HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-01, Page 8r};
�jr yl
EL NIPPY—Twp Years 20c
' ld; pound
per !pound
. per tin
PRUNES at 25c
2 pounds for
3 gonads for
"' 25c
TIO'WDtEA--1-1b. tin
;MON—Red halves • 25C
2 tins for
SALMON, Sockeye
halves; 2 tins for
Hospital Aid Will Meet: The reg-
ular meeting of the Women's Hospital
Aid Association to Scott Memorial
Hospital will 'be held on Thursday,
February 7th, at 3.30 p.m. in Car-
negie gall.
Onions and Rhubarb in January, ---
fa r. Jeanes Rivers of Nerth Main
'.Street, who is a famous •gardener
and who gets homesick during the
winter months for something to do
in his favorite pastime, this year
started a garden in the cellar of his
home, and his venture has been
crowned with success. Out of this
miniature garden Mr. Rives has tak-
en rhubarb .two feet high, and some
fine green onions of excellent flavor
—we know, because we tried them.
A. C E Routledge
Y.P.L. Meet_ The Young People's
Societes of Northside United Church
held 'their weekly meeting on Tues-
day evening with the president, Miss
Ruth Thompson, presiding. The
meeting was in charge of the Citizen-
ship convenor, Jack 'Cheoros, and the
Social convenor, Jack Stevens. The
minutes were read by the secretary,
Vera Mole, and adopted. During the
devotional period, quiet music was
rendered by. Miss J. Edge. A hymn
was then sung, after which Mr. Mc-
Michael led in prayer. The worship
period was taken by 'Miss V. Mole
and Mr. Sam Scott then rendered a
pleasing solo, "I Hear Thy Wel owe
Voice." Another hymn Was then
sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated
in unison. The topic, taken by Mr.
Holland, was very helpful as well as
interesting. The meeting was clos-
ed by singing a hymn and repeating
in unison the Mislrah Benediction, af-
ter which a social time was enjoyed
by all.
When it comes time for the insur-
ance company to "settle up" with the
insured—that's the time insurance
gets its test, and that's the time when
insecure policies, fraudulent policies,
policies that "promise the world" are
" shown up in their weaknesses to the
discomfiture of the insured. All pur
policies are standard, backed by con-
cerns that have .stood the test of
time, and afford protection without
Phone 214 - Seaforth
Specialists in All"Lines of
Thursday, Feb. 7th,, 8p.m.
This isl the game you have been
waiting for. The Beavers are,
at their best and this tilt with
Clinton will be, outstanding.
ADMISSION: 25 . cents
Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday.
—Egenondville Church --Bible Society
and Sunday School, "Peter Re -instat-
ed"; 11 a.m., "A Practical Wisdom
in the Kingdom of God"; 7 p.m., "The
Story of the Feast of Cana." — Rev.
Charles Malcolm, Minister.
Northside United Church -11 a.m.,
"The Joyful Story"; 7 p.m., "A
Mighty Man of Valour --abut,"; Sun-
day School at 2.30 p.m.—Rev. T. A.
Carmichael, Minister.
t: Thomas' Church—Bible Class
nd Sunday School at 10 a.m.; 11 a.
m., "Confidence in the Midst of
Storms"; 7 p.m., "Looking At' Un-
seen Things." Choir practise after
evening service — Canon E. Apple -
yard, Rector.
Cavan, Dui s and Bethel. — The
sermon topic -will be "Service." Sun-
day School at Cavan Church at 9.45
a.m.-Bev. G. E. Morrow, Minister..
First Presibyterian Church -11 a.m.
sermon subject, "It is in Mine Heart
to Make a Covenant with the Lord
God of Israers 7 p.m., sermon sub-
ject, "Serve the Lord with Gladness
. This is the Mood that Wins."
—,Rev. H. C. Feast, Minister.
Colclough-Storey. — A quiet but
pretty wedding was solemnized by
Rev. T. A. Carmichael in Northside
United Church parsonage at eight
o'clock on Saturday evening, when
Edna L., youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Storey, of Seaforth,
became the bride of Mr. Cecil Col -
0 clough, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
0 Norman Colclough, of Goderich. The
O bride who was attended by her sis-
0 ter, Mrs. James Dunlop, looked very
0 becoming in -a corded crepe frock of
0 skipper blue with black suede shoes
and hose to match, her only ornament
being a silver broach. The brides-
maid was dressed in a crepe dress of
Chinese rust shade with brown suede
shoes and hose of matching color.
The groom was supported by Mr. Jas.
Dunlop. After the ceremony a
0 sumptuous wedding dinner was serv-
o ed to the immediate relatives, the
0 table being decorated in pink and
white. For travelling, the bride wore
a navy treebark coat with grey fox
collar with matching accessories. Af-
ter a short honeymoon the young
couple will reside in Goderich. Out
of town guests present at the wedding
were Mr. and Mrs, Norman Colclough
and Mr. Thomas Gundry, all of God-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
O ' S. T. Holmes & Son 0
O Main Street, Seaforth
0 S. T. Holmes, ;eeidence,
Goderich Street, West; phone
0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes'
0 residence, - Goderich Street,
0 East; phone No.' 308.
Q Ambulance Service
0 Night calls, Phone 308.
0 Day calls, Phone 119 J.
Charges moderate.
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
aoarth • Boy
(Continued from Page, L)
ins the feet that it was quite wick
We left the train at 9.30, bhe entire
journey having taken about twentye
nine hours.,
I hada reservIataon at the Tiefen-
brunner Hotel and' after coming out
of the station I looked around for the
hotel bus. Several buses 'belonging
to various hotels were lined up, but
I just couldn't locate the right one.
Finally I discovered that this hotel
didnrt have a motor bus --but had in-
stead a horse-drawn •one which ap-
peared t[e have had many years of
service. On looking at it I could just
Pictures, the kind) of vehicle which
must have met the Seaforth trains
back ,in,the early eighties.
There were about 10 people, 'all
strangers to rue,' to be taken to the
hotel, so seven of,us got inside and
the other three sat on top on the
luggage. I don't know how the hors -
and 15 cents es gat us all up the hill to the town
but they made it without any help.
We were met at the hotel by a young
Austrian girl who spoke very good
English. We later discorvered that
she was the proprietor's daughter and
that she . was the interpreter around
the hotel for the guests. My room
was at the top looping out over the
town with a wonderful view of the
mountains rising thousands of feet in
the distance. We had dinner at 10.30
and after a :short stroll I turned in
as I was very tired following the ted-
ious train journey. I was very pleas-
ed with my hotel accommodation for
while it wasn't luxurious in any 'A-
spect, it was quite comfortable.
Next morning I was up bright and
early and after breakfast (the con-
tinental breakfast consists only of
rolls, jam and ,coffee), did some in-
vestigating as fe snow conditions. I
found that this was the first year in
fifteen that the town didn't have
snow for Christmas. Kitzbuhel it-
self while at an elevation of 3,000
feet, is in a valley surrounded by
mountains rising a• .further, 3 or 4
thousand feet. There was plenty of
snow on them, so I was satisfied. I
decided to jointhe ski school despite
the vow I had made when I left Var-
sity that my school days were over.
I was a complete stranger in town,
and felt that the best way to make
sortie acquaintances was to join the
school. All beginners at everything
soon become quite friendly and this
schpo' was no exception. Skis could
be rented at the cost of one Austrian
schelling a day (20c in Canadian cur-
rency). I was all fitted up by noon
but didn't start school till next morn-
ing. We were transported by bus to
the nursery slopes where we were
sorbed out according to our ski ex-
perience. Each class was made up
of about 10 people and they had an
Austrian instructor who, of course,
was able to speak English. I was
very fortunate in the instructor I
had.. JIis name was Erwin Eckl and
a finer chap couldn't be found any-
where. 'He had spent four months iri
London in 1929 where he mastered
the Erglish language. In addition to
English, he spoke French and Ger-
man and it was necessary, too, as all
three nations were represented in our
class. His normal tongue was Ger-
man, which is the language spoken in
I never dreamed there was so -much
,to the ski 'gable as I found out there.
At first I thought I was wasting my
time taking lessons but soon realized
that if I were ever to successfully
negotiate a 3,000 foot run down a
Mountain, I had to know how to con-
trol my speed and to stop without
taking a "header." I found there was
much more to it than just keeping
balance. One -must be able to turn
quickly to escape trees, rocks and
such like.
I spent five enjoyable days on the
nursery slopes. My ski experiences
as' a kid on home-made skis of cheese
box wood helped me considerably and
I was soon able to do the various
turns. I even tried my luck at trying
to skate on skiis. It looked so easy
when done by the experts. During
these days of training I made many
friends and became very chummy
with our instructor.
After these preliminary exercises
at school we went on three long ex-
cursions into the mountains. Our in-
structor came along and led the way.
Snow conditions were excellent; there
was plenty of it and more falling all
the time. The ascent of the moun-
tains was made by cable railway.
There were two cars on parallel lines
passing each other at the half -way
mark. Each car, had a capacity for
20 people with skis and the trip took
about 12' minutes. On reaching the
top we had a further 25 minute climb
to a large hotel, where many people'
live during the holiday. One had: a
wonderful view there • on the sur-
rounding mountains and valleys.
From this hotel there were about 23
different ski runs. Each run had its
own name and the two we made in
successive days were the Brun Alpe
and Kaser. Each day we took our
lunch along and had a real old fash-
ioned ipicnie meal in some out-of-the-
way hut. In practically every run,
there is a hut about half way down
where one can get warm stimulants,
Such as soup and coffee. We usually
took an hour for lunch and then ,off
again, wending our way down, turn-
ing this way and that way, always'
careful to keep our speed under con-
trol. 'It was a marvellous sensation
to just keep going down hill for so
long, through partially wooded areas,
then out into clearings. The runs
ended near some village where we
were able to catch a bus back to
Our last run was the Stangalanu
The beginning of this run could not
be readied by cable railway s,o • we
had to climb to it on foot and carry
our skis. This was a. simple matter
for the first two hours, ,but not so
easy for• the next hour. The snow
became deeper and we seemed to be
right up in the clouds. It was snow-
ing quite heavily and I could easily
imagine how one could get lost up
there. 'Wle finally reached the 'hut at
the top and .the owner rushed out to
eet .use The acted • as though he
.ce -s
.atUn t Veen a hulmari ,being,for w t,
and it :w'fy ' mite Iiossible he. hadn't.
After a gou'd, It neh We; started down
Zito snOW w a re if.:ec„nditiO
drib° Xbt
•.r t
,iS r ib ifi611) TO
c} ,., ,.; , reV
;� r ..,.t,-.
to regain 'itiy,••feert which is ao easy
task in fclur feet of show and with
a couple of ciuniisy skis to straighten
out. But it is 411 'in the game. .One
laughs as a co grade lal1e and next
cling one knows 'the oomtrade has the
laugh on you. This run was marvel-
lous, the hest yet and it took us twit
hours to come down. As we approach-
ed the bottom visa'bility 'became much
better and the snow had ceased to
fall. My only regret on this run was
that the visatbility was so poor for I
wanted to take a few snaps.
In all .these excursions- we were
led by our instru'etor and followed
by a guide who helped the straying
ones. He carried. all kinds of repairs
in his kit 'such as ski harness, ski
tips and: even bandages for injuries.
One of his jobs is to go . after lost
skis. Sometimes in the course of a
run a person's ski comes loosefrom
his foot and away it goes down hill.
It .is some 'jab to rescue 'it. The
guides and instructors are all eipperts
on skis, but never try anything spec-
tacular...••I, often wondered how they
could restrain from taking a dash
afvay by themselves.
We were practically always back
in town before 5 otelock which was
about the time darkness fell: My ho-
telwas right in16 earth'of the
town so I alway)+r flipped home for a
wash and then over teethe tea danee
held daily from ' 5 to, 7: at the Reisch
Cafe. Everyone gathered there for
coffee or chocolate and discussed the
day's happenings. Practically every
one was in ski outfits ,with big heavy
shoes, but even so dancing was very
popular. Pll never forget the won-
derful chocolate .drink served at this
cafe. It resembled eocoa and always
had a spoonful of whipped cream in it.
These tea dances were quite informal
and one had no difficulty In securing
a dance partner. -
At 7 o'clock bhe music ceased' and
everyone dispersed for the various
hotels to prepare for dinner..,.. It was
customary for the men to wear din-
ner jackets for the evening meal and
the ladies evening dress. I usually
had my dinner about 8 o'eloc'k at my
hotel and went to a nearby cafe call -
• Mr. and Mrs. E. Ws Edge of To-
ronto spent the week -end with Mr.
H. Edge and Miss Josephine.
• 'Mrs. John Reinke was a Hamil-
ton visitor over the week end.
• Miss Chesterfield of the Western
University of London, was the guest
of Mrs. Frank Devereux over the
week -end.
• Mr. E. L. Brox, chairman of the
Seaforth Public Utility 'Commission,
wasp, in Toronto this week attending
the annual meeting of the Ontario
Municipal Electric Association.
• Miss Merle O'Neil of Clandeboye
was the guest of ID'Iiss Jean Smith last
• Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and
family were 'Milverton visitors on
• Mrs. George Stewart and son,
David James, of Toronto, are visiting
Mrs. Stewart's ',mother, Mrs. J'. B.
• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chaplin
of Toronto were guests last week at
the home of Mr. and MTS. Finlay Mc-
Kercher in 'McKillop:
• The Catholic Women's League
will hold a ladies' Valentine bridge
and euchre in St. James' parish hall
on Tuesday evening, February 12th.
• Mrs. Norman Ireland who +came
east to attend the golden wedding of
her parents, iStr. and Mrs. J. M. Gov-
endock, and has been spending the,
winter here, returned recently to her
home in Climax, Sask.
• MT. and Mrs. Alvin Fletcher and
family have moved to Clinton to re-
side. ''Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher have
been residents of Seaforth for the
past 15 years and many friends will
regret 'their removal. '
• Miss Teresa Lynch of Beechwood
is spending the week with friends in
Toronto. -
• Mr. and Mrs. John Mero and Mrs.
R. E. Fullerton of Grand Forks,
North Dakota, were guests Monday
at the home of their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mero, Main St.,
North. They will also visit with rel-
atives on the Blue Water Hi,gihway
before returning to their homes.
• Rev. C. C. Koine, who has been
seriously ill for some time, was re-
moved to Victoria Hospital, London,
on Wednesday.
• Miss Wilson, Superintendent of
Scott Memorial Hospital, is spending.
a few weeks' holidays in Florida.
• The many friend of Mr. R. J.
Beatty will regret to learn that he is
ill at his home, in Egmondville.
• Mrs. John McNay is in St.
Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, where
she underwent an operation on Sat-
urday last. Her many friends here
will be glad to learn that her condi-
tion is very favorable.
• Mr. J. H. Scott was in Toronto
this week attending the annual meet-
ing of the Wawansea Mutual Insur-
ance ,Company.
• (Miss 'Minnie J. Habkirk of the
Bell telephone office, is confined to her
home with the flu.
•'Mrs. W. A. Wright. spend a few
days in Clinton last week.
• Mr. Mellon, new district manag-
er for Supertest in this district, has
moved into the residence recently va-
cated by Mr. H. C. White, who takes
the place of Mr. Mellon, who has
been Superintendent in the Kitchener
district ;of the same company.
O Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
0 Night Calls Day Calls 0
O Plrorsse 475 - Phone 43 0
O 0`
O O O O O O O O 0 0 O O
' O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0
O W. J. WALKER and -0-
O Licensed Embalmers and O
O Funeral Directors.
0 Day or Night Calls promptly 00
0 attended. 0
0 PHONE 67 0
0 0` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Insurance of all kinds.
Bonds, Real Estate
Money to Loan
Phone 91 .
'Ed C. Chamberlain
Clerk of the Second County` of Huron
ee in the 'Dominion Bank Build-
. Seiforth. Office hours :
eS'ti)ay{{t,xthi'irreday and Saturday,
1t'i'11Ly by '5.0.0 'pim5, SaibPatilif
rosy 84 gin. to fl p.( %
dobYlo; Artft 'oitgktness and
1.04.4; I f in the inns`.
' +tl'ite ;.at 4' liitesy
The Passing of Hugh Stevenson.—
Hugh Stevenson, husband of Frances
Boyd, daughter of the late John and
Mrs. Boyd, of the Parr Line,'Stanley,
pa sed away at the residence, 22
Ham;hly Avenue, Toronto, on Satur-
da, , January 26th. Hugh Stevenson
free iently .visited Seaforth and dis-
tris,t Mrs. Stevenson is a cousin of
Mrrs. John Dodds. For the last 17
years he has been one of the factory
inspectors of the Province of On-
tario. A printer by occupation, he
worked on the Globe, also the old To-
ronto Empire. his shopmates includ-
ing the late Wilfred Woods, the late
Joseph Holmes and Bil Pawl, all
former Seaforthites, at one time em-
ployed on The Expositor. Many of
the older families around Varna will
recall Frances Boyd. A fine type of
a man was Hugh Stevenson, gener-
ous, 'big hearted, and of the strictest
honor, an Oddfellow, a Mason, a past
president of Toronto Typographical
Union, and a member of Kew Beach
United Church. 4. Besides his widow,
he is survived by two brothers. Had
he lived to March 13, 1935, he would
have reached his 70th birthday. Pri-
vate services were held' at his late
residence and public service in Kew
Beach United Church Tuesday after-
noon. The remains were interred in
St. John's Cemetery, Woodbine Ave.
and Kingston Road.
ed the 'Golden Games for coffee
There I would' ;mleet some of tray
friends and we would plan a cam-
paign for the evening. There were
three places to dance in town, the
classiest being at the Grand Hotel,
Which was a real "de luxe" plane.
My first visit to the Grand was the
night after -Christmas when they were
holding a special party. I looked up
some friends there and shared a
table with them.l- One of the features
of the evening was the election of a
Christmas , queen. , Each gentleman
was given a card with instructions
that he was to give it to the lady of
his choice. I searched the gathering
for some one eligible and finally made
a choice. To my surprise I found I
had chosen a Canadian girl feom
Westmount, Que. A London girl re-
ceived the most votes and was elect-
ed queen. The party broke up about
two o'clock following which another
chap (an English navy lad) and I
joined. ;my Canadian friend's party
and visited the.Tyroleori room ie the
basement where sausages and -bread
were served. We found a small room
with a small stage cut in the •"wall
where three musicians were playing
Australian music. Two of them came
out and in a two by four space gave
us some dances. We hai come too
late for sausages as the supply was
exhausted but we were in on the fun
and there was plenty. By 3 o'clock
the excitement had died down and
we all slipped away for some rest.
Every evening there were some
srpecial doings at one or other of the
various cafes and hotels. On the 27th
the 'Gams Cafe had a special Tyroleon
evening and' my friend Eckl, the' ski
instructor, saw that we had a'•taible
in the front row. Six Austrian boys
not more than 8 years of age, in na-
tive costume, put on a few ;very good
dances. The music was supplied by
another boy with an accordion as big
as himself. How he ever managed
it was beyond me! They also had
some singing and yodelling by one
of the national singers and while the
words were in German,' the songs
were most enjoyable. -
The following Saturday evening
was the best of the whole fortnight.
It was special night at the Grand,
wh,ere a peasant ball was held. Eckl
and 1 scurred around town and look-
ed up a native costume for me. MY
outfit consisted of short leather pants
with braces and a wide leather belt
and a shirt which was s'o loud in col-
or I was called a cowboy. I wore
white socks with bare knees. Every-
one was' in very colorful costume.
The music played was all Austrian
and I ente ed into all - the native danc-
es with Wray of enthusiasm. Vien-
nese waltzes were most popular. It
was a night I'll never forget --so
many odd costumes of bright colors,
so much merriment and excitement.
"The next big night was New Year's
Eve. I decided that the Grand would
be the best place to see the New
Year in .so d joined a party of friends
there. And what a night it was!
Streamers and paper snowballs flying
all orver the place. Midnight was 'a
riot 'of noise and excitement. In the
,midst of it alfa live pig, about three
weeks old, was brought in by one Of
the staff. It was squealing its head
off with fright. Apparently to stroke
a pig's back on New Year's Eve
meant good luck so I had a couple of
pe -- et it. 'I've seen aelot of cele-
rbra-:oas on New Year's Eve but this
was a new one on Ine. Things quiet-
ed down by 2 ' o'clock so the crowd)
of us went hack to the Gams Cafe.
There was still plenty of life there
nd dancing Continued till about 4.
Four of us s'tat'e(i till about 6.30 put-
ting in the time chatting to the bar
nvani By that time I was. feeling like
some sleep. ,
I always, finished up the evenings
at the Game Cafe. It was right neat
door to the Tiefenlbrunner. The bar -
many Tony, was a great chap and I
enjoyed chatting with him. We be-
came great :pals''but he always' had
to hide his dish of olives when I
ina1Pric r, Reductions
:.gib. Winter_Apparel •.
oats Dresses. ,
Mi l inerp'
NOW-1ekectthe things`
= ou need and save dollars
Some radical price reductions
have been made on Ladies' and
Children's Winter Underwear
for quick clearance of , odd
Some excellent values in O. V.
All -Wool Blankets and in Silk-
alo Bed Spreads.
a week Austrian dancing and singing
was held at the Conditierri, a small
cafe operated by one of the ski guides.
Most of the ski school instructors
took part in these dances, much to
the delight of all the visitors. The
i•nstructo*ere all fine chaps, ,very
obliging ',and polite and with their
command of the English language;
were always popular.
Kitzbuhel has a normal population
of about -3,000 but during the winter
season this is increased considerab-
ly. This year every hotel was full
and no doubt many people were corn-
owrelied to go to other towns due to
lack of •aecomrrrodation. Kitzbuhel is
considered to be the leading Austrian
winter sport centre. All the residents
of the town with whom I came in.
contact seemed' very fine people. They
were very .6a -en -Bing and .obliging.
The town has very few industries and
the chief mode of living is the en-
tertainment of tourists. The main
street leading up from the station is
usually quite busy. As there never
is much motor traffic, the pedestrians
usethe road more than the sidewalk.
The crowd' of visitors there this
year was very cosmopolitan and I
suppose it always is. While most
of the people were English,. still
there were many from other parts of
the world. There were representa-
tives from Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa, California, India. Arg-
entine, Guatemala, Canada, France,
Germany, Denmark, Greece and very
likely lots other places. During my
two weeks' visit I spoke at one time
or other to people from all these
countries. I even ran into a girl
from Brantford, Ont., who was study-
ing French in Paris. It was a won-
derful experience meeting so many
people from various parts of the
world. Some of them I may meet
again, others there is little possibil-
ity of my ever seeing again, but one
never can tell. Why only this morn-
ing, as I was waiting for a bus, a
young chap whom I had met over
there, came along. What a surprise
that was for I, had no idea he lived
in the vicinity of London House.
The only regret of my holiday was
the lack of opp6rtunity to do any
but the weather just wasn't cold en-
ough to make iee. It was just • my
Mrs. David Dewar of Toronto is
spending a. few days with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley.
'Mr. Lloyd Medd spent the week-
end in Toronto with relative.t.
Miss Olive Moon of Londesboro
spent the week -end at the .home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Medd.
The Club of Progress will hold
their monthly meeting in the school
room on Friday night at 8 p.m. A
good program is being -provided.
The dance in the Forrester's Hall
on 'Friday night was not as well at-
tended as usual owing to the stormy
'Constance United Church held their
congregational meeting on Thursday
when the officers for the ensuing year
were elected as follows: Session,
Theodore Dexter, R. Rogerson, Geo.
Wheatley, Wm. Britton, Chas. Dex-
ter; Stewards, Wm. Britton, Austin
Dexter, Geo. Wheatley, !Ross McGre-
gor, Ernest Adams, Earl Lawson,
Bernard Nott, Geo. Addison; secre-
tary -treasurer, Wm. Britton; care-
taker, Chas. Riley. -The minister,
Rev. Gardiner, in summing up the',re-
,ports given by the different organ-
izations, was well ,pleased with the
year's work.
•.Mr. Leslie Watson of Toronto,
wins' a week -end guest at the home
of his father, Mr. Jaime Watson.
• Miss Olive Laidlaw has returned
from Boston and New York, Where
She Spent several weeks With friends.
• Miss S. I. Wood of the"Collegiate
staff was hi Toronto for the week.
•• Miss, lVlnurnd1 B€nttie, Miss Ma�r-
esl r Miss Alice Dever*
gore! IlVptkI�, � a a
.and Mks Elizalbet1i 'McLean, Univers--
yr st0.04.. Ontario,. tondotif, Event
e `drtrtd` *eir
yWyqbyµ �yyy yry'��r.Lk 'l,J 9fl'
Euchre - Dance
under • auspices of Young
Canada Conservative Club
G.W.V.A. Iri. Feb. 8th
1Vltiisic �:
I ll l )SS
TAM gi
skating,. The town .possessed a rink
luck to hit a bad spell ,of weather.
Within three days of 'my departure,
three feet of snow fell and the ther-
mometer went down to zero. Febru-
ary is really the best month for win-
ter sports as snow conditions are al-
ways perfect by that time.
On Friday afternoon, January 4th,
I said good-bye to my friend Eck1,
who was leaving himself in a few
days to take over a ski school in
Syria, and boarded the train for home.
The return journey was over th e
same route and was quite unevent-
ful extent that I was able to see
some of the c battlefields froni, the
train. It was daylight as we passed
through France. We had a three-
hour wait at Basle and during this
time I ran across a young S�otchman
and his wife whom I had last seers
in Toronto three years ago at the
Union Station on their way to Win-
nipeg. 'Tis a small world and I'm
realizing this fact more and more as
time goes on. I was back in London
again at 5.30 p.m. Saturday and cer-
tainly had a good sleep that night.
It was a wonderful holiday, both
recreational and educational. Dur-
ing my stay over here I'm trying so
far as possible to visit all parts of
Europe. So far I have been very
fortunate in that all my holidays
have been most enjoyable. This last
one was, however, the best yet. And
now it is settle down to work once
more which isn't so difficult after
such a pleasant vacation."
Guests with friends in. the villag
were: Miss Jean Webster, Holmes-
ville, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
T. J. Webster; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Townsend, Cleveland, Ohio, with th
ferm.er's mother and other relative
here; Miss Margaret Broadfoot, o
Hamilton Nonreal School, at he
home; Mr. and Mrs. Ornale Black
Holmesville, with the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wallace; Mr
and 'Mrs. C. P. Westaway, Hamilton
with Mr. and. Mrs. M. Patrick; Miss
es Sarah and Fernanda MlcCloy wer
London guests over the week -end.
came around. He had aspont years
in London at the 'Sanree'•.and 'Dorches-
ter and had •also worked - in Vienna.
He sp eke E?iglish quite well.
As you Warn tin dottbt ianl gone. the
night lidEe..7ii town: Wad' odor:
sivaio'v --ii eded,at ird''n. codhsti-
r a1,rr111Y i aftef,if4v
itttiari OH' Ikeefl l
to Investors
TEE PRIME MINISTER has announced that tht
Government's policy is td do its utmost through
the Ontario Securities' Commission to curb the
activities of financial racketeers, and all persons
engaged in improper financial practices. In further-
ance of this policy the Attorney General has suggested
that the Crown Attorneys in the various Counties
throughout the Province co-operate with the Com-
mission in an effort to discover frauds which have
been perpetrated upon investors.
All persons who _feel theyhave been defrauded or
are the victims of dishonest practices in any invest-
me9ts which they have made are invited tocommuni-
cate with the Crown. Attorney in their county,
Mr. D. E. Holmes at his office,
Court gpuse, Goderich
Te' phone 55
All cornmunicatiorts will be considered' as confidential.
Parliameni:.iinildinge, Toronto
i c ' `lation'br
' John ]Silts C9odY
r . iGtimm
f �y� 'J>•rt 1C
1SJ_S�nmL SSG l4.f ivL'! r<