HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1935-02-01, Page 3Ilji,pl 'M It,; , , . . , ,;� " ', <W, ,! ", �,�','�,V, �!�pmj�.,'��, , ; .111.1 , ,. ..... ,'. , 71T,,�51�� 11.1 W- - '171n 'p-ITr 17
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(Continued, ir I F,P06,-,,s� I N -11M ,I )Xalt- That Al's equVal does not, -w,, i i 01%, a I �
vap � !,
Ilow: A r4blution, froia the, 'Perth (OVIni'to the. Taro nurprer of let- . . 4 . Ld'thatf,;wie, splace Viem.' , . 'VA ' , --.V, "I
I , was 'between PrDVI,Udial 'Highway NO. 4 cure re a ift the i', est rate stuldlents fees ax IV, , A 7", ;,�....... ,
to Lle&lslative lCon"ttee. A reo�lu- decided on 'm1otim of Reeve Eckert, way. Tbil,Good Roadb Cb*mattek are ,iiifiitled to -'a reductil�h as the school etudents attending sv�ip�4*ut- - , . : , Tr. 0 S # , , . , . '-, , ". ',Z�,;I
talon ,from the Perlh county council selconded by Rem Archibald, -to di- JMoived by Hemingway, secondedby bankshave redui�d the interest Paid ,side the po=ty, that 1%,.*,J,%lt� we pay if , "ir " " '. , " ` 'I 11
vide, 'the, reading in half, the repoirts Bee" BowmAn: That (the road com- On deposits and TePQrt back to this the :full 90 peT ceT ,� , - I I . �, I �`�."`,i
Clood Roads OomirWittee. A mcdon, of'ooun�y offiders to -be 'heard first and, mittee tpurohaste some snow feupes council. Motion cwiied. The amendment was lost and the 4ox . am a vm,niermai. tv, , ; ,, - ,4 I
from -Council ,of , 8,tevhein Township, the balance of Communications to be M�ved by Releme Stewart a d 6nd inays -ere ioaorfled as fol- writes a opirreso,QrAeut, "and dup; f '�, ' I I -1.
we arrears Of takes; filed. A 1�lttfw -beard- ait the aftextoon session. Nlo. 1;6 ,running from Brussels to ondiled lby Reeve ,Feagan: That Bylaw 1,0": ,Yeasi-i-44essrs. Hawke, Me- ,endless trxmiellb* by tragn I lindt W- , :� .
- Repilirts of County Officers No. 20 1,934, be rescinded. 'Carried. Nall, Pryde and Turner. Total, 4, 1 bee,*. e i ,i - e - , 7i; 1
from John W. Harper,'aartered, ac Ellmia boundary, as this ,is -the only .m constip ted if I d6 --gat 0 ;;,:�,!_li .... ..
4munt,ant, making, appli- ve U myself well,, purged. X ,-, , I = I ,� i,
ation. .to Wad- : ,,Mr. Patterson,,,Clounby Engineer, ad- Mov6d by -Ree Janley and see. NwAl_�bibala Bowman, Rivansi, . ' ' ' ' ." ' `_ -, ,11
outlet. this 0�.strirt has'. ,Good- Roads. Ec ert a f -WI -W, -,
, ft county books; referred t,6 Execti- drietsed, the Gioundl. He went into onded -by 'Remo !Melfck. That ithe Ciardiff, C6&slier, DamidL%On, k , i the only, thing #kat will do thU ' - ,a 1111 NI , � ll
I . I tive, Cb)m(mfttee. . the detalls',of his report and answer- county liake Over the road- Ixom. No. Elliott, Feagan, Grab -4 Hi6mingwa-yri 7vffedti�,ielyj and not iuterfem - 1. ".4. �A , , .
'A Jetter from I.' W. Monteith' ed any questions putto him.' Reeves thie,Good Roads Committee to abuDderloch TownshJp, eouth through ,Hanley, Jones, Keys, Lovell, Maithe- work I take a large dosp of ,Kru�qhea ,I . 4. R,.ra_%�, 3i;%
chartered accountant, Stanley and Bay Towulhips to the son, tMawlin-ney, Miellick, Mogridge, ,every saturda n ht ancton-siluday , �%,`,
making appli- Turner,, Eickert; and .Cardiff Inquired , . , Y, lie , .. . - "
-rence to, matters regarding the ance . between . Mosier, Scotit, $herwood,' Sweitzer, wh I have no work to 46, the 8alts . . " ,, A
cation to audit county boolks,; refer- in refe ZuAch Ro4d. AQ,*Dd' BlDadsi en , .X, I , " ". , - i, 'IN
ife'red, to Rmeeutr;ve Clonimii.ttee. A workman's Combensati-on Act. Wwwamolsh and Turnberry. To Good Moved by,Reei,p Westeatt and see. Stewart and"Westco#, Total,.25. . act on me. On week days I take a : 11 ,-v- _,,-,", 11� 'N
. letter from Mrs. Fred Gilbert, Sti!at- (Moved by Reeve Eckert, seconded . .. onded by 'Reave Archibald: That the - The rebort of the, Executive, Com- Elmaill do6e the first ,thing on rising * ,v�, wy
iford, thanking county bouncil for by ReMeNerningway, that -a 1vo-te of , conded, by County Road 23 at the Thames Road imiittee was read and on motion re- It is neees-wary tL,'Vt'I be%n my'rdoes; . .. Y. ZIII`,!i�,, i�,,�.'V�,,'%
. ed. A letter thanks be extencle(% to Mr. Paterslon. R To Whalen, linking with .the provin- read -clause by clause and adopted'as all through the day, -and tha§ is " i: , 'I; .q
I -wedding giift; ,ord,erelfil eeve Mieliok: That this council in- - ..%,
. from Ross Johnston, ap,plying for the ---�MO4110-11 carried. ' Xr. Patterson's cial highwu7 there, be.placed on the Presented. a0te _` Z1. �"-."'X .
. lztract the Good Roads CommOsision only way that It pq"dbly can be .
I I It- y new constTUC- county system. (Good- Roads. The Clerk mid- Treasurer eaVh'ad- I have tried olthertaxatives, and they . . `,,
position of Com Borer- Inspector; to Teport is ,to be includedin the prain not to und6rtake an , . I. '' . .. _'. 0'I. - ", ,,;.�O_, I
, . I by Rem Wathelson. and sec- diress,ed the ,council and expressed have proven to be either uumliable or .'. ';�' . ,, . . , "U
I I A-griculitml-"e,oml-ni,.-tte,e. An. aupplica- ed minutes. tdon on county roadis -this, year. To Moved for 3114illftinilm a. COU1121tiLlon oz . �'.",
"I I n-ded by Reeve Lovell- That a reso- their appreciation for the consi - ars i th ir a n.' , .
. Ition from, J. Andrew Doig, applyj J, M. Field, Inspector ,Of Good Road& Committee. I luti - nal , cleanfinless. , I . 1:1 . I , �� �;l , F ".. '� ". 11�';i,n.
for plositiun as operator of road grad. Schools, addressed council on mlat- ' Moved"by Reeve Hernivi in�- On r6questing the Highways I)e- tion shown by -an increase in salary I
(Half the ills which affilet,humanity Kruselien v&ffi�11twfulate , - *_ ." I � I " -1-
11 I
1'. 4er No. 2; referred. to Good Roads ters pertaining ,to schools in East onded by Reeve, Keys: That th�Road partment to .take over county road Warden Sweitzer, together wil ' - 11 ', �,
Committee; a letter from Clayton F. Huron. He replliied.�o inquiries. made No. 7 and also the resolution request- other members of council, expressed . d to one root cause. That gans, to w#Qotk regulai altuon T '. , , 1
I'll I _ Com-nilittee,examine the Road No. 16 . A . catise is internal sluggishness: failure system is thus ; clear o6f �i,:6j *_ 11 ',:z I . I
[Pfile,' Dash*ood, requesting PeTMIS- by ,Reeves l8cott, Cardiff, 3k.NAR, -this road is in a dang, - ing the paviftg-of proviincrial road NO. their pleasure at the splendid - I '-,7�1.1"'
as erous co-ndi to keep the system free from poison- Varitaes Whichif allowed -to .,�'
� i0on for delegation to address cloun- Elelker4rXeys and Bowman. 4 be) laid over until, June session. in wh16 the chairman of .the E)xecu- amumzwl 'I-,.& 1, " ,-
f .. tion and have,the jokbetween Huron. , ous waste ma1tter. Auto-boxemia, or late, lower the Whole tome &f the slo- , .,�,,t��, .
16 . ty council; -filled. I '. .Mr. E. IC. Beaoom� Inspector Of Carried. -, - tive Committee, Reeve�'McNall, of I . . . ,.L11:
.. and Perth county straightened as thisself-polsoning, is the inevitable pen- tenu �,-
A leitter from the Deputy Attorney 'Schools for Wiest Huron., also ad- Moved by Ree v Mathe ort. This . ;.i.Iz",
i - road has a healivy truck traffic, being , son ai;d'sec- Blyth,,hid prepared hils ,rep ... ,I� I I
, Clemeral, Toronto, refusing to continue dressed council.. He-viospionded to in. onded by lRelme ,SherWood: That By- was the first time in, the- momory of "'I , 11 i., - " ...
' . . the s-hortest route to Toronto for the . Krus4c1en Salts is Nature7s recipe Drug l8bores at 45c. and 75c. �ler bobtft. 1.11:- ,
W-�irrlent Of $200 to John Ferguson, quaries madeby Reeves Eckert, Arch- residents of Huron ,County. Good lawNo. 14," 193% b everal of the members: that ,this re- ".
14 I * l"rovindia.1 'Enforcement Officeri re- ihald Del5larbnent Of Hligbways forthe. ap- port ,had been dealt with so expe- 4.
L p Moved ,by Reeve lEckert, seconded Roads. . " . I % I � - .., 4,
ferred. to the June session. A -letter , Moved' by Reeive Cardiff, seconded Proval of Clause 3. To the Executive ditiously. I I I ipalities "d im1olfrn! 'County the printed ,minutes aa Resolv%odi 2- . ,��"',,'
I grom ,Department of, Highways, re- by Reeve Cro,sier, that a vote 'of by Reeve, Coninifttee. lMwoed iby Reevel Eckert, -seconded ml ,,, ,
,I , 4questifig clouncil to pass an. expendi- thanks be extended to these two gen- Turner: That this council ' IMloved by Reeve Haacke and stec- by Reeve Hembgwa Qlark as, to where libraries are in- The following bylaws were reiilff ",,:: ..,:"
r 4sls a resolution to be forwarded to ,i: .,
. twe bylaw; referred to'Good, Roads tt-emen for comling before council in ,the d by Reeve. Stlew4rt: That the journ to 9.30 a.m., Friday. Carried. sta ',',��z
I Honourable the, Minister of onde- denied this grant. Motion carried. tain ;fficiials; to appoint auditom _fft. 1, � �,',
.1 4Committee. A letter from A, L. Me- crder to kil the council informed Health to require all hospitals having Warden and Clerk be authorized to . Friday - "
. I Moved! by Reeve Bowman, second- 1935; .to borrow money; to confirpt . i ''-I
0 , Donald, Brussels, clailm�ng $5 for On matters pertaining to school ques- accounts against counties, and subinit to -the Minister of On request Of .the Warden it Was ed by Iii .' a gi, 1,
cities, or sign Tbeeve E ott. Th t we e payment'of certain, expenditures... to . -,',�;
t I &aving to make extra trips because tions. The relports a these Insip'lele- Public Highways the petition of the zAoved, seconded and, carried, that the the ChildreWs ,Shelter Comin-Attee appoint a Cood, Roads Commism'our ,,,, '..
-of, lkigbiviray co,iRditions; referred to to'es to be incf6dL-d in the printed min- Corporation of the County of Huron, Order of Prooedure be dispensed with . re - -to appPint Trasbeels; to appoiA 4;, . 1 "
i I gent petient1s, to present a detailed authority to purchase two fi ex . ,. 1.,.
Cood Roads `Oommitt)ee, . b utes.�Motibn carried. repoyt of such indqbtedness to the sholw-mg that there was expended for the - time being, to permit the tiniguishers and fite escape for the ,Corh Borer" I
I I A letter from the Salvation, Army, Mofved by Reeve Matheson, second- Cqlerk-of sluch municipAlitlers ,on the during dihe year 1934, on, the co,unty ,Clerk to present to council docuTnents-, ,Shelter if they consider it nlecesswyl exp6nditures on the systieW of ama- 1. i
requesting assistance; referred to Ex- ed by Reeve Westedtit, tb,i?.t we adjourn road, systein, the. sum of $131,120.44 bylaws, resolutions and unfinish6d mmended. by the tylUghways; to rescind iL - ,
. first days of December, Tvlaxch,.Ju.n,e as it has been reco Bylaw xe.� - 1,,
A ' -il Committee. A letter frolm, ,to, meet at 2.30i Motion carried. and 'September ,of each, yeAr and im- a7fd requesting the statutory &ants business -that had been ,prepared, and ,
1. - o0ntarlio Good Roads Association,, 1,e- ThQ council resum�d. Ali members medi4tely following ithe disaarge. Of thereon -as provided by the Highways which required council's! approvial, be- I , ,
. The repor6 of ,the Property Com-. and 5_1029, to-zlippoiut-auditors....16 - �_ - 11
qpelsting. a-zinual.,membersibip fee; re- were present 'A deltp Ti, t e Irriorovemeryt, Act;,AC-arned. - - --- fore -aldjournment� The. forlIo*ing--is- --- Criminal Audit; to levy penalties :fm-.,. "I'll, 1111111 ,,T,:
Is Committee. tepben came , digent Patient, -and further that - the,order in which these matters wer -Payment . I , ,
I I - -ferred -to G0Od,Ao,a,-d___ A Tol lay and, S n 21, Chapter 959, (R-IS.O., 1927, Moved by Reeve Bryans and see dealt willi: . Te -read clause by clause and adopted nOln .of pounityi rates. I ,.,, I
II letter from 4he '-,Canadian National before council. They,,presented, a (be almlendled so as it* relieve the Cor- onded by Reeve ,Lovell: Th# the . The sqpplementary report Moved by R. J. Bowman, secoTi",,, "',i,,,i IT ,
I . . Moved by Reeve Grain, seconded by as read ..",,,ill
Institute for the Blind, as -king as,sist petrition with 638 names affixed, ask- e the town- Re "That L . 1,
I poration ,of the ,County from. liabili- 'County olf Huron redidburs eve Lovell, that the ,County Road ofthe Agricultural Advisory Com- by ,Reeve L, E. Caridiff: Bylawa�, ""
. ing council to petition,the Provincial , ship, ifi the amount of taxes on L. ,ttee was read clausle -by clatme and No. 1, 2, 3. 4, '5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,, 11 am& - I-., .
zibee for their work; referred to Exe- tY to pay for treatment for indigents Commission give consideration to, the nil and signed I
I - A,udv,e C101ximittee. A letter fr6m.the Department of Highvefys to take ov- unless the ,superintendent or other Beinmett. Property paid by the Town- purchaso. of snow. fences for 111,ad, adlopted as read. The supplementary 12 -be read a third time I '.111 ` 1_. I
ad, No. 7, or the townhine be- proper officer of the ho ... of Howilck thTough an err -or -Of_ Nbs. at aild 38. Motion Carried.. . ic -with el - - -, --
I - Association of Managers- ,of Homes ei a ro, ' ship . VePiOrt -Of the Legislative Committee by Warden and C3er 1. . �__ . .-
', :for Aiged'and Infirm, referring to an- tween Hay and Stephen Td,wnships, the Clerk of the County of when Y the former County Treasurer, Lorts ,Moved iby Reeve, Prydle, sec,nd,d, was read and adopted as read. seal attwhed The finally passed. No- - -. �,
mual convention to be held in, June; as a ,part of the I-Agbwayso of the , 1,647,,Gcimie, P9. IN-nance commiitWe. n Reev on carried I'.%,
I - ' patient represents himself as being iby Reeve Lovell, .that the C.-lerk for. ill res-PlInse to mOtil) Of e ti ' - '...
to Emecutive Committee, A letter Province. The delegation, was., ably resident within 20 days of the said Moved by Reeives, Bryans and Lov- ward to Mr. Corbett the names and Cardiff, -seconded by Reevie Sic -oft, in In response to a Tnotd6n of Januarr- , ,
6 - Ifor Sick Obildren, requesting asisdst- ,presented to council -by Dr. Taylor, ell: That we ask the Good 24tb, by Reeves Archibald and Tum- .. 1. 1,
patieqWs a Roa'ds addresses of all ,members of the coun- their mlotion of January 24th, a Tes- .�141
4mission, and have same XT. Erskine County Treasurer, 1,
-m olutio' to the Minister of Public wel- er, 1A
3ance; ref6pred to Exec�tive Commit- of Dashwood- Mr. Morley,.of Exerter, ,drafted ,by the Clerk. Carried - A Committee to purchase a --now fence �cil requesfing that (be forward the stated t1hat ble, and the W4rdefft baffl ];�, . I
I - and be placed, on County Road, leading a copy of the regulations referred to fare, ,:, �N
fWe. - A letter front Depiartment of IMT. ,Oo�tz, of Dashwood. The to was read, Resolution, carried, , ,,� I
.1 . I resolution, to -this effect was read by into Fordwi,ch and also leading to by Mr. Bryans in! his ,address this as read. Included -in. printed minutes visited the local manger of -the Chb�- I I.. I
I Highways, adwising date of annual Warden thanked the ,delegation for the Clerk and eamied-, adian Bank Of Comliodree in respiec* I 1!.....
� ,conference; to Good Roads Com�nit_ their ,able ipresentation.and especial- %0-,d 'by Reeve Cardiff, seconded, Harrisibon. . To Good, Roads. ahernodn. Motion carried. as Resolution 1., A resolution in re- _ .
*ee.' ly commended those, who spoke to the Moved by ,Reeve McNall, seconded' 'Moved by Reeve Elliott, secoMed spect to the Weed Coptrol Act, in- to the interest rateg. The ManaMw . , "
, * I by Reeve Bowman: That this council statq, that he knew of no Mumm- . I -1 o",
I I A letter from the Ontario Associa- Petition. draft a reisolution to .the Minister -of by Reeve Feagan, that rwe adjourn by Reeve Keys: That the Reeves get corporating aii a,ddlition to the Act, ' . 10,� I
( 11VIr.' Erskine, County Treasurer, Public Welfare to alter the until 3 ,P,m. -Motion carried. . touch -vjith the Clerk of their was read and. adopted. Included in ()Continued on Page 6) ."',
I , Ad-afte of convention; to Legislative then dielivered his re�orti. This Will tions in, connection with Old Ate Pen,- Y M e co, e with , '. ',�.
I , be included with the, i nted minutes. ,sions to, read 30 days instead of 20 all Tnedbers ,present. . . .;�',.
Cvrand Jury, Dec. 11, 1934; ,to Pro- mr. -Hays, 00imitly Solicitor, re- R&ye Bryans, of Howick Township, — I I ,I,
I . days, as it is now, [for the time limit - - . . I . e
. -plied to several matters of a legal re ed t e, counci in behalf of 1" i
, ittee. of investigation, as tolwnsihill) councils add' 's's h 1 11 41111
I 11
i I Isaac J. Wiritht, tendering resigna. nature, which council wished further only meet once a Tnonth and we feel Mr. Corbot, representing the Farm- , . . . . . :!" "RO,
"' tibn from. Road Committee of Huron information oa� "' that the townships Or town council ers' Cre0itors Axrangem-ent Act, in I ,�.
I County, ordered filed. . Reeve ,Hanley iniquired why grants ,should hwoe -a chance to , respect to matters relating to an, ar- I . � . . . . . ,�, ,
I A statement of recelilpts and, expen- to libraries ,had been cut off. .Reeve tbese. A resiolufiGn to ,t'hig, effect 'rang'-' . . M,
dditures of Sout,h Huron Plowman's Scott, in reply, st,at)e,d that, 1w, had creditors in regards to debts on farm ,!"
�; , - war read by the Clerk and tarried. -'.1
A1ssvdation for the year 1934; to Ag- found scimia libria,riess had. surpluses. Moved by Reeve Archibald second- property, whereby farmers -are given I,;.",
i miciiltuiral Colmmattee. Aii-nual state- Reeves Davidson, Matheson, and sbe'r- ed by Reeve Molgridge: Th. -i a reso- �ome leeway to carry on without be- "',
� xnent of Wingham. General Hospital, wood stated that in their opinion these luti-on petitioning the Legislature to ing ham�pered -to too great an extent. * I . a I
should not have been. out off. Mr. Charlies, Robeq,tson, M.L.A. for 'er . . 1 ,""14'?,
Scott Memorial ,,Hospital, (SeaXorth, grants � . onsi '-IR
I . IM amend t1he Mothers' Allowance Act . . I . I
zand the Alexandra -Marine and Qlan-- oved 'by Reeve Elliott, secanded to entitle mothers with one child -to North Huron,, very'kindly addressed I I .1..1.
. I eral -Hospital, Goderich, and a stAite- -by Reeve Arch1ibald, that the Exiecu- receive assistance. Legislative C,m- the council on request of Warden . . ;�,, �
-inent from 'March Ist to Dec. 31-A, tive Committee consider ,salaries paid nidtitee. Sweitzer. He stated that he had al- ,.,"..
1934, of Clinton. PU1WiC Hospital; Ex- to county offficials. To 'Executive ways mlade it a habit of attending . . :1 I 0 .
Mo,ved by Reeve Grain and second- . ,
. ecultive Committee. Sealed tenders Con-ndtibee. ed fl�yy Reeve Daividson: That whereas each assemb] y of the council some , I . I :'41
. -for gaol supplies,- to, Executive Com- Moved by Reeve Matheson, second- it has been reported that the unem- timie during each -session. The year i, . . '_ - '. w I "
*nittee. A lettert from, the Board of ed by Reeve Sherwood, that Luok'naw plyoyment relief -grants towards 1934 was about the only year he had I , , . : .. .1
I Education enclosing contract; educa- Fall Fair Association receive their . be discon- been unable to attend owing to cir- -
tion. Goinmitte. . . usual grant for 1934. To Ebciecutive rwl!!Fk oncounty roa& irrJay cumstan,ces Over whii-,h he had, no . i . 11, k .;
tinued and since it is Only fair that . 1, "
I A letter froin the Department of Committee. control. He ,stated that nearly ten 11
the rural municipalities tshould share - . ).
Agriculture, To�onto, in regards to a 'Moved by Reeve Eckert, seconded years bad passed by slince he had act e 0 W �,
. -3grant from the county; to Agricul- by Reeve, Cardiff, that coun�y give tres; - be it therefore rell that ed in tli,6 fmipacity of a member of _� 1. _ 'i I
. tural Committee. The report of the the ,same grant in, 19a5 -to Spring we petition the Domirfl#h and, Pro- 1. There was only one 1:
I -H-uron ,County Gaol, by . Jas. B. Rey- Shows, Fall Fairs and Plowmen's As- vincial GDverniments to continuethese of -the old guard left but he hoped . I ,,, � �!�.,
,ed in minutes. A sociation as in 1934 and a bylaw to that before the year drelw to a close 11 I
-nolds,'Gaoler, print grants as much work is needed, and I 11�1'11
letter frolrd the Department of Agri- this effect -be prepared. Mxecutive be would %laive the pleasure of know- . . !��
. ,culture for the purposes of consider- .0olimMittee. ,Moved 'by Reeve C,ros- a copy of this.relsolution be forward ing all the inombers Of the 1935 cou-n- If your advertisement were in this space as . . , ;
. ing certain reconimendadons in in- ier, seconded. by Reeve Jones eheb of the. local members, of 'Par- cil. Mr. Robertson al T ;'
1(berest of farmers,; Agricultural Coin- Hen.sall Seed,Show receives the same . several inquiries made on be -half of many people would read it as are reading this. But .111,11,
-mittee. A copy of resolution from grant as in 1934. Executive Com- .,Moved by. Reeve Dowinan and see- council in respect to certain coun'T . I :,,,
. I 'Goderich Tawnship, re taking over mittee. onded by ROeve Hawke that e ad- matters ar. they related to recent your advertisement isn't here, and people do not 'I, ,,`�`
- Moved by iRee,ve Mbser, seconded - w charge -9 at Queen's Park, Toronto. . . ... 1,
I controrl of road; Good Roads Corn youlm until 9.30 tio,morrow. CarriW. Moved by Reeve westeott: That a , 3,
mlittee. A copy of a judgment re- by Reeve Turner: That Chas. Robert- I I
- Thursday vote of thanks ,be extended to Mr. . . ',�
. ooedved from Has, Honour Judge Cos- .son, of Goderich, ,be appointe-d Trus- I worry whether you are selling real estate, gasoline, .',,
tello, re claiims aDr. Field and Mr. tee tr, GDderich Collegiate Boa.rd, for L�tter from Mr. George W_ Hal- Robertson for his interesting re- . I 1, ,�,'�
. - Ate ensuing yew -s, 1N5, 1936, 1937. man enclosiing account ,of, $15 and marks. Motion carrie& . �'.-� I
M. C. Beacom, -Public Sehool Inspec tel-ephone expenses; to Financefcom- ,` peanuts or popcorn. 0 1 �;
. toys; to Finance Conviniftee. Sealed nile& . Reports of Committees � I I . 1;
teMers for printing; to Executive Moved by Reeve Daividis y 4A,
That the pro- United Counties of Prescott `and The report of the Finance Commit- I - it,'.'.'
perty Committee ca -11 for tendersto Russell, in 'reference to 'relief ,mw , read clause ,by. clause and adopted Did you ever sit down in the pa I I I . "
I A letter from. Frank P. Gibbs, char- . . e . . . . .
tered ,accountant, making application . in A,
I ,high, for' small '1111f Erskiine Te" aletter from t1he With the followi g, an between your knees and wait for a cow to back up 1. 7.
-for audit of country books; to Exwu- til four drawers Howick townsbip, re Mrs. -
I tive Committee. A -letter from Hay documents in registry office-, also that Delp& of Hig,Vways, ,dealing with bill from ,
-Fices on redecorating the costs to the municipality, re highway Haberle, W.75; to discuss in cipen . . I ..111
I ;and Hays, re estate of ,Mr. Sandy; to they get rp ow units would be construction. Moved -by Reeve Eck- council. Thi& was aniended,to read: and be milked? I . I.,.
-Finance Committee. A letter from, rOOlyrls that the n iert, ,seconded 1byl Reeve Clardiff: That This account to be paid. Re account'l . - 1:
I '. J. wplaced i7L To Property Coni this matter be babled ,until June, of T. Sandy: To be e3uplained by our . "
, Moved by Reeve ,David%on, second- I citor. TMis was amended by the ...
,employees; to Executilive Committee 1935, session. -yoli ,
. Slweitzer of ed 'by Reeve &&Nall: That this coun- Of course not. You know better than that. 1,
,.A lefter (from M. ,C. following motion which was, carried: . 1,
. Do�shw;ooA applAng for position of ty request thre Provinci'al IftlhwaY 'Mr. Fred, Stevenson, contractor, ad- T I .....,
It 10orn Borer Inspector; ,to Agricultur- Department to continue laying of the ' -dressed coundl re caulking of win- Moved, by Reeve Elliott; secohded by I _1: I
. SO jh of dows in Court Howe and 0hildren's .Reeve Wvidson: That rwe recommend . . 1.
-61 Committee. A co-gy a a Te�s,odu- Pavement from One mile ud mewhat like a cow. You've .
on, Blyedh to Wing1hum. On No. 4 High- Shelter. MOved by Reeve Eckert, the suggestion, of county solicitor re I . �( Well, business is so "I
ang. council to repeal a ByIE6w No. 18, way this year. Tabled. seconded bT Reeve Cardiff: That Mr. 'San dy Estate. . 1.111.1!
4 1 Moved by Reeve t1liott, seconded Stevenson leave, the particulars Of rising out of the, Sandy Estate be re- got to go out after it and round ft up. The fellow ..
I 1929, and place powers granted un- erred to the Chairman of the CrIm.- :0
der -bylaw inthe hands Of the Treas- by Thomas Pryde: That, W. H. H. costs for the'Executive Oon�mitbele to f . 1�i
I stee to Olin- 'deal with. . . inn1 Audit Board, tbe, Clerk of the .1
,lizer; tabled. Colmbe be appointed Tru� s Sbel- County and the county, solieftor with with the milk pail between his knees may get some 11
- ton Collegiate flur tei�m of 3 years. The report of the Children, , i
I A copy olf a resolution from Town Oarried. 'ter Committee was res& -Moved by power to inquire into all the details . . "I ii
I ,shilp of Hay, inquiring oount;Y's will- esision -with milk, but the odds are all in favor of the fellow who
on,, of Moved by Reeve MawhirmeY, Sec- Reeve iMellick and, 116eeve, Cardiff, that and report to the June s, I I
angness to contribute a porti onded by Reeve .H J ay: That ,the report be aftted- carried. Mr. their recomme.ndation& . ., il
I ,cost of, transportation of a family to, 1929, = a bylaw Edwards, of the ��;Iter, addressed The report of the County Road I ., "
;Scotlfind; to Finance Committee. No- Byllaw Nol 5 drives up the cow and feeds her.
. granting the' Towmhip of Stephen the Committee, following thie reading Commission was read, and on motion I
tice to ,0. L. Fleindhillsteii, of He ITT,err,e.d, to some was re -read clause by. clau,se and I
. ,intmtion rbD qu5te lease; to Property the,game.povms granted by Sec. Ig5 of the replort. �'
of .Mrsi. R,S.O., 1927, be rescinded and It h at radical changes in the Act and asked carried with the followitig aniend- Some kind of advertising -must be done if a busi- .LL.
,C -y consideration of the merift: Clause 6: ,Re motion of -1!I
. ,mmittee. An account said bylaw revert to Coun- for the earl . � . . . .�.,,
_Xatie Henry presented by 'Reeve of Powers Of Messrs. Pryde and lHelliep, that the �
ty Treasur�er. Carried emmil. He responded to any que,s- '74
. ,` _Vinl9hA,m. to Executhye CiolTamittee. second,ed tion% asked in connection with the Dkepartn*mt be 'Petitioned ft,o take - ness is to amount to anything. Either w�lking and . I ,�,,I
A bill j;�m Geol. H. Elliott for ex- Moved (by Reeve Moster, a Provincial Highway, the . .",
)ar- by Reeve Archibald: That a grant of work under lhis Jurisdiction. Messrs. Orver as
penises incurred bringing Harvey C of $10 be made for upkeep of flower Scott, Croslier, Turner, Bowman and road in the Counity of Huron leadimg talking or writing, or printing. But the ileast cost- I
wick from Sanatorium to ]%use e county court bouse; Hanley made Inquiries. Mr. Edwards ea0eTly from. Grand Bend througk ", .
". I Refuge; to -Finance Committee. A be& around.th . to Russeldale, we recommend, �
PropeTty ,Committee. was thanked for his presentation of Exeter I ,
Metter from, James Onlider.of Goderich Moved by Reeve Cardir, seconde& conditions. I that the -motion be carried. Moved ly, most profitable and dignified way is by the regu- - 1111.
— by Reeve Bryaw: That this counity The report of the Legislative 00m_ -by Rome WiNall �,nd- seconded by ...
I , , Infiftella was read and on motion was Reeve Daividslon: That this matter bo lar newpaper, Which goes into people's homes every -
count" grant the usual county grant read claulsel by claluse and adopted. left Ovet .
I TRUST ' ' Mctension work, Moved by lReelvie Cardiff, ,seconded by tion. ciarried. ' "',
so the $200 Junior ey value it'And have faith in the adver- , ,r
. . Reeve Eckert: That motion be read ThO first r�-Port a Ole Agricultural where. Th ,,
I 4-tye, CERTIFleATES AdIvisory, Committee was read and on '14 ,
. 2 0 1 coutft; Agricultural Con*a#". I before adjourning for lunch in order . - ..,
I I , , I that .Committees could include these motion was remd clause by clause tisements in it. . X,
Moved by lReeve Turner, seconded with their deliberations im- and adoptied after the following ,,, �Ii,
I .A legal Inviestment for trust Funds byRem DaAdson:'That all libraries motions included: Paragraph , � I.,
of Huron 'County receive a grant of me,di6:te,1`V f0llO`W1nl9 Itumh. Motion amendment was . ,
.3100. and Upwarls Accepted for Execultlive committee. earrked. I -Re applications; of Ro--:;s Johnston , . I V.
Tonns of 5 Years. '%V Lo W. Reeve Meltick, secon&d Moved by Reeve Owdi --on " "5
1k this dountly, the appointment of Ross Johnston at , .ift no I "V?.
, Unconditiona Y is, IM, entitled a bylaw gr6ning council lPaw a resolution drafted to a . . .;� I.
11 - — the Townshipof Haly tim siaMe Powers the Honourable ,the Minister of Pub- duty as eoin borer inspector. Moved . uron '' iur 1:i ,:61
- , V ii,c Welfare that so far as the, 01xii- by Reeve Melfick, seconded by Reeve f .. i_ ,
1. ., I 1E =,,�.d and, thot powms of mid by- dren'S shelter in ,the County Of Establighed 1860 , , I I,11 ... i,
law revert to,00,unrty Treasurer. Car. -on is concerned, that we arle .perfect- fem*d boick to the Agricultural Ad- . . . . " ,,�,
StEOLING , rile4. - . a , I ,,�I,""�" "I
__ I ,Refeve, Tim-nier socon&d li)gWMlent of our0ounty Shelter a� at Thil MPOrt of the b'ducation '00m- I I I 'i"; I . '74._ . ., " I "
b -y Reevepa,adsov: That Reeve ,I ,.f
, TRUSTS the we might be ovenVt *orA any, new read c1mm by' C16,W0- and skdopted, - I I I , ��,,-.�,,Z,
. . Woved by Reeve Turluir and, W- on an awmdm*ht t6 VhUral& W, - 0000000 WON" I ,�?,;
-!u -Ezi -, -.i ,