the water soured the feed and spoiled the food value very much. ']hen square silos were , built out of wood and some from cement and gravel. Then later the idea of round silos made out of plank' was tried. These, proved very tsatitsflaciary until they • ddsayed nt the foundation. Their worts enemy to -day is the heavy gales that twist these cribs when they are empty, very often throwing them down with much damage, causing much expense in re -erecting, etc. Now concrete has come to the front as the ideal material to erect a silb with. If clean gritty gravel is used, a mixture of one part cement to sev- en of gravel will make a first-class; wall, if 'properly mixed. Wooden' ferms were used in the earlier days to hold the concrete' 'together until it set, but to -day steel, forms are used altogether. The steel leaves the wall smooth when removed which allows the insilage to settle nicer and as well is a wall that will not blow down and should last a farmer, his life- time. One of these silos will cost from $150 up to $200, according to the fluctuating costs of the materials us- ed�t is hardly possilble to figure the cbst of building to the lowest dollar until the job is completed. Howeeer, to get down to the Oottoin of it ,all, it is a safe gamfaie to. ay the least, that with hay and roues grains at the present market pee. a $200 silo will just pay for itself in the first yeas: First, in the preserva- tion of the succule-nt value of the fod- der pieced in it over the shocking method on a 10 -acre field' of corn; 2nd, by the saving of grains and hays grown on the farm for sale • or through the production of pork and eggs instead of through the cattle. It might be of interest to some of our readers to know that our friend, Premier 'Heplburn, had a nice acre- age of 90 acres planted to corn last year, of which most of it was stored in •silos in the fall. He knows his business as a farmer. And if yen are going to make that farm pay and have a silo, by all means plant enough corn to be sure and fill it. If you don't own one, stop the leaks by erecting one this year. HURON CO. FARMER. Sore Throat • LA cornmon experience of life is to endure the pain end inconvenience caused by a sore throat. All ages and both sexes are app to suffer. The adult who has been smoking too much or who has neglected the simple rules of healthy living may, under such circueustances, find that this throat is sore. Sore throat may mean in- flamrmation of the tonsils'pharynx or larynx. There is a constant inclin- ation to swallow. In the acute cases, there is some fever, headache and general discomfort. As adults, we show no hesitation in complaining when our throats are sore, and as adults too we are very likely to forget that young children do not usually complain when their throats are sore. Yet it is the some throat of a young child which is of real' importance, Ilsircause this may antark the onset of a serious condi- tion The sore throats of children are discovered by the doctor whe, as a matter of routine, examines the throats of all children who come un- der his care. 'Many inflamed throats .subside and return to normal without any further trouble. Others are fol- lowed by complications as the acute inflatarniation spree& from throat to ear or bronchial tubes, leading to a chronic intlantmation unless properly treated. The two most imPortant conditions whileh inlay follow upon sere throat in children: are nephritis and rheu- matic fever. Nephritis comes prompt- ly under medical care becatlee it de- mands attention through the appear- ane.e of blood ii the urine or the amffinese of the face. Unfortunately, rhenntatie fever, in children, does nottnattally give rise to 'the acute .jointb pains which occur when it is an adult Who is attacked by the .disease. As a result, cafes of rheumatic fetter in ',Children aid, 'net • . :•0; 4/5 ,;•toUr• HE FLT1:11MERABLE AFTER .MEA Acute Indigestion, Relieved • by Krusehen The treatment wthich put sthis men right must surely be worth trying in every case of indigestion. Read what he says -1 "Pwo years tgo I suffered very much from indigestion, loss of appe- tite, and a most severe pain in my back. Food soured ia my stomach. I felt most miserable after meals, and had no -desire or appetite for them. A friend advised me to try Kruschen Salts. I did so, and I am most happy to testify that after a short time I felt the greatest relief. 11 continued taking Kruschen till I felt myself quite better and a new man. I feel as light-hearted. as I did twenty years ago."—W. B. Mutt Kruschen did for him it will do for everybody else who suffers from indigestion, as he did. The fact is that "the little daily close" of Kruschen first stimulates the flow ef gastric juices to aid digestion, and then ensures a, complete, regular and unfailing+ elinottnation of all waste matter every day. likely to come under medical • care promptly. The danger which accompanies sore throats is not in proportion to the severity of the throat condition. The mildly -sore throat, may mark the be- ginning of rheumatic fever which is so' serious because of the damage done to the heart in Many cases. 'Mere is only one safe way to deal with these cases, and that is, first of all, to find out the condition of the throat of. any child who is unwell. If the throat is inflamed, the child should be isolated and kept in bed until his temperature is normal, and then watched, during the following month, to make certain that there are no comIplications. Queetions concerning health, ad- dressed to. the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 'College Street,. -Toron- to, will be answered personally by letter. PARTICULARLY GOOD LIQUID POSITION The Dominion Bank 64th Annual Report; Interest Bearing Deposits Higher. The 64th Annual Statement of The Dominion Bank presented to the an- nual meeting of the shareholders on Wednesday, January 30th, contains several notalble features. The Bank's liquid position is particularly strong, the ratio of its Immediately Avail- able Assets to Public Liabilities is 61.02 per cent., earning show a slight advance over a year ago and deposits have increased by over $2,500,000. An analysis of the statement in greater detail .shows improvement in practically every division of the Bank's activities. .Circula,tion. at 3C&3 has has expanded during the year by Gver $400,000. To:.a.1 deposits are $98,269,160 com- pared with $915,571,630 in the previous year's Statement. This improvement is largely represented in deposits bearing interest. Immediately Avail- able Assets stand at $66,496,474 or 61.02 per cent. of Lialbilities to the Public. A year ago the figures un- der this heading were $58,5'57,698 or 55.82 per cent. of Public Liabilities. Cash Assets, too, have shown an im- provement of over $5,000,000 during the past twelve months. The figures a year ago were $16,426,864 and this year $21,764,316, now representing 19.97 per cent. of Liabilities to the Public. The Bank's investments horse grown slightly -during the past year. They now stand at $34,317;000 and are chiefly ,D02711iT.11071 and Provincial Gov- ernment Bonds. Current loans in Canada, While less than last year, are shown in a total of $50,220,000. The reduction represents in the main, merely seasonal liquidation. The net profits amount to $1,151,- 561 as against $1,139,2102 last year. After payment of dividends at the rate of 10 per cent., totalling $700,- 000, providing $245,762 for Dominion and 'Provincial Goverrentent Taxes, contributing $50,000 to Officers' Pen- sion Fund, and writing off fF/50,000, from fBank Premises Account, $106,- 000 Was added to Profit and Loss Ac- cou-nt, which now stands at $541,143. Bank Premises Account stands at $5,900,000. ,.. The Capital of the Bank remains at $7,000,000, and its Reserves at $7,000,000. Canada's Mothers About twelve hundred Canadian mothers lose their lives each year from causes arising out of what should be the perfectly normal func- tion of childbirth. Also, more babies die during the first month of life than during the eleven months which fol - kw. Childbearing is a natural process, but it does place nature under an anusual physical strain which should be 'Prepared for. In the absence of proper care, 'serious conditiont which May arise go undetected, with unfor- tunate results for both mother and child. A death is a death, but the death ,of mottles' is of .particularly grave significance because. 'tif the health and sial problems ehich so commonly arise in the family, following upon the loss of the Mather. Nor is death always the.worst thing that happens. Indeed, death may be preferable to an unhapply, (useless Me following recovery front conditions which come Monty dettroy life. - at may well be asked if so imiuch suffering, disability and mortality are necessary tor the reproduction of the race. We answer definitely and ent- (phatiCally "No!' an Canada and in elf 0•7•",",, ••••• 014tteatbegrIsleaesaonte,iettihnitotvr.: iria;cma'agt:,:ad.s4:itotretbet:Ittej 'who have „atactlied. 'adedient should' be prevented • , It is remarkable bow careless of human life we are at timers. it is as- togishiag how indifferent many wo- men: seem to beawith regard to their owe life and death. You would think that when we 'know how to save life, everything passible would Ise done. Such is not the case, howervlette• we go on year after year with but little im- Amovemtent. There is no secret or mystery a- bout the matter. Progress will be made just as soon as increasing num- bers of- tvemen receive the care and supervision they require throughout pregnancy; when they have medical and nursing care at eonfinement and •during the postnatal period. ' at is true that social ' 'conditions, contribute to the problem, notably wheeepoverty prevents a woman from reeeivin,g the medical care which she 'should have, There are, however, thousands of mothers who could se- cure the care they need and who would be receiving it were it not for their own negligence. • To the woman herself, to her hus- band and her family, we say that pregnancy eheuld not go unsupervis- ed. The vast Majority of women come through without any trouble, but no one can say Which woman will not experience 'trouble. Pre -natal care, by which we mean regular and con- tinued medical supervision through- out pregnancy, will allow for the de- tection of trouble early enough to overcome it by proper treatment, and so to prevent catastrophe. Pre -natal care is preventive obstetrics. Questions concering health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St., 'Arent°, will be answered personally by let - ter. Shrubs For the Home Grounds Every . home its a separate lands scope problem) and should be treated as such. No hard and fast rule re- garding plant arrangement may ,be made are an arrangement that Might appear perfect on a farm. home would pnobably appear very ,different if at- tempted in the mere formal sur- roundings usually present in a town. Shrubs have been defined as woody plants which branch freely from the base. Their heights very consider- ably from the creeping and trailing varieties of cotanastea, of only a few inches in height, to the various su- macs, tamarisks, and viburruums which often have an ultimate height of twenty-five OT more feet. 'When a new home ta being plan- ned, buildings can he arranged so that the assembled whole will har- monize, but when it is desired to 'beautify an older home it will often be found necessary to screen some of the outbuildings, both from; the pas- ser-by and from the house. For this purpose the tell -growing shrubs are particularly adapted. Shrubs are utilized about buildings for framing the picture of which the bundling is 'the centre. If planting is confined to the boundaries of the lawn, interests direCted towards the house. On large grounds miasses Or groups of shrubs show to good ad- vantage, but in the more confined lots of the town, a imore formal type of planting ha,s to be practised, and shrubs in this care are chosen for their individual beauty. In order to have a perfect group of shrubs it would be well to ,remetn- ber that coarse -leaved shrubs do not make. a suitable ibackg•round for shrubs of finer leaf texture. For in- stance, the Japanese barberry com- biners much better with spirea and other fine -leaved species than with the coars,eatleaved sumacs, flowering currants, etc. To get away from the irnornotony of a flat aminterresting mass of shrubs it is important to choose plants with varying ultimate heights and by discriminate planting splen- did results 'may be ahhieved. Shrubs are gretatly used in foundation plant- ing. This •does not mean planting two rows of shrubs around a house as so many people seem to think, but rather a careful selectiori and 'groups ing of plants which will accentuate the goad points of the structure and at the same timer tome down undesir- able features. It would not be good judgment to pay a stone mason thigh wages to Make a firitsclass job of a stone foundlatilon, and then plant a mass of ahrabe to hi& it completely from view. Nevertheless, even good masonry is much more interesting if glimpses are obtained rather than an 'unobstructed viewr of the whale foundation. By carefully selecting the plants to be used this purpose may be easily at- tained. The -corners of a house are usually tmua improved by the toning down effected by a mass of shrubs, and here again care rmfust be taken in the selection of material to be us- ed, because if tall plants are used in such a way that they hide the COT - Tilers of a house which is narrraw in the first place, they will make this building have a much narrower ap- pearance. The ideal foundation plant- Si• • S•he gered With Pains In The Back ONTARIO LADY SOON GOT RELIEF THROUGH DODD'S ' KIDNEY PILL'S Mrs. J.. Little Says Nothing Helped Her But Dodd's Kidney Pills. Sit.Idatharines, Ont., Feb. 7 (Spec- ial)—"I have used d/o,dtils Kidney Pills for sometime, and want to tell you that I never had anything help rne like they have," writes Mrs. Jos. Little, 108 iMerritt 'St., St. Catharines, Ont. "I have been bothered with pains in the back and also a distress across the lower regions of my body; a kind of bloated feeling. Whenever I feel out of order I take them for a week or se 'until I feel well again. 1 always keep' them in the house." Dodd's Kidney Pills have become a household remedy all aver the world because people have tried. them and been more than satisfied with the results. Thousands of people are buying and using Dodd's Kidney Pills solely through the recomentendation of their friends who first discovered their relieving and healing properties. A trial will convince you. ing shauld give the inieression, of an enfransing mass, which is, much the semi purpose as is served by the shrubbery plantings at the boundar- ies of the front lawn. Speeiimen shrubs ort plants wi4& striking flowering effects may be grewp in the backyard or some other situation away from the front lawn; the idea for this being, as Mentienecl. before, that these shrubs draw atten- tion to themselves, *Meth it; not the purpose of planIts, in the front,karea. Hedges are ,often,' used as ,the di- viding line between/ properties or to separate. the front frown the back area. POT this purpose there are many varieties Of saitable shrubs bath for the formal clipped hedge or for the rrsere inforanal hedge which receivee only an occasional pruning to keep it within bounds. Albiding by the rule to nevfer •plant anything unless there is a reason for ' it will 'save Much trouble; . and_ an attempt at a symmetrical whole te- ther than an extensive ehrub 'collec- tion will usually result in a very pleasing picture. • This may be a good plaice to men- tion the fact that Southern Ontario is favoured with a better ,climate than almost' any cuthee part of Eastern Canada, and there are many good Varieties of Shrubs hardy here which will not stand the severe winters of other parts: of the, Eastern Provinces. The Necessity For Farm Accounting This year far more farmers than ever before are making an early de- tailed list of the items of their farm businesses to see what they oven and what they dee; in short to find out ••• how they stand as they wind up once farming year and begin another. Some record of receipts and exigens- es, together with an inventory (a list with values of live stock, feed, im- plements and any other asset on hand) is really necessary. The re- cord not only shows the farmer what he is actually worth and whether or not he is getting ahead, but also gives him a basis for a statement for oh= tafning bank credit. Further the re- cord includes a list of property for collecting fire insurance and settling estates, as well as a guide for the corning year's financial plants. A record of each department of the farm (business thould be kept be- cause it is the only way of finding out whieh part of the farming pays and which do not. To assist the farmer in thi very important mat- ter, the Dominion Department of 4g- riculturl has hessied a very simple and useful little account book. ...No special knowledge of accounting is necessary, and a record of 'translate - tions can often be made in less than cue hour per week. The little book, though simple,is a great step in ad- vance of keeping no accounts what- ever. TEETHING FEVER Relieved/ Mrs. Edward James' baby hal two teeth when less than three months old. She writes: "He has 18 now and I can truthfully say that giving him Baby's Own Tab- lets while cutting his teeth kept him fit and well". Teething is s restless feverish time for babies but the little one can always be soothed and the fever reduced by giving sweet, safe Baby's Own Tablets. Very eaay to take, 'no after effects. Price 2bo everywhere. DaWilliatar BABY'S OWN TABLETS 2G ARE YOU • BUILDING or REMODELLING? Don't commit yourself until you get all the facts about E. S. P. Barns —SteelTruss, Plank Truss , or Cantilever types. Make full use of our twentyyears' experience in Barn Building! Let the Engineers in our Farm Build- ings Department advihe you. Their services are absolutely free to farmers who are building or reModelling. Write today •.• • '" -est